~uvra.',%tir 01.4 ~ . f14 1.41444".4444RAI. L 4,1 à .4%;If-V.111 1-4 lieres a é 1A.i '41 '4 tiWdtr 1 l: q ,n.i.'-sîî 1 om lre. Th a .nn a l ,. .a.I Il4et,., t 1.4 .1444444un d 'g le I* ' î lî 1 te oi> , 3(.4441444. IlI-0- , .4,4,44,r 4.e4.4.ll 1 1 1...V IF. L 1FF.. 411.134 i1 ; m44 't. M t" iît: i.,tio t ieà»r ttb .a 0 1 ': .1. 196 bilnu14444,* lai, '4 su 44twibotiieed ohk"fè 4.1. îai î~: \ i"ih 4- ll',imsipt, ( .#'.s '.en .l..I.4slfltr,.I4Ir44 r. t el to....04I ' l. 18V.. l '41 ,6, *54, .. - a4s44 Ex.lAient4tlop li, 411*le-Ot en.,s.ts 440h 4.4,4,4 e,.4-..,. 44444 Il.-,,,1441.144,4 ,s,1 4W444 - 4 atit4t I tl4lIto Je.a NI44... . ...4. ~..l W."..14T . le...,o .,..i. L À. Iranj» !44 44404011. et t h' ).ýh 1>.d. tlbu the iAlgffl butheI or. nycont. j s11cf1fa ds.1. .r Pa, s î t el.I. q bt'-ýj' pn4.i .M'. t.» 1.l..zeeuln450siuo%.v9 O s. W t ie. .ePrAt.loni4.atentmL4e Iicp authe1)' >11 III S aitrtt.ImIint ., mentie.bua, tr '44 4."addition. , .qqs.lls. ho. 114au444 'ottal t 4f. I.. 141 N 4~141,1118110'4, .4 ' 'oie WM. Io h~~~~~el. Il heldite tvlctin flotIria ii :: .î.,îu.s t. î, tiSR .1.1 ý, I '.» Mto.%m u e& te-- I ,,U 1%g Il lit4i VIE 4140lelle.t 4 -1 I 4,>44. 'bc .1 bi"t b.4w141 .w..141 I 1- wloilti4. tu lie Tilt ,4,ÇM 83.CANADA. O144-0 t 1wteUnrrs errbi«lha o .4. . ' ' Il r iser e- t. tteIvp te c4nse- tuAlb. 't", i4wi\isIcale la ' 4 I 4. I .1 j , 41 4'I , ,, 1 Y. 41or 4114l1*e-14 ,4hî. Il, 1.11> 1 %,.. .4444,.,'.) .94't44-_ 44.44 ,*u.1* rZ f- b""444 . l ra44-, e" ie.. rlt" . - 44v im O T N .l,.4' et'..- A % le144l. .1- IL [ Wti. * 41444.44 1-. î> . 1141744 $14 lk4""..Y :" 1the, 44411>74 î ',..444"~* .1 ' ' 4 '4 4,4,4.4444 44j 4 .4 '4 ' 4 44 4 ""4 4 4 4 ' 440 t' 'l (1' PIM F '.4.tru Pro1 - ' i 4 4 ' 4 4 4<~ \' ...434> s.' 4r4.tI *'4 .4 4... 44.' 44 4 'Ç ~. J. LILr No w Brî k Tney ..... . Il. t è ».'le, 1 n..t., il-.1 Fo Ire. ~~Ir~ J îîII( M~-'I'Au(i t,'444u444,,54,5 CoflV'y t 444..44~ 1.44 îl~ Loua sud Ba7 >Ioney te Le-an ".4 4,4.4. 4 14'4S44144' Vire- Imennaneen 4O-4't 44"' 144. 1*1444 t, .ienea inni sud 0e- 4 4tI14~4. 1144*41, 4 f*, ~s (011N1 A44e4 rHOS. FE£,' CAS ICLST llutoof. q pale.-t .$1" 440II. tt. 45d. . .c *de. d"-dei U NOs . CcaéadIbr06le 1ud« tIl &la, oi . 811 1 tul do. dz . 4 r doa. d . dele-. f &bot&%iwti. îl. d- t #j Rept luste-oh Chair atoy 'l .cy ln Tll u nigOd . w îuetu.s:wkiet CHAIRSE II AUl Joeb Turmtna. syl w A SîîCfage it* ng 15:111.1 N Dil ~I 11115 54.44444 ('.44. ,,' .4 t).'..45* Ufiti0 telbnae A"m atebleod« .CABINIT RNI OUcela . iebe L â~ B. TIA I& e. R. E. mmI (t30Rb Sl& a1.I.? Exta M ri St W.a udarr Jmau.xtmda I 'e , il. 1? l1o ffl-.4, .let m %à .... ... f1-ç t m, l .. l er 3.i) ......4 ýprfn fetad CrVt444 ..... pa.t.. t. v j'u to #ho. 4U4Mtm lia .tarlo,' i 1 sot p va" t -'Ilietite lupmue a 2 een4.4pur t1in .I1 *4 t-îouî 41 00e peroiu'; '.,41414in in 0 ,IfteyhM 1 244 kit 114"dea. (Om1,'rrm4.4 . ticle 4., auieat-et-. nWin Mvi 141AtIoln..M St 'ît va 13MPROVERDpl. S L* sIL-aOu 40.4.4e T NM a larg e M r#o MO M » M MA B3c o0 .If ha.'., -la and %br cLlk4o U.U.O.ee.Iict. 145cr Iben z D re 0 li ~î. .I..4Ieoh...î.tt5ry i" a.se elrU.; t.....Ivelt, rt.- . xea i ebrI Il no. Y:' -Ie"' r . a 4riao "f et, 'tf IiIm îpk lrk ..ü r ,. NI*4 4 , I l,*.i -S - ,$ - -4At j *5 '44.le ..,u.. h t,,u ,I.ra,#l. %ei- t., .rt'p, ho cl e*M e, llur- uellý i*qt.4 of 1.th htuyad %aw 19nmcme* M 0 84 o I 1.4 .~~-*l~I4 A4*s . .... ...î .... 4 r-. 14. fo144,4.4alpîstrail early B î 44 -4't4. 4444f4. e.lm ht.1 s L l 1 1 s I W . fi, 0PA»ý bmtpm as sbà end eap.lm 1 fbflh et %bu mmeumm cal 11M115 1 1111111I1 n» otw. *4Sit<s,.lleI a giod , b4451Y 1lç l e a lY u ltww W eembv be P 0loiile Ibmll U O. Mimaws.%SW*wWng Naubirne As hum %o~ s e un, ,mewqv §.. e e .a %ý4%, "eIr qsieq; Ild t b NEW zER tNWP CS W,îit t. 44iew Vearuf bube i oe .e.eetse ml utbi l k 3.01&$ItIOM . .k DC&TB ute, UA . 41, G% ; -. m ohensu.r . Sh75 We bu aieHhANb agat. al a e e i, B ot s b m m m Ircoris, oo s abe 1e.1 -IlrMi e M M& t.oîyteebao dvou ig l.t açuud amtsi.hte. gk I r em- riet FR THIHOlio AY& tillo. . - am .i t on * raas & almn a ow mbu cote. lhamie .mia as m,1 Uma1* hut d imw aroe .L vIos.nl ua: d" M t Bah. Bsud C" 40.-4e.le.me h.s atulb.t .'m0 mm vul er m m le fr beOb fon e. e.. n o gil L IDSÂY, ONT., FR ,SPTME auxu 1. wyOus éàt Paeioainoi tae L hmu t er mt& a art GENERAL BLASfflC d0 Wo** lu ft ithe. bracs es hps h oas. Aonr asll'o rmmngaln oe m le the Prieelnbamho.e as Il 1 ni e betu portedi l l SLidâsy ho, t l t Intorl thlb.publie tel dm l j2--D$SyPLÂ'NIN FAO Parties i iato -o &u&ti MoWw Êauio~ 441 ur.l,.l.W.do ?dobu requteslmIon Our LB1. W itCe iVal,ap:.- W:eil mmua.ua POR 14FOR SaLofrabem l'y t. o. e te IIC. Cueln oeal io a l am.d w .A (MI)OWlI. lentrm. 0tmd 4oualUon ar0 it E n bu n JWU SLI.-iii Gàtin *OVd trame hý'weon. il. Vur çw149 tC %.trgeeP. t0. u. È e U q g !k hlb . S a o u l trte.. Weil, r 7 T a, on liane. If 1 hie. h wl c hW c~d. âppir AUl 'IR1f)RISAO -ThN.W parOewoym r. a 0b0 C.'o. i. U, Lt N. F ui~4aO 9 Tn2,.arien, si0r*uten uni au WstofBLpa Atuaied ; .M.l r..r 9 hemurê ini&b .itinàu%stsi: IIaelhe4. ymeun e "% P. Gl. P1><11 1 41 FU4,.l FOR SALIF late om las 1.5 aies. #S or ler &a l imtdt pbu l. t -0;t ba , 'ee t.4 44 10 &Ur@.. éca.lored amdin o ue tc ia Slo. so od Ou 1 welins ose ansibeM 4rivifg hoeueane .o h mml ts- veil. -? t.i i e m . ve a"4fotM lain, .i4ietm. Vefr the atun& es JOHN m thetetIImsl'or4AL l. uer lu woville*P. VO,.%EORt TO RENL ILa le.. .. oii a a. B% U Wn4 0 ei. :aa nce mî 415mdM e.me ielar. 7Tiss.uea hume tuarn, 36x ..ie. . mmtb tren Victoria Rundstain lîi FARO FOR SALEýTo"u I~1..le s 115k biýCo '1f 1,> aeh* are 4tmwbd &W l soute utfettvato;l bmbrdtedbu nule Mid hee G.l log b..a.e. lWhband! pseciAbu20un ap i«. berair« uit fr @-e d» i for lalancenif letel. 1erm s..Ilen iven umnl'ul.adini.IM X milanet $abevifs cuiiriloo. a 39drM l IAm l b.5 Tmm: aUn ti.te nus r.to liteteoun i mi d- eti' .50aIL. .181ess . LEO L'R ALI -W tet hh Lo*làe on l the N1. G M li,,ua.'..V.oUm DM, uteww t OlableMlulbutle Uemise, moi anitber laebainbop gent ie y Sbdyt4troume.e a am§â a4eLma. n Iumn mI e »om inn., a Woe S if uqràu X & t. ue SM 01l.ier i.asiln anisla a md gla t ";gndFu tisb e l bh . bo . taleu» iop. oi wna .lsacli a i atmod u lbd. mil Iwto a" fm Oa 1, me» et l. ,wpmt'l cea.su uW d a" e,a" ru eomtinq g b l-" iw N»e0 aces.rchai .urt homc0thvu iessu l à I »17..i' h asfl Oum or mm*i brs »n*na li l ie uet a" miâ mi papes let lmpus Caldata le 10ffa*,aoq clmmd.b in-a dam ha wl Wdgbia FA IMe LOIS mo e F A mm& tut re m»O uei om ai . &b umm .&h a oe 55?, " ee tm.IisImtawhf ase. . .î. mu14wel 6" mm etpaukflli mie lis mr atbsh nueA» VUE LOS l S SI A" là' 'Tmh ua m mmim t QaOsbnsMbeb tuoe e-- - em 1* 221*1 O àmd% 'o Mr...ol OP âtn, 1111Ml"v ?bp~~~ &byuumIri-)l tii, b ua &e.tge tiw kbs l âuW hem m% cse Te imppl ,o f.. t wce Tabmmaiejelmyta dik I p ,ia Ji~%àb n The abaina eto nîtele heé l. rby migblyPneottii ~ tn-d« v uv drancgbve1.%6 nom voitbe r ne edhyth Ey vbom u ai ierae ori ais And or"heWe amuhd l Soi c ald rhou em AM. i t~ =.*! 2.. mt T uy Care doe Loet t illg a .eblt an eoir WaIM Codl up rival, o e a rv mu0 ardulb. loae nab. tutut DEAD LB'gS A shortaspace oftwody n i a "oen vould commene w ek But two vemba vrer. w er ffn vou ceuturies of veutejyet w eteraltio f lrut M" othccu Étant Ii drog, l i Iml ui e hieilimd ailrshi constant readlng of letrwihwr writtmu for otite, e h».bs o te ever got lut. theDa-etrie bcecould nfot uay, adhwbsee ti itere wihutt gro,2 v dt h x test of pulling ontain ran en allai " Ien luis boa hs, couidu t for theM fhi; el.H taataid a u tvo yaadv ac hooeut, luatàami ay;a kUu tlerk la the. departen.H o&* tell why agae.. la fcbsare s a seri.of eomuldu'- tovever, vest heM . U" W anhlch ktohe f aon.Ca b server m-"t have odlbcia codee&»of the bes nI n h lepartmuct. and id beve ol have remark.d that ftva eas c There ! rv. got juat n e ihu s ng a saine, suanti edrdSeJcre ire terribly emttings n1s bave t. g«a amm for h h-bfr the lent d ao hal eualetpo eeti auy fttrther.WiTmw o wou'ti 61 Tom'.a a mandtea lts of Tom a uWasintnadsv al Tomasblthe Deae te r.Nw the. *e'U take an= oter r o 1 y ht e Observerwodbv readtb.t It t o bcka esUe fo te xpastolofte 'it") ale cause Tom itad a verytrdrhutI is possessiou n, a hn obv :endienheurtvwhen youedaigw solichoke i elfty thil readlug noumentI fltpsl wIitcit, deapit e lv anitdnt tîothieshand itati I h ns Mat mî«Mmreti, for ol vrrP des, son'. eyes. Or prasI a btiierls atrong mallton ntenn surong la love-whc v I ee The. IêMIt Tom rn hahat aee vhieit apresnUenm]ga n otuehow led hie . ebdywtha utoid pain, vere. tet ban yean but ista ustt h ae w-as mever lauwglan elwy mafeflo pa tohvth ees whicit cme trout vigbnd o loveti on u..te ne mr hneo reahhing 111.1, desitct.UTW tuccenses, bad itee ahabokf granit, lthe Waasno Mnmn would have hom co.~oe eee Tom vras t. bave twoweevcto -tvaveeka, coumtwengl wdas He wasul olten Itile;bthsmrig be helti orne o aetcsh ftlrep iolary carpe. -sud t o n thiUg butis vork nudh 90l vclon t Ther rsn ohr rbroth r, o alet Mme home. lther. een isse velcome vseting fo maongre hilm or tg pionnsiiaae Where qhoulti heg!H& !n monidm't make lepbimn&Wta abake, fls aeut avaibcmeok t. hie vork andi gm» nteeelte eo f the lett fow XimClm . .lff The. pont-mark bére teim fPoi denme, Ehode mimd,addteo W 2. Ou the echer nieoftenelp vae n l.tymomopieothlttr F.H.W.orW.B.F., EL.,ogm cohnatiornTow odadell hIdh . .opeme blte n "CtÂA,-Xy heurtle t rekn Masy 1 mot Mme bar mwo vxopbu My lovefronad m umrensonit and un te liel Foqe m, orH naite, a"tiMy I Macon ou1 vill vait orne week mr aPoiec t. hm onisfroua opeu. .PuLr Xo dawe sd mnomm Jet a mur. la love r' WTm-h u thim ttiebinele. th dmoe':= mont 1nu10 hie1 o' kncov tie. acceutitl latter ou one aide istaoftrwg 15 in the. vaste recpâl.H onW hedi lii. tu lookch onminoc mure, it vazsu aprtyoe F , aiorerln.te tera readdsuddi- rected n olos Mr. Frak . eneb Af . the -ý. suN& , r m- jU oe r mu Si"hlet kichr? léEAm rmap i »W Im m"*m w aM ie" emt tb t sd a lo mbrulm m h lb. Jihe ~ he ~mm"; we euh b« e., wbb«- w*i ~muer. ho e~teOfS tba~ tne&. ieg an~s16 -Cntlaithaies auîg Ime&-av, euet Irons an "1 te Centena --A Toronto gentlemalie [1POSTA61E PurmSTm >Udn li. Laý 8Sme, batanrwO ei( Sy of Pari cen bash. 1h me thele baok" th" oilu apCrIt la Bat curai. eeyeivok wlwtu) ytedsah fàrIt h Rhodethim . au 0 t uotUndite.tdcneen.rySîrli, Oi chared wth dndmous L,4utStr We ux ac- 3r Wet 14eu- SrJh'sprsga 14i-lit Erm ong omYs a oket a viole com eulry e orClaviojwa migareani quoseeraandi gontre __the__hall-hused orars ka -tilabte iut lii 1-an T ovidence, Ru a Is ed.WiX LOCa L MIS ELLA Y. th in fSeeis il" h boat lr.db>- > iied t en d av u rand Sot u d.la"udon iis r tr.- asce introducehmuoCbr].Doemtt He EQU' IN VILLE. kA (fo ei. n ii),clifee livei.vith t lieutwa ilsQ ie. .louI uey. --r.lJ. G. AernDE. he attife Fdy aiyisat of. 0f li-l Clarab.d illemIni4tittsih,hm uee, William Walnou.Weil knowu lu wittas lia vaW" tdel rn whone , .iihî lii nleti ,mel vitit an accidet lelIveh iledtet-eeglrý izr% oieat osel idde monstacie sdvsratierthin, he vas tllc ii> oi 1. hl It c iti heet eutaln;.a senoabuilit apiveoist isagins. twilsboom ompaiîet.*eft @ e-i liet B- lu lue remaitz h lrtao'rlicaa ary persousal, aud ereu luouati luem IniXrdhavi, tllu grain.joWstlitu vas g ts rion ciurchfil roollshy tpug t. fit ht h. faE migi riWto a n nelerh u cn lrcu ang ert;s magination tic ruer end! of the blutiing Doleflttetnectar- îhrseimbei-i onueto -raavles.los tvw.n t roevPrtfetoeasuur iubt "i fnetem.vitrien,. aI 1 iltbroke.atat aieprre n iiep Providenceaet luit. Botel a fcv me- S ltProiio haiati caunîing nthYvle atafu tfa. donl maiente istat..Tes fatler tireaaiugPieu- coucussionofethSie braisa. Be lies ilufaltiteinitoau e4rhas tltnd1 efilsýu il 19 uhl fte Vp Oflime, tiougit Tom, ansuld h. tt Sorecafurionditiveuthi, atae iel giil lt r-acul twt go outt t itug t.Thero vars no hartetu ec lgvilg ritri. li.i ili,ýt:eo l 'ic A howener, ani no Tom Matet a lte lia. ..u.... .... -O. tel counborsuand mono~o sth le Dire.. '2nti Aug., amont darlpi, rohbet>.v alm*etlt> otitoleutaibe. u~Y~....W. j canmitt.eauflatteottfigeI bar 4ma Sdll.Hote Il l.wernidbrati. Sm auiopnljOr parties ountereti TIifs "s»a. g sarko ew;rlfiecs, llni tohiuise hii..e e bsmilk.room ant i oe tV.etrl'lie »> = but nu ian.a u Zt- about, #10 varth of prenfersel n it rqft acneto ihte ý - aalt %heieilk-atea. i M..nt even a simple F' tor j4ondltesuo tlter.. Tltere i in-vantcx« ceIftr 71>115. ctement in - e lue ol1<hobd dan tti. lInt tipW e Ptrut ndshouc-.1: îktés hr i r oice -~uuvx.rnwuiirthe second tinte iG? OnbrasjîWs mîîk. (tvagailrote1 f-.orti 1'i. quruTmotmamllr. lonthan been viaiteti. There is n no atfotqmncpaill n "Nh luthtint clark ansvaered, mine a et te ti.eobeA-fNevuo. W'4tebotkn ta cio h-Irciyý%,ia rlli ele .h t otthrough starlua at Bit; Wns-M. tutiEngfi, t uasuaoul" O hniatt, :sritta 'mýi e-lai Tom. -titis place, base cul, bountianjas! tiravu plua ust M,'or falli hc '*WlW ie h lklj te kaov a -or l'>hasel i -areeItadeetIv metut tmlhov taieno«thle clty &gain aaked 1 weck.s, !vîýti unoelp butalde wv Priteowh vis-fr,,ialh" Toul r oi.anti teé farme, r ill s hp oll 4cî ete.a Well taesacoed lou an th lie0s e Ol rvtetee.ýjuàmlaiiohtrltDe lhel Wrle5anded Ih proje-Sewoiluest thoughobas tie ce erg)vould, sud itcd eau ryr'î eisteisstrdtep eu, oid clta 14.i.4lv neveu hearti of Frauk Wendeli or aujnty cON.atri Ot." for oertegSci% d-ltigait;fei othiv Weadell,excep an old fellow vi. î C08V athe*.fo4ivngte eeu.eiesl.aiteatalmTisee,%%h h)wgo ea iometmeacame round tebby bottlens Iet fil.. w.- OUTIL.6d laufi'tOIM te hali. Tiat vieulite one lie 1 uAIIs illugn o ia feuetinys ga nissdte v. cuuoatletirpaf. ii ei tf,- t- ;I gentleman menant, wasit hiiy nte cio f e Toun, thonat it.taî tm egladt lalearft Ih le tioletg veil. E tutdI elztl.o ý niea, hiW alda,1l. Tom vas munlstestli- brought up Icouileîs cft%,enlt' fur entera. WeInee.lod iel.,agnI ,tie W (""1 ! sanadiug. Se lhe veutt e b.d. il vis h ent aucce. andhp nsln e--ui i.u.4tfttu tsc,* 81,ie Next mornlimhbadl auotier look et rt se ae ie n aavlug c ua. teleStera. The delicately w 'n oîc nc ing itt îtheSi neS taandt S î K. hev0îttlt ef a, , hr l hti he%.lav% i xaOvehinnoclevtoethe 'enet.Cet- I The s,.- village vwas enllî-en. ta hI progrt pi-fu i 1-g ifit 1,g tatulv tie alter didti. Tom .put the.led by nleveral islgraeful rouestitis sum abouleliepi Mo aseI . i ' is i ; both -onte manîcî-pleesud turucdto bI eekt but ve are plcamedtetaleu-arn hat the rad etitou oue-su-a-balf bit 0f look s-massai our cimfconsable Mr. J. Hamm, aa i s li brni lsisratli lt .by. nomeaf lie peuglli.slsti-never artM Whle Tonsaubtlralocha veW'e ing vere laken l e Femelon Falt].%viierte'lelrili "ledaicllhlgut t ln un- tîey -tosaatbelr trial heore Mr. Kenue- ail. Sutur lied" ltens; but at lant hi. hair *va' tir4 a aiplace, anti veme buaviti- o'.we are (utecniet'btheip- ul1i tah. ,, odL.1 tire.edl. Tom Surnedti e taire the ler- fei. Kî. - anti fraisâlt ideo h ev,'bta tara anti- "Cmofond Il, If lier have lTbu abov ive m.ej l.lae t'r lutalk] wna h opaywr ed i eer1egevv-n ll uot tunbledlouto the.pitcer of vuter!" --.-.-ceu! ita ith vihenollx Ie;1tl stl'.Lrt There vas aucit n receplacle au tie PORT HOP&. .îilling to vole thel l eottýi m i,,.aa.la tableuuiethe manlel-piece. I'Now 1 VE14SEL L.At.17u.-There 'vere fouîr ftally and atflyrdeie - l, tecos h-llthl1 munc dry liens. 1spoeIjltm cumnseti lack !» Me took tiens, ou le dry remmela loa.tiig viii lumber lu our liar. tirt.Tkn f hq hnje' 9141 -trCat.e ladth siwrckd eteti ad at-or ynedy.Sc nuoccurrence bas thi rîin,'au-are tisiiigî'.iitl-tet ll. lait, lia ailpvrocked lellerot1wti paît-t.eèâcedail Sicde est. tiseras gentl vili a leveL. The not taken place thîca»eaaon bcfore. Wu of eurt. 1w i1,aîst ig alitihl. sr A ,uouopmletter batlaben eut open 55hope the enfleiignereut willlcontinue osied ido nt lii hafleitae tâ tgr1;.aI- eue end, but te vater bati leascetiiompov.Guide. -show ' hao Olr#NxottfiýaeFltle.%,lvItéili . te gapa"nt i mliturueti back. A.auKkOTIl.- -We undati one. eit- at&"i- ae:hi l - "3ea'atlckttm' thcy put on tico. hhat Mr. Charles styaenmt, le content- At a intsr144 t' a mneoet»sii, Toits; anti thon hlieplatiup organizing a coupanv rt. builitouti . .M. a-,a pasid ereadth le îmaltées aie. Ou a tlrst.clazagahotel. esimijar ho tic"Ar- I cKLechîii! fi,11 the otige of lie murelope l rInes! 1.1.letlington.» 0f Cobourg. .e ihave fia up esa care S ,fftil'14it t1 terswasie foHlowis, "W.. A Johnr- , tibt but liait truter proper manage. I IlOliol' trou. f fte, l gaie,111...0- son. 51 Be la Strt Lt e l filent gulcian enterprise wotidbc ne h as eliior1: rtii. ll., vi.. got lit. Ef me friend, lu!t frtentienfaille te thi. towu. There cea ttcno ,teto monde aiii;iflA ,r1llsi.I t-tlt, a-lt-0 ,-, uev fouai JiansStoi.nu'l athow fr tbtterplace ftotnti for sucit s hotl tisu , h.a*'rtîliia reîd u e , viomlite madtilai monagraun, he'ti ,Port Hope; lihetieigiltul sccuery anti oaf 1ev. aie4 N...fiià-rv4cII-trté . btter anel ont and goilto th i hteslni potnt o aebt.Cbu4 vl x trade. Pernelvenhur1 Calilt41Blank lJ= canuot e ulem1s(eti.-tGaud,.e. lalel>- .ba....lt- aI Street to.tia." .Birisa Filcz.-nStra vLn;trÙha c-lln.Tf o,%ttr"I' Tom tild al. lfat a ire' broke ouI t i î-e la haiSgente on a v4. 'a14ianfiot Mr ohnson vas»likoua.Wi' '-ap m1diît t'..dW 'Yen," &dit aitice girl vito vaiteti on lu rer 0fts Wele fampter,,, Caaite-. sio., nd at hr alae aSilyrurAL-a.,, Tom,. ant ieo oulti lia doeva lu e me- '"Resceue" lire eng4 ie las snstaup on ti4.tis a-itg#sge it oc .. neiIi. meut. . $iitth v iuy n ri, , andi during leva l ii asntes-titi-ii % eg., ii l -4l Ile' Johnuson came, anti Tomasaked ials n bourn 'nt harti uîping lte sir' aa-s îhich pot»1 fta001-5-4lt,%gj%ýfroér à%,,h. questioueor tv. JoisSnoaelel , 14-1). arely prevs,îtel;froni conintiritcaissa47lie iedo rIa vsix) âtwek hnte% iA .. stance: wi-hi huiîdimî47.§ lu the viiait>-, 4a vey>- . i . au oý- t, h1 'lte "I matie tint muogrem ,for Mr.Wen. ien i,!pa-al dell sonetfinie siuce. andtihe vue thon damage ait env accu>ailnf.Thet- ire i.ýPTR#R.Nr .Il '1" ,, living vith au tustal-1 tiink hie laId sippasel ta have een'tic e ovk of Tult LAT .'%,71ir, "l 1,tl, meas et- iouinlug au olti attlet-bool)t> ruapscanmping. eut ln the îiooKL% ea, ' deaih 1eg.t vt;shi ' "Xo. 1-oe-suad-no bti!e. A ae et fal04 i,1,,I.i .. hire vwhire lie papier va% seul." te - -gPlto o.%r %' ir- iee r Tom Iliuiciately ordoretia enmn- EEXLEY t alla turt >ouie record tfh atr I. fltgali e -ms for hiniseif out of pure gratitude. CrVtÇîr. l'lOCis't>:t,,e.-Th P.'e...lt t wu frsi h (tteS e. e theu celles!as No. 73r. Weidel o rfletTi. AmsphadeI rtr k atn. al1)l i h.ti. o hled boon staylux thete. but hal tîl!orfî . -Je .mt aiictoria RoadlStationleur. tld ta al * i!cm hs- I.ig-li threedavsbeforetor Bosetou. ZServant: On SaturdaY. l2thi Aegue.t,Purauanatto,410thitw ,âlrknMri.1)es didul mev vithercabouls lu Boston. . udjourmn. Membhets prellent. te! iot-re'4 sarudunfqeii-iM.f) iI4t i ýr - tl. WouidlInqulreof miene. Coming back.Reevo andi Miea.mKingc und! Httîpit. wee'i Nic-itolIb ls^ilu ts l l k- . slervant saisi!amisit ougit aStie rt-vs. M2tred hr fMr. Iltumplr. %ce. up it t>u ýs o imifa r IihKri1.j,-l ,l- Tressent Housse, Ifi li adn't gorne te oèene tby -Ntr. King, titlle by.law Xo. t92 'gmo.niecat fe ii ece-iefii Nov York. b. uniO rond ae hhrd lime tand ei, bsrke#1in uthelneig it,4 als.L lleh "Ou thc var 10 Flîchbnr," 4entenu- a nitrecelco the corporute seal, s-av.san n fteliafn inlstu rt.A.tleýv- tiouM ss id Tlomn, andti Souk i tue t for c.talaisihing a rosul lu the le4.vlhtip flins..A rý i oiii-l iiýI a ,Ttth-Cot.rl 1- tralu for Boston. et Bexley commenciug eallhe nortitoru i takiing otcui at- i e tlix 411Vaat) 3u. Wendell vas sleeping Short.. end oftfticoriginal allae'ance for rondtit l4 as fewatmwi at ie l h-p-et a miel the clark 0f te Trrontoutage..I tirougit In.lian Point, Ibene. orth- 'sm illmihor hvn- e . Il'Heetnshov the gentleman: Se Main ealstetvvte lte village ofet ocouk. I tit illo aaaC k lmr ýt »,t Nets. 8&" ~~Carriesi. Ies.r-, Cimeron andi Alciti. ' ey.'anti seuie (ofth inettIinde atsOulM the' >,ý!1 No on n son enlcreqand toekîheir sufft. Nove l its onthueo Otem f arel"s sý ll tle Tom vuitoot aroutau anour, veiketi br 3r. canseron. secontiet by -'%r. AI-.' ehale opertoiýwt etfI Ix '. 'l ever the bahudesdistrict, anti cuite 'cbIton, ltaI hr-Iaib-No. Ihonov rend tillthé S iit to Vi-I i lIý-I.r. bat-k. 3fr. 'Wendel b.d ruetie. ansi 'atjir-t tinte. tNrriod. Movedelb- 3Mr. e'at91heban tfte.lali1'(.,- ýt vasî n i111. mou. Tom vont te No. A1.4 1Cameron. seconded biv Mr. Kini, Iliat uthafiýN. fi fe elI andi kuochoal. -.:ticReeve gans hi* , on ofiebs tetont i.soit ar-at l'Coren!- andina ha veut. tlte i aIenurerin faver of.Jose p h Cooper. fr the new.c, but rnee giut tli>lt sý yugfellow vîit atuit beard. tal ant i ut ft-i4>a- pe.r billrendrdtndt ervico'.. le wIlon als.'., lul.Iiije. p- .l. quS tu.CarriesL lly-Ilaw*No.9tovasthienread li ha, "3oinuebtormytaucv."mltiToau ta asecondaluî lîirdt imeantipaism'.dand iqr s yat aere --l imaeLt. "Sbeli6efMt and a bruette.».receved the corporaîe ". l. Moveti b>-' fOIt ihie i ' ii tthsiiv -This lan3Mr. Wcutell f' queries! Mr.hKing e-nldb3r.ater.Asarpeu TOM. Ite tt lrk he ir.b,-in%îruceti t10îoekan acîive aneIt uaro Wti, ie--e "IeN, air," vas lte repir. "1Ecuae 'leth ie fssll"nnvinz arntlflf4t on tic dit-.'labon, ftefsnycitci.ls tw l.i mii- centluuing my toilette,"' amiti Wren-. lereul Sciteal S ftos rcitool pr asi;apo et4aeiate.rin-Iý- 14 &It~lbuttonug hfsashîrt coller. ,poses inltetoivn.-.ip nt Huxley. cix: statio01 teV 1rMlii, u "31r. Frank Weudolii r asketi Tous.. No. 1.-S. No. :L -: g,;.S' beetefi e liapan(fter, .la.tt, 0. to naaltécertain. 'Ne. :l.5!iîj-S.S. No #L $4talk $S. No. s, rpany farmin te el flu ..e(,f ;lt-i ..Tes, eh. Frank WeudelL" -i S.S. No>. ll laïko. Carri,-d. Mov. undferthe pI',ý» tmg. hý jpry-it.%à , - .i t. TiteTonsaie tothe rrbottotmof!cd hj 3Mr. Camieron. seconded yMr cmnn . op tebariIer ai rita a t mteatsA:Humphr>-s. liat ber.Imv rNo. in bcnov i Party. fonned tePl r sl glt "Ioeetomtreu-d et o..m-Mlae reeeivedand readai fint tie.-Cerrne. .ofibtter t 411 b s eti. I1xhýr-t r fMf DenWiow'edlbfiteti. anti1 Bv-lev No. 1N vats thon rai a.a second Scotvase a ttnhCnevt .altr,, ilelB -fr.Dd paef!)"%h ise aoaprtic- aendthirdtl.maand paa..el anfl racati ' I eai.lo 4iPr-4shItry ft- 1 i- clair mimeentohough s it on t;he erporatenseul. Moceslby.%r.Kin2 .an illnt:-s0 e e "as t.tinb nrmie(%t1., e.I i. kuv 11-ai! o, ete ~or 'ni _teoedbv 3Mr. Atthlsoii'that lhiix0of Aux. able vouli 1h.ver>-usle, if you a,Cotucil do unw a'ljouen 10tefuet on the ual tte te l iln- fhiýI)tfr %r oe n n .t.1 '.eI the iIme, t50lebave >ou talIoen lie. .iret deyof1s-epteniber nextet Vic-oria W.lter'itti.,p-ll lr'c41 ct l ue .sulviln Plchburg, sud- letRed Station. Carrieut. 4 4141134 iukinu, leepr..t h n i uatadpr- 'For s--'-n... - .s th sa Atgust. hsuving itearI' aainised i rauntranti »dWcntiell vagi s .ilng ONTAJRIO COC NTY. yemHsrian eeitre ; e Itý dovu atatrs. sud gp.bbing e "DiaI" TUs E RvIV.4u.er'a Lord Cet-il andtihticcernter troa. I.Rr Mil mh -tile, - isât femm. »d . - ý. . . 1 a.-- - . - -- o1-.t.l i1 I .rmre!l i xelue f ad'. F015 Art1A1e ' tt he nfni-wlc a i. OhrdY lewn notewxlý .kir ln ' h decent Scttiat clernmcu liart once on c- aeatedeahibil s> tni Cheîcumial nee ai-, r a tiesammndrunlkas te, beîiscly roatir coing home Sa ut., andl vo are jvinoe. adthi.Lz 1 I @M levelk knekms tthe manse de r iqdtel %av thaî l xbri.Ize villa"e bis 1 unahoei e i ieadritW# xta. e à r repei ane ofitho-flrtif flot the ii-st sim vc feace. -Se-i eec1 sud vili cvertioviug affection aske- irestult of th îeat ahow. Mr-. D. (Con-'tisied o ht*i gclti, gtsiete iý4%r for tie mhniater. Ou beimg que*i. boic>, cf tuis place, nuent0f e l ite ,<rf.bjtl of4e fvrdfwtOa xra)fo, ie.I vinda tewa igiretibe bis p"O 541.. mpetilo thbeefnla nuî e ,f vY4 onnu ifleca thinndmrrs qý. m1-1 puer latebrinte hiccupeti out, "0'fevcoltualsiw4% sparbandesarieuite'h.riaeIe rmm sun g ujdý liil.au essuple in point. lu pront e1 Ibis, i eili tepsxbralr"ý htlt Bt1ltrkm v. l ndaMr ak m f, roua Atfnîaia. ll oneat.il ig btransI 1 54')4eitLi xtm e IL. sige,. - l --SNae W ye'eratingy4 vltemgolmglhome fi-cm lte Cenlental. Iit1'1>4an g," bx1t l>aeý7 e "anel-epeiet ihtepi.oo. ii.fcbut juist a mm thtictarit a b C *ay of Canadia. rallînrat ITxhriIoee. ticit bosSti sdgle s glans lu a' molextion; ailtiti .lg cme cf 3fr. Cnnvat i.- 'îAkeli ei tiçial i to i#-»,r.l#j li.meamsor! The Li.n"dua ettert i it h rat.fo th'b'rhdge 4 1tîet'1v11 kith' <adrmIotniirlyhave bi uh: ora.1c iiino 1i.i, 'n m'eso SrJh tatvin Iraimm .-X .W. Cudlpp. foe'm. c year ha% beenfixdat1 il icm o -hole titrian neyer liaS e algtfai t oionm h nllw:y e li htt rdt h ljgi 9 hburs,;ho hmanoner pretenfltiet bct. oke heMbnse IeOt oneof bis lag% vitit iotog econiii.Tetuhi ansthimg but imin.n, sud t iL e à-TS.viTm- lrvlnecthertà"Itrraly u ut e.t lgrass fae a ite ,é hm à"lmeel.iis.OU itllaest ied onbtiy nglottesri lemhgb aetfautfaoUouan pcs oai lue aont,0f liesait oulyà .Ipolt. vn ux eue .sd mhliyoffthe.. tietuei-eidb. ' trouirceuneli viiita Pery tvr o e inau o rrdtlaItht- w41vr14 'je l afyniveustiluoealigleappocaodyie ugu dttel argh I me ru-Cenr tll bs . t"IetfJnssnsn.wh %a. i Lau.tmemthé. sffl ei forea ote. tremen orWep hae. 'vrilgUoawguctm* .ýai*e ttiii- aem-i est of pr- imela>n Iteapitag sytlesp09a ilhIsalc ll 'ett ai ve heâM Utilmsei:hl î.anevhto evtilad.t diaPl river tlailug Wijj on the bartie tirs suiret 4el the çey 0 i»W eO. t bg l te-S ai,,smetmLIADIe.rr mou Lriti.o ol eort tct fo- __ & » fS cFgarv.. lvion i et irtale igeiO!' . br-ri it diet t.... otlu vd pert lIts Sm ma rirbu eceone Oetâ teonrir- _ ifl Ir a Woe udbrtrm herwle provo atheiecoog binarlS auy ato z ..frteptk .Z hr hftg»týhne. 'lWie -1-MLm0ebeinoré I i Ma~LUs. e m nrh m.t1o. be. Ne bte l S edmn e ho dy. Cominliieti i liuupday. lu de.vey is hig eluemamanPartyet Sm s et mme anti conta duclan àveoa sa ho ot maiuum mii.- TEs CmylaiBe L iT.-os r. a uelti"*Jdi o.oeyh hf La81=ls l mie bu' ulUma mcmab t. i éè ogahp adt mms.m th myeronàny, bue resusa .M me arel>-ingrL Mg % isth @m" ÏM»O«r wthhiima hrs ad afl mm thitemera, ëium loktmm relpuo«the aotwtu -h r.Bu Cosy&smtuthao K. h arli sg aluate .t - 44 ,,~ - ~ ~ I I '4 Tlr i 1 ý ý y w m Ap A»W&,q etatistro.