1 - - .ý 1 . - . ---.ý-- .-- __ .. . ý - - , ý - ---- - ý . «.ý - ý - .. . - ý - - _. - . . . - - 1111111111111111111111111111111 ý - . 1 ,,,, -- ý_ Il . . ý . ",--., -"b-. - , ý ý . 1 1.&9"tûptoote(mvldtawi cawàp lumým.-ii;- 1 -----ý--------a7ailm-.-.- 1 ktqm .Itm& k_ Iwice ý le 1. , mm" LOCALNEWS-LiTrm mmrim& ew!e W. 'IL deo«Wtv. goggr.»M, "bliq1uol% thie ~ ý = *fil issus Amém TIO»U te teampmaýantraLl "* -= -2- le m m & - - . 7-ý-7 - __ - -ý- - =-= *"> , twm un «Miffl m smvdae les BIPW.Và,,zvvir-LE MOMMLAMM MMMM-A &MW - jc MU.a %W.,. rw Qui V" Md rem" : -.ýf» 06M , to remm on Ille, fondisissime Auffmum -ý.2- A. of IlInDWIX . ...ne -_ Ulm»t TOMPOM-M A" vimda B»d clubs 1 cm@Mi . if.,g.r* *,%»,Qrwf*t.I- "W emwa* Ume 1 ne si tbis ph« m »W la"s = % , le, *Y the 1bdiSil SaBU P. iginm. am.ot &III. Jam jfM, lýfr'Aèet. Jienarne . bas om mere- comomy whimsk subtil Our W» Md Il M 1, rat ý 1 C»PtrZY*wr %tý'Ttn.--,& crieffl outmb 1*411111l'i W :ý W. = Il ý -_ ZIUM .ý le'. -10 A new il - ,08 MMY vissellis, -W - The remua W» 0 rocabed a fiwh atuk et .. .%"*q (4 jour lésw el tebnq ý nit liblillitivi th@ i WU = d t*t%"m tboï I.Indmy and à mý meoý 49 M-a vietoru ,I.? a & d Lý th" bilins netrly t($MPleted. Peter 1 rlttbq on the und of the la"Ils, an aulgnment _ _ we aeiagur ehSts, - . --.--- a" $U frtnttèqtifblm g_ wl .. à0f 20019 PAVM Ils, 9N hem fu'ga-teh.am"entn* ;oooo=AC 1 - ille, Nttbltm»i.-- Oft(Irt(q.yfbrllnttvenin»R r.. ----dý ý . 1111118-0 te gléd te m YotIr eànýý w» a a ý-buffl t-@,,. urtawgà& = a &%* kt of Ir 'p me&- ý %VI' bl ,,,111 he."!,q odffly te4m »- J. Bruce PORI, Ropit ý - owta W" bIl lilte t4b go situliblississi Ils Ott? o b«h mainsau and -entz* .g te thil absence of . . Woodit omis - à ý Pt A" 41MY inà Inn 1 . cbf«pfblm c" b. ý î oi Ihd 11**Ombabrt&- 0 % *4ilmen. i emith.c.4ibtain.. pil. %Vé*ton, wists. nraçm% l)»PTC.Algt.p- Wb . ;11 t W&Y" . = Lm amb6 T«»».-4n. . . j ,e t, ry rammmumm -.On Woftudiay I" phM roýffl11 lllm#bll'mt j* j i III A. Barron, Frêd. 9mith, Mu 1 son -*C h., . ilow lAwny 06 m a t*"IIY tirkisbill , F =M 1 stisimpassissar tzk 1 . ý . ,a poauxcv» loxa- l!i= ý=r. vêtistel jr a CÀ»Rdrl AI 80 MIRReRS MOUtOI408 A» PICTOUS. 'W""' " àto""n ltbur 1 l.tlmqdfn;(.% flest. Mr. Andrews watt wafted up- by -1 FRý,%111111114 , H. 1.16vd. ,qb~ t ý ,W lestam et ýW*7= la IMMM« SMMCBK-The MU frol a nu- or lessilla renideau or the ___ .V -mll »is» jqfýIf IiIN!,ý ,;,I.,I*qber Il, Tttiei,,r. The'Whoenle lisiffl emit wili uilil a% Cm- 1 Ur for pw-" um essieursien 1 ý -1. ,;.-!i-,ý'e- lit, 1~ 1ýt4l nn Suiffla t, L lttiome 1, illupirej Ill -t Igae m ùoatlly allà, fvW ce Our wel, cm villaille a" p»enmà with the fisilowl, %-O W- - e :Vipbm puisi on Un Scus j ý .. 1, ýý ' 1- .-.ý 11, 1,I-'l I .i ,if#MWýMft Ob ý rammim ma *8 1-ffl àiiclreao4 accompanied wil- à ,.- . la sa abinatabre ovelr ,_-, i lkàýTr-pM*t twn, Iby, li î tlf4.b"l,. . Ut ,U"9."eIm - _ A" hm the »My O , ,- j. '. --1 1 tpv.., Àlli-t*r %ttv4 7*0«01 wI-t tb ïï hm b«a sce l-X S the Em Mr. .Iitdrem. -RW. l,;ýIil'r'-i" j,.ý . Ili cý%1#I4,l4 Cà#&-Iro là# »rieop 9 M .l, m# Ille mm de induetim DE« &14-la view j1Usurý surir de- = àlI3i",ý% the douillette su rety. (kt 1.0oftt.1%, Tilt" of l.iibtl%%%*. tu the, .- Sifr.-t »O by à cosni. tit" p@$& It la mné,n"W té lie- luq" , wq AND FOR - AMI& iKoirkt stiflem 1L1létftýY I"tllé'di-t ClýýIV4ý11. A VtIrV 1(41'We ttffl ý 1 « TPW l'kIel') - ý lec m tua I" 1111111k elr m ent, illis, IIIII, .sentiment. 1". l 1 'Xt*(ýir(t. 1: MkllrâtiOlb !Il t(>dhlr-Ig'Mbyd.P OvfrthO tMt il" m,» et &hi ffl m mow : la ý puvm tmmvlctSîa we bave as- aulissi mm Imm amants. Cbup MÈ - - igignatligt, of I,ý X r-eb", 1 eteniNary th rAm , p. m . mmbled m reptiblissesuring the tas Minute bu 1 * tebsse. ubu tIntle mur 1 lambý laissent emrnhMuired .= W of = àm , Bisavertoissi lifý%,r Ilin.1.4. Nfr. ni ,14I 14rt#r hall q 11N lis@ lit C.^».--Oà (AI W cf ffl y. INI). lbunll*r of 1 1rSý 1E COeen-114 -this village and mitT tu a- - - - ouri P. 0. leut ý plisireul lit% oýqr Imble thp l ,,,,,,,,, rellibrristnsit a or ste, " VW . desse: Io ý. , 4"1".O.Yl . of Non , -1&7qz»-ý "["&Of tua oupdmm Rkb-.ýý-Ilorlr"o _ 1 pothiel, roo.ýt Inynur lan tienne, a whieh 1%14 îkbt4m, à -% " the ver . ar ut 1 ý ý - thlti, jWýr4,dIésI, Il lit%* Ail Ille tale# lwft**I%(,hgreýIlb(l maild ilit 060alla wm tlmbm4 et -Flitub whLeh we ima BAT.19--Thm Quarw. M OT ID -ZI)N%'FlfqýZ 1 -IZIOV'l),ý#)Nvlçý,4, j rn«lt;4",I.14#ý.. 11%;ý ilionth ait insibleil il ,ifstit amw" take tWowarM FnSk 1.4 1; K 1 b - ', , land', Ilelthe."th » eu" lissères, liq Sdest P" * AM ýt arhainfnitiliýiiii . t lut - tg m ùjrvim .& lie et a" *0 enisessus X LOU lis cassi, block. on coma of Wou and . illépal, »ýAD cage 19à" 1-,%,,mt hud ali At.illýtinne* o# Ilght 1 drI thé zirtirtil ilissinisit. me ale the te- 1 to ' thissir &album dmL-irbuje& a IL lut, Md 1 -ht&wef«hhWy«aSlLlnlhi«4WOtthO Dtvim.4%.». Lissi 0» aum Suth of COL sew J. jf1ýIt , . r III Il le ýzrê%tuM And Ii«mftil iontté.e. 1 1 qllétat tkf iny rrienfite. Xow, Sir, 1 dn' tm.mp& Goq*L &MROBZU Dý a rende«& dmd fmm mm whitei«thîr au VIqý j ". . I..,. , 1 - >11 1 t rmLý-lb4 *m-*mm ,ium Ch" . . .D-tlýK-YOýr le IýI 1 1 ' 0_ l_. f- Ill. Il# = -lesont, B»u:uuw jân = 100el, Io the belle. . , "y' 1 * %Irpqxvq (lui-li(ýir.- lithe ,qerç,%. 1 not wilkh il, Lco intn the pfflirulan attise rmdllqiki by tw Potbue qui ,.. 1 1 :.. . -e ý:-kIri Qe r.l,,, >r, , ý ýpý . &Chrimdmmuue. .. . - _ 1 . :- ' I ;; Vr4 4qttt;*tý,lýqIV4.)ýtt"-tt,.Illbflnvwlllpný,r(44pl"tti,%.i.Ibt"-,-ýnytlbatmy"lfop»y for thm ysàr la $1ýtmd& = t W . . -dyoSzenW constelliez quau- = .W "ý.-XUAU ae l[IL ý. T. Lia& ,,e=:=, " . . -ll 1 , ,,I:"ýý ,'-*,,A'. rýqtl.,rk, 1.11MO 1%-tlh ý - di«"Ond -.1., Il , . ivai t 1 itltp"%t. ' Thek nbri of Mv friend. vvrr altki ta have the 48 lette than wala av~ _&W fictil the avouvm ý m lustré endiared ;e te ail Who -have ar P. O.-4;6.4p& un a% ià in ubst siburnisigit Wb" 1 'e _y it M -1we --- plissestare of ymramù" tý- C .-AU pulime assis homby r.," ..,Qtev" -%,ttl'ttnqhtbp. Wilïiqik et.. $ý,iil. ,P. Tt-v. NIr. lilli %vlill iby",%flb 1 en" ývit 1q.Int wn. blit on the contrar MM ptrom ymr.-:..Mme& ,ý imm trom the Patue. It W» uad lu& Y« 1""."V. bIntý.. "., 1%, %Ira% iliv ,vi-1. titat il%" ramp ktboi ho ----«a- aulb se bave ~ hmud 7M acticlaf'. mthâc" . Wé villisiblit ablinte J III l'. -;- ,,, ., l"fl -- III lit. 1*ir.It .ýýlttl.kl in t),ý jjnrjjj"jrý And i r __ hm 1 une lu- 0R eurdon" 1- t'ý..,,ý,ý-l'ilý!#%k., . siontieung a 14» fer II ... ý ý- k 1 qlvI,ýtiIe lie% %, ',%ftlrlltbv. the ý tried -,è he ý.:iltl lq Written %t^tplllent of am in ed : the p I grubs, posalobse to L'ive ,.,;"tl,. 'f ,,ý, fý" -, .11. -of humanity and ý - - bis m ', th, ,,I.,r phIttr'r. ,VITI perneh. . ý Ibtiýe the'.1. lin (lefflp intoilly PrAtqmiolb. IUNM#)Vlàvft -.--- - - te rineiples I lagdue UMI.th.lb I= b le -440ýub lussenteil libre 9 the ,111 rell on. &" tre, Mmâ long renstemmisser th. , for Th ý. 1 I. - l ,.".,le".,..,. ! h'li ,,,, i f,,r -0111111 c J. I 'Zd no . mghou. 0001% R1110111111111111l'i bh&M" 2 . 300,11. LOU. ilitillie BÈtààn..Eý 3. il ..., tq, .'l"', t-Ir, .#."I, ý %....I, j "KilqIýq'; 1 %lç ý Tho fno. Ilf I lit- ente are M Welle StPA44 - lousse waboét amaum il au the Chried» qpirit. wh" yeti bave nmdue D ZrMLT. a&». 1 . 1 lit r. Iq*%Ilql!ee. % vard d» md.fdt*&&M,"bMt a - _ 1 "M ýkH". et: le pltke "Vit. o« fini. eâ9b. e ; f.,! t Tt" .n1c, .Ir, liq" niun" 1-len)-tr' hall' ln il%" 1,Ili--,ý report In yolèr pae". mm two, nt the, 611111,11l' etriven te iusm IRW Our hemm vem BLIC âc L ' . K. I.ý --ýlI- tltlf"l open.-d ,Il lite k,1141 'If l"IfIl and 1 r d"I'y NIr. (*,ttII4.r tri pro ta t'lie M . mm*4»MUY OftbO 1100t, OUW 1-qimbl* Ved»whrte.wa* thâlit We Ting et yoti te th - PU __ Ni %&t.; %izer IIKA, Lind*ay, à1ne on ; a = CI ý tissid de e!2 t- "J» T - tes teaümà&W ai 1 't, EXPROVID PUMPS. 1 .11I . ý',-rk ýtrt-ft-, (ln dIf, rivrr IgtilIr. A . ve a .!'LW 0 air la = Z.M.S.pt M.Wé ý . le, Iý1- . != dis, Ili* «Peu-MM eo«," thmsé ho CUM E" 1 tortillard ------ . - - triste, -lem-k t4ilirery deurriplion tIf loin. U., ri 1 _ S ýà Aýap ý a dm quéd-wui A. W .l f% trk, 1 t. 1 1 NIr. I Kxc>qlllgtký.-f i (b..ýrr*ni»w Pom .-The Xever let Olà, allym *ah Mx dissilshame Court " wedr . yo- miryvèl . i étIff . la --r ivili lI",r."Illft ,,'l thek prouiliptt. ý von von Our IL 1 and Th .V ('01l"f %. ('.,titlk.il,ý eltr%%rQtt(si% ln thel 9 of .Valia, ton on Of envy, twm» te hiq, stemm hi, .. in we of Third Ce 1: 4e'rv 111l"diel i. 1 lie neritt. . 1 txlv. for if and Il ' O» MW la ettecit âite Ilh Factoiýr, .t . 1.1 l'. ) 1, 1, %NT : . letkint llIItql),tRter%"Vlr- lit the ln- pnaim nt etrife. 4 ci. or Jealoilfay. Sim- Iffl ,III a maribu, be la ex- - . m bc etimuWed te ý Ceunty .1 N il in uý #*,t.ef lt%,I.,rý;%%Nre, (,.ý-ef-r.ýR'r.. A rein. ý amn r2m ay 3,01IL Y. , 1 Initissi avoir the tire of Diâtrofilleint kindled perte à féw dayý& on. %Ve trould bid you %*liaison pf (*ý%pt, 9'l'ili Vrassi __ _&tobe.bout,-inm , nci f'.trt ilti-lý,,e Il Ittltitýplt-m% nt t lie Mis liait, . pipa :ý7h", with 1bq,@dý *ttrpd ug *Ith 9trire, i LUW S NAM Uffl STREM ubut 1(yor SAZZ :ïm".Ivllle,..& rit 0'olèt (ho II)thýiiily, -iiis,-t",IIiý ,rltýIibttrt),int-Itid migw--ý--- IL--- -tsâdim Mm Andrews au affectionate , ý JEONDAT'l 01p, - ALICARING O .4i * el fassistiveil. tru that ,s on will net a Taille sissiertiment of -Colikht V F % ý li a ild a fpw litenittellib"il 1 Il - ý v if t Il - a . k Pl i i or t W 0 0 Ir 9 t -"«-Y-w «S Z ) letorts'amd friends. l m , & ý 1 it irlb;e)ý thist 1*4t WA# talent «Ill tAlto train jjiýIj.keivand IlIrlm-bridgé mienne "Il 1 . ý * « c imrý.-n'ý-1 , :% jomlerI."%Inq, tir tlnttiiwl "N. ' P.&TRielBe Rn. mm il 1 ritiýlmpdat,.%IiglRafneofrtfatahle- "ST01LVT Timiý-ç in the Conneil t.ham Mali, holdeth un ail in the -§-ai- ' CUM 1FORM Am C11111111II CmdwutwLn r %., tqtt,.I. "'ir Illit tri-,ilqlg.l. il. Brown. q auderuza m -11 ..... .. 'il il, .'tb"Iltt,01, Parther ý i The liquid te ho weü shakee bilibre il,," hW je the Reviewn hend 1 ý illlislillir ý pouvail inz and \ialkri" %% 11110. rhev went. jus, 1W of Hia hand ever limitait, you. and 011)t.iriut.s.ti. j'm,-I;...qlnr, %vill )- WiV#"ý "I.tt ,%.,.4.k,. -draps « ,5. .1 . tIttwil ,lit 1, 1t'l ,ilitl 1 rip of tho ."eatltlfr. Ille. t he put lents te lait,$ a tew obst. the CAU. Atw£rrrjý.-Iqte Bo. Mr. Tor- cache of us event-UaHY te & h&PPY nleet- i Of hils clerc ý ubxtum Aille cm ho supphesti ýýe ."_ý1 - -*,,Iz Kiteet-IIý %Ir. lb-,IIllt%- ,letierirf! hil. . litt-fore, they walk -a 1 am mitre . _ tua. ais tu Lice tu - , of 39ffltrw. bu in in Hearen.-.X. EkULIP, PEM ý aà[ kiuds or trou and other putain, = the ýbo :tm.unù c et. %ild a- 0w lnoirllin% ý > 1 a :ý %Vttm exeped t - ý ilialitiblir of 1 seffl ted the __W ne" Ir V R lq l T 'U R I]CI Nlit 1,tll.tll-. .Ittlttl"i.,41),v %Ir. 19. Iloli intilly lblt'%-ý110 ,,,%-,-n-,,-,tlý* man ina ina.t a, %v.trll,,Inbe, able. tti m clail lentille ,QbtI Paufs Prestiviteriassi cherkeh 3itbrrAT. J. H. Pr 1 nottee. Fi lutter tissu the low«L--$;tk;uL 3. ý ý 1 -1,%v ïIII C."%,e%141 Net-,,iil.,,11*""' ý tliJ(;%,Alklq, lit(wwl. . . N ppre-t .. lit 1 y fi ln of thies týown, and will bé ardaissied on vltl,)IRLÉ liscalle, June 7-th. Wu. '.. ;,,,,t ?I- ,,, , tilt . Itigktbka Beevoi. on . 1 . Il III, K ! thix villagit, and e r glativ ta"Inst the Mit, inst O ý m il . ING lit, W ý! %ri d. a ......... @- - _p EL REAM el -f-1 IPlý-ltelitivrv, 1"!I-'T',, dil îiot letrtik-fflarly adini -ýr Il si dm or tien fi dollV.- P,%.r.%L -ux-mmm.-A ý 1 P. S. ;,,,,..,.."tI., ...... 1 ri, flir.-il Noir.* ...Iti- intr ,ý..Iiý,.,I.*, which %t itli il, iiiaru a ï ý BOBC.IYGEO.V. i (Y-'l,>RTIem 09LTO ýr'I', ., ., j 'il 'if [Cor. Ili. Indepeils é t. bout han-put ý-1-,,,,ýrrý,rrillýiei%..,qvýqv IV', ' "."i !"',tf et el'i ,jead t illl".r 1 lýor,.(M 3 O'elork on k si Juste. 1 . - r4tiq9ci 190 01,01%liffiv. III , , Il 1,-%r. . - Lb" y. »r . " 'L e that the merchants of thia village have ý1 - Xion(fay m1autha -tm£nic.%s Smvim.-We understand ý au l% 1 - Il 'l' et" - i - Tl:q Il- ""P et' OW C"'d 0f il - b dort- -I' A etIl I'illbi)Iirtk %vith the deris, child of Mr. David LLJ feu j « lpt% .,.ý.Iii., \1,%.kIIk-e% Iliver; btit Virlien y re ,IT. 1 ' I_ )- e t 0', i",! III 0.-pr 1,,.ilI. I jý,. ý,j, Ef..V£,rt)N FAUX. _18- lý7ý--r,,,>-#,-Iý.e.-t rhIl P-q 1 1. 4d where it wait lying te the 11OOr- comble ta an arrangement, and derline ta ý - r. ta Il Rod Co., Han. L 1 rt-I iý,-iý,ý,.I"ý,,-i,ý!111,.,,Iýl,-illçl.;ýý ,,-I,,. ,,ýt.gpe,7ý,lýleql,.ýw,,%.rtýzt(,Ittýdillehmlt)-(if A lltbw.- b'ýittay hélait beinx r Thoulth net in the leant burt lie&* en- take.Ameriem ailrer. N%7herethetak-!'rot - ,l'lm . ?ArtiVý in ,Vant ý 1 ý Y day rat k ing of it in umvoi" e thev are chu-g-: ,le = . . . - ý -i,,,,,ý.",.,. et, iiI.ý ,..;,Ipýtv: tI;,ý.,,I...I%..rv Ive%. lt,ýztrtilvaf-kiènvit-d,«ë4t. ,,, 1 he Viet,,ria II&11%vý7,y .qk.ve (if the Il 1 ,1,...I"),..,ý,-,,, , ' sued almou InatantIv. and, as la àm> ý all, t. il, 1-y il -il reu -bien 1 Ir. 1 po.ed. front the fright whieh It muest r1àJVýrLXXW. t of the lith 1 - iý %&jjjý il :: ýI- I- tIý-i-", Il Ilý%".I..ill zît ehtl' «r i-ýýi,,,etsýýitli-ýl*-ýt,-I-Itew,ý%mtiitii%%- workitien sittit drunk allfter phtainrionke 1 have . he rail %van ov4 a innogte:d%) toheargeaeunt.AmletrsithaonulidjuialirereerforIIII bc , jaýt., dunnis, the ,*e hr.%,,. - 10 il 1*1 IN l'il Li R. 9 0 9 9 A P. . q t1ellar psUleduverthWý.-t ,-I. , a Lmvy..,.Mrký --1 i,..,., ",.,.t.-ý-, ý'l- jI,,j,,ý t*-j,ý 'iq'tilI;i% lkriI--I: çq tiner plarle rite a thpir camli. and alintit 4 n't-l'x-k il, rereived, am t ,%ianv .'t lightninz feil 'lu. lie ý.Cft. oulie prutectud '11101111111110,111f alainm 1,-,,v -iII "1."#"r.", Nl."t.t.,V.;Irt.ilt%.. ý't"",III,)ý.,t4,ttt,ýnri 4.fiittt.rzbr(ýelyhlvkI Ilegan lis rranrfi* -Ill whevi Année %verte ! mtiimetvaiueSw; of about eiMte« inche&- - pasqelit enty am a s@9 rent*piete. ; 111POPZI'C'eý1 . Une, tir th. .,Utaý, ., 'Vill laser, 'J'l., l",.,Iý t.,%.I.ýtIiIIl*Il Th'l bolet lItein. persan» retne te Initie III -1! ally. 1 ý 4 '. hd Il - 1. - __ I ý:r 'vhi. 1, 0'., iiý."Ie,.ýl . .Ir. freely qi*etl. Chier Constable ý (ý'owAitibi.,r .4-.-.qry.,é--Qvt Nletines- ternu *h-.tte-er- -4T - sin k. uli :::: : i t r trhârý;e ýý- 1 . Il 1. 1. , « , ; eam-j .1feIý, te tbp , Il le . . .- . 1 - _ , dam. re ý_-_-.-t il, ý.1,t-it.etitiqt lini%-tnf iink-, rztlliýr wwle imttiiitz into pretty dalle !est., as Ur. John Reid, P. - of % 111111111V&B011111,01111., ki vit, e,.,"I"Il;,Il -lqd-ý l-I,-l ii. tlitllIelýký fitarter. %%7]tt-9 lie t-alle-d (in sonic hy- &ÀiirTz se.. 1 . i tltibIrremae!cltalbuiilpijbt, la - te rf a r'd 1- il Il!- 1) III le','I'. ý,Ir..II- lIIil, 0 (-,i.1tI.ýl.I.t. a fille viI-%v of ,,,,,,t,,,, ta zt.,ý-1.4t hisit, t,!- It ta Thant 1 A. "-in bé abè t tire . , 1 ý,,_ m ' -V rtaam ý . P, I, , IN %, ý , ItYktýý1h sing throngh Ashburn- ,loumd d.,'I.b.r ta lie ne lin ; Md buillit r .. W. - thertef. luartfly mýni- ; rexcv 11 10 . , . 1 . _.,"ý ,cfit. tuent on Ili* ilns home he watt met by a t e theS do der ' ' k Il.- 1 - ko GIIIIII 14ilillit, lýiIt i%ý,'-t. il Iln %kt Inl %Vtlýtl.1 baVe IIPPTI Prkýtt V lessi ti".il. tels ýit Il II , $'VW*ISItq, il r"vrq ý ,, -, ý 1 ý : ,;.,ý'ý ,ý'l.;,I'f' ,If,%-.Ie.-r' ,,.,-%tieifiil -rtInrrvl lui ru Il 1 i ý',,,";:*',,ý,*,,.,::":"".. , ý",; Il. mm nwnM"Nýi*lli. Bell, ,,ho .truck, bc staissatte làw for the maintenance of lie .lit.(t.,.41t.d in plar-lair ilve of thent, ýn attend t1icin t, th pubite. ourk ve t 1'. . 1 'f 1 1. lý .Il. "il: %1. 1, Il: %zl, W,- r.-ý,-t f'. .1. - 'tel - trrI%-kI III pronie, 1 1. Ti ,,il kikd bible, in a âhSkllmg ronds. This La in great part lierre Jt,,-ýEPU G JOHN Il BRIX. ' ^ 1 1, ý, - il! 1 - 1 1 )- l 1, Il Il .. t ý,..,. - Il ,Il ,If 0,lý ,\Iý -i%*, à 'hit,1% the wk-illbaisitithryý%liappe.,%re.dvitis nned P. .Iknd everYÈ:?ý!z, in ,ýe Illet-Ir 1 ý ý Ï., malmer, ending iule&%-ing.himinanin- by the ratepayers thenssele, It i,; ,ýcIIIIIIIIIleeti-mN.-. Fenel-- Ili ý.I'.11.1 1 . . ý 1 1 Il . .,ý lý,:> ý- . .11, \%'M,,, t:.I.i,.k ý-I qi.,,1% rr. e",I""..ý. "Ill-liý.,IIt - IIII--i ili fir't ",.,rt-.,r le-ý elbt* on the-M beforti, .NIr. lie -ondition. He watt arrestessi neetiless ta comment open 1 -fflr -ri-L. W, -i,, ". t ,.i, ýnl. 1 . ýI ý Il I: I- ,tli. a Iii elejol &Y 'tiqlation, .1,,ýti,, lem-khart an Saturday. lei and Ikrought liefore the, Police Magis- in which inaible t th un r ER*i HqVSE. m.tutýt iit-;ý-,t-..jix III ..lir -rK. ý.ý ý ', Mr -.1 1, I%%lzr,ýr" , * -.-',-.,,tl.l ]w i&ý,kdIý'It for et re-tu-t. tir thein %vere volbunitied ta stand their tritite, on Mondav who disseil him = 11,1101,11 ý know whas; ,iltatute lutter menus. lit ..... k ', III. 1 ...... l'IV fr.Ie,% el lri1,ý0I,;ý1 ,, l,,l ,.i;,, - - 1 .. ýI;I - 1-1? , i",'I.."I*t% ý,-ýý,ýiléýt,ýýt,ý)lk.llyq.ftýrm lwiiltt I-harlest.d. . 1 cSsta. The only provocation that ho e wili probmj,,ýy be admiued thmatriuned - rw . GECIý 1 '. t lr V -.1 IIIII! r .%"VNrrlq (liq tln,4,r ý ý f, tII,ý %,ý-IV.-,qwf lulalth. Vèe hffllilling tokil lit lândsay. and the*fttth watit dis- I> ý , - . I* I-", ,ý, "' ----ý l'I,...,Itl.ý,ýý ,..'ý, ,WM.1ýN tittilell , , dil-1 il lm t-ýX114,(.tqý41 FInk, ilv.,.Aw._ _The lby.,&w te rajae rould bdve was that Mr. Reid, with : bond foreman. regalisi en . ý - Fact ry. Weilit,--,,-,i. ýt.. I.,k 1 - 1 ....il.. ,.",ý1-11.11*.:,, ...... i..,l 1ýI"r1 J..,, ; Il.- !e-,tI-1 'V'lli l'e 'lZil il% a fortnii - - iploving say ! ýDA î 31ARBLE ,(lit tir .*ý«»IiXgb for lire. protertinst, was voteil In about one hpndred altier t.%tepayers, t three rr f-il? "Illem wonid do: ln i;;ýé ý FRI AND ATU DAY? L -x. ')'ýý -%'y ý. 1 ý,. ý Il P- -ý-I--, ,ý Y . ,lits III ti 's'.. ,1,,.,,i, ,,,,,Ilt,ý. Il. lit, I>nll.,rtiqil.;tt"l -daV ItUd loisir, theré Wni -y votet mil sigibed a ýetitIon luisit praying the thousaisseil daysi, mette work ttidu it; d6ne " il, . ýt tift North Douro Conneil net ta grant PlPU . -:, lt".,t .;tlIl-t, . IiI, - ', lI , ', -1 I;Il,., 1,I , Il - III -t..I.;:.l 'l "" 1. Il . ,Il "I' ,W111 heve iit.,rý. te, ,av at Lw, lit%- principal cause. 1xlinq the in. lie ta eell liquar nieller bis t r. statute labor. A. K. n.r.1pliKir. - 1 !- Il Il. i ý -- ,,,,,,) l'II.ý,-l IV -'-,,I, lI,,, ,.,. I!,nk arrckiýjtllinvibt. ,vt-lýk' imit-Il ZIi- i avain-tl and onty thirtern . for the, lby. a lit,,t.n. M i in three «thouund davai of ordinary , lit '-,, ý, ý , - *_. , ,, - ý 1 -A i. , ý ý . :.. , r- , 1 lit 1 i-, ý1lIi, t 'hI,,0ýi -;- ,,I,ýIlielý. or lit,- Iltiiillisit ' -- PA-id*q> restidénire. - -f Review. ta hear the que»= aeamkli:f ('ami Elil _ý . - ..,,l. ,»sssýeF _ Tbe P 't g. At Tir , ý os - -Y iffl»l ,rr, % "P"*'neý III ,11 '11.1 :. 1'. ,il. Il' M.- 1,111- il IIII. '. -- , Il ., Il Ive tIýeIi&IIN tIý Ill> with t he vit.";blIle ililiblenientris, 09 ibrottection .bý. elt.rbora .ýt.,.te laber a simisance, and a mes ' 1: u l .& o',ý, ;1.11.,l,ýI.I.-I. ,,.ý..." f,ý'..""..t" ql I- l ri' ýï .f;. , l, ý ,,t'Il%, 1,',Itli,-r-." %vlil, IItlýiIIY"41 thelil. "Lztiei-t ri.. t-orrpslx)ndentuf the flobrabreon lutte. waudulmethod of obstaissing a sussail F-- T- - ' 1 in Xark inlit Great 1 > AýcAX À - Il .il ,Il liil.,ý J..tý-,-. \ lk..,.r.. I ý ,,- i.t. i,10% lit ,trIillýil,.£ alXý,qt Whik. leii.%%-\Yltbtir»ý.e Ttit-Victori.ir.%il-ipendeniý,fronihi,%reý4ideneoinitokelbv amoisint of mad work r in finie& illine . of the . ? 1 - ý ý""ý"""""«""" "",O, ý, '*'e -et 1 "IM" P' H'DU C'D' ý ýý ' , ý 1 . 'A y & C 0 1, ý.I1---1I \%'I,,,,r ,ý: %;,.I"...,. rt!ýý * \"-IiIII.-Iý!Iýlk" ,%,I. litIký.i.lýZ tilt- trip ,vt% jriel-,ý, i. hk.ine T)ISgheft attend, and 1 reliOnn the following erherne, which, hy and' ' . m m ý-,Il;,,jý > -Iý_"-ký. \et t'.ýit.il,ý,iti-tillt,-r. ý, j«J 1 1 .the systent. was alivanstageours, __ 1: Ill, I.eIý1e 1-tXin. ark: .ýIrkýtt-lit-Il eXeept the ! h,,ývIijoqý1;ýoj, el, r.s. lie heard diýwuawd in militante ta the poveM of the country. 1 &JURD SPE Inol* . : - . . 1 . ý . \1,I,%,ý> ". 1*IIk 11-1 1'.. I'r,,et.., ,.,,,,,..I..!,Ill Ik-','IIr.',i in lit., Tiollig- ,t 1q ail flir runnula ,&us Over il lie fi,14. j lit t g bv î nunîher of gentlessi Fifty yeam agit moùey did net exist. 1 An J. . -,, bestai phv "f . A.1ý . \1ý,.,, , 1, -k- ý ,ýr. Il Il., t'l', Il II Ill, 1, l-1 il.'t ",-11 t1l'l lZ.,,v,-, or 0l", 'MIT . enut.bog theýu meveral professiqual en- and a pavment in coin was impassible. î j"m dýu A» C,&NA])4 !-, , Il.; ý,, . - rv"te.),.It %%Cil I.Et'Ti-ile. on Fritl;tv' -- .--lII--ý,-ý,qk"I" . :III, .. ... .. ý,.,.,.I,( 1,',I,ýI,!l AI.1 l' .... ýY il. t., t1w ,.Itý,Iie&iti,ètiIýei tir thil ,»v,.Iline lý,lmt .1 i gineen . - - Ar the prellent dar thefamieror trades M, ý,ýilent.p tjelivered l .4 Tiletlieru&ýionrpWedte the 1 1 1 - : ::". 1 111 1 ýl,-,t'l.iIk', ý1lrIir,ý fil,, salie, tilt- Ivantagestoix- gained hy = . nun could far betier a&rd tu puy Yk. i NI, Il 0, li...,,..",,-).ý,,ýýýli.,.!.,..ý-- ' t.-tili)I-rIlit-t' lerture in the G.nd Tenst. el, . M ff a -pentuna! ..ýidnùý-i 'reIl 25 ettl. : *1 Se-ei, ý-5- _.t li..,lýl;,,IIi'..I,.,,,,,. ",#.,ý ,,.,I'.1 ".".!i ,-,,,,,tv 1'tI--. ;I11,1 (Ille ,ýibý-,ItiIt (1t)ý %Vd. '. ý navhration lkilstween t , - -ejust - F liv .. c..i. fflrma . . :: ý Pcn -L-t-reýý7-;-i MEM ILM ,Mtslae ý lý%rý, 11-11 (Ir thie plare. lie ýlinký- 1 lie fàttle in cash Thun waste a da, ýI I.:, "..l .- r.. t;"%, - I,,,,ý,>,."Ii.I,,-t,,-iIý', ri,!\ 'l'teill"Il il, rerviv'. frkob Ille - , îth a fe%; otherm in . X.Intv Ili-tert»ro and .Und Lake,, the *& la compassi wi di-4- tétbtitt4i. - I1'ýiIII, pre rencint. 1 f;- 1%4,f"ll Ille 1 ,ý.11t'I'N r0l' r.I.11. rhk, l,»ý,VVv of ItI-xl -y ""'Il end ýXbliýik-ill).. and %V" li,ýtt>ttk-tl tri ý ment point of departure for the Vmbsing locid poUties and loba 'Ew CHINA. GLUA & BARTH- purnjýh,.I ýt ,,, 1 Il . il.. Il. l r. f Il i,,,ý, . ,,, l"'i ý%z,1 ýt 1 ý t*V ý,jn Il ý , . 1, ,,,!I:.. lvitit iibtertb.tlIv a nltxtemtey filbeil - . . rt of ý ýN ýý..Rý M M . .jmiýj,, Ili ,, '. 1 si Il ".I,.ýl, 'V', ,,-i,,irttIeqlý on t1il, ort-altion. an. hoti.v. . steaiàil»xtt.ý&on the iipper lakes. Il was sonstejogmasidellesse. Itisibroi . zuabMutýL .M.'l i"-i"*!-.;e ,I ý r Ill , - : ,,, 'Il )Il, Ibi%,l ItI,%-IIetirl TbrklýkIrvvd ,%e-.", - .01- - - « "Y.,ýýýI, Iý 1,1 ..",.'ý«.' 1 ,,.',,,;,ý,ý,',ý,It'i'l, ,vili ttI."I", 1 iadmittod thal flic se.heme watt v"* serions con" ratioawhether it wliuld 1 - jý!j -,, ý,t,.iý-,1 ý., et ý q,àý WIlt tllk' Ir. %%",Il III the UPI.I.HVII.flg. epz t i -il te cons. PB3mlp vicozam 1 Z.1le."-""ilý,Z1:1.ý ý t >I-14't Nlr,\%ý,tlk,ýl'iýk'ý.-qýlitý-(Itllý'(".,bilit. , whieh ruas saute the %staitute laissais, at We. per day 1 - ý7, . ý ý4illilttt-,V, 1 ., ;tI.1 .ITý-Pr AMI le tiol'Oit 1 n 4 would lie net bc better for the Collet - 1 ' t ! ' 1 . . Il . ý Il' I-1.111II-11. Tur ('.tt,%,Nib Jt-%t-ri(ý%. -%Ve. leani, illustra ý . 0 . .. ýý ý i Il, . -- % 1T.II ............ . I,,f Ii).l, %vi0i et gtfflqltIiti tir Vizkilir and rhèe ouly a and tante it compulsory ta laby the ma- S'ele intimme te hl% frie"aad the publie titiste - - . - \ lý- ý,* , ý . I ,ý i , Il-, ..#%il ,khé-wed thilt aq if. M'idit froin et torrk-qpotitlt-nt that the vanvabut 1 xhort lie bu noir rendy for ussp«tiun a 1 .M.ý ý - seiltWI" Assid nnlwtalfott.liet;rý,tiikt.iiiffl. ton Itail 1 IL Rem,.i,.,,,., 1;,ý;".t .01t.., 1 ' t Lake, and ney and net perfonn the werk. _. 1 - ý ,i;,ý:,ýý".--",*ý: ........ ,ý::"",Mlt týt"",.ý,,i.lf.%II.,.,", . t', "' *""Il hv ettl flik, .ItIýtr intinivili'di. in the t'tnintie- of .\tirthiimlirrtandl.Výlir, front il* head waterts, te Mud Lake ot$IM would Thun lx- raised in th, 1 canins, Md train seilsboi 0-toty «: ýý - , -ý, I.:'-1111-11 . i.ý'i.ýýýý,,ýitlttl.,tlýt."4ý,liýtvt.,%%,Ilit.tbý,illtt ,»(.tt.rltril Ta jeillýttI prc8%.rlqtk.ýl zlt.ti%*t.lv there is nothinq interventing but a township, and This expended throuxh ; Ckblob. classe ma mulhmwar,& ý 'r Iýý - III ,. .11.1 1*,,,-,., ,tif 1.Ieby %1,tlý'k' - 'k t.tliti.,?Ioit ýt..iiettb."l. Mr. stl'. . - There in in one place a ridge, the medium of au empenent.,,d ngotlwu*,..iu.u.ssb., I . - ý ..., ýý-_M_ Il .,.,I..ýl tir ...... I. p)I., -i, 1 1 l - - 11 '. Pe'àit" mie& Dy : .ý_ .. .'l _. .!,:,: "ý.,;; l' , .1 . .- , lIl,..,,,Itý,1.l(-Ietr,,,l ttItt the n'iad- in olb- ai il with grent. miit-ce--% The prnýt»-t-t i1»Waý\.ptllre appellera ta have bad a essai 'ew. 1.>& . :I, , , il.-qi,., Ihi. t-xt-ti,ý,,. , rond makers, working steatilly te Ugh- i % - this b - attentieu le I«ftnt.ltq. \ l,ý. . , . ', "'ý'. ý il. that liberal afflimtincq- %vill lx-,gi%-ý-n in visiter and there, is a dits in the rid out the maison. would ceritatifilv accom- ý si = W unom ,ý ý ,.ý_ , ', ,,, TT ('VIO shAI tovii-hip. and ý - _1 ý , . 1 Weil l'Il 1 , "Ill,(, l tien xuoý as au tailles, 1 bute tu 1 ".,i"te,;,,ýýIl th. Ilý--r in vir'ilv %Vere l'et,-rtit)nqit ;A ,,, t - -ý.l,', - ý , -il-!.ý,. lý,,.ý,11, th'l; -,A, t').lr,, .,11..IIbIN; lib0o ilotit) walit .th. If ilit-ileviffe doil lier 'hirh wollid allow il te passe th ai" beiller resulta thm an obstessimied . ineris publie pauona=. Renumber the i ki, 1 Il : . t)ttý &1l'y », tkwýirqi,ýtilki eoinibletion oIý1hè-linein Tt _...-1ýý __ý 1, ýý. .1 III j-,ý,If, l- ,,, "býtg,,),,-,lIt "". ý '. . d0tV in The IllatIk'r. Of whieh there are 'vithoult any extra worfL Plve by the laissent aystessisse. -(Independent. Ite» IIIIIIII, W. 16. magnews lms" ---- I CE. ý . 1 jre kt t-Il,111*411.0 e%. il eý1,1- . 1 the, 1 ý 1, , ". -l I....,,,ti.,., ,,, 1,I"."IiilIý! ý: rtlr,, ý le. 1 1 'il, "'Q . ý little I1.,q1lktlý. thtl enniffletion ofthernati i %vould carry the celui front, Pet .IlAvioamo,.q.-The water in se: mtoemmn--Opponm wegb"r'pa. - Xi oTi ,,i,ýilkcIlil% \"IeIiý', oir-iv, \vq.r,. vii toMnd Tailles, and then This town would lakes ban This heen managed with The ne- China. GLim -and Eanbmwam ý . The ý 1,ýti-ýIirt-Ii. finielli thmugh the Presti; but ý (40 0,11.4 A 1. 1. 1q r. W . ' ' 'l., ', : ; i'I,:.t.t.-Iltiv M0 ),I,,,.--tlv ,%-Ilbblibi.te.i-t-ll' _eenver. he the rentre of a navimilon commens: admimbleskill= judgmat. There'bllnaOltbgl"zLtuo,>k I-lb,-,,ý,,,.I, f),klý*ý,.,ý.1,.N..\,ýI \1 \N',Ik,ýr-jIý'i.ýt,-ýl ,,tit-tll'itit t-,ý-týb lttvri:èz lek-...,bl.y. *file ilriti butter below lia.qiln.tmaid extendingto was no flood when the sueur trent ait '"'* not the lea»g doubt thst the Lugffl ýwck ! S lm T or IL ý ... ý , \1 - l- : ý 1 . ý . 1 ipnýý.elon, Lindsay, Port Ilerry. and éwith -and the ,lester han kept up steadily lu« "nd tinssi ,-ametv là dire, IV QppeUlte wetherup : 11, 1 ýII eý, 'l"t Il. Il l"Il I ( r,ý t il.. Il -I'r.. III '11,1ze r,ý,%It. il, oj%ý fewtary ,,-,f,ýrt---t;tl-li-lt-el intlli.t.ollttv r Ï 1-4W». whem v u wM ànd ,jverythitig you ý Th Retiýe the A.."-.Men I, l' - ,ý-,--l, I.01.1 1,*,-It.,,,,."#,Ieýt'-ý;"ilýe 1.,ttb4I ill,,t-Ib...,.,f Lzr,%%.(,Ii. lie i.11,ý%viilqllt.r;tt4Iiii. Thelliroprietor i- 1 one I)n-aki toCoFwm-onk and the Portage now. The back lakes, are ail brim' full. kranj. . ç, ý ý ý . ' Il \I, k I, ,-", ),!.,ý'.,. 1;..ý"...- ,11-1. ,.,,,r,,Iýil,,ItIIl t-,,,,tiet.,,l Vr. .,-;ttlpIýtý,11- %Ir. .Itsia(-- Ilird, and the fýtkt-,rY iý ý Rossi ta Lake Siniene. .Itllaatingstiae and ennui water is held back ta ziup- ý - ý TOW NSUILP Illi ., . 1 ýI - . i.v I, ilýl".. il - , 1 -'q ,4ri't',ý,-ilI. witti .ri tqbIlet, ,.tr,.,.t jIII'atýlzj il?% hi. rar.il, ja-t V-amt ,kt Stal-o, tavfiration would connect witfi the ply a good level thmughout the semasse UCKHOR'-If T.-lic LUMBEIL , 9 Ibo W - a (b O m X j ý, , , l', . ý . 11.1I, 1 ' 'l ý . ý q t i si. - aise - of water f* ,ý .r k\ Illikr'l. j1w .rr,,,ý- III. et-, III ýk >III. Iltè"r tvIIi-ttýrt-tl tioliIIý Vý.,%Vý N'illbeký, Ihinuerford. .ýt làr,ý-k-nt tho ! I;r.1ni junc.ti,,» ItAilwav. The irh - . . Il * Il -1. "...I.. l .i , , and , of naviguions. The quantity Y"d, fur Ille MW .f the ablerve - .ti,,..f*ýtIi., tký-,.)oe,%t ,ln ta thél vil, inilk kif 2 -aw- - lieing ilsed vomit of the canal ?XXX- now -tored in the back country la en- -.. .1 ,, .I.- , _i . 1,...-,,ý,,t ', lit ". ý ý ý %vaA estiiuatted est ilown amaý in TIM . , ,. ,; Il,.\)"Iè lva. prev'lotril T'y the chair. accommodation ha. hepti provitied fer i t)(11), which. it w» mid. would lie chiedy armons.. -41ndependent. i oàim ooi ý 1 (Dit rit--;t P'to»or. , i- III.-Il: ... ...... ', ýiI, l-ý-, ý,f I1U; > 1 ý, t !ýkt eIrt.lr the %visoh, livitter eill, coriv. in all. [ vontrihuted by the Dominion G-ivem- - --- ý ýýý_ ý . QX. ý - 1 ý 1 l>'. !lý:-l,,p il, 1»,,.ý.;"" ,,tlI \ .I.1-", ,ý ,,..ý.,e t'Ill\. 'tiý,.Iiý.t-;I, tho rteniroi-tu Durçý. ilb:.,«-t->-. A very klarinx re'q- i ment.'* The 1;-auty of it ail lis th= the ý MI lu X IB E IR 1. te Il, Il..."Il. -, , ,If 1....,I. I% 1-Il.ý.l ... ý - ýi .I. IIlý 41tlkl1.1tt% lisait Fntilv tind Vue of A Vhild frOlik Itniviiiibt hy a xtrt _11ERCIAL N . 1 rýeu a" Ireek wEDlE3Dày 5th Di . 1 1 . - Ilogitinion Goverantent have al hâtif ý COM EW S. : ff.bee I ,MLatthe,>,,4.,l -ýl I... p'.. _-., - ý ;;;ý '. 6 ý 1. ,,, ý ,.I- "M ,IeIai l"I'r IlklTýelf ettl'i opli ý Ae'd 17. lui :;herhan, t.»ýk la lis know whar ta do L~ . tirer th" PWýi-lentý A Wn . .4. 1- 1?-.;;. It!-. -.Il-; NN ,lý,I- - 1'. et. --t %N, ý *III-1 , h.d Ii.>".. , i'r.,ý. ,Z'.R't;;,,"% i million Tisi don umcit OF'r= C.L.-C-11101.1113 POMIT, 1 M-] -uned, E--t-, azmi $-tuth ,4 the Tanutry. . .%ilp.nl,-,.,:.,ýrt.ý'i ..::ýl p* (14--iii for %vitale roitury i the river near the rallrmid hri lit LX Ï ' 1 i %vith aliti %ýouId lie quitte willing ta II , ý ' ý ,VI il".. . - ,,ý 1 1 "J tý» ýI"t""fe "tir : 1111 ,II-ýiý.,--",,-; -- - ,..i-Ii,.".l 0', titi,;:i ý W leitlýd,,tv. A littlt-?.)v naniezi ltkilllik. , . Lmmàw.June,.2Dd. le-.t;. ; - ýIVç- aý,-rdI»XlIe. 1 ;,..l ilI,.,-,,.II't. "r;qlbll.týeýe. lir, , »!id il inthe way indîrbi Nothing 1 i ý -ý I,.e,-, ýè - ) %%'ýt'. 1.1e'%'b'illl..,ý1% lu * me AV ALL DESCRIMf),.,Çâ -),F LL'UBER KEPTI . .1.ýli.'k; 1 ..,."il' ý ,Il ýlI, ', el .f 1 1 '11I, tI-ti,-It% ,,,ý.1,ýýi.ti,.,ý.,ftlbkýèl"(.i.it'll- W11. ,nle -atv 1-,-,ý-. feil , il. ' p O& ce. 1 ' TELE PRF 1-II.iý. 1 Il 1 -l. _- Il h., ý,0l-j. IPI il -,-,,ý, ', ,,,' ".- ý."J'I»Ijj,.,.,I. and thkl 1 trosait log linti- the th eli, water. and 1..%Itt;l, pg.imvr,-.Mr. p. uN MISER. . Obt. M. Fife. local deliveries of grain omttnued ; - h k.clk. 1. j une 1 Il -. Im. - .e,> 1ý )4)1V4 A11411I le a 10M -l ý;-, il il. ,,, 'I', t ,,, 't'.. ,.\,.,I,,l ,1ý ý I. -,ský"V ý'%t .1-,,Vt% il, à -libýtklltik%, -, , t hough a iitiiiilber of men were near. mit , of .ý.%phodel. brossiglist te the Normand I, ý ammulm - ---- - ---- - - . .I ýI, -, 1,ý,..il -.il k P-', Il, ý preâtr heavy, but the mlight' deraisse namazuk cbpbmrdâ.. , ýt'Ip- 1-1 il. ".11tioli t'Ill itiýti4.(ý ,výqlI k n... %vý-rt- arraid ta atienlikst téll ýt,%vk' file Regiter a ý,-%n%îbhl of Wool -if this vear's , v., . ---l ti,.,, ;;I 'A- 1 ý , III. il"F .'If Ili.. ,Ifý,,.,.,II.1 O., lit., "r,.,Il"%. kt "f t , ib', tt.,t h- ,Ur. ,,zt I. ýIn,%vtýiittz child. %viiib wan ralbitily i ,1,,ý ;ýiu,- asse ordinary piere ai the 1 nosted ln tour quistation arteil ssmewhat i JOÈBS& zath M" uftsl«6 If ý . . . . el. i.-ý.'i"... ".l -!j ,-ý."tlr ,,, ,,-,,,-,, 1.1Iý,e,ýtlý,,tiýle%%ý;,IliIt.. elt,.t.ilol4l(if file, Ni quarried hy the ewilit oir. flèvre. over fourteen tutelles in le= h, i .lm et c k. the Il f m the tenor of - i.ý 1 ". , "-!'tI-,, . f ý h.,ý I,,,,,IIt ,,ýIIr,, ý ý r, l\" t.-,I. I't'li, --.1 0', -l'-i Il I-ý0 t.,,,,Pl. ,ý me towar(N a dam. XIIIi -;hfthau W ne ro - ý of a glue white, color. and of firest quality 1 lie En r',I 1 I1ý , ,-,ýe j"I.", 'j"d "Ilý %I11%,'It Il, 1 ilk.,,% 0ke III,ý,i0k I'f Il- 1iq-t' C;pf. ý8efII»X tho Ilexisipration of the raille, . glish commercial reviebve the ý PRICIDJ Low. . -RN I 1 URE ,,, ', .! 1. . , , ' 1 inieve The mille front whirfi 1 si 1.6 . HEN-RT CHEADLL . ý lýÇEW F'l ý' 1î . à t l'il X 4, il'ir(biq'.14 1 li- ,.ýt.-Vibýi'.ýý,ftl,,--t',Ieýti.%,.hl.ýl,«I,ý.1 ý. ,eltkl1). lbnqbltlbt. Ille littie ttIlltlv ta Ibo hrred- -, yearlinq, and lier ,tribale, fleere Tbe Brttlsla Coma Tmde. Il 1 1 1. ,; 'Il .; 1 1 , , 1 . k Il ,III, III 1 -"'d. %it.. st.-IIt ý ýlvIktI)ýi.,Iii%ý le lblltii*,-t insa, Thé- river, ýwan% (mit and! th . , taken la of the Leicester prospeets of hetter prires, are n ý ;,,*ýý , .,«, 01411,;'Iky l'-ý,.,, ,,:ý,ý "il \,li,,->ý, \ il, Il '11.l,%-,b in t1illi. -11tounity .11ý,-i,-;- Ni the' p;;àurýli1 the extraordinary weischt of TheMark Laîne Express, of Menday, 1 D.,Mavr-.itbeTo a,ýiLin&Lýy. IlhOn.. fi ia ;blmilx*ed in n»%Vli Il 1 Pu' 'LE. Eil-q, M. Cabinet'Makerand . .1 - -ý..-,. ý...;..,.-.ý. ý---,,i'.... ,Ir Il- 111.111011- 1 N..,Ir., .Ind lit.:Il.., luw-' - Y011ng herOinkt in A t4ts1m'Attl Lil tilanner- ý nine patouille. 1,lieven attiser sbeep, of the ý 1 , ,,,,.F - Il.. Ie!,,!. , 1.ýý.;ý;,I"Iv 1.1!ti, ."e.-Il.-rII.irý%'. If, ý in il& re,. lebel of the tom tratle for the , A z-1 -,,ý _I IlèIf 0-,.IItýr,- ' 0'.. ý.,. I,,t-iýtv , ý _ .1 _. ! !_ rk.ý,.!I -, ý 1 ", «Itlliiiiii-e. ý '.I"I,ýlýL, , l,.IiI.ýý I-# "Il-1--llél'.1 tl,..ip, I,ý,11!;.I."It tilt, il %lIteitl*. h-'ýpisý;JitY ami$*P.RT(il.Y. ý the tribale ýi«ht producing, sixtv-dve ý week âays,.-"The market bas relapsked! p.t.p.,,rý..i ý, 1, ' . ne Clams, vieidetil eaeh elght potinds. Site. -we. z1le rkn-Icrý *i,,-il j Ill, l"Ir'.4 Il, - t "Il %'nel. M..M.i,ýte and ý Iýý--Il b", . ý.. 1 f,,r.ý.,!,- I ý ý , 1,ý,.ýl,,. 'Il th- T'iller --f U';,-,-, ',ut,,?,Iv re- Old Stemd. WUliam à... 1 j., II. j;-.1 \ . .III 'III, ,-,,ýIe il". ;"..--,.,# - ,ýiýý,, ,ý..,.It.1 I_ j-,%"Ilillý ý lf,..Pv..Ir."ýl-..f l'ho pi e i limande et wool or very mqwHw qqidity. cq;ýý" Da%ý fi-% izizrtr'ý.ýtI.ý, !__e, .1ýt ;f ;.iý !ý-,,i,,- I-", ,,ittI ;Il, Adr,- ýý'pj'rt.I.t-è--il. *rtl.l('lt>t;kipbtletivq.rt-,l -tb - . , white. ý - _ inte, a bilasse of catin, and with large «up ,& qmwb. lilial in ýý iuý- -f fiýi.F..Iitl. >i.-Iiit;. jaul" * i JuM fditur -th ,1%tur-i3ý ths,. ,,«r. th ý . ý ' , ' plies from Amerira and Rtmsia. trade p. ý6% ýhusbbv. the .;rd -,,j jui-v tu - lit vuu ait- !, r.,ft F r.l. 1 . .. Ill..". 1 !.\ I ;I,,,-, .. ., III v\t.i,'.ý ,!,I,,-ý,Irl*,.ý,ý ..11.1 HtrIv?-Irlýti.- M-1%, ! -li K %Vhite add Williain %Vhit&-. ail KIRKFIRLD. ý . %qr.ýý.1 %%*,,rk : il . ý. - d . 1, !ýý ,il ý -.1--l-,,, III ,,!,l.-t, il.. jý \ si ,,IIl,,,i..,,r 1-Itt, r.,11."ý,-d. , ,.ý,:.ý,, CIII, ,,be"ýkl ý Le- _ __ lýj ýt ý .'f l'il-ir,%Ib 1-land. were rharged hefore , 1 CIntqýltuil me A The Pi:4.1 h» beenconfineti ta eupplving preqent lllýt1zki. a. l'ir nati-,ni h--ii. ' %ha: I_ - 1 ;ýl 1- , ,,,ýý,-,- ý,tr-, l'III rh--Iý r, ý A-rk t;",.ltl'.. "\'ck;b-l,-rýIill" t-4ibý- %1-,,,ýt' il. Il. 11,ritre. .1-1».. %vith il-hinýwititoi kill- 1 TiiF'%Vt-.%-rtiFiL We xpetrierse. requiirements. Theredoesnotmeens, ,,,'umýe,-',,urprwi.m.ti.ý%.JLý,»tothti,,. (Aduraties ýý, ý Il - ýl. ,,,,I,,,-,, lib. .,--i.'t"..,- -I lh.. j.ý,r4 r,-tiir,%,Ikl t.ý I.;tb.t..,%ý- %rrv ý in- li'ti 4V iiiennt; of ltilbear'and light ý ine au c-.treinely hot aanrde e ý'_r. J_ Il. fbuzki e'iý ,., .X,.,;-i, . I . 1 - ,ý ,,,ý,, l"I'. 0', 1,;".l ý . 1 ». ý Te ,,il Lake Sintroo during the monsth sultrr lent- be stencil probability tissai the present 1 --ee, U. Wrtr ci. .1,>in xçuanan $ý ,,. j_: - ý 1 ý ýII I-i il 0 l"!, Il,, ,'t-Il ;,1-ý- 1 Ivith titille k-Xrllr.i.,el. lie Ji \\ i - 1 1 ý 1 _ ý .., "..ý.ýýI-ýl ,,, tt'Il ý,Ii.1, 1 ; lierature as present interapersed erra. 1 - % Wri -hi. S.ýtiburut X._Ï %VM. 3t.iný. Il ý 1 ý , .,.,.;"I.1 ; -,fý.i%!ityi il% con. rièvention of the Filifiery ý stockai witla warm and geuW .show. prire of wbeat will vary ta any marked . ,î>.ý,ltý *ýz Bu,- - . , rlE . teý J. X..In, W. L à.ýýii. jmný- i 1 ls , "" ....It,,l,, I11--l- , - , \t..".I..ýt IIIIII i i ', ) ?, N'I' y il, \ , Ill". the n Lia- t wa-t'ý a. R. m. Inter. D. s. 1*4*11 A VI) fî,1p.Vt.I.,ýII. ý III- prilloners arknowlederd the ý -jult ofwhich is a 7 -il - ý uncâar. T Hikev. ILOIRETTO Cg ý1 - ý I hare#l e ijid extent ;end in the absence of sperij ', ....... ý ,"."., r', . ,è.""ý ' . l': ýý le.,: 1 0 si \-":. ý , titoi %va- durit .,el Ltifs liýt-Iliglinit luxiirione gmvth aemmlmni with J. Dt,-k..,,. H. M,- ,,-il., P. .1. àti Ï.; & ci,, : , . ý lion. the probable wants of the ribillet-si W. ý,L r, ý,.c 1.wi: Vki'zy 41:l, ,ý,.ý..,-,ý-l!",,-%,ý..".I"ttlý,,,>,ý,,ý.K,-),# i ý t.(Wt,ý. T11W .hoisttl IIIII, ;il Vitamine ta swarult 1 snnsquitos. Mark dieis and mus j". liý.kil*.,ýý, 'h-,D. .1--un litntlý,iý- . oit Lindsay. 01 ., IIII ,;,,.,ý,,,,, iý,., . (It ber. %vho art. in the habit of filthing 80 t foirail the baisis of future transisse- Zeatt 1: IWICZI. A. Iv. J. Deq4r&,ýi. R.Aert ýý.Lr: lý ontittkeIi ". ý,rIill, FIN Il .... ..... Il.IIt,-ý ; il ,.--,,;&lý ll.,,l,,ý J.,Ie%:, 1),,%ee 1 ý ('lit tir ýe-%mon. Cn.%,.%k;â.---4. Mr. J. McLaughlin la er. tiens. Cargues olf the coablet have A. .ýlad.eau. X W. Hetncrelr. J.,hn tndier-.I.. 1 The ýtiitnrv lýz-!tz-luttt!- . - 1 III, l.;.I,.ltIt,ýl'i.."ýý t',,tl',t«iI-ir,ýlI> ý - I.1r (ý$tlçr. .1l'ely. Ibl.lý . ý G. W M pbený. IV. .Matthi,ý C.. W .ÜcBurîý.,. ý in'..,h.. ri,. 1;-.,,.:,ý :- ,I ai 1 1 .: 0 1, III. , , Il ,,,, I1.1% ,..,I.ë,.Ii--t.-ýt atl-1 t ý i 1 )Il. ,,,,tltifbtz.,r ý 114 C 1. rit ý%#- Mr. (Ilen. rtinle., the ý "fine a fancy retidenre in the west 81110-n *tg- Of steadiness. but the --essi- .ý -il l., ', 1 .- Il -- ýý,,i.."... , q 'illert the foi. : ai .1 Cori. essai one of rade bas beenquiet. ýI&-ie , W,= 'X C--. A. Ceviltte. j. éý jIebult ' , irni.1 e >-iIýt-- ý-ltIIý I.Mfic . , ', -Ir 1 . - l 1 18141i'litte in fil&- Itt'fOr"ý illlere*t,'t fer end of the vill6ge in the shape Il t S'.1Ih.lI.41 Ic P, yell. G- C. P",k. ""' ý r.- .. Il ý . -l.»,.ý -.,.,.t lt-,,tI'ib %v,-rt, .,Vqrll 111 erdeld : sorth Ontarlo for the 11011,ke, of Conse- 011ýIv t-on.ýtrut-tëd Gothir .4trneture. 1 litile inclination la shown ln opter- i-ýu,.jack*-el x ilr.,vi.h. Il IW,,ým M.-r- .I.-IZei tpI wy ý i I-'I..Ul ..I,.. .ýI'.. ,,!>,, Il., I. futi, t Il.. ', ýI.'t *Ir I 11,11 - ýlt-\. \14. \11,ili,,, lý',,rtiti,%11; ll.'l't 1 11%0,11,ý. and Mr. Thom. l'axton. M. K Ill-, i wili - lie au om-%nxentý ... Mr.O'\'eil agiter avteer'vfoir future delivery, quotations re. .,ç,eelle.J.Iha Ilsbtý,kt eein k.'bLýauiàn. Phiup L«e.i:ý i star- -r - --Srý. î . , _'. l"I'. -ý.I,,II, i l's", \ ,,,l,,,, G-, \".Ir,.." KfflIrMlýý-j».,tjj. ' l"'d ed rI D. C. Trieur. 1;..ý.ýýký.1r;t:ý,ýtk ý,Lli>-,,ý ,,_ - Il ', ý. :_ý1II . em thr(ttighthe-rtdieig oit liaturday con-iderable, deliberation conclud matiming nessi noisa" Il. Maire hisse - : à Yr-%n- éIl.1,w;1lý Vft-üýh. .11 '. ý . ,Ill Il ... "pril.. 1 1 t ý, \1,rýk lkb 14lek.l., Wiw llnkt-114&irkl ý an 6itiun 1 Alizirt- ' LA I., 1 Il ,Il 1.- t"l,..,, éd Il .,I, Illiii.. ý . 1 ý met with but little attentioi buvers. In ,ý..Mp;iýnS Ili the .tý,,. requ: Il, ' "' il n'ttllryk'd (ln 'I't'týfta%'-. Affer rereiv- flint au extension othis residenre would future eoliees. » hýr-,v appi ýr.ýIY L;&tIIý 1 - 1 ýll'...II l*il.,eq'I.1t'b.-I. 1""I..Illil% (',%,.ri.., ý Illilt et vt.T)-ý %varlu ret-imtion ront . .11% ,,, ý- 1 ?, \- - > A - Il,- -,Iý- l"', ý') , 1 1". , ý I inir. lie bas aecompilshed bis design i aiolLýRMg . X01[days, the &d Dar of July, 1 ý,1 ,Il ,10. il, Il 't'.. , ,., ý'r thï , "I'l-1, will . - ('I-,-iItlt,,Ib. .1.,til% Cr1%i-rý 1.,rt.fl. . Il t he ý le t-oiniiiodionatomfortable and impom- holdi off in hope of a ý Ill 'ely 1, Iý ,,, ý. - ý l'Iý.,.. ý 1»-,,Lble il% the. north. t'lie ratelxvrer,ý 1'l ý ý . 1)I,,,ý,,, ý%'ti Dewtki .1nort. Diiiiirtu, ,,(,%gara and Ilamba have lin forbillet i O'r- ý and the building rophy te . WC" 1 , ý,, .j 1 ,,, ;I-ý 'l' 1:."',t ,k iý)I,-i--,ýrek.lI.II ,:,i,."ýt i ,,.,,Iiý». Nbt)#>qlýlet 111..Vbblebiibt,' -lisions givrit tbvt.r%%*Ibk.tlllitlt stubiOritil»-ý ; bis enterprising spirit .... Memaissi Slac. 1 The local deliveries of 'Waal are .. 1, ý , r remainIt a t A ilariqalfi it . 'Il !- I- ýiIIIl- -ý 1.,!.I.'t, ee-,-ý..et"ý,1,ý. : ( __ _ _ - . ý;".,> Gr ,lý -I, %vin. ll.,Illtbtt..;thlb.ltl)b fil the 1. Li --- 7 1 Il".""" j)ý, t),;,,-ý,ý fý, Ilbr Il- ki,,. 1),,,,..ý,,,.ýý,.,,i,,,,,,.)ý%-. ,%#&-.(*I'Itibt-il. alforin rItttili-l;tte'( anti a, the kritaie have errrted ais considerable _ _ ,' I.., ", jý-II-li I -.r 1,ýý!,I., f0l"I. ,;lée prrtent lion, assure Mr. 'urrie thaz 1 efflt a large building ta be devoted ta quitte as large as tant year. owing main- ý 1»1713W C IEIOZM JÉLT- ý D AILYLIS rgiblit ý.- . -ir-ý-%%.,.,.Ir 1 \%"", Qlli ýt--ý %%*ebt M011P. %litlhitel thkly- ârt- deserioine-1 ta inerra ý 1 ABd si the inbahisa«týý.,f the T.,.U.,i Limi. t C.7auými..g .,a .,r al - '. 'O le ý,-' ItIil , ... Il ' , se 1 Ibo . t tilt plulpose of a m - I. . ,,, , ý - -1 ý... .IIl.ý il Il .. '- iIt..ýl P. Il ..II,1I,,,#lý 'J'lIr,,-Ik.t', j'ý \«k'oeýI,,jIi,'hoý't. mah and door fart !y te the faet that the lower price. 2k. -aY t»,-t,.ýrýe ihu.tar ýý.wh . ,etlt.JýpliL . . >,,O,,,,,, - t'l . I ,Il, .il "I --I Il ; . IIlý,,,iI ý. ,'l'i th, inajority for bill). ,%Ir. W. Il- ('-ilblm, Il wili ---bon he, in comptoir muning or* la net musidered mach of ait induce.; . T1i-)Xý,k5 %i, P-MLE. 31ayor. . lit m l 1 I-Iý.I- ,, ,-ý.ý1.ýqkIt.- $-lit 111\ VIICN r Ilè, 111b: tilt %Njl.)tltv. 'VII41 WIl. deleaitret in thilb ri4illittin 1-eil. 1 lier ;. ý . "-I,ý* A ', Itp-' - M l"', ;, - ,,ý-,--.l lIil,,-,,,ý Illinean .'tiýinrona.* tiken charge ment. The Witnese reports the Mon. ?c Ilimest the essaissi THE STEAMER , . ,ý ý 1-1 .Il. le .1-1 . , il, Il , Il.. I, I% , 'rt. ,I11-i'Y . l'Ill. G, ,,,,q .1Ilb-V lit tiltI(*,,ý%iètl% or N-i'.. i-ý Tél t-tlibt-'-t North Ontario in the ('On- ; of the, -Levey milland idoing tlrt.elý treai market as follows: - 1,Canadian undur. ,-QtàL W.i;. ,.-ý:L 1 1 W Cr3. fi M Il -I, lit,ý11.1 't'Il.,. ý ý e týI,,i I. III lýktrtt., Ilt.el ,ervalive intere-t- [fil %van rho-en at , work . ... Win. Grills. who, lit on the eve - wooleare am i"lv unehanged in price: ! . 14- tris- ., . . l, -, I. Il il ý I 1 . l 1 I ýI-lIII . Il I ý 1 ýIr ,'ý 1, ,.ý.ý..i.,bb. ,4.ý.'ibi . :-,ý--_-,; 4-t-ikt,ý ,-V ,I,-,, t.,pr, ,-bt 11.,bt tt".%. r,.kll 'rr the t-Ivi%-t-lvtiýkil t'il Mondav la.t. N "*,.;,i -ke lie" -11 III 'l., - 0- i Il -.t ."'.. 'lut 1, ,,.-,ý,. ý 1 ' ,ýt't.r,* Ir of stiatrintoisy. lizze huit% a tient and colky 1 Vaissiberred, iMe tÔ 2er - puLied a .1 Il. c., ý.1ýrI, niurni le . ý, ý ý Il il ,Il . -ý-- Il Il .. J.-Il -,-ý-. , -, l'i'.. 1 I 'Ill, , , -,,IIý I.Vi.,bt".rý il% ýj,%î?. Tht. 1 ffl: *i*%%«>:e.brit. 'r.atýoiaitzk-nien losi woolý-ý,to:be. 1= î A XARKM DIFFERENC17 , !!-_pý:ýýIt -I*II-'ý f-,r Rhfýt - ... %.,...- '. ...-.... -.L.11- z .... ..... _ __ jýI,,'ý ý ýou»eý.%ýherein t arien mottasse hi» i ;rà te 211c; .0 - .n? .. __ . . _-_ __ ,---- __ -.--.- lI . 1. ýý -.- .I.-I -- lkbùbod. Thc cus nower A sa A P. 'f4AIIVII-L& Gr re 3. 1SENT O.D S. Lains. Id ticy LTown- S and IIIII', "' , , .... - -, .- ---- .--- --- -_ -_ -_ -... - Semaine. L.ItRwlý umu; OUM MR 111111. t The aubier BrECUIL LOTS. qt and phimophirei Appa, on fflday lamie. - eh- ted reque" as ad lower. il b«W by Uhnite3MLXhP.-finjtuliýit i teristir and indieuted the nui» of *0 ben the Va.,,dýrbilt j .114-rate-t 'Nrat. ilic.,tc. A grillerai pirute as the rostest [.lit& elle aladimora of cid VtItýX., i ;m whe" 1 (et Wkle r-M" Prinb, &M cellitn it Vd& W ýMVs« LiD,&ý&Y ets the uhýa le% for la l4poken or » a Greecethe autaffl ime Wéat fer vie- M Who" a" 'dr 6 07 lettre HIpe t 7 p. nL. 0 %Ir. . (*I1ýqç4lLl y %..;NWFýr1 1 tory, and the maniwr il% which ille wm -ler exigea. rucrain-Z t-, land X% -t-, Ir ï. wam âpé lbbmle of 00elleiniffl Ilay obSrvamire. Check" 31101sistr ...... ....... ý 13 Ces. perl.& C %J 1'. %1', wl iý,» I'f ill I>rt'ttý,ht l'y Colisiolly S.t*%t»K% %hotit liait a million ot gaiàMwasdke4rfflr&& Tôbite4puge plein. 00 et t 3â 1 la et=* go opn ýhop- and cp, or rom dered mate m flour : ............ tâ do do Thi, C'ti IlId %t j*, P., ,,.I %I, crrtnité e-Itý %Vhit'.tk h., leinthier lgptký(1 le% Ur. langher kick mas t i leffiti 0 t» striped- Missiles ..... Y. I'r t;,«,.,. l""i ,ht 't thit. IIf the M%%Aý Ilé'n-e Ykýrd- %va% al.4o C and tumblinIC la the ilesulessit check" Wmhing Lmtm, .... .... !@ 'f. dei réer Ik-iitx>it vellète on Mth Ju» ta raud. and palliÏg earà othees bair. Be- Omum@M 00 a 2 t'O P, l!ý, te autteme pertelit, 00 a 14 qqe 1 Ind hIlntiuý:,t the -hadly chewed tingem qere eyes P&dey pet bied. 00 lit :V) fIO-d Br-M DMIC ......... ..... 17 " do the hý-tt,,Te hid i, "'A fIq. tiltt'i , 1 1 atbibi-wr Mis -The icev. and diaebarqe fum ennd .7e )b.,tt*r, 'onta Wimur. P.%L,.= ;7 spftial Ilid !,at ibste Ir Godfwy Md liýwn ni* ticketi for fasse II- iý hm Imr*. . .,« - Ob Tap-Y C-Fet% .... ... ......... se do de pl q"ltiit Ilad emy itbPrrýt lu lhk, land. down tly the liattoilling týomiï%igt» for ne.xt fail edllow of tbe North Vietoria, PL j etum ta elle meil i l"It .-I %ilibeld ilb-binsider thé, Stigtllré, any the onik-nire circule. M Ajfficultural Society will be held nt loi \V k r te- o'm"eN 'Z'Oltre I-rt. r.," A %vrek thé, Mn orcilipain F'oic rur q"om -Th* P". Mr. Gienam ou Tuemby, the 3rd day of Ot- 1 chem 12(4 là, ...... IlAbIt, In I* rIlted liarTtý. liirllmbmt and Xr. W. CISM, tober nSct is à BOWM è%ttýq0-" I'r mby t-,r en-t ritiler talai delfflte (et Faully, ffl Moubday for the CàLt»- The Kirkfield and Victork-. Ibu par dès 9 lc 10 r4;., t lu'. C.'t, nu by reamol% let A 119liValb Itymid savit . a* Torionte thi* ynje a of the Presbyteriom pet quwtar,.lier ce 5ý; Il- Ilown on ld. lert Id. kN)(XIM thrrr, (ýr elle Chwe illuangým are about extending pasm 12- fho The 8, Su tu tju, JUT. J. lx wurray, of Buee BMM"Ibm la tq> Iktttvý. tho the lp,4)4t* 44ille on tilt- 1,"Iniwq 'rien rtbu*qra %rotu - 1100 drill il-* bpt-t havt, been el tliý lxwtm"&,qitin of the tmiNdation ewtour, et the illetter Motbadt« ouebe, Iqew whi emvmdo 0664 141 A-'tn, Bru»wick, P- hm 00 1 frée. TRt:>.* rhibreh La ta ho laid m 8%surmy, ille; beige On sàbb" bgjIý Mý pur. lut ile«. m 00 ý rIffl INnUEZNCE OF BOOT& VMIwrý- Vide, lerxt II, ltk, Piffll. le apprigritil iniv. 1%9 Rev. Or. jefraN preimm.t T'M Cnwý& »M POrit .. 00 th" the taxe* -Thecre9p Moro " in do prtm:: es 00 of the Contevel". ROT. C. Fimdit Cb&ârý BROCKVILLI inata ot il* di*trtc,.t &M a 1&Tâlmmm et a" by 00 a 125 Io If il,%,% ItIIbbt t)k" t-mtet" j Nvtbq (elbatýt dg the' tinert tlèk, 91*1@ 1ýi5 The Xzftý et Bâc" 'THWEURIÇ,. suile.RPHUSI j, t te r ýn,, et- 1 jolé jet ddj,ý ",eit %vll",Vtqt Rqpd for th@ other able and W" spftheu â» te nue» et tM latit, refreaieimq sholum 00 a 1 3à, tieu a" a brels in P. -A % a ~ý and a guëlai »lm4 vegetatim w rtablag L»i like. tb", jwt-m,-4ý 1 t't'V", k«bt libate ben ttsimnd hall - t*,ru ha Preftra. vieulle, will les de à a carffl»audz» .,I turt nage. the, b liber. 1 raod prou- aw ether À mm lisser bave A Wh" aT«wrý,,j ýe2 Iý> et 0» %Vtd. - frotte %Ir- %%'týPkb ( w ef4woom Md 00 ;r m 49' bat INÉ& la he f-9- lie; bu ucuiam mt, kt thjetelf %régi, f Itb4l %vh(,.* liabor, alitte appea"d lie the 15wc co&caà» aucun la &@Pd& m 0 qO 2 a Ilffli dit a aft.qq *m te. aitle$pM$& and il, = & et. toww& IL But 1 de a mm gle - If MI "ý,týcd in Party -P PALXER Bulu tilt "ine AN the" vraie notibiteule *hi«$ tb»fW.le 1 lot C" plume crop. IL (bze of (Autre 1 lffl evîdfv» ~ eé%IW for thfe Plaiedlie %eA4a.- Th$ bmm la eowaseclus, Accmuru.-The 'et. afflt NW Mmtre*l. Xay >M dite tile" of imxbf leMilit on t4 d@ý Wftb (Int,4 ch'timie wal -111110!Iâte be wM, Immm làr «m 2= gmoe. 0 le: C LRVu colme. tembeý- Li, treeVoâ and le %Y» aviowd for elle Zr w-3 0" sur4r 'n., qw the, haler tlxeqf for hou ou fflunbyý lm Jerý surxmn kqtblbtt;tr thm thqI fëtet* ee#*blWhM hy t*M feuivM wilà boýsopffl duta« oseotibeawwt-*etbS Md 1 bdbm te lm m dmbma la âw k* l"'X evidmetý %*ffl effl tufnrtom the ettremolk. tut ;C" M ; be 8" tbu javanammy IltrIpaley IV, lb'b*lt* the Piégeait« an OM.P»t AM Ptlr,.qw. A» PBMBWATmm - mm coeu lm bc moffl 11114 un lm de lft m n,%Vtkxt wtth proj9k.. ; bu eau" âsesk paimpilit blé ýtpVý-t. i'f Vtttt>% VOIV14, IA41r% tote thidil liableil r6r the ffle,% à" «»Cblw fier. 31W Weik« fte the lm Wcec, m doim lumigu 11EL11110 baie. or bd gqm un W" ý, . %vltndlr« th«r rew ldvm tott*- th" tb""" WM ffl yeuw imalaw m ob bu belle de .lu. of bb»r» 001MIR, Lis] ert. 1 y tow,-érilt szt. l'allié le chell le. Wbél u"e*eoou6 e -.-- - il pettampleman, or My o4bft plialew who M«bbdwebeum &" cm et tw imam affeeanob et semb- IL »Vý0É&Mm. tu*Mi edbumunea~w or 0&"& menule. au MW vu hiâl »chinu Nvmdlr* %Vnq tfl, lied bée. 2IL caruset hardeve et ru « -d pe eo- ftmtbW 1 vu impuing in ethmer te. ÏM Dmgmg »d ?erdymx. fi'?" th* ttPt(Itbi party eerlve4 t4ebefth pulw_ MW reeelved et qa" d for the W&inqig vetlh o» giedgigeil k*«er la tbe MkIl. lewto be iniwick" femul a illwom- uf iticil1w la Me j1Ru»Mhý Any -ý-et-O rqwiuu K"titte' t bave sbacs, aumdoi tu. ý ho "evtn%*t tt*wt*gesr, vrille Im» to th* det«w"t as by a offla pkMW m I-kue-W Oum pwtlbN "«,Ibr un. 'tt ia ellewiret lié tom m to«b« wWM pre»»VAIM. i* le tom plaim Wè wcaffl libres w1ý Fmablaý, afie. If 1,Ii. .e bub Maisme nEATTY»S GUIDE 1 le, meicet jildLenwng for thée d*010C wMu Xý#'Ntt (.t et#* twtetë rédellas. 1- luint MW ogr NÉ Fadfon wbile *0 Wde uneauý &Bol" bmmmtblà bu, tilde (4 t)b" I.ri MRb schow lut renula a W ILIbbeau» j&zdInwIý @ta warrim ,Mw jie-twý tii t.Inm»& t hi- eng"ý htablv ttéb,>ýt of 'ri* :14r. "Ob O'fmry. the entraum exandmulon t&k« PRIlia Tueli. rua agas" i t t Lfzn-ha. Ur Wàu mm -te Fbal M. m cia 1 m .4,qbu*pl for tk* waint1w. (m thée, laa~ r doge W;tdomm ulembins. jussbouiderwae, - Ille MM MM ME Mr (W Tm ad »Xl. as Dib. m id ML WaL Vaboulý cd "MoMM& s"Im or lui lm T. M Obil in- Our M" "IL à" lu" vuymweh aumànmL -du-MW « Mn. Md l im Ou bien in whielle, r* h"xptw*tod the taler m lm» = Wwd .4z»t te .'f 00, and th.- «sthjffl of t la Ilffl bvie4. débit w cm~ , as womm Tb»mm*ibw mou vme Mait. a" aime Thr Ime Vite, %ville a"d tome. au nul, monor nabu bbienob op la a Ji_ r Pm; "d M& COMUM 11111-t. rit " fortrt-M for bien lik-It joba 119, rri-m thé, lté" la vum»W la tim qe whille wM menait @« mm pàM as" W S" çalitt'y i VMQ ...... 0td". kllee. 4teweblIt délit (lil11% à comde& cepml. Filinrelard tiy bu bb iwM 19 wm bu PEM am 19011110à 1 pour. jmwq- (I"i"w I.téttbw," let Ragillmait vu le C brilde wm xlvm r qN lw:% 16,16. id-writ thallit %et*. 1-v Ilv, C. I., mm ot 10*8860&1 et *0 mmumta net or dkWgng la bb à& p--Mm«b. L" coin in -4 BOTZ IIfù,ý4-ý. lié, lit m Wagumâw. -014 by %la mm. va kOMM OI., ýk je&, M imm@did@e. bils Mr. à,,Oý ta 1jnffMMM&ý W& r,,O * ,,, Ié @$am etatte %am gagel felle bc ......... lit tht, bri.jýl Ifflfy tieut gb"&,t. lèvet Illrelv. - ý I* muto «MW*. 04 = m ý d" ID Tomiafwaumoij ...red Pt, ILtri%.q.lb et, the rt-ýtdrjwk, th. "Pqobq@t. 1l"M. ,%Wk "d la"àsnmts ar du Bj72j@ýý- tail el" retm' %vin, %-bu W4 7. Wb 4mils et op. 0«""Mozd i %b := fer ue l,ý, t»-eakf*mt - M atm Wm lm II lit. id. rit" hep" t'(btbpw W& 04 of ad- le bh-it -d veatud tigelle 1,; ét. kalle YMW m la ehamon ha jew am P= from whotte, 04 tefwtmmfv ihff~ lm àm bommteumum -9b»»Éw muabu tao UN16 cette 14 t4-tated. tralit fer let qua ulý An nu, lm jaune; jý Wie au W, P.QL ,rooDs. ry U(.Qdn lz-.è. nd»Y. wly orter. #et MACH INES. ct-i t. ,r&