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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 31 Jul 1874, p. 3

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ý ý 1 . ý . ý . . - ----W -whole of our St£)ck ami IS ; Ar g a M A Glsq= CIEMq'--U range Of 1 1 nm4ffff the P»Mt inouth we will, Offer the - . ý . ý . -1 Colored GFrenadines, 131fif-,uk Onfl C010red SillS, Black anc ý . - ii«nen r-rassogs4 81 MOtJItNING GOODO, MII.LINFRr, aime À WLS, M À ITIM LACRS AM LACE GOI CIOTM CLOTRING, and OMTIMRNU.e u RNIBRINGB, GAIWM . . ý 1 - 1 . . . ý 1 ý ý and a laffl fbjl and complete etock of STApL]g GOODB at prices tbat wiR insuzDe a lwp Mille. We respectfcRy invite the publie to Sll, look thnmgh m . . - ý . . . ý 1 1 . 1 ý 1 1 . - ý ý . c orner igtoreg ý Doheny Blockg Lindui. 1 . De RAI . - ý , -----ý-ý- __ - --ý----- - - . tl, Il( j1«ýpjr*s (t;tnilidatt. , LAiti,.,ý-Mr. C L Illaker bas juet ru. BRA CEPRIDOX UPHILL. 1 thefmm of the peuple weille r«dizod, '; LUZIM -if MARKET PRICE S t . - ' - . 1 ý erItxl a Vr 1.,Iad tif laýI sel "D(;,it4mo.-.-7,7-2. - 1 1 . - Md " it Wu si" -poz of a VR7 vir- ; M wbeas .. .. .. l là f ï 23 %Iùwtiiautm o. c__ e ^ - 4J,ý 1 .. .. 0 00 le 1 I-. ,,, soeté gou, 11BRI 4ý Jï e Fý ,btM Ftlilr %,4AI.M.--.Mr. John :tpier, AfylDt,.%Ir 110 à lý4VXv&Y"G PAWVV. ACCOMTO-waà,tmm--Wàvi»-t-nom uléut O"m,& î to.im ta W . GRAHAM, Duadord, 1 I,ý,,,. ,11 IIII. Thtée IR."%%'tvf.h»bdlfhl%.Itm"e4t- qa ln the tith . On .,4attirdt.y night (25 inat,) after the riteirnoirmm laurnu- 1 2ége sest, iý,, ,D1ý ý ', ad'i ý 1 -Xàit ,11,111.3.11,11861111:1811121lim i .. - :: $"TV@)-ins A spuissit m«ting of the connaît wu 1 = rr !?a .... .. . . 10 00 R 0000 bep te ansissisince that lie hall meévOd tâte sPrbg 'I'r. A'iolqKwDs elltitt'ti. III Party in charge Qf.%1rý Chap- 1 Ce 1, - , .tTbe Pte 1400 gooo "OCIL 01 , -On am Mon, IIý L. S., ongalmi in etirvoyingt the 0 @c'a O-.O I.*: * 1 A yo»g lad of tweilless, or fourte» OdW bY the MAYOr, Md PrM Pt ordure! ad.y piler ha, .. :* *.*. Umm, M d 1 1 ARD , .,.""q.y ilfýt> the vvI..int .,*ti..., la $ht. . ý . crocaiellý 3001te Il FIDPLI>S CO M M E. Ir el -11 V-1t'ItIWttt* A% 7 l"ck.ck. i , Were givel .. sr. III de , . TFL towiàtthip of Perry, bad retirest for the stobaveaumo-poxhosmtaIIPMO .. .. , ý ý 1 "I %I. r Ar. 0,ý I.- lt,.tker h4o rý j = of = »B or Mr. FOL NeilL of ««t&i Vitheqqs, -1 .. :: - 009 46 Dry coom Am Pm iliglit, a trft foll = O - V et. 'a ùf> .coiveld 2ent and in mg hie liM by a ou elibiest ho Win *41 asplice -- , -I 4 ,ttt s'Ir hlIv , DM I etrimi, b .. lie buten 1 Il% "t'jeu Ibit. 1 ill"d . 0, cesser id&Y. mm were Mg! op", obit .. .. .. eo il, ,a la th. é ... qi-l'.b.p. %r.rzc.t«L-'62-*- , 44M 0 . listing. uZý, %Ir. chapins ni onnein it is i te work immedàtely, and on Bun&Y 1 suit .. es, Z..--,i-ýI.-t7 , spm of homme ronainq away vith biblissi .. .. . ou id CI ýI ý', pr, I., ý finserod very hadly, but te Wh« extent is 1 . , the building vissis finWm& Un ý L&-n' Il Tanuw .. .. . 6 @ _. ý ý ,%I,,i-,to 1-t-tttait;ý,4...The» istometalk, 1 wbtyktkiàtbwt). Dr. Ilypte, oi thils place, ý whilm in the Mt of hantingontmmum ;vl::Vy, . ri.g là, pa" te W«O .. 0 @ 12 M ARKET FZE8. ý ý ý Ex> per lices . . .1 - 1 . "' , tilt, . -f 4iek ft,...ý. on the e*4.41,,It Witliani 1 went il p lin Ç,tlll littay. ,qnne of the other ,; 1 t appessiste, ho fell on A "hutOred board reusoiled tu thSr »w qttubr& Dr. i 20 @ 40 l'M o .1- , ý I- t lie Oreilleuvit. pri'lterty, Sb 1- a ,Orv et'en i . 1 S= Pair .. .. 5 @ 1 1 011*sll"'Rýti, v Ff) ,,'."'!' omipants . whifsh bed bem» clWxnubPd "Ont the ()'Subiva-l wu, by the direction of the' * *.*. - ** '(,Fàt , "'d, ,il ý. Ir. fier . V'r'm', ",il;ttla-ý4ktritg Pars. of the lent were injures) et ! IS beaut = = 'bMyt:ewma 4=11NOUR km Ton hall ý ADy 1 ý 1 St%1.1. V,11.1.ý 'ânnot. .oine ln»" ý ,bil. Vugala asaiting a fm ful »* in the conned, la aumd»S et the hospatad- ý Lib per quartier.* .. :: O'd O BRM . 1; -- ý-,ý1tIlIlI,ý'rMt!I,- ne; -* W OOT., and aU Other M ODUM ýt 1 'blIý,tmmtý ., IL I-eiv,ý,-.It,,ý 'tr",Ilar pltiýntt,@P,-t-llmlltili.1 . sidi of 'the UeUk W OW the eh»k or jalli' ThM trersa May t" Mqm ousSurring ý Turkeys pur th .. .. 7 a S ,,,,,,,-i,1,,t,,,,I," " ' ,_ borm Re hall a liay marre* essessiple, ». ontsid, of C&tmmffi,14 a" theesb took I B*d P" lil -ýl« lb,, .. 5 @ 64 j ý 1 ý en te,, ,Utý.1.",i,.l,ýt"l trader, lulfelletteuly leoIilýi.t )*("Ný).%. ý ý aaen .. - * 10 1 gigr.twwlt.t and B&Êey, MM thst Mr. Baker Md i P-"Eàt"m ý ý . . 1 ltý',%Ilty Il., the ýý,ýl,,» ,,J,ý,,,Il WIll, 1 -_ 1 am inforissib"Ild " hie vinfl PIPO wu tiste dim u by vissiting tl'O» who vue i ill" -ed lbms .'. .. .. 000 'è ùo;: .ili thiâ)-ear bave twr Woe Battent Oujoifs, 'q' À e l;7 do ., *_ OB ,# lm j en the jb - rarmrs Win thereffore take ý Fi, ý 1 Fiticr Fbt%-t-r, wo have to thalik ý J'f', IL "Inially visible and hm the illessuisid bom arat fumitteu, before they kne or of the ý iSa eu ,é ki'l' . Mll ,4 M1ý t; r(-ý, 1,;, l'ert fi'? nue .I*Mentt,% (If leu .%IKVr.l41-TOWIC IIALL-DO'4mlol.ç ý M P. _ 100 Illes. . . 0 00 @ 0 ou , noues, 'b.*.:.emwooi or ber Produce und« 1 ct; . 1 1 I.- t ,itýlt,ý,-,. I-.,,etlt,-w,-ý ett.-I .III. fr0ýh tr'St, TFI.Ft;KAPIt. the I"et develli d*MW d" mu" h" 6-M a-«Or they we- enommtering. 1 .. . . es: où J 2± eti, T-iii ai aux ether om ttan tobte mukes Plaute la i ,q Il i ç il ý, l, r ', -1, W- ,,,fý:rý, Il, I)[-. %fpý (":"rt Il etwiý,% 1 lirIls lui . C«ril-liý'I.1týt,,,e ,If The 1>I,.-I. ! been ingmtamon& Dr. Butler wu ! Th, (Iùm», we inderatand, in mot *pi- 1 du extra Prialle .. .. uk où @ 1- 00 * 'Ainsi peurté ,-, ommoned, who put allume ten j deubie aud onty ouausses IýSIY pe, si, . . . . lé ou Ille 13 t'O VI LA H ý lac ta I. IlIt A t'I', .. Il ... q kI',ý .Il "..fil"",, 1 1 >rd ýj .. 2 W @ -1 t5 1 . . ý IlItey b" Inien got il% in very fine con. Pn)mPtIY 3 by Batelai contact t ýI .vý .. -th - - etmted or theïr cluching. 1 t - .hwb win ho punwebell. -'il(, %Vi,§.Iký-.ilý-rmrb,..r.- ('tilneillor.lettrey' dition and is a héiavy crop. learmen'. toleven.atitobless in the wound, and under ý te;Iud .. .. 2.5 tis 3231 il -4, ý " km.« thM ille - d-9« Of 1 s;2PýkjU Market ClerL -àT-3 ýaçc0, l dv-tl,,.g a j-r1Iý,.,, Ill il,,, (ý.,u"t%ý ! art, teinl,, réady for hiservositing. wh4« castre, et lut assensants, the lad vu 1 Z fer ail ire LDmwà .. :: oùs, el., il ,,-,, j-,I,ý---t, 1 .4 a 1 7S 1 91MWART BUG. ou ý ktý'. ý ,.,ýt ,,-,,tý, r. Wen. Kcnnedy bas beelle âwarded Prlm-'reulng favourably. . 1 ita apreading further if the P-por atffl i c.ii.iin, .,rm: Po Ili. ' .. Io a 000 ( tào"y, Mati 1-lus h. PS. 4.- 7. 6>4811. t",.,.ýtt,,,,,"..r""."I,.,".,fA.tl)il,ýlýqMtiýýi,,,L e . 1 liait .. - ý It ,."!,..i.,i, nrý,lIýýl l'III ýb .,Ir. . , O lie a 6001 - . W lii,ý-,koyg, -r "".I"", ,".,.Iý. "" vi, 'i-t(,. iIn.l,.,..,t.,r% tel Pet . ý the clontract fier i)tltlkiitiz tne newrown Auother yosing mais naïsmed Wilsbon lit i ne t&kM te prevmt ilL 1 BftIiîîâý ý . . . . . ý . ; t-ý:,I-,vwu ti".,.r ,,, e ... zI,- ,If ý.>r%ý et. ' ý ,loy of ùr. A. Wmhington, of U.gi,,rtumuely nuay of the boarders i %Vous, . . . . t)IIII a L , r-.IE[B CELEBRATED ý ý C W 1 ý ý 1 ý 1141, for ,*211,2ix), thifil bricks tu ý the emF .1 IL W intls, (Dl,,ý,.,.."ý ji4at,ý P,,,.., 1 bc provided. 'rite plante ehows a fine ý Digby asibisemille, cassubst vèry libellait Lessing 1 Who wem stupping et Cavamb',, ; 08WEGO LrXBER JURKET. ; C A R R A T R A C C A ý (:ýý".. é- !il, "4; 1 ý . in the ; the right, hand by oousing in contact: ý HOW me Matered mil in vahous direc- ý - ý 1 t . - $tIlýlý.'tý-,I,,,t,-,,,It.rly ý ýI)IiiIding, whieh %viii contain, Arandles. , ý -qýý..,ý, il NI 1, N't, ý . !.,%t-,tiolbaaoitiont, a lI4ek--ip, biitcheiâý with i the etiger whilst tempn" IY et- 1 tiumils. and ire tossera tbat one of diellu ý CINADA. . 00 te 2s 00 XLVEXIL W.ITER . - III .... ;,il!, --tý? Init:, 'tti%114, etc., and ahove will be the hall, tend sig to the mine in the ablIenosi of j & yu' , un nanqëd LawrenS, watts, : .Lh, 1« qu3litv ftisbta--,,. ...... .... 25 1 1,,).) :: ._- lie l- tansurp4â" .. .";:,ýýl"..l I-I thv -I.t. : ung ý Aýà 2,Id-rLDDIiýï ...... ...... ....... : e! uô Aie; ou une.r two 1 .1cI,,ýmDt Cuit ,u,)Iittg aperient. ; ,,ýb\- )5 sel dii&%,,iLti.)tls. 1 the bond whow duty it is te attend tu ' vikted Turonto, is noir Iyinc in the ý Pille, thrft utiieN, ary.. .. ........ "I;Lý-, -If ý ý les I., 1 . ,.;".!itv II 3!IDI), CARRAT&ICC-1 étiit,,e,, Il Il lit * ,pý@ Polea and wiroq àt pInCe. It ý Pitte, 1.ickiIItr.ý, iLsrmtmi ............ 2II, ffl 1 . .1., , tif the Dominion ; the edging. lu this caisse sse in aiment ý mmil-pox hospiud as; tbj hâte, pickiituâ. ý-aTd ý ..... ...... .... t1.4 ut) - 26 W everv niorninr oeion, Iprelmaim, or ait an lm every other of thie kind of accident it i appem, howeyer, si »VUM of tho ý p 1 PSY Givù 111. ý ý ýý . ý1.1l'...ýe t Ty %..Ftyb,.;, i,'.% %ýtl-. %,rio%-,& 'r'fi. kX 'l'kilig-ra F Il Colupany have reached this , i ,et 1 Pille, iltcli.-iti,,g,.ýi-tcd . ...... .... ;W ile " u ÜÉ: ý%oni&cI# durinc ýhe suit welther, Witt keel) Yuur Ir tIiI-htr., ,,-,till..;e ' Ibine.e. ' ho a-gency will bf in Mr, W W ý oeourred fronts em iene«, or want of i bourderd who, reW,&ùMd, Who have 1 Pille. ititt,.,idiià%c, latit rail .... ...... 22 06) je 011 , ýysteM t,.I,1 miel heilthy. 1 IIIIII, ý - .. 1- _, '. ",.I,ýl.It'.ý 1. te' * precautiont. After havinsir thrown out 1 Pille, Il, inch .i-#in.,.,ýW-Leù. ........ Lui tk) - - ;Iii, L-0 e.jRiLqT,ý1ce.1 IV.ITP'R j.-ýIi-t- ".ý.-I',ý..ttIl,"Iil",t,ý,.ý lteati'ssetrt, a verye.-Ilbyetbiënt place. . . beun a&" ed by Llso dilloue, have belon ý titille. 1 1 i-zeli Adialir. Mill train. ....... 2-1 lm.$ 211 01) l'ýt"dl ulirialled CI a %alliable remdial ag«t in ,,, .Il 'I'tI,.."*, ,f,.,ýII".tti",.I.,. ,....Ii,,,i. . . . "nat'iolint4blO w 1 .. _... 23 UO te ou ' c > rieneral Groce-vicii , "' """ "' , removed with the sulfor-3 tu the "Me 1 Mue piece I»mLI. -.ci ... . II III b.-I', .",ilz . - ca.c. A l"Ilitual constipation, Derter4pluent of .I ýý, t., te". ýIvIt .,.Iý?,Ot,,ý - ý lie - 22*0'i ; t % , - - au etigins, in nome ay 1 . t . 1 .Id - 1700 , the KidnOV4 erivel, Gain. alaeuuàatiý12 qftpwi*k .àV()R[,A.Vi). swune, huile haind againet the MW, »Vennlg 1 em p, where they are Iliontinually ex- 1 P .. hg âtorwi.h and Bowel,, Chronie Infi e!Ilm&Ù,,n of 1 , ...... i ý, 1 -f ý ",-I,-[ - Il., There livre ,n, (,,r ,1,-,t. : ý 'i'.",, I, .ý,,' !»».'ý',,'.: ,,,IlÎtding ......... 114"UAQ, 1 ý 1 . ý . ý ... d __ the thirit finger and outting more or leu ý pu" to ci)ntM#uu. Tù*y cuuid surely , Pille, jjýý =.» Il 2li -9) t1- 1.11.11. 11, . '. ,,il - f-,t- thir-1 - I- ille ý plank. gieulit ....... .... h I l:hruýc 1-brrw), &rélitula. skia Affýti )U1 ut ail 1 1. ,ýý 1 1 1 ,,, 1-1 A , ýl ". 1 .1vv. 1, ', ce Ii ....... i ý." ,-,I--rý 1 - 11-Iejl,ý litén-bam .ý,ciditv, and a- a . . ýIODIqT 1 sleveroly every finger (in thissit band, the ; lie aff,,rde.1 a better chance of escapiug 1 Pine. limette pIaIIÉ,dTýîn ......... 7 "_00 - -oo 1 ' ', lin % 1) 1 M rac N"F Ni K. Y "_ _M. RTI . ýi.lý. , , 1, l', 1 C li,,ýS UNPARALELLED .'; ', .; ý ". ý ... ý,' ý*1'1"'1,t,, 'I-1, , I'.'ý ', 'ill, 1 ,ý!e ,"'t 1 ,ý't',,'k'f. 1 - "' Il 1 e Il - 1 thiminctit(led. Dr. Butler wu callod ý if they wert plisSd for a time ' sels- 1 Pille. pieue plank, ýuIL, ............. : !-- Déù ': ii ou ; 1 -,;,.Ieiý%uch il i,,Ineq-lafieýi. . Pine..ýzrýpi. 1 wid li iiich.;,,ýd... .. 21 üI) ' wl'.iiNý'i-NG, HILL,& W-IRE, . ý 'I'FeF, lD:4ý%rI,% %,1.01.tiilýi%.-' ý e--r,,ýll.,iltqe,- -,,f Tite kl,.t. i in requisition and was ohliged tu stihmit ' arate cassap ur tluiwwàtille, tilt aâ dant;,er j Plue. ý%rIII, 1 tend 1 1 ýLà.ýh tirusming.. 1,4 00 Il 2hl 00 7;0_13 1 - 1 -, 1 -ý 1, ý -, . titir Liud- illet- r-lait lxitw on this point and ý the patient tg the a ul ordeal of , 1 l'lue. ,titisme. 1 aulit Il inch, cuits ..... IL' -» - 13 uu Mollettes. 1 ý - 0 . p inf : of thons ltpreaduw the disseme wütlid be 1 ,il - - 1 il"! .1. .11 ,I-lý'ý,i,,,I'..ý lt 4Iý-;!II, j q. tI'e. ' Ni. . . ý - lé uté i FI" 1 , il, -1 Iýý-, ý _ , et lr(i'% 1 Iitke lia' le been c-sidorably iiii- ý etittittztiiebonoahorter. H ' 0111, ed il,, Ashbuin- 1 P"">,' I'am'ý" l": ....... ý .......... 14 t ), '. "' S McFEELY, ý Il 1 ,III, (*.,Ile.t,.)Ii,,, .., elle '3 18 il g Put. Tite eue report Pine. uial..erd.. elemr ...... ý ....... 24 U9 ý ý , , :1 . , I: ý 1 . I ý ; . ler.-Vk'd 4Y file CXI)OII(littIT0 of ilitllliCipal ! aplendidly and thijake III ut Mr. John Bruuka-, Pinc. %ýLPbý,ar.ti. plekine .......... 1900 ,6 20 uu 1 l'i - , 1 IN ! ,, : Il NI , IN 1 t ".. ,", I 1 , e --I, , - ' "' ;-k ...'t IllIllty, tell i; $tilt thorkl la rooui for grossit- 1 work apin. , now turne out tu De bijions lever, and i ,»iue,,!Ia;-Iý .araci, curainin ........... Ut* II Iýi OÙ I.Iý1 ., : '. ý,V-P, NI, ý . ' .,It.", -Z . 0 Cau won .11t) to , haute the daughter i Il . ý - 1.1!...ý, - th Ili,- ýl.,..ý,- "I.;,t. tl"t".t I CI Pille. e.,iiiuý-,, ,telér .................. . u W II 4000 1 jjI-.I,;-ýý C !'ýII prier lý%id. fer Blit- I'.... _!Iý'1'1;7.:, - ,- .1 '.. .t,ý 'If ý 'Ill --1"'-Iý-1ll 1 .Ir iiiiiir ,venieint This %Viti illDit..qlht. 1 Wu have had aplendid haying weati - i* , ,lot âm-%ii-pix, as repurtoti. ý Pille. ceLiîUý, pilkings .............. t)00 II 3000 STOV ES, TIN W A R E 9 ! . . ' .. , , , , , I:,;,ý,l% ,.,It,,l Mll ,,, elle v'lly lie kýtfeettx(1 ley the lt--t-.ve of Fone- j the pmt week and jtstl,,!in.,! front LIe ' Tite Tawn Couticil am taking every j Peine. ,uiiii ' a - 00 il 2400 t i ý 11.1..,tllIt ,01 otlscr produce. \% . 1. le '. k, . lýl.,. ýI;),,r 1,.,,IltI% .,*I,,tý,t-i,,,- lIIlll , 1 ý j ý - ý;,v" 1.0od............... i; OÔ ý- sée.,è) ý LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, 1 %Ir. .1. 1). Xnybir, who il§ expending ý aient with which people ha" ilet aebout ! prc-t»tititbu to prevent the apruad of the ý L"" -'-ý'n 24 W Il ti W ý 1 . ý , 14vc"', m.1 ' .,I."I%.'* ,mliv'l 1.1% ; 1 Plue. Siling. ouve. 'onvalon. ........ AYD Ili ý,ovtrlllllt.tt grail ý Plue, cciilný, .ý intih. g,,Ud ......... ý. .r, lie Il 2j V) ; ý Bu sa ý 'I'. ,ý 1 1 o Il .... Iý:;llA L ,ý î Ci pou et Bou te -- 1-1;, ý 1'ý,IIýiýl ",t". 1 g t on the Cainerren ý cuttingj and ilaving hay the» lut fOw ý dilbeaille, and have âp i t t & - il f - . 1 , -t 1 rtiad- and %v ho wil! Alqi) maite sorselle iieed. 1 bu inclined te think 1 Huaith tu amist in protectiug the in- j Pâle. c.il!ILL,.ý illeil. el-,um.)EL ...... ..2.,.) 1 1 1 I-'.'.'l-4,U.il -.ÀiLIý,ý1.-IVd ...... 100t' V 1; k. Vqý ý:\Nqq ý lior the 11(Iiiet't d - - il -POT. 1 ,-il !, ,I ý, i,ýt% %%Il. . 'e ý, I,."""t,.,I:I,,Il 1, , l le ni' lo"' P. i1Iý 2200 :,»,,,, : C O A L O IL D E ..f 1.11.11 'ý"Y" ' ' 7 mot 1 .1.11, eeilLig, ý-i .............. .... -_ Vil ri linirs titi tho NIN-lIck- k,.,;%(I. ý finit theý rer. britind tu III the berletit t habitzuits. We adviao leur citi-'- Plue. il-lurûl. ý .ctear ................. ;> lie - jeu ou 1 ý '"'.;; "", , : 1 Rte Of ý ,if th follest e. Id tu aabàt the health xtent posai- ' z dTi «th bus-' ý 1 ý ',ý Ill,-t 1', ,,.,,." ýp,-- iIIý ý Thve New Cminexion Methodi . ... tu th. ý tu get excited, tu ! Viiie, Il ..,rinbr, 1-iI.!ii:I,,s ......... .. ý.) elle - e O-) ; .MI kindil lit w.,rk- in the stfve an 0-ý 1 W '1111,1 'le ; ,ý ý1i. 1. ,Il.;.. i ý:,I ý 1. t\t--Il làki,."4iqit at titi;r last tltiart-rly i able.'Il ",U,.I III. '. ,,I,,,,,, ,IýýII, ., ý 1.1 ! 0 *Bible, in order tu ý ... 2:'. où .. ti UV ineIIII smi-ite;. The Market Priýe ili ca"Il for ', ; i 1 Il et V , là L ; . 1 . le ý tticurs u laitich as Po Vine. fillirinv, V,,IUý . ..... ... , "Il S."I(loýld '11111 ý' ', ' , « , I , !1«'." 1 . 1 , 1I le ..... .. ,titi., II,ý,ýl-I,,,,. Il. - itit-(,tittL,, a4l-,I)te(l a restitution aztiimt i ' ho à ,in th locélity - 1 kinz iroctually statup ont thiâ lu:"hà,)Ullà L'illéi. lyi.,IIiU&t. 1 :%tilt 1 I inch. g.-..I.. Uý III) Il 45 ül) ý 1 ý 1 ID en pit is ,âve on 1 1. , t ï N'Ili 1 . - lý;,- eIý' - . ý . 1 ... il '. i tilt, lIrII1).I4t,(l ,Nlkltlt-,(Iist union, clàiedy aplendid and will lie above the average i e pi at-) 1 SREEP-SKINS, C-ILF-SKINS, i S&Ud" .ý .ý ý 1 ý è. l, ,li %1-,ý, ý, I -', .. ."!,k ý Ce diaon". cred- ne, tIIùIýîqing, 1 and fi ilieli, ,,,mul..Il 23 'A ': .1 -) 1 ý ý 'è ...... I ... i.., Il lie , I;ýýr. 1 titi tilt, urý,IOid tliatt liy rfl)ru,,4;,ntittik)tt , with the exception %>fi%&' and fait %visent ý Sinco writing the above we are ShLV41ý. pille, L't Itumity ..... ...... à el) ' :;:Lý l -HIDES AND WOOLIK. ý , 1 - e . 1 ,; ýý1'Iý',',i', l.'ý,ý,,tI,, ...... . 1 waa tit)t s:bti.ýf;tet,,rily providedfor. 1 which wili lie abont ait averagi lier of 4 ý'AVaU - 1 bhi,,--,Ie, I -ine. 2-id Iitiziii7* .... ...... 3001 ap id W %il, , y ý crop, ý ibly inforused flint anot ý -_ 1 .ý,,,-t,,,,,, I, ,,.,,,,,, V% Ill, il di"I' Witt, Wi,,,I,,,ý,l latter-porbapit rutiler uver ilissin nu- 1 it,,û'slatebouýders4ii-nlin-ne G- Y 14!siti,-,i,-: qtruce ......... : ....... 3001, 35%) : ý - - il I.: ! 1 ,ý il V effi ýwiII et% 1 ý;. ý, .I,ý.,_. ,,,,ýl, T. , , I ý ý ().Itk"lilklIel. ' ý ý the . ci . âd ' î $hingi-, -Amr, u-elel .......... ý.'.".*. 4.5o 7 FARM WM M MM Y ATRIM TL ! . ; (ter. 2ý,, ! - 1 ý VI iz,,I,, ti, %% t, IlItvt, Il net the lIlezi- , - 1 wheu hu been working fur the lut fow j Shinule.,, ýcdar, tend .1lmiýtv ......... 1 1 . 501) Ili& OF BEST . - : 1 innat a"in call attention tu the , days nolr Contrit, aghan, l'icket.-, pille, 1-t titillent v, flât ........ 14 00 II 1111>0ü \\. 1, , . ,'t', ':-, f-111 Ntr V %#,,-i-l-,ý,.l %[,->(;,,,!,I, , -ville, in Mou Io W * 1 10 -M, , ý(II it)WIN , - -f %tI-I.'l'i",. l".".. m'i f ...... II..-!ý r,,ý.1.."t, un ý I; 1 1 % it V 1'..,4T s'et il - - s V 9 il l"4- - ý'%';tTr"TtTR' i titisat-ibftotory state of the binait arrap -e- 1 eticestal Dr. Kineziid'd sýepry 'rùur"- 1 pitthet .'.*. GEESE FEATHERS WANTED. Ilý,t-ý.,ý. Ilw, ., ', 1, , ', f. ý, ý I,ý , ........... Mid.%. . > """t$'Ipýi'llee-12âutdýt'ülaal::t'tvv'-qdu'ta'm"* 12W - 14ul) I platiels 1 'LI I ý1 ,III. (Iýv ,,,,.,I' -t'Il -I: iý,,,t '-i' t,.,.." -iI!ý,o* IlI,,, INt: V(>,r;-:II.1. 1 motifs for thisolfice, and lot me tell ý day aiternours, las% complutelY toVert)d ý Lath. pilieu .............. 1 ý .......... :!,» .. 2 le> ýý, , , ý. L - ... ' ' _ ;.ý , ýj_ i. III. "'Iý ý.jN 1, l 1 ý :,II.,.ý,.IIt t'e,,e 'il ,,.ýI»,I..Iel".e ý,fTIII« V-1_ 1 . ' ' V if t'ud-r pI,.ýt,,, ýq, - - - - - - - 15 Ce .. > lit d t 1 yoti, Mr. Nlitor, thalb whiligt if is ver-Y 1 «ith senait.pz. Tâts, I.Door fello% I 't'O., 630 $67 William Si.. Lindsay. j . 1 ltl,% vittilu-, iI:%ý et l In Illencod, an no , . ' CxLLr plu-ts, r.IU.,Iîýrcýý).:.: -:.. I ý Ill 1 . 1.,; -'t, ý'i ,!ýi .... ItIi,,ý.,-l m iil,-.ý. I,.,It,,,-ýý a few f trtibel-6 ;brk, alkil. est, in tlt,81)&i ý tlw(bllvtlttient t4il lie, it is a material linis , m ats, ail àbi.)n as ho wu take.i ill, nt . ' ATTENTIO . N 1 1 ' r ne ý . 1 ___ - _ fl(,,,.,,iîrg blachin es I,:ý,.,,,,!,,ýif-t-1ý,,- - 1;,,]ýI,,, 1,,,,,ý .,IIl i-ti,,,, il, ,r ARMERS ý ý . , . t , Just think that we doli't re- : (ýe.%Il h,)rsub,àck fier towii, and wu 1 BORS &.11 , "".Zl ...... 1,,,Ili k h,.ý ,1,t.,:!It Iv'n se, ,,I-ttiii-, lzIt-iè.r,»,tit fier thrir abtitid- j t? yoil. 1 ý cleve yquir pper for nine days aîter it 1 hartily ibbie tu walk- intu the Duletoïs ý CornRA.xr-ln FenebS F.IlIt. lin Tueday, the 7th ý We have alwaye on Land, 1 1 ""' ,:.',t" I- ...... ... .... % "'Il "" ý';N 1 "' il' ý- le-11 I'N ;tilt l7r.lpts. Quic Alir'o ileilliber (- . iules, , tilt nife ut Mr. 31. Il. C,ýchr.tite ut alitlu. . ý ý .. -. -. NI- ?. ,,,,, , 1 , ý,,,-i-t -f l ,it,,ýZ I, ý. pl", ,,ý,,,,,- te,- le .et . - leuivest your ottice. rboro'. lie i ý ý ýý ; 1 ".ý't., ,,, le. ..,!.,tl * I, I,.*--ý.: l l"I.-I 'l.-ýIt i-ezilI.1..4 114leve bcen, pitro4age.1 liy fariners 1 office -vlicit lie réachthi Pete . : 1. . 1 ý 'l et,,- - __ ý DIED. i BUOW,,L4 & F.ATEB» NIS ; I" Il - , ý - ý . 1 II ý -, ý'ý' ; et. .1.lIt f....11 zi,,t ,,Iti,-I; iIIIIýIjýli'f11f ýýj1 W ý1ILýj il, tltiq llk'iý'IllboIlrttI""I. (!!%I)t. F.,V;blblt 1 ý was imissodiately taken tu the hosPit3l, 1 lxqp ada , Si, 2-) j ý . ý.,. 1,- "Il III Il'.., ývr..- - ;'. -,,," "q' b, LZ Itiil-r';[ . .A3l- la Fenel.in ïaL,..In 7.1, v t Il th Fini prisseil , Il ,%_ iIÀ4e.V.4,1.0.v -FALLS. ý 1 where ho will be P-PerlY cued for- , il:." 3-1arv julté, intant dau-j-heur 4 Mr. John ý 1 . ý 1 , 1 ; 1 I ...... d, ,,,, , ,elle Il ,,I,,Ii,è teille 'eali thi. : ril lim (belle z g.'od lIttkttl;o" in this linie. . .. ý ' ý III, - 4 (Il,- ,,I,,,ii ý.IItI t,,,-11,-,-t ,,,,tev'i'..l ýI,-I,,,,,tt,ý. 't,ýjV>111,I:, i, the %vatrIkw.brit. 1 - . _ . _ i ,.--In", ýued 3 ut.,,ith.i zitiCL,-,,;,L.iy.ý . ý JOWNSIrONIS !, 'It , 1 jNý ý' iý' lie 1. 1, ID III l'iI'i"' 1.1,Nfr.Ipllistý - lir-qi.149Rý4 ICHAI.qat - alti ý iiýool) rILLIR. i X iaz-ý%t Li:tdýýav. -lu the:.ýtili intâ&.. iiiiýý& CI4 y ý I% ý'ý.I'IIDVý 4-I. 'IIL %si jj4DjU-.ýýq;t';l._N. - Au ,%Ir. W. S. 0,,,ttieti!li-tili, tr,,&%nrer (If . i ,,,tt. ,,ife,,f Mr. 1».'i-'. Ruk. L:ii;'l.ýy. and rt-t'elitil , It ýI,_ , ltbïý6 lissoTHA. .4 31ýr;l.,.-;a, zt:zed 30 ye, nd .5 ut REAPER AIIO CAM MO '-,il lý-.,t,;t,!-,,rý-ý.,tl -,,.,ý 1 -,:il, ýý-,iýýýt,, -, s)liltiilikitv tibivii ij,;%IitYý 11--lI.% ree.eiveql t;t,%.4-tll> -on. HIN. ât. i ý - arý ." -. ý WER . ý .- . ýl ýI1-Vý - ,-,ttI,ý,1,.,, i',,, 1Uý ,- I.III',ý 1 I', t., ý% r. ... corrk-pondetim. tif The petits, X. .i ý ý. .ý'I." ý--I 'i*î Kl Ili..ý?.,i" I.'ut,ý-f,,,:, (- ,,-,tf,,,,:ý-i'ý'I',I frolls t'ait, I1)tItýtrl 111-verniliont ait in- . 1 ý4DDREM AIND PR"- F-nTITIO, . _ _ ' 1 ý'ea%-yer*tI Ctlnl;)int-d Champion Resj-er. ,%wýem .lin eari . ý i .ý . - % 1 I- 1 It-I:,-ý Il- IN l il -I,ý ,-,ný tl,,ý sit-11111elit (If the etirpitte dise the muniei- The ltiiiiber.btiainese of thi* ý-,.,S m 1 clorrellitl'illiencelif Telle puIt. -elictial 4-loticts. ý zieed I>riii, .ý*ir,.t prire spm.-ue Mt.mcr W-ith Pat- bdore rcj ýI 1 ý . .. , ent 'r Willtý.ýý.n*ý and ;axt,-,,. TiteIX C-'à _ ... ýj . - ý - - - - tlier; V ý - ýý I, A 0 il P R A Id P. 8 ':1 ý, ',1':,ýeý" ýý:Çl- ,I",t ZlIL. -,ý ý,ý'.I'I 1:'l suber ; a ý 1,11 1 yý ; 4'ýiellattd Gan--- PlIlu--Ib-; Waiker,ý Wilktý, , 0111(i -- , IN il t ,- ,ý !:,,, I.'i-1 ý,- ;, ý -"'Il I, .11 Ir, 1 yet iltburislles,. n«btwithotalitiiiiZ the ý , ()à& Munday, evening laist, ai ni, -_ - _ý - -__ . -_--- __ -e, 1, ý. Il hen , - t- lit, Il il -, il- , .f t:.,. , - ý. ýý,, , , ', 0". Il 'rllk'Vtl ll-'16V(ý lltlkltl 8nule VCry Ilileer ý,1-,tiüiy forebiodin- mensiberte tif '17 Blooming RL*e'* i mIan and ITen,îrý-',I. iiiil'ý tintent ;,u.à'oh--t.a -X-,. ý ga heani in' OverY ' ,if the HE GREAIT FE51ALE RKMEDY Lit .Wa. 1. 1 I, ', l ,,.!I, !ý,!,I,.,,, .4 ili.," !I, île %Vt,.4 --r frite Dem - -Str, -1,.ý,.ýi .. -1 attitess. quarter tif liard tiiiie*. &c. B.z%.t). of Gitni T(wpl.trtt, met T 1 ,il; týýU1lh:ý ClII --l 1 ý ý 1 1 ý ý J.".ý".., Il ,., i. IIP I 1-ý",1.,.;, ., 1 , t Il le, 1;"i,-l , 1 ,ý-1 trnjileý%IqioiiA in iu:ikiIvý, titi t'Il L )dý_,e, Il 4 ! 1 1 ý .. 1 1. . . ý - ""I', tir,."!I àl'.. ,,,ý,ýIz, -ýl iiiviir r--11 if.lI*.Iitity, ivid itt Iviii lie (-,%sud The entire sbtk.%ýK tif toux, crinckeryand in their hall fier the purpossie tif burine 1 rgb JOSUSI periogCg pfflj :"'I't"'- I"ý u nd ";'rn'Wý . ai' L"'I' - " 'ý - "' M '-1 "'ý.".. , ý Dite Il L Fýq.Iiaig Mill. le:L in ' - 1 il." lI",." ",.k".Z.% I,[,I,,.ý,ý.I,ý.; ý- .- , M- Iiiiiel_14,haýt,-n's L'atulit - . dr 3 "Il T , lm. ý 1 ". îý , If,ý1%. Nt,, lik",.t IN ', iyd., I',rt ,-I , ,. 1 t1cit ýt ý_,I-qj Illany eurikills Il havo ý ýý-Timrieý.%, &c., lately bellui-viniez to ,%fr- ý ïï - - - ' - q'aziud;t.mda i kindufF.,rnCâ.ý lu*ltiuIlItý. Il 4 - X . ý ý .1 stock ai evetiing and ires.ýiitintz a ta ( f 1- V-1te . - 1191 . ý ., 1 ý Il I.....,.:,. :, ý,, , -d M- 1;.I !,-ý III. 1, ... ... m, ,,, .:I.,t.,r, l"', ,,xqor. Re. ! (1jo. $Vranton, WaR, on Monday 2îth, 1 rguatin lu, invatuabie, tuediciue is untaiiing !il the .1. , ,I ý hecil loit t'il 1, tilt, T,,týV ?.a% t CI ý REPAIRS ALW AYS ON HAND. ýi ' ý .,ý,.ý'.."ý, ". '., .,%.,ý., I.- t ý'. I. ý II 1 ... 1r fIIrilik's-g ha% . y . II ible inark of respect fil the Fe Z cure..J.lll ttl-,,e iniutil an-1 danelrous 'I;ý,-4-ý- t, -. ýI-1 )tly takkn the noces. t iiiek, jbtireliaoud by John McGrane, hi* ý iý.%n&iiyý who 1 W . A. GOODW IN. Ný ý. t 1-1 ;'è .tI,ý!-,,,,t -Il, iiIý ýLN -t!1Iý;l Iý , 0 1,101111 . are le.,%ving tllis pl;lce, (IE li-hicil the feulaw ltuItIý*itUtiQka ià ýuhjeç-t. si rutiiit- i orien rt-lpýttuily ýliciuýd and -eibiac'iou , 1 .ý i '. ,I.".,IItl ,,tiýit il." 1 Iwing situ hig ; iiiied for Maiiitoixî. ý%fter ail were î ,mel.11 e.£c%!-;tzti rein,ýve.i%ýi.b.txuetioti., auda gulumiteed ý - 1 , - Il Il -d, ,"ry ýttlý,ý Ili tl'Le TweItter. ghest fonder. 51r. McGrante, 1. . 1 . 1 . ý ': , . - ý I*. 1;", ., ".ý, IN., - li",t liq'il tii , ,.- e". ý restinies huaine» in the oid ittan-1, Mav le re;ied un. i .1tid-esé, 1 ý IN q ,ý % vv. % ý % -4 il ,V . Ilett - . mueilibitti, and L ýlýýV CUM T.- MArri.1 LýdfeII . C--tMpt'ELL. 11.1tffl., ý . 1 - V.- . ý,-j-' 1 i,,-,-tl, , I,,."fý t It),,, .;f,.,If ý ibtittinm qualities, we anticipatle for him ared by the aisteM : britur un the iýi-,utlll,'Iýri.d with regui.wi't-.-. FIDII ,-, )i,--ý, Il ý 'Nr. -'l. l'ail 111111111E flié,1171.11Y. : Soulty blouk, and front hie weil klàt)%Vl-. ý ,be C(blr.IX%11Y qat down to ail 'ab"-udance 1 it i.ý pcculiariv l 1 Nt L lit 1-Wil %I-týý"., NI- ! of I,,m)d things, prep. the C--.ernment .-tamp, tu , OB PRINTI'.\'U. . B - -- -.----- -- ý .ammou" * 1, i ; ", lý,ý."ý,!,ý.,,. . ,ý - 1»,,,,f,-i,,-, ,f Tl,, P-t. ý a fair @haro of publie patrmatve. . boul.-price sI. licares 1 - - . , ",,i,,,,, vIr j>,I,,ý,j ('im of t'horetupie. Who, hy the wpv. wotild prevent touiit,-rfeiu. là ý Il rtý." t'Ill, le, ! 7.1 k, Iti-,-h:ýrit Siviffit, ha@ enl.%lrý,,nd and ý our buoineu is soumwhat duit et pre- colupare favourably with, thos uf teul- ý Vieille Pill:î; lhe-tild nos, lie '-ken hY Fenvilet; dur- ' - ' Il h., l , - I-'t lýII. ,Ii..It*lt'- ' Irt,;,tty iiiiiIr4,%.tiIi Ili$ flirglitqitti ware : Rent. atiià,>fPm--,uaiiev. aie they ý THE ý il, IIAIII - ý,i-, ".ýi NI, Il'uzald il-.l,ýIrt-,,, ('ý-,iý, ý ý pioIb in places bo»Ling tif grLater sinus- j ii4theFir.itTh.,ýMoi .., .11il ait t 0.'W.t , ý - i. ý , : , ". . -ý;ý t- - 1 reýuretol).-iný.cnami-- rriaze.-batatanvother , CASADIAN POST i -Q, 4 ý 41 ilit 1 -,, u , ý--I Li 'Il 1 ". .' ý "ý'.;' el l4i't Z"i'i ý.'ý'. -111WI ,Il, rt--%ItI13, t'il tItir illain stree.t. , He now 'Mr. P. qandford ils erecting a 'R'Me 1 beristhan %Vt,,Ddville. After suppe the ' irne thoyare,ýafe. * INTINQ DEPÀRTMEâTý ý . ,,lI,,", 1 .,v.,II:ý-ilvi M'A lil;l,:ý,-,- i %rl. 1,- liait a ýiItit-i,,ti.ýt ýhIv rolitu, iviiere lie dis- , and beatitiftil housse on Fifiler'a HilL 1 chairablisi), Brel. .Ucgweyn, called tu ý in ail eaffl ut Sertiux and st-i»:dA&Ctiitw, JOB PR ý 1, i,-, le ý I'iý 1 ý IlO . Al I,ý .1, l,,-ý,ît 1 ., ý , - Il _, ý 'il oli lI,,,, t ,11 lui à fowe, ..., 1 . et,,ck 'tif furniture of the : The (r*,ezrtte nbak-es a sensible dimerta- prd,,and malle a few brief reuwka4 ý Painintlieimekandriituus FatT-iie ,n Aightci- hall been furn, a lar--e elqueliticy ,f the, ý , 'l", I, l ,,t.,,,-,I ,ý , t i', ,t.,Ilý,-,l -ý, I..."', ,,.,.,,,,t il ile)8 ile tille 1 - !fy,ýtIIr'vl miel IIlIýt mni Ný ttý*t >ýtYI--;,f T'l. and rýi--k.- a.110il.., ý . t1i'. ', ri, ', ,,,,l 1ý ,,, - 0-i'l Il ,ml -th , ..,ýl.e- iettt,114t s*.ý.tq. ; tion on ii-ýw,ýtbal*n. and file difficulties exl)reuiz).-; gieiit te ý ertii.11 P.Iljitati.iil I-f the Ilean * - 'îÉv;ý les iiiePr,,,inct.' ý , , .. "ý Ih-ý ,,,,.ý!!!t.1-111. 11, Ilýý,,ý,jIt?,ýýi. ý CI ,gret nt the departrire jjjUt;ý. the_, piiiý Wiii ,,I,,t,,,,Iv eure; ften ait the alules; ý.,tnjIct, ultll ry l. 1 - :everal now Iiiiildiiisze are in progritissils I nt a publiabe; il% a oui %?l placebitt conteil ' lui al-' - le a vere un. . 1, o( , \ 1, i NA, il' 1 , 1. 1 t i E N . . _ ON l"'4 "I'.1, It'jý,,i,,, th.-It il ,iIý,I I-mz ' 1 of the faulily and ;anv wisibles f.,r ibir j IIther ria.tuil have f.-tileti.,. " Ali..rders prthaptly attentltel tel fur . l . pailiful renwilv. du not con-ai-1 ir-Ill. ,ul,-,ui,:. alibi- . . Uýý1I' -11 .. ii: I.,et',:..,101ý Ill li-.ýrli tl,,,t d a iiiiiiilver have been Put ulD. Our i to the bright aide in the following: ý il ý 'ý'ý Y,-ý 1.0 ail II future succem Ife tlie.1- cAed leu the 0. ,, .,ranviiiin..,iitittinitkitbÀ,c,-nsp.iziatýýn. : WlctDLÇG caRitti, KMLR"AD RtCtil'Te. 0:1 1 - I - Il ,,Il Ic,-,-,,Itlt'-Z Irent t'ivir I,,Jtlriý, tAllet, iit .,-,ègwilllý steadily. 1 l'e But with the incresssae Of buein .%il the '-id- "FI i 1. ', \:ý 1 1'., !ý Y em, ; W.C.T. Ilr,)..%.. 11à,dvers to re . ni dim't;IIll!k in thc IMMPRIet moulut «cb Et --IN %--* ciales. xu.IKY K"LIrrti, ý illetorifile am (loir ,Fli,.'vi 1! -ý.- --t - e2 a largo 1 whie-h ilt auto to reault front the build. Iltch ýh.-ald Ie,=-,,I!lyt et% cet ý carsa .F DANCU. PAIMMILLIS, . 1 olir r-latIt.tqp f tirette, aiter which if wm handed to Bro. ý 012k,& '.n---or%-. W. J. r.iiK-,,,Yý :I Perrin and . F-%VELýrL'4. l:aTAV>ýur.é, . in%- W be E.t. . , I.F.I;&,Ii (Iv lIoNovit. Il Witt 1't, icati, ý I)t"illeq-t tlIi%,-taggti. Mir. Allin hm made ý ' (If the Victoria Railway, wes 1 J Ferg-Sison, amýuirauiûd by se. large , C."' . - . 1, i !,,. Il, ,!.%) at 1,(.Ut.itI,4, IN, t.. h-,,-ý ifivt,-I,,,i lý,t,-i,,I% tý, lia", th't _* Bestiole. Lini>!6%-; E. 13. 'ý-lri.t,: i and J. F'it±&.,et- , WILL ULAPS. PU.ýTbgb. ý ý - Mý , . , i .ý ..... ..... I,,,I,,,.i ,,> Xi!". ailes ,aId I,%.kr(,.,:,IK) lIq.. at,'oad prices : al;ie toeiiipit)y suoire lieip, and thon ii : .,..itily'bilile wilh tÈeir names in i--ilt ald. FetteloeD Fallý': T. Mettchett. Ijnien%ýý; W. H. er.%TtàLENTII li.%%IBtLL*. ý 1 1 ,,, ilý.,ý,,. -I %Il '\«ItiIilý. . -III. , 1, ,Il I,;,.i,','i',,,ýlý,ý,l raulir mets G. a IL .ýmdrew-, C,,'ý- -P. lk - 746-ly 1:111ci URDI. T£.à, ', Il. %N: ý Il "" , - . ,III, t),,,,-ýI , ý f III, I_ %Ir. ('.t,ý,. R'ty lialIe the colitract fIýr we don% show society tlàat we bave a ettp - &C., ac. P IR 1 ý . I 1 ra oit the cuver. Bro. Ferguson 1 4ý B!.ý,iK citzrxgl ý' .-I,ýfll---. Ille d"t., ."iýt,,,i,--",ýc,-ý,,ý,,[,-,,,I Iiiilliii,, Ilovvii dio (,lit lvridp --tir 114vid- grent gun or two inixed op with our Ber, 1 repliedl expresaing gtatil III, 0 for 80 elle- F LECTRICITY. wurk executel Cýith the utmoýt ficilitY, and in I ý 1 1 , J il,, fi Ir C lit rit, !- ý , u'.1l , ,,, 1,1 ', mil , "",! , n , .N, il,,, i-.ýttýe I-f ' - - la In zi en . , _ j ý ..Il III ý "" ýiI:,m,-I,1 %Ir, 1,-,,,,,, "III, Niill ttrký,,L. ,elipostite ýIr_ ,Tainesý trllery ire are vm mine i lak -" gift and many wisli" for the 1 the livate,; aimante. il *tl , . .-ami a g - et ,,,!",Itl",t",I !,% lie,, 1'.IIâ, . ', 1ý11*lI;, 'îý1 , NI ý ý ý "f ,%Iýlrt,$,ilttllbtittiiiý,tti)aiiewlivittize. He' More pnwer to hât elbow anyway, ast silecou I)f the Order. Several (if th. -B" CK:S311T]II.NG. 1 \ - ý ". .,.%\liNi;tI ItiýlI;, %-,le ý',,-_ý,. '_WiI.e,ý:!,%, . ' nom e Enainqi pziectfic GiL ' ý 'le - il Ii",:, I il, a"d NI le.. ;, ý.,I,-rvII 'Il .quetietiett tilt, %v-,rk next lire III and Nter O'Shang »Y. -Che@, Iý . ý . IN, I ý , - il ý, II ý. III' . - - , - .'Il ,ý",tz",,.Z, il, tient ,le, t'Ill, ý,-wI,,,* Th', 1 %VI ( il . hne»y wouýd ineSubers followed with short Iipee - . . ý1 , , .1 Il ý-t ýýllIl,,%,,,I., ."..I, I-N zI ,Iiýi.,.,N ,ýt 't,,, Il,- tilt% roati, %vill lit, eloqed for trâvel for aý , j'ïew hay is'ilow biellilbu. in this village all extireuive Of? st)rrý)« at lIsine sti frurth teu timps iti Wilight im Gubi. $ 1 il "" ,,,,l I ...... NIr 1\""," , 'it1t), ter ton. t which does tient indicate ý Inany lfaithful w - ý *. , ý., ý, -"il t ".ý , ;,t,-f 1,Iilýý,v Irzers in the cali',, of i - Pain estinut -t:s.v wlitre it le u.ýed." It là the l' ., ý- , , I !: ', NI 1 >.N% , I'f Kvtit letreq't, , If ! . .Il "Il"I .t t illiel tif whiels due notic, will lie ! At III heaiý.t tuellione ever taille. (nie doie eure- ý 1. - -l 1 '. 'l . '. -eli, .. I., ý, :v-I,\'1.Iý1-I-":',ý, LZ&N a w.arcity of that, article , .and a short de ".!tl.> te "..4 Ile "I ý î ' , tellipera!)Cj, asl'l wishin-, theni much eonnuten Süre Thrfflt. One blfttle hm, Iured .ý . . I ý:..:_' 1. , - ý ý1>. , % , f Iý,-Il.!",.l I, , Ij,,,."z Vý-ý'z ,Il ),, Il t 1, , Firiiier.4 here am hard ait wtIrk har- time -,%Âo a Verniain authscriber said that ý 1,%Itlsje_ lirouciiitil. Fifty tentl W- ha, eIImZi mi oid , begs re..,«Utul%* to ini,,r.n hil friends and the ,,,,.. lie aticue.&i lu thoir new hý >me. .th publie th&, lie hâte . ý - , tý, Il, V, -I t . N ý titi-, fâil whertaliel llarltytlie yield , the crop (if (lait* wu the but ho lied ever both voeil and inâtrainental, miltied nut Aâ-.hma and C-ý-,uP. ý,.",.".f l' fi F il - . , ,;. ,; 1 1. K, .,y %,,Il ý,,IIrI,,,Iý,fi),,l .I,ý Statuiinz C,,uý,h7 fi 1,-itivei%- cure,ï Clatarril. "fiil, 1 ý l' .1ý Vý . ' ' ý 1 -t Dt.ql»à, flo.1 Fti)nirbf: ý tbiit.. %vr4,tý.,, I& %cuit me tidéir. Ibr. Tk4lua,' Ei:lec- 1 ' . ý . . j'.I. ý'ý èý' ý. ,I,.,ý II.ýt 1, ý ....... .. Iltl,,,ýý"1.,.,ýý,,,Izlltt l-, l"', -, 'l'III , ý , . Fitty vel.t., w.Irth hâte,, cured ý 1 ' ý ý . ýý - 1- ý - I. . ', ý,, i. ,ý",q.."!.t. l', a -.11.0 I4 Il.. "et ýf:CII!I- IIf w;iiiili vvill titi v ý ory govd, particularly ' Billon in hiisi lite, adding lisait il over they a little. te) the enjoiirnbent (il the evenine. ý criek in the "ack -'Dit the -ýme 'lua"Ity RETURNED to HIS OLD STAND, , ', - , !-,,- ,ýt,--I lil"."i. 'n - ., ,.- :', 1, , buerie ) . . ý: were down to a shilling a bushel again .elill Latut naci, of eizht vears I-ziiidiriz. The , . ,ý .. - , ". 1 1 1, Ib\i,.t.,i sient. l'Il ý . ý trtIýt. After singing Il C.InIl save the Que. . i..Iitwin--,.,tre Vtmtiir . . . ý ,;,-,ý,.,,, il ýI% .'ffl .N. - "Ili I-.ý.1I'I tI - ,ý in thifs put of Caimda it would bu in the etDinp:èiàyttispersed. Thefullowing il ý.ua a ie".,t the Ilially let- : corner tif . - - .. ..- ...j -. 0-1 . %. Nile. ,,.:Ir t'Il I;",..,,t,,-". ý 1 , erI tilat t,-ýtv%: iléen meeiveet frimi dits, r"t fille, IA % ý thefatil(bflré4. Th" 1 - ;.ý - Ive I., .Iz r % N 1 . ,I)Fi . .ýlt)N. WIN take the f 1. 1 IVX /.V(; To S. L P tato-bsssý'-'à s'te ; is a copy. (4 the akldrees:- canatia. whiulte. Ife think, ý-liutLd lie ýUr! cteU£ ici - Il Il ,-r >iItillll atId stlin (,,T"ý,, , 1 -- t Ipi, te tu, III, (-', ý,, j-,ý,, J-A- 1 1 unplemantly nuisserrous canne )t be denied .aWýtV the M."t.âeçlt.ý-ti. 3. et-ilard. ,il -Sparta. queen and cmýestue 9984 ? .,."".,.l ý %1-,,-I,..,,. ;.;Il I.. - . - il ,,, I ', ', ,il -I, I.'tý-,-ý , % -'t j-jéýýN-Iqý ,h we n bit y To .11î.t. p.,).l . Ea.,t Ward. LindIîay. -here he will always be rrady ý A % %itu-)w r,,%fýirr-gito(vri-ýin ' but althoug do not fi il that thki trie (Dit. l.ave.-,Iid all 1 hall, frva ,un aliti -unt .11 "Il - ý ý1 IIIII ,::,I:iý,,, ' k"-I' tiv 1,ý,,t ýf ý ýl .ý,11.1 ilive donoý the allumant (if dainenge osir : libre. the menikel Ill Ludge N-I. 11-31. P, A. O. of nuire ii,,W: itié eurv.am -ruir wiuderiui.*' Win. ta do auv kind et \V- il VI l"Ik 1 tri, 11111 I -1 .zl, ; . .11 teial 1 Itf.i,,, V I* 1 - 1:1111- 1 %ý11-lèl*%V- FIRFI- qllKti,,;I"9. V, .. .41titI ', k, .".*",I" 11-1.,le', "('II.ý, Vole. mye they have in the township ý C. T., %V.I.-I%*ill-.,.I...ir,.In ' ,.,,Ur retn-,ý.11 frIn, ilý .Uaý,,UitV. ui Frfflkhn. Wntel. *If have -Il - Cil the ý t ýý ý, . . . V% .île ,*lie - d ", '. il .... ,il "I'.. 1,*tI,,, ..,,,I,, il( lier- 1 ... 'I , ,,, ý friend , =III friiitu thi. lif-iN.1:1.i.ý.rllx.l t-I a ,li.ýt.'Lltt pzurt of ý,.,:u . ý 1 .ý " 1,11k) Ilit-Ilie. ýIf the'-illapon vras cetelhrat- ; ,poison tif, wo have reulon tt- bolieve ý uur IkIliai..i.,ýt. tel týar itl,.,"Ilý nn,%ý'IIre teltiln"'Iv . iiift, it acu iik. a ellatilà-it 1f%ý -i-,v ;et 13 ILA C IKS'2NXIIICU IN , cw ý . ý Il 1 . ', ý . i,.,-r.,ý IZ-ý-,. M 1 1 -, I'ý- -11 ý , 1 - --l; % taies .ý!,iendiIllynow." IL ce-ie. ,,f J', - t eIýýjI,, r,,,-,\,",r .,f'ti,,, ý.,IuI,, t - I! I ý, ', t od in "%Il-. NtqiitN-',qitriý,.-týherolibstweekg ý t.,tlII- r,..I.ý,-- .te 1 telteient ,.ý,1,1---i-1- friM il,. %-.,*ýi nt ?l r leu in ant-ela.-A,.tyle. \ ý -t 111-li 111-1ý11-llll 1,11l'i'. ril- . ..."t"i",te i, ', ., ..f that their ravages have hien much le-" ý iae iw,.ID ýi.-i.siýý III ,,Ii, - ý,r ýjI,, itl I.Inl. 1 .11;t, ,vete.ý. - Ili ý%Ie forward 6 duz. Th,,nin.' .11 . ý .. '. , -!, ,,ýF.,ý, ,.":I,, ý,Il the -itidny ',ettiqist (f-,tir in iiii-her) ý markest in the iniiiiediâte vicin of ; lm",.ý,lI."Itý il% thi, vieil.,., lDave,-ý,%,tt i1m'.'à re I- t:.-iN,-trir oit. 1 am imarIý -,lit. ii-ithinz eiutiý« il. ý.ie ,,,,.I ,,,l;:"I"", (- . ' ity I s i ý . ', t 'l , 1.ý,,, t ý. ! ilV 1 Il"",le, I f t l", , li-t, - -- -- :d Ir i, iIi%:11.lv mýnunen.lý't hv th.,Iù wh,, have uý,It . 1. L ". ý ý 1 - ý. 1 Ih,, ,,-I,ý-,,tl,,r ý,.,I , "..,-. ý,,,,,,,I.,ýl, ... L., I-tI, zý Il i,,itliiiý, and illakitt!z Ill'Iýbtily the larg- renelon F;dla.-fv'a-ette. 1 ,,iuý11.1ý--ý-ýý-t.,it.ýliý-.ýý.7zý,11ý%,elýtte%>t. i,,r'viIi §cdford. Thaintt-výlle, ,vri-e-ý"setti .ýt ý Belley ftr--iiiý. and Mill work aspecifility 1 1- ., ý . ý \\.I"Iý.,I. 2.ý,'.%rf4, 1111,01 II il" ,ýl,.,ý,,I, r býIIII-1- 1% .elle 11111Iilk" l'Ir ý Il,'I It t-t iIIiiii1ýer Iif e,!%ilqýb.%iil flint have t'ver ' TI, si, !Iý-Ile lie leur iiille, W-Ir.. and selle lu-ul' Ili, % .'je .%r.I-e a i-,irtheruppIý ut E lectric t Dit. lhaveuiliv - .. -,., ý -d-, M - e d pli ire of Dr. tlit-inbtItham -I, i-l,-ýý,ý in iin. mIýI --therwiýl,. tha> ,,11r'tenit j ID - ...... 1"-It el q', ~III ýI,1,It,, ,il, . a ý . 1 - 1 Il_ .ý'..--..-.. -0 ...-.i.--,. O...-;ý... . . ý rý1 _ - - - ý - -... .- __ -ý r 1. - ___ _ .. ... ..... __ - - -.I.. .A -:- ;.ne 1-Iettie leit. 1 leveer law antrt liez ýeii ý',3 . _'. III v feqve Ittt er f I.v Il m - ent of Dr. (liltkL4pieý %Vhfb d"P"d tbe patenSd spectaëles on "le. and top tue d,%iivhter of Matchett, 1 isileing vory Weil X P. P. for %tith Victoria, and the trestment nf dimelles of the eye and e«. GROCEIRY & PROVISIONSTORE te, lé d -Ille, vid will. in Ml ibr(ilialbility, bc able to This gentlemen it will lie remembered G IK ) CR E , x nt dmill of Dr. rgack, of Omemee, l-pp-Mte the nilwaY th.", m'd 'elllýlp Ili@ ièv the ffllrm Of. 1 vu in teindsay i - wintair, and enrpd in the ElM Wqrd 1jrffllý rt whére Mr. Idatchau rellides, harinq af- 0 the .4ati -0f V.-lI.II1lýl -le%. &?et in the latelv tk-ctq-ied %y K V RY I,,«,'.*,ý ato*we*ktt. Aftoragi-od deal of xpecw-IIý ffàM@d an opmi»X for& 1,edical mm in mmy of dimmus, and vu eminentl ,ý , -- "Il, _ y P CarmI, where will le fé-Ind a large uMbly f lation am to wh', Ilmi the Lthnt, ail eyleille %", we ma maily understend unecoedul la saiting the eym with &pet- Ntr, John %Vr-vd, j that villi ftzüy Grocerim Md Crockvy Cv, I;, I - ý qk.kI1114ýd Ille, be fixkId on i the prmire brongtht te, hm jjpon Dr 1 tade& We fully endorm him and wish File: Ilotel kefp@r. He nt#*% M t 4', I.Id te o4l %ý('n*ly Risnabn"n to intimer him to rotative: him all the aucom m scientific a mm hp mimitted blavint a Of pm"ta, deSrves. ne is nov visitinq prefee- PUCES TRIT WIM Compillit Wrm ýTHE t te 1't W le lip ti, the thiveil (1.%YWhen VhIerd, it wunm the Io@ at _- . ý At tu fired the shot to, blit Of couler f"red, sionally the villaffl of this connty. à il il CHKAP&%T. The.utcriber hélice te- thmk the people -et ilind- ........ 1 soit" of hie âmlei 1 phould and lm' ho hm, gôn% miich te our regrette -&y Ille thec iiiemi pasmillecv ".Iivired .,Il him; t 1, that no Ibn,"etltitin in the inatter for ho wu prepular tmth perà" ly and COMMERCIAL ISTELLIGENCE. and t-»a-tire thers be twill -pan uo uaitu tu illerit 'h', k plIl(t», arter %vlliclli it wm finally Wmhm Price *M i- tulle produee. a Quünuaucc et the ýWu*. A II,,, th te profemionally, and the mer 0 mm of hie B IF 31.titK. t4ýt ý,-trml ý > le., fkllW tf"t*.ek tf4tled by Nfr, livard atminq to pay omm or Tim Cà,.vanaac Pow. mamp M the i -.O&sm pli My onmmuiràity pomma làn"v, July W. IM bill. 10elle 'If time, and #AI "Pm- betwr IttIl>e.l 19 eir. "qhtetinq Mid atteulpte: P»Dirtý&ýlarmen have bem S; AKE youn OWN. .%M ICLXE l"M'f'd lIýttim, Ille s il% the 14 wrM oR iv=o('T ALCOH01l. 1 mm have ràr«dy arrived in this vilup buey haying Md hartresting "hm every, to fill the vama" Silmmd by &* d*jw-,ý deparumt of liensineu in town hm been Mid -Ç- I'f' i rve* fIItlli%:$,. lier ilbe fil(le trequent in pli 1, 1 mm (if Dt ffiaimbothume. qnie-ý LittltshmbmndoueinproduSý PROF. GRAYS t'le q, bad pfflfflifflt. ellitablished Ilist Yfflled t)ný a Lum W&Y. W* note, howeyer, de- 1 jaleinz purcheled Ilne -f the het hLýeu8t "m. t.r,,týght hlm to the tth(Xting oniwminity te thisk th"; Irgg eqarAi-L-poir IN PJWJUt- ine Iincb-y -4 -but fmm fltm- kiný made the bubenber Là »W camimg 011 the t'l 111 &r d-"Qeý ]ive" mwwtute t»» bâvot, no# tinly whm t4y'! EAST 1NDIA!ý IDIVOOTS u!' 1 the 1 i en n«r MMbrock and BethaaY milà in jasp bot whore Ithol pleut.. Only E»iuno»ý proving the au et tll VIV HOM PA y. Divens &ut Rut«ativ& lut 4abbath, white P;Pbfmm'e 1 -bitiole or 11111 111 DISRAM the Lia"y ùmàtîtet in rupee of pw" om l rllIý i i 01 au khids on a lu" semie. UA là prepa"d tO MI i -rite 1,*(IoIAA14ug. Ipelnet the day here, mm p««borW rima IýtrluI imm md no dontit in buying m weiL a 01 ...... for drkènk, and, of Slam, hm a go*"- ; ne &U orde-s prompily. âp" MStion wiB ho psA rery etInd ibrtgratomel'b" »,«qk 1 %ht, Who thority, the hwSy of May mtice thm pettrbow PlIpere giw 0 thim depm-L r] n piqtelels Wei dmwfts Md 1 j batée là"my muket Mime fiv% ton and fi'T the (illýe opiteyimms (if the th" et lem oviell"m i vhiéh hm the Peel of th" aitilles conte lower. thm PèterÎtIcrol EAST INDIAN ROOTSý reîvi wlitilly , and 'M hlVtl no donbt *11 Illemild have bom Billot h" is net bom ý town. t" dim» wu Thà r bée an in"vettmS 1 Euh me moumd ler.Mondn. tbe wl--: À LÀRGE MU VARIED fier the timoly inte««"Ce of otbal4who riom swmim %,-mvomd moqua" hv -Y other 0 hilliliffily in part'y M",* laïe, , mrs look upon '&M$ZkW I icine.1111lend te th. pibàe for paâfyin. the bielled AmitTmioT or lut ont th*ý mtg"ly brois0t from OrMa or ita &'r Mottée pq u werf, jti@4 in time tO »V*Ù* noiibbedwM by 'nom lumbwumm4 jAMPLY M icid to Il fa op;*' but it May t a" --rb- to hm" the mm4 debdlbmd cou- pl*bo for lt«4*1 As the is *bent te bu in- Who pet ap et VÀVM"k% Md *0 dm h&w bêtes dommet purpoudr wi* a Inew Family Groceriee "«*»d hffl"we met IMS mm ffpund ila a allembair, of Ift Owr- ci mombadiu& Bach omd" wouId. nat totenia M mmummý 1 Y4 St. Atidmww»s thiek- th" tWY 0»» a tmdp-.* miter of bà viie- 1 Illacculd, for Lind»Y hm buts dmmg hùpi"m ut time 11mSil umun i 4emi WItlh rfg*ged & Vf,,PY-temptill>g "ghte to live, wifi a" is te t"& bdffl' = .'t mommilà wu tuuM for sommet die- t" yeur a mmà b~ mwkM*m Pe- t., l"'.vre-W nitY * t tmm te Md@ twr om a" mtm-» them le emi t(Il Ilffl-if(.n Md theffl by the t ý OM whm the AmWe mid« démumb et ',»w& Au wAy lie t«bW, milà fwmm kmw à. -uvuý Aue CONFEM ERT hW appellieffla, mwkets « Faffll, CAM Barrie d» dkw% Md mthi» M a 4dy of thf iè. V18léall, ch«»h»ad«duimtma- tend K411rtý- 1 am W* ilà ou hoWA& by m»U-90,111e, À "M" M@Mb« of atulmha," amumu- Dmtvq tbe bu tam» eld IX«A- 1' "0'tt,»mO took ppeime hm Imm deauva v«Pr senew WZ W" With à, d'. Imed, t» e2. le -- ., ý. , A'. 1 . . lctc»,«»c»c» , -'t ý -, l*e-'tl,'ý. tel mmi, &M " elm buý me, 3u--£* bM@Wou, hie bobo MWM notaum M 'me. ý WHOLESAU RETIIL Às;mme»lu 2 = W& mdughnad a 30* hm »U witba« a timu *Jholit $00iýititia"ditif 8» villeme lm MM SMPUML 01 the si vkMifflA qktwwe oxcpuO' smy o» k» ht livestéra buy« pue"" t" othm "Y bMeli bu rbart«W the i qov» pbdwub»pàm h*V* «4p4" 'Tbilil «*mlléinl aie& Ibe oUkhm ce E.r C'z *« moein of îa Our lo»I àmkm et (brbilb fer tient tlfflý"ipn te Pot«y- gwoieiffl in the vwywumble objea mima " abov, on ti» "Imm% b"Il to emaim et mar nffl~le vmebam gr toý F-D-VQII FRUITSI glev i boiffl t"m dl à» omt for c"m M Um@Om wbm Umm P»P-ub- tlW;g»m«Wr4 bl'imbmf'P" gppe ; md hAvl rI hm et mm th" hm for yem bella commisimied m»i«UMffl4d et te rebnim a boue, me ewm et aMm beculu knova m *e loW dmàw& tbmr ý mS amviom V qNte pf tiqnté q )«« tw 01111, OM roe4o Witt Ob in m«*! Md t am happy tel tbw P»véoi Md Mayor la mkt ig " rimported týe M4, Ille, d"d»&Woom ...... mbkmil*wd in OM#kW ý »bowiWh» abc«Sffl aqumi ou tnva phritimmill, Dr.KW- by ffl e b>d&Y:-Ihm wlm qmm Lemons, ekIl ý "" - &MW emâd, toi VWS 1 Md tho»ere the, Of i»«&M& INM two MM bd(" te, Md malm a vwy Httào Imm M. A ked of whMll MuRTA E CS]& Ii4,ýltv à ha" ettelvas lism **W Mwb«(," 0*«Wmmwvww ne&" wh»t mU a% SL215 ; Trmdm% at IL in" »porf4 ma the 0 Omuge% Apple% filet .0typo«. %« b"d, f» «ýbod& &&Ovdud fb *#W lin. " md« ýmvmv* privilliée UBÉIMdIL bar mietouftat Me. Bw bmesU mwqm fitim Ille Ébue ommaw ma sum =fur lesur M" t«ý hm fi'v, tletl ok ia &Mmbm" SI& '00 It ]WIMI 1111110101111, oblimme Pa-, fflO In fw mald, ad IMATUMM X Juir lm 2111thl MIL bmnbffl » M" ka» Mmudhi« 2m - JORN C01118TOCIL proffl te be Ille M llwq vis% vhi& bu OMJWP«dtDbýMè qp at wbmàm S" ls"mw c4femitir ile lemommý tu*iwpmo$M W ow Ub$W neen& raie .-eh tIt Ne, à&;; îè bmoq&w bel, Ft 1 ci.

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