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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 6 Feb 1874, p. 1

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ïd à Wi IMM Onan, 0. 01,411111t. VoL IV, inwie ymw LINDSAY9 ONT, -TMAIL > FEBR«UARY 6., 1874. JAICIIJ Z 4T- îfý Wxk là CON»lr OP za»a&-]Pà= Ir. IL 331XVM RAMWAY S CAX& j TAGIMI, au - CEIAPM XI . 0»,Ww uxes Aâffl. fta.* 0" te m %IIF zm*w. a 2àt 'Wto."eu uo.UOK- »W bassi, bm"ot&mkmý C*Itql Roues, toa"v. 311201111111110 uýminame *7 amical laléma ait. 0 týEM=Î__ alle ft«»Um ment et thg !es Xït" »ý ef e Wj 020. DUÈMR» "W ý7u»m mm U 911 nomml, dobtednen ftnémuwbw Mffl. throngkout Mar dom& t', dollars am UMM. Combrèmv rd«. FW the ishl $Wmt« la W"ee-e-Y .0 b1al Il (00"*Md from lad week.) the Review Il M gosses aëmm MF.", Woiffl un 83% rdm.dtbm The Cklmd wft UN". 1 MW thé um m sosie we mupp6 a 1 saisit, vu hopelml4 usi lait; in du - lie -c " = à,.inu th uniý assis. mmmmmmm& WhM von te be dom 1 h vu pasi ]PÉlity écow lpeml""d LO ami ýw_" bas A» cayâuàol cdmk »W, ad ont et the que" to the amouni JAI Rumen. ions A. SAIMMON. M gm le inaw. v mmmbtapoof& be beait in tiscle for palude. I A DAN IfUDOPM , 'ma IcAm, ...... 1 tm caution, @Par me simeu PU% ce .Ja* dog-owk et my door. Moumb» witer, Md notwy Putiets. Ton May put up thé tiq4 iwà- Smite... sent mat ce *0 OMM om, lie -whm r The roi;Î! m b" avisé oigm M 66% otdo&n As in"uasolklw. &0 pensons et *0 te ODDS AYD XZD8. 11, oba yen go dèft M Il, cerner of gent &ad Williffl Ont. Er "M Ah! pubffl . 1 bada't thought X@btftm. dm licier on willi thouâht MOUT Bous% wam swoot, Mersé, ment netoga om le Iffl G lço oüss. NT4 tbàg M go go slow ûzà-there mV lié film" 1'twimur eu.. lacune *» - lm mor_ J. biniffTyan, amview, A#- sa tup-e Tât %se bave the m llaw, solleiller 41UM. Goed @Dangeau& CIffl Mun MAU& rocin, Li *"r Ontario steak, x«,7,"m.- mmen basses 001» solm. Cui on. delivery à the outom adopt- d7w, ey.... ni.ly. . . 1 leur me "ty- et foom pwt IL ay, aq M ARTIN Ai BUITIR, e ;01111111111111 1 1912M 1-f se' IIMS.Pa. **P.!@. à * mimm in P pouncfs'to à maitt lilloise kiOW! w mqhmnia om alteles e !M abb"el«L 70111 . . . % , Iwo oulevai bom là trde- clins *mal@ uald«m P. J~ro, IMM M lm a---- 111 lend 7m bà%q»aý»ft dao? en cm ja A Wehor wichez to kww why people Ken Qom goum zb«L agwwwu jS Jtk.» p et-" apenfiolà wimou an A. il __ » :r-i, i pet Im m im Very " caïd Jack, au&'. eup,.! Il àcouq in TM dm " said, a thief A LICX. A. 140DONALD, Ain«»Y. ce LeinwAge t :::: - se 'hg UMM or 00" 9 àb" 11111110 vu Wybg ta bruit: que a bondit vautL ing the sort over to a serltant, he -Le«, Mititer la KAU*eao M»kly to hie lair in My U*M« am Th» outis down on, both gretté; sied SU oidak MM, and the om Umm le bu" immul Md in. The Colonel came to 1 la ta. *--A eýJM_ lit unehriadm-teminr: my uulocky tl-'»' Mon tu "ni" q«M had quite wpeet him. Be made a tO "Tumuge» àJ1éîi%'ý-à thsh" %ààm" imp«" of " tw» oom.- m.. '10. Mg 'M« :1 u= . Mlle mâtaum b" a UMM te M mu=# -09. à P" fousd innumemble little D". me There, AURS DieiKWE, P. L obi _ially m et Veut j3W Feu wu mm vmtum "' Win Ïqmc wàk 4"e. --- V_ - - ý -,_ V" la roui a tholr un be toUowed by "Me ChSk_ý il Wbwbe àemmu -Wu vue mv*d aamvated OMM longý ený;. rattailizis B*ee"lim --:t-bw illm.* hair, mWttým« tunics, abserichin-itlh mime mu thaît in more Mulu ill-fuldj guatcmt& 99 Ah sud àem"b «Wý 14- au -the" -MI4 ri il rZ , « .............. IL 0. m 100 ommàw----- boum . ..... U&I m MW le demie bd au ibiued cheek-bone--eveu a black th9Y a» tu tguem la aemau se du mçcwhýL p. ý fil Sud the Colonel delivetted, a longthy bu for. r -ie A. WILBON, M. D., rapWo URDU ettbwcmmm- _ ý omily on " topic m -it Oi-eunttd it. A-0-M . &.,* Jach Miens Me - Sucý doult ee. cnaud Ao»qtebmr. osce ive. ow lm aàw et Ma la LOMM.Mot. mes et Md lu abep. Md cou Q"i= W& etamé, boum taswm = = tu in never seul Thon Ille had to make a valédie- The «î ---- se -0%. belle liq- ni w «Imm. Omd Md IL li(CrigLy. If les V" ta travel chaNgy, tory erhortation tothe menon good with on thi -N"voâm - i . 7 il 0F*ý 1 = Patton- ooùduet in outquarters; and, boing A. to exalt ow J)Rs. MARTIN & D@GRAML- IjXj WMOTJMLIC GIWMUB à» lie lm *du ultimes whM ad bolw" 11111111881111 - -1 »Mde= "P" le mrý tht' slow man, it wu kalf-put savelit wbon. the wholo corouffet. 04-le in the briell efflmmeu et m leu, Ma m la My czex l".. eâo" 01% XIL Wit"" Ob-P.» Wellington Atrut M'y boa saum tu m fatour, m le dm au ilus it je the paralile Wu dumm»d. cApacity. 11falmétry slth, i*78. - 0 t-ous TM endw.Wgmd wu ellutrir a in%.," IWW«umd for: P. & xwust, sattenar. Jàý A ulèbRan uewod" r receutly re- »WIF& , orevw tu 1 ml"; jda ltm edved %bis érder hm a yuans, la: .. sud me à Fui afraid l'Te made you late for it > ver, TWEEDIR, X.D., vabwim" auquel. thie mului, m " Per allié, liq Io Noyai agnoi b««o bit «IL the, dm.. dinner with the -tl, Bruce," said the both itlhe la ftit"foroioktant ukom lu WC.,"« maw, Wous ÎN, 91 r«ffl Md Amemi De OMM ON* -zilm ur à m a 1 a Valu. lu fmu Il" it in OU" et double the cawàmz rom.- md;ýý At a rosi dinner of shoemaken the Colonel; Il but I dare say it'à no great Mple havi wn,,d, on. il office, Soleil C~ Imme. assiven: 1*1by wa "-d%= 17 tu âhoe and au tbe men to sp1ý-y aga 4,i.àt*lý. vent of the new Bible Chvtogm brlok A FAMM I9 two littl , thin mail want to speak @WU 4 »»#& boot- rupt goveri 10 Yom, properw la *0 ]RàBT WAM GROCIBY. \ to you ut 8, no me and take Il result of tif lée 11ceth 1~6 AurlmPA" Au instractor A" a lrr«hman girl a A a. VROOIXAN, M. B., M. D., = , àtrialdtitiribl luisrazee coppothée the Qý,a votes.) wbybmtarmchwufmininýe shore chop with me in my hut, and Weil com- mitted to. ým»lwbmr. «mb" aute semadum. 4mt for Li" nom M te ble mai estime Md camý àar JAMES COIÇNOLLIL, it :a pwubiy owing totbeàct 6m the bPoý:î= bine ' neraudbusinem. Comealon Meulier, et imrmmeummy. Idell 'Imtmonc" tt WdL LC spire they the roliage of Phyolqlanq end Surgenne. Mu mlld a gSd ý , and Mn budmm% *a ftbadbw la rohumbu thmki tu bis 40 Wb" OMM situ now, for dinner will be ready. The ill-um 1;.,pp,,mt4 J«kmn'o howl, lAttie art". Amu- A. 60 m %ait otýý Tl" aéked a Oh, fate ! oh, execmble Colonel! It fijl bsok fi, gogil- and nt- P"lk Mai d - -n P-Pil, -h- . leumint tâte ai- the bewü&rlngree: .. Tou wu in vain, thon, that I hall. lain down Maxim, Il = anis: ici, Il- CAM Issu% 0750,NO 00. *= 3 late andrisen upeuly--aUmy efforts sud ,,,h D' effl *m'mode- What wm you brought up en 1 » wore in vaW; and this chop wu indeed get from il bho fbrltbmta, end North evsWh te cumm sulop compmed in put et sibud a roeub Western judp of a tenu and lanir the vainly-esten -chop of sorrow. Immerenoe Cimpenlop. OIRM la $Z heuld y := ht UP on a abuse ut vagramy, 1 It was an extingitinher-the chance hy lier Or..%for4, oersou IdrA"y sud »mm» a amd4-31uu> M m , BLACK à JAPAR TEU, J. 0. sokeenly panued had eluded me anl fled Icelle B»w mény deéths lut aight 1 " in- J. 14. HART, (kmduM* Triui 1010 Bwto&ShSs trelà, a botel trician 01 a nww& « Nlzbl4» wu tothelimboofremotepouibüities.What 'boup":- am Il hope wu there of its rectirrence? De- la tbe 1, imiter et amwer. Il ]y t ordered me&"* W bea. From uur Owi 4>110le, Teranto, oralluète of #b@ collant eta u-wn U. 0~ Ont ftaxsmmn*ft. Yu; but ene i;Ul&i telle ÎÏ.- P1414elaq 14111rom,10,- Ir WL FANUI, tuah of icettemic. WPUMR AUMM AND GOLDU symm ellery amart Rd mm@ te fén-ed hope isheart-sickné« to aIl manner 0. itteý4t, "NUM CU»AM AND »]& &M un m tbe k~ Imm à Soi a pompons huiband, whow wife of men-to a lover, hope indefinitely la Slill wu "MI U»Ixzt CAMM ont laiaomm& 00»OLLT, badatolmupbehindmdtivm himakid% Il Madm, akin to despair. II Time Absence thin-s are of Imm. &a.. éo. *119,,,,m,,,%» i Kýt4t* L1011611117- MU the allie, Il I didu% know It wu y Distance," are words àat 611 hi& solil Itompfttl modleai (!Otto" New àjl il tirent W4,ot eue~ Te they are now a harii 0 1, ;m ï Pm CAM ïï 0"" with sinster prosentiments; lotit. wid s4oof Vllitorle Colleso. (!*nad*, emu.%" "% Amont curious wille in England, a a begin 1 mis., »lirgoI'iq end Al'o-biwher. Pipoolibl attention à fow mm cibméa ce nuit favourité iq« Tu wM tâtée bar dading htubud »" eif;l 0* P au »la 'JA-tr- Bome A" agom »]& dmwe& the dark antitheies of hie burain con- to lilooI%çý:4 the *y@ and Pr. Offleu..- b«gobuvuyfmt mu" ere long se emUy tral thaught ; they Coli fte the iâ7oa of a lu our own LWM à" ON do M dg". et hClit= le a gocd t,$-,, r n-,rth 1 M-artiè'q linsel, WiMam Street. lO 184 lu, à t4m or Va éim, a% muooo% by filàr d-k-amý boumvift, baing ej temper. wild ocean of changes and chances rol- Lut Th, 0" m nattasses &au% tend mou vaim of V'n"F. sied es bave nos bom âîqý1îl CLmwmam-.-Xili-t-r P - ling between him, and his wi3he» and I think Cu 5 la *0 4* Om et OM normmu De CADOrTE. vis alla Imm *0 Tm or lit& Ir. A. M»DLMIK. whàà nchtouM theworld before the *un wunl"el» hungering to, ongulf hiz hopes-aa humait bot lkoh-% 311%*. Th-,,, bur bl= 70190611111uny te taisent béa gassaisaut Alýr a minute. Pewe au: »Il émémm thist be hm @MM te air la mair curtous thsa 2;yýý eceau îed by ail tile waters of Acheron, rectiona tc about te vue #41wvw" vu Md. bb bualame uxnmmm remi. , however, a] 14. MAROACH, Land Agentfor iyun £aVlmlloozr A» Zama For bulWm la and Phlegethon, and Styx, and Lethe. the lot of vifitovis, coterie md Dur Abffl m Aetate Cloue& A» ellms unelam A ]LA RGE STOCK B Ham& um round Anna li«, With theee words ringing in my th nfinle, Wfut et tbe Valu Sollool Thm le m " pmlm a or - whàsnmdtoànàýymiti with those sombre impressions w'e. 1,1,,dolbl FAUT MUÉ& OM EUI. ý4tlS à oéeàwbb» "wdb'YbUeùh'.'.9-,t'e -ai- d9b', IM EM A.Iqn làlimn ,ý t.? ing on my heart, I ut with the fatal Town Hal a. PORTKR, Pu WUMU ., en 1900ts & Colonel et hie fatal mal, absent end need a plat: W te P. Caddebue *9 pue. À new instrument," maya the Paris ~ I. m 0 a@ air te. MM URGEST Pm lysieRASCI MOM ONSP ele.g, abstracted, mechanically replying to hi& 8eeme cou] Agent veittrml ()Qmvt.4t«m*lp ce., (Allèh là»), cowAwtm Tm WORLD. «I tu the montau VU& bu Wer Pyore, "~ .àtod by the M ci X Thiffl bu -clay twaddle in the store- fightinic ani 00 tu m et a beau turented by au ingudoui ment. it ;ýF« peddling pipe rêtrough T= tfm es front 0mllé lrilàlvk of the wind, and tu eau" tàe otyped j n of routine, and leaving unoo-mon tud groler4 et a. maiý. amwmm mu mm $mm a THE Off. ==:eo entirely taoTim the onua of making con. and « 1 colui ga CAS » . Alm hm" te *MR" . . . ýý m .. , , . A lady Who-wu constantly quanolint versatien. HeuwthoreWUSGMething will, I trus Mm»lwu ýà« leu *p;" Irons W hm@% - - : : l'O oom«y moom vod"x or., &UMUT. B010189 ttat by OUW attention te tussau, with hm bushand exprecoed lier " t th" W 1410AL'R T mm» , IM: VU dlmvied so frrquetitly. Il tor,» ULF&». ýt wronq ; 1 fancy he concluded that I was elltoted th, vont L"DISAT. DOW Imm Ibo m be Vident tu Z= ofmded with Ma roughish atrictures on tory liquor bage ta t1mok nu = hz une grami Pot": support do L" GOOD PAUX ILOM bu parad&-.Eor Ma manner wu for a time JLrý'Coc ffl= .@ Md Mat. te moils a 4111mre of publie pabom@& this jury convicla m oonciliatory. Eventually, howeyer, ho again, And dt*be»pmyàaud a minouï lï«M. routes op bis 10 joff'l; JOHNSON, Tmà.r, Wilum mm m FARUMIr au« AT Tm OLD ara". Il OUI lost patience and gave me a pretty broad W hie-teau qd"lom ipso" gaybg hà Pondèrent datiý 1 @hall bd mm- hint to say good-night et au early hour-,. tS thà mil] a"r, k)." te met ewh am MM bamum jusieil latil »mm la lits a m am lu3zà6ami2m» Pearl, :8 ýl«é for 9» OM V«dictofwtgu9W.ý Md, nothing losth,.j betook làygelf- tel 0" ho la 04111 Pftoweg le 914wnt la 6» %%Wb" MID «amb spit, à, un te sespete ai a ilélored with my h«vy burdon.of grief and dW etth - BIAUM* a *é MW étra, otit@aand *M tenaient blême voeu duwbw& t, to My hut. rasse I foua& Md sa a" bý "M tbmtookfadrb"lbra MUND% SUS p a Icette of hwdw«d mm" "tu Cmb@Md.fbr ?uezrid"gme impatiently awaiting me. He JK. PICTTINOILL A CO., 37 P«k *0 mtiý t la lis u , 1 am dm mi vu 010. P. »WI[LL 11111110 Viti maraut«. ne suck JAý lu"P lie M" feu dil had only board that evening of our im- 1 The Mur il R.19 New York, aire, thé." Q"w lemilla étom, léocaty tews et Pater. mus Ur un"v mm ce. 3a AL di g departure, and had hurried ap liner. hindséy. la thli of Victoria te, îï.'t: Pý-,.,à ni à 9 boro ta 1 An undedded faow Surted. a lady te Ille -00" _= 1 a pf conSm to my good-bye and ad- on the 2( AIT0 4 J%. =1 Ueu RAY&VM to offlfflt for lnmftillor 2111111016601 M Sàr twmtY-deht 3 un Md thon muded bar. M Wation. Indeed, my de. OMM ronde à1ffldy oire semant A sb6w. Agpanimr ""a top mon emm route tmiwoutapntw Thmo butdwtwoymnaftor statuts. T oh, IJMIMY. is bobo ishaty "Mbw la 01LIQ libeweddinsi. un-cnnmtu- narture wu almost m »vers a blow to 114141ANI A. 141GVERWOOD, 0""- ";tb. 9. .. résv - tàL-ý"qrtî ,, 1-iti.4k Inauraffl liffl Ts 8ý î imdk-l> =rty ?,,P:ý 1 bave a w Pert ompffl Îi;dv" tu doliom -S4»d by a long Vný as me, for it out off the only link Mitent thât kept him in a sort ut rafflrt with Robt Adam.. V-qllty .1 and àqlutwum. 1110ui aurai *M Joliu*Clarke G IR 0 :E le mmm com ..,au Azi Alabatins editor thirsting for sub. Mary, and robbed him of that confiden- E.A. Bow".. .P.1 ving Il, voil,11,11 bti.tqboqq. AU buodfwm à Ë 5 ; & ý P Two dours south of rra& j. j=«- lm adoPted a ungularezp«Hent. imitud 1. W. Reid.... hi," 11.11 tl%-* prompt lettentlon. THZ AlORICULTURAL tial d?ýy talk on Ow subject, which is %Sa #ubmlber-lmvhW a tbm«h prectical kwmlgdp et ~ mg m premiums, chrumos =il sort of Thos. Ray.... Rot.rolleo. kil"111%. Pertibitffl k. 9. C. Wood. àbq., TOWN LOTS FOR SALE et Un buaimu la pmpared su eunte ldj ordm@ the elizir by which à lover lives in ab- Dewm. P P.; Il Kenipt. I.Indiey,, Brown rabbhh, ne promi»eo to ramil hie new baby atter C41180ron, W* $Ive *081@bý t au" meiMb emitisdie, si- him P-puy &W emenuy and et meorm lhe, Purjo who p"& bis sulecription for the limitait &suce. M11ý1i1 ýÏ 1 LIQUOIR SIPLOR3 EL Prime. dm tu %lance A. 'Quàde... -t houqs ýée-% of ositwood, lýnwn*hlp IVILLLail Or nium iroxe lmowew>o Pm, vu qume trace *0 matmmte Made Ill tell yon what it is, Donald," he by tbe encert et tbe relpective cou- W. c tti.6luw Wffl thffl au oburolles Md @*,-ce% lail Us mbmiber bop te laforta bis notmm Md ZMV &ad V«ied ài»rtM«t Not long since, et Bunday School, the said, after the higubrious view of the the = geuwelli. *M ho bu àlwffl m tend & limeilm after tryl tu lm A" OW Portel ommmte&Wm. Cà PM. leeelvid et or = L rsu on the mi" situation had'been thoroughly condil A-D-Cé&lm .48,818. la lem im y.lui m et & ohm ot M" libeela abbathbmkinu, J. sied mw milla, holieliol "Pe mked, Ille Bunday better th" My other de!" ered-Il there's ouly one thing for it. E. Amm frané lemll, by 1««,* à Mpbohq In thoden umwered,- Il You You miist get lesve and coins back hors C. Fairbaim.. "ajiuam ST"M GPXMI" 'U ?. IL. Murdoch lit à ONI £y To î1ii - a-t à ver sent. «M te essom by Min BOIS and stay with me. m selon m evervo . - -V -Pm j 1 #0 a. D. Offlt. àm-g *0 Pm W;;; le b. W M mon fer soie, a buptii, Io " a emmlp on. upim top et *0 au Md ý týýtîo oiii5je;. Omo* unonnell'a %look. cent ilsrffl. Lindui. la DJL% nuwvmo efflir ow... a M Svum brik - MON" the train b" My hopes of a very early return to The WAi «mC&m Idozqmrtmat«;;:tt= wu dm.. TrhMe , ritealleut am Aldershot won, however, much dampeil a letter froy av MI vu or Cuff&ww br ........... te boum &tu. Cr birare limil féllew to donm (a bmke. Colone prietor of t] ONICY TO LOAIÇ 1 trat-elimi pAèclmoý hem es ne GORMN à 066. nmb«L next dey by a letter froin the te mmi% pay for a mimth umaw hlm ln 11114 gemil lïm Our ........... 06 mying that ho heard the district wu !l' with refore .idtqooo» refflite O*w goeils ta mpwum amme et tbe cý y hi, seL in au ICUOI Irermoio b=u = N" GwD@ 1 an uxaettled, state, and atrike-dimiturb. and adverti Dmfw SPECItLffolw2g. moes appreliended. ; thst therofore..Un * mittee on 1 901%"Aolto »*Wk%,'Omta Ikv 14a. Ume a qolb le JOUR am:ýý TR&BOM mmdm Apelr tt- A. (pla: A Kr, solielter. &0.. the àWjor, who was to jolninand us, il From tht Vbe, «w MW M la é»N"1W Omb. ne rix roi wit OINKY Iro I.OAN on Farla pro- who had gone on a monthl lesveji te N" _Wb knowlWp the debAhment, ho ho and la @Il intaw«m te Ofty- ib gwo I vould ment of L& se yu" -1«uhwlmm or *0 mwù I.« m* thé toqtlft= à ý,r4gN"mayb@ Iffleilither pomme wmmvs m &"wu% ophitum. ----,mdauUtUmau 0" very close" to it, m Front Mr Itbu vu et *0 son et wu"" à xw m IMAM. or mmia- of VI -»du" Mr. the other O&OU weris very Young. lnade au g bx intmimfnt* bonibally, te obmit rliop«mat Md seau6m Am" M ontý Fmmw% xa"M b& 00. brumak" td"" a del- ly, or thepeinet 1 May ##rata $111 the Md Of Ibo serin » et-M.Rirlon obtipd-md es lefondibdf ý . gà4kf#,#" *8 w To uk for leilve vu thorefore im"- toachm. lk= oupwwaud. 1 hie 0 au Whie-by. 26 -te par lie. Md ow as ený sible, and thon wu nothing for it but Edumtion. 16Y the *boloty. Algo DMMO famw Ç= ule a& Ce.. ventruiL 1parrit mvi grofý-Oiffl. itawn propony ilit kh? nom 1 Aise bmr d P" to await the Major'a arrival with what rop partio wu ly qfb 0811111. àmbw tim Mwwd id" k* ibn à Ce., nomedinn" ce might command. The idea tri-6m. KifowLson.Lendw. m wel tg MM te ue$Woo". m on Motic 7 c w lo bim 1 1""" Of g to lady Rose by letter oc- As moeum plumfo" sol, mh ow P-WMS là by *8 C»Mpl"% bwpuw. DL»vp,&cmaz OF CoSL-11 We vol MaXibbin i hm OUI& k,= am ad bv m 4t au" *» la le pu the lm to me once or twice intu V" dm ** Mm 6 letu"- tor; and t dw. OV for tbe ab" bim, ah-V. j «0 distude despmte mommte, but I d= Oit odu»mtbm wmqmm»mtmto r Emma aud, Lm. J. IL Dund oiiircir ira" »Sir m a à 0. fw la m bu a" »" "be -bbal" m there wu an iU-ome»d ommk of the nuit", ATTZIfTloir % MW ne non. lu FLOWER BEEDS. On Motio P JUOUOWo MAIS. Bonu BàvzD -The &« of thon. 3ames MéE ammb«twom. mailir et borne bave bm mved durbg the ma m itàLTES Alb'P JA)WEit BISCUIT MACEMIL tol'DadorCooMm "y. 161N abiri vere appol FATEiff woucu Imm PM 9*md m of Illle but bbub ýCvffqp- 9 9em édemnts in the " a h ' ourcâý "Ille lm "MM khd» de poepm@W am am of otb« Moi 1 111111% = =K vouh« et *0 UM bu MW S &IL istraition, Of Fergosersi ma $Wsy mg égalboM Male: wu% 17M tubes. Ils -MU" a= The Month pfflelî &WV, movint with "M adm immrios et au &Imam "dhre'-a a= lésidels viap. Lm thm who have béen SUPERIOR OANO PLOWO JO]« ville WkIL -181lit On mutic »M 11111111* hmml--a in recau their féel- om iàiii to a Ofiéela mur M cimmetý ed by Mr. 1 Ollb ttvétt«u AM fm»d la MI 61*01111, te bon* RUDRe ings, end r«d in thom mine, d its -15,016 le leunem bâme d lgmt m àm g Md m Ibo 4. UMýg Nouers. Ra: àr aumluqvml»pm "w M & m = ; Md Ut tho« Who have liait sa a comini ew Mao" m Mr. mu bu W-0*. dumkhl. lacé «ek to kww pulas. of the MW u du M". m fle .0 torcly Wb" *0 ln zuy wt wahka- Patent Fanaing. Min- f de ?l-b . ÀD TARIM WANTZD De Omo To OMM&- bave in mon fw tlm yet. 1 944~ àO8O3"ý ce ru"â& Md M è» * IFW bloque ilshas la bleffly &lm The ilsonth pamd awZ, md the M&- Ma- ]D @" 2" *3 bellbu t" un éphis 3"; or "Iton @.»= ta ow oemummm jor wrived. Bouxifing e a went Mr. ouurioà"voa. am VS te itbue plâ SI rois, uZ1ý wktwfauua- Family 4»Ouffl noms. to demma m relmé. x. a à xà«ý rocorien te ý z mlé !ý ffl of the drill parD DbitU, No ,, L:rt: ahim; it lnitteo on rvm "FADA un nmuaàwcz m& UN *0 la" Md imme Ild NO, ;y sood fenow. The ins- - JL co@»» @M& ve.ý MM se. - a atmatiom t au 411 walle Of IMP100181111116 6MM 1110, m goum *-MWMMI. bu,14 dr My "0 in thenext four v*1 L Am au khom et WM ahimm W" tü 1111,110#91. VA prmpw olr ü» w«bm, Md the 00l" 'sdevire tmm#«?«ý ut i C Pu bussie. am by au 0" "coq Umm% si». 10 is *M thon aboidd be no tio'. w é until L bellâthy thm is mS.-" Couaty Px N& wu thon ever te ho m end, of thât The COM It vu ffl in thoir rep mediate mm4b*md- lima tmp*é&m mou -m- --QUM et noir ý m% proiremîte buûd* @W ft*W Mares M6 Fuma vz prollents itlloir 4= , &un JT. M "M O - ]MIUSIR mis te tàm pmtingdfmb«. 0" " th ':à;7 = = 40 mwi VB 0.42à 1", lm &wf-M MOND, zww.) pmmftmmuwgkv., Slàl"M lu. f- on Cour b-ww àowtbu = Md Affla Wà% pudhm Md hmm- bdn»"mtly et My own intund èh 1" 0"' - - a «M douer fS-9 M àq« - m et M«oàbm, the qwxmn in 't àée _MMeý faim et .y-Mw vis »V f on" ow«hqé mu 8" wu instre, Couma nt t OMM 11011MIR, VM M «fflBvFý vi«W Bru», ùM -#Mme _11011W Imm ad a là te proedotîen &"Mm# m 1 a :)j

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