»o les, 9" dm ow %hie:* 3 ee te tic* im; hW « hW etiolwe IMIIIIIIIIIII: tru. soissol ily~, il, tttti, hisse j.,okfbtý itïbd - tt(ý.1a fmbom»*" it le mywt j av- tif *» Mbt X", by Rov. flaram agit bien. IL this, ables, *et bsasol put the. bol 1,IlIIL lob pibpter. Cwd se is shl Lave besoin. Atter, .1 boholiblit hift*«myhmd fois sooffl la ma vimtent introduction by the choisir. yon IXssý, the lecturser &I ttkr igltktt i t4ell wu tl» y tl*mtelg '"Tffl dofflosest the andm» *W lisbout M; 13mm soloula sè repli hisser. . me d$Wilmd the vans of fossette i. --Wl ;a. lm-th« - ofour botabobst pb>mW»q lu4i«ti». but tbii,.*4ttt thfiI %jI !oZ 4i; $9 tý4% ilibattiter wigh *», Ral hopolui the amiçWitn tu whom inter- with boa Iltitth ý, »bk«l *l ilote h* v» tnutmv-irin« te, qp"k, lirmiboo rit w(bibid basket &bout broilid hg &I fast k) the nibbibils prisceptios 1. "vttet llytoý.e ttbwttrtlb, tissu lit III tbà% Palk% owowtýtu mm 1 (et total abati»nes, fier thie hans. le, Il,>, bil o,-h*btbit% thésit W6ý*% 0IIIIIIIIII hie.; 4moioty and religion te f»t spremmu Itlt""t Pt'itlqml f"rth-. end titrtèltbàt Iliblo fmý rfflrd i freller thole, wholète earth frotte the bi.ee« 'l", Iý%,bev sied (ýtlIeIbètývý by hors (Iccp 14.vo shilbitbit (bat trentois hie 14" tif htb"n diminctim te, the loor. 1.1elle, bel k'tbt«ilbv = t: eytm' 1*1 hom yoq have *4 soet cornier cet hmil4sibiab entetty Md et. s'r. I.YVtbt.up bbnIý e>ibk* r-ibr chobbýk», libellant, duhlvm. It rt.,PCtud nolithéel pr;nS i -It lblql .,,If 4temd a tâtar, metil btit 1 aust hotlissil les (Xlibfbm 9"y k" assir autIjre timieirps Ilholi 80#UM Md couriscil, blartmill" alike the oser" et ettert. *Art, Ill the lmwbed MOI plalpte and the iiidtitnS fil the, plat- 'Ille. '*à% hall (bý)» nulI obtold ýý s èb4b )ck h,, (aise(% (Ioltý &#bol Volatil Mai forlot, oonvUrb jismoticts: ilottel, a las bol m papa. et »embe toi, III ý Il, Il Il. 'W " hoosolo osse d"Ilsbos the puw« of wimi-ft, av and illitie i 1,I,.% ldd t.i»%Uý le% lien hissol-et gi,«,, 'lit> bP for Y"v* tO (xium- Tho virtoie, stionverté, the hiuh@u PinuP-sdO, i ff'r ho hwi,; hilsb Lieiw t*ttor dav, by doisy woold: or *)Oibi di*tiuctif'tb inté, apit loi d-e, .. .... .... ILY 1ý,bvo soo afroebd it, witbAbtit 04h« -,lotion and vicel tender il$ inftit- "tb;tb:,. ttb>bt ho Iléesd gt-t hissé sort 911000, th* indues gwbdebn the bouche the' 4., 4.- tïtsi tel, in bel hmtAlkor- I toi«» ci Sbu crailler te dit& Md bard hissifflIt go I» ah« the laillillaillé, afbw: or spesselle, à$ billisin ot *0 clèbrumans OF ho it *$baud! liam" omglt te mmwbd, the wor"04 the polit ."Vtsfet lbtbvt., Yý,.tt ýt-,ibo with ymér bilib lots. l'Ir you eau ilivie, poufflit. hboi"nebe, moi, in à Word, the Çiva tremblote #%(bw, sir, thowe bis, restait* iliblititutilonse or ont country «0 W«k- thait you sollioluld de obst', 'ats" j"oo mib" a" dmtp)yo« But à1though T OLESALE AND RIEU R -GROP-,ER.9 III. Il, J LI, fl- 1 'et i 14 I4bý thittob, 'y j bal rous. sroal tel aos, &# your d. ait moly obles, the work of thie rossemy et Com er Kent and Can*dde Street& 1,.,W., boll sood in overy villffl sud tovin, III Ittit(I et lient 4.tlotài»h, býy, 1 am swoud ut dotas I#vt-97 osaltiet outil City. 0 04r»t Md the pleambt country places F XKIE tlam" habses. yet the boistinisoter hale by for the g-obt- sellum a" etimm AND tily, if I%ç>t tlafttt*qly, told a im.ettir 14b elot 0)1111111» (et utin«, chie dessolklating 1 - L.- LI ýV et i.qqi4k le. IIole tt, it, took 34r. CtmikilièbVi* atm, tioud i ait il* 41-uttinem 'Tiés ho Alwan Cood, but this Semm BOtttr thM Ovu Z ola 'terof the Toronto itobttlhkxi hillis t4bthody, wh" à%tro' whie, hz tei go é lob VICTORIA X"BLE WORKS. vw 4 C. 'nýnt hoilose toi hostile, '-a è.» whüeat Buffaig,, hébd, oblf*WIY fouint. ltfblbbibb' lltbýlih laffliaitbgt te- Icivel, trom cilllt'!, -,là %bit el W14A wax Ill lively (ir,.a4t tif -Violette garltt, vissitinc the stick and aeffictý- 1'l"Il 4tit...rîbef- hez intIqI theintubitmu et ovSived the baga$ Md ehomm CMA» à» and grout hà int.resisoling de" pti h the T. I« t,,,t L, od- ind ýIbMlunLîia9 ý»t 1%poat ce os eir re«bbtýed 1. Lwdmy. -Mprb- take the foi,-,wing :- The ribibi" i , "oses# Lr top, *ho initillit rd in 190 10041te' 'vlt the% hbý. cInbntýhýýl 4ttýineu in the il, wr&MW »Il @iLhibited undur a a bis, t If the, âotsetts tif *tYýýire. the Merl& And Mixiébils alother, botrivinit W-,Pk. bim" of in ait this, avt>ny of dessellait her 100D 00 14 on, flothelir ?', nom Il 1,1*ý.I'41 1 et 't ?ttýIlbyl lit Lamw iff Clin hédé sistyllielf gwiýw, helpiressa tffniritsg, white, tribu, klbst in - le ýsbbbrtmb biez geaitmmm ýle« » you proubloold thist 1 thoir rails ait hudtilrd te)- moto tu 1Iý.ý I... 1,Ii,,Iliet a clinsaser. ' But the vftrkfi tif W modadon of n thouund pe.ýple. .11 kï,a. Il Mwk m stêtrir lisse whieh théry 2»V bu .0 les, ily titi My roWroi, y(nu I C A RS plumure tu recommendibli boston ochdffll suit tv.ýnýt *". The poil am roli-miest toubstil a ud tire tàà 1 Ssding ample rcuS '0" the wco'n« 1.014, jf",. le Shi* »-outer havo tt to the kChg*tl hy Io thiqbgall(l Voioebo jatte the '»M VKWÉ ski the kl s"ý#swfj- pellenting e - ut, A Virgiui* c"ILIL MIDI plus l'eý ' ubeaimm Md a boissolop q- pie ut on"o » an - b FI'tit4i it (Ill toilette, *Ir will tob.itt't y VU hall &-e. Llilnt tousser OM lýtt Pm prititi:,"roe AND 20, ful.t p&«,& uellehmoigo Twill. W- T whielb lisoght suit bol, 1 care, of lier leqielattm brut -à in Critmha Kunt Streect. lisholissiont toluit only of grandeur and if y(be% Wérssés te, Lhow yltlrmlf: t., be litttetS(f teb thokt, tolet nomy Yeats, alcuý%RD HaRam4biq, selle 'Jasant duwby, but unO borisit. have, bloti thos casse have been tabbcked with ÀLÎLXý%%L)n U.-IRRISOICI ta ToIssibetsbes wonhy the nage of au liblèbral Fe t hi, teswný sond blop rtr toi, the woold in I.erwth, I«.fhMan-b txgttompt. petitiolus, Mik* ,k,,.Mdpd lw COM06mm le bu MiMW Peut) and luvolors uf th# cunuum 01 by wy"i* (et ;Wjw*dtit UMM sua 4 01111M ýmmm«»OUM 1%»kql bal soleil afflessde LMr the n-kot. tào bmuwut the vonduIU4 and th- I- tst,èbgt; rttlriltgl have doodebd the Parlument, "ut w* Tm Tl or. humou& i.2II-k,.t, %t'Il etiont et- Ilicla in thète met 'q'nc mir, have scrmt wallons tu OTIC T 0 lut G«iýL %Âf» dislaint *bon -z- III, ricti thabibuday is liot :21 Tite PrBue. Thoit 1 Sintaisse the largeoir, rotorest, tho bel thie devaloillatiolo ehime- 11111 IUMI a' Oustliut Sutioction of soild mamah ,Il Ilb- l'Ytýý %wl sotrong check. omd rosois toirois evu pr, iàted tu thille il -I., ý lit, public, Roman the etatistiS of the world yott cm TM M Umm F:=U F:RN I & autoux which artit ;L -A ýé>bII jtell, m ooarl hobip boloit ostruck with thel dose 010phanCI4 Oneof %hem à jock 1 tact that this @vil ravalittest, lilloises colon' lit 00%,01% bile de t assmed Il Youlou Ainvil tribboo atout that have a] JO E N inuýoducud iatu the ýj the Obsborpel 'AN D ER SO N , ma. 1 They us ali Nie ali'l tviii4l'ib g- I ad fer i h à Md Ma privilèr, they could soleil, thon North Outéorio autre han, thl m thsonkfut for. Now Il 1.111. . 'd D"r tu the Umm babiombu arans, Tbà assagolificsiont collectitua ul in ettiotiolà Il 1 ttyý,uýwau VWA bumd» &1» coût&" ett'titimet, te,,vtijoh )Ir, Thotousse Pal this blamés dosobsol bout lie with the tel i.,i% of Chriat: blit- palor. Chamberma . ..... ih-IL 1 ý JAS. CONNOLL Ahoc, the tau or borned but- of Airies Tho induinout walb "ry lonst, ablest, lth4-the,:ivtý p- Aesit iýg.neaIIy n ier supemr eetyle de.e S 01 "ru en Oran -aÈ3 - f ilt itlo tit-liV(Iry. ltlit how in this, @vil te) ho utimied bel IV l'IP*Iki the 149el stylets, 1 MM AROS, um a om , m the terrible gonU&; the JuPPutuum f oint il*- Iday bochonts. CEM TANA Ulm, Md si fun gruau el»d--a mawniticuni TI-k, le'-ilosel tel Nit irirsit hy nitr Isqui 111111swest, B»b6 Ille. 1 JTST RECFJVEDI ,ù,,i - os impurwd Enitu A&ICML 1,11..Wqb ait Thl, ktaNo* osibel by tho j*- 1 t thés children lie varned tel s'teste Y-lu "ý.b Wl to lie Rummber the et ch" Md fritéit ««Tný.ToiteuandWhmÜt» -e" 'l'eumpL"» tinte a"I'l Coud i-0 souff"Mb " Us- 1. this saimssà. twr.",f.. - wtriI '0 1 à qumuty baim LI a C" a" Wood&" club% - r touch not the ttnclçm thinq,," for, 3 It,-ý,rncr Kent Wut %Vitibm streel PUIOur CI. au -iàe as, pli- W, le' on the viloitur wili bere bebuli if tho se whkh am .uuu«, siossi t»r ifklrt, Wt*,Vlkl rite, bribiagoï '44ichibl Lisippard hiltirten am kétl frOlil thu "lîrobe 1 lit àm à by the$ giffl,, thcoeb les, net daniter (If thvir bu- Gu den and Field: q,4T]REIET, III., -elle, et Illet Thoi bribory (,flhgbmu 11(q» j 0,,ming drtilik" Tb» proisoeut gen- asest F"èm rejadm 6à filet in height lotiel 11, phso doser . boffl . et W. ]IL ffl... G..F, bb" -I -Web" 'r-itw- Kessel- C" female k»PrS, the chetab or ,huât II1t-ýký 000elles t'y dis; hoillessI (Ir hy him > serations (Ir tipplerès, " thom is fit le; consfortable holum gr. the seroM 01 YOur MO»Y' iom g tas loopud,» a sousait beautifui m-i--l V-IýI Ibesti wtlbtly tIèrqqbmh hi&% éleslent Chartvé, Mamh. S E E D S I, bulles, tif tiver r#fkbrmivw, will locou Polais V» 1 tinsiellotion of 0vorp avossy, mil if ohildren welle kébPt ft,,m A-4 as the Bsorialogy zebra, the 16yýxhau, II ohlr how thils, leelo p) Et S.à. LE OR TO RF-". -À j;ý To bso,ýoM hile dm to the sir&& Md bliaud, the largeoist 0 NI' barcu l'y dette hy hibo ailens le, in a tow ehort Y@avb Ait vieillot the Y ou rmýIhahw termes, àpov te th, family. à pair î beauti .0,1U 0.0 wlettkr. J)kiotisi(bn qtiutd have% a Pr(bhlbitt'rY obulIL 114,nahi parlibaintent vould Revoir have te, rix LA Y lw*f Am Z-la.v P. u- - à'*-tt fui rurd %BPI tip- twill de4ht ait t qlrlb olit m rhi, trtatillit by the nep(bti-! loisir y f« 01919 dromtduy, black bear -%bo f hal. serait Ait. Il, tel (et il bolitorm Ne,# lm your P'11* - be a W . X ROBSOIN SP'AMIR i kttfqt 4Y bis Ab't'pt, tortwoola biliaire the ibej4 a mag"cen t&bmtil . %W (et k1Iiý - ttq Ir* test the, *11*11si: (bli swite fflinet this tyratal lui by 1.!.i 1,0y, the, blint Aky j t %, te. M salade, 00 TO ancelope, Caâhlueri kd0etimbe. tkýntl lieu boit upon t RM&B, aùvtri Ir ;tif p Pot f0f thtlé" 'sho W'U fuit support zut surtut - - LÙ" Y. sir bi tavorit. q,ýKlVK lurthank-elrthot6v"qtr, P O IR lion Of C"E(,ruia, etriltýù and soputtes. j Il rbsa trtatittu hy thée r"lxn- the tempt ý8»lIIt1q râble, eh, , ONm. Lpater brith TEPRUX-8 CELEURAIIËD &X- J A .- hyemooo, this Jamais puma, bugâle lind YO tq. , tkot ý ellis, situ your t*ml,,@r&mS »Oei@tim NT, tùrýL-wibbbb« hedi.,-,wd! dout, t'y titi Isigvtit Curh'y ot a tît"XIL 13 plibutholor, Impolords, black and &p-,tttx ; and it will not bc long befure the be ex.,ellud. Ths, lahir 1 01,4019 et curv (Il, *bit itheuni. IIIlAwitttbt*»* tavellera. as hils Md. Metj"d cuir, boscred cattie tith. III tris, ti4ttt hy tho v"VKn- 1 tbl&)4b(IY bAut'Or will go d4vin bee tom Lhl M-L Kil GRAHAM, Dugd-rd, tableur lion of Kffm the zebra ur ui bois, fétiher ; , 4 hi a as! ttlxtbxt*t cital Ill obuddenly t4)» Il* 'I', *ZMi W . m ocim jew enm yo jejtt. (Ir (Ittklrt With hisil (sr tor it Liul -791-tLi. 1 aunda, baliseras, cc-ne, wdIicatti 1.1,%,41 lit, brelebiz ý ko qiokiotiiii ! Aù ý i bibi a!ývt1tbs of A ti i)&)wklr; the' "*tat" (If il* glory w'll y Agent. wmtw hep to aumum tb@4 lie bu M"eled his *Pdng w«miu, civet cet&, wwubat, b.Ilet ttètl loode and (titi, Aud PewO sud 1 1011ty w ilit fl, 'Vort, t * ili ru $20 pZL",A,ý ilZtrv iý,ýple ILltith« 1 bel of bsbuolm4 neui t Rhaùàa-phý,: Il dit, I whitre tirlltkonlle.m ami ait mm- & Lopel; &«Iss KM ft eet Lindear ub, n..auè,llu 1,11(, trtiatitsàt by the% reaison- 1 -4911, les theïr ý%II the tii6e.thui m »Y- - SSwil& Md I., %le. ChIuLto1ý%ý;- hit.r,ýe. briIjuIwI,ý IIIIII eant W stt" 1 dorit t'y bit IbV,%llltý (et %ce qbf (urrtiptigin have herettlfklft "".r il %I the; way. tour wtittié-n.aW, shtald 1880 VIL Alittreus si eterit. A M I _.r. s sus le IWY mm&'à' la"th- At lilethmuott Il tavéris, or, mil pIrthýti 1 hih obe wil, n= ohosjo be 1P AR L O U R G A E st) The vondwui animait knuwn alo tI 'l"'Id et, Intl'a. mit illay inttitél Idet thenli »vi4r plIt #the boa ý in the couaty to: A "'a S.) JL £ýL hippetmuie, or river huisse, and th, tI.II-14, te. d., Il le e act If et.1ttry hy 1). (ýnrqt, tif thoir ëwrolo, mbontl tbe rUCk of a *hW 1 tir fçlff BPI m s NEW TILIR f -NEw PRICES mOudOu, genàbuck, -d&Uue qt, tir tif thb, tbth,,r kkly jttit, I@t flous tho Lx "àb Thun« Wilb ho N ]Fancy G OOd-«g sont Nielhevin., IrcicuLir utentiS I Of jar ll',D* sortie aises, CI liI,1,t,î,el ltItlk'f v,.ttrs thon ilIt hW te4'ttms, obovioty ait n'élu in whoole bremb MAY lent 34--diunb. . ene, trisser the Subsseriber will hi 1 Tbere &mai*u clbges culitam The, trill by the, Ifttlmft. hi% tqbtàud tu flottille tif all>lhul- And 191"" el' V"al ý"1tWm bi -ýd it vin LUI *1 mi iller AdVe bas cm»wsrykmg vulturse, cuisdur, i,ý tels ý-bèj . elle. tik'ttt hy tel* eb*'Ibt, iltduens» te W A TC jrà>Zy ffl .ol sagiesol. bluk and whitu avait& ý,.d by, wilhI-tit, > rWht-: ,, OM & l"Ilt, lit tavern. of.votos, in the,$% bol eXkýlrtkXt 011%, the S'a@ of , 1 - . 804M a gnou. ItF-%DY- a polor 01 Ahiclon, pellica", white PtI ý4%v, blase, 11141(l im-lliteV h-,Iire til tho Ibe-Iling day. justice and SkhtiOty, and it . TED-,ý.»ntê, luille &ad f- Uale.L" C.Ue. tétboI t'y lit this Vossoliblivis ho the tiret te) Ilstart W AýXj tt, sl Pý.vturêm. etrywhere. Ebur- lie wobson nuisible, qxeiany o"-ud fer the oucks, ahima crobatiolis, lyre bird, NisI AI. 1 11-ill *sles. for -de ut Puadi", whigt eth, The itiriant 0( 'Illut aMt& golilsbond amuse bit i t. %V tom 001L rtlgp(.Iltlkbtbt, tir by Joie kbgoàbt". hilbit;kbai, sortit, cm toit what may tu nir thý,LeýîInd retalil-1 11% Ille: thi. L Jt-Im» 1 parrussis, guldoi Nie. (sr esoit pistes* tif the siolorth. InI - - 1 --n make -IM il' NEW YEARPS HOLIDAY19. cutter doutes gray joba Il tousi Joha NI in the tluk hm, 1 '1 1 lit a $lt),UM jýln, au a..wked. AND 1)0»ld týý Carry vt.torit (lit% the polting (ý%PPlaIgde) A vt'te tif thanks W» ète.stircý pl,,,ý --j rmiveýl the 53 N EWGWDB! NEW GO$>])S! [CHRISTMAS phý tmý ý V14 King Lorid birda tho trmttu&t (et jh» ml*mtettt 1 th,,n tiondebroil te) ý1r- ýNTcCtllosI and i V'u nt, ýnI th,'ý%t daJv.» "Ptl:turu 1 SekatSo, boüvS phebooosanta, "d in ai dey Alibi estit M-civit, Wed »,rv %hW. hall -Id th- firsa "Y. "me two thoussand five hundred aloi t t a colitl taken titi for the boit U R T R Y. hy Johu t. or hie $bpi% te the MUtZW $emi tilt, »,M." i ffitlmb piýIU-1 J. A. m em rhnew Md MW mais Md birdà, I)tn, lit the and WHITSKY &CO.. ras mtýýErx illa Xortrich. COUIL . xm me %teýtin« plentiful in this encuived à mw 3ud eh" -rtzwU el «hibite a very 1-0 sud rue culles: lti4rtbe4l judgit finst (lis widhave bmn mon by UV- Stie. Plez Gao dm of @gzmp and ctuious thiug.ý fr-,u 14 solax, the @Iwx elle ebnj-g1tý hall 04-4 tlk*U *tb*t*inel, m, uv» y ,rai I*rlmlàs whifie, the aiRiu" wolte sa parts of ohe globe. A speutal si if the shtisserps and PiP ryam ir. ý!,1 te, It el' t bel trI bel hall tAketite pléol hall t"ki,,àt a &1 1. %, funoloswalisse laind Laqu«14 postuleront in the mumum bas bel u «, but rebelle assi Begs il, insum hbhteýb am the pubft th" ho jar jor the amusement tif the jit ktklý tho pvakýoe solle thebb:, thet Arc 3itLL%ý\ hm ew = »ý IMM MAI in bern III tIIte,.,te hW tatire lime to eu". elle *lu mm teinter bride, wbieh hie is «M veciloit publie, and in it cm bc III l'os, W bel the% jiý-k1ih.Mxl te( a toit, and Dot te- Y'A hav troll: .1 *0 tom" uving poulbes- diursomic, and trmdun--- tiolticuvé the, t'Ikltetll-lb Tht, -,th thar*, oblest- feiloil - Il, woos, %rpk.(,LIL .1voTIVES. BEDDING PLANTS Débffl à N ib10é]Éý Iscomes, autuubaùc tiguressé. 11-1 hmty Alltrit. ocappublébut liait rL.%.ýqD Ce). oussiblit an immerý.e lit rota DOCISLZ ÇIRI Nvh4,ttI tho (trIvtIr tif el «hieh ho ha- auw 'In 0 .. rums et III siffl juses r«d-d- The A» atua tity. 'Impn.,Ilg camus-~. c@_bb«oo.ýsbft Il il"»rtati.Eb Md %tbl%'tbor tif eltý4,lte, and il% the kbabé in @AI 9-dl.we au of " je*,* aw th* 11à, in held boueuh a maminuth lent h-,ld bikh trtxtibw the, -exindout habit V,'wrjX0.ý thofousith k-1-Wt-lWe bit fier 1.«UtnK, $Wh héosest us dry enrA M E MEZRAM mg, Ine abould jiadge, ton shootassent ,vern the ,Pemtiýý rouisertes 8" liquoils, Im m t'rý. 'IlImek., t'him é iuký zmt&% ?ýâwB1& l".. a J. A. lkxtlffRIr. Ill' plk v Ilut thoi faillent bol 'l'IlIch Th* uýRdt peuple. Thore vers h,.*,-;tretul '.«t'. Il, ýu W eu'iled. (te hrilbg t Il*% chisil It obsevole. %viitilb.tho Act, mil. »B ELEPUANIN, tItIk chargo bel (hait tkýk%ýtlt%4 en i hfW of cambroby. III. the t t.III0ý with alui- . 7-leils, tmmntIv 01IL hie a tom aSk Of Fe" .-L - -Pl£ 01F 11 Tj. TIhsss:%ý- SUL-.-. lensit. &C., &Dit Gemod Md monkey loquestriatilos a troupe si liait li-i , lor alibi Mil il,, ,Mljt; IV L'il r Tie vitibul ass'i Lq-M wwch 'bey 4« lur '7ý'Z'ý'V-w = EDE-x w-,L, lessolotiestot, 8--, TI It iý, Ill ' N thu . th, LI.th C-)M-Qtl ümmoxI doses and a pair ul perforuaitiI huit % sth te tk, hilu 4%1*%tl htit "utile, bol ýt,' I1IiI!k'ý lill't t"t :b mal, bu Now Keqm* 111,131111 nom hom and lageois, a ndùàg or sur an jbt)t% il, t;,.Le pm%ý ---, a III rebonsi in %tqcKittttit Il' IIItir «Iht'e AUff STIV alppu"48 wheimau d" rom& lent ut tall-krit Thil tal tir %ho VOfiN'Ohft Idit'- ý.M nx MW y il, ýtttýst CUSTOM CARDING. »d other bonimali ty 1-Uld 't;(, and voit hésI lesvit I»brtltk*ll% PrO 1 .,ins. 14, tý'1%1 tý S hýl* whiub ou rwb@M la M;zy revu& 6z beoi bii W ý by £A tho»O le k- lom e budam wlu in emm te a emmumaimahm mpe; Pibr pbm»d, dirivers umiurmed, vol i-t, oid 1411 tffl 'IrAht ISMI bed 4vvard Nid : ,le du pyý an deble *PM" 't ýixor, tir. Whwivr-,ýcUlalieurid: tmn*d un by Ir. au", Wb@ il HICK EY aubébed tg the menagerw and raw»tai Mitrifflb It 18*0 htit 18% tavor tbt Ki Il elba Vpitai" Sb~ 1 Md vecumaum»n« ýtqelbebm Ta 0wy Witt ise a. ý,nàiahle fom. e""ittàtiug télie fiap of an natiocie nul timt à ý"ee" IV 0wy Iii-J hm »Sé @W a lence procession, Md Sillon là x0cby, TIJI-lRS AND GOLD BFFA)S «Ïhýý(,1 phanu. thM ot Thoum 410r"19M &À VED. OMM Md domo, which ère &H auperbi ýffl- My ilt-bl, PIWIAL A330". CIMEM . RB= & égas by lète -M -1-b--iud -bu ibl Ilokx, hy Thmèffl XAMb. M &Km% ut » Me » Um s mujolleW »bj«t& Many of the Sw W Sb$ PM4 Y@W. aw etent b, 'lue tu -j()]Elq BEST trbq% rie a-m -8 b-rm lave bms- l'At, welmw %bu be bu "W a Anet àwa dm "m-- e&xtt,»,* woeu "W tbww» imswam jItý lit, Ma 1 taro lSý;Ow h W 1 SIet, Jw prevarlitiffl le talon OXIV",'Op F-111 Oielt loqu' ami fi'r whiv %0 lau ý,. glu et". à - à WM craw»ri»d vith life-" allatot j1týt %il- Mykifflks. -tS bA ionmme t,4,ttx, &W voaý hm base fer th. QI barme, amkat Md »-deuil. ........ jmk on 1 ua the priS of the wh@M wm paid «h" W it M band-tg ne b» »«xod dm twwwm of am ot Oie tant .1 os£ T»Câamb XXX àx D lioivmil W44 tiýikitSg, tbtl(-ttt e IMY bo Site, «à nu or bOM1sý hm ibu Prutem. ]11r. Wou, Md baq Waugh& candim oi la kt" i"ndbg Vt-t . bfmà, &Mort time dw thiiiý s lm a X" as *0 FW WFàR SEFJI)S, BULBS & ROMOM@dtut- tàl 11111 îrv vutki&4 If'r» 9 1-dy 31cyrA eeiebm" - 1 a .. ve ht'lbb IAw rtie bb» wb»84, tiomd A C', lu M each ymkam. If a aucens sa- L-wjw2ý a" P..w 'Z éù tâte innüku" wh" is ewried c 46muaemma -d VU» a louah«Y with aclffitur dielàpline, Ocaufinq Vic ohilil r "Pme Sueur Rom SI Ceal" y raxwn. rho J mime mid thM b» P»pwm 1b) i ord« Md eoeAumtabum so &LL Au bt,ýttè, o4x; bMI W) bweatkin-tu tl"uw %hi* ohum et = w = 36*mn" la abould lxu reutembend " et y hthr movën P,«MMt elle veepoadeat =bu ruumâraum» atvm éc, arichale poum- mi ce Cý coedit, Lam" isoomplusely mîmarated fpw, Md*" un. --- - - 'r-»ý 14- 3Lweh; bie afflt. LIUTII»! "QUOIM&&M&l the "W secits, Md PD'"" Wil 1 NIPISSING MON WORK &am" «" stall momolis, aod th h'bbbl.>. et, bbw or btut ho a«tultw th* O»gxý a #AI -s pemola vidïn Illie M M, ce ejq mt.imt, îSmi ýrth%èr Sw» mb»»I participatum tub lenow- ONT. mwd »à" "tber mm au piqMi è1b 48ink, t-f te«Ill, k4rtivtl tnk>tlSigt lâbatb t lahit* 1 dot«M" the am Mum» «Ub"m mices lut, in "»»m OR l çai'w t-t btab»ll.th j ffli»M eh* mop*&%O& 8 " » W", W la Il rr 0 àmq-,@W brdm, la dtogld be bon hMi Niageod 11-41k h4 1ýW om*doý» th» 1 dbpmd et*» Je t*t.hkr ýhlmtlv4 110glioldoggh foi, Ow ýàxj oh4ow.1, A" bee in Band " cuge U" fur bar mat t4p h*ppily gab» d" 04 jodu» W" à» Mt U QU 01 wm* RiE atimma Imm prim, admos toi où ta "e W41kSeSg.. but, libq «tum, MM Suu TàÉqm . mou@" Y SQ Il ILLS PATENT PLOUGHS,,v" iSètýj ht pliéti. thm he lo te: sjte %,Ww nt gulm&mw, à" arp-. H affl appheu" by my audwaist èwjmlro - ibuabII6 mi iramb" semb" Fume* ima. Va@" rame volit-lui*hkxl. Ibtfh*, Aftt »M» wée a moue VokMi»W ÏM W" ob thoy *(.Ibbi lot,01 **Oum buffly. 0- ble Ma., ]à& pompage owt"y emd» ýÉç»Mij*v«. ite%4t #ho i4isé, fflmwh f«M; mil wwtqý -4-nrat 14tio", Ulm lu W %ze UPM a SMUrom P" rl[qLlzgam JAC& WING XACHIN £Bq "d wýud in "Nvhmt it »mtl Wb tqtxýilb jm-wr 1 Sm Lam 8 A im hm Md à" mmum es 0" M" " wgulb lblý tom»*M 162 &Bxe DAILIE ]DIRAN "»Martow enwLwe l :ami Mào"m MM fa eh@@% Md o» 1 iwt, b w»» Va a - bggaý Md ou -mm aubmu. rawmbm jý wd' am ý PMU m 'am cw people a My mm et il k«iký %*4-»mý L*,;= 1 M W »W J& eu W» U*oub. Sgawý et io *ý»p ý4 blb ý the pe*àmw b on 6" tête »euce- aie, umbv. 7--" magum Md mommm &W a cala 1 deelle thé çolllée ut 4tb, OU4 Tth, *à ibbgtqv*x rt.ýn. omvum éad gâce Oum et T»y bav* om be feu *M"- *oui a a il iw mommi, salé W* obmi" au mule MOPOUAU C«mmàm Md MW mmumi bm kW kk %%0 »SA WIMWIls bb 1 Mr. » ffl 11» OUM m m Md atm am lm*w§L 1llî1ý il àl1ý wed W" *itoouw*m, mw bb lm MA #:"= f» *a ile, gla M- ma ém«ot»m.v* th PA"es -àM f» am Sit bd Md aile" AU KRUI NEMY IMUTIW, ým»bb me 0.*% la@ ana IF bele hm a dub 1= 4«0@UAWO ta, buo, UUM MW PAMM OMMM . f qt4m àr 9111111 Mm* glu" mb ou*& di mi lm M *11111110111, mi 11F au&- - Pi. q ONUM sclem il 14 Md bow«uvqmâm. cremm»*«16 Ibevaumyoum Fàm@ERr PMU, = jt-e %vom à" bolet 0 144 et 4 »Veillent, lie emalèle.