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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 17 Apr 1874, p. 1

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ait itue orffl. sim ffl@".ý moloav. Iffsmo 1 $1.40 0" nomm la @0 Whou moulloi iblielle am. Ill"IdIt. I.- fil. Will P-11 I,#ý re. 'Ilf-le fil t. (ié.I) LAW mOr V twittI-1"9 1. 4rrlqt.,e. A t- 'il r, t itil, ter. 1) NI NII 01, 4tor. IN NI, pl IN NIA), .%tt.-rety N Î. UIV fi le ClIr. ». NI XN 44 NI 1 .1% 1 M l' .14 14 NI NI 1) l VI NI ozti v1l. Loul 1 jlý NI, I.s 1411111litix ml Vý- "7 -ark LlA IV NI M-I I. ;f and j"I Ild f. 0.004) trèv&f4te rtendt te Lean tboi 1ýIcIl.t1ek'r., 11ro. Mer- NI 1 NI NI P 1'. 1ý morte or) . SuNeon. o-h A KI-11t. %.;ett fer t', t4 hkuýê 14.. Xf, N.lrth .1à, limm wM're ho ' Id. *vit night tc"d w ý;ut detail. 4 ett l-f sulkhop , or r hO te, contvm5t, m1kom. C-N-rw- »4*wrww. »bvkl4 4pril. 1*71. M lu à "»Y 000« POLIT DominioIýHbý buiduhisinde -Goldwift1.ý cr i Rule"forIrelà 6 pleuthevario minion an toi local matters. _Mr.G.W. Vol. XV. Whole Numbeir 762). LINDSAY, ONT, FR1DAy. APRIL 17,1871. Termi si. before the Hui 50 in Adyanee. Il- the mode "toinakothein i"ve. pwrras 01 rWiff lairm r. ith Mr rvin polotorailli ho kmit hilt POMUM in âO Mr- Cu.'qslxonàx-We» yon , - -1 M EM takeii stop& il% FMTMPM. - ehotroh, lm tembize buetmi timbale. *0 00»"« Who, à fow weeks flonir, Ximit Swe@4, A L]LX&SDER BKMNZlt, M R& IL »»M »BIMM Avaitaits bmwrlràbmbkm AX HISTORICAL SZETCH BY 90 i@ M-Mm-d te ho »w Whou in maroh, of Riel, rmmkoiàc the J. bbuvwiw &M. àwmobmc""*l «, . whether it is tl M"" te U *@**a% auch.) tmm the Tho Esv- Thý 10" wu thm in Pu»»P et St Sorbet, the Suanery b..Ir* Il. Ir, atm f'omawdi. IIIOTAL ACADMT or xUwý LOND« £m THE BEF. W. H..roxzs, JE. A. tz . . amm»- ýudbuu% wo* MW Mr. U»qnmiu" te tholmembewymd Boniface? uninent tu ab( ?M t onnum vuebvAm powba bb buv dubmaý &M amdýd in the nid »SW& m The BruKra raled the question out p Ht)l«lý4X, William Mt (Lawy frais 4»tbw,4) UN& âii7oi se TIRE LAU sax»y ut las OILD BUMBI» U&ticien lu" Grandir OR OZ n of " , and wl t"ItC, lish a free deli, rut, cellom avaumamu m a«omvu" order. Ib', Ozgo Itir e p top. bte« #bas Ille bu --xvmuo or RAHM DAIr, BUI Re »=* 12 baptàm oeil 2 matters in cit! Ire. 81,20L = = làndar. Md bolie* films éb -!M The obite of the questions,, tre judge, à",wt4il.14ho. élhot Nfflip. je 8".. Olt Ismu"t £volutes Pm Tm cmàxu Pm- 1 boý - lail, ce eouârmaüolm4 11 WhathI pme"l ufm» tbpm»tbàt although there were cm 8, aèm et M-1v. boum arms, mm «M et mats Md Umm onnek vere dkmive& va lobve a buiutmg et God. Md in Mm ;;Z",= wu onupened by mlym 09 occasions atter the foum tion Il' à the VRITC11S HOTZL, m bý Tm maIlle, wftà buàd% @%ma tu tbe ill hm" te lutte, the, parie, à" nom Noither Tu«ý itt"br M%% atn*e sur du& bmum&*-ILOW, à* Id mes. 01 àhréh, Wo-the day Soott wu g,,.rlttir -.1 Kent And Vaubb Liait. Olô= ..ýromw ta bel M. P. 0. Lbdoçy. vis Ci ET ria oemdtemminthock" kMM-m whi Riel cuuid have belon M'el" pftmm attmilm.-Ilety This tact is the expreWm et the lis- miter we tritait m the EI militent tu &Dy one of tho toit veiwh. mombers aittii Kéle, rit p ýI 1..1ý New «@Èu' IMTW& expellembon &hm dellith. He chu& 0" Of the -rmab-a fnr .ý.;i av* ;q4filitum Ilits te4voli A" uhffl ab% soit until will Illut CROWN DRUN M M Riel hM àanouiuSd Là intenu band been in a lit* Iwý% Wilbo-, Ilquo and orli. kw» thM " mrâiy homis, the bo4y, M» Dionuwla first re- la ParliammtM candidate that the Macdonald, D eýwwl BOUBIE AND CARRIA019 Ira Tes lie@ bom M" mamun divau, wM be dimoived, @M ho bW»vm thit ocecied draty inthlit pu ük ils the wu est in " on agaLut him, and New Md «%ÉW Ne art bu bm »womta& thefthe Win buldiM of 0" tiens of WaL Cramoisi, of Emuy, J* , tW il vu thec et the instance uf a a signifi-, out Xill %tiftt, Te maille Mm mue. wice 8" coed. am mode = " stand in *, 'N»- lu haptised ýK motaber Of the Macdonald Governmont. nunciations t] rh.11 toi II Am swâl Md Pumm Be marmd 23 couples., He alid vý"rtý 1tt.,tti.m raki te the COLDIMBRU Wwe tkis establisbed. it vould be urged Yuln levelled willes. Itqilon Md -GRA INER, GLAZIER, AND PAPER akiR 43 bu" eu be mm in an k" et The tort in nabSdlym«uted by the records » muârmdou but tw the imw 01 the warrant wu aimply friends, that HANOI& à" tàm m tre miný peculw iScmnatmm in W" va Among thffl 1 BO" the Basses of ni pà" contre, mIsde by Sir J oh,, to, thus to leave t ilavinu served a full Approquemble et My bu». Boit 8twS or, Cooking 8toyec. Adebù& Koo am non, pnplbml ub exerute ou OMM P« forcing ffl elà Vath" mal aewq*le&* After this dal'a m- W'soot' 25 (1861) ; Apàà hiàder P;el'a candidature. The Have Party = 7071aly b««W au sha"11111 air lm I" Ilimp - vices me Our " old ahmtm in Cr&wfSdý 20 (1861);bMh djing in «rly tiola wu Dot %nowed Iý% wint.. Ihjq4.ý" neatly. ehmply. and liniratilli Reforehom as.%* 1. nuit in tu tmm *[@m te lm ibu vâm beait abw#«L te ho put without an Off be triven. Air ou aàcz@Lo&. whicé. the congulgation. have for Ume womanhSd in the Oum Yser. ol,10 1.4i -oi billes. Ièý4wI I1411,11hât *»It à North Valises aw;at Min au %hà cou *si. ever, Ur. Clarke did afterwarde my theut for it ? f4Tý rho the t"VýlbiIq e-ZZ»ÛY P-1-9 LWdy. Awn isth. lord Litwi-ay. the = Dmm, Md kel thsn 30 rers metifor Meyer anil praim, 18U soir thé, de" of Dr. trou ý9, th" ho W mot him»lf remitred, si Where i *rom* au ls beemm iqmubly hestioli, &W oaky Min »Ci Joues any " Y Wdow ilbout swe4mim *a quoic Ity of Wood te de fer Imiricg the Holy Scrillitur rSd Bdfoqr 86: tité ukwien M" toie9rm. the morning 1 OÎb7.ý; AYD EYDS. and expouaded,-md for the administrer Yur witumd the du" of >1 m oWipd te am wi"--* tb*C»WX 0 The examintation thon tirent on. The Mr. MI Ilvo fý,rq»,rlV knf.,Vsl a. »tT'IW M tuer fer bas air fa don of the ordimmu of our hoir re- wu Of Thom» BwPhm»n, a mýgbW la desloo, oral caisses Md te prove *a he4 PrOsa"ent warrant baud apuut RW and Lapins ho wu violait ilà M.'te. lf4,r, holy for &U Iloinse, ý AttolfflVo air drum millaser Md test litiver MW ta no& Party "-white emvàt& ligiolit, " interne those momd and boy- - The "" by »Mmtf nomm wu m j information of , ma nalmed wu ruined bj h-tIVrIý As *6 Prim . et wSd là, bktru*v 1 ou with Un familier manes no mon forevS. DiX011119 25, Md the eý fading of a Irruw, sa amploy» of the Ottawa of Sir John a 0" A~ telialzace loi* varmty fmmmmd - un of Dr. Irons, Goveroment employed in Mr. MeMick- blue book, Il 1 datier the emai midi tentant: aller Its do= in sulM and the wSk of t Yonth of 10 Cr OzdWâmt--A PAWC in a d«»H" wM mm commence a" ho hop@ of hü tritiotreté moéà«. FIRE - INSURANCE » PAR tirant. ellkla Land Offim. Former vu &lac one ing 30th J uno attýl aibéi publk! thât whwh wu aimait, for *a tissas. a Thras OU »e' vis- 30blet of t4 Jury by whom à True Bin wu penditure ove Iholi *»Ii riio.-zoli y4rd. oir LONDON AND AIRERMIMS. « TMIE MM Au original 0 Nébuchad- goodly edifilm, ti» huit of ef 3114ARIrity. anxwy a" !oi4 D'XO'4 7'14u 'Mo; MmCorutil, MOUM feints! ataim Rîsi. The information livit dollar-t! vm ho" &M mjte of Chmeurneik 8% in igul and Joies vu Mt laid, am tho venant iscued, et Il proofs'ý are d» à PuMappiW fer. Mowow mek&es--The àupming of pois" mission. qp» #nenqxmtm by et ffliý t. b the relict of John Besty, go m lu& y un substituer m os moile the MOMPOUM 09 Clarke, m ho knew lions whieh Il NIAKxb.,r lj(rrti., 111116.000ANN4 "op. un Îerot îrWju *me% "my*e Ilman» ne doisbé; mon ho Win The aev. BEL Di&Wow wt the M" nothizii of them until solme days after. of gir fohn là%uimy. John Irvine. 144tprl- rufly by Bearly en dwieboum ohm ldad-Y. W. , . Lmwhuâb" &»- 1boiris Mt wat 'là 1 00 1 ý vida en M "bogdim« «dY ift IM, âZid the ceventh and pre. Th. m... why b&. Clarke-though thoir last yeï et-,r M., V." M toiI1i.ý» lI.tkt t., trAVq,:lfrý. the sable ddinal roqendhluty i. IL Nrm zLa. il, "an Wtb«, willi the le.4. tè,m-j mon14V Il& wM no other féelmi thm theee of de- saut Immbont vu &PPomttd May M0.0@1111, In ouise. the «dautIM& am U"g IL XCF@Oby% ho had bue Atwrney-(;fàneral since i wrfizaý, M-le ,ý.ly rAimial Il- bu iucri£»M toM. &»Il boys in Bjston artit now OàUed light, but thers ne &W mény whom Ird 1-had not imued a wan4int were, . thodaily w,,r',41 tu" am 1 lir «= U» CROWN Dauli. Md OMM« Md entered on the fou dati« ri. favoUr. as lit does &H %bas lit là tio, a 'e 21 lm en Jaý ltabbubatmobert JO" 2M fonow'ng-WULCU> that ho wu not a magistrate et that inan" watit ai oNfINI(b.li tif)TFI., William Mt., IL feelings inn lis mingle& surtout »Il joy, 111suy lewlu. Ambunt ut F>rerdium* for IMCI ........... 81.19111,291 V very bloulie hair in now calleil satinficition, and reg et ry &" Arthur -MCQU"e, B"-, briffl time, and that no one hall' laël an in. ; 0" uný Mt Sorrow lem. Kmt J âneattie tow.» ing with a holy place, &round Churchw" n& formation. This (litestion luiloweil one Tiie A" 04bltiV. ra"s. li'r- Tho- showing m lrmwae of lq«Mý W so , $y = Tm The attempit to weave mphyr vmtede mmy mdmriuë subsistions .08 l'ho ellatisties of My incumbanq up 1 that showed that, in, 18'42, or lj4î 3, At. of NI. lu lèr.1 nt ........... . . ...... ...... ...... lai»ým rurol. fib"ndw ......................... pions soit &part for the worddp o AI- to the promet, au, 1» 180; mal: 1 to 'ti(lity, 1 t),rr,%wN, tiol7,4x, Moy-General, Clarke -sud Riel had wd ellils the Dwmaitin 66VIL ..... 14&M Au ààhmtee butle eptoml»d-, mighýtv Goa, where the ciuu bu ried 2.9; buriais 44. toi conarmed in 1 both been together et a military f unern, 171, latter tommat il. tuve*od in arit-céme m. Ortait cry and *1 Litde Wo&wley. 'its blagiardly bw trlý lire- The elfflift for evolinty ut %liait canadien ptlicy br t fer golyý%p" and Confirma- 1871,46-in 1873, 91Y total 137-boing! when a firing pafty wu p the largeât aumi wafirraM in raison lie Mail, "tAbttIbz -t'a Why is a retired carpentoir like a Ise- tion; Wh«O the Bka" sagemmut Of t, and T 1-a-t MI" nt mmk te Lo"», Es«.. wm et BOAT NOTICE FOR M4. enot! amuubetam«-mý . Hi@ and Blond wu roccived; single Incumbency. anY Riel'& arrest would have beau euy of promise tf) &ut '419.10.0 for Aýb or rmrivýnsperteig. promma It is rather, P-001 in a Sm Francisco mi - wSmPl"m$ut It dc« hot sfflu example, bidà wil arm y -Ce rite wu paforma SmmenSd with doing duty in for certain that Mr. Clarke know et the m the mont d Te num MR-n m M M papw la advia a yang mm t-, ta véeé. Whou the consolation@ Of religion wwe Christ eh" am Sb. Jamà--m 1871 tune thét Riel was present, but, et ait. &da. Il rat« sa in any other &Mebu Meelk cellule cruwen ufflorany am À gSd Leakter in àâw-,,>ùý by gha»d in; Md whffl the bertiti vites service wu Çtmli&ity. plumre gtVelit ils t5t. John's, Md in avant@, ho wm not arrested. l'Il Fil. TO It. oit = 011I Indique but tg ofun Isait la ý dn«&ýjwàpf*. were 80100,Uize& la it which qpeaks nyrond« thon Nov. 11ré 2 b the hlu"ty of the polo. ilite umte.* pâtail in overmumm mm mporbg lait _y Thon came the folloving (IU«tion fuhion: - -T', st«Mb»tà. te prmeme ate, umàm et PwMm ' ovS &a omm ehould tholt the memodu which cluster vantail 00 and the Mimi« Boud I walit mamed fri. -n Mr. Cunningham, a raAt im Port- Nature sf, joý rrwtto 1 t4ith fiý-tmA. If. A. WALLIS, te s" Assoit file 1.1 pri- be&-ey ma- the old church an very many and very to -Sage the oervices of ml pressait vail C-,urAy virsorté. whowill ho out one in elle the strange, relations hint, in the d found as M (Irde'. Once. làmtmy.-T&$.Iy ce parti" wihmu te a thu&ýdvu et 4he mon- dear tu mony heartai Amistant, adding Emimore m sa âd- that exioted 2:0611111 the Attorney- àtealing or of rý-o-ïoli la oeu zelluw boitent wMer.% laillecien tba twy Wei" A STU« Qirzmoiw.-là it possible ditional station. mi" cimper se pur,,hom saalit, ucketa. for& -towtthoriguanaontMbud if belh, IbavothouetitwmUbebothap- Thi" im, the grs" Ginud of Manitoba and a man charged infinitely mij Sopriate and boueficial in titis lmé, sor«, H«d or the chmh hm wond«tulii, PARMER's CWMAwy! with murd«. ý4 i4*r tbrritýr. Formiri Imure your pro"y la M"iC btbtobpoemnbawddçotd t" Loa' by wMalil 122 W Imm à resotme ry of blessai our laboure.and. it mut be the .7 = 001rmivt Au «periemi nid gmtlmmm my* o 22, Agrieultural latirance Co lruù'te ta ho tâtils an dm 1. amalffly in *0 esjoyamait 01101* this d »«" edificet no fer m fervent prmar of un au that théit bieik. Did You ever propose the health f ditties of his Grand Tm" gM« B" and or momm te Coalition". 1 Rive it with the mater" et MY sing May a be vouehufe& votat il Louis Riel et a civile publie meeting, si, dignit pm sAIX A étiock Cou dmkvde 1 Winch amonget odwriý the bon. member We call tip livé h-p-rty A Party of mon ne ëgging W outil dispoul. The roi,-«n of the desid is a long one or C> c2l or m e:Z- ki t &W million to et It rab vole et quarts The first servies@ of the Churck 01 fur the time 1 have belle with you__« fur Selkirk wu preeent, where you tl'.. P-ýIt oni, t'Y 1'. Jý aigrir baillâtes te "I Umuahes ci "M et cal*. England. in this notuemmt Vote given, in aIL The most famijiiiir to you being spolie of hint (Riel) in mest laudaitl" blaguaHim.' irry vAgit ASSIT% cmmell% bou. Onan oecm"w := ýýememal A Westera moralist thmim thââ the MoQm& in j» (83); John Fitch iterme, and piedged youneIf te, stand by ýfh-et ý Ile. Ur. Langten » report llhelm over #100,01M) 00 de- *'an*. 11CILeu cm lie Puztbàmd tion aima ovna et aie precont "Y rs .. bmm,=., m n«dy m 1 cm gathm, by the Rer. John him notwathMandiug what had uccurred i W %ho = 011, q ýp«19 ph tection te Cmuh» rellécy- Ikket Rateý-"ým tieket à* oine odult.. tU UCU a" Catay fuuer&W» Mr. Thompaon, Rector of Cavan. in (5t); Richard BoUeur (37j), and Ama W..blrltlitKF.1.1.. lirtlltzï»t. liquil ofbeq for ille, Dmtvdm nt ........ ..... A. wag on being uked for au appro- 1the year 18271. Thew, of coupe, soit JOllett (44) in lrà*O. James Anderson 1 Mr. Bova, who is eondticting the' only occational. 1% succlimor, Rev. (80), Mu7B*our(77), Jà»Jo I-MATH ton, ont. J. e COOPU, Pmw»lk l tbm éhùîi;ý ë 10"1«3*,.T'm'ü, O*,t,à* etý-sb-16 prqx-&:, nos (54) i prosecution of Riel, and ought to bc Chiures UIWW 6 Yom ........... ...... >'tee "Th,* Mr. Armour, alao vWtod the settillement. and Edward Davidéon, ir., (57é), in igri 2. maximu to got et the whole truth, oh. W$ IrOuld reller voq to ille fwkwdng sentillemela Iteh,&,bmenu ma be bâti m board if restairmit How ta, become FMUCUIty acqudated Our present Binhop, thon Dr. Bethune, JO»Pb Kant (78). Marir -tuderwn(lof», jaced to " queugon, but Mr. H,,Itfit i Oit 1'ut:âda, la = #Il the ut the cmpmy - ourn..xtr.. whh the Il Roté of the@* 'I-Lme with yow aile,; of Cobourg, &ho odiciated and some of i Jéne Joues (loti), in iir, j; and 3LSy held à vu of gmt importance tu sho,%, Cý,lc1aý D. 8, FAY.. C*-hèor Ons. salait. mother, Md motber4"«. re held in au old 1 Hu-PbÈ« (8-), and Geurgina Craw- thaît, up to a certain point, the Attor- of the 2tid toi Thorough- rrench swilois Wu. Kra@. rail., IlLym, ne Cobmis- '01 forti (w), in C. L> DAKen, Coq.. Liu"y. Nature provides no remirired suft for êChool house situated to the aouth 874. ney-General and the murderer were on a dLtaisi.;e of i W,11 4- -Llebral. SI Vmb Ir trviie to, à YOUD W. J. TUS&KU4. r»Il.. làadvay. Ume la lice on the 1 what in now teimed Sturgeon streek And Dow m a Word for the future, 'the lisait of terni& The (j uestion wu no teanis, -éli M, tl. IA-t '_'X. Wu T. rimi thmrgý Aums for Me cm ICdwwd»il"tup. 1 Ze 1 The Rev. Saltem GiviMM4 Dow RStor of (the Aev. MrJmmgave au exhortation put, and in rply Mr. Clarke admitted dance, attend xe"bwmb«dM%& >wbmm4 ftulw commurmo os oit ABWT ut AERIL. Couàm in wen euofflh befo» mer- St Paurs, Toronto, hm told me that ho to en-0 and aud 'm rails poqwbow Md v6urll6 the new that ho wu et etich a meeting where started fur h,ý M. CATHER, hqd, omidated in those sarly deys in edihoo.) Take exemple of M 'a ancient Louis Rielî h«lth wu proposed and ternijort. TEE NEW LAKE STICAMER the to-nohip of Emüy. About the year POOPleo who in the time of Moites wore drunk. At a later atage, Mr. Clarke ber hisshand, il I.-It III, #W the mh f't'o ot 0j., ATOZU MM »Mnuy dodu" tu, re-; called, talion by him, uying, admitted that et a publie meeting ait Si, Mr. W. . Icl th,, Iwý",z briet iIe and lie,% ojtýioe il# the Crive à ttleguplùc deM&tt* trou à yillear Wer : '4 talie up N llitnhet . tête ?m On» locaMv lm bal idght a&" the dhmse the promet building though no clam- front among yon au offéring to the l'Md. Norbert and other parishes, in Ottawa that!,,eiàtlezià.i 0" WO*Ing A. RODGER& COMPOMION »y à Lrrm Boir.-Sub- mm wu in charge, God put it inte the -cl whosoever is of a willing heert let sud in Montreal, lie expremed the opin- they had,,,,ng and poiqq Wotalivius. Atout ter uààpomoë. Bruk, ibneàlâI »A ai«*. Imm tg a very Umm hisarts of the laymen of the infant ut hile Wàg ille se Oiraini il th, Lord, ion that the people ot Red River were hall Il bu illenu telle- mm Ou mh flement to baild, a Hon» to Hie Praim. &-Id- lâvof and br&mý and blite, mi perfeetly right in standing ont for their They m Jq) LONDON 44 a yosing Lady; The followinc pervonsémils to have been. -riet and fine linm." And what did: v«ted iights m between the Hudson other %idt: (,i in,310% l'on. OPK COWANT. autae th" *ho là am moollint. boit VA" the @m a N O R SFÀM A N 9" "' a k"ar te a 'de" the mou pmwnent in paching finward theY bring 1 Brau" Md «r.nnm &M Bay Company on the one hud, and the the twoly ileN ]PIRE .4.Nll),Ijrx (IL CRAWYO». 31189W.) bu" the work . Jamais Baàmr, and hi& am rinze and tablette and au joui of gold, Dominion Goremment on the otber. frozeij. It in Win 1 ber relquitir trips m tbk roum T«m womoummg m- Gabrieli, Richard Mutation, John Col- ffl et M00h such was the meilleure of ThM wu hi& opinion thon, and it is come tired u TUE LARGEST FIRE INSURANCE = ait Ilew. om thm Who illaieil a ý tubufflft lïubdmd tom., Robeft Dixon, Jouise H thillir Ù1119111ilitY thât the peovie hall to now ; but ho always mid the apil"g of rest and that COMPANY m Tas WORM for emmome them *0 ddnum a »eWq-d@Uw mub am cdw ft Mairies in agh", be r«bM»d, «Id, Moms Wd actnany TIIF4"'TOLEDO IIOUSE,," New York comotbmml mm salora bl-d wu a criminel blunder. ing unable to 73 lm au litéme and il mm Sm- W" A" mgath. dqmm- luel Md Daviii Armmront, ta, il ettemllue Mo. 'a a th" sacre Front an Which it appun thât for a V;US; autumim Win lotive Cbwletl% (Pm et Illeebri. Au 1 ---or sillet mm Uý bd, blw» »Àdf. &»Ii sbe'itou.9 win lie levuted la Ow,@M ê9èled, p. 1 M d., and wu aaomà*W Dxoc4 Robert su£" t had listes o»tributedmd that wb«I *0 Win Imm as 2 1114.. W-1111,M mady four yettrit ai ter the murd., of quest with le% t., à t.ilqtw the = 1 I;= Coý thoW vers Ille, brinc toutr IrADM, &@atm masser âmer t whaner Christopher Knowbon, iF . t . ,b&, examiner, wh -tout inau %vh.. will lotp lit la ý I&M Desort te $le*.. pe!e ý= ,! tý? Il noil Md John Teille. m . ci Scottthe Attorney-General of Mani . accordanct Ilýt A- ýf% IV, The grelliw- noë-t lie ý»U Si, ho Delly 'nee" « ezpm"m Mo" minimelou znb;lzy, wu on excellent terme with Riel and 'In tr T C4ufm" agdeult"tu The Imd wu obWned of Mr. Butt», bertally. alad, give fruits a demire tu pro- thst laothing vu dons ag&ùM hi;ý un. ý d-è-d w- It tarplyb"gimS. lbqbavm'tsmmmb - ars of Cobourg, but 1 have not béle, " t» moto Ckd's «Wy, in the motion ci ::m à,,D. peut the &A pyllable yes, bu bute la de te l limw 1 &eoerb" whathor, it VU gi til ho mode hm appearance in the politi- r*@,qot»w»« et lamelle âb«&L vain or bow home to, the homm of Bie Umm. 1 (111A.V Tho rialowelle m m or C. r. C phase nwminu& Iht 1 cal field. Why thi& vas soi re"m to s= iret""PUWMbw I extract- Of the louer it wenid not be mach, m 50 now we bid hmwen tu thotait Old ! bit diwor«,e& An effort te, show that lusquillit la Muu#Y N»h»t b- "Abwik» phamopher billet 1. ad the feg»bg repty Imm au adym ledhw-qb" gond farmmq land wàà am Worth more wau& Thlly wu, never mm reenuati 'th, lots Goverument sas invoived both ' Th«Cr)urt TITZ LIPE DEPAIRTMENT W te the qum, ** Mov in, Utla écrût dit"? Dy 1 thon le or ttio per mm The charch, with the praimand the praym Of Our in the delay and in the proisoeution 7th ivât. ait vu hm llktwxtumd hm CM"14 ma P-UVAW «ruqmkmdi.," 1 theuxil, commenced, in 11M, wm not 11101Y »-H*--to this place, heroia from, talion it wu ordered. was cot auccomiul limourable Ott" ___ A " vue ý oommitteil suicide c. gue" vies appointed the firet in. which ther have been mag and »àd- rS puomt» Md se effect 1 q9t duqily bocame ý cale toit à beaket a" a babv lçted imtil 18tO, white the Rei. G. i to this pis- where our knï« ba.-o bout to the fullllott extent. Mr. Clarite mid (.1ý;praque) pré le un Qý% not@L) au his Umm la Ne wu àftý M. wille voulit ab. 1 OOMP ho wu not permm&Uy awàre that the'one suit ente TOWN LOTS JAXU BUP, Thwarfti te his, m" *"& Md enatouvra sor jais, cambent 0' the Par" @nd brougili to rocove the elemoii th@ Macdonald Crovertiment, or any menu- Brock, be Agent for Un"v-and Ce. -u m front m the ltrlvk >"Il. liquemer aod bWe boolumi. the Submlb« Ifthmoig myâing W" In _!with him wodmm Cob M to pulp't frous wh'ch hm gme forth th@' boit of it, hall before thio election of 1872, le- f-- 1 1,,%g »i« tobtt..t IIII th* 14V. %11Iý %llbsthett; 6,1 elm. Dow m !:Zngt-dy et *,g , »..By nottaise - Ponton, lit ta P.-g Q.-th fi-ich iL - The antanus fé lm thereilore Word Of wàndngp exhortation and cun. taken steps to induce Riel to leave the, forfei titre ff) the 111-MW IIý1Wh4l by XI-ht. aità.1,lmth. rl. crowd et mai bop trint have &or or tu mow- mw the commencement of regular mr- aclation. Farewell ! Our fathon mmy M'IV îé, mle Win bic mlutmi vices in the church and the firet celèbra- î country, but that of course doS not also for an ir C R O C E R IE et bans -d--"- of theut' sud friend& 'ou &90 bd them show 1bât no such steps were taken. for an awui T. KFKI.VAq. A dtiMMOEDdt84lOlR4 wdt«tQthe'timof the H(?Iy Cmmm" wm on, fMwell ; and Dow car taire hm mmoI, The folloving question, put by 31Ï. (If cont-lict let. 7-4) if Tm dea't se" -ch-rm'do tý Jmlwy 17th, 18U with 32 Smmuni- Not for long have the Bdfom% the compm" in put ot «" §M be 1 Cunningham, migM. if answered, have the defendan rie C*ieeCr' YU b«M.. âal. culits. The firet records were made by Engli8lu4 the Hughes and the Tool« thrî0wn nome light oit the mysteriouà in- cardinu to th te GRRN, M OK & JUAN TM a oni' l" "MIV mam.' Mr. Street His first record" bapitima of othor dy' est Dow -11 tO- trigues and plots that evidtntl7 were go. At the el(me Sûr Anth»y Abookb vu right wlum wm on July. ith, 1840j Whm 3&Sb i dePut and bid the old place farmeIL i ' Ottawa and Fort Garry : Couniol for 1 80P4 1 th. eme '411)r. tir, %p ,= ,,m nos be mtw EhSrison, Sainuel Cormd-md Thomm i May va be reminded ýy the *ad of this »gD'i' "'«' DÉ-mav-turnwt! d you ever go to A. 0. A. Banna. entend the y ericrrr. dt"etiv the pý-t-odtçf. à" unu %WY bave %ut" un ÙML» Beamishi, &U of Opà, teinte baptisai. building th" Our Md a not fer distant tynes Md Robert eu * hm, là . j«»I but th, T)ENTISTRY.- m TOU= nninq 34 Ow lé-L nu The first Emâl obd" record" m -th&t Ww 11111an evs long PM on, 84 Our ing a telognm signed John A. Xac_ .4110p ('11 one 1 Lind»y giris wozi't M&M in es f Mr. Cal l M »Id. hein Thk iý . Very M 1 GOLDEN almtw ce th. mon% wwwbg tilit tàe «u ham » i ýý ed by him, traite à-, kkewart; i f&tàemý did; but let m remember for our ..a %r- u- mi #ýentAncid- rIffli -8ýVW- T- «.-. - . __ 1 spS ea bu %V&V, elb4kl? iffltu> - nZoid-. na by fi.»ý tv4,,.% the, 4 t!ruwtt LvuW. in 3 yurs talon 1thr? Vwl. IM4.1y 4fý". front Ttqtnto. J. & R BEGLEY PLASM A» Umm 234 LiMiméy.. Çut. . (wouk a" mt-a mqmwbi* gomm un "wràýw"ée The am mi- Bo Wb" à the Rave w.*4 partt xr. mora*jva-. MW wAdum 2M lyu&ftOnW"Peg. AUMMY-Goue- th" votre going le, do about the mailler.! ont teachers ri) cnuldetl.,..) oppm4se une uktiud ce.. Ûle am pee,-tv" et Voibln§Wbd = -xr. Iffy"d, of Cavan. to Cathanàmbrahèdm. ral Clarke once, visiteil Riel et hi& own The Premier naturally replied that Mr. : notitied by t 11018183, in 11(1 1111119»Y wM Mr. P-sormty», BO"n should have put the (Illetition wiah DE of 1 lmmarzinef Emly- Dorn hW in order to ditimade Riel frffl becoming before ho comamiced hà pr,,»O&np &t gh il Wb" prfiperty in le 't'ýh I AU Fil d 35 Suple& Mt 18hantr records a camlidate fur Provelâcher, as il Vas , m-aintain ori MOL Bub peeling: 31 batisle. amome thom wame three 1 them in hitn own way, and carried thom &11 but »*'Dg th" ho comm*nSd durîna inte ium -Jý Erre à 06ý, ltomaciýý chil toured thst if ho did » it would pro* 1 ports 1114)m tl ,TOWN LOTS FOR SALEI gr £Mt 8*11014. Dm 110 *0 Gbabe net OMM" &en"" dren, Of C. X»IV130114 (18t'M Md duce trouble in the community. At en M hà own W&Y, the Govemment felt ";Chfm)l and t] imille àg"vjrètnv» OF c0coàý-ý11 We wal ladtià4 the wifé of Goup laughe% " lismeting m arrangemaut W» 0 ' bouad to let him fin" thom in hà own Ali RZTAU., »W sive na BMD!M et *0 prenez, br- 1 (15446,) aged 65 yum The first re., i t, bottgoen 4,1,rk lie S,-hg.«-l fin N OF HALIBURTON. Nxw xmi&iý emac&, corded Confirma" wm in this Incem-' .4 eaxtdRietwhiéhthéý'-Y- WhenNr-Bowellbadouiielitded laid before t 1 chairs rfflw" Md pobt". «"% et *0111r W«ka la tbe umtm 981114 LIM. 1 latter afterw" broke. The agree. Mr. Mackenzie ubid the, wilore, th âre end -Qhoolx. dow.» caomr* a qqîàlre henry on 8epý»ber 3rd, fflâl hy the fro ment W» that Riel would Bot tell that ment would thon indicate whm Tt.%"b hall. gr -ýq &Il Job 1 1 ilom» a"'m-The fiTeff, of thon-, Rou. 6" Rqm the àtbx»y-Gm»ra h" be« to »U cour» they would adopt in the p jftanAý1,11l_11 C., n'Pl _,ý nidw. hotrit &V. G IRO CIER remi- hv the Terfflto & Xipttdr* mrâb le ba» brun MT" &Wiqr fine ma 84 madidata& AM-fflt tàm 1 Ob- hisa, liait Riel did ton it within two am Mr. Bolbell, oonmlumtiy, have a new 1 tr,-b't r. e do» devuetà. - - . - " t ,.bmmbr. tbtnte by =,Md*eemmtgdmf» » .. vu the ÉMITur 01 Io" hM afègrwvrd& Clarke aLd Riel Mm compl" Ze so Muldrit etýd J. à IL MOM. Macaft. lbbpmpo-! ho and the Party Xhe re. ror forther âl.1,jv %0 LwÀhay. jwy latin. lam Mabe la beint Mm& Md emeb tmmun Shaw, (the Ont ait . wr. ljwh, X= of the k" bu etw C = î Nir. Ketchiju ctt.%,2t. J.w. ittA)MrllttD. cent D&Vid"14 et the hmÜffl on »"MÜO' dIl progmte have hall the fullow L i- owem« or etvm Mh . L Bat"- M' tbcmgb them was no qnw»l botwénes tudO, whâO the f-ovemment are pro. .44tbager C. fi 't 9. that the rep Divin, je" irato, X. P. L K. ma elambe«M ; bamum ète efflas& no OMM%- thom thon, there vu aftum" when Pued tu take upon thenisoltres their full puilawd tip go ALCX. N NEw uA»làolc JFARORT a" woma "Wb* au w1w C01111,11104 jimq"m "d Clarke ehdkupd Riel to fight on se- i r«Pmeibdity of firAl docision. The; L. j of hà iMpUtnel». 716.1 wý tbm 382* North %'âtrd 09*emmm me Md autant the ic - et Bord à _Xo WUT»t r«tdt WU th" Mr. BoWen grVe ftotioo, a -Wb-- urriumr. shawifm'* l Md m liow 1 . j.ýel in om Hr.]FtlàlHE«y vu ont for Rielle arrofigt th«, it lm théé; ho woold move that r. iciel - wgFonded by, 6=116 U&M Ibo Mb*Mats et umwg me bmm& belle, bug *A4 Ine hm «wmom" *0 mablý eut- »"W of Z@lm& CSlmal' 1MnaabKný bs'àg hm nantifil metil &M«O- ef h&"« 0 " msh faurd«, - A th. diftici :,av "IWL ENMUL iffé% fonow" by the Bo" wànmt W Wktmmt baving been foued egainsfi which May la BISCUIT C arffl « "M SM-The ma hm 0- Ber. Robert Ew"s mmm«»M the àamé, pertiotil m No-"-m-bër.--T-h-ë him Md wuT»te imued, having lied ,SITALLION out the decis Mm au 1 et *e b" Umm ai> m Oubober l9là4 raison no warrant wu mmed, before from justice, and hâving WW to obey ho mile 0 chieralimée *00ubbuewb»w .11 mm lm unIR6 bu Orb, on pub ti 1 bq .0ý 12 discumax thd bocage W"mu 111110 onsme this thest trait bemm» no person had, laid the ord« of the Bouffe for hm attend. MA lit = 4 b"mation or »bed for the i aaee m hi* omt-be expelleil from, the the old pro, la ille go la WBL* te et. iý et the warrant by a lent Boum of Comments. K la *8 goba ait *0 -Oblw4tà4 IM. Mr. aink The offle iaimd m 1 èchool grouni Rd à pavana fa a . - 1 back to the 09 b lm% int noump WM en tbe Ilth yé. ber lnes Mmd by a Mathbue effl the 'Mile. fp, VFAMMir AIMM le, amument la 'te SIG PB,&% to reé,,Mm« Mhe -%&hW t &Z ir ai; îw«z;lûbb goï nonainir d'lm" Am d M beiné made, mi was 1 lumim prbommý. jua , - 8 - = other site wit voit eym TWEMM veam cd = Mme ara la 'ntaont the kwwlo&» 01 At' 1 Who vODU faot ho C- » in Xag- OriRistal »)ti ai *wio-m FeMa À in YÀRM thr» toumy43«md Cluk& At thà mop land ý Mr. Hawkuâg4 na", MA a*&". -.-imbmlbmn - . - - for oonduc"g, icetchum, aft ihik àmmmtgý mm aligna& Qu'y ad", in " la«m- the fonming quadons wure paël mi For- 'on mai Iraq> ï. t" PM».Mtion &pi" Arthur Orto% dm chai 0 b»Wwàk a total et ]LU omâààm m wM ho seml wm r" ont ci order: z«uvM a r"»r of j,» Unium &md làà moverl lx TROU" Fm Groeuriés A~ tbm 1 -à *a ý et Mr. MORA»-lmdT« "ft vo. & n(rW« 01100 amiam for " dey tain the infoi ommenuft na amiL mm Ch@" Couw& Av*»MQmdleJaM adve a "Wý frotte a minà*w et ot. s i ý0fth9trisl- The*Wlaetedforeighty-,,â«,iu,,, dba &oom ommmaw imata agneau ý Joues, Vm IL Davideau, A» rive V.MN oki. bay. b1laçà 3%1010 Md Un- bât du. KM M L uffl me M FB m Barb- ttm b-ad- th@ P»vm"m Obdm 1 1 Di» d&YO, no théé Mr Hawki,, ,, to decide fina won -M. 1 1 1 . ---- __ hy. wu. Tvmby, Joum T" mi wulapqtrp A» '. - ma Mt -P" "Î effi"d in 8B 069,5K 1W à Dow re- and 4dimbili datinclai àaehàdoxambeiL Mr.-Bwdiowie- 60% mi Vas it net alter. the maipt 0( taiudmoou" in"diff~ electwnýburyioggrouj mou ]WOW, WHOLLULU & M AIL 1 amfim" Dammam Srfb et bu" in hà *wý UMM the ma t= th" yen qourow Petiuolm4 with a rebdainq fée in ettich. fflool Pm" gang M -11rm* Rave,, whom, 1 m the maman et = 0.1. Z ma wurau 1 Who onn, et «» gaimu Md 1(e suitagne va. , mittee re."Ort »-à 70, (MMR-) W111119111*14 wm RWW Who tciepapàm te "w iî; »u avmd band iloisie w 0, Zonfinu, et 3r, ft"w «& dar. Bâch, et thées mont: The Fumm i haro la m yeu hm Ottau FRESH bq___ *Md" (nui a? Do Y« recolleek nul Imm ai Imm a tireoit, no th" Mr. àmfbb.bo» 'Imiýdph-0. (18M) and Jdm the ran« et the - 1 Hawkim% fous wS âmouât to et le" Mole Mwa» bt bm» Xv. Gi&W, Q. C., bu bottai und G inspable, br tan udffli ia lm mi b unadmit mallar 1 Il retaintelà la idevm ébetion "üý« Mr. ilowlu Me"" tbat tue «@8l6 Mr. Bdbwlti» m lu»9 M 84; ?w mm-b» ope » rMA le *9 te Oabdo. lffé tres mm"" IV the qmm" afflu »t bu pu, M;t hm a ma Mr. Q. C., in av*--*n with, 1»« JO» nalomm 911111111le ibè0r i 11 3M Jan Msàhý ohm *m wu wi véry âb" ÏM& Mr. Hawkimes M Md pro@- second" by Md wu brelov»16 tim is nid te ho worth aboat$l21ý0S a chahmm ho ne bqo"d «?j bal; - 7Rýý Vil boa. &"WMWRBOý& lm mmâfy Plî, Vannas. while thme " dangleu befère aura ot 0» T wz*wg plevits, or Imm «16 ý 21ý-« là 1061- Mme la ettfli et puma& bm.-àg à«M le on- ý auvý l onnalaiutieu bu tudmd in tête ab" «"M priefloi a fS thé partial e &m of, sub è9 F& lm %mm& me bu" mi " immr bu wm*emoumfmmopt judg"ip whez, ho g4ft tiseil of mokme Md 0" éloît. "M Mmàmm 211W 68 qm*m Mt mmweid WM be 40@MM wàâ * modSt --Càn uâmv Md the »tmâÊ16ý d«Wk& 08%8»& lm fie the "à et hm Mi& C, MON FI'f Y T 0 L 0 AN.. tIl Il fil i4 for 1 e'li'q NI 4.1. the t-r 0*4 RKAL l'r.àt U04T. . à . .

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