j-. C. -r' I s m~~pattmu......... 1be. III~us~ua5eItW~a. I -~ .1 lATINE, TAIE ET 1.4111. le . tAoziS n t 11'4..U VIN, hanteweas &d - 1l44~ a -t-- el4 Mitt 1îrunns And .-. hktt""-' <ti'tillIi AundI t.i47 ~ b Ncbplt tM. 0. r.tM., E-rtstçttithi %OtiuI fett llei n-e RYn. Miufiuli'-tt #r}wk cjquo tfi Mlntalter sd pi'vlntil le> i tli »er* l il 1 v 0--4 ne " '* tel 4 ~yuc uun~'. I M- Ke. ,yV lo W.- ubluf tiAit ~ ttti i Uhiaus' l~upruved î'runt'.2a 7o ('Iergy. titi Bina' 0 )l Isr I t.ti-5i-. W1H1rE$IIE rrmmo e tYttbtiy antiIA I 4119,li .(Vcra'uîerty A tlle NQw Y ut -S a t isA ai P, t r, IV<reu Omo A.ooCWN IANILLA C; W. nMd eCi Price 1b~~ Petfyc'W., MAC$121 &PATIÙON, t Nàvuui, Q.0. 0 W. pvsuDOL ?rouR5 as. 3 1-ly Ji W. ELO, NU. 43 & 48'KWti trt W..14 et Itw he ln t got?îLof See the lira ie t, Rer. lT* Lord llluha l Oalu4o.331 k moqY ueIK ÂAlTO - - s1on t9 ise@ f t, DRU INCERSOLti Kimlona , O. Wà . wt liattu. bal î'-' btflto Modoluiy fisc, 2 1, 18<15s. WM. SWRNTT .UR6(ON OEWMTIT -(IsSU~~~~~J o,<0 . tt' &t)J.W. -aLo' to- iti 15, Tîihabi t It.)ii 'stier i stvle on O old liais, if ilver Plais, cruýl" V îgîlt'iltbr tria cfhrdy l îi l - ttINo #Nlfult't tniafds tvcî Mr, euc,% telotifo# Mu.O<irsel. - mme bi vilkng mm;.e uce. s. I tm4a<Ja~ 2~- Iliti-831 La~.u Biu~oo~ and Ooucbioing. 39 . r 166 - T"<' ttearne bIUY A Ay les 3611Bel mi ?taivrrtnvry aafi day Won14e amu'O fiVuaa,'aI t 0 ls, ) mn and evcvy TMeatiy, twtlasî,asda, Ni ast flity, k a 2O'deIca fl oe, reitwliiglu licl l Wart iliane tu toiittl wlbli th* q'svettlcîK tia foi Ttrtuaik> lui coliingvood-' Ida *weuesLi utal! sioper At orîflia, mm ctrenn aIt e te r ârýy for the Z ,eýk ftlicnlt end stthe i. fleveraiRiver. Fare* moderato. 'cl-styfameS $10 i $8P* Dy A wlyS"ilL>Icie.The Gels pn»t** ij<V e- htuai'tek bin doli4ed bteail Fa- bric*, .id wwrrted fos r e m n. Tb@". Mscthlnes vii lleicoilî, Iuit, lîbî. Cordl -Qtflil, anti mibrulde-r, tbtldli x« ouase- lucitowutiteltliît.4isc 01,Oui Celebiodei un8 lt A regt* 1red lett l tr. we.*viii 1<iie lb. aiu. 14 %1%0iiaC.W lita. GAIES h 0 W. 'Mi A Iwti',tkv~,ici 4- îatilfer- Hop a.i 12MP.MVS V lIerni u tian v - I lid j La-vualqai94 a.sutm0i~u t u t fpa 25pu D~.hs.hc. IbolsIl. asti 0~ -, *LCI ~ -eis. 11e5u ami Rh. bath.. osni.gu bis,. a ili i havdorleiO <lafre a set t o «a u 1 od, en usati fort tit. labbtts adl varied siock 1 ej h.., sudof Il. Oafe Ja mw ltm ta -Opposite 0,,vn La, ad fficet. Ioel1y! oney 1losey! Farms llnte lit moules 41001r le privtt a i.dl'rli, bans tan tb hepge ln-l FROM TEN -TGf1FTÊEN PAYS aller the applica thia. amemade, provr'déd lte TitI.. arte ual uama0 om le&"sao., - Appiy, If by lbiler pro-Ïtaid, te -1.sa, April U, l$0. 2 i. TEAIGUI HOTEL <OADMOK"NIS* PIIOPRI STP)R.>ý tu wlh bvw vof .makluj it a ce>mtrtable Lieeni.d bmul Win" and4 pirito, Of whicil thoe best brande o<S! rwill 1* hepi. NMSEhNT, LINDSAY. stabl "d.1 wed l*I aia &bd a - atten- tk*.lmaleàysla atuuda ?me OmbiibU t anad 1fain lb. asai4lo Liuailsa>', Maucis- 10,1803. - <LA?~ JEW3T~B.) '1 r I J E g -c aîtaitdit g Outea, -that 1b. ha# opencti Uic ilote4 ibn wlliant $ve*, lately .5cýup!ed by . jewtt, and as h. leu aI t itiod &anâ fùunI4h- 4d lan Ii,,4style, vsls illi fRnd evevy oavebi-; enfe Wince, Li<pim ndaê Ogunrs ofl.best Art abttetlveo otler alw*ys la .t1a.da~Oe.,ý0 LldaDet. 16, <1,22941 c WALY> 8TTPORT hOPE., "M.uýbûos frmBi:, nd.Pfpuie pura1. 7der pment manaptmenat -Do ftu1rts i'Il be.spaw t e t cnduce lathe àüo Tbe best .<LIupSS andClg.s. (LATI PLATT'Si) lgt. tn #*vO, TeweoBt .- T HI mb lubep Stlto ntt list riends anud ub et bsi *Ltng ha.d lb. -ah- Ove * iïall prmim U w*fr4 baoUSyuts ho bas ,.oMaa tand ïdwi*Md htholugbOiib*d h a. b. 81W te ha" a a l hm " itravellintg coin- EscethAt and ab.swlve sbabllnit. tAIES CIOOKER, ?optntoJulyl's.'85t Revore Rouie,i tasdl.abova bld, with bbas bfum furib-' ed and AUSêuMlbsghmt la ltA beslof style. li.Oeebut lb oL. tLiurs mad Cigare wi b. koepi Iii lbar, ad lii.table will be finnisi- vi. PÂêXII#Proprielor. E..vrtOs, Jan, *t 11le. 180. TÂME 5WINTERS, HOMu, slausand Orna- J uba Paline, Qb.i.ir, 'aper lif. tipi, iid Whtnwa.b.. ÂIIOçders carefulII 51bld dlIuoq, 4bAre, le". 9 UV .opeud t. malte In. modite p~U~ , ~st.Wll in eusvsDd. UIt. .vIIuuiIFatt", .euyband, "r ffiWV ytr dt i dayus. aa. Palleil LsiupRoLh Thj .114 Low.hlmhltst stiq1m*t I gr Qule Jlm 1ni eqmmigbl 1d ebea'ue's gale mi pieresti»m; anti MY wr;rfeet, il ltors Ad. epus mrkatIo aiemIeuba lb.. sale maillbiesI, 34.4 me te mis Thyeid - aid fear mud-dater campas. me about; whi ù4 fées eppiseUme more. -i1catna i stad vi Ant Ibrougithec lrang, _L".ilMfealong ýecrossh beavyFatherti bave borne long anud Il l o bea.r il. .- Le, rMY voul neî t4 finting spirit rite ta tIbuit land ibix ae»ràii u'ws a'e iven, FaIbert&kt ml' bomd;j Antirmhing docv; -Leat %0 %lie crva. ..The. I -Seed Chapel - an ove onaleril îom:nigation ai Methodism, ful sf 1ûie Conlce i ïoDevon atiConwal, thti .;r«pcill amoUR 1h. mineus amndi owom .thr Jets. Fo long perîadaMWe ils inl£InUe- oth naer î a t i gihez eiders f aocictr hv ithcie tofF.uglaud manifuea adegree. d dIl eîliki Io lthé e ov doctrins, Ivlici ca n a - micely u b ' N n-ag in uieth m ys o m od- va tu îteusia. -il vastougit by mùay- bnng getlemen gooti spotlebreak ithe.bé iradovaanti aiti up tc e = f a Metho- 'en t ehipail . 6robbery ait a W esIeyan Pm rëeai,aa aiproe by îwct yowmg goutte-hl tipn, beamt i aibjecf jadiiai investi- ation, ami tic frolicome- mon lad, te pay md eq dariy W t heir pmcaljoke.cu mWon&g tbo uninatrucleti lucal peachersw ne kutoai by the i.aare utO"TieiGar.Mg pneu." Thi.id inaw vas na cmmon aa ùatar-indeed, -lié vas quit. ia original, 1. 4 nit by lar tie In n ie op lrp re h « amaag iii e icplea f John Wiei n îhat'icinaty. on e kep6 a &mail n rer>' a .*n bout- Iwo ne: iile w , .1 t éla o n ai St.U -- w rki g ni lar a i i hi 'ooa aion s tgu ner b! day, > ,u ' reastctermeithnin Uic cvonîng. Iro e livedti l 1. porelmanier, giviug avaY 4d kI the> à%urp>lus t himearaimugs maharity, di- cli riuiinu Btblc's., mail préa-motins!toethé utmmia ,, -fhi,,- abiiiy ihe exteuiof t'Methodiam. it lis complexion vasa sariof diriv, dark irïan-l roey, and lis wholé appearafice -une homan anP rateeque. ýAiîl.ougitextremelv ignorant,: vi &»l pice i iali deueç Iai.cunnung, tigreat pesonal courage Off ibim, the icu 'OtlGamulener' as 010sitbjecte tiei » a burgt 'i-ad atteempt itIrobbery. He yod wethha# val., an aimnaliai matievieat in Jlida.1 otageuilfar fromlhe high-roati. lre yeàn g "eq.o res"19 wa hu ditjusi finish- Of, >1 tiietrI tudilegaI be ileUivers-rty, ani vIeh he ait de*împiicuandhti iaàetethodiem', havirg %V tean1tiat lte aid nman hacl bees rfccntly w makiuag a'ecollection In bniid a Methodisil chapel, tiaugit iit vea d be a Igot-i ie lu ooîlieclon. .Tié. ramait of the tioiec aJei uelaîti uintce sords of on. cof the aciota: ' 4We sel ouI,'.aisi le< opon oui caotiiona ylhblackeaed faces, on a dark niglul, a liile-bef "e 12 o'clock. -%W dîniretilait" ëanti i fn i a(l Dte.lias ehl as Cornish i couuage; y-el, hconaflé&, Ilcilcame Ite faat cmysef-a cow.ard. I began-to b rflel lIatil vsbut àa daïtardiy trick ho Irigilem i apoor aid-mac andti us oi hbe laid of thé aight.- s . hcSk sinuck Ivelve.'Nov cones l4 ite viîeirg lime of nigll, exelaimeti ' Dog'it u s frighten the pour aid coup'e Sout ai their wile m' idi . #N% ' o aisi -Ilyder; 'uc viiibe. «stleý lmbbers-ent l# as Rubanflod andiLittle, I saidthtau-11voulut mather ttavel back la puacot. ' Recaileo, isas, 'lthe id fellov te an aid *611r.s ei as a sýain, anti tom 'Nn;ouese' eila mmd Ryder; 'Icret goea,'Hé presa*d tc lecthraile = ,i n whicl the . 'Mas resiled ;; ît imielaey gave way anti 11ev openi. Wel enteructi .-and fount oi entac e, in ;a sott aif. kitç1len-. To ougreal surprise Iere -vas a lih hting <rom su ituuermain.. Tihis mt nsih. -ta 1 ' o o lIr.'i igne a iglt 4Giye ns yaur mono>', anti no Latin shall beilyýotî,' miii Tainm bat- ve muat i vi '7he -Lord: w111 be fnir defence,' rejaineci ilOrd are"ne.r. 'Yu- shall laaon amnrinme; ai- iii bthose la thé Lordu'-take it if your tiare. 'We imut andtii..havit il,' aMdti e, as, we. eeietithinunés man, aller tait îug lic puecutti s lafascthe chatabor <tour as v -W. soin WIs"le v ld sufrailed In e . 1main ae;as Yen vifl se. ., FEID~~Y, ÂUGUST id, is~g. - -~-- not spcak. ive could barely chueé 'L.ek jaceuf,' ad lIn eï»r mdtltlauglter Il vaâ a geod joie, îiaorgh not exacriY nu hante.' 1hlas, 1bavever, more than 0c F erved fur subrequenl amnusementl. Tii. chape vwa huit vit thel.moneY C lecteti hy the gardeuer. Tanteanti -irou auc»tanow induce me to tbirak thalti11 las been no det riment ho moraiiy or relit by theecrctýt orf ie meeting-OUSe, wi 1h. Imh Churcipamty nam1ot'The Le sehadùp a.'-31. Jamews' Magazine. Tai u c nPaunriasrae in.igntanl tle exçcation of a JaPaueseat Votoha by oier of the GeverneufL'ute. cTycc A-J;lunkin French i tiier bruIte itea Lh len te tavît, antinsulted the c1, very bea fui," vuie of îh.. ovaer.-.iiisîim we of hou9é, or -poeaibiy 0110 oi the-crord outt kilied thelb:aggroeesr., In ceuweqocsiu ti . ehieba id Lad lus ead i oui o09 nezi cek uoiiajle the Goveur' AMail mli s re4ions býave Issu ati «ts in thoipi ou ipsîs@er;a,,Qh"-,a pI suptc -À _ r.aI, -tPi -"w - UUAOANTARl , ý -ý i4 ý ý _ - -:==, =rr.- . 1 - 1 . î duer 1L, 1r.Gd.b r lthatwha b e hlà tOOe, ns v e = -» i lt ouyv -j ae ld, u t4ti. iT .bi' bte bqw ~~'cm ladau or n litle bel a. -i'." --_ TIi L-rdWbhs deliveMe YOD loto My ada. it vas sereveaieti te m dnru. à lal i 1, bé *aubhgt ua Mpray'1 And dovne b.feu uùpoosbl. me;, çkiée tlle table,, w" itIi. candie mia, atbe-ugly flitt and »itinbMe fearetiiaàmed. , e topped anti eyel Purge ; .aîlte. cuiptuct oi of. then ou eh.able. hai peerut CIPerred, d, 1 thogght, gvaifîed, ut théb.iaweeas Of , Contens.- We nov thoauiht w.ehabuld xe leave to retire; butto Ont dismay, île Id Gardoer' ai. 4 NeW ve vili P" seGod by siamging the hi. wagote-nesall Me thie pslm. ad'l mi okup îl. second purse andi le W.va wexamiinq iscontents, Ryder, o wax clam behind Tuai. and. myàelf, hisperoti sofh1>y- b ave aitseneti lte dmo; vîc you ame- move mnake a rush.' The 'OitGardener,' îlei pouaring out the rend purâe, exciaimeti:- Wty ltere id almost enotigu ho buiiid Our vw hoau.. of Gui! let me ame-wluai the îici canstns.', ~H* e ok p the Iltrd parge. No%'tispeied Rider, 4Malte a rush.'. We titi» , at th. sans manient board tie - felloiv lîmering avay vith bis flint d steo. W. expocteti to b. mnstânhly u intô fragments. The front dmo, how- treflevpn before us; 1he nexi slep -vo und ourselves in te garden. Th i_ Igu. as pilchît daek. We rusheti blinly ugît the rautsery grounti, -scrambled rongl brambles, anti prickly tutrutisruai ibeada againai trocs, fooeed orelvea, ouglihe4-e a lik id Ai las, vith scratch- faelin handis andtitattered clothee, we ioued over a bank.on the> high-ruad, Ti' as thie' *rk butî of a fevu' minutes. If oui Ces couiti bave- bc-en seen, it - wou!d lave ,n thougbt, frein aur borai strioken canai.ý nancea, ltaI insteati of has'ing risen f-ont %yer, w. utt been purseei by Olti Niek Sunr houe, voie son founti audJire gaI op' 1to-Rytier'sreidnc.Lighi e eopro'ý ird andti vs at di)w. .IN oe black, r,'edindidirtv. W. iooked ai ach other, 1d, in #&pite pi our siseta4e ativontureý îrel i th laughter. t Wei may laui,' exe-iaiirhod Tom, but il s adrenture as biovn. anti- we are fauta t,. Cornwalli ii e ton bot for us- for ith exu aeven yeam .Wc have rmade a pret . t et.. ai it. Wu have o ou ut oney; beeti igeti te pretent t prey foi two long houris fore a great heap of gunpowde hleh on face, ngIt,. retd-càýpped brute titi-caten 1. U ail viii .an im .nodiabe pas-sage it *1r11tl'! -Anti Ournmoney fr.olmit. cta buili a Met-ho.li4t meetineg to1me! ahi! it is irulvbhorribe. The Ïfeilaxv has 1yethe u.l"nsoidier on us 'ivegnc nttivo.siaile the Iaugbiiiugstock of tlt Theaifair vras net yet endeJ. Reorts rere &preadtai- Mtlree mon. dieguiseti * Jack domons, iti lierns a[W 1 aiis.hat en- eed tie coutage of the "Olti Garl.ie.-P, iho, hata net eîaiy herrifled - hem, but> ha rigltin"ed i aem eout of a gooti muin <il mner whidi he intendeti ta dévote te the bujiti tri 4a lev,Metiodist - mée;iu"-mbouse, svlef se wontetl e othe - remarkale inanner il vhadli lie hatibeen proiideulially assi.-;e4 fith fendls fur the building-. Oui mort itiéa ton iWag complote. Tom, vîtose luatred c %lethotiseru eus. iuten"., dtetriaredti !uat h 6onld biow ui) lthe ieeting-ltouse a-lS OI a il tvasuilt. Oueroiy oeew excited, anti ve ail detertniued tu Itear ou Ntveutur*t-of -the itigiti relateti by lthe O0 '.antener'*ii v-e coulti contrive t o zpresor withoisl being statpected. Sdta> eveni' irrimei. The rneetîtg-Iîouse wva cr'am m to suffiicatioti, ani ithe icdim flga itsti butaed i n Ille chapel Vo ba-i wodifficuà în concealhrrg onzr.elvee.-4-The serino a wz short, but t he fatetrienl of aur -ad veritu vas -relateti quit. mnuly and circufnr'tar :iiy in tie, uit m'aalEt quai' t, iionie'y ai humeronls -phràseo legy-.. Ttin qniglît h Dut- adtairai anl hie protegei'veie my-sleriiîouIy w t'J . e jr: ý.C.i a-. t. ::- wa. Unted, fortihis vcotv, whicil matiefle ne un.tci- .'. 1te c L'S »: kof a vasconrat, muade thie other a firA1 lieutenant., n '-t wr' e rn a ix.-A thourh lie .d buh just corne of ac 1H%îv ttdI ir-, uto ar.irurts.ý p foiowed his comandr, whvito l 'cne ais-O-i ,4~ -eL.t .-.u a .,ý-4iC tt . tact, wannlyattacheti t6 hini, throtuga ail ti-'îui:cecet-:e - n'aS ycrs ltai interctit"dd, se uhati viien tilt, ýen, gree dayofTaflgrhehc Was 1ecord i Tnt'. C'-uti-t: .'..-. A riVt 0 t,1(. t Ian com nan tCaptâin Hardy. As the action Londaa a u!czi 1 i e t 0 l !-.% 1-, roid -began, Lord Neison. appruchedhum, and, the Garibadi !j4t,,iI. Xurv t-th: t fer plaeing lis band oWi stud rad 1 e &iai f their, nýP-eaiaflCe aurt ! Ya t:r :uî'f Ou outti e goiri tuhave a hard dy dat.Itau.ijOiQiOtC~a4ù4:i'.e ,*e,' lope YOU, &Ymapsthoiigh itsaféiY"' - - y Ia-ait-tae !,eaunf :i'u -ti1c r. '1 dititry to do my d tit, ny nr , ý In V pace ift',Wt-itXV'jsr ct'. Y' te Liemut aiLe. But,' tacaaddeti, poifflirî es o tEid<. t'~i~]-.4.:- neCe tote umilord andd decorahiPns sbieh t4 aýleut.n-a y hr "te' ,~uvxl ccl- wtt des your iar&-hip renier yùurse >thtut nlhoogh .t tueteacdîh tui conspicaous to-ay.P- Von viii surets' draw i>rito Iii*tt I ..~ tt1 ie-t,!e l eire up uti y ou th c fi a'. of so rte rnarks m an .' * e.tL u J se uJ .i t-r ..' . t',0 e ll. t Y - 7'ion It la v remenmeit,' aid the admirai, e îù r1:ril1cmý, 1ch ' iaý i Tuée ;à ruai gos1Ihave put, on ail it':Vt' tt'C>t..lO ha eek- my baraie ta-day. luha itor .I :taiîetI :e :de L)< W" 1a the,9hoe eciaimùeti, prend!>' liuyire-, luis S:eîyA Nti N..'--'-rWI:-t'lîa'.e btutueîllrc-- tat hand où lteé inq<ignia,'axîd ii louer 1 W'ili ydiî'u !.- . îît il ,j: ,'" addîŽd ilual trbX4' ei îIûisc îatni die with l- he1 j4iC e tm 't!u'.- ,.O: i To. lhe pueuenlimentl waqTt caiized. 1h- wsas of' .~ c >>( ii,' OUSê th miaction oftbef;reat rstulor. As ho Ccli.Sadiuj Gieîmi-. tc- f~ i act ut onille dck, inthie hbat*aioth batal " t' efor lir wx:h'djrfttt 'J - fb the eoaptudI ard lieutenant of te eiuip qlrang: lesidc tébian, in'au agony of grief.. ICWr eé vdet-a te Of - Go backîtuyour pot, Edvward,' le said, ruoi-1 h tll eerecse r the ia1h3 11 m aici net by hïm. Then >ho u in b. it îy for vuc,$f34,3<v ii gýoltier, SOI,> ldtigetl~. God biesayen, la.' keth.;" ih ,,atan reurned; 4Tihiîcea litaIitotal caser. of t44ai>eta ailil a teki p'cc neb fate 'rmfl'hat i eouut vo deithàs vwre reef-l y t1he poice w-._ !I.U lcbadm vaîoî<n~i& day. .4,-q ,- lieme ~I~us z*150,15AivunceC. BlacketR M.. L"16138% P,1tge f or vaEF fuil rTa!i:ze.ton titis dy, i JUM M. thé. ' - , ywas &arnid. ahr'nvy discharge Tir wu* lejt qg ~ ~T~OilU Fedisioe j. 1udiwbà bal~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~h %j Wlgt.à~ ~~sIioll b moke c1ea:eý awa'rcSaiOIIà arly saw oiaotab.cmi..-lb I g-sh 10 a àhu1o hieieuenan~t liawtr.4t rrhe sarrie poI s.~4.i~m i* la wu where the onq.iel tr of heNile hati -fa!le, isii f isday v. eaing of frothte @W#, W»6 hip wady te <mive siltW ASN'T A IIEJTIIEN.% Mus. 4r.4shimutaethe aquoedzaere 10-mugt.thiaorlth dWsr -vwelcoaze. Some e giiemen cale 1 upon au aDeklwo aduo=7the vessaW-wuembled ina soke, ýman, andi inquireti if rhe hadl a Bble. She laii q i~ing benea* ie . isdliarg o er was very angr a biug asked. suh a ques- heavyt oudm as -Admiral Ifelotn îoehed tion, and rple lier 4efrk,. airrothe la ltiiliamt stagr IlDo you t1tink;, ept!emeti, that 1 amna &adzgné*=he mIs c L. quiiter-dok, beathen, that you a-k me such a qnesti'anl mmd UICUD<the stem uWlltense eager- IRua and ti elhthe Bib!e oic l rwr -feé wmdreesed smÀ a'euat i eyle--tied . wSinU net take thie trou- eyes kiadled, as lho watebed the. exeitint bie; but 'thé inSiste th- t Vey sho d evSttathit eré gonut m' rii at . As chde vas not a ltea*tlen.' -A.ccordingly the be iai&ined the. satnteàS cf thé officers, the Bible was brcught, nictdv crivere-d. Oti op- adminda w-linedtu Wobserve îlelad. eigi.teoIQ 0I~muxane *Whois this ?rhe aketi,îuring t heho Wehoiwglati I an that y<c,,ai'ed capftalith îe vessel. a spe a bout tIhve B bookue4e.or tuent 'Hl'a young --lad that came ouln board a. sp ete. aytte Bie 10L'11;, fr thiny 17v ons G, rep1ièeti b ptain. 6'He: Ifese three years, andti dî.lnet kn6w wheti iosstsou eeng you, air, aslie ays h.élbas, tu finti ther.' menthing of impoirtance tW say ta yen.' « Weil, my, lad,' sadd the. adinirai ýkirdi,OII FPAS 'speak ont free!y.' IIL FPI4NS l-fyo t p lease, sir Y s ala t h e bo , il , C e!erv 'y îa e i nii G e m any ; th o eh e-4 coinCteu saIt ota totLake me tW ea th yen1 la that ail you h 1ave btuay, ý nut came frazn lîaly ; un otiion originateti im oeap Paskti iteca a-, apYeu Y î4kax;otis a native of Virgania; Ibo P LtM ate aid Uic aira, au. neite is a native of Europe; the citron is a ing. i'W bai posi'*ti.o10 O Uu wanl?' he native ci G rec#; thee ine je a native of A- asked, t.uring to ile bôy. ?tia tie popi'y ori4iadiitn a ' If yon vouiti take. me as yotr cabiu .>,y, ot rgnae1, orhArc; y rgt si ir,'saiti the lad,"!t 1shou id ib e 1 ~ally. froin -Siberia; Parsley vas lt 4ti knowia IT a ls pour chance lot von,if u ish t Sardinia Lite pear atithie appteare.freiu tu rise above it,-' said the admnirai". kindir. Europe; pnc was liri.t cu:tivaied in Ara- Il till boa bgn iaî, eplied tic lad. i;tés:rwrwsbohfo eu temui'berrv tree ugntd19Pr.-a h Ifordi yo'I i r.babiy an E..teri plant? t-ie wal- u, aMr. IVu îdid ià;anti 1 mean te o diîj-:c. am:s,,,>tq:tlohos 'The admirai gazeti ai him kindly ut caniretrna h.te 1 hcî1~*.tucurn searchngly, aail tien saiti., viii.aSmile, ecane tem tle ' g -,fCrie 'lit rucu l'aiLatke Voit %wi! rile on Iiruise - - erc anda ii 1x nde: aro Yeu vant tu iIrýe lVil uive vua anc' -r' iun :1tai..e*ut;re Whai is yourtamc ?l o hne ~ *tr u ..hc~Er;r 'Etiard Lee"' was the re'iîv. nat. ve o FE '.. )nera a~n~[ « Very vel, thoen, Edward.fiLake vyeu ràt'. il t' ý 1-e a nanv cI Ar -" atua i - *my service,' <aid the aria.'Ishai e >eaJ oex-- cwretantisoiSic-ri t'Ct70 u prove yourseif cthi f tie -'vfu irC taitiettuf îei trust.' Aven:Àz1a av me rs nwn: î,iai -.1111do il. sîr,' naidthela.bny,earnesti'r. as A~ ona _______ *mira i s. at. - UFC(%Ri lu tîwô haursthe FYdngutrd stue.! Ont t-) n" e c:s-r- thse a3til sca. ful!owed by the sqriaJrnn. lu join Eau i 'ausan . u . nto!tafl4iitP4is St, Vincent ai Gibraltar. The vcnng valet~ l~.,~ ~-t.VtOltU'Ila tt 1 -e té dm4Umâ m ade.a uJ iuti. t-1U 4Ue -i .iy , y- col.ï.-J i.tîat r U *impression upon the fliers f the ship be- a"!îx -. eet t 1o e the co mip etion of thé vo y aze. ():-f . ! o a t C i l, w îth pe p arr m Ma Tjtoo bade maid the IadeiralIDt t ta-Ža.!~'.cp'r e"r--tm'V 4 laz-ciptain, une day. ' that that boy should owt~cal,;:-trti dr fb ti aa neniui's position., t. ~ - v a:: -A:z n. L. "; t if The capain agreed, %wiîh lus co tma!i'er, r.t'r ,. .:t. s: . .- t t a d and the -î . sut oI the matler was, tiat.* a lew ~ r:.n n'.io i" tie[ 'dayà.afier the arrivai et the eVancu<rd ai'i r GibratarEdward Lee vas trîren a rnlsq,-wi. th - Cexue!. tort- o; .e :r-,u m. nawarrant by Larl st. Vincen, utt the ~ r -xu t.ij a "e spécial reqnei-lcf Admlirai. Nelsuin. a!'<tu:'-k "- *:' 11ehio came lté fainDus crtîi'-eini the M h'evoe"-40*.i- bO4)15 -terranean, in <tel of Boiitnarteaîtd bts t-,7 1 rti"'-1:tIli V P.aif o fleet. la he le ni-i, ta!éwhirh d.n se l w t ~ Ju x-e! \.. ett 5t ihi, adruiral's shIp, young Lee pràveJ that esu-X:2, :1ca-d .: tihe mer:ticd the kiiness his great co.n- rŽt:-'- - Is mander bati bowhim. ar'd vonpra1 .- tem:5lirot L» aI A on board. T lîen cam ' tlie brie f L taI t -V L 11à L IL t' le Fý ra-useilte a' rivai ot he viset Oref-- iceinenls.iuad lteédepartoe for A-3 f ;Tac r-. M-: ".in t*'-~ ts he dawn-otthélue mcr-abe First-ot %uut ~eni~riZ kt- ---,'. ~t 'o ý8 revea.:ef to the eves of the- Fr !ish t1r-ietri- z-u:' evea.: culot tioating oser Alexaîîdria..ari'À ue- -'BU, --~~ *-~ * - French fieet in tte bas tif A'bourkir. & 4,vitrd eu." v 1- "lr id Lee wa4 standinîg by luis chief oll' tfe Ile ,K vair, t * MiW " y.- of the tIaz-sbip. v) ;cýf î> g There the ar,"'burst fr. a- score ct' : t I l"I- "t en 9rie, as thé distant came. eat iin vew. ~ ~~e~it i-n r.t '- 'Ves' ar.atred thé bray ; a l't . e in r' a.:~ t, ed thete, tu, before nig-ht'1 a- Neion glanced aihim.rn riuç ~ ~ Y,- -t. <it 1There's a chance fur promotiorï i nr-9alil .~~