ý. .. " . . ý 1 ý . . . , . . ý . - - - M 1 ..... :- .. , - -ý àiàiwb * , à rmmronggrm zwzwmtr. . ý ... 1. __ .à* _.. . ,;. _, - .1 -1. - - a" ' %Lldwý' - du! ý '-Woà» etitu th ___ - __ 1 1 MOM cet *0 lime. 13 §%Li èè, t6 - ý -VWM- --- - ý lit WM pop ý quamu Win lie The pabîme meeting caw floir bu ý ft àmene;. avýw= " M e il nielt, . . Tmaky àaemem lm »elh " Wale 1 "Iâà*- . IMM. ,.Z!lw bave to, - Te fn - __ de chât ý - »»»> : h w a.w-=-' : fat Ve leu do lemethima ln - effit ila lm the VOY krady auumie& *a -WOMR$- fer the Io coum la a M- m va", » bett«. la Mpr.3.2.ýyy =-&:-ýb-m- ]KONZY TO 'LOA XIII = MM ýL,#i the dm trocathélil townabbe beiffl a of " lm a" r. = otdd velialfaire, dilataient rq, mad lam.U.L 0. ..u« à IL 2e bould» ilattait twus. "ft ccm-'t-batýtt-y am" their Xa"ek, Mr. Wm. 3ÉCDOmma @@à., U"»"Oýumiý-«S &"*"Uptl,*= .... book& lie immeme ~ tenter M M OF MOTWIl UMA,,Iàg mouIM w?-ý Il, e C= finé, 9«vStmg! nuipe"hedwed cmn%.Mýt-ly thait *a ran.. . W« appointed e"bmm. ý 16M . Who walla mmpegod le dmw amin aintraixI) *ffl B" hem of lmmelàe advmtà@u- 110 the Liadscy market He wouWiWe Om.-Xv. P. Cwmmu*- rdu - de Illici cnamx.,-t explainetai the càd= cetheff« = Who irlilked. Vatel O&Pit" M O.000 % 4_41,6001000t. ý Our ' M-t-dw Ci Me meeting and relatai the mettra c@B- la thy Çmal te bR bataille - fer W 1", fiîw - ma MORMYlaraRwayenterprbm tlose, OKIIL-1m Fm vote ilit M UM: AURM4. IMM MUMOFM:nm#Lw.lmm 9 .. % " a S bu . Ze il. the the country amumny iý que!yet à et ton IL mie neaum before th,- W« mu dm. 'n"M'a would Mr. Bàaoaz, mid be tavelai nott do my. 1 ý Z&VOUMMO ne imvei 1ý:àZ Dow "", :3 anduuoo& and he ex- am inutile et Ibo qM, Md *9 tp.ld- .bmaft by the lnemak of ma a, - - : prumed &favorable opinion - .. .t.w. L= 1 thbunemim 1%, &" ho Wma winiffl te ý i JAXC4 Arwiris. irae., tel e!, *U one ehtld&. and thm'= %W ne ,,, = i-gw-U;= 'b. il" ne went on te re the ruy m & .. .#.t!.,K. màwbm6» lu W ohm of the 11-1!16 4c'heïm JAM W. bàseuy. coq.. .. Anumberot theothwbugdhW un» leport whkhle ' 1111111 rbxt.%b IL 01111.1111t. pnitou wiges ti 4= 1 W me asked here he fierai wem perfeetiv ln. wu. Dàvlm»N, coq., «»wu te%ýl . ý wimr M= e= th-Z " a bea« . il aident as the bald the Fort DAVID XCUARDY. MD,&. t-rý . Abudfta. injustes a ti Y& Q L. Bàmm midi the te "ft tu andpointed 1 eelà@4$M 3 1 OAKWOOD. OMM ne larmanté, %0 'POO@' thé as th" th@ Pdrt PerfY M~ «14 Out the vuluds daum ln the bond JAU" JULLM Meule, iiimwéb, Ib*rdftm : et Ibo viliattel , ft" The Xzdlmd liaftway wm v«F beftS tbm *a Làndmy market wu . . .... Il but lie . Ileved by laité, J"u R&«.'tAvit .,tllLMJL»os @W& ulewi - iléma& itrrurnv, 04LU à »CIM tË ii L rvm, by the Company tal the comty. 1 d lie an ý la t ba.W:eg,!%Z= " ' 1 lbahms jjLý Tý meu lgn@« "*Mlm = = theïr r«« $or whmt Md &lm Mu» hâd, bué a pmjudiS W commun. w» tbu the Company and be ho JO» F. POISINION U"R. R e lotir prb» £W . Ab"411,111111 an joint an the eould crem" tbe Litaului niulus 811,0111ki-vy orcéla for fitatureentsabulah- f rieIlL iCheerà.) I" re ý U" MMODÙM- emffiwq be; but nînS this exMum M whieh lit MM dmu'v& Be -wOUU et a »È«iFm et am and one-«th on Mr. SI BAItCLAT cune te ---. M--. - ; a pz" à" a Illitumest, . - mu«% Ireffeutalla times. bu the lique, ci tii» WM balai nentacet 111[r. Hullatil Imai !moud the ne rAU& the mal-a %B"y rate, Md Lamm Çlw W réalift propffly MM eo le. sud jua nour bectimaita ho := e= èb b .bmk,.I..h 9" b*MtW ce"Ok- a- Mêlée *PWN- bmU n= ' risbt noup» la !!" taled lablewhaare) à uX be W "&MM 11!EI ILOMM a wlamki Inanimée to thàt extent the velue 'ee te - feu. ut béallafficéli: 3._%,(jln _ __:_ _ b diM--Iti-b-- b&p.,.ft"w..ey«m.ihiul tom of . P.&Mwà,r Qrwnm.-Tbb m seoitum the littW Mr. GSillm hâtil. Malied. tbat of every b»W ratud by the ferait«». mm of the Dur" p.ý able Y*Wt tu bà*Ymo lied rélé, 1b @Md endy settiers eftSmtered , «* tatuff" POPWO bMYMIY la adif»., " Wub 1,1114-4e *Md laitartéelle r«fmi, =tIo a,. the 9= qumr bon as-prumakt Md a ebado= ctàm with TorouM buby Vraie, @Bc. la pSt Pury un a effl Them;ucom "awthecom= nome fèrty - - atitété. The audience .qmi yu* bà"mmak tu au com %al, wéTueur un lia.* lm fat teu .6 Ibo cedmbwbift time congendm tain tuy cm Wh" Mr. SadIft w» in th« _ W clarry Out the -"&» If w* the "Q Wxz «là 2= ý_ - - - however, W» imitait Cm" a Ilid= modeur bi4k tient and did no, MY tlm% M ub" wrm% Zmo t wmMrmdiZhut mk«b tba&&Crd mw le mu rater auly ne. hm bm Igidimd Bmâw dom et the bond were of the métattait - give the speaker the latatitériblir - - --- go prime There le ce We au W fûts en" wu Mr. vrais paiement wàm Mr. tioùwt«y eharacter. Et did net me served. 1 dmbtbtritl&jotu":ft«".Jýorlty gwýmmce buât !É= and laileter.) He don .& hi. apemb Md Wma mue a 'r-ilemy coulai Mr. p- P. 'WaITMD*related the cane --------- - - 80baffes là ittem . - ýý ub'" vote wol bu thon _ ý , - ý __ -_ ____ ,ne SU lit wamki bc fur the lnterme of enrprhed te limai Mr. Gordon my 1111112_ OpPS.e tUe raülmy, and te support thilb of a ueobôur, Mr. Wlekettoi. who hait on the ma vm hem, the haum et this entanty te do&U lusiend cd 1111, - This w» whau hi mm- valeur he rend several extracts trom te. gelai a lied of factitive in Lindsay for lh. et the bu by-law aile dudr M:rm»"d emm se taiet 9" emouwdon 09= of whm theme sentlemm Cam = by Mr. Brown, Mayor of Liattabla P . G- 11. A 1*Z T b 8, Y, and land got Me ln PO" Peý'Y next 1 thoella *ho were imUMUM 8311918 rond. He died mat wM te my 9.":"Xr. am" hâd Mid fflfng a% and chairmala ofacommittee for the came grain- A» nolà&M W È ap to tm»mu»e et *a sublien Zk*b ùg fflilimat the Mdhud Railwibl3!",*,Mb"gi w9iit laitils *LOO in Wbftby té-aW tearroicalpa forthe construetiémor the VOICE Where do you suit yeur 1 we dkoufd «' ý majcélq et tWoý wu me of thune who- - ItwhM whanu lit wala maly rie. -NU:ebiPaUway tu Lindsay. That 111 1 RGAIM TO»AS o, ý lt wala projectelà, bus LP"thh,"O..Uht the ]DL BoLmm mu ho hâd. bu ln. t by come buW 1 %%*av% lmld *te lo'bm"u& Thi MMU . with Toronto by e ' Mr. WUITCUDE Pàid he land 91 lm M le bEm olu Je »kM la se, modmu dm tu bilait the- time b" »w conte wheu - âhould formation fmm Mr. Chelmer= an X 1 léold la port Perrir, but he would gi4 PIPM Olr I:vm lr 9 1 s" d mx be one vote luttait A69M lt baveamther entier. sCheers.) te the price of larbeait la Whfttiy, and ý la thie towddp. but la au 1 a body Mr. JA& BoLDzy mid he wm 9W te Mr. Diraper wm Ballwa -whieh wa& ne Maire - làndmv arredit fcir one 10111 L ,Cheerié éla» _ = if W» by He ondù«ood t1il, reet or un t the NVbitby and latightert or votera an we have, there always me et thie meetuqt, ealled aà 't"g= = B&Uway-there ,crantai be effeeted the Mr. WALrjm tomb a few briet ru. O]KIMW 1 . lie i m oppomnta. We militaire afew the people, au many of the peuple of the heurt made of the pro= bet of 41,M fonowlàg saving efitch year. - . - - ý _ __ markscouceraing the -rate Of anfiene. rallway an lata montais our people mmücipantie" interested. This tulaw and mid he bâti it 3k.. Gordon On ranway trave, .. ......... 80,4W.6D nSut. asset forth in trie stâtfslleut te 11111111111 1111ma A» CMrMIr «M» imp~ m tave»blotwm& 1 = fth for a gond rO"Dor land butin submitied te Ilium by the tbat If Mr. Bahme wiehed tu take tapa the Il Ce ebrerm I.tnamvg. .. 6 _ajà,nýW .......... ý,aI@uaiu whirb wm attacelled hi* ow- %imature ainurél vote la RBPPM Of the, Couanty Couaril, and if il were voted bet and give tt ta the pour or et 12&1g) ,gith tlutlt of other gentlemen las e étaité Vtràuàtjr fer the Cellellilffl ettil bonnet te the Whitby Maltraitée. If Mr. clown the Cotinty was te PaY the «- the moite *éthe-itu iftir .......... > , Selle Agent f« Ltudmy 'a - - Y woqddbe _ _ _ & " lm% on papera- J. H. pu other Weil known pense. This iby-haw w" thýréforP- the the by-law hali bateau delusteli he haut - lit goodt- froma etenteil eléïewbere in tbis A.N»Uoulcou#44114&.%U. latin or SiAt and South_ 6,000.00 c--culations hétail béera Tatry gý- IT Zu .= Out lacla bel Mr people' la -tatar; and hi shevred how sent word te thât ~ liait mr. Baker Il beight on gouda la fer n . -- --ý- - ---ý-- 1 gSd 2et ;- = ;" ,-.. the reduedo» on the faut notbing bâd came et IL- He ai-,%%. iiettrai made, and lie could veut - déaub-_ on the eleetom automate for the durement monici suggeolatai UM tbey shotald lime -.,&aie Tovonse, ... » ............ t,.Mol) rectnei& ne «pl&bed the di&rence - ý fosau a silltu. ý PArxrrL, Amlbx".-A brother of ties an compared with the old bytwi: - betwe« the acthal -e-d va]'au et - -- - - -_ __ - ý - _ - . - - Jçhx Thmey wbo a short tinte U the peu et mépaiemble - te extamine the bmk» »,*&Ou the »Terni townships and the vaille alle ,am hait Ne were te vote down, thià Mmom Baker Dandie, Gordon. and aunty M,%Itbouab the elmillatais et a guait, à - &W Company vrould never faite 806% aand if the 44tomy market show- This etammétant wala signed by Mr. eqtRaitudfOre,,--,, ,rhrh wotald lie in- EW B A T T & lllrL lM qg through faité, band. hait the mi= ùneL == ouat again te baillai thixé rail- ed tharee cents higher thalle the port Brute an ehairmm of a eoi intitule te the county ru ilt required bit filiale bar- au le, . taqoem" al, te bave tais fat band cau»c in the inlay. Il wax their drétaire and intention Putter market tU thoquand dollars prenante the '-%-Ipiming bv-law. and on clu é - ý " latiteille lattait étab"es me" étair folie& Frank wodd be Wd ettur. te the pour of liber eommittee, as lie giahered front v thé Couniv . un et &le M-er Mill. and &Il ble te show,: as the Hon. ,.,eu d": 'ruclE lac agarrai bg#Atbe»erond joint. lie Smith lied natal, an k-retaident of the làu"y. icheemb aucather publiseil letter, with fillette foutalleil, the Amenait wOuld hP brOugwr la dot Weil te the treatment 01 Northern Extension PmWwa naînes attathed. tirelire Me-,»m Thomas honte by the reeves and levied nia the Tw W but to it te& fur- made tu y C 30L C. L BAKM-1 wM bet anaher Kee»az6 Geo. Ste actuel i*seqment of the township. rid ]F i& M ITXG R O ]M I) Iller carried th thoumad Uiat wM baek ont if 1 i. MeLennaiL J. K Duailiué. ,las. %Vat- intothe wnsbiptre»m-.---, 1- l 11-plli2l- CI, ý _h 'In-r- 111ý1 erý5 he way honoumble faite vou. up. 4zzjtm..) élort, J. DebSu, W. L Rumell,- W. Me- fianded ovver te the country trm*urer. ý , î5ttie1rý .W il The railway rate would thèrýfore lie AU rama à» Oir 0111111DID QV"M . men .boulet étend vérifia, emh agiter. He Ma. MoLDim-X.ame yeur lisait and Do-ell, CJ_ B"er.Joseph Cooper an THE WHITBY RAILWAY. Ilium advent-Il te the fable ettories cirre- the matter ma .be amled la thrS - Gao. Crantiell. tCheers and laughtr., collerted on, the actuel asse-wtiàpnt of 40- lamal by SherW lteyuolda, aud express- minium tCheer&) Here wm elbecteai a seving or ôVer the township. lit wollid lie .êtren - flint O rgg'orl[ITJR r «'PE.V.1?10ýV A.%rtp -1 the tacher fiant tue people were ândw *â[t.»Iýa Z the rate la Emilv wma«uallt'$K #0 Pet M& J. IL Drynas mid lit wmexeeed- tras ari funy iri,» more fixant TAIR #JRAND TRU.VK. lied as te the faith of this Cent- inglZ deMmUe te keep net of the dis. = rfS on" bv-law. He wu* 81.11111110t, white iablas if was #I.W and fi% . - rny.v Thev e t - lie ahr-'& cuemm an extremaloma maman, sacla an delfghted. te tuer thât die lemtag busi- Fénelon $1.133. but thin -» ouririx te Iffète ~ lew priem &" Am gr"eit. er, ifmom skieriez weare circulated this. and conflue themnelvu te the one proper occasion and et the proper finie Iéýipý :il . ,3we . nette men of the town should upon the ;bee 1 el 'O '" INTFRESTING CO and More 11y-Shk'etý4 i$»Ut-il, humaine he 4uesdon-w» lit te theïr advanima- te t w.- - - understoud the Sherlif hall hall printeil vote this beaus or net. If fi w» the put the'r abonalders te the whérel atif]. _wý_ KEIff STREET, LINDSAY, NEXT M Tl S. là, 0. BICELOW. *nfin p;ani'v* Dite" COS,43tmolf WITU Toitaib"x), - am endeavoured te cliente thextreat advan- eýt fer I lat- .eue ý2 ce Of the letter lie hall latelv -upporters et the rend shéould xive What bad Peoplewottldtberefore unfierstanti that -_ ------ý---,-ý- . ý - . . RI.*%«%,Mti POW£ffl TO neu.tw.%--.%; p idit.0 in the %Vbit a.- relaisoles fur lit; and theu he and othera tages el l er 1way. the bigla rate of Etriky waI , towiTt-il TO xp_ litanie 39ILL A-III) le Holtitýab and biýlkvf oui would eudesvor te iiitate, reaisons. whv if oeëurred slîraeee that timvlo, prevent the due ro ,Mblýgl.,;V. a.,-icýient and to no - 1 %laitela uotb«. Tub* (x4BAw.%, PAt'rolum calme lierre for the perpette of injoalug vras net te their advnatattale. lie stitt-d teiller came. Wurner lexe réalair remy rx-mx*m PAMWAT. . y man's character but for the pur- thar Mr. Cluxion, of Peterbotroi: and geellowasthen. Itnourdependedu The roeeeding,.ý were Dow brolitcht P O R T P E IRIRY lFaX TEN SIO N . MA.1.401,.M lh*WMMIO our« 1 - of pustainsif on thiâ; rond, &titi il MaJor Bouffon were preqent. and lie the pealMettait Lindsay te decide wh.tlrllnl te a close, Mr. Hoiden invitinu the Wlirm, Out.. jamuse t2ad. Déléal. i frey happeut-dital tread on the tous of trusted they would butte their town walé te lie the centre of a friends of the rond te meet in the even- lu qgInn W ttan bffl enne». ý Je& Uirk*ou, P.oq., General aotue parties they volatil net help it. unâ' %and nertwork et milways, or whethe lux, d illette ý Il ý - « malartie lamaisa of addressIng the meetii::Opre"hM t ey wm to let the opportuaity for the pu _e of orxani an ev air w2= 61I21-211. G. T. K, Me This rouet watuld give thema the et the dhmmi,ùL would be kept free hm He went en te shew the elits ell.Bakerand r.Dunda,4inv'%itingtbe . ]Dx.%àt sial No doutait you will have tif Whithv. between whieh and Limimy pemeulitles a" side hélium ponents of the road te muet i!x notired liant wu bave heurt endeavour- lhere wa,ëa contéitierable diffèreneeý As X& HoLDmr eoumrred with Mr. of raâways te Guelph, St. ing 1.) exiend our Une te Lindsay. .1 au instance lie staiteil thati sprinte aillent Dandas', on. but eontended lEtasuitton sud Toronto. The rtu- V.'it.h..b..Iforthepu . oforgsui- M A IL C O IK . ]K O R I S O N s suggesti aity was noter given Iàn yvy la, . zinq Mminst: -the projerý - comune» te sivéla Imitait. tbï.law gnmping the Muniripali- wàte tolday $1 a busbel in Whiiby and that liait, thonnand dollar businf-4,- -_ . . t le. of N'.tripty.4a, tipit, Feuelon and the oniv 11111le là Làntt-.àt- agi in..r the rentrée ai a av railwav* ;e ale = shotald lie settled now, If Mr. Baker thrr t.,)Ill.l net help, * te ait P"x- WHITBY RAILWAY COX- * Town .if Lindsay waaa *tthmitied &net rucc or lot.. »rht.;. i .t e wm wilHeg tn take It up. He hait soleil îen mattem ying the PA NrS RIPND. výýIq.d art. on file l3th ingt. wheat front livre io itby for four Il lm-!- ,--P fil railway G IR ICA T B A IR G A IN S al othing azainst Mr. Baker or Mr. Dun. j.),Lll.iati,,n ,acte of a large eitv in this imoRL't».Dem oir.,,i;KKEXF", mode ared IN rhe tIbv gthipuf Ft-sieltbia having given rente a lbuýhel. whirh would leave Ilix du». but if ýVhjtjby was a hetter market inland section of the Providre. -Ut tulanéel intu thi,'frýt 4-ly -et b'-ý,m-rý. in the il la le .0 rat inxi the by-lavar il cents. This rouit would en" Mr. and hall herter facilities for stdpplnz they would. be realuired to give in teintai veuý.d our tIont -me thouealied týý-ht'huil-ired wa» %qfjCl, an jet fat, noter inténéied te Draper, Mr. Gitalle, and other buver%- .,nit milling he land a rljrhr te »rate il was 86 rentel, on tue actuel asm-k-ment. ýnd «emey-,is. b«wSo the Whi&bY MM i»-Irt D»» 00081& mm tielli. " &Wl& clothille. TW»M. ,nihinit a tirer ýy-law «rSiý -ont te tonne in fil' hünestlv. He boped tbM U@sd- Of Mr. Laaa-,qE àsked how if wu- that pp'ar-?,'JE&mtýen'X6iuhipýý'l'ýy c'ýmp'a # the é-t £V«7 lbmSip«on 09 etapu lh7 000" . Il 1 elle and give the former& Mx cents a lanshel ILOW ln a 1 . -et tint -:;tý et T-ýp-nt-,. 1,1 the otiter filtrer Municipe itim w le the $I.iltIO would lie Zttleâ ft wu» Sdy ýaI5 ets. noter when it wu.% el York. X.Mha.t; Alemander 1%-,mý,ý, &" uwmtiy-xa" cloulti« . IWI!k.%.e, W lit camr. More allait they were getting tl»"'- delliaite wav, as a good deal hait heurt #2_92 ln the by-lay. He went on to "'lu __ Yoware prolialbiv aliture liant lararil The énillers lait ihe vivinitv of INIdt6y . ý..,ýz 01 the Ume plue. nefthmt; janlée. ait the nger tiaffir brtween Lintr wantud from-two te three inillion buseli- salai abolit fi. charge théât thère iraIt a Au»tl.. et the ýs-m ;,l,-:,ý 1ý an, Jacte, - irareboue& bd~ Me@&. am te Je" Cblobo&M. VA" et. LUW"Y Toronto la Infatuait by the -'Çipi*- els of wheat -they wantel the dneýt . ,ér, Pim"Ident of the V ' Fl..Wen. -4 thé Tewn .If Wh the Cofflt> of - - _ __ - . - __ - eav antr-lr*"". Nu. Ir"r. tb rinir ln comtection with this proie". eà x )fil- rio. equire, of the ý)nd part. Uri th le upon. nuit. lu a b,îer aillai il _phdnett that the differ- . Urlrille. étià "Iway. liadmay requiretté te white wbeat àâuelà " was grown an pallway Company, avan, mort eau Mr. Pomy e. 1ýorpuItiüneA the cý,u£Itv oi Vi,:toria. 'A tain ta e the joumey lit lem tinte Italien lby Feuelon, and Ops and Maripom r»L"eql re»èý mi lie entre taras, calawd bar the diiTerenee lie- titillé, plan. ., -r--- __ Il - ý ----- 1- 1 . the.Xipimiug route. and in sailbinittinir the hest spring wheu, -hut thev couid hait come domine here net for the pur tween the actital i,-ý-ýment and the wlK«". the -id,,,.,.,f the thWi pan h- allother by-law the people of lindmv aloi airet here. Maire Gibixi bâti tild him, Pm.@ of tlisru.fflintz side imoueii4 for they equalised asses-nient for countv purpo- -uhoittw a sy-iaw te, the xj.e,.toý.j thý XIai,-i- lia Wimh nie là give ,téinte, eianl&tt-P of close- théât , lie volatil get wheut chea trout hait been se fully iU.4rus" tâtait fil was ses. Lindsay was asseý. foi*W.000 -Iiitie»-ALinký--v, of- xI-,ý,ý %& Vý%..'-,n E X O V A L ! IRE M O V .," ! connection vaith vour Itx-zbUraiii front Citieatiothanhe. coulai froin Md.v. la round atimber-, and equalized for ànd ; Irtý of the ,,,*,-ýhip- et R'ai'f ind V,;mtam ---- Cobourg te Ttbroito whieh, aéé fit now Why'shoutil these men lie chut oàt $m'ou& t'Ir tc xmtirwd th. ,eu'n -4 eijchry-6ý ý tholé. ýý,IAlan as a bon#&. tu lied the ýàùd pâmete A rutilé. would mltiire our tntiti te leilive frainit the, ljatl..+ay market f It was a Mr. J. B. DrxD,ài; faitimateil that the tilt treet pui. Lindsay lm elirly in the titurniffl le tetik-*tioit for the people te decide. If z e g % g u gentlemen front Peterboro' niight now Aud the ,sid pqriý ,:f the er4 pojtlive A a. ]EL N MV IL L E seeture the tmme." l f pared alter the by-law wax de- faite pan in the dimcu*-ioiL nannd thm they Viti rý,oîap the étaid partift .f If il coulai lie arrantred tu leave Co- the value of every fambel of gmin.klimi f«ted te stak-e a thoumdd dollars that Mr. G. EL Bnwmtm wae called for mai interea pa"Ide or lied by Het.q bourg 15 or 31) nxiiut" Inter the object the laminer of Che .»IL thé value or the etatementaboutthePort PenT mar- and eombm fortarard -laid he underlatood = ý2ý bentum, tu lie i..&W tender -obilà 1 would be métreurard. "al. of rent» and pritécit oit land Ithen ft ket w» correct, and that th = ;a= he extentmon tu Lmiýy books e= waauld tais mine bâti been bmughtintothe dis- If vou coulai niake ýýiteh -in arrange- weblild 4 te their interest te vote the bave hait the il Mr. culw4on. Rebadonlvji,,tàndedbon- tt= hýt attelai it wotaid grratlv asAi,ýt léoth of émir tIonný and -*erure the tuait. .1 %tate- Baker would hcd the iléid parti- oi the tir,$ p- --ý- R em eved to N o. 5. D okony B look, samala the Mbr. He Beaverton. and hait *net huerai the te- a,ýýI to tels a tétait, of eaý détily isundt" es- rouais with trailler n;bw vist tiff Ibv the attrait of the amenait for each township. marks. He would now like te heer t"ted) émis LiD"v l» watitte, to emaumct wi là . Nýi-"inx. flic rite per thou,Àktud of, a$ât-l»ment. tilleul, in tarder th" lie might replv. et tourning pow4vmr traité cts the Grand Truck Wbm bc wth a.,...4w ha- ý,ft ligand a ý:"c*,àII,.j ett.,.I.e ý'rtU."t of lie people of Oshawa arre anximI& te .%lait other particidiu-4 lied been very 5 Eýý ý ý ý Mr. Roi.Dk:%- explabed héw the eétate. iLvlwav going t 1 Tormto and front Whtt>v %- akake. vonnertion vrilla our rouit hy a varefullv caleulatud and certitied in as teretit te have this extension te Lind- ment concernirair Mr. Bertmm** insper- 1-ii»lýay èýnneetf= with the Granel Trinil; Rad- - - bratich frSu ,ýbiite point notifia of (orre et « hy Mt-.-ýrs. J. Ketehum, A. sav. ThIL Company waà prepared te tien of .Mr. Bakees grain book came in way eveWr« tmn froix T.ecnto te, Whiby. II, WhittiN-. 01.varer. ùr. DeGrassi. W. (;race. D. J. nIrrv Ont thelar part'honestly, faithfully lie made. thst pa~Igerý frox: Lnd-)'=ý £-, te, auté, - BA.T& CAM & limm BU" 1" 0 & r" cy -l1ttýck Mr. BLitTit.%,x renretteli that thi.ý turn, lernin T-)r,,,,,ý.I i,. ,,ne ,fay. .,rlin.%ry delâe» lt hZ;ý tWen -tlgý-eýleti, and 1 3M faV- -31' '. and A. %Vaiker. au.1 thi» sud t4011 01891ali- un a,,ý-ident- es,ýpte.t. ouaralble te the idea, that if wk- mental upt voulti 1xý talien as authetitie. le au in- MIL Cui>-rrR DIRAIIIM aurai lit wlale phase of the matter waà op for dl*eu.- Altée. thât the, the .Id pazti" A the 11ýt Peul 81M OIEL IR L imillitilig powers over vour fille situillar --tiknre of what avould h;ève tu Ibe plaid hardiv neeessurv te dilate te any ex- sien. bat %taled thar lie hait on the In- ý1eàII on or before the ý,,,rnplètiI:n A ý;d £%un- _ ý---- ---.-- ý ý té) the X alavantaites of ragwikm vitation of Mr. Baker. recelved front' 'ipiSSilld. %ville a Allettrié front lie ýtî11ted zhat Mr. Ben. Johnmon. of tent ùpon the . Li.phaln §fty feut hy Se,ý hu,,,Ired menvi twenty Xusuaiut. 1 voltr.talion to(').-hawa. the-ginieresult North .Nl;trl if the lztrleýt eV an Marty ranway - ee re a statement priees nett vith toàritten j. et ;»jt,, and tué, inz 0--ur - ___ __ __ - ý __ --=ý'i=- - - ývt»èId hrohaained ai a murh leffl r-1-t. fumiers of thpl-111t,.,*. Ilý,ýIlh"lpl was assestaied Ingî lit . a- in aav othei tirer ai t on the leuur day" ,:.ýmpunment4 - etmble t,,Itr huyeý te) 1&- 4wole, ý Would vont pletième luttaient nie if vota ý f.-r ,41:ulexe and %%-,,ttiL have te pity 1 in (Ontarl an he took'ft for teil letat MrM ,tll,,.sv and on colin- t, 4eýuitablemid At firthe pun-me ifté,-ýre- T= GW A W A ý woold enxý.r !nie ,éurh an arrangeraient ýtlu-litill.:%)eyeartzixé-&. Mr.Joh[Lq.bn that evem busine.q,- illait, wa» t - - ait vrilla, Mr. lLu-aulay'ý state. -î-ýt, aýâ tu lie kept ýrIù":àtéd err;tel fier the . i %villa ux. --old IdIenit .t.ilix) ,)U.iltq.ý.br ,t:rlitl. ztnti if iv emrer;ant with the benufits of rail. ment the ganre.4 were fflbumtiallv the next twela" teàý. àn.1 tiett th- -t-I,ýi-,,ý. frýght Au eurty te 1 will l.-rratly oblige. lie gut rive, cent. a ; exisitel talore for if ývàv.% The subject tif grain bad bilent saute. and lie had tolet Mr. Baker'qo jst Ind z.1un ,*;ftb. -.à.-,,%t Lin"y -h-il he 4tuat- i AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE 00. vu%%" trenry. ' therk- wonld lx- .-,it.3t). for whirh lie had rarerved te. and as lie hzid land twéantv- the time. He IMr. fk-rtmm> wm Zeuth -if Réent wreet. but mot turtiner thau. net- -aile§- >urne Strftt wýd e,ýt.,f Alw.rt ýAtee,*t. i - 4,14igned,) JA& IIOIJ)PX. lattitit 44-:16) %V-%Tliti aloi thiSe Ibe a '--Iil»l 111.7e Vearlý4* elpmeU.-P in grain he ,attentat lied thar thý lntolli,-,Pnt people of thi% %I- to Sr" -h"t fr,, la ràndý..) to Whithy pable of decid- ,d,%tb .00 - . mi)t-tuL-ition! la hrtd beetté âaitl ainsi Mr. refei ro rha In,%tterý Geheraâv Mmk- 4ee«Ou were Perfe.ý'tiv ra ,!2irbort1wtýrp thon luter ý1àt4 , lneorporated, 1874. capital@* 01,000,000 IMR bilcKe140%,S RXIII.V. t;ýbriluWeb eat--taent- fretin lits urain inarprodurp waà wçarth just is mattrix ing thL-,_qtt,--4ton ilierumelves on Its P-r 1,aee, ai nul »,re then thrée. ami 1 - (.KA.xD Txixx 8,%ttwtv tir k'.L,çApa4 Woks were untrue. a- %%-"n- at eue port on L-tký Ontario as et an- ..et,% There waý one thing that oc. n, v-ilait cen: per bulheidurinz the ntxi t..tv ! THE HON. J.LVE-s .,ýKk.* iLl. R, BLICKBURN, EXQ-, X P - ý 1 Gtl.CKZ.%L '4.n,%»«% OFMIL t .tateýient» tuarlâteht4i hv 31r. 31at-aulav, other. but Wldthv hait the advant.-%ae carred te hiiii as he came allie te this yeu'- and beard Mr. ChL . .', thât theý the Illid parti. of th. et- i-,t 1 mmenco" B ute oov«,mmmu fime Ille rrettoum et peàsqmàgeu«,*: 3k,.ýranaL. Jý-utuarv 2mie. Ib'-'&) trolu his, gmiu-l»xbk-. 1;tit lie had bemeii -),ter Poe Rôle, lia the larme number of PIA -hall -.UmtmLt the Fý%r.eq*iýn frnala îlect Perry te, JA& litalden. F.ýl.. .Xanagîtig Direetoir iBfOn»d-thut a ettentleulon huit exulta- mills la It» netz-hhorellood. and the terbortl'and M.njébr BonItou ealled lapon Lin&,Xv. ".» t.,.:ý,heiiýPh "uce...n in the $50.000.00 . P'ort Whitlbv & Port Piervy Railway. louait Mr. C. L Bàker'ý grain-bailoivé and millers coulai cive nt rimes from three te ad th!- nitýtinw. and that Maripn.,«. mrth of (;albraith'.ý Hill hall round filet what Mr. Mataula te four cents a bénahis lwu"* = -Ilphltietru th. village..f Litille 8nuinux Dt:.tit Ssp, illave, received yeurs, of ,, v hait ,I Mme ter latrain, -hv,;hould thev roule here te tel i ! Intem qrààza Lm or Dauffl by l'in and Ughtaing. j the tbtt January. ýý ý tated wa8 traite. He wae glad Mr. Mac- as thev wxltted fit. He lied net tàk.tu whèther, we .4tould put tazes on tante. -mkw.ý.1. %M,., hâýe aý«ati,.n. ftlItý,ht houe and ý « When your Colupany in ready te formé aulay hait cleared hini»dt He wm the7 tr;>ulble IO compare the prieul, of selves or net. éCheers). What buwl- in, ,Mir ýt,.reh.,U.,e.t.it leme twenty tiý,mýéýi; ThWCqmomySvm,.L-byL,41ýtnI ... CJbk,ý.tC*ettý,.ýý.kll&i,,.,the,,..Or».Xrllý..I, 1,4f __ bmbe1ý at Serýý.ý.. and al.- ou the rmd leedi.g mm will 0" il a. tibd, bd..»tý-. k, ý,.,.I,-t i. the ' * lynlý W te a ronnection with our local trottine, and touvinted liant triant soute gentlemen grain et WWtbv and Port Perry and new bâti they about thille railway. put "bnùsh.. bilt tu xnillet. £éad Ille allo 1 1111111» ouvm : Vlotwta Chmbom weningt- ý thert-hy r.ýtabIWh au efficient «Miaulant- hait said agaînéet the rond wa.- not roir- Lindsay, berainsi lie did ne Ihink lit fCheers.) Ne dîd net ,attisât te say any- emýtm.t a «"jOný tmi.:hr hoý and frft zmilà ý a& iL Ir. IL val4m = eâ,.M= b». ration between the Town of lAnd rert. lomanie thev had not luébized iiitIt ' the question should lie thi 1 of Mr. Cluxton or îtnte hwm of the camtitv ýf as leýt twentY ý law..~fw the Prý,ýimý.9 44-h... 3. ,,.t.iý and Tomme, you wili finit the G«..â the ira p let ai whithv. Ile, imr. aurai priataciples and tom but lie woulai Mer filet theuttand bSbelà, un thla lýmd runnir« lactaitan - - . Tnink Couipatiair quite dim= 1 te meet HoIreq);ýaxot goinir tu7 stand hurle -ýý M a. The question for » as the Town of Lindsay wàý« cm- Umàwmd and Little »Étais. &Dd t. ho enliatin ý 1111311.&NICZ OPTICIM you in the matier. and te o everythinx u vén: ratilitect the eý,ý,bý.,,,,,, o, ,caa men. un Stmu, ToroDtý,, K If..Xâtý-,,ý 1".iý..%d.."t. an le4av one %vnrd against Mr. Baker tbM!ýdÈt. of the tocan and country eemed tre did lm want any idvice front ALIN). th" the IL or 31r.* Déatudaté. Ue' thouglit thev de- surrévending te ask themselves, was the towiL of PeterborW. icheer,,,- We %i.raedIýWi... tu Whathy and Whithv garbur Court »,,,tneAIqmý.W. air, - Il, fl I« A S liýl,. F..I., alaréant which lit porýsibIe te prométate the"pubHr served grest credir, for belli, werý en- just *iiupir thi*:-"Wlm want the lie- were perfectly iýa -twi tant exeeed three and,% hoif,ý"t% per huýheI 15 I hIS.IAolsý, %.,.,M.11., ki.Ptlý.-,,I. K.1, %,ý.1. emventem-e. We want trafflaie, and terprising men. If lie wert- in IJiadmv édition of lliadmv belote you hall! a rail- Garn, amarle. écheertia. Theft pwrtle- on cite«. md tierce, tout. per buméheli .eu hmuiéé, 1,4 Si. flééler .-4,m.«t tj-ý», X.-_ýý K.1, ,, % lýlt,.t-. % - nia, ,shail lie ouly vota glati te frainale our ar- and in their place% he troulid Maire ah latter et ait. and ýrben the fairainers land men fi pète. did ne like the and two and a hàlf Snt.ý per hu-ýheI te,? ý%t1, and I« Frir.» wIil". Mfteý. St. John. .1i..,Drn.,«W., Il W couter.t. raq.. magt-iiient-4 40 au te *ecutre fit. The lit- confit and wouid de just as thaler in no tnIft Ihleil the malle m grain te, sny Po-nt 1 Chat Ale.c bas-I, I.,I,.,t,ýa. .NI.. isf.,..":k ...j t'nh,,. M.&M 1qi.,.I. fflati1w of ruculul poétarlarit civer alinr . te ýta étoilent te Port moite in two or ides of tànd»av gettintir tintera outlet. te -uth extmd th..* trotte Lizadeau. Thib t;, he in I la Sterling Pbýatý wamt4xi f,,r territory tà,,t yý, Iaký.II op Ajq 1ý Iýr p.rue.I&t.." Il.. HélA tien nt the main !ne of the G ti e. lie cent three davla or moire. Dé voit do liant the front whili;Peterboro'had tante one. literce, for tweniv veàý. ' On». (Ilcawa. -Ir any .t ýhe hýýh-. Trunk lm a Iéerîous, matter. a" efflefal- . t waaé wanted al DOW.- À grest many usid te conte tCheerst. Their4tatement*shouldthere- %.,. it . heA,4 witésavIad ami the -aid partitete Iv whon flint portion iti se beavilv ltd. - y w- kkIen mrapetition te makel flown; te Wldtby takfiW three or four fore be recelved with considerable Men- ni the itt.ýt pan tý)v,,n,,nt with the ,nid peniý -et I IL & VA= M FM ICTORIA, PETERIM C11, OURUN 00 M M URMO. irowdKI with maille as lia that part 6f thrir rite » a finale the Wldti)v -là". but they never came noter baticause tel remervation. for thev were here net the tbirii pan. tnat the.r the -aid parti- .et the: OM» te Mr. P. a. labruwelaw ome*. amt "roc% &Iadmy. . market.s. -il it!)v there wzt* au lui- otber f-unlftlè* h" liera introdueladand in the faiteremal, of làndmy but in the 11-1= 1.n")nlider.itl'on,.fý.qud b,.Ia-. . and -4 f - -_ -_ - -, the Grand Traitait Co. lying lartween ah. . of eiý.-htv-dve th-,uýn-1 ýl-,Iklr- in lie-; - ý Whith menue sum 01 inouev tnvffled in mill%ý thély ".Id thefr produire et home. If futerem of PeterbeW. 4Cheers>. If .y and 0éthéatwa. Tfierë in no rien- and libellée mille waWted wheat. He was enté rend w» adjantageom W y the people of Mari Opla, - Lindsay debefttuffl -9 ýW C-:Unty to lie plid and IIWWI.ei son whatever. hourever. why arrange. lia la the _ 6. te »let. ý Wad te learn front the Ménager of the name of commun sensée weed hot two and thé other ::Zcý1 ties mw fit fla ,,,er,%, pý,%,ided b.,,ýi.1 ber-là -- and .et Ille -M 1 - --ý-------- - __ nient.q perfortly 4ati*fztritirv ,,«) fur as t. th. t. ne .. lu Pulurb.. -4 one et.ilar te, thèna in Sand pjid hY the aïd ? -- -- - - - - - naectin bal labile ribraveniétace lie cou- Grand Traitait that lie vrac, %vilUng te lie advant*geou& If the rate bad beels "rnett.= ttpon fair vharges.: should rail their cars douta te 0%hawa and te redueed on tbp ]gdlmd. reguyling land a right te say no. p Mr. SP!nk's Mill. 40 that grain toulA lie whieh lie eauld ne speak aitthorita- Mr.Ci:rx-ro,ç càme tortillard te addrem a=n r "4'ý L= 1 1 -t'.-. r. '! t = -'; ý G R A IM M E à ILM G 8 à TJ A rien lie perferten for any trame between _ the auftemmt. herrinhefort, m-.ited athil ; $'F' 1 your fine anal Oelmwa. brýtt-,[tt te the (leur of the outils. When ti . 1 d probe=be t up the andienee, but they ,éventai net hear = Ir tn the triée jettent and nbmii,ýéc ther". Iait hè, 1 'if by-law were ter btLt aM cithin the time,.ecieW in ýid h,, la«. [ ant, 114-arSir. fýey n àrranjdna; alitant tonnec- . brut. ' $25,,000 worth ofD ry Goods Your% 1 tion with the Grand Tnink lé hy- w were pasmed the.v woulai Mr. Dr-'ÇDAS mid the -atement of And the Iaid partie. rd the Ieunnd put cove. ý 171111mrits-ON. trains for Toronto lie bad objeeted te ve land a nu Mr. Bertram, shewed that Mr. Bolden mat. prmi» and atim to ami ,enth the ,mid lit- holand for twenty vetir,; te t,"Dnffl in freigSht . anti thffle CZ =rswSd(j w» au untruthbd man --that he was pPjlàe* of the thini Ialta. étau ,In the -md Exten- 1 O GeaiertalýMnatulgra": with the ensilent moniing train on that lie - ly lie Eng friend Mr. a lien 4Gr«t tapinera. . .ion bee completed Co Lind'éty «W th. 'aid P@411 BSila & ShOeI14 GrSeries and Crockery, rHg A PPf)RTIfP"ýJfg.VT 07 r Fig rouit, forlin twt-nty yezars a cha ý lit B% libre ad ta handte two Mr. HOLDIM deraied that he had,«at- ti- nt firla put. they, the fflýýd r*mi« of the firu put, Win , ce Qu, Mklj«ý.>n Wu.e. etaft- 1 jj»,Iàxk ig, Smpicte ta esch ,f thé, %ý-« -IOSýtn.M&114 tend ilil lýtt- et. .W.& 1,9 Ir.ed,, , h-p taire place and that corupany M1.9b * - lailshels of grain whe-Te lie lieu, handied .ed what - fncarreet. This was the 1 thi Iume. and frelà gratin .«oft h.uIwý - ithin the . hould ffl fait tocail 84 WHITRY RAILSFAT BI)4vu.lt eibly Malte theïr eari Orst Ume la tais » he land been talled - th" ffl: bv lit ru. . . y train pzm la fi- ,,buei.an me "emed in,«dd tt.-law. And al 'clork. renderinir ir ftý.,é_ _ ,ý. liber waa, ,laitiers he WO«ld K. IKE.'Nlr Slrft£Elr. LL'V»S.tV. ý mý.T ff. lits- tl'. tel- a lim -.I.,i-.,# -id -il- ý _ý. «_a,ý th. i No. Ik BORENY BLOC 4. 4L aWx.ý1 t lie1cntir of in tras go Weil of bazi . et Lindu - and the Prýýdm W. a P. '0.2 nS N bu ey d me Mr. Cluxton torse situatedas the town lot Lindsay fer be- ffe-- à -=a M-at rentre Of commerce. of lotrest gradeA front Ine anan 'à',. 4. to the Counrv Conneil and come hure conii G Eà 8 T 0 C X- 1 now with bis ncheme! It wa.- herause tradeau-1-of muvAketun& iCheem) bu"eL, He Mileh this won J Peterboro was, afraid of 1-indmav. He would bave the e&--t of the:only way he ýletaw= ýUlt. the two A VIDER OR .4DDITI-jý'4.4L BOND. hod beez correctulthough Mr. Gnrden 4atemomtr. Vet antourât of izmiabrenght Sým "r4ý ad tAl 411r. Hý)lýten) th-jiight thaît it;r the i2àY111-lui at thé tuera hall bc sprt-à ue tu the ciwe Xýni», muaUs ,, te #13,M man ùà lànd"y hpre trofflit be a grear advantam to -ýhould "Vote fflinst a cet ogrering 1%Crý Ikiker and Mr. Dundsà- felieers> hâd repested those sc*temeat@ý and now a ýL4uù%tW ùlS t"L t-1«0»htp -th Mr. u o many atiranta Ti d &nything that would have the Mr. gôldm bad repested thern here in 13udýwth -nd W. zuihnti«U. j the ges "di the Whit4y nn effert. It wa&-tbis conduct bc com. t-1-ing rider, whictà kue, beer. 1- Kxtensinn. He lied undertoud frota pa« of concentrating a larger amoumt niained et Md condemned. a fur -, caliure Md wlii bc reurtý«1 in a "Y or Mr. -%dom, the Deputy-Reeve of Mari- of prednee trade here thon -os environ- povà. tL-tr in bis p - Oe Mr BOAD Maripose, in 'T ma" tWý art of the township tmtmiieforew dbe à grest advan- - TROa- B , Of , 4axokL4-ÇDCX OF %GREEXIL% -,ur Wootiville. thev would bc greatly t..ttre to, ev-rr merriâmt tu the town and. àa»wer to re cd colis made a few re 1elàr He = ý ixtftnLb my .,j Februarv n the yver ut d lie lived &bout mit1wav 1 ..)ni ý» ttjumd eý;;at hu1àdrtý1 and ýveuty- advantaged by this rond fer they trould = JUrem in the town. He was -rb-,, Port. Perrv and Lindsav, blit ý ix, k;mtwtee4 %ne Whittiv mul r-rt Perrv Exten- ? get their grain carried for Si cents in- rhat with this second rail betwe jir p 8 l g 1, toi was -0 muelh »et. 1 --n the àeýt >ýW; J.M. t, 4tead ut 6 and «à cents thev now had tu the ret-elpts of grain la Linds&Y . the rond to LIU4 çiti-t r rwu. in tw c-,-inty,-t IXY. This sarligofUe. ù>3r. a hfflhul more thaa douldt- te the eompetition ter thât lie could bring perhap* ten xichi- -A the w,-uld go dùwdv ligo the farmers' that vmuloi ta betvrren this bu"s more herq- thon te Port P- the ý*v-e p-aS. jam".t"in. -,f the G IL porket%, Xo man' la Miuipr»u -h-inid rillwav,-tnd theý= d. They coutil Tet he never brought a load of .,r,",t' ma. pim, Lequire, ma Je- éÏ.L ý»u, -11 the w «= !j the coluzy -À thýt.rt.,. an we-rhe cesulte of this. The differ- tu Lhuluv e-ltl-'Pt agear faU T..wn .4 %% »ee 1. fb&t between the jadjand wheu he 4nuet a Mr. qwu..,i tùý --tw »t,; i.,, the IL hi. néighhér. and qffl that the lbr4aw Md the Wbww rua&-wlLieh W» me %mort wag In the market and when i -f the Cuturty -,f -9 the theni P*"- was earried. and theu the Co t'ent.=da Uth trucs Lhubay-wouM there wm a gond market before th--- h) Q»il uýi enteF*i would be able to give them th stonhoune wa* bumt down. Thar was 'nt. the ùd Pen ý- 2, ýd b«zin4 'jase the X1101010XIVIDIM 1 y Iwo the poekm or the fwràm. and the oniv grain bc lied brought into and *8 its facilitiez whleh would maire %ts w(xdd bc mm thm *U» a AT Tac dwir eoum7 town one of the beet ma: ye«. ýeý, -e men woiild de a Lidi. Lent &B lm lmd sent . load the 'rA Pen lbuvid ojaâ&ruet The 0 me .,W P-,rt àýwTy tu 8 W a. :9 koIx in Canada. This would be a greât more imatum and make f badiy te Port Perry and Sot Me or tu th. "th Sù'ý-,û in tàe 1 66 91) nom mnowy, Mr for ft: ami a Nw day» &fier ho to the municipalitles concerne& - the lmfthants surth ut t;&Lbraith's Mn Md Feu» much lm %hau equaum &«es& but especLally ta Fenelon, Vernissa a" wouid »U unes gomb ici emae-queu- mine barley to -se %= ?f UUW àinUbis a" Uakw ment, Md mqmh lower la pmporum le Braily, because Lindsay was the natu- or am inevemed ffliame of trade and Pt Oftly Me for it. WA t, tion. troight b,-.be, Md fffl TA "Y 1 barley, a as kms terilly ttw»umd nabaurer WOW& be iiie to - - _ ffl ever froci el thevaineotthepr&enyth"iàtheother roi market of those section& Se thm the os, It Waà the .4 ow, cm the r ad budiau pm mualcipalitie race in the 41ýM read the bill Imued by Mr. Hugà bri« la blq raw mat«W Mme ehesphr t. -S. y W da,ýýfter ai b.=%.ý,' tu A" àjm OUR.~ a is in ronsequence couch but the ( e W la srfiieh that %exir. tima K'bouq&b W» thf» M Pe lie à0c. for ere ftet hu» U»l fr-e jmèiu aurthum enom t t A the «àpau.ty A AMlt tw«%Y tbutba" bueëF cm the oq".ltr-vake ls rond %.ZMW"b. _bey alked you, to tattbL was not here sa an advoeate t )f the roud. He did not vote fur the si- Ou the nad: uBý"-9 tm"m uksx" "d IZO= ,». en the ivmnidpalftk% - ami cd by &U parties hm that there bas nive t Hé dwaet thaïe IVINS 1110 Intel. J.,tu. Brâtin, and 1. bc wAlUi- "m MU» -9 the le. se moted la the Br-law. *M un am been a o= "Poly in the là"»Y grain âpM mm %rat worix nurse th" titis coud lent: time beemme II did not pl & :K t)TA V IM. market t of no frvé mon- rgind wu» worth ail the àéked fw ir- hi= but it w1m in mach bater »r a. ulA ha-0 Mines » te whoqhu @th" homme " a want of ecunecdon wich with 7 »w than it w» thon. As fur as Te ý;,"e hs - 1 -qPM M the wbut qmudfm SMUM ý,( buý pnýý h» hem «Plieitly mat of the beaux raimd sa a = the tity of Toronto daily,» bc eNr. His- rprerwel té lyr Mr. Beldew lit hid been a màkter Of W" betwixt Atu in md -ad m ouder to -euiv Nad mmeh year et per gel) was prepaved "to meet the winhes donar la Wh»w twe ortbreedakve am the knew per- rb'. d"b" aud W Xprq» mm pwtdj ~ fectly weil the rente. bâil never i. rite agr«wmg uetwee. %W MU ." lb llqrzw G O O B S. N IEW G O O D S. cent auming of allby ruaning a train on the ID& b« @face thm mabvenMe me- ivenatu me eutent 1 ilisto. - Oir the lami IWIway- le comma wtth the 31p, cocus P lbqgmd »d prob&Wr is mien a load of whest brought to Lind- ' Çuw à% hi bieraby -lâce.08b. -d S" add p@M- ft ta re- train. £don parties 1 w» down a mm or two, Re âM;ýed M trucs hie seetion là his Presse«. md«M *115. c laaa Wuàtoh« and gains- mats P" the IM 'M". bon la r City. and ro. 1 Mmy au come iwwud aud he boit never seco a lomi or p- am Mas *8 MW Parue, ut S" Waad AM aise thac 2j per cent of the tum the *«» dur, aise te erees à free leu for this by4aw ami he wm satin- oixt one hem hiamit, Me mm f-0 so ndSd yeuly and Invested grain ft#Orýhnrme et Lia"F for the fied thf-j woom DevS Np it-he he woold ve dorte no had ont Mr. vmet h9*ý« s- ne encut m " »W %h, m p- ».wtmmt of wo, wfth the airia"issa bitume, éociventence of grain buyer% and a re- wmnatiig" Mr. yeuld never Sm:u't been tu the market. WhatpIrer m Un midu »w-âlur uË M-em§4 améé te wu" ammet et *9 expiration et Ob yeurs %0 'accum M :r -a or "-m ýàmu c'W-ktieu A tb-,Qk aý tarir on grata, rente it If ho 0 abrtheby4aw.-O" the, em»vemy might bc those Vrers la t= " th" me tud b"ffl wmù Uuedd ýum $110à; tbaré if it corried 9" wolild Phbie this tSo hërts. Talk about the làndmy market! -410 a" il t. r %W Papm in èvWry M coleur" Cffld net% &0.. _peuple la Liu"y à" teumaw we, the sorti 4 we wae a VMOOMY et ld»"Y. whoa Be lied P told epm MA twis die lama "P 1M bave mode the ahoive MI== :%ad the Whaby véod Pt hm It WMM au. thât Limimy woum never Sirow en- 6" mb-nd $W the am me»F jeu& W«k BOMOI14 th" the remits M boula shewn are fflre cheup-r rasm but vues duo thm cOn-M -"d .09 W» lèffl theyZ« some emapetition la the A" a » bu le mm" thié *M W«um correct hy-law aïd, th- abNnum et me »de market Nommwouubemnren;âm" diait éiina Pm ce %hý mm mi«mma et tu » si 3. xxvciLuit lm weau bew.-m-» hie l" N2i Np II&M bu, dm a %0 tasse row thaïs bu îý ". un i and *bas ot the ce Mari- fer ho îah au= mm and là; tras omr &IJURT Mg te bu" S- ýv»àVff"«É *O*mpmm*u"ý J. M 97-hm biaise et âmé puik. i!ý@ý be MW lar Umm. but amai --- e mme me ma2 W]c a the Be did 09 suý WMAIV tmik thai 0" Un Je P. JOIE[IRSTO]Kt &W., une IMMU1110 se d 9 vatu hamb AMBRIMWý ýW *se* MMI m"*Wr -490 . Imb LSât IÇ W (-#(*)DWIY !1A Ilé, X"Ihtxil«t C "eh afriett. et aie. *il v p =. #.. meeule. "il, 1. Tlie- fwv. & X, tlittiqqe-t lit« th" qu"Iffl ln zoom pApm %ville blivp A whi. h tel Ill: t.tqlv4,h PN-tilliiNv' 1.14 frSrma lot Sent An IdIf vb" p top coah. rillei. I.Orjm tiomballupla of pomté, (net Toit V-% *ý1OIf als FN-t) enrd*md, Im. ni matial Oeil Vbe fiýsftIIy And ore gg"rty." il qq mý#Rki#lltl -IM DIMCS Ami meloft ml ro hier. and 1.1iher* timille #gris P xINDIR j '-icel tire Nxiv op altigbit flic trageât f2::hýx If %VIII ho Kaitwzty. , Mr. Thompma le alffl voedi. %t , 1, -Y thut laix a laraité- qttwk nt ItWO4 pillée and Mae w*lét'd for thr ré, erlèt'tit.9à Wood 11, tir remis W? *lamineras rua. orthffl, A"w larhool hotk*mm A, liolles. PI eeèr-,.. Mr. lKtlti sir fit Kmih tua" , *d» Ve . And .40ý fa. hamil ttb lmvetmvietoria Ar, "-te - : &%ait Nfr. (,katttlnitb 1 balkl et rm », In tàlat%* *abat xPorificaffonq j»Pau bel-* lu hom -y %Fr. Ibiffiiý% fat #hi- town, The bel a Ilibè 4 nu "rv a a. of' ar*wtrt!ttihavebadankAît AAd fimiote t prW,ý rvt-ning, biat Ilbe niawtw KICVtltt-v. wh,,,.ilh On b"ild W», 'a enarth 18" 7» ln our eoinilig. rith -l P, i., illl'Ifé.; 'éléci lort, hp wili ri. The'y try àgàta thi- T ur»day #,ronjaW A wa-Irmait whriff hel, rnmem ----a*- lie,,, Inter. :tit only la iNfr. kt% 1he,ý nt t q(afébi 00 "' ý 0." 1.11N: Pli ZIA, rare. Tiem nkt*ri*ilyto 11, tatit th" WOPIIII 0160eldait r.ý.neI Io0k Place ogt Fr!"y aveu. Ice rt,.N i.b. orrsé total. Thé, rnlloà%v. laigiti.t. .%hlpatfdrer,»»CMt" @UbjM of lri&biwraiee wers tu e by lIM PJIilWý4y Victorl't Urv., Nte--rn. Murray and Wik" , re». i".Il"411eý41 4.11 Pièisýi-it-M Readiop and redt4b. A'r the- .111 ettrr ritti. 1 ti.,14.%Vrre alle0liven byanumber ot i'.6É a 1 lit.. f.dy Dalm 1-414 Xe. ý%row wbo wure V , 1 »q.q1yý JA.. es, .... ta, W. V. T. sart-lartit 111% thé- Otle-aniogb. Tbaf Wood. V. 'r;; 'Sagit. v il le lirA- Détail *ore 4100 Prellimmale, 4" vrry inagerWly an tbee..vm. VLEA61tirgo D'UT SA N.-J'd. %V, F. S.;.I. %V. l". NU.-, %V. -Ni.; , K.r the preuve quaitter affers ]PU R lq IT U IR M 1 a; N! -0 Skrt' k,%Vý().(; W. V. T.. lim Fer- un). F. AXISIr le.; am or. W. C.-, Aft ri. 1 #an,. Wilt. r.étiIll&. tlýk. %Vý t* , jtr,ý. S'il hl-rlatbtl. W. 0. 0.; fire. 'lh.. flatte. W. 1. G.; Si,%,Sta4btuu.W.ILIL&; %V. Il. Afterwhirh i T U it 1p. . .... ... ý,f ta, mký tritderril and -thfe P.... -t latil .#Il, AN larinet wri] alamaital ti...i allie P- Il. ait.. \à,%v Mr. Andrew XePber, leu xilf IIII. ilyto'rut 1111#111,18, Iý - "-"'a r. a. t III. I11,;liti iýtkistit prt-parationte, tel t-rt4,t a ; lle,,.ý,,,,.,f ', li "".l - "I oil Ai.. tiPl- la la.- elle. of Kisix &ait Kalaixiitir 0, 1 6 a., :ýfP,ý ;'a #4l' % ta,%# % A (lit# ts"lp kr..I> Pal. e)l.. aie, 1 ait-' -Iqell'IV f4li -dr thta ht-4It l'f' wq"llqt 1 t*..rrý'twwmluiwo Par 11aug rlj. 1 é -Ntiý.ltbe %gay >91CWT"là Wall, held la été, élitelleaul. -,é h.-Id ait a?,-- m Ill iller Nil.tittmiimt Chumh 1».,)":*.,ýlýýýýýiý'.ý6ý:;ý.týýý'I'ýýý. 1,,*t 6%1.,tý.lI, ..( I.m ettié. 34r. -leisitýn Grixv wax ý1LIIl ik tri#. a Ill.. HmIr. XlI 'i.r t"bal i»relliatinarv týeittrkg the I,% lZ.-V. %W callrd ailloli the Itrv. Mr. R A Y C 0 0 it.-. Pet fi.. to n.,Ttt the. rrport. Îhe. Rev. %1r. 9;rI» on ri-itt t!xpl4bint-ti the Illèlette, Viésoct te% P %I'. V.'t. tilt- al.,4.nve of a driblitation i t.-Il eu. a,,-,'. r.,Il t ?Il. élilttrirt I.,ard'and 1 j:. .1, ait lhr talkinx %vieillit have j (4tiltit-iti Dry Ckw»dn, î V N-111.- .1. IL Kiel et,! il, lu.. mir Ibvhiý worthy Mr. i, - - -, --, Ill-p-Pit rJ; I_ý- -1gl il al hitsi-t-ff. Afier the ...... J. S % "f elle. r'-J'Art '%Ir. wam 1, V 1: 1, Il: a N I-Ambil, .01. li %klblu And llt-li%,.rrit ait i .4i%*wl* and ' 116#".I'I-ttý %% .. »Ir. wirkt%ý% adt-e-i Mr. Xttirt-%vý wýkmaýmiicýili. II : Wl- Li, ,,, %litoff, !I, ýI Ptimit and biavt. Antither riquinent t .... .......... P, k. c 'bst-i il% tll--titiittr-- w hieh il %la Ici-V. ... 1.% 1»,..\. %Ir. Iv -, pi -A, lier ggèt-t-iiii6r -P-1 1 .,P., 1. a,ýk--n elle. hm 1 Ill thé, chmr P)f thé, 8tit-t-tieig a ttlà,- mul thé- .11l'..,riptiost 4) D .14 A L L W IC n.j1jeýjý , P - --i 1%d, a arlk-r %vitit-il %.tbttý J»,,1j'ý Pýjt a, il, Il wé-rI- .civt-tt ta, thv Il)&-ztkk-rý qi t.k6..l% f- fil" hriki flrth. tI. 1, P. P fin. Iztýi vrar. TI alld 1 Y, net et; the hairilkan. a VI R OOM I,èlb: )a a V 1 P '414.11irièrr 1-- a'. the-&% dixtWrAed. nially thtèt Ilhi..Jtbtàâry lltet-t- 04% iril.tt. rlotarla jia.ý lier Ibill; Plm Wr an- -rry that Nir. B. l'imI iwr.ý W. 4l'a4si ta- Pl. aý1iI te *14r P lw Il. ,.,,a t. P, 1% "Il, '%-iýit ta» lieu vut hit Il v AfiD pftZCRS "Il If 0'.. If lit-' Il , V.. ('itrtt-tt law *Ilit, hait P, w0li t'hun if iý i to Itiettý--If figtottarr %élite, one ut isolé. f.. P, d.tqýItft-r-f On.. Phi, .,a.,. 1 1 O1Vý1 a*,t %et 8, tel tlàr.%.tbttnkt tel- 1-%, Il( thé- aiij(,itlitkw ilt.4«htmntirml t Ir alfe.-eti f.-é-fý itte-1 Of thki OU Ibtàrlb M A IM I '!P. e 1'..Ii , ....... 'lP: P, vral and gétht-r lx»k» in r e.ýttè jet iIie,« r-, % a- fi- al.mt, Mr. Kxer., Can III. jtIjý -'l 1.1419-41 le, 'Nltk'té Iri. P 1, 111 Illiél pr.. 'l IVit'.111 l1k'Vrr -11h %P-t. a., --fflý, Met al fr.'m P. t'P m i t tir t il ý lay of Ft-tbniary. t et v., laat N výtr fi -r sitni lit, Y ami tgrmvii. Al...k-tit, Mr. v lI,.trti .'l' I;t.t 1-1 %ta lit If 'f a;, Mr. rkita- v I.m, le%- Mr. ltrtb%%-st, that thé- V ýt1 ý,_rI P 1 1.1 14, Ibr ilwi -ai t notity Mr. a-),)t-tt la- lie and Mr. to retai(b%«e lie ftitgè il%- Nir. Brown, -wlt a -ýr, that 4-law tongakk- ýmvP ;I«"""*' il% thé Iiip ut Marillosa i F... ilw ast-I for tit-t-Ltriiigtht- h% Pli.. old lit- %vith 1>%*aliy al> fi,..% pi i. atit for A cl-rt i ferait- tel tbI)iztiti a tas- G fi la t il lit l, si et rebeller 1 f Ito %Irý IL- ý1m .,I. in r:ý alslèb tIb detinit thé- ttaiti" k)f t lie. I:t.gbt.(-ttbr iit uaitt towimethip il% av- -n a ai... Wilh tige rempervtzug tztv- r,ý 'Irtbittýt "411ppll" . ...1 iiiiiIll,-tiý %lit Il.. il..%% 1-cnd a Iirýt finie. Carrik-d. Bv. N,,. liée re-ait a rilrt tinie. -t -onded hy .1 lit. Mo% -et in Mr. 1. )te, mart Mr. tiv-law No, lix. he ..ai I tr- ,f vl-il k-i-,wtt tuditirtail mid abat%%. remi a in contillitttre Votinvil went c Mr. WeIguter "' P 1- 1- ior- r, % ý,PmI Committee rom- and réc- r la y iitw licipa,.~ t without mid Il im, Nltb%'k'tl Iby &Mr. Buwe& ailed Ille Mr. ktmvt4 that t0d la.. %vt-ll --ah, tIrt la*. Jkow rrad a third tinte and if 1,>.I:l a 1:% 1 NI; t'lié: Illimz. law No. IIXI read a third e I.-il la%- Mr. %Vehmter, that the étang of I;r 1 to Memm C 111 .4. rý'il for v., tel î A il 1 ý1 0 S., t mll ro.ýR. itkvtirred with the. retient liait- mimlivr Ibl' t;trtiit-rý 1"t 1 'et tht' 15th cou- And thé- f tl,.rk i. hert-hy intrurte4l to remit the viti. 1.4, lm"§' rutrk, al..), sI.ý:i Iliallant'e for Printing in ý,f Ili.. Im.,r .4 Lind. J. aI--ý *_1 tk) Mr. Finit-y for the M.-I lait fier tlle lik-It-t- At Port 1100Ver f 1 tell I"1;!Ii toi. -a 1 m Il 'et IlIr t».It-rtioi,,, gnd Il et ýN' tir -Ijý %1'.: t hé- ft.-t-vé- 6rive him t)rttt»r% ï M 1ý U m ýllr> . Air the , Amble. CarriW fi, iltiti cy', K- P.- ýv.Pp 1% --;,1 Itro,% Il, 1 lent hy-law '%Ib. Des léringés. hy- )ý a,--, 1 -k 1 h.- ar 6 1 -ovi.ta -taýtinix the aient ýIc.qI- a', Par th.. ,ifi. Lm il. Il, for P.xpt 1 Iv Ur. il-!.ý t>!..!t the. jý K p J' A L A .1 "Il Il., t f, 'r 1 ýC'. i , .. lit% 1'. If t The PI I la 1 mid klI Il.- III :111Il liVrav. Ili cmm.vrs. A vouag luitil hy the A", 4 1,1.1 1,11 ýf--k a!el in %ir. limier il( F.twant %Vti tyhile eibýaed m %Iv. tIq;,«l %l-lIrý..Ste--ti. in drawing *sw libewin lit NltlttIbki & Illit- 11--, il.- lit i fier aibt hi. fum ent-tugleil lie- CI m., '. 111 I-t, Ibriiimt!&t the alikle fil.. IMoe, "Ill il ni- -1 hy Mr. tI, Illich et% extent tient sviveral weekts :,If Z-t mut W,11, NU-11, 1 1-Y that Willk-14blý.' tbefOrld hl' rZtn Jàgýtin trotter 'el I. - %I. Il il 1 NI tipoit hm titit), i a tk-wi%ýter. On M.', %Vit, Irih.. -l"I f, -;et, thitt S et I1rýl W a .()Il ut white 0- t hi. 'ttI.'tr,-Il -ýI:% ;... 'Il t.. il. ýN lovod lit 18.tltd a.xl. allowed il to ýtrike him v Il" Il, q, f-V dnv, 'ICI, 1.1% IlIr. -ciliuli-Il 1.), f.Kt %ville iltach ftbrr,,» ax In drive it et)ttt- ti titi 'I , cý, il,.' 1l". I'm C. Neadm. and pleteiy throiwh filli the tkx-x te the P erh t' ' iwiit m 'il- -le lit. tor thé pre- iiiýtep, -IC !m,%t. original Mr. As. XrF&rh- 1 Phil The tatitititI-4 ot lamt erana rarmerr(-ýi(litwn«rthIm village. the m--vi il, ', le, r road mid %i tk-priveet lit the [nmter porlion of Pi,-ý 1-% Ur. i 1,% %Il. 1--il -,v Mr. llrzbjbý ?il. wlieat.oat,4.aiati pork, durin.g C-ke 1 lit'I't Itil the lt..tni Ibe- niglit by a party or parti" tittknown. te . 'rfir thiettllu*t fiavebeen wellacquaittt. 't % lie l'illa I't, I.,tll th I lie il%" li ('I"elletit ýé , 4 n-1 1 lied W-t Gwill'i'll"Ir, *ýItt lit Iltillin- &0 iw hýttbeleti into mI Ivith thé, (Ir ekw- fer tiraille au (et 11rrý fi -hair leme .f sealil Colliiiiiitee hefore mthe-pork m fý.%V#t the, Il v' -tiel, If thi. Carried. wa-in aruoin attarhetittb the houite. Thi NII,%,-Ill,% %fr. 1,.v %Ir. ait.I.Nir. %.haxtwave-ry vit-iotit4.dtve in %tl'ait .1(eliti lie. %vilit-h are ronqtantly fin the alert to the t*iiifbtt 1%Iýh4m)l nt hi- ý%vitt(-h the prolberrty of their owrier. Vati ()thert-amm nt petty thieving an te. \Vr ty le%- %Ir. Ni %nn. dent the î lxrtt-il. tel. a %«iýiti1w (',,Itllblittetm . , -we can boulet of m h-,w 4w hale %I._rý. Fev and Voriwil. , ha%-ingthk'dnt,*tbuil(lingibrickbotthie her Carriell. A rejbtert (lit the Il ilit 'erth. IIrbi- her lit and kinti tu the N It be, nellet, tidy and i t)*e'* Pliblie ý4-Illwllý «%m lbre,«-ntétt'Ibv Mr. butitèt tturmindlimaare Move-1 hy %Ir. KeitW. *ýc- 'l an eyt-more. No trace enci(xwg itn il11(14.,t t'y NIr. tha.t the zik-everary %rmintt* and *tumptt are no plentitutty 4 relier t4b in- en el' l h'tt hII1ý %titi tit-eetfflrv ri- ttimtribtited arfeund it that il wmiltt be Oeil mmrd t-r-t.ht-ý.4 eii the cilitittruit fi a stranger to ftiId.blit way NInved to the houille atter dark Witte. likr t'v Mr. %fa- ont Icoining in comsffl with nue ot tho" -Il, et. Im dike f1w Iý,j et l ý- 1 giiir,, that the, I*hairltl:tti lx- 'atith-iri»41 flottille ant the. méribli law il, make t.;irrvilblover Ilbalgrý it luPPMtýivp 'On thU6 SJMI»terý* te tir ille, Ieýjjnv 4p. '011) due Ille, li.,qgllib If j- tWl il- - tel the Otitaritte 'Bank lby rectâh- il 'Irnègnlarttie» and ýeompe1 -4 liolle, thille floi t'ýirrlmti. NI-,%-ed hi Mr. the lhmpvetStoadje-4 the &Mtr pro- )P,,. ' 'y Mr. %N'rýy. thât the liberty. )c %Mli Wael lI4,-hý1l lie wraittemi for l4%tn« (:Htutlun*. -,We havenne rhumb là 1-4-- -1 lie 't relit mm"b-1bil. Itev plirfox4rn thin villam, tg stmub m the bill, and Il" Itýt-I Imýet% in litý&Nt&nL- ni the %%«4r.t. lie 1 ew bliel bel. nt-ver watte, patitellm. carilli ttbwnghtp Mn pri mo-emîm one Xr. Thnbi te c"Ir upS Illep 1.0114101N Adv@rIl,ýr huit, the very ittil«"Ibun-.h; »VOMI hoffles, -with- 1 seuil lit th@ tirait wheu it lutlattitéta ý *Do! ont te@K-e-0, aud not a illui tavem A il-il -lier, lk wéi atttwk thé, joumalitde Who are now mi within a domin of 120 siquanit wàkoe. .1 ' 4ïk" somw 9 buielle étital, .4»d thal; the (7.0vortlmmt 0144ht cite bar@ au. XAaicrt von S»na-The ommtry et U l CUi hil' "i fbA $Ur- tidjJI4WI lé elk-11--il In ttk;,w hird timelle, nffl lit of tibia te tofbaWd tertelle limaille quart- V. - tlèt>e 4« élie Vtd* lit %OW tâdu*te 4gè(l bitufflied tjbtilbet lit hy reluscins ttelkes nt ellone. Igitbmo they were tie et,, Mllilla w j»M 09 a4e, ýmd lie tXpthdittgr(., re.qbm4.r thatritnt amilt and pbSd la peiles, Md a& A SI i 110ellit wéba timfb two *"kit owed'te ladam 9" à" m dud-b" C*fflitttqpd Il littillet labb ttw .., tir. 1bý and kboffl sC biy &B m à dobbae> n'et afl 14ý Îl"] X; a" te::ýt*bft wm lm- pubiblabit the bd imaimulive; comir, ib"Ime se 1 1 ge . w1wille of ets, 16 riblie-e 1 wbftkbmrmw vemr a wmb@t le fflz onm-94#oo r jw ebow eomumpu«4 Md m a" a