el jk Ofoille, la ow 01c') i;il-.;ttvoltlb* LAW ZOK lbl)lt'WIXR. bit lan lit, 11, ltw«oter. à Art.-- voit M . Whole Niamber 807. tell K-0 LINDSAY, ONT., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26,1875. ie"e ... ()4h .tt.e, os-mm i. - A rIL"69 SKJOMM te Arthm Md le #»Ppad in huiur PA CIFIC RAILWAY CO.&*iýVBC- la 10ý,e 01111,'e. K-i w bis 1 r. tic& Uri, IlIKINS Krr ROlir -lu it MM4 air Pl 14NVIdokt«p RTIiý 1 &PÀ)" To lis DIVIDIRD 3VDDý.A»D RAILWAY OF CANA. (Te ta* aww tir Tm c&ueun punir.) C»b ý4044.'1. ' 1 f.. îw it à aumouy m -4 li Th" $m lie am th" l%,k K.,,% i NI' Vl": %tv l'>. ut-tla, P"reulbw y~ &à4-la reply tu a queMion train reed, ou au la am wrbdmd éles. IM vu a 000MI4 aérosol Mr Cimm, the Pitemer declued it vrIls "ry .4, .14.,Itt4,t m grelle, uffl the 647oue eut tel Dt« * 111'. tg, de mita, net &0 intection of the cio,,«Mm l>9 fin, Tuaday, the lut DboMbW, M I, porammmthe »bé" raùw" Hum lfoiding nouth- ISIV %Ir% J, -t 1»Iirrf>lr, elt, il affle xorrit bit th" te, Deve Md Dowwé ho cana ly . 1 D A ma. : àn».I. tl. Ille lac Mt= bin. Mt Md orculd Mt go: ev«7 fmam W" from the Glit-rima B.sy Medan of m Io-ce ill. Y. ASSURANCE colley. ce PM Pl A& long agi), m ves lie el, vithin bien méfelleil #«oimt iL Pie- the Pacifie Railway - and in this mu thffr l14%I.e fer y' om«mm Il ....; P. inis Gitibe the Huit. B. %V. sont is te- Chain !K. Thi. haviur belle, F«WAFZISIM 114 «mtiy de rébellion oubma down, Md K-'. l"d 've'. lé là-Sv dm lý""C -ince ýau»%à.tq»wd Il the danom ne çainctil 1:16 On ý «m arithous du dowý about the »mihy. parmi te have mid in the seulite t'choc; for site be. Md dw1y peinders 0'er, Nt %I. lbl)N N w1y )t*N The W" and kat, satione bc"= me, ho vu sure, the building of the (;&,rxiau Bey rathi %Ott%#. ITS M E CAMAL M Fm W-dM al te Mr. Alfred Dove---who wu "emodup-a theSuâtrue- land amverub» = POMOU -tiun of the thau .1- *il .%-0 t- -» the band. of por*m4 et orgue, amen, ...... j eeo a amm Sý choix Mr. Deve-if any tien ut the àiàboidiud fil -ç ý'f.oeh ettiew". affow PUIPM Tm pommu by mut munorw% Uw 10,11 f-, Thelle, fs%1xwqI1ý m W.0 ddug--Unlm PMP@-d ta m that m- raâway, (front Ottalfil If i ver te lâche twen Il ltlïrFi., Kna Courud âwwiy finira hiII d»*. m resfon, 8w mwp--m they tdd hM flood Su 4»Mb i P-OUTWÈ ho chenet he miqbt comniond: but ho I radway it would bc the disty of the Gov- (jolie *»V ,ther, and rldaitb the fiwi th" il effilâtes auvuselb *6 vu nuit of tb&4 und prenant cW «ju»ut chat litote -v..tld calice voit lh'. llvme .,t.li the [àfr la clunion, Wwdvtlw Il .... ; 2:0 Md te In, te mm dmimý y Of la iMIIIIFIAI llibl"qv, VIV-torift lt-,atl gri-ýrt- avui Titille, -,f MM.- u" b. ob 'Obb Il ' Il *17 withoit finà sposking ta, gultil cam choc, the tqw-i W"ru would Th. Ilt camb .. :.. .-: i Bu W" kwe th" la htu cumatmo8l4 - li» -If the 'VImpany% t)fnm ýr Agendu y 2:37 *100d blu Yeu!" Imm hie = crIo ý W-miml6 go turneil hie séelle tu Gudd proctied, pari llehýlievedhew» moul r 1 19:10 IL ni. PoSoàdlbm-l FRRD. C. T.%YL4)P, enflaient W ted in «yiuàc thaza lino of rad- of fl 11 Nt Il NI, 1, I*,4)N. Street, hie wâWw arran AU"%, (ý..uIl virtuels XillbrSk 4.55 with mmaiml 1= =M 00 .. j 12:00 p, in. ?don wm au bain le vriew am Ment = way vu tu lie buiis fr-,tu I.,hiebec ta dulie t P» LIVICRK.X)L AND LOND014 LIS =,, M,"r V" Woo» go "Cm 1 m my brocher r ho m- M.;ntred on the ipirch and chat tm , lh't G. -,ý0 IcielklIv. P,ý,,pr 00UNIG Mail. l vu have restent renard: another ruad would bc built il, « Mon- amot GLUBC !- - I PoorouTom-, quivilà of the d in the olum ....... 1 11,4041. tresi te connect et Ottawm4 Purtý,g@-du- thff 1.1 FEL 16.45 a. M. =P. -Hls hm sonce, gentlemen with him 1 e Ehm ý loom op *y eum!r go@& M jut new, air. 1 darmy jeu am go FlSt, and Pembrol or some, point fIfr- ernu soüa, mon ah" end thy mrtIdy doie, P"Urbow m." cher front The Ouverament voula THIC IN"41iftAxcz La :49 6. Tbm hmvlm% wmmp m fille -L cuulli C-038PANY IX Tilt Wt)RLD. 001ýfü $«Tn. 38"L Oiditmi Therfs was nothmg much ý in the take goold - th" the subsidiend rouffil npuc C. & lourds: but i dm toute chute vm It i would bc completed in time te at-ird capital &Mpm a. m zm"y, imy. Mât tom ils with A(IettmIbtlqwd rurAle Flulrhom- 5: .25 .. wu indicad» of i4lht, ut ooater"t t proper cunnectiont for theu roado4 ou ,f Il C#Iuwa 11:11! Il THE CHýLNNLXGB. It seois the firait tii» Arthur hâd, huit i choc the peuple of the «M might bave hâtif 1 kt K ICT 119 )TIé. I., XIII(wok 0:10 Y"rrý 1 flopio " :30 there mm the suspicion hall fàâ» on throule ob--unimum by rad inth the t il, t'hie itu-MU& As Port Hape, w» Grand Truck BT 3m& aumr wot)» him. and they scemed te dan at him m G4orxim Bay. part Wou, and Ré,yal 3bit lino rmmduwA fla low m la My -04 XerýewAn.-e'fI-r FAebe- if ho hall boeils a wM hyma; net a The Gueulement thm &unau the re- ment )I: K. 01VI, ter. X. y., coeulevilluc tri& il trai» ta Xevr yerk respectal hyena either. qxmubility of eonabnwün« %vin -.il t'm'mltttan.1 liherai central Pattroad. At xmhrook. wtth tnùm ter rwx L"T WEM) ý a rmlway fsvo ...... hic.lmpm* a Bb entered Ham" a roouL gamah film m» pointl prebbably on the eau- to 1-lu. y nd Lakoluid. *lut ellemSrs for Stnny 04- lmrf«t ýiiity ffl"ý.t llý Lakw. CHAPTIM xxxiv. vu W wüh hm patl«»z4 etam- ada. Central, or %orthfitru l'f %n«nwr. hi, Ficelon FUIL-, 11ohSystrant. Md *Q ici 15, I. ,4ttrvty"r tý,r tl&SL ty gers te Arthur, but they were on the Railway, to a point au the (1*99" J)Kp.%RT,%IRNT ý i littuue, $tttvyru, pigeau, and chilÏwtlç Lakee. G»ALD YORK£ X&DE EM à 1 MOINI parlieutar At W-.xiolle with the Turont-, and Yipi-me liait- prtint of locivine Arthur stood away Bay. The construction of the rieur lino WOU. ('a?- lit, IIIIII Wttb'.%,ýrcherri Raiwav fur auwte The Rev. Mr Yoriter in bis simpliste i ÏF -serkIkt. tl J ; against the waùmotinq by the corner- w-jtdd have ta bc commenSil oit the Il te Ilaki te thï,I "I' the buuir»" At ( timb Vulli colt. and with %ývfeàI»rs for Lakes r-Ir PalkMkm ffl te @11liteff I.M*hm 4ffl 8" buod, scu0d in hie stàâ in the Ca-: table, wMtiM till they etere 4,», hie juncti-l with &outil othm railimy Mr- Rm«u, inanité, Md Parry Sound. hedML and te i lu- run. V PMI Illoillit filme, which is Twenty Il Hia conutmmm waa Moral, attitude, hie colintenanS, hie wwe op viceable, as a bum for supplies. Coo- il. lit, jAxbý8 "CAP, Tm and 1 Aillent for and CI, Victor$& t'ut#% ýiower thbig the Gr&" Tnink filiale. abmrbed; like, chat of a man who in net pettrance, indicallive of depremion and inencentent et the t4aorgm Bay end lie m 111VIIEL., 0. a TAYLORI altagedm et puce vith him»IL Lm would ouly lie umfùl fingt. ut Train& in relation tu abouý Ci F\FRAI. ut belle choc ha trais abourbed m the; Hamih clool the doursud gradinc and bridging-the freight on 'Plav.t*tm. 747-ly. turned bN, 1.tý 4.1 criun t -red M-- m 111 1111* ha - tOuý in hua. Re laid hm band kindly ripou iron or steel voulti preclude il& ahip- Fife, Life and ý4ocidéiit.' put-, but vie all know te our oust, thât hà sboulder hie voies, wu and fublit * expressive ment to'the French River terminus. rd fruitier m thalle times;, of the el wS . the kindest sympathy. I'So you The lace Governinent projecteil the lýi P NI In il PIRE chat vroildly th-nets obtrude the-- bave found your way belle oncle tartre. Pacifie of lit j.10, ý FLulway eamwwda ouly ait fer m ýf,4 1[ -l.,Z-Q ;c. solires. The very gremest divine thst Arthur! the IN lis 1 thouqht yon vreille noyer a ý.IfÀnt ai the sonth-«« end of Lake nie 0 t',i,-,,ý, -r Chumb bouts ia am aàw&7a free »gain. What cm 1 do for you, -Nipiming, leaving it ta the provinces of .............. front chose. Ontario and Qnebec te connect theïr P'Aie i*,ý 1: l". 1 à 1 M. NI 1 à f, ...... -ý l"d the Not an odicial part in the urvim wu. ..I have beau ta Devis lSd Do -1. peop l"d Uffl u, Ve's. radway systeme therevrith. 1 - prel Mr Yorke t&kiug, chat aftUB00a ; the They me in waM of a clerk. I think eut Government is practically under- se v IVSTOMS duty wul being performed by the hMd perhaps they vould tolite me; bat, Ha- takinq the construction, un behaff of T,)r, DEPARTMENT, muter, who» venir it trais tu cake it. mish. they want »etuityý't the ]>,minion, of a lino tache mouth -4 J I K Il:, il 11 Niu V.Inf ... I fJý, At- .4, ................ (MAWA, Flebruan tith, lus, Very few people indeed elfore m - S. I&Dove and Do Ha- the French River from, the City of fit- ! »* and still lm of the clerly; the dam wu LOIRM IU A-98unanu ONR- fureter tultitte. It per cent. profitent, but net one of the chapter. ho added. in hie boit plemmt, boit ur- ably wilsely, rel*4&t« ta the fer -ff fu- J. JOHI%ý4OLq, Arthur Ch-»'n ut in hie plus ail matic insinuer. &-Arthurf boy, Id net turc the queâioa of the extension of ......... ...... th, Og, lkfthârlà âOueu4 tOOe'bemd«DovemdDoveiftbeyo&md the Placitici Reway aurth of L" : .. .... #-lire wà"uiug; Md--&" Y" know it, m a gold augwt a dey, m wakchty m Harun and Stipenor. of tl ils of no nos te make peuple out ce, ho: the QueWs czowzL f(Vit mu" Dot go 1 have oosa nu record. nor have 1 any Part . .. ..... --vanderàg te theu.,y The The Caumà Lifà botter " they are l Imowledge (.4 any proposiùun tu baild Ther -rI .. ........ -9 [thiap «ffl"y mu"»O. -U*W' IlThey am net agromble mou, 1 knout a milway frtut Montrear tu. the raouth Prt-è «Ill, lb'.. t,,t. uni .................... UCTIÙ'.q Sà'f.IR bàd MA cou" ta 100k Mt fer mum- chat; they we not'mom Who au liked in of the French River, autecellent to the Lewi 1 to Mpl&S the of»Icly feMids flelmonleù 411tinfil to 'erurit -il Rond à thinq to do, -a. _:b,. but whàt dÈffwmS twill suaestion coutainied in my Canal Po. J.)hr litir x4n %1. 1. the loM ilben ho loft Mr. Galloway Re chat msk, te ms! 80 long as 1 tulu port, and 1 am ftdljr tN>UviiSd chat [Io 1.1111t. -f làse iwm#vat*.e lny Nille \,', I . ..... 'ttadtil- emPkY- 1 out chair parchmenits propel eup"@»d Une ut rdway projeured in Ontari- > ,r por FlzEDý C. TAYWR, VALUABLE PARX hod Dm yet bftn 31111 and 'CAR Fr ment is more oeil *)mJht thm fc;uuàp chat à aR 1 nanti me for.tl Quebec in likely ta be fraught with àuch ieapecia&byonelyingmderdoubemi &4Wh" bu b"pecodj ....... . Why me SnmtiIiencee--in this cm il will ho a t*".I" and hv Ortue of the lxIwer.,t Iale t4ni. ! bu wu& But ho bal now board of of tl »ONt- yon looking se mdl"-reiterated 14%L-imb geac additied te the prosperity and l'Il Ni.,rtWage, hich Ilritl he pnjuced at, hý" w ho the tillie If ýakt. thvrv wili le .,éd by Puhlic whol coula net fail te portative chat chevet volume of trade of the Chien, of Mort. Auvbn> à% y Roland voit wme atnoge.eef as woriL treal and Q itibec. Lt is a, work oý very sevel Mr man ltLAU Ksm t'rit IN& vwmta mou& la laie, Twists ce-umemy.. t a hurried "la Sy Ide se sunnyjnat now. thait 1 grest importance te the Province Of quel %l, x %414#1f t Kent, IIII, Mr. W. L Rweell. $.ucti-,noer, en "Y bal- cala always bât m briet as you M te. Q'cebec. A.CU LLO N M Op lqà lacu tw.een one and two o7clock: acid the hur t,,rt" lr&,r-f« E[amisbyl, uadimmed Il is trne it will occasion the seule. rymg chats and huit hadl probably iWety did some",ý jar apon hie vecil ment of the n(irth eutom portions of had tho -d re.pél t'- hi' trienflu ëolf tbo At one o-ciork, p, nl in lme parSl, tbe 64 annu = j canal thaï; temporuy incrum of couglit riedspirit. -Win yen. amwer forme,: the Province lA Ontario, but it vilial publie thtbk ho hm vahuhle hm: -&et nembèr 17. la IIIII W" Yeu bat Febr baud of in a province chap- M., in my fathefs naute secrire the whole of the trade of t Parli Jeakimwe erratud vras te infarcis 8 «wimt of security do they IL-) A N. thmilems (tard$. RETURNIEDto MIS OLD STANDIF le Acte., bu the 1 Section te the City -À X-ýntre&1-WhJch -INI 1". Il' ýaw il»Ire or Imm. iAâhur that 1»ve and Dove ('»âcitOn require r uked Hamijk And it wu will be the ?ettttet fur its emiuerce- pose. The Property III ableutu salle- (Vout Pleuvina fflit, in the town Who Votre by no Umm 80 : a vm properý a very naturel quesùua. and 1fontzl dellerves it ftS giving for fono M lie% 18. the Il".& akbk et the recell'h Ritrer, affle Ilrar th,- trill il, 4tite'e Lake. doire-like, m choir nu») required a tom- il t etren thalc glaiteil on the nerves of il& construction sa a bonnet, REEII Il.N .1-11 11,,, x-t ul .4m. 4 fil III"yý fur fendy The.r. are ahlnis 'ýu NI rýt'tmmi; allons to.%cm. porary Clark, and lie tholu*t Arthur là, le it netc. howeveri au entire delusiln ."tw Iîmbý. and Swaml>W,-ýt: a hod "ad jeubi» te, keep a loolt-out A char. ho rejoined;! te cail it a section oi the I l'It 1 bN f )N k: ntati omharéi. Thètre are farns liuiltiiuu% Iln the "-$.m yon afraid of cul K 21111 '.%J JI Ir ]Fi jf 14 Eb lantl 1%e -il .-f thc,.re-ýt*r part is tntnd. Tita» - fer him &&or do yen filer my father would be."' ieny. and staboidi» it whlily with U)- t 1)(,l Nt,ý\ t).elruntb al, the time '19,aw; the babuw»ý If the Io one of choir clerks leaving r '41 dmmy they would rakis my se- mi' la e»tmbrAe M.'illet, Ieý sl.*» I.- ho ý«unf4 hy nom, nion ilinds 1 ratte In 4 yttair- t'e»u day le ýaW, wLb inf,ýLnl ilnula Arthur inquired., curity," wu the topât of Hamish 1- !ý The Gwernment of thé- Pr.)vinS l)f lin, at $ percent. Iller avulons, P.Yable hall. 0» ad thm mm vith, m occident ffl àýmwlerforyontoadyamt)unt-that: I)ntahq) isleft to inake c-lan«ti.)n wich yearly. The Iurvhýr tuaIt, Icitift ýicLic« the' I" net op et the rad-.ay-@"om4", - Il, Ni 1,1 V Xlty Il&M, 771-ty. enintracs défet turther Pay ail Ir" or puy, ul. ad tillac; railway and territoiry m but it Dir, tertrIm, Tite ýo»vevancI, unit be mpum .1enki- &loin mine hi& gkýý satile, ed Y" net hur i I'to any ucount they moly défent me, mayl or t-ýtaIIy reltnqsaiabh its trade sa cite 4 of it, sir?" gond for. If they douï like mine, 1 fair as the people of Ontario, am cou-, 1 mowbwrhw .M» et the expen»,ýf the Pivèham. 1 A .,frltk# and the Tick 1>4wb 1 baud Of dtL I did net hauts' cm ýifer my &"W& WiU thit do, cerat-1, while the lkLaitik)u Guvern- -t; à fil filibli, IIII te I.fbww é: W In ver4tr% pleffflien .a,. fut Iefflat n,, time be. kho it waa thm wu hurt He w» try- Arthur 1 tuent kindly relieves the wh-,Ieprovince for ci the ý,0krw Ili the understgued. outer;infilsoernuthelincý w»hentlti" 'ýThamà- you: that is all 1 vent. of Quebecand -inly a fraction .,f th, exhil FUR STO RE Fitrcher lmmwutmm mm lace . bu Yes, air. Il w» Marston. He "Douï go ta Dove and DIIIve's, old prnvinS of 0ncýA,, front all trouble ýtI tt tbo If the toutim. igàmà awwick the bial boeu ont "M mme friendsI lind bov,' Rainisit said again, as Arthur wu ab-,tit it. The line frIllu the Canada h4vil fi.-1 Il Ir le CAMUMS. »OUS(ýMAICL à OK«Ibi. bol caltent, it wm thowght, more Itýuc leiviné the mont. '&Wait patieucly fur Central ta near Lake -XiPL-ALng-whieh 4ter! d . ..... vrais good for bien. A porter PUBO& something more disirable ta tum ap. the Governiuent are £65. rur ý'ý-re in the Fwnit,.. him bwJt, but N6r@ton féli, and the col. Thm,, lit) auch grillait huM. 1 wuth and the so-týaned sectil.nof the Pacilie I-Z i 4.: liiii 0 F pgiv,ý fE FUNDS SCOI l'il ('011,1111%N à V41I-1,ý4ht-k g» cruitta"d hi* font 90 ffl ho laid cher, «m ruent for you te conte here:11 from said point tu the G eorgiaà Eky. are The NEXT m WEST 09 li IL RUX& m ST. L$Stau. up tire, monthi4 the ducton My, "It W but a temporal thing, it is local lino*: and a-I more a connectin and the 1 =:.,t DOI» Md Davtll me looking out for' là, the main un" Iltir, ONOrAnte. 1 , net for long, " repliait Arthur ; and ho with the Pacilic R iilway than wit FI,., f4uk. 1 iýW fi Mus- $O-body ta lin hie pluie foý the time. titis 't fur ý MeRt =Mu ', W i tirent out. Chical and lUin.,ii Centri»J Rulývy- Fuý on r 1>1 Il L.Ow t, rlt 0" belon -h ut Ill, Yeu volatil lâce te taite ît.. sir, yen 0, going buk te Dove and DoWs, the laitter being a the iuost conséquence N Nt Is 10 Il 0t.b, Il Ind could ho loukinq ont for sonceting el» the dm perma ho saw, tipon opouing as a ft,ýiee yeur wmw fle. 1 wh'le Yeu are thmel- yon w0cild mure the doS of the clerks' roo«4 w» Mr. SALK Cktaril hais, tu ffuiLish all the means roaddY 4« the tolu, boura' daïly I«ve AIIad Duvo. FOR Re app«red tu bc in a necemu-v ta Lounect the Wfflern, On- pamon over PO èpyne tari-, systein I3f railways w th the s La xé. il, m cm, àmmvma j lit ,-- Ir- et place li'» ha4 where, medùffl chat bal ........ iiootoa Alui allo, 1 thfey keep thne or tour duia, thm wrowc, Md wu f-, fait and c W Il yon vectuld from, whille twq keep hm furi- callesi Pacific Railway ;tud the cotiritrv LOT X0. 14. Tik roxcE. ;Slo ý . l ')In bath aides lit it. and puy th, trg-;, in Thm lot. are h«,vity tienbrred and nutit wol'd land. do yen want ?" ho aske& share l4 the cost af the (xý--vertimeiit If 1 like ta take it !I' z" md Ar- whoeli4 round epou -lixthue. Arthtir, Montreal. Ottawak. and French Riv the 1 tel fflt#Mtft thawk. %0 tftll, outlaws thlor. ', Will they liâte te col me 1 replied by intimating thm ho would bc âne. The Dlmini,,n i.iýmidy. ten Midi 'lit@ Publie That ýNI-0î"îà "ti.milv r.1th. lih.-à rré1kpiDi lv.%n "tir M, 'a the question- Théak yeu, Jeu- ý i-.t 1- -ai, -;.h h;-. .1 ------- 1 .2.111-- ment &)atm in%.) the»W COUDU7 with- hucing brow and bat Hberal municipal 8id. RIVCU 14 wolleRst. t)nw.*- Ob Xk* et si... A1ý Païen de 10 Ob rua aem > DOWD OUL »Id M. Alf" ! ardm loft *0 rooza, Md oil ai consent to tes, outdanked MW 1 Dovess not ait hm%" vm the req»nm 1 N.w %".Xý les Moulent in tbe penasse ouuàu. s-iàï- Md ut tri afflifin te, M»Y ý-,d nýda ah"dy esta. Yssull have to wait or un again. el, rrender the athole of our cela b- l'e C Ife-», patierm," ho marmured lin him. m«eà4 fi...i . t si il ery political. infilà- j Wae le Ibarist.m. and !baddun. %kri,,,stb ho tlwn*htp'I,# 1bihirey albil the e -tmer-l' î , Iffe preferred to, se le : âma j a v self: sipat"ceý and trait in (;.d:- ai Mee in tbe Uorthera portione ni thist t'pmlnq up a lane truelle -,t excýîIl1»% hut...W MMUt» Mr. DM* Cý ÜL Ar- turned into, the etteet qSckly, ud rm pmvmS to the domination of Moutracel the FIN itIRlàî Pm Ç't"011. lassé. 0" «mmima» in tivemn thur wals t"M imo a UMU ron«4 ab ..... . 1, W" Ilà* vittop * Mhwuu. Ibo quellisom fa-ce là" it fight Apinsit Mr. Eluntley. and Qetebee, sels ought tels r«M» alds- itont pire sebail mon" dUboit tu For a minute ho could nos speak lance for lit lesst; ww hm extendis« z in . ...... """'hrh i. t., bu tmutwee"i sin. V.lir underimrt». UU» ho ab" Là bMîý 1 Tbu deboeud hie eimptiom4 wnhwwd. and thille lino 0 q. %kl» tmm telles C&«Mt-ilmer of Cre" L»dRý tum in it, mi 9-ti«-a Ought to be the C j t%ý ARrýO '111 tift- 'f Ihi. J A S. Il J Oeil. .".l h- Ollsw romb- -bir«dy gi-e -um- trosI Tbronu. Md WSÙO& till Île w- livélt '&El.-ève yon elther the Ne-rtbern or the Victoria ,Stle -U-% - - - 1 Ton alist a son of Mr. Chmaine ý aked, W&Y h 0 notruet on h lit etý" %le -nfhpm bbfrmlk a" ?ai pombdaumpr eslid Mr. Do,... le - se' be-inl Arthur?" lie brmthe& P., il e i of t e %blet lie hm QmqbkqKqd ttm*@ý te Illee 8PO" '&Nt)t Ulnoh Mo" 30 than 1 am now ]£in--Mon »,i Pein4r-)ke Rýiilw-%y to %Nlb qu'r Promfi« on Zmt -r-ar. -rwr. -a ho hsld se mo- getting a=ut«" to bol- wm the su. ]Fenibmke and the Vittoria kidway te) ý,vin piblîty ttS -ettu" consum iuqwove-, rose »Id «ma» au» 1-telyt Ifetý ftltl MIN aberA in tbe t,6uut" in new mh&->w rolté, index of the tainâ, in him, m in atbue. swer thas cu» from bis quivering UP& ilitersoet the Govemment Pteitic line 0.11 F- %@4iqklbl r"f 14-1? 0144 If vrftl-h'4 th, j ttàâur hg I&I hmd tbey wanted. a élork, and vont on its way to the Xaztawan River is týýttIy elle b*ýK.%..r>. T 0 W M L 0 T S' F 0 9 9 A L E 'Il W» it YOU in the t= "W,.tth- .4keel Iý%, Is »Ow Il -t-ek et ff1Cý%VY and t» or In Offitr alySiL 1 am looked upon al a equally imperaû» in the interffls I)f 1 .111 el#"" Z Ps. 414%ellii, r111=t*ý uell N'bilieuses. ~ le* VILLAGIR OF HALIBURTON, we.&& huk felllS new, Mr. HIintleyý" the frontier etXanties The exS*;SIOD pr"ve Il... will the erý liýJIW rawn. raowm :93eing innocent as the day. ofourfrontier redway system tu this W&Y 4-li île t'. thpn .1vabstffl to; wbmtbo» telle ebumb« benamwala, tma;r"b a Il P't'.r Cl mAy j* dg* whether ses - v ..W el 4--l my et, iwý ami %v"kumm. mdge Tom ffl, th» ' &I UBIL innollent befère God," q»ke new ba,*-boue lef our île, det'-meilwd w -eurs me élisse 1 Iàsessi assied the hlofid te Afthurle filM, Re: Irthur, in the hmpWm of hile omotion, ýrd a coulltr'r project illereil A I." Iebow ju long the Valley -pi th ()tt&W& re- elle[, je t "e "eu frotte Ibrmf»> ley the Terom ik!mpèm!mg appumd thlt mwüâmuioa, Md Mo" ýý in " fervem7 of hie boumL Thm ho quires consideration, wd Mr, , ."944, a.l bm.b.* .4.11 kind@ý à r-@Weboafk ývwbw" Z:MOM decided -ti-- the a, 1 SP>ke but the solemn truth, it wu im if we am tes keep our poititm with lors le Il-,% tl, hors. POPOVUM *,au rier tw"w se lwmmtgmlty! re- "mi illl VU" Je aw My emm*,vý it in your-46» imeU bu pou" ta doubtý enu bad Mr. W -.t- gard to the northm part of our own .,î r, f-lruet th@ ý e L a K. Com v. P«-b-mob- i tbe, Oew ai d" ODWY, 1 pammb, ler beau inclined te, doub'; and -4,fthur provinces and alw in the Diminion. -ho M Ime ti-»,r :ý= le ALIM z May bu ezm»d for forg"ùng hà, Sight thousand dollars per taise -If cerne là àL4wjLMý à.M Q le a a, si .9.0 lià" , osmoi. 1 arud me lit" u" cas" in the mommes bittwý mail tir Pr,-vinew twenty*ye*r dben- bew 1 STUFF C-11T -l'w tu be avm in» - 1« ý4 -4 1; et O w 1 flob. K,, nom lame, six thouwend aem -)f land -Per; b"'i Ardm," laid Mr. Buathy, '&l Rio J ORN B£Ra -9 Arum in mai ta mile, Md a gulusentele iipi-it a certtin, k Nt il br It el Nt le bit of miud 70« fât- er Md mother thilà 1 Amenant; of bon-h per mile w.,ulti be, beau deuâ-MVpo»rto utd" : safficié-nt to mestre the co»trn&i->tt -f The i 4eme-coffl . L£àTa» ! LZATEM ! coeilà abole balle holped Eé t 1- IOW mumooeum Cm Y« ton me how! the Kingston and Pembruke Radway the, L ! MW romoffl tsse I& t Devellemeu op tiée ides dut am Ili k - 1'. --'l i wow »*MW Mm tm*w. le yw sucs MW MM mmu§4 Md 1 a to ut jicloui, it r ta fëmbrook», the Victoria Pailway tu If int "Tm quumt do it ait alit wr. aqm-' *@ ým6t"»,Mdtbe -Norumn Radwbey XlIrtl or te"» Opésit. habam! ..NWMM 1@ý ýThr Mm ruccils M ther tu the wmbm terminus ce the Pâmfie were lobs -, oou**«à- Zý6i" se ho : 22 & 0" '0 IL 4,044,111. hW ffloýwv%ý Ne ffl bel b~ embhd 1*89VIlt in«»U- 16P ltwuk tes ma, ma Ton L ta bu mboidiud ud cou-: Yser, @dWàwtffllo*. OPPOO#au$ à. 96 lubd"» am alli. Je bmdmmldL- 1CMoa1tý ýeeltetimè est Ow am wom beau» ill, telles ww et "Ira& au lm b»W Wh" 1 ubmu bb mpm* 1 log by tàlo GovenFamt from the, 114VOUI I& ý -U.» à à,» am lamqàm @& j OUllas Mu« ta " mmeh of the made -#VW (4 ý 1 M W I:M ibbàmt»" " s'Ilhe-4,P jýeý Sý tbe le &«Lll" ne M ';but ldbum fflmà Skver dmU mr" y sous- *h- ou sa". mâme» ab a PiM »sensible to taleth the 3"e ïl;-" te recStta MUR& M'm awri- lm- y- - if 1 M la hé the adwS am Oseoitell", W.MeAump ma %Métly #sales bu dadý M «ahmbole ab- 30réhom CokaWwàm »Id the Camda en th. pmýtom 1 «Miedmr far 1 bd à. yS mm est Imm gi» M C«ktud ur Th, au nom M RIE, W, Ma Imm 8M te »domb"y 0t; ow* ê»Et Oblor, pàa»--uthmwi» hm ai In I»Mktp,,k. tie, TOMWUT MW eau nerviels. z "uw, J, L là, m..tmm e. Ile lassé balle tbat anumi W nia&" hm Muit «W l"Ik Ilt 0,141,40 lob wawbew .0 le Usai Ravuioý orq*gW-6, @Wmm a" -Prha@M am N1 el -h l el-4 k- jisth ffettî lie l-wffl 4 t4 (:offl, ý>ffl# il* "èleAk-» W41, tu" pocin ptit wi* 11, fair pky, bath in regard tue rimaing reval '0. 0. mvmmmâm mou, velle IlftwIlle bile l4baffl s*-ýbm bb*lb» wp la MWMM » mgebuMM& Mises pomm Md oeo»e" with the a)w- CAA.4]M FOR MMES M Illit hoir bomi, yu tailbu d»par tmwa Tom lier@ illele ts-P *4 W» "« oxb$W"d 16 1111111b cýoý . W" asses ament renway, it win Io" the 8Lkale, wbuè q, helpinq mes = vinainK the Paie, The CMMU the 1 the- On rfww4pw t-V 0 selle mumummm* et de fbfbï 1MLY 01M unau IV the MW* ý»IIîw voptm omwM W o »MIM oram è&. ile bm." EFiL j" i."1C = q= -ômpeur, voidd abmlut* 9««n " ' uac a beillici, est te *0 -si dh offtmikoto Montand -, vie %sud Mot Io rele 8" si » oudwmbuml4 to è. mlamm amwa 111k1t, lier la 1 et muon% -eV" MqF- "-m"» dm! Av*m! lawmaýmý a vmm"wut ai" puil" elle Ille lb t g jw mmioqy le Nèq, es ONU*! villis malle 1111111> *Wle a - - mmaimafit wlo*»- - M-0-4 viffffl* ommý am W", reimmum» téla bond wu& à them wwR»2ý P99" te -ma& la am te *0 eonuuein»! Mrm M»W" imam Damè" Gëvwmvmà 4dý j delîs à