7 ý777 ei ..... ai m enfile, am "un, U"I. le Wb» more #hcus 0 mes. O»dite 8 canto ; oaçli subilequent Insertion, 2,eents. are nitaxiite(lby seule of .-Ilid ivi. aloi chargoli &cýnllitgly. -Ilt 'Vitholitvrifticu itwtriietilis n'Il il v.,il for full tiens. I.ttit ruiIt, the 1-iiilislit-r wiii léot lie re. Es P. IIARR, Vol. XV. Whole Number 7513 LTN£IIn-IZIAY, ONT, FRIDAY, JANT-TARY 30,1874 Ter our what daylight, the disillusigner, #tut% lut Sturm. esâty. ai Wè k»w Ni% sSd. thât nid Whiter should couic, pmentsla A.NI ýlqK 111l'EN Rovbg awhüo imm hie Lapinait home My SIeep= = n as soundz,,Pmii toi CONWAY BOUSE, 3e utfu tel MU. B. BENNETT ROBERTS, nýý RAILWAY Oir CANA- Gn THE mils nuit should leur the Sound ble and when 1 rose it wu ll.ýN!àl; Office In the Lindnay. B. Conway, Proprietor. mil 0 L saist si. Andrewlâ Church') from Ilhe doigt on the suppery 6round. %nmnonthodrettlat and avery accommodation. JROYAM ADây OP Music. LONVUlq, £Na. morUing-not a eond in all the SILY- for Commercial TravI 74#3.1y. Rutou,;cn- MoDo" '* blockl taver Mr. XoU% CROWN DRY [ M ATER. For lits wide and SUttering elosk of saow and the gun Joukiug no if be meant te ný W Agrieultural Warehouse. un. pub"w la visody te Prolicons the à" ùf life belote; el. \V. OEO. DUN8FORD"S LA Aissrs HO= 4 taille concert ongialgements ne acSmp»W or 0" Renault bis mantle an nuit red and bon give it tâtent hot and strong in the Long M w'd chmilicery office, laver C. Brittonle 19011111 *the 27th Ootob«. 1873. The rente of the ilowerà, tbougum 01 the corit. Valley ; but notwîthotaiidirig sound L Peterhoro', Ontario. J. Turver, Propriétor; plaidait, for the winter mmu. IL Ille 8 wl GOINS No New The WbWing tone of bis para atreng brestit alainbers and the cheering influence of -ITEITCH»s HOM theCROW . Pldtse, purging the vapeurs of peàtileut death. à bright Sul D0101III y Colline? of Kent and Q isage trente, Tind. courant. M lor.de P 1. lle millier mornù)g, I felt no 'It, Barrister, At- I love him, 1 sly, and avow it al-ain. K uflicu, ron 6: COLD M BRUI sinall sinkint, of the spirit as 1 began el] saý, Ont, Edward Vaiteh Piéprletor. New 11.u Il For Oeil% toritalom, and nikht show weil in hili train . El 1 liu8le a new furniture. ho travelling coin. PARMERIS COMPJLNY OrAimu 12.M pl m. 8,06 cm lie nuit kinftot tu speculate un whit.the uext few huître wfil flint every ammmodation. The bar A 1:40 8:46 But the màed-the pour; 1 know they were te. brI forth. dt with the beqt Witten, liquors and clam 2:00 or at««, Wlth crouchlug limbé, train the bitint; gar Ok7-orod Il ***, Fortu 1 1 long permit- Lirwo ohuds antl-irood staiblinir. 746-17 ?"MM, tueur@ Yeu proparly la lm 2:18 They plus and mm by the firelesti hearth, natte y waà nihoughts ; fur and thoroughty heatùW etabl air la the ahop 45 weep and lisse on the trod-buuad e:wth., ted te indulge in &un## Agricultural lasuran-ce 00 wood"'uO 2- Il or remis it in nuit lu fillîtren te, twrty EXI)SAY FIOTEL, Buverten 8:15 'l , soon began toi ew in upon me of Kent and 31ill Street, Linday, à Stock Compsmý entirelly devotfA toyourtut««M. OMS 4:80 - Il I minutes, m IY thmuan Stand nobl3 forth. the lind, very 'Iliii paren and ý Mizol. the beansil Md ôon With kindky bean = 111leuus baud! that streain of visilloirs which an imi- te ristor oui. - Illitel liail hccn ra-opened with entiraly, Insumnothing. ut parra Pm Deb»W GOING SOUTH. Hall. thro tin lt hoMed, and cul, Remember, 'th now their Ileulon of nard, new ttriiiitife, and t-vIýrv atteiitil-n pald te the Ratatinasse. Charleroi and budamin "S about two-third"s soit of t - il And a prayer fur help lâ a cail yen muat heed pendiug Morve inevitably draws fr 1*1,-,icý;tloxwl;it-%.Iifjli.'4 and illits. or" i2TU&.U an 0 il, ut 0 0 upon the devoted captain. The et Ilwtara, l: : miz. ixullI-jàt staillind. Charles Mallette Pro- C.4 ""P",::,.: Il os P; es, The or owutm-tiun te li A few.of the bImb4m a tithe of thy Sold, CASIELASSErs, - - 8 woodTme 2:45 n d-Ig t mil te Will save the young and cherisit the old adintant, with sheaves of documents, Ir. Ungt« a report shows ov« 1100,000 00 " -Gakwand 3:00 O" edr. dte a Me a gloriette tamit tu tvork such gémod-' III Iriliiy-at-: FIOU lit air reiurils and instructions (f*r 1 w» tg SE, Cohoconk, Jno. pozted as oq»cW prt toction te, Cuumbu Podey- 3:20 Au the prise of Wood la âbqrmming I W IL the Du it, you grut unes t-Ye eau, and ye ellould. be in commaud of the whole detach- Th. bI mines, halliers. Ma Il 11-00 a. m. limite t4mtimon" wanwy morAmend -1 Illui-1. Gnd -tablinst il ]Sud Mm for the Domtulon of C»adl6-Xhlq> 4:30 11:40 .1i'.1,orwu during the combor cold. weather: they Et la net worthy te hold train i! ven Mont) ; the paymaater with bis budget car. foi rite p,étr-biiac of the travelling son, ont. J. C. COUPER. PrO«idmt Millbrook aille 12M P...'D- an obesp convertit with *e but aad confort they n with at 1 Imidi.. la&.,c utissoN.Boorelary. 2:10 Rive. Who will not add tu the portion that'. seut of worrieil ; the quartermanter At- We vrould refer yeu te ille following gentlemen tu the pbmhing bouts ut cold sud want. hie ; my with a hsindred 01 ilzlIl.%[()NII, llol sE, William Street, mail. Mimed. :.I lit te the ruponsibilitv of the Company:- PRIGE-SIX DONT, TER a TWELVE MURS, m-)te& aud querim ny payfflrgeant, c( sIr', 1 1 T)I.ý'nias F = U " required. Puent app-W fur. Oh! listen la mercy ye sous of wealtb, t. 'clilliay ont, nuliýh, Proprietar; D. a, Em., Cachier Ont. Suit, Bowmmville. B"na in comturt Zàîd glowinii with bealth iil . m. 4:00 p.m. te with many subtle questions of finance 1 oiv ituv iiiriittire. flrt-elam accumula. wil. Kent, Esq., "îor of Cobourg. 1 0 .. only by the Subscriber, et the Star uý aloi anattelitiv lion Dtb= d 12.30 P;IIL à Fe lier. 6:3 Give what ye tua quitte, sud bu )-allure depýirina tradesmeWfrom the towne Y. C. L. Bâtas, En., L nduY. Peterborcil 1.55 :10 and Tin Shop. and Cent 011 lierait, William Street, HO merfeth hlib Matiter who aidait the louer. 'W on behalf of du- W. J. TinaKsLL, raq.. Lindsay. Lindsay. pr.Lyin.,, for liquidatio Wu T. non, Cobourg. Agent for the Lakedold arrive... 2:35 7:06 B. MCFEELY. - ivettes, i m- 01 courition of Prince Edward, Hastings, GOING SOUTH. iixèd. CVD qluj[Tls 8 faullting privates ; insolent pr fient Street, (f,;rtilrrlv karma as Veltch's). Northumberland, Durham, Ontidio 'a, the underalped, art usinq IL UeF«Ieyli DOUBLIES à ploring advenons ; the Bible V 1: 1: 1 ý'1: il l'ri 1 1: À lit LititisIt)-. one dollar par dey. Lakofield il m pm. a. M. Cold Air gester, the CBOWN DEUX, and cannot A COMIEDy Op E 0 Il Petorborol and Victoria. Ptt,,rb,»- «Port 6:1 11:00 §av tes much In lis faveur, ad It dose ait that lit in ER ._ p ET V. Ilitily fur ail points. Attentive à .. as A 9ý)ltiiert-wife, Il married witheu 1 ave h-11, rz. L. M. CATHZP,, Milibrook :55 11:55 adverdud for: P. 8. Mut', Solicitor, dames Il therèfore ù, red by a ternal Crov- A Agent Linduy »Il Op@ 1 mn;jy, Mer- 0 meilisager fuMied of dronkenusl P. M. Xfflinwellinston natal; John Kt Strune thY breth, thy limaitoi faltren ay, le mont, Kent Street; John Magnire, Utinen And OU bewroiedt aile lis I,. .nt, and left te fi unty ut a I.IOMI., IIOTEL Offtes, on Melbourne 8trest, tIurdýatr«1, a.eath of Cox»Sioice.-At Port sa Millier, Wllll- Strqu- la patriarchal captain, and i evitably ro- 4 Ne, t Pillir to J. >(ýlilshoims store, la unie, the Petit OIRQs wl ki ClIveins ix BéIre, --tu - ymome. traitait, IvA @nid West, m and se oll,,M Tby miu4 le 1 pu bIL her ilaillic potrlmage solicited. -Ilbbý . StOIL Lis.. .$il. àleg 4er ou A. - ThIr foin il a _: t-iiIlomi yard. Woodville. Agent ter M& mpm»,2p q= -h. -vl t mieux lie the present quartiers, and a shnilar sum Y.,cmneeti' Ther drorkeiieffl re4ileth in ally rot J. *dçceli'Vlly. propffiutor. Eldon and Mars. York> Contrat PAilroftd. At, Idudati, toi N 1âer L'à ne cuussli filà withoutell 'lulita.. te convey lier to the scone of ueý,v de- 0 . t - for a fow i*cýpuctititu lx-arde- LIVERPOOL AND LONDON Vanderbilt and otb- -CUAI:cEft; cleuticebary Tillei. nictions m tien Company for Formation ?&Il& and Sobetygeon. CHAPTER X. predations ; my groviiii for insti to d Il t -I. 1,M ARKET HOTEL, T EAND GLOBE INSURANCIE COMPAI At Woodville with the Toronto and Sipiminc Ban JAM'Irs CONNOLLI, abolit Crosâtree; Jew huckters, Kent -trect, Lindsay, John Irvine, propri. way. àt UlUbmk, villa trains for ?««bore' (CoNtinued from 16th Jaeè.) 1 know if 1 was inclined tu relieve My ai te travellers; the table _À%_MD ]L]M M . and Toakeffold. Trains rua by Port sope time aud ýnriiqlpii,-.l with the but. GoW roM .Btgk- which lm Tirenty lifinutes elower tban the G;;J la relanulng thanks te bis My mind was no sooner relieved ais baggage by parting, with a few articles t] Trunk me. cuttomuwe and the Public esa soidiera about te be dis 'y THE LARGEST FIRE INSURANCE tg the pecunfary bar tu my wiis of dr ADOLPH HUGEL, «.G.TAYLOR for t 0 ilberai lien, thau 1.)O.NIINF()N IIOTEL, William St., COMPANY IN THE WORLD. Preddent Sont. of ýMIn*. extend te hint back came charged, to look out for a character. It 2 C. L. 1;iikýer'.storv. Ilui in, -Flur $tauons. 71 Tien Oâ MY Carking doubte as te 1 rien good hours' work toi dispose q thnh' Lady Roiie's real disposition te me. took set 1-rl-1,ri,,!.Ii-. and limms. iY.,tT.l Aýp.'ts.Iaýd 1ýnd no 1 ci, oonsiderably ýýt li-icig, ait-1 ilit atrciitivu hI-ýtlcr. Partiels for- 000,So km" ý on u riental, Sure m one end of the beain flies heaven- of all this ; and it was Inventait in £40ada M'elle a vomit se. past union, and the utusic of t, e return- Il., leily.qieintý, war; ti Iiý ýt i,,u ilir wirth aloi welt. -.04-ly . m «leus h w 11 1',1) N, ....... Yearly Incluse, ove? mortmomat ward, so'surely in the other corrèspoud. Daily Income laine ingly depresseil ; and 1 was ready, elf. division wu@ already audible, when U71-AtEC & OTTAWA 11, 1 foiitid nivself putting Cronstree's head F,.itul,)ti Falls, John Swanton, proprictor. GROCIE:' S AND Boots Shoes tovturing, te explain away on the ,est for the la;t time, in the direction of' fur.travi-Iler tut tablé Company. r dismal. hypotheses, ail t.je symptonts bi',k (:,.ttttgo l.v't liqllois always in turc. Gooll l'tallit and la F 7u4-ly The «Moment 01 Ion PMmpt and UboM. my faveur whieh lier manner had be- a The rancunes, and standing of thisompany afwd Thé undeneed are offeriali a irvbcbu 1 ove a a und and made te ER, au or te mything et prenant or si In -W 1 Wili 1 att a lowest rat«. à trayed. A& fer ý that lest scene in the As 1 bail no time fur reflection an r thom Installait In It perfect Soeultr @Plut IOBL le IMM»a in lowguon lit Surmulot. in &U 0 ïÀM CONNOLLY, prden, froin whieh I lied (Ierived no the morning, se I rbsolved te lZiVe My- t 0 bl!tlýSroorktailsollotanken la 0 or self none iiow, and poor Crosstree THE LIPE DEPARTMM T alorte. NoUdr« like it In Culotte, et double the Kent-et. Lindsay. muck hope-what wu that 1 what was 1 Oak- Nu basse Introducied turc, Camul% and r price. 714 G. GORDON à CO..Xontr«l.g it but the tiniahing acene in lier little ' suffered for the philosophie resolution, voterillary Surgeon. &ttutluwinb@pgddtoth,@Wmeh of . b WARD GROCERY. AND BROU FOR THE drama, upon -hich the drop-In the liaving to p3rform the joturney et a puce Il ll.eli'.11.ýtýlt)ýýwi.eyýillti. I rer portiochas Md to cou% FiAsT shape of tl- et old 1 airri BOOLTWBON. 'dan Mrs. Badger that vexed even hh willing spirit. The m. CA'FHERVeterinary$tlrgeOni %0 P. -prematurnly fell 1 01, tic take another familiar objecte of the way,,at which 191 J. (;r*ýtIltiate III th- -licol Agent for Lindeatr CO. Victoria. (oppodte lue-QU-,* soleil.) hie apeed was wont to be relazed-the Av rIrIiit-I. - _ te bis umav Monde and ouaemm for D . C A D O T T E . metaphor, allie had been playing lier il, similk VWtoria AýrlcidtliraI .0, CORRECTION. sCId &Umm« and falls Imminent, the Submiber lie iiieulorable hill, the oracular hedgerow, oille la lettre reqmtWly te Morin hi. nullement salmon, had hini wrig«,Iing il, the shal- r Strell, firt,.itréet south of Keni. ]formes A embrace this opportuaity et adverddng hie »adu and cantonniers that bu han saint te lown, the gl Mýillg Il gaff', was in the the ove flint bail witnessed my (loess. At Stock èged bar m adverI 1, new sed complete auck of S.Illit gant for Livie ' lit being faluly sIl hi@ business ring and earliegt demonstrations--these were SI .4,;-ly Tue' Il PO&T," that the Isoisted Blok Inaction . airand the coup de gýace-captn passfIt il it was nut Company 1 ""B A IL-,%.IRG:E STO CK slaying ut the saine momtat-woti 1 ilidifferently ; an aucaria were i récelved In 1872 mutilerai theunand doll C R O C E R IE 8 9 till Pan, Syrinx and'the Ar alors premium than op have fallen, but that lier felonious ha, ILI b-liiitl nie, and the hall-door of the Comptaient lu part of had bleuit arrested by the arrival o a roinovu'l to in B oots & S h oes, llr'ý. itage 9 tliat 1 8 ruer Ili Re'. NI r. Sý i if. THE AGRICULTURAL GREEN, BLÀCK & JAPAN «rEA-, Witnens. . topped the way, oitilIIýit(ý Separate Sollool bought In the Montreal market, whieh lie now drew iny rein. 0 Iý,l 1 Iý an But 1 won't moralise Norlh lide, lýIiseI iphatie emtmcuc. The finest effets et a about Care- 1 ,riv; canscinneï of Much excitemeut 3 wliIý-,, lie We gieli the ivâtement amont en tinu. in prnof we quinte front the stistemenla made tire have enough of lier in real life-âo of ilvinner ris my stereotýpel initier catit ily the offlSrs of the respective coin- SMOKING AND OHIXING TOBACCOSI SMALL ADVANCE 01 THE COST. et me not diâûiotint lier front the crup- q -ýtlrï. poules: SIUPPRIOR AXIBER AND GOLDEN SYRUPS, per, or disembark 'her frurn the trirenie, she ut hoige, and 1 Weill; .111) tu tl'w RAISINS, etiaRel.XT4 AXD FIGS, LOB- Iloping thst by strict situation to'busmess, tu ul1her lier illtO these pages ; and let G Prem. recciveil STEU, SA )INES, CA"FD With lis bif)-f . in 1872. Artiste. FRUIT, &0., te. me it te chroniole hom-, am I travelleil -ýi ralzious heavenn' Captain Bruce lis Ir'if" Scifflami. ô-10-1 Aurieuiltural Insistai $111111,161 Smell Protte end Quick Retume, cm ffedlile h 59,121 83,Fi.' Ail à tre.h arrivai and of excellent crUty. Te campwards thatn;«,Iit, elle guet a e cried what a disappoultaient lie sold very CHEAP FUR CAM OR RODUCE. te merit a ohm of publie parrainage. iitietta tieute," and content myself by 1 your t at the Revii. FARmFfts WILL NOTE the follotiving ýoiûtà: À tes, more Chaste of thist favourité Japon, Tm M. AT THE OLD STAND.- saying that, writhing under the tortures 1 11 No, Mrs. Badger, Uni not, and l' t bttgointrvmi" ityouhavtuotgivenit&Utd MS3nik lm *32M 33mqa= gc>ln. &ho infficted, I wriggled myseli iuto a 1 sorrv youlre sorry l'm f do net delay. We Mm et succolui, lai, fair distillai( i net." 111141 CAXAMAN 14AXD AND 1. THE AGRICULTURAL charges ouly 76 cI and civility, and we have net lieu dimppoinua desperate but calming resolution. III-Yait did'at see thern, then?" VrioN COMPANY offur for male un par #Ion fora three vear nid poilait, end giton thusfar BOOTS AND SHOES. more favourable lîtulicY ultra MAIY stock CO- 743. T. A. MIDDLITON. Thât I ehould postpoiie my declara- Wlio I" 01'ýýti.letiIel1t, - tien until Burridgels affair was cleared Why, the girls and Badger, and the 2. TITF AGRICULTURAL payq "P wu apparently the ludicrous pcýÀ- Mellvilles and Morrises-theive ail (J -É - FAmILY GROcERIms- EPIRÀIM DOWNING rzýLEZN1 IIIOTS killd il the fields by lightiting. The liai - 1 - ad Risk Dons SOI. Fur bMains In tiun in whillh 1 sto0d ait present-a g, iii over tu the catill) to $eu file lâclil- Begs to antiotince te the inhabitants of làiàdmy and Striking instance of the nonsense a ci:ý.y, and they linp,ýd tu pick vju tip af- il lghborhood that lie bu juât commeucomi bail- DYSAIT AND ADJUININC TOWNSHIPS ilitig to, iiiake a dayla Ar Fii,,%l ýt ri, t-' VEK AVI.N. 3. TEIZ AGRICULTURAL polit, ne" -y dolines "Ordi- FAMILY CROGERIES, CROCK timid and incollerent lover cau brim, ter it, for thevîe Il contents." Thel#olatedRixkdoebnot. SH O himself te tRlk for the purpoâe of ap- : asure (le -Iiic tell illiles l', wil;ii-.11 III gond roade already con- - thus leaviuw recul for dispute as to whati B O O T S & E S proaching hie object undercov-cr. Ytcà; 1 ul thQ Other Bide (if Aldershot, 1 believe. pi tho lat vear couiploteil a ratait 1 FIROVISIONS, eto., Ar Harvilurt articleâ are ilimured In the avant et a tire. strictly analysed, it etcod thus, that iiiy l'in 8iirt, flit-vil' he Very SOrrV tu haVe M IIý t t if rxee lent har(lwotxi GO ta no. 1, KNOWLSOI-8 BLOOK, WILLIAM ST.. matrimonial hopes were fi) depeud upon iiiis,3ed y(,tt-.tlicv're autilly in want of Vttllll--tit, in llarcourt 4. The Isolueil Rillk doelè net awm ta pay il* 110illurton. The Il j.,.qe*,,ATo*;cis.'- ItremervesOOdaym. &a ()EO]RG]P, EM TVnff ts STOIM Two docris south f Fred. 3. Jun«'Grocery. The the detection u m ral gentlemen. too," dir', t 'h'voillity town ni Peter. lu puller. subscriber bavisim t. thorough practical knowledge L i btt il. -i-%ý t!i t rit thill venir tititic-.r instruite. GOUBLET BLOCK, WILLIAM ST., LINDSAY* of the biisineu la preparedi in exeeute ail orders il the part of Carlotta ! 1 bliislied 1 tared ateri-ly at Mra. ýap,11e1e0rily bliished-az %LI ed, att'd, could eny t1iv of Crown I.Inids. We rempectiully ask ni% en him promptiv and efliciently and et moderate 1 1 wioht was beiluiiilied, petriti i à1v'-aly 'lil avoc', front Toronto, The tindeMLned belge te thuk the poil of prices. Aime on binai a wlien 1 found mysalf ris a-ris with 7iheý notliiiig, till ( was recallud to tuyself by Liill'ay. and Li.dM.rf..r llilt .1 .,.ppqrt accordent il * the Large and Vaied Assortmeiit indecent absurdity of the i-ýleu. it wzis her question- Il- au-I tiir,,uýJi il pi-rtion (If the t 0 bal and tu amure thom th.,, le. hm -intiolerable; and flic rLs,)Jtition 1 caine 11our do voit conte tu be away front S P', f.,rlll.,Ilu rivil illuilici. Te M. retentirent a large and valuable stock of op toi wu this, thiit, emite qui oute, 1 ' the Levicw ?' - I 'i10-Id coati th. die tiii-morrow. It wa3 Becalise-because [Ive coule te, Say lit i i t 1 ý-I roadm.M. ckive rrheme ]P ointe CONYKC- BOÏN E MOTS & SHOES TIFOXII&MY, @tc., plant midnight wlien we reached the goucl-I)ye,." 1 f:iIý-trcd- aloiserffly. ...... TOW N LOTS FOR SALE Whichhevrillullontowtosme. Aulliarupect Which lie la determined ta sell ai the camp, but the. click of billiard-balle (ilooti-bye ! Who t'O ! wliy ý e, Iý Tir. tully solicitemi baiera Irolitu elliewbere. FERY LOIIVESI POSSIBLE PRICES WU ý I audible front the luit devoted I've c ne tri say good-byc tu her-- t FOR CASH. te that Atntl$eMeUt ; and front the wiii- that is tout ;.td - and all 1 ýHWhSt rîceluCuhpMdfor vou SI Mr. 1 der telegraffli A call respectfully solicited. doive of the luése anterolini lil'hts still the little 1 illeau the yultlig CAREFUL INVESTICATIO1111 E., DOWNING. 1 I'Go loi Town hailgrint m2LâL «VW M, 17 met. M done neatly 1 pruinptly. shone. Wishing Burridge od-nigli t " laCt:eg.?ý 738 1 repaired thither. It Nvas teuatited Calitaili Bruce, is there arlythiii-, 1 l'y il 1 "Y t 1 'il t" 't N ")'m'l 'tg And net lie lail swaY by migropeuntatioas. GEORGE MARTWICK. only by à Av -has aiiv- la Ili III olik, thelice hy Linduy, Avisent Ilth Iffl. 72"M 6 bet, arrity of etail, W 1 Yon 1-14, strange il.tiIi.iirt,.ii tumblers-the;elij;iiiI L)II;eitiiI-aridb'y t1iiii1g liantiened For CORNRIL à MAGUME. V I0TOR1Aý .1 X) 1), Jý,,.,. - that one inevilable as!eel) 1 rnI!iýà nivself with an effort. 1 liad Coull, air C. I; I.:. C.,illi rboroug yI Jtily Oth 1873. Agents. %lawil -aliv. ['L!tý il. onthesofa. Wantin,,tliislaitlozttitre, Ilardly notitýeld. what the zc IOLI lady sai'l ; t Al.l-',X. N IV iN. P. LS., TRAYED. -1 FIANCE (3 IR 0 C :E IR '5ý, S t a equ pnients of au anterouin IL liad ;)-en eugrosseil wit'il the thon, i; UI li', I All, A C. L. Ii,; K. 11aliburtuil, Ontario rIlHE PROVINCIAL INSU if, ( the amail heure would seeui to he in- alli 1 ù) see lie). -L COMPANY lu tO th 1 Huit, indeed; thon Nothing, ivroti,,, iiiy leur Mra. a va ho -gli why, li'sbed =ý imam =Soient, lie shotild ,:leep there, get, ol;lv l'ui tlie moist unfortunate of a L IQ U O R STO IRE ,' CM Joli. 17, 1814-7.50-8. moiua to fall under the, Diinili-a.ýi-v i»;ef.. ibiI-ti ÔrIr rirclers, have coine. l . ......... ........ -- ___ -1 - _- - - alie -p-er-f-o-r-m--a-ée -of i6elr agreemeni. Anv infô Architeot and ALL CLASSES OF POOPERTY ýAMILY GROCERLES relquired. lion lie had of the ci rmal Out. and qicelil- tien YOn-it Will be a et One tu-nlOrrOW.' cliaiiieally tir :ld Crosâtr -- bac W. l, , )i râlgued, on ýÎ the prelonnot. i1ràývn. * Fir.t.cla.. %York delle in At Current Rate-. Il la ail this in orders ?il t ) the C:111'àIr. Ï)ially, hou-t-ver, 0,.:ý L ., t i ,, -., i WINES AND LiquORS, PRFDERICK THOMPSON: Il AU Ofit.11 fn,!ý1 -11'l-cillus of uiv tliý)U.ïits rose i-ne T. ýIiniler. Brunswick. Mouvons -.49. i CORNEIL & MAGUIRIC Xoa "M "I Surely youlredreamingor chaffiný)" 1,1, allil tî1Iý,L %vill3. that as thu ý,ýTLLLlA.NI DUFFUS. SURANCE RENT FOR A TER-M OF 96%ýhy ahould 11 there's nothf i;ý leýý "i iif iiiv . ztftertl,)ý)ti . ýs 1 jourw-y vw; TFC'UEMPAANY STILL CHRISTMAS HOLIBAYS. Tyora".. wonderful in it, is there? And, b; ind allil as thu 11:11 zil. il Practical Architect. It Ho IjSE Jupiter 1 ý thinIf .'ve had our share re:ý ..Vý i, 1,-e w-211 1 plait.. spot-lfl,!at-intig. Esti. Among the gy-t bwifains bc lie hall "0 - TIIE TOLEDO of the mill; and now, I suppose," (re. to il ciire otliur iii'!%nâ tilýI.:19- 1 4 iletails of ail kintla of Illuildingts lK eeps the ]Lead il Ili.. xi--vad. a%., î- ................. si:oo Ili lits. Currantai for .......................... 8100 (liste Jeweu Bouge, Lindsay.) gretfully), I muet go to bed. iIit1_ýlit 1 %tý-erell a Ili%. ............ 81.00 1 ln life busincon. Every Information fqrnbsh.ýbd by al la now being thnroxighly repaind, papered and It was very trias, as he sai*dy there was str;,i-,iit f,,r the niess-htit, laungiligt 11r;V.811. Vlisais% go Loans nttv1tý1od to. contrai carefully b». goèd Tu ..... .... ...... 41.00 painteil throughout, with beils ta ail the principal nothing extraordiiiary in it, but if was about tlic tl(x)r )f which 1 fourd a sct>r,-. i àl,,d.rlt.. X.,ket And other goïdis lu proportion. 'l", ýt114!llo1111 jýh ýIr moins. The building consiste of 34 lied roomm, 4 auch a audden boit leeer.qejèe ent of niy There w. seule surprise 8t 'lLo,:ýtjoY,: CORNEIL di NAGUIRE. -ta Devait forget the CHINA T" ItOUS& clins; door W ors, 1 billiud room, with luge 4ining ry-in, ideu and plans and wished, «that 1 and soine laugliter as 1 tore up ait a 1 - ---- ----- - B GORE DISTRICT MUTUAL coller, Laundry toi Joliv Cannobale. kmitrbý. d= Vr= ýý.!M Word everythiog nellessary for a fini close hotel. Thin are could bardly take il; in lit firet. In the gtlllt"), alldlaterfYor('Ifti'n'chHeaollncia-t!heMpazacelk)- Noted for N EW nrder-book, however, which 1 found l Pa - Ywi re a e on ,utldldl»p. The Ho. in tâtuate 112 the s bc-un. We fend p7', ,, il, il ,l";,ý - of the town. lient moderato and none but a open on my table, there it ail watt in- ing of the luess ha W ILLIAM H. LIE, C almmannudapply. Addrensi eXo, ve THOli. KEENAN, rably in black- and white and if no mure in the halls where lire ha --it uil tho Il'. l'i lit, 110I.SK AND CARRTA174E Lindsay. farther confirmation were necessary, lit revelled." 14 1,0d wu thoroughly brought home by find. L don't want to est any ninrc ; I ing that Y ly BeM&nt bad already pack. walit soine One to lind uie a dog-cart f-. ijVe'tto1,ýt AND Ji-BW GWD9 0 ed up nearly everything, ;and specially for the ufteýt-tiooii. Il GRAINER, GLAMIER, AND PAPER Hz&') OMcz,-Gbl il, lskbLà ut ! A2 those articles indispensibly necessary 4'Yon will iiiiii it difficult tu get CORNEIL à SAGUME, BIROAT)IS till the lut moment. siècli a sain ail ilitennely 711. The subudber bop to thant thý pelqOe of Mmi. AID TAILDRINC MRE 1 wu distracted, however, filons fil. 1 venile ensigu with very tight legs, very a flin apprenticethip et My huit. :rdiOrthe liberg patronal coumm on = 1ýh . lie a ain prupareti to exenute ait ordon &0 saura thom ho wili spisa no Sissi titre woe and present disconifort by one i hý" 9'l'a, and a fLleu of tl' vere t lient le. and jrýiinptlv. couttsumu et *0 amie. &IlenLmming cousideration, and that Allof ils--j ille;tyl, ail ltt% groist for Ontario Fumer miltual lus. Co. wu, t boing limited te one dey foriay i the fellows who really know anythin., To lit a àtqr ILESID19NUIE, North William etrint WhIlIbY, 25 Omis POT 100, land. siblo for thé Citizeml LimIllay. Lus lus, Co.. montr«l Operations, I simply faut carry out or take an interest in their cattie, are , PLOW 722-1 UIT M ACHINE. Alm lancer of làtaly formed reacIltition, and liter- giviniz tilleul. an off-day, to-day. The P TEIT WROUGHT BrEAM noving 0 -1 Md o» of the best bémit au, MA RIRIAGE IL.ICRNN». ffy &III. the moFi-otr bring. the momen. horses are going up to-morrow, yen. allions mode the mb@Mber la »w ouvilut ola the know ; Il and he spoke with ais much Marlico.5 aod »addttry. mmulorture ci t tous question of My love tô an issue. pomp as if lie wag aurtouticing a change With a brouiller margin there would THE of ministry. SU PER 10 PI GANG PLOWS have bilan room for palme or procras- JOI-IN BER«&Ob"jL' AROMATC WINCOW SUPNRT fination; now there Thesi you won't lend me yours, 1 ivitli Ill vailt 11M fibund iilràilvf4llerg. ta M sity, mother of invention, only certain suppose 1 a au orme@ VM lie sailli; le amumdb»uM dovlStwmuWning*in&m D H N S YO N 1 9 no this et sny duired hdgb% witisout ths uns et sortis, f action ! It seeins tu me that "Oh! really now, 1 couldn't. Ild or or Kawro ioved to Mr. Cnxloinew brick bintik, lippe. NEBLANUS& 19AY !repidl*ormo be glad tu oblige3 but it'a a priiiciple ..te Ilix old gtand. on the West aide of William-nt. in t out 'a not get heu enouglLof credit Iijl(f ýjjjj 1 The StitwMb(,?, thankful for puttavorg accorde. il il La filt AND VAM B for another of her attributes, and that 1 lva always stuck to---always rut your 'aili Dvrrim. LISMIF. a bythohm4toixthe ow lilin stalle coin elleinit business, bop Sa Inglia"e TUTE rXTRACTED PWITIVUT or or te la ;oêla lie te in, m. a tranquilliser of the mind. This cattle bef,,re travelling." froni A«ri- in AMBTEM by amb« or new swut tion 0 t 6 mevi calmed Now, six monthis before da euinial il. tibe vountico of to hi& -iumeroila frionds thon in hie mort eonavdi. contein bte, 1 'the V,,rk, nus -tore bc will ho botter enableil to es iliereu. WIT13OUT PM lac. 1 Doctor Il nt Rugby had, no doubt, fre- en teinte me erfully; and rellecting on the ail satisfaction. Especiedi3ý J. S. wishos to oeil sa., 01P Fal.m ily Grocerien totuo"4bhtittbb'em"bom «ut fortune wbich lied taken me te, quent occasion to risquessi the plessure ýi to my addition.. S«Wb ut sent hl C. 0. -a dog- 111:11LI's, ,4';,i;%w (,I:rrpRs, SAWING tention te bill lune stock of of a teM interview with M W ý 1 IN PIS, D.. for wu on that very day, and on the i m MI& Aise 7M.18 IL IL R&BEEMý ànbft", O"W& veaulte of the jouraey, --without matât. Reavy -Harness! Il But 1 dam-.ty,,"he cStinuelli, Ilyon I%,I::; llroililýtly filied., la New ir«bFý sondu la spot M CANOIRB AND MOM MFJff. N 19 W B L A C K 9 M I T Il BROP W I ahuuld have been ail ai selà, Ne Suil, 180 sale. ultable for ?arme" and Lumbermen. which for 1.'Iredmà, vue I vent to bed, determinFd tu rise et might get the pill-box." The Dill-box exe.o)lene.o, workmanship and quality caincot lie ne imincriber no MP0890ILv bd-- the repel pt ail bUginose Conneeted - a fifth h-ýnf.1 bronthonn which tu i vilain «« U«d nislt -7 Is. lie surprise and delight of &Il beLld. Ad'l LI'A, surpa" in the province. tg 1. tt.0%. m. Wu ilà W, BROS. OI&SAlk RÎTAM sociligla of ussésay 'M surromidioc oosmt sh'a lie os m«. ov., by noun, and d.WOtl ont. ILIVIMY' XEN lié; ]F£RXEU the rem Of the day tu the paramoulit ers, our surgeon hM net ul TO Md pe-mu m ao*lm or Thanks ; the pill-box in zoo grand In want of a ut of Ught garnies, double or lnqb libu ldvm et the oeu- FRESH FRUITS 1 J. a. would mputhilly sollois la céli, whm ho viii te = Mi à pumas. and la hýRV"B It modoi not the'blare of 1biglessi for? ey pufpose. Where's Jack Les. lie happy t4 *ho* thltz ne luilà m wmrbm«t m lance$ malmom *0 Venant, la *mi uý m d.B.BY 8 on T«k UbWt" and othesr «rýy sounds of cauq>lde toi lie JAME14 IL P0 'il m*u« Pd- m couvm9mi tu Von*% ROM obbin Md Jamffl rffles, me . ficus mi olumber& They WER, Licen"d Am> was étitir sabibited in this Covntj. lm in millessant Avemilitti t %ait Gentensil Commis. WM tu te aucutela smsis ta "Jack?, Oh 1 hW& to- e Vols a M. 1174= 1'o' hàd bÇm d"T, but I abrted from been a good deal trou with au :e lamamuntiolk ý ý ý F.,IN, (Ilit. issau un gin, thm ut mmi». ww a inighty thump 5thl, le7s. BRUSSES, COXIIII, &0.. jtiýe .-,Lew EBOMMM A» ON TEZ inorning, and hein beeu frittbla > i or". uiv et là-b bout bruquely innfi% me lu III like a ghost froin place to Ili fut ail apportaining W hie, %Md* aà"ye on blond SANDERSON, AtictionOOr, BrO- Au OLuèmfbb this hàmv& Of 1 rathoir Umà yeu% f4à him, in your née and tb lie halls Offl",&P FOR CAMS«. CWOLLA11111 & m e kor, Atý(,,tintaitt sind 000"niuiOn ALL WOKK GUAPAI(TIILD. , Rqwàrlng do» sai &mm lisanguissoi liewof own hus ; ho wentroff toi try it. Ho lid& ,.nt., &o., colielléod. - OW thm ia dm ho thought à wàr, allicet elle. Allaient S-tog, 111 ried» and au nh«t«*Rouu. amml*wtbe s*is cassis '.911437 CILAISB 11TYLIR. tub dighmhisa'at UN (114breful .1tontion. Mue in Irtainu 4 = n'a M ho hâd folie& *0 paynmoterle Dru; itmuifcm&-OM 214volfts, lwq., nmomdwtboyamm lamieuloto Md " NI IF.D~ . »-q.. W-do West dm 01 wimm swoof4 èigin ai 1 J» -,ï 'è 11% on Cc- no ap of 9, ltu or 'ai -k la !0 ta