If estis « 8 telle Uri ï lpjo# N;.W, lie 44 VM, XVII Offlé., FWDAX MA CH .26j, 1875. Terme, $1. e'... nettes. lefffl feuilles. *&§une rammpzowm «,Mo" ad4 là &M wu MUs POMM AI, ÎSMUATION. dffl» ha 1 le m ès - Owfflt«@, 4t,#op A&MBNORMIRè - la. lmqgm PA)MItT,ý%, li#D"m »Cffe CAM, 1111 1 110E-àm ý 1 - , . _ . - dorAld sud 3 -]W the M&W cm Mt mm goum The poëtMi utmu«m &le this mu- oUmgue& lie assil olise Md ho S un" rentilde nu; of thât which existelli, If it in cm WWVUMi»e *Ièý lis Whair but fw the remplie we =ru _"« 180. The aider members .4,dminiumti« Le ir lum Ume en Nt , = 1.11". : z. 1 ýi uls un a fur. libellaisetthe Wâfeem party wM rý ber vith $4*kffl X-suit; s'filles ïWAýlb IL- &MMIM ým;zbezým* '& -inadu. whW on-filielleil rp»Id It t SI(l 1111111114. 1 faulistais Goverommt touk o1fice in IM bave rillacheil i tl, $110, Lwèi4m sessési 00*%»mm 4 *7 "WhM dle m&.Xmw «b@Wat Vu Connermtwu bied hem dd«&d%à If thist ho su, frités, a. omw,- tbb thilles or *a amom ante a sit Un p" >y lus mormous majurity, vrorig in obi, A?.r -% rwd-W%é*. i OMWA. »"I, dm&- mises, 11:16 Il si es aille; to ellissiliel! y» pet ne " poupà harulIg hem roumd te the, fflé; it vue el .4, (bpowev,ý Iteqd blesse, Whd.Y .. Mêle alleil, ftvlbw »obiK 14 lac, sace, J. JOMMM, = na= y» @* lm duk et pari týmoM pisch of indignation by the cou- this Parent Coi commmèmer ce p" 1 Dje thàk 1 " t" it m umom ORWU et " Party se, destroy il ho au Mr Ba Wl»,dýille .. ..... t:00 repeumt"ve goverment by gracting the Confedom lemèule-Ith - *» fil 9:40 -voxal"ý iotW% mid*e te *âf Govwaur poison whick no frofe Dougall did m dobt& = Suid dellegate, tu other tienne their, it bu true. the fi Ir tanner wbe wm tilles brevu ut the publie- ;1.4)ltàc lll),rxl" fW-fet te.wr te, --mâdr- Un My tan" par; fltbt*)W.e».,. 4-0. Ksolt tel hMI4 m& mmb Mun* un" atella dusse reprý "vtnL The' party of tâte yt 1*..@,.,P.t.lkl -th tollé 12:10 le, VOS @à Ir 0 -A DMIRABU RJW Ibis fieil Md §bd" liblire; Illif doet ýbq A; sa butaing ci the Pwiàý t Hom ait take, and va Il 'te Km".rt-," 1:36 - noms in the i "uwb Qt UMIMY- 111011111îè ýIllI,1-e elq,>.Wk 'llf; lý t:00 9;7to t" it MW, jula e@zý t haire le Mmtre@4 and the stoumg uf the. new noms of a disti .,li %jjýjN J.., .. .... et la of __ bdave àtmSuwf,,r - - li ..- 1. bvu, M servistires icelui mill lisse difitrepute. tu be surrendoi . tiIý.ý,i,." 1*10 fis. m FOU bu boule tVm ci wu Toryim W» regaried " deuil fur &Il We proteilest a »lisser toules, et Ir 1M ' eV bu IMM, lemam" time, and the Bdormen being full of, ment of the de Oeil-= bau». Irk Maîch, WU Md wAh PUM% $bu 1 h" tmi" zm tofoit the ala and poured il; Md and courage thora wu art immedi- the d»x wader Ni, ib(j,4 %#Aff. »»L s Ira*. S. m TW COMM ffSr. into a M Of hie owia--& haudwalle jug, am onibrmk of au intinite variety of NVe refuse tu Irhom leu un bakefuy sitaboted à se big& A" seule, au tueur amow; tâmâ bidlem in *a aura, and loue its new idem The annexalion Suvemenit party hm beau tl-.46 a. illes, $*.» >m yý.wly I*00 P, ses. 4:36 le ep»bmd bondie--evina bâilit the pub- took place mi IM, chiedy insuga, ed by tiun whieb it i 1;00 31141111, M -ti "Tou nom the Comervatives, maddeued by the thât its dm soi le- 1:49 ella te te 3" rrWo Sursu ^NMI ion FOR My 8-" tais, bu bue; me Mait a illaveraist trilide 99«14 leu of olâce. The Refformers alto, hall ha tu uniý» bel.( li fil -_ _ tý _ JL 44LI& es aose» 8111. MY &le a quairéali of a buter dore. theirfoUie& Meurs. BaldwmandL&- E" pretence %tb.,.b4e rý»s.M 4murum e "d le assille hoilial serité, ders, of the Govem- and my thst Il 76111*4 ;».tt.rt.Ir.l. 9ýop:F- , fou disiez la!" mmd ha. fontaine, the lea l_ ...... 10:14 selloille riveu Md pompe js@ lesséesque, jeu saise M10 -63" *0 jar, Md -Mt ment, vers men of the bighest persional doses zisment t,, .4 j4K 19T big boit, wilà Illissississulie -offl; pabam vu â"ifsâMý 1:16 jefflinfles, mélo à§&& charatter. But they vere prudent and publishing its e. jés rirative in their idem and wore, ring that it ha -WWC Ketch Th" aie: t*>I* rz wmèr. î mm te haisten alowly on rnany tb..$ rooffly sitése. ahut his wilà a bange it dételle nue beli -,;m - ----- pointe w" the younzer members -if : tu uverturu a j tjr ilès M y. Witl% limitation lesses Voilà THE CHA-IN.XLNGB. Mâd Mumbd 10 gel, out hm Min --ýu ad Ver S.Olteaukt. selleffil lqemmun for tellessessy pà« Uffl ---- «6- bund Md Cham& Net th" ho h&d the party oonàdered of importance. OR in M& MMW WOOIL g»M loirest ter a bnm"d a" sup-i Hennis aruille white vas clielleil t-le "Clear re-create 4glili -t'n"hbffl foi, rielléellesse refilés, @sillonnasses. rd au IPALBUM xmawzbm. par as a ma"W of tuée; ha "ry1 demmcUng numerum we tuust n.*àve i la" b&» Ir, il More 1 a single chaaffl and refusing te lirait 18et restored a 'esse 'l'Illa S& in y DI .14 1 »'. %.14 I.èeb4t*ay ,4trt*t,' -Il telle "tu& ot adjouffinq the sava . dainq; ouly, dainties Md Mr. 4 1 moment for thiffir realication. The end trient that. fit, té. J)r ""Fty ý,j, > %»Il weille, rebeauue b-7 &atm on SM il a (commov» PMU "M WIEIL) ; of thât moiveillient wals thM the Tories wurk -,f d.,iti4 i Ibos, bN-94 Réessuble, jew"b Md essum *M" 1»111» did am Ag». 7weDon Jus, 111%m Pm &%'9 Md Etam Rants. returned ce polluer in 185sis. »Z %bat any j-,urnal th 4y illors ï4;; sieste, w*wb ils Tisseur 101Uy wailitatille ho took daim awkob4 mfflt" tiesses, trie (br'M'b".b, $J.,be -t. 11111at it omet en bave hem Tom " publie-mading out a munis sup- j thébugh, aume of the ad reformis î the Liberal pur: attitmi, U. 6 -*.ý.,rjý%ubn -!#' fer Cbamine " Pour Tom!a b-ahmiL dm- par beer a uarter afore seveu. when it pmhwat 1 i vers carriessi by the Ciiiiiiierrative Gov- le in siaply aialt to-oometüleevmMrikon! 1*01t R&LIC, 13 EMKPU» . mu -à this, mmy ha MaIWîl@ý sé, ý, lil 1 , xmà "Y ý if it utopie a vaiting (»MPUahed as they vould have talon if est admiutatrat I elle l'éli Illie. edir#Ïv Ille 111111111el= autý. thélir varpbm on thoir arme en ailkd a autuing Md pèse undrudiable the Roimm Party lad conunmÀ in of nec«mty bée ... .... AU eu" àm" tu, èWM The Ses- for tWy belli full huâ"y fer theru"n- Be I a gaver. thaï; I ehouU ho forcelà. te 1 polluer. ýlWfèfý ouquwm la der of the day, villest th" verlis sur- availler my supper dore my lm have î There ufne unportmt différence bel Brown, if aoke AIIOUT To 1119 îÎVIVM suribuý ruisselle la ove exil, bu Pm»» PROIVIIN gomq»»» os in filmiques légissus, sur MW the "M hW *9 outrance of Mr. Routky. seuil 90» devenir JUISÉ ta plu» thora 1 tween that iv» and the present. Theu the Cvtvernmei 0"= . m a" ab" ffff»O»We %ý 'ent aumet op tu the bellesd mm. TWy hum guise a dot tant mmIh cm il K, 41). ILI'q'létoibruissýAMURYM À SPMDID ati or 11116%top 9. vis bouts, the country hall beau in possession of lu IM3 actefil . ....... "le Now idibu sa 0M -Y - duumu la Mn a bmmm st 0& ter;s »dding plmmtiy te da boyer thâea whet it ke respoulablequirertiment ouly eight yean4 mental affaire? OMO" hésissur riche Md WL Re tSk a -digU dmnU of " of- dira of which hall. bee a strtW son why it sfe 1 ,Woef'. ýisf -eau les twvmymm "WOÀ4 M& Who in yow tmporkmt 0» bbwd «" " a 7e -iM M.. ut la LM mneymg. elle ver the 0-vernur tration Or that oWS-ý ab filissie, mu £Llt;um maior r ho july domma" o# " = &Ieýo&r"ewmcri =Dit --numerous reforma were aboulutely jax? Yet je té 1 K m. tfî JM&PJM gre» b"dled of aie- requi ira& Now, &fier thircy-four yeurs the grelâtelét c( 441EFes" ! of resporaible goverrement, the prt)jects the age in Caub nuatwy." p- Y« haire bond »Cloud att Hmtiey drev in hà âp& 1111111iller ý vas heure at "daor--a my If reforta ore net numerous, and, ou and building ul ..Y. gl,«titution bavlue lesufflé, MAU&Mtb lu hou it. timid ous. " tinIsI 1 far m they haire beau hichertu d(.vel. si .... ..il& Il". 9447. hiels Isolée "èremIw-W 441 the illeniffalle et au"bWa moke 1 am illeurry to errrient. The «fil d-$ elýrt -,sé'élorlesséliglissý soirs the turrle Yom Ilis Bu 1 calle, ouly a Mr. M" lu% dessin th t. The erniment in nu U39 5MM Mrhffl " ho e brend and ope4, by alle mesce importan -e. file 4 Milles, X&ILMCRMMWI., t I osn't loulou, hOw~ , for Re ..... î, bot. ký M AL ne mu Pm ci Lut No. et. selle et Km libussI Win do hà duty. the kmàla 16whwa the rasant formeras in l:aly heu"c ý,,overuq ~80*wme eu illeus huxt.,w alliollestellifil suit noisiellewil, st-es Kemes., Irait sille àý 111 haire just bom toUinq hiza @%-" gert a recul in quW 1 Who in it P' 300tre, Md nie think a thing ri4ht am '11191f. R0yIlý 1101VICI., 10-èlle Illestil , lI le.vww» 01 sestelle bw*b»- gowd Issaisfilles -My -«UP»d m th, Wwdm un= b»rd " ",tr. - wu no mpm» en daim, save, it-ell, te draw their attention tu the e«y tu. be bue Wo Wb pmeà..Y. Thau 0 W ýmu & 0. odl r 'ICome, in!" grest importance of avoiding divisions. There is nu m,): elle th, filleffir oculessire inusk. ..Wh" 6MW ,» hm ils this dr'. 'a :e 01 «,et. 1.9., s»Ils initier p--y afflment entaille tema oloctinued Mr. Mumur te the mmer. romed ont ha. Il the string os the and uniting fur the carrying out of a ministerizW pui ý,sqF est Il. lisse sabs M.Z. "Itaowing the» vu a dolubit whieh of latch goed general reform policy, goir-rning with î t egrity 1 th.t..Ikxl àtel.wtý flosi T*w4 -et au" nuy bu Ob, 1'.) t.ibt*ý ès éý buffle .9 lut) 4 tiffes (bloc" efkuewOim -law. dte threa senior boys vould ha chiquer But nobody cellule in, in apite of this the country well, remedviný evils as with thelà-thq f FàRD. V. Tâ £toit, 1 seillethélid, should it prove te be My son, lucid direetion; and the timid tapping, they arille% but avoiding, ille far as p.,ui- tu pLby the nezt L"D"! "Y la spellek a Word ilsbout the Oxford «. which Memed te Proond fmm very hie, changu in the hum of the Ùivern- -If the tfl S. 1 'et 1. 1ý1.1,1'1'1.1.1:11 41" MAMM.ý LY row hibitig>*, which, 1 lutheries, cellierally ne m" kaueklel4 vu -ont- administrati.>n llIRéýAVII, "Ifsd Avinètrop LIVICRWX)L AND lut. «%y ut vietorta4, oolapffles " »Mordù> it faut due Mr. go" wu f" 1 To groverrit vieil a country no gmt as timt).)f a Gove lessera-fissesséessi 1.- L.- and Open it. .. .... =Z Thsu; next B»ter.» Cma(6 i3 of it»lf a greait achievernent. ready fiiid net t 1. a leur* 4 4 bel »d utiliser vgàmbb 6.Ton," Idd iffr. Pyal, A Young d"Meil of er 7 ý@0, a A Party which dose it ils entitled te simply rg)lly. tàw« un t lot %S., kg 12. in the 14% Sils., -Thm allorser cas te dellIlina, it fer tattered tippet, and a large bnunetý-- zliffater praine thau one which achieves horte;t they wil .4 Maum m" cm lie My ritit uitom ri« INSUp, C]g p# tisses or wm tu o@4" repUM Mr. gantky. Ka vin pmbabllyhSmothW& .. M»dthe»cuft- a constitutionfai change, unteas that and Withr)tit Jtt COMPAST IN Tut woRLD. @"Ullý Md sipimm 7«t n»d it; and therefore ehould nue mi4 Mr. Kefth in in ementilsi te good govertuneur, À) Nime m Xssý men. thell> eût in the vi fil hw» mm id 01b lot wamm Md seand in the light of ony otber boy- Constitutionnel regulations an surne. vrith as Iýuèh e t 14 rumb l-rran 'à-Nu lm d."ig hose, 1 doffmd it ma, air, tu stailis thils ut Mr. M" wqs rathS takm aback se tî- of very --test moment. Lackuig badly. #11,11 s'es; se !oc -s w y»kty il Md libres am bu il N M À 1 lbv~ elligillis lm 'réussir louves. ovier bave this aùmn addzem, Ma aLrreyed its them the wheela of governiment are lm- And lire denj m , 40rhâak you," wumly rupinded the a in MtouàbLment. &&WILO be pelled and aveu cesse P, te mo- But f-rm can be ci,. growâd coustitutional changes as often pro- for ho knew thM je wu yon 1 who vents him heussérisison lbwo Ous. bond constitutional rq KMAN au MUMah. mm to My generom delid. hi posed from more caprice, and are b"Ille amwmy. BUILDI.XG f»Mi 1 Of Dl' of administratic Mr. Iff»tley approached Tou Chais- se' sir;e ies a gentieussin. m m a consequence whatever. Peuple fancy necoasary, fort, 1%o roant#rcm ww= :wt tyt.= Pm aine ffe took hie hand; ho abook it waiting se the big gralm gate§4 wu the that soute part of the constitution is administrestors, élésissi murw in et -es', mi, vis fisecillusie ith eV" Insolât of Umm" top si sixr. K etch à te p te hine thille illoecal or inhamonious with the rest. .,b.1 14lessielles, mille Id»ým 1 lys. estly without ré let ý.il 1". 'I.Il.I.1.1l.il, IKC»MMDM " top-, 'Ilir séTou sacet »tanov tins minute; ho toid me te come and my no, oroontravenfes some, absestract p ry's TUR Md rinciple tfri are not h.) dette ll:kttv Irfqrmq. A hm siettroseured int,(%br".and un vie ulàL 7"ý ýf Harry te Imm dubimd- auld if yeu diclu-t m"e hantée ho ahouU cf mure or leu value. It May ali érode bee',me essi ditifilliosil Win bée I*W f» tbWbvar" ut hm leus, fmuwm jahr for. shipt Yeu and ha enterfak for elleh ho gens." le 1... .- il smoothly enough. no barra may have rois Md to Oum$ inmaum »WY ssub 94 fouleszt Xquieuis othw," ho mid, in tenu ilest rwAh" "Cm't yont apaisât consistant I"maded arisen bom it. but a chang- is prlsosed ueSsibity ait this 8C jtýr 111 (!ew 111.,% N a ('0., 4te-ek "tue toutes proffly in " Omr. r-ir &My pair of mu pm»nt--Md Dot ous, Ketc1t. 1,who in the gentleman M isad an elletat'on bogn- It m'y OdelY have bassin n",fil JAM84 MAIIII, bong1w eau lostés, e-vimendy sàumt. Aillent fur Lwwb»v MW Ce. Vis% ;ýW«rVJ»9 là - Mis; lusisal a W but wu tua" up te limon. l'you leilles I balle» te in the biâh- bar said thM no chmp of the bilais of a félins of & surety W %serre. q. c- Il-wMotàlbenauiot -more deurving of the plâce thm bar op. Goverammt abould ha uked which is MIRAL llqg('RANCRànlLX y . Fers V. V. in the musée. wW& lu. 104 If we hall had ai el ? ub' 14 «feuillets Insésil. Ili bue 1. rond en libil âad 1 am d»pày sorry for the ehuàmmL. This put Ka" in a finstair. The '%ist nos noeded te remoire some practical the put rive ye te lk ý ".,p =éon na "M ans boulonnée a *W%-wwf etauffl wh" bave M 1 1 hiffille tos sup. mm gatu" oould onýv bave reference eva which serioualy affecte the condition hall th. pse %. FIM Lile alad Ac'eidut "fta plaint pou. Never minitel Tom; %« on te the privaite outrance te the biahop's of the p . Te do et a i tu b le; 1 1 1 týIspfW1,, JW1.111 4 tell, et 11ille de. el, Missui, et reffet Ibis% wbb a peu le b rw ne is ia Cimplication *W" boue& Ub POPUZUIR16humd nuoro> bravoly, lad, and joull outlive ymm- Sudon, whichantrancet hie lordship uW vaste labour on hi" which vould be inittal te) pmdte ellite, lUbjet2benum 0 0 V,ý .,..i Finit 0-190910190. ille 0 Con"» te ha wSkhy of your whm attending the «thed=L That much botter bestoured. on the entrent The wan t aýini etc, t l'i'l, -d Ail rwtb *Ma" lot* Welles dvmbv« hou"& obum m -11at tilit do. "'Il:,:,..,.,g kri lie yurk strffl bellestesse Xmt Md uu"t noble fatber; flontirelles, te ho MY maý$ the buMp vais m EltiMoulme Ke" micidents of goverament. H.tw vital, the grestest lesti Affisévoillissur uboi» leu for MW ualy. essalla friend; the» in no boy living whom 1 k»w-. ho hall arrived, thM day aîter a as the prenant moment, am the net«ý federstisn. and 1-11 le .............. Ibjjfljjbljjiý MIMM âj V.iý ', "p'. , el.) 0MOM I. Jus., vould un MM ho look pattem bref m hl décrit al»mm; whaît on sortit could ho j sary labours of the natemun in build. trame ré,for. fi C1.1 % ý 1 K W. M vaut vith hin 1 Nevier doubting, in ing ups the De' * i ! Look ait the utileu etrengthq . ........... je,,I %V-1 -( M LRLOEL w= s'b". il. hle tum "bd mt» Tmtey@m4 hie hurry, elle gemdý of the mu- legislation of the pressait nommou of Par- 0. ... ...... .... huk-lip quivered., Bu that ho re. seau, X" puffl bu dour en, and hu»at--the Supreme Court Bill ; the reforme. I>amisloNÀL Courn 07 R Air. Memhered whm ha W@@, ho M*t bave stoppait 00 the Young mensonger bav lérth %Ve contend te Nt -frest Territories Bill; the Padac ........ .. % emWOM 411RIMON. *'Tb" yon. ir,-" ingalreadydecampe& Thelgrefengstes »Ailway and Cana; policy; the -New direction cane gw t1l. MiNc LOIM N Auuu ncis 00à., ho amwered, in a lusir toule, valse unet one mmuW@ walk front the! Brunswick scélool uestit)o . the Insol- "Whow r wàutw Tod Tueb», m a proj%-ting but Ofivencymeuum. il.vrmichstatesLuan- harmony of sel th« que goinq ont. "A fi» hima the tt= rplr«mtM the one being: dùp in required te deai efficie tly with the legitimate di .................. the only warnin heW! à ààwe bmmw.n in net of thé othu--ud old NA" ! the» matters, and how muchnreason is ths« Who do 0-, 1.11111FIE 0111FIFICIMs. ]FAjX ý 1.ýOTL% "A thieFs bernithille 'A thioi% brio. gaimd them, and lw"d mouncL 1 thoras, while no much th&% is practical ther!" wu the Who. Liberal moiremei Whero wm the binhop 1 The irou promu upon minds of our rtileu, LU B R the Th& ema" Life m m ing unfairly or "Bat hein not ouresciller EFa! ha! galles, thefouden the whitestouelle se hiz thug the party in power shoulsi be eau- thaï; vould bave hem a uood joke!" &W, the Illevaring màhmlral Moit, &Il ùoua in introducing new issue& ? Rather PrImotera- .................... Ait Seo Bot Our »OW 1'9 Ilecold and mlm in, the mooubes, but ehould every Reform»r, in odice or out Voisins, à* am Illisa milieu, A- . - . - - 1 1 - 0.0t'l', hOti'- Y,-rk. fttt, y AM W glas, %,Mlff %.rjmlslng to PM 1ýý a1îýý j- llot "f -le a Ob #W. A» Am Iý a "es of camps -Mr. Rnuth, il es throte tbuiL E» maim k»W n'a. hall qffl a ....... là > saloper saowed him te Coalitions existing liblaboist without a chaisied the Ontari b "d'ROM&n« thmudth*W.Jeot xud*--ù 111, r%.jq-eý utti hi. -tio t)w ýw.or. et, PTOVd ilaite MMI" break front then outil a litelle mure than botir-1. s-) there i artill 0 .e4xle 1 ehorever ritremitl t1ille, dal folloving hie Cre 1 q?. . . Si, ho might thème e.rtieuler. apigy Il, albuoit et W diellèvem 'UNS iliciL. -heu they etLlminsted lu Lýffl»Mufacturj lit Xie tic. rmetz« ensesom BON Salhu m ho %,.,W VllRK.;11, lb""r, P414 lawix 8ve",aý le a offlS lot, lu lm$ ftmup on 1ý -OPPM it as 0 1, 8"tbùy fonow" the aud FUQ siro dE lit, MW 112 ; iwm Tôm Chmaing woiad ha W "P= 2candabil, Md gave W&Y tu a peine Au the tic liber, ýj«l8blly Italie to, ili. Pr*Wr WejbîýlmoxI qè!e.ýS- -là --0 lodge, hi- fL"m obmrva- poirer symm of Governement. or m ped it. Gerald _Tý If it in Word te ratura tu tien; Md, m mm m oid Ket* hob. anguested by the review in quelstion. f a Di q si am; but Tud bail t" mm am te ton. b" Out Of ite, ha POPP& in, matd" thmit thà parallel is to be mode complote Sentisse, bu relleigie J-J fr,,t,, libéit ow A" Griaule Who a" la bwdmg the doàter kop trobla thoir nad, m& and renewed. trewhery lesti to .'ty t,«e*.b 0. te "quelle W, tu o"x«C» in My alibi hie midy lible. fokied m a & renewal accotant of the Sei t.t et eu b@Wyat %ii. ximm et Wdebom depoeil»d a pielle of of the bitter and deqrading êxpenenom tu aflow members ile Yb Vollffilt. IRW HARINEU .14ROP. "h. it*aqmmg" 41M Oubliée qumd pow«. wowa owbmly have albellm, note, on Ka",& toýVn Thm ho made of the !aM twenty yeux, then whceve- #uSel the relletauraiti NW P11111, Ni,ý;[ IfF wý KFFVFS, KIWI 87. ilibléga. N th nmumabw Ped iL They lied hem te vible, tolet it 0£ 'l ler lh. V. hik, i., N«... y. rit > .NI hm wf- trio& 1 caum Inch renulte will have much evil the patittenage frit] à& Umm, la seoe«»-l mm te the knoviedge, of the Oum& Buk K@éé èfler a while. Ho to mower for. sufficient to'pay tl iw tbq v 004 Ir affie. th eorher 1 The ment difficaft put Of the bOdum dîd kno Wh" tu makis, of JAS. M AISLiu IL this lot lhere W# aulee thug am other tfte& mmisS»m q 0% omwaing ffl aie mm ou hâd beau oU X" ; but thât it, Thm re uestion Win On Friday Il, i,.fnrbib hi. trwfwiý and t ho blutait; la vunuý Z" 1% la omlbdmvîmbu « Milbellit X. colie. bu rathS ima" to the opù" th" 1 uM be without thevir vente if tholible e til4'l wïth a new brlý that ho hm t,ý,mabevw*d hir.4nem in CW waing heu m mu, on vueh ubffl tg et viiluble the bicho h" not inated for hinL 11111Yee if the Fla! ýe efth tivoiti Tbe mooau»t @hom pmedony m p whom they -Ily touch take w" ng lion of finzpr .)f ,V. Arleilletal '«He m*t bave w«Md me telle take Il by limitait. wil Premim on Zmt guwtLinduy Win be ne '014 in P67e$b te ma pu, the Bouadmien, and the Smqu&tou -'l. he elv a ý"uý *p. Imrmbxro Ob"I'm - Thom whuy while «rnestlY! and oit Thursday amellee will pleqwe"lb)e igarligt..D*. t" mmom wàubfflpm ce LU lait MW& et. wem ete*WW op, by Oum Md sieulible, au «sbý,,d rmmd 10 th» dmm-y"* bbohl- -midm« tu allottre an bonaet Id-is- armi injured, and arftmpb'ffl v hubsbowlUI bave Le" gbffl. 1 4, . And thla thoste it eau" 'm, hablid à la or ' -*SZ lit Ulck%*y Md thew p" of moua« round the, duit him. tu tmy about the baü- of public affaires, Sibre, est King W. ...rely j ibr . Tru. a -bud ne ho the mm timel -Ri attention to not'l' 19)OR 14b et 'Ile 0. fllattAbwq 1.1(btlT SIARNIM x wbwb bit J, 09 »aka of the " tim. »i» m it in Of ES PortIon of T SI "I ille 0. tutoient imitit, ru«, rmum et. -"bin W» abmt filons bu = quite tm rion, defaou, in the nuahinery of Gov. wurk sh.epi il compia"ilà «M aimé lerverbeed, ils vm lm m unda4he wing liver.V nWn *0111 8" it Io thelle advaitffl la 1 p~ lm& lie 7 wx emt*Anbq os bombe. , : The §nt thing ha uw, Ou mument, eidetly aitand in zî. need of ffonft Md Hamm, m The "y, you My Ings stowed there. j . . 'l'Ille 0 et belle iud entudn& Wwi the bit of paffl on bu Sivelle am aut» telle a mes 0-ilible the table, île mm& ma opomd it The vork they an doing la -Nvho mye it L o» mèr«b,ý« hwuný N-r re sood, and cm ouly be produc. The Uoh&wà faut& coniell- and brtmhmt-fait ki»d@ý formbobob> double vais, Md alme the foreput of thet pue. bling " d tâtait foua U" km = tive of evil by being Pen 1 Al.- ý,tf« Itwàt of îmanke.le 09 Fat d».Cpb*lom no" day. SchoMbop am Mt . i th 1 plemed, 901 . m in and ont tumted, distorted 4uarmt»d Sweil le billes 00, au uut--bý oae, telle o». ilut lm , y tised in the Vài OrAINGLU &LATIL _èwý ý au A iii;âisy lw *7 il Md made an il] with a Vient tu ta&, kittd. ill-ie Wilh lèbelume a" à Malle Ow- te rofimmee Md a vithout prý or hie »m.&Wd. D"'t obrow *» Il 9» - --- - ll- := tu W, um of by evilly dispoud penons. T-) Pm-,94M ç r_ ý_ ý MU& un nob4 a. in sixty Millwerge, au dý" omma ut Veillé le ROWL -4b C.Mw. olieil, dow em ti Sbâtend, m in Sntmded by nome whose Lbwbq. at Tl»y «»Wimk puliporteil su lie hum JSqà idOmbayO fallaft iBU the "Illere and advertised, in the -guël mooahtýim It ma m &nom _ and rpoliliveil thi the bmw vm àppmàii& and yellow W4" thet the dizolumion uf 1 rnay bu thus »On 1 j oim BERRTO On» «Xy old lather in mailing op tu our Conathutiond questions ils fnUy, and Mura' W" OM" ple» " ght, t. eu a bit of auppwle the OWY dolby of a damimmut nur»rous m mm pâli liellie, hi&- Irettà m hà wale, nt lm Super allant. -m Mr M." bal , _ mi ha un ha *.ld mu jeulet te, loin in the a" of Deputmmul AdminW D Fà X T f S TOI uw"tn gambe@; ZLM -e- kme, -Q I Md 1b, J. @han br j -An tuloccupiel W% v»w testé libellé. b&do% ila to filin hISI& tu the "" plat- --ribythe, J'lie Artlfke.1 rk*th frem iq» lit » elletips ma r~vm te Ift. Ci ou à* Mater lemb@IMý Py If Y -i% et UV- OMadL force the Libug party bu beau Wtý.& 4t ellen .. ... .... Mil Apotu" te te limitait te David F ae. tir U" (ffl, *nobfoiWt .0»*lowenowootwilhum-01, ,ý M --- TomJ.Jmmmk" ing bpi" for Yeu& lit in, lé opmplece thautbi soir pom LIP ulcolj4 te hà boue% m lu le. umm« the *A = Pal -dY, remis continu Mm illiviete cowAner,@Mg billa The troyed by tire on e infarm" hm himmu - m ho et Igow. ittbm alqu nue dalually, kama garrmd« tu the " no party" cry. V.Ptklkél*f 4441,4100 1. ihvt4d le lit* »vaille md lambred bamum the = 1 te ÙM wcRk4 mm dohàoui te old Coufflm of IM V» forembed and the i Tht' building w- trù& plored him in the emmatioý lm lui KOWN P" tàm mothm, st Vbba country was, tracelable tu 1 tracluit of the partie "M ta ha» hi& P" ci Ob bqm imýÈ W" Placty of Waedo»U and ý MIE irm mm* Mélusi ma lm., jaat were aillent in th àMw2âüý7G- te am; donnait i mm m W- se WM" NODO on the act te "» tà» Iode ma tîm, bffl.10 à" wu &mu *àà là wm-.tu M du th" thme ver-ý m liait =»Patay in which Md a P~ 86 &nwèbffl la au it. et - Bdumiequ-&4uipe puti«4 and " m the, ad- sured WW re" a Pl pr*"Pv*bkffl of îlIO nwh«M tobtelle liber. Iliblefflaise «M'MMW* 9" q-ft am" Ce a"" tbw Pleut a aime UMM diO& = 1% two n4obu in " w" màioémâm of pubho suram mon". = t=h» .»(I milom velue Offl ý.1 -b« tifu W» MU lie dm»wr »Wý,&Mmd th" *0 GOV«màe" to to -ROSI. iamm IR il lit r i IýeI it-vat 11101118T vAll. ilit (»PMIWO D«AkWy. lie- bw To LIVIRT JCZY & IFAIM» mit M Matabie, 1 une 8* in béat W&M, ý mi à& nà W» mm; »d àm mold boý lie a coalition of 'Igmho" buhop, _1111= 11L fleuri, 4%d Sb@ lfflta$t.ft "d hulula loched op the thmmm labelles la buth perdu for th» purpom The nom et hm reoi"loe, CI oxi à «.h. il eeh lit, eumal, tille, we" r4uporj&gy tellim bt= 1»w m bow balcult mommu mi te MU » M" ma -Y but haut kept op since th" there la aussi was, 84 ye, tvrillette *ttrntým. b"w tuelbue #»»M w»P m almersableme » wuov«oawbh %"&»C !m fur lm libleilli màýg bm al lodrit (mây % quur no digý bellwelible parties, and th" obilisait of hm deabth le th. mtmi,,Wt«M III, -bit IMPFO"d km sopm b" belle Departmmw Ad-inàt"-,n ils the lianxigil Duseud il . bbw. 14 W 09. (le pmk»,Od by a Dow prer«». éle 10 bu «Vme" se». uat. gil plu maï au abý mi bb" wr du dq pu&Mmik je au -P goïk Md ma mint of ZwMauant, ut aut in th. CM." #a mb" lier libe, moite ýw»mw s«~ wlibletellet d"gSviý qpàmmgý ubli 'et. t roi I&VONý AMORW, op" 1 bm milb, è" .e *a Caud- AM the Sy k*4&y of Mr. - et O«rMu. .) i "balomta AWý cz àl" bobbhd IL" m lut m bb WIMM ILIDoupa in that there me no of the Canadien Sa $1 ýw11 k»b-- uma enow humble ka"e WÀW Md»îi 1 a Pair et jaugeur, qmàiclm te divue pu" - th" the _ aploy" in tbe Go à. elle ai - lic 1. Alk @@nous et w 'et 111dait Salle albut ont -4 Md Mt à W obme Mon" Of imr ou§M te bo'P«P*tM- Id% in the içewm m" 100" m' moew. tom lut- Md wbm ho emvmm a 9«"" k4mai 69 tqm mur twmg 1q» Q»em th* ho WM kv 6 tmè 4ju, joliký Boug-pal iduchodi met 01,1., à,,,t ,W, bkww lived in Turions«. Jiu Aýlr,*qh FUI dmm»d Md mi. au Who im» bjuj,