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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 3 Jul 1874, p. 2

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rRRooowm CAMP. lot* 3&9 SEMM av 1NNLi6ý - CINÉ" loua" a or -lio- on bal" B-0 A wé à"" met LOàm Mme emmuas à»X Imm, dame(" Pa fille 60 alm. a ice the maelmr M 111la .- Il 0" im Vâme p~ - IC E ""%Wmo i*»»" -lm bu banal ù* 04" OMM »ý" = 11 . . - - vp--à wa» »M zm"lr. 3&2" *0 "Èm» Ou #"# . - . »m-e-u6 0"$M &- %mm m fuume: wagemm =:"m le *0 * awin"g av deccrip" et the &-off Bmm& crule ùm the #hie 06 novanmons i et a- *àt*- - ele. be, lambgr i"*. illoffl i PAPIER OsAit Ïw&",>vewlmg.»d by #hra, Vt*it ti= ýA7ia111 C.: cý 1'. -Zrb, Etb.. e h14 lui- 104 À Red aad Whfte naitir. A-41> , mSd. Tirât à a tibbe-won ugumat Z y ; 2- . T»OPS oiv irim t th-le sprbà& "Y puma ià The» am thmee bai"uom Smpmd i Xr Me Li"».v hn wisp op 111110 S" et whkk hm beau olinée ex- the tisa -:: ===,-> au "W 1111,10, 14 "à the holit bmd ma lm is ed WINDOW IBEADES. »ema ber ~ «M-vmi" lai *0 "Divine .. ....... . à. sait seloît»Ilà, et,»Omo, ý#àroqm0 el peuul efthm *111louild e t ted iafle tombe bâti. comalmended by Lient -COL' opoèèe, bam tu sa intnl@Woto iag»àS ut A'ýSDFV%7EWX FALLS imeou » etialdemas mythie« thm 60 thie kind; and if the-ir Prerrialon hm the alèvraientaite SmitL The batt. star us Xajm M- ý COCIM IK X. 11,01tiki:11111J. t)bïâvto do - ut baving *Wb a pa"'dift lit its es& lieu ma Webb, Adjalt Bosserait, Bar- Xiriby film, Q,,tý, 6. Ibo jublecriber hm r"-éived (mg by un victoria 1494 alam WiR bs ceilléand >7 thits J". jetéelutestly protected. YM ama - -met AM. surgeon. wakby, IL IL.) aurxe-t-It of-emb4e, es brpr amanim et visite» tola but- SerýXaséêr rampbeut, Pýby-mer THE cli-VET. tu WhiLh hW would diritte che Utentaul, ut intý"l4 A&NI) IltIt tu)ING émbmtwý4p 11roppireg dowyé os #hn, 1ro" " ! ý != AU Vould ailla chrett atteneiuiL t'O hi* ity at oince, ou &«Umbb Md âo, partant Floyd. NOý 1 C 1 mi ont. N.J. 2 i DT Goteme. Git,,cmu», IMM UAIL NOM in notait beauty. ThAn me a felir dnw- Comp'ycapL Gi= L:t. st.ý k." ilà &bun&Mt 401111CIR- Md a lup and treu âmwwd ut $ho, Melool. afw P«btmt" __ tîoýe-Llç- Irritable, h->werer, wàkh a VM Uttle No. 3com&.Cae Bxm" tier Lien_ patiola for the put fuir nights iuv"- ill ý0Il trotieble adght emily allevîM& Why Johnétou, End" C*ddy>- Ifo. 4 Co. f xming the whermbourts of the omet. ebeay-zeott, 16y ftb, ha" »twuloriý9 flt-twe tach. unwt Mr peuple 1.1 mutud suburip- Capt. ýBatéà- No, b Ca Lient and It vu discevered by M. Coggu4a ]Freu& 1 LI X Mr. S. & Peck bu hotu calettea: 6,n coutribulte " an afflumai m vieil -M Rogem mistronc, êt MaïmS« iaàeû lait OUT NAILSS- LOCKS, Ool ont ocatrove in the put, acting r-te MCDOMM EM. - uuril 6.*Moto in, fur Hâliburtur. duirmai Ïbe, empm» of fittins MP a Umm- IÇoý 6 Co, Capt. Vur, Lient. C boeIUL and hm ohm the% mettracteil Smid«.- tànd.av* lm fillély Sa bo une m A. CU LLON Ninlrt*, Wblt* ?"t% th- tý-ttýif, but bis tainadv(triom an 1 Contity' bar telàpomy tables, »ate, swings, Se. 7 ce. caps. Dancan, ll= %un- ablât attention. It nov appeais as a 1 __It Witt bu soilla traîne a report in &c., whkli cm ho left in ohurp of un, lRm&u Ilittreny. No. 8 Co. Capt. muâ star with a feint ham lebout it, bffl Te-%ýtLuJîV tlb Lnf.)rm hiâ frielkik Md the oit 01MI aitokly Sbes relents of personnel $pits Aleil atteint coltlam " further procesdiage n 1 Hmibmt, lient. OINeil, Enaý-,,n leoice, 1 and in midway and mmewhat bel->w tbe pelle "t lie lia.$ No> ont, theroforet bave taire* place in the North, ViçWia hom» or y kt ho trecteil oit - total êtrenath 2% rank and 1 outer of the - Dfrpeý1 1 Ml knnwivbsg th* Witt pay the 1 ellnerovurted 610011LOIX "se nâght en" fb ý t of honnirai; se. Bond le, star iý;ý 6. 1 sud th"-V.ehstar. AS the moon in RETURNED to NIS OLD STAND, R;A)bee 1 _31r. John Contents, iaQ akeDS Of ex- 43th batt, Bowenanville, commanded Irow quite, brià ritighte4t atteriti4,n ta the ex.m. P. P., wwi it in leu. eui1yý men CHIO AS Agi NOM il VE m m and fAitoir et the &M'*Pto, bas zettu"d ita Pu- by Lient CoL P. CabitiL »att. staff, soleil. eveniag. but wM formi. quite a pro- corner of hi tomate attacks Md mwepr*mta. tu Peterboruugh 66 metter a aille awathle tact" hum the veau«. blaj--ir Doseurs, Adj't. NoMartry, Sur- minent e>hi---et in the helavens wher. the S- ,,, 1 la faut ala the paýiP"MOU qmaee ar*Ume 54&9 2: a. Mr. rock'e rtmalînoaèione for hire visis tu the tala aloolutry, luoking veu ÇOD lWtb4 P&Ymgter CaPt Cluistie. niahts zrw derker. The comet wM in- e tt - o. 1 Ca. Catit. SStt, Lient. Silvester, creilée iri brL-htnew ur Ist plJ allore, dieurantel satisfaite. hearty." fur the Most extensive _ Oý Ltil the o ra, e way* be May tu do any in thia way, kt t, At Ensigu Cialbraith. No. 2 Ce. CaptaLu! -Aufflt, wheï it will becoine leu, and int) of M,&'V M ýPzt «> 197 4» IZ tory by *11 the outtniç4?&l repreetata- lt le éaid Mr. Wan« Kenaiedy vin immedwe Hughes, Lient Hughes, Enâîýgn Terrâ- ý ûmdy dimp,-e D IR bu a cjmttUm* for West Torvâtu, ia.the ý0 âberatity ma or. ][3 ]L,& C ]m S --%t 1 Ir m 1 X cw tiveit ot ibur buiw o.tanty, &lia Shsir lina. J 1 îJ il fermight et son. No. 3 CO, Capt. 1 lit à Veai ilouse et the geiitenl r citisène, vill be stirred Sol actiolft :Y FagUah. No, t Co. Capt. Thirkell, H-4 L IB ER r0X. had,"%ZlftFl..m Adm Crooks for Céest Toron. au KUI #Ugg«ÙQU. Lieut.Noràon, £omis " hi« -In -Nagent. Bm-tl, (àK-). 14 x»Ilit ilefinence laith Aý>lM Matthow 3fir. V. Cmerum. Ut'«WMIL 14 memblem Staff fierses, 6. Strength 1 a?-tuS -fi-" BILIIR Beavy byrging Md Vill Woei a treciblity Moth u rai *tel, I"kitbq #hW *01xtatmerit, , more -Wu wýtice thate Mr. fiavin Flomniag, bitt., w% elle of, the culdon Anvilb llraut, hm Xiveu a *au TE &14J>.;fW VA dg-,& X EXPL à Xâ- S.-th IiJ pt,,té,,P, C,,Mnm(ld itifiauncs apparewt1y #hein th. 1 M. ". tilt North P Xi fi-Plî dt'atrib« sw(I extréelrdirrary law- of - ffl tol satih, micholit sectiormi in hie cm- VOIX hy Lient. -Col. PfflL, Major and A-Ijýt. 1KOII11,11INOK ý)1I fflVK; gtLtttr)toy$ the truatelle of wilich elle Ibnors, Sttr"m Kinusid, "t -snrýeun lieudit of 011,16avorinq, tl) initire an (T', the tout" of Mes CA'CM&'g ?m.) net repart an w1tial suar, the whole m-) lie D-iultim, Act.'g Quarter 311:tster Pii.-%- There hm been axmat manT be- ro th oI.V.ýtent. We jars, çontident %Î?- lock futè"ug librariter in the differ- , Scit, -Vimw correspondent ait Dans- Paymuter Chambîm 'So. 1 Co. capt: seen in titis viiiinity of late. There, has Weil tlift-hàtogti hin jittliui.'bl dntiom, thor- ford iu"umee thet 1 leme, been guüty jI>h»tOn, Lient. Dickmm-,n, Easign Bratt- never be-a a year in b" ha suit t» the: tif Iying and f" aweeàring oit ý the cau bnM , -t.l. 2 en. Ctrt. Ket jy. o t. beea no numer.-ýu_% -Nearly everybedy i The $t,.,Jefor; twoe,-% revients the _% lue- lia of tresput, tried before P. X. murdlc)àý ' o. case and pinte.dly @J 'ý%ztnkîord, Ensigu saine kind. Two thildren -pling te ýý,f IDLAý. D RAILWAY COMPAN f,, k. Jr- 1,11 Esq. , Dom ymr correspondant thick Capt. Burnhà-m Lieut 1ýJl#1maa. Nu. .0 came acrou twn JL 01F «Neither lie (the Dctot) tbor hi,% friends, ImkineJJJ, se u tient every perseoini MOM go tel enuffl te .0 ý - li-.&. havte lot dared ta tourh the M" Pointe 14 Ce. catit. orý;." ïieut. Hammond. 18 74. ut hie 1 - bleuira ; Xrý Ben y Irwin saw one; the' blt:lllli 1ý%IlVè1. and iblitil they du et) a lesra commun oeu» 1 If ha hm beau No. à Co. C&pt. Grempr. Nu. 6 Capt. The, 'ttlvv«yfb" lit the Victoria Ribit. L",Un trop kù1el t-o bears, sud utext f». e 'à" the» ho onglet ta go back and learu Howard, Eusigm Leterniolath. Uand, 10 ýter is au% a, lit rÀâ» Cabinet Makoir and Upý*terer1l a " ""'k, ý Su bu etireted. atembe». Staff lianes 6. Stre way arti Ate.411ily illquthing 0 théti the = = f the words Il Thon thalle n4th.,f, tu thia Juhn Sedwie killed one au, ait(I h:bvt% hy thix ti!IàÀt, et., fil'ttht, ki.1 net witum apillet thy neilch- 1 balle. 211. There art», tcn full bl, -dcd i Mf' Chýl P wo"ud ýd another; and sev- --'rhe head offiS (If the Otita'rjob)mnk, 1 Throue Frelcht Rates - and thm leun toi write the faute ami uthers be-,ic'es have been. se-ell. #-lit th(I hito hetwektu rencil. Vb1ls and bar,' Indians in this battalion who 1 am m- one (If the bt.*ý manageti in tire :Min- i of à case before bis evil disposition gets They Ireezu perfeetly £-trint-eu aUl m UBTWhEÇ Virmed inake excellent &blditen. 'Fret a tu be rýmavçd front ik)wnbanville Kimèbotitit, romly Ille thn wiekinen tir ion, L #10 butter 0't him, 80 th" ho WM Bot Port Hope battery Fi Id Artillery, lent nothing, but the shelIp. 31r, bilv 114)1 Ji., on with tho gr4tlirbtt. Wu i ttb'rtrt)nt(,. The capital stock of the tout à 7,rud Lr-me e-%Il hy a bear ; but 1 Itaixk in to bc iltervaud by the mira of write deliberate Ldmhoude. Bu bleu 4 Armetn)ng;ýune, thret ýýpoiindezs and Tàp;Lýt:ýwhoare wili-tig zo uijtýr into u,)iitrâct the ixtitemi thil. Ilà ait the I>YIAW* aile w hI, - Id .." one 2ýponnd@r; 60 horses, 2_4 drivere, theylestrethe "Lý,rdsof ematien7aI 49-0),01(mr, tu he allotted tu Whou 1 Illais put on trath. What dues bit _8 The drive of Il),% btltýn,;-ilg ta r4rrttý(1 dit whiuh 1 there ix ni, iloubt ý 14.4detit un the [et (if October Ilivit. mean 1 1 granners; commantied by CaJ Gra- English Cý,m-rcny ha& corne down, and "Ce' il" th" 1 sha"Id have swam bain, lut tient. MeLean, 2'rd là REDUCRD THROUGH PLALTES DON'T FOROF.T ew.-n Weil hi, prtïct*-Io(t with; &tilt in ait î _,rhé, new cotinty trelleurer of Elgiu 1-at random, not caring what 1 udd: or Richardson, 31a.-ter Hag rinan. are all L' thý m'a 1"'>ud rt-uly fur tes i, will, 1. J and wili b, f.tuld, I-éolbahilit-Y hy tho bewinihintit of Atticurit bas Rive-Tà a " batifttlut" te cOlebr"O hi* tirait lahould have averti ta supparrition. summer wlork. Durham Troop of Cavalry. Capt. Wit- the Witt Kavo a lat&J. jmintmont. It la proposett to utaibe li Striait ia bis style 1 Vould like te me liants, Cornet Ashfurd. Strength, 41 There in sping ta be a ne.v attire hors. 1 3vIl, -24. The gelleral impresrtinu, iâ that Hilibur- 1 -'-IL' GODRRICII. ý,4Y-lE-2k;rU àXD CLZNTON TU worknètJin fin the roule fri)iù Lindsay the Il twtntiiiet," liko the Warden'a s4p' hirà in the witneme box, and whaît lie men and horses. April togetthrough od that utlier cutènty trolestirers and Cobourg Troop, Capt. Razen, id men par, an allaient atrâir ; and it is rtluui,"Ir- vould look Elle. àNow, air, for the facts - ton in xpintr tib be a lame place in the coâr. wuleizy Fitom P-ýitr Hý2?F.T-i LINDIFAY 1 future and pe,)Pl..) are now trvin., ta -,ý12 permr. -A fois days aiter the trtapa.ne, m 1 liras »a horstS. )[urýhart,, wiii ýie 1,. --iir a---%nt who witlt thM ictroietont pellesible Immotint of'. wardetie intuud tu adopt S 1 hi», excellent Mr. Thoà. Sherritf and Péterboro' Troop, Major Bo-,Yer% t"9tal>lish themseIVýýâ ý,efore the generzil 11 lie prepared'o),il.11 Fruigl. t BARGi M ALCOM %11J ni the inouths (if Atizust, 4@ptem-.ý Onstout. = ih".""= were workinR, Mr. S. Lient. I-Vorroller ; 41 men and horses. rash when it wM be difficult ta obtain w. meizKJ.,I,, 1 E. AL: oLIU aile the beet spacial, telegmn ta the Glolw »ked me who the parties we ghops and f.1weuin-e houell. Fr',i-.:ht 14elt- ýj- Pr -fflent. her ami tk.tt.ýxir, And to m cornet bit. 'h't P.' This trolop hm a molinted -bi et.,(, oit eh" tacilitivrit ut wiliter in frt een"" of 16 members. SlIuadron stalf, Lieut- )ul, Victoria, Il. says that al a ad through bis fieldeun Sonday The en -ps lcuk well and the prtrIspetts 1410eting hot(lat Yale, 4)U.Nlý,uttay even- Witt 1Nef.iýo 1 hall time ta amwer e bright iuleed, tire vraly hope that 1161itts. hi' ho Col. Smart, Sur-,eonD. fluestou, Aient.- an oiq the tindertaiting. lumberinl, wiII be gnod th.& wiuter; if Ber ta inform bis M ORIS Itiarit bondit have 311r. 11-ickonzie's rallway pulicy Mill lie knew thora ait but one, $net that Surgeon Dr. H:trper. Brigade -I-ik by tilt, (t.ettpariy il% te Net, ta ApprovutI, and the one ho Weil not aura of. 1 gio. vre wià hivre promperti-is ternes. EB C ) -6j'tlet Uve'ny "'P'n- Staith; Supply Officmr Vanainial'4 Camp LU 10.X OF P-1lILT-NEP.- lit tâL ex-Rýýeve, ISSO T 1.4,cal (Mr. ýValkem,4) ('#(,voeument cou- 1 " ville the parties werenaderatanding Quarter3,1asterMeDermid. TheArtil-ý 'ntr 1 D .I:H.P. dr.llilwtl. lt,,wa4 thlé largeot meeting by hie convâmation. thât lie had aeen leY and C&valry ot.%%Pv 31 tttlis and te emigrate to North C,.rn- lira. Wetre . The ?arv,.erýhip hertt dore ccim-Iinlt h.tweel, P, 'rticpe. w i Il lit, a etW ion (in the southern eFariain Ra, ý-pi J. irradia-, ýýler thý natim ýùil1 f th avez buta lit ale. thom.pau through the fields, as 1 had 1,4,tittlary, (-ou » noter the contre 1 marques; the Inf.tntÏv 126 tenta ta leara Îh;s nie 1L talvieglisi. Ille, *ad ome, lit kin. rhe noir County of Ilaliburton and yen the parties named on the pince, of 4 mantiteffl used as eth itL-t., by the rerir,11ilni --f Ur. rl1ý rnially. e - 1 1', D. FUy ind bolonging ta Mr. S , immed ce' 3b.-Henders.)n presched his farewell. "i il. 1 iliolènt, Ir an noter it 80 engineel wu by the ment grut and brig-ade otliLe. Total numbW uf ly adjlliuing ille, field which the rond ermiiu in the Town BaIlà w-ek Aga fie-111ties Witt poriblit. troupe in camp irè 3. ! the -i che, latý lirai. 72 go« througb. 1 dia Bot play My atten- Stinday nigàt ta a 1" con-jregation. willet)"iderably iù- n'rat dOAnctY and gtv- Dr- 8luitirott vu ilppointeil Rural Duan. Dr. tio» vhére thoy vent towhetherthSugh DETML QF DrIIZ& Duing thé emoe race on-Rtml Ltk-e Dl-,,,,OLUTigi-N oF PARTSE RiS RIP i IR IE A, S c"Ilae eh(, villas, tif ploporty la %ha, gowsb« "4n'itl%çtt'e physical tuerý-,y 83 veau m hie the field or taraud bock, sa butor could 1 Parade af 6a.m.for two beurre; Comp'y on Dr1minion Dav, two men nemeil re- The pâniiurdùp hem-tufi)N bill), partigillorty at Kinatoulit, where Old Jewett Houset ý . that 1 hall wen thelu going drillat lüam. and 2.30p. ni. fur brigade 1 spettively Richàà Doyle and John! 4.ir1,-,ýa>. &- ili, 1%11ý T thore is a ql«I Watur power, *ira Vriet! incelleettial qualitice remier him admira- avaler through ; and never thought for ;a mý> drill two bourre eac-h dhll. Tire musk- Ptâd had a very narrow escape 'front wol-Z ýli, lirai ci 4-a- - -Lit, h lý, CUSTOI 1 an(lmw millie. &lui r(X)VU for more Mille. bly ritteil for the entrant position. hiý IL% bv lu1lruaý -4,1 VtrtàlablN in ta bave a station ou its Mr. é%ribur S. Hardy, 111. P. P., ment thst 1 vas going ta be gassuloiced etry Instructer in CaplI. Johmkon, No. drowning. They were both in the one -h0otý tduç -hý ýid àriii irAo lý iý .1 t, Lb. Cluvtte. K 4 NT OIT P a £T, elorthora ýboultduy li»J M à couveurient ramide a happy bit met the Woodellock de- ta appeler againui any person, as People 1 Qx 57à&h batt. Thm am four can- tance Whou by morne niista-Le the cauoe tyho -W pay au uýbiuti.I uttîàut,ýà by thu -wd us daily paâàze and rep"ng alter the tuent in which we kept for saleale'si lda auddenly capeized preciriliatinst both unonstratiklà tilt Fritlay. Allutlinu ta D. C.10OTT place. -bu in the Ou- nation liait bilan put up, and are doing rester, singer pop, Sackers, and other men into the L.Lo. After vainly en- à 1 t(ýzether thla proopectit 61 the 14XVI the courmie Of tire Oppogitit mi, yet. The etatement " 1 toi(, Mr. uWnats, and 1 am infornied nome of deavotirinz to ri!4àt the ýoethýywerel colitinlès tu % The ý t% eau sait diaprove ovoy dey. vil, Iogi*lattire lut session, ho *Md metied from. their peril' JWDo trot tur-e LINOSAYO ' ! S. that 1 MW thune pressing through the thern have whiskéry o)f the very triturât; with diflieulty A tiný rpHE business herttofore carried on heýVtY eterinined suplivit it re- t reminded hier% ut a renwk malle by & quality, brit I du nt t think the Liàt ous positiou by Mr. Willett 110 A. bt*heu'ýý-ý%et.inuattiitir,-,.,,eý.uý,ýtitýit.,l etivelle front the peuple ci the intersect- ulan in reforencti ta hie viies test- field& is a1together laýý , and tuant us weak Il have beau malle maUcitiu4ly. After 1 nanied article is much calied for. the 1 (Dtheii;- wili lit piture te -rt-ý vd iiii holiv niuch it in! 64 That il vu very hot and very gfbt the sumillione ta appear before ai%# Mon keeping remarkably êteady, in . deed ý came to their assistance in a ruvit. the u!,-1ît:ý .*,ý,:ie,,!. 1 a. ;j l", the Oppusiti u1ee trit1i'tý and Th, li waittrqi, allit that it bu a bri«14 Md la the (lomniou CR Of 1 wu pretty hot, bat d,,,dfully .»J 'a ' - ou of the parties, 1 uked Mr. S. why lie it in the qidetest and best conduaed DYED. the dm wu lie foLud With tnt. 2 460?s West ot ?rankUtauroS hall summoued me m the ouly wituesa camp I wu lever in. There is a ptst At Plrn*n's new Dral- Store-the t st gvies lm lunch %o &dit contonilliorary hais this query - Whou ho boa plepty othera, ma 1 would o" and telezraph tenta which are a fineIt and -atllple ot Dutch mi, r lever J th% the ýlif,«t"rv4ilo hy-law, givitèig a bu- Ji brtt,,he, iii,., THE bu3ines3 sd un I(Ow 8111J Of thO foutais, toachffl ut bis of no nu on the eue. great belon u we are located sa f3r ont ht:retciur-- carri tçà the ruait, leu belon: the or .ýf Iltario will voto fur Sangster aà thoir 1 apponta at Court ha kwben of town. And Lent but not toast alrix n, H o K FEV Eqtn1è,,ý il tu fuzure be (*ttit%(t Lely a majority ut twvllty.%,ii;tbt. ripPrel*ttt-%tive in the Coulwil 1" We botter. When the cm was tried, of Tue yur.xu MF-X8, CRIU,%Tlk:w àffl- h-> ,,ill ýt al! tà-eI Le lia;,py tý, iL.ut mporter 01 . hiý; eld,.týtomen. 1 don'% protend tu $Peak for Ontario, but course, 1 conta veut swear ta more thm a*. ,ur hùnitý ýr *na- P Cý%RK-jLL. Ir][]: si:w wu lits, contident lit, fcinale teacher in 1 sais. It is a pity. that Mr. 8. Irait net In the camp _. i -u l- -tý-,r. i Lintay, June 17th, Givingi ENCLISH98W ISS have erected a tabernacle c le'ilig. Victoria will v-,to for a um who with a aummantýd the vriteruf the ruport,» ho an-l FYý the er lâtr. Cartwrightî vwè,. ta léondolitr hm s limite and éleven children carried On apposes ta know mure &bout it than 1 grotind capable of holding between two 1,iore and tierce letindred persans where in, aria it -t;i'. -t'id -ce. alr"dy km )trio fruit In là kten et $20,0w, tlè*perate ttirtation with a girl in le, AMERICAN AND FRENCH al al). fonna, the the daily Globe, M'ail and Wit- i le; Co.. 235 Xotre lllasue Street. . r7_ý lit IR) %ait loaviab,4 tour par coite toute and etlbwgit4elbtty got rid et the Tus Wnxzm. men, &W weekly paliers from, all parts filet tu Il U»rry" the second. I)UM40M. Juillet "th. intorvist. 'nie Itiau had net the giloat of the Dominion, Erimliah and -Uiericin -The fk)ýliýwir4l a NoTs.-The abotre ie primait Lr3lBER -t-al-NeTLEs- ln Ji@- illustrated 'n", Britidh j PAII$6»4«0' in the OYO& tif Ah RAXI" tice ta the Other aide. Sor» ill-f I* p'pora' mAî'r Oum (if a recont Ca. &-c., and writing materiala L U, M B E Rý Clockà & Jovellerye lit lt»'mPcv'ai gl" nkýv but i, Ï-Y a etantiard literary journal sereme to have beau caused by th eu'Z 1 furi,],ed free tu aU corner*; thev hold SALE ilitill %ho traliffletion is an elouedisigly jtl»t sied soulid, anid will ho. gmtifyinq culty, arid it would bc vol[ te make ý social religions meetin t.4 alikin.1% eu:tal.le for aml ntael ur. Of all Descriptions. JUSO th» vot'a oulii 1 1 *titi OA)IRPIOS@IY dieprovers the Rot (billy mu friands of the authorhut ta polm with bat further etratrovenry, or; 93 every evenl0ý,', ile haL chýâ;, la ILuwtities plain im t 1 1 and 1 am glad tu say the establiplimeut and up,%-..lrdâ; ztL.,ý ait eairadiane Who rejoice in the btlcSu héigation. There should bc no diflictilty 01111tfflfflat bg»rtiUIW kbtýtboTory promis of tiroir conutryineu: 6. Mr. %Vateou-'& in doinq this, à" all are sensible people, R.USSELL W ATOXi',h,,, i Conatitirtional Iliatory of Causas, je re. The t4,>rre,,tpoudent and the witneu 1 in woU patronizod, and the gentlemen A L m S %le. (,'artwrtghte plain and bouemit courposing the society are desserving of wJJIO 1100M PAPF.R. IL i gront PrAlime and the thA-Iks of the vol-! of cnv gritae. rat: inie can t.,,, iciitered at tilt Pt spirwh " hall irrotrievably in. urarkahly voit written, clerir, coucient, Aboula est the example. 1 urîteem Two or more o, the iger, tieinen ý ivilit: Ft-r i artî.u!ýrý tli-iýJY ta aisd(tofiniW Cana(lamaywtýilbeprt)ll __ _ __ __ m. rt>Y-D. johilit the el-ettit tif #bu IXmiiNiot'y. Our !l 1 rernain front 10 a. in. tiý *10 p. tu every ýSEALED TE' \rDERS Bar and T ibran. NORTH eo.VE$TED D . 1 R E P A 1 R 1 N 0 avelirilius never raniew bigher Shan at al leur Constitution, and in the L dai tu tirait ulion visitors and give any 1 WM bt recItived at the clriec -,t;ie unaeriz Dons en the Promis$ie in , à batierie. 1 , rotroul. A jette la mally rabid #%J au of Outéerio it bu fumait a litting bis. . iniormation required. Theze wZi à the kýUl%-!Lâ-e 'f t1ic n", for Sortait. Il ! FO' i 111W E _-At a recont meeting 01 a com corit1t. 1 IOPY 11118111116f, bld wortanlled by iulitneekt have, howevor, in crifick4inz 3189 BILL XATCEE thisé titittation bcon Illa by thoir-iétaib. rh'ttes Pmut.--T» Chi.9 Omir.taw. the Coas- played between the voltinteers and the RECrISTRY OFFICE, (31 the Agt)ciatit)119 CRLL$)R. Chice Jl"ce klàùsàTy. ý VILLAIGE OP 1»0191r ricalar, Olmon Ochrocke ratici, And ttitttik Üth, the Illeus& absurd Cobourg club on Wedntsday the 1 Rudled ai it W" rtýeetvçtl thât a neeting- consiat. On Friday lut the Hou. thoAttumey. lit whichthe club g-nt arrawfui 11icking "I #il bu tallit lind' inst of «ielv!,,ate-a front h t BUILDING AND LOT ose inspecoral General sppeared te support the pretium- A ROUSE LOT èt the ut à Caniedia They were no match for the red cota'ta, n district, bo hold in the the theatre of the inary oijoctio» taken go the petition 1 , thon et -th they braZ-qed a goud deal ut 8-t 1,Iea:itv in VIc VU a=. Hari anti -ft water, ln cleueli: 1.'t btluz. the MON OF VIE DUTOH IFLAG ý&R At 1)q)' whuu Vive* al"' NorTnal, 8chtiol, on July 1 7th, At 1 p. m., The fint objection taken vas thmet met anted ta play for& ro a '1 1 Itixt* fab"I tromi 104 t4à l(W., hésoligit. the et;;Ï and w -lit exei. 1 5. nr>zi, %o nominate, a candidate ta repremient the election the petitioner and losing, 'ln lent et-tharl. An%- pe-*,ii dettirouil ut par- 1 bav'.ué; a tý,itaî;e ou ujeuj, t,,, ý,0. ýùi; and e-uiýrrable sIl,ýu1 va turioure drrenfidértion (rom 611 but buta 1 blie seh(bÔt teachers in the Couneil of 1 candidate, of money. It is a pity our boys el u. F, r Ji rticu1ars 3d nder. W;11 n.ýt be fttil tbe « Diet'inb, Il twqb tir blý»* hâving Amie prudence &ait Hector Cameron, Q* C, p :didnot takethomup;th-ýy awayvery tirette Te Î-Itiblie lnstruetîon. 1'tireliment tel this, 1 wu »S qualified. It wa4 urgea on the 1 mach chap-fallen, prourisin1g ta return P. 0. &>.% ww, onuto, oraply ptr-.il.ily ta Z-e;ýiotiof the Plates, ?la- il4fipilik"t». A mars, tyro in finance in Il. b:. C.%MPBFLL, ailvother tcidýr not tiented tu cail meet. 1 o4her aide that this coula noibe raised ' the next evening but faitud ta tue the 77.3-tf Port rem Tbe h, wontd have obvt)idtd the bliiotttr malle of th, ble, nearly mdl. trour the 4voil dotera to in teaehers Oftheil, respective nowmundemand'of quilification wu W e ýV 1wir;hwè -heen the bm;dty a water tt&ttâtp a t4ir ofASrsý»d thoir immediate etaff vin OF 'RIV Il thil 1AW illbPr(-V@d l'y IlOtt'VPI blAIMiINW iveunu ARD iiieumu. of un- th" Pl« ca»04 bc put ferwVd lifter pubile ivette 1 M bave on interest in the dividende of the ereby Given l'y ùile HILItred k4d Pr(-Ibtlbtty and strtw,>. Company after the »Snd eluipment due infiseck Unleu thst came within thà yeWs experience trkbttre Witt Il 1 - To-day. (26ch) DRY tivoty with sueh au mètrap ta thio, 91A dotsading a littron Coufdy Sohool bonde am paillé squal to, from 25 to 35, ni' Cet. Jarvis, Depty Adj't General, ar- 'Tm port 'nt. ýi L aidýuneluZ bUn a, ânfi rived. It rained trom ellm aitimadveritione of *% t;e wthout tho lonst and tx*eiy proooodi pur cent. on their etlarieu, été that every oI 'Z 0! , Il _ýUQf nition of undue influence in the Domin. no drille. "'0"'r in bir. pe». Au appr4l lwl,èll a emmondent tit the fJtt»%ç,auont that; inducement will te promted for care. " 80" "m'V O TE S9 L IST i:thetýntu 4 médit . and the ca» lymoi4l'e »Mtl116 eur"nn fer Dr. fil and ëçonomimi management, rhe ion Acte. Be cited Roggerit on Mec" % on the ri th the 45th batt. performed the will be triod 4ttiro a judgo, atid thât aeoeu" te the Comp»ý of Mr. Ser. = Cou. S" C., ch. 6, p.ý 746. thoir tarpt j?ýýce. the Lind» Co s"ister the %dorth xxp"itur amiee 0 19 OF MINDEN, 1 sherifN ofUe Li a &-in N". ljyeýN et 1> 24th March, Ï7 D. -.87i. Avi 4fil élfflioh te a Mès« of ou> a lup «poriow» on the South Devon of the ing battalions, wftb Cava týéI . 1 8fflt viU bc no 44ht aun, ils ho had The Wwd ObjudOu vu m tO the part m"ing t T tw thek tition which charged tbat the à7 and Artil- 4r -.4 b firiâ po»ted in the Clerk*e Fiffl publ6bed*27t:l Xardà. mrit. and thM Ow Inspecter à pet* ilWýy, W 0 convOr from a nt hm hem guîlty of bribery lery marched through the town with omee, June abc Il »ib d»ply itàt«»ted la th* edmoit- 'Vi 1 *tufàQu iutO (me PaYiUS & tom J,ý lIt tý T"12--hip Mrk. bmyimwlf and othm Aa to this it Wu colon fiyinR and lie&" by thoir respe> a S. CER SALE Txit UcipitociTy TRUTT. ti',nal i,,trut, et the divid . He and Mr. PfAwr louvefor wga titat the sWute vu citent as to tive Bands. Nihnmdke-itJu. Istýlr4. boit Il Canada on the lot Augest. the vote of the briberI and therefèrehis Suade the 28th vu uilhered in at NOTICE. Tho mow tfflty hadé 1xleu oit@" If portoct rinhe Io u» hi* infitionos with vote vu Bot Void :y statute, neither FARM - 17t PERTY; voly -At the rooont York A"im *0 Our- 5 &m. by the Band-on duty playing the 1ilpt mi# oxhatistývely oritio"t ou both Il hi* féllow toachers, by whom ho se vu it by oommon law. The fourth ol> Old Bundred"; at 8.30 the whole of M(lc* tho lîno : bits the oritit* havs boeu lé h*W tu bigh ut»m, tO *m poutinu of Ilrock obtained a verdict of joction vu themen ogduty paraded fer Divine va *0 $m damnu la m action agmnet the to go bebind the v 1; aough, taiwh ibttýr» tby gmlitit* U" té eldoliffl of the Pemblà ho o(bnuld«e Toronto aaa Si 1 y C . wu lS- wonhip, eael denomination taking dif- Io hmby tbat the TOWNS Y PEIM ON. P"ng ]W wa ont imed at 1 b 1hât the li" wu fi»L fèreý,t part, of tle field. At3and8p.m. by tho mttt;àè ètttr"t of -the «bnntry. boiý- qualitted te 611 th* poètim of pitay, te recever %ho val» qg & certain The Act of Ontario, Iliff, m"y re. 1 Purtmnt to o. rot t:ourt-,fCh ' -ery,,d,'2NEW DRE' le. a ant .- 66 1 ' towbéW roprêleutativé, la the Voua- quantity of Md mol gravel allegod te, aervice wu beld in the tabernr S' L I S- T..mk > in. Ena we of Tmkulý Co. Pitli-N Of ïXikwo lx- Wtk4ty Voula bo .btai»4 quired " the voter ààould 'm entered m. .d .1... bol, and br..IV O T'E -1 T kins. there Witt ZIL 1,V dé Il, »d " bave bom taken by lisiendants out of en the b& The Dominion Interim Act were resting theïr wearied feet, louagg- 1 tbe that wotild sasis.ty aitpartieil or evla ait té Oit 'If PtèbliO I»tt»Qtwu aý0pèýd th" Act, and the emr,»dO ins aboutl white the aeia vu auve with ! TOWNSKI F STANHOPE, »Di» grilivel pit* on the road hetween PUIB AUCTIONI liusi lttkq"t* ilut W@ alité 0(>nddqptèt &bat qho 90 o» "nid dony to, 4" l"pootor the the tith and " oouoeuion of Broà and amoo in Ontario did not effffl qneo- both town, and country folk promena- ai the Witt b. m exorcitte of hie influence in bottait of q»d in #ho gpmgigotio» of thé »U"y. tion berg. Tite ifth Objection voit dinglon Iffl or driving round in em- fS the year W. 4 'f âted in the cwk% candidat$ for, poli*. abudom& The sixtà objeetion vu cou T HOUSE, under eté be I- st,,àm in> ý.J **hi* tavourite At the eloite of the pwntifr* case Mr. voyances of every demipUm- -the farta- TIRIC té m'a" he»um' Our oetoumelà If. C. Cauteron moyed fer a nomuit on »- to hiriàg tume- and 't foc arged er'à vam or market baou predomi Town.-hip Cle& intime doo" se objee" ce a mutîajr. owAtem d » Bot ooom, te a= the grolind that the "on woold not vu nathw. The ma pente& down hie ex- lipoit. The »vmth objection vu in rdatilla w9w1y ]p ILIRitDeAy elate oit=h« è :;W of the Act en lie. If the defmdmte inWiaM vith oemva boat a r devoted heeds in m uidL-;rRy & DRB&--MIKRG At dit #lit itifipelhongo of mtuv*l phàdio4 obieing Ibo thr» elamoit who eloot Io #4 highway they were li" to, bc in. to the obwp that the votow tint, au his INZ =" to;ozy and m 1 mon- » »Alft ih%ý Qkt ifflty, it, kk fflly Whffl It vu argued the or the "tivopc*i" dicted, but they oould not bc oued in hwmrftt _ ce* 'n'In douait " wre laisatea in a vatte'y we Tuenday, e 7th Day of July r4 » âpMaoh, the **tion vml»otù« of ilwi«t(bn and ký»ý Havir4 a tmpae& xven, if tmpaits would lie, -c"X Bot sffl *0 " im Tho zmiind no beaefit buta the breem ttiffl to * m the la" ni LhIlmw nm viciww own, come»it dMotitrerightwubwridl>ytbe*Wute a ' i bad rdwmu a CA" suue, và*autwAtiro thm thore ill (liv«d!y ot mpr@W>ntati" of thoir ghth obý" te Srffl whièh âwayeti *0 trou to, and *o on *à the hou leencit lie utabliýhmmt in so. L-71, ai odock, the fot[.,wing brzt: tbeakwa, » le tg vi*wçd throtèl[à Fwe M%» m voit m gt*d buM dmld lud of limitatimw Md tw plaintiât Suld m wranomg peand sub.&vwm& à$ hm@ mmmmiint as. 1 Tm un ami an.1 the L.%" Pan of the 1%*dt% or Pro#Wkà»Jàt opeo»k,*.Ud tg lnepwmm W wima Imm «woià« the ouly recover by r«»w» to arbitritition. Ur. Odw, contrat wged " a cand[i. iaoaâm thaï the Bond on di DRESS-MAIUNG. Mndir il.ÇiMy, No. 3 aali the > date vu cuir beand to make a dochra- 1 W% ýRýUMf th! voithé be holtellieu hýà oitpM hamony aiWhiuA inidmo. or tabim, *» but JKr- Eurk« mm this wpmmt hy *0 LADIEW PL-R-N718MNG, lia $oWwkqo whs» $bu* ié 0" ville, aution in _uZewm wha, dmmdm t "Y pkys effly m two-boum, bwfthw "hoe, tw the corporation hâd à fight àfbW.*unmt. About 9 o è1mà thâ evm- 09 an d--4«- in aI de hsea sfties dira. -In diow«» lis-10 V»mW& IU Terieu to, the bhghway soeh m Io méhe lt mm- him Be &bc tbe ing a hou&àtbmw te a buffl behmM- bâbiowo>mdat 29ft if of nul% m *iW» d*Mlioki protection, thou»- bc ulore PM la es *Île p-wat m èe. poket fS t" to brio£ th- bc toko& At au "1110M ing te, Cept Grom of the bd th Zan THE L 0 WE's T PRICES. in CIGAI tholeby ùwy. A" toit #o, *,t4"bm &id comb et *.*b 9MM pr4hime, The ir4pue, and cilied 38 Vi&, m> 4%. a. Cuum ià q».UW M bc% Md ehoom Md V*Mng inte une 01 lhe mmy - la frit-ci" *Yi@, aulit 9--ob-d -The-ffludd 4,01kulte alviii be è1lowed to give oridm» d it. Thora 1-- . - . . --1-- 40 ci. Liute . sutu Mme ta coller ece about ln>acft..Pw)of Wb" ý * the l»poolm a m in faveur et hie matm" plaw He loim eapd»& makbga aplate à atit Tuffl stock Çf untier eu1tivatwn. The» Witt allé fflk9 M%%Oh Of tW* pwbqtppmm &" iwen '-ùt tith hâd the iutuuf4 Md le so avidmS et diwp" maiL A eau à@ m tw bSu Roud dwel iLg huuse; baine tbut moi1w itkkk dtbtail* W* woold ta bc teaew th" ," lie drivm %o the pou »fev»d to Ifferdeultié, P. 3. B" V. M z W ý -b-am. 31) m :4); blit. *; Xýw; a inésur ehed, thek »»" Vý i ûon or plate remivcd Bo injury. 1 OcUld mm 29 m 40; a Wei pmp. and abc FftSý_ -mol m WOOng m indiottalist nuum dotud- Smith, L P. 4. C. P. 14@ Went Til: Mr the hem wu injamd Ho! FOR EUROP& me ethervibue vatered ?y a never-iaibbg e*bp9t4 býteomtk4liy witb *»,Auwim. reprité 9 V. C. IL 3. Be ýWm. or Mt Omp aummý healthy and 0a»ý » 0%4t lbbkbtt and »bM@M là id*pbgly I»Pt -ribiatuý civil remody. Thé Court directed *M M thi frite hm au crina. e £mes Ltuduy abfflix la ::=m t"-m» should go ta %jury te edi- 'bar vu= =," 7 mamaw eb""b, *Mt out taxatkgb lightier. mur estid--.Oid. and the bn Brieule driti a pvopmrhq MM ü» dmnS and on th@ mi. *» »MW rm vu lm ma"fl % a TER»: mmbà"»M (VA th* o««' " bavé «"idww& im MW coff AMM& 1.6" the *%"m moo obm» "m -, pda* of ?Mw emid be cosaider. Tu eest and t" tabm in One, um* Ciffl prniom b»M r~ od te "f --- ta 60 W*»W Vo4a. 130 d» à.. C J -". P.". L cet Àkmr*m wili hav* Moité on Uww. dé. la ý11r8ï4 dWiv" The évidmoël, fS *0 UMM" *0 o" èW011*10116, ne THE SEWI£,Wc ÀVACHLrx Doc- U ENIEL et àgw 0" In on dit, possimil. ».Uýz Wdnoftfà$M* #o C»Mi&*Ut the pte. obj@Mb»Wo, m 6" im exerchie ào defîmee, lutte #m loto, w" vu afflirM& un e oQer a vin be Qe i»M troaq ob»»Id Vem to fA tâtâm» et m O&W QM»mw. 1% la *0 0" dl&M"f* "X FARES REDUCED. ce lâme Colin ebânem. 1489 Tmdt *m " û» ballet WM p tw proffl bewm et *0 amwd il" omme u6cum noàS bas la libellé vu it vema tu hm beau ritdaM la ddud md gàm fw 116112M marrUM4 muk» un - - ................. 'Lu ý -_ tm &S WM Md la emmuAm et thob buta *6 peu" hmmu h- a m tlie 130 "» té. , lu" WBUZL U«

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