er 773. LINDSA or z-CwCý saffl* m t RAILWAT 07 càxA &,*-wàmae %mmumb. vmm rum m - affém"F' 9» 2ftd jwm1ý M4 GOM 2:46 am âm MISCZ ... lem m 11.46 ii 1.1460 7-M ikoo guise souTz. mu. MUUL L"dbw 2:16 im tu Lu 5..05 O.-to Pm lk« Umm ... &U 7:39 comwnm&-àt Pariliap vm O;zýd £'X=VWIý 198048" woole mdloyaixagui» et Rad stemm" xcr»ý'»for lb-eboi. Mr. S. y.. oommura wu ftwrta om Nom. vork contmi Uthoq& As mubv»b. wu ira , A tu Polfttm' *M Lakoftu. end Stý for démy Lake. et Momm for Pusim PULI, nobemom, Md an M Odub VU woruwm IWIW&Y for a fflingwooe md whb SWý fur fakS com »MrA eu- .ýt"dupw "t. 111"ý Muabe okmw dm VU Ommi k ie. ADOUR imentý IL 9. TA a pmmdmt aum itatu TE£ trnm»OL àmi lams à» fflu nUU&UM OMA". rmE AlqD zxm M LARGIW ?la£ izuio!àxclg coup"v lu lut = b;m 4we ý« .1 , = MZ Ibo mmoelm~mdrjm "9ýqvffl Ibo$ 1 glu Tffz ffl DEPARTUM nu bffl tviwwww tue Om9*14 Md puumw emmum «ni be pwd le $»Wâmb et tu ba"m ?« pouew» Md le om bmmu% qlpb ÂSSUIRANCE COMPANX UTAFILISUID 1847. CAS# mi RAILI s %M m wm th" Afklitio 1 « M il% TUM m lui Yeu. 141 llt 4 l"fflt *MI %-Idtmbb olkbfflWr. A-04«. 00 lllvltmt k- 9bafe la UW». tbK4a. Aý (.Itbx. potilq4ol. A014 fi-r Kmwm FRED. 0. TAYLOK, Auffl. tiu"y A PARbinive ACRICULTURAL IMURANCE 00. A "ek r.t.mtmiy "Votm tovtmr int«ma. Mf. 9-*'Aglm *"Port -tètlw- mer 4100.M 00 de- = - l"w ph tfflwn $0 C**Wtm Micy- &tm4.OfPA* . br th* DnMMion of loib. tffl. ic C. ctbtbpglt. pwkwns. 'Wo sloum lew you la éb» tolkwt, sisiomm R 9MItt k, %bu gowe ohs. qMit tmmalivuis inua. ejý; of L W. J. T. rwu. et-IK-UIV. Ag»$ tii *0 prh» lg*vhu :lar **d 2ur 8410 tý#WrbtZ IlWi Výctorl:M' OU% Am$ U"Of# sud 0" Alke 0* &Wb«nw OWM %Mgd mm mà ot 04o pou omt* A. w4x4lvlllo. A" tu Uk«Pmb. *rom. it«". tkiolb obrA mam. ,PROVINCIAL INSVEANCE MIDLAND T"NSPORTATION COUPANT. fi Tub Md NM âft. CA". C"» ot Lin"v -M STBAJM bu bm averb"w mm hwwew with a«u" omforw, ami will ply b«mm Lbulmy wd ânW crý,% Ma. m umil. Lmving un"y wory mmba a m a M., colline VA FMI" »Wlamw ataunmm Point wbm ow«-*ry. ancl pnoeuhn to Ibobovolon. Rolovoing Mm Mobe"ý tu Um te connut ai, Liv"v with làm ilve o'clock tMa Mr Paît ilope or *uodville Jubelléon mid via NlPimbbW Rail- »Y tn Invente, Tbe seemery la thim ffllo à% on, rivMbd. auci *@ ulp la vory beni&W to hwaâ&. Moin 1 FIIIIRITIMEN 11TIR11,13 1 Il P« tw*»r puuewm Md "Ob càrr.=lq. le un",V. May Im. Mt.-78&tt s ABON 1874.-DAILY LINZ TO 1,ItOCB»rràL-Commendag cm orabout $bu W et AMIL TEM »w L;-Kz «Bàmm ]a IIFI IE m A. x (a. c"WfOilla. UW«.) Win Mke hW Voquw SuIVA m " Toute lulbw ai 7.30&n-l pýntgrtt be bemer etm glore New, York Central MA crie Ilor au poim «WI4 we* Md oomb. tauabw ellt buve Cbarlotbo4 (PM.0t Rftbe-" Mr), ddir at 9 oýcek, P. m -cle 1181-du* *bu *» wal luve 84 : p m fur arwhton. 1>*bm la Me" ffl Md dite tais m9m elpedw- pouée te SOM% b,ýM»,l"%0 Fm nom or C. P. 014i«"-- %tut eotm. jFmum Ottb*?. kx limitons ez'.7j imi ie;igmd qumitr à" vmil adbpbd Mr ir« purp- JO& atuali.. làu"y. D. OMe-boMe. Kmt 8L. Lh.eujuw».lb7t. 7724p& FOR 'L «r zm mé. il, 81à 0694 nomwvm And " LOT Ifo. 14, 7à CONCESSION. Thm kt* m bmvw limba" and moud lm& &Wrm% CMAGE TO RENT. .Omvuim to tbe Offl Boum moum Md pua". wm "y çmvmwffl. ce" Won et wmu: aime a châm ormat wmpW by the Sub mi W."« L b. b.1 re-4-tom oh- tommédimoly. Appb boews, Mm Md am»» $log% De =3 Kt" OL joffl BAURM. IrR "Lm THAT SPA61OUS VILLA m ý ituemL OMM% BABTS wème wu boommenta, omt" twoke r«M a" kiwhee. and b" gSd bu» mibaiwhm% au ne lS»ý bu a mmb" ast4t% 8" im la ommy P... -= r-ý.ý IL C. WOOD. r z. Zà, si r àloDulcàmxpA "L10 zel r f a r cçeâ te lm eau~ a "SA D.My Cd L-- et exodius waboum te nWeDm wm vinup ibubmýb». The rend 4amut 0" hm Sb* emgwq leim et rm«ý se bu flou ce févwd - mmm=vmmw«tm *9 et Cie" &»dl6ý olb« abomw 0- m il ouaim. M-0 &Mkl.= Io Se MA vemm et *0 m doit umâk "Ulm mou" à ilew '&& 'TOWN LOTS FOR SALE m lm lvuàLAM Ou aàmuwolq. eàunbm Md »*»bwtmw:c ý mille. TUM bax;o Md kW mubl bobk% mw@mý- " à«M Imm lwom by tbe lwmu à Mpbâm maumy"wm= %" Se oubon". ibý bu Se amr4la" VWM»" GIROC BIEVY 4M LIQUOR STOPXL STAM PAILIE AND IDAZE 191RAVIDir ha@"um"ervl :o«reà-le, case febialkalar plasma rra£ QUIU INSURANcil ODI& JL PAST momwanulm en A LL CLASSES 9 PROftRTY ai Cwuom 384M cougma TUE DA&LIM IMV"»CZ emUg4m Memzm tue Zaouia %*me wammob. amybbmmm ftubbà tu um NEw OSm J. IMBOA xffl au Umm ftmw% mm" b& 0& MM%" ,t4 kf bhu mit, A Lumut MINLUA98 -LOIS pwo*vvd %0 -ý -Id Wwè4j, W4 t4 =- 'PIM& "A illltfflom m kwro *» bb-'» wkwh b»V* tebibuy 4 bo w» OM»k molm»am a ci6mmo (bç-A imw*&%teo ma 11 - % ý m wc- vu$ 0 I»tugmq mm *wApk-nom (1«, fautai (et il Y. fille Lit 00. w è Sa., fipa, Vol'. Xv. mole Nalibe Ja -il -ai A-Mllah.f. et, &p. léfa 'a v. rc et v Nt xmww. fal-1 0,.t ..f the, ibultheit. 140#tbt. riltati4t)ylr tf()tlmt. Wiiiiarâ ftftetý VI Oilla , (marais *le* 7. ,SI New tiV-tèý* 4le einliq0pu 84,.te »W "Mmme. gell#iu. Ïi;4 mat lalvai: et = f. &V'. Wllli*til %Viýlýnfo trot% fftyrn , - . - ý: ý 1 V.VIVIVIVIF (If Items, Md (loibbvqdop ilsifillaiste. Lird. a. 1p; ý f1w.k. KI't't .4t"%ýt W,111 demi év"x 's;elowl DIS elabea bibabla Itqilolw sud Oloffl . 1 I%ý. natale. tvqr4. ob9bl wom p. a 44 1 - _ Va Ï, t)q f- Se if SAY el(yrai., .......... r jtIwMt'*. m à ta# Xfnt ami weil f4wam. finellaisay. #)lit ý '?Il" lt--tft Nq- laellet Ob-OpRnd wilah untivwdi è. %a il et 1 IN i .1 Dit 1:(ýK 4%1 t'rit. 14 Aý mOW 1411,0110fle. 4»41 faffl v lttwntk* Offl in %4 lffl,.9.,Ot il# 4%ffltq. (!hl." base-, wib". 1141tvqw *Md S Ktt*litqte 0*1-linig. Vhafkqè3kl4qqe tel .11 ,41%w" im%-e tiaiiv fief *il pmrm« . .... ..... m-w gIirrryt-If, AIWI @étale *01101wd. . ......... .. A tel«ltl .4114,111a. lltivllbd Vastes haut en(,I= YOMI. rol. allait. John trvi». fmpvl« a -l, a%,. -l- K,,,,t ofiil the table ... . .... .. ta, llI. wd RIIII 4el Iqpllkml *Ith $I.p Nq, (semais 04-OfA A&. iv 11 ,Z(i 4. 1. l4kof'. ut4bify 9114lý' télaml lequoilla *Nets el.«,éfo, rif.1-P'l %ami mb :ttinttivp 114.1-11w. P*rt*i. Ihar. Il; là 1 Il:. ble-.141*41 IlS, .1a"m il.? bè,Irth banal wletý a' - ... ,, 1 JI. allai- "ai et \V Vie éý sa. lie rr. c %11 Ormilitialiel; l'VI a, ktf. items 144bi. %1-4 ta, J.Jl,,t (liq altwolff 014. P, et Wwml, 1 1, 1'. dy à .1 a' la a., ,,,a":. eW )VI Ni la Ili t! 1,.bllqi eqtea o P" DS à ÀX A Y, WIT111011T PAIN f.. 0..1. We.- ý.I, t'abat, lýt 19#( (iltiq test illère, 0 x 1 D m', -10P. a* ta, whil. lit NPW Y,,fký fmle JI .1wilb a."," ly 1,10Y a-# titi. alla. 111,410f »Il. ýhl. ts"Ir %effll Il la% tboth. 110 i III ai, -,il P , KI% ýVtbtil). latit, ý :t lw Pl ýjq «qqà Abb et%- I"el àglvýll,,qt j4may à banal llfflflv 411 habaleb èabc« nelo'lit ffltèle. a. Mil, 10144%,pf la 1 r-j , t Nt ItIU41 *titi WIAti l'a ta ilow saittit. a: N, h4ffli lèe"tltýl whivla VI 0- lt"tl4e Ili NI4,11plal, te-f .410 fille tNk"fting toi Oalè tt-4'tl Vitale W"Ieb. j» Sb t: #bmýitItw le dweri* barils 1 "ely Ili etap kl*v ln t à IN; il: Il à P à SI N tel el j'tir mail f, ... 1.1 :, d, ý.f ,ýl a., the, plabalo, .,a l: V;,. n' à .1. l'. »Av. LD riaising #bop%. Sa 1 a- rý.,I. ýý-teitv SAW MILL, PLANINC MILL -ý!bb Ag là à N é: li maille Cil, tkqbwl %IN ,Mm d y T 0 L Ne fwtà #a. ki. %lait Vofi bel 1. 1.1*libr" 'f'. pila, beau lul»l*f saisit, a Si moN. AmI ibe lié. site* ,%ffl bb*lbbbft Pli%@. 1 aie r1mie tl-1.0mo. Salait WANVOI hlr *4w-v*, Ait bul'aalfflum le j'mi, elle. tvbqffl. Valets bilod. A abat t4ib(Vv eV41.1bos %Itm-rt ; A IIIIIII. bolit il tlb#b"&.aw *#lit. a-. laV4 telle, &*lie r1y -laqIllit. powpe, leq "ait il,, 1-11 (.et 1,11. (bit %'&hl( toi Ill*. va %..."ai habileté., 4'lal lielle 1 ..,-a Nt ý1- 4-- à IN Am# 1.01. ,a IV Wièl lie, et qlta(ýk M. 1144t. rIF, malui .11. wh., #NI 1-414. And palev the, iv4mly q"ab-hý "I Niai NV rAi4tir riCI4 ù-iver . ï 'te Nr-w v 1. ..a', l tte 191 m-de THAP OPM AIR &«VICE. S114-p"t me through the oolumma of yuur paper to correct écaveral mis- statements, of II Viator» in an "aie headed 1 open Air Service ,in your mue of the IM inst. la the firet place there is no "ohmml" in Blmkwell'e neighbourhood ; there in a W"ywt church there, in which Drý Smithett through the courtuy of the Truétees ÇTP ONT-P FM A«Y, JULY 3, 187-1. rerma 100. and Superinteudent-a courtesy, 1 am Sorry to %ay lie local always coein toap. ix sa pr«iate--hu been pernùLted to etticiate. XtDLAND CITY. r me ur un or e W TR.E CHARRIRCS. COBOCONK. delusion t there are ne churcheoit ex- la ity -Pt tholle in the -Apostolic Succession" la assise, uXý 0Nll FOR FimBLO,.i 1 -Y inforan him that in Canada all de- ut mm xm»r WOOD. PM£%--rais correspondance of Tb@ po«ý nominations am equa1ý exoept une which hamwanum valait M relu CHAPTIM II. na"114 thSugh your Velu h- beau " ded by bigla eSle"ticù o, C- Popdmm of The Posé, ly, k«p the able aeek- authority to ho al Socit publie mind ilformd ci nftüoa f 1 in con. Elogg Bay eluarch -ýîe ailes boý A'BBMIOIÇ Mr existzay. X-fing an inhabitant of with the zuglmd. Mm grouillot coeur thé «Uhe", oSupk4 by the yuterday, olir grelot improvements, village, or Then lais fact about the key being in th, 9 »W" u« lbwM woos blond dean and. the prebmdai redd»«@, woot colied I happeud te remark that Fénelon whm lactand or filas, lut yows Vwtori Skiet of one of the trustees, wala Dot a labo a b"? lée unduisi4" Tboraa vena a few otbS boum cet et alh, àm the key wu& ira the hotim lalle et a Moderate dise. lub"ited by loti- zetum th»Y wM -port thal: O-bowak. of laid trustes ali the lime; and if thâ F" in a Very pretty, th.riving town. is no more Aerm lm P---"*. 1 and th&t & beautifail Young 1 said trustèle land happeued to have the tu tt«t et tias soccalla rw"~» 08a'tram, m. wu the balcon appropristold ou the bond maiter; and, the 't How mu th" ho 1" Mid ho, '- 1 11011pla town hm alighted upon its aile, or thm key in hi& pocket it would Dot have been = 1 livéli la a man« one, mady on the cou. bOUVO th«O me "Y y" at WIL Th. the - - Air C»Üe City," University and op bail m what Dr. S. did, when lie plat mémmes déy, Am = ,e sre pfflument make élides 11 vor Coluit. all hm &He- froin above and demanded the key in hie pIxàet, after ustug the Imkiwiàtmr la MM q% ban. Chuby m 1; anci wu going, ffl d", d,_it? a allid fo 1 Immable Poliallession. Well, since uày uu'urch, and loft it et a school bonne Seront the han to a Menu retour vilore he bE lbumu»i à 0 r umber. 44ently lut the principal latreet hm beau all thr» milliol' off, ovidently not caring de ortel boer M'ma t: the top 09 hm voice, &àrd, I à[DOW all govemmmte make griataied and widened and sidowalke on whon it vas returned; and énother time, la a up check apron, a" , but 1 auffl ou Nature made oither aide are being laid-, elaverali build. Whou 0 con, tion and mitni ter élite, and bila m*rooo tlals lob ho 1%htly cée[lé. alibi e the loge ha" hem bogun and othem baye were out becatués Dr. 8. negléoct- "d bb-doui-Mi. in . sur soup Tendon Faut, and the people made beau put up. e - ad to have the key returned. In fact, Be mm In orienta MW" siqla charh bis vol= te m aw"uu* whis. town or village of Pension Faiba, Md i The Weeleyaim are to bava ý% tee air, it is only througla the exercise of Tm sangles battre cýj lit, judm? 16 pqm vortotr ce tàm'. illaces of mind m well »?L" . MY fflilà, it à a VM Ilice thriving little meeting in behalf of their new "PeaW" that charity that 1' beareth sil thingéàl' WM reine brium 1 duo% Mckmm* 1 Mid in Devra. 1 don% uy church ýn the Ballon %ettlemeat. The that ho in pernaitted tu oSupy the chureh AM whit&bmd 1116@@ round bar place, Md the people me biencuy Peu- the hýý nord ta nS, and church in nearly completed. The tm et all. And Dr. S. knows full well, that reg, th" took m the pie, Sud I ehould cortalfal, profor Feu- 1 vinir rd put lit in my kitcbm lire wiRbouathe8thoIJuly. Co.4àLziL in assis« the Woaleyan church ho is eik.. ne hW via" *0 volves luve% am!" 1 elon y" to Rogg Bay as a residence. joying a favour ho would out and cotild Mlle laird la au& .. 1, a-indU, la fil news of thé,-the canton in lt " Nonsense M adding d- a to if, 111 tell WOOD VILLB. not confet on thons, hence bis condiret Andyly m alotroloct *mu over?» - i 09 swàtb la quelté: 1t'à aver m 1 gathered. 7ýmatondon 1 Un thmenoteuch pbmincanacia.- 1 - AM quêteur am it ,Am 6; the aamwm pou. An the toits f mind is peculiar LVA;AL- Ï)SATIL is not in wcordance villa the golden Mu unhappy a a »ARROW RWAPE- ruts. Thon " Viator" put& on the air Te unie 91,11, C'mer% d"mWmbm fur Y«M Vlth boire whoés, dWa%* b" dudm of bloc. AM if the to the people on the shorest of thia; " t ULD of qimartyr almest, and tells aie of bis- ravi j'd Sive au inletoftheGe«rgýzm Bay, audit lsaU tory9bppeMing itsolf, as if the fact of Dr. %7. lu promeute thion Pollution for briulaing Tbla am Mou on hm --ÙWU-Vjeý, sueh luck on a loodyls door. owog to the delay of the Midiand crmp.,dm,,,f p, Tt, 1,q. being accidentally locked out of .e%= B 1 rks £ro, goûtir se am; -ai ëhurch. ha hm no nRht tu ofliciate ira, V» ab dq= V&W ohm t «. U "ZWO . Ammâvingatpene- 1 Mr. Jas. MoMUI», Thor Tbeg@W- lacanienne, muet verow et which ah, hall a 'bu- magmairente Was ulilderstood to, my only 1 and thât of the Rev. John Wesley vas Wbm ttaoqrh the grave, ore 30 URW in the Merici, land beau pouding in a week mm that lie would in ird )or 1 namw ellespe from, boing küled un Sua- ýhre for Yeurs S" y*"& lit in. , a parrallel cuewhile tholos et &Il 19" aby move, valvolf col= -d The mue ma" taillions alcole. «Mont 09 Monayà which norro 4c thac î - ý day evening lut. While driving to iar witIk the marly hieèory of Weeleyau ought. 1 afflo. tu bave v blv -ke 1 church, accompanied by two of bi Mothodient knov, thât, Mr. Wesley did eh. 1 but Xl la «à land City harbour in à lissent on Wb léglainiola hino, ciffl note the fa% M" ý*ftinsochactceSy Thédeclié Ofthe et Huron. It happened thM nome of theso tiers, IÙS horse tock fright et ,me rend nqi preach front. the stops of the chumh, vital, . hý,p= du$ V= Pur hall bpn for Mt. èlbll-llnuig. letters of mine feund their way tu Perle. 1 bo-wfrom bis fmbvs tom4tone, alid Se drew *a arrow le bis ben, t tu 0 Ir. cor- tanguisbelle. Now 1 " have 1:1 scrapers and made a amidon jump throw. And h* hum& it, tu a hE triblansi. P.W.Cfinalde. Lu t%'Mr. Woelqjtbàà excluded from the » l "0' ed 'M'con .o Thm aigu Love mole aimiun. front * thffl could ho app-1. land Bar in arme against rue : fortunâtell ing Mr MuM. out and etriking hie bead*j chtireh of which lie wu a attinister f-,r And Bon, am antimstely mluainted with the DoLe violently alcainst a stoue. About au% proléching the doctrine, of the New Tes- » ', Judith,» chad" asked, ait@ oommmder of the Siancoe Rangers, and bour ejapood before talaient, while Dr. Smithett'a teuhitiý,s P. hm wbether- wbuthqrthe leUýtr= iMycow-ue untu laint wM I fly for protection in -lie was restured te . accordaùce with that chitreh ODDS ÀXD EXDS. -hW anytbing Sn do niait the Lord Chanuellor!» are inure lu oh, buther the Lord chaccelloi !" - Jud'tWa the ctay of danger. As tu the rest being 0008CIOUffleu- thât in net supposod tu derive all its reqxnmý - It hall to do with anebody that's an Dr. McKay of this vil- a -- of independent mes= I have Iffle wu sent for and under hie skil- ductrineg from the Bible. 1 ffl alismait m Emd-Lht»-Br*t'eym enerny tu enr Pour Pâlot. Î k»w th&% couch. au LW&tbmm>--Bmbqo-huteý, lbllo% tâta. no particular reason to lie fur a living. ful treatment Mr- MOM. iât Dow Pr- surprised the.worthy Dr. or Solne orle The a" duur hâd offledand Judith and Chattes ýXeXt Sules a Waubautheuite tu tell me greming favotirably, the wounde in thé fur bila did not break intu tac church, turacol towardu IL à gay, bright-féMured yu Bumps of om" ty-Chipm& mm 09 thre"w-tuent.V entered. MU and = - thatthe flood aut being no dangerous m wu at m Il Viatur" hints thuy were dixpo.4ed le Ple of t ý tty place have 4elrypee ci civuisa" .Piint«.& was the nature of the Chmudnp to be. de z firet supposed. tu do.and as they did into a ochoul boutre 0 el&" »Ou of the bunikv» Jaum; or, as W some*kt HWY tu Md illa amoke. ha innulamy styllad, HaMih. Ho rffl " fuot &hall have ita terminus thera for ever, A member of the legal profession,- i in the saine noi-,,hbt)tarhi)od, through *0 ralocula et a gus. t" in bis àkwàinp, wu weil made, anu upri&ht. and that they me prepared to Ment and Mr. John Liviligiton, M.A., LL.B., 'the winduwe. Perhips Il N'iatur"thirikt To keep, the Ilué wwm-rm kola- thât &t hm opened au otfice hors for the pruc York- and temoye the rocks and shoals tice of bis profession. the end jutatifies the meaiiýt. Havait;., raloilla la yow sous. ;ow, talon! Whala an you twu present render theWau a Like many of the thus, Mr. Eflitur, corrected the ortirt ho c-ming over you agent to lu laint m4ke nx« daniterous te mariners. 1' There je, distluguished. members of the Canadian of Viatur," 1 leave il, for yjur rea-lent Whm in a mm tw to time ?-Wbm tuffy, Judy, a" barn out the bottant ut ançather Yeu, quoth my Waubaunite, Bar 31r. L. is alaw a cuuutrymau of Mue- to point the moral for thetuâIIveý" Judy à@) a thm's mm butât newd conte £&0 nt three =iles of rxky bot- callum More, and speakits the (;-lie and ralluma, youre truly, ýlo»withcmtmmeyhmbemcpmpu, in hv the Loandoë p»A. rua afrald &he 1.ord Chm- tom and weIl do the work on teetotal, like a book." JoHs Xý-)4jut. q ad lie a pair of duel, hub« beau oristants, soins. essor bas given judguaent- gavait lt ngrM ut," What m th" which every one cm di- The carolm serge, the hauf-amkùW expression, moral principlesi and draw lapon poster- 31r. Andrew Grant, oueof the pio. ol., Jwn,23.1,74. m ou m m wbm it hm hem divided? latt, the lifté of lîami.b. He glanced from Judith ity for the conte. I, mywif, am willing 1 laser settlers of Eldon, died this morn. i = toC= ZomCharlfttoJuditJL "Isitum?» to sepply the workmen with ginger boer ing (Werinelada ) after a long and pain- I-VTERESTING T#.)..ILL. To oablict pi ho - liés son, thm ira enfui mwàut qeme sort* te. and sodà-water et lave conte a glam c" ful sickness. Ue wae fur sorue, years ayers. - Shonld à chim. 1 A BO(ik-Ptiblinhirl',' Cattile 1-10tq b.,en = P bis PUMWà tricit villas, ho cm tOe-Od Judith; Il sud the mistresà, site nid tu me down." Theu mail thoughte and spoc- , Reevis of the township. abat ail vu over now. They beail in there, but yu two," poincing with bar thiger tu the parlor t-it thon ulations aie breid of Railway hopes de. The TemPerance demonstration. beld opoued ira Ctiolph, Ly '.%Ir. .1, NV. Lyjii Au lembah briassar in Ohio walats to loft ut the hall; *1 Md you bâti botter go into thena. féred, which, bc it observed, do not Su, here on Saturday the 20th talt., under that bide fa;r t-) bu a cmlit to th-, laser wh" oomt ', local hoption » vouwave upon Xîter Etumi.h--r the pricla ef 'OP'. M'lob make the heart sick @4 they do the auspices of Bluuming-Rou Ludge The work ho i% naw engaged il% pithlith- heat the imagination and engender ci Good Templars, and passed off very ira,! and selling iî admitteil by all W!it, Au old SStchansai of Boston amd to "On-Tou must every une ofvou Just nualie the bm attreuge aspiration& MY.'* 1 1111 open to conviction, but lu Uke tu me the of*' satisfacturdy. The veather wu all i have &con it tu bal one of the ilkost valia. M" tbama etorrince me.-, it, and coudort the poor maýter Tou bc Young Whüe 1 write the thunder in roaring thât could las, de&ir*l. The meeting 1 able books ira tee lalv, , 1 and sUwig. white ho-you linon what Ae j». Tou Ir To a saquirer who wu boutiaW of bis xaýterHauîâhjuryou 'te silo, eldest hotu: out on laire Huron and grelst white. wu held in a grove adjacent to the in one that all and 1)arti,.t iý,ùR bom= om Fonte repliai, - Penh! MY nutmd ulOft MY beaded clouds me loominR up against village, kindly placed by Mr. Stewart ira rec.)Inflletlditig. Il iq etititteil ', Th., faiter tbau Yuurs cm SAUOP." -Of ecuraît-et týjuru,» ho Latily I&L -But the south wind while loons are winging et the disposal of the cominittee, whi, Polar and Tropical Wý,rId@%," writt-ýit hy la tire fer West Mosquito« m no ah. Judith! vou dun% know the hall 7uCe 111 th" their rapid flight nurthward, calling out took alivantage of the m-iày facilities Dr. Hartwig, Progident of lieidt:lliel."! e. P"tM tholit thlly are unable te Pot on a ltrmgu toust bring ipen us! Cocon talons, Chariey; 1« us for "more rain. " During the spring ùfféred and made ample preparation University, the oldet University in th. . j ait &S onte, 90 they amd round in rencilý Md nuit boer the wozut" with au ateLtiomw ttfflure round éor Obéir laque. are have had fine growing thowen and fur a large gathering. The audience world, and the une that lelds the hiý,h"t the a net Hami h drew bini tewards th even Dow there in a prospect of a plen- was not su, large as was anticipated. ow- rank. Onte of BmuWa monkeys died the t q , fight. etatterhil ným-not= other duy kSn a chew of ocher $ide the hall. On a 1 tiful supply of focd fer man and beast. ing in a great messure te the lack of Over copieit have been %.,Id a fenour limier sith le. Th = 101= 2Y. goût, undernesth the witid»w. r.-iined mr chan- The land around hors except in low lait. intervatt in the temperauce Suvement in the oýld cotaittry. 20,401X.) c-)Ijiést lsitu et uuwiu% %henry of the damnât of MUL bis bead and shouiders fflly ,Led 1, cuah« nations in mostly sandy loam, and those by the senior mernbers of the c,)nimu- l'm not a"d of a bacrel of eider," B.,Ug. lm illaffl = tin= " sud &OW, it recently boeis sold in New Brtiiiitwici, 1 wu feum, bail, ce 1 renutrisai'l' ý of un who have gardent find the soil ad- nity. R-.freshmente verte got up in a and Nc»va,,eci)tia. The lxok i-é c.tptx:inlly =jawtoperg: aliccapentace Man. -«ipruume ",,,)od ha an. bave hem in hi, mirably suited for fruit and vegetables. first-clam utanner by Mr. lKellet of Lind. valtiable t,) C;tiàadi.'ttàit, fr-ilu the faa goutte a baarrel et= ; *, trotar Yeur appearance. 1 day, bis toÜntenmm oui of thoughtbd goùdnes5ý. 31any who have built, hourever, this SaY. After the refrethments hall been that it givez the ci)rrect hiitt,,rv ý,f wolildrmaeyowapor«wb." pl«mnttoluokupeu. Arthur, the second MM'had What do those mesuf" mid Spigerlé laberitoi lu tholitttdueë% its exprewdon et W-Xl- "Mon, have allie planted fruit trocs, served the chair vas taken by Mr. A. 1 the litidévin Bay F ýr Cotapany, Bri'ti.,Il blonde. painting Io dune golà belle in front of a ý neu; Jalam, 'tg ' but thotre, %-W agrest auto- which like the town itself --ive evidence R-Asters who introduced the subject in j Ci-tunibia anil.%lanitý,ba, a-à wtll tudium,» wu the reigy. 1 mm betwelan ail et; sous. Arthur, but nine. X.4 ab'a, ý i su. . 1 jml= rolýilt- Malade. .. neadv m tan ab bis b"ner. Me st,)Od alrleady of fast growin«. The site of the ' a few short and pithy remarks. Short 1 the whole line of the proiectud caluv Là g reterwd soeur. YM boudins over tir arut of bis fathee, su& Tom.look- city je a fine Semi-Ciretq, rising rorind speeches were made by Mr. E. Whiw, Placide R,,tilejatl, front X. putre-al to Fý)rt lui; maiy Notait and nwa, ut et the table, hi,; el- lanteris jâwed Vermonternot aboui the head of the Bay crowued with the 1 and by the Rey. Meure. Murray sol bons Iug un IL Mn. chanoines luk, sweet f William, thence to F.,.-t Garry, through "Lultr titue, and fIcIl tarte the fâcle w-ubeattýwartLýher daughter's congtinue, a î ambragertus maple and oak, and flore 'Mr- '#le-Xatighton, rom Maitituba, wad Britiah t., W. white bd= unhum ne wu gracritai girl of oneýand-menîy, and -tnnabel, tours go smprw:-.. Sud there a full nombre pine lifting Cobourg, theu followed,%nd in a manner Vançoetver's lsslaisd; givitq., fuli ifif.,r- WOU, If *0 darned tmabkvome. yourix, lady of u"v fourtâter, Wa. libécir ab% eu= ulrie" ut%* aliving twitchu M Tom's bâtir. hie mournful bond above the undulat- thât showed ho wu well acrInainted with swIttion ira regard to Vie tvil, John te mid à father in bis mt;%,Cd hum the Plâce, nest Ida flather fing ses of emerald foliage. the subject portrayed, the terrible evilà p"uets, rivera t-j be, »M elle wb,, h ma, Ban". as il vielding- hier the zialist d@àFý'wh" ho constat bien "ling the -- 0" to staud 8 It ip perhaps hardly tu ho regretted of the liquor tralfic. He backed up all nnelledcIât of bitililiug, don% throw vont sha hem A more nuit". car" V out auQuad bc tmpmible te 8"; the brotherth='Z that though we have -every day a con., hie arguments with scripturô proufs, .ai:, 1't, la:12 ezw.wu.p. an* Ruy borclocout bOY4» 1- tb&Y wnloted e,,b otber..ady, and U..ih lhor a & 1 , gives a tell acc,.uftt of Inabel; plenty of 1. 14 siderable number of tçaima P-sing to And cOncluded bY 111110ng &Il whO weru lliewfo»diand'a fofflts, swarripa, and litue. With ý-«ad+w-ànd a fair number of one-horse, favoumbly inelined to temperance tu fishorieil, and the fixhoriola of the m. m Io sa 1 French carte, we have no amuh-ups or work on with vigour and not ceaneuffl Lawrence. boverat chalptern are fr.,sst ho wu. runaways tu daronicle, Dur have we yet ve Shan have a grand Prohibitoq Law the pehof ourolors Lord Darfuritt --iiiit-!y 0 :the tom belcun to parelleut our beloved minieter in thial car fair Daminion. The enter- vritten letters front Iceland, and « 1 th, ut their o-wn vith bage of dollars; neither bave we tainulont wu eulivened by choioe selec- Higher Latitudes: wid what it ed 'her fîtrawberries mon dm lLytnch« in diam- tionir of mugie front the Cannington a still further attractive, it itives ruhaMo eter; but l boer the sonnil of hammers brun band; and altogether the affair information in rfflrd to &Il the l raà &round me, and the.gool time in wu one thoit will bc productive of of Great ing bis brow. and the hopeful emile to te- iw 2" PDUM"b Mm to Ida Dits. of secrice. Be pro. iplith mevs -cm outraccetous cl)MÎIW wheft we Ïha bc au bosaatful as mucl>ý-ood- i Volony, Australia, and the Itdands ý,j te smvd tmm te envertalor au rue& bu arrivcd; coulé ex 'w P-t." the Stmtford Beami, with mayhap ouly [Theabuve waý rout lm %book. 1 the Son, while more thait osivt htif ..f 0 interP.,ýeJ un, a little leu &bars of self-conceit whieh te inqu" en 00 Chmninginalowvoiee;*Ilýhriiikinmtemagit' 1 the great travellers w1ý,» noble IL u ho new.1ý!" ý seeme naturel to the Beacùm and aU m recorded ira the w- el., aft rii ther >ý , a à kind-hurted but umwhM w«k. YoUmZ 4:kiiudt= att Mat ind1iýiduallV, wu rising institutions. bo' " ___ - __ -_ _» - - bis s"M'y sonne- mm 'ben le'r' rcýt ut) >11 bis ono- This week ve have bad a visit from, 1'4111LUR .4,x.,etvriLSAkLY-DEATR OP Mat, glich or Scotch. The work cý,tataitim thu th ab à cm &"y before tW"v;tQZe t» 1 %hm wýir, t Most important inforissatiost fr-,iii o%.-r ic t hat 1 càn gues« l* not !X) ti. Satu 1.4T,)CK- b en tu bc maher bebind thm bu& hem in our atm-1tmmd beaith. Mr. H. H. Cook, M.P., sa mW owner, 150explorer». It-is em)bL-Ilioh o witit deore, je",- mu dm B"iour, .. th"% mal we ment A»nabel ut) in that new balloüe. the%- 1 oUr lord of the m,,Orý and grand seig- f1vur 21111 béatatiftil ongravinigié. either Sir.- 7;"-- iamw; me mb,«Uùw. 1 Migts humy lt bâti cal,éfiold wit'h C,,rmsp»n&tme ut The P,,«. IMI m her--m ft riti euwe day. Aumbel. never vou be 1 Deur ; and altough the pretty maids of photographe or itraw ingla le ith the 1,.ette i 1 ut pouph 01 " Pâm». !S wm "0 us boisât te peeee,,Ie Mount thé air in abat hwbbMLe mmup thmý» 'Nidlmddianotabewmminhàpatà..ti Ikt8bd0h,àànOÛcedillYOurcOumBs, 1 takf.-nbytraveller% frýr>Rnnattiroits th4j .ýjthWnpi an ahSrned the mouve M'twuthecutominuldentimeewhen which, lam, happy to observe, èee-toý couritriesto which they relate. Ittreaut A gentleman Who wu very malona on ý ânnabel cas her band; the grent, man app«red, still lie is wel- keep abreut with &II the news of mo- of Natriral Hij&tM, l'hysic.%l (;eograIhy the oubjecal. 09 hffl@1ý bu uni am to ILBOW- 1 she would bave thought it gratât r. boue& &MM no souillon. a" barbotant. Un 40 aP In Il coule to Midland m flowers in spring. ment throughout the county, m Io- travel and adventure, whieh maki, is '*Wàlmtdw.the vont tmap thu the wb»l« i Ifoome amongait nodu not like hie pu- interesting té) the child. It ir4-at.% 4 de tbmk ci 11W. Mu coola me Ove lantaired ujy, ho Iiü«I priucipleg--nor yours--4till we quent Sermon wu presched by the Rer. &,t&.v DUMM-* 14.È -h".I.ý irery ciirroe.L4 'A thm 9 donc eâmiëï ad am 1 un puzuffl noms ni ineir gcoa inutp os wnhinîr its inhaitnis. iN natitrai oe - Whim 1 bave .,tSI3«4 to the poedbmty of the the next but thiniz; and by Lhe way waà good, makinq time diaettions, physied festtires wift vri,,,eob iffémas aàv» -The livec of thou- $mua me. 1 bave vSitred'àm 1 there WR ho one front this Place, next very entertaining tu &U inclined, to su- mWe et bonne bave tact ouved dmüw tbe mot F n the lenst and buvy coa4; wheuer eur joy au intellectual, trient from the Sab- Phenomé-na. The bigk 44.,rft init Ila au% be bnk« upto ao it. ard oumires, Monday, which no donbt will ho a plea- *0 «'-bdSto»buàe -Comatàm = knglatixl to inoreàse %ueh kts.,w- = Iudàmb"am»PÀM$ft. JIMprepa- tormed Out uT-)atbe workt. Ihttheu- aMMA saut one tu try on as en bath Seboul children. The Rev. Mr. Md. f. b"gmâ..b .& »d . nimaa 1« bU me;&U an go be pud out of m- experment. ledRe, and béing vritten in a plain, bu «W -» It would. ho a favorable rimu to form Kenzie addremed the l' f tt naias - eluctistoi aumbb. hm and open Bdorm -UÏociatiom for busî- sý or J, pleminir and liimd Ovle, - in w1apti.41 tý, uuemmtd or sives $Wb wùT«ý short time divelling on tceo%: fit$ où sandwam. 1% menu bu tomdle& Wé am ime riki"t4 uýxuedu"UML Sabbath Rzhook Mr. Dick, of Little the «eneral minfl. 1 cm heartily eý,rû - la, Md W" "," au ewo"*» *1 My duling bon" temund Xr. nom, as we in this Tiwrahip menu te, Britain, followed and spoke brieigy but 1 mend 't t' *ll whos m0a" m&y enaMa . @U wark, and de your belt ta sa IMP a cqg0y et tg es 1 h-à etc give a botter report of ourselvec et the in- ervm; »Xt etecdon sa aie WM the 'i«tàm of pointedly of the -gras& boustit, of $a?,. - !hem tu becnm* & Pomegv'P- U O"n me amm, sait meues b"ut 'acSr;eW bave ma" thhWs 0 C»-àamemb 's soutb»pa Lyman, Te. mim eber" fer a momm the Md Md vain over-confidence et the lut, whieh mont bath $chSls and the necessit of tîmch- 1 'x & l'"10 I'brrv in itaelf en Most in- woëe. ans- ?Ècý *w Omdrý a" by ai wb" mmdo-tW a living la hUeDem God hm 1 not ho repested. We were amusait punctual. - teffltinq and iàsefial niabjeet& MUYA" ommm la-17 mat cla au inte tbe vSu go work; sSne wu unir drop of »Biny btbegtsmtme ou T. W. ALLEI.Ç,M.A R-,-tor Of Caran. 1 hm bd spnag m memit the efforts = "to fall wuât a Bm vo lm Dos&-If 7« 1-1; au «di" W bdaging the procoedinga"se a Millbrook, April 28, 1874. thdrmmuL ir4a wm net bé ïï ww.m at- x"r. made to drans up a meeting by a few close *ýabuý bue bNait. OFORIR116 verILLM t bx lu. Pmp who engagea the Townsât soocer thm deaired. But né onother i éàtit hm *86 santà ab% M tbi)ý veaU be memxv.ý borna. ùm& bulaý, UV tom la 016 MW 8IL Hau, but ater mm efforts it wm = put of the programme vu tu ho ftdfit- Milibrook, ont. th *Oéma t 'loua à$ a bgagh de a brumes led which, the appéerance of the tables: MR. 3. W. Lyox, B=W bar eould out the lot, go OMMN" rab 38na"ffli lhe main "It hm £am hub hem, ce. It il m muh hm go lu as tbaqA orqanum« it memed te ho un- t«tiffl; no one Nz like going un til. BIR,-[ have no h.,aitation in çciv- ni. wiih«t 1 would ho done to the good mua, ý ing my cordial reemmendation te, the -d ze bue ah M be wwwu IL sa by un me boit »Mr!ro= a e4mm, MD it., 1 dersbSd tlit a - coccervauven àmocw MW§d» duinK It w»evm = I»Mly arrangea theroce. After: work *ntitied II The Polar and Tropical a" bad"m ic bmdmwm et the L«d chan- t" vu formed. afthough there vere Pâwu ne wu mm- un Mmmhw âmûr kr net eno4h prumt » fin the offies, j te& aU seemed anikus to go homs M' Wrids. " 1 bave Vue throuph more mind!» «W Ton. tbzovint up his We voeu m; doubt wbat ses te ho doug the rein W» cominq clown rather freely. impfflant Porrions Of the wf'rk, %na "!b" --bldy -l"" la-** as nom* Mid it was a assating of Y W* vich te -Worm you th" nous 01 bom thè exminmion 1 have beert able 011L. la 1!t, As pgaâam qwMe bave and brebaljimd ibey abus wka *a mm a goboul fer .md.L those Sunected with the «bout, boa t- mette of it, 1 am ftally peranaded th" umw in km roi.- um of ou mx"o, mything to do with Il Gorge-om" in' it vill bé fonnd to beby thons, eh" may guet& SÏM'% lm in TM I1t -bffl-mle-S** have puàcdmiw, mâefow herezwvml yourbMwSk'oàmidTamPo". We; Pmbmit.ahmkaowdedwith&Uthat abembnW6mdby= » no oommider it nafoir ofacyone, tooome aud, is both int~ ing a *M bu la Ci& and Zûi=.a m ZZeZ ch»P. Thor vote together and dump î , ad inetrudiv*, ?0 te." na te ZIebue â"«t@U %bu= thoir ve m one mua for their c" .. report My of our friands m did'the audian the Ph -mi 0"" ma ekcw bbmmtbm br iz *0 ady Conditions rd%: two worlds, of whick anIM6 ràm::MWPW jý ohm date, vithOut & Vriâ, m mâttar who it is. -tu of tb" lottet PudeuWly -hm 2mutrU, se Mr and ]h%. w« @» pleoand " the ,Ém tok«, m incorrect stationnait m mode The lit timée. 1 bespeak for the vork a vide Rov Vas 0» A» lamu m 09. 0--tqr. -le" bw uà sa- Subb. lad by the ftionds of the VWboqi& %disay tecebers and parecie et Shiloh dogme cireulation. ta r air w ur»tk and agéia pue" thât if the Cous muob L,; the internat the, have 1 am.My Doér %P. with m»eh reffle1t, g=-- Irm wm pény tek veUwe of their youth. WILUtTr»tLMiniMmoiC mi on. ft ' ËI bru, build thoir Une thnnih the cectitre of en Chme 1 te towmàiP &M give morning and Audevmtoeconedh«eint"d" @Fecine "» te Md hem Toronto they of Mm Thompson, the partieuisce of 1 bave e»mhmd the vork and §na !a la moy aspect a r,»,mble bocus âont whieh ý go vOU kwwu in Liadga"F it very intonation, and am noccomend Mésange moi" queluim X"iPOI14 Oth«wi» Mot thst nothing zéed ho mid &bout it iiir;. its parow to WL a" ~ « we have the m» recasait Maisée. f Her fémur m"= a envers ces. Thor L. Jorin, 8, J., imw_*e lew. va St Bwtbolomow'e Chweh, OMIPIL -- ---- - . mm Dam Mr UV& à" ym, vilà the «Upti. of have the mou "mpéthy of the gags- -1b un ý= ira Emsim tendue = Mr Terrant. X«hodmt Epuopud, be osa"Y and pwbeoWy the bornerait un" *0 diémla I"bww- a mm W in npbmd by Mr, ffliam m equelly hmbm& JEL a hm the myle. As "q hy the puba" . Mr. uns. nu ne am maie pet of au ýhi1g. J. W. Lyoit, of Gué1phý 1 bave looked àühtd Rmuhar. of un Mabve bèm, %abc@& The am" »Ver Io" bouge thm thrmeh a wo* on Ne accidecte or incideule vorth re. lu lm Ibnanom CWD»Wmmtà lm -Pu-bb the do et pe«»L T-Pui W-1401" by Dr. awtwial sud bannie ma lokoo" le rbm> Qit dm ýum un In lakea et the Volon" ý of *&W by l: Gogragey. seon a @erg" assistent cer imud la " a m par of dmý t»IL ehb"p the OOUMY mmb»màý .,,Fm $W-*nom momerpalu .9 = a haw te M& othm Md Pt souriait 'Victoria, in tbwoutk-b" MUL Mr. «Mimtwm of the ébove vo* la suffi. gmai= ,U abbo@e thi»«M et lad WM6 Stewart dOlm by 60 hkel hm a C'eM t )'@bow th" it cOutniag & large M" Md b»mb enab» MW Remet Umm lm lamies over tbow bmd& Boue et our *o»ugb-b" Dmhmà b*Mý tain Imm amtmm of Vary intaruthn bdormatwm quaF. ab& Chou. ..y- a ---- y JMMUJ m record te the physiesé geography -a thé MMOMI& ýMw 6 MD& obm&M ta *9 ils" W* m caccot be sur- mt"l history of the t» vSlde m wtat*oàmm *M un Ummoui»m obuem et ti» lu, ;Iàetmdpmmm"tb pm»d by m"d of à* mm an*. if wkh it t»tamd 1 doubt mot thm tho, %"k lf*e la lamdr buemd tas. MW*, m q@îý ta m Md iLla..Itg. My &ruer m vickSk croditabès ma"M in Wh" thé Imm m in =-m =-»bz tki-1- àw bu a b"à- kt " , 8 ý h- hm Pt Z wS au te oh- wm ta «W& m *»We Tm Vber 8" thm lm a taiein W it a T«tljo 9" ail UMM lent *» ta *a = et èw bu sud ma Jubu appeau" 1 Amuira 1PALUMý M.A., de" *@ il et TS«tO. Nop-Tl'r-P-11 , t'. MIE INSUUNCE OWAR n" And AbMk«I almwtwwd M , la. oormmilm by M of twatmolm POMM r-now . . le. lètilb? atitmoimi h au; Imitvittiml bol . W URSIMI t* .0u.O» in «wwe. film 1 the ,Ol Md lm Amouât of ........... 0,10111M . M ton 4 ..... ... .... .... ...... flivowes ..................... .... Wi %vist. *9 Immintait " du, imwv- almfànt la ln"*#«i in A> olinsi" àf. -mibriby r4 swf cav"ton Mlley hole ff*ý I.W4 smie. of *tf*àt la ne 0 a Ob. 19A for &A. of- o»Ily »0 j»f "ni, pmim. AU u»Pnos 0 PM" mm Rt " lt-** 0" M la Mv ~ àft."" *"Il Wm. Ili#. how. qo Wforob the of làlwt*y and MW V t!I-boboý bhéol, hp Il%* bibe Mou. Il:); Ti D 1,.I) I N by the t:mpavbyle 1 i #Ibo '-uly 8»,Ih-y WhIth dffl cles @"Uélk Mon la *hèob bo jolly the lune. folié 8*40,ty rtréuqe. s1c1jàý cltmr% The tsompauv Nw noë. mmed #SI$ gomwam" lo noille tho: mon. hoé %loi; 1-,# vw bilq "é', il% hW lýIMO et t'tt.lbM-. P4»# 0"$ of MmI 0.0 (!,>sbwqv té,,%Xte, 41wj *%ýb d 19fflItpe AU w,,rk t-idowd *184 bs *,t op RATTLI'm'o ARE LOWER t ýN 1-: N ri là N' 114 %ho UST sini Au AI THE LM U MM tzrw biud. et porom«Y %bu tionne OR Oum 3.000 of PRIVATE FUNDS; Io ehbro ot pulbilo le$o4.lbbv* oz él., 014.4 bW4 boy a vtrk pedorw, Ton sa 1 k lnoum» Iéiclvinq and Itair erts.siqq. "M"d eu m"MI M'es "emèthb thoboob 1, 1(dýA 81%'w Mhloviliq boit j CHAIR FACTORI. THP. é%ostieut.-ruitAL wl, lgivt, the sutvmobons à M-4 su»" omumk. bien. Ibo Prout W* quobe, mm the suwmmt* ma" J. & IL B 1", 0 L E Yi twoo, oboth by tào w&*» a binb nq"ve obnu. gormktv,.% now opsib-fèb thq -k K Int tt*t 1 W*v l'ob, II -.., 1 A lot 1111111040m WHOL91,4ALIR RICTAIL, 1. lut %OMIM IVR" muses, me m oommom Md nivu ehWN fffll" fond M 1: N Z 1 lut àtiwm ivu& Cr lible Umhl M1.14 Io ti» 0" W The boa". la".1 lie Joty toth %Kx lemming Tue "OU& 0 .ýuw»toý» Ibo wd 1kroit dm 204. Vil Kil. %,* liblo UD OVIRýXEM lu sus- .1 h,..bbý 1 N cet kmffl 00 i f.-V Illo powy. F U R M 1 T U R E USN pAis fil mme-un lamneiL MWC»IW mammam SPECIAL FORM ff PRZY rof #b 1 =ù M. = Wb" 11-Li %Nl M brt."t. . "...l .0, 4.01 l""d. '4. .1y Y M Tt 1 1-M fm'. 1%* rublI. w»I botte, a ow,%* 04 shm Ma kP-9m bhe»bmv" ar4fflt»o t. 19«W Vumi. l.e: NN \1 1 )m; >ZK u\'N m%, %eh4bwtxl &'r étabd a ffl 4Etdum i»bo Obe %W»" béémlbom 1 Witt hawl ItNé«W»ý W*Rcqbk. fflbom obbd *Il mauqm 0# Paier Hanter, 144o, Offlt th«* bg Mit mo»Y ou J. LIOLWS MW »M lràmmlr., 't. ira,, m Umm m fflve 11rhome ]Pointe à 1 UREFUL avEsnuliel And au bu w &"Y by S"ta à màsum& lm T"& nolaDlemm ilom w ?Mx 19 Imm mi" lu"$ oww&-aalli. Alb. 'à amffla Fou IEITDIM mi Mou Md I"wk imw PATM ca"m lb«wmo&vo$« Oum tu mu& iN4àb. tir