, - * 'w-" .0' ~- .- Cash ~r ! -- ~. Lehis, *11. -' Y 2i~r 86 go u&crie! DF Fil E "CANA- reaue our circulajion to dih a on r iteuii*n <ana-secf toCotant>'; ) d o, prcîpely, -MOnO à up tiaul vo coulpos- a offle.. W. h&i' nov, thod ln .ffeî the saine r.: We tebire b intee- JOUR in mtci lowaip-oi I.hips 0o! Maiveri and am ; and the towkwis [ara and IBarii Otia- iing subsct'ibers -for lthe ,t ini onden te- do se, ar.d ýr atiy 'trouble uc>. mn>' witli the mater,,ve offer >Iua MACIIINsn: Any peibota en nanof oFORTfY $ub- mith the~ mone>, ut crne dol. Wbi, viii recciveo lns of! lite luaéhine, vainudat $W0. an excellen~t amlia!, saidje fteVOLVZRa: Anîy ente fur- - naimoa of TililIt»Y-SIX >g' vutir the mon.', at oerl- f enci, -wili receine ore--cf volverd ini a beautif'ii case, uuroua~eetierclo belotrg- splondiitiarticlt,and at>' orue A specifnenCalit d'Oneb>.b trJi( ieStore ot-T. -Foloy Th. Pil id s inostis$18. Lm: Air>'personf-ardt'nuin., "1W1NTY Subsonibens, ai- ofue>, atoeedollair satda-iai-f vu a :magnifioewly lybouci proftusel>'illustrateti with' si, &c. l'ies wonk in worth -Li% t An>. pmrsori forvai- in f1FTtL4EN Subscneibtsa,- Inone'>, p uisnedollar anti a.-1 trsoeive ncep>. ot Ianreil on Engliusl, Latin, Cireek, G;er- atd Fenci, 515 pags ; lut y, Boudîer, 500 pages; C>'- Pe a coaaprehensi vw man uni )grnpiry snd 1Wstoiv, b>. F. LLfl., 670 pages; unît a for 50. pictu ros. là in pre - W*. e.rgolaLwin ac of 'rward- itribers, andi a- e ; IIow owWto BUpeges 1h. &mi y D m W104 m b. a h.- bae oflsm. tbSbbicat. *a. ot neforenry liai ad *.ecsbe Ieo t %u smePonl Office. NTotetiett.m olAD« i 1tb f « ptgraber metùaus.bcripi éÏnemm& Mb5,paid tM ad. m., hrwiée Twc Dollars will be char-- red anu. stietly ontomosi ADVERTISE P4, wtt! do w.l .t'bear t in as itat i$:C* - ms P..iv ha*& rger -ieulation withic *4'Coîa.ty than the. otheg luirlocal papens caked-, ville ita ont"kicieculation eàniot fiil tu lic sfui4-o ils 1paios.. THÉ, PUBIC- GENÉRALLY are epeetfuily irnicu .tJob I>iutni o! ail kia18 xoeedai ibis ollicela- goot style sud at Iow rates. Mercant ile andi Mu- icipal Prinî,asg of alil kints tentiereti fur visa reqoinuut. Prititig anti Adtirluig for tie vissons churcios within-tire.Ceun>', anud fur 7XIchta jcs ccnieaI below tu Inr unie ojca onies C. BLACItrr LOBDINSON, -hi IOwoU, wu . ws iWmt1by ithe Poli". N Mpon i 0b%0 of be certain bwgrgin,,. vis 'l.. ao f Ilesuma. Street. Hc vs. -br Èperce, " e fficer "0 lte Msyoî, Wh-ie.ti. didti ton osiclet k tofi Ilia triul, lhe fh.sJepo in i., pos.es.ion, wi tsihatireg mred (mo dl of o!mes. ?Pe cd of bliing Cktaît Notwithslandin- thlb. b>' the Maty«, the deu instructions boheogtvo renlo, le b. diSpo.edc bhad, aima>'.found itibt anîl taiifut cdonk, vo a Iawyer, Oa- Donner expense sent ut lo T yonng unani's case. -r before 1he1Police kSon '&,of longe hl b>. Delectire ain Toronto, befum~ ing the eviden".o nt 10 put Kim on Io being merel>. bruler, a Iorn mas, Who id accus., hiemt rpopenly. jasail ofldie -case 'e i Ohetience 1 tthan l-To- y the authoitis C.L, Baker, ,Wio ouest, iîutin nerousl>'retaineti q., antd aI iis ownà tn ta looks ater the bai s. abrougit Offc 0ndio Pai, fdefencle dby M3r. »orneir5 uand, àfler a fui! Litnduay, Juil>' e, 866' -investtigation, was -horieurabl>. diselrargedl. ImnotsutAnno >oem nt. For sevexmal day. hefoete ti i of etthe -- - case, sen-atiottal pxrmiphs appearoet.i i In the.. caseof teneral Of-Ousubsciibers -tire !eadirg Toronto daily..ppers'.ot felonsî Isa.no"h.mnaos4to-e avirtile; anuti e aresteti andi large qtranilies et goute.founvl, WrWnI *-o'IJogcr Ilenent. Uiîlesa par-- and, iînticed, thse -youftg iw-anwa3 madtiel titi un PW *Ur' fQr suberipîlons Qver nppeara veny great scoundrel ; but we are te -IIèW - psp b> tise...firit day o et Ivcv ueni t surpred ta endthtinceretemetîe S.ptrwh~ u*t, e miiisinie hm cmeswlimever is matie by tieop paers, inihi fronte Jhand- PIso :their uccounts int Police Reports ut Ils lenrourabledscage mit, f«*4î -. - Tlîis is vrtng ad rsngeserous. It i UwI4iAg 0obe ahi. totay.that %me----- hà,I 1~ ~ Duret isi i whoa are, se 1an tit- Çoeaix N 'York. itudrut of vint is dwici. îhtemiselires as lu -- tThe official reput lo ht coéal taise a papen fur Lwo, yearol mieu; týpaying potsowtaIhIeaa for il; but then re aitï baker' doea et o makîng raPiti headway in New Yenk. I never-pay-4heir-paper-untfl-they-ra ade. appcars te b. spreading over -tlire wuue te-p.>' oustomersi whom me are titeormline,, MetroPOlitian district. It bbroie eut anîong @lit]l1 becore deceit mùezuboi » aof .sàociel orunthue tmops on IHart'n ialani,.on UIlle22d inat., cene te holti any. inteburtà whatever with Nie micalia occured aalliaI p>4co. duing bhe tule Poeau. Puy up then, oer-. day, andi tenu deailise n Govenor'ýs Islaiidl. - [T~wo caesproved fatal, in th ir-tli ,out et News of the Week. èeaîilu as n-Boiyete' Thie arrival cfIlite Omeat lastern ai len'esv1 ten 1>' expecied. -Next week. -'ail iia S.-& 0. Dtgelow are Nayer -poitiot. gir. the resizit ofl ie Ihird attenniPu AbGOvuatie market, for any deicrnipîitîoe tb lil the Atlantiec èblé. ,ý Dry'Gouda1. 'heir.atock uof Co trole, Prin îs, lie laies et n.wsfront bo st4f.,wnr in WijeShirilnga, Sîriped ti hmiingýS', Teiîa Europe dom pul .Inaicate an'eary p*sisat 1ion J CottOI à nai Linetn Drille> iare bie besi vi of hostilktjes. Indeed tj crW~ii e b li hebad.The, Ladies -will du 'reil te enisgirg. ù.aa semauuesy.,?h Czr feianjine tiroir stocrk of !)resq Geodos, embrac-' d.em3 41Lhe.nsbmu..ion of Auiati&te.Fra'n- i jug tlime latest Styles, nt le'saprires ýtiani an>'- net a dvautqe ln tnieos iîcq iteelse. -u.li bu3 ers siioniti eau-ai hibrum 'of Euraïe, atid ,tlisiks tiraI thej S. &.0. Bigelow's.: Every aiiâ Chililren's Stdictabns#hJP of France iiialy aid Ger- [oui La iesoHop-slciets-daily expected. many e atuot muet wiîls thé suppxforI; ng- land." Mbeanwhiie, al eu 4.,on u ei sgi have beeii recalleti, an~d iit«y trais fet9rl B!«y day front lvarltaw "le)ho fionti or*of Seflioi&and Galii.4 Loo",iaperosoethue 13irare ot opiniont, i tir fl rsian troops %vill ba iVien- nuin n we.k o e îy andi IliteLon.on «(ilbe cjile-es threcoulineut on- iieevu.,of a general a'open ar Thie battle of SaîlsaW iiitolephe n tîre 211d ilit., betweeuî lthe Prussiatra utuder l'rince Fretierivis harte., ma t irWAutriun an>' oif tie norti .commlandeti b>. MaihaI. Benelekt-; efermer. md 250,000 meut, 0 igagesud la ýlaitler 195,000. Th irlght cornmenced 'aI haIft-past 7o'cka.n, anrd thse-troopa ou bolh sicA.. fot with lte Ms'ost deterusiiiet brairer> '.olecleck. li Prszaians veto in.- a somewirat or 'itital posi-, lion ;- but tise altack- ot the crown -Prince oti lie Austniêa lots, ai. threo e'ebck,_wh .ich turned lie position, atdill*t:eAustriatin,4 Weioe 'tercet leretreat. Tlirecarnagew1ria d reàditul1, but nue etailf liane yet hen uo0eivot e ýt ho auini en d ai lwoatdd -Il i. expecletidiraî lihe CanadianaParia-ý ment will adjourur in'abritît IWO weeja. Red, River Mission Newtiç T-he -lullowing. remanis wh rgtt h inietîtioti departre Of thée Rav.Mn. NiaâbWlo Prabylteriatu Mamkher ifitire ls! idnver ne- -glat, for rmiselonar>. Junusmmu i n' luidians, ai e [romt thé t*r'- l'- acr et Janie 1td. Tic ren. gée~amaî ie Abroher tif Qu. feolio w-owIieflsa ike .>e Oui Monda>y. sit aimi,,4hJuige, aI fae-. imuil prayen-mneetxng va bqdaiKldonan Chnreb in coniectoa wult.4 , - -becf thojisu'. Mn. Nisbet and > ly j= fld., o ticir futr Chistian le qur» *xýuiig the Creaof cfheb.Saskntiewaiu. >Apprepriat.' adiresses vee nacle b>' ni. Niabit;amui ln. BIack, aI l tie m s.e anio d he r w a4J of Io bàillirer.' 1u1tire Coricof ei$!1 it ig Mr. Ptubet ruade -a itaoemet-OflJ contributiosi adnla wiîli the colleoî'on a" !ls5 OU&~f $bah, amout$e.d.io1 at £14) tg, sm wilir peaka e -Il O tedi' 0" e b coliecting ccrritlee at -forta iso-y liberalit>' of the. peone. Ait addirossa ta Mn. Nisel wu cib>' Mn. Joli:titFraser, secon ded b>. Mr. Angus Poléison and cordial t>. coasurred inlu b>'afilpresenl., l'lire missiottan>'1arly consiàts et Ma.. sand,- Mn.. Nibel na eultd,Mn. anti Mme. MçKay wiîl two ot;ildmo, Alex. Pulse-til udWm. McB.tli. Thote,*uiiden charge oftMMn. Me- - Ku 'are tu Le.entplyed in .necti4. Uildings another necesàary wotk. Mr. Oco. Fiett, .Jamtn(mnaeotîaieaceuinpihiea îlem -as tan' as Caulien to help on tire;-ive>. MaRenla anbd bii lTait al4c jein hé Part> . n isit ~catto léft 0on We.dnesdar 6) M' i Urnq e ud' expect taumachtheir: *tPor 45 days. TViei., iston J,'ln 'e'yer~~nr lai l-4 nee m ta idnemet *lean.*e ' t,ee ev ci h.Ci4 twhred brofltias excellent Magazine bas be>en ne- 'ceired. 'he embe'U16inents are, utstsant1,, 'vanidé dexeltri. ere iÉç, bosites, tise usilal qua- ftity ot intereesing neading'matterb> I uuerous authrora o-t greater oir le-sa noie. -Oakwood. Oua VLLAQIprescrits Sote fMarks &f itn. gruvometît; hotels re-beili' otilargeti andt etnluýe'tiet, adding -te ihe guet appeaiamce eoft tie6cornlers3." A prou'Criaage, aow iti fcourse of eneelý,ioii forMn.auat--ageî- iian 10.10ohem aly 'conrie te resi'I amnontg liit I v' vey-mu lte inial-up ou th. iIoilli -0ie Dt Ki n ésreet cat. fTuE -TvLIFTR WaS Cebraeci for tire firtsi- iiine, I btlieve n, , ii viçud, ikiq year, b> fthre Omanagumneurof a large di.stiict. 'fIare. vas tire uâual naniel>' o!f bylet; inan>' wen 1riruq litugit ne coake, nîowithstatuding out btu Ilî t'ie toi-id Zeone, fart ire presoltîl. A a r'nurnaber weie ina thepreiteuac Lle liavin- a baud Out musie, crealiiig qit dia -,tire lange t-uisoulil b. hoard a loîug ou' ni. Otha-enat wiitî drav-i wt)idsi andI suclr expetaîve tti,&c., as -they hadl, ivutiat, ili!ulu fne, -ive quite a mairtial appearn.ance o til~hurht, tînat twoulIl eAlickei 'torr, tîtil1eséI liat feeling m, oniaiginîs way .1ii tiu p-eeuene f tire cul of~îgu beauti- toi youung l-uties.4liat I'oenînei tire border. cf procession. .Aller outrîpîouîs duaîneriî. bat baasn pariakeuet Ofiîî ili-lu le, a ftiendil wood %vau ougéliU, wliere -alirait,amnai order %vas ciiiled. 'l'lie appuinied speakers dlidi siot attetid,1 but gooti su'bstiù-îtes inene tounul. MA-rsr. -Waldan, Goue, l' osier, andi J.C.* Imin in iule pilal speechesà, aîlîeughi obligeti to- tbtpHizui. IL Ia Ipu>'t. Omrngcnïeun t onc teievs flrét i co-nes thal fol low t-heu r ceeébmatiuns. Aften le neguIisubuiîîoess Ofthre cia>' ias over, dritîking b>. swayhrg bieoues, fliAting 6>. couples on the atreets. 4aticiing iit» ing roorus lô dreatIful mnusic, with ladies ru iie d drese,-,goknp lise lin-ne trous about -loticez'çl-, P. î11>4 itml nrexi morinùg. 'Spê~Wýrine of du-sceios.5 k 1~~s~uas'r' Cos-nCasa, arniaig. froua * lawh" uek splace oui the. 19h, Ses ma tIa ciap* d~rj genine, faneying that sonru iiMi- the oona-'voinfd Mivonariet>' te lb. ~ fnq ga14ps1 e. m iinitrgeneral, ihuillewoold Iltny 0o1u"la 1titi e ex , raiem untriti veceultsin ié tirifineo;-bat tu 0sooner lad be -j#ieied. liilrrong with -a gallat Itres ir ssua geus of etiotier slamnp -Mlusealime-Chrinty-inade a das rato thre offensi vaMixture, atîti after teath g thée fibbon - t atînugs, drdoyed lime castor on subate voeuil Was ailarniedti t. Tii. veaner oet tu <sa, ot liking lthe style, appiiet l cou of oir,maesg, vie,. lsaning au aeye id the main chatscent eoe imses a proceis..il tut-as t marirnfesé ticeji. Thie parties* ne, apang whle -tinie-wus cailed;,*oec maieaut oetCocttby lhé Bèxîch. Soelthe 151 ma rets*..appomee, hato -ta ltire bill. A good uxtay a.>. ho gel off well vwill .*mer* ka" n tise DivtiiüntCurt, a eM ietpeterIssues mneroý tfe 5- n u àIee bien aoen oftin eo.Tor"~i et 1cases liaI vrere gî4~ lisa iIS'~ifto eyour paper. 'Fie as the .prôperty' Icvio4 ont ws laimaeul ,by the sot-eal tih 5x5u debter ra lut h cas lIbeo i mass, imon being fam, or sonneý etaolieone, bia otrnter thre îêêis" t i seti ~ uatin bot$ss Ibis vas iouess.4r>' hi.ordèr teuep4"énaily tagotber. laone case the ii*%* di lle e businexe fou ye re. ic u*%, gave adverse decisions le the oW.manl# in oth uitalappar1nnîy aausin iCii4f tbe testîmS o beo .faI.e. Ti. hn ip linone-Case -vas a qazaartiy -of auee~~queoui b>. the.aotîg.rh decielonla taIid. case le bhard, for iflie Iawi. aiways a4u>iniitel'ed w),>,the bonas ofan in- solv euî ipureit must ailier -liav. hoeor lisé eau.q[d of tiseir labgr cooniually ire exius-, 00 to'lizure for tdiu fathMr'u iabeIJru>..-,lit 1.0a160irard (romi tb. f ftth. 401" wa. 'uein suioh tb.611u.mmVuia sdueed, for som« Petiot it e lt ereor a-SMu Pitz* -OtiWednesday rom > s1~ Tal4 aug!* f1h Md4.a ~ V~iy &hontime wu omeuumed, 'ôU *ewer- à laeie-mit va rend &»myd. thlag -in h. Thbom .it esthated at 8500, Oa mtn o r fMr. oe secon.a4.4by iad filire srasno însurance. .The. ire Mfr. Ornaf, it wu veWyve ad thMfuflowing oýjnmated-firum the.contents, of a olP" yd.aud$imet a «t'r e h wcb the hited gir.l hd used epros ~>Trajs~epMe i mane verag 1 ktep ie usquitees front the W.C Çhplvlt u~~m i,.85r 0;hiose, fllicg on- tic foor of ithe uook -house, Cikq Chiwe100 ,Çaa. et1$n a 1% th viere te'iiaailbeen*mvrii"ny loft, and, A9 $-W T Returtung Offler ftri c f couye, gna:ng th. weod. Thoas.Plot, o ,pi 0' I.r, sl.r fo JVOLUiTltR1Z'i8pCTîNOîî iidl aa, liA!! year e 50 - gua , 18é6. 818.00. f rBrigade - DMajor'Pit*teiison inspected the Movei ftg.r aecndedbMrOmime. Cc.îpany, and expreisd bis entire . -Mve bi Rr iÎuiMb Ur.. fstio 'wth the appearance , icmn oit the -dfirent ivg £b.îin00therpn. 'rà îo ity has îurned out as fine a 1mg o! on ti. 4iler,î ro~a ipthe owna ip, en as car be fond c i i Province. Ti a.ýçcozdiag ta £be Divilions h#rafîeeç speci- v~ilage presenricd quite a înilitary appearance fis! tkiat ii *te say:--on 1hâ road front Lot ot j riono h npeto..I*men 14, front rang., 10' Uoboconk, 8100 ; on ti ý oitherpaaegrod o r '.ad àle a.ideie , Wdaid3r on.aou n otgii mgrugisseïeral .,evolulions before the, 20, $60;- 8th çonoession liée 10 Mr. Fer'..'- ra"0,ii.Cmpiyin achof son'. 850~îîeiti etMi. Wîte's10 ' bhr heb.principal ueta1h.uieo Humphrey', 870; ahne James fife anddr-uîn. Tho Ofcersams oîow Humphiyl&4OW ; boyeCoboconk ýtoi 1william H. C6tIixýgha'm, Caiairi; John Jý. Wiltae, $0; aide lino between lots 9 and:Egii iuea;Toa tpesn 10 ç,conession, -860 -;*side lin. ne.ar £nsi 1 W. are -jnfurived by a gentleman Johànagealy'., 8201 uide 'lin. fnar. Robert Moffat's, $20 ; oocession lino beteen 6 j returticd frm OitatWai, that il je moalý andi 7, enalof ibea rivàr, $6W; conciession lik.ly liat a Bat-alo of VÔ! lnner lh fine býIeteen 10 and 11, enst cf river, $40;, hadi ney Ici put up a dru! uhed. new lin.oen the l4th concesition, 840; new _____ ____tpu ___a__if Eéd lin near am a ruto'et40; sboun-thbcyen dar>., V!eU ewrd inear brntrirvsnî Of bridge on Sîli concession, 225; new lin. Le .,.~-o ieTefhtfJl fortih of bridge on Sth oncesion, 875.; road [h. f m#j fthsLdeasmldi th. Aleane i he oueir, 'ue ' hadt htir. Hall, at fi veo oclock, a m., for-Le .th ý eevi ad.theCouticl lt f »iýc. Wrdtransaction of business nec .essar>. lth. ecele- b. qGummiiunle atiy telet thi. work by bratiorn ut theday. .Worshipful Nlaster tenider-or oherwise, aI their discretion, Witi SMoFeters havin- delivereti un ex-elilent' ai litile delay as .possible, amd ýgiv@ . eiders charge tu e breîhren, tire)- %eto instrîîcted on the Treasuyer f'or paymrsî of tue . same, tfi ncnauig read reee prov.a-cthato lite Rua niti Commissio anrersaedbe net ai, ed attedtetsuit îeumig. ier by fife ai it. di uni,- they walked aiouid.,tire Mone b M.liiner ecmdd ,yr. ilQge, andl iience 10 the -wharf, %wlîere- the O'Brien,-ThMlat ter.Éctd b V e Council do now adjoufri, 1eîr"oIt"asiiwdigtcnhy te tidel subjeet te a call of the Reeve. «. i uB.grot.Ale eihilsi Lindsa ~ap~s~ Chrclipoint was reiiched at iiinie clock,- ani ..ý]L-üdra"y aptis Clirc i thiroir seais aîîd reached Pelerborough ut hall,1 paît t«4"'elock. After praig ery At a special Meeting ef the regular Bnj>- lxcel leut ditiner ancrgrs lt!îd- 1ist Clînrei, iii -tiré Town of Linidsay, held jtiiîrwîterp eebrugibîle;ii Ion tire ilth itit.j, îlw fi ow1ing resolutions- processan luIothe Çcowî House Greèn, they wiîh plewimble, wete anaîinuus]y pasaed -retàrted ti Brilgenorth, andti lavîng en-, b'said Churcir:,brkorn @ mte011 file Steabot n- ,Moyed by Bro. JuhiinCal vert, secoîîded b>' reahed Babea.ygeon in the best *f spirite, BrO. *' illiatilG et-~hrawe ieadhigiyv p!ietd iîhtihroirtrip. t menibenis -f the Lýtinds.y Bapîist Citureli, 1__________ h .in crelullycx:amnieduîîlueîtain sau- OSRE XAKD erous rejxr:s concer.,jln', thà.characticr of?. ileIev. A. A. Cmrn .A-otl',c; Tu the Edi'Psr uf the Ciuiditze Pust: anhav. uidla si eestu. b, SLp,-As t ruCnade the dLýcovery of the> utttirlyflaise, grounidies anti malicious;idnyutorfajsîeîd cutc"c- 'rhie,î, estv, ir i remn inee1VUlreîyrespoîadeîîîitt j bserver," and as lie, persists for syrripatitu ith, our beloyeti Pa.tàr ini t*ýi retSý),niithat 1t cati merci>. guess at ïtacontiu- muffing, fontlit perecuion ofhislt g tu rejoi :e inf lits ;as.tarncd cognoumen, t cou- sufffine, fom.he.Ëiîýéut1ns f bi llo atier a.a,, . i>.'tu give the public the benefit of 0 vs.Ies l u oneu utwosl te vindicate las jserver,-tl.e consrver or neorladpui- cIaracter, and ta assist- mm in arresting and j cal rectitude of our Couaity-ofbc iais, is uge j îriin, cori -te iaw, ayprsu r îror leàs a,. persuiiage- than Jamnes Roy, uof tUe perorin» wiilo may -bti foulid guily of ïginig îuwn rut Lih.dsay. I consider àMr.Roy a tuiti Icurreficy tu sRid reporiti, or aiîy repuat cal- 1, (lite btieîeath iny a otice, nevertheless as lie is aî cultilu irjùre hiei chai-acter as a mari,. a aîîzttepayr. -)f- the- Caînbray Waàrd, aud nas ruchi-' Christian, onu a iter. hbis tude vcry rouà charges aglaîinst My:. Mo0vàet *by- Nit. Lï.ieriver, se.couded by i conaet nm Cotaicilnaui, I deeta it a du'>., in Bm.; J.*Lear>', and" Retiuivd, a npy justice lu laVi, îeyareaeîte'et:d uofth leabuve b. senutle thre , azdian 1 Post. sketch of tli3 "t'aanîastîc and eccentric had for ubliatio. .business. t ~~ ~ ~ I PEECIlIY.l ebrua ry las t, Mr. Robertrwi n, pesènied Churir il aetition to the Fuelou Cinaîlcil, (which peut- ___________ on Igive teuwsigoed by, 35 râtepayr.s of -- . jthé XNard, a.inonge,,t whonr were the. leidisig Fenelon.ma-ofuthetirIwîn, settieenut, praying the Cotin- ti1ltu paîrchaise the right. ot way from iMm. Sin- ViLLÂNlrtEx#osct.-The Sv)tch Refile. clair, ut a uirounidîle rock>. precipice un. ruenit- iiIni jo nnti idthe.adjoinling ra rî of the3rd concession. The Counicil unanimnously Elalun.lianenththrub.a eei o i uppunted. the prayer of the pei i r. Sin- ultigtau amouit t ruwdyigm, îtàs nui Clair agcreeid to.sel! the land fon $120, on eond-ý willruul a' ru fei"of ildiiatiotir tirat i huaia. ttac- parties wuuld guarantee lhe feu- ,theinhbitntstheroof view trio attemupî. cing of the roati; andi on. tis condition i1 ag- tiretahhîtntsreed tu pay bui sai( aîônat. But the parties tl>'malti esetbe ar i es t ame f ne ut . eccerned tiilg ta guarantee the fenting, àr th.~~~~ ~ "utrsetal auie mn m.- Sincelair refubed tu sei the land, and ti the fi ométeimes, happens liaI, twithout t11y pre. %wbule tatt3r dnopped. Ur.. Ru>. hinselt' sug- medilînUen, a -'mai coirnmits a dishonouraîble gesmed tu m'e the propriety *of purchasing sard action ut the rt~ain tveeiasuiie o;td,,ont>.:lie*ishetl itto bepaid by aspecial but il requires a thorougli viain tu ait driw,î ate, in order', as 1 believe, utal I1igilitlha ve andi camiy arrange a plut tou work oût li ii puhlic ftniù(s tnoragh 10- carry. out lis reqtiest ovna, wicked ente, by :iujus1ing, Ile 1 dtaiIwoir.!d diz a dïilck pasi tRoy'. Jària. anmut fie is beeacte-a bonet'actor wilt)ios ror thiurendeaivou'-iùg tu carry out the Nvi- house lias aiwaye hen Open fr ohls recq: - sires ù thbie atepayers* uft' tuWard, I have fjii wh'i a ut ut enmployineit elsewiiere, be tngeIout by Mr. lRoy for a fll blast-ut aind wlîose hospitaiity lias beieni extentlile . lus ecloquent abtuc., This "paragonut'f purit> limn as ta a Soit, wheti suffering unîder alpro- ~~¶ ûiii-l~ bi oriseu'te2î tracet iînî~e. Iocrcuîîesandee aainîî1IDecenîrb,-r 1ILst, speit ls of Ur. Clendenoan as '-arn irach trllient w 'orul . m an ei ibt 'ies nan nojpnntu ïr.ron u Il a il sf t'ai*me anti decetie', tandi,'gi some pe dagogue ta do sàid'. ont- for me. 'ruo atîig"' t't hoir habitation, openi>' av-nue de t accusation 1 plead gîtili>.,-Mn. Rny 18 these -chIarges hi presence ut-tire Vunng iady's- correct for. Once in- his lite. It is certaini>. panes t.' M îiss Grahamn was at the tinte at- " dirty- wonklu ho.a ve anything to do with sa service toine îweîïtv inies frein lier fltle' unscrapaloîrs a correspondentas "~Observer" but -Was speedily infmmied et' the malter; 1a_ shw à hiniseiftotbe. To bis.Ilatter-insinu-: sth-.çimmedialely upon bathr vindicateti lier *- t' ot ei.titee fi wr nl, charater aainalmuch yîngthanmore, respectableAte ire dir>. work doue çlira'te agint schlyigaccusations, bodu ta do et Ws Wsef? And I would respect- and proceedoti 'ta deal with the sianderetful.i'ou trRu.iaifhbdexpud tcedn u-the rigour of lie-law., No. ame pedagugue or somebudy cise tu correct deul bai îiedziwe e>gu. a i cn is foi-mer isuers, (as lheliras evidenîl> doue' duel, and urgeti unitle solvo lire difficulty, vi thregard lu bis lait), lic would have qavedi boîUtù l'so u wn sue, fer lie saké et' Miss- ha repais' ion ol'iaving la hi$- youlh neccived a Grahami, and icepecially -foc tire sake:et bis liberal coman a clitool educàtion, andi ber rin- owns î,olmolirerlesa Clîiltlmen, te mniruîu face lannie M4tjesty's English i anguage would cen- poaLenril> migit oastuüp iteir fatirer's valaîîyý. taini>. have s'îffered much less. lHe signîified.lbis. w isîî te seuIle lie. matte r ini Now, Mn. Eduior, having showna the public an>' way il couMtib. douao; but it seints tirat whe t-bis "atatast.iè imd etccentrie" Observer tirfe. %Jas one way in particular in ,Wbichir 15 and -Living reftled bis faIs. accusations,I lie vas uxius ti at fo, ai~î* e~iand a-sI do net wfaîh ta gaia tire'repitalion of lié thWunî, rixi snt oe ioriris frthnds e '«wzsting am -muiition ever dcad ducks,"I lieg osf therhniit wsnthumon mahi fagendTe te taclose iny>.pari ofthis "dimi>. corecrpondence" repi>' wààss sci s miglit be expectetiaa-b înn ryef compa-niet wilhi an assuranée that thre CourtToE. O' ervntON of Queen'. Beach would seule thre balance. -Canbray, Jul>. 2e,.1@66. But,ý befloiti! eni the morn ing et the. day ap- T the >Mu'îicipal .Ceuni-il of the- Tow,îsdp of po fet 'r gining ibie case ful>. intoý the ' tmo'de ot propeor Jegal atirorties, tis Iyîig GC,"-Ltna,-We threnundersigned Petitioners defanter seuil is rastientia seaour. limà,oit a beg lIantjyaun bonoarable body mill be pieased .massa.to.Mn 'Graliam'a. IL was request- te talc.inito consideration tie proprieîy Of mn- .nZ ~ra tham tlu mccl Gilcbniat at one et king a rond round Csrpbell's 11111, situaled in ieJ. 1%s. in 1he. neighbouriood, and, ireze lhe 3rd Con ,Lut,-No. 6, sas thcsaid petii'cers lie ohangedth ie siande into a -onfýession, consider the said.hiil net passable, neither can and acknôldn pncai iih it ieh made su withuut being far more expensiî'e circa lte aeh r poath u slie oras td.tmaiîdared audi. And >.onr >e- of hi, affidavit, 'a Ithat such reports are flIse- titioners, asini dut>. bound, wiut ever pi-ny, kc. in. everyparticular, liraI he circulated tire Robert Douglas, Rben r rin, Evan Joncs, tlirotihmalice ani to injure-.thse ciaracter JamesBurn,' Wm. Hall,, Âmes B. CoatiColin XcFadyen. Wm Douglas, Robert, Oxby, Arthtur cQf Ie said Mary Gahd." Wo are no Jarvisjoba Douglas, Angus MoFageni W. stoppe t t égal ponel ngýivi. Burton, Adiim aSharp, D. D. Alger,Oe. Arm- -ù9pWýen ae oînt hi@ aeknowledqernent slrocg, Dentiir Torakins, Wnr Richardson, T. of being in tirs wrong, but ilise certain tirat jaryis, G.nderon, J. NoatlJohn Ciendena suci inceralilude at dvillany' simoul i lot b. - T Daniel, ALIXÂNDER DAXIEL, Jr., Isaaý1 ,aliowed up. auiojs. 'w bmn- pp eniWarder, ,Bu agaJh ofî li4 lot"». dop ti*.pupimnît stibjectby Thom"sGsdonJoepi Wilinson, E .B- dustusga . i roy over 1 wod f u bri  aPowell--W. R. Yeoung,M.. « , itle howods, f héboe ~eyants odns î Q and tken applryniîg tlieut nte .ungrale- ___ ç font ,r t Tih t <1FIo, Cusu ur S MtGreat RCduu*eflk dote yras veli 5coUvCieif larevimz a "t r te*STAPLE ,COO 18 lation of i"Fost Office.» Consdeéring te-- thiogs, Mr. Adam mught -(bad h. tthe intereal of tii pihl &tbert>rooir tQm* f-his brikTue fUll'Owinirgoodsa haîs ecot eedi., $bop$, la evry wÏybetter fitted for a post price fomr .1410% ap~Is regardSs atety a"d location. I~ to 5cnspryad Some toibg donct butt1 45l-,enta.pdon.; but I tnka Petitiou'tathe l.Postinaster Genera: woeId b. lbthe Iièr kaly wuy t0affect -theFaCtory Clttons, objeet coutemplatid, tisesu liat uuggested b>. Srp S itn i orriee-eShîr't. Yonu &c, ~ M.St.eamloomz, lroTg.-It would, penbaps, b. as wefl if con- TiU responidents, beobre rinhing mb oprint, would infurm tbemselw'es of tire tacts. Thre Liuidesa> Peulmaster receives ne ren.t-large or smaitm- I -Alît for-the premises Ire now occupies for Puost Office -A busness.11e liasneyer reoeived an> llowance IJU ?B for riraI since- bi a.ppointmeni. Luuking aIit - frounititis ptint ot vieur, il is hardly te ho ex- pected - tha t thc Posimaster will. remav b. ho an's Block,' Offce m intoe ut his brick buildings, or jute auy etiter brick building, W. ha-ne ne deiybt that% in tbc osent of tire Goverumeutt urnishinàg an office, the Pustmaster miii ho eady le mot'. int it mi lieut-an> u nnecessar>. deiat.-En,. U.NSTAMPED LETTES. Tu Mke BEitr of th1e Canadian Posi: 6î,'sEdiiors are supposed -b okaow a great deal, van vou oblige a wûrkuîrg man b>. îonsnng hbu thîrough th. e dîià,of .olir! colaone, mietier a Posiniaster is coxnpelled b>. law lu stamp tihe let-rals "nsig.tbrougli hie landsi I arnled te make this-enq*uin>. ecause 1 receire a gi-e tm .lebters ha*iîng n Litit- sa> pst-mnkstam dt on tiemi 1 anm, Mr. E ditor, y ours tIli>. ENUIEIl Lda>,JuI>.'24i,-'666. Nor.-We are flot certain; but car opiniion is tinïthie rmies ufthtie Post Office Departmnent -equire Posimasters tu stnmp allter.o e liven>. as well as thuse wiici are passing tii-i. aaClT~ENii AGAIN. - Kent Stnc±et. er supp!y ut -lie Ilrau ki. -:A donkeypublic praise bûwl' Deckd himself in a lio1' skia, The 'glin to make a gieti uproar. Au old uss, pasaingby tlh. way, Sodu heard t1-s-would-be Iliocbray, And listtend tl i .~g *W $ore. Qttoth lie, beast ut niongret race, Your discord here i1.3 out fplacé, For sutre it hath no senle nor sound, Yo ur n6te3 are bare and false,, 1 find, Your wit, oh, witlesâ, fio1! is wind, Th)at dok'jin a vernvaut thing 'buuntl Off wýith the.hide that hides Yqur bide,- Such self- con ceit of ýin sînd pride,-- For nougit save .Ionkey *iou can paui If brain you a.ve, thtn 1eain you May Why Leo sha'(es as ass.esbiay, Why he's nurnberrd 'rnong Cie great, jWho never Yî4 was ne:trd tr) prale MÛ0RL.-He W110 assunnes to hen'lai.,110 S n-It would ho a great mant of etiqu't tc osoltntapart eiia s- te remain silent un thre ver>. modest landt unex- DED pecied 1re ply ut' T.:R. .A dam, tlu the cumtu üui c a-D E lion, utI i Ctizen,"inayujur issue of the l3îh in. t .b Tor«ntoý <'n tire 23rd iast. o.c g The î'eolit would hé; ireating bizs. recommenda- 1oftelongs1 George rkaL.bnît, lion mviti mankeAl disrespect if' rie>.do noîcaîl ~a Ai4 yn public'mecring, un get a metnorial 10thlet î Ou Tbursdav tire I-lthùiîrtaut, iast--" Office Delparlnienb, emûbu'I>ing tic comptaints ce. Coiîounrg, Thiomas .Çc~ lq., Püst Yà-"er, ,su trequenly> urgcd, vuz : want uf ac, umînoda- ili trie Gilst year ut bis age. tion, Jrocatit>., &c.1, iv'laichlit lUi t îîtuniar)y is ni dlispusedte lupî'vide, non luterest hinsiscît l gel authonit>. lu do su. ,Tire -c nd.sceensiuof ut - tUe pùstmaýter ini teudeninag adiice, n-w tirai t., tire people ai-e about skigthe malter iiito ELLN, L~~JALJ' their ownu bandi, caun etaken ton wbaI t usi taune, inasinuli as it gives a hait auidioýin tint ,tie ci.înrptaints are Ivelt gnounded, an.d ifthîey fHE Eaîsh ha tnt Lot le-, ia Cor.ce.ssioîr 3 f -ofi>. pursarofliae course intenited,,promfpt'action 1 tic Tufwîa, Iiiao udt 1. .cuntauraing loi) %viIl be taken b>. tic depaiiireàn, anî.inail acres moneoront,.seabocut '10 acres. of wtaîhair.- likeliood thre grieran*èeswill be-reliessed*. N. cleaireti. TUera. ii a gaod -og baousec-c~e Ad-am,*is in croi-nit hrinks 1 wanttocreàte liieneoii.Tis'lesirable land. utiel iva ".r- a discussion ou Port Office business. ,Tbere are meiy ownet t ý Donald Mcialni'r , ill tic tu, t othens rvbo tècl acurtel>. on liait point. IViatt u P ilc A u tin tout-lied cen wais the aecommnodatuon andl tue ~ locaîlit>.; andi 1 stîll, maintain tiraitire Post at the R(xmâ f2q ,ts Wký3ud ~ t" Offie shootiho on Kent Street, and in n brick - Auctiuneerz Km" g't , building unsîead ofta trame one. ' I s fau.ction- -T r O an>. bas raiseti a tresh issue b>. saying lie bet~ On Thursday, 23rd ai' Augtist, 1866, alisiares is ut> b> obyîag lis.superiurs. ai Nxoon. Information as tr-r nue andi î'h~er- Thiisp;urc demiotion mte intereis ot-the dep 'ni- mise rmmv bebad on and pnrioru î Le dayV' mient, if troc, is ver>. commendfle ; hbt man>. suie fi-un in luwn-anid country believe tintbis suapeiors ýA. LFI'TH,- neyer nutho)nied Mm Lu vrt prplelvith in- 1Barrsten, Bey tS trecl, Torna-to. civilit7 andi wnnt uof couites,.y-non do tire>. îiuk î Toroto, 2n1Jul>., I 3e. « 360-4 tire Posîmasten Oeknenat enjoins bu ho gteive a ______________ ______ siaike of thre heati as eqnaal te cxamnnig tie pigeon-boles for Icîtens. Rau>.- a«riuus resuîts k M oi rcare St l bare.&anasên from .ibisinla>. andi seltisir trusting jni7 te menor ny; d if net abandoîed-,many mure rato anta are likel>. to ani6e. Hoping thre peopale wiîî i-MIE follom'a'îug Paircel or TractuLadtit tak- aciîoî in tire preunises, andi carry ou t tic Li h mu sa.. tire Norffh hall uof Lut Naînaher sug gestions ufthtie Postnrasten, là tUe wish out Eigbîteetî, in tire Sixth lCon,(u nsion ofth e 'l'wn- CITIZEN. siip oft>î'5, un-il,-couaiaty o' Victoria. <uxcept - - ~certain îaCns.eefso1datiand coneî d to) Liuîsai, Jl>. 5mi~ 166.Mezssrs. Kennît, LaîJourse- Urace anti Coultra. ______________ eortaîiuairag35 ici-t-, ant i a'î:rg art cf tue tari QU 0R TONXFATIIEZIS: ae itlo.bM.lbn.sL& it Tu the Editor of the Canadùzr Pus! : 'I> A P BLC U TtN Sîat,-Iuti coking uven the couinais utf -ianur irat m nacuaPvnrm~l nerepailper 1,Ivaîs nici saîrpriseti av iig - aiaduî ,M)l.getita a'Ucpd.J iecaag tre lthe lame of Sale> sili>. ri-iurks ot' sume uitf(onîuuiite b.ûîntg is-o!1 :1 K.ewt.ds lu kuaow iumreuliug abouit- treda-ty - n ued y5 th l t the City. Fa thtersai t ýi wao4d.go sot anra n Tned y h 4 h lu suggétat aliatrint shaula ie bpietilaolied da ofA g t to allow tèîuîua les Il.) brui a municipal cor io(r&L- 4 y o A8 tion. Iiu%, Sir ',!tiiauk lithtirhe ibové geitle- qeXt, at Jce4tt ýS notel', -mai must Uc a grenu lover' ou t ie:fti r sex, aundt-if su airésuue out orCil>. Fatinens-; atati in reten- it the 7<) A N of LLVDS. 11Y ence wu tie sidcmral-ks, oun Muunaiicilîaaifnienit sîrys tiat lire liais becan led lu make Iris suggps- nt Two o'cIoek i t ht afternoon. tions ini cansequencrut' tire totlowin 'façis, andt iemt scffntrm ultnr t ~~- goet on to shrow' tlint ticCity. FaLers liati met Teln so is-aeqairadiý wshorttflie ago ad passed- a i-eséutiourù apoumn.t tr tensllrTao tLd. buildita sidewal-k troir tie Markèl te Albert readers it a desîranis"le jroe 0t' or an>.;-r' strcel, aud sa'îs tia subsequentI mee:.ing .Ilue>.warttng tu purcliase aua h lan:cý-,e.id i% maunit'eated tueur god judgnrent in nesciurduarg the lati coîuld.ha tana-itc, Lpnîrottl,-' a"-, : erformýer motion, in entier l e make an na.. fetier as -a IMa ket Gardten ort Brick 1ii.arJ. propriation for, LDaPEThI.k MîR'IwalVeîdcr'i -elOturs or otier- wbîeli 'ill oi>. acommodale sonne Linia..DPTI t'wpensonus sonsetinres, haut ver>. seiduni. Novi, is ut possible tisaamni' aving brai ai . Ternis of Sat- C.SIL - ivili,.ilirougi the coiens ot'a ncwsI.aîer, dic- JOHN. xw'c;GLAS, talteteuotîr Cil>.Falisrs, knowirgseo itie $eout . Auioçr tire towni tie whanfrthe unaigation 01 Use back i lakes anti its triade. He ducs nul Ite4: yenufliati: ndiay.,Jua>. 24ih, 1866, 3'J _3 tirere are fire steansboa.ts plyidg daily tuo the -------- wisrfi ad tint. lier. nssSiuPPîngýOn or at ticon 1 ofmsawcd Ionien, destined fer Porb Hope, D'utbbr'frtcpeetersm 0ui rlan Y ~ j 4 s gives emiptoymnent te lie greatenr-Pari ut our la- 1 iout'îag clai ut' po0ple aad insu arts Itfean irL k itaîity lte he * ie tomîr. le dues fo nti tlAIlle 3 .d c l h l the -people. thai the north niding - ot viaooriar JJ AS long bei-n noteifa.'r keepiing gooud lt ' copr= ng cTi 9,000 population, bave ru- landi Stuffas: anti in trder to keeui up tue ai - attre harando ueinurtnniipa ani ter- putabion, the Sybscr'iiîer ha itra aclasQd wNih cueille business, in ail the people cf 14 townships j-grat cane n lange Sîock-, cou sisting asfoteiînià anti a portion out Bail Peterboreughr ritiiug do > .L L - hentrading i i iuwn. Yet ýour supposed AIL4DDER, CO IN A, all-wise "'T.A." tells us that our-City' Fittiers REDWIOOD. CUDRF2.IR, rescindedth tein finit motion fliai tire>. uigîrit .X7eR.tC'I' Lob U'OOD, make an-appropriation ton anether-iidewalk tea COAl WOD, FUST1IC, an)me whrnf or otier, as if ut'nu impunanr. f BLtJL VITRIOL.- ALU.t He ducs nul tell us tUat the Lindayrie,'.IDDRC M )U 'D which is te nainnal canalt ut lie toma, aud fCIIIP LOb WOOD, counrrbutes su targel>. Iu-tire intereîa o u unSOLUTION OF TIY,' couint>' own, but liai latteri>. it bas hecome1 INDIGO, 4.c. #c. filledl up mti sawdnsla.nti rubhish,wlricî uugbtj As tire seas3nfor as'lunag i .co'rnilug 0'r, ta -he denoulncet b>. every rateira>er - of our p1te eqinu tewn. He ducs not sa>. one word ofut tai ti qure - 'uloung .Staiffs 'iviti l.plt'ase B8-oard et Wonks bas dune'iii nurking our Iakes Cai at the .IUedical. hall, and siver na vigable te tint Whrfn; yet lie tells! us tintthle Ree odit bje e so1 acosIantiexamine Qualiti- ana l 1'ices bu-t'ai-eppr- sennee on account uft'hie beat'> taxes.,Hi chasiug elsewinerea, goont ilal be sol.l At tire dues net tel us tirai Ibis aglisu uenîhen aas in yI'V IIW f I E h- agi-cal mensure Itie cause ut the .ieavy t 1 oILuW er PAIiCAO be le, ict en the rî.tepayers efthle town, afor Cash. Thre ais mardihat tcould ho raid ini regard lueO0:> ReceapisA r.Coluîsa-ri ng gis'urn g'ra'lrs, tire rasir procedître ut fui-mer Conneils, anti ae 'niee> numto ueaativ1r u ougit te fuel pteascd, that a majonurmtint>. etih egrdfi Cil>. Fathrs mene se- ivisel>. ciesen: - colouring. - emana, 3uasrtîl>., 'W. J. THiRKELL. LindayJul. 1, 166.F. C. Lindsay, 2'tîh Jul>., 1866. Sir E. B. Lyttçbn ta gazeiltetias Lord Lyt- MANILLA BRYAN'S WYAFEftS. The tlg re ntleral. Tii.7 »OW-v. i q o mTii. gret puers eedy have inot been id, .tme oveeytentriyal., hee il camnot o a oughy tried, and pmoî6ced .(onttle auUbôriîy The. Subserilser cîers forE o e whmselires and health 11i.y bayeve - WSA serred)t»obe a pure, ham ana cieminemmyOL salutary préparation, and if takeS l oeDonRYV wili invariably cure ùool4s, cotihs1 , o>er t by the quart or barrel. Pi and'aii, Bronchial affetions. 0"n fakir trial yUl chane., No Ca. 11IL cnin*c the riants* t miti Oa . . a .stQ&o sale a laget Stoek cf tHt&KEY- N'oduce talc'in la- 1