t di1,foawiE ttt.1had thea tertirild ki, " , ti troiatuE.ded rB. Sa e&tW.g& bt iI.boar Wu dlt. the top of th. tm -Oum its to m'y. "him eîestà a eCitue pdrheianaMr 1, for * -huaer eau ove __ v its tut thore: vu nO lw -là wIach I coud ld Iy imi For1 thre As ejaI ,maed tisa, wbeu ish 1 wua avoused by thé iuig of geint sud gt - 1ale of bopsasar thé foot of the tffl. r« T*beard the. strokes eofsau upos mr 'it, n,4 assethst it vsb.iag est dow né it, Vabaly 1 endesvécred 'to maie myseif hu r blonub the. Migie sporture thet af. *6. t<d.d c»air, buhm Y lips er.e go pfflb. Sb7. ad ud Myto»J(Ue sgo swotlen lit 1 coule 1.4 sot a.ia loud wordk i ft .Tti trte tr.mbl.d, andthe& f1611 crash. r. ictoSsgh -the ltbe of thSe îandoer it, tho gmowid, shaîtered tii. top W of o(tlanu frsgnâats Atil aerthe bean à and vu. .tuuased by"thé (il. WTisse mas of a hau sygatherins sossd me of mon and a iaeru i mat.iou iof surpne.1 u tre taketaare of and 8-00à r.coyered sufici- 1ut to tl fe)!rq hay.IIb oïund hat vheu jl lhiteb returu.4 b camp. and fou.4 me ab- My. "nt ad ndcatornslista bar b.d been2 tre abot, lie a t*rne.stsrted Io 8usd so"41 Wa trac. of me -.sud meweting W~h acoiu ted ot Isasters, -iuduced îheadb sacompaa-_y had i hl. Tbe.y vereattracted hté le tree kud b>bdogrn, and ee'igtisebei, up W4 tbey bd treeti lan d aît il they saw Me ers M lOntothe ii.breken treel ied Dot te aihtest ida but W'bat.ihey bad kitlled it wo tbouselves. sU. Irre in thelb lM arrange d krafst, selle d out al(1er of iFe*isoit statteti Off tiàg atir., d-suppose d ,d hio, and met wiiti; vrn. &me a ter. ai, look- itld 1 -tee bmenu at.- og msate ile oîf 1 eotilt Dot ks botween mme was ût eaactly- ihttr withb sti, 1 forgot auj plans of au.. ein me avé a lw riltmg ut çeong u ea, usme; and the onty plan leit is to keep as fur out of the ixa i po$sibtr You mal 4eusinerpnail su ai, Ibut a mnaie hliebc,4t lime wtsea coupic of rodin s pace be. a feroc "oui black hýear, and )tintaie orate of ttweuty is a foloi n iauj1pinion. Ïs; uppro vig motis frorn a-veterais litnter continued. fiy- înevnory ta gi'entty a( ld, o tai ufane then. os e wwet, asmttiîsieî 1 and-t1sen lie elcaing ;p lte - don't know hem' far we aner but 1. titk a couple, 1 bepu h o cossêtu4e that tad iii - dsdiantaies as ýges I )Sid Alwaja 1joy. ,s af er the Loir, but tr.. iflo r dit! not niaie it more luti as the. Party cithlie % ctincernedl.: tisat lay chsaceocf out..run- very, se,14 und beganuIo 'r a tree tizat 1 cpuld ctiilîb. r 1 icinkols> witla a smatl uster it, Jiem wich 1 cotait! 10swcr branchse* ie i'- andl rapwidY a"î pomtible. 1 sue- %ing sayxeli clear ft-ornthse img-a portion 'of MY lhunt- iq 1l . nev ye pihave % iu b ofîbthds- b acis tu 'j eenc Townsend',s PVHE ExCe.1ior Ditters should b. used 'u every I-fmul, mrecspclalyah Ieospilog tino of'the yar. TL.yrmexlate tlye gperi ujstem, gi-. abeatiyapptite, pnrtheticblood, sud ceulstoi'a t an$ bad ofitNe front lièe use of ian- pure m'aier. Thse .Bitton eres h sdin England ah the time of thiewe ra, v«i« acureooftha t disesse, but f«s tseaning lt* .aeral ystem,1 m'blch la the great pnvehir.f the sanie. Foé fover and Ague, -tb*y caýfnot be. Tase for as drangit s m'tuelass tinetimes .day, before tueais. SONd al4sl lise principal rngist su StrestiuughntCanada, and Vbhial. by OWIED&C. Cot,. f Feor sale ln Lsndesy by Mlon h Nibloci, Kent Stret, Çhar!,. Baker, William Su.eh, W. 1. Robiosoùn, William Street, Charles Brittonk, LIndilaYltmrul X&-Y tb,18. 350-17 GROÇE RIESs, CROCKERY At bis StAre. on Willialm Street, ln Knowlion'a Nem' Brick huiinitic to-was of Iindmay, W htere lie lu dètenyiiedte &M «I al bis Goods at tIss Cai.h Prît tieu ketpisg ils oldrac4oelu nom' "ienait Profitsansd Qulck RetnumusY Partie.wishaasg Cbeap bar galas, wii pions.cati ud ecamine bis Stock, before goirngeis.m'bere. 20ChesIa YowÙs# Jilmn 2e*) al 29.-Id. per Fouad. Lindsay, 3rd Ifay, 1806. L. I. HURD. 848tf I 5;N snd afirine2'th. 188e, s»d tnfut - th rno îceýTraii.i l rua as follorsww,: Port lin" a 12.50 P».i 0f lb distiul jRelurtin~ ;t I*Part SIf Op. 0 ud arrive at Land"at -6-40,:tiLA S NoticoPyV lwhly tbe Ca", LhIdSy, Jli. 33, Ii,, we t'lg ORtS.ALE, by tic subucribèr, a second baud poet a II& i E lhlr able, It bus a #et o? PheLan'.,beat comlonsu, nculy new. Tise boîk- isbatrdoe pat 20 aneflied l a 0 vor'y good state, sud m'il lt2-f, soId', viti lls13 d eue#semplct., for-$100 I uaecasb. et' for $120 lan four 'hagfyearty-lumtal- large paras Theus I Crash au wi~ 15 £0 *5 se '5 100 150 300 250 ust .1 BKLLS, ror Pau t »ti the Unied Vit q"..;s Làviox, unequal. au front .5s. mûs rus.th&. mad, ah m'ieb saibe. 01 ll @ehlfrcsah NOA1S »8T r sa, lNew Tous t, coaapIte for u».. 10 ' '0875 12 - 12 b0 1 < 187,5 20 " 3750 2 90006 - 24 " 62 ri #0 Fegt, *.q( H of . iRassgisa. I2ls34 94 £00 $22 00$ 100- 450 36 ni 00 25 oOf1300M 600 30 150 00 -30 0 104 10 49 18P00 as001 2250où 1000 46 25000 42 001 29200' 1200, 48 SM 000 45O 3450 1400 .50 3w000 go 00 î40000 1560 51 400 00 54 06, 4540w 1800 55 450 00 ce000 610:00 2000 58 »00 6 l 0 562 00 i500 60 62500 720Of 697 00 3000 63 .75o >oo 8-Do i33500 M» 0 66 ais 00 809ý962,00ý 4.00 69 1000 00 10000i 1100 ,00 4500 172 1125 (k3 3801380 500 75 1250 0 15001.1375 .00 Lajrg#r S*res mode Io .vdee a1 25 <t.. per pound. c.: BeI-A l lis mUdatt ic. ahaýe prices svrraid agaiuet breakage by fair risigitig, for taiIe umthsA fromn tice of pur- cbasing. SbÔahI aone faiI, a new bell wiiI be, givec by re. ursst tue baroken one. Orders sn.y b. sntbroaagb the .ArnxlcL AuvusilA c".ey 3: 89 Broadway, No'e York. la case a Bell breaks fter the expiration ci the Warrantee, 1I show. e prire for the id motel. JOHN B. B BISON? 311-Iy.36 Dci' Street . . kLARGEB STOCK, various brands, wbole-. &a sd. elsil, ou ver - favorable t, te= no w-keeprs oma lad eTeriykiud, (nomn $1 te $Per box,s* . 840 - - Eenaws-Bock, Lindsay. ARGE VA1t1r1'Yof ereny description, -ket ouacu n and.Bbo, iMs Wuiv iewlinde, P LAIN and P'ANLOY-various pnices, ai 34Reenan's hoc.k, -ix dsay« ~1 Learu! MEES REMIDY1 fût ýSale in Canada. GREiAT IN DTAI1FV l - i rit a &i empialcc lai,- eliti upoi tbi nalie a per. he TIronî, Luzip.. Lâier. C..- as wellnsU<rýiàa, the ,Te, imitiahl diseases arisilik XCelsieth11e tbirc aeif Ur ecq he~,re hW C foîr a !ShOrtignil atha, 10 tttspuî. 5the taci, that mcylà Confec-liouî iiî Restorwo,îc lll1a, 1'te e -iSîh Cçàtut ,y, aloi lie itur orfauffe. ugî iuaiy antdaer ila Medicine. I~RK~R, Kingalon. uer~i Agent for Canada. aassy jment& r ilgScuÈîty lir thé11e _ymcnIts, the.~ b Ont $'0 at tti teVicim.4U151 ,g Mf achies! TEOMÀS 1IAWKIyýe, j $l0oto $15 Fer Day. Lludsy, Maci ~ At Iuam'a fotai., -$5~ Linsa, arc Ith144. - 80-t GIf vmnted lo oeil our?(ew$1Fi I 8jem'lag Machines. -Thé Greaheàt <1 p In-u-et lie a*% (with otan New Patent 8 E i iD S 1 -FEp«S!F.vet ebisg .dopted total Fa-à - I4 b~isd vwaai.4 for tirec years.. These âaiatunes wttl eImeu11, Ttsck, find., cord, Gardmu oett' !Quit- sud Ebrotdr be4ustifuily. NQ - --~ -M emýIete viibppt oe eor Our Cfb - b &àe - Assotuet!tho so-)[&Mchines. SausIe machines sent o r0epto Beedi,$15 lu a rogiote'ed 1.1tes. W. viliigire the - bore ('omnssuos,or yul psy -$75 per MOU-ti - Ai ti W=reted. FresI.jh ý ud erpeusu. Fôr p.stiu!arsi-addreiss(vitb 140 Darre). O&WMO PLABTER etd ,CmpO.)- few Days.No. 14 King- Street. ast, CAS ~ oms tToronto, 0-. OK0FSEOrCONCENTRATED LYS lE11 e~1,86.392 MEDICAL HALL, Imm-,lotAINfr W TOR (>OCAIEGEON Pont TO GARDENERS. I ~y th.i's4, ai-lis Madhsal Bail.. w q. ~ - 1,e JOlUe uy, 8 telchardutMoEs#veJohn- ~lsy oisaPwker Johu ShI.ieds Edward - ho aime, wl» pes. sai A u-qlgql Mayi OtibJIlu tata ~ ~~&W* àfIai. ahs ess~ tomet "an - u.)s.l o -d y Mr. A. Pas~ aw pepeWtemsubfstm e gor- B.rp lo n and B ra n bsd li o r aatng in A C i i a espetf aly 1lcited. FRANCIS STSVENSOIr & -Ce. PortNop, Pb. 1, 166.341-26 Té b. o-1fld :a Bra Tho, sout b*baf of Lot Ne. 1 8' in the 151h concession of M)ariposu, Cotiniurt 100 sures, of Which"shoOt 70 acres aÎre cleared and N>- d*r cut*.=,on; it is wellIèfnced, bai a goodl log and aosframne D*eIling boum~, and ýA smaU llitre aadStable thereon; thie is ai.. w*ys a good mnppy of spring water on the lot. Time wil b. given-foàr thé greater part of the pum"h..mobPc.. Titi. lndisputable. For part iculars and to treat, spply on tbhe premises te th* Propri etort or e ~ GEORGE LAKE,Lida L1ANOS to: be SOLD T RE advertiser offerit for sale-théefollowint 4tp t(rlom - 1.50te $2.00. pet acre$ namey: Lot 18, in 3rd concessioz, Somerville, 44 4, 1IOth dox do et 5,.l i do do c. le, luth .do do 'r hoi ae the saine for 5 or 7 yeani uponý condition thet Zsacres are cleared upon, ceadi lot yeanly, taxes paid, and utatute labour doue. A fixed -prite may b. agreed-on, al which thtTenantmîay purchase at a.ay lime during the Lease.. ,Xppy te 341-26, -G. -J. F. PEARCE, Richmned Hillh > C. W. FOR SALE.. A FARM OF 116 ACRE$, about 745 otwllicb aree leared sud seeded down in Clever and Tunothy, beiig lot No. 29, Coré. 7, TOWN$4-HIP OQV OPSO Alisci for sale in.tic Towa f- lindsay, Lots1 No. 4 and 5 Sonth of Ridouit treet,, being. the- site cf-Jewett's former ilotel, consisting of two-fifths of an acre. Lots 20 and 22, nxorth of Glenclg Street, con- sistingz of 'one qutarter acre each. Park lots T 1 and C 2, Lindgay Est, consiat- iug9 of ý5 -sd a haif acres each. -Si hif acre lots on lot 15 irest of Adelaide stce', facing on Adelaide and Colbourne St-s. For particuless spply to Lindsay, Nov. 7,1861 32 FOR SALE' on Lib oral Terma. :Tice South 1b*df cf Lot-22 'in the Eighth con- Cession of the in the COUNTY -0F"ONTARIO, One..,HandredAcres! MUE OR LESÉ.- Known as the. "KELLOG FARM.. A very valuiabe ýproperty witi good builingu. pptoGEO. DORME R, or to H DUXNSFORD), .9olicior, f4C., Regist ofc. Lindsay, The Liverpool é & odoni & Globe> là.ElAi LiE IXuvested Funida . $50009000- Daily Income of the Compa ny, 12,000. The Fine Preinism recei'ved bY is- Coni- pany duing ithe Ycan 1863à exCeed those of ah v other Company in Great ,Britain by £200>090 Insuranes on eveny description *of- properlj- ee*f.ed at the lôwest remonerative ratea. Loue. rt«ii( mmediately tou proof. JAMES 1EAP, Agent for Lindsay. 0Mce la Kenpt's 1Sick Block. TAKiE NOTICýE. ".ROÙ,C -HE S TE R,"' CÂT ANTRY, ils nmaking daily trips betwccen this Port Parties desirous-of iontracting for.- Freigi t -or Passage, wîll- study their ova interest, by apptying ho the-Sub9criber,. pcnsonaliy on ,by etrat bis 0511e. in WaddeIts l. tk Mgiii 6tet ppoite Ciurei'sHotel. JÀmESiB. MAGKKMAN, Port Hope, 1[.y 86 Lthatî eÉ RAME DWItLLING BfOUSE York Streete in Lindsy. ýIt- is 5alarge - como- modicua bouse sud m'eil dapted for a Boarding (>14.Prico $400 payable by instaimeta. umdsepossesion gpiron. pply ho Bolîcitort. Lindsay, Oct. 25,1JUS.32 ArTa PER CENT. F 'particuat7il 5f J léNUà ChMce~uume Dres G'wL! f resh Teas IGIOCERIES x SUPEIRIOR Ei'i 1 BLOCjlrln JÂMS W TSON' .V'* T»- ucuiber jntes uattention: 10 hie late purchas". Of Sommer DresS Goodi,_______ OUtWLS,, BONNETS, HATS, RlBBONS, and,.STAP>LE -DRY GODS,# aniong which wilI bc fouad The Novel 1- the Durable!I and the'Cheap! I A gentraI assortinent of- PJeMIL r GR OCERIEiSe Ou. Hunadred Chests of> PUCIU8 sTrade Stie betow thé, usuat rates, is Do' offered at ftiue ,%rhichý will. commend the article te careful buyers. Cýôuhtry -Merchamis serting Ur iii Ton woul do4 weilt te ealu. Lisds.y, Gth Joue, 1866. JAMtig W ATSON.- 344 THE EDINOURON LIFE-ASSURANCE COM'Y, ÉEAD OFFI, à GEORGE STRIRET, EDINBn, Ili HEAD OFFICDE [N CANADA, :WELLINGTrON ST., TORONTO. THE EDINBURGH LIFE ASSURAINCE COMNPANY cuder tic Act c Parlisment pasued tise ai session ame empowcered to issue tW appliicants, Tou* RN O LIERA1RN1 For thie sole benmelit cf thbeir 'Wies 1 Cilrn; such Polculiesoare altogether fre 6o ny daim on 4ie part of- Creditors, sud enable peràonst etdew ctanyatr the ir. deati for the maintenance cf thein Familles. The Edinburgh Life Assurance Coripànr arc. pnep&rdto offer unusuil fadiities for this de- scription of Insurance.. Terras of proposal, sud e-very inifiraio .5setigieAsurance may habe a -ny of1 ibe Conapany's Offices in Canais. JHILLYARD CÂ:MERON Cairman. I DAVID IGINS, Scetr - CAMERON '&ORDE, oiior,&. (819)Agents at Lindsay. Liodsay jrForiiiture Warchee IMM2NS~ STO~ M~D LOW PRJCE&> Dometiciquors. Aie ja bottes, for sa]le bjv -DOMBON à N1I L,_ Coal OuD Wole!saIe sud Retali at Country Hxerchants and -others, il VING cccasîon toe "lsort ,w large and taried stock et', Liquc.rs from wbich tlxey can sejec, t. a- - tageatOMO New Fruit &CI L IER.Velteand S.a cu Croit ' - -i i' Brazil nuts, Anee-vr Pinlý*e, sauces, I&C., f--ur Saýe -y D S. àN- Tue ubsribe oferste public cf victoria CountT the lret ooîmn f Prro..r. Dining! in vacibrofes 1) rionsu -. rbogb rtbLida.Prxicula.atteui, gnd Bcd Room Furnituinva 3,, le-. ve b1g4) hhltu o WALNUT:SOFAS IXýl HAIR CLOTU, CAN'E BÔTTOM CHA.IR-1 " CHAIRS -WOOt)SE AT SIDE-BOARDS &Dining Tables, R 0C K NG C. 1 CORN.ER WIIANOS WASrl STANDS, BLRA-,SOFA, COTTAGE CMMON ESDD PARLOR, DINING & KITCHE.N CHimns, DRESSING TBE,&c. &c. AU Ji ders carefully <rte nded Io. t>j- Coffins of ai size* kepZ consIant y. in stock. ~-pidurea fia med. tj> A catli reom înténdit!g purchasers solicited.. ReMR berADJOSNýG -THE ENGLîS11 CHL'RCII, KEXT STREE T. T.rUOTORF FURNITURE' fllffE Subseriber wo uld respc)ctfullv. intimate t 1. the people of Linisear a n4 the Counu'off Vici t toria, -that he bas on band, at bis Vare-I1o-rnis, (tnWilliam Strk-et, Liis-vaa -:;an PARLOR AN D DNNGl<)M('lI-us. WAI.\VT SOFAS. I H-AIR-CLOTH; A GBEAT V1ETY 0F CANE AL V)D SEAT 'CHiAi'RS' OFFICE ARMIIR: CHILDREN*ýS - HIGIL AND Ik>W CHAIR;;DNN-{C),CNR AND KITCHE.NTABLES; SIDE.BOAPRtDS:, BEAU- Imported Liquors. O Lt BranÀis cf .-tla. for méedicinal l;~.I' Locridon ancd DubilùP.; r.i-gib. 4A for sale by- SIGN 0F TUE PA D L O C K.# PARTIES BIDN; W""u.tîngNal. lasP.t.I Y z 90iîs W Jlo n h.cgi teH T. FMEY .k Ilardu arc ~tr~- Whoca t be ursdersold. iIEAU AD CHIFFO>N ILb 0FOA, CUÏUAEUT _______ 3ANMO 'BDTAil' -TOV aJ WVHATNOTS; CýUPBOAPLD.S. LOU-NGES AIND MATTREISSES, I'ogeier with a large varieîy .ofo6ther .aýrticlesq, lto istncreus te tmention. bC.2 IA EMA ER NL - ~ OFFNS A WA.~ I STOI<.,-~BLACKS.MITHS Plesse eaU and examine thc Gooda, and note the rricev bMèrepurchasir.g eleihclze. i c r P-ari. l itýana The Shop is on William Street, nexit t Knowlsen's Brick Block. psg.FabGilreNH.f.--- JOHN ANDERSON. thni jour lise. at T.FLX.- Lind"ay, maty, 1866. ~1 Hrwr Torei, KE - A Sign of the Big Padlock. .NEW GROCERV S--TORE ! - - SPORTINGNIE'X Tii. subscribens vouÎtait- înate to their friends au the public, general!y, tbat r.cqtîiring Fisbing Ta<kie, Net Tvr.! they are nev opening outt a Baits. Pcw 4c-r, Shôt, Elev's Foji-liu, terpczf Czips, Gun W.ads, -RSIR.STOCK0F GIt0.cERRAIYESR NIA WINES- ANUD LIQUORS, Wantin;Z arythingese in thé lar1wa-' T. FOLEY k&t'C CRIOCKERY AND GLA1S..AE Keenan', IiiocX lu thse premises formeri>' kuevaas<'ADEL'5BÂIR oneudormest of Jowrett's Hôtel.- FLO UR,. AND PROVISIONS, 0F EVER Y DESCRIP TON, censtamlly onMAnnd- ý The Higiest Price, in Cash, will b. paid for all kinde et CoenteyPodie Lindsay, Zti .pril, 1866. J. CULLIS & SON. -347 Agents- for the _Trenton Paptcýr MIS. TAIIERS. if TOU M.I>nt c-ap Spades. ShOreiý,, P:ckt. Vq e w , forkP e , nts oklaeeg - 1 Sign ol th.e Big Padlock. I-RE ____ ____ ____ _ INR-SAL O 0SHfAWA JUST OPENED-a large supply of, Cotton. and other Goud ,a uhlwr.pri.! B E AVERT N -tes t!ban before.. PRITS reducA Id. aud 2<1. per yard. STd E L .! . WlHITE COTTONS reduced verymuc. TNI r1N.Sîg- GRAY' COTTONS- reduced lc. 1 21(. ani 2d. per yard. 13BsTîN liFILiln.c- Stripes, Dcrrys, Triciing, Cobuurgs, Lustres, Petaines, Shaw'ls, Fisainell, Hosierylsulrîrig ' e'SrahsP and eïerytbin ig ese usuatly kept inas aDry Goads Store, ah GREATLY -REDUCEDi) tnd - lu 0uU.11?t wH i tc iae$ ir 4b; on tbe îrrivail c the Lo rcm <shnwa - s- ea erica, arriv iusig a t LindEiy at oci ~au n ve~vTirough Tickets fron LiHrd-tv ta Osi- Return Tickets. ........ ..........3 5J 9:3= Psssengers fum the North art Now ID T f D . T M ýTAU 'BEtte iCr, ar.v Jiar;cb tTihe- Proi)rietors îiit-ot bei reiponsibie sfo- fParecls or Baggige, unless boiked and paid forý * Cozfortabie Connt'nce a.Careful Dr VerS- l' pmu&v. 1 ýeu