a ohidila prontraied b Iléalt, nd dia, .ha h NsmyO.O ho u * ot " eiPAaoUTGR MTWU AT Y 13UW0lM rthi.a sole la, "Ihi.Imple- w.m<4 y k m ba i j~dm mt un" *0lb.m atow 01 ~ J V iN T m s~~u w gas., olu t Tmét o0» part 04 11à" rial hou tr a.au eohaaéir rm td, à. (U IO SD EPA3!U T, vmtW îwosu.. #«0PMU1it aill maobéiPatuu mamn.dy &di" . i *IOWAWA. Ae. lamerprattel.18Td. capital, 01.000,000.00 tif brandy ,-Iw ttè l.lîhh oi. bosIf v» àt*ww iuaient « o k Ri t e . ~ hI ~ a ~ a z a .u v T mb.q& Xie. la tact, lb.,. "i n , AL P 140%ture sotrevi Sliram.a dal, la the -«anse MM ls a wu hiub l. t" di.Un& sm. mubman" gg se et ina place ett ai. Iosare F led ty Mille. O0» ma W .>tbà a 'rl v.x . $. . O n W h o liA tlis . wboiitd pe s apt ad mhat u u s a a u a les o D u g e b li m d £ g k m .,llvIn1:. dit »y$ thobt ift h. peope <-lop, tatmipe W % .voearua fl b e M 1 0 on w t , t to l hut op and durillo l w ud la sltn #bosa.m u;a l id .* tb '. ..i . 1h . o ùo h.s t bours o t the Wou ld PO ibl< uh m S LE U L N S. 5 ,. ? T .5ML Okin b O AV et.% 5 ~ 3 f. ,'r v.atiIation, mnd Iol lwth si> Pfu ffl I»S.ou tbr i.~ ut %hé catalogua. Tha ut tTenga>I~ ee a 50Pl U e I 5i * appl.y, an lto l a ié adia do, looéoly soaditiel s téea t - **i. b.Prost"*ai 1 IT. c n t.V< a a elit utofripat du us, Aadkoep dige»a n tl a b a.. T bsntu.if Wilt b.le d abé y OMM a e l.* i 1% oin wt, overy bhmth uofair continu «sa et thelb c»abve - Pb"ant. aswwd. ov c» W a xmt= y.i.ee.tll i. R 311. q. &nez ual' lb. b»..... wonld ta.ko op the VA" SUg ltu ie @" di "t l àalahi.obien 5M »umr" a C e N ..Au *.mas. .. .kvle .S E u E aI in i th ou i Pul a e m m &an auC N a s... UL ~ ttrtu, ani l t m ap sratuo ithtik woold ho. Wini ma0 a proût. tB t if th w zUsv.plés uMwmh UM Sim . IL Joa, Nw u84Moc. . kt(, rodéel.ed wsé Y d opaan. 3. ub ld echangle wcm" AU isnaud, 4 i . là ta. Peua strimaiQualité. flash Kiev mbme,=mb Au TsisI.~,..-t h faiser ontifrh<ayjmnj teowlU.toaýi a l amaair ~.a .' eaiImh o.SaNew akmuliaSmi PaÙM Uaai laeL athomîi M alle hi. hm èë, lilght-ale. culalath" voeu iml bus. mos. 88» Tii, Unela DIT 00100, oflag Ame aibe a pl»basp Afl i 1*bEl taxht Sa. h . v u nlt hi d u.i ha# bans, c b b . g.a ita 18.14 C n p. . O. M s.a theh eurboni 12 n I u.e ck n ana, un ler L i V l . u m EN FS P U A m a , m NI A 1 1 tp8xoally théb.ars part, h. vould bave. V lb.hé P Sos U ff e 1, Mdh. 1 i4 5 I 5 t a t h e nndi u e te. u . m o A n ~ I u 0 lu. »i e d t ocIa np hie h" Y ale o itéesag V oua on tlm large, bb ags. boN âgsu X'oha. a l ta ud tomb.olleuiw l ée baue mlada n s m u s u e * u. E t e ~ thtov onghbly wdtt d, me ba y l b e é ck, Importntplim h t r ai mt by aM y m aU la. is.._ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ if'aq ew.aste ay,. nadeui . a chemiWaim m ee o ..vey oultivat.d asth" JAMES ala 1.4 ch alée, whloh I d.tlmental tlluh o ean ti. bi.. la à* "Seot"be gi '""~ t mttuir« qulltdoo. sud ahI . .l éme- dum * *y.<arée c soetlua- p a aheJ 5F ..~ Imi.d.1<gb vaor oc ouvsob. av dM&us. Bu t t. .v uy fr m. P . G R A . £'4 T If ai s op e p u t l 1m b a Iig h t b o ié s #c oi o t o k I e s a o l r e e A l m ' ~ . l i < a n l i p r e r < e S e h mv e 1h, am osph ere , @iudd. (» mp ol mt a.a S.d oeopD6 A bot t .. letérnIMd pre ... itnaie il ingA" bi i lbM XIIII 0101 hit a ve fc aso is abo u and li40 0% th uuuamasdIl cad. u bh. issd on S ua et!o i » ub . a b o a p l ' u o e~D . . ~ NGA NA»PO Y i o l . s l P m io v a n e s i O . b eo, mag . A N » P S O P E I E T O S 0 wh l imbt Itou ,it là lb& L t hon. moue, Uhicb aM.- th0 bau esim a soo ete.l0n fille- lot the 'bimller igavb'a hie "l'butoth».re O sU P« hod, »amouat t bis. LMI NuubecOn, <i the Secnd C nnm l, etP ZP 0or E ViY »IrT I ni4 h . imeide n *ti% 1 h bisit floou, " on rou he lelà M aI.et th u' el fl i.n. the Scorn cnomeade t**ll r os ' ID YPCIGH t. 1 al i n gha rît a it t i s e sbut 1 h. b o I t'. irbyd o .ai l v l .. B a f btak p uS t v S i ctb Sori ataill prethrtfli rmA 0 00 I V t Uhp tDb. n.&OyRt E b l. l. el 'w ig l luwànl d i .lely aft ev pu t'. sll stoù ke . <1gb a E.wr d s a c m std iab eherif . Cou nty V it oi a O u a O N Y m s s s n w o aU»5 p t 5 E J , j -. . 1 e e ttig in thé lb. hy. Du %lb...fron teb. ci Y 08 ut gila oo IoMer " Od me. Liu'eY.) 1"il rto. l. t " idtîK. Ty il ferm era. é*>ws, a s lim a ubsu recs gim . tu 3IiA p nubhoI 3h J u .Ila A gnent?--8 Tfe ra- --- .- __ __ ___ __ __ ___ __a "__ ___ __ __ __ ___ __ __fe r__ __M e___ U ua .g ii nh tt î 4>.ee tud, yon w il i cr goi amok on i. raal, m o S ls A g Mdey e mI y er Ub C0W 18 TH E Ti- bru S fèt d<O nmeal.fet cowqb î btaiasd frontsMy o0 herfoot. W beue A0 E '1h. .P .4 soaj: l eeiml the ol' sy t ub a u .. adopteled 0< <.Of hae w aa- e .etîlel, rain . ' oftiat &R lou i b oit cabbagees l o nld by ail moamteho aMM ,________________________S T E P H E N S ON____________________o s u p u:aami.> C 5~t i - '..,<ur thlalémrei»lsibcbweand il i.led T*e.lden ut. Qunlcey, of manobu. 1 8A5tt ofO? s.B UGGIECS AND C ÂRRI ÂI GES. _ A N S alanttiett ns uver* mlly. AIent csjnlta lY m 4 - 1 sott s, W hob a i. $b. im b .o u lbcnty on 10NUI . _ _-C n n . ]iS e l Pl u h , w i h S e l a d a d itBb oomuuclsen tho meni Proportion. 1the siabje ni, " r êgarIe 0won1 ,O' __ icingles hi% aki aa. >îtuî,suera. topromo t botb "ti.m t imo ita at s aollc i g Qo ylm dm lm C>lu m . I COM be n! r.w' t -I.slt ,îd 'slity .(i ai ic. lion p i po oce. T hy core l in l ay itrux la iluranlng an h te lhm umueîo iutlmasMd cne ster» m ll aen ubbS u i en dlm a o d garinik orêtea in àalso round ' fur aaîîbch lime Whou 1h. .sntrii"v.va eo tpasoeTOW N wor ntuain. b.almee voutaan» Mume lIai aaore" Mne abîmenaistoi c'.st.> xlo bumiber snpericar 80the ordil- nmbas iolien jum dby> fotta, Mmd O MtheB»M1ôonfr liatIti itY liaf.U-Thélut -eai or to Whoupthe feodof Mook le " Rng front ea Il»louNememou au b"mabovmcnaPat articler Io asacculent gil gssot dry sudomSdtubeotéa succuentagrassette dry tuilir, aCd rne on neilà spiof u .t tfo.u1utthemso 'arient styoan "priog co.tov en!a nnauln arc.t 2me Dow*;"ro p u a al' A. n.anfl, artielesu, of thoi*cluhclbrint &liturellyIin thejest Ooitoin (>t î,ns dei am thétrofooe s *917 va," fur k. Alown, ululr PU » M M A » 5tmam '1111111131l IaIIIFIION1111s, 118111b.le meKigIoN »âSi0F1autiPnLEor E F.lht élte Mid mte i< oellaému.s tennsem t fetide ll tlhv twh*e. >l i k v% d ifh., awa, wth il t o a nîiaaa . almust &Dy sciltlale Adapted boOM , îni> ian . and tulthe teliwine tnée aità e.l athaimi eAimdeaea.mMsOrthi O UEn ube lé &n auresa («r nttins il% about ai:ly il an abu uada ns.of4Waelu vo lted mm anne; en s. 'M.: .eiuIY RiP w m eOSb ior am e. & S Y .LfEmATo m mu e u OUOM eiT E u r'I E A T F A TL L hI -Z @ ..un .m pen, ny b tU rwi km n hpl h p b *.14> , a ssît 1, on sc os 1wo t l u tos i b sle e sd . T he m m a u recift e lb Remenmbeile a i rl t lb ed i m, thseb a . < e o k m m ds a et s tus . Ib i.l S. U IlLm _ _ _ _ _ lier iltro, hlatllr (if co tale is on gucati neall produ ffelbu hou t ica sl. ? hie. JAMES tVOi.Y _MI FIN , Wîou miaupi.enat"n nelaeounM dn i eu lu'd. Ibso. poche tu 1h acreInle 1h.et ela ha. bu beau, arealy imp orod Pitn. M5PLE M O ICA DJO N C M M O; m e listial allouma%Sor emti . situa a te. u aslr, andi ena. of the 1 P. Lî ils p EIcS im e N OT ICE. Pum uJ«M " su « Om i tt glu thi e ut t yl7 e g. . SP EIOBY ES Vv as ciraioli.. are ylm aup eu lor. tin. hlghly W LLAfK r yhert in pohabl et, tock n the ntriions, d t e 1.14 idvery pro-' 119 t md si.sgnla, <buu. 611L, &ain psireuettet tiaiteCot Kutv. A cevl MyOn ,1,!Atad inaii ecrti atl, i taet u0 IR M 'ABE9Tp u Ss.beeib., Ibaukntu t .îaora .tfuia lCotlae rn 'l'la it Suebpmot a dey u to ck u bpdaleyA o e vi m uy .1bott rm i cs.IYn rlrtg itbi lai <t e Village tm lc Maen ig uii M h abilléiat cmii#boanssaelc lu1plirbolier <la lu eaob t ns. il t bi rely tisaIA . by ie .a 18 if vito iaHa d Ni a E rc A I L a port"S UN S HE09V EIaTt)& 0 1, C , i ue,j , u» fr0,,oi e th&%i l M et i lm tes ba a V a -o gr in poussudeomc b, vou ld p roduce tirent.Ili vc n . ' niu .nce if t.o etu a p e b e i a lm i a ,ru t104.I imu. t l iec. entill e nbott r in ev , e eo nsl t I,'.r d y l) éac ln a ditilos oîcîronsai et I. be au s etoesN B u k U t S' ok o f E E >o S udM & IS IBA.gI M O R I  I batutatren tiontr h.lat n ah',oti b. gooil q ha s.r moisnla du, piro aslec ag tise lam r e i uicios, aMdima- '" ObK Xucln r . ai? t û p-'ion 9às t tusb: i<i wo l aitu a ra ts adm i eZ abtaPî l y, th iis produ ot cossld l"nuOncu w t q itabletut SnimvW ear. eomptlifg :-W omii.it', P niiifl. *SU m- loon . cIim m% nt lujî. eto Fa > iL aI im b, Gi GR X gmn ilb,,tl* . andI txir i #e s.a rate y, a I b t ly d I d.GXORGE KKOTIF?. g iietvanel e t, àabe kie lo etnifléas S b',e an,!Sellis. sennq)1ltapeur * »ima luble m R IURe etîae. c~ aanahip lan, n ît ' A LVS P ie lr rtib lt M d to tethal le heri Cunnty et % actrl.. cunatiy tor ins ta ,notwlls i e m imma. tt mt 1 oarpa.r>esiin <the province. T or a n t lias aa iasrî'i. always mab lk ur co l Prostl, "W i< ai u bcho douts.tu1 ave tlisoae .i ..A. E.0 7. j t ] G ] O M A n Ib eo ubw ctibr .lite & m bhi.enrtmmenand the p bi eeah btb ina w~ ua Iorili gleJ. aB. wourd repectuluetîoi.A d miale iic ol r u , nl 1 rpei'.tally At a t&'a,ualw r tif worn .ou l yot, i np ,ess !" mked a a d y v ut o fse ut 1<1.1ptbll.bed 30h anme, atC -pilotîç =-i& raly éat;-le li. U . . on hamI 9,-bn er" in calie >hapy Lihihao.. iu b at. 'il 's t. a rt. k hsw sa a ,siiaathr of! liosra sis ciaes. 1.07 moreyotansg minca,---- - - D ube r igl.teom nYeaC s lh m lm A nt » 0 P .li " ]Eî b Sn hi ci hie t, apétirer he i l hi a1 te s 'u n uttif i r mit s 4 l sla ly fu lla< <l issas I a t o f w .e a l h a n ti h ig is e.' li a d ra n ta g e aisi r t e m l U b e$ Rti e S a O l . d' . a < e n i y u m w s t a . tS t p o G f C i , U m E 5 S H i t I a , Cd Fdsa. r a e e r a ih t , T .h v C u i u.'ats.îîi chu _ _________io0 .l . aL E M a ek e relma, Bréseltaétsai cellrlens._&e- .IC V.r IXIr<ttIî tr tlâr < lly alm oaQ 1 t o w r beissgrapidly asepti nt . - S à ofo E a i a , y bm e a ' el m l uPo" ma m ark i a m m mi lui w Ioubis,éta iée aaI rvý n . ani n, 10 i b t _ _ _ _ ___ __' îO L' 3 t u i . st ro ly tsy asîoasns of 'thtltllb s' ant i iîa ligban. t!9 0 ousi t4 inx I n v " F ~ .à h nt. u _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ U . % MEAP FOR CD . C LLZ ala AL WM liùytfo rrttvhv m tt hat i lbm , vuse rep f isehé o- r noilietkeipmnuduthimmeluiuedso B s uURmk.ail nsi.1 N lani t.. iir'letiiîi, wo alna. t it à il, ç iol y of lad ie." LO KE T T O C O N V EN T WtltIebe an r ir><tF ih miE *' <PaODuL . j dm mO N Y T O L O .. i.> tib a tî 'des &titi tb'y miil t a , W ilhout lfîlly accep îila tislaseer, 8 nd y omu i'e.. - 62-O.Se N 0 ii. ina oti. et u et Lnd lbtheab <s l .adago Ibal se do isot h oaiale tu mmcml t ishat one 1 te h.d o b.Tu E t l *T IN CANADA. rW«AteTthAGloe BC ot l X etSre, Lindsay.1 N R N F S OI A O A A IA OR O C "I" e*'lts'tA h... .q.tI.s2' (hristianills in , ,both marrioi and ][P <.T O U or ellihntas Osacth Ae._NI C E__ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ _ Prtro. r n«eg lbriS srrm Vol ssmauric"d, hold la their bande an i.- i irhuaAi A m hla< .tng premieresi Iheni tethue O 7 oyo E E 0 1 1 .Z I M JOB P1T N . LMT D u W l v r 1etupolést lai aiy Udufaiional Insirtiution in th _ u c î a 3 0 0 0 S g - 1 i O . O Dow xp edssict.uonmentereN à in,,,,,. K h ïe eP 0 R T E 5 UnexoeJed in Gr.oiuerjes ainCs ada 1 - u r r î ' l a w y u pulo l hri'ts o s e e i al t i s e a c s t e l i s o g i s b i B eu m d ? a i o o l « i a i i n a c D i i aAM T M D M U TS O U D .N 3 A ' l. ' î l s s ti <- m ltc a l p a l i . l ie i n v es u n - h o l d p o lne aellss 5'i'i e b. e -sit e P a s r : e a e . i d <a t o sa s mnr. h ii g thobaecs d. . upon yon ag mm on botest <hora, - : .e eiVUI, large additiona > t l tn.y ll4 tv A U i A C A . E., %i. lt lia iJ lin e lt arnt i l o ala el. mu otiva ov rsih îisw -oi« t r% iao. 1 7 e . e au b u y n e Ib utter o r c h e ap er air- e ha v e th e . q u mi t ié lomm d t v taî-o tderturanvkir. < uui gv v a A E l. E t ., N ..al . 1 . O s ..ntl< o a n i. b e m l e o t ss us îs- m h Wn a e . . a e eWN Ts u e u 8 I e AP L T T AB > TB L S AS 'i5 . t i I l :- ' 'tI ,ao i o b. a i b e i t r.lg t l ia l t hos mrh s e g $ 1 .» . . O u r S îe ek o f 1p OtiTEu . R t * A Y E L S , h r e li -.B.%r . '. i. I 9 o g è an y men.ss llm evo-,_ _ 4REDST SALE BILLS. FU Y R L C R . J0l . aIT . E .,M *r, V - a.t.andti leai.vot i..Raidi luhoa. rei men.s I ko vrO e odw , i é- a-Lm e.HavA !laezd ler .JLpum ioâm ,C in n G asu. i um zti l. A ia slbîr îs'îs.rhan tab m sagg .l r<l . c c v c y. ol s er igB IL L S . s u.e 7s u 1- h ie po to ,i s l to f w iloust nomelhiimg, but tise resu it 11 . * l.us.eniFJ5U5 5 SL I S AREI$,I l (S IL E DM S the effort ud hall0Yt'Eim 1 -I LL'ail iitçWding tuLb.>cr'EP.AtT" goodEwill lie ald vesy * .Etti E BChi.S,.ST 0 111. iy g a iîsattli lui t . of asia rlt sîd i r iln hc abili ty lu cccrt in flu ence ove r NGA e t îe rtth y oh c l . Q I S N W LA RUI, FA l Y C R S t. - a l .. c - t lu tlM îr sk' wltrr sis o . ai <the is t in f ar casier tu ignore and i a c se if ut-nit,-ent encoura-geme.ntweproe L N" i. a u .u e K n te t i l 'LL K B O S.C) C.L T C E S a. t I lr .t < tY.,I g te tf a elad o e 0 if o trge l Ibi tact Iha n but e ek tu " 0 lt e îoe.'pillm nt itoi l n a MaistifthebuCo"n.Y 0of_ __ __ _IENe)KI4%L__ __ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ __ _LA 1 9 tur ra o tv utob'ctoe iln h e fin -il ea d t 1h a r-Irt th eo t. r' r"". C A S . » . A R It. 1 :'. u iaBa i l 'Nta>-. Ist i, t's ta. oi t sb Our ~~convuersation tlB apon btos. itb Via-eloat. fteu seb ,a"itd c hsimu b uli W 5 ~ 5I .- o-t rrti..itso l'lei tlr v e nlem , a na d e e the Phume n .. 8uulnc 'e s ,, m ieus a nsNon .__ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ Muicpa Cmac ,4 ati lrlry itcoe at à;a lîl1 f tE ' nt lî Ii, n the a IIy t i ie moi tie ai>ot< iso m s e a r e m t i la lssi sy m pa lby . i n e p t C n eav uri n e l : btlo e p 1 a g e o n e i t~e o e1 h u , as l t. î.t. f b a s a tilî a lnt ebil vo w e exercia a me llal moma in rau nae t b. Publivber'. (Pa Ssi5sa, En o ué * j _ _ U td k al. tiévnthiIlvi wa. Thsdrg u th ile i Or»" plier f heh1Cej bhope te, .lite le u eppiy à Uap Ilial i il do ef d &put"d Stiscd. soutaires. G uts Ua , ______ sltlans's 11, i c i swt é iiay n 'it e xtîg h ls s « lr s ca oer, l hl s ceit boîhetahuemC nnly anale t.he"aves. C A l m A U A TT______R leî. .it ati ia, t a .ay tic ais si ass sos t O u r)s r me d ers a ie e ts o , as ab cla m a, th e 'ise: :- . E E Y A ? R lainot m ark in th .e t . aWtsrs, itl as Ie m iAIN a u re O w ilotR, l r hai ( ee jt- naiî elge t e a 5 a i ~ lh-o rty Ia M r To ie u.a u u . G u w i 7 ..theS TP RC E R st raEu t 0 0 wthlf Dr" capi asb 1 0mui t Clar . t ena a u. . . - -lu ama"t it e ta'îîus ls.bicet suae se ctleh ita n orratlua sefe a ss u tr l xai r?,caa lalpvpeEnuy O iO p ?-wm ,. 7o m mi o a u o W.rB o s& h e , G o ere n i. *Îtanassltiu tu I s têa. k a ndsd bitais. iléon. W. convertieglad iy sili Iho ee vernisam, Fnelon en n . lb. the aSo uti n o i H*ue.t ht l e t mnoteie npl:'n 9l,.,. T~e.. k .r..t r , , i ' dr i g ho alsay tic, ho le aisay tasag bt entai s.1 yo Oîg cssa.., but avo e". .... a- l aftid Chau ches. Cehools., Mill-. 3iannictuuhe% th, , ,ea,ý, aa col _ fi, vts>% , <oue? suite thiRt o l tlie dos.i ed be u r se guv i s hl es. h . t . ne are a u- 1 Sc-h st eel ta ionsa. j e 5 P ._____ _____ I '. .-iv peltria. Liat*c C un li t <D 3 s L S . ko~m ~ m m a :- attractiv. Where onversaton ie a l b . A"l lamsai'. cth Nome o Proeo r. P.îc edihe evun i,'.î.e h;s%14sbl%,, taineul lu eîst p Done pe iea u e, s eoek -il; ch ee il m ie lt bc suemee. t3icuej ev>id, irIt h. 'S' " r I. ' r., ah.(iIs.1» hataar laei na ensetdlg god, se aucaitifi. ilt-A Btitane- Oiectory o hsuopt - , - ý . __ *Ieut)nàien.ul minenli.ver'lYaape!'t a-î'-.t...t... . saiitutithe Ibm wr.îk.a -re p.niet on a a m esir.téiof di hntrmise'the wirkO titi'"r tirtibc ,tistisor t'asincises f hui. se mite an effort forusel-gratitica- Theas . N i~ ot..lie ,-lnr0d.plane ûlna gsveil M eolAD N P T P u fl e o p c T lqti a ulsta t i% lersd aaouv'l s4kle ti s e car- lion, n ul for confe vr ng Itappi moos andi pihaied-.v'ani.he.I si nv, ailnd uEUnOOn1intG A A IAuO I " E I' I O O onB l o P r i i r.- e ni , O a h; a d o Se on i- c uit-tv. 4 ia9 t ta îssht C-artýi- f i, y luste p ov ror su d bleeaiaag tur oth oe , o e s c î ulrt.ia..ut u e espec ially on tha. in $i e u blie.4 e ave ilt e te îg ___ At'Pa eut.- .u lkt' . un% f- ertheui x-a e ir u îG . . 'th o n' 'lre b..u& 0 *3d" " -- - - -'itineiit £ vii 'I abbutt i... .a ,î t w a it ' , rel-îo,r î,and hon tih une snatt mac îsse mnd niacou genia t s i ou Q.at . v'-G . l 2 r t ie ta io bu style - ce. le.rn i it le at ent ch u . L j ~ L il u ht ' 'lai. lîh i sthind eti ( ul isriaso i isthe u e. Is h u tlso vibis yon, O îu sic ol- Aitth!i .th ire lt st if't tia ceujîiehenitive tC EHGeo nce . Fo aeh . E. E S s tl ti h . 5-vîrtv t)- if Vit.r, tui e , elti he n t tyN E W - A R - - - îiaiO : cen s e nau a t3îe.ir iu . î Srvr _ _ _ _fo I l Î t i & f.xc iîe 'î ! s i. i. 1 hé) inàalek wva r'd a I îristuex - lent trion ti P irnst this qus tcsion ito te .-paubity A.-. iy., d i .eghit ut t eh o S'- le nsta nll ,etn vbg neurgnods. iaei&" ism t5ahW R A U5 ts)RrH, dac -in -en ) -'-'urp nti.iîce vulth hi.. astu aidiy, an ti youum lite sud lne sheth isr il ii no% intenraite lugtae ,,rirhe.and linu.thuaivt endeavoii. * » » tm fl 01L anLav. , of the 1n.liaet, a d hî..l et as ît u b l as .i rs r. < I ui . A t ra ct - y ue n c e is in flu e n c e fo r u . a itheu uî.erai tif. a iî t - i uin e itin t o nt t i t t-s d a o y G a l .E e e m ouin ter. nh h le ..v u L n -v y an i a nu-in o nt- i aI îe-h '. pe t al i < EG I S EE ! I o n sd0r s s Fu ne."ni a tili' lsus i f h(1' Iis t lavinr kno savm ha it Il ha uo al need îsil koverlook bise eVeÏ t i n ,a libe. a.iuae him eeit tasa'vrththy Ie !'.w n m L d G a r l.ti ut utia m l et sitiîrls n.. Ihu isorisr) cal% cemilY bc . tientis ins sions Von* delight, b t d puant.- -1uI. A E WY ANS& Oa p w y.w k g- a e si- t oàtua bs.iw teil th . thilla andi not o lo sk bise dsaîy of meeting ont PCpolu..u <thih r r.C neaponslni itart ~iestte yaur pm e P= e1do ait Slnd of Jolibinq in their lno. Ail kinsA'w,.'. -r .impie- bu0o ra-. a ndvpee t d.siy PA e adeCON, O " B A M IM ul aSAINS Cu..I I l pougb* and hartues kept on bandt and a e te t., ud. u Pluzh R i> IZiZn'0 " Faen.m s.g rbreà putt%0.t. mae yo sti society te tl'- gnomHst. itaCalie là OBrime belmo espeieticeti w.vtaaaen, tbiy Supe t t ietit a -laett t of t. at M 1 . ».' -Nons but <the lits ntertZab .nui,! and cumtul nt wn uknen enploye.<. Ail t l. t, 1 n tiil lit. M alles. M r..>' gives tis e b ss . ' git i upota .i<> o bond 7 oa. t W . 5 Uutra il iatlion. Tb.y tisa-e ,eeaau i .hli tî u m .anuatret e ib .ewu,* ne -î rtn,.-G EN aciv oe ym >j> î~.'try tu N w lia ipb ire lboy no v i pr tiY, mol becau s. tisoy a ien_ _ _ -ta no a. . el d tieeea liuP Me eonL M OU M m&t! 'u n el ts u t bv atta utP n e atu ' . .îi l1iWasnsuatt.aioa u agru uialre tc is- ..-Noe D st u uS t Ia Pe u. E I i s Hs. 1 1 *Grilne neto.ul o higiîaueitn ti r.t i <.w ~ Tkn.AlrTk~ Ltriii if 1 hall it." 1 - .. - -_ -_ -_ - e.--, - --- -_ - -_ - - hm serinus thonghte of abfficatinir. i ]EL BENN= .["tninstock, -,willi auly, elisir >4%,eh at JeAgt je the CUrreut tale in Vi. si a, tarted an Ptitnp flu-ury, Brut 1% and nvt e.%Dwitiuqt. rotât. ý moilinq the choalfflt and be-t pu made at 25 th. Maxiý-nezt lin Grecry% Cormr, Kent Street. LimL-ay.-877. liew York. ". For furthei m#,w tulder heftl'en siven i K. CILWFORD, Port ]JUP t ! nuls. Mis sors, thme limp -mal l'rince « Aci tents per font lie i- -ellitig Il ell".prnved Side lis the sentent in sible maket. and win be made op tu Un EV E, King.,ton.-M. Rildolph, la now net eighteen jean Attioit as 2., CentllJer f-t. Wells denk ; -Isonell X. le%. ,4:tyi moillit ono, IINVIyôould noffloil old, St whi0hý Irà ilstiler momaed lupplied, and e%,OïthinC put in working order al, STEAX R op of 1 per foot. A Il kifid. of pumlm repaired as 1 haVo millade adore ways to heilIveils thm tt, the throne on the abdicatim ýh0r% notice. Onterx loft at J. Kolth*4 Ir Zay " Tienir siryLlas Av 3111RA»NABLE rmelcok r' 1 tit, not know but lie 0ould Frýedin»d 1. and Sud Dept. next to Watffln'e. Kent 8'-, will 116 V A Ir 1) MI IE avo made haff a doxon. 1 knov ho -The "Dort tba Iwin T%ý-.,m "Vep»mmtattmtion. H. Tirue Table will ta ti but one. Yon my, *'Why nos .'the jour stâ j mËsi ...... m «m& a bibvo a long litte of bonts renuing front the "P.01 fOvimkift iâiUt&17 When the Steamer %lis lesv, tIrt) go beaven P, 1 cannot Isay, but 1 sist ý W. BRADER. penus. the arrivai of the train trou for âmessisa art, la pm»uuSd aajtbi ý ý W., callinic ý aimply kngiw that therti in ouly one but correct hy the Lindon Acàïtiemy. J POMTS Uàm slow la -teck at IlL. Factory, " T"a'ma mm mil 1-at. Voil Say, "%ni therenebt ss"s d ýMve at Lintlsav in lier a. luxuriant -.tg that on Calvary?- a levening train zoinisotîth. Il% Ire luxuriant, foi #Il" Issa trither CiAtholic, be'ng »uch AW-ady' sud M&e LUMUrS NXK WILUAU &TRUT Lmul, C A P 9 a",ntleus w2tb teamr Ont 4 noir pr,," a ckssi a picture of the bat« N e w s p r in t G o o d e. 9 'running to Chemoýg Lakt bil(liq noir biew4anm; it Wm Strilffla ma il, et lelkeM». A lam amnment of mmer 311apie Lui et Lit 1barked 1" Ville, yen, thore have b"Ils 1 _A gentlemen in Dessibury, Coniâ-, 1 Railway. taller troc% than thst and moite lux -UMRIME Amu cm. Tàme Te striant; but the oisly 1»th to h@&TOTk le bour's lelw4. Whieh mats a daily Prao- bas lossig hein »»yed by bis noigh. rw fflu ruimamb L'n imiter that one tree. Ingead of quar- tics of roving 4hin in f»M oprd« l. of bis own ýutbdum Alm eu bc sUP am regma" mmm 1111116 M-Ust% A» by". Sturziron Point ............ relling buau» thom are issot moral qu wha « the ait scinda 01 trm lent osher pluspe m the 1"' * - * ... * .... vibys, lot %là be thmattil te Ond, *4» »d bock yMd- seul lut ........ gmtl«Mt aloi wouf. .. r..nrlaol ............... il% (-a@- -one usine - girons untu mon G]BlqTV IFU]EL]Kllg]ELING"O v Lindsay ................... e ntly and put soute old 0 13 0 1033 STOC X 193m . The Sturgen Point H,,to -«Iltln bo W$ can bc "yod-oué laver y auder his Mop ma in the lImp - botes by tbe 3fth of June ft; lit wZiel 611 the World May wash. go and Whou tho» Imm ODUIO cils sibisb £W GUI(m AT or susissi am Wou et I» luatreu Taà«eàm clrb% &« mbg»M Om«& ]LM et ilors, Whou the Vanderbilt 1 yoli sec What a radiant Gospel this la 1 raumdingqmpedit* the miiv tous tho» tmm port Ï46 as 7 p- M. 1 si . Tb bu lisad wmm -,ver aight, returnini te Lir c n stand etoudly and »sent i% fm lt sa nu" ieaiem»d by. rANCIr GS im al mll the frub@Wbe W» nouth. Tb is such m exhilarant Gospel. It le. * whim or caprice, Md hm mld $à. 60 voeh to mm UT= »TrAnq, W vua te au 8»4 vaim Ew m momw bar yý Mr a@@" 111111111111a it is life wm M» la I" nommy minou MW" zftdnw6 a T-E-A&- p th bocts, and or heu. Yon dut ov» the ho». âgens soir oocarle Parmer's ZotoM tue.%>. v Boaird, el or deuils, it is beaven Wbtby, tbom» Pm 100., Md &lie __ a ting in the neighbc et-ikite bIslit-re jour child, and jeu have SPECLIL NOVICES. aws iwilà fs.ý ce.. umwmà. Ales bmwiw t e te be bled lu this se prenclissit in jour bond. Yon put pur BerwecocoA.ý(;B,&T"VIL AJÇIB Cou« %!mýffl &Umm& 100 bande bohind jour bock "a my, thmugh immotemisme of Ibo lu as mi, ma U P& " at "en GEORGE Ca Which -hmd will you- taite 7 lis oste mthvm samme -Of 04 dk sied Mout tenu lu- TA M" T - wooLum XXU& IR ment baud thesse ie à tremmussel, in à* 0" à@ Md to ýtc lible »twanhmbu b" TO masse essai br a mer purdmml. thoiWio not. " Thlé obild bhadly *0«Mý eu * pliv bu au" Mets mubwwy, Md 10 lois à absemem au flin God Our lpmb« dm a" do m $bat W&Y Vithns. Ho séretsde oyat Am'bbbla P" Gaa«ml Groe«7 Ekook wWU mor"& tir le».4 lisses *A% a oses me inu Prises lx)th hands, ma sais, "Now thiâ vill le ma*" -cil 1 bc v«ypW». la thM hmd alle p«m bléissi up assis simmallimit May" := ,= ***»*.'.*.::::: 7ýý8 Md lit, &" *a tqieý. ;;-Ftwy le a$%* Cbe*«Otulp .......... . ........ 2 une-wu Wé MW semmie .......................... 39 ind"«I lk o»dk6 WIMI«4 rb»Zvprintu. Cbth% ego.. *te. IlOuli - --W,= a sis, vkI, khnme, ma oom>*,Md woq. Choosmil, ............ tg Im m UPHO eh for «rodiot" mou. IWIV. Md IZ eau 1 zoom AM uneurt" M0014 kew. Erw- t;oSà.-Uz-nm "o cou- 1 bd gr .......... ......... tissues *@à& ...... ...... m - me camp Fm «ML Undortal sibb tir buvejn*pmimmu" a Camme minsimisime, m ý sa *Mi la *9 bu L ho 60 bdie"tb »M MW, imiles a 1 1 lmbao& rama aum bu rwder" tàveurfte. : m , L = la un ST. tas, A-b m*-4#Lgý à - Tusse a apmalommb m qw vus le lb» m» "1="1 Jamais lm& es. e & Le-!MIL budb4wut du ---- a ew-MMUL.40L '"Ë-- mampm jww -MM= me lom Ils Pm &Md m W, DUCE, FORKS ,T. NT S. 111%%IiLiol'ý. UFFS ULE Goods ckery, IN D% N %, ,eer, &c. ÊIL"àl. tilt C> CD. Pub, 4het. RAND Ilit- 'A N t t fr lu 11 1 il tl le Lm' (Il rpç-