y tel dl ait lpio-# le- %»k. Kea% bey Voll M. wkie 7,6mbw 836. LIÉWAt ONT, FRIDAY LOCAL Kisexuàxy. IV81cý (100 J iionoim Fer a timme bu Momil lm dugi, hie loiffle. IL blemoilb JL Wày. séon bu Arrivai front tbe old Sunéry 1', And xouipy Ilm. 1 $W**. q* temupmmm et The p«LI bringins _fty-tbm my lm FUML-Ma 111180 abmt bi» lasse deding mom of the çi wili" sein". &WK»Y. UNIE. mýd ahmme, Md tel te wm& Mr. pnms emme the temma pur m tbÀ 1.1 Xý iliterriqter, Bute »CFMM th* 09 deu toi= Ingbek Royal LM. M tu d4pui. tm»> DWAMMUT, top; du boum# cank fire hm the mm" âsa fmu- enuy pwàm*b tests ram eà m ma mm by. Au bu farmiqg implemmis 1 IA) Ilis NOTZI., mottis docer to, ib 1 "bu* lm ba» m mm bucup ma ff J.&»ec4rtw, = in &S M Il s"Ms abat§% les- M- tâme. rhe a mm Md su'4 M» b"f'd in Cnawnàu CtuacL-A Déw Cbrb éher Ikpwi,.d «tlb OIWdS liq»vo»d 11:19membl ffl 8:16 11& , »bM the somme. tbme bmilldlime ISO'fmâ$l "s"Sa - timenchureh bas hm. duhmted et 0* 71114y. __ nom SOM,,., In Wked &03114 1 . usée 80W awa. The W ... .. ââââ. aumý litde =of crops. reslised by tas, mb@cSpüooo4 and" -1- EMCIL 11 4. lit bNN KI, LA K., %tlioler> i "16IL Huvu&VWI"bP-w 1 wu ài-p Maits, bacte amdat Rà»r- a m-17 an bonnet ami kebomm, 0" malms mmir sii,(qx "..U= sa . 9=1" , ici» cul% lm Cd *0 raUM9 q7hbh"epy. heté il vreil et m 8M or Wfth Towmbpotq- m in au c«My ou VUeà mu»,m bq$m Vi" the pmuy SOOL »buaibed 0-4 -imaN. eter.1hée -4 warlib lit! :1.1top tu T«mml. damand6 W» demi in, eté ab" *0 wibe» case lu IMUM hqw, fwý pagim for tâta @hissait. W 11*0 Il Il ý4 #Net botas., klhkxmt SIPM.LIFAIMY. IN vu Make *0 NoIsa jette boom% luduwur&% air Me thSks cd nobu ?p 11*14 surmy of the totra is bdq GW, ý*tqèbtlcery àtid jet %_m. ment W. 0001111MAXI in&. moina"été f» AD« avespm avectid. the mwbom4 la a tom " tou 14*11 T«0»0ý obi au-M MMftmtmw. races *9 peu Thm miding in a soeurs LuiumaRme.-Lembmng hm com. t&kon to, »certain how mmW will m yfft seai pole». àtbfflive E EW , oblambý a cet Wé om »hi" voiett 66We 1 î * bar but Umm& JO" Barr hm a sclan "meg it. su'ow is «aum" m thé pro te, r J*wý M DLàND"Itwàruwmaa- ïï 11101r tlm aW bd,» ,tudy Bat, tir, I et work for Grasse & Illis. . J- 111- bable cet f o . %RRKT R(YrKL, the &@4we 09 the ozemulu (W whm the W rite "*2ý by thent. àme T"Bnolln i" Va Cm biend ow beerte and nim thmqkt yWd k»w àà about it. na hm a dmty 'un HM- Rrs ovz&-Dr: J. J. Bol", 0 il, FI 1) F 1 1 1 K V 1eNý 0* au coq pnemesté to dime -ribou the «*Igop- r» boom almemmi hm la Jeura, " à p expected Uxbe4!*, wu knocked dowe and rue la avm m boom of %bu «Md»"Ud. e Vomit. GM« hm& thoir over by bu bons, en the &M of the M m otjom% M & or.6kh lm tom bave encellS. vithé« My rdu Vexes Imm%. Md m 1 oidy Iminrud thb a-t I*îr« ikwamy",", megvân ba"pt; huM ci hm. destIL lauts burnt cever tille sprues: and lied moctûà. Bu. mjuý »» efflue, bu obdmm cet Wb" me t" ided tettait %m Peàse of intend ho la 0 L k*-Ikep*..tý,te. Bwery lewin, bore th-"«"d-'-Fe'L Thm'y liai- j)ýN81ql()N 110TBL, wimmet., mou Mm. wommowbý wnhmuleý unlytoam the bu.. "ber. ÏUj. 'G A. WiW-, - éblrim Drire 684 Jwwey il, scables 11:64 sSp'J' te mm J" the 27-ima âxàmm bà yuci, m *0 mm fire, lem hie mmbli» agent et 0ellawst for the hie .4, ' " Il VIAÎN sud à, ,Èmip auv" bbkly and test tom a' bey- Ba likewise mil elghtoma seonthet hm hem arroatm 02, "Vut the mictest *ma"" to est bomt lep saité met mucis mot*. for wigmy. Elb remil mm* is Nor mARK wrABLI9 - à 0" Brick Tât diquêté evuabaâm " mmIl Altogether tise lumbuÙa in thiâ Mm- mm Adm Botes, eûté Im ie the, eon ce th4.ými ý4d hm ho" ~ te tb* Olib" .... la I.» M E wmýille f. .... 1 lm TI* tiont ma ho lm thm hm yeur, Md alarmer MM SUAM70K la jw, *in "II *"d '» et 111ý1L1£14» 1'Il eb" eau Tbm ne thot Ve$ÙY -du" - P-" to ho Mt op ma a Wwer mJbWheü, ux 6.1w, ne bww» 14' W&Y maum lpmb Ibo gm"m ha le àm4 wiâoqý d Captau Wàbm4 -Un" tu becoming «qu"t" "Il a Mis 1)(1sc-Ax K0118X, làud»F&Pffl, noie% a emb am tom" mer omi comim Id m* a Sinis. Keelor. a rouent lady of t2oyemer VII, ...... Mr 19047 Md m, orest ropm 'W hm BOBVA YON01f. of av, daughter of a to-do, mer Ve MW tuf 00 coOMM lointains this maiamàoir affiew rn- lm chant et thmet plus, niliàed hm il Fam the pewm kt WÜ4 ».doqm lis Alba"X hW BArinaL-Acogm bât VSy lam en Suis- misme tg mnrwt a --eh, it Malum te by total imý L1rp io lit I'ý. Vw? go Punk- tlào omamW, ler lwyo dW lut, et Boit Bddgo. The mm»- nom te "Wy hime Seàtqp% Md liet Il fe by the Rw. Mr. 1 tu the Stattea, lm - bis wif lm th" a q-ba et a ne tom weigag Ik woldd mm Dy vu 0 ont ve were ww in lie dommed te dis- frous Nud Lake, «uM@d by dnu ne nezt t= up in 0"» b"14.0 and m 38111b,""k ot metst, strim, «duomt ci contur no tW quiet: se»iM of jý_. Krý J. Brown. Tm personne au qrhm ho is MU" to have agub Sà .... *39 11:10 tb!%ebim cabale - - - fi take Pb» eue agpwimSd a mm&" muthug m "91mam.-at- 1)'. 7ý» Mme p. ab. the nobum dbu or aie" wb" boa zoorfy apromid adulte, with, ordy cate ez»pbon, mm ned under the nuse of A. G. Mitchel ý4k 1'ýéI tir lée, W-réar = ts hlornul& The 0' tbe palàh f~ th. op..W. mi mm bad immerimi m the river. À w" large and &coin te ve b W )YAI. Liedew. *M& et. lbwmwtllbe II -Imm- 14 mopouint a 1 - _- Md 1.11 -t1it. "f the wtu pýIrt4l. kiwitwe 4: .. W&'* m eh" »Uly pami of m ho ý wrann crowd attended Md likewise ",kdddl"" te, emesp manuel yema b m a lomag SM ha& . "ï;: th. autcheme of the là«. omava nez tourt 18,4» amve.... efo dulie of Imeeverch Boum Bat the-, interest ia the (..bý e.lý,ftir iýttev. K"Pyu"«- Md q»omkauem tarin be sud étr hem boried, by some mW"uu band- bluk hàhmmt am" m bude IN K. lef 1 Misy. Ibelme. *Mt 0 tbé Veather wu genimil. aecum the âmene of bis opermetionte »R .1 ""bfv ZL On yý Unt of bis P"m loomamd the coMr - wnigà it o, gm,, and m 1 FUM.- nt dry and baving vith soute didiculty hm eq , * on na SOM - m éolec 10.10 le. IL *»ým U Cwiosity imp@Mng bisa to fift it il:ïï Il en ý sy Oud". mienne ho wu drivm Ille to the doter. fer hm xiven ardent profemions of. piety got a fad 116 Il Dopwtmmt et Publie llr,,4 p »Aux, bd ha, "P tom,% hg MW thme withffl veaing fcr the driver te, rise to numercusi eh A $hors 1 nu», married a Mise Bertha G.tod ...... wu le ebo lm Alpes, un 1 . hý Mais. = Uhi- tO drule ths UU-dB- dm mi from hà mu ho qesng g f! distance hem the village on the short win. Ho was tned belote the couati cayed wondwork m if it had bue hot of Surgeon Lake, a fire rut through Judge and mentenSd tu two y«n W M SALIL ti» 97 Md mm the ImE bell. t0Sd .41 ircet, bomsd lisait «t of the and fflVet, It vu &»wored by a i»tum with the bumb fer savermil dam and -th 1 the penitenuary. te* Offlètri hem cd, hie haïr on enIL 00100. wekk tion.0 W"$ .4 the C". Ibo ]Fur tn hà a lem a, Imm m comIld p,,Rgy be, of this place, in the swamp between t m-»»d 0" thée pouticit-ce the Mr. D. -auntwil Md Mr. B. Stem'&, a SOUTH VICTORIA ÀGRICIIIL Ûbe Vrai for M% 09 "% gW% body ehowed alle, h" hem -BAL SOCIETY. ,44,,MAN[LLA, 1 M t mu lugbwS* et homme, fi» thât Oum threstenoeil »nom= ES enta ! lumud of lying on im Imus r re sa lonosa to Mme of the forme -&*, m it muet have hem whas M*- :Iyès, C&PÉ". @lie i&» laq," ber many days. Tho am nov of the Directors was belc ter. T., ýnawtiw Wtttè tative Ob INM Tort terred, it vm turned cevS m the idt 1 have run thommelves ouL moetinu Central fwtwe& M mlr4r»k, W» "Id» Mr 'Alm mm me." et w«M's flutel. T-inelmay, Sept. Ilth 1% le, W TM UMAT, Me, the kiteft but tue the full Umd* The mm went ce Md mm retý- ler& Prmut-Mr. 0. D. Brock tek@. M of the coffin, thé, arme ont of et in the chair, and Mesure Y()KK 4TRrINT. ill'Zît*Ay. a qwu»nfor Omwm Fui., nobun"n.awàa the right out raiseil to tité tz Predà - V moi. lambinait fb& y- plu» wàJk in, air ?" immimr. -On Friday eveaing of' F.,wler, 3LQèuwlm, Reme, Thumdike pu *hg* the haïr wu diahevellid sied 114(inril t ti tom hofte*owbi» »d Ma Inqieworth in down in the draw- lut week, while Patrick Crourh, vais Thompson anti Walker. The minute Mt"*: itéiffl tètINIOLU, »Y, byt«»Ufb âeab»nld guady &»wb»d! ineq0ou; " exputed rm Vould and (NIliugwmd. tettil wftb m ber Lem me 0 into hie bute with a large of lut moeeting ettere rosd am moi) Ctittd* tot'iti AN KYrý,4 Li V ItRY, V1980 ibud newýe». jeauo me P&M soneIL A comm"mS m 8bsuP Omild not bu, mdy. Smed newo à âme, airt Cd .1 'ý=«« hie horme ppd Md- dop" Tmhp lm W Pffl facette %#à*, Wb" terwemy ma te am" WÀM» in My 10, m -aY.» . Pas, denly et the door;I thereby throwing XIved by Mr. Thoradike, soccadec ghborhood---&U themore in no qu'ut Why for hiât emp«àUy CapWn hint down hemid firait amont their feet. by Mr. Re%. that the foliowm"g per &= »" Of 2, The mmM Wadt» did not aby to telle& Ha. ne vu trem led i".d 1 ,na les al ) ted * Cdg« for the irai t'y the r.-ur The or Pu" Vie.: a and IN V Y 1*4 à li N eti éli j"Ir (44&f; t', "q rmill, truite. ~ Mble Abk*AW V-w-di&-, butenim av" bo- the f i 1.1 îled 'NIII, 1, bdo"d was-Vaiting vithin. Md huIr- Mme Tory M'acets :Cut the hmid and 1 show -. ()= qum %by, J %pffl wowd spot, mm told hie tale. vinaît Zr test libé wildfire thrý nt dît; tow% Pou âme servant ho Puàed open, fume and cm angor wu dialocetted in consiony Md J. lâmpSu ; cotait- te Icif. VW. Il àÀ N ti, Co. , sh'cit Umwuw-zmix douter and. steppe& in- two plume, bec" othor jujtai« sud with ovS the , -limm Augue cullini M'iN»ýmto the welé tW& Thm hm'atffl wSe «Misti, bruises. ;aud J. Newbun; sheep, Pio au( T401PITS ABOUT » lS i-ivi]WD tb$Cýmim osant ofoDmtry. ?rom au blr a Mght thak for a tin» mpon" j Aromm du,-cmmm.-On Sunday 1 Fowb4-Xeum PucS, Cullis am ru" people towards jIl p te h mu parla tilt hie bout, iretoi». ome ;s pulmtàm Inomd 01 bis' in 'le I...r Amurm Igow a crévd wu widlia its a evoumg a yomq mm of the name, of Barnard ; Giain-Memm Mamèlay ognacted d-lù% Ur abrtma up hem a ohm MacauM ouce on horme huit tue Tre- Leuy sud 3. A. Bottes; Manufacture W ILLIANI A. eli,%*IcawOODlý churchynd jet- Memm Ellime, Guullffé and St-,rey lmes ahuié. 't to the vory &" rubing bwwud 10 »Odv* hi- russes Corner, where a few yu imon ('Oort.' ho MW caly the ma" alot people lied mumbled together, wren Fruit and Du" Pruduce - Mrs of the etiethilet. 3. AMOU thomme Who ymkw to the 0ý,n»%X i.t,«.ot,".$,%tmbkubffl.wt"-ki i2be ý' a girl usinait Marviret MoConnell, got Kempt, Mr& W. 13. Harris and Mrs I)N It (]" J&Dlà LM 111110tû hâr iftybU 0010011se m ho 0-Mul atbwdo" wu ayoung lady ci oft»ý harbdom Uddmu the! on the horembéhind, hue, intending to P.S. Martin; Fine Art»-Judge Dean pe'Impt 0boltiffl. thes nu» of ImMwfflh, a récit hSrms Uetnimis auk the fi£ trsth broke t ride ki".Ily j*". 1 t.. 's c, Wý.XI ABF31URANR M IT. em- ->A tictieutant, but in actuel pomme. a short diétame. soins onts, Rev. M. $taff.)rd and Rev. DIL Sutith 14 P V . 4; K. 1't him. The im'atumUng usée the horse Mruck it'ett- Bwidàk--Memm " -.ho redded in tw immolais, 2.I.ý j» . q,«,«4 1 Knight and Mar NOR SALIL-Wou hall cf Lot M but m»hanically ternes' abarply, ou ming it to spring forward, tin.-CanietL 1 amchb-bo-L laies bè.~ b - both ridera to the the esrty Yom et Amviumoompmio& hie lillà, for mon m »king hÙmWf m- thm thr- Moved by Mr. Tiioa.%DtKr, escSdec Issa leme.. Mu»--lu mu am mob, X in her landau, moumpuded by a gaze- URMMURRUMM" attend it, addins., %a a" not ton' = Xàcauff wu little the worse by Mr. Pma, tbat the bande cerapet furtiqq and trItantat. ffs Mu M ALM M tlema' but Uttl* Ovw bu 0" 009, m, 1 kno, it. I know ÎR-6110, m but on raisin the girl it vu foand . ing bu required to play during the ex And ib m M: ta 811W ba"ot pev»m et 810.8t. -BMWOQM. Turome thonh.innowayromMtohir. But dud!" 101W ex *Wb bumi»M. ânewd j thmet lier left arm wu bmkm in two 'hibition such time timides the pericx ne a lb. 004b Privmel Irlowaýq la, K DYK To I#IVK, te Ilem fw»Afçeîý ait U AND LI* OR râffl Who memr themi kmw ho would And »hs wa, of commepatition, m the Preaitiont sac jpo»d to the hoirme a" hem amopt. Amateur, m" dit,,e»& *hall appoint.-Carried. 1011, Wh le ý4hQý liv» II mv.*)m the as no sSlà muet i lover hm GL ES A R-V. bem-.= by Mr. FowLLà4 seoaded bj 1 % (et la C*wW& am ie eil. As the lady wu enti4cly bu uwa gué; over hie am wild henay of criait FCOMÇ«"U.. t The POM. 1 Mr. FUI, thaï; a cummittee cousistini 3. X411in 1t. Dyw and c"M ' mimm-hueng no am ritistire M» 1 and bemîmé «Im enough Io listial the Auxicm-rrail, 13A.I.L. -Tho north, of the P"deut, Mr. Walker, Mr ne inveliti ann% wk lagie. PRILD. C. TAYLOR nimiRABIX PROPERTY FOR particulara of bis j&iàtrees deuil, Were riding Agricultural Hall bue is au- Thomdiks and the Secrotary ho &p ARM. c«My a*..b wor'h, wle rem" -th h--.à. oo-»-m*éàý go him. filme bâd ished and in a fine building, quitte pointait tu malie arrmgeamcà for thi :ý3-I)0D 'OF PRIM E FUNDS A amu ram ut 45 AU». dispose m " pleàsed both of been ne pndonged illamme. for Helen I.. :. --.ý-ý.I0t.,jé.%XI-.t. in Ibe Toqnà 14 I= bmg Un S. IL band md fortune; and élits wu jugl«Worth h" distl ud" y, "Mt adapud for the parpom The coin- employaient of saveme coussablie, foI r',ý mgt»«I pkr4 gatigui THB&W»Owm mittee would not pose it, however, the show day.-Cvried. pter mm.Wy sibout le b»low ho* Cap"m H__ 1 030 lu zwilI. ry Widton. m the mm hom m wk& " wu hommes ot the defect in the pamtùiv, à communicatium bout the militer o A147D Jrr]EL LtmWW P«kiag nom udaixL go k»w this vithout boing, ausDkr &.Buuu-The Methodist the lkrietc mking to bave the fal a Asim memmy solong the tueld; lier leuer ho remitted et Mer- e..à ..Ugotion, under the put-: show advertiaud in that paper wu lait; VOR @àL]g OR TO MINT P@OP'O--ffl delarfflIt te the* ruldant loil"bm --- __ ý»," borts dam hot ýhe. "y bdore orgite of Rov. A. C. Wdàuz4 of W-,od- belote the Boud. ooulPA"lu Tultwomix OMIOM m 191@dVr-the crowd matits MW fer the " of ber dbath, ami m i mm vu 1 ihe 1 z= lep t .bave ommised, a sabb-uh M11001 1 Motred by Mr. Wax&&%. secondec estiet osent cube Leu atý .1my-dh- mention, .1 «w mmddy, , lit- i which hm ovir 70 wholam Mr. Jno. ý by 39r. PowLa% th&& it is col expedi. bom mer permuuatth- Mwn" tu " -dY demed, mSh elee save, thoir approîtell. eut to adverti» the show in the Poser tu le m" la Cýrý ileýeu »IL open" grava. Br dm tii» the coisa Thorabury is superintendent. Mr. Rops Or jax inq auptWà4 wfth lier own joyoub ex Wilson pruches here a" Munday boru Reriew. -Carried. LýW"j - haît boue Mâtas, ont, 8" resseil on a jtum et the, Jed by two bsimig m aimer. While svening. The suaday ichool friends The followine communication wu M 17 -ï i 1 vrthm th" latter the 11" read bois the Ou"o Advisury Board, rfflm Md het ýý»»Pute twmbwml FOR "La polissaient and m*" by the - ev" tly are prell'"12g tu b"e a teme meeting in i, et 1 C i 1 .111 ti #tlrrtllors. 11311813- hem in the ho" NIE apirim--« it proved lattai »Il other authonties of &mi cou M, the the ainicultural hall in OctobeL canadien C,-nauùsdon, Inturumiliti4l meuwmm (4 lm pua" Md 111161al. À §OMM FWM Of 100 ACM% tow, Azed . by, -lu, wu actother f"w strut that XàosBm3L - Li in Dot au uno)M- Fahibitiun, 1875, Pbiladclpbà:- Ibo à: comq its avem song before expirim. To»»ý. Item or mm cailla. & »V omis, fimil in ate furaiture hine bore te, Me -en » tight to wýt dime» liait battu the cwme of mon 1 Duan 311t'-i tein I'y thiý . tom of milver plates meIl UMM kaota, A"' ber . death--m auted by lier surit and the uuliid that they cuistot get up. il- %,.,u thac they bave rfflived tt"t the ftp ranuanded by maites and rosi mugm. whiskey in au attrunon Of Sh«lou ýntaii.M -4 the prduci» -4 the -Ie ýh.II I. UÇTR Exm lio Pffl ffty MM M TITIt LM DEPARTXIM A be la ha wbw& T%11111 attesseil by à* caUfimte uf the medi- and maçuuum. The 1 draves to et- am h omtdmm the coerpse of th a in pêà.'eýtinjc th. MI mm Who %Umm" lier. the ber, and the furmer front the bar' ety mit r*9 "P et»Abafflu m the fum a nftmAw semerci Du 8Ws landier; the boer for tâte to the grounIL It no «e&t Co the *,ur nati.bnýî rýmrffl : rý;,%ecttuil) reiuýtej %prie 1» 1.0 %hm m tue - - "ta Il wu but &Met écelace to the «. -II thas tatke. pr.-I..iIwat ýI te Addmllo. = baring puend, and hem puas. whom de" bAd. tarera inspector, thm car tavem keep- the dé,»,ibmtmtc -', the JAVU J. W. mwnw»lL omis. ffl. postal m ommut of the àunlùw ad ; .,i thI, ...rîd that carmji iý «.,,th> A thir -a (livil Igtt- A«Mbv U»"v -Tory dempoileil tue Imm thaît ho or dom not ohm hm ber on Sonday. ýidemttua ee a fieki -,f immizmti- -te. anu - - j,ý k4tert0j JDROVIBIOSÀLCOU.NTYî SAL, U»Zpe" di - But, a »-Z LY depritieci of tb» property Stw Curict-s.-I unden , and the titt.it tetarkvt wherriu tu purchanit ther -upiite 9-n ler N"-Pk. wu no Umm for further delaying c RX1KRAL INOURAIÇC]tàonw«. JL MUMM9. -V-I"wi"wtfflh il - whicêt wuuM bore besoins ha m cou- Nothodbte me Wepuuq to, budd a intý 4 it vu deckléd thu Y-,ut.stent" II, the mt in.à»,r second ce-lame ébould ho Io ation of the marriége ouremony. »W chunà hue in the sprinz ý.Zr eýmty pt:4.rIý% rtin-t.tu Jrire,, Life aid Amiblilt dis p" frnes hi& the am !Br a wili mm aiter put into hie band 'U-,qio-,ç.-The two =tZýje.,= 11ty kt U.1 mate hed hem litted. tàýý emmý0& o! j ho mw dm ha wu sole poý of huées me omis bere, and intend badd- bie fruge ÉurI4. W U"v Cý oïFP1096. i - - - - .. gieil llij- - ;_ . __ - ___ - - . ...... - Iýr -;z-a AL ---- - __ - - i ý«fîc@t te thO miliS rendarud, ané ne' Mous 32 yý of*ap,' ber ]E[er about ta bc semit on a »dve moadW othw ý smma mmm" for the «- &bout 14 --th» ekL chileti lhminecr IruOttttgàigugevb'Onmsr.faroumd vb -4 te lh«Mk,» = 1ý= m telut of dety inth hie retim»t, bu de- Xr eutw»%. %0 le l Trou, Dr. L-m- 1 keffl the toff-%Ue ne« Grafton acd on pa»Lng alont Ch&" bc Parture ta "0 piam àmwàwy. it *-&" = -su a ll-» Plmk 01 NAM lait. ba swb hubu» tbw élust un thamI al glaptralti. th«, --4 1119 l-ky mm the imsaüy etall ahm hm a brother living in this Grem nepped phyàdm-b" hem fer yeure. But toura Her hmbmea nume is John which Mm Greenteli fitjt mught, 0-8 ttr«ttgR YARD, LI#DSAV, alonded the brilla, of hie boued"; Bor, " owald met maniant for adm LMW iq-- a -bi»t-makS living in Osh- lac ber ln full very heswily »Ill - did the lui4h »I b&viux bgque"W hm gSh ma i avaIt She vu in tuera dnittng the pre- M» bruism- je;mlg. ST, lm à aff front, àuytbiw Mid. - viona day, acd mm notiSd lxs, bc in a fx* m 6 Cil D EN avn« - A MI fudu V» lm *9 ThO 1 017 IOV 68111* Of saind- Fca"rL &rom. tutti IM11M "m lètemmeme lad beau «w amm 1 at.,rm Pu»d ,Ver Garden Rdi am 1"" . ý in j encleil. St it. lailemil, tempête th-f- PMU a Perrytowz4 on S»day 0-ainq lm EXTVM E MMOVERM TIS. the ch="&Yvw*d"; it hm Mt tous em eq the bc- Sýy fer " dup,, but m iminvab for 1 ucàt- Md »% a a thinký Da&Dý-Theâttleb--.yGeorpJohn-. treme. leveling fw»m (Ilqty CANADIAN COMPANT Am voeu-« le W" ce @V«T àÎ7t a aranq«, a domm bai huma ro- mu, ma t4 Mr. Robert Je-huma, Of' Hailma» a 1, Pieltetté. Plbltlt ule, y l te table » au hW lilé *bar--whm~ M" newé mm te g, this towne, who vait no -eb»Wy injured ý 1" %& Pmoc effl mure f.-Und abie etskstembt dm te tbm*t ut it, madir4 a dààà cit h«ý ' thý,ude -if the. fèmmon Mond&Jl ew- ]Mr thro meule, sumoeult: m huma! about twill smocks ago while playing on IMMMIM Amkhm un AU the dueump 'e hW heurt. -j the ddowalk in comme of log in large pI Am 1M am ý ý * -» m, S . Vkilinq la End a madmotwy d» t chiulhes, stchuol hoquet «cà, hm ffley *am" h*vtv4 »Chombr sessitteme JOMMM-Jtu C» ftAIM, mfflàuft las= mm j-be W te thm dau@84 CAPUM W@hQ& V» net Edinborch Sueet, died lm mot,_ Icilis. lon#101% Palk 00 the 06111, nimmi f the lm de»minw en da, if the jusiolitu breyken ol man OMM expire -h- omene the n..nh-wm The %id- of th4 Lu&--on MOMMY nicht the remi- & trou milýny émirs reuxmd ta Bar me Velum fidddony hm dammen elf Mr. HeM7 Canimus Battre f' W".p »p-nd au if they bed hm b" advibeai Md m m Po" in " m MI& J. Kf."tr% Kom Miteilles OU Xr-gý r»*&» "Wum. laum SStil Met -- vu burat t. the ý Pdt@d With unim crumow, ho hold m mu MI eu* h* W@& Ik wu tàm in lnl4so,4eiT et@" d» to)M -lady4mq>.» Md Md whiàS, a mium tuummb grombit V«7 litik of the furaiture 4V AORM bar ho wam bmftmiM. Ho kSw du ý'wffld br Ild- lad-lorthà or pa»»I eff«u leme mied, mall m. IP qu»t"Y 01 -quu seinsi odwi th XAGrine thj jamaranta wM satan th& lm wS gooxb alerte moien trum J. P. Clark il ad blime, fer 1 A àe»-: bmd--how hà uembhd al hm o»uw Aoutik, À16 larman" expent CO.,OJX..Dtreal, wmà the dewui%,« ARNUM' IrrUNri(bl . amiommuý ukalumu im mu lm brà suritait mm hW et wu ! *0 wenàmowu %le hm". ýulty m buug the bur ll""mbmp..w ma am* OMM& ne un "0 - hou grmbek g mad femad hm amwer ic. " talc Ome Cmrmà& ab-,in, gimy. iur . te, tête eunacom 1 hOV9 %Ne te*,Whw X49wm m bat. *0 otom «MMDM awau rý b« à" en- *0 go,," wu* Ileing dimpoud 0 111UW AL LIFE Imm un" te ft lâb j &y ý 8, yfflu caffl" 'WMM trimil mum lm maàq on « bafix the! along the 14" Ontario liale, in UN Wada,; z«mmbend éminc in Dr. le-milles am IMYýt ý tow» ma vinttgea lyiaq Ileilisseu To m m bia ashm *@m » ni atati awuie&--a ont of amiciant This,. ut luq OMM en m befm* *0 2» l (sittelles* Illkiknu @1111104MI111l"'f amine, -@-à a Abondy tw ru esqe -.,, Belleville. On 1 *.@M*, ZW-4«% PI«4*y- Md 10M maum&VM *W IMM, bvAmm la Wu mto lnabmw*ammi. the%* it avm did talevale, am r«@&"d in repày bom 1 lest 8,e w is: l.fin'IP. 1 ta t in Newcmetl% etoing th" 1kýT wu lm" bd bias mm " vu" Yeu« -av 111l"du, Md tholy tue »V 1 ci ' etima ce tbe put of pudler une hawking ilà». stimilàr te bý)1bt pteerr W Phy- clame, in ne uqidly m ta j«Ww aidant TIND ammemr et 1 11_ lictir jus di-jS &te". in the v" ty of thM vil 1.~ 1» Pm lâle, tma Au tbb bulmw -umlw ma" magnim «Pmwàý mté Imm. Doteetive Ctalleu, in c,,»P»j *Wwrm i be» " abvua et the PM fwbwlem" a mlvu@gbom4 Md C'mm ammu wfth Mr. Bt»wn. m forthwid 1-im. rto" a 4tmst bme OW enow uinwehm wat, Mt wVM ID , a ffl#... Il rt.,ft pli.- *,wé tb-u Tm Coumm Bir-Làw.-TI» by4aw'to Noum", but ty the& tinte th r."m 1P.- lia hm th" hW Umm ký ' Buma% w- amant padhr bad Itit the town Md ettalus s@s1t. ss» imbés mille bail tw hm" &mm& am bai 1 Umm & Qi" audimy C«. ile met ni dw gtm" in un mio"m 4.,ets belés léblette été, le4burm-0 lm zweje gratte, M" *a au bel ut. - -htat «h. bëw- !Mr lm the »ý 4-fau, testât de mww- s rri C ube= bai et pwbhmdou& But . -rl#mmul» IsAr i.àlwwam moelleuses de» la a" bute, buW dkm wmwbu*edbý ; , enuemý D--" by à. i. » hm ther dbwwemd bint, agS m im lm 1 Wb" $1 jek ut *0 wbm mau id" tr a Wu ajre vue maiméelli claques P~ 8 salleme, in WM s "Mot t»emt» iw*vbqpo a@@&- mi bq dmb4 the emmpmy manteau tête, enumeu OmputmmèN Md it ma mmmmî àchdi"Cd t" 4MIM Grand JUÀIM- thet bu hâlé huma doute au».ýw Il ýt «imu llifAlu M»1%1% 1 _- -6 ta Pa t" homme; Mm im m in M& te swala é8éiý-îl 'UMM &M & d1ê& a 01 Maw, lh summ" cap" Wabm% m à»Paid m tête î;ý »ýjm@7éj*- et mm ý-mýk.k4 $L.O»fflkt. Mm111ýA= , - a làbm»àM«* M" @nomme.- me la tuer wa *e ilo Ob&" rue- %ille wwobmm lesté, mat Wo«WM ma -Imm, ta@" te Me sw& BM ber iabb. = dbm»M" âm@NýP *m léant bom wu #*»81% ucci sthommal M" IV *emb"