. . 1 1 ý - . . m ý monnanumý- * ý ýýý ý m - - m 1 . . ý _ý tud caru 1 . ý 1 ý ý 1 ý, swM 1 __ ý :, i - ý _1ý_ - . 1 Ab lfi£L ý.CIè 1 Àonik .;!IIýt, Illairrister, &4 el ilkt.*t,,IC,,ý.. ý _- . Il ' ý . ,ti, bluck. Kun% Mrovle. 1 - ý 1. * .. . 1 l-, ý-ý, . le ý .- - i ý 1 1 1 - ýý &--,&& Allid" %%1,,,*, %iI.Kli*.I».IN, . .1 . nýIA ,li 1. lNIl.; %li>;.,ýl O1811-ý* In. t-he 1 . ý . ; ý ý , .I. - ý ý. ý > __ i 1 1 ý - '. . 'S %y ý ý ý ý j Il %e ý ,le, .ý.,::t). tri Nsïl)Ui)k " ' ý (9 =tl b - Zm"Iffl' 1 & 1 ý , ý -y I,1;,U, .,Ur C. ter.u,ýlWs ý . ý - 0 ii, - l,. . . ý ý ý - ý.-.-.-- ý ý ý . . 1 1"ý .\,..il'ii( NI_ , , - ii, Il , r. ', 1 ýy ,tit 14w, 'AYD PROrM IT03.1 . 1 . 1 1 ý > . ý _ , . . .ý ! ' Il ýý, ý ,..:,"- CHAS. D.'B.3P.P.,'FUDITOIt . 1 - ý ___ - ___ - - - . _ _ - - [Pm 11% l-ý;:>,ý III \ I p.,%, t; trri.%tr.r*, .,..ý'-,. umber 857. 1 1 - 1 _ý - ý\1, .... ý... 1 ý;, -1., 1. Vol. 1111. Whole N 1 LINDSAY, ONT., F DAY, FEBRIJARY 119 1874. ýi l. 1 j 1;.,!.:,.ýl, ý . ý 1 .: l,::iý. 1'.ýrt--,i.,", x-,I'rri.-Y ý I.. -,.""" _ __ - - - - - ý 1 - . ý i.,ý- ,;Ie"- ý - . . -- ---ý----- ---ý--mme!"" i .4, ý, .,iiý ý ý ý -0. 1 fîslfts. - _= 7 - 7 ý- 1 n:---7ý:_=__ eautýpý- - gu ok 1 3 ,eh* arim. ýý-..- __ W M gadm i, - 111111111111; y reu r tbey -eau am be " te raise, Mo ý - 1lli-;Nýýi)N 114)(ý,,,ý., (1*4*0 .jewett 1 PI'Ulttj$TU & .XIPISSING £AIT m Apmanný Il cou" fer Ibo a ýl orti.la on th" III.M par mue, » th" in rillet fi ,ý-', 1 _ ,4 K it.. r 'vie, & .1 2e rIent-14 M llýmla Dover ., .1r'. , I ý . Prim LIREISAT bmaý - - q mwma. Be the C»dit.Vail" ra", .1 ý ; 1 . . 1 ý r.ý ý,ýIt ) il - .. , ;ý. - -- -, .. 1. :. : ,,,,ý, ý . i. - on. WAlr -CLASS - bmbm __ Toronto and oý eau it 1.% o'r I., . , ', . - M". "-FllzT ke amwe,14 = ý -le worS .. .,;,., . C162, ]ru ci fa *,M.dqk - - - fa Maaensu Md la Ir" Il , ý ý , , leter. au bu Va . -tbmFRte»im fore, ezZYLe.» tac sa regarded fi inter Time Tawe. Il. Barat& wooiviue. r b*àellmclmilL e ; ets 'Il )r.i.i.,-> i i et i: K. I., (Laie Tre ) , =y . rawm or rr'm 1 Sbltbullý, Mr ..ý.... ;.:.,ýl,,e.,.. 1.,.4ý,..% GlAzli.; .Nuit ta.: 1 SW«i Z.- Fer VIN lefut mm maier...... - , dil. = which bad mentit, ., !";!, » >ý .) ýi., - , el, .. , - - ý il- - *11111AIt Prime EdwIl depreelatkm or maway »M . ý 1. -I. I., . 1 ý . 1 ý 1 . - . '. ý .. ý. .1 elo, tr- eu, Ile, .- ,- - 12 lm mi Mder S& lm ........... M ? E -dP«abroke, 00% le,& 1 ... i W W ïl. W. .W .. . est, «.... and'.. labdaodoeà-h 1 « Amumiffl th« the ... k i l ý:, ' ' . r le , il, j, reprileite. T.,nIttt..dcpart. 7:00à.m.1j ý &»I0,11111. 25 b« and »der,» *« ........... silo. pw Vieillie - lisaient *a% va balle cour ý --mmutait , Perry, wr, t h" nie 1 le 1 ý 1 I., ,--ý 'ý ý ý iue, Tob» et by and Port t ne rue j .I 1' . ;:.". . , ý 1,ý, ,.4., Uxbriehré, - 9:50 » 12,50pne. Sm 'Il etommduedw»tut ........... 4ft pwfem& heir boI et 'M p i. _). W-Mounb*eftubwblw b1114 iiima &" Brue; *X[m mile the cempau ma wos 1 Y, fflft ý ý . . - ., 1 - 1. _ t.,JIha e"""I'wtI.tI Il 1Q:ýo I* 12:4j .'. 7:4z ", se tu% Md over .................... sol- par 110011L ]Fïqlt" in ]FIM lltll]l]lin jLjjtý &@"W riais, the moue% velait. Montreuil a" CUY etomwlk j rýýft a ýM, ý ' didently etrong tltil"k; ;i.y.*F.[.,I!VxtiIxr W-.j,ýII*, , 11:03 *1 3:1S 1 8:00 I* AI' pomme van»toè-*n "pobiz« am" be . unetioim4 bave terra su il .. - 1 .. 1 1 ý; i. I.. r ý . - ý ý Va au puvand lm m au g O ky . 1 C--ý1%unX A= eh -I it ,ý, ft «l; ,,, ;.: ý,.ý -ý KeIXt!stý,. J:,S.i.M.ýCarhY. Xi,!LladjuItuti.lI MIS ', ý3:3à :: ý 3.05 -Il Peu léir biècell, IW.Viw ibuýobmpl - FMFIW«Rffl - Sbore Md Mar- = a tel able '. . l ý . .! -, III h.., .- i-I-Ir,,ý,4 Ç-l -,-,,Ik, ,ermille 12:;P)p.ra. 5:50 f ., - - ý __ - - .. - ---- ib me fouillent fif un 1011311. ý and Lake eh ir line; but :'J' 1 , __ - _ __ ffle gaver a Pm of the gammon to,22-11,21 -, ý ý ý -1 .. ,z - .. - ý1 tjiriel.x ý L:,rlt. .X.il. Xixelà. ,- L'cal. and dieiappointed. in Maki 1 2=11 1". rime - 1- 1 ý Ni k-I.F.i.t. ;il)ý S K. %'lut "!.I;t Rl'ad __ _ - __ 4-1la %be. Wuo= $Al.z AlS RZTAM Ftebk aile, #bu ffl la manu% X-th-W@Uinü; antil Cma" Centre, e qge-mmt'4 they ai ru 1 1 - ý,ý% , ý ý l. è..',.Iý-111«k. lupart 12:50p.m. Ii.eo%;m.ýý - - - - Waubgow*ewmbmm& rà%m The amab« of ranwffl oued ther lm IN \ 1 . ( il -1 , "II:,..i.ýi»r.,Io * .. . 1 S' i .., , r, Ille 'Pm Xi-j'ý."IljIl.Ut.,.,I 2:2.5 " b:30 H O! FOR Lpraopm Imm the *M A« wm lie . 1 - kl... -ý_II ý:- Io, ý ý ýqw a ., ý".!.Uixar4 Woi 2:30 " !kos :: ; 6:40 & BL We bave a lu" ets* et mewwv"-Uvmâ-otsbàmmý et a their2Lý L= »hoqùd 1 .. 1 . l. 1 I. ý eel , el ý q$:Jl .. - . ý - ikimber et mU» Degotiable ait il ralleray àeeurities ettre 1 ,.I_-,tý- :ý'seIV4 ca""ilIelkal .. 2:43 - *.44 T.Ile, :- 1 wNié Illair - , criste . Wik»P ce WL Tbe ý 1. . ý - - .. . t'Xý.r-,iz,, *1 3:8,: «. là:».. CIEAIM -A» . 'Wh"=b - ,ýjtý,%I. 111)1'k.L, \ict-Iria i.ý,.,,;t..trrie.. 6:05 I* i ,so 0 raîtrillait rup» 7rtoeboe-= Is a%" Degotiame as &IL ne fou" th" ti .. I., e- fer Toronto, Grey and Brwe r&UrIFOR , c4i).ýIttj.F:î . > l lle.» .: A rZÉA 19 ZM ÇE 1 là OWN bu zmy ab@" MME 1 ý,ý -i . ý) - ýý , . 'A.J: , !;, ý ý., . ; ý ', . , ., il J- 14, 1 ii,>.h>' F-t Ltqul - . iiruffl &7.ru rb« toi the retimus, hou. members peny bad actually raised e , . . . , ,ý. . i. ý i ý, ,il - ( ' W. GOO M-.OLýe&àmtîw - ý would "d th« Mme thm one or thesr imite oplm their i«.uËtieo4 Md tg ý 1 - l ý l l": ý"::,. :?"-,..I,'I, àtt"ItivIl ý Toront., l«lthian.. lmr.6. "jàhaý ""R.» whieil lm offer u Prim te $W latter wOed lie lmmedi«elYefflPklted, they propoced . . .'. 1 ý ý. . . D",t»r. lààn à N" Ir UNW I a - qfflmycbgmbm& _ toi, ùwrmw thm amous '!Il 1 E, * F: , ', N D ILULWAY OF CASÀ ' . 1 Or »-ulY 9111:-la M« *face be bad writ. hivitig completed . . D.), llt)t':ýk. Williant ýNjIDLA. - ALLM IAIRIRW lre M SAM M "domhmpmdbeewmaL JI , .1 %_ ý . -.1 la ý --t ,.t,., ' 1.11,- .111 ý _ . , . %1:. ý H.d-,tII'ý , VA. - $M & m at wý 1L m a - FW*Uzmpm h" b-B eO-Pkte = = ,;.Mo iL, ... - 1 .. . ý _ ý,:tllrt,.îoU. , w2= ýD wiIISIMMADI. ý - 1 - _9L The uncomplietied Erli Compt 1 batir ' - "ý . eý, . .. , , .-ImIl - . - cý-ý lm uhumd Depot. embellit élitionne Iûr làw rww b" lines alded were the Montred jleid (X. $17,M per le; tl el . ruj= ý .1 , i ý é ", , : ý ."i,..".?,. ,tb-e Parti" Wbbbw te brimons amresomb %boum - - the Grand JuaMon, a Md Brèee satil the Loisdon., mm m ;,- , 1 ,il ý -1 KY. i TAKr4 amci on ý tawa4 66 miles; 1 '1 1 ý . i - 1 il i, il l - __ Au am lwanom IIIIIIII111111111. "Wut Oum callielitil Vau oeun nes,. the Cânada Cienfinat .0 mile&-» Brum at W4wu. si" \11,Kk'l' .11I),I*>*.I., Ktmt ,,,,.t, ThMI&Y, 14th October, 18M "pw'o saimm Iludu 4ý lus me mm= Nb" qua tmm àhm te *W& whieh h" the Xidlalsd at 0 V 1 l.. Il." J - *- .1 .,;..Z.ýr, è;,Ur>*; t;ol-,t oirra. - _EZ BOUM since been completed, entil no' *1 -Uýe- ý IL IL PORT 1 - __ .- . 15e.; lt*lh.ý" 1 . ý "ý \ý):-Ii ý'Ç, - .. ý. 1, ; ,! ý ý ý'Ill.l.:l";ti,,ý,:,!,- 0.1 l,ýr - « ý N i »MI. ý àux*4. gauleiter ami Mien Agent BSL & à IL ummw. auddbv the voit" r ý E-emuru«e, au ad Ottawa at 810,611111t, Md the c"M li, . . - , ,,,ýrl'..e» _ _ - __àý" - __ - - - - _ itm*e si maw"S. way Sulbéidy Act, aine central at oititea He merely refem .. - ...-ýl :', -%ý G ý-.,l --oý p-ýrt il"lý»dups"... 10:00 a. M. &45iii fflways Md IL"; . . . . Mai m fumait% bom Illeillied, 8" of thèse toi these .. ý .%I;:I1ýr-1k - _. 11:20 'I M-ab t & J»tut es#= 0, at. . nevm _ gures for the jeurpoue __ ý '. S-U f)mWchbia welle Seplusite front Umm aided abowing thât the Credât Valley ru 1).,..Uýe. "' .... 1 IL.20 P. BL 6.25 .: a&'-%d-huymowtbw& under the other Act. The amocher of could'be huât with the aïd now temple )q 1.\ it).N ! 1 &)'f F I.,. W i 1 1 iétil 1 "'it -, L,,I.1,z,,, .. .... 1110 .1 7.10 -Il - ' - - -ý %l.:)ý \tt.-,,,ï ý 1 )'.i..., 1 1 1. j:,ý_.,_ _-ý ii,ýi,. ir.:,I. (::eIIIlIrý,ý* .. .... ý 1:33 :: PETERBEAD GRANITIL r R PRACnC,&L a-du.*.*.,..Ëb.; mil" alded under the Subsidy Art ed toi be Siven. There had alwaj 1. . 1 ý. ... j:ý1,II!'! Ze- y: , ,,t-1.ý'. -q)ý;i...,d Il .... 1:55 ý . ý Bwer menuffl bither romm, IIIIII, of which M ru" wm eompleted, been au enamvS Inade In the.Vmtim ý . 1 . ý . _. 1 ý 1. 1. ý . ýlI' Il , '! lý.l,ý,:, 1,1- w-,.I"IýII , : - leaving 3w unem e ,ý ý, l 1 , ; il 1) I:,ýa, ,,. t. Il : - .: , 'CRELL ,eted, no thât the of aid lot r&Uwayýe, wbieh wowd brillai 1, ý [ý.-ý".L. .). - :.. i .2256 - ý * 'à. Mif GU E S]IE W tâter vea ibrtbymhwâffl total ràUeege aided y these two fonds chiedy ùuUvidi" or I" itieu ta do i -_ rit j= walit noukk«s Menuisant ------ t)rilliýý 4rrtve .. .. .. 4:06 -1 Cela $=.y M 9 Cas». Lud Julmý qOekly mma, W» l'Mt of whieh M were completed >_ . 1-jl: , i' Il 1111.F. 4% (;.lld Urie -ùtel.-ii;-ioùýra. i Bats. &":T Nu Ilq 8" b"s &»" bzm-z ne . on thé ~ ple tient such roa& s" ý ', .Il lýl.!,.l I., rhe - t4r eae bond &Il kindà ut sloele ..u.w. fer - aie *Uftjwlbe& The VI - Fiý. . - I ýý 1 !- 1'.. - - ba- IL au amd ny*yqûrg and .Cou recetive the mmùuum aubount; Md 0 -ý _ 1 ': i "e...., ý. ý ý ý 1, - - ý: , jj-;:,lqqý_ltt; oriuie, der.trt-..l 1*1»P.M. - buildi.epirpuseý-M.&B. . .1 vàmtàrmmomm Penh hem& trn«iola ùmm the Rafiwaa this = P1ýjheCredit 'Valley hm .. - '. ý" .. 1 -TUBIA MAR w ut4nouitbilk& 11- "a Md S" «m of .«Pmr.1:. ý , .1 . ý%V 1-ý%,I.K'APnllrteult. 1'.,--e-,-rt--,I - .... 1. t:50 Il ý 1 - wm emmth millier r mile been le L t was proposeil _ _ , ýv-l,,i:,; .... ... v it, - BleZ WORKS. and from the absidy et pe; give in aid of the thirld division or fi treet, .', -l. 1 : . contraw go lm mo- the vuelu lm@ vS com& mlle. A t stat or a rosd. vi&. that front, Cataract Junctic ý ilýil ,F: i.';, i'.L.V'4 'ý :: ::::; ,.: ', II ait )i ý1%C ý 1 ' I , . oý .1-I)* ý :00 1 * The subecrilhen bu 1w, fraiena theinbabhwm of Umm ww quelle b)Utum tmpbg existed, and tmorme a to More, :rài miles, the sanal amour ; ý1 I.. - ý... ', . 1;ý.. P- t - 1 .il .,, Il ..; .jý»-",-;1 1 . .ý .1 - .... i 3: 35 - 9:0.0a.M. theTuwtiotLindmyaW.-unuuadjugema gh" - ce" «OMM notrents bocal, «Ued= to r whm whkh If was proposed, to gna.t to il . l . . . , 1 ý - r blýt.ý . . ..... ;:;lix,ý, ... IS I. 10-.-Wý -Il they bave c.)aauene;Lbu:bm lir. CL Gam m , e - 1 J ý . la = doue Our drmm-unm etth .. '. :- - Il e l,;ý,,! .""ý'! 11; l .;,. :: :... 1 ýý25 -- , tl:» *1 awmawaneub ces et first division, thit was r-OW per mg, 1 ; ý L . . 1 e I»ý r, lil-i-ý Irriýe.... ý ýé;::;o - j 12:40 P. M. talàlV oallloi Il Ir. Ma hMrÇ Seconti building south et Mr. P. J. Ayeu'A» Ibe« Me woréd% Cou àu"" hem. Present time. Memberm» of the Ho il The Second division, the 2% Miles froi ý! ýî, ý'..Ii,ý!;ttl>; ,l,ý, . . gl = . -il ilearter ffl.d..b. old.P. Odile., , I- lý and -peSti"&Uy lilloise who were la Streetsville toi Alton, it'was not pr . 1 1 1 ý . - IiI >1 NI;-.\-q ieT-it 31-il. Minuit. bill ý Surtout Liiduy. . ý -New rwt xetw4ot laitit 1 Il , - ,, .1 C_ , .- 1- __ ___ - ý ,,.il have illecured th" Ipentlematilà m - egislature, would kiikow that the toi aid. at &IL The Strafford au A., t".,Ifxtàrlàfo rvue. as -_ ---- . tIt 1. il 1, l'il 1 1 », llti'l'è. ' W m-ese- o, 'l Il pi. - - i -O 1 _Qa m- -4: 1 0 P-M. muter workm" ind mpnmànd %ou ortiotra fer au stimulus wate in exetess-that a sort of Huron railway was a new lien ý 1 lit- ý .... ý Iî7Iý -ý .2l; . ý ait leindit of work in thoir lieu winch tâtry, 4 .ý..!WV «-= *1h1ý THE Pb,ý,MIWAY i;dIj(; rail Mid& bad taken -entiv been brougi 1 ý 1 1 - %- Nl-%,ll,,Ir .. 07cenb" «Î- -ý= tîeand the country as Il, ý. 1, 1 1. i ýq , -]'ý i .... t1:31) .": te give Maisfaction. Fume. W"tu te buy Ject* a" had but rec .1. . . 1 l -1 -.. ý '. ý ý::_:o:- 1',-I,-11,-ýr,' - .. .. t2:30p.m. ,,:3,) .. tavorcel wigh. The public are requeletud tu = 1 ------ -11- under the attention of tire Govemnien ý . av work et %he oki onconoaà» MVLUIIý . - > 1»mIkýIriIfitrrive... . 1:10 - ,.:le exallultie 0 Irerdor priatin, whole. If wisé, no longer if ,; C il. ý ý . ý ý _ ,'. Iýý..,.t 1 ii,", - $zNyr'GUM OS2pÀBtO LIGISL.il zweebuary, In a Ii- cw position, as originally Sul lý- .L -! " ýý-1li.,-I ,en IiI,[.\,ý S.)Urti., x - . .thirdduuru"thý)iu Tua Ponprintingul: X3IwMVý1111111II en »»Me» 1 9. order thât legitimate railm ---- air - feu &y enter- -tory indeel 4 \ ý . -_ .. _.. i- li.l.d. Kent atfut. . . ý - tted, et&* veriy satisfat: ,ý 1 ý . . . . ý ItWRA» BARRmb, naît, eau oft» obWa *m botte as Wu jriffl Should lie aided, that they should, was practically an exteiWien of -î:---7 - !;ý'C'. ..I..!.t depart.... 2: I., P. M. . à:45 %. m. ALEXANDER iî.ý f t a ue> lm caloolle àpmcL old out aury on atteint being Iiifilt from, Port Dovi '1111u; Iý() î ,\I. lit, I'ELý ,,,,,,Iltalls ,-,,.,r-I' .. .... k0e) .I. % ut . ,ZreFnlumby the creation .. 1 9:40 " Li.d.ýy.17thXafth.1376.--810.lv jýý a - O th- 10 of a new fou The ""., . . 1'. : -. ilvl'. P.?.,.,. %fil: ý,ý,ý.k .... $:.-..ýl - - « la tbe 011911110 LqOnbtm en Wed- bonor or glicy he bad the Stratf-d via Woodstock; and il . ý. 1*30 -.: a on 1 louve Sa " fer S" dhpffl f m .: .,ii,.,:>ir..,Iuli il I»..,ý Il..,,e ý-trrive,... ,e,::!à . - 12:00 __ _- -1 __ senday, Feb. 9 wu did nothing County of Perth took a great dent or il .-,v I..,-r . . ý 111 t beléelle rted thut more thm ",i.e %d toi those railwayé terent in le. baving pasaed a by-la, . ý . ý i 1 el - . . 1 . , Y",* ,"ý' .%I).bi.pit lit-t;ir.[.» U. 0 .rAyl.()R. Jtar «aoh«. bled ton i - .. ho takres this op" là et Xr. Cmoms inu»dumd & bS r = ex. ý . - . ý . 1 ,o . A ý rite , - , 1 1 Pre.i.1.119 RuDt..f Tralme. _ _ ý - - - - - infurming the puldk %bat the la ce - ing &Id to radw rai, He Mid ft= -hich bad Y been called loto tire Virant If OMM Ait perw» wb . 1 . 1 . 1 Ili i ,liIt;ý!ýL_, 'b"i,ý"?,,,"ý ,:;1.1,. bu. - ïStence Or were la course of construc. votedforthat by-law were influience 1 ý . . 11I. -.1, . A LL RIOBT THIS TIM& beelle thought d= ble thât any new tien, or In regard tre, whielle their amn_ to do no by the couseideration th&t fin . 1 . -. 1 -.- - -, . -...ý- - - ý.,,-w-i»: ý - ý-_ - J- C- 'r-az"- ure whieh Sntemplated any ad. cial baM*. was no far perfected as that bonus would out oniv aiçi in completint . . . . *Ce il ý, ý in«Il. (";Iv(15. ý . Insuraisrt. - --M. ditionù ald toi thome ranway, which, hou. members would me thm lit was a the road foi Stmtioid, but aiso scella -- . -_ - . ____ý_ £ ]MA I) T IE IS I " " *" ' . vrould. recettre ald by the Ald and Sub. matter of resSnable probabili that ttscontinuancetothe northeral, limita ( . ý . 1 P Il 1 1 E L 1 V E R l'ý)ý b L AND LONDON 1 - gittIt *ritals. sidy Fund, abould. assume the deanite they -ould lie eompletëd with %e aid, the coanty. Bighty thoussend dons, te t. j ,.\itý-. 'il et!i, l' A.Iii)(ILOHF IN&I:"ÉCECOXPA". YU 1 wolurza VIIIIIIE11P111111,1111 - ---- ___ a etz, of a bilL If Wàs not intended tel çt en te, thent front the Government. of the amount was to bc applied Il ýý%,,zcr of x[,ýérri,%xc tteenqc!14 . %Fa&& .-%KING-JNO. SAnIES, es Ush auY Dew futid, but toi Malte an e mere faet thât a emp«y deshýed the latter ect. Altocherthere ha , ý 1 i, 1 1 1 1 ý 1 1. 1 le* 1 1 ? E A X D 1 1 I«F-rý. The Submçriber "ving pmaud the right et U QTnE ý BRrràiyl 1.0 addition to the exlstwg ftu& The &Id to à railloray to prevent discrimina. been 8110,â voted in anses ta, thj . %\ ll.\il Il \ Il: 1 --i. 1 ,IiM the Goverumat had. for lits ory rates on another Une wouid not of roa& and theTe were by-laws. ter th . ý 1 1 1 j.,e.ýt(:v nt .yibrri.%in Liccme% TIIE 1-AR('-E'iTFIRElXSURA4XCE DEW II*-T-çs - ý oun 1014 »« the establivellivin nt Of ftself warrant the Governm«t in amoutrit of $90M toi bc voted on satin 7A ý ý Il ý l' newlumd butummeaidtoeertain Ing: tirait àlid. It was not In th IMUL besides which there were OeM « . 'TIIRWt)RLD. ,wilaya uS01o 1 ý .ý . 1 ý\ -: COMPANY IN = a lit PrindPleai whielle would inferest that enterprises eho)e.?ýd be stock subscribed. everv dollar of white l 1 . 1, ý à b I.K le 1.'t, \VLi.,!%"it".,ýl;tt%. _ê 7.1.! ClItzei - - - . . 11110,00010loc FAVRT M R 19AMRR ! rwomment biumly" tel, the coudd. stmulsted lato existence for the soie carrelet bc collected, as'bon. lieutleme 1 l'r.,.Iil,-,. ' ,%ý,elmulatetî Fumi. . . M000-111M rortbiscountyt lethepubliewin i erationottheffouse. Thepoliel Il. 1 i.. 'ý 4, f , ,'.:, iod 1,,,I,,t,,-l il, Caligula . . . m 'me . Dr inj . 1 ý i ., , ', 1'. -lý ý = t-fjo _ý?f the Mr-tue b"211. existing undertak. would sec if they turned toi tac papei - Yeir'y Inçoine, ove? . . . S.M.UO Pallit 1118,4 Or4d-ted untier very etiffumt eftr, bear But while exleet- and looked up the list of ultimes. Tb I&TOO 111IEE TUE MACULM WOBX ing raüways were entitled to the fuillest bonds of the Company se the rate c - , . 1. . 1 \ I ý q i \ %, 1 1, i , t 1 I I 1 A -, I. Il t f j'r Vaiiý [,,I'-Me - . - u-stanm fretin thoqte la whieh we , î , ', , :. ,. 1 1 1. i.,r, ý .ý.I,ý.11)ur- Kat- and promettent am lotir m in Say titiller ne- ý - wm at present When the liste adroin. protection tbey were not entitied to be $.%UW per mile would j:Ïve 813R.5w, au ý, . ý l ?i r . . . 1.9 l -Il , l". ý, ,.ýt.Iiliý Ulli'l'shoul ý.,,;,.,ý!lie"C.,Mpa"y. The octuement et low Xvery humaine man will Ille walle te patelle» lâtration were inducied in aSordaum put in a condition toi enable them to ex- they had arranzed toi tiell them ait niai l", Iý 1 il Il 1111,M1. , The rtýourm and .%Md. one rbiowiftandfuniLgýitenclyrelie'in - withthegeneralfeel ercise a monopoly. - If waa destrable to tv cents on the dollar. sa, that thei .->---ý- j,,- ItilIý IotnIwiý, -91,ril rhý,Ie insured in it th$ ý, ut the tell and il wolrk of ý Ingsofthe people of 1 . 1 . j 1 ,.,,I:l.. i)Ii i,. 1, \.,ý,ý, 1.1N t LIIA, 1,,rf,,-t ýez-%IitY at:ailoit loloi. washing. lie note virevaired te attend ta *a . Outiuio, to establialit a Railway Md let exiating lines, understand that thg ' wheme as orieinally presented, won] BARNARD a SON . Fond Of tt»,WGý la IM an enter. nid not en -0 à taoufflly forever. show $38d,330 of resources, which, adil Il 1 f 1 _ ,!, li. -l:-:liý, TIIF LIFF DEPARTMENT Lindffl. Xav Illes, lis7tL - e2l-tf. ujm])BRTAM O 3 prises in shape or the eon«mtioL submitting selleme, therefore, il; cd ter the Provintial bonus at the rai . 1 - . . ý ý ý i, -, ,ý .ý . il l,-:,r.; ýtl"'. Il_ ýýýýeýýiýith»lutýçditit-cý%ýi.ýla.anýiparueuw and havine tacreand lacillicies, and of rauwep were strong. The. wm illebelle ueee»«Y fat etansider the prô- -tive Mil i. ý.. ý 1. I., r, 0 zymitz 01 UOIXI per mile for twenty li ý 1 1 - el L,!;t;.,.". i Il le paid %II thi.hmIchoi thehfflùms tu lie able tu n- laisse, no Éloubt, "et ruapel . t priety of - the &id te, certain to the tourne of Listowel, would enabil . 1 il ý ,:l:Ioý\i,:.,%.ýIlliýF, ý P,,r partieillarý aliti to,,ffe--t fn..timnceu %pply Oreffrüs. 1.1-;"ý.eliý*jlte.11.11ýi.hL"= h. talle. on wu& developing in m Müwa Whi= tel, r, auýyufttioriiii p which a the Court y ta rel) ý,:.. il, ý - 1 \ *'i : e #I-X Ete HCAP, _ _ " - y -, but - Iready been. aided . tr - upon OM,000 11, ; ý 1 ý ý . f.r ,il, N liait. coffl m à»» ai zLotwithotandiiýg " and the strmg out et th!& faud. If was propos e , .ý % .ýý - ý 'r ,cm,-il, ,X ZW YZAR f NEW PRICF£! ha" A @né MM ed to t estintatéli. test of 8413,001 1 1 ý 1 . I,,Il;lr:a, Aireic for Lin,!*,iv and Ce. V - ohm MU whon ni. - desire ripou elrery hmd for further de salle the House toi comider qweW pro. .1. rtm*itntebeetliis scherne was propose 1 . ý - - . ý . \I', 1 il li'. 1,1141E . - Ký.idet.u and $1top as the Telograph velopultent, meanis for the est&bUsh- visions for certain Unes tuait were In- the Couaty Coutencil had refused t ;, ý 1 A, il , '. With the New Ymr %be Sublieriber win cent- tre Briwtt---ffl-ly. Ment of new ranways werte not fmh- tlmded tel give.raflw" facilities whieh sabrait a bv-law for t1i.3,000, and then . . . ý,ý.. - . L . .,ý'..ýLýi"aIIkind.01 - 1 , il . ý :. ,i - il hile 2 , - Proin Conféderation in M didnOtUow«ist. Therewmafurther fore they must for the present treille 1 1 l l . - _- Î ý %" ý &'A I.Iý ' ' MANUFACTURURS & luncm ts mencute ,,,, ttal e0mt. the t.nodoubt-anitupetuagivento consideration with rila peçt to nùlwa ý - ( 1; ý N 14 ,'A 1 ý > !. 1 \ ;.: 1 k.s, DIRT rxW I)S, GROCEM -8, _ _ - - - .3 that &Mount out of the total resource . ý ý 1 1 . . .9 ý MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE 00.OF CANADA. BOOrs te SIIOES. RUDY-3L46D£ CLOM- the whole of this provinci. The lmmtý which t propertir be called . as well as 814,M to lie voted bv List( . .11,1IGEÏ. i.l.lii),".%Y. ,et hol or raillera ïiitK . ind, aile AND CAIS, MC., WM B SA L& -A i.-.,.,d Iiwýllinst hoit Mate eff-t of Couférieration seemed to Bation. which had weL Neverthelefflthesebonusisshow %me 'I 1 , , -il ,illil 1,ori litre ý tirait t>f&-e-.t)vpr tcnyâlitnn.iion Bani Illataitton. ý et volet; for culit. . . . ý0 &"let la Wjrkok" àj*ý , a ý, have beau, toi mjàke our people -much 'lot been nt toi romain cate or 0.*OU- cd eOW per mile; and il they took th ,te 1 ,I.1t'. Il!- - - ýIl-- ... . . , -er iý>bmyitenn, Ir. 5. -TISI. [y. 1. JUSKINS (W,..itUeJuIIution) ý 1 t'à more self-relimt and muen more cm- neet wit eetive pointe in settled private IleubtiecrIptions into accoant the 1ý . 1. _ 1 1 Ii;ý-1% ý L 1 : iv\ i.tNlt;I.F.. . Iii.- a _",wal !,,,,Ir ; Il o 1 .IRUU. XCARTUVR. petent to dul with pu c matte t ,ýal:;, 'I',I,,I,-. pIliciý.C." . lire app ieatinn, tu - bit couler , but whieh hart would bave $5.613 per mile as a Ire ,ýýloItl_..11lI :., i ler, or Ru À- 1 , 1 I ý I l, .,, ý à ;é'. ', m 80 ' I,ý fimIrii-,IItIir,,r. GRAHAM, Diumford, W , Ru eaxpBFLL, Kirkeeki. ut Il tirent la 14% wheu the tata Sandfield. , put 0 as ru northward. If gift to this railvierg. The Goveratuen 1 \ "Il! ý \ 1 , Le V il. î z Y, I., P: E 1) hall ý Board of DIrectom l'midelit, D. 8. - W . , .1. . :,. -- uelt Macdonald undertook a mil am- ,M pro tc, offier let induci proposed to aid thà,4 roud to the exten .. l.o.ýIl1.'rwo, 41-1wilo. F...I,. ,'.I ,itt-r. il mille; vive.pre.l. blettie to anallinice thu ho hm retalveil hie spring 'VOR SALE --A GOwIll) PARM , aCcor. ment& ter ect links with the of twenty-dve miles at $-2,000 per milti ý 1 1 - 1 ýt".k 01 ,L;,he lm Il '11, -, - It,-ilt.,l i'. Nliill,-t-,,,. F,,i.. (Meittirt. tirt,%tildlý wi ýnL G of the Pacille and wtth that assistance there Soigner, ý 1 . - L ý 'o'.-Iýîiýý. t.;ý ,;,,,ilt.I.t.; tt.,)..It I)ttt,,.I'i. >:.q.. (Duncan, X wumatmamot&tnd.m 100 se"", th the gênerai Ling tirait il. ."', i, '. , ý S ýI, , ý CI., 4 -1I,-r,). ltiiiiitI)m rhonIàý 34,- grocories, Bom ilb Shoes, Md 65 aé:rtý. '[',.mi. 1) acculti t. 112 acm ralivrays should. lie alded ont of the ran Y. If was not pro ,n- no rea*onable probability that if %wotùý ý1 1, ý-- Ijýý itt"II.lI'il l III rIl'jý, lý"ll, (%%'I,:IrtiI,,rt-,). Flanititon: Thoinal il. 4;ood tirent, bam and coudu provincial fuluil. - posed to ci, Dn Golocits, rtable op at flue the ald to ouly one link, but to en. not be completed. Comini; ta the se . N ,Iý , ý E-i. e'1*'!llII;,, Ni-rilIU,- et vo. îlotier Pý«--i.ii, bit March next. Tenu net. that time was " I le, _- ý %I I,:-:i,ý t:-,, r,): jIlo:Itýti: il rai (ýohr,, 11,lle, whivh ho will wil sa Int%ý thet canmet ho boston tzhe % emroer yv "favm= Co existing railways which were cond chum of railways the tiret was th . . ; 1 ý ý 1 - I,ý FJ lil-, i,-bIi:iýý%.' & ('il ,,4rlIcký4t, il ,*;I,ý.Nrt I,.l.' %ý, .1 ilIt)Ie(,.illttyfIIrebýlit,>- A,-allmdicited.-.teIL mm"le 9. D ORDE., Lind"ve 1'th Nov. --s45.ti becarliSe the at.CMUWiong that were alre : n-kinà efforts in that direc. Victoria, %-biche was, one of thos ý. ý. 1 S 1 1 ý i : r i i ileultural InipIement.ý), brins made frime year toirear fille the tion.. ;_ ut It orne not Coposed finit any special certes running loto the barl . . . ý 1ý , .. l - 'l., i.1,..;, V""i..Iti.ý4t.. 11-Ilfflt Il. Joh, ý%1,1,l,-. k:,It.. (annule., si,&; à IkrGoin.-.81&E PROPERTY FOR Consolidateil Ré té - 1, 1 , ý le ' flIO THE PEUPLE OF HALIBUR- venue Fun lierre very P011cy whieh might adolpted with country and assisting la ý its develop 1 - - 1-1,ýý-.,%I:,11,;ti.l,-trý,týwýýr:,,), 184ntitt,,ti;jihti . 1) SALE OR RENT, ailloining the Town of q- . Iý ý.,llZ'il m. I..,IIx%.N. ý ê..-0,.ý I:ýq- (F -ý,tht Co, A--,vîUtaitimi ne. tON. Li= , cSllainire -r«. Goud brAL an 9-U. owins to the emnomitui admii. refèrenéé ta such links ah6idd nt ait ment. lit walé ý: .. .i Il ý . 1 le .1,-,Ilt,,,,,.i;:.Ik, ý qFýl..,!""ýt.ýlg.ýittýtý.rýý), I)tIl'iýýý; K. IL ýmith. CI ; condorta a dwening houft. hem. $boit, f the Gourernignent It ha. hurt the revenue-to becoure a burden additional 01, eer mile for 33 mile ý 1, % ý .ý 1 . , et fa.ýtIirerý). SL W . niirciFfinv. MW Weil, one. àpp;y u A. 01.zAay, solk-noir. 1 _ - . 1 z ý ý ,ý ý ý . .., - el; . IL IL 1*I.ýitht ùo.. .ïalý .%tzuln ý tâme, therefore, an emientila pan ' esources. The policv whieh trom, Lindsay toi Kinmount. It etroule - - - - , t',tIIIcr!ncý ; Thomi&. Matelot. St cellerine., cou. làn"ý*.-&«.tt _ oirthe ýe'hX'thrè honcer of . bc men that a cortaillerable portion o ý 1 - . - - ý%. t 1,,Il,,It.Y..ý.J.". i..IýIntýtý'4"1,.%tanufaeture 'ý RAIN STREET, HAUBVRT041v, policy of the late Goverunwat that raji. ubmittlng was _ . ý , . ý 0 *11. Xiit,,,.,,.I; PatrW, ll,.-.,II .h 45 ways should lie alded. Justead of ()n- entirely free from any such resuit. The the work had been dons on the rSd I . ý'. ),ý) ý la I ë' tr:ii Vroprrty ýj. d ili l;i lie - _ I'. F..I.. ([lit. .. là -r. ruputiully == ion or hbe new and w*U- FIARM FOR SALE.-The South 1 o lie t whole-le In ._j tant. tari lu& raversed on total amenant tirait; would be required and thât the Municipalities which wer ry V-Il 4 Toronto; %Vi ; 1 . ý I.Id eumprWnir lerrele, 01 Lot tala the lâth ton. man . a .bý the North- i (Bryillzi »1..rt,ý XIv r-). To- et,, . .ý PI')i"» - O" erre, Grand Trunk, the g Western, for the purpose of alding rail*ays of likely to bc benefitted by the const j 111:1.: , . r.q... ý Il.. ILII, ý,r.lf 1%»...ýi,,t.ýk &>11,it"r -M'. m MI&MOKSR» 4" CLUM ýcIe«od, gond Builditip, OrtharA of fruit bejuïng and the Bu&jo and Lake Hurolt, at the first élais-whieh was newnailwa tien of lit bad corne forward and assi8j 1 ý Il;I,ý,tt, A 0iý:I,;II% & 111%.I.Ït. H&tg and Capik být» and Shoov . thepSsentday, itw"found that-the ry cd If very liberu'Iv. The.municipalitie WnI..%ý IiiI,,,ii,,_,ý E.-J M (ýtthýrý,,P:7!m-a"nu. ., Trmbý, trois. Weil, &c. -Turm.t)ue leil down; halainje tâtait bail et been aided-was cui - deltineille the above km wM ho divid- proviatre wae covered by a network of $05,00% w * le the clam of ranways in Voted #lWUti) in aid ci it, and , L'Itir-."rTn COIqVElqTg;ýý-týýrl-111)"e",týý.,.It;à.P.Jý,rkuI Ham. Carpet-Bâtro, Fluor Carpetil. Grain Balle, Cotten muu P. _ eue ý Ztip toJAMESHRA 8.1icit.re,:--&i&ti Mo-av ý M ý_!, l,-.,t..., 0-il-lerlo. i il',I,,, (LI!, fioIýi_,n tI,1,-,,r for j Jiiit. lit. yani, .11%«Vr villire, joarellery, toyill and Wicv goolbe . SI, resulting front the polley in. respect to which certain portions were proportion of that amenait ha . .. 1 ý ý . . - 1.,I.,1,1.\,ý%N%11% i q*ý,tiý,rý.,,,,),.%Ir.-)ýIý,ý-,'.,':ýel»trtiteat, in &rreât 1-dety patent XUdicittes, dye -t-e., pe> VOR SALE OR TO RIENT for a augurated in 1 Mé turar, h"r.) The ta receive tnereaied nid, would recelve o expended, in endeavoring roi secur lý ý , i . .ýI'F"IL.%ý;MNrWggt GIt0ýDXj fumereys, hardwire, nairel. taule, putty. palier$, 011, -ult, no doulet, vrais More thlo the *MOU That lnvolved au inerea»ed the conarletion of fluât jart of it lm e ý - - - r»ioý I.ý,..l.1 . pglqy. cuttlery. axe-. and carpenser. tSl-, 1 am rutilai JL' terinéýivýrstheWaab@U&Otuiaud >' I; ý U ý '! ty . '.',. .ý . ý Il ", ,-.ý%Llll[F.I*ý4 II.F.IIF.K..Nla.,.I)iraAtiju.ter. trapu, allant, ami &Inanition a spwialy, ,single and comverniw,6,1.1ul)n.ýinit 100ýffl,4u üfwhich 1 Il , , ., ý I , ', . ý ' Tt'. Legislature antieipateci. The enegar. ald tel the Kinpton and Pembroke, rail t*eeuLnd-,ayaudPeterrioro. Beyonq . . 1.ý. l ý - l. 1 ý,ý, I,,; '11l"I ,11., Ï1. , Il. T. vil %WFORD. &,c..Trean. alitement froin the Provincial Fu" wM waY te extena its prenant line et i .1 . .: , ;, t *,rF.Wtitl, tiIýt.%ý,ýnt. double terni muzale luieding, twibit patent brewb are clutored. ne il, a clieud e"tr Log Houft un W Fenelon Faits there was no municipal .. ý ig.,%il"].!.Ie. street 1 t gansand breach-linding rifitie and ,ehot -,un,ý.trape the premkeille. 24 m 30 and a loir hem (collier) t» m §ÙWI, yet the result w» mot oniy to en. tortiller In a northem direction, no as to t hich could contribute anytuin, . Flot. Torien 0 bond. milli. '30. Fur tartiner particulant, apply by lutter Dil of dukrent makes and leize. âI;;ý-n , courage existing Ilules, but to cresto & unite finally, when lits ammew tien ,.Vt.,Ver toward the construction 0 -.1, l"i'j'il- 1 'Ville, FrIr, RF liv, r,,titri, to, tic intured et. nery and drew maiting dont with noatum and Y. BoPKISS. Fenelon Foi% or & D. ORDE, state of things whieh loi la better secured, yritir the - the , , , . 1 Il , ý'. . tachoi t.- lio, IIo[eIiý. a",IllpietectIpyothi- appli. ,wp.toh. . Lind-sy.--M.tf. . somte extent I.,týI% ,ýl'illý,'Iil might be called over-etýuktion. Bay branch of the Pacifie railway-the whieh if was Y" --Il. 1 v:ltI-lI, 1-IrI!,:,,,,IIlizI,.r.Iei. enablinjr hm ta »Ce M oseil tg ha given te j 1 ý '_ . ý ý 1, ,:', - ý- 1 , -: l ....,I'... i,.:..I,. I:tt:",Ytý,ýý,tlý,'Îtlll,,atur,,,Ihiý,,»,tr,,týithtbe 0 1 FOR THE HOLIDAY& .-Th@ But (Bear, hear.) Thiers wu ==hiuin the distance required being sixteen miles. tirât portion o the road was tel .. l ý 1 . . 1 . '-,',IiýuIt - it,- inillortillet the firelaireil ,hould la . e_ Faux FOR sAT A simUar $rate of thi - existed alie te- on the prizariple Il hM la Ire. s. ta celit, ZU@@6 199 Act It-If to Induce tha ove uiue, -ngle le had alreafyro:en ý Il . . ý * 1 1,ý,..,,ý,,,;ýý,,ý,*,ý-,ý,i,.,ý..,,.ý., lit hi- lx,ým.W.,ti a. al as in - acru, 65 clearvi ami in a gooli lilate ut cultiva- howe- The &id given was «MU IPNW the Victoria Hailway. The tirait tloned, vijL.that such assistance aboul, ý-'I.15 tý 4. b -.1 C.S. 'l.if lieu (lItllkiliýý. tu al lie eau lion. flood dwelling IIIIIIIIIII, hem, stable aw corrirred toi the I& S . . :ý ý ý ..f,.I:ttý anvIiIIIII! and overtain Il ho Ta _ rgèramount requirsd of the tiret-elm was the Lake Imcoe be given ta roaris whieh contribute t, ý drivinir bonne am en the fam' but t developed the enter bu maire any 1 9 , Mal 1% ar"»Um t dev Jonction raflway a -rond which start developte and settle the more rIémot, ,-h-%nný in ýi. prumi.,e. to voi«I lit- P-11ý...V..h.ukt a weu. 21 mil" from, W. _ gy of lailivid. ed Il' . i),îli [ C . T 0 ý 1 '_ý>,-.-,e Xal-ille and 4 fronq Xki- " and the anxiety of murricipâlites, frenu un lý .i 11,4*40114.0,1.à.,. IF & cg)zulugb Act Bah« a" - 9 landjunetion. Fur furcher particuiarle âpr'[ý &o a point on rite Toronto and N'Ipis- portions of the co 1 . . . . iJ ý « ýjjjjrtjt .Barple * _ __ ý .towed on me in the petit. Md by euriçt attes. ter ta Woodiville P. o.-8u.u eonSderi One res DIF: Il[ il.1t'. z , ruturtain thzizkte te, the very liberal patronatie JOHN MCDUCOALI), un the pronation. or y è«. ewpecially when coropeting lirC.g wers sins railway at Stouffv;He. tu the town. Mr. ScoTT aaked 7-there was an' ý.. ýý 1 Ut wgurnisot that 8hille Of Mai hem tel Jackson*s Point. stock subseribed. tien $o tremblotai to Surit a continuait- - - infi-need miude pafities was titillât of lit w- WMe.ed to aid fille reliait at the Mr. CP-- Yes. It in mentionei 1 . ý -1 %, 1 '; YOU ý - .- -_ unes. le ý .ý ýýý . 1, . . -, ý _ As i am noie manutu-turing P R SALIL the nece»Ity of bàvlng au toutiet for rate of Pet Mile for 266 miles. in the original p& 1 . ý ý TAIX ALUT BARCAINS 1 SMOKERS. - - _. __ M1111,1111, Bigi Ondys 11attry pour - . - W t e returna .with _rm The total grala - . L ý ý ý ý . , . ý their produce whieh îhould lie free W toi this road lieront , tilleul, lie 84,0W pe 1 , m .1 1 î1ý ý ', ý . , ý .1 ý tes, The origlu to fille that a very large . . , il , . , , :.. - . ý IN i Threc romms.fer Mettait t» ud Cakes, unes euch. Thorougilly underdrainelà irith tüm of the W" tbàt amamumomtmmt of m 1 bonuses froid. been Mile, the maximum sum, and the mm, 'Il 00. T'lu cul roly on vetting thune . &-il in the Ilighet ýute ofoultitation, with lent nmow gangs systole. whieh was granted ter that portion o 2, .Il 1. 1 _'ý brick Ilwelling holcolus, brie hem. guoi «,M t! the prolmotter suffeSd fndIvid Imm c=Stýr11mted Itie construction, ll, i My Si la Weil amurud, and ton of% the Xorthern milway between orilit .,,; B11S 8nd N eS! MYRTLE NAVY TOBAC 1 al- a CMU à= -viith vire no ou 1 the effé,et of the rates of the= as" a unt 01 bottait fidé stock ý ý i Ill I', i ,. ý ,ý 1 fiblairettes ci alettes au and Wkshazo. and toi that portion lie t . ý - , - ý - 1 ý VM T. lut lie .. Plain within two mitts au% of cobowy. No Qjr lines, This lnduced him fat considiir au intereited la the 1.ý - 1 - --.0 -'l I.:I,-_ý:tiI.'l ý pawy i vu ' r ,di ki Il lanadie. ý", &sý d lEýravenýIý-ý_ 1:h .. . l - . ý t - __ . - - __ _ - __ . -----. - . . tend lu L the nromletv nt «tahlialbi.. elle- -fl- rend. Se, tha ere was attend nomipitv _ __W îIý wheel atigle Resper oh% Leamud. The ald rand WU Ineremed to, $1 M%. Omýi &Re uuvemment OUIY ýýj or thougiftitrighttoaid thât por mouler: ftwyer% grnin dri wM »Illect Improtro. Or to the Agent at Bàtbutm ""' 3fidl"d i;iiwaY was, the next road lit IIWOW eMI it between Aighburaham md Cheffrong thl@ et"& It hid beeu grad 1 ex monts, Baw.ver% thmbinx machine. vibraffer; Nov. 1. 1875. ALZX.îÇý .p.L.8. t- cy Y" y Pa.-ente off don of 14tt.ý Sepuster, Rawyerl- cinver mili; Muniug cresteil. The WnUlbutiom laits. It crus suppowed thàt the Coin. tending itéelf nOrthward, and= BOV Infix outtiol bo».. singlertail WwS pleughi, reached a Point where, by the coustrue i-" üz-Lder that Act hall. been ve fttnCY bad r«Ourm mMdent te, stable 0w cultivalont. mes, &o. Al machin o build that rond Imm Ashbumham tion of a feur additionsI miles, It woul( and Tmobe irw giron before fatItc. francilien. and thoron lm pain alwV. un bond. 80 fer no railways whieh to Cobourg, but owing to, the de Ille of much nervice to a hu-ge numbel 11,;, ME TO SaVE cSoulld t the sati #don lia thé trou trade they had not=n 01 Persona and a great benelit to towni M which haprned to bc Mon -1 emtempkted by dlield abletodoso. The construction of this lit uad Il n, a 11. 'a ve wwe à1ded. reacied Orillia; and rom tberg W!- Unk *outil finelude the maiting Of an to Midland it hall. been aided un won». BU If by the inuaki emtributio» HAISLEY, embanirment, crith dmwbrklge'4 acrOm dl- Orders in ouneil to the extent oi The und r4ý 1ýd re, -11olly -U the a, or TEM and thoir own wàà a V-M lier, mile for a distance of fourteer ention 0 ma Po" t. the batbat bill that the road Piles belUg found " to, susciter on et. 'N Il pjee lalt% the ortignal structure on aswould make the rateol L m would, lahed, r receiv Ilo lle J'l tec ...... l)s lia. _g the additionai digtance toi give such &ddi. R s New Hm ? 1". _Ia with th embankinent. The Papen n'lien. It was tour proposed for thai Compart were now procteedinit mpidly tional ald hl hm opened a bItindrv and machine àhpp la achouoinmtodfiLtthhme mthoevaemidewnthlotthtbfte tee. The to lie granteil to the Vic. LITVM ]IIIESTAM LIVIrLa MMITAIN, the whole grant per mile the morne lu wm giveiPLrovRine"didani«d. vraie pro- that prolrd thiniv it would bé gumerted bln = poeed to give to " Com=L would lobera ho bopretc, T"" twr patremp. entire toria rai way, and that to the Northerp AT oftheSnàmunityýthm èm-b-le tUm to milway front « Orillia north-emterly. Il ]EX 1> $3 1.3w Kir.7 111Cý tlle,= ÛO clm y ro.& Th. contplete rus, kept conciliante Ou bmd. Mou. &Il %lu" ce OMM TO MLL te cal -.nonstmted that the court and dubi M r0wsýrt. th&t la no cace -ould -y -BeY Ille try this road would open up wm unut- MAM RY MADE Te Offl 01 SINOT MM p__& ,s e-gllt It oeuld, lie elafiln- plaid until the Portion Of r&Üw&Y &Idgd, tjed In the trucla senne of the t«ED4'and Ar FwMM it le tbdr idvmbgo to confus, Hom Bimbets, or- etould aube expecteil to «. éd tillait aa qw-qplatmm inalle, front whieh municipal bouffent give me a o&U belcre 90198 uluwbm- mWes, Whip em two Am IIM boula Méde lmimr- or section 01 tweuty Mlles wm &ctu adh. CuM Combe. -d Broffilles denlr . far . Posathl. The Ââ- Mly b-M -Il Tb. 0" Ot&Udmdvuuu. Trunkamwvamofall glua tom- peut It w» now eO-PI aild sofa., R.Wking. B"y Md refèrence to the of next rond cras the 9 . r rI-41mt."Wa. il. L 1). 8.1 un,,et vui"y of CAMe &W "" 810 the ftanew bute of lu alkvvmd on toý amaflold Maedciàld 31* papers hon. inem= banshene, and the amouffit which It wu parlour Chairs. afflit, a àbàr"M. tpoutmt tif, lote iàelraavuifflto pvebmo*- orau".Zlr= _ b-I.É crould WY 1,undsr poued tornt lu aid of the foufteu w. 1,,» iatod Chairs. IkabOA&6 f" the -' Rame Come Do«. « cf@" wM bé but ît =.I»â » iffltau .750 lltmtrreRCIN "Il " tb" rail W" pro %f Iý MS t.Wu hléu a cati and Jumne toi your- MUNEWY au thv un bave thm UP&UM gires Ume lard #MI& lis woft uumud le , "M the Govuumm* in &ntving et & --r-1 divbi-- Dî= mllès w» fl 750 par mile, which would D E N T IS T O 19-4tall lid-, M = theirhOBM wift soofî or yeur mo»y wfil lie vu- an ellitire hav,ý tht. w.rth,,t your sud hu bus emidoved at the Rail WOrIL8 foc a 00 Pei Xorth III the pâmm vm lrieratud Ille. origind Propo»4 1 côndoMm upm an 4110% wu intended, tO bmriing the total tirant up to W ;Làsinl par tic@ big" Pd- 80 net *0 ritu. connect Torbutà vis Woodotock and E\ r fil: %r. ol liant, now aumber otyeu& ft - 1 «M the &Mount au = Y a le. lie next railway In r wu itÎMÂRD ni4m. SM mukolý 1 am Mt aimilli le te ricin ML by they ou ret répaim done by h1M an good und'as ý Id My -«-0& or W«kMMbip %0 the PUbbe sifty wm vot only a test of dm preffill with St. Thom&& Now.Divi- the Grand junction which had b@« la ot-Wa. W. a et la boît, ohm *0 ailes. ibiffi the co«npmy toi oomplete the TSoOr-olowtom thât POrU-M 09 the Une frOm aided ah"alàdnydbuum Belleville wa pèterc eu"»Sttheo"lmwwk pleut, dm et tâte Une, ît dunaù tu Inearw& 05 tulles. This boW and - y to mm Point en the ý,.z ivrlb.IIil M"ed thm the MUL hall, beau aided to thi exteillit of &bout MdIend r&Uw&y &tthe rate of two thon. leipaign:ywý» *une" la the Motter. la 44 miles, under the forant.- Act. Md It mrd dollers per " . A tothe 'N'PIBBW'OlqoGnvnl lan Sm vw 0 B X a' eS U' if. 1 rr RE GREAT IMG'LJOR Bz3m -Po W" a" _er th«mft%= -Po-tion, id to aid the remain- 'or -orel -%, un the zoo aulbilur new fimmeieJ b" which W hall ....... i,,- ilant r h.,t of, RIXII)Y. "ý the rate of MOW p bectu subudtted by the Cos buUd. C&peX., woold have f&Ueà uffl dm GOV«rw baving b- W-ted by -d ýl.ly t'I'Ovil thi. alqli. il vieil, »d wm EEn7e. ":ý InIt it, it could. be ilnisk-d= thp moolt PROF. GRAY'S W -uaWp@EU- ap toi 1 -Il. Unde town mm «Min, te Mr. Cm% pas, ligliffit blo* effl Iliather t*m by es thm » -- awmdm*wm of les _ àeb@Mi Ilt, ment Wàfs MW of Peterboro', If an &«timw 81,11W lut noots Aft4r- sec iiii, au ami. M *0 vin me et wwl&em- the orw" wàà» twi mil mille cros gr»tied to, IL Twmty LK l'il Klý 1 ýýrù-çèplQ ýiatnII3 thl-r 1ILItill' 't-, qieuiaM*m 66tiàk&,,Uàm " 1%. àubur0w. tbmkW ImMrimonm of boum pèr= .ýg illhe. v ati&&,.re w"M ativt J94twes 0» him ghýos eonnumblrbmi»»,bqmto lettones liens, In ýeass At thàt tires thm Belleville to Sur »Il on" » fer thm of it hall alreadUbe« OMWaid imm fi île le t ci other rolifil. mnway. lâd tbt == m a . cel» rut uffl ladt lissa «W&Uy "tBd la au et the tion of It the Company hall trc «lx 111" ladha d1w ALL KINDS, OF PLATES NEATLY AND Sm * » .. it. owtehw virmm. fille wbole 1 loi &mou" ce bon" whieh le Qi ru lïlt"ob bonum te the " Cas re- Credit Valley "waw hm 000outofthaProvineàlfmmda The ",ho" s'c Ia- --- ýffl per telle whieh 1»A bom omted LISLES a colupdzion wârmmftg 831 o1hor the vold b"vmn"m nome ad- but fictive for the toilowleq dissous: onimm = atàuabu -atmimmsgwtn would curry the rond to Lindu lielle ce right of tel bwAr^ EMMmos, me& il" et ta thm la&vu"b the Company ehowed nelther bèný W Brick TantIOVY, TII. file n4ttlràl festif bv thor. fer Whsl b- m to, mSw rueurt« Wb" I"uU enabli aiel Illiluw witth, Cold mlle other Servouve, Ot*embwr4oumm aumzm,%@» lm O"Lmwý . và» lweemte eyond th" It wu Ckffl Rar. là It*rtale wili, lu t-Pm vIl Deuil lie «Anibý. dit @W q»Mr quaet m madagehlum C"nr'.'"bp mwtý. lib Umm vu mà etqu *0 to 1,;r'Kta. C:ilf'autt string &pli promi""M of owwm% i tre «» Wa w4R»Iaümor &ML 1%0 Md tom" »W Jîà te m te au am reposait to give thm &LM .11 W -, , u ý the à" e7tz-ielw- Il oxi,190a.. l'Ir the ---a" te.-th. ttýilv fv,,Ui pure Niffreffla et paway il Wols Io in«Mu fS st 8. pure fil thIý ta&, the 80" licence, lfty je 1!2 ohlt IMW am OMM - à" arène Iowa Mom Bý Wodd "d th" a, Il- 4 Ukmi by Uuf «M If= pffllée UN 4kt mi» --- fflant-ba bw lhm mm Île rends. NI, I-1%artê (.,r th. extraction prepuumy se the Imm bda@iM.-Te tu uwmibtw ;tbe =Îhe tz wu Listc. X lâlit rend. b" il@ &.i4èjo.,Y. rat. "Il,