. ý ý ý 1 ý . ý . _ .. . ý . I . fumuým«W-- __ .- 7r - 1 1 - - - , 1 - . __ý I - - - - - 1 a . osiwM . e-uýdw ... P*ffl X(Md&Y net- à télamlli Il - _ ligion am BA-rràuo.,q.-'We ne bu> élozobRa _.ý.âiM . eî,tmÈ.. . - - 1 emmum Y«terd". ARMMAIM - . - - *» ýffl -_ -M i»ft W . %. endýgit.- -,ý-.- 1 (ýAtptqè orT partie* âgest, volessaissestlasseet .41evwé 1 p3r ta Ille ensessatied te My th" léiaistasi a APPOLNTM-Irllll, Z aieà Nà * JU , , à ' __ ý r àm .là . - ft i :-, .ý - ý ý__:_ý___--_ . « COL Cabitt, wmmndiug the Mis But 1 ][«%mme Cie cabob-9 , àà@" Mt fhft neuvu - . azi-M ,,àfàéfý ésoujost - - - - or'r'rabtltt.vlt&tb&,ý.tiffl lr4l'eésp- 1 ll»«-,Çp 80b"'I'S'a nnwmw po'R'r a et le, Aeuve miitia, hm omc"y Do- h» - . îitwthu* m kièïiîiiium ' - - - . 116 1" .. ,,Ikàâ 9» . josalot, . 1411à 0»6 &&= Mi W. A. (3t)ollwl,ýli . Mr fatamaald. gopa-wingbw a amb - - -fî a";; Uffl làmt,ÀCoL Deam fer logg bon de èma le awaffl -M hm Tormu le *"&Mu *W am ut& dite; â8oel "W le 1 @4,4kealkd Po~ la Wood Md a"'S& tisses, udtud enuatim #W the admi»- . leté. ".,Wbý»ý w1l"Il (4 1 lqtxovreý, -Ut. Jath bu Visualisait ,bè..ý*.Utm.e th. Z OU & doue otàL ý libim "tgbllt%,.Iý,irrm. vallestre ho quetaistaidiai Dr. P. BRADY. faitésaisat for lindse Md Iffl-3m signifiait ofnen-- gSd, =, atm. . 1 e. jîý Md om Id lité, lumdll, ý a alla i tty. - mw vont a', - - lm@ ]mais" . ý R O O X P à - - 'Vývmile. Who i%790tns tocb4bthum. I'bnIe- rdmpàniee la the COURq 1 etadr cassemmis, * 01111là y«Wli tAffl,ýqAitt.c FRi #go COL Straubeàde, De- ------ a- Ir reeborte- 12» là" 1~ rc»J or xmw r e t, %%,I,.,b.Itlw,.ýIlli 1 et the. .,,,, ,--,,-,rrm Par- paty-adjutau %mad O( :IS lm»ÉPiet_ - ý bu la lia review a - on l'lm@;-4r"qs Dit»mltAno..q.-It baie il";; =t%ùý dedji tortue th" Lie" -----a p- m 04»OOJX =7T 4ur ----- ---- kt" Corel re of " 4-ro twtnitively dalateldansi that the pale relleivi 411 bintli nt forelom Md dé- nu euveyed t'O àtm au e- trade, %va the, _, - ', m et a opsdrop prim 8" 112» chm ptolm caah. , j.t-ç-41 Firu»l%'* Toursagibloggéléglai grill bu ý tc - , !et*-termta muý «mu.m - ý - __ 119, apregassiva et *gs ge»m et u !L! à» pmàm«ý&IM . &tSoi gl##08$ MqU(DINCS Ago piPIURI$, )%rift lit *iapow». Im Tien y A= retraite f %lit>% Don't forgel, taisisive htm Ditumu s 111 -Tm am som earmu ce faimboi" 7b@3m 31-t. alui Me lib'titatie» la etý* Ob irait. ý OOFOI" ke es W d«èM. te à 1 ~ b excellent colle. J-1. S.: lýa,4.11Z %làl", ý1Il = ý =e Mg 0 - Who bons 'ho plum tises de" 'tir N I el ý, 1 \ 1 K ha ve. réattérallestesta te thin de*, it Witt saut 1 Xxw citabor.ï. %Vin. mu» hm josil Mu fossiossi = 1 te pq m d 1 t 1 0 a = r., màuq 201 il tl: a âge .- - ..ý 11, 1 - 'l . Nz, .: , I-4 rassérégliveil 4% new lot of prtalisa la blignât M à laie, . . ý .- PUMMUM m 1 -, et(, Inuit balfffl if Ille pn,%Itlv@,Ir fignolage . . . . . . . cd l* - . b .e & do obgmf,* - * Il *MU halte boléros with a magesse £obtenu. - - 1-1, I*Dajobluotligbt p , . suftd. ý . a isé:. 'l -, ý a' '. - l- 1 ...... 1 1Il..ý . a lm 1 = tzhet- e_ýý'. a - 1 .. f* ne 111M -Nbffd«W " . . 1 .. ýM %N-114%t 'Ittntl-tr tif lhvited Regrettait . will bille and cokred . A am MOW. Gocédat atr,%:ry loNif, 1 Mr - __ iw . - moromb __ke am Germons pr~ilt. ml'e,,= 96-ifii &&O I*Dheébzt lui. Bg= r. «MiL ISAIZ...Oàt the mu . erd. film - ..-ià - . Md .@Wa.tiolqe Kent Stre*t ti*d»l- i ý% (;4xbtb Tixr. The qofA*dâ@Pg,ý of the i 01 Ilialaw , L gi bà ý volé la* b 1 devadm le Illoregassigige thewemumpmmim eÉthe Pro. = C ,of bosâ la cellait ma ,ý . * *. du pt'-iha et tlte »M" alla S" bmub ýb*Wl hm vhm aplogeor te ha runailm thoir triseins .- - - =It---!ýý.-MUL"-m- 1: visé. adon. nu ___ - 1 - L 1-ili4l.-N'r xtalvet bridge wae fitirly léabablied ne"« Mtttt"% -the ellessoltal et *4 ».« Who hm - nt melu Mm& ne other thy tise ---- --- &Oapbm.-Jef. capotai COMP-tu dw»Wbo nie xrrmibi,*T Fý%ý,rl#ý*tn,.q. labbâ&V«an 'fhitrýtlt%ý- liant ily van.kmbffl b*tq 1 ý - wu A Cam" sonthý &Rwar a hm documd one %-Mdin past, (t.. Mlefesthl. ; banal e-.harirbt'alfAi t.ltqpbant paqqinst gaver exclowen of the, .Nfettio" ligswasI a lei 09 tb@UM -fflm -rt-, "Cil» . W" T» . - V» 09 a th ou* WU addý &" o& sissagade the t* fi Bistrots; m Diab * ' fer 8. misée. ot. la tâtes, Teignait W." Moph. n : : u = E=R"Ingmlt.7 hhik ý il. M th" -%.%ont, 1 IM4% May* have boeuf i ,qthool ,rill tif held fait sturp« posigest, a - .f,,,.= . f= le. " tiiý . bombes )'V1)ý.bvvi:-î; -l:I 1ë'f,'sffawr.R14ýýpqft plat raille f<lf,îènd the- twitipetojm Thtèmlav nrx.t. The paftywMbeiott" tien en sot thila mmàtahk ý et meuw mwk» wa injapgeeeàùLud dm, which-wmimm - bàve ubàà ont" = :zlzmpe 0101ol 1 now état . . comwm& But a-M eümmi-w-d £W bien &cm Y.. - De" le ', À IV - PIR(SA111111, 0 Iwr Delly étatte totttt MfýeIly engin. 1 vouveyrd le) the groured by lm muamer i men assister thénir Iepr& C2" br mby m ,_Il à ant " toistif- tend ha'- dodina me 1 Mu VbM. àl" a a :11, fb., . ; md«"ip et Iffr. Gr&- " M ma ph» 1 1 &" .%tbwuii. . ý 1>.,;,:", 14li. ". 1 étry labié laid *tfflttv-. Il littoral haý; Vanderbilt. 1 Band under the le la tim ,Wediym Grand ,.qow *a hm of __ _11. ', , -' f - thq: i-,-rl-** - very avilbely (Wf*ý-"d ortion ablatif they (.av:-. %lbl-,>ý.ý %NID l.tq" cowemm haut baie elidged au ------a of &> boulets la *sI pronom ce - 27urutem W Dtz'=--m passerai tmm the " OW. ý1: 1 Ibuo eggi - Inter ruatm»d'M'YB"redeuce& .. 9 1 1 ýe-,--%, 'as 0",..1 & chest ou the W j«Il lative qf4.,lfýrkl thés tulte,ýt Information - 1 - & ri%-d hxkd&. y left ce bock . . =$«" neamdýUcq>.ýý1@2» v . Mr. :àIilw-ý in nalder to clear 013% baie fi; -> '.ý','..-,"',*,.! "a, - rfqp"tiràetb"ro.qt gafélit lron origine. 1 -b%*ee(vxt§btocoLqtmthey WB Cbeul*el =zt l-zy, xl-alowr"= - ; , - ý . l - refluerai il&$* Mai - _1- l" ],ment. ------. __ -__ 1 A tirpibtation Of.the ýt'l.1 oeil thilla *eawl%. The . " -.ý--, ýM «;ýM q - - au Mr caumu Pm 84awbbm «at-ý,Val A'-tl Tiut,ýop. William $fi.., 111:rt«ra'ritfe. le. - t LOCAL N'igws-lozTrim s Mr. IL jàr ires iplassIrsncL- ý go. - i - idemabaL - àt" ïod' in 100»d«M lot 11.37i ara" wr" e rreep«elm ; àira»=wlthevmyva F,-Iy., .----«.e ý- .- ,ý--- - --- . . . - I.è,,d.nv. nft, , - , . . 0= , are Ibll nette and tregaisa. Ton &F-e ý1 « - -ha " Chk- - la two boum and thirty 1 Mr. IL Xsin&jackmï,s &ftmW te. 1 or Os lie- X"eum ""O ...., - lý-leh,,-ý*im ý'r(,wlt(*ý,,sltrilrdlvvileqMfbf the J Ili «O'd 2 MEW a mkutm-4WooduSk Beview. .. ý .. I 1: &'.--,*Il "..I..*, (ofill.. lialle ilberrée flaliffile, Initié, And Dl&- .re dératé belette beyl aise le)JLVJUVILLÉ. .10 ý *ý totmourbu-cu»»M %ý 1 __1 .l.,,.ýi-t -4 ,labb: f'e abat, llwllt viýittut Péflierléorf. on %%'t-iinrxday falhere. ý leu wlbeoldu=n bw -WbmSirJohnA. Macdonald wu viewmdbream otthep" u"eh» i 1 lis " _ t o i»ýj»,4*t t lin iron bridge terres ly orert- ,or. = 1 1 ! J . ý . ý Ill"...,.»é.1.ý .b- »l,. l , ý ý -dm te gé ,'a tois eoavk-ced ont or bb own montée of the fer y«n teinte, joultud lotion sa -l 1 - 1 ,ça: LMUCU = ILli.4 ce - g cd OM M ý.. -1.11, 01,-r-ý_Jlt.--'- r 1 rit ttemn, I>YNgt'%%r-. ILitrtlett & Col, of' wittrr . à K.Tir.,tý Thou des au &lie towbddp of Eldm wm 8»dZ mrbqm 1 igi P'l". $,,' ý le pair ellégalle. se falgar 0*01,%- a - du jý ta tkej; a Située gred l. i. 1 .. -'ll, -,ý ý ý . rate. cage ra.1lit)llallr rot ý4ree% w«r,&"all estand ,, '. 1. cm Q Ila -et. ad- Pactole coude ,#ai-,. &titi en lettre% là what nageannager me& ' ..ý ýffi _ te the moU autrany prop, and acelle. 0 B NI 1 the lith lust, flair lessa a . Y@" ..,tltr"t,.Vlqqt-,%rrir4nqlt. Thpvre- Our y état -Pair - a 1 gr Dot lilkil Il à&. J. matddôý by 1 ir C= ij» tleilbatit toit tacamoils . ý quoir viithmtlieenue. ' tend = = il the 01 i Md lawm j ftmu and 9 _ 1W fil- rate patsbiffigèled and le goïassion rend with , * ,. f4ttkir. ý,!i1r1èrb! *atiMmt with the barobrit au I)rvy -if t eau ou the lespecter, W» the lm. cm 3. . = 88& &m" dissigulus Md leoaierier, it nbw bc te. Ùàeimt #ýq sitta-ici-ity #4 the Ana. I in q ha-tth P.,e.. - ofbdn& Ipast en have la camme byôpm P.Mr. vin 'L --------- ---- . . - . - been lit Miiited. ___ ý ý - tir rat tl.tt"l.iit-t a 1 chalet, ,*. in la -_ - m of *a whkh hm the main blesse WMeà- - av = «gi= %= .--ù, -. The, et 1 in 1 . . bon" , aM -gs- jndg. mýý .%.-«ýk liwrm jaev. 3Ùý It lisfais le . = ý I . ý 1,.be... aillent fer the fo)lnwlng lot of Prrar cm 1 gaver 0 1 le i eld at; the time lier q illibilt'%ý\*,r linté. liv" &ai a jantaiblagar Imiar.tllbg hotiqqý: oný- t te glabre iiie liqu r law te 1 . uny tbat a 9 Zýe.e ý . - .11111. Bil &My pv--eukubea a dm uTtàgvoýudon4to-the egaüntry tgy al- Il' . aloi 7bee. là m " ý 7 ý .IN:, . . .. . . tu ha a lowing ilIlle. maiter.te drop where it - 'O il' 1; ,e.-onuinthi.mcum -'Thepn ilf ob)wmntina botite. O. PORT HOPF- bei.or;. of h j ('%%tà-.*11>ýé;,: . rite Atteinte, Niettiý r 8jýU 1 ,'Ç-,t totr Awaby, elle. ("41q, ý'%I-*k-t Ille %% lit tir bries on the . 'lgaý ,Iýbs Ir. the Mme W« IiIL NO coissidellégatigon of cousins., les agi Ili il d j , 'Ir.L]P.Artllqo ou 1 BitrAva or iras Liestroix Làir, -We épèned 1 ,..,Z .Ez7 %ýglrr0 thély havalhaille lui-t rzts .Ir. febbbrrlmigli'-ý faim,,. tIttl'are 4habi towe lillois &Wl".ers for the tempes- eloissaiterala lissaffividual gras attotwoesdavm % a..aýà, i1 . me T-in-se tnspetý, the fauteuil cm of Lord Baem . rlirréa, ttufr* a% day. a.mr %Ttrýi 0 a à ý et hm revièges, fS " Mr jeau i -_ - -- - . -1-Illittettrinu sept. .«Ithl, inr,*%Ir..Iýtite- !f Ford. in attendîtes: ma ' PubU$he& and Ill wM ha oburred Mat 8 !Ofj«ltu= 1. SV'.qDATSCBOOLANXIVERS-%Ry.-The "the gmtut. wisest memest Of 11 .1 ý ý1.71at'f'f alla. (*tinftreiirt- Il..... noppoblé ,..i hila dette.% Ou Saturday verggary en S i 1 hie remake m le the collet of due' __ ___"Oh. h-1,V the lwtar.t.-M %eli 'Ille re-I. ith the rhairi'àu oi 1 1,,t, lie i.rottqht liefore the Police Mer B'C* S' S'&nnl F angâ Mail frisson the pmdWbmm blest acte of 'ate4:?l I %%'),.lil fil*-%- Il.-Mr 1 , - - 1 I)r..l - -r'.ý %vils, IV p ý le Cordon. of ta te- _- 'a' .iill"IIllawIl. ,!fi MOU&Y " W« = Ziani. go riebly merited; fi being . etruý fier. Tatra 1ýl= l ho; t!Vltt.1-4".,;...,il lier il trit 1-ev. C. yi4b- 'ait&#@"- trýtke - itmip terre' Nlm à sotte, bryosad wbut il» buvait = PtZt' the moral weltarle 01 the l wm !Ù. Il Il' am ther on the bc. me verifieff bv Ir U R X ZT V IR ICý lih'r'ý"47titur. té .;Av.*, . a il a grand ý11(4*t'-, ý '%Iillbrmk. on the charge or sellinq li- P-I"en 'The for algagest, The amaisaltements . were = mou bave pmmomt co»U- lâater: reporte Md reviews tellegraphed t -xý, rafle: ý Tur %là P, 1 ý. I..& 1.11411-111-r. Mr. Il. t;. j égaler At cet hoursolle elle ettla infill. 1 and wen 1.4,#,%Ifça, àl"Ilzic. %-itbF%;1%1>. . Naire. 'union OUI. ri la now Iý ! $5 b $20 &Z iz.,,.&1raý ýe" N'elitiý"r %vritk'4 frIl t -asminilitt-ilztnd. , G :t ý. t allions of the iN,,.,,%-.ýk;(l,). *rtbiixti.iart.te,-.,l;14*ki et rperottava * j ntrenrebab on . a the - end Situa ,ý ý , týuIbu ýw on lutte the Pa- -"-%s te the sen - ý 1 ! il- l -;. l blé p, V ý%, 1. 1 .! i v a .. t té bý en - I't , à il à4be hé, « . 1 ' 1*1 tlxiý.I.1 ,,% alleala M r,"t ai raloèt , flairai en) tend robes». M i a Il the titi. 111(il ré nieý. 1 ý larompliste lave* 1 ra 17.4 1 c'O Ir. m POR M 19. ý a.;. ýà1it, I.I Ik, 1,-,Ii..% lf,,bf-,ý Il rete..,, 1.1abrjleýz tilt- r:q"t. (Ir ith.ând 'xtl i Kii.j.b:eà liv' 1.14* et r., i,ýé>é..,# .sa ottarmer Re . Mr. Charke, ed e ver. 1 ellige Sè..dg .h" l bc taken alla al the grain marketi of the wurid, ther are 1 1 Il 1 garnie ut l il unmi bout of ser- nue newm et the of Cèmome undoubtedly litre s; on the .-fqfe of j rpHl BRoCKVILLIC Ci - , -,o - l,,ý.-,I-,11,%r e;iwh,-t j»-r si agio) liq. 1 ,%-týý%ttitlr ,Itlr,?It, elle ltl.,Iltll.bf logée. , ý in if-ipe.,A-h«»%" naîne lave ilid net, learn Tu t e erening .. tn.'ý.Nir. i 1 -1 -ix ýtn-p allait elle glow killed by va . au a elle t * ses ficellent-- b«Lye- sucuger thau they irere al iL wuRoLu st7pitRpitoupsAT ttia-gl'i %ýzrtèè,qq1blill..rtike aile lin a 9 quel. P. 41.. rail. .,a..ýl rl,ý;,q il,-- eNýlIé1at1 t'..1.41.%#.iqm tir,- ý 1!it . 1 th supée tend t. il p izh Court of seils th 1 a flanelle in ut-à' ýAdt111 Il l 1 "ad 1 mt ôZt & là e ýA - .W.lf.,I. - %',ý".,.Ircl.%ititý fil ll,,%Vf-pnillhk-ý4it..I the: ibriatitin;z. on Tiaiergiaa% night last.- .Mye. a . ý . W . oi*ot!nd ail id the lacs 5 of i,ý ri'. ý."....ý,ý,%.ý'le..ýtl»-r)»ýcý%iiýt- tilt -1- ,- ýk,ý bien. ý [(;%aille. 1 il ' née d t'O m , ý net tfils *m ri= - ý carrut.- and " bush-1. ut tentes» ic ,'ai i.fMý-?.,1-%, %% ?,,-ai ;art-,--tit cl t .éIllcr.ýeverA1 waffa 1 the scholam There were large congre- . bat tbat It m t ."f III étéerayagnail 2? ll» «eh. 1 1 . 1. .. .. :;P, - - Il. "..Ir" 1 . ,.,, il 1 ppfin *benee our *mi-* attm. 4 cd 1 nt *hW . . 1'.é,,ai."t.,f 1.1int (...t"iýeil.-..IIitt,' tlIN;>;t, tty 1 lipt (*.Itrvt-.. The c.t.viii?.fl*. gàüqna,ý,at bé-th,""we% The sachent la la rompetent for Parliament te re-open thé elle le naturaliv tiém-laf-. *Pm!., 1.,.q.). àbb4kw.% directeil maltraitais , * - .----- .I.,ýi . te Il "...,.,,. es.. f ... tp.t"l ý),t ,11 .1 VN- 'lè!lýl.l:1,..ftt w'd lý%it-fils f.,qett-rient.t. Rat -le 1%, -1. 1 proupenagirýipidly. Theftndarequired the whole matter la not subjeet te ques- the main tilleuls topas th, ,thers-à» te t e a al . 88, '. ý ;, of r It'orrý.p.»vkum Il P, _gggg biglerait hill in the Imdocave-and we' il MULLIN le Il 1%. N 1 Ir u R ipe c Il je A P. V, a'. l' %,.tIe,, - i.",.I,»,. a, r .. 1: 1't 1-1 %'..rfi8,ý #)Pý, in lier, ilaR» llv.m _ -Ill are raturai hy .ýiitmrriptiourý tiens sirotai- tion.-VLo lm Advertiner. . "I' -') ,%Il .ý,er.ý%, .ý1% evrilè IlIf jetant, ing the livret laber in a few persongland ',.e..,f r- %*,..P.,ýiý% ( .I"&tity. - ; 1 ». , ', ý a 1, t*.,,ý,t . il.-Cé---it y tir very ,11 -The Goderfèh Signal exposes one of tom te Californie. What la the posi. ýI1-VýtW . - wi -h t- _ »VEN4 LIN» ,l 1% faite L 6:é'. Il ý,aj_. ilitix)ptiiie -et ati-rit quite a tint- -k attendinc a tes. The collections . 1 1 ý . , ý .... 1 .,,.11%il'ýt*ettoz. et, Chatists-lirl I.t.1 rfjý... .I.Itlll. Aý en lié... ter il% the vilsagr. wwç the inarriam- on ri., 1 file léadbwpmteMon figallarient. magnelly. tien there la this first week in july j it f Héi- m- v-t hi, authi.t., re"y ble 1 ',,,,I,ý, #),,,I".t bre.-t. ell, 1jrýf ,.t,.f.1% .'. ', a,. Iý, - ý, ., f 11, ý flý., ý'1.- 1% .% et ttl-.-.-Imbllý i >a&-_ on.%bliath -.àttd'.%Ionday were sulOrtent that a protecUve umiffoit grain would -assaidat the end of June:-*Ng)t a . . . ý ý , ýý,,«,, 1. Nibéfidiallé vvrnilgar telles. of Mr. Thn,él. -filer- a Is i-br. L)ýt:èý- a" Purif)ib2 Féalù . . ý 1 \"et-a 0- )-%,ý".ý 1't'ýl #,.,I..ý -it a'.. i, ýI,- -,P. lit- hud .1brinklélal le t--It;ttkb [ le, of*,,Iivtit- Pas* FansI te .%giit-. lit net a taire litile balameafterpaylog heuefitourbmeprodutemaiýdpZ-.tl.i.gied.,Ih..,..«tomarorolxýeurei3btr%,M,;.là -fat a-t-iirit4c ý 1 wq .Ir Ils 'l '. . 1. a fl,,é el- il%,..".e a' ,,,,jýttii-Iaa l,ýýM ,titl, elle %PM'e'l alliée t'.,.V Ifflt %valet, î -I.Ik-.ýt ghtrr of liter. J. B. Stott. thebaitd.andotherempenrm Theair- somnehotthe« for eue mille be- I the crop hodzm, rilsan; king betokens t have tht ;a al. ýý W ,,,,Iy 1ý IIIII! Plait sa il OINN'I'si . rt.e...bw.*»rt)ke ilat., i a date tg on Mondav ineluded a pic- Ing dessaisira hm fie 1ruited. State& lu the largest and best harrest of tncthm4eretora,4,,rt-tinn.. j. 361 . a 1, 0- il 'ý-,k ->f t';,,,,,-éilii Pâl,éval. ýiIa.,%!', ý,,,i il,,# ý""1'll"" *,:a The et-reiàiib4t%- was cetelairtiled in the - - 1 .a,, ý = e..ý%ïrný Coggde'x be&Ùtiftd gronde acier, Goderieh and ehgvrheile 1 Canada i lever m Mw ', , . , , ý ,Il Il, ,, - - lit kýrýfl-P 1, , 1 1% elle% It-,.iý . 0'l. ta. zobd ,ý.-tti».t il#-- lwbi",» élied lýrë.tivterian *rhtirrh. which filme filled i . red On the Partite ý 1 . '.za.1,k.-elý t.j.; ý,ý NI )al Ilot i to t*la..*ittilit-t with «ti"m hy the laride à% *umtities of te be P OAD -NOTICE.-Notic 1 ý . P. F.>I;."%i"! ', fi,-- -t-rit. -rétine. ý'-ilirl)iLtýttiatalmit, ï the creek, with the mettait amissemente. tisser% am extenisibre noxl:iig . jll*. This = . f.U miýe le now belleved ', e..'t .il 1, .1 a). NJ-érbie%ý_f. Il,. ,IIý =éUL ; : ý1 lé - r'l 'ý%vt." Witt' 1 'le t'ttl'oýt 'f't'it bllý 1 filitherlatter whirh the tni(làt party an-1 à addn-me-. etc.. the MaAilla band dW 1 F:"-"."e.1?1"1r-,.,#n. #:tel"ýtlr,. -, ýV t'fil t i fée Ille-Ifi--l t'lit ter and Vont -fil . " i rogratisait the Mettait. .% piationn taret- . balance of the Tour là %truck; i7aiifornia ý 17 - -ý- ". ; l. rivent te "Ilyde liark ".,.(.,.ni,« .l'il 34ýn.-,It!-, ýe ?, %,Il.y ,.I.qfýIIT 411-V-%Nelc on cosir ý ..tlý'. Il. '12. 114)' lýVV9f1--? il. 2'la). - Lait"* %%'ICM ýq«ppp . j r vrite t-ir_-.inizpd, Mr. Connings pre- al lie ' ! )Zllt-.ýt.ý %eere il à Inil fan, a" Ili, net onIT for the bas thrown lis plogo.4m" initié t ' '", ' "-*a ', liée ""ýe"" Q ý ý i. -- - '9"ý ,,I--Ivtltll-'ir'l'r-ýtt-ý- -%Ir-(*arli""Amlt%" Far a- éara providral. -et% . ": rtw,,i ll.,,S.ý- in .1ýh- .4 -.tefl.,% 1 . - )il., ,tl--r,,ia--e' zý'î ýý. "et: vvr'ài.,_2",,:ý ..,..ý%,,týll I.,ýit;iý- )ai- t-yt--igllbt frotta fief- ý - - siding. Discours . by the Rev-&GuàM. hume but sinon. The seule on one aidé, aad the sword Of cigidiff. en .1 1 - i %N te. té,leth the t*mpte.tli happine*L , of your soient, and JaIr. ý - ; , I. . L . -i tlle.Lit..ýr;. !ýetI1,_ bjý.rtail: ý _ Bollins teigne interestit of the hSignersa fat, I;re. 1.<,, L,-'; -ýlleil' V;fIlle. . «----«@- aiment Regarlon have Tùrkey moly lie in the odger, and vet ý 1:".e..,.d. tl,',..;&$. 261>1. ý ll.,I,%Il.ri,,;ý-,.%#.N. %it-.«rýý',ttlibllen.* ÏFNPLf).V LILLS. gond. net beelle Injustagit 1say the lm Importa- fagtoturathebeam -"»dytheliar-,IW"U" Y,16th&Wc 1),l% t-Il )ait% e iitý«t voloi. -ted plat à OutT. -.*tn«her of the Aret sentent, tient et western grain. but on thé am- lier of Sm Franchirait le enliveined lier A. Id. REICKZIC. 1:.ý,iý,;,I eilte*\t IIN n1b; 'tttt,#.,%Nl,. ; 1ý ' Il " Ttir,,Wii.%T lit ITr , The pregagence of wu, rarried te ber tant rebat Ir as au thaler ~ a handred bar W- - rt-ý I- i, - -, IM I ., 1 1 - ni'l«. I.- 1.1 V IM't ta, -,:"". ,,, - st.lIlh""..)tl,ý lamellée If.1t, .lair finette iiiv-lo-riuu% thing in Cautrevalla . in *y.- 1 D-I lm à " ut the Ch _ge velligtels ehartereh ,!-Iý mý..,ft. , -j . leilla. ai the hour -f Ten ý'ct*:k. a r'..,e.ý,é t,,,,,. K.,.tt,41 , the 31. F_ remeterv here yt-.%teU -,,. W te baring Illiblestat, whieh le, freelv offered Nftý N. telle "' I 1 , "."A....,* Ili %Ir. ý%.Iebllblltýý1-1w-th - ri-- wili bc submitied in ,.I. I".,.,..t.-let .If fil.. Il.-I .. villieh I».il,2 enairt.1% tif holièr i salle lta.ýloitn herna oolemaly prniesteti widow of the lati John Demeer, »car millage, vristiella . . te A grellet ex- 4M Per touggarter, whilet tmven'views-do - ý 1 fi , : l,,,l 1,',ie,, ,b,.!".t .., -y I'f. t'rd t., a'.. ýr ', Iý ý" ', 1 hv navit,-%Iorm kit its watem, and penibil i arrieltes, i1rheftt. ont émeied 4M te 46& WIU this tete] 1 4.ni & (et'. - ,F. tl.qlfi%..tlrq. téifid p---lt,-illýi..'l- il de.... 1 .a- à .Nfanilla. The fallaffly oettlfd m the lent tu . teauttactÈm AM I Li- ,a Il th-'è ,,-,-,,iètý,t.ttlli"4 tité, A, ' "a fil lbk->,--iiii.isix lei. express the hotte duit . batinestend étalhen 4 buste !of nver forty whieh cela bc laid devant ehesply OU or- bc tht Permummt Osse for the liennalm, 0 ]FIa IC Ir A ile ý là, ait'. ý"..."%"t .,r triffli.. .,il ah, 1'..a-1.,rtllý,tliti-l, oerother rabanaee-l iý ý ,,Milt. daring sportignalagen wili subtile, au , ,car,- fgftaý 24bea leigire% a rery kroie ces inh q.1 ai,,, iel-4r et'.. ub-te ý,f,,#8t. Pére. itt.-X. ý I_1.l'Vh,ýr -f affaire ttiý%il jutý,illý- notice. _ - Mimait Of the wat" M-TI&Rllè PrOtee- aD4ýb agagestabliflé, the Pri Of Engt 0» degalla affide in the Tow"tp -! , 1 effort et) rupture il, itait liant theïr flatte- hn;;i);r' à ÀeZeý= s te moulin ber tien wedd caly estitil the" mUls and whèut The allestrer le this agi un - Dm lAke rML» a» .un Ili t -e épier, ' 1,;- a.ý,la;ý.r., b_ la t'Pb ta,%--i- lar.se eltfiq1i.ti tel take tour 1 t-Ilrit'.ýlt%- .%.% lie ite appeangegare and , ,. m& Ifi.m P. L S.. ,ýmmumiDu P, A Ir & c 0 . - ý "" tim aile ut nearty eighV vears of se. would divert a velry «tensive traite lapon the lignits of bassagrilition, la 1 . Iý1 a. . , ý jý,- ýý ', i.,I" % ý,f Il P- ». bu-lt -'l f-q %ý.»,ýt i. .itýi;ttè-ti in the enflée. IN , 1 1 lli-I.,...,..,Iý el, .. ...... d"-e- .4 .ý,,,jIllI'..ý ",..tle .lit'# fil.. itv i. rouveyed if% thé, 1 fait A, AL MoDeltx ,*JwzpiL -A - ho " S-,try- ilège faniser of the IRE-ur-ope. la one eam" the ile..v..da ma lie ROW. nala 1--4'ç-t- 17- mur lm linél, ara therë iâl faciliter of an enter W" proteetiord*t renwalug on thi , nt le tuait leuter, and pnr-odb-ablyv ton h!gb al Noie. 17 ami M. and réenfiliez ma" ý 1 ltoi.il.8 t. Ofy= ir IV lia 1 ', ýl Il,> -- ),ý,%ýt. 11- ,t.,frlàf ".,ý,,,,ý--li il, . t%)Voceýi,,,- 12. 13 20:1 l4ý 'nriLinu 1 ,t,,i.,,l wav hy laina.. télé everv raintai in , ,alla., fier lait Io il nothing but a body, braought wit the aid of two tient lis adévocasses NU te eouM er that peu . ll»- . Illlqt*kMl Vtbtt : , 1". 'rtor M 1'-Irt ll.,Fm- %ýitý iw.rrt-itt i rlw tk."I.t,. lilial, triist-ilbiti rk.zttltrt- abattre ' comiables 4 er __e bc reàçtored this nu.. mer. 15111% Coný ,,n Rend near the ta 1 . 1 N btir Iili %vhçi have ,been il aggree that iig lwfore one of one magillestrates lately the ejq»É et grain and Ille productala "Ru»ia.derla ,-:ý-.-,- ý 1 ""ý",.tiI'eb ,%Ill l». týtk,.Ij t- j'h', ftt-et;,a---- léaildti'votte, ,%senti %Vtbit-Il i titi.talle part in like festin the middle part charge 1, _g the ceressal yeurdmw- Lait yo. "; thegabS ,1.,,r ýw el, 1 ý ::ýl:,f ', \11% S1,10-11,01% ha. ýiir(.ii-e 1 1% réatent ý 1 with illarefuteffaing the Ute of for emeud Ce, b"S tl'r isog.tolt close.. bas areely empeted am sue ablégat botwatt. L.tý 29 - (è,111411,#11 DI-Y Goodt4, 1 il, drtt elle file liq the lik)%%ýe vait lit. uffral lit a P-elleqerpent. as demerilàed in thé il- one ot'our rée-pertable farinera a mile er falhug la * t thé M . witlt -imeOdts 111 -»U»Ijt,, but the prois. 1 thrabatiella 1-«*- 210. 21 ami 22. in th, i_ýiýý K l N'O." \ i lý. ý!.-' tata fi. 1'l' a %-L j lir't ,baie# thrit if nrtN,-ý-arv offlside air "Irlit.ýtvk)rtriv finit reliait - -le arrogante of tire éveilles of the villoixe, and do implart of grain dellewils . M M _ peets la this lj;ýi ýýi of July, are 113 uld:!I. the I ith C-,net 1*1w C é \ %tfe Ill Sa S; le the inh ç,ýabSiofab tý i 1 t>,, th, Jk,'-IO",. "t . ', j'-In lIo litilixeli. tien., .-I1È,pIý-inx tri, . things slip = ralljr. lits naine la je- the poekets of Canadien farmem that the cropsa of Sonthent Ettropée wili li= ý 1 ý 1 ', -IA ,if,-. J., %Itsr 1-'t.. ,If lit-- 211-t thlist. niaisement of the, deep. It trait sepab goulet î g, and lie la evidently lm -Bssvý Archibuld GMKeA. a Pl"bvte- yield lisait surplus whieh batmm Lou 25 banal 26, tu SM ,» ý . i .air and cn-ý%t*tilt, il, elle oti-P il %vibrtit tiredat the other *night. thongh with _ balance* the mm ng tbe.lonqwd towmhip,,f o,, r4illilltry, 1 ý-. ý i,,Ilt.:.Igrtile6c tleï,ýi-.t-m V-t ýztv of the tvW of the gond balai PatrüSeàL lima antidater, fon»dy of Canada, 'but eawrts of the United States. and li.xe,% iLnDga &A-mwom . Tow . ý i.. - t , , 1 liipr% ,% 1, I% j ItI, ,eIt b-ý ,att't henithy itttllg".Phert-. Ne the eflýt évitât effert iq tant knalawn, an no W.gat fin as net content with going te lutte hie now lassellessaisfai la Virg" City. \crudité. lnueed of following value. Te me the ,., Iiý r.lrte,%6.é. il, tint gré-ilater than ý)fher' the Lil.e débre epeliteh it liait Lieu " Cu- unawefe file lie sagessagisit tait lavade hie Invites te a coutmporuy Bluff es- i 1 1 ; ' - a' - ,ttiltlýZ lýlât> l-l' 41I% k't'ýl VIlle ili , -k-Aat%-iiblit.%gt--, Inerties ý.1ý 1 . 1 11-1111l. .le ,%'av li",.. , ý tel k 1.ýs-t--ilix lik ý . t)oeotik,- whieh inight ptxs8ilfly lx- a Id -X"RKED D'M 'u .141%&%,wlq atitti i . lit- leaitéle m He w» bomW gorer te Radians le astay away tint la lairegaltgarois tend semblera Eurgaasasb, ap. - 1 ,.."" ,,,--,eil"éýt?,.tt b., ket..,v %ý.k.n. i et. là . ,-on t P- tiblélat i nX labit t 1 lie i et one ,v M il sait lit match for il-, Ibist if the bulles: reached storim Of "biuaumùr are vM - p- the motals intrisagentient influence r.,I. t I... ;"t,.I.,il.'t 8,"bki"ý-,% l'é%%. iý?é.1 , 1 ý,.t,.,,aititgk.(4ts, to sleure ,,Steibhenýoit'n iN riiark, whirh iý inglast profitable. we the . 1 muet gus hie nom la ftll go te pu&% bien rallend. Re sbould doser. but wheu they bave auy eonner- . . 1 -1.1 ai...% ,ý,.,.ý, It.... itip-it %vs, p4ili 1'.tt,*tt." léliail liait 1* -iirpri-ýt41 if il turn up. rut ha . . . creuted bar the ÙÙrtY d&'m Of June.l.e.6. . sent te the county lodging tien v-Ith'Vtnduin thev are fatale. ffl- and this liuluehee " maâe even greater Thw wbeek ,n, ha%-e rmriej,,g cu r iwiv'nt-It'oiý. 1 ,l1.1. rt.,.,I, P 1- , , ill..t,.-.. tl,:,t tlbt-V(-",e",:l Tilaf: Ilveai'lli: %-Çlbtýt*xb,.b!(. II.&11.%V.%Y. iliattl hMlveý4- in a saw-mili lbefüre 10»9, bonne fora tenu. Ne - wa-- a latrassager leva hundnd diséellessit telle mm are there el t-,r a fée, 1.,I,ýa>, - .Ir .. reliée i ne m.'tlt-t -érý i a ],le- 1 i-,)ý-;%%';4a'itik ('t'ilfrer%ý ,lever f(we,-311 (téitazette. bY the match Of p0IýtIea! events -, étinefé 1 ý . à 1,ý,,ýýý-, l"P.-ti't;,Iv il> Iýa% 1"...-I"èt tIt.-V .,ý,;»,aliplit ý y t-,gtttlat .1ohnramvler, hall __ 1-0ý----- . terre and emploved by the complaiýht tgsfýdsw, and hm the &amant of extra the tailler am ellescultantit te Imrry for , . - Il il% %laid bc leh "IuManter" on being work acier gloing on, It la certain tissait ward stationna - 1 Drîsm GS ds, ...... et ,fi té il et t ti'-tit F, et lie hl- taille ailes s1119fk-» ONziaitio convrir. ý solpaplim and thus takýe Il 'Il ,,::' ,,,, -- . -r , ,%;- -k ?aloi et' 1), - rele»ed. . garithin a te- *ftks many lessindreds the caisse air deniand, in a ,,,.t , tr . --'. TI.-l t-ýý tt;,t Ib N.-rdict , t 1 .. ré . ,.11-,%vililt alertant Ibeipibt,--%- in the C.fminitr,%.qnN-at.- et;r.ttWerge»two -affilage, more WM be titulaires, out Of emPlov- the lutter suppelles, frous me. , P, ý"..».> ,iavIi- ,?,ltN ý (..,facile- (.1.,,,ý.ýýtel'Nvel.t.ýtti:ttl),%.etbo;llltl"tlte r%-aý,-Ott,,qrlvhoanciýe%,t-rý%lmt-mhersof ment. The local _ ___ te fle () ti :1; A 1. 1. - 1q f.- W . ý "i'é.-.,ý%...,,"", 1 , i4, tiffl lit.. itt.,--rvý-tir. Ity 1.ý,ti.l.,tb l'iýii,-ý, %vti.b la, ettaleýtvt)itrilb;l tel Iliý ýtICiklt%' ý(lteII fair .Jatr. Gilibat, instead Doilisio.v .Vorjr3. PRPers am C" d expoMnt ettessâtrielle. FAeh year in- , , . ý . 1 1 ý 1 ý i .1. -I a iu.-ý ai.,. NIle , Pli ý,I0, .o ý " t . ,)att-,. ý.,Ib» t lit, I)r"ýlbkýý-t o( illie týttk-l>ek- (;Il% k'rlt- of NIr. Pdgar: lt, la-,rztis-ým fanners ý - einono te advigge libellent te get a c"Illabied effOrtis Am made th» te fore. ý Minia« Y. . - . -, if they eau. For tienne whig, are ut 1 lt.-eér. .1. #,Ç"I.ý"ç. at"nt 1.,rl.é-%%,ilte Xlititbe). in F&%-ý-t.1nd tg' iven. flot itllý,%v,-el t-i nialze aseigagautents - Biqhop Bourget bas huit aubotherre- = stall - PetitiOu, and. ut tbewame time , ý 1 . 1 , 'é ,ýt-, ý ,,ta-N l"F'.t. x, 1'1;.."ýýtl.,trý,r., i-tin, thé, North Shaire allait .%I-)iàtrt-;tl à like tr:%derý! :..-%ai, lieuzitu-Ie taxef; in lapse and la net expeeted te reeover. ý the position in net pieutant. Thevhare te avoisi the fancertabsessies of wluter i ý 1 1 1:11, il, ,;l. 'f', ira thi, c.-t'.1,1t'P'rý.t.'t-N, ý 't gad ot taNva nti 1 w;ty.ý:--*' 1 t Witt lx-,ýhoek- 0,havraare 2.; veut, ban the dollar! , -Cornwall huit a "ý« lire .venter- 1 newm . 1 ddpmnbý Lialm 00 Il - R 0 0 111 S ý .P, I., ,1 lIqI ý'l. , -a - are ýégsgrvg:- ti-à lestera da . 1 being » ait the ý S, In W 1 fri.-tad. ,.Iéjr-.ý,,,- , ýj % i- ý%*. . "These remOrks m net offèred as a l - -. i .. 1. nt. alobibL ta% lalatit t ItItt ttltittbýttk'lV 'reg 1, W el, . destroying the fluent eom. for - endommeu string dis- plein. fer foirer mlles. but imply as in- 1 . 1ý - 1- - --i%,-4at ieb ýzPr--,ýf-,rr v, Il é 1,,,,e:. ,: ýI1ýQtl4,?4-c luid Ott:%%viè %vils il1klvitaWý rivée. this iw--t ha.- ranade itA ata" -e Sa reliait Z'. , î ai t'a ïtl, % i sa , . . ý =' One doHar in Cana" in ïrorth dirative Of fatts and probabilités whieh ; Greultdinelli, , 1.- ,%.ý.-t,,.-ý:." 1'l' mIt l'-t fi'.. bette titi- Qtlrtw(. allait 'rtbroiliti, anâ i al Fýtýt leilliait tiv. *rvnrý%rnier,4,'.ttr.-I.F- - A braîtrist fine of milway troma Chat flair in - ý.r-, li'..I.ýt- itt Wklgteni, beillig titi * -nevw,06 3fr. Gilum hm CM- au anal"in of the situation or ami fle ai, Fil-4t -*IFIqlqbl.. . .'.' ', *,* i 1 a,,, fr.-P ,i"..,. et, j", rj.at tileit liée (;re (;-,ttlt ai%- .Mr. I-,ý&:ir Fi-ttiý-h.liave fields ham, -'Çorthumbertand coantv, X. B., te , a ferred a faror topou soeh- Canadiam siffil -ait- apparent. pMhft «' ....... . , ij', ...... .. f ,ýt,ý.'tr',ýr. Xlra.;%.Iv Ibjýý,.-r M tuent ýikk In the .%iblericibn ait %vht-tt ixttll%- ýitr.-t.t.;d. It-iI4 in lie themainU»otthe Insierroiginissi w» am con& entieea away by due 4torie-% reffer, 1 ý._ ý . . 1 - 1, - 1, i, 1.ril. Il, , 'r'l . 1'. 1 k i tri i Pb I bforiv. . ý*:It- 1 %,;iv .%,ýtk.èil. ilka)- have titi own olit - 11offral sillet il ;% ils làk- Imitait that ttitýe nitrurai; on Monday. ý shows galsit, thst the month of Joue ha% Priatiose 1 '. , '. liait- %Yttter..tittl termine vLrtitetlt%- ,lt-ýtrtt-tivî- in-ert,- fiave tint i . The f«ýk le that no iouàtiry la better go te attelait, tant In stork Most of the i 1 1 , I - ý - ý - IIý 1 I.-I ý ". I., , Il .. ,,, Z... 4-%, fi A - la(týttýd . lk- l'te daillestess In the tiosester 1 tissa air estataisi, and few are go good. Euraispérien, rofentrirs _hjeh muldomlly 1 ;;ý.j,1-- lIf fil.. li-, l'ri, Il, Il.. ha, i.e;t.l.,. , Pb"i&i t rituk mad. So thalas, wlien elle inait - v ait the famille il% the toliviii traite. iteamotint o(squaretimbermw 1 e h:rt woxk foraliving bere, compose, w#hE.Xlmd bobo Vibite et 1 ý 1 , il. 11, 1. '.1, ý l- 1 a t.. ýbjh.,.1,t ."Ir N -, i 1. 1,1,,,, II - 1, 'f., t, ýqf..f lehot. -ý.4»,.j , i';,""ý WlVi-rý the Great Weltertli an -.$le- (.tbtlltt Iii%%ý_ il t.. hi., liaving . vivaila enining down the Ottawa is ligargely in am tolerably- P. r u foret 1 _* xtt-," of the two former slýý Of a serai- -qPda and Fraiser, oU»d lie (;rztital Trulnk in re- hi.4 ýMbili tow,;.art%-. If lit.. wef-vit -filet 1 a. they o[ :nd l. j"d". ý, 1,,.,ll.,., ... ld tl...ý', t.. bv a l-,-eàliilkkl ,vitl Il. 1 chance te work if thev an wgllu& Germasse isbe 1, , l'Ill ,-ýltl a.. it'.. I.--f ,%,..ýliIill'l-jý j ýï,titaglelà% lie év I'r coeurl! il ive Clabitzidia n rattr prevail en.tet;.i%-a-ývý the hf1sbý,l.,t nfa 1 ' - - John -Mtingovan. a ycz ýiermer of loyale, lie . ý - .'!'ai ) 1 )'-ý % N 1) 'p a IC4.ràýÇ4 il Il"' "".. \%'" 'ý " LI tl.'Pl .,f .,It"i.1, r., i IVià,V,ý Il i, alvally At le. Tient la more thon cm bc ettate of theffr . fleidik. a viciai .lut- 1 - t.ijut t lie Great illiýr,- liliale tt.,I:tll%- ii>tlfldt;tllt là;irv--,t. Xorth Fast flope, came -h e of the United States, &" much ficiessit for thefr illessantgal, a" if* switzer- 1 ýý ,., ,et.1 "",Ié,é%a. i-, ý%"',tt-rti ta) iý_-jjbre it.:à oivil IbiZtle.,t ici. ! évili l«-;Irt;elv illa. a lte- Strafford trarket Wedue-ýda, Nevada. ad, 1'.1,1. .t.r l.,...,. ý reillize.t. 10ýh.tw 1 7anir:r 1 = libanaise, cm lie said. of lernai and Southern Frants, mav- imporg- Gre7 Callitteng. ý ,,, q. ý a ,,a, ;fý.,11.t ii, Il ill Jjrjýf ira llif ,-,ai rgy-il 1*1111 ýI-týe tkr(,eý.- former. ter stilabling hi% horsesà, eut hie thm t al ', fl ., 1, i , ,.,.!.ý"J'e. 4 .. III- iý ."tttlviet-,ý- ;% 1 la. Nt.:%%, l'il %,.,),. kw llitý)Tb,.t*,rlé)N. ()fil- Ix lit .&-rril, Rev. 1'..>hert Chtttilf)rm wilh a rallier. ' as Mental au ordimarr labolk. Ilsil 'the mrp.%t t . 1 1 , , ,%et- of Lt.t williatu.. tiý1.1»" indllcteft . Information reeeived al the Depart convenaient gray of* remiving grapplies, ', 'I'f I.,",ý, WIt ,,, strltr.,.,I. .,.ýét.-à-r%. en air ý ,Par ieben,.h!tlbt." the fain, of ý WhI 9. 1 1. 1 (jO]nM CIALX.FjW S. _ ý 1 ace. " 1 il-, - i lý%%M.hpbIbtor tif St. .%11(.trvv*s Chureh. talent ait ý%zHt-ulture indicatella tient the eau% imPoftalit btdk oeil net be pnl,. , 1 'Ill, ,t.ý,kttl:%Ie-tbiIb ha. t-\teit-Itti tel thl. iller. fratral = buq le doinu: Immense dommage (agence or Tm Càsàvuy Peur. chaud excem lattera the market% nffer, 1, .21 l ý, 1 N .; i a 1. .. %arts tit-,,Vtb 1.ltit.-r ,i.l.-ý sale. .-\I»-rir»".t il, .t tlt,%v itk;-rigtsý,,-.. Mr. (%rrie. the de farnsing regiom of the Ottawa LLvmt. Joly "-. h, Mais. (qYPOrttMittes of loger VÈ T- - a relate tenait . fil if.\.:%Iti,,rori,.% at.OC!ýIK. ý,,-I,,,,F-Ill,,,,t-- ri ...... . . 1-eP-,,ý %vill, t wiexý,,.vtol ti.tlkttt-r a Ibrlt(-tiIi.tii,. --midittltte for the Nbrth l' .iding, basa valley. The march of thp platine la Predlwe* ' "Of- these tieic . -., I'f [lei. lý,,t -1\ NIlibr, a,# , . ili.,tt tif elle "l'a,ýat,-ctit.)tl" ibrilla'illlk"f liqltilrCat Illaita, illteUtitU te retire front e»twarEL 1 . ranch mOdilled bv the wfttbpr of iiily 1 ,; V N U ý l' , 1. 1 N W. N y 1 ýI:-., ,.,.",,;" lé, 'le li eté l'lénifiait. ffliq The I&gH.qh market% bave been com, -evpn a raistirs, harvet: W,àjglg,àl4T Signant j . ý t Il te I)rVVibit lbtl IMIe (Mer tlk'il'illbk)tlV,. Il - lbit.ýillt-g.*. ---.IL bv-law mmâting a bormobsuf -'end Angtmt. tant 1 - .. .- .- _ __ I-1 . rlI,-t% ,i-t ti",.,ý, divd itt alliée ý _lliii, filer lâti $rxm d-ay r1-rhivý" ýtttbtbii,-il il 1 sk:%v.lt.%,.->:. The t'rtý-tvtt-ri-in con. te the (;rand Jussaction PAilway, te ne. pletely "bauted.- te fi." a eommon but time should tint have thebsame pfrLàet,,,, -ý1:,f1,0 i;::,..tq Vrid't tve-,rlliaaýz t.,ýtý Aý 1 If,ýeT141 frotte 1.)%Vb %vies% il -fait, alla thi, 1 6crt-I,-;Iti(lit.ý tif Peiner, .1alibelit a in consapalesseing the fine, toPeterboro, vigortalvé e-xluge,-*ion, but the situation SAXIIIII., \__ 1. . a ý;bý ..,re>eeltttt-41 selle rlbrk-P 1) Pv.-al ..b.ýttiýfzat-té,r%- titillez% tioir-1 lxért % 1 l'klrr3- are ererting a handsonte . à s ni 1 1 - il Abiplire. . ..,l,',*ttl" ,t# à 'fort 1 1 *L f- this reawà. thât fitork- Varpre thpn : - '17 ý Il 'a r, ýý-,,.». WU 1 voted upoa in the village of Hm. ie encompuned Wý no many narert". ifne, .%tkfl Pelé, .onra itg lil'r. Vais %% IYW es out or the ordisagary non th& It le exe"Rnldyqhffl. and now are une, i .1 fat taver for a »k,%%ý "rig.*' - Î, 1 ira l'abri Perry fer thrir aitini,,4tk-r. Il is linge, on .%tl" ir tant, and ce by , ' , 0 ... 1 1,...Z,." ý1 te-h .t..t%ý,t4.pe. a0ei h le'l i f-,i-%veb,..tk.ti in din. -t-;t..,tà, Witt% th-,;,ili, ! il frattie building slave %tort" high with a moklority of U . tRaBY gond. L't« July the qnantity 'Ir .., hi, liý...,ýIv 1".t,é'.1, el, té ,,,et ', te, l'rl"*' 1 ý-tV $:>., r.-r %vibich -,'ý, in ýn-flik)ýtt-k. il;tt r(alyt. and un one of the hegt sites il% -The t;miigers of Cou" are mak- 'Mlpoulb)e te spertellate with any degree %Zrftin On vmçm= entoilai lie qnirklv'al> , . tl. ;0l, III, 1,-,,,,.l..t, ,% il, . ý,, 1 of prôbability lapon the prolongation of Mrd igla.1 il ,% ' tklb.lart-41 lie ll.tN.eabt'ttt.' Tibi- %%-tý tilt- 1-x-iilit)-. ing .uTauxemente wbereby they may gorfa"d Ivar Our emptv gmneripý..'thi. . ý - , - .1.,éItý %\',,I-ti letýt tottifuitte-1 ive .,.,*""a 1 thiastateef aft-%Im This uncertaipty velle. the«np. ý rom Te. W ' . ý 1 \I't-il Il.. ,ý.- 'Il ,% ké-1 rotidit4't) Pf-ý,t)l l-li a--- Il abid it.- t lie lè;,141vrot Il lie cl .-il he.- »rtiv lluvi.*.,-r. -The fanners -are vifais, 1-bitatielpM& as reduced rates, PreTentS anY blot 8trictly Illecetelgary cousi . ariv, I..Vný000 qr.% of géalhent , SPICCI41L Le, ,..ftýq..[ t-> 1ba%ý file preiblititu. tilt, Lind- 1 ý-1,-lni%' biver the lerrisnert of the The deslailibla bave net yes been daillissied tmuucfiOný X es,, onty And rom %lowlv. . ý ý- 1 \\ 1 ,11 ,l"le.,l>,.,t,ýl ý.Nl,.,.,Ir" .r ý liellet ald larve rll,"v- 1 ,-titi, !ii-trii('tk'(t 1,11 ltb%%-t% ligi -l' li laitr%.,.,.t. ltttitilligh elle cold weath'ver le 1 .ýl'...#. 1,.,i,ý%1%7,i,ý,f"tb4.,.i.lé.,%%.itli.li"i,ý ........... i on, but the tickets wül lie gond fer six 'lit ls allie believed tient: OnIY 'rPr.v Wide En--Ii .là Pnnt&, Wt ,.,I.,r>, Thi.. %vi%.ý irrorditie 11sagessilloser. 1 tempting choeur« woeU sflmiulàte the ý ý 1 «. ,tv ti.;tte je% ! ttk-tlaisttZ il. .'Ç.)rtit tif elle riti4cý the ri, week.ý frolui the:â)te& Augau. -0 Il,, bel.1 t.-t'l"it The ' ý . , 1 . emistiovaissent et the capital of .-pemlators chattelied -%...h.i, .................. ýý l1 lý;111l: Vi!ýy Nlf,[ ,bl.. ..,.,.I.,l'. . laté-41 tas nii-er- Ille fembb. (-il al (.;balle ýlî berner a , port- fin- gtaod ,ri e a le ërop is. al- - -The Newfouadland Cod debery Fartagers in this section have Coin. Il 1, a 1, a . . lit I.J. diellef. f.> lit- latv, 'Vtllla.rtide -itt-t!CC ab( the t'VaCe. a per. 1 iteantét il urinera lettre avera * -tting Barbey, -il shuntai fine ; but thiff id \NHI ýP:îl*11_Vk - 1-111 1 1 i fai 1 Ce . other fruit, proluiétacs le bc au làbmdor 1 - ridured br loue and serions loFw",: - . ' 1 ,,Iéý, di., il 1 ý ý __ -- revt 't»lt-ieit.-Ti of tige %Vesteru N'aukre. 1 -%%-t-klt ilapplen hrinx the oniv sert leur. buasolu R.eports froma &» 1 - nt tirant of monev May bp ,,ýerimn 31"iný, .. _ ..., , .. i.ý I Pil.. bellitell Ilialving ltk-iint tilt- evittelive. &alibi tibigen ý itigý frek-ly. ý very favorable. as a1ïo, are thons from wl«hS Prélevait the »xt week or two dfsmlsmd. for it is gally a ihange of 1-i..,> ', T'.1 .-% létale. %fi ifiqq re w;tý ', tre'?) "(.Il;tv ab( t.-Ibitellir." lie lei titi. ý . - «@> . the Straits of Belleigalle. flook the yiosid wiB rot ouly ha WM but the Tnm&et Opinion tient le vmntpd te welter 4 - 'h"kd W.1-1,!Iý,-, le'-tre., ,. ý 11,1, , N Dr. lil.,I... 'ýtt,,l ,% va. liet re. and lisse tt, , 1.1. il % , villa. t-titlm»tit-tl the ý%e»erif:-an txl!itil.;bl i BELLEVILLE. men have net doue weil in the country qu"ty »& culot, wffl lie ni) ImPitai frOul lis aimthetir sle-an. s.;,>i Bi,,,, th,,k..... , ý , 1 , ,,, .e.....Irt.ttl..,. ,vith et,(, is).,Ve kr0taoeleý-, .t.ilý,tl q)f ýu-stiVe &biais jeatrint. 1 1.%%tEN'týter.r DEtictvN-t-Y. --.%,t the disirirts. The proapwtz et illavrafficast nkm tissu au f.,ýf,. dnt.d&s@' M«meY in Plessatifoi. and ontsider-q will 1 1 à '. a he Mil làt.,rN.. "a )tif. filtre i,ý 1 à a: - NV i4l 1. lir0w, 1 el le.,* a a toi ltr'ý a ! rere nt examinas ion for tenchera' eerti- -- Ji train on the Greât ., ', il ,,.I,ý"!tf.l .-ý."I" t ', tti,.i,.Ittll.'* thn'el ,ptem Air alwaylla fuildsh auv ainom of Ïnnd«) TaPe-trY tllrm?ý, ... .... ý . . ý , -Zh ýj"Ir""Affli' Ivitl, 'i't'tt 1111ake kt. Veratil Illiblablincit, there barils, Une ma from 04. Thomas ey do net ut pre ý, . 1 't 1 tie:ttk-% in -,;nnth tiF Fort Brille or&-ry talon for the grain traite ma;ý rmnirp. shmiti the ý . . . .. . ý 11, l"Il.- l'f i;le":é",.,I.,"ll..., ý f-,rtlét-Ilýtt-ib4i;titt." ýriteczisiattiatàroitiqi i .)fil%- otieàpptiuant fora tîrt-elmýscerti-- 118 suites in one bour a" minutes. sent appear good. situation Warrant at any rieur. the in- - , ý . l'ý,l",., - Il. 1,ýýIi, , 1. '... ner N . % ":t,>:Irt-.el.i-. atet et- 1 e14 Ille t 114 et ,43111 i 11,greentxi q-t,-. t la,- ; gle:ýtt-, Who retired. For second clans One of the ponneugers = the train Guettait Depr«iém *fTrade au vrfatmeut The raft maisclest lie differpnt, 8191 al "F"",: ...... 1 er t."..ý , \I6ý Ili -, lév'. n-Z a ritb Frid'iv lae, .%,taté-riq-;qji ê';-.tzttý id t le et e If dlm'RM wm over 6 ver cent., and ý "';"' - ,,, ,, -t-rk-aitit-il il% trinitiptb. 11rbivinclai rentiteates, there were saine sud sa bal mi jette ma W" m'ab * Il ta"', ,ý â.. . . 1 ý ý tIll' N 01-1--t-ill, 1,1-1 -air ShirýZV,»% ,%,ai fi,,- Ilrit.iýh Port vrepf, itway witli 1 applirants. all of whoni faiteil. Of eb la the extraordinary digne of fittyAet Engomma. résister hmurhe% of traité fIbmri-ýhjMr and -_ ý 1. 1 ,k... tý,,, ý111l.111ýIP , ,tltlka't, ln'.Z "Ile Valet Ili. t;jit lý,týVE-t-il hie levs. eitattlitl.tte.ý il% the third rhébeet 31 failed, IteSnda'per mile. 1 tu a l âgeorticie, on thilla Soldant the . : Iliiimps. - ' ý - 1 'Ir Né 17il'il 1't"'te"I-t- Il l"It tif star lée-Mer. ý 'ré)%V,; (*tbt.-.t-it.. .1 ellerifial, liet'tilla two %veft. retttllmiýerti,Î(,.ttmon4tmunt - The ocherday 7M leelmden arrîved Lon" lîi»m says;---«nm constate et are te bc. - ý . %*,,, Ný i.- ýl, éIýýL'-t« -.1 1-1 ý 1,lI!I, l'iý,t-a-,-ýi ité Iler -ide. Tité, 1 ()f (,blé, air, 1 wil. 1 . 1 Iiflm-11b;t liele)w elle rettalirebat age, ;balai -,et Montregal front Oueber, and proceed- Investit» lut" bottine« worid since the .ac, on grest resserrai fée, th- plux A., ..,l ý,,éd Il ý .,If,,..t 'rit., Ill.. It.,Iýl lie -,.Itit irtit on Friday (-vt-itirix thm- tif the larplicatif.- for .ýlemit rla- -ed for '%TaaitoW They were on the ' hv the Pet-genl ,,Ylsi.%, a n,,,, ý,-,--.l'lý, t,'ý, -;*.I,,,,I,,,"%.,.,I, . ,ý,,Ier, ý ' hir May ypt oppas. I, l' ",'a.. - il, I.,ý,tl. ,ý ..,it ý"V'F.:,iIfti 1 ra-t. Vre-ent -the laitaly-ir, Deputy. 1 wete awarit-'t filtrat r1zai et-rtitle.,%teý,. Whole a line lookim& cleau and able grenat fedissires of V M. d...M.te. mqi% t p . o 1 2;atËË Îýý IN - ;, .1- , é, ; ,1." , 01j,ý ,,,,-,,,-- 1 I _.L im r ý :- . &»V t , r Il,- ...... ". ' Il ",, ,---,I",..Il t ', 1, - 1 li..(,V,ý ýNtt-Illlné,lt,.%Itat (*(Itlet(.illnr% Ca. i ,la Fixe, 11(m.-il of, LaIw SinTs.ri). - budied lot of people. There were " prelleti clegagelly that the mnouaduem the lu . e ovpowlmitie-ç nt , 0 ]sa= « .. ý '. ;". __ Il ,-Il r., lr.,. ,,,,-f ý.""t..,ý,;,ti."l at'p'l"4 1 hi hiv * t nýtillg Point Of law bas on the train 215 English and ,ý;t«ch whicha agrafe brought te the surfoirein the con, on 1 prexalbeait Moderate raies of 1 fil, i;.ý'.., cýh..... , Il.. ! , 1 Il ;,ýt,ý"'I ýl 1 '. 1 Ill.. .Ir IN hibel Il.. ' faits, Pia faillais, I)ftll'tt-. %Vitittrý, Ingle - j,,e,,,,1lrýy.ýi'.'.îri,', Ille terni h . ý- - . 1,,ýqi"ý .llr ý , . F-Fýll!ýl 1tý ,air .. .... .111l, .'. ..7t"ii.].. tl'-",l fri - - I'r 1 iIiid l1-,jIi4ýý. là t-(ftaiiiètini.-:ttinn ,évabat; .Itl.týtý-t-l tir. ch;%rIeý'X. flialley bravagaght Ontitrio. ronagnerrial, ensepation, of lm year t'The lattrest; 1 t 1 ...Il. 011. . i ý t W% fiald lipou the stars, ofý 1,2 fée- ;in-f,,ý, --r ". 11-Il ý . ý ý - - % 0.l. l.,,.,, oIlý,q,, 1 t"-,t.,I, Ill, Il-"" 1-I-:q-1 ft-leii.\Ia---r,. l'ýtrtiertt CI>.Ttý;âýtittafflimt the corporation forthel ý -The steady emigmtion te Manitoba %Ir a portion of that whieh essentiel; bc stocks of griseatt la Londonand Lirpr. 1 ý_2î aý1 ww.,... ý . -11, , I,,-,ý, 10 ýI,,,, -r !j,ýj Il ,-t l ....... : ......- .. ..-ý-....-- - ___ - ___ .---. . __ - ý .,-.f»t a,,» f- E_ _- M, th. -a- 1 -A .b.- 'e-1. _- .L.- -.ý---- - __ . . - - - --a .+ .16- - - ___ - . . ýR Let! an-! P&nýcr . %/.':'*' Naly Cali M Y OW. Bug E SIý AKE., mi»Id, TOI ut mow, tort. ILL rZaNs 1 1114 9" lt litvlt- A MATS. PA-IN Grade% - * Thf bs «- - -ý ý servervey timx fflm __ __ __ lit t il et ...... met tha 1 alitaitigt hiln vrat carrIeçt n i "lie ("tbuliril te, thle au Thurl"y Lut township of Blénhdm Maàà Ait t_- -àai-m he homom me known lm be winding up Làxz&-The remipu of theste have .111 "tir he i. a flettild. ille part%- tittinterred 3£0 and were ail proe@«W Ilo, siolde ont hie crop lately b- libérale but tý Bleeta lîmod: LOIRIETTO Col l"it f)Ivr,ý 'ý,tbtv of thelit nrarer (,brilk-riy 'ilnd rett, etable. Aa the he folusil la se-W Y-de in sàruuk lm »* ý n pmportiom th« den"Ind and D off bedy et mmug. Vor tIll. ZlPItý vre have teanter **1.miv tif tc: lakes'*w»&Mv. lellyctli, tut wu in drills, apparqutly effSts am tonde, a, usià4 lm earft Imm beau $8 »Il $4 M bey car las& te lie THE M. En ""tt, V t he I'Iblitton (et wi.b- rhetle, partiv-4 %vitre wert, ite etated in i le Pet the %vfà.irf, it won aseertai»d mut"r= badbeine«m acrose by tits by quemindam la The mmtB" "mfttmmv &Mt-elug, Flil ino, a" lw» the Dow 'tonmi maillent la tIt èl*týlt,(.tltnlqtýtyveýtb.,t"b"till"bt%- 1 "tir lastt wet-k',ý i,«tlt- ârre-red anft iln. tM4 lier rutitier hall béent broken, bins a out %verni. ThSbe pluab am entiMy b,&Tereiulbd la Câl- -t'-h-ge& et 88omil $10 for the beavy sale, th" destroyed, and I" mm eMec bu bée& roady cm or two emes al- a" si for thimdao& Vimw o.rebitm in tite ordinart. t-enned ttpn t1illI t-harge of. armin. n", la the »eemity of maki a can 4dooW in my timj I'f lit.. ivre". l'tel Wp %vae tilnvins d. If at the tiv». with the eau. mûred on severni ethm &mm& "After lm airoid a dondloek s" lia -inevit" irerm» Mark«1116 United $ta"* or eL«Whu*, P t'Pt, peileutre leetitrer Ilf Nir'. ivere àrritieneel (bel the léth timiand exiwrienrp tir Meurs. Mex -The Guelph ltwmy mys : bit iller iffloit ...... ... BUMIÈ"dTtuum -ffliyo3mat 'vtelild "relllit Ilig tiefore hill ýItt.1 caler, the e-cenrà"iste were 2 au the bright proëllects of a bouatifici, qnùw do ...... ... . m a A" trou, &Rd the materfai rectuettou in 1 = hil reirIiee. '-zttely lantied an the old wharf.. The vrbeat LADY a Barbey, d» ............ 000. 0, Cliled te, de lo- tel le tried Ibefore him partf aulnérit thevagelires durizbg the haïilea the, mot"&" hot weub the pries of laborI produire Me or ne .............. 0 -Je a "Iy L d-y" Z7. H', imil lier bzirifq1tý! 1 or IOUOWIBU allait etteru"y durinff effelit m r-eg"Nb anY relrivoil In the de. pletill.. de - Pl ni»In , ne %V l . 0 . -tion ile F.,rt.t 'PIP itit-Itit the intervention of a JIrv. et;%,,* ey partaklng in varions klowb 01 the pou two or thrible we" hm eïum buand. la the grent mauuàwtudn 000 t', Il', l". Ille tbiti-t i tilt- 1901 inýt_ vraIt ai). in Ilainittons Grove. ý Towards umuy whffl lbkb tu ruft very b"Y- di»triets of the eomt,74 noter that the = M bop, par 1q» a 900, ltttti if lit- neit- fl'i rite 411%%- (lef trjýtj. t*.m, t il%- i eveninir it %vas azwertained, owlog lm Soules wbut hm suilibred mout A", menus of -r 15 010, the.t. littit, i in eilleh terVlt 1Nýàt lelctttift"tk(1 ae' tfb t lhnem of the Faite, gliale the rue Dieu »as. Trmdwen has escaptect a"ilaille ble ratés, the oppent, a 00 a 9 os 18 TRE fLXX plat-e rit. levinred. i lx--th in thist town and sien In Port der cot'lld 'bot bet repuired Ull m= with lictle dunaw, whüe Clawàm touilles of ha" foi - ý upple.l. par bri ................... 1 406 2 ts N I'Ke:ý('x NIr. Il. F. rlýirkell. et,' Perry. vrhere the", parti" originally illorning. and the président 01 the S> wbeat hm" suffèred lm the slielffl tinte thé T-Z", P-z b«b.L . .......... ess. 0", i4*110W 18% ttiwll %.Itzitite Fils: ettylle frovn., (m aretiont et the very j ciety tèlegm ed lm Mr. A. extellit. it nuy be worth mentioning -0vung -pitai pufflia, il, ................ 0 00 a 0) -)ù i Il It.I - 1 1 which, m eomosq of thege dréum- fi t ktuple vreelle Mr. ý.priolg nature of the rharg* Ibrefemci Pfflident of t'a yndImd ?.an hem Wh« mmy brubelis Lents, the, étanées, l'm "M éonsht mm mm %I. lleekie rettarited front the cen. amtitýt theni. '40int, tventy-tivtý vrit. f train to, laits the ex rsio, me »U«= & r peu vrbms Il Lm ovebr a %hort distance î produme em'iym"t, , amdumar r1-1111, et 144 %rttek after a -Pjktitnb (if ' neettieit verre riffleil en behalf of the which w» refused., - Sm of rails or délit, off a &M cumiUted at the centres, and jound 09 11rec, vveký* 'tir. %V. (irahane. or: Crown. who liffliried sit te the approir. the partit were y M- lluusama a Illée threàteiwd with rust oral produS uk ta wlw - Flow tu lu 00 toi vi@tttinglýt* trtendit! atire of the buildinif ghe CýPryeII a getting the epmW traîne and thouglig tg udr" egNet." d= 238 behalf vrais takinr the advmtam- ot thm in -$an the Lon" Advwtis«.-"Tbe . a tirent deai or" m Ipliour 2.50 Z ý1. 'J'i' le" Ntr. IR. Ntrlliwh re. 0 wmU hm béïn recoaverteil = $.ab. ,,m" 0 f» 9 3 00 coau%4Bm nt l'atteler. Iowa. wero if the prifflnere ýOibb@ eigtlet, or ten wit- their mis côrtnàr. ochers ne the Party Gte« Western and Câuà" 8DUth8m sorbet et - --.3 durim lit, mmy C,,m" 000 a - whil Pllt, in tt,;Vtl latet weebt on ttwtr wa%. liesses %vert, vitaied. Of the evideure did not appeur the le«t amboyed abocé are em»diqg whieh lâme cm ma" w»m" th" bavé élop" aimes th, «W. Bons pw mot c 1'l'.. fi'r frmi the xlveil lq flèrer, tibe etrongeett %traite thât the Matter. but coumdored tg ail for the tbe facteu Ume bitwom Détruit rinS pgrtmm" et ladustr - But r bmý ce; Omble. 8" 0: lil, t referred q? il" tittientI -çItue til» et the hoardere in thé hoeuler. and thosé botter, and struck up the nomtit, "W* and B»Mào. Tbe e am Ibo lmum. m te y lm have MM11:117 do (,fi t9fe Wm1ville. Min. whût liait tiren fi) chante of it eince the -ont xo holme UU niornîn&" ru the emecd th" a hkilh MM et qM" In on> 1111171111Y. 1V]WIR a mbàue tage- 099 te 10 par lt-'Pl and lialibtirtt'n etreulte. pft,4%ehed tire. Thrir evidence. %,Pont to exonerate «»Im Mr. A. fiamihm Saw *a matataima eàmde$M *" ent"y- UUeornopmft c boutonne former P of 1 et 1 ý 1'l, Il 1% 1 t terre tel t1w %Inday tantit. Il lie priolleilSrm, trom thechartilekid aiminet "Ale.xmadrina llàll" go :g:,hpiny, Who » W à -robe- -0 uxem WM te dm1w the ceptbl tbwL We 1114. bit, toi te tPend aller liS holidal thfm sud t-Imr,-d vm gw»pîrtoffl eir. Field a grallui ýcoue«t W w» vur et P, Smveh Uns dW 0 Iv la a etlibi" tif VeNre nt Celletice 11N .4(Wtt. 1 tituetan(" rallerd V t. on belliat QI illte»mlwg m - Tanne *m tbm bond Mmeý --d I,,l14 relil. of vrilirh tir. ýV% kiket loi bierturi. 1 the crown. The verPllet w»ffl gulity.- aniimb« of the Barrie m& put 6" lm ýadimah» lm" Illus par dm Ob@ -M maubcuo% or yeur "tel ibrtý-*Itbït' pal Onrffl rui,,W M. litalchin- NIr. Dettji%. Cli.-AttcollbSy. prme. The. stemer hein% red left am Sem leop% me et W fa aftý ïirlb. àm" As 1 pu *0 Illicites Pl P trile lIffl mommd éléments are te bu& ànum la dm mwkel. 1 m tf t Il" la w Il 1 10 tif PoQ11M Dointre etit ed on lx-hai t tif t he Crow a. The lie- wharf att 10 o'clocit M, monüqg uW duiatio% " oumm avoum Il» 1 glis ru i ami id My 0" or wwà oxtttPtitted & «dutbg sb«»tF» coin be ý &»kw Mon, en. Ntmtreai. arrivM FIN feu@* wa* contincteil by Mr. F. D. w" tilt the pany en W. MàB«» eacà6 9 UM» 9-qi» me toumua br a Md. 00 leu u rqtemd*y on a Finer vlttiq te hie Moo».... TAI, Q"e» r& Vooètpome pM affliber exeurelom Barrie la «Wmte& lm utiw »m til» WBL et b"",w 6-qurez"ý de Id Ilev. 3. H»tlN Mr. H. The forviller mb*r the mqm» ce m -4 0 JIU = 01%;«Md fifty moue& ~_ i MM tjtr,' le The, j. en bite -ay hem(- fmwb à ltmdby ,wk".. tg obant» et là" town, sud I&VUVIMM erg" Vau" tour; with havinu reçoived inew lm; 14 M; _Btut% Md omb, ý » *0 tbm un as Chva!imrot ma bu Me. il R. I)urPd»ýr I*ek j to have bilen ettoleu, and thé latter th a heffly welléome ehould - --ma ý MMMNUM., de tbe ob Wl %vitrail ýrim*4ay frffl ý 4% tiumin@m a 1:111flestire bavira lacolen OU and sobtille, odd conte amu» xo"m-capt" wiuim là, Quater, hà» $&hm pbe@4- a" tu nview Flow. t'ri -équ the trâlide IIIIIIII C: orbi 1 2s tvelltv 4a from the bovt*e of (me OIIIW la Bobt"6 Ménée b» ut the emma fer te the ffld ettenatrIr loftir« -wel 1111111, »W Vie" m7m UWm- hm beau: a 59 m- romand toxr. cox% Ilf Itt,%tm thf df, on laieil tir. The co» eame- before boum It te te bu huila ot, nue 3 clitetit. anti telle* çtf IKOVIitth tmr. 1:1VM m .0M rà»lb on j'ý1@@day.when "il ", p la Ibo et Terboum 1 *» , . r, TIR submra«, %bW&bd f« Vossi eeffluro 988elled gülltV and oreille '.%Ir. Flush murmy la Ibo Pv il le the pri 1 culetmm4 w» md"àLvouz" 25 à 1 à& lit, Thf, ffl e.0me vet. Mr. A. i etentent.ell toIctirt, wegit in g»Lýz hard la. There are a numelobtir s x b" nt tâme Occupant 09 abem& Culumm zutr" -Obi,, -Va- bimbtbatimhb All the metl ri, relgwtlftd nt lent. X K thvilib, for the Crovil A. work ýbuikUog"the fb-und&Um et thé, Cambutind towndù»6 Jhl1Iý!11lt hm lm t» le Ptin lie. lindépeth fur 1,94etapson; and J. xvitrèk. oser Préob or" eb»mh ...... ]fan" wiwýiiie Umcmulfý subb» hie Ma" hm bý- itioafà» te big lu" "M le el,,- I;i-,t crtep hmvth,%d il in vecew etemilirm tryloex obi IlIni. (te 1 rhe QtWelle r^ tou-8 bm MM la gouiqu the On &"rd the P - - et ID in bave ej"', -Mr% were chaqred etroite this week. lil"e'y tltt, %vtIr.t iti -bit tif IlS hmith. ëVry, ri ON Prim laa«a Eèaley eu 1four l- Port ciculer m wm.» lm lvilk retitrit tnavigorom, a neigh tbammàm Onk,&& dé ~ wý i'l iti 4ad re'iq-litioet mid _boer. Mr. IL c. I.qtm*d«à.1r, or- blé and Je" lFaeerab@M Wlace dieiL A" m lIv %,,il Ile 1 lfflrti,41 (4ilttre. H.W.. C«. The fuber. scla mbd dm*bter w e et qÉ %VtxwtviIl", Iffl tirent &Ppoilnffl te-the. réýtfd in Bidon and ommiffl bey the brklall4 hu-d atutim a chu» baller oom iimq- b- màmd bi elaime Md W FURM U« Pacotille and quit ý,,,,dý l1loiv l'elle? retIliel N1198qing aie (;eërom «tantgume go ow se etomd tb@Wtd&L hweý Thm la to ho DIMM. thnt) 1 Ilt,-,, îVil». If t'tir tntelwrq )#,Y k me a cet the l'orIrw 1»,tttlcbn ot= hnav Wl»u inthe, towla hall, et zhirkdIm sommbet ha or J. tel 'Nte, W. rtgqvktIf, bel, liew ho -hm et ilite lZilIteb)e, x the n2t#uilty remdliau the laffler. *mm laý yý cti a" peines me irregallor. Tmde et th ate-1 1 (;#'P- in imb-1 etilletured the migwrme.tor"vt The mre nor wIn taxe Pte* Sext weeL awommb»bamdqw and mabdwbnm-rlý hm tuarbamt m W» etimrexhibited Il - (vient enfle next vbwlt. çmbudtied tellem nu jofb.- _kvedcdbWbus i duil. a - Ili, niveit IItt, terni, 'trelintffl, lib"Sheig Tlm tàrmm am bmdmdtmmý laftaebildre* loft _wmm - itvmb o'q fer m 1 v4q 1 _Mr. W. K lleimlerqp pe hie ghte lersoir entung tbetir buley Md BruboN la ft" 'ndtte 'l'Il" lent, h town thls enter ubmu -%ruee b4bigienk vu owbu»M m et que un" os bis blmbe v(lIet vol tlle belle aBd a i tambl h- lb ,Nie Mbmd tho I -The latter wui mmédy bu m b»Smp UL VOIL Ïem-l Plltnv (INUWVý tel Pl-It be*k» Fi W j OM P WF, - & mdemamin ta Engin" qu-ar hm; M Ob ab$4 imuvu% Mr- am dm ................ exil,: 9AI