VrAr OUA Nglymit lm! a' soute" fflu. IF Gais IIOB&OM A» MAIS, ICII.- mm - in à* Pm cm - c juditte W*q %ho offic* %lit, -b-00-6 Flot" IR7 Zit h.;&ý a" w7mellewel, ale «à%. z« es to, te* th* fbIffi ttiýbt ktspt blim 1 Q E ýARy Lw #boit# Q*d the ri&*Oia mm of one thonomd Svm b»dud md seq doUffl; is *0 7M cm th 0118- *00tray volupette élf 171illiey fiON« und eighé. hua&" éïad »vmty-mne, Wlttèt lit itý t4o thommd eight hua- e Mid r4m tha ibumnitrW, u 1, vmb jjf»ý le effet ti,ý-4èk tilb yoD, lie. L U B R IC A T IN G ma au Y." -1 1 d»d mvei douffl; in the IROI ormertes, Uou à Obou »Id js4su, aléd do "«~ eight huadred ceam" if vou WI.qý"t 1,0 liov'l' 1 %vmbst jtéitt D" Good^ il mm of t» dwamoi dok -11 kt jei teffl ho t-m»n ewi ta tmthorL-e- à" Mety l4k l'kt ln, eophod, t»k, Jan; in the'y une thoumad tight hua- Ilbil oot the koyet 'bbb6l I.tbttitti! thela in thr teb#timq fi gperits.le rigte4ý,, ty-0» às, Oum of two 'Ç.B.-Row lististeffle, &rKý c«litr.v merchatit» ire respeettelly te. khrsei ami ijè-: thouýund one undred ma twenty dot- ffluemd tociéli and emalme lut, ýt,:Iek wd Iissiffl. â* 1 fed tou- L'Iv et y. Pélie, ad le t MI a by libella in p " inlay llae m My lars; in the ye onts thoumd eight huul- i B20= 10 %r Xi««L STO« bè Ille lo(lsmr 114elbiethl * vol% boulet Th., III, bb" V,4it-,Itib 1 dred and -two, the Oum of two 1 45 qWGN f1br vais virUK9 Kzlqr igiraislsIr. Lm& " Air .-r Ombil. 1 &et. K et aî*titionbubeelt prellSt- tht)ll»Ud %W undred and forty-seven Iit.-Ilt - -in the ear nue thoumad eight Il., lie et, et, «Iith th., hi. lit, ity with the act tu Ille-eud dollars; in the -a, sied et est in l ý ii. oit es ell'"dWe dun"e am ci 014i 1 l'kt Ilà the acte tlolaÙ#%Z to the Victuria P-ait- huadred and i ghty-three, the soin of i ile et Wit. telle Viet(iriachap. tU, Ont. two thousand tee hunduà and ýiqhty- Týlqvt' IV kX .4 out'll'it hy inoro than the rtst%%Wto aumber tilt 1 two dtbilm; i the y«r one thoutitand- :B Z E 1-IIV :E - il, !,ý -t II- - t, fille t'iv et tlIq*ý. __ rmi(ient fr«holdorâ in thtTI)w" ipo tilt cight bund i, q»Cr W %illi bund, and eighty-four, the soin i ma X ma me W lm :- 'Xottmouth, Dy- of two thon d ïve haudred &titi twen- itý;,if tét, t 11 tilt ItIIy k't'oek t, Lémg Dudley, fiaruourt, (ilailford, Hait. %y- tivq du in the y«r one thou»nd 1 .1b.au Ille widm»lt il. -Indy l4 tbfl4%al4y ehfffle il. aintl #II blirn, and 11rillon, And titi that pan of 1 élight bitud and oighty-five, the Oum miik,, tto es.. iteÎ4 p 0t'q Ndbo III-411le vi. th»Te rorth lying Emt 1 of S vm th,, six Ëuudr*Llmd »ven- 'kt = ,b;ýtwee Lote nttuàbers 1 de, the y ~- une ttltll- k,.,t4 Ille ilio (mle, - htèrot op Wî z in RIVER ST. 111114:RK& on-ws-" King SL Filet et et, 'ixteon, as ';.>%ith of rfl&d 4ad eight il dred and eighty-six, eV est Ili, é4ilkl et p'tir biblilrtlbst 1 WI. n and îl the i P. ». lotviii hotvmn ci cmioni'ren and oun,, uf two t usaud étight hundred tutti wonitl CA tIT W A Ft 0 0 Roc S Ry. alKIt 'lis, ackl ait th portion* of the t.,rty-ei.eht du mi in the year one thon- t4o IÀ4b.iý-P Miibbi4t mors, 1 Ësmi-ble fadm-. %NI. IIT oi Mit%( "titi Stanittille santi eiý-,,ht ho dred and oivhty-at'v'elà, jet tIl >el tor vote kilow lytaig kýèXt of aid saud and et. Md or u rtýýd I)etwt;oli toits the $ulu If th thon, Y. 'q ww., -Il el 4 TOP ASD RKAD. twk:>,% kt eight i la"; in the ar one tboultar in thk) výkt1lty uf .4alibor- ty-eight, the si il CM. -bc»ClL x 8 CEM E TAI raittisil. a 11onus handred and eit-hty- el ti.l xg Bat Tr",. T.ileu a fier tho p Il in the con-'i m rit. th e vear I-ne thousitnd urpo n veune ext Iution 14 # IIIIII, ho id y-YZ4 flatteur Il,%* got her *tri t'via &'tilwaY, I eight huni. âe vid eiý-,hty- aine, the s'lm t"k lie-. z ....à to the singeant fi -live thou»nd of tiuee thon d týrte hundred and ut. b 1, N.. l4, .,..l tt.,Ir dollam and &IL il bontum there- ;-in the yeur one thon- ».É"ft W Itt. 'b.lIt Wil>bt lèbIIftt (flot eighty.one du il issue li ILI J-b'. 1.11, - for, and it ii expedient ub graut the 1 saud eight ho Il and DiuOtYIhe Bnm TRIREE DoORS WFýST OF MESSRS. RAY à TROPX2BURYS rw-t jeter wem ut lie fi vekh li't. 'f thme ad fître, huadred and the %ilistli et yeur v-o il&%, il And wheroas for such ptàrlx« lit cighty-fourdul : in the yei ÎRRIR T-W 1 0. -Il lo et in Ostl i, nucemry for thillkt lwrtiut% 01 t4o $nid 33annd ccigghtt hhu and ainesy-014c, 6 Ille, wit4in the. limite *utu 01 three 0 te their friend.- and the rfil fi, loirt tlbqb usand aeveu bundred te intinfate le if ; = ey thât thev bave duqI ail the reffembes en and uinety-ek t dollars ; in the ye. Weuld iaI4rmtte tel the inhabitanto .... .. areoff III, rilbisù the taid auto ar (If litty.tivo thoq1mlIt ttýbitârs in. manner onu thuusande lit hundred and, ainety. Lr-'Ww-%y 87-, OPPt)$ITF TFIE pffl OFVICE ýI l'Ill if fil kt. il. 1'. ýI il, , .-k , C H F twothe sibui of )ur thousaind suit tweil. fur the PMWM ut mmuftt DBAY A" SURROUNDING COUNTRY 111. N tilt wtwream the total ainevait ty seven doit ; in the year une thon- le Il, le, Il !ýI et t. reiplireil to Ille raisied atiuttally hy 1 aaütt,,ei-,ht ho red and Ininety-three, CARRIACES, WACONS, CUTTERS Thas be bâ* opent»I the abuve *tore wl a large and varicti a-8-rtmettt et Il ýilt le: N itttÇ%41 ratc oit th" whole ratueikhle pro- 1 the silin of fo thousand. two handred AND SLEIGHS. -rty )f the. e fil! po-m il)nil, lit the said and aixtyei gh tettns; in the yenr one d - -- IY a paovts;m6 sTORE.', 5, Diellen thoussirid eigl undredand ii;nety-totir, pan in the worILý the articicie fur iule will tee P R 0 Y 1 S 10' N'I' ý S' to tic ise.. wrvi.iun, thev tee[ at&e in zmy. gittit of tifty- the &nu% of in tl-t.)u"ud Cive handred i 'tailler cher llwafa 1'liK fille thongand fi,> la 1 d thé) interest 1 mit twenty. dollars; aud shall have L inc that the wu* thésir leura kikfa %iill lie !41j A Ur STORE thvruo1t ztt t1ike ,4aýnn* Il beçotue dite attachet t'.) t i conpons fur the Lviv- SeOMd to itoue in the Domùd.on FRI= , CONFECTIO.NERY, Ill; id in the bth il, matk:rL-d tVie and mirkm truhip. Their Jewellery ailli ixtynt)ttý ii atil il, 1 s: in tho year nictit ul inter at the rate ait ,le il, I ilite, thI1I1ýI1 l! 1 lit treil and seven- 1 mauner ho * Et r mentionfeti. ýt--k il .-If U,, intimer eltulit%- "Their itmber Ls CR O C K ER Y A N D ..... rie l1rItý1,ukeL and .111,;ürk mmut.Ldured Which ht i* prepami tu tliott,%:tntl font et leu - 4. That t a* Mid delletntures ahall eut4opremuý "11.1 N hilitItr,- 'llu àl:ný-t 1 41w iner"t-.t the mte lui six per eertt. Ille, P. BRICELAND ititt I utun î, HORSE-SHOEING A SPECIALTY -t-t-,t thr,ýe tlie,, ItitIt three huit- nuni f in the date thereof, which I7:ý, te.0, Il,- h- c r th'lusand intemt sh.dl able yt-%rly, on the 1 SRILIJ c 1-1 FÀ A. p F(-)R CASI-1. I Iffatc I-*ýit)'.%I% ' _*. .1 DI. in ench IEZIEIPAII:tljl>ýfcw 1 thirty-ýimt fil W:11 al'i) illid r1"l -se r. year, at the tirio Bunk, done un the ýhertest nuni:9. À -411 S.Lititeil. ail s, i wrk wu l Diuk, lZ, 0 C 1 miit cit,,Itty ;,Itir aital fier isitcrtfet -r-.uL' tell. il». Titait fa thop irposeof paying the 1 1 Ru a ar-mux. LU às1à E iltrt tg -!Il, ort v-vo ;1,11il ten l sili'l liciât ;%titi Chic. intere.it thertbS. ut' NNI C Il E 0 NX D D 1 LX E R SS , Y'là 1 8 1 X fil --é. lit yo:6r kvle Illotteali't cý,ht eh,, r-ttje aroros . the alluital Illielireil all'i 6týVkItit)- *vven for 1 Il Il, utà Il -me %ix. h-tttilml 1 l ratio %li t rteeki Luilis in the dot- r Pr e«LUI kýý lie vo.-16rs hercii.Seiore Iff. S-The Rigliest 11frice Paid for DAMY PRODUCIC. and t forilà shalt Fine Oc 1 1', t 011t'l (file htintWý&I aile 1 1 tilm te% ztit JA31F-,ý CONSOLLI el P.s. le nrr,-ý e -rw---ý P,,,t Th-.rnhurý%. fi vý,i- Ievîvi anil 0-Ill titi up)n ali the mte>- Ili rentriting thanke te hi- '. h v-:L viglit lit 1 1 lit far 11 .- et , «,,,, :* Il , c - wk titi thomie pibrtions et . the puilic I.. I .%en Ivindre-1 i-,r the lihic-ni if 1.4ti E . RI ES I! Il. le riýwipaI, Il -foreî men-' Ill 1 z_ý î GOLD PE %,fid illititici ilcv hereinb, GROCERI "S GROCE tilt týi-ýltry ýt,1 kt fil. L tilt, , " tle- h-in (Ille w1l" alich dellet Ili ij the 1,;t-t Ten year, -%ml f.),trt,- fi Ç' tatin,,,te thai hý el I'.1 Lie - le 1 shall sfoner ht- id. ý,e Cricket I yt--%r vito t!tlit;:tiati t !Iiiikiret and k«I,ý ý,% haud. -y 41byvaty-nitiv, for pri: 6: r.liat the of the said 311111 an eý%teniýe aud varied LLS- lit Ill.. euid diellars shall lie DOBSON NIBLOOKO l'1. oit t'.:, per mile titi the sai-i 4 tiv tholisâliel ilitio expClided If rZ; -ay &)Ot, 8 L- Slioela Wh-,Ieýale wi-1 Retaii rrwer-, sied titillait, Xýmbant,, Il 4relt:t!l.t z4ovolb in t. 1 ti plint where it etiters Lh.c Voutity Ili ro tlle'r.l;v!l yclier one t!lliltl%-'471 eight huit- i 'i-1 ali'l fi principt-I. two ' 1'l"It of in Cite Tuw-,-cllp o Ilc fil -u ýt the r:Ltý. a 'et th '4'tallit :lu. jl'r iiiit Beg ti> anwýttncc the arnlal et shtir 'luill, I1f1tiý 'Thill. titis lly-law shalltake 1, Witl Ilillety-1 01117 i le, ï il, tIuc vear feu cight front and aiter thky thircy-tirst Jay ui 1_ _ - _ . W inter L = 2 IRON J old itiiiil aud itic. fier prinrimil, Dvcoitib,-r in the year oî Our L-brd une !p an gm a ;I. Il il ile lit ýiIi. two tli-,tt*tttt tout . i % i(iIrttl uit-ti tvýnty tht),Luud eiglit huildreid and seventy- icublinfins. I.-ortation s i 1 IIIIbn. ýttitL f-q- inte %t tlv > thiiiýuiziki tour. 1T1 ERANCE SoNtis. i (j i i z, s r( i t i.,é hundrod culit se nty-four dollars, 8. That the flebentures tet Ille signed, TE' i lol; !I.bi in flite yvarittio t4oilk 1,1 týi--,ht hundred 8,.:Ite(j ail f estaid shýdI be i CRV IERIES, WINES, BRANDIES, M ORS, CICARS, &Ce, &Ce, j- &file t>,,,ItrN, civel, for tvo thIit LM POST-PM 08 Rffl PT 9 PRICE. dolive.red hi rotlik-r hend Zill (I au -sevell tb,»- of the tit, %-il the Trtistees Compriýitri a Fun St'.-elkof cIl,-Iiý,: Ittlit(Ire f,ý;tv "n 30 I:ir4, and fi-r int ILI tive > Ity tu " *'Ï- " ' 1 FRESII GREEN, BLACK XND JAP ervt, wo t hf choni, 1110. 11.1 e! ve ýt1 appointtdin itcc-,Iý- ilettit. -tay.. .... .. A'X TE AS, Î, -tit-I " . Il, , t ...... .... ... itneu with ratin-, the (j in the 1 311d jid sr6ins. covFvE %Fw FRUIT. Flsil. ll;#)U>I. sALI. tel 'roll the 'l' lail fiet VIti le Y! 't, 1 i y ItuDaity seau vknakie se ctý iteffles, tor al, twk) rhziiqý%nd tilt&, tetit3 il the pro. i a.!,i I, ý,krée 4e!,er.ý1 Mment et Gr'x.rie'. -3. $et le lit%, k*,,elwr ý:""ýUi t titres shallbir s:tid> et vi ht)-tvt) dolbe, ;o,ý et St4y 11,nie ith,-.ut- tI-aiýht. and a Lir4t tilt fier fofir huzi- r..kl$ttus tic tkelili 'tlýýkIrk-r W tl;O V;ýC- ý SE t: . ) 1 ' n S mz 'VIII et ile.,ro m td il et le b, fil \ 1) y, ! 1 ; TiLl ..... ...... . .......... (trod aifil in tle- vicaronc t,,ri:,, Uý,j;j the -u w i !ýz ID *Ij -1 Q V 0 IR S q i - Il IL Il tilt, wilen and as' -1 l1 ý 1 l'O -1,lý T'Ilit Gin htttiIlm-tl tilt a as t4o t'l.,riii and euditiIiis tit tius l"f Il r1iý1 1 Til,- fil Ille i Ill, ý4- bel 4, Ily-la-li 1tavc litie. cIntl)lietl witit. b). the a t'lu is-r-merit A q_ýiârli_ ... ...... ...... . ;1LII le à il 0- It%,i1i.ý kvateý. ctb. FM OLD !4ýRr AN-117, SFIZRRIF WIXFS. DR %YVIIE'S. AYU ALD TOM Gi fi el: 'Il, Il- el.,. 1 t.i i SHINGLE ly 1 .). 4IL-Id iý is fil her enactic, ' 1 bv the ANI) llýt-.%Ilý. Ili!-Et AND Z, -Ircýl %VHI.I.IiLys. i;lNq;£R 1 'il H- 1:9)11"1,i, e'l) , 1 S interi.ýt. twi) Il bil- z &) hiiiitlretl,%IiIl f;i il, 1. ilkth Martiie ................................ . W et». AND Lq)\D-IN ENRTER Jf.F- sziil illuilicipal to 'ratikm tif Clic rro- lit litind Il .21 N.V. rlý 1 1 . ý* , 'or viýî,--i,%1 Cliunty Il ilatiourton È il. 0: Ix à4-2). le W-bi.,TW MALT, v0tes ci Cho et el rà %ill chose portions T--,Lli)" AX1ý -IPL; ILYE prir't-il'ell, t'vo 'iilitittr!ýl "élit IL 114 pitEs. wqt.- FS ttl%'k'tl lui illr itlteresc. If z lit, Limber.nd he muni ):,.Iity hereiitLieiure lk\k*:.: Et'!!I IElý -ilýItLt th%; týrt f A!,rT[. le, twi, kilo hitititre nuit ,, , ý i - 1 the r !IýLý>.-e4 'bo 1 bit ta-, a oit c wýttti, --i Ttmtýr- ;il, Ilio f 11111111tio.,', ILL, le ou :,il iitil gr -!r st,,ek met Firicc, htic-, ptrh.ý irg ete.here, tetln t!le v,ý:tr e CýI.IilsVlki tlis liy ÎÀ Z flýr k!ah, mkdl :fi the b- t -Lakv as bll, frt, 1 1 a: ou the t4 ei tir ItiIIkýr0,1 ýl,1,l l'Ir prin- .r,,ttýti LI, f r thl, -rk Ili,( il, iIe,4ýIlv 1 Il 14 If ilý,e41 ei', two ctJit ilindrod and y «br August h... re kýven - lul'-" "a""" ' NV ' r Co 0 T D E 'U ar. vi-1 -:. r .,:l «ki,,,,ý a uL;,-ý, ID -il, iz 'S 0 IL D tAsti F CI; FAR14Ei*iS' pR0juýEl z ewhI hundred iui-,t s - l l' - 1tilikt hilIIýIr.I-i tilt fon ele, Ftbit Ti.ýl!PERIi ai Goods Joblýed OT alt Toronto aud Montre-d Whalesale Prices y- l', M, at thu hour s .9- i client, jet the .,nier u_ iii tào vo,,tr,,ti t orisand lit ,ý , * 1 le. ' . : , f-ý7_', . fi ýIk leil mýeilýt A rà Ik: \kk, ar ti'c IiItir te-' in clic airer- thr-,ýke mItl for o; tlu s.týIl. yard that there- '1' 8111, J. L. itittir"t. iliiu, Veil Ilttllktreti tjIrjjiIjý*1 lie said Y fP.(b. ell, ýItiitll,4 )t icers r tal4iný t. %tilt viý,htV , -tiv'. vktý8 iÏlo. itta reti Iv 11i-_ýhtv-eight, !et et Fier the T.)tvnms ef sntW1 !_ýtàçhintIs - . %G i M" O . kt v'. te, 1 1 if he flot thlin lui. une Inult- ou oi Srephen 31 un -et 111,1 v ;"ktý :ýt ce 0l'h tlfýý le% M and f, Ir lit- d and "fi cou "i A, e-L, tttItt., tiul iii hiindre ire die, yçý-. oilc thotis.-viii For the uIir-,herl i.>itr cilnefflions of'ý e7lzlit lvilt-irk'il ei,ýbl -ui1Ieý f-l'r l at his hotwe ci L I-111 oin,'. thrvu, Il , ý i i tu o .,t'rwt:ttty oue cuwo.ýsi..)n 1--i' Gla- 1 i i. fil e lIii-ý,lret 1111V qiiIllltrý%, ',Illtl r intel",411I -Ille le S le r 1 .)ltt1ierý concelssions il% th,ý vvar on ty w,-Iit il.%' I_ Ir thil, tit of 3fIlti-ai-,ý .;i. Ci:tr' Wav - C'je howic Il -tikillet Wliitt .-r. o'n' rit twuil*ly à. 'ive hIitI:,Iýveql a"41 .1il le, l:, Ir Il, IM L. U of TIEL Àc] l 1 N. le. t lilitiIIr,ý,t acili le in the Voir Sent àtIlAred lZitellit, ilkItt.i,. tilt-. Le,& ;:iirtv- JL %TT% 10 A V16Tll2«D 1P A 7198P Vip jne-11, " Il -- b ca t reof in Titr W-0-I Io- m vf %ho 2ai'l cts lè>sT, a ee y tuewapaper pith- Ejaving face ttty Perfeetd imr»,,rtant irâpr-,ýemmv ch-4ce *ýrBwat 09 tik)tL 110 ail kItiMr ra ft, ýs cliirteen LuilI& ho un tnllar, for etéch of the twenty li.%be(l ait rUe 1 Lititiàav ami the tVe,ý41'1 Seins, weekly ilewsl t vý1b» tt,ý tto blao h.- tntnt,- Tito coténtry yebre crutoturMe itionud. FLOW ER SEED - BU LBS & R00M sý .1,11, ri 1 Pe 'É-gt ore enacted by IWI ptibhabed at t don talien huki C .4T(ýP ou hand and expe"wld. ýK. 1. )Io it th which said fErM pi litation is un Friday f-,trtier Ment an-1 Iliiliam'zlfe-t', lýtnd?&Y WSM, ýr-uMv'- p7,iýe tb,:?wh ion of the Irovision- 1 1 * 1, --1. angt that èmil c te 24th de etaek..tt lut-le. ai Counry uf Hal' tirten, that i, oi 18. t1t. d v I£ý ltibo, f the voteus of the . ors Ili thoitie pr .%1%11) VIM P1,111.1c 1 N and MY ho law for those portionft 0 -y of the nitinicim, ia go say the tioas of the "id Itional Cý>unt v:ý, w a Offll fiv tim, Fialiblirtou the«mei m--ntintLed and de- il)x 1 OVti("n, in C.-em'ne'd in PIIWeý h- 1- ie.j M, embed will be tak thereo c- X tilltt-,uth. Dy DilkIley, flaxSu TA what'h'it .,.fr t-1. t-4.- 1 4:-f Ipr'l 1;,,t'. h1a FrM£E.NTU OF 1 prepued tu %v--jýj "1' 114 lit oite Harbit and Bruton, and aU SATURDAY, T J. A. iMeM URTRY, that portion of t rowtiship of Lutter- wý,r-h IyiIvý eNsFt side , mail AGIRICULTITRE WAREHOUSE9 betr"n Commencing at t honr of -Xine in the ai-ta sixtet;n, and forenoon and elt at the heur of Rent Street. Lù4tmv. lit the Litir»,% eu TU£ PLOCOU. New en band of rouit ai' ce betitteen e*""Ie' Fiva oclock- of t e sautke day at th m0ý TU aIl tho, - e C7j«»wý0jr gaacl t, and . tte por mine of th. I-Me. IKVI. !1- 1,ý ý!l .ýy t1w oId ips of Minden and places nwntioned Clan» arrieett fr-m the Eur,,ptaa Marketý. Ail t w Il the thImini he 1ageýt .?ý1- -A: th,, tqr.,teev xe-oýFIId I ly If thIý -- witi St ji (If the Tow ahove trne-Spy the sait tn, with irnn, .. d ard tut and X-inbc, If l 1 ý,. filet ?iae'nýI e-iti:ýi. RéIf;jýC o'?w , ylp% of aide mad be- Plmt Pem.- C-anz PIoueý. the Diamond lrnn EUm in the mark ,ývU;,rnhe twiýnty.tud twenty- xjýthjneIf ait kimi»tuorder. Repairi ým hand toc ýàl1 k-t-l X-hine-hat the Dama at Min this fifteecith dýay Of .*Utý DRY 001M on&, beinic in the a ltýitt;cit)al Corpor- elf Ili hi ýd-wo M th" rw he ! july, une thou tight haudred ,,d wher.. ation oi the Prüvi ne County el frLOUFt, 0^«rMF»^L ^ND INC)I^N MEAL F-w Ow k-!"%I'.[», M. GIý- burton Sventy-four. EQIUAL IF _XOT 81UPEMOR hok-uleamTebul. CORDWSDbutMht:md-idanddeUve"di . n MY puIf f thé tmu. fý'r 0w hoir wu* til of M-4 1 î0ýý'0 t. th. -rv That for th pýirpom atoreaMd PECK, dw»iux give me a týn amlIee. fur 1 m determinne-1 ont tu be underàûlti. o., Ni'.. 'h4uniet4 h-,%.l Cie*. rru. 6.11 C', kinty JAMES x à c-l FI. the Wardent or oth oifficer of the @&id 14-Iet, livo-t fib V-1týj.,ïti hi". to Ilit Ilp ilix simpneftr of 7 il, exý nitinicipality, $hall any ilumber élf deltienturetti of the d vauiiietpality, toi: jýjA4 "T FFM . a tbe pqht-S. r-)r 'W 0 R IK 8 lad un sa of money aa v»y - dl Pfttàm aetà- at any vite et Speed, P 1 "SI 1 N G IR O N pr,,ty»r be mtniv"l for the, purpo», not lm 1 W rarrwy» %bat a 3Lut*t T--Q bas týo bj= the T.wtb Conceil ont WOODvnj»ýE, ONT. vW., Guësneui in thairk otte blandved dollars eaeh. aM me whole, the amotilit et! IWOC& Md &U C«er P»IDUOR «Mmpmv&ocxLIW> qMC ý ýmq %«,,, exceo litig in the 0hý vive t T.,bitk,,t ttàtq, tho levit-t :,Ibr -ep«t-,r thlit 1 hAýQ th. tifty-five theuâtand dollars, which Itaid-.1 1 thtý,-t w debeattir" sha be sealed with the %mal Il@. Ufi Ile wd 9 e1r. and 91 Xr. atett imprt Wý i,4 gr 1wt-i-t ; mid hi* t*tkttýo-y et%1treth .:ý1% paq Mt Bàk« Md til thiâ var have their WPol auven Au nota MMMEK-tý Md have eonltmtiv un band 3k-t-. l'etre jou. of the said The Mirnicipal, C rati 11 'on the Market pt%,O. « varmen Witt tberefore take aà*bbdgy te ý-rýb M11. e*.blqnletýff't'.1ý jundix t-MI 4114 ýç wuf li-mi Witt of the ProvisioTtal County tiET:Z.blùl 111. factice *bm mi-s of W" or -ther Produee uméer WM il,,mlLe, lit ýPI pricu. lu Itat. tu have ?,.r vol. ir:oy ton Md Mail bie signed by the Wwden, Tou 34 Sax ûcher Plein, filins MW Itutet P" la SPKOTAI, St)rti'P.' 14PCTOI: Pl,. S. A VIOLATION. 07 TRI LAW, 111LVS PATIENT PLO«U(IHS9 xAc Il olther hebd of the said Municipality, "Ct..k -f Crvçkvry ami t. liery large wlttli-%,ý~, alid Witt he-Id at Ç,.% Prtell. st, and omnter*imd by *9 Tremw« labMh vS Île pmt*»& fur 4hft zt.ntý %0 tb»VW, or by Ïneh other pervm or fer P:k,@ w* b^ýt:»và4 Iik.eý Th emast MW OMWAW Be». w» au illébit mqmm«wm- " Ftum Gwg Ptoucb% mach improved; abu rummir4m, Mmw the ' 11%0 Xtiniepal îtmw Zýr, MSil Siaqismsh» BI."s. Fim (Ir V$(ý-rtbrt% (Ir, ý, ', *I' ffi) e-at 'rua ýI 4 vQrýý' Miclv, tion of the ?ý»Vwclbql CoUntyý-f V.1-i- i ti,"Y. May omb. Isr4.-M-ML Plue or Cofmfe. tbey mvwmw. Tbm Cdo- h;ý in Tom. blbrtýýn. may, by lBy. law, appoint, and il art, to infoitut tnt ft'%Itm N-ýw i, the. tiolt t., PIttko %-Ir P'lr', obuÈgw un . : tbelltkY ýttl iÉrkx-tly iele«rý4ý-o th. pri.-e. stlt th, ffhall detin, tbe p>rýom of the @@id 1 08 q-f thet W% bý" 50 m t114 bqr*%* III ywIfma SAW ING MACHINES9 % wi-tu el mttuelom. rvr,*..e «fý fty, fer ma en wwmt or btt, laid ttr Vio Koyal tyo atiti At., 1.41Ijr-ýrI, jtajý».ý T.,hw-o,ý PiOtrçI MielpalÎ rimr lm. fm doi stiminq lgwhmm or.%,Meutuwm ]Luhuwm. Pb»" 1. « T flol., Indio, : whie the simale are b&àO& TIM PO" M-. t'a qpl âdkoqk belichent a wpochàhy-she boa mil m«A ,ýrL-JAO dmigis. Inati, if% and 'Ithel t'*.tUdýM Peel.. Thé said debmtnmshal»ma" JW viilïtue-4 (If v iet»vý* w ah a jalrèbleat the ()Dbrio Bàak, intbe:lu PRIRTIRC KPARM we hm et vrest entbr W«Wmd xv. Iftý* )Nrgu afflste>ttnt of hilt illiproved a*tt Wtùbbtr. Whitiý"t at= à ;wa, of Undmy,, in the Veauty nf VW; bW- bïm furmh@d with 6 bzP quuthY 01 Om At** PivukmW Mdff*dm b@U la igeammat. pma» àr »arw ta Ma" of Aowdbrm xa*uwy, gwoftwd litwel *Vtq.,t (,te nntý.% ni"; tor the, toria, On the thhtv.fhm day of num- bas% Md N"tw ayles ce and funks amour lbz& t ý Ç--,bhntfsý ** yair se f0afflm - la tbe mast culuimemmy= in tbaPrwqwK dige-toëffl C't tbe UV,% and eu. ýWl Wi-mbew, 1 baý,, à aille UA cd bot..ttw *11bollor b@2ý a s embatty ent band, by wh" my broken put of any leadmg sttibt.km*tb it. w di, he Il'al Vrpelhb. Aýr tiirt..We» ..t ýr ene thoi-Mand etU humbM and au evam p»W* aum*d te sur pbate eàodwputev«7 dencsiption *hein" à" rettoi, M M "M» CU, bmi« menaient mmobstams in ém te Leidgay in sh» wj*w. Md et4rm = »Il aro 3g U-tubl. toUr C"M' neffl ammetII6 rËl. blzbt ob% tý. haël. xmulor. if Yom &te! 'a U«d,4 &"Uýse lit av &tau% Paitt* Oi. la Iàs ym om *wâmmd dau ce, »A3cmm6 rànemmaý 01P ALL KLXDS IÇEATLY EXECUTED, toi m mutit« fltw 'afilà $P10el *j and 1 If" lem rwwbyobkb-w«tg - - 1 1 navumulý, "P"k- and e» . MM Butait We t»4 endorae Ait bltbltw bmi*bw l", I»by fflba ANLD SOTIC: tâme. = Md WM tidgw-fm graimumilý am i1misand cacubàmol6 . , J. RAIUM . MUL S balme ohms Même dmubw& Mie wub nop. b»dW md sé le 1" ym sui thmmd M. bw4w ýý asha«P qwmmammmr. illi* Imm & r , 1