à« mmar WM bd dise @W ce &F et en *0 jrj,..iEL, BouMm c4 à@ J. tc=Niý vos& Wmbip tud fitq ambtw lm ek un hambg collant et ihmus villa, cal-- -174-ly- v»M#gm howmttb prImM bave bom imb@*lk Mafflu à bolombý et mama Vw ab leus te me" fqui. My *O> ladip X& 1015, wm ëdy mgdW by D. mot)]&& Barister. AUWM-Y @%wod wt#404 Ob diemendaisi y" U" lm* My Ir wm» àw m" lý Pfflul@d Olm a M66M @' dY - Telerq* 01%e. *ns« md woormS or** in 9» mzan My se, tbe Uhww- or My envoy, bielà did demql% ter d ouésido- Dý Melâmin, P G.; =Jr j»F o" poum who, migU do âe mm& dwnmb il in a wender, couddmiug tbe J.A. Xël- _N.G.; S.X. KI"UV.G.; PWL'9k.]bLM. ACT Or 18». MW4o m ?4r Po* bbtv"b 01000110b th* ort, J. .ft te steleW tha Rydinoy 90 Ow foitiby Illiffle *0ý MW bib', »Mgh" du of the hait etoue§4 thst J' Sh 'L a; noos* I EL Wyliet P. 0.; FID FROJEAS. - jsgrne one thm »vois, or syllit 1 provind, tien amp wM Dot dtogettier, destruyntL NkYadyen, Trella.; T. ELurimý O.G lama irafttr*fDA Alktia qmttb)m vollignédi thé, eol" a W m D. Black, LG.; X Joneêý C.; EL ïý A iliv Ueni ne" b-'bm I*ei»trd Offl tu My 1 1 wu Md go ho ha* bébie QS Tmmi" lay ci jue. à- D. O'W Wh" V#11&0 go t4mit utomm t $Po"" of Regm" "on with S view 1 nt 1 The *mm velle m sursis, m pipoula 4" 1 Quàrri,64 W.; ILT. Conduit, &B S. ; à hie dividmd wiâ be pdd- on%»Wmiorè ý Io le-enter pattioni Ide tu th* Local thé, md"ty te fiale m* fifty consul and i hW* mie, ad elâme, down m abuBd-, Clarke ILS.& -, A-' Edwerds, G.;: w4, au- m WOOD. fvl(»ýl th*% qu~ .. fcv*g airffl" a fi*. ilbela hide the I&M day of the appel to au& The limmet lm vu omtaimd J. Twohey, L&-X.G.;G.BuB,]L&V.G; LtRay, M j.1y. avoki peûnot notieil of à* maie 1 fi" by " P" @r% Mm Zn Stffly T. Lübb. S.V.G.; P.G. us. is, amq*Bàwwdj4 - -- rTr au» ammg ubst Ust et Represtentative: to the Grand L--don of Lpý-S-& LUTION OF :yr Md TYtTML ThOir guui-u&" w«* Ontario. Aiter installation au -xcellent àyrmtho»wonmotd»Tripwgyi mmitud mot. lâzmltuminn leu. j The 1-attbetship h-etutom IL and imed by mmiy roiffld, sud «& mut bave sent Grand Rby and j. Th..mtury, tradin aab papier Md bu Ob su" qumtiey et local the pléautifre vituelle, 1 thiait it is Do f front $100 ta s». bui*n the damap l Maiter, ,i IL% a . rit b The lbavo 1*«' dire (bhýsotx of by t'il lutire der the 7 in wt," m"a is is fer "sels put of à* maywe -asty te, P",Ià My i doue to Pleut& ce'amnànr" the bail we M D. y U tito kdttft lè*trm of liw glitor 0( the mm fer Wb" 1 brelle acumd of if it vain LIITLE BBLTAIJY. as-mu ci the, ottift Papou et tl» old toton, Dot probren. 1 04ways thofflilet thât the remat the fonowmg fmm the Giolie i the t lâte Lb *M f5qq', *tri" b *w esrcom- IxSoLVF-XT ACT F 18b9. UV. J. wilkimn» ilit the pobliw" àtajoi of a town wen servant to the' em-1 ýd Ym " ffld the SMOÛL VIIT NAILS, LOCKS, tmw* ma"Itelle obt th* 11olb-1 1U Pad àfait Omdte and the (Jivxw, rople and pet tbmto do eqmdjuMiS festonnât of hait Moues thu feil hertn thà IAI. - ---- - (*Yvom the gmi. lonwn% imi»M hav (1 a apodes tapa et the Ira", have lately sa tus cam -, but is is to, be' boped " moraing lit 9-51 Tbey wu:e= shaped, 1 C.,«Mbw e Th. pw ! 1'. TH'RjrgLL. 11ilbew. whil* Ca. the mup»t" immu of Our town Win and 4& mehés. They were Urgu a C. 1, the fmmuci Cý" %*ý*t, " tle 4 ý On Monday, 9th of June, the L;e been apb-Làý eu tw*n the otjmo# a (»antant way and hm artieloit mt"blty laudmoq ut hen the; fe% sa they lay Mme minutes bu mm calreful in thé, future - debbatu lenniversary was held thu mamr. Ott Oiffl. l"Iloi(mlé atwoltit. The, 1tratilloationt aladim, chose, The, test is wollthy of nosection of may«. It uquir« before 1 lifted theuL Judging fromb the 1 ý tu tue thei&c!ainu bele, 'dit it mouette 1 hm and a riitilt gond pl«wat time, it g-týhto" i - of I*Mml 01,190 ("%hi woll havo l«O «gwm note, "ft inth bleme, intmagum tu be chw M> WO.)D, :Let Ji y which tlle miet be vas. About one o'clock a procusion -0 *et b1ýi£n« j*m«I ov«r with vontompt, lor the, thft Canadien article consent in diront gktmte et a taira. Ut 4_admy. Any, tibliels as dl the firat'of the children wu formed, whi& 'Lin"y.4&hJulY. mm se, beedleint, aller t-1», t» oeilà, y __ oompetition, with the Auwrkm selloite jea. Conademble d&mae la don& i nurched, thrumjh the village to, ()a S,,%rýz As mu As MR dm le m WM Ný In tlw motion wIbeo-tý the lé«Ir- ut Otto*, ne te otultdy himmu ie Dot fit chausse numi4rmg 250 beaides t" en F pet4t-id woli know indliury in this lino in muelle oblu to ho MgiotâculL '%'eryaSnafterthochad.! TI.N Witt Ch 14 te", IL STAFFORD. - * àà thm tades,-f -.1., pfjefflb t4l;lltb tel, of C, renentend thecharch everyava"ble 'eereà' the &Wlfiffbtéw and of th fil Tm Tur."IMSTOBM Th listlé, brkilo mm the Tory prose iierlet sent vu occupied. The children were a" w.11 *,Ipz,.l t.ýràýhi= pu ri-I 1 amrred Ta" y aitanSu. and Suî- 1 «amined in sui bytheputorRer. Témý Awytü, D IR aliAbni1w inse, th* @m of twr onfortu pture US. RL7,,,sELL. 1 rail ll$4rtfblffl Pb tlw gemod. lius 1 amn, Md«,, tha Matuhut " the (jia: zu'e, C()£90)UB(7 CAJEP. ingafterobmorning of unuâmal bright- A. Clark; and" andièmes, weze Weil: VA» cWight mmy unavares. Our our- pleaied, with the mabarker in which the .1tllee. K.Ut wheit ùwb Covertelaffl ie (Mte, te WA weil.tigh desbWed ý j rxp» riat-A biorig"lM zwoàolg- respondents in different parts of the ý nt and answered. Very Lindî-ýv, ±ýth Julie. 1,-4. ttn«uons welre P tyrf»light In ettnes the ll»llfqifblltt atw. si the, tmmiiry, and that direct taxation t-tb.nibutr or Tant conne report the ettects of the StOrn4 qx>tl. el A)XTV-rgrr A-ille vous. i Md incidents me ""h«e "')te& livered by liava. -Xichok4 Ilinsey, Fol-, DIssoLlý-'T"-)ýx or PARr-xEltsH'p 1 Wioth u fstosl of the aekw Anvil. La «tAlorwd lY t4 de leméder 0» marine thoin in the tante . Mit what 1 - 1 er,ýt.i.1re eX:ýtLP'_' TER t*HAMý9--ntu rlur-Nly ttitATan- - Comidar&ble damage wu doue te cropa cher and Kinky;. £bmd4udock pm. 'Ietween the at Liztlý1. ic.-Ile le# otseft? Tory lxt*i-ml tqvtlr on thée te the faut I litrelit. Mr. 11ilowat a" 1 me Liit*aY t-ouràxv tv3gimuxuST- 'and to buildings. The larp bam of tea waa announced and abous six or ui vwbibneud et the, Woodetock pie-nie ! k:». 1 1 k' The 1KLýiaeý Till hýret11A r L" uýuduc.f'l"p. idort t-o titrelbl*t" élexaliblet t1els Mr. Un, Smith, , 24 iý'iàe 5th of seyeulitindred, inciudlà-pahilimii. tou thý Mý; that (:Von, gqlpl,«,qibbt Il the liberal ý C"rft.PMWD» ý,t The rots. Muipm, w» swept down, and 31re _U tes. Tb-e aincunt i;A 4128, netdt-mtý Llýl tilt iat, lit. no iliatter hlày-AJLWe-ý- L" rý 04, end fAi. 4.0 Al. and extensive appropriationtit made by, Tien cànlp, Dominiella Dey. ý Smith narrow1y escalbed. The building profits ilot L-nownyet. 1bow 1.4-4elitleably 104(1t$ or frobil hotiv 1 The whol*of thgtrSpg inemop,*ih ibmhàxingastonëioundationputdown' "I'.1 -eA t'I I.-ati the tettielattiro are paid duritig tite çor- i Thia, the Firât. of Jaly.is rite quietest 744-à, J. B. j and, thongh well propped, vits conne- day wt have hall litere for a lorig time èbt-les a wblbt,%*, it ist tlb#* tliat foibt y0ar, thore Witt idigt be, a ourpille et te%$ exception ut the mm on guard, and MBER M".k. et"", ~e Il# quently ill-prertared in meet the fury tif as neariv -ad the youth and sumo of the A-ND SH1_NGLE1ý t Ibo 0# !an a ho tns, *9 oooks, parliblied in review order, et 1 the mtorm. W« belleve enneidemble a --d in -n"vml pell-lie, ttlb(bllldl kbOw the$ et tout two million doi i & Tr Lu 1 la th 9 cavaby ne the right,"I- 1 damatits Waà done in Xorth Etuily. more avanc years am oif te, Gtlier uarpetit tlbfs tettwokmé Origisébto NiqlýIbly in 9140 leury. esterday .11 B E PZ places tpendinq the dey. Y . L UI ,scuoom. - . . lerwbfbbél etl'ito ébud of Montiortinq that Xm"i 9. C. wooda, I:ý»xîe thon à* 4fth, " Md 5-4th, waa fer more lively as a marchent WR3 tit ,uitable -r aud --il 1,11: MI j». ilt, sud I)avid gilla, 3j. p., am4be! on the lotte et quarter columa distmSt j LINDSA Y P UBL IC imulieil, and flags were liying and au lut 1 'ilcap île qUzUL1titý f iut 10141%. - wax _,;,iety in t,--enart of the vLlIaze. upw4rd.; U- inèlArt»oêf% toi M(b,,ittt prinoilbal candidâtu (or the reprm«ta- 1 the whole iinder etbinmand of Lienten- ant-Coluittel, sinith,40th liatt'n Cavalry. IL Du gz7rmalmu tion ('t 1'liblio 140hex'l Ingpectort At the 1 The had-yeady publie exan-illations t* attAflIbtl te 001 lim/oj 1 et lobier Letit-CuL Smart the SStits Vouiteil Of l'atitie Instruction, the To. 1 cauw in and reported the enenty advanc- were bolet on Tumday, Weduesday and (bfanvzmle. The ý=e -n le Je1iýert,-L at wý> àtiélok on the, Ofità%vii) l'y 1..:ttt: - Fe ý cr-,wuu-ý aiviy z, routo Rays 'They arte, leth 111% ý frein Cobourg. The 1)ýtttle cà)in- TlàuWay, the 23rd, 24th add 25th of M. i;f)Yt). if bW gbilbiýnrtttt. '0, PECTUS (4 eailiebx il, et (- ln4lmy*%%(Iqrnt lt"fnvmovg in luilitl@», albil menSd by the artillery belching forth J une. The number of visillors present, glql(btt* il, ait tb whi(ýhevtir ilt atloombeflèt Witt ho a t".ditý a mine, tl;e4Oth cov«iw the gous. The very -lisfactory, espe- C-F WO FOR EUROPZ. in a - DOUIT OFORC29T (wit ..)bQ4. rloté Witt tele newm te Wood Witt 1 -111 . apport deployed int;ý . double vas à'e--rey JL.L aldo repfftbéentativo. Mr. After a Sharp can. cWly on the lait aiterarbon, whén the ]RI DEX ! line of skirbtt"em IN et ches 14gl)le or mortib Victoria and Ilé4l. prohatbly bé tiloctod, as ho in a mait, of ý su>»&du frola the awtillery, and sharp t. rotent wu un y crowded. The AND tor popidarisy and elamir faie, thaut abootitig trous the intantry, the enemy popils axceinitted themielvelle mi a very ilbnrton. Avntbng Vtiribl4eA Wforilb- Vm i b"e aut&eonis lie il, ehrowd, loves.: continuels to ativance. -Ont infautry creditable manner; a spelling match, in DUBURT-31 OGM WM T 1 pret it Witt tmitmt, mort, thalb Ibis rétired, and the cavalry'still advail=*TW, whielle Milla King came ttl* victorioua, 11114, in the féèkbltý of liribd@d alLd c»t"rsighted, with a know- 1 1 sr De. caute tA),the, charp, breakinq th-us one of the nie" intereaùn,, of tlle 0171« IX TIIE L'ýTELr OtM the, é4têté lit th#% It i loblitp of buleinette aireet finance thst will the ettemylit liatte, and =mut: them io exercions. Selètellions of vocal munie CIVRÀY, t)vm-ýrmnm Net o1'bLýx. 04 ý-éa11y town, gooll to quot« m a provo hiti 0 C ýàliiNtil. ', 1 FARES REDUCED. M ALCOU ghly 1bêtefut in il% i rotreail in groblet confusion. The artil- webre, rendered by the pupils et intervais, Main atnat, Mnd_-n,'()Ut a lalwv w hioli coodonteet t Ibo The port Ilotes authoritille have t'il 1 ry thon limbered op and chaib&rinq and short addremm made to the pnpils te Derm .,r Lzverl»4 ý:tly... P.... è--h3.-.n lt»ilwt4y britery of %tir John btV ý11t 1 Zuet, M, into action. The f nt et the distributiou of primes, which were The firt nutabur t,> ffl F»nday, July IM, Retum Ti-ýk,,t --. Lin-jeI- 14 L)trr,*',Yr proprif . 1 le4. pu,4 alid Liiiiýy làly ................. Nfaedonald: *tilt ail hix of the Morny were elles adranctou toý distributed in esch room atthe close of Applyto, , bles'y te 1 the rixht, (rom a boit ut wooda. The 1 the respective examinations, by the 'T ltl>lwqiy te icklé t4b tléffflt liberally aiding tlbký «Ntittimd Rail Il establishment of the proNùion-! R. S. WýRTER. jWZI, to inmrm U tutil wlèilb mielet, the tllbè4lbw, tbfgovel-lý- 1 olitenst le the 0voigiau Bay. Tige» -eà th were sent to interwSeppt themwhich i Trustons, the Te"àera, and the Public mb be- lm) doubt thitt 1'tort Hope would -thoy did in gallant style. c the- School fuspectors, The %fflka obtained al totintr of ll-alii)tirý,3n, the marked Ll-NElIZY inont to 1bWýy int t EB C D ##,%r4 alcuibvigob nattait with o(barse t0blimp Ittif, "I;lr or: t*immsn»lybonetlttedbyth over a atone gtiiik diteh, 0 thé 1 et the Educuion office, in Toronto, loir progress of this section in the lm 1 but to ahow tho nature and extent of dès wqwbd& The brilla" thon beinq at tltiar- were much admired, espImally feiv veti-i and the inatiogliration of an ter 0 olumn tlistance, the artillory thon eleffltly boand volumes çbf the B"- ti tnf-,rm thý "di.- ý4 Liadýa, Ind 1-fi iti-1, and nlininir'th-Z Witt% ý;èrbé" faettA 084, publie tralno awaiting the road «Mr. tttllml in- de, h_ = od lire, the 40th biending ont skir. standard poets. The followin.- in the era of rail way, commerc Wz Witt kibow t lent tIb" opin- vited a let" ntltnbor of IN)rt llope ore, Who appeand to hanu the prime liait. tdam" Ketit:strcut, U Montiontou te b illaitti a trip to the (Inter. o4winy conaitterabl.v erprise, rentier desirable the pubil- ' - '34ILIANERY, 1 They ativanceti Fi as-rt.'"DiL -M-r. Tremeer, 31aster. DPýE$S-21AKI-Nf;. ion in tii#,*% or tl, 2iid, catlOa Of a local aewsImper to help in 1: ý U lE -A. kwtbtxlt4t&ýkn géalle Itay wiainule, sud au excursion m il they iliteinded te coule la un Our Senior Division. lat, Ada King . LADIES, Fi 1144( 1 1 rear, the -40th and 45eh advanced on a Wilkiain Peu; 3rd, Ide FiLiujp.y 4th, developinc the rpseurLt-s an0 making: létcripti-mý ia ý.ll til, 1Lteýt --le, aw W1101ber exl, in a letter te, the trebilb I*mtxl op Xonday montinit with i d ', e: ý 1 uhlo and tuet thein. throwing in one Rebocca, Kerr; 5sh, Mary Lisle 6th Old Jovott Roufie aro t(àt.éèllY 0ébracti Ibert Bryson, and walits, of p! or in Ibix owig palletti. IVO ; or two Wols directed volleys. The sr- Win" Howe. ôth, À 1 THE L 0 i1'E-ý T PRICES. CUSTO ter telle ilkll*M City t-»rml,(,iidfmt ttirai»he» 1 tillery thon limbored op and chargedi AdeliaCrews., thisý;eetionüftilelbrovinctI- i ibrý--xLt-ilu. ej(m herattele ité wt4vlwxl tir réadore w4h a hrief acootint ut the! with the %fflairy, the enemy, m bellore, lothEiuilyFidler. JiiniorDivisioL-! oIýý Litz ý rotrea inil into .1, la-, -ried -&,,L Ch 11n', KON'r *Iroger. t* * the woodé. Seule of tilt, IL Roberts ; 2nd, Miniiie Thurston. j liermontil gibité, and vie tivinits of the exci4riàit)nist* et that place. tlèeir.ca%-ýlry thon advancelà, and nau ard, A. MeLétan ; 4th, _Xormau Mc- a loelil 1)apýýr in Iyarticularly opportune - Wo have rocilivoet a loult deployed, to the right, and fianking them Murchy. imit IMAL tiou oit m àigcm in that a inarked impetuâ will be:. a-,t f-,r, tien trotti Xr. ton. Thonteption, tanner, made a W.411mt ceýrq. Tlèt-im wu âne a Srè Monahan, a rente, ectilbX the recent sttrgiSj soute sword praeticé, and aller a short Tascher. Senior Division,-Iàt, W. geaerà business and the Irile, týot %vmtlt«t or the oeillet hm m- zivea to e. rionelly airomteil th 0 muity (et tho loffli 1 opovtéson ter tibe roiýte-vai of a tumor but shup.on~ iiient, theeneSy Iut ; 2nd, L. Cvibbe ; 3rd, M. Milla . spttjement of tlip 7 OTICZ hieh tirefvr-, rotre-aw.d. Th 47ich thon advancedt-4ýv- 4th, A. Herrinz»; 5th, T. l"roq. 4*4 wook il provotil, amedinst froui ulidétr the ana, and W il, tons-ruetion ut the victeria Pt lawav CR OC th&# thol: ored Iby the lat company of the ri th, 6th, 1 Raberta. Junior Division.-let, y 1 tel Illi owit 9»ttb()(l terre, touatoly voltultud in the livath of Xis. "il threv ont one outaPa»Y, sa skir- John Morte; 21id, P. Naylor - Urd, 'f. and the of 'the Public Nettele ereb (100114 on :Ir. Ctbrtwrif4hta loait woblid rur. Siblitionts guishors, the xe"n(ler lyisw down to Menton ; 4th. 0. Smith; 5th, 1. Ingle 1 T ME tion of the Guil Uiver.-both of, limitinq the iattýmt! voiry enveroly upon theooiduct of Dre. txmpeaahower.of8àftmdbhellthmwim 6th, A. Marlzach. e lle H a K E E V E91 m the jean *0 for l'htwar of Ilors flope. and I)e.(ùrami j' in Ernin the edge, of the woodà. The Tiiiitn Hamilton, whieh work.. will aetrd the lune,"- O TE S' L I:ST t làsèdt4ay, both as tels tiane Of Ûbe (DP«M. ý @»tuy thon mored te the front Md our ý Teacher. Senior Diviài&)n,-Ist, Chir- needed 9peely and direet communi- tu th«e lmpo!t« of tho, probjom tel tibe etrtçt tibat el the, lion and in imiiiein.sÉ Mre. "rhovnlmbn te i colliala retired, and still our »ta.vn" ! leu Lie%.-. . 2od, 31ary Naylor; ;;rd, X. Giving 1 1 advaieing wore allowed to get won op! Henry; 4th, .11. Murdorà ; .3th. (.e,)Me cation wicit the front. TOWM, 0 LINDSAY, lotteu, iitvilv" au (,w.tfw4i demi tom ot over! luilbiblit te au tbperatit)ti,, blit . wo do net when tite whole of our lin« sent in a; Gladman . (kh. M. KtIith. Junior Df- 1 two te% diffl'ont ter i»oltbdi#b% 1 tout ditepoleed 94) publish il" lettor, on witherillit tire, cableing thsS tu retrent 1 vision,-Ist, Nellie Trud--eon ; 2nd, ý In ventuiing upon the piiii-lication S Lil ýh(4e, in thogrolitest ennfaition. It was nont Bella Burt ; Ird, T. Dart, ; -4t Il, C. ýý -- k ý - ýý ý 1,... EBI AMERICAI ANO F ai Fid. !1*ï-.,!: ý1 -: - iotofflt noarly tour millions bd a thei groitud thet il thoro wu ine -tbrao. , i,:t>l- L. RENO ofTuE 3JtNo-L--, HER-ýLD AND 11ALl- ' , ,, i --li ic7;. el 1 #*et% on which side thu ba«Ie would 4 ter -, 59à, & AcConinxWe ; 6Lh, magggie BURTON COVNTY WEEKLY.AI)VFRTII§-' v. hait," whilo îut title Ibn ahollid have mette. Our whole lino advarbelleil et the Bois. to f4bqbrt.mn hondved million 1 mette in tièe isitereet of both parties as charge, and completely aunihilated the Ft>cRTu GaArbit.-Misa Henderson, > Exz, the -Iiti).îcrit)er the 7thiýy-_ 90 J. Es 13. Ve 77; -111bra. in notortouté etbat th» Io- *ofi m of jtldtie.tt. 4ily» tho foftbxt)i%4t t)Pm*ing force. After the lunette had Teacher. Senior Ma,-- to the residents of the L'atintr tu tli et wu writton vre I@an% tItat Dr. Itear, clita"d a" n.>t là âOill could be »en gié Whalley; 211nd, Chotrleâ' Naylor ; 3rd. ýor4b»r, han boeu callet Opon to n4ako i in the direction in whieh they had re- 1 Willie Thirkeil ; 4th, Harry Sandenbon; liiin thar hearty and eantiunedsuppoit. C106b lowelleryo mi prou naluiot tlotit» Il t Wo tiquée (ý Plain wbi rw-bla sayla, 1 A, iev,*tixti.bn ami Witt (in. et) to. treated. The whole werè thon fornwd 1 5th, John Bunting ; 6th. John Lytte. wliicli %vill. eruiltýe iiim to maintain an Of ait AI» the le,,# the$ tulit4br» of tlè* lisoutrolil (Jeb,,vt morrovr. i iip in lino andbrolle into Open colmata, Intemediate .1ohn 31e- ellicieut paper fer the Cabinty. -OTICE. ami the «-noidr a front, and marched put the Lennan : 2ad, Thomas Moore : 3,rd, .N AUSSELIL W 9 the tranmotiola an «X"Ilmbt offe- am lit mdilting point. Col. t-.ýrvis compliment. Arthur Moore ; 4th, Herbert Gilbert. Tur IlEr.,,LD will tout iin fitIl re- Publie Neilice a k Uereby Giveit j [19 we, am ml the foroo on their appearancel, but Jiinio'r Division,-Izt, Addie r.tgg; for illet Ibbbmtie amyttèm. tel ý mi- poru of the 1.*voLeetlin4% of the County AND 11100M PAPOR Vigo t4 lottal el«,% tg' lébave, ligurée a oibe, partiellarty the 41bth, whomberaddrem- MA Mit Bar and 1 lx] m follows: 1, ain glâd to elle the 4tli. Carrif- ('t)itiieil as well as the Township r etiblit, onffy sitAbrée iieo in the Idatte, wheil PAI! raielorqf Tette CAN 11(we) 45th have fflin achi"ed theïr fermer FirrFi Taylor, Tffleh- LIST OF iVOTEB S 'q 1 it i IV r. et-he, wool onglit to itrow. collucils in the coitatv. u The (lonti@tlàon of the tàl%41»y pustige as the belet dirilled, the dément, 'tt Idierly bonnu«le of suy or. Senior lemie, and the mont se Wendt ; 22nd, Liliaii CI -pelanli ; 3ril, W. : ffl à%19 lm *Tàm DM . Criekot club, ý mette arranxonbellets to Tits RERALD Will (leVOte SIM Wî, 1 lWt'n. in camp." The Lindsay Cola- Wood ; 4th, W. Chambertin. Jlubaor J TOWN 01F OPS, t(bey mt*nnof. tend wwp»t*d by IY R411110 1 pany ho distinguishod for theïr excel- T)iviaion,-Ist, John 11,,gach ; :!,d, 1 attention to The t(,Ikwlog pertinent romarke front play the Ilothaiby teaut ob friand lwal matters : aléi wul; j rýrý"j. enr:tl---d t., -ut i- men . à- tbturioket(in the kcribtin(la of the latter 1 lent marchintz, saying to the Briý,a(le J. Skinner; 3rd, B. Smith; 4th, J. advetaIte ail ineasures caktilaten to ilawe--17m Simoil Sohruk. et, oii,,he we oominond to tho, oouoido- 1 on Nvtbdn" y, etti, inéit. rhe Bothmy i major and etalf-,"%Vell dons, Grhbam. :Il fc lý7., develope the resoitr(.-es and t PAR110111 At ATIIIII 109 FAIO to 1111CRAM . ratte tu Of the lttbftbfMffl of ViOtOVIA tend vhib wont to ooneticittrable trouble &titi spléabtiid lino. " The whole force waa aom i r-%14T WART) ýwffO"T_ promu tmpplute, in proparation, Whou et the formed in lino, and the artillery firet a 'Ft&ýT 'NE113, Tt,,tcher. the prospeiity of this new and » N Oit YHIS DUYCH OLAC. lk(,Po titat thoy. et tentait. Witt not ho ille, wlat (10 yon thinkl rnvAl »Atit»,Md the infantry jp;p. I)ro- aubonit tIbi» Who 1, *14% not quito as lut "Mmt Vi %,nior I)ivisioià,-Ist, Bottin, Wood 7. 4-1 1 A toivitrant, ttb4bb the tlentloanon contes Thron routing clients were thon given f-)r , 2rid, Mary J. Broolza; 3ri, Sauviel th" onglit e- W, '.il, oilicial remon. '!the Quittait, the ban" playinq the' Pirkin -, 4th, P. Cannimýtham; 5th. MdleTim Fly-tuLD willdevote the the ttitiftY of Arfb Our i Raport mye the# they wero afraied! National Antbom, when the whole, re-, John Steen -. 6th, J. Cnaitinuthalu. Tbý ýreater part of ita ýipace to loeal mat- frtonda thhblitillout th« tb(bibobtrv attenti. ýyhyt The wtg«ltyrfqèl importation froin, 1 turnes in thoir lprivato parades. i Junior Divisit)n,--.mist, Thomaà C;i.qh- c the lM1Lý_ 0L Tý-t1 te m wil very latieh ngm to (bbmvo thât in a ah rt -,oý Mit. tW mi vm bée bc" ditifli - gel as bu beec expected. The people litre wiU be in full operation u ln (telle[ nid mèml by a VM VIN 84189 114ILI, jeý" te k7;ý1 lhe en « g street. L ýài-. the lot beinr the mmth tally aPPrec'&ted the advant&gu to bc tim, h .11, k," of Job Prnting ot 5. nl.-rýli lA i.letitL, trtýt. ailil 'lt*vy ib"d tèhaf»lfm WEý'týX7d weet ,,rn-r of 1 leke tL init the irontège,àn Gllenelg ni, gnnwtitgity ité%ounàfz emtriti,1411 derived froin the construction ot tret oi ieet 1w à4). itbit (lit the part of the »nior High 80hool qf Pm.) will bc don, p,,mptly. olé IULIIMI"W. in a loir minutes thèse, in but litue time Victoria amlWay and upon all OCOMOBS: n ber DR Çhlt,-Will y on allow me a »Wl Tentlen will ii-t ile -"neý4 tintil the Dft-e il de, relb"d. tif dio p Ingpoebf, wr.j. lit. J401041M. Thloit Amitiont of YgDur vainable. spa» élit toi. for bu extended notion of yftt" yle hanclwmdy sustained the pro CHARLES D. BARR. 5-éon oi the coulici couneil. ""*4111le ot shown la the ft-iloeing 144tur te, a fttul% rect a fliv of the IRADY trtwstawm.nte proveedinge hem It may be moue nedghbouring.m.---. the and propriator The hiiics tir auy ether tender thild, » wwvo, of "ni oorrmyp-m"t M the clamp hue, ta record " aboint ïandýva mm Dight ville ma voirit are ta be c,)n. "tar . t . lit iýtttmi en ('t'r tltiqt Imipý will tw% in lit sifffilft etrain Con. Autore, Il Withont réplyinq to, the attentions, Wmbunlo breught ne about gratulâteil upon the of their Wanden. July 811, 187.4. the hm i"nnmiou onamninq the tlm» ihdudiug th* Mayor, by-1a-ws in nid of the LirJ.ýav. 22ild Jurte, lýý74.-77.2,- F111t id tv Ah4boiliv oondmon. Vonitvii.t.0, iitttqm l). 41.4. 1&0 9011% As regard D FED. ! - 1 1ý i»g t 1»Aft - - 1 ll(,I* thilli volt Wili of Our Cýbourx Town (;olntml and lending eiti»ne of the township of F«Won glvmg nuy aid M PèrrWs new Draz Store--the i hn ebiýt»'t q Villonti tqtt*('k»,tbr il, II(Ill: t-,* "f Ibr N', frlýiH1 M, ï'-h-tbtt. tom #»"hanto (whieh are vithont. f(ýtilt Port Rope with a finis, baud of music, in this respect 110 con hem eftteftaint ftrk#4t and eheaile--t -MpLe -1 Due-h ma-jdee ever tiéby '(l14 1444,k, wi 1toir (bit Nt. ,qqgkb to'b. l"f thë Ite,ýth-IttittetIf, 14ven t") t imy My oniwming the de- Who M» tel fflerws th* proupecu of the alightent idea ofthe kind. We inay Ille. r. 14. If wn di, 1»,t rf-»Ml Wtl-on very hbty ho 101be match Wh" Wb hm theve, th" the trallie for th* exteuàm of the Bridlmd now «pectl the car1y ratification of th Railway, to this plate. The comptmy sevezsl by-laws and the commencement ttlbti 11h%ý e bfflrcy t4qvièbw. 1.1wir tlblbmvtql of Iblit fdewl. wtw.tqolv 4 ttIXik#M" (.,p e"tt". in th* go ont and play thèm; Md jahongh prootiedisd te a héâtily evected platform of vork &long the line. A good deal of M t the ý0%0bq4l tltIt.ber WOIkt ilf libwoy port, and Mr. R»W addnuM a onnaiders, credis in due our publie men for theïr dOLVF-XT ACT OF 1869. tind thokir m«ni* of his ill'U 1 I#béimuv»ht Dur piteb". Catcher Md ehmtukbp, Who 1 si M tt tt,ýtv,*If Antl h y 'l te lit wore among the folonterre, affr"d te ble ammbly Whîch had hanied toffether, industry Md mierpri» in Mau ERRLFF"Sý SALE OF Làl'iDS. play with tis, bot did not, We tilud the to, »Ioffle the trèrempre, - Mr. auw thà schme which at no distant de is -Y sljr»ERSOY, an' Cuunty.ýf Victoria") nttt#m, ft'(but lemilitl t'IM14144fir Md klot wwf la Lite moder mont &boudent reward lb t imodnoed this Mayor, and hie friendil WPII A& loll'w in ln ri (4 places etth boya, and, played op very likely tu brinq 9 -,f the Cre.liten et the ab.,Ve.named and goît beMm Thel enying th7 hait entins for the expriteil in pmmàum the mïmpeaity of the back %il le o h* Aftt 1 1 oui lifflb Mm, 1110111vent will he held at niv odiee lit tLe Ccurs wdl be wAd ait My once in -NEW DR perpette 0 »ainq the futurts terminus oomby. We expect a visit shortly j IdeiY, -lu We-illesdav. the 'ptltlio dw Miý do -4 bit* w4h, the . 1 Roueil, in the Town et Liu 04ro dw, (Ilitifiti (If bill odk*. yen W01 thie hu4y A~ Plèl a - T*enty-se-ud day oi july. jk4. a F-igb PR] L:toomvwa t= i 1 th" fil w" W au lit Our ffi" Nomm Laidlaw and P. -.for the Sderriv of tàe Ilaitière .1 tL oeeL-" j town, but thily fai time.- WM Alt. . the former ta ineet hie gemmay. -nil teublit-et te treuil the b" ot port ficipet mamm 8Hý pay kb qlo"v% 9" F, proewtou M connoté lie W4 0& Wb" par ommpoMW4 "y* it Wh" it is, and ta jndp fbrthomWvu ndlimY friends, the latter Me em"tu- C. W700D. in the 66 tif lxv. Pt*bt lié M4 itbon,# oui bugow in se tales, se thersa the méture, Md 01 Mt& we hmwdy welcome thein. lànd"y, tith - eondemam in too mmg terme. êt the wdeleil à P"Wlb. vtdo oil-1-Aélit. ýt1wf thko Il pl*mr# in waw ehmld hffl hogi Rio qd" W t%,bmvv. itgv 4tit. im out butow. p ïiiî7;â-" Our viliallis is à4M pwogr"n& The (;1ý D ;TOWN 0 F LINDSAY, pwm"m ot 1 P., Md pro. il; ta Mr. Win. 1fo-M _ se &,%CouokL. Îour Mme&, large hotel bdonwr Plit(titto (In Itxýettt as M mirly à% op. speewift flot& the ellob" im«ftwow» ther ithlob 'a 14aehow stileb" ; AMM "tu ot theuw ne ta pot a &w Mîrzaëb of your towa, in rapidly &p- Tight Roin ý0rMMCe > sm y, Um M Dar 9 Amfi a bit 'Z r7 cm,,wt,- vwdim the pmedmw mmpk-Um under, the tif hifé b*M(4« ar,* né. but lé winold t* hevolm kb @«Pffl or" §mm lumber, *0 viuck"m mou" 1M- uýI auwmt &" momum dit. D. 1874. at the Hour of Twelve o'clolek mon. m «W» Mx* èbe *~ et this dkw th& la- omad mm ou laumdiý7. Tb* teud«» or Mrý A. adwS VEUX whil(F Ait IXPIayàlloy. (Ybrmerly a Webois. Il- hie toannou= th". ail the right; title and intereýt .41 the tltsi.ýrtuen «Odimbb eo»W ift Uumi« mmwwl»ý este bondr4d »d tu thon. Imdur. Tke hou@sý in a 't ta any lie will give a granci, Ti. lie t»emrmam tkmed DaÏem"t&, in and tu the following "iý and lm oOséné pmim j1w sand matin feek 1 ma muIy au tenumut-;, viz.. J)AI*P (If the xf#ilro ltifth pfftmum" OMU4 -or *M OMM lie Md con- - la immense, tuywold4pm tuning dmut 40 rousse of avegffl km ON a CA" sol «mddm mma« à" dite pepv se. IhilI-Ae my Au» àppem la *0 vidiand wbm à in The haince, in Weil arraipd and j La the CmWy Ckmi-t. opta Ibe fflbe. lit týh Conway Boum go ladi" the whole ve adopud condort to ùýw. -.t -icu-r BOWEMU"Ç. swfoititt the *1 dýxmgmtmw mW tW» #lw4«im dwffl «»"y, tdmmpk LM lit CorMe" ammy fur the - *eq:t Mr VL Th* marc mdoi" mmun and mmmimmot üetraeningpl"c. of èho W14t« MM ci *0 OA4#m Wu b" b«bu in 'l'Ur. P(xq, an being Rýam"ecdt 50 fallu 0;1" *0 lombes, 199 ne mi il Bw» M TM vit. Md bang gw"»tlw 1»9»IRe vemit ma " - àn"UR AM who, in t1w, W%- pwr4 0 IN W th#»* openly --- Ïa" -Y dmwvm creffit for the Méle, ne te mpwu iffi *y, meraît Md t" lmqmu et dm ph ho MW èkoft ensuis VI" it tek" ]PiLOTOGRapfly. JOUX Etosa. h»obi» la b. - M it-it (If titta (,tbttlwqllomi *pl«vb to Md If dw pt«w# et têts Publie somm fb$«MWUwmw of 9*"w* moi w" sbw And = Wt* tite him " hW mauseu whik 1IL«Ox D. TRATCHU, Md *111. f thipk, joul» w» noll = = rýh" qtxý1% hwyo lufflt ilo If" A pMýw" th» the Munir lm wtbwmd Md ta *0 mudacum at *6 owners, JOUX BRADLey, m4eswi e» Me, in April ", the, odum à* »we, litsy W" vu - - a viery lfr. ULtrtbw bas the fiNmu"«M of ClOtor of blif 1,«Mpoqwmw himwt7. lm IF IWM> bie, @Md the imy oued le y a âge OMMW» et hà MW hou âvjoàl&L The MM gra (Penmrty W. a. Gumby') .: ou» ime My iihop efth his bfodà«%ilk 'rtmitt(4gi Mwl villilloil M x(r. P«*. lieileil 904 bu 6 PR bu lé 9111 l". Md in îihis Suffl et emielum" weet vevéi d*mo fmm mg Colok'à bang, . go inovoumgabagwdn" *» ]FROTOGRAPRIRIM ý IlIB"d mmdIPdre"MOIMIWà,'mte. lYing and being in the h** 141ýit in ",%"Y j*w0bleg 0~ . W" 0111110111114 beew» abudvt, mit «" bmt)&&WnwtDtfieùvïm Thebricka w«W ma attmtLn ta . !=IUP 01= in gai Couçity of Vittoria, and *« hy t'me f~ #11111a . 1 ci§" lot 11011~ #hm 1 ordorw cm et hwift in 'mm"= d«e'to mm uvm the @mm& Milla 011 probe- mum Of Utibdm W0914 whieh Cam" lie ý cd bains: t-apuý-d QJE éblit téi*mtptikm* It mêM bu sakta budletit1à 1» ne àw" m se *$ abc> 1 ordend " cm filsir os, keev âu:= l Idii" buy Ow a bMy wM bel u"ila a fow il à = ta tbe provkalý. A>#,. the. vtetly mtibfw4"y bo rfim" th« h" 19«Wa It* ainum IMON la avit, #mm Mi #Nor Md lu, oisa mm tàu* thie ho" in tu CI, »C: Ommbr ro»àâlpw. ýBle. hm Lir M it TR am UMM onmW. d"w whM mbw* dm &M à* àema ir ira, mm ma OF THE TOUM $*P"4 id of ait the rtpramm«Ve am 10»** am a vê~ , Md W* "M w«W mut tom Md WM mit eaumadiom amale, a "tel or th« »w «voty, Md me iww W11101184M *19 à# Pihamb wý pmmml4 du avait ouynd twi My M" y" et tbe ý -dJ- -a bu intestaiss . naak bd.. -u-mmum ùM lErundud W r*v fg#oo4 à& okel&zwd"" -- mi 0CMý Pim ' * 1 :=:MIlylbe tWUM MM oriem.. mdan ulât *Mid W ebravmw mbwwwy hl M OMIS 9w 1 1 X«mbmr Qà,14 in th, mm %bth "W B LIFE Mm iying em& of P.M-W.*U ', Agi dwwâbb« M" mméviMI4 rastoind 1, MW W" 0» a .10àý.d0, ého pnbm "* mon" f4gy vw - - 1 -LPM-W- - --- W 9-"Id tir ** et Ob Imbý Mdub maw &W., si, Itu hir ommie Adam màdqed4 â1quire, -ju- 1 «I-o-beh le "0 ---------- - -- ammlrj% amour " wu 9w atm d ** 0111" lb iv ý11lw Ili -e;w wmà&gmi wW&W ihum-ak. Pwbj ý%1M àý tu IMME.1111118 isw 11111111£ mit Ume *F te ami