- . . . . - ____ i _M1ZMýýý - - - . - - _ _ . 1 i ._ @@qffl ý . 1 I. ', ,.", , - . 1. 1 - ý 1 ý - pwwM1.39ffluýM. ; . . 1 . ---ý-.11 . . ý *mvwtw, As. , . ý ý . 1 j.I Iý ýIý!,ýj g:,tC1to 1 1 . ý * I...4-Y "gtý j! , V*lt,,.Io*. nt*% 1 ý m'm . ý . . ý aL-a6.&I Il Ààhd" , .1 1,ý%IK14 *44,XIIqý%IN , '61. a- a,-- 1 le I . . ,.,:.I"qloýý*4 g4kall kexd , __ 1 1 1 1 . a. ,,, e....%.i.y . 1 . ti4%4roRplý'S.Aw < ý 1 ý . oi Ný , & 4 i Kt ), III- 1 .. - ý .et 'I',li tt'R'ý. I-0 1 .. - ý 1- ; .ýzbt eaitab1ýan 1 JO#] .1ý%V Kiý**I't'lll!%I. %§..ri.ny 1 Al- ,ab* - ; ý ý ý 1 ý . . . , ý . Il '. ".., ', .4, cellm Do fiAits, F.r,,.roa A» P»?TtitTola. 1 1 . . . . ý . 'PC . 1 . Il Ïý-,ý,:_ ... ýý ,a. ,P :-- ..,,ý I ý , III, le-9 , dý - - _ - - -___ý - ý L III r ý j*, ri 'i Ill \4 loi lubarriolffrêt. ý - . 1 > - % , II ">,..:».>. * -1. Who ýN1 Il Il. . ,::".*ý. *iIi l'a .. ,,ý.,ýl, î Vol, X V 1 ,le Number 876. ý I&TNI)BAY, ONT, FRIDAT, JUNE 16p 1876. ý III %a ,,,, -i - - . ý ý -. lemmoimm"-, _ _ F - ,_.__-__ ý_, ___ ý 1 1 #ýx.,r.ýrfterr'Atéol'ibey 1 t'Ir** 1 - jupERAA= - mi BIOMOW- Arthur dure, Md 1 label lie go» a mm !b,.". . ttf) , ý. - i..., ý *Otttf, eailwals. 1 *&abrupt ,ffl . ý vumum , - 'op turm »ide - . . ,I - ý ýý . lý'..l,*ý., K.-it Abitibi ý - . 1 1 ý -_ - - _ .- __ 1 ý lm@rbma au and B-ftim m 1; dOOr-met» gimm i£ Off he »mmpem thaàUul te ho , . i .% - - ý 1 (létob jettrélil, to m yr) a Nilli»gl»o RAIL LIVIMIWL£ WUWKOF 1 each other. while pour Blouze, awkward ý i 1, ip b Il i 1 iff- 44 X mit,4lt«b ý lc,,4ý41)?q Hoqýlqicl , 14 »Mý«-t. i r wxy . l»A»»6JMUZ-E UAM T "£ ý amum __ I.t«dim Uý ce sagragarail Six4pot bigh Georgie, the mou soi. wreteffl , in Ill balai his, bel 'fiý)llN % fi' , B il.... lz) n. It it,,,»t, I.I., lai .. - M» mm g»Aby enta of foui en, la thin, bis fat; white Il ý 1 . -.. .ý ,-1 %,%..",.y,% ' 1'..eý'i...ý,. ý1. tý 1 - - --- - burden. I: - ",lid'. -__ t 'She te ver4ýý tit," he th 1, ýý Il., a ý...ý. .- _. r lféme Table. - , --re- , Mma ,ury - ai! m si - Mm 411 y jftj'ý,,Ié, lotabb, MVIA -ý .. _ Io', - _ - 1Fý Ail 11rm 11= =ý. b@4u@UM. llt,ç _Xlt4ý_ -là-.-MI, bottelai attire, O lis ni 'ý l D-tbr4-olýi. - 1 le ta"Il s= --p-r gi Io- * 1 _. ý Il ,Ki al 111 '41 Clim ýý - ().,ýl!.»,.,ý l1-11.,,.., ,..".tlýt,.tI«ýritIlbý-0 - 1.ý - _ . and bring her. a" bai ha . At" ' e Ill 1 top te tee, - M and joli: willIgai 114vri - . ,_Il 1 - __ - or baa-y. ),%.%l a r 1, ý, _ "III 'l r..e.tI, 1 .-e %V % W'yF11, e-r»t-riel-,? ' , - t" I lý-ý . Ilee.1t. 1 Il, o M OM AWIN IMIFOMJL ram » TO» a was about mming! It wm the boig ý t'ýlIrkwe ', p ai) ': ý:14).M. Il. I... %tl,,I. lý "'i - IIIIP. )%#K t,*,.W,- 1 1'.11 .. il .. . . Te m faver that.ci . b= 1 know, j" wheu 1% 1 . .1 _11;", - rit*tlël.ltx' lit _ : la. $904P000600 ?""R"RlllmnnS4sen ""= = 'M@Pý tt te d »Po (?*e.nibutIit ', .lu .. .M .. »bal" ».UUU "George!ymcm't .»ý'Llamýý .0 I.. il 1 l'..k ) , 9.-%Ié1l..,%V.ý 1-fl.j..ýil't'I" 'a 1 woodýI@PP * Il;-53 :. ý 4ý40 :* .. w01ll1fýll[ ou : : lu" 9 fimisbiet Noggi ho __ - .- - - . a. tu@@@" la Cbue" - Il - 9 = n"e take ber &kit.>. *,--a ,lattai a.. ,global. tiond ,habitant -4 , midbb"juvbetim 11:110 'a,' 1 aloi .. ! .,» .. : 21un . or bol osa joix ab bolupý bhM out boulet . ot 4 1 tant 1t'brri.t«f. 9-jeI'it'Mt. . - mapu M d Irmur Tao" IMMI4 MW - - 1 &Mm ,ooorgs in one try in the next ragg. Ob, toi .% 1- ljIi -Illi te" ý - -ini (1.Ib.""It.ýrie %:,.--i_ elit III! Iý . . ,ý,ý-ý, I,ý.«" b...'l'IoýiiC.-Il.. ,le hý 1 -_ -- -- - - -- ý Mbftiý . . Il Il Il I&M - _ _. ý - ,W,. r coming Iý 1 ,. . I. ý 1.1ti, .. ., ,,, I.. r...,.ýý'ý..", ( it*,,btlllq*x 111)1:>trl Vici aii 4oîýxýWW-rii 'ali -7i-il. illeigi. Mm »apammmmbumta no It.climiýý» roudad, Ill gée, . J.Ie'.. (ý-..» ..... I..PýIlptwt.tý 1'loi, - - -.--.-- ý--'- BES OR BEÂTRIX. [Tu m LO,ÇCLUD» 'Çai WIRK ý . .I .. I ý1, - 1 ý*,;,; ;i - - , ,t....I. t si",.l.rý ..,4 =ooloolat '10P.11 «,*Uý.ubý 1:» plait.. ID IRY 1 . lm et lm - -Why, mm - » blagins, hie manger, NI- lb()*%.N)CI.I..Ii a,', ilai, __ têt , P, 0 -il ý.."Pl.ýl l'-eth fi.. t'l . Md ne ressasse à" @,ma& amd buim out a-lauabi= __ fig r . ý lý.ý iloi 471-1 el4gwuý.ý.ti.,. S40 II *:lù - 630afà - qý...eý,.eII..,I..,4-ml,.I-lý -_ - « . o- ___ W 1 1-. 1. .1 1 1. .'l"ý.ý." - - wor4tvlno . 9laale Ill Ilt9e, - - _ Cao-$bu& tu «tlkb mmpmy a - gants bmw toi ila [coN"-nmm Mm LAM wZim.1 op a LOO I"t»ldg# - ý ! S .. umumn& 1 Thefs the whek of Uge boyait ,bart 1 . 1 P. , :1, ",.4 ..... . - : ,,,, ý tnu,.. I) v :-, à .: X:-ý,1 :: - 1%RMO& Puffl miar *rd" IMM. .. . 1 1 -- 1 - . %. ý ý., .1 ,."I«,',,,".,,!, èf....-.) %%il '». .-4r,-,e, w»Phi , 1 1 LI. a a3 7 -34 .. I"~ m 1 TRI "Th« gogarci of yeurs in lm ilet lm rour. AL 311SCELLANI . 1 "' BIIi tIgbi'r.l., (1.4to treuillait f'Anba ' 'a t; OrOM 1= 1 0 ai% m- -_ ý à- ,,, î,ý lý . . __ - _ 1 -Il-,, foir - a,* ý-..»o»WWWe 'of q» t bot, 1 Ï.~11% »«IO.. P @m 1, itm.u Il MW lm "@&'Wb'« = t " -'-a 13 the George rodaiens. hou i.H.,i ge, a,,. B()WXA.VVILLE. a . ý mdpmtb@W al te, r,*".;-Oslwt bm.lfflý %Vlèliý". Mi. 1 14,1011,1411 ý W (b(»Obo&Mg.it-la,. I- mbubm y Y« bave Ire - - ,,[,,,,,,,- 1 ) 1 III \,Il y III 1), I.ë; \ l'Y. Il, re, ,I.,.1.4,.Att4lebttwt% tis-ty. ý - Pm Pm - . - leb"r SeyS mind then; conte -_ DT'îý%NITE F.%,e-roitr. - A-Mr. ,.%le ý . 1, ý 4 ý __- 'r.leýnt..»l,-"!-ý.lý1,4,.4. xbv«Wsbxlli,-,ý.r. 'I.Il 0" se dhatmmmm qli carles the old SentW»114 a tlekl,,.bom(;Iafflw. hégéb el. ,ý , ý '. ', .. _ ,. l - .",a ' .. - - a _ý --- - -- - te ", bave Mt au MT wham ddqp "and if y« do lw l , U ed a dynamite and nattai iv . ý ýI.. ( 11.4)ltrllf)Trl.,Isexttt,.lrt SI' 1 . &.,#.ru.L:L,%.",Wb 7ý,.ý wbmdo.y«memtogftthmu, belle vou. -Xowe -lc arec jr C# ... h..I,.,".ý,,,. XIIII .14 ý W HIT11V & Po RT PEPUY Ex. ý MOIS ý- tl ý- . 1 ý 11, i - j . A 14II,*."."",, TaclCýt.,N* r %11.%Vý%y 0 1 .. r Jouînt Il ,il ,I o.,ll, 1.1.,%";.I.ý, il., -Il.I-1--ýl,ý t)...II-"I.;I.11ýI.ý.I4i ý in » ' - the cd plam Lead caffr factory here. a, ,; ,.a \ ý: V 1 II. 1 ,-. a II.I.."?)t III . , - 098m« ft» - 1 qup tma C " 7&K WffldgW 1 shi und Owom, .ýUe y marelà, -amble. rage. sud .V.IRTatim , 1 q- (al .... ý Zinamp gwotot "%bY.VPM«a - m;2 !e lm -:,.ý ý, *l, > l '.. , , : ta lir fi i Rat;.%%. go %%rlý,11-,- thrai le? Whitl.y & Fort i lm It la m dm«lt -devra belle and àfter The grard and the veibret turf in 'P IPLL Wmr.%T. - Mr. Joseph Wil - .:.,.., cotri "iý.I.'*'iIf 1î ýý4'_' ,_-_;ýol rr,,m M.o.%ý.I.-I TI--i-t-,. ilaca tb*ormwl-n,.k I ý III ple, iN.,4oLvF.nT -%cr oF i,.,»-.,5. le nZZ. .1 q ý . - - ', 1.,- il a.., ý,; j,ý,li *".:"",,",. In ý ý ne thltwbard» L'file & Co. lautiontai vaitabobte. W M M RM ý. . M SM M J« ý te tireur thau &U the bat tlli MUY Md UV and trampled an, - loi -W cm. MarkhanI4 bain a ý . - '... 1-1 ý tI.fý Il. .hkI P.ý al ý re-vry $:ýt,,,,-,,,ý I.Ii Iy..%.i troparlible ttqte*.,. m labdIs eye Us brM andý , là..l 'l.i "..I,..ý.t.Ii il ý , ,_ w;W 01 Parlaient Iten serai of egreno luxtai 1! f -_ - __ - -- ý __ _ .- 1- 'ÇL lady Graeme, tari = wnL%'.- growth. »,« thr. test figor lutin ý . . 1. i- ý . a . . el a.. I.".IýIý, 0-PO Attentat, Montabal and quartier, laboi. - .. Se, Ce comeýl talai yon 1 thoIr Ille . id targette Nq al. HXAD OFnCIL RAMMTON, (L it - . Mm Wil-- height.JLýtburminglatobewL 1 ai il i'.. I .i \ %N 'NI ý% \ý ifI%1%1v.,Itltý%1. Ili-bTKI. Vie-torait l : ý . . . ý i . 1 ele . - - would do fer jut »W, the « Boý In Ul" %, ( JI, A _ -', ý4, 1 1 Id ý -1.3 1 ba- 1 Ab'eume.ffl oe" memk.ormmuum V la Pii » fte-m--y« know it notrer, la . botU li = m ber te Pre-lit indications a viciai of L3 bu, ... , ! II't;ý.ý. ...I.1 ý, ....... 7t.al %I. - .!>,y IU,.,.I,.Ilý,rý lý _: ý..,.," l I- ýt.,. .ýe ; a I ,i 1 ,.q".tII. Plo, ý li î ý Tm Pm " cd&kav in cýomi il* _ ami bal autit-ilu -, la - , fralotte ýIIe Ii .1 a tmtmc" O" - altitude, we per barre coýu re&, .. '. li- 1. !ý1..1Iwî ý 0.4. Wk. R te tbb es. ý iu in Company as ,.,;"... .... "..:,ý latalle ontued te bal -_ -ut g Verao eold herge. and mammu at the W W, and they sainte uth - il VI.I.1- %- 1 ,ý.1. ý ,ý.11I..., ý À -41, ", "",,ý"".I.".." ,;l1,Iý i Il, -M by lem# bout sa M" km otjotnimmowmd.mom.ftteammy e tow- .-ý . 1 - th" mmumuu»e. yoliga". au 8"u go te EffiabuMh in relumary. 1 1 = 1 i e fatil 9 Mark] ..410 ý '.. i gâtai plaitis. . %Vh tthurvh 1 - 1 1 garnage waiting tM thaï.- - a murai %1. ID-bl; %1,», %li , "ýë,Ir llo*rKiý.. Kent .ýtPreet, . ai l2e :Vé ý 1.1 Nvebmrvp ,If Vai (kbol vouil Pl... laboo, thw ---- ---- elm -Db lit in! are ail touking VM fine. [Et.)Itol -Iligallitit . XI4,Vý% 1 de #ab autatai m ail the In" C,àxàk»A ]ýý "Demptesdemýu r....t-, J.-h. 1-i 1-e-e-rtot..r __ . _1. . i gord. au ne". in - - - - ,&ý ., 1 .Il, . ...,ý.."ý ý """" Il .h. .od 'I.0 , seo4m ie«. MW an muted ab"Il oae4àmt lm am - Iu womm of Mai glacial. Briigfit)Y »Parklë» Illate trost aillent the . Il.,..",.. .1ob -r'olo, - un WbAmb prie% and tta U.Mb M" be am n"e firtrens. atait dri beantelath thé indu., KIN.$Igj£r.VT. -jl h the hol tàl,--t Il. »Y ho jamilesté cd tir the buevingbm: amYtbi»U M te ho men. Tou a4toultai emm el the 11, ,ý'...".Z.li..IbI..,.« f ,.4 -1 loty .-IPI - - - - , - !-- I- I,ý ,il . ,:..Iýe.,::. t!""!ý-ýý oftt&sle»iî;m IMLM= Cbupd = y suffi The -& illa al, lté:.%'. Fwr.%-rE 1--ivt;s-r.-4t.N-r. Ila. .t.t, ý . . 1. _ý reg-arit ,4 CI.& or Vague. Au Are inviteait te am I~ Umm %hem 4b havre -m the- phils nt. the Dakel Ils Initient, odui as glas». biais au the i Dirlisort. P. LS.. bas fatien here and ý 1 a kNI V% - llib'l'IOI;, \VIii,-%#»I 'it.. ý -It 1 - ', 1 l.1. fý.,.. .;.,.Irt t f.,n.,Wlnw.days ,eloi fable thl .*il .mw m 9 gowns eYery .. - __ ý . , 11)'N - , l' Irder af' .%-Itr'ýC, foi d4K"4m of .. lieuvens, satellite It. larre and therge twini 1 1 ) .., 1 LI. .",I..tt.q, 9. 1:.ý.,», lI1.1 ,-ý -a -I Ill.. Iý.le»lè.ý.1k. ý41ilP) globe Y.'ur froir fty i, * 2»d. la hm the bxwe4 bumb» of Mr com. . lazid out Mr. Crexo,..i property inge .tl" 1 ........ ýI-I .1111 Ii ! W, If P. P 1 ý . hwin dialoguait points of light. allaient ,se loll and the), art- bciug -AA ý , . a Il., b',,,ý i , lb_ .. , poil in Calcul gargere " te affSd liteau, 1 ',vond f ,abatte te abon with gâflée Vrai modelai Pritt-'-. Alo ait evid ',.ý,,,I...., >-- --IIIl:1-,,ýý;.I ., . ,% 1. de- - , t..ý-'l-ýý IP', I.I.... I'i-t'..ý Il" , I ,a,.. il. à. mec A ]a 3M. The P»ft Baignai added fais IIIIIII .- . . .; ...i -1 111.ýz l'Ill ill . I.P- t...ýtt,., . V% ý, , ,.N, a ai JA»Cial nq 1 liririx. zbu . und lý ebmks dut tell barbare the berring ni it thcai are .calerai, pub"fai whe loi III, . ,> ýlI»bIllaIî. 111111i .4>V«Ruunlm lL nPbýer #bain Zhen by My «ab« . cw.pmy la . glanai an nousemal à S lie baguai il bought.;ait-i intend ert.ttilljg hou,.A ý\ ý P,:, l 1 1: ë' 1 * K K -ý. tý,,ý!i-a t %. Il ,.". , bIP,.1ý , -If-Iý,1_ *-lèý11 ___ 1 -, %%.P.*.?" . bl Mab"Il m 7à..... 1 .n,,,.#.ýr «.t ut a larartablait, IIIIIIIIIL . âý.- 8- ta JUM » chmp Io maire 'l , _ _ - __ - ý - . III ha. liboeurand gigot proba, Mt osi aile. bud one--?, uP » a An alignai; the garet Paganda, the ;,iill% once. il j, a w,,j t niticit . :,ýý , : 1 "" .':.ý::'-' * 1 Iffl N 4 1,14)TKI., (!orlto Yî,1îf .»d - -- , exlbpiýà all prumm Valysantai sigts, m calgrieigna, a" bernais am feedinaï-, .%, ; th, piropeil bâti crie, hbi ý 1 -.1 .... 1 ,-1 'f 14li 1 , 1 1 1) .i%.'ID RA-1 LWA Y op CANA. 1 ---- - - --j- --- . ),\ý .; P )ý l 1. ý \%'ýll.,%.I, 1:-k i I, le...," I--Iý 1',-ý,.",ý%.Ir C....l 1 IL PA 1 ossinuf4khm Iiii = . )MM the hoWer m momi -ni- chmp 10 w te ais having thiai -de op ' 1 PI. I ý-. 1. ý 'l.ý N 1 But a tond drem allaitai In nuit m liock of durit, hi sai -il out lti hav'. lit ... fi 180.1 ist ii,0 higit t.,ýt 0 I., ý%.bI'i b"d .Il Primate svml&zab. RAMAT. P. CL 11:ýý. m.héme.» «»ng the rock» and ULW'n.d. of the il as te -crili riti the pr.r4rt.ý 1 ),*, , ý - . 'I .... - 'l 1%ý,,,k.,lbt.ý, i..,lII-ý .,.a ý IýZIi - ' - _ bay- ! tire plate. [Cor. 1301% lndepuit.letit Êôî P19ACVCAL q ey gagebrer e Ym out the .«me.- One »UtuT bit& large and white. 1 __ -.10. .. . 1-1 . .Iý.,dý i,."I.,e,ýl I.ý ,,.ý.." - - ---- ---- ___ - 1 A* m Pmmdem& 'Ill .i III 1 II 1 ":-",1ý,«1 ,,' ', ý - .. ý. ý 1 1 . I.ýýII';ý :.",P,ý . ý T'ai lattai Os &M%» She In talon garni- - . ...III Wedn$May. 17th of way; 1870,. l GU M BIE ___ eTlTmomT erous te toi hevm overbe" in thé blue pi---mj:t, .à.'o.t. .,oç,Kuqi , J-L-ZMUM 9 ý or "m " k»WW"-h»ewYshe *rmearht&owuà'slheer e&,,à*"re.,"Patienngtloy,"It ,w,,ait,»,,.iiwb!Jep,,,csr- , AýMk.'Itft'.%.ý« SILVEK. - The Parti )àý l 01, N jýjjfàql-.-ýibN, a' ttusilito.,s trards. ýx".,.e ý »Plait. ý xix.m. I ý ý 26TH m -m ,,,, 1 .1.,V.,VI.Vi.*Iro.v. d : .".. ,ý . -i 1 - ' - - - « - ý ý bal dmmt mer te Ma. Io 'and lanoline" men of thk village . 1 . . ý 'I . : l'Il -gý.,Iýý." S:tel..Mý 1 __ -- a- thama da»hm P the height with lý . i;i;.i =.%P,., i - 1111" dame VWlodliâ. whim. ber buhW-+ com- ý e a e 1 ai 18" belotiale liguai arobu.-t 14 .;::Uý) ..110 in, 1 il lu 19 1 0 Ir PWutb Of hie «tmvaguwe ma& ber , regan6 the sa -. er nitiý..utce anu r...,c ý ( 'l' Il 1 . . -. . %%IlI:N sl'i Ni.1l'. 1 l!i".ýý.k .. ,ýi4 imitumathi« 1 "0> .. 1 1 II :>I:i)ti;:. %l lb . Vi'y ýte'..." .1 1%01,twr 01 14*roa» ldoom»o& 1 IIIý.,...,ý - .':;à> - tint) J..Iir ý ý- capatain Blount; yen wou't ièý P, %V...eý,IW. a,.,$. ý .4",. ý:.ýIb III 1: to ": et ... -Xtmogdiady Arthur bielait he h" the : = a diaconat of twenty- per fela . l l . ... 1 f ili. . 1 . . . .ý".,.,!".., .. ,:.'ýb ý -.1: illi, , , 1 . flerbeai are te 191ff T V A L brait of ito and procellais te deliver a biele a t Rire t sonth of the canbiilver, fand foui pur Celui 1. ý .. . Tweed! That féHow las mm ail the; Briti:h .-ilver. The liew reculai -::ý -,,.i,,I,,- 1 1 % ,li 1)%%'IýS. lIl.k"."..l Il ,,.j,, .. ,,i - e into lem 011 .%fondai %;ý. . 1 _ go*%« et 14*?rta P.»*. %% ...P. :.- Il l) Il ,.i Il Je Ce IGUM M . - garni frSu Aliala te fiogh the" waters. ý Cain - ý'-l tý rai l l,%r--Jlý1ýr , it,- 1-11 : . . 1 CDU»bts la bavlan the belli of everv- Soi, ,,,, gala lie gom!» crie* the old 1 laitave!l far workeoi weli. .lit :uj ' ' y te thé purgions thut econon'y 1. 'l ý\ _i 1"1:. III 1'.. N1.1, 1»ý - :: l"I'f? :: a,ýl, Il 1 LIFE INSURANCE «W UT, thiug--thiffl tha Tou knew, - I . land a dimotint of tventy per cent. L ý , ,4«md buthoing botbuath ,If Mr. P. à. Ay ?W 1 _ à -Cp, Il - ý ,,, ý Axe ý Il , standing »lot -*tilL wave look I= , .tb,.,Imllbalb. VIIIIII, ',-71':ý.I-holffltltr I'ý,,,- !lial? - ye, -t-â" lo l'Ili % RY. %Vý-ty, ý : _ J.... 1 ... .. l the ohé pinot engin, ai ý wemý e noyer 1 SP rieuls silve-r ois the ý ii .:,ý'.',.i ,..ý, ...... 1 (...bl\q. '«bl_'11àEý %tiý,.j- XiIii. - Mîýe_._ i -= . ymnmy»azmpmu»Dm. op, 'op! now he huit fourni bis plattee ! put lip-ýit.littt. 1 . 1. ý;..-,ý.., 1% 'i ".I..",". 1 I&M ý. ý . 1 -1-7. 1 . l '1ý 1 ,,, ý ý-,:,-,«",ý,ý"1","ý, -, &' . = ___ ___ - of evm if te è"et 31 i aiguille and a honnie ai..§ nmv. 111 ý day. fWeigagier. .. . 1 . -.. - , ...--.--..-:-- - àmlbqm»mmly * nErpim 1 1 warrant him! Did vti«.h ihneair the noioe 1 ------ «- - we..r.",ýlýodeýt llu;;»*amýI j..Ibp,.& »M.Uh.1.11twiv - ý All vu .VILLBRO(jK. cW 1 1, l'obaull ,.ý!.qTbt F.-ar exftute& Ail Aoi wumwd Preulum ...... ...... iinoý4ii age _ y woB. but garbien the yagamagg he magie 1 Did yen heur gîtait cigale, r, j4l Ni lo. -ti ,.,..Illllr. ý -)l - , i 1:00r 't",U~ k,». llbrombfflimwitbthealm al Il Il , V ýl," NI . P., %If,,,qtt- II 1 ngýl iar.â.ltoinu laril leuril ........ ý ..... su.au es Bilan of the £fmaüy la et thb opinteIL III 1 "W» tha reput trons the birl ..I, 7 . ,,,,..'.,-. Iý,:"I, ý Ji. - il '- la. al'.'il 1 I.t ýde.t;:ioal» the U-wr.wbld hm týmmeaud , Moi.ýON** B-%-,çK. -The nain, agpn ý 1 ) ý . . -- ýt J"t. ý happe- mot mahupuady thd lie puats, ....IlIý , .. Z4-9tm 87 I crise Blogamco 111 showght il w" a gabot j under the manîXý;ement of Mr. c , 1 , I - ilý-4".Itý-ib ', 1:» '. ,P ý 0 IZ.-t.ý,:,:- - :40 III Tend Bereima ......... ý ..... ý.. it out 09 làge pow« oit the otb« Umm. - tmm the oppmite silm.ý ý . . 1 I 11-. - !, 1 . wolotiffllital Il i :îi I e. i à .. .É)I.f;l, . , \Nil 1 à 'l"Pi . 1 W M L RM MU R& ý, D.Pdh i.,.,."wwitm rnl&. ! Cliath. 31r. ýUex. Femusent int il 1 IýI. . 1 1 , ( ,ale I* 1 3:06 * 1 ,4:30 III 1 .............. thur for Ay, It wu the bird. They seldom ý putti= tala a three-.ýtoft z . tif a 1 G LN S", NI ý - - , . ý - ý luiým té bon ta ne hi accordm» with lit Il .. .1 . 1 . i . . l- .""I ý 1 1 a ý",r"ýy 1 3:U ', l!Ille - 1 r = )." Pàw ler.owrend«..Qt . Bois garni Mt bila this te A cSw m fer m thi» till about thaïs natation 1 tirent of Ci pi. llo%%-oletl,ýý K brick 1) e Ir N .t....,., il,, Ph-, Pli a... III .... 1 1, V. &:os .. *,lil .. na mm j" Pred te ý ott,4e, a pw ý- .III J)VlI,.;,il-,, i I 1 .«Il q. .. @A no, céaltail m #lie ettantil i Pou . .......... ..$M.tm 34 the wSidv but, in her heurt; balle rebelle. 01 Un yeur. - Mien you assai see one by 1 which will bc takentthe batik. (.1-t't -1. -->Ver, pàw ilmm plu .. latibies a As flair but, ho la alrassady la a better laisantell pi ùequendjy. »metime% ý AseArf»T C %,l,ý,. lot i I_'. -1 ,,,a.',:",',,» ,-»I ; ", la ,,,,»,,!,-.,,;,e ,.* ý 4t ý; :*1 & - a, ha, l' Ii 1 Il ., ýt v- I.,. .- - 14iil),,.ý,k II ' e .%»y .ni,!e rermini,ýe -ne aboutit affer 1 _ Tuestalay AU;lbi W 'Lit . . 1 - - I "a' - ': le - ":tý' II ý the mi-,ý h-ýe lýn contaillartold bal he sohé for, ý paâââ sumud ý humour. 1 tire. net gatten guettait ait a tiagrai - Seuil. of (,*i&rtwrilchtreysion.ýtrateft 'ai qI,.t,,t4 Abli Il. - flattai .4 il. ,. t! % tr 1 1, (*,t)t! 1 1 II, ý \ & t*o)ý. el ý 11-rtit.;ý..brrl.el -.,ou .. ýýý 1 the fil Id Teng". ý 1 mmt- Md Aimmi".. jé'w 09 #àa.du of "Ton Pabouid. have tarai thune girls at ' Vu n Ton, .%I--IAoit fiir ili- S ;,I. ý. - 1;..., >:".P, % ýl, I '. , ýi'rIIýl"t..ýý, ý4qbbilfqlý la , , - __ _ _ __ As la )a%- heen regonflai tha.9 the un.leri..,neýl 1 TOW«ammi«BVB. .[à%. the Barrow wood-pathil Sir Charles . attached te a .-art, and vi 'è., fI"..I. PI, Ita, l'-ýo.If't.. i lie talabli 1bixIjif"rtàuuý .4, - them wagre awfuny pointing laither and thither ao; he peurs Tain made for laina alibi succeede ,oi [ 1 ,ow 'II i";, . 1 A fot-nitlaq P-% al . ý !:,ý..., et;». t TtZPD tracasse, ... ....... l'if -,Iý-IrT.n... 10-004-.!n. : 4.00 P. M, 'e" le % blie bu the revoit il carlotiragagil O!U-bnWm .... ......... @"31@ýM 'l *,Ob, teil me about your vigait tigelle: oits plant, and failli ý the mai ira 4itinx a zooli ,iyd j ý , . P. ', . -- 1 1: ý: IIIII, 1 1. .rufle 1Pg,1ý..l - .... ilil" jI:.» .. ý . ý ý - % ,li*I,..ý Ilý- ., ,7..,..." , .a., ý1. "..., - b:,ýl .t Itetoi lko»Il, ý . ili ý " abalgrier ornée a tenait te un, arail 1 ý ont tales of I,.,I..".. 1- .......... Iý ... al. r ....... i ý11. t% a-0.1e.-Ii Il, , .:,>.I,.iâ. ý bli :: i 1 -al balleil he Blomt hurry aimai ont of the 4,le of 31r. -otts -1 1 1 ý z , ' t,.. .... I., J. C. C.RFF-q. ! pollible uçoupama ACLML-.". Lfw.14friýe... . V?:. .ý. II " .:te lânoi-bay. Jan. 2-thi 1.s.7a.- ,SW,. I*V»d à" adumud ...... om = » lambella te he.r. XIIIIII, b.e,. .W . uplit allie rt-., - tilt Bee and ber bratather arbi left fer - ffl and col. ý .. il 14141I1IZKý 1 règi - - - Infaillible ....... ................... 01--l»'M 1 trial werge there r eries Beelo I', - Ill 1-ibýN ', .', 1- -,.a P i.1 %.%I.ltlt4)KF- ý ti,,i,%iiz4..t; xzî. , idi.ed. ýý . sai : Suintai if& Foire, Dm 33PIII, WS-.. tun 1 1 en bellaind. . -_ ---.q.- . ý. ,ý .ý ....l W 1 . ., P;..,ý' Iloi l'Ill, l'If th.. %,..?.'le. -_ - ---- __ __ ý_ i - lm tee: , ln.urmg ........ ................... #m-.41= ý mi hýeý 1. an M«M.: lie Wh- gîter roi the trvstini . , , %1.,I.,.. %%. , . .; .'. IZ A, % 111M.'». LkP.I,&,i.mrg , ,,.,.,.;7.. ý êt. ea*arbu.s .. lit a-,-,. nu 1'. in. - - 4.;lw Wer 1 Gmu.t.im. ý...Ü.ýimiu .... %»,224M Plait i in Mo n.I.d . . filai one is'waitine Confusion. tallit. r OVIL (*c)I.LD-r.tzi.p. The ai --ý .i ý :::- - 1 - nombied; falle questions, he .ý K - , , . % , .. 'I'.l. -li -Ild %..Wvil..l. r""r."". Il . affle .. ý ý»:3à - 0 1 1 ingo loitering en«el but ait last the léguais Who kindly aii as lataindre- %1." I, ... t ý, I> , .;,Iý,I... Il hý-d ilotl,,,, ý4Iit ...... la, ..., k: CI _ ., - - _ - Set elialtair of eAknes 1 rejoins with compheene.v, and lar the 1 - baud ', . , .. ... .. 1. i , ,«l-, i o 4T. CATRARISES 8.1 W Wo filer eflicient han&;ourl-;tair, h..vinigitrii,,at#ý-Ito ilýýI %I.I, ý .... .. ý 1jý :I .,:..ý 1--ýZ- - ai ii 11-pe.41rt'eý... 3.7l'o '. - ! 2..ýýo ': ý Ç a il tagandaitalicar and lit ý 1 ligne th« breakfast le over, the li in ý = týU:etno; & \1 l'! Il Il, ! Il%\ PI, I .... 1ý ld - - - 1 ---- --- ý quitte gagerambe, the peau@. 'sire fer illibelloitilieil %ve -leýpstche#1 , 1,\ 1.-4 1.1 %, g1ty ý4TA 9i ý Il lm li-rit it%'t-ri.. Il. a IPAYLtiIit. ; 'i form DW$Iât. iris. ,, . "Ill,:. ( 1 IýýN la. (Maoi - Anhur and bis Muer depart; for their colleetor ilito the .ý.jitatry. lie ýI . - ýI. - ý . 1.1 ,Il ý I'f'r-ilelbt ".."tl.,.,...: ]IL lu. a igrr ýL&.Ct- Il. ý .. ý But eue Ili of Invitai eyes bave ettaist 1 stationg and Captain Montait 1 . elltiPf»-'-l at cýonýÎ-lentl)le expeiai ý . . 1 1 q I.. I: . 11, ... ); Il I1 K ý07 a, 1Iý Vif. 1 III-illaiti ; . r .z StAiléal. al ý . . biaud Ta- . 1 more thm one sanxiol glanage * marelicol _'. -1 ___ ___ - -.-- -., ý 41111- - bée of morwily, - talgagargagrais, ý ýff te his. gantier eseort. 1,ý.'o revolver,, a II il. itlife a j.jai 1 1 -_ ý . 1 à AddÉtur Filet), smemeur i ber IIIIIII-fiedgeait , . - 'Il hivai ffl -1 .0 hi". al ,al Internes ail I, _ nestlingm4 and a simple Argthur*ý pabas in net fer from the coi fliastt.r. thro.o, lite lIreýr%.trý, ai "Il ý Il Il* 1 .. , .. , . ý.;,:,.f- , a". 1111.11el'..1111.1 ý-,.ItI. 17N101.9. 1 ý ,*-rl>"ý»ý _.__ 1 77, ý ý 4AW11 lier es«i .... ...... $7,782»-.3 00 ý wile hm hem devilled wherehy Arthur gage, and la§ oom reaehed. He smCagi .*wort.,rick.qn.1 a rxt, -ztgm ,ot ,. . 1.1 .14 ý 1 6 . 1.1.1,11.11- Ili, ', ta 1 1% "a lomboeil adjumed aM t and Bee maLy not; he lm oftin uni 1 1, _ fi, rit,, . ý ý LI " ý aile- foi PlInt. nos due ............ lem 06 1 4be bottai up and down, and an ]III .%'tlldwiit- for the Itr-,,. Helai 1'.. %'\ . 1 )l ý NIV'N'I', : 1.1 véi réi bond ý - 1 ', ý ,runa TrIýet-. .u. iurbed In ewh tartares compmv. ! gui by--- abvav for tact) w-,.-.k,, aitoi ail we 11, ý%9.VrNbý i K-., ý'- , L-Iý.,I.T.fl . . ý .-elle -Nian,,Ifaeturer «»Iým 00 ; IlXv pur bov. be mea» ho harmo Oreji»iormily wüd whoops break out re,-e't%-e#l trongt, bit#& i,4 the follo*inu . ;l- . l but t&-j are huit sab youzi and sigle a.-* 1. . ý,.,.. I.... a. .. f%- 11, it,ýI.-t Ilý,,ý,-ýý.".i %*ýhîe1w , ..ý . - P ,,ttbej. rtinir.bient SurpbuoveraliLLiUlbi« .......... ajos'm ou 1 i ait différent poinssa. and the prolongeai oh! , ".,.I.1..,>Ii.lý pt.iptm. 1 'L lmin,ýedch.nu.i.»k > . su e . ad i, th, life of the collectait . ý ý . . . 1 P lý J, .... 1, 1, , . 1 Il.. Illl,,, 011ili f ... ..... en-t*ul IiIii ai-0 interre-bla eurmd affaire lain . ...... OMm ce romping Jark and Charlie, m fable ,, P; . l', , , - , .1 - astly Ird. 1 bal lar rather sele ber ý ery of the bienters lit, heurd. Dow far in 01 a ni 1-irimillatinir rse%,r%.paijaii 1 __ PI 141Y ýtt,,I-iýi , ý IIIII, li-.biliat. Cebli 'Ilobla 00 th distance. Dow startilngiyi aune at yota eail ', e 1 P P ý .,..... ( - 4 n'LI q 1 r F. N NI 1A L - Danu, lemm,"rinC ,M ...... 5r . . lit ait intelligent ýuemwri ,ý. '. ý,,- 1 .I.., . 1.1 1.1.1 f,."" ...... did a thon &I'mk>'n in Ar' band, but nothinit prettients itelf. 1 . ý ý . 1 - '. >ýl_î,._ , : ý- - -J!, ý. -,-ý et&% "W. ; thiýW..%" notional. and trying te lie i Be, feris il .Iightiv And Pliait laint for the Il of one do . ý ý . or. 1 ralenti of intgograitait "raid tintai &M* - moumnoL-. boit When with f.%, ,ligooting forth a ý ,_ 1 41 V IIA : . - i..« ............................. .$Stm 00 dy Shi% bar tells lier aboui , .10,,, net like toi «ai se, and aiguiller . alair * . __ III NibilitIF. ]EX 13 1 B IT IO N ! 1 In MCR icq NA? , Ili the Sid .1 ., ý ,1i.ý .1iýI,,b'. l' ,,,, 4-P 1 l ,hua;ýýtto ForerMhuadreddffiLine«de" Bai hall alieidy labligna ýmfflblDg Of: heur ,il zone. l. ', An-1 protrtidiant front hilo head like . 1 T . . 1 ,- WO*icNtÀw a »le 1 .AT Pmn." Mjqu& ; != Y -ýý'i." "V, Z.1y. ý tobtion, the coublitai eun" miel, ý the BSl mumer. . 'Two o*c!oek.- soi Arthur. 11What tatair. . 1 . ,. 1 ý... - ,- 1 1.- Il. I.."..: ... 1.,...". i,,,.,ý,ý, Il , Il old . I - ý ___ _ -.--- .- 1 eia ................ ý ....... ...... 109 1-- 1 -inhw.h» hem relatting te ber hLq 1 InoaU the worid- 4 1 .4..".,v PI. It.ý,., -'l , , 1 Il ý. .Iý - 'I'..:,.. -1'l-11 'I'. ý -, L.,-1, ?-', 1 , adventures with one Vai lady i . lie wili taxi: if cou laite laitai for a 1 . 1 . - ý II I 1 1 'f 'Il Il. , I. - .. ý,!,., , , ýl 1 1-'.. vI , lý irsir. IUM #.Allvib IMAIILWAir P ,brxiisg ;Marbtm . gogognal sansois d.d«7w7.- .. ........ m.m eu! a a 1 Bang! a .ùtgW report. 1 ý lionair; - - . - - .6 l dogrart. and @bowling rue infirme meubler ý IlThat tells Blount! That -Jit)t ,Iid Ur tell voit tu 4o te- Philadelphiar ý . . ý 11 .... %I- .., l .., -'l'.. i -- 1 1. 1 - .. ý Il %V -l- ne* li %#).% Nqý» ýaetl"IIg'm the ilar,4-e . > -,7:---- , FDxpoum durtau lm .............. 4"-'w bas gargulSd for faim, white he derlartels -, I, .. '1.%311»BELL Ili X&uXà%B% . ý Bzcom ut Ignorais ewmd etrer F ý he mua not forget the g1faves he ab"'e 1 Cries -Ulthur. ai I.... . .11. , , , ý , , "..r. , - :*,..,;, :., ý , ý . ..... Il _ %,ob, ...... IIï,,Poý î . . il - ! exillegation ! Thev will be here fui ' And ttiený, , ý .. .., il,ý".ý' , - ý - 1- a :. . , , ý ,,;ý'. , , c - . te a thir* sol of the thraloge III, deelared bligiet. liée. and dotai voit -tir. 'K-P With a heàri like a wilte-1 (.-tictifYi ý -.1o"ý.lI..ý,,ý.. fý.,,ý,ýý,,ýl',ýý91--ý"ý'..ý'.. SIMAUM -l«»UMMUN.* l 111l"00VILLE. ON-r. ý imçu ............................ sii&m 09 ý Con- lit And soi vottrýýelf with a jolly I , , I*l) 1.I%%'i ta,ý 1,'FI. , - ul Il %N huradred doilm ot Espeu- , . ibil .Ïth the ý ý ý For- tObe**iwftUyiOlivaudft'iPmlly,»aud!behindthietre., --Ih:thatlittievrerch. ýwagr. Indepen . Vý ....... .... leil eàei;;;;Uu Cîtv - Pi the intentai me d là gigot this IIII Chu«e! ý1 . % 1 , .-ý ý . agétap wm IM 77 ai la giron te un eraltand . teintait in lie illettinx up hS pipe .'Ç.ticFce)%%. K-wmi A, few days %, I i .-il I'P:Iz I Fle, ý ý ' -_ **W Yom &" IU«Ibe» con- ln4wý MW nuit dmum la Min, - m rapprotaied thinte ý for! Be quiet. voit impertinent taille -. Wvid G.ége hall, a narrow el .1 ý . :ý , --t - Il 1-1 '- , - ;ho%. ttre tru "Sil»ýý t.eý.I'..ti am . 1 Grilles .týmb. Dee. 311% id.»$ ........ 49,M.»t 00 9% by Wu .%Il 1 . ý .. '. Il, I-e 11.1 ý ý -4 W of beug frkpuuy,. she le 1 ape!" "marin laill brother, between lais front firoj%% iiiiig. He nos employ - 1 ý ! "atm IM»ýe c= 1 0830219, 19OW& 811903R. G- àmet., Dm- 3làla, 1874,-...... -'l -*'6 ai garrilug m the Daïenport titillai the - Mr , 1 . I lililik 11,110 111 11.111C.W ; . j taleth. - - 80%'d'- -tw--ivaill. and a fittanti Tbmd R91111 EIC11,961 Ticicisi C.i.br.uýl ý ][orteil et A-sýets Pilori IUM, .... > ta&5t$ 011, yoqmg - eý In. a" look» lait with CI-taffle Continue* te yell, yell. veil; ' drift wèod having -teennaitlate-1 aj% - - , - - ý rthur In iretting furiam»: -uddèniv the -,top-1c)ý,,ý of the 4ide lie rabi ý , . ý 1 - 1 avring Icombil»16 il . WC-.iAtail - - -1 . à littlé, Mmper. wondertug why cheyare 1 4 . . . ,il - , THO& M IS CASH PRICE UST. (;RIATLY - l- m 140i B«v«Wmt 'RlMcmtheymmuby ii;measoft-nL-,tluW. a gentille Pit-nut thestop-lo 1-I 1 V'l , TUMM K«lt, lnýp@Mr. _gpo tr» let il titrerai Ili CD RATU 1 ___--r ----'--Yât% dawdling about lit thm way the whofe en the moésy luth; he puta6 out fais . Rw iffel . - ea Dr- PWLE- »Omw E-b-- mmmmg the day la he» erl . ý single, and had jiist goc. up the la ý Il ý l"Illa fà»rlb. 4 Illiblattai . . . $290, >,f."ý, th. f.ýIt.,.Inx tonai 03.: i Ak.,.Went. for ab* ail 1 _- _ -_ band and touches Beatrix. Sbehas the loge lie intended te raise wh -,tb.P)tb-b 6,11%,ettý V »Itëtlt tell , - _4110. de. " . 1. . IlIl ý . . P This te Arthur--at BlogmL sera il alreadv, the timid CMtUre, ail ençleaverint., to lirevent a -traty ,a i ý, t'a .bit 1'.itv «ri't'oet-4. 1, do. il la de. XIIIIIIIIIetall . à ela %stlýe.b.Rtwilý. JIKTIIý%NV. 034931M i %ad egW t __ý ý Harry repliest la gSd faitIL la. 1 -oThe ý Confluai trèmi)lhngý and suspicion%. trom going through the -ligle', hiý 1 III de, do. a 40. - - - a a 1 ,ýlibý%V. %vllai et %vKwrt)N. ý Umm à Umm own a PUM _ '. __ 1 bosseras are Sdy «mmbling actif, Misol, ,,.,p ïnt*along the quiet openingwhich qiipped aA lie %vent head firlbat int li I -l . 1 ;.,- Iý.j P 4., î,.-,ý 'V'. O(,"#% 1% *140 for "touiting databorgal, . I;'.-t1.1ýl,%. W.%I')ý%1'.ýzttrNr..Prrtitlb)Rk),, iffl"ý, 1 1 . * . Mt te famart fer a quasar- , moly préve a-zohéiter fgrom àgeny and stracaut. He pitatil.ed exal un-le 1 1 'Il, ; .%"il) ilý%birFliviýn. CANPBM à XCICAM -£&" b"x of 1 G-'»' - - 'Irr Y« containg te illes l lieithi 1 1 e x Io 9A*I%ý 0 ll$tbite lier wl.adow » t'of for the IIonývMetalle III liabb oen«u 1 woodnib. OUA. FA la Pola 8ALEUVOW" 09 faisoing. ý ter of au heur. - malos of lai %volatil, w1al %%&% i 1 > , ý l, , C P , . 1 II ', 4 of tg de (10. cital. " es, ....I..itiý..,. .If folort tl.,Pe ira porticultai ARÇIM tIbbPIý- iegp-'.51w,,," ew, '. PARRM. &&bd unoffr . 1 Ha! what in that? -Semething fin- vivifierai iie-fore lie tould exil I, 1 ý te le le Z dgh " " Ils: Ii 1 e I., .... Il Il Ilo, tle,-l exlille foi Ur. clanat. Pl = 1= 1.1..etrtv«Awmt.-«A-U. ý 3au Grume laugba et the idi but I midi mmuething dangerous? A piece him.-elf be Il the drift wood Par 1 lem t4 dit, il*. " 1 " » Fi'ger. Wm . ý --.----.- ýl-.- .- S'11111(j DF l'ili"ý4,ýfE FUNDS- Ail *%lier faistal "Mul lotir, la propor. l 111!iijio" ,[ ý A '.RA,"b. ,cH,à.ýNLcz,-, .e». wl ýý ber more solthiogieulga"d brother aP' I of red amorti the graten, a spirille atthe-li-leattl went over. Mr. . 4-et. 4 proveu, ý - -ed #if ,ý,ý'..ý,ý,ý,.,, , tg PORT dopï la PHIMELM m KM ndie among the gargackens. presti hi, parre-oeute . -hou Id 2 XPL= ý "Combas 310q& Bee: yon cm amie te 1 Dore site venture on? One -,-.- ,- - --- _- ., - l out=" .ed= PW.ý,Lie;;. »Iendfi throuffltout and fitl)v re.-oi 1 1 ,rh* labelacla quatalligt IIIIIIIIIIIR à%&% *Itsd& . ý - 1 the top wootL at Ilà tavelant. and Jack ý limb la estmded, the grâtreful bealoi . iii LiKr-c6 ,- ý !I, Iý IIIII. Pý.-ý,,«r' ,-Nb# ý.1tý-t the 144brapil And iup4 & 1 -- - -'-'----- l «ell. Ont --dr" 1 ý grül bdffl yen home." il periteuntri%-cdtfyke-;p al the lit) ý 1, ý .. -. 11=11.4.0 f Il 1 ', l Ii ý..Pt. - t- agébai 1 li ý,ýetý, tl. 14,IL»Itr.t).hia FM fleuri ut tkket., NýZ£W YRAR' s1w PRICES! ý thSwa upwardS, the ficargeai eyellails wlierehi.ýth.tggt:"f)f beaux lantrin ld, 8 . ý;II 1.ý".IIItý1--i,4,ct)WM the option of Zpili .à.lai - ý : Tjoun Jaeký-oÇàtr1k me r' seamh thé prospect drift %Vouai wiai Ili Pe*knkýepttntorltý tib»llumbm ,..., . - - _ ban ai. ilie, ýu . 1 , . al, llbïl.l--ttIha ,4 Nti Yëbarit or ri",ýým. or witb the ,.%W TOU the Subwnber belli CUIR- i ji X«Pog %= la . Goed i "Wen, " CM oui wfth me. then. ý., 1 . ý ', , Il: - 1. . -d, ,, 'I'... l ý".,...ý i .... ý 19- III, . ý ý The ambu«iïde cowers motiocleý,% lia thiý, way lit. was. ai 1.5t) % \1 ' ý 1 1 ýd . 1 11:. I..If -".1, l,ý ... 1..,.,Iýllk,".Iý.. al ,:"i"ýz eld ý-tt>r)biee ai sew Vork. aitiol a Ms»to*cttht4eèo*cdailkimstbo ý pnt» and -oeil te m- and ni luttait after hei--caWt she. Image ý ""a' Illai _4nhueq finager m the trim r. there the manit, of drift wl»l ýlle4t4li'R ,,ý..",.l 1 e,*, -rPi If ,ýaI- 1.,I,ýil*,? routrot te Phtbmirtlhia ý cu»*,Comowubie . ' . .ý,l,,ý %ll.,et.ýI, mal' mqm the vouai; soverebct4 Sm- Ma-ý,'V tIllI)lý?a.tt em-811 Prfbpert.Y ý'.IP ":" :'l' ,ý _;., '1'lý:I* , 'l'"i Irestoi twm. ý Dalb GS lx, GROM U S ý ý pli, a- iwmx. M. . - rouges a about from abattre, and the dos gether abrave laina throughotit 1 ho ,ý,,, ...... - -l è:,I.,I,., -And . - . t ricady. un" lit a - -p-.- 1 beands fortabrigrai te ber tâte. tance. .%tl-ýit;-,Ihheellierged..-Iti-I , ý .., ;ilIý i->:b,..;.",Il,ý,. ý (,am - lo Tk-kçtý te Xqw Y--f* Ili ClAyni- - - - ,Ibad te ý 1 ..,torto ýlo,.ý,.", ,,du l'y Mr V. P. > , loiffair. â;III at . 90(m & $noc4, ltui)Y.XADIL : VOR sAitz- va6plou thevd-iArthlùIal-ffl «t-du benigu P- That ehot needed mat murh of the ,Iitât:uitb. relatai the shore. al ,ýr ý 1 1 .11 ttl,,I-,,e ýoIpi.,nbb, sus, liffl A» cars. em. . *M, 1 il: Mi Il Catalauni la the jï,7ý Il cabri 1 testiez, te hie MM-- . skill. Within ten vagro6of, çiothel) fiavinx ipeen lent otr birai . .,; . _ ý .£Iillgbtr. ý 1 ta. %Ii . Aý litlon. 1 al tabla, for tai 1 wnr..» ban am. OWM ]LM OMM BU wMM* hiatal htmailthoitimet; = !n%è"lies mortai wounaed. Ille: the whialai balai eïde of hie lai 1,% poooksons. ý Bobvà>we-.187&-«.»17. 1. itr2«Is. 1 et :ïg Ira ý 1 1 ý Z L , e. , , %tl. l'. 1 ý O:e" -bl-ý,t tl'I-.,%wett. -1 . tý ]Ob. IL tu I» ma cul. whlk a afolaid ý il; rm lm br te walh 1 Bon la mm - punir pWpitatlug aides heave more and lattai black witai and lafflef-4 a ý ý , . ..ý l'- i.".ý." ý ___ - - - _t ! hm» mit. Fer n"'Idon 81 » 1 the la &me tu, ftt Thick boui Ga- 1 ùu» faintjy, the murai option and P colors. ut the militante. bv conoi - I_ i N110-:R ,%\Il .,ýIIIN(*.I.F$. H.&M, 1»0@fozd, rmrsanumT. MW %rl".t - - W GRA 1 wr lie arucy» P. OL. . 1 installait 6. em di. i . 1 f Il j with the bottent ut the ýlide ail ý _=_ . ' hie .patio 1 PRO ï5a 'ganý m thme winur.a& Graeme 1 %but* 'a spasagagisa O' stIlotai __ - ýý . K ý ou il, rthiar will ber taken Bee couffl Iobi noir speak, noir ý ratai below. Mî, li a, hitti -iiiirepoi.s. , - - - - - ___ ý bop Io »»Mu the% ho hm - - - l A-iti ]L'u X B 19 IR ! laharla ou Dzslltà _4ý . = Wil.ý 4 L-1 91111D'il - - - - -1 _à_ in .1_11 __ -- __ __ li- - 1 iniriticulous. Illadepen ent. mm OL j P am uanoiý AUX uyr cole- but the l;àý i0ft of t e un r it la shcUd ve Son i7to;7mutch';ï gtimpo. et = o» et the dia- Owen for lm$ Cy. Il,= . 0. y- m 009:- *" -d Oô.& M u Bd& lhe "d in '-Ç- for 1-1-on !Pf."dly .1lb.4 Io Il 7= X;Ztt Z.M. -M 0011018118 et Cb.% toà, -ft la et the keeper'a; and we have r.çbwlifqt ic ?IR,"-CLe%88 PUMPS cbutom FRAWIF armorie% ma hum boum M" A" -XIMIqN Win ye %W r mraud 14 Harry, a" no mmuke.» tive country. A yuan of -ltrong w va JO 'Bat where la yeur ' r took a very psminent pan fur Ou - .1; r"%8ti r Palier »monne. Cebu et 101 yer Dvàý sister 4 b"Soggorr leýmm veut-' A-t-beyremlyy«r "0111. 0" will tur ffl blâge,8411 ri, erything alfectirq the 11%ffl en ainse Witbm ;ý «Y. omge tum dmm;-babý la km "Ba' bu mm 0130818à. Sir (Bother the» ghis! wbat a glah Irishmen, taking the L 141, Ir.$tlttqm,4 psilb by ilbe galb, of PtikÇb> OF M411,4 *ý e== ci. . tmstwwumwitbl fýerffl m ilme sàà ho% un te bis "Cuà» Mo n'r It w4.114g UM111, ............. ...... a" IL a *ide in politie% as be believadtbal YIlk. the Is fffl wb qp»W t*. 1914 ........ .. »e. per foot. lu&-@684L dw em't go walkinc about the 1 that P&MY bis countrYmen coulg '4 e fort imi UINIO, 40 fret, ....... : .4r.,.. pur font "rb th" fut Ge-Orge Or y- tu P-9 wood&.voçL kww, with ail them gans i ex IL to receive juýàùce and 40 tet ...... .. ý »9. pur fffl. BAVE -à Gi»D FAlItU about, and in th" bleu «bwro% tou. rigrs. feeling, a* ne often expi pelf fIx* = leu mai>, M -- MW & la- wr himMf, that they had tried the C, 30 E !, needna fésa- We bleuet lied her.» Vati but "d been dilbaffl ý1 Crau. ]@@don wilibla un sibil a un rd evqSr .ýrr.%Mtt 49t "tui'tntr Mous be "Tm look. thon. 1 (M apil *"tom imumoi marws concilia, mi @boa lm M" .«qqe lm. IXIM 1ýK, - - - , -- see tbat all la re"v. = ,ragiet Hl%= were interred on Sat --e 110-1 IN MOCK AW« 29 01»r -»au-m of aldar Md la TRit LLIE OF x 0 W, '-à a"da -Wen Sie him a t»W 0% thon- te here, a" 4m la sure te moite her and a very lame concourme 09 fi àvbnr" %.f 'ritASIL on 1,4. fta emiL Log homr WIMÉ aume» boa ye in the hSille the and citiserm foltowed theun te, thei ditrr "r. 11. th. way ré..,4ting pligS in the- Rom» Ca Tý --O»Mwd balance m lalle le, An -il *0 CàPtbl'14 '4)1t, tirer de. BeMde% she Irnews it, Cemetery. -[Examiner. tl, -n4. P81. "Mt.«MM MUS F«ftz bp"ly 0 l'x (,*.'t.ý4. Jý lire. I rd" r-". -à 1* ruct bat yen had botter conse with nue- FOVND Daow.Nrm -IAM Sait eiliN the t-h"pr,4.wi b*4 pomp nu» M Sb "Ný et the fflv sur tua dicap- &cp, rn mjL B»!- honne!- evenjac the body nt John Dohert3 f-%,# H@ iI ýM-&béM lupro"a »We "I m hum" eom» à low voim ft-ont w» drown" idMamh la", w" z= 2-1-vlns. pur flqq, wetis mb.. goum --Iii7mmu,16 Un-MAL ldudmw. pole" tOlllu, 1;- V-k. -# ha. miw»nj4.e"4 @"MM% -- fi'f M - - - M il 1 CMM Oy R&LIMMM]g «-'Ç- but l- the d@yý,» .1 yebv. »»à 0%*evtbibg pu# la Wofttou ~ ma ta Un NM mg v«y fer 0£ in làtabb Lake. lit is thouet théât Fer bMie. %,u kwb #= mpww as *-4m what did ffl cive us Sm* a 'ercewag King-ât. bridâe, Dot eu ..... .. ... au «qd«00 b and touchâle hie Cap 0 1 a 1 fS. thmt am were we just bee ftoïn the effeets whiskey- 'tew prp't. ment go waloge fp «. 1 mà"89= te My lacly et -tude- Faust have got IL A 0 tma bébin& a" AzéhsS into the w@& Cm» out bere. "a or, vue. 010* a" bSu drowm& He the "Boer am yen. IrEmbu II are cabg la te luwhecia.- about, 45 yeligra of am a" ummm 0 don. tbom un Yen. bccrffle V* fer m "là--iiilheerentmm Aftharfl DâwAàmy OuTa"r.-"Oue c nom-om»mm D"? Aou &1a, Coule ont 1 mm fiendhéât &et% of wanton de j»ý*Vj«8ý FAIM LU& IR ITSAIT -= ,*wmz "- we hW &» pret: It hm evS been our lot to reeSd.' (jta RK 8 ELKPIUUT »Mir ý.ppt"ti Axr.* à"nqmbglm -- tablez h» beau monching cla the wet tbe.'îorwood BegWer, 11took pli -1 -.4 f-M Mil Itffl,* et*,, ~Ty l» IL «Auculiamm Iloor bddada this village on SuuMy nàgbg la momw 1 J ý,4x-q. 4ýt«. 1, n g jý- 'X. 7M LM a M IMRM -esffl a actir we Weald thimjrý which woulc «Awl ym Mt in bu& atbw&M 'W* em&BM frosa the unsucond bain h- màM » 'b. nft(ffl IFG ohm lm Met;= ZW ;ho wild 1 Niri»L mr tu hie te auchissi. lier bth., isigistilS.» l5k,44 9 m - y a Wmb - ou mm am Aum by Regimbais Arm hâd boue a& a d1ly 1 am of the 1 soulible lm sialis we de un a« UM le un wu Tom Ps mà Want» b. =aà hce oftm eammàb dIIý &"%,= two of Mr. Do haii» aubli hached thla tau of a th W r__ tmamilu& »Arim - bmàmtr» MUMM tbe Ccatostry. Pmm ce tel" 11 BI Mt MI "ne Fur -M cellille a« qpM r «W pur Bw, ews bdou«bg te Mr. John Park oý nàçmm coý m il" :ebwe"m tr&âw tri& »mmawitve bifth te a lamb of thete commmu 6" *0 poub go MP OU bonaba Hffly avant às. iockbe ail bS, Md baloturaffl zb ýe tm*.,ýp om ý-n" ý «aKàjý ý 1 0 Il - lie- mises lier ézix, scié am. te the oraINU7 i & 1 ÊMM-W 0 lablibeaillac ililm,14 1 1Pý%r-t0ry in Jriall Itian loi Il a 1 62rlmlml - IlliÈce aliver Mm Grouiller amothw immedi"y under the' ffl j«M Iole m mon igeu ettumim »Ift A air aime la -Y Am ho la tua lible; làla enier h»at Ma mer la mu»th skiimd, »d m PONIM, Mal". B-U*oomddwb»mukden M* with rem" white and black '-ed t.. M% .11 h, es" W,» "tub otelpfàgv. bu- 111111W Fe «pma - - m 1 ý me -- -- - --F ------ tcÈ à" m the pathever. umbli«mmb in this il nt pwo. go -0. -P-*v wwm. br..i Irab wegot bm buccal m wm toit Wb" iota bu ducat lointaine et a lancy Vot- àr"r hhdm la hW immth now bave grown Mffl tr',44 leur innmtm lier fa blis: mmo4 »d t»94 Md wheo novemmy cm ab a am of noseraDy »» th ViFIAI» @de-oui> wMb s MM qàM «her d* thociiý, but 04%lfè pki 1 1-1 ýw-ré*ww*41Y 1#4d fAth Z: »Mh wlien be&D& The ýVVjMjwK&w iLj=bo igum obles» 11114 lm mai ce 11111I% "MW ot*ffl "0@», * *«*,i4 tom* fam »bonom _M11144%. --mdtrmhe no irem-it dmwbaek &0 its. pfflier mewth m Mt OMM* bmmbw Cam& la Ap- th* é~k jmwmm te kfflwa mmhm wbygmw4wmhefaobnmd a bbemàmdm a dbtbwrdm»tu ta* th" is a p L-0 te dm" l ci Me taud its vala e414M Pepoil glibliquilé es a pý eau aile thsouf ý1o fer tý%67*etwo ,»Ow 10%1111111 Wtwk gomme W mbw& in O*Mimbl bu iw*«w. - -- m iibbbobbý a 3" à àr*mimà»gà*e S latterale Ait c: It 0-& tblnàmbe wamid Ube a ment&. OÙ biMUXý but palla is beck ta hW aunimm. dm@% tilla Imm.. M riiiit b»* tom ou My