-polkTui 90ORMIUL llàowm6 lit Club WbiM 1111%. oca 0awm IIII, Imm sowm JIL tw lis betabbe ile deuly il le mummimi amang the O*W am lainai, me - am - Im w » Olm formilim- W" aris jeu »V in gilit pui. emp it *0 mmew sSu, a mvm. Mr. rad" -W»Mmmm"- don ottl» lamelle Or 14HOW " 6-1 zir:; et. - - :Sa" en ivmopu^e ý]E & W M q llm oe«--by a zwSur et ho V" &B «%Sr" WM " 11111 lm tire, """ *9 Torieil M" lut affl "Ont. ,MI nnnvào«ham"o 'rite Poltlr wu" upu 0» ellait et ands buvu.1 Md, »»V&u to the ÙWý% "M»DCE&t »Ld th" muang tâm ]DOM l"Iffl à M te . "te u*lvm.» Afileirs lm _pwnta of uoft là Cam fi, IIAIIX twAlw,- lein "ve fi dup 0" àbuw 6" ; M in *la colint"è aboutit. quw y iumtmw. The -Cý mm mm à *m notes" &0 kna of Su. ài@Pm'I m in D" audwa in lzgyur and là" et som ÇLMWY ta& lut FAS &UMVM of IV. Win. wu Nit. in and Ibis lu "M Tue Pour uboulbus. à" doom coi" and inimit" 4%"-Ietbue in vzmnàmm%, Paurm nàsm arc 16% Maillons. tu" au.1 fialb IIY lumedine.ce«. __ - - I. Md mmy Who j"d Md in the, article on -s'a. nime if tte 8#0 av WILK 89 C'OLA.1 1 1. 13, or troïï bôrrolwed Ob »w toUoving.Sir Jeft whe-qw hi, lice, but th" aboutit lie mm ce ben> - oAtitmb 061m".* Pl M- fou Preciateill. Mr. C. lrlnwboz4 or ouùs of thune km in hopewm But W* b&Vb pffl te Mr. Mackenzie for m o" 1 bringlie m ta ti: id"y&ia mont «hibked hie annal quille et cel. Who in lie 1 W* abeille it "m Wil. PartmSille, am-in-tlàlýùpit, the ery, whieb wm un enna *0111 M-Pl& Ileufflialy Md pet. n" the ditIhilm ddoubt. " t der Oh el RmfwB« The diq"y lbuday,.Ud et nt [tac? ANTIR. lim UnedonWi and deris " ta do. tuý"%nlt 'a"'d w» luron avante _%; lu rabeeriblais of Tais floue sixty-tbàM being ixbâftimL --- %4% the km«" "kt~ in *0 nom" 07 le. 130 didet Pt the 00,0% Md &Mwm voltomm&-,«Notm on Mr. JO" KàDWIM04 Of llrm* BM§14 At cmmdugtom4 hm du«IW ; 0" vu noir ho damiers *0 mm Who m the 8"01ky~ -in the loadint vý. a iulu- y, ehowed a aumbelir of fine samples, but m ta whethS ho reed"d M" %IËMT.Oý4 si mt»»Ud 1 Twmm I»ko»Oowwd moillemeu ivithel.We public tut~ refum te, fend bien ut bat" aliulas in Suibou for October, 0MOM Md 83 4 And 44-We sied Oro, 'Fhkh -the pub" «Eh, WIM do car TS7 àîm ldo Bot m-e, - the Mrbus la as B.«M% um, Tuelamieur, COL loti.. %vilà in the 0 méhe, t~ y or mi th* am of si emies of @rd" wu* M awài&d ý et 1 caleglata Nt W Id" think of theïr- oompmy In Amerima 1 lit in proftwy illuel, t o me of wriung A aud existait et Etion, 2 0Aý thirty oft là ri»w= l $100 âotem -% jows eu" bled- ta b"y irim Ger trated and grest poil= bave beau G. anlau by on And Pm thora on » Win et tuait Ment the supremils court AoL ta mâte the drairiagie t«huicelly ou greaur - rthX*ý ýtY' ME aotopt@lwbia « 0 S à.11» ail bt. U"« ordiowy flirt. Thm mveraciom WUN« »thori" rut Mr.A.G. -ing. aomirwu% as CobeeMI4 MIR bad. Tory limiter ta profilent tâtât the bill xà-nvyACTMUO, -lirme Mr- 1 ô-w:%hDww as 19- - = 406 wiculd aM rectellité. âny pw"lu &Uolk. Mr. uccamb, ce m Tdesday, j«% net ladiqnto me" & minite 80- made a 7«3" Vain vauter, as Seboupon. tion; but m the l'pu woold lie disallotred m it inllieW a hità verr Pue diqfty cifý:= OëLighiL The» Geo& litirellai IW-'âP 'à %«Ëbla blow on British ocartection. flotint of the enricun lmy 'a ut the whieh an wofthy ai natice. A 1 Mains. bjeýà4gIà, -V mal opimed, les àoqld 119 ta IIIM7 m this Ut -navm il- -M m-mnt,-Dtund. Mr. 01011000 ficaent display of lm w» made, by cet 1. 1 now st appom L,)rd Ca Couk Imaitiansa hm rf» 'at««th* «Pdm$M and nat* th* ru- wrote Lord Dfiff»,i, «,» th, 29 t hi* ium*mw ta&a C. Dolibler, of Part Md tue tante aud W." i nulle. th A abou furniture, hie time, displayed la andâne dw. Mjek ef.ivfid lafflain goule tba Ilffer Malogy *Ut not ho beï 11 adviud ta exercise lier pnWal. 0 a. «Ien route for the dh»dn.room- quality et the goode hi@ exhi- a- With ta file a dining-room. II 8111= ove, u> 12 bit a centre of attraction... la tumi- 0:0161 dèrelvelle fftm liée ml»% Etonm In JeUx TAUM W t in the lieu the tom Mr. of lem IlE respect Àe of coi wuing,. innobsted do. «' the Logialmore of Cm&" entitied mwvii-pàtiv-e- ail... Quitta, exhibited twe parieur Whot'h Wqq lu P"Pnfttf le quill , One of the mou impoftut Md ment .0 m ta 00 ish a sup»me court __y,, w,,,,t àd ft %.F Block. euh" fer à lawyer or a déaler. a petionis tèbl quelâteil voliel River, mit entitleil replie, which did huit mut credit sud urtent MusidPld referme »IF b@fo» Md iCourt of Exellequer for the Do. &.The Bride 01 Avoy tel C. L. »Ama-noAt the publie le the abolition of tba «. million of Cmàd&" This doilliatelle the Mine " au oo». recelved &M QÈm Wright & 1% claded. The ooUeRe "dothismonth barson, Port Hope, exhibiteai nome ifiié 110ARDERS WANTZD -71» or mptw» train tuation, Md à* Ocim- latbfRoWly publiabed in the rentatla mou the Massachusetts 9pecimens ci amiable wSbý a baptismal Ay M seauý au 1 g-'usdlwr Gealzeffe, and knocke the bottant ont of CollogeI Md Àecultural fort rectelving the &« prom Mr. top àr W &geàuyd, O..e. bleve fbefr effl ottit boeiked at ing parliamientéry, »Riô" " Id net » P, centaine information m ta Hoopor, of the mannelacs, à«la Y. P. &-To CI~ at almmt yolw own Prim W«ful'4f*rAorr' in the Conser. gricultural edulong- ho alloissail te Pm *W&Y Widfflt a V"10 étrermin.,, on which wM lie display in tremble avez fur du neller ta moit of our readem Thomait mnv«mt la thie direlliticil. We bu. -M,. North Ontario Gibbe la butins J. Vitrine disenum «'Juhn OlIffl luýulaccumd bythe Uxbrid» filp4b. of. 181:nvobAlèg. lievet the fieofinflin favorot doingawsy »Vmiy h,»dld by some, of our Re. in Ban Franducoi» end m oi-am Co y, W« exhitaitatil.b 16% Cmwfordi7.umýxbri am__ vith privileffille of this !doit bu W t'M ratheratud4etatemmt& Thon there et oolemporaries. The w*U.iqforra. of Linfkay. It in tonne PRIVATE SCROOL.-MRS. la a sketch of the Gront Pair-by l:n- fluiah-' Nearly ait thegeadiagnewtgg (trous Bovývillt) bu maniant 1 ofoiennet gmtly'n paver Md volum nit OUaiella of the Perth Jet G. Mitchell, aleo a pspu by John chine emalmales tirera reprellentaid a pelvaille nebool in Linduy fortbohutro». with the put tow Imm. The cm la liertue an folloire on a matter Burroughs antitind, &&A -perators, Who took up by la Mm Dühlmyàa, utumen Tides, agents and o thé Monde. ilory simple. Thère, is very litùs te, wh"n Mr. Gibbe displayeut mors a MoU r !oý.um calied --The Mau W-ter portion oftherlorth illum. cime m Ilett sillet o» doer lame ta the space occupieliby th. .-.ffl . m'a am - - - ho mid in favour of «emptieu. They thon annal " Iongussa and «%Ipidity: ho hie «»;" onatincations of chine$ was a CDMRUcte»y-runaing tour 1 GOOD 0 G JE JRE D . Je Jo N ffl 111%alt LM DI Loirriele sud "Phili horse lever ne mmub£tuffl te aft dotèrelleil now molm trous prejudim "Mr. Buckingham, the Premier'a pri- maireme tel bd fi bylet- At" lf LEU 1 vue semiary, in a mont indeflatigable and poemubyBi= Nielâceltok Co., of Part pope, Z R J"ef on une et HAS KFXOVFn TO Mis and m'station 'nt~ #»* train Mr vorker, and poue»u a mo»,,» of onn. Henry stodi7,à, M.7 y4ox, Dodg« ran a Gordon preu «hmtéd ter Mr. vieuàm or ue l. ntatutm= . Who thift elles- W@ Observe th* fim Mr. fidn» which, Ille "ntnre tuà say, wu and R C. Moyerai The odiuniù de- J. a Troyes, of the Part Hope Ti»w& WM ho me tue and cite OILID STAND, lit]KOW ILSOX'S 1310cir4 il À little abeet contai Smeral re. annal à[B. làclmie Il Imw m Dtindge emid a vord or tulo noyer Wore enjorW by the private, Putmonte m v«Y Rend. exhib= illeur., Mrby P. 0. mark& on the yeule bellm É.,&» in favour of ohureh exemptions. ilit socrotary nt any minister of the Croira. strack offat the rate of about one thou. IWIMLIAM ST., lr&W(brketl, and f.119 POR2P HOPE CZYTILIL sand au hSu% and distributed in the 0" LET OR FOIL SATAC _The #eut-elamt*il RAS "Rue thot Oh»mh« if t«ed vould Ho hm honte g"ly ove building _-tinette. This et coum W=» -IL ilitente, ait-Md on Lot 21- muette Im dom North Kent Stireet, veillera ho bà open" out a new »If varicà anlortmei do ooftn"lmo ami tl.48 bocause - lie vi4ited Thuindlir B-ty, and IR. West attraction ta parties n« mit et £00111 . *9 ruhlm« 01 R. 5. not ho m expousive or ornemental m wu absent two weeka on a vacation Md lu a leva, ro6 et un Union STAPLE IllimoicEffl icillý PROVISIONS, FRUITS, ed with the W a mmm lot in a Ileste ..... thoy noir rire. Wet »Illes ** Ohbe tour, @orne of the Tory nowspapera à XAUNIFICIL 4UCCF-ffl---nMIMSE Wu» aisé a ft.= of vcr»d abolition baye b@en Illeula enollgh to, Silýqfflt "t CROWM OF ornantental toit« train ce Cm whieh arffl bel lu with whiob bu long ad"oM" ter the hom. 6th tictober. V AU et whieh ho twill son al; the Levmt Living Priceî. Acallre.i«tfullywliçiLed 11là. WRATIIIM----]L'.TORTIO'q.%TE MO- the saute 0011OMBRICMM& o W collactionis JNO. KENNEDY. un"Y, se". ff. -if -Itemmbw.-"» Old $eau& lubowbm% M«18. William siý. lind»Y. A. en hie eltpen»s were plait by the publie. Tri. KUNI-k'Rl.4 AND good, bat the rale and figure work m Mr TO LOAX ".,.l %Iln,, l'et, AyOnt. ot txelàptio»--on» mum dw»m 1,quell, a charp in a doliberat4 tallebond, DI-,- do:e of spe, NO filer thé question in a mantille way " o 1 m. t» commence with. aftelr -W nattes, opoq»eW bot eve onppý*0 PLAY IN TUE DIVIPEPENT DEPART- match merit. . 1 'tlil#ktbf AlAd O.XAÎIII§I, inotboretuied. Itholded.Mlliathe thieil it wore trait, ive cannot me «Y MENT& bit -as n1ade la printinjicl Sé G. Beatty Tu Mm LM OIENT comm le hie" Ut and mout abwute »R» banal hall boen tienne., The nottbriotis [Front our gp«W Cormoordleitj & Co., of the Ontario Býmineu I)IPIPICIC, I)nfnitikn 1 W. 0. Gibhs, st the Linoutin pie-nie, PORT HOPE, sept.:!;ý lrd& Belleville, ehowe-Id a 01 el n'O le.,# Idfe and Ae)l- *' ovM individuai pim of property iront even further than this, howttver, In apite. of unfavourable weather specimer;à of and ne prepervai to malle loans on »eufty of Improv- Noie., of peurnanship, Il whieh tock the ad brisa. on the mont advanta6eom terants fer and, vrith the greatest gravity possible, flic Port flope Central Pair fille year first rime. In ail 914 lis dite share of tout bardeau, Et statIed that Mr. Buckingham hall grne wan a magnificent success. The dark tY, Port Hope, owed oill= berrewem Àkpprov" lt«eumgu are aise Inlay bel uid that in that onne talcole il) Europe Olth thé Premier, Met the elotida whiëh hovered overhead on Tue». traits Whieh sustained /c publie exponse, white ma matter of il which culminated in He rrecolveil t pumbaud ai Uber&L rail". Full particuliers « J, *10 IIANK. wotild in some oum bibles ta bu p fume that gentleman noyer loft the City, day morning au Mur= r. 01 course a grent outil Of &PPIIUUOU tut 'but or taxe@, for proporty. Won g a shower about 10 o'cloek gave rise ta other articles of Interest, which I have and transactoil fanait of thé business of grave fears that a long speil of rainy not floue ta specify. âffl S. CORNWL, LIML.,. SAVINGS BANK i et 10 file okbmlntlnity un Illich, ang illied the Pablir; Works Npartment, during weather wattabout té, laet in; but a north LrVE STOCE. TRE OXEMBE HIGEI SCHOOL T he LavCmt, Mmt Tho»iMh and PracUml a exelquivoly for municipal purpos", the absence nt the beaut. Tt in only ta wind arose %nit won dispersed the The collection of abeep and swî» iam &&0 01L in caaacb6 1 wq . 'Illui aleni (tu thin prineipi,, have ho wondored ai that a gentleman in il» el! -le, large-fir beyond ex-* Brant». omi Mr (libba' position could @fille on a "0""' and flic rain lalied, and Old Sol = ff WM 3Lè-cýpe3L western pectatio ail were not on the *Il*"" ýlf $4 &MI nie.! il' ho raw. Of course t4y voulail malle bis appearance glatillening the Il before Wedne!day afternoon. la the Nèvr Illerit Scheel Illemet. on Ait histitutefor Buiness Dwininr, ichere Boys, Voujiz a s public ýplatforn% what ho knew ai the »Il Vbldle-agei _11en cala 141« le and the gain to the oommunity, by titilla to ho devoid nt truth. he-irtsofthe Exhibitiondimetomand the t-MP= . of one hundred liens were an Edwation s-uited ta the tuttnt-i of erery day Life. of witbortèl"l If endors of retretilbunents who, hall malle, devoteil ta these c!amm and the space XOW" Y, 16th 07 OCTOBEK eh répeing utould simply ho in the -- flogarallesont the intininentelanger The subjects tanght are just mmb al every Xerch=t, Farmer, 3lechaWie and Pnfeýional Wa» tonnai inadequaitt &0 that &-Iarm in traomting ettery day buýin-. and Intitulera the followtn&r: - ffl)K-KEEPI.Nu BY el, L préparation* for the event, and riamber of p et Md «»Mplm Wb of Püilowpbtcd and qzlý- 1)\NK XOTICIC. matter of bookkmpinu. Bat that of being 11peinchod vith eue" by the am% ens hall ta bc cbemiel Mantille Specimens and 0 DOUBLE £NTRYý SPENCERIAN PENNANSHIP. (X)MMENCIAL PAPF.K. BA It hall their stalle in neveral parts of the on Wedgei4y lnSming. In dra APPS-ft% àiqn an battue provilieui, aloi it in es amevi th" ffEANBOATLIÇG. CORRESPONDEXCE, ARlTH3dEnC. BROKERAGE. SPELLING, C gmain woold note lie mall. Et vould filon. fallu B., the Toronto *àrmpoud- town as and o la torpilles et 0 laidureil auquel MW -intim fur troll as on the show. groundik -arriage horm there was a a: - CIAL LAW, PRAt,'VICAL GRAMMAR, MF£HA-X]C.%L DRAvinc, AcIrcAL BUSINEM did display, which ehowed a mùked the M» et th», ffls se 1 Win, TELEGRàPiUý",PaoNoGRAPHYke..ac. Ourcour»ofTminingisu8idertheuper MERCHAM BAIR OF CARAOA l à ouelle ille vaâ»Of 01111l'Y ont of the London Aderfimr glace into Not many visitors liait arrivait in the improvement in stock . over former noir yur, ho te -by the. t:0111 lent and experientelui Tmber4. Our patronage la talleth lartIer, and ,%et terre. le" i 1 Central ontuto. otherBubim» Collage in Cbnad& We were awarded firvt prix" in ail of Peu l'Ir 4 o., i eu ploeil nt ru, pmpvni-pfflm»d bit the Northern Railvray "mmdal,",outd morning bat in anticipation of a large yý , and Was one of the graat aura& The design of the wàoot la tut lumiella a sourni at the Prtevintrial Exhibition, and our specinierni twere nelected by the Ouventinent Cominiý.1 le thé OOMMI#DitY m 4»h, Md 1 011141 statolt thâti un for nome ffl.000 hm crowd and %vithan eyetomaireas muchý TleMbaudMhBatt. 'Pue'-h, Chandiciel or Summu EdumîtiS te thune Exhibition in Phý Iphi Bande 1111&Yed imquifimauch, and the Beant Maner rêters tu the mpre.ýnt Canadiau Pen Art at the Centeuffial ilade ,=;,nen,"( Pepmw.ýhip, TèruLe. &c.. ýent fret of eh", un application te %I» lot every one auderumd whM beun improporly expended. This as pomible ont of the many Tuesday and Wedue"ay and tirera ta wj enditallek appmrmS of nmy'pupilâ trom ville. Ont.-SU-6m. elle, Kent le «là il$ y«rly " , sud whellheur amenant incIndalle the followinsi sume:- strangera the. bétel keepers inereaeed compote this evening forthe prize câlier. t 11 as curriculum Th* 1* ed by the directors. ran= te the bonor. Ï.Iipiïl 1,iiel Ildloq illl"M.1 nt %ho rito Il# thorofg>vo, it vu «(«h th@ Bain au- "The sum of 32,5M subscribed to the thotr mie--% ta $1.50 and 82 per day, Taken altocether the Port Hope Cort. able poâidom now oSupied by many of thante in John Ai testimonial Nad, (2) the sont and without nitking proper arrange- frai la a remet gratifying al it the vadous profennalou of iiedteim, thectiogy, IV 08*1- etýt!11 «"»Vw 1 el nulleily expended tipon it. Et would, of A au. andin gcucral týusineý pureluitte Il") investeil il% the latock nt the dina " ewwbere. 3. SHAW. 11«4 ma> Tm lql" el b- motifs for the accommodation of their bas been inanage inm- là. 41 1,LKR. Atrov rt 'à in short, give the re(si municipal ex- Ma il nellespaper., (31) parliainentary ex- attente. The eveningtrain brought 1 ner. Et Plates beYond ail doubt the %or. omenance. --nb sept., itr.e.--,oo-L pendign". .. The î7îliAnt. thon flotte« pelleils in the lîotièe of Ctiiiiinons and tlve crowded oassenger cars froin Lin sacheme, of district exW--- the On"() islature ; (4) boying otl il' one cm improve on th in M ORTGAGE SALE Mr. !PrMer's remarke, and iletter es.; Pèîàrlialnentury opposition in the same, sayand Peterborough, butwberethey saine matters of detaum&--thunugblikn Te enable tue 6ah.ýcriber te attend prossingsome surprise thoreille, gou found sleoping accommodation wan a génemlly will. go more hearffly idte the Cet tintosny: two, «Oum; (0 paying the election ex- mysterr. lie hotel keepera' action in spirit of the enterprise the longer Et la "TIE[M 131G BIEIO W 9" If 'lot inte.1 et the Ont et -il ponseil of tain porsiens onnnected with rai,%Inx their rates occasfoned conside- maintained. Pori Hope lieu - reg- 0-tI I* et Que Iler Almot.à. wtb-tlld not vileh Alby 011111 01le PrOPOrtY the rosat, ne of whom in an MM. P. atid rable di,"atW&tdon and many parties son to be prend of the exMbiron." and He twill "Il 11, 1 "1', -1 l* ler MI0,011. in MI. sxompteil from, taxation exoopt the left toWn immediateir alter their arri- the manner lu whieh It wu eanducied TOWN -OF LLKWAY. Il C4,b to4 1.41lIt the ond ot the other ait ex. Ni. P. P.;(O)salm Over- val ralther than subni t te the extortion. generaUy;bùtshould tastronghand Watche% Clocks and Jewellery Vay Choap for Cuit fi i Moré Qhuroh "004 end the, sud UPOIN drawn by ail im')OcýIniOlls individllal If la ta lie hoped that the di tel-keepers and pun-uneeota wernf"conuin inib rectors of open Its extortionate ro ad to the Amentint of *$rbom., (7) overpay the exhibition %vill guard aRainst %loti. foc y calimen. Et la ta bc regelteil abich - bc nuit, lut the unie of Next Thirty Day& la t mie hertin, thalle wIll ho oftred for nalite elle ril ýh.nwhp tlate have housse land landie eblet 410nit 10 ment of monoy to a conitiderable ex lar "-tien in future and de. . *1 Iný -arrange indsay and nelithborhood mm ne. Il tidift allmIl Al»" m beauf a large amrtment of WATCHES, GOLD RINGS. CHAINS, LOCKETS lent on a contract; and (8) money in. -ith IlOtA keepers the price make a better displav. Every one REPAIRI.NG Watebu and Jeý,cliery a I«iaity. W.,rk ýfobA %mlth. 3 olé*.' th.u In, thpu Il&, ila forther autray thon vale, talle voeded in th, luteanler Chicom of board during the exhibition. If this should have made it a point ta exhibit ufacturers atyre Di the On. whiche liait been done here much annoyaece soinething-, the Lindsay mm At the Office of 3[éli hiqu tel leu, and hie proposai ODIsid no* monuy in noir reprosenteil in the light tarilà Balaie, la the Town mon would have beau avoided and C ut L'=Y- u" Canadien and Freizuieý. paper-, Maguine., Seh»A Itouk.. Station.ry, Fmicy 6-1,, eu ilèh V:6Z and artisans should have iléon cm batend be lundi ý>t low týkP%à t., "s 1 d - lbir the new t* lio,4qsned go for moment. To, a tif a tomporary total in the Manaller. attentisme trould uncloübtecUy with their best spécimens of workmau. J406h churth H-Ymn auok$and)sulc"ýb ercýkvter'an Hynul lot l 1 , Ilt t ffl doi4f IIIIIV Ilp Ait id@& Canadiens vill net submit an not of an inventaient on bobali of sulted. Thé eibmenatsoadopted a pol- lampe and the farinera of Victoria YrWay, the 27th day of Oetc lo', horOnd ide. iry of extortion by charging first day Me '4 ooo 4,od lllu#lh Illue?- Our OhlY Wonder là thit II Thi, look, liko a form . aboutit have iléon among the most: aura. is.o, nt Two o'clo* m the aftercellon, the fonow-1 o. W. STIPEMNI ):t.I am- to and front theimunds, bat opp *lion Ing val-bit pn4»rg- amoly have -etibitittwd to it ela long m ble indietmént, and vouild Etirnieh ou erous exhibitors. One excuse la made ILLU lr«M numgý nezt doter te t» pou Omota. kent strleet Bug. iniasi and a e4trong détermination on the part -that a good man bol The goutte Rad et the North own Lut 'boy havo. - That the ohurcheil IL:ere ding back: Ovnueb pie banis on which to build nie an in- of visitors, not ta subinit broualt o W the fair la ta lie X=- and Town Lot NumiIer Two, on the ait, the land tipon whieh they etaisil, th -for next year, S Ï.M. Durham Street, la th* Town et! lit aboutit ho exempted, tre do cet lie. t@r«tin« 10118110M mit which WoOld ratten down to:Me. But fewrtaited the belli lu Lindsay. That la not a coin. 9SMu&Uy unalmit the hypocritical grotinula on Titesday except those caillait mendable spirit; and it la ta bc heuped Lot Num. et 0111,10 liovel »Y in(t» thail W* belle" thèt leancheil «ho have been playinit diicks thither on businella. it will not aga lonuim one- 0.1,àll bêwllwl _In lie manitested. , Et la ber One, North of Durham Stms, en. 'f 1-Ilitl il tIo*.; AIMI boy Ili, aù of leur oduflational in. And quite unwoeh&a = ve, enter, of au . and en il am -t a twol drakee for jettare vith the money of THE tr âleuur là IL hug um wd outbu«lmqm ;ON TA R IO R O IYSZ ILIN IDSA 'le, e",l the I,,e stitutionne aboutit remain, lintrAW. bon jr, and dos. I.« ut men, ut whoii they-wore laagh- aro situateil on the Toronto rond, north prutireg Plu- a h of »trous cm- Tt To argue thm charmes oüot to bu ex. ing in thoir al»ves.,. The saine cr. vrest of the town, and constat of a little a 'I'th et tom one ban me. on il eue lott â. Ilttltvl emptaind homm thla Mt-lb@Y fillieunt OPOSI qeven aerm Ta the right of à 70 in %eh re My show, With. land ommbud& . 1 ]KIRS. iSIR ICIRZIDA N g itl, »pondant bu aillent etated that Mr.J. n'Ore 'han te of the Mo te tffl, thom in roally subit and yi*IÏU no in. E). 1t'ipr, whf,» name ru the entraneeist the cillée ofthe out regard ta locality. Thom la su- bel ai tinala of aale. md -the bal= in 1 BAS BECKIVEU M.1. nel, tueur cou - Mr. IL Dirkson, whoft e.kecutive capa- ather matter that may lie moutioned 1 %m Infibulent Internat, bl'h'd "t di tueltuad, is go talle veille wildly and neeted, with union tàf those improper rity and gouttil tentper were continually noter for the bensfit et future afXue very imnd»Mv*IY- People troswactions, appellèretil hefore the celui- on trial, bat who ditechargeil his cunerous The railway arrangemordue wmbea bit For Ve" Attme«ve ]F&U rW int« St dittim proniptl and = goulm elimir Io XCLIMRE à; DIXON, spond thoir Mtbft@Y in véritulis My*, luittels and fully clerred himaluelf. L r'th unta"lng what they ought ta bave miar m sulb"r% &P-. 1 nuit in nom outela the profit they ex- entirtt-%y. To t r1glit of th'& le an Lindsay was conCerned. lwe ouly imy 1[ 19 m Il IL IL 119 IC IRT (tom thoir investissent le 104 in £111RXAR Y NOT&L gantly fininhed buggies and tomber on tre, get down was by the &W. moraing rjndur. fiatiat. 2stR4 The unortýt ta large ud emboubea ail the irevu Iuch as Fcather Trirmiine, bard euh. Et le cultuelly roule hoirever. are theqpar.ioitsqtait» for the swine and lmn-a louait uncOmfOr"O heur, Or m la nome "oum moille so. And surely D,%Ngrt. Dititt)-zii.k.-The Cincinnati elleqe, tipvards of one lumaired In uni. >Y the 4 afternoon train, and thereby CMMIT SUE AIM BEAIfT= ULAXING. bave ta tenu" ovtr night la the Port The Mais thie latter in the Sile with ehfAmbe& ber. Thiea»temendofthekmundaisoe, Onobuilde stablee und kilo rommemieil gives a clew tu the mystery sheds for the cattle and "the Hopellotels. There éliould have or - pe raclait 4 cuplet.Il by a race course and stables a spécial excursion ieavin A imaxe stoclh of New IranC7 G111110" horffl ter a Pull of bonn" Wb, t of "Daniel Derronda. 'à fi says- 'Thore «C on exhibition. The arrange- say ait 7 or 8 la the TS, 1 An in"«tion of the.tck andtylel, w-lici!ed. sot# for horses . FARN STOM IMPUMEN Nuti» ho Mottaiset Md beelluse, 0 le a greM deuil of discussion of the pur- naufs or the latter ing lu the and hall this ar- sonuffl a are Véry complets rangement and il au- dodo hie ideminre, in 9" le ho to ho of r»orp Eliot in writin Dan- and conimendable. Thora aire ninety. 'à Mock, oppouite the Be»M 13019» LIN iritipAy, 8RIS»,r.e. Olt#mpw trffl %au" if ho cm @boit g two tpwioua double stails divided by nouâtred there la little Il bit the T'W Subaibor bu rc7dv" lanstrucations te MU sel %"nda,'and the Jawish portion received the attendance Victoria il by PUUC ACCTIOIÇ. %hm ". abois dom »Il, liold him a of the book is'a -ho -11 lest- that bave been IPALIL ont,-,oqr nt tallutranui lu hilleil emhl (W !earty appMvIIý! of horse exhibitom Lm go. M MW 1111411. COIL. "nom -z-_ Vhitt, RE. 1, USAY, 'osilin KEIS, ty, l 6 _pýy7 Výffl flur saare os Pri»M 14le »coin wing la 1-4 -V - j -J, ýUm 'T -Lo*t;-30-. 46 m Soutil mde of ndbour si H-Acl, Liu"y. er&ddrý -P. HICKEY. Appoin - tivient. in Amori"u perindical 1W devoted te grain, foliage-plante and -Il villffl lu the Déominièm. Dm% boit Io bom bud ai 10 somm% émo% oummine om quarter et m wre,.,ak Iàq.Ëbgrtbpt% iilqt*tr.mtt* $Ibqb Quent #0 1 A decision of grmé, importam Io grature. lt centaine the conclusion ni truite, Md e north wing te sewl -Six handred Imhotep sharp. fi _ were abipped rr.IA BOWF-%, w1wh is a bre Md emierw" (ne«) BCILDLNG. machinee, musical instrtiments, bae- from Guelph last Filday fw GieU AuMenewC-». Victfwkmd Brock. bmu dwellbg homme, WU vwwwbb la bont»d ivtýýt:h el-Mit ité r4rried . And t6lhowM sht: Canadimba ptibliebing hoiliamos bu Georp ICiott'à l'Daniel Dmnda'ý- ware, jurniture, & Th, of Fergue. 1 'r west wing je Brit" by Mr. John Blettir mugmek, 2» SOL. 187&-- à».& VmW»bnmftto@U"wbdow& WeUten=L mollis A1001114 M t jooot 1*91b rend" 4 V.C. Prondtoot the gremisest novel of the age. The occulpied by specimem or peu-----.- The venture la Udy te bc evm W«d " md exesUM wdl ad pmqL MOM ose of 1*1 Womm-gatee' cainting and. tan artiel blethanthemaitiment or cattle. CHANCERY BALE Lob SS. à Md @,sol" Menmr».Uffl «m i The «derm.'ud bavint ftýUmm the vill aýÀj;ý_ fossh Ouriosity m te the la the -nt win7ge v lés am dis. -The Mail complatu tbat Mr. MAC. --b 111141 put tht, matihine in et« ttel in Whioh $MW klmàll@@, aitthombilb et illie reww played and the centre la a kenÈe hall net déne eauge £W th& -OF- .1 Io» ýrkloWe tob.ry. succions ffl -en Wbkh Io Phaw With "TWh." flook mndlttand, Weil lighted by a skýr-light temperabS cause. lftocn IL liceaud huis Md or.: 0 a ed t r and eh. Nie& Craiks 11Uurel Biieh" and Ju- victùa-- 1-w Pat«"Phe' mthor The building is of gSd demoign Md wen Uerge advocatu menace am tout. mm»W tromm, a bondý rumubma BiLsim i. M... Cd =mm Al'm 1 mi in whiA the Clèvenk'r ie- oitilod taitiod *14 injullotion te rutmin thOd4ý lim HawthmWe "Owth" are enntin-, Idd out, but it se a pity it in net pumee rolotrant, ho need» to be eueW = 4ý WC femmSd »Il Imid out. à mom te keep hie forIred, tail weR unam hie in OMM6 demb" zemwwm. t', Put thiq nelet'Aié%l 111whine iig, tendant front prtattalt and publitthing. tied. Thon au abc three excellent v msiderably larger. The total flamber 1ý now Pr* pu" to C"tract to erect buil.. short glories. The illuatrated papers oý entriett uý te Tuesdav even W» èbl-"tý ýtitivt, omation. it h» belle 1 #holt vork in q;mxx1&ý » thev elaitued onvou, a goloat iwwty of subjectel. a 1, M IMme wiR be soloi z»d opporttm-: the mùr&eýt noûce. i gniam and the afternoon wm oecupied -Mr. Aaron Caillerons. ànzmw» tep. by boue4awý. vëry siýbui*lIY ; autt 94Y m thoty bals à vis ne %0 do m the m4borhomid Thou &» the mieing regions et T»» lamàî.- Ma& k- ý for tbe purpme on bémol. aW boing à p by the judges In examiniez the articles, uty-reeve et Nua«, wm g -atod,,& W. Ce si(%% entered a copyright et Otta«in ac. Vtah; dm camer of Raydon, the du byabullSaturMyw«L aewmkàd- ipulmic Alffcmolff, C. L. Rimm. LL, budd«. he win wànmg to give goit bu m%ýt'd to mipply the lobriffliux indu«, whieh the publie were net ad-. a dewee md àtIllé wder W mb eKelai» with the (»'irM" ut The peloter, a description of Sewark, mille -ý,lww*tirotworkmmwere log lit te the stable, Wheiît the animm :Wffll W-U. éLan, ci ChmSre in a «rWa cý w ;;k Eue' &.0no'm D"imey. w" Ille mmrobuim et d@r4efAn affimmoï tW the Imp«W flot S. J. -, a hbtM of old km; the doutes. at and every effort was being beéme euramd and attwkM him. Ich 41 - .. 'ÇT ACTS OF 180 AND P4 vrheil %boy ký0k ilbkb the litatter ovkrridu the Cmédim W; Md " CIO motome et the £M; the mmilo- put forth te have order restored wMe hearing hie Oeil te the dog Wh * xutaragtb"v. tom; the Oum JIM I&VM AUCTIUS $AIX th-Y wist *ýë how Poisisy aud »ttbrally *fi go lob op ht le la tom in 0111 rom planta et ?Io"-, and a sketch belote Wednesday which was te bc the cwmî"ed biz[4 rug out Io Ire -majo& million tu I» vwm et &-u~ , la tête toute of h« hudma& The baR bad ComW otvWorimý m the impection a". - 1 op 0WY fflh @%qpply 00enise. e ýquoi« le lm with portrait of *@ sale lathoMaikrofIMWARD WOODSof: the &Mbttlbg char%». Poe gwrw Mar- MWOND aIready got Mr. Consomma dow whigs Mt in Il@ omttbtdobd b"vhwiý m 14»M. ne "2m7 ohairgie""clever "a arrived, but whà âham unemamý. M, TM. whi-sh mo in f»t bo tlerivod toiom no vell ile la it4 ob« spoit trade-, and it moi and the other Vito- Wedn" y opmM with a howlinu pied comwS "a crasped *e rtug la VALUABLE PRIPEI Ind MW a fi the omm r& lu twe o'clock la Me moilormoit, tbe pli Md se @dsoti"- le ÏO ho momw $W cmmum si. rw m op te tholir mom 'W ged bram'a mm &M aterany bw et tom uwfflm un tu un ai Ir, but ding ftmd Kim jowny mansi Of Vieforicl, «" Pmorilwe Of ois, badly tor the _M Mm ta & i t" ly ill d14 txitèntojt.ot nièm lk*sm* do font embirés and al «andavqL the unpleamno. moratanthémmtawe» field, with Oaly the balp, et & liman et boy et omminbe 0» iw-,Oý cm luwhvw. T)w tf,ýpn mPvýým>»t a vï-ry llnl*rtavtb ia'.026 Tait ft. qscxo"&-The Octobéir. "te-"Y m-'l"d w1th eh soopmandelmethe.g" Meretaze. = àgmýý erlm ý-mrwwiqsu» *IF BEJLLJ monber Que 00 OOMWM the thira hither Md thither. e a ed te her huaband but hie U@mmlgad% U rem w4fition hb #lot w4olit *m1th et th* grolivided WW tw *0 ded" et braim won = Mme-aboM*bq.*M 13 IMO'bY 0- tb3t4 u" 8" bYn took: the of the douter of the &WI thlat lie mSidred tu a othm thn& et muhméon. ma et UNI P~ in me. m àâw4m et dm la t" owaq of vieuiti. ý chue& 0" su" db" et tw bbow*Q@Md lamblan. 1 ('ý-tètttej, . sous #he, m-.r4y tbéi*M je wkmot"odmtmble VU d&Y and the ce in coaws 1= satudây. A YO@M lainumymaftm& Ibo W m the uni W ma@ OU mmmied mm MM" Tqe Wke bà ezcop".d.a-b-mU mmegbmu mmmw, unearmrmbby Thm«Mb@»Wm 14 m ommba- the darr. The ewmu side. ma 'vosa t** &bon& imifflittide moi impnvtmS bu bm vm latme*n &Mr mw momme tinse adathy et ýedgemuftbr ibn àmm 11ke tb,'tbke ft*»Rrd» th,* by oupp Ilir« se M sv" soy walke woore coremd wfth moi émod m hie wima, Of - lhomm i Amffl ille lm" MW ; niolla tu a bouà 82*8 IPWBLW AUCTION, im àT, te Ilà DU of uwnoma*Bwmpunà*mmL Lu mocalloit jv= abg.---- bolets in ré I*fo @,tttnit tâme for the pàq*» Au 44emd",," je £uet ?M JU«hwd A. PWOW, mbW crolorte kqnardving aU momtm«Zw home. Tholy àý bom lois: àr m IQV««um Md du joles, md a S«d veiL 111".& os Om ok* la tâme éhermemot, m il é# twbviqbtg #ho Q*bp& o Th* liait milliolk #r» noý mi xvmin gW. » It anti bl nom *a lots wmthumed m __ __ MW Wt& tu " matime ouk .... son" mim4 byvirt» et polluer of " oeuta" dw dmg~ w~ md ehmpom 1 tt joad alever bom tbzoqpd bc*@% and lob jijot Md tu 2111][Illog hW tuavb $km& wmwmwbmn= = 39@MRTVM à «rtde Mortuffl, vb" wiH be dtblwm thM W. out in Me section op ts» ta le m Admim" P", «Phiabu lim. the boed-k»pm wmommo wild the koïolm m Il Hoa (ut*, » Md l'Nb atablmd*ebý uniabme" nemm m Mil »VU Or fleilee. it properly c4mbtaw. m à 00%. moil élewly à@ vw" "ffl md A" es thmoir and dWi&& i wdw thm lkf-- gumm&b. lutemi= tuhm»mdiabl& UptotwoWekmkabo« lm Ils a almolon et *8 Momd amamw et akifr*tbw. paeg et il àto, leils Pay op à tttwbvm "ditiom of *0 Pu" vemes, on fw mm : and & th" put et &et IN himil 8m d. Thie vu mimd md m k»«& Ti» &6mmmim&a «" fbw thouema poivie bad vielled the W&Y. An fantasma dl,** etuffl tho mourès ci imwà" dm roommecrold te wm heU ma eoWmin by à hmpily "wd id* pm" ol4 4YFA- ab-umemp loz- an" = teU 7ià Am. mon or le am in th* 0ouvlle et #4 sa *0 wkSb @Pm ci fi» vm desnibed au $oguws:-,C -qvàmd %1= qm«6. ycý m si te 'Z morw lot time au -to go mIt on lumwwm _ery TiL bolit «M bu «M subjutf» a in *0 tbe Vissera no". où vm esphwm Sb *0 puma et V" Pulb Me in en mamber a" «Mathir Lots" c»m offlom- W-. don, lino, %flottille »re MOU ils Twum un liffl méé w1w QOMV@d il* #1(» note livewm Tbm vu out dmd « a WU" Md àwt" embDAUd à -mm mg am ma - d- imi lot @en". &M S» equuo se of bas le a Pm. 1 8" mmmila Io lm b 1610 boum dam@&" Tel&% Md of -bpoa, the bmlt ou et"- a akda& 1, le ho 2w obudet *0 Peter, et m OEffl MW à= mWommi te= ï; files a" *kW-wo lm te lbwwowwu bm ed la Pmtmaeu&àmb"g- lier éq" lm Ictujo Md m bmbmd peauMM vi& tes Pl-au m W WIM a P@Pw emmetipwý- - ==VktZked".Mdre le a Iiiiii Il IN i et au *0 nièm se wm toud b or 1 M*ý *@*a 11R ete plocet a boo»m& >Atavdod it in site yb(ffi"" mi =- ea 1 et am$. *« av auffl obamu Wb" et #à rmmý - &W IL r- 3-* Mg Md *0 &m* I" h" #«Imo tènp*fAi. iw dWé woà Md leâmeia &W "m torils au pu" ia licimme gàd com. ne timmon. Pffl ýmma*m a le Wort9w fw *9 "Son" bffl tànftrtbr et ai __ as Baillait; lu ma f*ummr the is ail dop" la$" immaim m 04 4100 «-»F- muleiu m et tbe IL 16loëlla, % *mm lot oufam mécolo,16 in *9 W" 111111111P dm op je* ou BWII* *a mmbm Wé m te mg the dam la wW& soir èClommolim _t mms- -a i--- 9b-etlà*w. loua OMM cevmbloib. of 9» purcbm m Imote à 0" law 90*b la t" P" -Wk m î4bwod by d"m eto»~ fin au mi *0 m 19 b dhie" oulgim ý wý _ý2 - tout & 1- illor am )lm nov iïtb« W m» *b et bbà me% moilto, Md Z-ý ý-zà 1*0 bw-e 1% fouiller pudembu NK* te, #tontmm WW as *6 momm vu M& Dodu fuid" tu :Kawubo»mg ait 2" il" wàu& ne dfti »ý.yAÈw bc ý - 2ýudeudum am" - as th» et "81Fý dwa me le àwmu fa au ig tis mq Zab lob. w *à M01111196 wàâ imin Um «Whodoibiew V& ma m ne=wtwà ta aoàLa no d"w wo &#m* Pm làm m M& dt«@L A EmImi ICte- aiku& or I» J. a wàm wa tde m" 8" 0 1" the coq and ets. tet.