elt OweUrtmi ule lifbOIg labout etur i Wem yu.as u emi etm, u ni W .. ra OO*4WttitExcumsiO W S, Cuai. -Ti Pc fa s-icenuybeucmIa e icit l atlffitrntum .- fte o ols attiee »u tb L Tuaa - eit u udav « Met le a o h il e V? u hnotrt* aveboc limietfre for four1M. &e hurci, iy Bey. Mr. Ru cuti.an ines««,ew nli wili hgcl e ,nelivis, a 3 omtciiagè fela good, instructive and pcpulair. I Cheap toi cash. I ein eestcaicaion u ~nd Of W Cucxgv MAvvE-A ftCibetwm 5rfesaila LImeftle du a -Mt t Liai seo e tau i l nij tic second eet ofLnd.a sd i liai uICM-MU4acreua AS!MIRIRSI M011111111108 I> PlOTUNIS. hVîîii si ver. um lather d , aisecond elev:n of Witb5 viiandcula le u t$4 an Emh.2 - william 'itt.fu1lrllla"danger, 5Um a îion!the z qrouu tola eM !rtmaé-» el Oua M stMag& T ',k. .. t, u,,~,s. 4asIa iul puy ticlrald setrequired. fÎ U, ita....nvlti be la ue mitaln U.Ln à aas.J~f!t.s M e t B re il4 . i TCiruit w Paho thi sec l l iy servl vit I ]t he icVrtoesu avdii!uaI, W" I thelio. M. Jmonf ateisy mdIlcobtr t'lie et. Geairs ai.cW-utitslIL.ofor=eut 9. llet<,rhro I.. " îet te r dved ti.%o.eekly, d mrolu oui"e lu planningt4 « et :«. .. 0 i * ve~ t Il .Ail tanIsaeta in héir iouriseta ~' ~r.te. B arampton.... l:: au«Ilce et m~ ~l*,l>~4uî~VKii! ~êKl>~t>WR8l ton Beo.-Thlis rsowncd mit. iofet roy and Fo, ticevi two uiiiSVUAEalW ---i j 1'J MR i5ioAe A «MMivisuvli g"ve ae.Oh4e gr u iTM=iOOWho refîsd ta attend mcct. ltâr i SOWU. .14711 'I -O. hl, b5 u# ulu - nrlli _And anluJuge of the Bt*rd. has becs frtier ad. 0cc insd eiiaZ~ *v.,..,,v, for u~t.vhe Poli4 nu.lnttay Friday Satui ~Journob l ic i.Pele NM taraa t or si0fthe ..u.s ldmyi le *....,. .,,..e- u i,,l of a us. M i.n i, ud h its My weeke. Md ond - i.. uie.* tik Oe 1 tfsetortalnument thce LAeufIAI%.W aut. baulcaeip se» an rnIeP mU dm pli, ppiss@ys :-4"Slor flog.e. d te 5151.that. a meeting et ail Inter.Tm se. coetInennumo Llulsy Ot.,v..c, ,Ir'. 's id Ini c'Ou&" gavbis nueL performance miAtLI ClI ii lis holu In tic Oienng Bouse, t'...Iê.. ium.cll ,iim gu 1.11Isi nrh be0r1 aerovisti on Tuesdtav cvuing nexet8 eoioci, g', "rI,., l- , -l c-le s.). AIi' fitleac. I l u lun % lons mor ôa very for lieptiriýcxcof orgaul M a rt e 1111tll A, t- met thp u 1116O. eceor desériptl, andtimula he ieau. memlosi. Wî' trustt tiers vililibeadlb i n oU i~l'l~"uIl loecgmety. At the loeof thcenu-large atuendanre. i lanh tIii ,v * lî ta'tpiailet saIsige ntisberetpof ota CIAet the--ron. T0»&i tra-aï- - 'voa dltrtbtol ua bflul Cout Ian--M buhom i a.a.cUuielia ---- wît l ittrln f, ameug vil iehabMl theue rtf viii o ela. tiiletvrles piteluer vaut recved b vhîol ii AucnCrutllrib i< wu id %ttt.9loei ts Iaten irutisth lalleMdtic rb uS vesv pes ~, fit ~ Mr. _ Johnotton.» oin. lutasc oBli :Lnay esei Mut zum~ K r.itraiteff.- Nert S%1%day ociuh Tuusda ,su.t ltl>ebiolay, Our usuit liaiilp got %lVbUAN In tevee. B I. flteps a hoen21% ReId: lleu l~~rt r el Kint g * pgJtly ocet et ~, - .. hltn. astaon m Niîo Sa , Sept. a bOtt' ;Kin LMpmbiîsdlrn ceîrrIn thla leifratntcon, Wednesdsyý, Oct,ilîti, voetaimehor. watig utthe btbie, CIIAR N O TSA lar Of eL itscout l ittriclt, vIli ulilvtip 8T. PO.- uîiçl .XlA.- but theic dcv he tic ber dii nuet TI I ,elucli hlu opullai' lecture, fymnttfor Rpcuuslscr -;lrt. onnng, gratifi thc oten expressed vîsifor M ",ht-- Progressif AndiSprit of thLe 19, 51~~vuu1 iII .lt, %Pne- rn ni ael i ay.Who I5rc.ent Âe." Mr.IHutlten has botait ornifle&1 a;evcjmil, 1,211, wlaits. rippe rnteeday. en etflc s-,nsueu-sful a i tutll15 llî',l7i.fiuIl7~c~b Mu, .,110, lue, tie saracu f ielie i Jlv IF U ]Et N 1 T UCIR E9 a-Il wf.&eurur fin lisepress tiat Mtlu 4t,-e0, 14, 1'Ç; es'e:u, Mi117, Il. yuuehtlsbore lovea for the.sItnuns lurgu, sîlt îyf i se 1 &1lecture utut@ Te rîngii ad unstar sletî foi nusklusa flyl~tartwiti ton-a l Inr ui -Yt ifuîi t ameImtfhtAs îîuîulir. ..ie cke'uuîethVu Ilymnal Compfilon. nil1 ly 6 ,. start aifinish1mite ua. ISuîial VIIiaîg ttaurltntihv gn utvery Ïsfcoly titi duty as ommo- e mu i (18<1 e POR tuln. Wr.ur ic r illitton te Annlauinr.h iMot ' lbritat 1-aveirSorstno rrdt (0.I ios 3r Fai eet, lert.îuî,re sl lv -glu inai half-pamt lxuî, h oisullemI eginAlta ttarndoclus oamv: uit Il had-#et %wr k nl uanîthe aid plnce, îStart .Owner.Fish ol!gln Ottdnut.t. viwere i iu.s. LM.è. i A f*j.~uc Rusnîrn.-a Lndon j , am ep dutittue -ucail Oru.egu lunRSpray 31t 15 . Newton 40O25m uîluiig .usvi:an oue u.lrt"q',llui lily 01?it' i-upi'mptalns. und dn ren- «ideaIi-ake d3 53 W.A.Godwluv 4 4 12w etr r il (tlnPi94qoitiiy, eram Tu MYq& uo-. Pbls . Ln btuuefapnpr-ita rit li'(flttnai îOlieÂrsî..u AIi M ~azeppa 31.110 P. Hall . Rf S U R N 1 T U A E 0OIl 2A P. tels. hltnu SorALt55 Cin -Ointllilljtuve 32"O F. Cauuni% fuie.- tursis)î.'u (aladI lv Oslllhà sd lhait pallois ansi, and &a il lion of Tihe ers.' "uina itîlounder fiveh "..uluusî' i. uscfuncu.aîiul suuillp tisi-fal letunulrd meares requtrel iuilm. but eving t0 lie lateness of the h forThi itopretots f tliéIl rtnov on ha ut rAt IR, Mceri1s ~. ~.. ""'"' -'~ ~ ;~ t nrurreetus3or tirnov -a (lexee circsiîonlyaasttecyacht~ Il xt Iiu it,% tpa. haenettavelin lovv t nètipant e' . i t et. moesai't netenter, owiun ottta.i ro.t,tiltr heua fi e u.ut t-i'u irea. eUs e*ei ie ma- eofC fher op.masts, Tic ifteof liew S ~ 's*'f.c " .îrulusut uiu.wr i asptlle Doré in (" *~ 'ouiiulsoi'y. and Lhe publie, RUI vasne? ccei e v O inif taan V Irnou tiî'l cîsrd 11tsf. .whufile, vlul l o %vitlionsacthat tetna thiii oldtt z Be.r'tilleraiNo!1 buoyvleu h ul.'-itilusui-aUstr dleIrtlit rlu' l>lnWra uunur.--3 'ml.iearyJay torsatew aeléentis on lier v itV y f t'AnIVANV-U c Dm COI? Pa-iue lnlias-c letniviii uiixt-f.I1#4 a Je~.ut m fatte.îî RA5L'rst.mvi. ie.ins e.nai uti iore ithe lhening lb. l tsrl uai, 'sut, '-uîîsuv iuli<(rs, M.. i'r las i'ecuya ffi re n nae utuli eele. andtinlucouscnuueucc atte îih z. ,l 1h'rèse andt '-igl S~i a enîs; îuuiucf usltans i il n, urwfoithecouu'ntent. IcAtteulut o and l<-'io t afulkx volublly fon "'15 lt'arii, lu1 titis section- and la nov vaîîqtiiuuttcgi. 'rauua ,te tIti cntlen Ilw..up' .iint lusi sisuralonim av r Pre'îtô fi tke Orders. Farmiersanti. rlsiling ticheJouft veprisai,%vers A. rM. REIC E. u, u,"1;1I uîsu. 'rî,olias ufinal Mil. olter: vo ihSave lInd tte drain sel l ind wartled-, tet $7, Le Lie Wlleaseake, 51, 7..uoRiiî. î',t îreil h~li "Y %iliting lfile s lls tey selsavetLiee 2usd, $;î, t e Spray, wvilcilent tic i ll:sss-'o.Si'iîw' Prcîs1.1111ry nti su4uY. and i seculrs pentaien t a prIxe iy only oue secndf. Pr end yv:.;Alr:drainiste.lihast a aJ jo' là fr Ottf #.'et uî~,u-tl s~ luaiî iaf re ig î it te, bnire. he oinclir R A. 'Y & C ,-4- tlI,tfil"tvou r.'swi.vluuAt puu.uetin * (a "~ P t a.essne. LOCAL îcu PRAY L ETN ' in rl î uIvîrilltc Ilu- îsit.li15ltiltie un on Wednesdsy SePt. "titiandlest IL ~ KE!IA.-M...ms. t înu"1.u.± or l,. l-lêrlunv,% i('usuuuu'.i ora on TusduSept.7th, fer Ihe nuire, Sî nt adMrRoet, f,t, i,'-gîîligu sai Aulel tu u -, god Illusr, 'auid:"An t Pirponsa ,Of iîîytng fat c Kuefc siluich Stp ' aef fo 'l entual M i'. l-n s,, uaslu.- îunir tu, inscu, lnntusg te ti'uy viii pay tlisahîih-,t cash p iqcc. onaîplcslfi 'r t c eenn talonxisai tiuftlilles lel,-rlurirn *fome'" i~~l intosesections eheuuld hti in on aaut Li'ttia cengtaToonet, E3sîî'lDyGad, ~ :aoebti os,.lu us'i. silîkv ,' îutiîu i'gcu oftb r'nkuty Of frotichpaeie brtonathenonio. i ie îolul luauîgu-ul s-iurlîs o l f",loting of thicr hr P«eInnp. trai aucethy torn iecxcu nu ý.tgîulouiziglti-. pul.ie,' sslkt- %,t e Ldtant Stusday nacargo of ratlie anti 'TîEtaalws l-,guk-' Duelf litss, uîîîull ic 5u, e t 1 i tînfr théc Moltreai market. sh'iirei(nu aGrangen latine lu this district ha.1 IWiI liuîef'let tliatit trlu nrt%atAiers -sm a.îuî,of l Il . u 'lrought étndprne, "u c I. liiterntig ltupa 10<14e t10 Li ,i%.gsguiSelle--uiyollthaveufl(u' i-nwmsr-. (1rNgK'.EK Aupî..gq. t. V. f- iken nutipny ot' olidoute lichllicy OwCLO - î.vîrr'ui,,wîîu,.ir.u'-.Vrmguso - le-g-. Ici ilfonai thépeoiple rut Ltuday thLicstorekeepere. ~iîî.ip st cîmi 101 suuîf sr "us'îî l'uiier-"*, ui ciuie anfd s'lclulty fiat ho ite lrrcîu'ng ui'k. i,. t îu i .su-fndgi uvu'u- e plauuit 1 nslgsîments tif C<'brce AupIe freine BORCî4YGEoN. a et f t i t - wI- li'csoslyttaîsî. I.iuitteulou l e brateti <'Iciesce valiI'y, mare CIv'î'iloi.îuîîVY.-Moutiay, ept. 11h, 0 * ,,u'u- .tl u attrailu: uandulats autlocal pIiII tlit' hecri'eptfteeyear In vu'ry gooti.l [ea I hie,. been appolitet i l ai diby. a MottIe. 1..u tfil- ,tai"kî.u-denî.slrnsof"iros' acl'rlug G. lippîn, an celtroient ISnOoT-;tt. - pigeons sam In gremi. omettat phir, (%aii totui. -unkig atple; l>uulci toln, a partîcli. Ipicnî.y ail uarugli heLia Iarvey vOOdail lu-.- lis l'-.iI%llY suuY. tif réuir5, iaIrly Busl(-Iaktn.o rlîplc, Andtiea'lady j M î,i A -4nomination viii taire 0 «'uuu ai'îlsu: (IN uuiteYusu ui, ilu-luThrile aupie arc gr ithier Iplace ena Lie Diiitlut. ton Counilior tea i>,îr"iriu tonftlSatiurlasytant-lo r fui ogk iiigor eatlo,iîranîd miiiic i ol il] n D. Huatcn's pae intl reelguel. t <1 o t> & L . w w ~.îtuiî'u-u an 'nfuiusuu clu hflt. a frwi gu'4 .'-A l:uirarrtl. Tihet-oesignitîentte Tht. pallng I in xat tor the ftl. p o0.fsi >ie . tli tflcsuruî sîi t-uy'Islil-rt'eis-eti rcgulartly dtlrthéle fvi.î. Tiusiq. aniTîes are exceeclhu1 i alsuft î'uu'iusur-. r' -dsluiiIlt' --t-sl * .uul luntheLic llage. oit'ivt pai't fe od lse1- i nr tusîî r "u , ti %Ir. P. NI't- iiiiiigiciiti. iLunbringla about I u'.ou~.l-lu'Y u.uel !n ie l i flleu- vlîirli s,îu; i~.~ gae nl ~ trtnUra . rBloYd, iL le repOntei, millil 41ouiFi tFoor.m ;:fi h:Nuecî l :euu uu l .1-it, N1 r. 1 sî-aufni:anli d u Nfe etvsle rsix-jil ls oe ttknt uNi lu-,,uiionhauj liî-'oun puîsu'lutenniîrk. t .Nu 5iit ur -n av. i coui sed.iî oýe tt 'wji eauton cou oge s h t4ci,11e nt rm , 1 g'i.Iu..1 îçIf id -psuut-.fin ai lu-l'41. it nail' s-tiMi' te dalt, w ndta iuyqsetR LeConi 011 Fulqiu-.uur, l .v flu oi-rI u pl i t < I sfl 're aL l it Il'oIn t ull tha Cîs. utcvîl-Loiuc uîi eesn!aît l uili'et iI -ilts-iuoun u "',i' lt li rut' *. -. fl e vîtuiut-v TIi. c-t Lion unlil ak t lt, ire th, ed tr e ca %vt. ir it-, D ilullia Cli.uaîcnt svyîc . .MD vi eln-- -i. fa-îv-g tf , u' îiaus .cu i r l ic i n iuut5 ul,,, uit il Mr.lîg ie sslLlu f i ple as. < ng îrel .Ni n cci ent n Uncumra I cagsi it lu'y tu".luur iun t,îallalvi' l ile ieiteLe n l i a e ntlq te PoaLiatont( ýa n w0ýtÔ aolsn ý YZ tl Itu I gr.,rl . i it I au. ni d. 'uîuI gu ll ,î ui at Il tusîs lisliten îallii 10t fe liai'.- tsîuî ie eruiniug'n ,oieuie tif fileccouic.'Irludepn adentmurde r- u, gg-Iilriti. fuiltI îusie ' an( -î.gui f uîl tennti lîî the P isat, andc u:uusu.-I l sftgetrge A Nlu îaFI'l I 'l'y iglussflî-î ajvgl n.". uueututii ru.tlîsgordnunittt-log us ave 10 sna i oun te i a I'. thsi E fwif fuv-iit-fu utsstîi-itu auî. l îie u' te u it 1'..1. l'oSin l tl. sicl~ uîîuusl o heni.,bshaiu evn i Is gi g"îî<guî ueu'l it- a îîîuî rai. alî.fr îuaîq "c's u-lluf'.J R nraj ui a nc uniti t foutt i u.ll il let 1 t. I~ . i~Il Pf,"01v b, 11w s sm~ eruo mt -as-onuit l iuîi lutalital Invlatil t theM .te oue. i u lentle r 1sl 11A UIio v lum ,- u'.' - fliesit.gl iileyiii - l le r-'li oliolar lu tcisnruM . .. su iit ib. lue nil egd n [rgcan ei 4 i v î's s. " yegrgal'c, lthéu mon.uh is-lfu'stietlcicu.. i..luîe 't e, till*c îoo Tvuel i al aNet le ta Ia) eNr .rnvdel(eabu w itI. P.,e nitalafe p<nl, îryiit, Ec..;tek s tllîousuîuuu e ora f smoi3W,O r.o f .ie (',iu'uuul', gdl Iî.h r l'gru i. . um . vas golov Ietutee. ua h vîsit kta.M .rla wt takd wt tIll sbl ,fro 11141vuN.l a .r. ilei'yi'r .1. R. ,,gi id hat e ab Lit vhciu 089 by :~i i IhtU VIIY N~r~ -ua.1-b li.. 1', 11.1 l'rluleu-- .utîgue-rai l v. ill stel o ln itu v i e etown n iaPet- fle utiOuuao r aone- y e tr i q i ntesccd th Mr.gP.aellegfg-luainmloi. '.rcauigtu a it s aicuit I téae t u rmi Ai - S I~l.118E lîiiN t-lîriur- si- lu, inl t-mn ee v.q h l a lle' r h iv m r yuert t of u r a ne t .ruta o a o u.-I' ' vl,1LII' nIl a ip i ntiwnlandviliinees gelint * , . .,, ~ 'ude"Iv of li -t teil i w li i:!#bliu. ais tl o ,e.cec fli tn.. M' iu. q f nd(,end nt.' .\et l euio " ng Li g ,u'.ut îî i uic lii uuguia-Fa'uIesiis-u îul'. lui euit.%nui *I-----------------u"1'. fil(u'î- perlii in e1: tilt, î .1. V.,( ntfli rtltuuî -uulg, mhni. g.u . . opf ow -cy a t-en soe ia guîng lit'wal ek ii. oniuiacleli-r Lissit fis uî eiI ntenly ton iuthis vicai Por AtiI14 IVwhie o tiwtelt he Iui niid l livy t . %bolu utee t i eeuut.aid 1 101. Jn'- 5, li-.~Iuu~'ll ili us t-,tuîî %ilsula %i. rve at & î-lrlucity i.mrnecfrt olrire hilî oui .sr uîr. Cosal O tou or 20, S. . i---'--f.gîî. I lui ul . 'safsrfing-gi Sg (tuilt woIls nurt pilit-n li'.ltic clu-l g ~ ~ lus . -lg'l4uui3ikur atfulî i Vti lgltt iciuî or tuvPus'i- g-to i 1iiasl ~î-iigat eetoo isbe i 'iuu"ugu luuiiieri.t lu'lufu~ - 'ilguis lit. lau , Mcuiîta' uuuirIlouLiaI Ilîle utrifte uuc 0f tki lel ias olî ate tltî u pk thLe pocsI r - i<u, utuiui'. miI..%.tî- l' h mgig uîuiu. 'Iet iniqn e îu (I-s th e ni f t le l i lin ni t p l i mviii on l kiul of cxl itie Lic iceand ota Il -i g-' on.' i'uulkui ,uu ,truittjtt el Iîlleî ccuul.' IrcUne of lîutié f ian it.t'5dl pl.t. Tineetuela ieaareuet onu-lu - reli anulmiat' -fi iiiilil file'or 'tii heu or l;'u tP ale 'iuii, .1. -i iilu. ilie -l . iS liu il -ufuit l î us l Rui llllici, ad lu'r,îcirgî utevie-iluoîsidstantar uasstsea : h rti.uss'.i sîul i, qt' l ir' a terr lrc uit eu thn u re$ te v i e 31, o m n dth lî tu' r oroseiue ti nd p a ini 1.1 ui'l-,.i g tsiib lluîý tiltuer> i ng.. flesl it.fgi,.miic ttcece eu m resIn h rvtstLtic g 1ug îîa uîf m y rit a li s laîulon e nu e oie thue tiachselu ou motchurg unas ter a steiylu us-rîI . -t fileu ayi uiT- nî-ulî lt- tt 1 îî lî'aî dlIljliu5 ule. 5 uri ntepu.Tiuues e tis'u nf i t ai'irc uas iyn fo rmern r te tu i <e a~~ ~ - î tilt,"s v tfsr u 'es lr t lir- ii lîutu t 1 t'triolr .. ou M Ioud n at Pettn urti or f ici non aysa tion-ftu l t I ti- lig-,su.Qiu- flru ic r- and cu1tutI ol'a la dlh la ec l lnt. Ioh a'lc 0f iuuL ityLie aLer eitanterprietIL rl e 1.11 ' Il M I ll' --~ , liiiiu %îf dithsily aru lo. ekiioR î li ulul usu dli n-cetcil lîf ln uiiciiste O initiu f cvidn -o c fiLrt ai uit sm'lut- t flet tuî it. li, Be tr i on t'. u t il 'tlioe, i c d front are u f e itl ilro c , l ate r 0f bril- î'utiltluerqNlqan i.L ev vtrIve nlkoîcanI -tuADtOr tal il itýe Lia vor set tie -u hem t g ' j. ' Is~s 1.'î-i.. î'i'g- ci .Iit'sIuiv-w - - t'yim it - .sit. 1.... ' ............n i, .....S stl. is-cdrlk aiL upport lu giTrggy .1' I- litRlte r -mii ilal-utI t 'bath part or th ' Aile bvv.-,u,-le %uImuîtwtt ..... 9 t-nery posaiie ciauner bYiv lic mal «lu siiisui . 3 le f t tpr t hlvi.'t.,.-vvg.i~rt' $hillttih-....... a fluete.c, aud to ma .le tfor' a Lime le 's g s i s --a <"u. iirituraph Hflii.ruslecti uiptsn lient. Ive" ,utt,,A. f.. Alent - 2 - sv5,ck ont.,ii m 7 grena nijct ofU ie fSL T 1 le,1 10l q î. ilas fliIluhot 011r snssleris t frhîcutg leA 5stuc Istih l iteh- aiJ.et w., t'ge m. n -ftla0efr. T i~~~-I q- .i. ggi 1MIîîuu'uul irte iiu.oiki n utuineliacelor, lutcoul-tise,-----------------------------7eay utlnll do uothilcg iuaLie liD15s gai i.î 't'îî' ea s '.gIlz ott vItit lvx .- lut 1' uui ului l iii -- î -..ipaut-lietheîîattr te ua t ofso racirn- 1s g1i -i'asgslî tiri% gg-kgt ,'eyl'liî-(Ioal-e n.îxns- 08 prtance tLois am IL js teePeherioro. AU lui, ile- alleiSll 25, tr lem Iltus.ll . at seu have une cena bh l S i a v, l e, !,gî g iu t'. iý fgir wsn lx -g.l-. ugei ag.Pilslit'g1ila letIeri tiuil % 'Ir.T. $' ietcuu... ...... 9 i llaio.........o iuigfre8h teneIrupicuili. If Pierb r g gîI'g-1 1, ... t et' g, ,f, t.i lfier oftif Vertllye et. a ushit-tu----------------------.2 tini t* se o.....t..htloutr.lvay ce g - uti 'lî-1lîu4u, contfelits el-att- rittt'h uillauul'i sei I -I. Irg,.iI"l - gl tI --t - velier hu-eil'ia large paîrt. rit Maihat.L4n i.......s..----------- l togî ....... 7 i- i tw . I iSP ttt W gg gl-us l eloin Iui' t-. i hîiniuî. uandutI-conietiurmontn ainue. A ..........i.. net nuI........ 1 ioe,-not our's. But ln thcre tet soi u'u' li"ug'ii.m tiniîliiofaiVercstlycas reutildalitti thilatu--------------5Ill sga....-o. oume.vbcu Petrioro hmsfoumi liai îî îîîgî, uîu.ii" s ~u'grou.lîus -et-fl and thuy mploleti s iavyer 1t 'O uitctel............. . ............ lkoa bster iL lias1111,0 lsshe8 i su -ii'i îî .1.1 uîuîî ls- sîiu. T 4ic Tas .Wtslctl- snd reeieft-dtue uli.. ........ . . '.......-.. l îîett l.fasaePM-y lb aia ;sslI'i,Il lî'î huefuints tI91 iu*îse-iluflicelliîflAtsltre niW.Ilt" Ihucit le -L7;1:. : .............. ..... or tic'soeng tvU11 'si u-ai.g'. 'tli-'uuiiu"u'irut-e tutttittOi'-C"iEittirime-ut'tat 8I. 00c lat... ý.......... --------..tl enc oW i edata 7i l~'~e'u tIg"k lb s.. 13er. uAnd ;'jit. velleug luteubeau trIeti on te ti.l *cseiltiecsenfa nusaa- itîî'-t lugulf le-iî-v Rf Iig-lmt'au enduieîi. Ale vt-rielltai eOtiérnwh5at. ln astci-tt t"Tlhc. intLie ton relletion le e1îcut. rîIl luit. sRige lIliu's' itI«e-gormt..Iriliihe, ml'h ArîcimueW*a d tLatIif ssci THS(IItV7C H<LtDA .d Y a15airict ,nuow»or as W~..the ,u,14, fieilur ln, tlusîrlv l'aitradle lnlu ieltie of i*ait4itiiisuilly vould ut ¶tDv'atE-orW? tueoVfl sm0f r=Iovpu cdf ulsu Ssus-u'ub'oklul*su-ote.-oldlhoiigiteiti elvt a5bon*wb Plii Waelfelly 10 l"-uot i-g"l S ie l'g u- 1lMe ie ptroc odeci d ai Ut la agu's, Kiusftit.' 'iui~At-'oepauy.-.0 cletter Il% ajurluel 'rie pvolautsa:on sslletis 5pattllst underuolid Liith" j eaval e I i t%- vC1 's.-g cig îs î', -.mga îîtrel it'a-k slecl. "setIie 'u. lm ic ol it n . eatliy W» lyal deeu' ih lbe ,Ji ptsuu5 a el vze1. ,vlie ".lt iio.itiuiut-tdli' irti-ut tie"P"p5i<" ln *trio Ç,Touday asitlvehlia u oalt citetno v ibr eo, but cor- Iiiut. .ill->iu.llg-'iaril-e ilIsmîul itt-riumcu, hervatiiyeOur tovnpeopho, Tic dal tainyo iltile iitiDIA Iva..A n lu eceli v. raiervari, bu tirs vs m I l ui.uiu<Iiîugl" llîîr hulcit'r lier SlO>In tf (u'.îs'X)l sle iront ytiuî snd ans Mtter " e loittay sveaisg lha attsud 111011 e,, 1. igiuîI ii uuuisgut'ituIlî 01uit' , li't 1le iecM nt rn o n m to drtr'i n r on rn p iIi ilutuuu-lu i-Ig'iper Iu. I-i'u'susg'.i. fiet- t. sotlsel tindcrefsud iho*sy" i«M anicrt t u f.VaurcoIl Icucmm omdandc0cupcby Mr. JO& I-ls Il n.îîuu-i uîui" ui ll'itf ry haveliii men'ft Itt 10ni@<. a ve nof ilaghardly have oricred more pluamaiGels..Th i lsiue lU e xsl1 Iiî' . -ut gu giR'tiuuy-uiipiutslnug viat4,erel lto ola heetic Oatue rclu aImq vetr i iasov~th@ prevlons tic adjoinngsihop 01 II1 l-u. 'iolu lie tii' ueuluîl qytte% 1 rI. -uic' i hip or ot-h trwiciis. Ihave bal ovmni to aItc«u«euw« hvebecsGarden, maI oMup!W Kr.je n 1 -dl",leI , .u'utt.tbl..ltihîa-y. 5tgiais>. ettereofhe ieeauseearctr ansd acpalTetov u & It bat de- Sanermansiab s. s 1111111111wyue.- 1 Men f'uieftr uSutasCs.ilo 'ntisit fronut ag". I ave laId Lt srte1.%9epromb attraction of the dey, Garden savel uolm lu.ianghlm enLire1 t'. la hm sd .ho tocks voi as se0smoneyl moi cm C'. 1. soceu.i.InbtTic»mlmta pt IlacU- Iluhu-.' limm-c niiulveil a car triat itfbt li tai t ~0la c 5 dviutig nadir 'my v» t.siwsser RUPVArmounsoN T *. ý u.suurîîsîmiuha.fir t-tdingt. IL leic, Sa ien ee fPm Uvilm toIti e'-pui lu if îtint lwittrthiilLie %santjls purilp0e oWllf hlnoeeuLne o Wauimbe aMd ~ et eg&nlut hlin meceus to e a aJ6y. -si.îvllu rutic" qevais cmalle lu Tli. ey* ta ss»kutouetil any rmularsor W»a 1utnol'wMdaU vcibcdy *Oubel et su 860" iê a Ibàw i' "rS'seisl u'ttligtsuu haeive aMrtne dcmet oitting the b go. As4 & ns=Umusm e tiru âe iebuldig 111011-=W li, eit,e,seI usti.aM. tiîsfl Mn, il lm -ulr-iestsmtomm»y preteudeti et«, Md iundred.-.uduY iibuctuns 5.1g " Pr w itlioulé.im 1o~a egiiiuigt if s lti confideneaTt,' T-la- - peiiliy Mr nesesilauure îtiMay fcuioaIptwSof lie e 0" i !aits am ntailthe su aI lsiehW sint vgiuif lIurtf iy uîvsry prottueilve contai g suaei otIe nd muid lgve M u îb » oubiltmu.-efnasoii .lI gep"lit a a u~~ uîînitiikeuttmilpot. ilotir. 'Tie cl qhtuenot, uth icelve, às cliiite t l-Msd peep afs paimt ibee o tiUAlem Irtutfwl gn"let louser let made fer0111diVidtlssiWhvie tadnlg o yum Cb55'odimenicsmm! pr ealligaseerttIy M thi wlffl. T e hlf! lui vustov New »Iud raille tor teffort 1 r he evlts agOrillé- At i ie latter N r.I'. 1 lute va. hovula tic oM Ycik s sul $00 dltinhee race, onstît. Ail oceuuallem u ~ joa" 1lie 1ugMd vastircogieni ie e wuu ti el lun4ta iôn 3eme9 bdrtu<dt e.$a~ ~ aedmyuuspg"l ils OuatOP("ut Un tue w » la la t YeîîtO11grue arelutaour rL slPctO c U i e dIU LiIl i .1llA Orolmtelà*int h Mlb b l 4 M ga se,-m-' GM Omaw e leill - -- - - - - - -.- -- --..- - -- - -....- . - - - 2cuMflo 20 oTOeoio- i tai ésMdm ~ 1 U@z& ffum as @àlwa wbi la a Ulm IO aa pesesi= vt e ~M 1 = 0mmm et te idesi but a du. fu ailn.7s. hui. 2aiekg ï eowArctednuilde s upervsonatn g Mr Sho.& pbmz RAM DPmema lengmin pnoè. Bosco gave tires set orf bond eci'terte.lnmea bre lutL wek be. SEVEUAL perscas m5C ic th eie of. 114110 bave iSsu dtced da our itrctaonSnnay. Tc uesticula h'e dc tcliquor ore ct, SnvEEAL laIs of Uwlytbi sample have amved la thlic ElsM Tp. Cmof l i W ceticu vIlinet w!vie ovor hem .. Picmoi-Ur. aI sei hiome frou theCamMwsh iet the emaIde ..Our lae uith bacheiorhood 1MaiWdedy We con4ra:ulate hlms on ti hn hfflttha .lit. viiibeiceg sudrm .MANfIiÂ. Lcvvau.i-Rev. B. MoKay delvered a lecture on Tempcranoe la the Conre gational chtwcli of Luis plcenUry -evenilng lait uder.8tic auulmcem c0f *'Onward Lo!ge," No, 8U 1.0. .T. Fîua.-Tere aa n BuTnU 0 e alng l ic msi il unr hood. TI'et- 'sa crylarmeaurenorti t ofL 0fler. ea omderabie distance, and numerous amaller lires.in thc lin. mediate vlcinlty. The mcehemo these, combinaI, la ai Lima. quite dWa agreeabie to Manifliana. Ilion WisD.-Plor severai deys peut the wind ham been v~r higi, swepng thiongi our dry ad uaty seelis a perfect hurricane. - IREVIVAL SIuvIcas.-IteV. A. Se11W tcp, late of your tove, hmaçmmepceed revivai meetings Inle R .' acide house a ftw.miles to the nortiemiof . TABX"orm or respndent spokc too hastlly a few weeks mgo re- gordlng Lieue persons. Thq cme out on tic streets armed viii a«es, hau- mers, naile, spikes, &r,, for several days tutti l ey met viti a lrebl iu the sidewalk nbcbrast1nfont of G. M. Pse'strW we, ie bubt a iamiy retreat and have net sincemade their appearancea, much to the dinap pointmeut of thonsveary podestians Who daily arc foreI *iontravesing the above strict te practiee mâletisa la a manDer notV v te matV, vaJump. Ing about six or eght test ovor ahbis in tic sidewalk. WIiI tic "merelful' picais taire tie lit. OIIAiIAR S.-ioD0RAi. VZRULdm. CouxciL Ppocuunnoa-The Council met et Bobemygebon umonay, Ag., uth, pursuant to adjauramueai. Pr. sut,-the eceve and PDe~.eve, sud Conne. Kennedy and Steap . &Minutes of laitmeeting read and confirme&. Movel by Mr'. Jaukin, seccadel bt. Stale, tatThos. Mlddietonbesi- lwdtopurchase the S.jof the orlgl al road allowance betweiu W. î% o f 5 and 0I, con. 7, at a value 0f geJ-Car- rieti. Mr. Mîidleton belnq oltered thc above decllned to became thc ptemr and refuset t naine a price ]t *cid give. Moveti hy Mr. Kennedy, second. cd l>y Mr. Junkin, that 013 lic grantail on road paat Ra'<eby sehool bonne, pro- vlded tic Commuusioner of county ram moneys expen"l 12 of couut "Wr prtation.-Ca re.MovedL,.Kcn ucyseonaIby M.J th"a b la b now ad pesSel clsiag Y. 11 and , con. 7 and conveylng tie same to Ti. L.l5vl.-Carrlsd.By. law %vastien read cd pael. Movl by Mr'. JunkIn, meouded by Mr.Staples, thata by-lawbepased appting Jam Patermon and Wm. ]Kennedya cou. mlssionern for tic expendittîre of rpad moncy on the norti and mouti *ides of the laite respectiveiy. and Liai ticir pay be 4 per cent.-Carried. ly-law real and ased. Moved by Mr. Ken- nedy, mecônded by Mr'. Stapici, Liat the followlng arcounts be psu :Jno. Me- Donald, stdewalk, M30Jme.Dickson, survey of Bobeavàgen, O . Biie, work on rosI, Sia,ý Je&. MConnell, do, 820;, Thos. Bell do W; Wm. Hunier, kl>»; P. Kelly, 410,Wm. IKennedy, ses. ,utonalallovncc. S -Carrcd& Movel by Mr. Staplc,seeoaded b 3fr,. Ken- nedy, tiat vr eai 3r. irham net mplted wttictheIntructions recelvel nra the Council, but ha. raisci the ra to an unueceimaryhelgbt, and ltai tie -ounil condemna tic varnea.lcfL by hum, tha tc eimâter la mot . loel ot nifrther notiefos i Councîl, and Liai Mr'. Orr la requesicd tolower the lde of Lhc road ccd have Lie maine coverel latore Bert meeting of Couneil to h eLismifacion0f thé Rteeve, and tint tic Clark serve Mr.Orr log se, liercby leavlng thI ugresato thaL i. could not, and la tich piioà0 the meeting baely "inld a Lova liat hm. donc ton times asmuch m is vlllagc to scure Lie constructionff the very rosI, nov no mucli desired." The correpondent r.lates Lhe ilmtory of tic mevemul aitempta 10 conneci Cobouw Peterioro ccd Bobecygeonby rail, sud amras Liai thcie precaUtIcu 0f Peterboro vere tieslvMI on 0f Cc. bourg The conrespouden t1 :-l'Co. boer- bau siovnU Itaci nruh and unvary. IL la Ne Mmstuc aitiey' learni tuis. That charnu S. Lais ha. evailovel p up nlrois gt lion. mu4anSu esvailovmillions more. IL va. good for Cobourg liai Pctcr. bore murroundcd thsjat viii viole- eme restrictions. iPcv towns veul have doue m mua underticeem' stances a. Peiciueo bhamncte s connectiom wvith l Jan ehed io, * * aTb ueS atisJeme»g0111 thé CobouMg EcmLIMM tu ml tich to «Mrnyont tichebarueIn.le vhiaci cl"sd mpudent ti. la Mcli - Peteuiueoaut picyci t» aletisplgit- emith ati iha. qt nes MOMn te avance e e .et**@. - liticthefront, mi a ietr 'manifs "mu- cluher sails of tic rMsi& ne cgmlcfisraiie Cbm.8U#lmm ,tneisa Da i WEà= w mêrmeORVY LW Theulrv tlqu J lui - mmwâm - - a a b ite =~% a ses, mikment e aulmI reoeaai nforay si or tNi- sach m'pasi luf màeeen wluidbt Iae etmalmU &spp.cnm I -M MLMUe rIsIegh,ýAboiuft b M amcps' esilyqara . IM ba irgUi teatconte;.Wboarec 13ct* wwàwcticlaL Sctt- Vîc:mEàmo>Tivok0 ec l uicIlading puditiou e iy sam Iliay. Aient -.m.e. . . on lic lime iciveem EetuIc'ild etem sue "0 or amemu Cur oic a:latui dlng adittIc teWis a 17 la M.MNadnauld claloeoivoti aIl vlslt~ ~~o tbsbesa ote ry BmPn-Presme srmglng la msuy pentu 0f ltsMe lmvla. tic smik m. enUnera sd tIymn of Lithe geatea eehvebc u nmtn Id!are urymgte cave lie prend. 1u se0f Mms. Entir ccl M. fai, a. tic avaup te c acT t orcf Litala la su.;d ahlis bulldaùj Mi'. Oliver %a litle Sut ofM. Glsse) imd nme1 graine Esea Se&xoos. EXTACUExAI nmo.-At lie mmuatloufor entry te Lic Rigil Sebuel 01 Maripoemaoght ci. t"ead certllicaies, four cf viom wve trou LittisBritalu Comuonschoolvwu Safuel W. Broal, AlaurtI teea, dg CDubebiand 9lusienam C.3; MI ep s isnarts a. lic bust lutL M. George MargA a.»untertu. nate ceug teomeet ght - ie. i moutrtae, scimit. = d »s teak i bemliova on thc pionga cf a plii tuai rstanding tankupM al Lilgh. lMc la MU la aseions cashi. tien, but kt la hopgd uteor the àeuhni Utrsmmi et Dr. Vrooaansuhoemay uccu bc oui et danger 0050050. norç Aam. - A Muareceatly absence et tteuly tve e.forLU pr= cscbd, =lg ts o s i oa marriel y es n gsd hinov sur- ronld b yamccltrly SuOUS AccxnuM. nStna uonng wvil e cman ver. aka ai ticeitem tank ing crectel ai Lice Grand Truni Station, thcealbdn ,upen vili hticy mare standing gave dradirtwo et f e Ut hte e rou a tn ftweaLy tiOunecf Liu esce viti sone silgit bruies' but Une oiier, John H. Pears» on d fr. JIoh m r e matnel vcr eous c ut by a drav-kiwev c hs4 la hieisad. He noelua precartans .condition.A rk iueuU~ inbratedut Tnauday W=oniepaolittino'clock la thec huai- et of tk. Royal HibI d c ovng tôtué m caretyof vater aae su&ci euwav Liaiat oly va. lie icielbue i dwn, but Mn. Payuc's apheulural lu-. plement taeiory vwit ie us ees. A misabie belODifo Mr. Sievenson, sud s Igror"sce neiyogn t r k alv e io burnt. he puuciuety rdestroyel vas vorti overIu,theU LInsurssuCea uvielaleW. L sa' i oya i u81, S. icLreen omi- cd veil, snd ca lIa paamen 0f Unp- t vmm la grest danger of M.ERIPOS. CovnM LPnoc=nto&es-Tic <ouncl 'met ai Omkvool on Mo j lihe20Li ~u e~atmeeting rend ccl ap> gge& Movel by lb. Brova, mecon. NiVr. Pa,6muo, lat tic Clerk 1bwatuctel te Boe Ity f. John Bresa ,te remove ie s tocgahe on aite lot2,Su ,vember nxt--&Xri<aa.Novieby BM. jAla seondal- by M. Browa. Liai theicr Clnoify NMem .Johuston, Si-. .clsir sud Goveti tea me Liir fences 6 la theltRhnbythellMbday of Oe- taier ne=t Csmed. Movoi by Mn. Adam, aconded by Mr'. Panklnio,tat by.lav Ns. -Mielng aliy.iav t ee ; b(assmenti uon enaiable property, 1 1 Me ât,ý, ,we 0f B&@'Uma &nMafreec year Iret Ume.-CaMed iThc iy-lav cfter i¶Zy lLAbou t ony of Lie roui. dent population cf tilaplace took ad- Svsantge et tUn clamp trip te Wauiau- ms, emIdisul Civ ma Peucanu siesnTaesdaaLImt-in casonnctIo LviaLhdMay St 'usotysc- melcu1$eyvil liP=ealml viat ticy caMWiontLe nsilvayflaco to Waubauaieu sud vluhenicatlt ur onuheci dsetftUnGecigla ByPeianuinee, iough su B,7«-Wd vllapdoesaot appumrte bc anci 0f a buaines placebat prescuta a verynusi end Lily s.mmohtrum Lie vaier aMyn pu thile vWh"t Thiernla lag leit umc f etcMe- stori. It te iaicofredbrck moi vil do crdfit te the placce i sa tte ~y~aenvierea g Pla et he ellrma vilebve ni Ie.fi vas 4 bmahmcfWoho sdmul pimota l, ra e7»aanouh hé odse m Ont a6 worelia mp uIiof'hbopa au saimmie4p- - meoey ed-e W, "ý UnM -Re U msim a Cy m om à" «- oe' - - - - - - Fer COaciValus Md rd"ai j- tr Ohm a i wh utaa ao rlau sMd - ib" a - IIl. Oth1US"S IJ DImTHS. ie am.- la mss *e.os l sle ile t P. uwml u'aio, etqlà Mutiah.-lu Ln, olmhsbu.lu Omutod tta.oIEOs lauta-bIt.olb 155 tu., Il wiý 327. =1 %=lm, eicuussuut Mwma.-Oe lbtheiMlt". lbm ib a am,-Ab the , s b fl i maI,,abmciv af Mr. Uuti, a0Li a m. clkoe. 2 cA&. I =ab.SeEr. Jahiu c asu..si Il dik i an, Ssci caira. UD. ESy. ueaiqIlat Ie-Mwsu-Ey lunsw. C. rail, a Wulm Bu. E.me Wurutimmeme cea" luq .Agames tuaum.l am I albw a . hmMa. Bodulif-býI lir =Ilmmr-mnim flittemm Bal* &va le ecainmlus.hèuimg làd MM mIE. tuemphetg iL vlieo lavetint45W3untIfh IU; a bafl budu bâb U 2e*" arnddm vk hvs islby Ii test etU a r ,3 ~ u at hu au ni a ,susîia Iae etimad ~isa Ukh M wn a aimt e Psu .- uagir s s ---oru it ism pua te haver beusbisaitlu Ebes amiNaipea.UnIcas vo have mia seeta laemn Unimu&éMM prcui vii o dstoyel. cam -of mow. m W aLco arisu OzaMuAL-&*d d È ft ar; mufn vflee ent te tic Cleabeu niailaimb i. Mdiotiersau seing nishe hiiu n viet n1ene0 aluddsIle suMfl.rails eEitu ot T"m Paouraccouaifor liai1t 'tae ere ~ noa li is., ccl u pmsallvelp tile e.s, d. Ile. youil sergele Puiuii t i f lie& a-nËi Ylinr iWfh. iai of. &0 You a emois ai Minutes enyti dcià u 1uwella'lacsiliai fti tahmse =vemci dlcamejt l i&& i 01,epcai Ic4trc. - ThboYouage emO cmou Un sihavecfnLaie Sicenwgt SPIuzdY. Mn. Tiampuon, limier mid eontstce, hue baena- j~~adIeand Most mue. Woolivzlle ahl Beavuie taise note 0f tiIs, sud lulhate lieSellant elsmple Tzxpnu.iqca ousa-mn, Ciavay, trout yon eux, 4hasopeuci a lamper- suce boumemn.Tic gloa l uaon Chch jth"Cnvmy Roene suIt'.have no ldt hie4 W, Ment lie ixpeciai t ftiet M at. gela., alvacaie or btnpom oas tees Ivlah yen vould mmds vqeo fond te Cmangtmn.a"tila s th Le "d"s vl miycsvolet cf inks, fr W.7have7nase:bntLfortue. CARD C0P THANKE Llmdumy beg .te limai lb. publie fer bu ven libucelpaiývtoutle t X~lW eri Pmuuàgl.oimd;moi IbSti, %.0 "almotbai m. Eaussi. Peiat oetlb UuiJa.4 Eafluy. for is pwonMd m ticcymr enuofoirltf ebo omet lb eeCamcus a"tee acmma aPeu@"a ton l or b. limi mut oiluimannetla Winhialonid thbescuemm"im s ipilvl ci=stounslerwv miii suunimul ftonu"s otelln a soiUbeal alusulos buoui poslM M teRmc i d r lis t Urnes oTîn Casaseas lai. Lancer,. Ang si, lmi. PreiNce. Tien have lies a tew egivern s nese grin ai Lladuy, but aothing pau ticular sa yt; and the veci ha.iseu dill la geanai praduce businss. Tht Mark Lane Express ot Moudlac ca:- ;'EsLMM ne au a bifort, grI np ha bee oune. Ticevisat vil la 1clm ltasppoiutlng. Rosever,tLicquahltylI fiae ual Lie vel*ginavy. Tentai. 11>Coi uil a età Tiers buauai agoed-dMItpY of est die duligg Ltecek, bail forbionie cmu sompttcu sund fecr u. ic cuiLl hiave becs nrualpally l ansueci cimns, fer tui lite saLes have liccu malatai el tiaut change mafc1ou la eotic elplnimas benfmSt Luma, seltianuallei lots frkont Bora, Chanton. St. Mfary's su Ststlord. Ticre, la a @meaterin tcline tion te mcni mong Lhe taruers, ovIni to tie fhiliag pasu=agbat tis qunt] of Lie caILle lu mtiil goal a sci cr" Baae-Ties en iresh car lonsi lIrai-cias, ave lgllicevelegit soldat 4er . er "lb. Oic carlalprnin tine seraaw ad utecra, aversaig I à got for Brittonetah eigst ligure, OL.75 per 100Ili; ivo curloala oxes seoid close, ameralag % nold01ai -4c; Lvo earMseere i rt ans, accu dglug 1,2W0, brongit 44e; tva cars se coudd ans, uvaragtng 1,M*Jbrofl 44e.; titrcescaM ,averaglag about 1, IX, mecond cus., ettec onea cao0f coa avcnmging 1LM00goal second close, brougit 44e;forurcr&Mfniclans, acci ~fn .1,brongt 44e. Twenty lies elmoq e@ atctd Wu Ibo1wosld ai en aleu&.an oe09 ol iuth as 1,0Ua ena 9 Sam ngoal aunnIvt elgit carssoli ai~~ ~~ lie laa t- ecail claes, mi hrdcus, PM to U,7 Lr.sjias-There mer. about ivelv eu% audZrleuussllgi loeer. Fias P.25; MiMd lasu, 50Stoe11.L. CLm bave not beau muahIn ude maul. but rien continue at for linsl clam, 88 to, 10, second, 95to $7; thini] 88 te, 0& LlmisayNMrket I Pui. Vaiuaa - . -.es..î liet.Sug.seuig ta0. O '0 a 'i' lii Lilpai bous. Aaib i . mim ai o 1 e.. IM a Os, Aquda. s t isa 2il e e. PmlUl.u tm. msilpnm mmm malsoia J. imILL, ETUE. LINEBA?. la prosbisu.achiI or wUtUUcI.m,. ilagasuasamIIoa m utm miSIo.U Lu.od1fsd 0QL KW OV D >IG #gOOOL limie tii.urno Imm"@ . IL A., m huainad P~ume uIo emn P PALDMERBURROWS, N 1. - Q*M Oltav.>Ceaima.09 ýw =. -becom.-vme. SlfulpuSafoamcmeupuibrdw Buses $ 0IMfWARD.-Riay aColla- Ou, Ln lth. l"i osaila Apai. uroqol lace biai lwo.yeur-oli ame ol, aohin lt i. oMnons uniQt ; amaoYi aylncbom ra. t .kB ba.ull Wit rlon heMdmi whlithe an LRa kes. lurtalomatU sIi l aile 'eovePy .111bu uuii. Word oy be 1dm tgnmOlb notel, LWniay. orsds- j.-ET211,Lia bu&Il, fory o uqmlc M uas.onma- oavus. Ti Wa s *t <is.t1 m1c ouss se l t". but iiaOtd Iall Iba s e lusporl... id en uln AND FumnI-heçI aI reamonble p rice. andi mbSetioa gouamoeei. Au inspetios of lisourmk ani puices aoliteld. Wmrcrom aid con shopone Kent!..lblei oorasa eut iTm Pm le rnîig Ibis ve havi e mvsutrei egoui' entire atock e LUmm Coutumie, Whit. Stiiped 0107 CatOI Tesà pelas liai ci WAEUANT T BALE. 9PECIAL LO@. wu@. EnsiléPriaI atm a"ora, il2pY"for SIL Cl ehai r, ...............Il. " per y& Slripeumi . ................ 15 bdo d Chuefluci Wiing jtui.5...M edo d godBeu D ......... Il io do .se ilcreI4.. ....... o do do BETTE h EOWU, $90,00 0.00 Stayme a" mmey DRn-y GOODS UMYM m mnir at5 Ibua M e tffl clS 15 or * "t elaMun etimi t u la Au tehu irr - M-A» mw -Umm v. lm M. BU" I.LTEEEU, ns e bu lm b salo» e - smi smtudvo de t ZVEEE or AIL ENDs, inGLviDsNO UHINOLMES, &a., &e. ~un ~mumeti m espdalr Iseuii teiusi deim I bo2. delaely, soguk. ueeh ai~ is ~~ me » sM4 luSSmi, ut 4vl%.dagbb, OUIl uail TOamUS IB IUBOIu. Odetii.1M 1N In oO5 NOV OMM, v .ý Omi CEAVAM*UL'BTI m NO eUAOUNU TO ORDES. AI biis ut~ s El a mlm a baie pale% f. i. i.Orim olsuSidd Ut~demmmdfui". 'rr1rrr~r '~IIiI I!I I il" [1! . O v - i w 8IJ onE E TBYEsTUTTE orEVEY OLOR MAIDE, OCIIEAL. 110100, EXTRAITLW0,&c HAGeKEZOIL VOz TElIBMEà8 13*1118 BEAL, UTOCKW LUmoiCIN lAOK, h ]ROEMMT I82= AN» OT DB 000»1 vmS .0W. Good Vu"uinlaPrias, Bina Laoum sud lscory Cotton&. Eag- Ilsh Priais ait 7., 8c. and 9o., ftl i dtha MrW Ciii m insues butýrspurcbabing etsewhere. 8hI.Scm. . lco SrelLuud,. ]REAPME8 AND NOWM&8 Go To IrlTK'S wAEOS Andu se hi* largs stock o! leEApEE8 & NOWEE8A» HOE8E RAKE Ut a .upertoe Liud limer bvforc iîro.iuccd bere. jeoem' of Uido e Ecpor, Trimph 1emp« &mai eyer Omabiaci. Tlu To.ms Camfas Neyer. Canm ugaGieJr. Noer, aW»bUCemlor COui ee Alisul BisTm e vctDumg Haie. à Iarg diccount lor Cash or shurt ligne onc A. of 1h. abc ve Uahineý. Alo.HHPAIkepl eo band f.o naryli nmchines,muid a 00» NACHIU 01.OZ& cheap. Luoimmy. liaI me. isii.-86-Sm. TEIE NOXON STANDARDb :omo, WOODB' EIADWLAMK Ax ~o uiug Eles, v S wa làinl b eB lies vWallOn*mcSis for Cembiamilemeandi*cher Plews, marrOws of Digèenmu d@, New and Superter Mers. fahirs, Amndmil ether kimis eft grtuiul lpmeýmt. WELR& WILSONAie IAYMNDSEWINO MACHINES. WM A LWAIS£Mr on HAIS» Camadio m maiem Owgaa .Oitl es t h. vo ialrod.uce lb. Celebealai NstieUskciiimms. hickla fr. h uperior tui aj ellnmmut. lumdi we wcligise Om» ai COmete h. rst purame. R& a cutu uvei erioRy &me.- » llcsugÏout-ins bubei wbure lley pas liuhrougb lhi r, peenuior the har..b nmi -necorat,.. lu othar plmm s, , nequaliling 4caleanmud linemi briuluc. ib « the l."sîr u elamly Oser l.ý itou rams chiI gri ncremmas lhe power mnd tuality oftees le.clilcea Ungbi ma i du., bCy ~<~b l~ wETHRUP &L]LOGAN.!*!!=b:7 1-C---M=,ý OHIN~ATS. SPRATT & . KILLEN, ýmiir«V"180 "M BLAEGREEN AN» .TAPANý TEÂAS Ammumgt whioh s&» semaof the meut 0,sd sad IMMt Velumu 1h07have "t1ceoa a L KThog Who wsut te Puase th.fr Te& hr lt. UuMmz, will a"d ilt.ethofr m*vantffl if th"y«Il mand -o uhat &B& L K.m adoehn' them.e Thar have ah.»tuseivel TonBaies Chi aNt- tlg andme est Chiaa at.-both miesa" mOoL A. CADOTTE, CLOTING ADE TO OBDER -àM VAGJWOOK EDT-N AnLU -OOMme «*aulWp Iu1IsaI a*unM. P CI MW A MATTING. at «Mk 7ýT