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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 11 Dec 1874, p. 2

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eur*W p~ O.& W...- ~ iroo 1104W10 #Or 04. ow 013,uhw w$mamu -woi m ,»V-b-bmgin uU00 wk . - "d 5.1 -- t. uau11Ir PUuUwW brrU X& î..i~ i.au u-il, .M a ~ -, eNS .auLin~ m,. o tte e m d o te- 1~<i~. .med,~- tUWUY NRVV ~ ~«hVu" Y es.uoh ~- 4rvt 1" f14b bo*1 =:Nha 0" tompM5 hh' e Inonne Whr6 c i p*w. L sssM4 W~ U poUW 5*IW*W« i ~~kvf4~ rom -v..wm4l lm ahpehs swee.bsàb.. hedsami n.~ <Iie. A.s14 hoi.sje,à m<5 <4s5r lu nu<osbOur.1104w. Mr Pl & *qM adéson, bot -bu- wu ff ekmd i- Maw agu4 M& Wok-* fox SUMÎM »W. UIrr pa~ Md Î~ àww oni*0 w8. s et1' $ Oum- a as00ios. q;. am.Fe 1h. sduus < ~v.JemosMasIsus.ah".W4emv né h. aé US lem et *9 6MUM ohm Ibohi -~ u1l4I~ . a alusp 0< k ~ ~ te~ u u me. nez 6, 'SAâ fl~s@e* 1 h IIW*1.a.ws <.1bhi oslB .. n op kM oi. 55te b14 lfiip * m I8, eI. 'sus*MM îo MW Im ta WsuosM W&v«4..fh.i dthpae.« rhe«m wb» fer *1101 Z m" seas. .asus'bu* SiamP"lup..haw..m1laI Ia Mm a cae mb 9h wihg O*lpfhfeW55s* itit the iwth Ch. UIUS)5004 ,ci-a u uf esa.e .ý,p. <if hNO'41a1010 5* fu M. Ilhios S.li -JSê. qu«aM ah»e"a .W. h U mm wO gés, *UhM houIIMy . . h Ovis *Mitllvot>4 l 1 M. "th, le MM#'hW* .mWk4s ut iirn s GU17 AFU omih4W se - 14esps w lte of fi gn. m Ms 84 mmd us. r.f i, two tais 4tîle ad.,i.i a~ ~- ~ ~ ~iIa <ipa a fbf le îaa h# tfun» cwimsém Msfua ie 1 C. b N. i b uaSho*W bit WA 4t.0W)A* vohuéi ost m t m ; bo Wittevfo suléotis o m RAI 4ê ~ ~ cs Md4 16a.lttu m l. ms10110t.m1ilt t'y, d - *9 6 a A #. t tt ohoIP$ tbvb "n topÙW wist". t tg% "b" bi assihl buIAi.*;$h hh - ouwen, et w.llqlbfi m4 i luplage ~,w VVIs10o.a bhb wms lIs.lo tFM gogo e4 wt 1iri u e'e 4. wlï li ble d s. mw W 'b fl»h Wfut.w SO h. kit ISOhUtuth .114:of 'Ms<;i.t lu h*q*e *,tw " Mseb o W ousl0 uiy us. ua ssmm. w ssuIilda b r$**m 1. 0WifO» assu $hoa* M. leve >aho of*c1Md "hob t lom m bmuus. B "Ob 00 *emsms »MW . *4 a, w. >îw m t» 4 Oh.Nf Umm5 pOw efhIbly liuSa Iln 1. ll n w ew o u.aw, oU.i uniU. l sa eU-.1hOb is **~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~w fmm agtto, a awk ai usos bmon ~. u. oI.umu oabs. $4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y @"lm 6AfA . ~ 1.uuueo aup..s ~I. v if.iW di 0YowMmmS.m *~.. e ~ .4 .914 441sfS .0155 le 101 uitti 9d , o li ~ e" "y, 'tol Issot, $dm j f l aLÛW 000» mu<> ~~~~%~" «» . 1 '. h u>9fU l fg Y*bave955 <1 of 4(44MI (mI* u&Ufl W viffl " U SO 'a . SI . ae C u a 8 ler.'.> t rl 1.11. .mfft s * î,, sl au if et W" M etê Se iMy Ub. «YOU01 npa ina. A b . h *M 04,» '.i t*>5 te .blte w * oui xé W@ ltbfuva te iq I&s n l~ia.4 ~ Slli e l losansee. e 1v Purthgfe o nt oWisS lop.IlbhU 85dv Ia. a w"lII a W I' dv b @haoi b i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o '*"' ow< e.m <fe. alt. A1 .5 I < % ib @%*0 «»~IliaSIbS5a boniuW . . IMMlludm opilthea tt.. tttsivfra h6il.. MWlf.I4 a14r AI a W4ViJfi 554 0 1b etI bu ur. Vi tu t h" e W . b" v v l e s l eta»Iai. ie it <. ~~~~~~a 1b, tgifapint, t «M iq*7et (M UIWlk qvwiltlb.o o ~. '<mv' y ..<~ ~ O5U th415lIsil h île ~im etksasl e @b huM.awhaw eh. ute l .4mu.s- Whi. havai byUJE lA~~~~~~~~~~>'~~~~i «M< ' " f*~* 9 .opky4 C.ni Ioeh ue etutge . e. *âuiâl»WWw~~e i1> Clv'~> .'lsd I-s l'Pî".<u>PI<*I< ~ ossciithUi 1>' e. jégeh~ ii. (uO.1I a.& owtipig fOi1 j$4.ak , At v llis 4tri 1 i li s. tfa 1wu8 aoe t Il musaif d#st;uW%%$Lah* (Wah.M1wfUpME. Il Ar gq5It *-.,I--tbt. q1___ . Àowmess ff O"(4i. i awoq ejs ii, vIL, 811 s. re Ima tb. alet t ".a"Sb"%iMéli. . ~ ~ îe swpsoe<' îl Yisa Me'e0 Md . T.mm>1 i Wt*pwa (=hin. e . .%hvSavomf .w »'9. ~~4"ti<ua.tna5Ws ea useshiuu i.. eh. .. IU t1l<b u iu ey .t el5 .u Mo"@ %0 us.t'oiiaMr. .bt le-gl =*=62. --.*m" éo"* oi aMr. - is bu Is ii.WpkMlmth* .whgi.m h pi mtW .i î» mwi i m "Uv . elai.ybathe a. Ul be mi 36 -*Pà,b whu èÊt baid l F In t W Md eul - C. * I VIt< ~.Dêto.I~tt>.4 h.Imus eWOlIt t" * bj"thekU«tom aa.Wa.,effl 14et 2 ive, .ySaq l"i.aBseUe SI b oue«. ce.1h5 I.. Pit' filit c4q.l easti mlse M teos* 4%homu , irné M hemss e »mm m iv b Xe. #w »ai . LU~u.1wi lo mes0 îe #Wa. 14* îe e WU M » ttepmeo» -btbtn.Oo eu eq AI*CAU ANS o-pATe rimi tsu, oi.eoifii .ou o île W oi o o lliithasJ>a m a i Mev. t'cs -WP àon oit4aih tvmiumi ifosb. p .ti * E<akv elSfZU tredlgwaa 1s( 'à .011 ua W. 00a1111% et su a. measleu»m.aIL W A TH Itop.- but »i;.tMub5tIv i 0<5 im? ia.I Aefi 04 h44w.t, . U fdm li u é s om as ahlt u 1 F so.î e f <'vonU"@MdoL I m llii ' A551OUtp 55~ilaihi 0. li. aft ridi a . --.- tm te mmlI8mouse 104 a îwcnf ett» lo05sftt h M ema1 ,, o ay s h1 M.ils ws-oei Tm aiu .Ci Ouo m lesPeewwew.*06e b#ms.««« the 1ué0u40 fnuo.iro #4wo"t,. orpsu.t se, t* t*WP uiWPUli.*uh.ps« eou A.nldsesims wumud la.s.0< Ibe t h "W#$ d M. bjosi 51. n M 1 to O«Miau, Mdaosoas" a e"AM sd thstsait sâtem"gfi nu ~ seMs eeoa e î9 lysipIesud h i .îma ilo aiitw a b .: . Oumd lqI. mmi tliv% tg- illeh h1%0 fesvsd . îl.tuo oemw ie k m.f uvm w >aql;P 111148 Ml. e.pive uîi0.e 1.leai. ait».laudut '.%W. &ssee" --ff 1 s tinouYtehsim <4.sl leM t o . enwaw oulee MMo14 Messuvos, las'tebthesma ta 0» îlefosus îleituite 0<1e er ai.h teU4 wmN 8Arfl. TomDSÂT.%CMi St ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ k et1A. 11>VDC kIut.t eh.ap eu m.ugo wu kW ..ul o p m m111e h. kW4 m Ien mm AWolèSMdcmnsIl A~f t8ASO a ~î . pv. h. is us au h. AUIIW oait s es. i (3w> .s 1 wol latm"u"Cet*»JSI, l'h. pihlisst.a I. uIl tir>vmhigbe tMumos 1 a "0 Mdh. un lut.is uo W Md"île E. a1 u .Sb" l. opew A. U er l hae~ !& de r Cqweui à,dt hb ofS5P, o oothe w l VmeIiU 111 wOb bw=fktý** 41410.o't d 1h>f'.ri ffl hsesPo#hay i a lme amn eee eus <ta.4I50v, 1*th. Wad% ios Uitm ms.~ i SaI eb jssitoi *Mdw ifr1mai 6sisue Mmai àds uef5.,,Ca& ..ut0 ~ .n &y 't'h, uao d4sshe'w1m eonnl uspj,> MMC.. ni un C îsgmsUi - emaunA toIês e eum f t. <bBs pol. M 'ehti . 1 ow île 14 o>ow )pof# Md amdutP. <i #m. ot'e b menb sitseeteps jmts. 1e -imbd u au 0" se sos, Min 1901*: eot s f un é» . A#As leoI@* à vmof" t notam«eahS a..t >> qluf.b O41FA ,Vogt,*ulà Domsiio. sd oseoisi >7 I v. Ousn bot& Demmela imb pe.CAAD 't"chui<s'pln heillhiele~ec<'ve oit i s etth by J uitwgrMEhMduu té . l i t f~é m~tisesieyte a iuhe . 50~ se EM& Dmi the* om, ~ SUA.OEO pisse, l'yM . J.W dM-.aù , lio g »M * hea Mr5 WA O.. ei'nibl.4Ce .h a.l ow o* OIie WWb*by A00 ossnéOssoIiu~ m i b a b iu0 - lIes le* W4 m OMM te d»-inOMMes*MM Oum » lii, itfo pflalm@essoma0 esutv <.IiUsW a éh mila 0 dm mmam awm tes* as 5 lionfisve~uos. Ami-u usiutg -d i1vOit 40 w i jet, nuWs.humw b" = U m o.,pouS M*fo on wamlu mom lau dume..m d . w # «wlum »RiS bom t. n40ut .ho5f E Oes t.S~nt t M Am s.0<1k W t u b %~- u hm meu riaueflfiu .au uw~ I~!j~~ Mbgt usitha e~E~ u. e*B.s w0.>vi bMd0* moi'j.-mm. m~* a. ut. ~ -. C'me 4-si Oh"55*5 4-~ -s ~ se ~Zaomsaruauremmmtms.sismr~i i - - '~ - -~. - IuiI*J~fr tfr ~Iyfl j *fl ~ of bh gYms4 opiqDg of bis Dow mtooe.ý aw tria ynf mh t JbJockD of ~0 twwTrIr dom r'ariety, ]Excellence and Fre.shii Causal h. .rps.ei b y Courtore ii the DosldIoe. ]n. vil <a" to ibue t»sstock 'el replenasied tsa ud1 aes H.15âa.iné i is né awptb~10 r1si 114 ~i lOB 10uvshave repoa»d in him duning the put tea nyearo; and foots conSula ~~ WAIK ~m"d» lu cati ge. mplaisMàà.chdou inevery depsatment: 51~F.eèhN hoeSa1.Deporte htaiIEs»mtmea. Lii! ~timent.o ;Th.,aack in'" Wan~ad coeO5S>,.~ tss asmuSms Mud 'aws soc, thi Lavera, I*vsu, mmaviera, Ti ta m V ss# 'i leainig particulsus 0etuhisit w. a oin=Zr.= dvemàoai iins.iTO OMM TRADE %Imq a catr o f Curauais, thi e, op. il.plu .t~Ca. m psitt: oES<f 187L. Ont, e & nitw utl>tr-0ta liasoc nS "YUg, " :Tis stock i in M àà@*sd silla ii sr tmg 0ofldIl ygats, Yo.mg HyMMways beJapt frukMdinIMEIMOM kaEesi. Cracha1 Wht, làaviiig avtmucix largtaud a Céo.goasOd"ogu. Mevueu4. .TsmThse stock oonîpoiassHerringm, Ut M bmMueAwB».Oit tc fatknao ;rxtim antitaps Oooeg, Gupoueus Water saumonu, White Fiai, Làke iBIS!UEYOI<Am Eu;a*4.j5j1u i îiao hcueo 1sapanos Su&ImTrotit, Mekoeld,1 ?doaâkdsq CM-1- Twm" n emumz ' donee Drieti CodiFiait, G od tiFÎat814.4<to inshe à"5t& remI1aLu iu a better pitt athasi *ver~ 100 ~ ~ ~ Wi bet tpa il1 mId Glasgow HeiringsBoe ol aFiait, M 40 pwlb. t ecl 1Salmn, Fi-nom a Hddities, îy Oi.,lnVurwai at aatiYsronth Blosiera, Digby uringmlxre1out«t .U.iIVO W15 TOBACCOLScotch HorragaOmms Trout, SuiB- NeKUY akiii( A larp e o f Tohucas(troMu- c.dînes, niLobt, C<» ii~sts< siiands. promptly and taif eoiI.twou;d c«kI f Mm ,&L<a d thase. Fm*radiOuer LU I hatait mia) fl (om30 cnst 1- 1 A I sok ofcànum cda * s Thistvody eajuei inis o oin full parILFielutCheuing aMid A. pledi pet, b. ~ conàpmsing Potiches, Stmraberries, oa Muoking tohscos a secial Penn.Blackberries, Damas, Tm-sasopseion, and sin daripg the bsaOnini want of anythiîsg aus Ay liaso at suoaiu AID syxuEs. tocs snd Pie'Fruit. yu rir > alwl cvieIi CeOm L.have oniandlargqaatitic f K yu r reS alwl e A& la?!.lot <of supa, antisympa to Preprationu have hea rade to, do a beidat bloes.l~aebusinssuain5 11515deprtrnnt, p.rlk, Smoked sMd OugmICtUt very but attcention. SoliciCBig acol%- j hO siolti ~ ~ ~ whoi«e andi retaij. A ci i O Ca-'ores.ndfaooa UrUZ& iSt hmbeen provideti ta mve leak- .d Ram&, Raono IUM9 iune fyu stadPvu IW. have au im1wovoil offée miliiMante owst ats.andLU commuase Idg cms supyy ruh groasnd Co&f e e.A large stock of vooden une 0ofaanlowest quotatiOns. The mlisu 015 <if! boss qualie t ail âines. Our ons. kfids, com'wsuzing Xatehes, Pail., Yours vemry re*lmetfuily, tomes auli titroee mm ofsre ops-Broonsa, wma.inwaak4mvcardste .TmM jeîo qaeoally direaiet 1tii tit qt uine artiIn spicee Clothes-pinu, 3iops, Chtuca% Wouci- the stock uit elways b. complote. ori Boula, andi many other articlts. âepsrtment. C. L. BAKER. &k N91ULUN PRAITT tlaeq have remeveti au enîi.y ne« anudt 'e.y choieS Stok d GROCEIRIES 0F-ALLKINDS Which they 'viii sUm usa! at the lowest pcoible prices TrE Aa A s F e CO 1 A LT rY un . daa5nUw; Fh.s:om moA5ysUal5i W. invite pcisl attentia on our Tees.Al us ask ina ehante for 'onspetîtion aMd if we cannet pvs.you botter b" pi-ins U hd' ia.'<mivuh MWe bdoebough*ini Làndsey. ve viR not aak vois to buy froux us. Anmd furthe, we would say chat if aDn' ts 6r t th.r g ,ds i. Y v ' ÇIBMPIELD tam oe taccording to aur repreomtatiom w vowiah tb bavet thonsbrought buck manti wilrtura te. uî. h LITE.M 0have treei ElIu ff ce tOuEm s. CLUJAND. le w Ni l abrider NET uI Nbar.hmUi haif bBTeh; i 0W 0f LakêEuram Umom Ts Msd White Flsb, aulinspect, itiso ns4ak. ub falaUoT. & Ns.X. aIL&1sa ieaoraLut f Sinooed alt Watsr hmn, IUUmm a dâeom, 0.1mb.E m OodIsh, godbli teaks, stc -I - Also hoice Fanuly Flour at the. louest prii MId. le iwàm5u lad f4i f iJy Wiholais MuAewmm ubs se 1tsimmpisa=ibn 'bulli ui" ahum a .5e <a li btm. A largoand o.t*plete stock of Ci aarippIJ Wlebat bou,. Oum t wkaba * q.y suaW ~'at 8~hI h1- .14. aie utea 'm-aonIWb",SI le t UL, uut Gmooto S ieD à*uill bel9.. te ma»isoîlmefor Sm? avu.WANT.-bm msalmmIasp mIsse.lu 0A.y o.5h s4- NO-W OPiENING-i FORTY-POUI PACKAGES LLCLALSSSOF DRY GOOS STAPLE AND FANCYS J. IL DUND-ASI NO DIECIEPTI ON. MONEY SÂVKDF EU lgnG TOVE 000DB AT BRÂDuiRN &.MÂ4,N81 imm AM E MWG Am ,ImmEFNSIE STOCK boom4ssS~I 4~-..O- & N. THORNEUIT, i . -. r' - - 20,> T*o CAIRS FINE A.ND (JOARSE "Att' ND GÂSWARE. :oekeryl and Ulamaswse 10 arrive mxt ussit PS PRAT? ILN--- - TOYS, PARLOUR GAMNES, Fancy GoI WATCHES & FINE JEWELLERY, la àem es1 uaey. paisil> 'ala.lsdi u theb <CHISTASAND NEW YEAR-'S HOLIDAYQ. Whpt UsgMd Mai . Uuta tom h au %PWls. J. P. TOHUBTON, kNfAT Ijl,..4Y HEARKEN. jisol £ a ' aI m tîce OtPcM n mataiof DRI GOJus, ILILIIERI XOCAEON'S STORE, ne nem slt.li1'Eu10os!! a<îin, . . 'v 401 .r. .iAv-ut a ifv t.k i t Ilu, m.'t . . n.% è4 .Q.. ralpîU c..<,, * e h Ii v A.~ <or Uc< a usa. lt. »ad h-> Ufy-tr , a into ~ ~ al UcaaabSu - e. a povehaue.4 (ima'.î:-..ao4 rfjsa o ai lm .o. Nedial ailRewOpene CIIEAYET DRUCY STORE IN TUIE EOUN1'Y.. U.NPRECEDENiTED BARO A INSl 1HIRKELL'S. BANKRUPT STOCK c2 = 4=suolac.Bot e .iL~. .. Ibo Su r lM« sais ,.. uo.y.g<. <a~~~ ~~ &Wi Prvm. eL.at oDl &ma ledi .,a'.,sue lay.. î UIL W. MU- v. R«USH HE! A"n mSfflamu o e4 vut c r .14 alstsCDE L. M MIRS IeT &SHIOE STORE. Te.vn*y e ilfony eSupais aMi Ce a d"Mrsi mualetRa ohmoi@Md&h.u-s .mai'. M plirga a a qmli 09 MA b tise bmgrismt lie epuoviac* rt &W t"ie mY rquim e. U lb.uisî lob. .csW lpo. P im& l no at.t 0b a vi se g ut50 tse pop sl et fvou sr hg 5 a pi'.Laà, oausOunai k r 1 0

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