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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 11 Dec 1874, p. 3

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TUPART CLUfMNG, CARPETS AND To fltlrtvftvt 919 lAirge a Poitou of ou? pim at etotâ d Ide c'ne m nom BMLOW Wb wS fmm ear Un rw,&L imAj4jý WN«JL15 to Ou T& Mg Aa mýp of winuarlâ £mm 71 et& a Y«& mm 20 lm Rab a y" f. _M- IT LEN D 15 0 Ai-.N 0 Azy PMU nquwmg CUPMO à0vid Bot *à to see oun wd compare Mege corner More. Nhelly MSk Lù"y. çe4"1 JUV#4 ti» çlSeM Jn9ý of fon -Mil heu filions villibilik lem De RAI d*nm ?m inclus (bit è4 "W,*r lm 4 1 Ill ftftqlttk for dmittu wft 08 enj= M"L' out" lddnl& %4. VWWIý 0»* lier *MM bu 460& CURUU rt-WeLt-»» roux ?Mr raw, "Of "und 0 n& à& Umm. The cadromm et ad b"ig pwm ril A111111, a"d èrelleu p à 1wr eý,Z R E mal. mum" hy ç-mis. wmau,. for a = P"Oavlmmill tas ico)lltfoîx ST'A D BR Pl lible - conn 11illibu, mm - -- - --- - ý living Off dinde, or ires SaAr-"-» ) Md ma it this 1 'ose w»ýè hqqk -.1 rý,ih thé Trae]L 14 f hol4qle ait »: et .40 uvibu 8" i *Wb@P bffl te ilAbow» tbbb m fdm 'Ewm tà*ltl" Ou Cà bèn thil mrongmt, Md âchèret drift le wyo lolq.nbdqg lob illi w»M CM& sabaittai whSvelr je paty e«ew, or ce.Zdi;Î mvhitioý doing: the, m& me veA mm.* el eb.tl*w s'f twpe z = = :ý &§@mm of the ibc abletticif, Smmnàw m the, G83uzmm,- othme muhine Mfitttadt*ed. tir non tu, me4o &I persolu m tas- bis -Poiwafo il, le 1 orille. t. aller bn*une, Md At âe 11111* gon" electilm for the M., Md lmn" tu g4t out et mder,, rive# %e* "d 611 ellupply, fW hh" IV a §m «««Hng 00% Wb. Whkb %lie DM %là: - 8" %kt Won. @Wlw, m t ý Id "Wb Mb = mou nu et«*lingo& fier .4tl 4% Pfflla 1 W 4bb4 le la" auw3r «M iste MU job- Toum mm -te" ibn. ce comnanop als Zmm et B O I t4"t ý- menthr. - "M jup ftab. a &.M.. je% "02. T. Griat.. W 4-f ide 1.@de" ed tu beeotm a eandhiMe, a" after a; tom to belleile. Ibo uwwr hm ai * MW gàd *màmt. m le iiei Il le #le,"* I* -% à" rom à 00 ties tel 0 ffl 1 ýbw^ 014> ou 111104% roftm« 1 *-à »D«14* *mww»u Or "m illit tumlY Ob* tl» ntmdlàg etta paelliem Og nolil» mo»y, f*»% *bleu. ft'à%* 37, je" evmb-* «we - 8 the Or erOcid" ir, mY, 1 'the eL%4im wan fairly a" bonS- C RIOC iliti M lt W 1 1 ('mmiwté M14te erhe eto-e* #et the ». . Jeta (yisa q"at'a 4% 4 lb. f*tmm If 6. ho bo bovins bb« oit bu ded&»& na a" VOUL t a Botb4 àad ably Sndùeted m the put d laysieff i' 14 rAmw"bvul lier tro.s., fý'. et, a rotbpb et Nok, bila blitieuweet bilât *W of ft dowdou pâtuon "11w a fAwt %*Ïiek " ud il lWopâ,ý, fite 1 Di;«Ysyoav. ýepRN ta 44M ûBLit m Àoi fôr " trial o# "*0- j Md My aupp"wà, and we wà* l' &*AbSAQ Il z1zeMwelles qmjmlroits an= uklumo4 a candulme a prored: 1 lit ý Imtatjed ta Our lob Motrede secondait y enjoy viâ,117. W"&*- $OUM. XfAq ttt-41ct. %fr. W. b ilty hy himaff or say 1 1 cp V c> lm a '99 Me= Ov-wrne Ceva cambui., tbm èîe tien for Mr. CMema4 hotrevier, td Th* P-M. le Ibo t The ao.. of bidèlery, Mot- ira mtaia ri, *0 0ille of, " «tly, ma instend CÉ folloving me the offmers ellected, 1 tienne m W" am Tuamm» KM!ngwe 60 21* 01 du i -a t for ýý6bI i,1%ev ho 140e MAO a e le 7226 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL T.- 0. L xëýQ.4, Dandurd, for the Wu vouffl Zz iFleýat gwy v'l"sul or il il 'ta 9kora"Il thU any cle&M r.,kilfliâ en-t-red 7. le ý4 v.,e4% e0xl. olgr6.#8y be this for »Word -John Ireton, Jr. WAL; p bu brilla imployed _meomuM, or in W" he IL; WaL Graham cellum &MIL in My test in "Election Court rol m agent, elwàJ ckIý#14wi1- *xwluý p4mèrez O-oet»4 1410b bibi" laits Wb me. X.ohý6m# I 1*4111 Md m Corrals Tremret i? 1-1 -t boft Ob belle dimwu 'WMM moved, mmaded by etther mpadty &ad hm voied ait the Ilibles thought fit te chuge, me y L T* * rhilvi lit go a»b4o wbm ç*m lifflaquas m U- J-blix E. lie -r." 'V'lfA11110% tb." comi, D"im, tw the Lià"y tion, cm vote for avur parâcla " ke pribbor.. lqmwtr*md 84 thM pliels alleffl M, bu àmwwe bb"y be odlowed tO *m 30 Silleil or emp4ed ahin be Mrwk 09 friuds with bavmtq puwd the elec IL White, T. i Bitrge«4 fe,14 bête ffluw. Md efflèmemit W le*. amwer. & ot *9 tuWn f-le 34r. (1000MI vm *vwm Mils OM il 0«9$ftr E« the au of a' tu comniuee mm; W. Cmwfmd, D. D. ! front tha un ot votes non by brihery Md ne mg %hrit *tmqt fink, propided that dm muweà. have beau givela to M& 1- - The membres of the Pftabytenon 'w r, MW y majorit;jy ebureh, Ibo?*& m-ominst 4 tbet mm twelleil molto$ mntw imbille m km *Wdmm.-4a> ira mndio»%» MIF parlvm für. b.- &leu càùmd thet lm Dandord, inb" holding a; W 9 th-ilivée xbyllev. %rifil #leq .6%*Mqbput Î44elle or tl'INS Î Z ýab" èd by lied votu and thet he IT = *ira lew orrA mis t=ty uw»A viste, U4 rý« W* crions SOLD FOR U11111 DILT ...... ., 0", , 84,8*41. W m the cevecting of dm 25th tm. nouw .1111li X.M.M. -,iw-i we = dno. bYrýthe purpom of dobmu« the @a-; Ce. t 0'. a sa. ýt" tel ffilwet I»bwmOW).Pl> rrtcind. IIIW let wft bieud %ilà Coeus, mawnews calied athint wu entitW tr. the mat the elleetion; Mir Ilhon My M& 1 1 new avotlmg, obe4 latell misie eI ý 'I'". rit 4fir moilette lubluom àw-le b> Ibo mà«« d Mr. Crofbm who wu se. : m - 1 If Mr. q!mmm lie confined hins. One i 14w si-$ Iwîè%ý The ioww illew 0" = et lait au" billibelle on the ma fb» vu top. duo or my perocla for him, tom" or I#Allk bIsItkqI-44ý lwmie supply MY «Oqp or standard, ribbon, solf ta the latter growd I should = or" e."" 1= 1 I* uat nem thedi> lobai, or like levier te be carried., 'f fi; elle bb.ý fI t 1. M.,W" le. j" bit* ou hem Il. Ille, mmirm wora Il bave hâla littie reuscla toi compkin -,%m conteulptible Grit lie un I-y 811-- wb- )Wt W omom d4" le ooaditiua% Gog& unaxont #et n»d te the or und au the dey, Of elactio% ar with- ýffl bitie. «towlatud ut hm vw&w4 Mme et Mr. hmring the rimédit of tête King"n elec lie. »M h4 hW toi" MW IIIIIIII im Nq WY, Mm 'bd! in Minât Cr Ilince it is warcely possible for au to twe trial ment the followme wefflm el hele a >fer qw paffl VAUV* i Illod Or 1:ý2 "y. and V I il. lewid lerffl ', lit. thik% 0 PtIOM fF= ý7èî- am ! *sIf polo, dW i election io takee plue without a faille %r John; -'2» IMh 2wm, --'Oth tire -it.fe t., i' 0 el"f' çFW, ýttt Uw oh-lek *» wil wr-% ami IMM«. liho C"C" 0»' phqed or vom by m electer or otb& i - niiiilq litbt;ýit Xr. Thoe, wN t1b; P-'*l li, Ibittnikt Aselilift tbedi*Pvo" "rab' mmer»wmat votes being polleil on 8--oth -idesi rem. i te puma durirw the tune mwal , of B»i" en 1 -*l. MOI01. wZifie M'il iekie eýt"r* --q mond. Mt relattvm aile -»%%tw COM. Daà(,Ou moved, moumWý by! Ailly person offmdiaff NMOM thm hiiie hié-le et 4v là', -lie k»w lawl. lu hum4m CÔM C"ý'@Dx9-14 th" *0 Ordilaul è&X villicina in pmiduble by a peu- Md if he tOuld have àOwa " wbes bave ýâIîe àrraùgý.iaent& lier a crand'. or Oz-'an the badvot«weres strtick off &,m' enterummmson,ýqew ýoWsday. Thei ,Il lispion, $M bis remitted ». Juge. iler inftliner gjL im, * MeV& A àp.wt Kft u W% eler> »A i bath aides he W the mujSitv, and of teilleu, of the atout Wpular loc- Ibo ky, it bain« «MuOMMY mmmd &lm, «e»ding direa mm" àvIDZAff D 'DISTRIV? Norja *In bit, turers of the dey haw» batta nocured, àà es Ri x Wf FRIE te- iggey padam " bu desmi Pgtr i erwy thing béai betta honorably doue i Ber. W. Mise" ui M-Ubru-ik mud qýI% le *4 titille 6.. welle 110-44IIIIe ?461(,kK t-411 Hier pqblg,-418, mitWd te Mr. J. Cmfte% lit being a et bribery aviii bc pu" " amw&qr P.Ri tx.,;Ib .-ý .4 fil queb"e opola sào MU -Curiate oit hie aide, he would hm" beéft Iùse i B»v. J. C. Surith Of ite-t 'Ii IWI,. Me -Rem" lltbogbpbio Min, bu ly Who " : (1) Dimady or -Érom the evilience tailles et the by biwmff or modm mlý= i ly entitled to the àtlàt à ciro»Ws hmuut the, Poe Hope TLws «ds«"Mi on mm-* of corti. CiLà»Illailler @m& le, è la. N',ý.looks 1144 1 .., sive, lend, ose or promielle momy or But when wholemie durgu of; Èhink, that Mr. James cmwwiad. lot@. 0 àle -.4-1 -ýqb% file q.. le botrix format #0 w«k je. a" by Couis, CAmLL, Mr. ONeill i val," eomWmuia te or Mè.. .., 'oetof. ..I thil , *ex* id relliquilleed thist portion ufliom»»«- ~ ,or lice acq-pmou on hàbeffl, m i 1 bnl»m-and oth« improper conduct ly employed on the aimait bar4e Luthaïr. 1. ri wr, &V* .400 lie r ý Il M»Ae4 e biero * m l mat hm de%& et tbe b" of-ame Per- 440, et barley durian Un @eue% M& iw 1 ey P" lit ta àM 9SIens- Rder to induce &BY voter tu vote Or re- were mode, not ouly egsi mylSif 1 son or persions unkiriown et "promb l Dry celuilLeo ouuwwe OMý I& - N Ipom vb V. A W % i V le Km,% 14V. - Albilivu" -T»Y m ý 1« Se, train hm voùffl (2) Give Ur pultillm, i but ilgaùm maiýv eb",rM. fflwood. *lit Ne ba-iltit,ýU Ûme in uw. or àç» to rive or procure, or otfer or et the mont reqmw- ý tinte, In Port Hope on Friday, the -"tmh 'Il fletie le. , ultimo. The eyidenS of Dm Poven A Il. 1. 4., tre lwbsý* bfý.1h.e JII6.1-1.11. 1»1i,. ý-4èf. lie et-* nmille-,mvw the *rvalky MShoïl, Tm Smi bodý a bylw 10, talde electiors cif the Riding, 1 fait it; M& D««w audydMougneans, " the L mir. Cabitta"xr. 1. XoAàhwbeinlt mgt" maniimw ellection, P-M» My othof pk» - mqdoy-«t %foý r#eko*ç j 0, I-V l4 Itev, 1 t. of I Io A WM t tu or icir rater or other pffl» M! ta lie a libel, and a qlan&r ýv man lanst bave bem mordend. bet it ih ho 1.44.1 .-Il P»y. lviiiiiie S te 1 and tâce = 41CZ. cemamin as- md« te pýý club, voter te, voie fer Illa, ot evi- te. , mhw, e. ' -Nftlb toira Imm wàopw& by a large Un fier Si* Mr. Camwcn4 »Ili cialy upm m and 't of the W, AlA, PA P je R la "i.br4t'tI a by-lair divin i rdtram filiont votigg- (3) -19" My , dancle tbus for additud tbat it bu Bot 4 a bmm ot 10814 oew, --S! apoix them, but also au attemM by bireu ocStoijolid, puifitely tbot the mm 1 lit. 0 N.401 e I1,ý -tell pull. *qIt wbwet »hitèffle Io Ose auront wîè Quellice ml- dwteoèL Tb* luwe in *0 chair. --- ---. toi or for any persan in avilitir chwactu W» ili-trested, 1q My one. ig4,qx... , him tc, mm a blot Upon. the M «,*Y. (4Uw* fi$Y te A" t«, «d Couma volle ond mm-@" by.bw tu 'ind,» m*- p«», ta PVOUM or; D b4hly Rive'. à burin@ et 0»,». PAUM With the îïàoiilïâi j'Dow. -7- fý,I e te %#pw*o ý4 ."q i% N--e. 4ffle, aulemm te procure the ratum of My and fair filme d the mantitumey fur CoXjggBCUL »f» SeIt 5f. bi. J. ZZ of roilli, il bu in raturâtes anom fer eeyliF iýNte. rit. 4.4 *#*, l'i Pm» te m@ in *0 ROu» Of COns- aâ time te come. irvdlnem 1, "" "' ', mrrw oir ow toutilà »V -- C'ýikibvwý Me W &qq.,&pjv . pkim: 18% 2. ý mens, or the vote of my vititer et m orr.« or Tas CýLqmày Peter. $4. IMM *Wd j offertert hy Ilbe, law soeioqOît 0%"" Il 11%M NIM.'t "ilellettkh 'Aoijl. 4* Umm; JX* 36d" ; 3rd, John; (4) procurer or or i Thme charges wae made Pwm'"Y &Lqi&àT. Docembe 10. Iblt 11411. Ille vigne Ï8012.411II "d Thirbon, etth, Jota ce PÀN" ; éth, IMIMAT 11111ARK T PIUCE e. or elséelivS m Sauqmm of, by Mr. Carnieron. himw , and were ýN* wýd ý If ý m wheu mode 3àO marin out ut a tS. GqSp subait OF R A-M 9* eèk. . ,Ow 1, i = qîfèr icon. osr. W.,im 9 C 20 or, s*mzLtv Put un record cm the fileisof- %wi-'*b-t arm Pleurfilptt!00 .. d) ;à el tlk> ý-,w4-t olle 0.6 -t'but" campba les S&M OUMIOat. agreý ý the ratura of My pffloa te the Court, m the r«pSdbility of bis 0 el a l'ý etif, wu uqftw est en du f, The Maitua MU th" " OMM Ille, servit ille the flonse of commons, or the Q 00 Ili 3 Conft lbitht fit the, 28th Nqbv.. %kit out of It ho M"Mud te le" ou the "M of Mr. vote of any voter et m ýelac" (à) i elle-cid IR04 crime in 0" name, and on him relictils the ibo'b». pm.1.14.1 le 3of J il J P. Advence, or paye or emm B i tu lie Wme efd »,,Iy two handred ..... f- mimii,.I. Nts Mated; ta th* oomtabli m toi Who vu enellittellil mumd- ouy atouey with jutent th&# it èhý 1*14ý% 1 mil 14% (biti)19#1 BazIcý perbus- 0 c*.ý ýâ- 1 OA p. I.11 -»Ab MM tàr.lmt thé belittrès unelleil, and mituoM bim; und in bribary, or ibijil it effl bc oued i whaemm trou theïr hm« toi attend r- ver. r- avefF Amistr". àr-leib t1t. M"* hm lied for hm W" The Vivoit bronhé, the tomber of tri lwpay My aloney 80 ex coq ýS rf'. bý'hJý tèll4t.ýýn 4"Se îalt.e"". wèe t!*Mgý IL M IIL 88 in *0 sa Of erreur MM iftoma% Who applied tu him for "Iod the trial et unduy. MY Perim no ellending, bc li" lb lie 1,04f ion hitt hW, Campbeg ehoved Mm Over MW I rend, bite indh-tasent wU a feel-' of woode Infimes, the C.oum& ÏO 8, miteit, of $m. proviiied alwayst lu A 14 ami M461* bis emps, lockins à - --è- ne DepetyPAU- i bon nord 8" that the actuel permaît expenace of any il est -011 . ý ing of indignation, which, 1 beaeve, E-reu pS dilà 's 4.0 bis 11% the look-av, rmcl% imd ho boit doue oit ho coeuld emlidate hù expicalles fur actuel. pro- ChiQ6,e .14 1 --Ur. Joba %nivelle dDmo. mu imberois hW oud weqw"büity, bat; teligould à wm ahm-ed by the eleebm 1 Mille, .. services pýrfliru»d, and l>MS ithon»it.wouldbeadvWbieto si" aý fide mineurs fier the fair out of print- forln«eëmtànqromyeiwho i é Tarie,* per th Pmwboro, whWb "ghed 1*6 libe, lond et pilule block te, aU thoillet in nSd ing and ad%-ertiming, " be heu tu believed that any ai. ft 1 ww. biel, V4" uni%- om ouo voinhed ut Ibo.,, nomber m tête, cold w»tWr vu Incision tic. Smu;4 meula quuier,!mr Ili.. elble. il,* Ib"It ý,t lildb9ront lob »Fbm»e et«. &M ab tbird 3« Ili&, the lontil 14eà The MATOR nid à Mm T 004110 ue pelerma Who reeMr" or mum to. m.: hMî been osad un our à& in the Su- 0,4 tinw 1,4ee, 4. 4bit trà$fflk4 de- smo"ýj Mais 00.0 l:ý Aa)f 1.1ý'fq11-1f1*0111P4 ilil . bbwht oi#1.4ti.ub » Uble na" M pouwes. Who cm béat #hi* in the pu* offl fer, a wwm et momy te oury her àvur mmtiomd ibovi àW4 test, m& 1 dietiermined. m far m 1; supreumLcmautu.. ee fe t. -99 if. ble. Kefhý 'w ilbu Pvobtbu hW The * pincivied sa,» Mr ew% Io wwm, her h»bmd àavizw lets 1 = bc doismed gudty ci bribuy Du---,d liffl Pm me Ibo. týt1% Mr. wu emeemed, tivit every opportuni. eo m '.1 @@ or 0121. -'is mor th: thrm Mr. ffliv» 1 bu Md â» wàked te mémm te bar and be b de extra prime 40 » le; Le 00 4- 140. libt.,hPi ihb 'ultésibe qt,«MW.* SOW a boa libelle Y«» no tint weid" trieme. Who oormpity by 12 IIIIIII. Nationis. 781 ty should 1* given !-tý inveisfipte, the, 897 ver ton, u ou ce z e IW-W-4 if DIX$4t. 1 72n pou". the gam "W ho net Ibo woribie ý altbonmd te M" 4 c* li'. et$, for VIb4ýJ> %.,a tbfk-41» i'f '4m. $100 fier two hoilla or hy -Y ethm -ya or t matter Md tu mce"n the UmtiL t cQrdW-,dlmd P cSd The» W* the luise ille matter. lm lis b" f, beibre or durian .,g trip .Irey bIwn ilbela adiomi". *0 ehStione pmvidim ce mu,,, m be After aine moaths being cens-med 10 M 04 cet polikm » (Oxamimr) hm hourd The C«A«a risilo ! "'I"" - r4Ifiiiný. FA Alle- provided m my way mmit d or In prepm Betfkhit, f, lielle don, the trial càme Ou, and other reûuhmmt in et" to 1, litter-là If, 0~%$* au the 4-iliv. 8-6. ýwt %If, 4, 'p WoIlh'r. d gb%èhet.*. eu&d in, the mimmue br»*-de" of' ted, or fer the penm» of "lune= .1 '1 % te t 0, le% te. le blete. fief lh.% bpi"'£ te. ih»etaq Or bltuviLmeun--p mm for or againet el"Il be whichevou. have heard, and yon and 1 ir-L. the am 1) 1. lit litv redibe ab v. L fiakt-velé misellia# ofthe Taire, Cam- = vwty of the arme, of tme ce Zr. Autimer wmu. 'f aG!L ke.. .. effl tiqlri...f bdr ýi 1014 wm wd ou xolibday. -prenant, itis iiiier, relire. tied by the judgnèm of 1, 44 r"fflvNi à $%** lie# (et W41fthip the . Mayor, Roiblive. Deputy, who,, directly or i"- thé Court of the offencS laid tue. car' cLt"..% --- swaimos--tt the reeidenice et the la oldîm timm mm pouu»d vith -19»ry e brieiee meizher- ýýrt tLe trui in-., by tic lie%. A. vr At the et,. ý1 lt"ve &M Clitine. Cran", dwàd4uoo% bbo d«U Wilien dnn @lu" with grint rer*2 alekea or throcitan, to malle une, C,*zmie. !IIL &. Ur. tbe,%i1â,ýùf' t*'b. ý bleme 1 Winteva, 1 Jedry, Feib, ihtibum and et My force, violence or rectraint, or in 1 rxbm..e tu Imm qi the tc.w"p ý A 'Il le vicilinsce te *0 WB& la thw me m Duing the trial, a propSd W» IL l 1" %19 le CahilL ic tb,.bkr.ob lit, tlto t.r4t -ý w-k. fý-, eh., »ýrîI ý,9 tpxn.tw.t Ili. ýIqA-IF4 lIt Ut. wkdig4p4 and the mah in 3oeudon- don lapina a voter m order te induce. to il w t q:ha a y, a the 4t' fýw. made with m he rges gaùm BeSxs-InUndý -i fný4.. Clade,@Ua" lie .bwt." r..Jivbffl* P%ýtl thirri daughter accet Ilymrs To My 1'l'b Ni 4 *(.Pite lit TWIA Re* Nelles ffl, è»ttwd ow mimple et him te vote or refrain hum voting, or te make the votes a tie and 1.0" l"f îe lewhipet 01AM (4 the Outarilà Liquoir Langue 1 ilit i baë& on lp"y, m tha P" ou »Ch M"Idàtion dter, un, a" lie IDOmb». loeil thie "*' ý -.-be the il-t î», Ixttlet le ttI*-i,.Vkt Via«. 1 petitifiris 14) the Ontario and I)OMi" au 0 once ri,ý 4 4. rarliament& Front Mr. A. undep@4k, irm S th-e-hiler ne U%-t- 1 ver dimv«M ho hall bovins çv ZZ4 I.,; et,., le. thie 0.. le@ soe.,eioffl m the meiud imdue influence the le Dtn verwitan, in 4>mlwl 1 fier Mr. Wm (halle, ob9w« p»c" lem oue et hilit penangem VIIIOM ho bal ptwarMii»ýb" -a sac of Mr. Or j ected the proposai to have c @MI : age'. 4képiv regrett 4 tI.) a laffl curie of frieft%;ý the A tille 1-évecimir 4wqf4-Rý jolie woold bu takilla imuriediiiWy te toqua ivùm ou the, Md "M a mue i: withdrawn, though, 1 wu quite T» umg or pomumg toi par lits 11em.ýU wu troui the TqýwDbi-i;p -Je aupit. Co. ve Kww Witt 1 Tk y 1-v - A tmiàq«r file a rmghlwbrinq . -W Durhaffr. T iltiub the by-low rempectioni the "Ili b»L a hall ý»em"d a W 8" hSuf carriage, &0., bi ling lo bave a new election, and to l"'. le., ei wýmh.1 d ffraio, ueilffl the COONM r"ud th* écrow hâs oyebrow& Be hèd a very = m= , pu@= m his bu- withdraw the chazg« madel on our' Doil il if ý. W, »4.10 .1 te, hm te hy-law ad PM OU fflvi&" S" Ili «I»w mmlw. Md aboidd op and halte te curry a volles te or front the P014 "Il., routai pay" lier partiola oeing the; dliiok saamor& Ituabautapitymw 1 or the umeboutood thered, or the, side. 1 insisted (m tLe corrup. j't- Il, P-V Vie e..,fo,$&FM rrRE GRIUT FEMALE REMEDY b 4-xle ý me. lierie '. the i outh wu not favond vith tour m»« 1 p&ym»ý of the travelling «pý of a charm against us bénir zlied out tue 1114av y 0144,.kes for *tel wakh, W& thmi C4 the w te.,w1b t'If Oh dat& latwy the - M44ic3l. 3. cen"'d, Or Sm 0-Vuè' 0. w %lý brkýk.-tg. WM lintiud in ilàdu&vî t" Monectait îenti me là d«. Or. Tbum»»' C. . Il tg -a 40d aU 1 W frma Ion ud .&L.' h.. 1ý 1"hýlM p %tf ét. novt,%o». 1%#0 *84q. pur m«at #M wMa, en es emmpmemm-4 lu pàt "CIL FINELON FALL& 1 MSptd tht réquisition irith tde OU, la. in wfubt 'Iop et - .!"lw bý,rfflàf, iblýd MI%"- liervIen a. tel. do jo. ...... ebm siffl ne, il uk-M il- arý trulv WM the lf th* 'j"". Tête rboit. left me ot poutala, edg» a" of the mrkfieu Blum îootor- i pleamm ma mdnàtlim ire. of Frmhin.. Voriteâ. il a léan b,ýbd ýIl the teet k, hm", 1 agrat W4 it atu ïk. . bu%.- il ý_à ý;V et 1 ho le ov, ta"% OR em blt*v bl " or te .,M tbale wile ffl, tw, se. liffl dm a tàm * Ida ma. thak it in t" dellire et the M&., &Mc locol sl*wkuy MW.*, 0. C,Àe, et l.lý t-ow d: ho 1tý%w1 ta t.ýonb. . ..... M% lorte, wrKý, fý,rmzrd 6 ta.. fémi. ýb J. qw% a OMM 3.00 jority of " afflom that I ýsbffl1d Fcitutrie UiL Làtu acady,.-ut ; li.-thing equ*éýejýifj The & lub" item m- bl-S WM umted te pr"e et t" gued 1i ste enby th-)eý -boliè,e C. le. b M (ýk4), .,,d ile *Ob. »Miffm. a Tbe Foe- bave naïr Play. Md that 1 wkwd eu il.- n:g;tL Il, et, J. C., Ikwlm%. Ilweaity *AM orèm. _... &00 i thffl pubeMO& The «pp« wm au "t the »Me, X,ýLM», jece.. a Eticctr; Oil. 1 buve l,11Y lr;#»ffl ig.bml !"b.,*r= iwbtd )w demb4x% üAne woose W" The hisocadiot of Mr. 3ý Mukuma jo-Y fer Pabi-1 tu> allot re-«uWpudiammtaryterm never mw' anvthiII4 ý1I go: dellv IC,4%fb --f e«#40. elbwlbinlt * ýVfbA- ........ ... La *in mbmhmd te illati* the buffly, bave prqwnd tbur veau mi éti-4 buýb i;eucag.- - paper the m" howlar Wb" they ....... t lase wdl ie ta pwm tbe mou bellaimoust. propommg " m à madidam ab thole ap. have et'Id entirely out. ýV 1. Im - T4 ofelb ber 40kIb 14 the àlnaot-o bave cevilla %eltel 4: juir aàmnùw et *6 p»d ângiib prSd Ive-tou. P. q. rite Fe - .- _wag RWmg jur bad sivea me in a fitir cmteet l able ts." Xü'er a xe«L, 4 ,,bge«bbt M"'* tt»dlt»h' sa »A *«.1 lbffl #&lu*» wMe M order. aevau vm : the au" CIE C Md BeLud j -0, ".e B61wctr1e On he xembg a grea ropulatiole, 4 ý -Wb" Ibo «tne of elle MêMer lute. . ...... ... ...... ...... 1-ý4 giv» Md n It welau that Mr Camrm obj" @pou" to, Umar Md thourob a BRUW of laisiollait et elut«Ie Gib: 14 te'e. obd, lot lé.w tu Mt.t. ewh44 leu.. àlý-t-eh MI 00. 44 ".-et m mmeu ............ è.11111 I aý 4.", lklIés PIVUI*Obb et~. r». p« Venant laew4dbw obullu v)» " depoàtpd theW momy--amb» to the elee:m Mgaing a ffluW" y *w; Pt. INýMOkk gmmtm. Ma . . ..... ...... ..... 17.11 m te m in *0 MW a Pm- atmâd prod how muloloüy tWy ba» to nuy me te bmm a candi" wd g teatb,» impoqui, fer *Mr MPWW .... le. » au medithi- deàwq Prie- ts eenft m7t et. &d'emt %,"**; ifffly Vwt@jý, elle bolellew ilbe, aavwnatm. woft se *»M desmatit mppw,; at hfflft àk. M bilà # S. Y. Tlff)MAS, Y. Y th m litt, 14% le *Un$. bals mr. M" *14V, of t.%%Ob»u, te véell «»OLùffl la MW =24 ÀAý Tbof nim favou»We Te. 1 l.is »d - om fi» 2Md issila. t là lq"-Mlmp a. LVIA3. lu. $W "f (1 .. c11mw.ý M, m DIF. bole Aunen fr the Dom* boum, Mde te ab hum to *0 ta" "b hum muly 211 4 omg @Ix elle 1 ë,. lw wtl",% etic fflIl uavbm ut the and takm hà advice before il 1 1 S..-&Merie- el Wk dit lm' p in.là"mr le et,% ffl7be .,ý.; 5e W. imI. MI.lm Par. i Riding Sutiz» 1 radm ddnk, howevor, that li't tég»t. ut lfA4éI1ý. W (Iibpm. ofolleb"M. Md taý Afflipet. as cran et Fm wm.. lie baig» cet ltinumII6 la pmw in md- dww M È= - by hell. te*?- wbkth r.bk wtdi hottéoge thom Wbélé 04r» ltàa*Mqb jamtm. pelle ageo . ............ Salle um jbffl et JOIM You Un tàà 0 t" ý.fw,.e ý'f'rtsK 1 q'i Aig %-4 IN"tt. dm a 't'wm abimd. Maille rapffl have hm MMOWMM mur$ le" ............ ...... 'tu dmit our chý et mum au duatud own budnm &W know én ral, .. ble Omemn.%v T. M",hest sa =Wtbee= »MUe»=M no»VS, oS tau& dwmu Mt 8" by It»vwu*l t4 q»Wo id %W WW»e 0011M 04 itud1w a qw ageoffl. - ý ......... tu-1» uffl ymr *,al Alleu 6094b. le%.% blebb the too pffibleet m #1*44,Fb@W. W» x ftMè1lý Pm Momm .................... 41t.10 Moillle, m « b" bMu Md mm m»w6 tholir a ' in *0 nâghtmau »elus, hawtoi» in rot«Ql* tey W. la wlbevlt Oili be pq*44 te oay olum 0" Ils Kena îlemolt ........ te dbpm OL Now *» OBJY is VS tocSvaby p md fumS or "vimi. swot dm on xtegwà Lmm r-xl. 4, q "M*,8.P et. ............................ lu Kuk" jrmi me mm bibve 1 the xoârthwBoèdwbiâuvmdlyl xypoligSl penitim is WOU kwiwMa 'va SIS el. 1 ýh»«lOî 'oxl t%* ICW j w(All. tý,.Pmr. &"W* wAbutpe" hffliffl OM 1111111119bo m 06 PUWM me bu* et cyma Md fat v«Y "0 Slleill "@Md kir bubuoi. te yS odL I bave mm ne reý to poa ,qtkm m lehle bbob w#emk sualeàiý X au 0-ft, .1.ý J.40po-4 quéeliqes. .t the obove Ob vov omwriý# Fm ................................. 14»,1 éd« toit% m d GSd Tempèm& ocèw- ...... té» hMle. %M* 4mbffl la t.oiïhayý. *bWIb tete qb@W -%4-"t-r libl:, w» iwsk Il*#», 046bb« à*- Ce tebe ila" Ptob ......... me POIS, ne Ap moý* lamie le*" wèe oob~ ,v aromm - .. - - OMM" IN - toisoillé de vmbom on ýrQý y w in tuil eèmtvý'. fobb« 41 &*V"I" *1 - ýtd*. * - * * - * *:.,.*:: ...... a wqqmm volit bu et mulmy. » ho billé tumpm Wb" Wreu" parfflont M«Qw..» a ilie »4L S OU mal. foutw4b" 0# the WAMMO dm" 0# 1 morjwb. Ibo efflu Jebo Tkvà»M 40 ...... -- ............ te clum on b" fw" il ;rpi= md, -à" em"m ýtca,__àosq»-, ou Qb »wbtro tao,» leelléele wu *0 WMLM dbw% C(M& IDIR&A« m à fate miqmm d whavouabe mi audimalot PM tàem m liai m twy do rw la%%* ou won oukwb weegoad. hm ehomir4m»ffl Md deb jacrnir, in dmàý or *0 J" JL Md ma mppwwm TýmM@mi m 1 do thm twy aasem te sb* obomt* tlweela Ieltàm Im»w» la sa âpw aimons "Puwmmlmvwm do 9:2 4«mdb 10" ?W - - 'd de; m _ý te. **Pr*@%d *» @M. à4l 1 id go. Wilbau -W** Md M v « r*#» W m a 10 0 la W la emmur îîwý b" à* k. %tol §0 jatte a th" ho b" te de 0q;ýl :tiS t, tan elàM ci w»0. «No 164M ultelff %bu eg"oý%, ot ouppug- ý offlatte îAW liésoabw bw4d tu -MÉ V» pý bwlytu *» ce li;m-m ei&im baï V" mm-tim. à ..1 etele., lebbeof*m. 0MAMalef " ab" WM ma",* iffe 9M. bb 1 om felbw oeuntr7mane, IMAX JOB parimirre. celleu 'd - -M is-pmbdâ% how~ , tbat m fir m se that t"y atrast bAMIM r4% te 00 e bb»lp WW on-stubý,* .Wbtb-% mm it ý ýr_ 4= le affle - in mourmi thm WM Mt bot Mi th" tkw M'a twow tý&* ý * W » 111 1 WRU bkNur voici *m tallele a& el, . »& «*Wg - m* cosoa" bdog tin TU 0ANADUN dom .11 i«wà tbw Neb in "m et *0 um fa m Xhum Affl willie, wbm #m eh@" in the vahm m by à siý dadw te pÉb- ,rmtbu"tk»m me 000 ta 0*" »Mbffl *$m a wdâq «Mo"omý T" Or tas mi Mtp have te Imm bb «Ida mi op Md " a t Mob t" wai» d-ffin hy the mýbv*l voolmiq *110.11: lee, Pm 06 1-elacf t«bim4comj »Uudl quadw- br M& et » lai m eh* Ipý*hek. gtN-À lob ..je 19 Li U;ëip bu *ý%» banwîw là MD *6 &0 e in& badaw, wiâbS t à.,If dwtumk w»Il blibellé, *0 Imm ohim a bý momm MMW*ba»bmd unwirawrvlr*à2- aâ. owibik. 1 , Iloo, W out~p Col per»IL ef Ad= fa Md tw M" T«Mftý Md et tbe- tisaaal ajà P11110 ffli 90191111111& Wb* wMa "la. Phu th mi va wMu bu ohm* vu lm mmenmm& a in Mt . . . . . . . alerta avmpwl6 guér Veckste la Iule a bu et m Boum% mmRzumu6 gwýbkwb wtbk te IMM lec, tu el-wt -ils Fm W" Imqpý fil bon li- ý --.i : mannemmb. ùaqd-MMU = lllwiàr" èFlio av lob un t*"@ ' y ý_ k-I.» le* r4 bo mm Chu- O-bM- * mia. 00 polle VI in le" 0,14 9»10 01111* ompm»um ID liai Cr~ *0 im Zu vu" bu Jiu b" tumàmilm W"b - «MM1l1bw%ý Uule, 4t..4& ibbmU. 10 tw lm is mw*b ire b Pm Md ow *0 lillois blg- - -_ - M& illik,

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