Li lm REM y Vol, XVI. Whole Nmw ul. b. $1.50 in Adyuce, MM eV me bmàmpmmâw te IÇORTU VICTORIX 1 on Swled a vote for bis me pu- of kown« ohm tbm Ilsionnais 1, thi *Md àdvàBmmm(4 Md a-, obso ho LOSWUUM Of Owicaria, tt w-uW ho bu 99 iX notffte, (Wb wbu S'o Fuma» làam la: kymq il MÊ&bmw- *8 bu@" Wou laid affl mi The it wu indà a mmamt damne tu monq thm &Vl &Obemý IM I *op, tale, louait dhmimi le, vim à mm muet - - - m Cd be sàoidd efon)»ebouldmy.rdu. ltèhù.lld *m DL Tommes W" Vues mmb pallé "ut bizolaff f. th- satidéotiot, of ho his bighui ambit" tu onvo thon wl«L 111110 duc%" hir bâti dmi et Villa mmbadam for Emâ Vamis hW A ïï tobeam) if ho OMM ukhNIly Md VOIL (Lud Ch, &Wt" tom ffl»wdà hmt «mm@--d *8 mumi kimi in the 02"M àmmnbiy " ph» m butretuutharamdOPi" dt«" I Mr A. Wý Lârosa wu rocinival b-f ce et un ewad& " &mpeodo 16U, Cobuloork. lut yMoy naissant wu ~ . hi the umult ho f vith chraorth '111001,14 *0>116 c wb:eý6. le fa $m" Z= = à& 0"& @:&= Ho said " vu thé U«bm Illa » OMWJL Moi. M& &"«W*epmdwm baté m arbait it ml ho dwald bave Uttle b» firet time ho boit bati m ,tvun,,it3 e;1 1:49jatoi. 14 Sý Ob. kt* awàk Ahuri aawm,,. Um was , SM«,bi, 1AJAX 11(yrtil., aient ck*r b, i" -_ galle %olèmke 8% à mur lambeau, boue à th" «ýi -gr" la Mo- te - of the -1 routine the vimm Cd x.rth vie if tlt.$4w>w*% Abou, gritat, m j ni »otAre. lm ILIS 9V orii-M ýàîîr1 hm a@màý 8"ý de Mouadmout 01 d«tDzl4 thOM& th@ - . dmgm thât Md beau lm)uqht àpm«; tono4 and hall come b«»» in th, vu Imola, laupiaims, aM auomg in tber vris SU mdduwmmm& Qq" biOI4 it 11 01111d bu »»um7 ter him te 109isltuft ho boit furmed a highopin M« apm ce M" of »vua ce *6 a Moustier frans Limmy wore prenant trupm peu thoir patience vith is! ion of the intexritl =d indepu"uo '41ý vwtodalkt mmmdewmqumùm te bu Mr. B. Dmdord optimal P11#94 140tf, W= W of priva" occarreractait. ce bis friend Mr. 31aer». Thuy won (J tel ilos et uae A" bramait la Ibo onne bu me manies hm ballon, the modiW acunhmsL ici. the by rudog th, wziit for Ab.-ut tvmty-da or tw«ty-mm milled upon by the writ to elect à *1 fi mowll4 thme wm'a dimi-1 A"thmedWfur of ma. yeurs me ha malle op brua mind te be- and dmr»t" penun te reprenant thow ob6whom" M4 m est mé &bu* «Se let-w Imm bave m ý1ao *»Mbw un 1ý Noý ùa»1ý ockm kilew whieh ut the twý W lKgglç,g Utyrb6ikt.» dý*» mot l l'élI fte»t 09 demie et i did&ÉM ou» a recident of the United Stalais of Md the el et la oulaffitalla of Mr. xI."4 pnopoud by a.. Gil latis t. ettaire, giv- 1 omdidat« vu tige = 11= 1 Jq Ip que by PM le AD" ai? ft-mwymàb"w hmrèý wma it Mt "Mm& fer it te la»! Xr. John FeIL mSnded by Mr. Jab. en of the rapid advammýt è«» bad mm to whom thray cutild entrum thui Mait Wouteu A" tkmk liet ute *Aalé in me hm ot nom mtâ, for M -rite héi étiperibla Awfflweý bons pilleusi vith Armstrong IIItai. "Say hie =k«. et Ibo e. en-l tbow _40f Woodville. ma" Who bâti lait this te" for mmerial tutoie r. Mai. Md dýoucriý. 00 bu cia, blS= Dr. P.H. CiL.%Lticy ut Wootiville, by th@4 and the ides thet prevailed m hù servod in thoir local cuurècdo, sui &"&VAT ou t" Bon, of P Out" it 3» veiza IAFAKK-r «*m boolarr ;omt, anéanti Md mr, Mr. 3. D. Smith. seSul by Mr. 4mb miDd, » it did in mmi odwr% vu! knéor what thuy neded. Ho notait étom Istatati, watb", itans lm». Pmmfi. iplime Wdblu2ooe igues a montant man! zlmtw"=t:ý _d *= 1 Campbdt of Woodville. dut in leciving this oo»try res, Idt a i %et insuit the cc minfai sense A th, flail-e leleoy *t4fbk... lems 1I,ý itmmsà"pitbmabm " aumitbi im JECU it oùt ho i Mr. A. W. UrDRa, of Toronto, by! Mette el depreeràon for onts of treator ý formats bore by crittzinfi die sjmç,:l awl haif "Wwo wisil bémi alm. avié »tgby ouil m die ý wMm the hemt dmff, mail Mr. Jota. Staples, secouded by Mr. amvity and goeud progmty. Ic l' whieb the mitaisterW candidatu hm tu OU létair Savourer bave AUD a& *Mua au se remblý the "a bave «àmna it white Ma 4.àmu of Eldon. addition tg au this t-» Grest Wou j r«Z, fur they cuuld dueide abuut that -dôîw 1 zt»L Ibo* S" efflèm Po bomý wate, bmdqg 1 la &B Ukolffimd wà* quate- Mr. Juim D. NàyLoi4 of loomAd op wooderfuny in the distancet. j'and be vu nuit iuclinud tu bu tàitt;hari credbm polle'o Imbu, am 01000 UoIm woold vitrine bave minet but. fer by Mr. Jaune Dickson, of ý We won told of lucky adventuren' table te beginnem, but ho «outil hiil j Pauveu top-' *wMer. 11.110 .. , tStf, àa«mu tbm loguy of ton thommd pomois- Falla, momd" by Mr. J. W. F.,Iliott ! who bâti jamped inée fabulons. rouilla; ! tu dimontinue that prectice if ho velà wýkt hy .%."lu he ...0h W wega. OUA" J. Barca Smm of Lindsay. hy thug entertwi exper> W orontu, for-thore they did not ai wr,% 1§1.9 à O»d j çauw6y J. W. Kennedy, à«onded by Mr.,Xel. l rente; and iiiergy thant amotal; =dès ho leur spooches te bu rond. Ho wtulg bah 4, lémis Nwt bý bu" médlit M. %Xe 14W (gommions«.) MM in tint vulur-room, ho villit *o i am Inclinai both experseme Md capital, ho theftiore advi» the "Daidate tu c.)w *W. ý == 1, »19 11-Ô Qumdo»d m te ther ý et hW nice of tpwàkuuc èl-.ý W V'VI lielive0alis .. .... ffl «W ethS «' - m àmvmg bý Jkl Wu M-timàtiff, of 1 ýi"»y by concluded ho etteld in mm val m"* mence tige peu 8.6 1" 44ab toit. 00-!4 d-&14 bu replied by "* M"g the la ouft in m mu-cb@ý m Mr. Thos. Huiee, of 00ms 1 Du je groirap am of the other tir% Mid in fim ho unes in this transis. Ha heu bore lm I- ý am of tbe diam»ý et t" ý tu» àýw, nomidmobj, tiom «pont la Lbek jý vu *@mm Ellavela VI& able %o poêla bis frartulsit vith souse deý timony tu the wiedous. independonc 1.1 01ille. ih-b .ffloty ..W.Ibo the rom Oabo*» . .... puttine OW ofkillown corumt% debadn ào abuve points, ma xiqU B"Laz, by Mr. "muni; gras of snoce- ]lé total sud integrity of Mr. Xa«», » evinc tb-4ý»g. rt"OMM ilwdm el . ...... Ont«" m the Îlegi8krèe* offallui dmwiag mer, t1ile mmý mar th te Jamim@m4 mmadedby Mr. ýXjoàol» bis departure for " purpelle, and 1 ed during tour yeurs ira the Houm tèms:mb min144*1 1 MUL MUUL &am t" »edl% milà " where à B"nbw inqum Dom &fier »v@W mon" gai ilevere soil ho 1 Mn Macriser pr-ytested.%p"M and cet apilld *40 bâti bom telles fron4 ho vais nez# 1eý ey. Ir àculm" EMM e uked if ho knout myddn about tolloving day, mi the vitý vote RoIL S. C. WooD, by mr. Johoi! mured tl» riaht of prw"ng bis pro. 'l dental certain acte of memours of th JU Imm. W«Md ai the how ci re*tbmdmm 8wmtum4 WSud0d bY Win. Mickezie. foulon in port of the Amoil Reform Administriuiun, m hui h,,tý moicit emvq»b 'bol, *16 dmi. hr reSived nothing but friend Mr. W-d, had donc; but Mi r..,.ot.... *".Iw Alox »Mftlbâf. -fflffl.4 4.» am ml Several of âe jSy adviud placing Mr. _L Bor&»cz, by Xr. J. W Fila. Unio- f. il "I dop» vu hà sannauve rop;n Dr. Lamom ander hammfinte arren, aerald, Sconded by 31n Je& ther-' kindj- front the peuple. Though the NY-lud waa n-,w buund tu the .1(4niiii be» *10 1 . but in " doubdd obter ci the lâtaL ý picture ha land dragon bad Saut beau istrati,,n, and every silleak ut inaé!imtl tk«xtwi-ffl. f u»m» 11:411L 86,as, » 14 tamise et $m %bar onhomýt The ýM- xtuy, of WoM DtS- effaced. though " vision land not'.1ence was el-aee2ýd out of hitil K%-,ýglumb 4%egýnd Md lail '4111hg-.k %1:" - Ibo tmbi» Volial ta a""* oui overiluled, and ko'v» pet- i Mr. J. A. WitKL n'a wIf4a 1*36 lh et. Ibo ablescom tm»; the et" with baulti Mr E D. ordo, mSul by 1 beau dispelled, and the Grant West Ï lýatig-hter.) He had no linge -,a thi "Mmbw - "" te depart fer 'lie own humilh ta"S' bIL M~ . -Voè*bbe ibu bitwinu bramis-evoq qyer keenly bout citour Som hissait maluted hm m ho pamd Mr il. M.-Tal«m. net taken op, and still bolding out in- ý icciésion tu revien, the gettcl u-,iir4 11,18K W V. *»& 14&»» VOUI «141 *9 intmon, avery sur »guly hum ont diroue the churchyard gâte ; but Mr. Jus. $ýrjpLL% by Mr. W«L duceurents fer the homele», ho had! of the Ussiiiiistrati,,n; ha liai. Vis baning it viâ m indiffwence that Swantoit, seconded by Mr.John Groilt, retraced hà étape te the land of l tri coailine hatiftif tu certain acts air ouI bu mm tbar *'Jb Vied eBonl4» OmÉiamd, the sommd finutol itujt in 1 *a crol be- Mr. J.-P. CL-xx]Lçc-§, by Mr. J. W. bis birth, pem&-*4 and lemlly show hy frautig »d argijuiýtite th r, "SIS atm w"ym b»wi avai eu» aubmm»d ai ils condiM imai de- IPO&Ottý, seomuW by Mr W SDouau». "I"Ufi@d fMM bUéD«llý' (Chaenta) Stànd takeS by the Fi »momber Dr. 1---on 7« m 'a aW" fratala forthir dmoagmùemL Mr. IL D. ORD11, by EL F. Perd He met with keec opposition on every wanted tu kni)W Li thrit waà w1y pit "eiNme te:* p, m 7:40 p »Arx. n" Io YOM autant Wahm retm"d Imola, o- secouded by Mr Wm_ &gàm&IL rude, m il disSurallement scella » the former bore wh.. nl 4upport etr 4%9008t 4 f »reminderai" ,»tewây ,,pm" by tamm aumd ML JO& eTAPLE9.--Nr. R pour mua fatal., but in all thom yeurs 1 us ý4 the Reioruà e-cotte," fards. r CK et atta"Ille. Ch,&,,,t,, oisons i,,ùed te officeri-1 bac 1,,,« to glottait whieb it touk to overcome The tainisterial t-,w.lidat. h4d raiera, lit, Ill Agvgt for Imita, won pLSd'wbm ym fomd it III goy noml th W14. dine with him--m old frieurd, who won .-huleSowd. (cbeers lmu-QU audestablisil confidence, the tu the verdict ai the liste épleçu-iii; bij haud.» 1 el* 11m 1 crise ci the magiotrates, of ille, ne4oLbur- aylxG ()rrlt:sa,- The Rarc thought hall never entered laisicizard of it should n.,t bu f-,rx-,ttun Chat a ý,re.i net bb-e bartvb 3-.18 ils JIUR SALIL-Wou litail of I»t 13, The «Umor&nwy avOImd COBU Dot haaud. ine, air, 1 bavir i. th. châ%ing bis aU@gi»S, and for the nimy liei,,ruàters hali g.,t in by proie, x iambemi.. immm the surpritte, airaëdy M im bognais hoighe, but a hum of hâtif aagry elacul la they «t ovor theïr wine, mwk- ballot Ir (Renerred laughter.) i Put twffltY Ym" hOt nions of (Mr L4t.1i a menanT j ing m after-dinner cigar, the convier- Mr. uz Fmr, by Mr. 8,sSuel ab-ut, -9 it altogeth bore reccivcd a teltgrant se "Wttgàa. image lationit rom op frotte mý« th« *P«t' i sation »turaây turned open the Lutte, »mtided by Mr. Wm Swani front the Ridine- (Chante.) U an that the deemion -,i the C,,isrt if Ert-, top.*4 - tom c 1 - t!.nbrw àaihx**. Af, »Mbumb, vMb vants, flo FM « - Mr. -tk.BMLLLD ewgpBaja, ofýin"dualbehaddomanhecuuldto Md Appeal had beau gavera ira fav. JLP SALK - A mua piano ut e Atm, a am pormed : --ià. The %"tt ir Elgion, by Mrý Jao. D. Xajriol secii, ý make the la" of tais birth respectable ef Mr. Hctý,r Cmiter 1 garts 4*UWýugwob T.WaLpt L4»= tmu = -Fur tbat méLI Dr. L»mm4 we uk ý LunSn'a toutimony, ot %Aawbfflfor remolob rails. gr the Il IL "EH@ Mory, dioue owbdnly very. onded by Mr. Batimd. lin theoymofaâ people. Ibo V=zmr. Q strange. »«» probable enough,. ne- Xr. Maa» app,)inb4 j&. Songuel ' Canada contaimad widùn herwif the ti chnoirris.) Mr. Làuder ait homm C* hW* 140"0 ma *l 294 le - -M tkicr."&- laMl -ayffl ma hem it. For @DM tarked the Màgàume; 4,doa't 700 jami«014 of B".VS, hisa agent foril e4m-sa of a trou notion, and ail that i hiq çmil the Buforitier,§, hal ait 0 1414bklc. watémy paraiLsait se- maths provient te ber go ber i. %Mt& Sb. made loud professions of purity; bii MW wéléa $m t à" Mt W&" 1" election expenât ; and DriClarke = = ber suber and iiikditatrijus the eloctiun triols had.;%hiwn a diffui 01xxDéa*dý , z atnta pou" PARU FOR &àL&-The ettath 146 'al think it ont caly prob" , but auvraticied Mr. Peur Fergesson. of 'a, t'acm, se" , 1-ludlne-u,'tme. iba"mzetwmo»rmmibr Wooriffle. - The Retur=g nificer with plentri, Md c(idu &U the eut state A thinl Would they tal, 8.0 I»qb Win& Cifstie etom Fý in alis ltweow> la- bavusq bassiner utiokd d *9 &04, m) ààkinq. The obsý of extrava- ma" the ne«»My mmonneement in hurler& bS ambiùous "dm cuuld the 01-,&or the electi.,n courts tu at il'r = . C 4,rolloi. goaté »»OaqpI tartinais ut emi bonnet 1 told lieir et it. Thm " spoke of a, SaMed blood in, tu My mindl prouf Pmal regard therato in accordmS with the; deurve. » that no fUan-Ai-n bond, cide this motter -,if the pitrity if th m.'l, III 'ail P.Amlly à= subjeck th" bad o" oempmd bu al, 1 itive m te the mWe inatiomte of the ý Matute. The heur for nominations Md no true canadien would (chaste) Party? He thon Procetded tu c-nt, t-, ÎV4 1ý es, amatrata Mar, Min& Nu doutai ma" people promet ý hishm wilos, whoillever. one Mar ddnk a ha look outoïde of bis native country for paru the expetàditure -A the Imm =, VàaX VOIR SALK -Lit W, in the mil »mmb«ý the aingulw emmm-' VIng expirell the Reinataing Officer IL ý -- - rend the tint of nominations Ind the, -th» of distinction, (chiliens) whicla Govemment with thât (if their Il aýMaylukwbatodm r ayon'p),IHngplaem Aponwude-.nded't le of sora. He aleaurtud, and ha RoVl", ABOUT » sa DIVID» Rem estamé. mmundu bud-04 crowd Io »ýble vithillt this mm el tu Mr. Wood tu deny it, théât the %tuj p = 00«kt«W ommay. 1 bave for believing bim, inaramat r 1 by Mr. Jea, Armstrong. The Itetnru- K.q. ýtm4.I. »»Nk. AUUXM IWOW joilligg «M 0» Kirkàd& $m trom victoria 11-all sioligue, 1 nouk of- the body of a' 4),, of a very monilia mi R*Npdu! ing Offwer maid it wu necemary for, field Ministry bail ptirchaâcd cettili 1> bt»..k. ;M ly pur amb« agit, av - the P-Mà- Yunus gui being fénud in aucta coul Uèk4w. 1 AMOM tibias whom I h":, hia tu go away. and upoit motion of, umem In furnituro and rizings if the ParLa irfu% OMM66 joux 3bisti& K= e i tien m peraveil ber te bave tison boried subpSumd m vituemm hat no one vould prostitue te chorale ment buildingts for hali the prwe !ha Court. LX)a SALit Oa To PM T-im a! olive. Mm laebwwtb vu ý of - Yon mar have' Mrý J.- Armstrong, sec)nded by Mr. t ...... b A: i obwrftdalmke lopddM«euutby X. fle«kp? Xrý J. D. Smith wm q> bila witbalack ufpateoùsmorloveýf; the new mon had Daid. Hi- c.,tispiau Da É! chose Who calais te view it, and dm won j pùuued duim». Mn John meýrag- Xo Omvammul6ýwmf-nu nante Niiiiii, r country, apura which all of our hm ai- ad tirait the . bat (;(evertatuý'tit ha LM mu@4 lbm i. a ekxm twjwr là« nou» un 1 my mueil aâmud by the spattessele, m Wh" Of " r prit vu appui-ited secretery. fectiumI an baud. Withuut love of not supplied the publie fc pentue% Ma » Md L k« bats (cotait de êêter blessait told, ma It hâd taiten hi. -11 .,i,."ý,, 1 The Ca&mxAw tl»ked the,&UdieaS *)untryloyatywma - Ïiee 0 f~ P&VOMIât* ive o 1 ahana; like the! 19.4, and probably thry w.tàiti ri. Y, j»Çitdin on the rond, Md repeating the for the botter they bad doue him, and colit of the hypocrite, it pm"ýn of ber adud Sau miècla m ta &va the; mail it plubowd thera, &rail hurc W.-C l' 0 Kom-14. atj.. lirmilig, bogu a nervoulis morbid apprelleromon m . ...... .... a bc bt., couvrenation illat hâd peu" betvem gaggeu" that m the %*Akld- were wearer a due appeamnS, but under- the Xiiiierry with rive Sillitis it, rhi Sb* MIV YOM ut pa"I& h-g tought haPpon te i th«1-4 the Cq)" added 10!>iOu Ou» arrangement ehotild be' nantît its drapery palpitated the hvart hand*, and refttaitig blâmait 1 mduro»d te lànwh her I.1 ballotte Lemme Wb the truth, made m to the time te ho oStlpied by;,)i a Judas or a Cataline. (la ughter the experidittau, The as mu à wham ftm oriS àa4m 1 of the ides. but Cahil, remaink mrî- about a wnting ha ' hem tu! euh speaker. On motion uf jk. Feil and cheem) Wu bave now fur a mu- matter vise reviewW in Illtari, 4 àmq è%. »»Uaem»m es Ibn huxta ut VM9 Eje ghtvm 1 albmç= oie, and go my grent surprise made a uni by My pour XeT m lied itvmowmud&ate&Lllcmdidateahotdd: -eut tu curasider the prenant Admin- a %p.-ci[tiert Ii Chat '-terrible tui.,qreilo - qMI, Stil %0 Ammvw&ý lt*" basal » "a rolialoU Co m "' 'a the avent of My enih a rimaillant and '.tis this Xudin bave fifteen, minutes, Muet of the istration, Aud ha muet coufema th tbet!ua»e»,y% »OurAtATIC %ATM te"" *0 a the t;rtts;" and ha pr-efestaiell toý ým:trl tmmtto"o» 1 blàg We@M M ber d-*b4 I 11001111d: eh. bu et.,. il. By Jove'." *an"- candidates gave their time te the lead- with him il was a difficult matter tu, il, ý,,ive fr,,;it bis ýk- ýpeci tit,ýsi h" = i WM M LU 1& MUM MM stouva, »*.Ipwb tite ho aïks a% as à. M Md liait a Chy 106UL as %uàut the pimibiUtZ of the drended 1 »Cltbe '4houe veàk form an opinion. In the droit place ui extr tvztqatàý-e ami c-,rrii an %hi LM cà«Wom" la ! [have no russe* 1 mW. D. e2clus on Co forward. the accuaistions were made by intertnt- il mit ha hettlri, thýrefee, to qciid J. Mulli«. Dy« Md Ck*W . X*Pw4 am l"'s 'M'o m" lie Ob- m the a -Po 08wita". reviviestion. iiber evm *premwibud the aimait m W* seilio omwmvlbumm es illéosaise üSe 1.14 ont, %wu IL andaftbm i dotent hi& «pidityý if it prove géti 1 &au- t.em raceived with ch«» Miz. soid hi, ad parties who bad the &ln %-,«t inu- mais like Mr. Macrise t-, the t irs». U. Addremý. mode, abd h«»It gave me " needle, pect ho &hall ha pairi the ton thousand record fer tour yean in the homte wm tives for making Chocs, and the dental& k,..p a check, ais a tuait of .. ........ th. bmz4b. S»V-hxý à W. latâmâ.ttly «let.r,,, nul lapin the unie fona-tation, It detice, up-n the t;,,v"rrititerir. V, - l"'em-1; 1 AUM. COMSY Vteboub ý pourade withuut My damer or delay on well k»wa to most of the '14181t.. *A"Im, *#W refutatté, «A endSvured te dinguade V"r",eý All "P 1P@W>VMM AL COUIM et RALI, int, irom vp,,« m L and ha woold leave client, te itidge of it. '#» il' 'n"im in loin thât every man miniârýriiàl qi.le Wdà the ,,ýtily .1.1I JL awnOI4. 'o '"q»&L 8be' ý'z ý ahould ho held innocent outil proved there iiert-,Irhc,-s and itukitt,,ý t,, o . Ianmm4 air!" SannounSd the: lie thoulght ha lied fuifilled his duty, 904-1; AND atm a did no, Sverthéalem, rginq it aveu . en roula ; . "tm@84 Ilevine the ho aliks and huai dinchýLrý every promise ha Viilty by compe-ent and disinteretitud me; Md tj gain My consent mode 1 goit; and ri avais, he admirte.1, PLUIE AND = VE. if you Win MO biEI4 air. lard made when electud by a large ma- wilneue& But in the cm before us tintes harti f-ir the il, r-i ýb« of tbe Mlotia", which, ma 1 4ý Tait UR(UMIPIRIC 11481VRAiNcle an knout, she, left me. Ce n'y 1 will show him. lit ZÏ&Y of the parople of this riding. , where w0uld wàr find auch evidence testiptat i. àn frý;i:i the 0 vrai met rm. 1. yo bM. riolud gens te the H-ý The lLniàtry explain and the Opp -iti- He thon c-,ià.luiiiacd thu Si Itvi.ýt.Iii - C«lpAvv lit iriait WURLD. Oum for mits en Oudh" et "Ubsum nc6b on, e," Mid the emb«. , . n'a un sup. 141 oued hardly «pect," matinui 'ShAU 1 "Y l" mked the magissi porter of the $azarifield Xacdonald gov- 1 non accuse. The parti« were respec- conâtitueeicie.%, itatil bis linge wibit -il twe. orment Thst govemmen table and intelligent, but m ha said and cý,nettided hy al the !ý et.,i igné; a-ooirt, ir'ARM.'loTtq t had fallen for having oppomd her wink Much If my vulitoir dom am obj«Lý we a short tirant after the lieu befure, each wu interested in hi* own tu remenibc-r rhe rirrit-ait and main, "Imed Umm hope tu get Se&t ahall »&" m bail butin il au fer an the paruers noire ne» oý the somme. 0,01 called toqether; and thon ho land taken c3ft- au soose il . lm am 1 Ukely ce, be ber»»I whien I âomething -if au independent position. Slacerned. there the matter stouil. Mr. J. D. S.%% t.,jk» said lie bail ri- 71M '1ý But what mid the pr«iý thM inde"- end in, looking grave Md pâle., He had supp)rted such Surreau conte prepared tu uàak-u tes as PAWO Md Plomtýte Immte «WO&W m &V My thaît it woo, " the 1 titât et K r 1.'li 4 1*1 Il il. si, frotata Md I»omt FmMS1.50te luneh induced me te = te her . "Per 'op, Ye- wugià, a privâter inter-! ha g.ovemtuent of the day bronjh- dent, disinterested and watchful guar- land ri-, brivi as Nir. L ttiýi.r 1,4-1, ý,i ..S&00pwure" vamil. She mtrented me, Md 1 i MW W" Me, Dr. Location I" mid the, prward thist ho land coulidered worthy dian of liberty ? (Cheerb) lt said ha -a" c-ýtifid-!igt the cleut.,r* *-il VI 0vd SIVAIVIN11 te * P~ $"MY %WM de &» * 4.00 do Matte 1 nour find t, îgy Mdo, 1 captaw " a le, Mr. Charlectute of support-. and such memures agg ha the mine; and coupled with the accu. give their verdict ira favIr If Di »M 1 %Uri&" ; i had bol considertai vorthy uf support station Md deoigil ail sortil -4 slan- Clarke. Mr. LwiýIrr fiad lawv.!rlt. 1MI LTIM DIPA etionny. Tbe, nobenypm natal in amair flotr a "Bave yeti My pilotai of bar havin ITXim 'The, FOR& m la estaisal ortier 11% %bim marum, et "No," intexrupted the doctor bew-; ha bat voted Igminot m land many derous charges rand abl epithers, endeavoired to pr-,ve black w4. wom éculigriv in w>iu wu diar Vous mm am roquait, Wh" 1 mm chu- ing Io the magistrats; 'il should Pte-: of the thick and thin supporters of th, stich as no gentleman vould or date sud had jivea tlictu a :Ieisiti-1 pu e»Il Rop bmtmmoaow -"Omd4mè Kimwýme Ille càuwm lut seterize, m very extracSdinory, in. fer both of yeti bearing toisât r» p., zoverument. Ne thonght ho Lid full make tu amber. (Loud cheers.) The bling -if 4 btitart-i aii-1 tUr mwmwwwtllbopm t"wmmoo;;Wýmm étibuemait 80 Xia" id re"rwà te boa 1 Hon. Mr. Mowat whon a chancellor but the farmurs-,f N,,rth rw powmmmt tia em lammm lm mow MW ima »V -VIS 1 delta r te my and @seing what 1 bavetnabow. authovily tu &et »hohada«ed- and IVIT10198 OXIDIR au Io WAMU Ars "qidud sa "ho is go" for, au Indeed it il a fortunate ciremattanS, in doing au ho thought ho had'd,ý,e was declared by the prou to bc a high truie, iaitticietitly iritt-lii_,.iit il, 1:cIt "I W-in ber own hmd-wemme Md lnh hor ubl Md ÙPUZ» et_ for mi: thât Mr. ChadeSt» in hm. I hi& dnty. On the prenant omsi,,n ha minded Chrierian gentleman, and an the liI.t,;re theui. Apatis for Moduv »dmýývb pamy Ibo V intended seing to yeur hl air, this Moud in the mm position. If they oriarnent tu the benoît. lkit when ho Mr F. %VH %LLV.t laiý.%yij 9,-m tir -If 4e. V il# bête, - in 81111, te &Za tubed-for protection qpîm auch - You te favori me; put thoir confidence in him and retum- look off the J tidges gown the saute pathy vith the Cafà,,L-14tlift of ýl m tain TOWN LOTS, FOR SALE m thm te My §«ý 1 vith your frieul advieui ad him ho woiald dut with the gove -ýn prou that landed him su bighly, soon Mcme, Mid belicýe-l bu w4à W,- ducumenit. whSh MW Md cheffils 1 ady yqmbwmy &o. 1 "la whet way, Dr. Lmson," inquW ment m ho had before. He land ne made the disouvery thaï; ho was a l"w ý ni of ru clecti-,D. fie Wai la m ad the magatmt& or opinion of thora now thon ha designing intri"er, and when ho tfo)k dont Mr. Macrâtai would 4 ulýutud 1, 1 ouvered te ber aussi«. 1 land Dimed ý M . p«ýt . - - - - .1- ___ .. I - I I . Il" J_ "-;-.,-à boit the Dm le Wbwàe %bu tuy ba» Dity whm au nue gras probant by the ý ides of, the églecton would wý tu the I>JD gingliver v» itnrnttakable: it &I il and hud br.,tlght ini ri, fl, thot .-Iloillail Who vivote it Il owsked C&pWo Waltan, mum him by a haudwme majuriry. ' tellit lSlI » w-Pald i-,Ladileu tht heurts Lj4,migiion goutter». Mr, %lill ot)anluL & du"-bc& Bad 1 do» the th' - ef the pelliple; it v» a mal of tiver fiol the imaginer il, which foril. the" une bddreminc bim»lf te the oi-il (Cham.) 16 hall every faith thaï; V '*' «lib(m4 tom »V= opmùy, it ie POI M "y.* the alighmL The budwrft- they vould I en; and that they w-w titre- b-tit-Ired in fàtver of ipl groveil mol hall rI with Fra£ j& jW M . AU Iff hà- tibl bat thalle might have me in entirel unI to me.' hâd. the Il in him chat t @y haëi ment. (Che«I And there bu twill 4,.piriiittuent*, cil i bessi bal abouta. prouel M »»- iW, and 1 silleurfil un doulit have %»m me, Mm," »W Mr. Chariglognotte, befiwu ]3ut thme vite nue rhùàg iie Pftter tu let the matter met '- bu r if it ACCID E NT eh- exambdim it "It maligne a il vinhed te remI The public p,-A wM t» ho triol &gain in %hi* "il ho the i)rict-,,f the lic.àtise.. bismed---m 1 am hkely go bu »w." d.)tlbt it ogrould remb th@ imule go the iiiemue lit r.xv-ii-lirir" logo UnEW TRUNADA 'Xore thm blw»d!" mait guissigi ha"-4n aU likhhSd i&" thaï h" beau suppottine Ilr. Suiich'a hall ri-, He gras gloire the frr-e will in- the twu EXTUMW RP»VERIEM I "Perhape 1 eau Dut YU« ua a mSut, pirty hàdi l»en natinq thar ir grait a rol tt ý1-qi.i, front among the oeil a-owd, hie se- Dnutur.tir in kxrite in naità,t thar piler, %I .1w. rie, I obrolomskil ps""Y. le mark foRowed by a chermi ci sisal ft,,, a- toPPned Captidu Walwa, menu thin« and a amaU thiiig tigil lie dePréident elee-,Vb tif £hi.% riding lorould, he ', Le Il OITLY cài«ADI.ýts cow?àxy AI M"-" 69 "0 oown et «M "Mip ot-lummdemion gel eh-juid have prretestud arainst the lut, '>Pnstilq their -Jwgi iutermtb, "d th il, die ('htwno% 0" te »Fu*W ob»rmboa& thé magisgraise. "If 1 mistake Dot yol eleGliun and unelgrâteil %.. 8-nitil iutereau of the ciilbutry t'pi Weil tu -syr-i --4; seiglait una» lm [»a tertflitearý. au th te, th lk V$.V.»v erI the owmw. have in yiour serrieil a luang mais liblicit a triffing charge aun th, Je 1 hri- back a verdict Si, jus% and Poi- Wm#xbrfflkmot - commmaa .,f the lemiktry i it:rm4-.ol. Tiw i CAU am om order into ommed -1qudin." ah--ulcl Dot have endé-vfiired to uk Per in tue fzm* of the wlPPIO t, th. 30 Who Mar Apisit certain whether Mr. Suiitii gras the heesgtise they were dt*ired tir do, -0 avil ý,n âïl rh pel àbwm hume V»@Wm» amyý aulwm-lým 0» etàm Ksmumft Bwm 00 %»*Xbbymv% Imeoaa»trm Lm*by. ixas, »I Thm q ta Br.. jammeý ho bnwhed--" lacet, S 1 b"» hhiL" legal eligeored reprogogieultarive Il Li,)-. nY A few dim:ibP)iliitml P-littuisIll, pu4quabwy le illoi, aggètelà: Will yeu a ou tibia hmt! Il amy ho " y« overrvI bila; (ch»mmd laughcer) whu hI alloil son lamueuàllk. érIl i .:tir c-4W 1. du«» voit the " calme of Mm ID. 1 have revenu to think him ho (Mr. X) loras the caadidate elected at-)od aW w-Pulot furever stuW in the Fil lxl. b'r Il tir fi wi- ai IMA» &&WUM. Pe k_ Mtem d" In the vwy opp-4iti4 and their ha in ant by the qnalified votes of th. riling way of the lieu ins erute rJ thé, iller, ple wdà." M»»" nýce-wPàày. ll e 1.41 iL BU wby ouly &àoue*, but as grest a "sur Thmmb)m ho hI *hm nu peil (Chowent.) The proseur «,r ip- las lie amers. quel me farther 1 ;ozaplete dw n eh«M Ond finit with him fI ulto- w-a in hi,& iDr. CI àrke's) opI Il 1110- Hr, làexk th coula à MAGUIF.& Àk. Mme»M&& pu»d 4 -Pi r hm publie merl, . gud ilberfilla «tmimdmm, and " grM "Tm @@bu" m% Caib" WàltolL til aubinst the alecti-in for Mr. u ill lie in the %,,,rie irtit4i Vé -uiv y- Illa y- quel affl " 1 ha» miel &wmd hils fdthfuL» Smith vu aut doctad by the legally nad avery t>pufplenS in their 41>ility, lexe iill rih.,weii whe ý,.t Il. le 'IMm in beewm y« heve aut fmad quaimoi of the hou-Pr and integnity, and thst if pro- Ïé" tbwe in ao ab" of bilent mur riding. He and taniiianly fn,,tivýob hwi ibýltigw et swuwe Ille, " 0,& lréggs MW have M eWPM- widwd te imprets apie the col of perly -pp..rted, et they héd -m by the 1oc.dý.rro, 1 ri lori poèm 14Y »W. nom la siblop in JoI th, Poison sqeh fige - the ellabil th».v vould administoir the MýCnl1,,, [lie ril. M U M AL Li ti.,» «atmmb magie by the pqgul the affairs of the province in a le . MA»= -mit te moaw woârm Iw» th* à- 1, 1 . ev met the ýh&i1«gkte thr.,wii hy .191 &wà nolb bu Um ý had ' in mille dý - ded» the blit th" éliger ahnou go to the pulls, lisait and impartial galgarter. (Choler& ý lAvider;tým.,tt thé: fil ri il In bute i ý twwbwwmt i i If thoir policy, vait enteulum tir ' 1 awl « te thot a 16 ta doir. àà zi*t àm sage hume to hm and M» Mm a b»I suppoil &ni Our sul Omdilà, ni- @Miovm. modour, w" bum in a omtup Il twy misitir dopeibli upm lit they woaU: Pr,"* M là peuple, ce&rpýttà:tnýi -,Iuàpm, %A wt té *0 éveil ffl him gol wheu they fouati him; s" devell the rmmn» of the pro- lga th& %I S and àtw.wg IMM Il" Màsà»M WOCM àw Ou »d reliera they iwmd him tg- rince by wigringe --nrà«- t to rail- thait the pllnýha@« 1 h»ià roil i smp« 1 - mm- w ille they vouloi @M him tu-ceurruie. - pieds, iuprw>riw triol, clivigation, rit tige, % MacrI anà Jý,hIri CI âbu~ 1 ôa îàôý î ilà _ýà_ ii _MF _îîý » iii MW ndfirid ibwwoý «» ý 1i - a ____ y= out" 0& CLAI DM addreend Sb* 'b»k vrattra, emurneùux olunaj>tim Hol %Wb% jbowffl. etéliollet -4 *M 1 am &= emm rgWg,! elmum «SI qvb yee@iv« wnh i »allet am-d-S the là- a" Poil y%," *M il&" nom. moi" 4111c= 1 ha 9 wAdw 1 1ý - .. PÈMU% Wrwxi) )SI Mr "lfier = ý.è%Mo §Z= - ah egé& be Siggla mom aec»bmmd te 1 »W oI » the MSts of the, the-abdiemm pmwadd wor i »%»MM dm bud abaïdy me. eý poil go tbn,:itch the public -ýffic -,a and il rm#m INI ROMMO. rolir (%*Wftmà tille Wwbig ai bu dedwagme. lad" -v". PMMM bligibla ho oblais to listire. aI if ail thà vere 11111" if the fiirniture v t ggil bile r4ggol i» SI W*Af* am"d ÔMM"' :!'d..»d «».V, (là, - m but "M et o 0.4 poubbovKww ho abeaU aut bu te ali, lie dumkt if eleaudgive dwm spro. FACUA» manta». et tbeu hm a 1 bal pndmd me-, balise, mi& Dr zm»u4 ym, Z= tbm eloqmmtiy or evoge i Pet suffliet Bull lie @WPBW àI ho a b*dW dore». Mr. Latader hall e 4V l»MM 11111141WOMM lu A1x"sD»ý sel vielien. fflt lis; vu BewI 111111:8111P guelle mminq la M br bà"v enm- v4w,.mb, ieaw--red tri tuait. it &pi~ thst E i1Î6 afflV &@I lie rabubled illa *0 t" et aý ML ghemmumbý Imm bu" hà WW." blibligil foli- iJ übgo Ad-ùdeu"- Cir" bad, whI in the bW» jur dm w .ýu balle «b mmiti- -th" ho h" jut «prmed âge, mm& obrol Y~ »ma Pd mm*m emmàmâm thirty Yom ago, tak» t] g, &M" Umm& irmâm hm M" Iwl - k. 1 - MOI (çà«I The âm ML Î6 dbmld the rww oël of &I larce , bc il* (Mr. 14 ]OS in tbb à& "MM" lâmai. lm Ilime M Ëz» in of of judmm en Unir »3'4d- 1 vu propend tu scate twmt punitive bm z= bied V» Mt sw binua U gligis imw tu, the recoins th" tàm 1 " no »eh owb w» ttàm it M Mia owat wMam M bà cý == -w vieil labial tu mobke étil ii, ah" au ix :,O-n t. là aval, lié ma ReZ isis wu gligisir *M ège, it obas mou quemilloi, fur a"d, #Mg" lumm» ý a ' »AM ..M 1 yýia" - mwwm&lw -, th- égle am pwp- ; Ow 3b. L»dw 0 -mtmpm U» 4 et k*,"e*ft 00". %v Kict(ilillX, Alt ..... ... 11-il Nf'-4"ý "1114- M Nel, (ý%p >14-.00 M , le .. ... Chlbeill IN4 à u% J, 1) N NI lit - %il .. -, ...$ Vil 1. Ic -k.1t Y . 1-0*v NI IIl-.ý%-ffl - IP )N Klk.,.Im , k4rfint*p. Ny, kt , NI jet%. %Iý Nt Nt 1I) Le b Il Ni Ne Il. p ie, -*N> le le 1 Pie I.- à Vî 8»rèlntp 111 F PRIVA rE FUNDS le ki et K l' 1. f 0' [BER VAIZD. LINDSAY, âéit. éA,.l Ank WI; WAM si.. il .. .... P, tho 0,-g %1M M titi, J't; «M ,ýk t*M* i,«r !1. 6 lwbtlm ', 1 , 1