t j- __________ _____________ v g - - - *~, soess. -rtes wdm&myCm v. a3~.W.ébavemmt. u m -' SMd *W a~ su;mani v ,ma.dur ' mmd 9 isla ahèpmW U U p ua.Es..'Mu*mt. eto*0 Pm, la 6 m-aa.. eam 1auie ave u thir obh d eïmol ui epU mau leti' m we . hmtu e rv aantaUShou mrn'rmy Im i. 1 Ni le sue, SUNEMUIId ,ia. ___ Ei'., a o 0b bud fwcr- fm.ua. b .amm àslh 60 %re Md ammd e.ABU~W aton, Novth Wè1ictoul, CeneWol- omaie lin h er. At h eakh MuuePothé bmbm .ti'auaoed viiIiihaueSouth Lanark, sMd Souh of théeonoy the sacramental uap ff d"m' 1 omn n i tam v. c a oi,ned&TO. ve whxch bave flot yet vubroueti forth, blrnued, Mmd itas m-1 EEÂ T mca fo, *hey vau Nohaeur on- tanthe claergofan. th idiuare.t am1m1 . k& ThseBon*iltod, ou otenty-gh aotGek asuv i heavngChrauasia buv aq rheh itiencethaiamainriTfchae de*11. pvrooa eo vuenft mo PIf" eeaamtheR' OO SOE.=r qvt.lv m pellml aia aaèsre to -nedntvs u.Iovergveni. the pakryta Thprc oeed to lb hl cfAXe mi r IMI mmu15 81w lo gprom tii. Pr&Iluct em"f Qube c- miithter prformanceof the Ândi- ~XOHAGJ 01101 Leom iem uiyeerdy T.ao 13a ,JL S hae L for, .youdtbavebutenA- can he rg me. Th V te ry Rev.N E CH NT MRTE S B IKnTREaWeè ceuenvgy Itrs o bave To,-'..-s jatoute th"y buOppnt antd tie- mrmeito zaptie roessi aoek hroh ftVOnore b se Tmgb aa mmev~e Pm IV s nasae U the a Protthe attypei olteornof Divix- Sout ei Meu le ot ne i th .on ordfla. *P= l.ThonsthenPetu ofQumbetc 'aderoor tmedp>vn, a ofthe 10 OSsfe I.eAuoqew nel ibviMemm don ra lub of attbmI.à" fevnî" s TIIO . M& ,JI L bv!ruwick . Of th. te Admnsr- eaed at thervitice.TeVearngmnepiro Ouffl iufflesid t"Iteo,&athonde d thehava cod wone ro.ul ThvBe , Mi n.,e 42 ndmiition, bave c ar iane, stdlDenSta n leyiti C ng h. e ell soli h mm A ~»Ou<hE . novmrnd bci h Toruy inr; bmtnd CMv"a Of,, o .,cfti Bthmrondu" nrcsiv ~ *~», wa,. sremth as ornnd y Cie rooved cdia!,uWoddo,80 TIen ae n fvereturne front Newva as bondted.gIowfand wromidn Engli AIr.À.>Ala £.auyFwmtaws o< 6y do, 200 SoCtia, aIl of which bolong tla the clergy. The membern of Cthe Englisi AI Ki LeL ta 7, do, 1030 Admuinistration. oolony, including bankers and mer- fOOVP*.vosLitaumovo. aMd th. e<c.efS t 0 1inLindrny, Es-NOThoenan Cwo raturasufromtPrince chants, voeegathened où the left of thefIn w nni iums uiav~s ai mwîq.North Eau7, V.vl an d FlbelmAllpWOk p., .5Edvard Island, bath of ticom Minis-altar. Conapiceus smonit Cheinv. iu wu îo ___________________exhibits pat'fying Pov i" Bis 1ta0fihev uc ie]mbora vernor Jeweil, the Amaels'iMinis-1k 11 I Ada..Mdne]Wen"le, bol mi U.ipinNS o " NbuUIbeau85f the tBo ued and sxmanie 1er; Lord Lotus, 1the Englisi Moleterau viu ni SJUUW iU IilU 1 àr ppà& ori I CAj. vey wWmbe , ud a hve .&uoa-of he ous ofComeau n bon- a-nsd Ctheoffices of the diplomatieCocrps. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ de aLA fNU A... eonndvbe u elv ~i o 6 nd dthirty-fouu have beeu .lectcd. Many Englishmten in scmlet uuiform ai4e nedeuo bl lai e lng hon mIlsulai Wht% pj_83 Of thon e eAdministration have ane voue aéa prsent. Espocially notice- JOBN MASN, 011361, ihOU Ilo ve a dSOidd ed ot r r&ma- . HIIP 11 E* bhundred sud seven-s clear majority cf al ievnrbePrince Gortacha-. orty. Thé gflniContait 71vvlylag the thole Houa., and s prsent major- kaff, surroundud by thé,Ieading munm- day leaves 81e paty abinnaied EeInNcvBh, Ecteil, Opp, 83 ity ovcu *the Opposition cf eighty-fonr. bers cf *the Russia nobility. Tiey ~ .5 ..u. .- am1ca, oDonAld, do, Se t la flot probable that the marne propar- gathered an thc rlght aide cf *the alter. AM iae OulsaeluxadnumamitS. la mu IV" 7«_NctbWlecuoo, do. 160 tiens vil be maintained tote 1close, Tie épiscopal chante vere given by Rui.- uuuu mia.uau1r~ atiedM~j~ LasvUuth,.L but it la a very moderato estimate sien ciorister lads, clad ini long criiuson tardmaser.fl ' £Kev, GP indeed ht *the pruent majority cf dremnes. When the. marriage procesaion Wihw ae busne igewsloelerly mnd M 7belveern eighty and nmnely vil!la e ntened, tie bride vslked belveen 11r 'liîv ae ]ICHAEI> NXITB, fa any sd etmd. igher ti"a Ontario, Norlt, Gordes, do, go attained ou a test vote et Cthe apeng father aud Che brtdegraom. Priace Ar. Rice a thI.e hlmaion. cf thI e. Ontario, Booth, Cumeron, de, 149 of Parliarnt. tsi valked bciiind. The beautlful GSmI m wMd UphOIISTVfo«,ra Prty for thé q.ph#ed mes. Ofr, otOlvr 100lmTehm mbeeugéân ghe aogAngican vedding service wvai mpies- 1011091U9 BIV t s , thico la ldlain thecampsu. The. Oxford, Booth, EdO1, d0, 7600 the more promineut supportera. of Siur sively perfoumed by DamaStanley, tiie A Ieero ineSet Woandd oyYateeu3mi neoo.ulruI c u 'asî OatbovlenddE.80 Ja, oh A mconld r 0ConrPrnc udPrncâ rspndoacod at nedm.t. e 1 ramevnloled.Udddthnelected, ôpasd Xia. orne of bis laCe coilesgaies, bas been de- ing te the foum thindinle bock of vas ovins te theo n f milas 117the PanhHg Mis. &0 fested by a larg matority iu Essex ; Mr. Comman Prayer. The delivery eftilthe voieWhc il! 0.0 v ithia the Prlince Edw P%d om,-c,150 Carling hma. u rejeoted by London final bénédictian, IlGod the lrit, E T D WT R T O T G R C ONOE RTIN AS, Uct uewst rreptng Ienfret, NYrt' White, Opposiion, -for the f6rt lime by a mnty cf suxty- Qed the Su, Qed *the Holy Ghd 0H H T OS A I W;KBOE, anvvT.dmd tbover- 100 five; Mu. T .Gib, aonîlengue bleu, ureserve and k2ep yau," vaswum- po V I L s e y cha enidral merbual' jO Mr. W. ]ELGibbemhis broCher, i bu t c lie Da tne cumuae A LS M , f vte ves ot oled.Mî 45s hi.semat in North Ontario. Mu.Coock- waumly th1e aevly-au couple. Be- Il ? 8,W. >200urn te laCe Speaker, has beau dotent- ensd Roma Catholied iliaries voe W RITINO DES s lhovever, ecusidle Càe cmn sd Terosmc, lest, U'oaou% îàNiais d b [r. Kerr by s large mitjority. preent. Tie bride loocfo~nowseet W RITI CD%&K@ undubtodly roll up a mjornCy thal i 2 Sir John A. Macdoasld, with s rnajouity sud faminating. Tie brideqroom vue 81UNNU01uuams volty cf the banner tovnship. Tii. Toronto, Ca. Wâlhot do Su4 cf tiuty.miz, and Mr. John Hillynrd grave and self-poueed. The Prince« And judgmeut sud nov submit te the EdviParty vers vMy e minj pro. Toronto, Wut e8 d, Cnxeon, witi tiiuiy-ouo, mue about the cf Weisvwu lovely, pale sud delicate. p votln an mo osCheparecf ver Vil. 1 oly praminent men lefi iuh ranks of The Germen CoataPriases lookrnd A TNEO QLO HWEE 89 , aleu'inmg Mpot1ce t heart todvc, Wllnd th1le corruplionisti. The Reformera have heuty1 tho imsge cf ber motho, Queeu FINEo 000, bu eh.Torla bO Wellandou, %= Min. m orrlrd, af Cr a moal ardu9un truggle, Victorià. The Prince» cf waf o, wu thé ite ; bt à To«, m mes. orkNorh Iym , I C8 he tira soats lu Toron toansd the appuient! on excellent erma titi the le1 6 a l c aos oédeua"d via Loa£;ï, he Min.,6a twa mats lu Che City cf EHamilton, Germen Price, asu bath looked SaTINitT> PA R N *EcNm," Y AS8, aujmeans and cosaequenily have af. 8bath ,ln bed ave gong Reform by very largo tremely veil. During lhecermn nJ~0 fovded a abondant o rtanity fer sou lin dui Xsk, in., eUrne . mjoritles. The Ilambitions cty ieEnlsAc apbl i.eu fRues- O u outesllthe ffAj Cu mre CaaumpnOP># -, -, " ha@ ertsinly banably ..eed. a~. is, beiig aoonsu....wd i sudad muc.. mu beui~ T Mm 4, ~ = r _l.ieeÂt n e ne-.etd i.cpital cf h Dominion hue ratura- fstiped, aet dota. Si. seemed over- Mtlable :r stand clope vil h. lmidltely takEn i;mâ.rha noa, Min., mcd a Reformer, Dr. St.. Jounansd al. Cornevithh motion, holding a hsudker- te hl~g ie csa efor liepropr Min. 63 liongi Ciemelauciely deati cf Mr. cduel Cc ien.eyes vien the neu'ly-mmu- to bingthecm efoe te Lape thère U%, i.lu., 900 Lewis hue deprlved tii.Govcrnmenl cf ried couple came en salute lheu. Tii. ruiai M Crlb.nal.Kent, Bieenios , Opp., 196 suother fIrm supporter, Mr. Ourrier, lie ccnemony being ounclmidod the crowd 01agr Th ici nVrepot oCte polling Sout-ciadJanes, Opp, 2re-elocted member, ilaasI"fsir trial" dspl sd.Thon viua afrightful rush là t net au lie he ur of Lincoln, 1morre, MIn., 10ma nb i!poslyflno lie o h tairways. Tii. viole formed s WITH EYERY CONFIDENCE. LNOw 12Mla -*te pua.. The folîcving ane But Middlesex, WlIJic, OPP., Mip- ranis. Tihe neighbomuing cnunty cftnd mluecfcouaOdGn- poucd eleotrnd b but 40 ma oly. Rtiesel ha. beon csrried by Mu. Black- rai Kaufmann, the Xhias, hald gelen- cisc.. *fmu. Noa"t, M y hiOWY 96ban defeating Dr. Grant, tw maes Chld ute mssd 009 ocg .N.... inaar, Plomb, Op 0 .a romakable à theel in the matter cf tie nzdb i t Prince, v.isat 15 orflk, Charlton, M1.,180 Pacifiec bandal. The following seats ry uicie. Much attention va. pid 3414% Northumnberland BI, 31b- ave beoun ndooi1ed by Rfrir.hy - 'Rmsian dignitaries C Gferot I~1ê.fl~ID4i. :... .. ~ 177 B amez, Hmlon (two), West}lHaîist Jewell snd the memberac Cefamily, es 878 a,* SonthNorfolk, wso ere extremely popular. Thone ~r~iimi, <' i ic abol mb14~q~>eNorth tiaco.,Cool,, Mm.,, la Nortiiumberland, IWest Nouthmamber-vws, tif course,mnchcitiicieta cf thce rGo <s 8tw I. et 780torke~. iIAI1oet*MAYion k c - Northt Victoria. NeLmeu, .Min, land, Souti Ontario, Northi Ontario, brid.tgrooeuan md bis reseeved sand sol- fln,~ >3. i 7inse btfr tM saMilntO, e M smid tacho eleotud uy 96 majcviy. Ottaws (one), Southi Ibufuew,, Ruasoli eoin manner crcated au unfavouirsblo "IUma c la.A aie aedn. DU CenrerWelitr. Otn Vo ootWs t~tintte.tPeirnl$.~ .~P.'VI, siCti eWligoD-Oln Lc ia ontntoWsCToronto, North mrsso.Thc affable boarimg of the t ~ ~ ~ ~ bb invi5 *Ctgva.~etc,4Victoria, sud North York. Against ric=sdPrinceai cf Wales elicited * - **--- -------~QUIIC.thon gaina t. have ba place tthe loui c cera fuom tiie populace. On coming The grand rosait cf yeebys plesnumPosauMi North ]Renfre* sud Manci. Mr. Mc- inCa thc treet the police vere found verk emontrala Cht Ciepeopfr c Da.*-r, ~uol do.es'u dorceof moity, f t-driving tif. croard, and Cosuk oreo- >"e1 iasa'lu", rner, SMa. -Clu ab orec aedHosiery and Glovies. worirMmnmmen tst th pecilir f 1 196 *-' Pauet, o. ec' Mr Edga by amenoich o gweng ten csudi iro an lerouleariglte the Dominion haveasppnociated ther -ýt> Clou lad. Olve ; but vo appreiiend tiaI Mr. Ed- vay for Che distiixguliihed personages, confidence vepced l inten by the -à, b.linineIprarhould he dtaire it, vil! very seaui Tii.magnificeut bell cf tie St. Peter- ,OiIImabiy, JO,. isrdiàes, do. obtain s seat la thuenHu»e. burg ýciurch kept peeling during *the leader of thi eteor inis ury ; hat 1Wt~ ~ . T-0. dy.Salvoos cf artillery cf 100 gens soun mi Cht hbrifi', .ebw,...~, R 1.4 4RRA wcre fircil on bie conclusion oi the Loy arcaIOcarlpue 1aob Gueek service, ail'forming an extuar tiv.v it _ 3,1174villyaé'et ing Ux. DmiePoi ;."bn. T1KKli&. IlDA, .~'. 0,IR*.Lhy ae otrmae C mintaiu s Lspraki, ." a'uîcrm* P1 u8 4AXO EI<GLAYD. nrycombination cf ceuumony, vealt Shawlfs and M~aniite9 TIi, ** - -. II~~~~~~~~igII standard of poitclmorality;*>J,~ ~ ~ pmsc pedu.Atrlemi 1tia lwy r nt c; Aspalu, mc,,age rites, tiers vas a banquet et *he Igumcra ttotudf trust os the p:art cf Loibinlee, Eernier,.Mîna ipo t ae Eiuurgh te the palacs, MIlie. Patti ai gnsd subte. hla iatr.elr id a liard roM 2 in-vsslmieetqetyabl tS.ieogaHl, bc iraiVol in Kingst on'yrate rday. Thie jmombera ot our Administrations; NoninLSVt,cIte, Min. Grand Ducs I>rasolemnThe d as i <Uinly bi at.gre'. all t hAt tiey loermimed liaI mou ci la- rNMotréal Wesrt , Mz. ns. on. ie lk tis .aîtitdtnm%. Tcdy~tuagu il rn u 'I.idtain "hall f.t en inau'cro hat togti u sicamsl ide tiche ll omnl eteUa, isoeém, moia, s ince cari 7polonaise by h.tuembers of Cie lape- is uern .'npI1. dta mak an amuid- dcf(,ti atio. Yooivdy'i verict Nimelaqmioi. Donahavela - in h. moftng, mhun alut *vre fired tCecnlsinc i al tcbia tI e .1'ol~po itru ivim, but smn ltes hum mffl mphalaly Semned MmmgsthehilI. le streets wen crovded wv4 P ., couple vire fumsily msrched ta im vAthee3' id i nis popu lar opinion tegasil harter me1»%;hbu cond.nmed the Montcalm, Un"m,Op> Tiffeivthea clbrton ~bridai c1'amber, accompsnied by tiie 1qltf titot ibe vANin the' fomnon aà aking of morwy' Sicaa putfie conu- MontuonuciLanaloi as1.. avant viiiconttine several dnys. -.jEinperor and oflicers cf Che Court. The tîd Jvota. b4hi%q. Ia tic after- tracter by a Prisa Minimier As Cie Pndu, i gh itionMin. iya galdorgt atdh, sriiit I.etyîcm ,neeuniue ie i s lio mcney apint ll~brought pu of debaue.MUmetitu 1, qu:b' W'outcaoM ia.. 1nbm ongt a.ediSna Žmn p Lelap ope i m CarnMin. ights. On Monday a guil mtiitai -bengpv~esent. The teather vas hlmniv mereofvotS'- re aseodémued th@ fmge <Uv'Qeo eir oosn 0. reviet wilJi tai e place ilfrntofthau t il . i a,'m hvngtcsa-.Fi~1V oeu 'st "ightyfallen! inapI pracllcus by thiol Si. John A. Quéecs lat, Thibaue»a,Xia. Winbei Palace ; the tucops pauticltiflg -é na oufr dslimitcd display cf 1~.lb lIlMs. *. . Tc ountr ~e edesuc~ShefrdHunteagonki,. willcaisl of 41 Battalions oi Iufaniry, spIaeta& .An illumination r4flaIf»r.Th- iunwyip odm tlb ., Huhn O637 Sqnadons ai Clvalry, ancb anArt i. , dtâ& p>ile uqusum cf the.City teonir ~'ic*%tIihoflstnd bubelVictld oia, veau, NUL. !eafrc ofai140 guna. Tic weath- ie' w Tcgaeri~cu aoue of W@e a fe to h able te i-viimau. ~m iià>vpia. Bulsse, Iatieur, Mn. -delightful sud tii. sleigiing splendid. 1spîieiI iuStiviti'. gieti1fiedit4 b ndwiovýerm6 Sianstesd, ColbyOpp. -LONDON, Jan. 23.-Flagi r ips-_________ ___ J I noimce hahiii.eisiim oy bae Tii.ontf« asidàladespseub Bysino.k1e, lad. ing hum ail lthe public ancb maniy pri- -A a er sI r berr carrioci by tic Reform vd.ulo u.fWdllttSlb ae Serroo roi a eobuildings in houcur ci Cie mariage ~* __ date, Mr. ,lamde ulmmn, d -bonm cevend tiflxo"y, T 81s. John, BeimaM4 ina.llite Duke, oi Edinbuugii. Tii.usai- __________ ~ornl. Ti.ceaatvasvey hes hav jetd Peam aSawu p.. Terrnbonne, Mio, Op:. due cf the.Prince cf Wales e a nd- AtTION. -Ailpe v sarne Se suImto loTe sdcotenmc cie em. pais e = ovaol e ti'ime ;.md » TemimmoulaPouliot, Mia. rmngiim, sndbcher buîildings occupied c lu.1 Bo0 opnrgàm« « u>z't.4' ietft clos etafrnome s* o'h aac endlcio fé*st. Thre Pn sMéee OPP bu -the Rc,'sl Fainily, ae rfnel omLsvoe datte d 1r.ignd.fr e.paMYable t ý 0*5 4ii#ah' f g.uin m u dsraeulté -ia eov' T wo M uliih v s, Mn.dcrtd tii bthng h o got raa. nde monthoafu r îorIuIïg <Ilatir *«plinSr , Win e hou- deuov ed tdaporae factdu T ud.saa,4 PtwtMa. nir onr icbleaerign ae b. rccîved ain crionthforer a. rd reIDohi nM.>ace VeeheouiQeofiio. lts.lu our ate i Ci.ntialsu anqge~uol 2. aniy 2 1 .M94td i< rO refenl.numaU Ihe abîht __Tic vcie _grand,0df.,lthve tt- tIc peole. TII çerfli aàg. 0. tic =toraipauy luppvrbava ueinM. . L - Y thIh. eoplTe oto meuembo i teR guval artyhind by 1,,1ei.Ba.NeB u.....ioo Trelvet mantle, trimmed vitl IMPORTIED & CANADIAN Sals «e ho olaaie oruita iS A Ifi e] graplicatie fa pvunphl'tbor huil N ie, ..~...... 1 o0ermine, and voie a cornet cf diamonde or ât isot fr rofte n te adg. S qblixtin da pinipigyà"hun....... o 0 Ber train u sborne op by four pags.SHORT. 1HORN -CIATTLE. Sals Rail« vysealaim ldbiniteel snd long maintainedin lu ppoultiowli - Ilmp ... 1 o 0-Tihn follovu an immense processon lnntS uic tpuepte.A Iletl.i e u- asoCer ipotnt reuebs ue, Cartwright ........ 1 o I made op cf m.mbcrs cf tlImpra Cheidue ofpoulcouinhon sudthep ie iavc'eileu hl klarivtshsb i**oUUtofficeralhelmPsrlshtuesi.1t, Wi- ho.b- thedlus of ouindigntaian Ticpeoloye auid eah i LmvIIs.aa...M m ..... 1 0* 0 n sil.pSw mRod aucu u h ord auiAlo 5' iStu e ho vie1ccn.iored Jondon almoe s aon; itroWe dethélic lofer yntj ldf, North, u.némir. 10ily* v .ear &n.>iformu of Cie oulram-WRXD1,F. , pooeebrouh-was# eectd y acou &@uttbeenu""t dt1wme-ahidasz, West, pim ....10o ieathepinceof oWales Che acarlel ~erblmajriy ~Jlb.outveos ailimea. or eas i éod, Baoth, ROSIVD. ...... 10 0British uniform, sncb tic RussiaPrince i.~te tirible Iaitr-se 8 Ma y o hv n P M c- o easar PoussBooth, TW .... ........00 hah of a Rosian QCel. uie t'AleC= - thé u arnea r uof --. ... ..rJoh np alalpd an ua l geshy oo néohm 0w1 t1 Wan Vas Authet. ii Piosh cfRU Nomme. W.,GO&uCOIPLEOla rop M caek49fr es orWatufnleor th, Yoan... 1 0 ClemefB ndvii C. Mplso ieRainsu fMa inbe»WBU'l AfRFINTIEIT. WeaS exîmordiaWaa.......................... otoedbemd b à fl> va!- a> : .s4 Iportied yonng oc Uf ,,~ maorij l~arlmmeif. ~thiebau Waawevl, cnth, Bin. ~ > b4veasd vore a diaflicd cêronel andd nl; 1helfur cali. amjrnd; 1 îco-ycar oldiliI ml;viCla peau!Xneokbsau The lin- ' lina North,.ainb.....tad. 12 Cana"ns-bmel T atPoierbeo' outrage lhaevetisalit hai laWit nmo fo thoir L (la,) 0 X...ioo g, it ap l neo bImdCc cdie.".1o u at ib ina mord get i uinreut.Mue ior n«onClve peea ti 3end iilerg Rha coives; sanaII ye asd.cl du nscti <U forte toatti hava %MhouamcPacr thual ~ole uane ie Rustae P.iacamsls in emr ar-~r old. -ugn ih9MPds - uAiseruiatcumarqdeu cf bine velvet viii god thlm- Tha ios-ca ock 6. m i geait fe. ma th Ce.oenerSulten te Te oie ' id te 200 P "suf d athongh o t nDo l aluIeihhcncn ean, S'hie twoo g eaum SuiY toit tue tavu conaposeti et prilmhi houn. se, ---.. i o*0 unifocf l*0 BritliRte0B'ade beau (2md7iand oi 1 CoarBna Eiu xbrei lis oruming efou cd eieflua, io aboi-le man; Md thfise . obe * te cig ssgaumaaial ote i e5aer~sl e. ilg huis l'"'*y uwallo h@m.. vas . old. Th. - Pié'..afk mS 1 0, .0.:the. * o eesipaumt aj0arcdrenhhbt erit ni~. .1pert, Rfor *..,..yof th. efera c ause 0 0 1e 'aiae h>ldo" h vamfsveaea of ~lver i e-~h~.Uo.,aoraha I. Em s ale t1 ciok, P. sh arp. Lunch et 12 cd perhars on wmor " sclu isamby asaMOW tCImu ims .....1cf Lwmi»evmdbe . nOO o»eev.byleuebrgd- 0. T. IL, chm s dl ustth ine h otler among tieafliemoe Coqusus vb.amciho voted le bledk: md Jaeqfflan ,lodmman. i oet*ai bondilof lb. meubers of lthe ~~ tocon 00V0 ur- im ade à sp écial ebje ct, et T ory au s as- ,.j h e ? P l% v ai,.. .. . ... .. 0 0 ou s a i, Ro n d b vum oanm d holy v ote r.tU .3 L2 % M et eta daj f Mn. Dk e . vasetpeople ho-§maded B * utI . . . ... . i O O l T heu cli Bon" Symd, b.snnthe o puienu the et.11 pai l er s M04 jette ........ 1:0 cfBu tidleci ORTEZEN met baahleovn. ARlhmen eui' o m eeedudals ~4bhDmn................brthed@ousins a 80a0u vu t ________.. ..... ...h. ..... .... OO up0 mmedlalrny béhu imi . F JShJIEOPN - dénions d oe mo c I s nusai . là OAnCothe Do&e..or la ~ ell UO~. lntlg, W~....-1-0- O wellugringe ver, bchon s eMa ah.y Umm q ~.tdm"« mm" r Qeaw i O S10 ialvpamd depwoalt sle ali neromiibyLs tWmh ?»M à- leum b te mp Confesser, p csa -113 1*e:'==à,à" fle ées o *0ag R thMd S la 09-W« f14"f ert, vmd siommii.m; Mt..... i * S dlsa, nverelyul w ta hxo ma" te pum e 11h uei teebu iemwon l5t05I , iS i i vjiut-viR ilrÀ& o iv0 Wh mamaheta ma,-............. ....i O S pu e lut jl alm of- aaldv mmataf Pi7miebmf, lUJ6.5..5 laeh in IB evé g~dP«-6" cfl. m à 0 ..... Si* nd v na TileraGet thale - lU.. L.au4 Pm e a pw VUl- I m »bu m . ,n husL vf5a âwaUodms ......................................................... 10............. Met y;- dO - O.i'-----------------... S* ia. fmmuaas. Th émis......v.o...k-.... W die d m an! 1 00 -,m"mvLtà a oMuwu de Deim au%..- Im es. Vils md Ms amé.u. l 1C> a __ TS Mél Fî -a Ww orw1 C01 *ýà 9[Ww fe GRE--jAT VJIEARJNIÎ SAI-E AT THE GOLDENLION POSITITELY AT C)QDSTý F=FR 1 CDE8- DIRECT IMPORTATIONS. 3. R. DIESDHP; AJJTUMN IMI>ORTATJO-N,ý- ST-APLE and FANlC-Y lmFR y 9=C)Q) Direct. flu nrxush Manulactumi . C. î [k 'aà,a and :-i Lndo,s .Sept-nxl-er f7th. , F ALL AIND WINTER Silow 0F MILLINERY, &C. J. 3McCAMMON %VuMd advi.c i.sut'wr sd l t1w uIl' r eber. atm at, auj hoi. .1 lto ive t'. WVr I,ern Value ix. il l,.&'I' ~j.l iis.rymAd Clsthing lilat eau bse ar"u tred l i te A oel raie.tf l itd. J . MtC.Mtli BELLING ATý )s,ý COST! ATv TUEz &LASG0W WAREHOUS. $259000 IWORTH OF )RY GOODS ÂNID GROCERl11ES Which must b. sold for cash by lst Feb. 1VAI&OOM MOIUSOiN VICTORIA TEA STORZE. 100 Chesta of Green, ]Black à Japan Teas' AT PuCES W13CH WILL DEFIC COMPECTITION. A lazie stock of MuTaiGroogm, obacea Sruaial muber. Golden and Mms. eange mailvariai aboS e9 GJENERAL DRY 0001)8 amI 00DOIOTi8 TWECEDS, BLi4KET, &o., READY-MAD 'ý CL4TElÇ, OY'liad mS OVERCOATS RATS, CAiPSsuad PSBOOTS sud SHÇ)ES AN ECNDLESS VARIEY 1N SIZICS ÀADDQUALITIES,-RUBBER OVEESO Kg8H1 ACI sc JAMS WATSON-, CORBNE r amNAND WILIAM Ts. > JL ma