- .,e~ I Ywtam*& Ad $a*w.swstb> olibk lot*g* beutl CaIsreltes1h k»uwtb.y'l14ss~ tek cow *0 &. ai t si 1 Yo thttail1V -l'hi t ýxt t- v uý u1mkd hviut& 04e(h'îrsasy it1 ix c thet 'e~ll in pvnlt' itto r. ud l la t-54 m 'te, 41-. bTh àod it . l t> hi4 t itt ', ' bn t befl.l.44 bIthors > &P ilawstd mt eaur. jt s-hil lit no etisa 14v. 1* lt1 -1, tao u, ili t u.,~,'s ,ctt VOl lltrUniglAtiiud Oth lut, li oi~t. is£ Mysklttfde",t il thlI->laxd Iantely - m-'teh tîtl b»kýqli&'I i baa~ ut l4d. ufI* d~ ~~U k ll lj apii rt tIti ix lI ca l ion itkpl'essle tatu »iQV u4tttndheyikttJ .lieu titi nu, levs I 1"e b lier % lay t dan lb.t ardi" 1' - s' re;i stesp e. St uaghl V~ '1 k ~ bas IttLI~ cftc;' tht. trial, PlAba àrio1 taatty 104a 4i> .oneof (lmr Lake tanss sdseIgs sitli Mi the whfttlors b.bistiut huaab fblI#s- te b st ir, ylai. atTcaIe,ï Poje~u titunt yqà uoetastind yoit Vtsaesvit-, 1 t" 1d. C# Y" bçi tbehi u' t t i r 'b o i c . a i p e s t me r yar bowki *BPY boues il baeobva. wuasla our buais i ai 2't, t sit Wba i 41t1 b.ypur bositase V 'Ith*kIdo, ci -o : !*Xial0b *t ,ii. th. tr is psp. tr' Owayi On (- " W t*tli« bu yeriulY.yomd hes14 Ns ,a kt yl l and Iç4- qd. * IVIAT ruu eY 1T AT XEŽ4 A. lac 1.i ab coniîbtu ' 14giretfs the fui ~ .Aa-îv.d hew, , *tre4.d ira»<g t~ ~ ~ ~ p ti rui udacaud U a rw li&t do Y ou h.uvs rdamtet' &Llyaml titiutu"Va the honed 4îd wiat tm bitbs -lie utuk.u nid~îe wal ryig 1 ooatre theil.Ordt> i"~ ~~p, hrftihyV5it op %ad >wasiod upoa % olulevitoe imte. 1i nptoeýhl a s-'n -ho 000d tbrhie i tuld bauim 1womld takf haif'ï-dt>lbarWili - 1te Iifê ls (ha Coiildbt* l end I tu, waddie>a, abeled pocktî-.bou 1 tîte4 t r..râtiul iek>smdote ip$ nda It tent uîrqt. Also a COM derate bond, douebzêw, wih tubotaloi. ý[leî us ttt,wa týwith st 1 JsiINet$s% o , v 14 lit>ei lbey voeeSt 01 sterthiig vl ditt;';Io go lu b b ak at draw .» Mn.- of fhdI o! aut"outise k Yetsà Iw ete m ftlaa a oaFort En vsi, gal jht i *tijet t of idetfar s jxt tr tigla, ue4 IWO eth.ilom. a jit tilroiueniaYu We h o tisa he uft-ouaw *>y tle G-î>vrpoa of tht," 1uitud tem*ut (ruas anises lte w eî4utab;'w aibout aey daiSui>. Tberevar yul aqîa et si tb»s. b ieitlw"ep elnd-t1* as Iusfet ..,c a m san.4JasaiDell, a realesl d port xEu.., wwu Wei iIod sWb de on a diau pus. né (e-daysa ck* lbe ri'I .!ov tOW UO j~~~~ sai .hv pu.'Id liaf ith ailiha T" mPabebat ?ut ore" atudvldefly m -L» lai1 ma-MMy o e - iel byUv. A pet"u ie oi f Ws &Cu.,~aday. ~Tepiue&is wortb 1S FA IbYhLa t n fy~ &fewa sah, Viti mvuni issues bsu Fau. ily BiSisswaih 0QQ&O q X~IUp &uv. 15 lUth Iflhi 511h #w aa.yb ma0"dollar ait a hait eboli, w i l roaive a Outy ofBarwat MIt thaLanguagr. > E ai sb.Latin, Oreek, Ger- Mau$ iraêha 7Pags;I vohroSsirJa h*.Ir. t5> Pasa : Vy. 0 W oda~ f Lum sa ooaphasî-cve a:.i oUi of xùéturopean ¶wa$yat»dlIlsory, t>y a b. iî t IAltm or50pictures. This praanum iwort * *W * te- SkOuKs atu>At*vam - Any enfOtoarwau,,- in g uat t e a .1ofTWLMVESuo-ie àk's'g witlthe mour, kaime tdabr auJ a- hait sih i ii mrti4 v16VI Io Writ ; ie* lu, 'ralk;Frencb, Oqtan>,Spaiab,'Luin. Wl tt liait an Iuguago* %wit.a macter ; Gd- .#ylt 1.aiv'#-Dwuk, 2* ouw*ssau anAlbwa Io holà >'ô pktires ; t"t ViaWorth 0. ABoKs-AtI .siu cone (l>rtarding -il lte ane of TEIN. o'bs aoi W& klb oroIt ou* dollar and ahf wa1li, wall trOtve It» Aim1laMoathly,2 eAr1y ini$fthes ol lb. sutt Viking-s to uheIo.i rsîday, bj 1Prof. S&ditiý- 446 pgs U6 wituremtii140wbfile Worth #$550 waî l, ,unyai one dollar anda-hali oach, w~itrvcviveLoatt Socity, .2 vol-; u (an qokguanU iIIou.tat*i t a im».) Mils proemîuîonW oth ~* Aîxy o onewArding us. es of SEV F4 Sul 'ibers> alunýsvwith the, sxa- noy; ai vite dollur *d-tl.sbwlt- or the, Rilas ,4 yulillivos et ibii.Cucua' .mffly arttjL- ushths nines of ily 1,Suberîbrs Ï111 %Vtii iit uomsy, lu Une duJolu id ia" haiteah, wl reecea iOdt)y'sLadt V'slk, ~ VUU1105 ~ Wtk Iiugsatflow tu MNIt0 thmii t 1>~ly Dr. lhic Lewia, 3.59 ag .ITîxvo .us a1kanti uio4y ropsi .m<Ile' han,%of' he $îdk"r ut n or 1efère tire 1.1 *f Nov oridier 1ue>t. It .~iq t ceo"ry t1êa al l, iwes bet'O n) lits sanie Pust Offite.. NeetistS zç:Aftbethlet 1ofutSeptewber îitet, al <l o*4s VNM id . vum', ihewusTw.JNVO %iar lk L-* Char- wilI do. wv-tu'I-1boit inin tha the C- Vosa- a la ar4er oiuotiun wi thiaa the Coulity ihan tlh ohr tsiwu*olS4papurs. Uutud; Nx11hueou i#Mble circutation oua 1tinet fàilt lu N, usefal to -ils patrons. T11 .t> I1LW tG EN t:RALYý tI al kmtxi e textd alIbis on" ii gotx uitqid lxuiiig ijwalilkindu îtekVed fur t he l te V a w u s hett P ' jb afi dî l . < o î y andu 1wi ailî>triaJtoects, osdab b.iuw iritular rabt.& C. liBLA C à k:r JOBINSO.Ný, l, MJ"AY 0 OâH&WA AND s ro aE lorrie e [NT Il iur1b5* ?Ncîk. aagowiilone tu 18w .t-t îi*mçt viith te tages- t .iwtt auJ 11t-,nRht. larulng, U iIlu~Mtih eu it araizO ofthtb-isgo,) rm i>sawi au lv5irikl>auûingat LIiUIy ai $o'tiuck. awa.. .................$0 Wvay Fart*Ieuorahe K.7 P seugr <theb. IOrti are £Onf.oved to the Cere -ai 9sh-lavsfr f <A<' cçr. : The Preprikics iM not 4 3.b Vokpcptle atte d to. -or spbIr»s su asbougbtor take s A 0.14a tespMuthdaly Solicited. - RANCI STEVEMSNN &o Von Roe, ]cb4.14t, 186&, 312 To b.814a rgin T11e southbatt of Loti . 18,, In the I5th: eoauim sof omlariposa, «>ntalbîng I1YOacresj of WWhIh aboiat 10 acMZ3 are ,eat*d and ub- der etdtivadon; it ws we» 7kneed, bis a gaod lot boa a». a Pranme Dwfflng eanidla ""aIl lsa nsu table tbervn . :there le al- ways a e o sppay ofpng. wa&r on the lut. Tim w vi . ~ufor the >atr part Io! the Tits .dsptablê. Fo.r p*rtieulmand s<Ito onù»t mp& uttpfeîes lthe, poioiOr (iiIlOE L A KR !wfl. ACKAY kHÉE, tIoiKïûb - 80--' fiE Ë rtse efefr sale the ýfGIêw ing Lo. ta (rm .50 Iob LWpet acte, r Lot Iin ard Ciousbon, Sooeer'illc 4' , Ioth de d Or hé viii ke." e 1"maie ft#r. 3or 7 rears, i>pft touditiosi ut, 's ares a- ralet4Upsa tich; lot.,yearl, lues pba astatu. lbu doue. hc A fxedprie w~ h a eon. a i 111. Tenant mab purcha's e At taix-liste alin th11e 4a"5S. -' Zi4l-2î Rihoud Hill P. OC. W., TAKE -NOTIl.lCEO d"R-O C HlIESTE R,"i IFSn 'DOWk'igdau yil y etweeýn tîij*Puri- jand Charlote, l'arts iroiu of é9ntraetinri; for Freigbt or P'a,*se, wM studir their u'wu iltere4t, 11 8treel, opposiI Uhqr0vi .U'r JAMES Il. IARM FO SLE The %oulth hnIf V(L-ètZtù the Sighth con- COQUNT Y 0.1pON7AR JO, Oîsic Iuýlid-red Acres! Known as the "KELLOG FARM."ý A 'et7 yLI4Ihi perl with good _builinge. C. Ét MERP 1%'Eg-ïsry otf i. Lindeay. To beSoId-A Bran f i t-iZv oc-;ý by M'ditdxw Eakely, on1 Turk S~eti, w ! iSaSeOf î.2 r . .~ AT THE OLD lPRKE, ~- 3warof f-Wuterfita aet g ~ ~' T IMM Scmb«tr mi& afl te itb he purhues of Srur re oes SR4V14 BONNT%8 RATs*RIBBON8, Md STAPLK RYGOD amog liih ilbe foeml Th Tii. NoeI 1 tbé Durable! and the Cheap!! A wMavsi ~«».t or! Purchmud -as Tm&deSaje belov lb. usuarates, as »no.fiftd m £pm wbicl w c.memd the aticle ta careui boyems o.tyMbbts Soetia p inTeas wid 4.ell t. cuit. Lun,6th 1 ,186& . F4 THE EDINBURCH LIFE ASSURANXCE. COM'Y, lu-Au OMFCE, 22 GEORGE -STREET, EflINBU RGH, 14EAD OFFICE IN -CANADA ,:WELLINITON ST., TORONTO. THE E1MýNDURGH LFE ASSURANCE COMPANY ruder the Act o! PwUliaest potue t asession "ae empowe ",,laisum e 1 syfesats Fer the sole beweflor t ier W »essd Chihirreets i nPo!cuie' ,a-e utogeier free'. front unr dakm> on lb part of Credizors and emable persos t-' ptuyide vta cettamfIy aller their deati for the maintenance of their Familles- The Ednburg eit Assuance Comnpany are prcpareil toffruisa lclt~frti e seraptkon of Insurnte. -Ter is of -proposa, sud ey informatio-n respectin g Life As3u-rane uey W a'hd ait any Gf tht Coutpany's Oulees ia Caita- L- j., HILLTARD CAMERO.N Chainzan- DAVID HIGGU!S, Secretary CAIIE RON ORDE, Solieitlors, l&C., (3 19) Limdsy Furiure Warehouse. IMMENSB ,STO(} N O RCS Thé. subseciber eofers ;o ti.Pubi' i c îtria v'ot the larerst aqirtofment of Parfouit, Diaing, a-ad $ed Ro em-Ftrniture, <l a rýOu - gyIes. ~~ ci t ýnLuaY.. PartkIaattention '<Si]fE-ilARDS &Diring Tàble!s, <iCORSER WHAVNOIPS, PARL ç. DNN& kKITC lIEN IAI[X %W A SH ST A S f tq T .A SUA.CTTAG(E Ck CMÛNBZDS'AD Dîl:,rE&'ÇG TABLES, &c. ke. AILosdescreu/~/altended t. C015 e ins OfWLisk-jt c,nstanty in stock. pici Pires Frtuarsd. (4'A call rora .ntendi x rha.sers slcîe. Ucm.unbCr~~AJ1>XlN E EGLIsIT Ciu-RCr, KE-ST StREEýT. H. HOLTUU' q ~ w o1 res~ictf 1ilv, ftitt'.ý Oti' cf7LnIdmv, Penl the Countv of Vie ý brui, th3t he bh*s on he tiI. 'à- .- --.-iW. ".rStet ~y aUrgçe and PARLOB. A ND DNN-R4MCHAIRS:WALNU1T SOFAS, IN, BAIP,-CLOTII; A- GREAT VARIETV (iF'CANE AND WVOOD- SEAT ChIRS; OFFICE > MCIAR;CIilDRN IGHAND LOW VCIIAIR!S;,DNN-(O1CNI. *'AD KITCHEN TABLES; SIDEBOARDS; BEAt- Il AUS A,\D CIIFFONAInES SOFA. COTTAGE * AND COMMENON BEDs-TEAD.S;, 'ri, -Sand WIATOTS; CliPBOArtL)S-. LOI NGLZS A-ND -MATTREISSES, r!ae>'l and examine the Gcd.and r-,'e be trct., r4*p-1,44rL-n el-zevhere. The ShOP Is on Wîlliam Street, next. b KnewIson's Briàck Block.- JOIEN A NDE R SON NEW GROCER STORE! Tihe subscribers would intinote to their f-iendsau uhey are uew ûpeuiog out a the public &eneraly, ttt FREUSTOKIK0FOPGROCE RIES, IWINFS AND LIQTJORS, CIIO(,KER I AND GJSIAE la.tbe*premkses forunerly knewu as "tc..DwExL':s Bàý" ue-ontdoor vwest of jewett'c Ucltel- FLUAND PRO VISIONS OF E VER V DESCRIP TI0N, constga*lons kand tct- Tii. IIi&iestPrlce, in -Cash, wil!l, bépaît! for ail kùads of.Country Produce. L.inds4y, 25t1m pril, 1866 New- Cash L AKE N T ARB. L'tIL »Uwra» ENOTICE TUE MANFCNNW TLPL Â?ED TOWOSIWP OF OM I. - Town or, t ILL leste Lo# lo 4ald se$outSItlbt street, beaug 1 Iw-11ocloci Ibo sIte of JeWetif .rn ote ia, coswting t o nrniiig, tvo-Bfths aoma srt.d-t-and Fniday î Lots 20 sud ilitto le f teet, ~eca- utx,8.5 s.tltg eoo q iiftttre eI5«a mOnarriru Park 11* T 0 2, LIWIMY uti 8em55Ut- üOrntTrbuk Bu erjt 6andi a baNad a5. f.rgI sers Iam ott au-Wt i6 visê ofAdelal ri. irigt tor $M feurg on Aliée d Obwa»s ts. Qoi . us chariotte every Eeiga (BughoeaonMonasWednes- aay a .0,) Col1borne, a 7 ; udPort Iol ai 10 eocloeki aiof trinMBi im id West on at Ssmer rates. & 55< Pply thelb.Captan A. . lROWN, ô- 347 Store JUSTOPEED atare.snpply of. Cotton and otber Goodsat. muh Iowe pra. ces ima before,. PRINTeS rtduedId. and 14. per yard. WITE COTTONS reduced very mucb. GRAY COTTIONS reduced le. ansd 2d. per yarçL Stnipese D crrys Tickippi. Cob>r, Lustrres, Delaines,.Sbawbl, Flamuei, Rosiery, nd evec hn~eee .suaaly kepi iii a ry Gouda Store, at GUEATLY UJKIDUCED Whole Stok Selling. offvery Cheapi NoUwB TH11TIRE TÛ BTf ImmcOILD DOMO* ILG WORTS 01* RI% -Toddy G SudPlainW*ike, Chippeva- Malt, Aid. vei'.Aieinbris, sud kegi, XXPoi-ad Ale in botlles, forma.b Wbohuale 9@4 Rtait at D(ON IBOk Country Xerchant8s "d Othert, TAMUO occasion te Il $cd np,' wfll <éd a illarge-ad varied*to*k of rrocerke,-snd Liquors frontwhih îhey van-seet Io&dian- -DOBSON k ISLOCKr. :Sauces, akC., for ecrâ h Loretor anP ànublsnShr'-. El(,.ah Al, ot- for sale by fLSNk!LO. SIG-N 0F rfii E PARTIFS BUILDING,, wantinoe Nailsb, ~.f'l' I-u .F Paiots, OÎls. or art hign tnlarsae r. go te - T. FI LEY &'x» Who cannot b8 undersord.- *BLACKS.NII'HS .AND) Sang.F àflîî t.-i-- F- at- rr-r.1 L , lt i'in--r l , - ;n , * )v arA A ;e4. -Itàrug ini vour t t , a : T. sILF.Y k C.- Sig! of lte Big Padiock. SPORTIXG mEN Buu, POvrder, Shot. FletvaFoi'-iied ard'W terprfdCaps, Gua Wad', O R ANY OTHER MAN, W anting aiiything else ini the Ilardw à%r. LXc, Cheap for Casah, rail ut Keen %n25 .(ok, Kent S -treel Agenits for 'heTrenton Paper FARMERS If roun wat chesp Spade. ShoeL4§, Pick, Hie-- ~cyteaSoahaFrrks4, Riles, te, go tk. the Sigas of the Big Padlock., XON&luTOLOAU AT 8 PEURCENT. FRparticulars apply -a L.>CtUCRSE k DqRXER. Solîaeims, Lindsay. Lia"ay, Jara2, 1«<4 84 ALgçeoWamted. *$i a a uetb. Granite State 'Sewing Machine Co. Twish t eploy- a good -Agent, in tvery part of Camatia, to wtredoce their -liew Fawnily Sewing machine. A- sàlary paid fri $ eite $13<I per.month, and al expeffe. Or a lrge Smmion. Ihis unarbine seils fer uniy $15, and i. reasU! vorth $3o.-à il wiacmdi e'ery deeription of'aewing, (ticejt btxt.ný hole3), frm tau overcoat down 10 tbe i. tb silks sud muslins. Every tn*Chiue wattS ted and keptinurepair fo4,tbree Jears. Sal s chines. with fou prinued directiOns, êdent ex- pressfie e any addr"es en receiipt ïI.ýi5n a ttgistem ltt4Ier. Sent free, 1pvate terms tu .A genUa. Apply bs linter; or ini Per900, le IL. T. BUSH à;Co IX) Undaw manufaet<Ier% 112 Bay Street, Toronlo, V('.Wî Htc4l OUifkf ini Great S&ian~ad cana", Londi4s ntg-. OU. la fer L4iiba' FOR SAlRk9E. 1 1 1