- a poé. î.ut mme.ty »d i a tbfflg b . , ehIê folios I poam' et4ad, thoce I lia e.4 ù And, atiý ýweSdwrui knowiag obt FOI Mote quitl b inte b *ý pe*, ,u.I Rag away et utba bt ueN ec"ju etat Iss fimiy làte tbé estIeI mokuug mu$~su ïn off.The. you'g Miau mw the ocas 10 lke -by- ithoed rod & WLlain, asti P*k.i duly àernbed. six Iinre cofle of i, the:-i '1ut th or a. fM.t out bis Mmae a pro>erty ki thuywu ailhb. cared 4IiUjfWIly. Iwol w eo p*lice.. toAo- etly m quIR17,ai anail morted s osd *disner ave. A g6ootibeef.-boune kil, koovert abuoýdanil and hao ic lewa "th lb. au. fayot' over eidones t OUDI muids seul 10 Churcit boi* mormon &ëd.thiâk oit n - Il; t **-&-daye our damînomelesgo gazu u t basiseighbomrm uew bonnet. ~whpaof i 001scesduaPe muü tbey ='t bell a word of tbe terk umlg oîn bch u 8 akg fier dear bati.thé"akof b ood Doctes>Bibby; douja,"- .ea-1ydoit kow t 1 iI* Rbis wlWm ýb*nnot ois uabbl., enaute uir an boron the lemn »dentinlthe. "rnilliiuei fi"..» Woder al dammela rein ilous #equ.ui lb. boume of -the blest, plie tIere tRa cme aU thbions, Id ew huboy "teîlow-,iuancrW" are drest. t us op a god tinela eowiiiI he sr" drmsd girls wmlil mot bt.,fioîud chbr*on <heir knoeg bu devoblon àMas notes of the w styles aioUnd. AttIYAL 09 GUNBOiAT.-Two of the gutu- aum ,oentsont aoutoby theBritisbgoyerau- e= uýplhlyub'andt he' Howme realia- lii uing lai nigbt, and.-carne »>an- or off fth@ oIîy. Tiis:n»riene o litho iem.nb was e u p in coonsequeece,. anda e dockWs wer f t dwilh groupé,of eatizéis rlons te get & aiu cf the iw.Rcomu visi- e. Tie 'lion' iadalheu flag up, ant .snted sa gay spp rceý.. During the ungi be 4'Choit" ,caîulê m-B ile' mad to. ca, prttOrY 10ol.aving efor àappui labos, an i as met aIt thé wharf a uadber 0f people, very tew ot wheru,. wYef-oiL more thaa hâtif a dàeai--were mittd te go aboard. --Thé i.fag shîp, rit«e p'met wîlh an êcilentiomewheri oui Corwall ~audWto be-oifr'b.id In towe up.TRi. 1 Cberub' iÀmmanded: Captaln u aatey ; Mr. -LAo e second ~ier Il>. cwe a 1101pouder*owtt ,40 undeJ iUistrggune. Thei Baron" je ; lurIyuiUpi,40-d is èomnmanded. by pli' Stephes.on ; secoondmaster, .Mr. jeun. Iley oaci have a couiplienit 01 Mon. ii. foutu vessaelie ifut te- tins antJHalifax. Theo Biirt' isas veý intotheii.arber saitJftly afier noon. asill th goo i.ways bore for repaîr. r wio onis Captaiti Ellington; e atd ,ùiter, Mr. Stens; mm ad the arma- mthe m e s tebfthe 1. ' Cltêrub' anti. 1eo.' The ' Chefub,? -aoc coéaIiegi will bsbly IsaveiWronôrW.. AIil ioo .vos- a are repreaumbte as, havi qgmade fait 1pleaisat PaomesÎOB ea m 1e ÂMlartic, no ocýWi.rtoSb.,water Li, aearing Iialifax.-Ki*US Daij# & Fatàu Tua Fovni.-Canadim- mioraliavo ben iu tRie babil 0f dJnlïng golyiikt 1. Lymnai, type fotndei, Buffi~- 1wo i hi#ay bas ecived à 1 pCio- ofibis bIe. 111Western anda. aregret toIe aiualhis mn b as- beem B of tbs - m etativOeofthtRe Yankee .y'- bisers cli i simn " ii isIcity' and >1.54 wiiRsiR moi.musasadthelbnova ofte » RIW g 4h, vieR w* e porbti 10 be vere t Cuadiu arum. Nov ve tbusk a a dty tUthe RioCanaia raft ow te àndisR a. t ibir ce. ;â kmorne ntlydeali fture ; for the Yan- tlaiti5sap9 the llfaloube ofite cfCanada, ual of Euzrpi F. H. une arrim 18-1 ebni ta pc flouai AMI us lb. ares voue;a Hi eary imesoftlà ms (a.naese wish -leit.m 1 . "e <An ! Of SXVEN z 1>0,81 Oùe don 12 vohimesaf' 51p555 baliSa 2 volu tbem TRie ail th. ames bd 1 , ie tii faci inezt-, alsubàci sauce, othervim gedtid ai rictl will -do wè eli1 DIAN Pot bai Ihe.Couilty th"a United; ; hle il fatt .umoful TUE Pu étyle and ti ailê n 'W pritini Sl"en rqie foDr the vaious andi fur alilcha C. BL UNTIL. Furtier 'j 0IlYNTON'S lauul mornlnig, ai in limie tu connect i and. Beai.erton. Ri on te arrivai erthi Through. Ticketsf awa ......... Return Tickets....- -:Way Pa K:-Passeagers fi te th. Cars ai Gelg .The Proprietors Parcels or Ba*guge Comfrtable Couvei 1Lie4siy, 3v the ii Invested'FI Dàuaincal". T4 ic VrePreul other.om thel Sterling. Sigeurances onit stfe thd aIll A -AR. LioIs Ne,4 lie-siteof two-fiftu ç 1Lots 20 I arer ~ Wicb BIaek SII&1t4>u Beautiful Ssmw r iha' fi mon,,ta& Ma, 2U17vMlçt it7Iâ br. bo4m vans.bites 1~M4#~ls, libbns and '1ôe# --ABroadeloths. and. 'T* ds A Case. of the- grcetul EMPRE SS. TRAI1L SKI-RTS, an10nobe o 0<those 71d. prints. Alvety* ceep or. Cash at , ~ ~ ..w is* . Jo LnaaIîYJn 86 (-)Kee n"% sBlock. ~frW E1- .~7J4.UL U~O , THIE EDIMBURCH. gh T#m . -LIFE. ASSIRÂNC-VU0UM9Y, ,=_ý* «1î, 8 sS. h» *é,d «BEAU OFFICE, 23 GEORGE STEMYZ EDInmUQ,: S> ~ktur.. Thupar utjEEvaton ~the lo1L M4EAD OFFICE MN ANADA, :ELLINGTONr; TRNO U. elitaeus,-=m ar o iuTHE EDINBURGH LIFE. ASSURANCE COMPANY ~ usabi. us W handi Wý lor ariag ad ~wrrwîd-t,, P~I ~~ ~~'~<1;eorlb.AdqfParliament pasmed this lut session; am empowered 10 issue tb app1icants, huai aD Mta"be GO&DFor tbt> sole benefit of their WiNas and Ghltdren, Bach Polciies are altogether frue from n ap craim on thlir c rdtorsan if cuable.pers"'s te provide with certainty afier their -deatili fur Wu. W2ehP ~ E S lbe01% the tenanse cf thear 1'amies.- = f«u,% p ofor The lb. forgowLng Assurance Company arm liar d1 fe nse aclties fur this de- 4011 Sii1it0 L0082.W0W peri , Treof. proposai, and ever* information respeting-Lifb Assurance maY be bâti at any of OmaU monily 2 »UAil78 thé ooepaûy's Ollices in Cana la'. S Lt 13, inad usouelo, Surnerville, J. HILLTARD CAMERLOX Clairinan. DAVID IIIG.GI$S, Se.cretary bon-Md Vkiaips o M4 lb h do do r, dS%14« 10h do do CAMERON &.ORDE, So0icîtoni,&C., W an.Agents at Lindsay- WOM $5.5D- Or bu vhliIm thelmmefor 64oryea1rm, ($) fuwrd g pm cIIondii * a cres ma edearod upoa ______________________________ b=» uf0 0" ot y.ady, baupal4', a"d elattite labour bu Sooi.t 2 Svol-.-A ired pries, rnay <b. aged on, as which L id a v ru uv e, )e agazin.> h.Tenat ypurchaseaa aiy ti Fe duringre ou .e Io bolsi 50 piclru.. UnLse m 0 C v a it * 04M - Iâ R ab n ond B i l P . O , O . W .D : -V ~ 'EKE OTIE.,-o- NVOUSUIJ ?C 94»aM Ujper CbsiaStmer. The subseriber offers te the. publie cf Victoria County the la.rgest assortiment of Parloaîr, Dinîng anh id fle Rooa F-urniture,. m -variotie styles, ever brocgb& jut"% Lindsay. Particular attention- L4Àw~is invitiedto his SWALNÙT SOFAS UN IJAIR CLOTIli CANE BOTTOM CUIIR, Wad Mwi. Hk. - " S-BARDS kDining Tables, jROC KING i Lwié, M IE OP. ANTY «RWHI ÂTYOT.9, WASII STANDS, 18îow aigdly trips between tbis Purt « BIALTS SF.4, COTTAGE- & COMM9N IDTA) « bfortem lot P*CUId th*.ulo ot ff&mcif fer Freighit Pàý.itIOR. INNO k KITCHEN CUIAIRS, DRESSINQ TABLES, &c. 4c. or Passage, will.uiudy Iheir owmit stermst b fnld,"~" ie - le mep .0applyiug t10 the 8ubscri ber, »eronIl y 'h Irs a-de<fuul atedeb. 0: C aU iz. eptc. atistock. ho lot f Septm Str t, iipositeq 4buràebssSoRotel. mg be pa. M a- tMt QpoàéjAeb mo., GAJAIeDCb~~ DJOINING TRE ENGLISIl CHURCH, KENXT STRtEET. )ois it. br-s.JA E M Agent. ISER PoartL CmA 1'n"'pJEy 1.866.. ]IL HOLTORF. r circulation 'MItE a r ivu lo"l ppFA a irculation uuo Efi EOIl SANLE: FU RNI TURE! à tRia Job Pcia* u ibrl ora a thi, office i n à T m blqsaulle mI u- -<>--- 11E Sttlhsriler would respectfully intimate to the people of Lindayp and lte, County of Vie iudis lendeml 1 for The. 8ouf1 1 atUtLt 22 ilu te ghtbeC0fn-LToWria, that lie ba3 on band, at bis Ware-Rouoms, on William Street, Lindsaye a large and ig -and Advetising cession of lte well-maorted Stock of Furniture, consisting of wikhin theCouuit)e, 1 1 . L ~ lARLI.AN)DNIGROM(AI R ;WLI SOFAS, 1IN ýct, .coiiiderably. in the IIRC Tb A GREAT VAIRIEFY, 0F CANE AND WOOD- T IOBINSON, -COUNTY OF ONTAnRLO, SEAT fCHIAMfS;-OFFICEAMC1AI;CIILDREN'S Yroprieter. ,-111.COMTaiiUG LLIG.II. A1- LOW CAR;I>NN-OMl CENTfRE -,AND- KITCHEN TABLES; SIDEBOARDS;. flEiU-. Orie Hudred Ares! UAU*S.A«NDCHI14FONAIRIES; OF,' O AG oA ou e uss. AND- COIMMON BEI:SÉEAD-' T'1EAPOYS and ~~TAT!A Koitn a iL "KLLO FAM." W1ITNOTS; CUeIPB IDS, LOU-NGEýÈs AD 'tRESSES, A.:Very valu&We propertv with good builings. . Togethoir wth à large variety of other articls o ueou emnin Apply te - COIÉ>FlNis AWA-î N TO. t 1ýy The IlîiiestI Puein Cabh, vili be pai4 for ail kinds of Couatry Produlce. I ElFE.J. CULLIS &-SON. ceuied by tibm Gem-ý ROET SP E Briainby 200900_eIMPORTER AD ELEUR-IN tapIe aid Faney DryGos ~'lildl dis of (for C.ass)at coslt the balance cff bi tck of F aeior C ot.; Steam- ______Mg*.isoaC cie 9L tof. ALE* LNTJeFUlÉE N TICE j~~~o iglýmastery style amiddescription. Sbawlsi Monles, LadiW 'Straw Bounets sidEHats, Get ~aud niTweed laIs RibWmas, Fktwers ad Feathers WILL BE SOLD ATA SACRIFlCR ~(~pjuN~iHiA N1 FIWSIL GROCEIUE ~ Matter. at anti~complebe aaoimo -*eocsy aliaj. os ant nisi a util adyance. ýoýLeaies Nôrbil> Bioreporta- *CI30)OIbte 1;Ti.Suisueri lftady d.aeua frt UISoi , a .15 «d Po trist 84 WI 0 B.gù <'.4Ser ig<LmFau.<k en Wheth a~ey,ê. *we 4 u smandi hope tbat tiiài uswIl give isýai eWy «Ucal vii. te s sfsoncom. ose. K' '»BERT SPIE Rt, - C.n~~~ql.ot andLiinay8reBLafy ~BIV4SP~,Twaak.y, pq~aa4 ~ »oadoe, k NIELoOK GO OlElllÂl k ORTSOICy.,Toddy aIPinWhiskies Obppv M al, Ad- vele inl bfoi. aid I-V XX Porterand Ai. botthe, for sap ou >NkKILOX Wholeabe aid Pletail ai Country -KIerchants and' other,. IIAV 1KG occasion to 4"sort up," wilIl ind a large sand varied a" o f tGroceries and Liquors frein which, tbey vani select- tu advaîu-- lugeait * DOBSON k NMILOVK. New Frilit,&c TAYERI, Miscatel, and Sultana Riis j jNew Crop iJurrants, Almonds, Filbert;and( Brazil nuts, Ancbovy Paste, EnglishPicklec, Sa uces; &c., for sale by DQBSOKN iBLiocK. Imported Liq'aors. (\LD Bra.ndies of best brands, vii:z Martelsf ,X ue Robin & C., UJnited VineyardPro-. pýric-ors, le 3Martin'a Sherries, Graham's Port, (for niedicinal purposes) Du Yupre's lHollatnd Gin, Jatnaica Rum, Irish and Scotch Whiskie, London and Dublin, Porter, English Ales, &c, for sale by DOBSOei k KIBLOCK. SIGIN 0F THE. PADLOCK. PARTIES BUILDING, Wanting Nails, ýGlass, Putty, Locks, Ringeqi Paints, Oils, or anything ln the -Hardware line, go tu T. FOLEY &Co.'â: IlardwareStoDre, Kent,*Street, Whocanniot b. ,Undersold. CARRIAGE- MA KERS AND Puv yomr Ba, and and hloops,- Iron, Steel, $S.riiigý, F ami GC.l'rse Nails, Farriers' Kijives, BOUtS, l'itice re, Skuin l3txcÈ. and Axle, or any. tliing in -your Iine, st T. F<>LY &kVo.s Ilhrdwdre iStore,Ket5-* $ign of the Big Padl1ck. SPOIITING MENý Requiirig Fishing Tac'kle% Net Twîne, Spoo Baits, Powder, Sb2ht, Eley's Pofl-Iined and W terprof Caps, Gun W&t1a, OR ANY. OTHIER MAN Wanlting aniytliing el-se in the Hardware lime, Clâcap for Cash, cail at T. FOLEY k Co.%, »Kenau's Blotk, Kent Strecet Agents for the. Trenton. Paper Linidsay, 4tha Mayp 1,866. 341,tf - .FARMEBRS If you .want choap SiMaes, Sovis Pek , o Scýytbes, Snaths, Furks, Bakes, Ar, go te the Siga. ol thé. Big Padiock. AT 8È PEU CENT. Solicitors, Liudsay. Lindsay, Jau 221, 1864 4i Avents Wanted* i5 iab rHEGranite State SewigMchn*e T wish te employ a_ good Agent, un every part et Canada, tô introduce their New FamilY Scwing Machint. A adary PM&l froua $50 tO $Ï50 per menti, and ail expes or a large commission.Thsm hieel.fo ly$, :and l9 really .werth $50; il wilI accouiplish evéry description ot sewing, (except bull"" botes), from', anuovercmt downtte lb.flueSt si Imd mugtin&s. Every machins' varrafltrd tand kept Ie repair for tbree yea fa. Single ma« chines, wîit fUI printed, directiont, sent ex-, Prêss tree te amy addrestou reciipt of$15uin a regiabl!ed letter. ,Sent free, private, teros taI Agents. Apply by elier, or ln Pern, te R.ý T. BUSH & O00,Canada au tm4 112 Bay Street, Toronto, C.I-O fie la G reai Jriaift aid canadai, London, ub Gisaglpw, XuuaIRM el too'. 14 b 1: t