wkýivo teIP- I ILA 9:1 Ar~~~~~C n*wl@fIFaêeU PR PUCHÂSFtESC KCent and Wilim Ste, OL 'qQ0THINQ N OORBRSTREDOENM j #**vvouuoel-fuwM hasm» d bu~w.em te loudi&. CR ItP I'g CA ftL Abow oili .TéJus.Us.v Md PMISOI:offl a aPmtmey t l. l ampin, oimdte lm molli, f' lnn du* ffMdsm à& ',qb, iîUP. li.fflbi% Mm Mmsiaok'., v mwîXs.as m. ub=o: âjà inthe.Main&~m ---f» I'now oar umw tu"s 0.0k lut tathei~Hboa o hm w .» t*»O.Wire"r0b lgle ti *liIt4 # - 00 W WdI6b"mbO#the u ouIomd for aabe oh. ultI. "tiit11ij r"1%pf»gv. ,Pleim uhutgalerau.a -h A u.rî«Wlýis 1U 1 piegsge~w mm $% 1 W = ui* te flUS *) wlfbt% fflout "I4dOloh. #41 «M loin Cuff ke 4, (ti tell, th" @*W3<g5*t avi*.damdomi« t .e.ala- uu'osoOhavCis ,.i %'~I'f tht, Wh bit te ègl ilinmt e. f fl 9@«Mi flla *iejgj MU Mda $160ma 11ee ~~~<>~ î. u~ ~i ~ ti '~ us,~ p Tola ~ ci bu~ . wil . i* $rd*<> t>. ?êboo. I ~~.~nuOProvmm tI 1 e ffl mnias W= u. Mbl t 0um n iur telie Oum1 s~ î l~O~ p. lt.t4l îî~>b.i ihontt', V~,~I" li o gam , f l<9'alibioulo* p. a. ..aiite $t"()01 1 . S< ' f ou om Md pu bb * dbg f l ,e laid:'eIli&U ftlfo $4t Ilçb-ik.i5e~tf t ,ee ty uki* uati. ae.vuvu alé ssle a . U"homu i et me ln0d.ualieavDM 1, tht'd~ îlr iiur1i14.ihli t4 thvilm' hii' v. * oia'bom M *0 al w mout it h ',l, f lles thelt h, I ll et lZt- uuiw iélt I.liivi.vo. 4 ta h ii ifaIs W ~~~~tcireA *.cF "47 kqt. dy WOsSU"mvl gTheur.d. 1.gstgfîl atiuaa ff~ h' hStW.iilhei.i'& ? < btiaWthewd LabhImdiuaseaviib.otu te ittr1m e4 ?k I WÇve(Wu inh* mubom i 1 1 t T - ____________________________Point,__a______ ilmm Imuht4d t iftd iOtnt M iiail ont dta t ltme'.'wi i *1e rtt', 'ii'î eç *M hgcm h"us lt l a s elle , t mm,*, 0mmdté udmeUMtif "ititLady 'VV <lQ~iiiWI~ thtsostkW'tth*t.' î ,o.eutroueV'av,'Md 0&..'bu"bà&ll aT'at ell enibou tsarfor a oflt'b4 ibel)Wtt 'fi tem "*wi' l,Y4 fl "ýtEle«"t vpig.mm- te-am" wiîh hbos. uno theî,', l 4 îil', ii Oith î'îii uiît'etI . n b-U i gopn db mbm L wbn m p tm wl ooti " l\ i'"II~" 't ',t 4 i'i ti ele ett" t ew hI*Z 'rOioo v got«l i. t 1< n i y solle oum u* am e gitslly ten b ba tn sud bu Th* fchasse tarbolysoW.ol wueObovmYwlaog- "ct*w-t"? k4h hfe o1c fwdh,'Ioe tll Oti t»' an oh. vIclRlOy cf NVood"îlle, nd u"W" "I lftk o1Itiw ýN ie'î î'îî..î-'. ~* 'rî.'vî Ille, lf tot im pite i alo lmtci e a ted lu flot gtting s taotoorla oporatio î.liî".l".liiitil'iittit'îitî' l>Iî vîIa11taniî h 1r.dk o iîab uai lenel o'« »ingy -Il i ths. flo,u e, thm 2ii~. *Iffo" It ,rhwI 4f W i, oêt ous ati 0wîtan Mdh wi cr hubrnenio Boit Z s j m ibeig k I0ht-4,4, It t i i iiilii 'ttP' i h ltlt -ý éif ill atd tvîiiii 141Ic u a er bi n e qu Sbe a iti ne t el tî ii' thî ,, jiiiram iffl Villaet M 'hsMidller in theq insuof rr Ilte t" ; . iilii rwtt îi 'ftti îithlen.he.imîî mn«in cniot on sud ot MdbUit u eriontempltion.len- 0 'f 'li' -I ele.,t*i"iAuîrv' i'uîidty , t wtr»n , s rn to l îsraai..l't.T u~~s ~ 0V~ lii. ' ,î,1'î, t""i Iit l,'I îVi tlw îî«I,> itr iR 11tanda" tOc . Woui . tnm eof rvll. opeo ibsvlg. Il, tt' tti, IltWALL IiiI 'R1, IIt' Ii, i' "I-lat odt woon tpitis plage s M 0 dnotae o" r CH rte S i n is 'A Lt i N T KI.f.t leff,' , RWi'a Ia, ette. uo, r.1)v %îtaN 'n "îa.tskr e its d- e.r let t ber o fth e b fe r ' 114 htî *îî~îi o. t of i thet. "'if i W, sai eoliu e . an maie i4ý.'q t #feriihi,,oI lîî . i i i I, #. Fev Cletitinîamf d tiI l s 1 Ao 24io limsirca. &UM ap initaa.o r bl o m f h "'.r, f, y Ukaunm vho as skgt nes lhtt10t't Neît~ts ~ i.. t, h-"tîf, 1 bel 4t ii' ii t tvtl'tittiiltv iots , r. X ot l'. i 'ey asli oe asngOraibb r.o 'ito . ~eîî,'î',tîol'tlti lli' 1, tw4iriuftti tî'iitf .1 , i oi ter i *ss oa to les r . s c h 1 04 i rur ,,ii,' ît'îV"îîmî' T he mei.t i tît t î.îen t i'lto îyin peiasneviab o l obi lding icV505, iai gtt oudi, vh Aob bh.lof ii i h i .ttî i ri*îk » ~ ~ t~'~ "ile-.I 'I i-et t ien no al utoh.tub i on of oh. r l ine e r ina atotinuio ,t vn thîî,îî,i.t"i ,, i lt. iij.tl ite t l it. Xlnlh tb ebui ngo dhouble iau' n o.bad r i n 'bishoi ie.,ii-l 4tumsuiîtii dC.-l i aoo ofhe vi i 'yer O.la i vs lt O ou cfant i- , ilt.:îl,,:.':i- ti ~ iietui, îlîeI andti avein g htmîîessas e uts .uui. let f . htred he . Hea i. vuomm p amm liî hiîii a th h oiuhiod nt rs~y iie ine cvonZuingas fr . isy le t '. 'i, -i1' t . 1 ;'I, t-î.V- .î iî iu, "ît lttgi .1'hIîO ~tiw *' 'tt. th 8 Ist i n sdsorwang a imade b of if Ktîî t' "4tt.titeciii î' iîýkllit' 4au me tofistépo e o f a s fr. aut P-dîtî *~ -~~~f~,"t u',i-tgieiî . c rahblbmtx .tintlis wVamlBî I'tt ai m u gi O .b * V.ll whistvillee aniavrag. b. abou îu'ît .-eît. taihi,'O tt-iî.'t'hli t.iot Itithituand L 1 Ir . li fil(91 4. N .l t' iite"" I ' i»'tIi Iimi l' t W:~ .fli tit, Oit f ttimio< Thittdut i s 1 o e*boteingn terét ns e ,.ih"h..ii'tîiii I Vtît,'llt.*Iiit.= nîi o'fui o lltuke va 4aisrote uivcaty h îîny lucu Mdnaieue r' ' t~i' ~4lh.NIiQat, ola iivîly dionniThe s0up as y wag anti Pa , ort P o ia., the j h -I tiitq*o of II I fii »i tuii Ii'i'tle.t 'ti'h.,ittiîit'tut1w tIob.hy ,il. ic sh otî h jv o a flle ais. A i.lte rmSn h jIýj were ul for aitîi* th.r wo n aitE sn on, ê. I~"îttî' n léV>o 'd I., %Ir , rho . .' . qt'oitt,irfl st. 'rI i mta t t he n ibot oh. M the pa b o t heru, N r'Wm Muoek o lsitonsd t.,, t*îOt'"' t,. ,,i~,.:.- ttIItiol ilo (Lit fi'le tihma ot l iaisI&IOt"c t Iltle ii tef,','t In4beot 'thWu e" M h h m' 4M) (4v', "» ,( I tt1 lIhe - liel1MvItNUf iis igtsilti '.ottlo a nu. Caen tal ayni, M os'. 1. W. G omi huit-to' ~ î %I,' t' 1 ,ti i ' i.t'ti,.p. t. I l leihîtteii $1111 aimenfuira nt Ùy , teMSo all te tîe eil A f ,ai ti r u stbd," hof 'titih ~ ,,,t tî,,t~t~~i~"i ît iatititI.h ..',tutt.lerthur 'i,' Mo. n d e 1 atu vsato lfietw iite l ouaod iealos, h«»aI e i h s ber o f ".4 -1li liliutnC-tii' tno, iselD "b',' ~îi~i~ ~ ~ l'h.25îh vas im.vei as yeho - lb. Co ais unliluet.... Seeche tiI,îlcIe a, e,%%-11 IM O* t ths a. fr,1t Mfl tut. hev agm u ff . uhe e, u tftett. ttt'khi.iti .ttI ulît iiiiiliî' umttitihavettihotiti' nilfor the oitIsuue ît > ltt" mî.rti 1' hritI lttî'î 'î"'.,t~ii" i i tietili. t." t~~~ ~ e l à,ies trtO'.s iekvsjl titCAY eb tU op i tnhie hnros o 'li :.~ .---t t- ei'it'ît"ît ,tutitlî -h-u ,ilii Oi' tiiltt t i~iiit i1ttlithot uta aaigttg) i'ho itlaid('I-int the lut o inlofo ta.1111t. Oh.'don. i. i~ , .î-~î ,. -t ~,tî. r V!e1 t . d »i ti îthe ltIitfihtsud Cs d smati ltîrî ~ '~ t~t ,t,,t u 1.1 tt'itit le, iNi 'iarideî'tf cu i 511 tio h ve tsit onlac tg hlo Isin h m b aouO a ------- ------- -.. .t# .'..ît a» ,'ti.Onititut ith'N'i ttit no laittdhS doslt h t he MMananaS cf 16,0 Mr.p W.'Pmile ' iu' i iti-s't. 1 .m -- -i't - -l ---t,-'l - s- t-ei-i--e: j -y-- t-i. s.iv- t-1 s ---e ----- - ____________ -1.iIll. Ad d 1 »E , ' I44t.ii.iuhie nWitumtbp îaitî. is outVI, tî nicd ly sycotsle a4ha u o. . n vu u oi -E "'i. ' AV tî,tit &44'ît %V"thipi i*loi' av ' tieibtttilitl .11 I l ~i e ll 141, 11401 ie. à 11111»111144 y The oueibC A 11th, lt. iseIll "f 0wif lit mettil.i.miev îIl. '-m-ne w uio m iu.uî .4t -.it i aIWI&t -0%l for t en mOitî. drive iehot i 11' d bS IM ul me sotis h. My 0 . . . i.t.. 1 ,- tttiwt ilil s i tli tt hîî'lle us rua"%*te-1 %olU met .MW m ortlut nvdu'ya ,ailla. sehBsO Cmo sc Ln aspt u K i tît. i -. telîtit, $et-* f o tti ha f tfi5 ,e EIIr Ondl A rbilI-» ;; m o; j m m u retoun. le;lh4ýý% t" qw q qt(îkfo teuft Uisfsitii . pi'yba& oi " oOWt&MI. dat. T brveS t b 1,4A1- 1 A lldiltt. VI il-#II,*pI4lv»M he W$k t ii <iin ied valel mum eltboaire m d. Msvel = u s IlfI.itff tod .l'elle W- i5i#mir ble 1' 'lst . ub a .soee i.Lde Z ti'i'tt, btwlpî tei*ti' h4h oq.tb» ok e« ihIse ofb) M Uas yduaà iti.-i'. il ttuihit*i.",i'u tir tti*S tht. ihi Woiti Ii,13'l*àtîioi thtf tut*tgitl.o muopt i*0aSobv mo -ututt-tit'tti th uu.te- EI: M. A biot t î , w l" Ifim .i% hr no bod ' e eil, IIIliu» m * i e.L" j U i bh.IîIt' êia 111el fBWit t bh fl ll D. Mýfo. t.hi, cf a 1bit ïch d fh ettol e d Tuie s o fIi'lîut.,e 'me Ovl $A-$le À amst diftss1MIII for MMtuam he el, n umilf» m 1%'si - 181,ihv ýo o,, Ifl o "btv. Io .téIR ut1*Mis id S O n uo.sgi fo.I I ren¶ on ONil s 'il iP ,..,'~ ~ wtt ~d 14 1ti~tit~fl~ aet~~ ~ OIt. iwMLeooitu*, hi' ouarUI, SI osé, oMr. 2«, Wii Et-'î,îî.t,t ,, .lt' î cUItt »I ll m shm twwwfîlI t «â **Z. ah4ilidst st itv uead~e, à.ae i f i. Md . I ,w u os' isou l IfOM ol g Vîl s. 1" t. --ltlu,.,,,~ u,.iuîuu ,eft't î mtlc -îeh -hi b letî. 1eul * xo' mtiw Iimf. tVt S . -- .4 rOiut i m tmb ret t*t t', -î1',01Vsaft .tbffl a ut#0 o IVE g m ei bl Ao e a in .le 'l', fî. wiw b 4V ('oiiW' 5. pi4iisa.#ff le.h <ot Ov vs ut. Reboub«=iOb, v m noý moI, sias L D. r. Mbc f iatu îuîîtîiîtitî.îî 'ftItti ,i' Ifity' wiMite i. l ahatSub ?IIb4OfJIIi lIi.~ ,tuuIl l'.-tV isol folv 41*4m*1,140 "-, ~i mMo lw #» lie"vas. iU5Wi or J'a t.t tit' *, teot,îlaii t ox *m Qitezem m kL.u 'te Etdlt ts . s, tElM ig is>, polas 111,N Dff.%«h t MsONe *S580I,,w et éseYUtU ous tovie fl 8mn, si.5mtbu im.j Ma fremi'tib4> Vie. %*s. icimiN maisu# *0 à& ly iod=m. hi é» Mt Brook J Ilsl- p 04 SSl'IO11 UOutfl500 i.btýiy; t4it * I-o. e s.t MOU~ on uw 2*1 vom toasn IUwm ar et h.6 unite4ma lbwabom: 35; imp M;i.frécW Att«wbm@etu; of - sh22; tttWb e 22- . po- ftuavmdd ceivasau Ohsa- et s, 2 0; USVUWs&, 47. 1i -uw l; 3 Aig ad, Re-l padeKim; 50k - l &uâ T; dÙ -1m5ey"; I gro:l,, CUla WutL-mt mi Mu»0; lai 4i , becs. w; i lia luoq;dol, M"ll; 3luImy LiWràgh , Rda WoehuUm i i. Ttutas4 oh M..fnua Sum - ne, Di no lm- -Ma-.a Irs-21, W . k ia bO b"dV EBfY Choioe ana Attractive. DE =A FR TMNTN BIX)OX Lindsay, .Ontario. % . 1 ue 1121 * 00 sa*, :JOB PRINTING. 1-7 3 m 1 . . ueen vmoui bm om ambedIM a me lr t * 'PiUsw .. mr e 'av#"oo lî m.aéihaIog,.szamima o iiéooporlb .. ' se Ca - ___ 1mvsirss Lvpuq.te .e..AU Fortsamk prm a--le 0 .. m"pw"- iue t35 -oumamw Nom rut .. . I IS. les. 29 d, is ~~ . OSla puy as.,. .. le& eul WTuoiU0 IbbmMl1.iymén h. . osa Seo Bos' b aia. ............. 2s Cw 11lir. ............. %05 ~~liabprdo.............. 0 Ma 0172H IL" e .... 00a0135a AM du& iu, ua. Ver ,.,.......,...... . a h: . wîb u 'csiktt.Jl lSc ia Oue., »ýpu pub s................... 150& ~0va'pai. o .. ui ...... ...... t Tnrm. =p.'::t........,......o ~00ou ODYmiTJD.Bo. Clames d .....e. .... 41 0w EIED Y m e.aitie. G;BORGE HARTWICK, boa> totalisa bhc ciiotn a mthIespiublic e»-o mUly Ohuilu bu mm o us b. aS1]XN" GgST(:Cl< asmurang girock.r Glusimmr STANDARD GitOCERJ-ES rw» the publi e u ouid y U d= ey hsytlalîbuy. (borthy Ouli tt i, b%0pay. u«. S ariwiebstheOu by. Be bousclti- bl."' the tbruth 1 .4y. The ZGob-ath t di».ul t> Tu boy cbmaP Lc ait cinu Y.itt'l hou hi, -bop Oit WillIam treet. lu Lttdsî 'i r'ole iti. An lu.te ,'.bu-i o ititmilnii itou t- lion oea. liuut lt-Mr.e,M.iue Hartaîct. F= FR 1N C NEW, NEAT STQi- aý 0k< and NOBBY! luImbdb Bou; mta, Xmuais ngeas; '..... .... ..:..:. oe - T U '" Dw»yiU, 2"tL"id foit 3r& LIs01.WskeS; dii th. rur Bige.g ao.spartds. ........ 90& 00 %i 1ev. ~~s tanr. ..a..:..t,........ ......':::z . 2000 22_Wi'Rl*DAt, atiid a"inLindsiay>aiathea.Ovaaes' Ilot; hdagaie Wbali.IIfhum: oixo 1'BRStale.Asad 1»1, Akddi. 8h ;ludCarrist nom; 3H1, - V ulBRaIRE. insuenim am to te trleid rsaptaauylothe ' lita~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~b Mc,.Tla rts*ItLi b ooing ae the ualng quelutii: Pesns .iic insli~tturei re.es, tuit'the ia-i lumi Cpii; l 2id, GeorgeWauot. aIUCHmGý. of SarcIvieil have (o poit'elite mauranus hecher hid, Kas7 Buebir.&"eth Wrd- Fn.ttie babi ...... sey retuai otit tîtitAU =!vdena the lairi* of Fluet Grade, Ifiviuion: lai, chPlaue.encaisseu......... ...... ... îm)e - t! 0 it Lun; litMia rfa~.;3rdi Eetatslue ifflmi.............s0 .1 200 Teritaintée kabuw applcaio t Sharp.. Il Division : tut, Aiber Jev- *bOUglei ,pis., iiqttaity ....... Pmt3pnetor. etcB raueyW in. aid, ne ton rlou.lfred amw ..... ...NEW . L.. idaA rl2rIý4 N - Cairero. Secoend Grade: let-CharfM EL..IL LE..&..H..A30 Jtut-FrtGrade, Senior Diviaaoa: "-y-25 OS ...... toSe.E & M laI, Battis Wood; 2nd, GeorgeMarn; *lo-i...- _'_le. 0 t # 3rd, Mary Jane Brooks Junior Di- Phe nins.Puekl1os"tpmebedý........ "q» 14051 Pis -"no ad...... ......,.. . t 2400 2t( vision : U.t, Josephb fins; 2nid, Tit s. . i: h.-e. s ."~e C»oaia; :,John James l'vamley. P.lut,ih lunea 22l- . (e. 3à05go P,1j inmchliq.àoue, ..1.... in0 3 'Tii 5 it ètrq, Second Grade, Senior Division:lit ,c 11 inchm, u. min rhs, ...... T2A2u*,, 26H00111111"PlII,.1. '.o Idns Jodd ; 2nd, Alicas onPill; oe,.a.aeee htod.,.;vod .........l.. =00 3rRobert Walters; 4b reeik Pls.aine ee hsait. lesuote ... .._. 2S *es . t, ne rllvobord, 'mls.......i...I, 1L0AND-ÂS;00R Pio. lce rda'ik. gmeté....... ....ne." e. nuga. M @10. 8 F&e Pinsr. î51.I am li loch, i4 .. 1809 e TTu IA5T.N" ni? îiiTHE V (Ypins. ei'itnoubo., ........... î a1? iregrett Ocmyin anavser tte i.many Pille, d&P nr Pk ne.......19 2 jT fti kunes.stapaveaih.commun ..... .e....H A T Plae is eliiu.S m . 0 2 1 iodla of rhonmatism.' but vili mont cer- 1 cPins elauc core. commun......24 4» 2e.ou I n Nt Vw 4D C 2m 1q'I. tainly dosec <heu fine vesther sets in; 1Pineî,ccilOig, ji lnea,'.'o.. u... 540 rMo and brlng vitit me a large asortmneno Pn.c ig. inch. oilo...... 2!002 00 RTR DR GET STA.t o f my imprnved; anti patented scacles, A.li. eilin.ai ....----------. L.e. 350 - o adapt Ou the eyraof etal ned thom4 i,. O, tloormer.titz, ii............. 2 '« 36 04 anti fur consultation on dîmo f the i 4n'ii o,,iL %kî....... ....~ ... oo e. iii s - .iIfpOltul s -TtOcK l'TIIfS I eye ant i eu. 1Notice of My sit viii ho Plot, SohlIIag.1 and 11ma. iitud..5506-"45 001 i given lu euch village by' circuler. Witb Pins, alnum. i tt1 adjich,. cmIwou 3-oùe *G&aS many thamia for oh. liberai patronage Sme inlotut uulat........... 5w0"525t1 aip of Lorne. L A R E S AND F 1IN E T froua lb. peoplesof Lisdlsy. shingls is. ii.'2ality .......... 3 00.vl stand for muas thi t. 'as cfolleus:T 1 ursetol. i Shinirl sipiine ... ........... GW'u, Mayi 11h, wali heave Bonlfi Homs, EVER BROCGHT TO LINDSAY. Lectures'on the oye, sas', sudn o 'tIc'ts1pae, lit% quittlut ........ 14 050 -0th) le JiincLiu.no.lanut ott o lieoeat fPichetà.ms, 2ns' lity, lotaI..0. o w 0 .i>ChOnfl diaeo, anu on teomadabus.,.of cî6Ztu1 ple. lotttloiity. -quais.... 1-201400t JhnCtth'eontieeuit speies.Front MnwieO., Eplaid. je ut....u........ ...1240S.10 "-e" t'ce.ttasbmyI-ot 5.W. T ECLY AT S S YL S - -Cedar les u a ..... ..ile. L;tiîi.tu 'tiitehhiMoil-i, Lindsay,. for t».T E V R AT S T L S co>Lr.E.cr-4 .(NELLWYCK. O)MEU ig .axxs-.-May 21a5t. -' il Tu.'àdq. 1uoceed to atink*'. Hîtel. Oakwocii, Çpee-ialy Bpefed for Tus Pos. FmiiWheatlltroui. shiece ttui nautato fur lias ail». omet or Taes Càsàmux i r tg10t.12; spaitoah vai1.0tel..10; FIour,32l-."t Fdyp teai0John Canieritn's, noua, tâtent. Lio.uv Joai t. pe&t"»e 4 ;?c:toi.. 0.0 fsls&,Coùw 106-te pi..'an's, Nonquaon.for t».eoueht. Tsit)%Thfieiueri Piitatos., 40e 1030c; Bute, 2$c ta 3&c; LIgu. luCthaeice ohfrowne-ei"aiemaiununilltheifTECLOTH opportune rama ltbu bai the. molslet o elle;-Bie, #4.00 to0450; DMs-" sd H ep, 00 l0vlh Nué! niiaM Scia ofctaos O. oopa Thecon ~ tu l00;Hal vierta.00tusiO.OOtCt: Cuadwooi, T ass. TOlnaizell2* Gzio's tfs, eni0cts r *nt.62 0 0 t; iVool. 35r-. T»ht. -le r ouat vbon«. looks reuaàrkay weil. Fromt prient BOU-TOO .uxs.-e yb' uJOi» aosHome,. 1 apeosce heeviih.agoi rp :~G0('ttat' UMte<SeMteus-70t107 ;Pha , ! 1h.~444 PDoprietor.C A P 1E P A R T M E N T 1 $ 01.00 5; ('. aslago c t5;m» . * to.: .75> of fail vheat; sd Oh. spring crop v Mlî toin,. SOc te M%&; Butter',iàc ta. iT.c; E-,rp.lot;, 1fORTGAGE SALE. IS ALSO COMPLETE. 1It ;12 F-lour. <'Ml) pir bbL.. U30 Io 8.00; Fleur be very Large if conditions continue ta- 1(sprig..'tt. 00 s0.0 la' s O.t vas fIm oe hl flandt i' tot,0.Soto 68.0. il 60b it60 vourable. - rdw". arir. 81.251tl 0 00: Corlvos ta'l Wa.i i snag 'laisl li te eTuetaLyi, ~ PEOS>UilS. -Thes lÀn"ay market bas hrrse* 004m atlineus the.40 to;4r1.As151 bet, i ltef es il i Ib. ML V L L E&oA N bois more astiv, th. p"ut eea andi àLIWCPUJLMC>lv more tiecisi uimprovembu n anow ex-OIL on,' . One door West of Frank NMunr-us, Kvr A iensy, oteia, aIa itathogeo 11..Tl .#TTÎ pestoti, n farmor a arohugb vitola Ur.ihn e? AI Linilu>',of u 511 ut. M ZTRÂ u D&uou. i jof M thewr upring voC. W* maile Tory feuv XIRIED. ne=l.st».theur 0f (voiceuk lta the mteoo, ENT STREET,LI DS Y alterationa inu nvquotationa vhiob .me.thec>thLaKCit, -îthe fier .llJ anet, Jon'______________ for to.day ouiy anti my sot govern nsxt =rt. >ti Et.".OnMr-a' Jh 27nhyo ie lt , amJiliAmL.5q, f ni n, al., f ltteTireO idate0oliigvli vs.k altootbetralthough Olaoy vonit rin~W,. of lnd, rz.uRUSSEAl 8taiton. titi Sth -s V TCH Sive a, tais' idos. Farinr. eali do tif 9a,'. bi't».he to'. W.C. Win.l. M. Jolames Eff very WmIch Guarant.eed volOc ommt usnkl ploi clnslsu j C'artlwTi&;hs, in Mli»Elizth. elhtleut - tle At . ~. 14. .MîîN'îTI > Ausi te 0f lbat, hebride'-! U1 nIIM (ffTRE TOWSIIIP OF SIIMEYIiViL csouny, amd atudy tOte 15v cf anp- itather, by Ibme11ev. i& MeCullocit Of WodsUle. Cett fîiora otcooi o "1 ;tu .44e -..uonwueît'rî <no MAeadrAaStaton-apueals Wlck, gtaith autt l lo uaiteig hua. i. e old S <DO, Gl urs ok ,ec ply MdtidemandasM 10 affects the Liati.iss a. iiry Stastlsi tlaeti icrut. uiu-rLr.' i - At .1. P. JîN'ia' MctI.-Keu-.-Atinduy.oa onutul5thtl., Tilýts i t u'tl -ttite siithi, tat-er>' -orz di>- ssy ~ ~ ~ ~ O aaot oinacaaiohigh hyttte'Si". J..'. Muray4. MrJohn Mcilae. mer-1tie0tiliti.tuac: iiVi-i GOLD PENHOLDERS, WRITING DESKS AND> FANCY IGOODS pris, oeveela mil bring on a gros ant. D'IEOo t'5. r-easKer 0 Lmdi>. Elt sud Oh boa dliveros vii scO DED. ,Ome-iitt ulovai at iie Of saIe, ibsaace ao. Mâsud e VY J UOtW U BtCe.-In Lindisay', în Sundai., Mayc>' . Bcidget uaob itntt nOne.t only ~ ~ ~ on kaudyoh dmani lvcnae he.s dauaheutM'.G s Bc, ir. A. uo- Cricket Balle, Bats, Croquet Setts, Base Balse, &c. glut mndlover prises. Thon, lbhoire, GSaauA].-Iii O>i, un Siandat, MaIy 51s1, Anas, lýimuil-av. May th.it, , t Jý7 i. P. JOHNSTON, let ti1 thi laie. James Qitat.'Oua4%41 02 yiat. ui t, î't1ht,..v îî' uti c hii'.t > îti. Wbe 0010» in iter *lieaUneiltO de.- al.çitr. - On Monda,25.11May', âulismwet an1 mad bb s canneSDUt 0aUi aihe 4Scoa, Canada.,i'redeulck Botui sieond I Ay '" ' InSti as uupun of th».îe lieJ. l. Houpkinsât, -A..ifAr.undael, -'.itvh ndtbado -v bigla pre isesn rid thon starS 1.. e- Saii. Ea, 'iid 19tIltyeiiiand 9 UonIhs. gcUuo._ r » odviltr. Usa. ant ar dpplsoe thrs.AThe Mcalar -In Lindsay'. on t». lad instant, __ X1'AàNITOBA 'ASD THE NORTH.- J___ -- "ary bird goS th. worm; ant he aeci ndm caotéys u lS.. W cB>,WlT~îRES'~JGRAHAM, DuilstorJ HNdR Yl comer vasof cours. tiaappointeti. A hep g ~l~p.itC~i1 t anui thut lieita,. res:eitid t., oainKigj HN B R Y more carin! conaid.zntiion of thebats- --= __- -AMOr -ItJtl nx. h f, oin Sb& Se, adt cd @ 5 jrases Îll lieietlrtît Ma.r ..'.'.ttite luand . 'îiit t. Mr. ter, voia l"d afarmenlste, conuader AI~'NECicases of poiseuiig bave jbutea Prine Atur*s I.ing, U> , TudrIlyDyGCOdah,,ý .d ýi ' alhth r he MM &M dusan hlltiuarred frim the me of Conapcudi yrap 01-'Ivpc. uMi fortGarr in' . Maimilîtitett: va-l aa, a, . îthat ýâ t . î e lý* ' 'lit- rie.-. .tisitklilf,r maitîtî'ei ai, ,,teM vbshos O . lam diss dmail as pit.i.pitite&mittauna.Strychnine, cod tothei public ' lb-. of luh tu40 1». >y bor ehttile'...sA t tittil*cI.îil.i"ui ltiiti. u t' i, i beu a. .d M i .i j vtsiW il ithotl hulg pvopeilamboill, "'cias i r. j ,,itt -wo.'e.I. tîctîs t'it t t. .-r î,t'-WII bmemplati;dîaoOoaatvble jWueeaettCopoun ÉlixEixrofPhosphta- au., Ca-............. ......................0vieNou. V UDS .*o, ,îtire ».eotIllu4 utt'ciaii î In.,t i. or if tbey muaS »14 ,oc consiues' th. i,,,-a arc40 - AT i E-t-c'utait> J - At.e.Ie", liresit S natuaa remaill ac oatios asMd Dot anti midicinal>'. PMPUorU &Ma-i necasese>'îl- F idmtilrhcey,4an....Fe. minu of lthe Ittimuorgane. ai ciet'ia et .» he L nd. hce>.i i i.... F'e to grumble at the lb.. prias. Thoue phenomtena lt ive, interlti lto Ibewm npoion jAilFrelei ctaely meckei tut lnçludiuW isT. BROA Ty..,-s »mi fluse, 1lappcy o Ba uonalese ai. tuait-rurdinaun folii. .1% Strychnine j lIb o ....... . .. ..............s . CENRAL OLIRAiDeTAILO*INC STORE H ~ iy H e s rein ~ ~ ~ ~ I ara' omeolp 't oc ufeen sly ttt sin the I t. bll>',stdmesi iluuorotti Furamaitre îur Macittulci'>1. 1-1 tutnnuh dti. ideo d c i ot». greiâtest impurtanc u is i'cation is MI -ueîury Ile îa "ai"... ti,É, é m- t allen. Telsa md Amean m . ar-efidu. I.JomaIoli Fu-uitaire. tlot ,tner't)urik pi., Agent for untaue Former-, Mutilutiuuî. <'.. ii h anet mdhle largeCanadiea munbtu ruiE GEÂT FENIalE 'vREMEDY............. ~ hLs lsOt 'ta.14, ~I"m.iahntt.i'TOL'EYMN&FtMR J. - MaBrmisCalie, Sitep, tc., aii jtelf rutlsi. -LA om e. Ifont uv r No "-ta 'et -,f Lictt h t ie, tt'., l~ TEE WOOL MARIET. au- MyUutor Ut e uteq.rmvaib ,eU .L TUA IAUnL5 mM ". et erxiu i't e t i,(,,u ,t dîti TiIvaiube umilet»la la inglathe n t». TT3DKRTAMING. For rý tlaaiUgirhaebina»dra hihhemwox tuu i dublct.lmula lh Tet"e flS tiiti huei.i ul'unGr.,, W. .SADOIES, BRIOLES. TRUIKS, Loca tiliveieshaveboo conidor- sa.'Iobtuct iions -land a &C.,0eTufer Ci Bay. tairs. W. il. aNIR bl. lihs puS veik; but "betrai s oly raiasanu ixcet' a ce i bunîoi' m a ..Timc .' i f îvttiiti, ri l.oî i. eam e Thpimg.i 3c.To Maried Laih.sa %ltý iehd HAPF) 1%e Belevile Iateltgetm maya tous la pecilci s utedm. Tt wvin a . 'brt tienF. BIIAuN. j.tLL WtI>B t lAItNTE. Keli ti in hWky goc b. sgau s cem nd for yood bitait ouit».eiOOithi>puriod wsith reitulart>. Bach W's'i-. )i Il ., eti'îsttitî.i.,t te l-m, A'thl:, lu thMittvcinity. ,Aaocrtiing t ltet reeb otlas bt.1 ,Ib O .-rnasi limit10________________ adie. frobuae Oh. principal mute lu Oh. Titi,. Pillea int ieflt u ken h>'Fenules dur- 18 E.EM'rremainmg un- v.oe'îi'iat.'e, tt.'i Unaiteti Staes, the. Suer grades of voal :grt L mo lingun a meotmutibtrustnutbmy a in1theLilau'P .upo»ltaiLindsay, <h-t, . s2 Wini h.a mnnlurequeso, vbuls sAirse Inu mes i~ia fiiun,âor. OnU meols viU beh. ompardel agecteti. Pl'athnlisai tan mb Fantlmigueon 'tliit aim- O Uh, Mu NOtion, meJamte, Te bgàt o noe isti1 tais_______the A regolar vool tieser, vho tboroughly etinPapiatonorth ur. Hystéies a_ -_ taMlcae._____________ uiSterstalidathe sobjecl, Me thth he Oh.Wiies. lInosPillaWin eecmtoahl>care, vlan ~B -au s è, Mt'Cmbu. Peter RUG.1L EN 04FA S ma is lier u as ae Udad ihog avrye- ný Marzie UNDERTAKINO BUSINESS NDlCENLOLfr'LLS 'a 5h ham IMi at ade II fusain 01 palatal eie otcta t. 5n ,l5 iosim el IEciba -cii >lcflMIeory Mis. BimSa eriec.I oi 0» betapuv"- t'(.ii.trckt, at Liuk'l-suott e> tolyte leco h " itr n moi. n or yý n aitu t te ontiutio. na.tiy, .a M. sic.... onit ia and hctloll lai lIaicm a laie su igt o iin h b.'trt,br'i La ýied (n-.i,t ,, thI. t Md roIu aauateacun theta it villa t utnine t p acplae, ant Ibi vOlaose atrim m Thiead.hais n ammt. Ai cle.ln ié lht, mei7 as- IMmo Mduiais, md cs.fotau throagL. Ittisuotrquishorough emmmnOt tisdtumins hsbr thers in aujthlln uetha" le sot usaI. iTh& marieSfor Cmolan vosk e- ana=quiet a&"unahanei>b"yw vautingfor t" i r odie) acontinu 't. quai. JImm. voal,30 ta 33a; PuIlMi vosi mpe, 32 to 3.; ditto. No. 1 Black' tué uoaorbqd, 30&. la foraiga voolu *0ss" ve bvse sui f this vSévus me %& . emy cap, bottiitheMa- hav, aut lraapirdN-orp lieue Au mzStuaffl sm---l-ht&- sts elle vool béoSh.* vest shi.oiin m tlailp uelow tawif Md vil be bouiaslt. t30amduc s OWVUOeS uta. Jour lrg oucanaOat Musa andis lnmdal - uaà. oths'fatd e viii ut*h luthm rit Iimon. Thas uéha., raMWya li NotroI mm w vilaa a lulla1mesw a OanIUBY I& Mds ddmm ai obou u Wialbte~mNv~e Uod by I. Guigoiy, W. J. Thilil, 8 Perin anud C. Ertttcm. Ladiy; E. B. Bortand sud J. Pzswý W'OT*to m m ,..ifs Wevuk*i.Pad& obuput nuifr mm adevt ué. Or dm utres pa.a Canns Tnumy boWe la InL-a id Brcueu lPf iy cne W ortha bus cuila M Slsndtng COqqià. t utiey Cam<>lsUb. Au~ Oé< 0L0FycsWorth bu onreé loIIcvlng au i bmu rta li so f théiyh to irs tba s eboue marlbout dMbrent ci Caad. vbtchs m, w k IMoulé bs r fo1 mawuy thbmmui iiptiBI.J. Galba i cik ont, islam *1 lé nu 6 dot, or. TbIse l«>- wie OU, bus oMU a 1âii Ié ta y ont Ummi nov; lbacsui rny .in W no t1, it fl a d1 &cbus- l ow ni fiit bu a1kes = MWno., ELo =09 UduucrisOn.I1 amn.sdt eui; nuiblmg equo b l la I hlmbl wamirnaby ibm. vil bais Und IL» .. Bflobou. 1Iu.avtfleb mmv I cn- ta -,e & lnuiwmuI tcf Edi m.bOL aiwiy - bs nu li mu adommsl anmnd»wàw rduum & S E.Mr. TMI*8, PR34 . T. mi eG a a m". mumgeýent balZ oe oh. o- Bie>'. Daviid McLean. Jocepht km. Gua. illai>'Ana NcMah',n. M )Francf% Joi cWinaine, MisLA-M* GPIÀSAND E81ROUDI Geua, iorge Clary, Mls oIh Ngent ,Samnualcia.unbd C lar MnE ilre., Thomas h>'nhui =~IL -h Parke.. 3r.. John d.Nr.hwBJaiay. (2) i-ioMteu FIRSO-LASS 4EARSE Couva>'. Johnl Bay, eorges>la ye Anae pàuiVy Park. I ey-nclul.mi ir.. Dàt CmA i Eut d a,', 5».u .n ass &hop as e lsoJapb Ussi. Dean, iuB o, Mie Bh. Bsbillins. 2 M.Mmehsfri dlnLIi'U IAI. Sent% ,a Vllan ~ nuaa. cootu 1 SletoOu WlllaT. MMIEýJq" B RE W ER y ThonýxML aps, Fm Tor" t Saat Thuepn. os.W Im» j - Waii. J-mis Wari, Mm. Mary Waai, (2) Titoua Wuma, mMci egPual, Ihtter, Orum and Pamzly lusia. vMs, Robet WilemoW.iJ.ALES AND PORTER Joma. W. VaA.a n o. a. uto.i 'mb 14 F E17Ms P. BRADY, AeiLT, Lu mohml. M m m lco u Omises hy mga or ce cebot oUme dialai ni Lun, 05tIik tpupi uloae. =1=.v I .E.vl5Lv U wàu»Ba. MM amie maa -n.. mU- mr imsrUU --~ ~.MmrASaaU FIL £DdWlulMmm. Ij ,tec whih l ui Joutc,, the &Ueittt alita. . t-ot. nud e targe wa i l u tI tt,.i t-k A fibt. flobSyI. .ILMay m. GIROC E1ZIY LiQUOR STORE. The oulecihbe bue bunafoca htm cha.lomer mil t». ublIe gnsly. " ho bas 61.6ys.ut. baud a STAPLE GIIOCER LES,' PALEC AND DARK BRAN DY Port amuidSbsr"yWtmAicl.and md OldTom Olu uîuibimdusllWUOKEY. BOTTL DAL.E'A NbPORTER,&do The aUtis t bulf otlkoepirs anti i,thma ithiW FLAShER AND BlEDS et A ai& Ais av enhuai 1%0m co âyu.àm silà.li bu tryt 'aihuuuilts. noISEFm11@11.mu e 1111P111m» m ,~ ,'., a