-j - ý ý 1 1 ý ý 1 __ ý ý ý .- . , 1 - . __ ---,- -- . . Imâmemblim - -momý ý MMMÉiaý - - 1 ý . - .1 ý ý . - m 1 1 1 1 - MMýý il ---- - Il . 1 _. -'i - Imif "-t $e-"-"-Ot tit. - --- --- 1 . 1 1 ý C_ -2 su- tirà-.--N-metm as 1 ýý 1 Il I f1ý n telle R&MIIfA*n f** blult. a Ileffl ý ý . 1 ' . ý !-*"Lt _019111 - 1 . - * . j W. & alme, nulqfgp()RDIO LAW ý dm-.d*6àk .. A" foý and (IbotnmY ofillie. 0,0 0. @«PM-u 1 . - Àà6A b& t17. IIfifl.",Y. 1 ,,ý, , ai ', Y KWrV.IltiNt, Attirney.lqt-l ý - ý .. , Cet, ý ' ý - -1,,,iI,,e il, i.ý'itl- ev. %r.,tmvl%, pllMée. M . . . . - O"e qýt,ýetr.%t,#,114,'-Itqtkiý.t.qi.re ,"$ . __ - _- ý '114T y R m & Ili - 1 . 1 'l e ý Kt ËN, littrristerit, ý . iý[, ...""ý', le I.... lt.,Il"itIrý lit irhh.fer.v. ('l ztb e iti t itb ce, 10 e l M., .,,,,ý1I 9 ' lilft- DI BARR, FiDITOIt A.11D PItOPItIETOrt.] 1 . ý t,.;ýv,ýý.ýlh,-,.,ý,ftbqttarl..Itlq.kx.e.tý'4 1 1, A N - 1 . - -- ---- ý__- - j - a ___ 1 ý 1 1). ,NlllI)ltle. lt-%?I-lRtt'r, Attofil . - ý .. -ý-"ýý , 1 ý ____ __ _ . -_ __ .__ .-- - - - ý - - ---- ý - q 1 . - - 1 F. Il l'- -,,,,l ,..."t.., m (.)",,...,%- Oflero Vol. XVIL W hole Number 892. ý 1 ý ý 1: I - Il .... ý.ý.. K.".i .Iltr,,Ot 1 ý LINDSAY, ONT, FRIDA«Y,> 'l ' ý . "D OBER 13, 1876. J- ,,y ,.*ýi',ý,,,ý,,,,ý,,,",In",. .- .__ i - ý - _- ---- m . 1 [1)IIN Je 1. ýiý1,4)%*.(ý.6i...,fKet.tlitinj . - --- - 331Eý ,@,y ..ï. il,!,,,.,:;,. 1'...#,ý'y, lft,""t. , ",.l %tt..",ýV Nt. 1 fi'0910. *x1swals. ___ - - ' !!!!!M .-, f... .. ..... Il- N'.-qý'y 1,10-1.11. 1",ý - - _ - ý - ---- ý_ . - --.cý - - - 1- - .3ý s-tým-- .- - Mau@& rEz 91111,1111m: à BAZ&AA worme bis mother Could acu"dy tem "" %ro . . .-Ili 1 . - 1 - - --- -- - - - - - - - __ - Bo theme Iwo toilette ulaim M& WU LOOAL MIE . . e_'.ý,1 Il Jý,t ý 1 ' * ý ().'tltfbltiF. H('ýt'Itlt.--L^te Davie 1 rr eyxIro a SIPIMIM __ AW ILONXIS lu ýý (Trm*tw AM A. ÀL arVdrom) a __ -, Md UMM -a Secting more -ion ibý%t Ili 1)"Ile*rll. 11-irri.ttqrl Il.m.., (lett.1r !ý%.-I A. 010V.lnua% AND OLOU nomntàm coupà". F')P- m àmm" il wu ebmy 8t-Iit-t'.) . Ibo air -bain* Quasar a" Co 1 t N.."" "'Il.l.." I,é.,IIý,%'. Nt, A ll>*.%VKrr. l'r..IIri.,IIr. . 44.1 lui barit &lm the pi Md more int«eotm ta «Ch oth«, 1 11- I.,". '. , .., . .. 1 1 , Il Î, 'Il. 1 Ji.%.. ý M= lýz fil wigh Ide = .-huit, suddenly la uffl theme. He gave ..". ", ; . % . __ - - Semmer ième Vabie. . LZ: ma"I' 'Oro ', I -':' J,*.' ,,ý,.,," ', - ' tour t4r brouet, - 1 whm Pmd, MEMLtky, m 1 bave midrode FATAL ACCMIL-n ý' ý 1. ".I..., . .ý; . 11111 FI F IlitNir 1 r rla E A.ND 1AFM . la evecing Imbue thrft --- .- -1 . - ,--,,,k. .1 % %t,,%4illý.q,%(,.,.I.rý.1.ýi,ýt..r.ý lisait 1 - ---« - .1 - . - - - . - . a guetté very kein knowing glanes ut tiie Iwo lier, Jir., or _ý ý .1114, lltiýNIK, (k.tx- ""INtè .NoIt J Ji li.- àt.."I, . ........ G U M 'Ir 7 13MG 11 1. bis bars B.«M. fiag train Cob.ourr-.l A.V liý.,ý'I.IN',Itti.r.4tt'r..-4-'114.1t,.r, iý-1,,.."..ýýl,ý2ýri."t..r... tè....I.tne.111.94,Mf"r,.r,.Ot.,.Ielnrt,. ý.,(Ie.4tu.. ý TUELaRGIMTPIR191sfiu ý on the lawn, ne ha paàmd them, Io IMY J.J", J, 'le '.., ý r,ýl h_ . 14:00P.M. COMPANY --- »-ed Wright and 1-- ,":-:-ý,..,,,,,,,,,,,*,,-'"" Il,,,,,,,, 1.1- . - __ -1 ,!fýI.e vxi-ri.10» .. loA0 :: I lllàpm.! 6:46 .. IR Týzwo ý M" Tre Ville thin childmu, wljeh loneis or mon bis respects te Mri6 Mittord. Wai ft iý -ý -,r i à ri ....... ý-.,t.,Pl. il: . . , . . à ý . - , la a waggon 1101:ý41K. Vi0b1rýi% à 'A i V&Iliiinltt-,n Il 40 , 3:la Il Capital sageý . Te moienu tbdràtbS rm.- lier doi, il vent it tboir owa doinx r tiq Ji ', _ : ;, t"t, - -,t (il . wiît 7:411 pýâmb . . . the na art: au il 4 -. -l'l IV - %tý,w 1. - , « ,,, :: àom»»M M . 'W U t«»ItàjMg Il u Ir, , . . W,»-iý.JI. , lI:ý'.19 II 3:40 -- Il ID la . Ou» WIN& dm bkhw-we hun"! se- Fred coeught the mmt of ait tion P er dde y etal __ ___ j .14411.", J..I... (!,..Iè...ie'.. 1-ropriol. r TIIO 1111141laq'.1j'l .... Il.». l'j' (A) II ; 4l00 .. là.00 .. Carida . è Il *'er«'e vW3C l"b'oâve»'-»4-!». ' ala a well ft"" mm of the worid .1...Ilt., èIý%rriAtpr. e.Af lit -* ýJlI.Id.@,II .ml the lýt Ii-jýI.-M and i c.b.t%.nk i ,.m i 0:10 .. rotor Incision. over - - - &M'M 0-U&UT.qo te 1 would natur@Uy doi, He bâti first; a NI , ", i'l,ý".ýrv. l*ilMý 4;.»»I.t.1.1ilivAi,ýl.% ---- et. lwýi. MW -ju .!ý- ..... . t l'-. 1.,Ji-'d.ý" !ý!nLh-1±1_11II!4:ir ý (Zàs-..ýtî ,q;ýýüý'rù. ýtlix.l. .. 1111bes isolleur natural impulse to Interfère; and then la dmth on %il N .J., Ili'.... Vt .,..%, il, 1-11 Meile ý-1.1p ý ' . m" m lois m la My e4h« vol, wmborbb m the nulle blottir bier, i ý 10-III ýI;-, t- 1,-I, ,Il ll .."tg,!... L .Liètxtdnorttbjqblbnl- . -- -,- apftuble Coin . The o@Ulemmt of Issu .7. CL GrM R . 1 * QSy tormes silghdy i0j .ý:-'ý-.-;.I"I.* 1 (1 0111K IIOTV 't ... ý i.-m»« ý * 1 3-0 ». = bwwiug mu* et Xàr. P. J. Iý,ý -i,'.ýlV , eq'Illobolin'.4«1*,Xffilbtsfk. J.RýI&II.-hy ý coh.00.1,ý.ýfolm 1 . . =le = ".Uo= 'l. '..Îd'n,« cpdlýF - ý 3114,11A.,41und .... I 4:$O II ý 2: IIO ' ' 1«6:30&0. in, . The M»umm MW a%&". A- futOthOPItiothochureWywddrur. - . 1 *11II.I.Z.,ý «,VR.ly. * 3 ! fi:36 4, pu~ qmulty &vat»% letait. - IV OPP@dw *0 nid = 00C. .. *W. . wu %bu tbe bot?" I-r--erilt..? ILr -1It-;,Ie.44 «Ith héIk'e llqtq..rwqt.d ý wond'ill. *1 !e,ý-0 1 i 3llwb 4: r -1 %bis mmpmy alord thons jmqued in it &ne ne" a liait ym = _Itwu met ,otite a tour.- _%poü sport. He was a man te whome when Parker th w 1 1, li' Il 1, Y & 1 Il 1, le NI 1 l v. itýbri.i.tqrA. ,,Ilt%?. 0,.«I.tl.l.II.-LE ,---- À C-%»ýldlrt.,tà II W V. , . 13 Il i 4-M .. - = are&, Limbiw. r:rreu» th te came Dot, as le test- re .:Il, _".ýe'...ý', '. I.-, 1.ýt..;,.I,ý. III f, .. . ..... Ir, 1 1 *441. , , i 113 .. 1 -.: ".% THE LIVE DEPARTMENT - --------. « . but a t t. lion Mr. Geo. Hom 1. i i oTEL, V ictorta 1 -Ir'.,,,.ý,'.1,ýl.t,,.,.'ý*... ! UWOUI!ý - l' . by 1.09 bolr ho painting titille Ji I... , 1 , ., . Il'.. Il, - - --- K.,.,% .,Jýi . 1 14)ý%tý%lglti(* :: 1111- lie- lettrolivectil lote C»w§6 MW parlbudar . -euh% Id . = . di xutwqsntiailvléiiýcm .-.$,Ii-wiw-wlirmfta le clin" . toýby 1 mien glins yeu And an" hy lie le J% ,,, .. , - ', ý N ,4 W-1.141.1 4,n. hy là 1- â4teallthy, 111JJJJJJI, I.tqta--r# - .......... touiveu««Uctim IBOD»Mkmwm*eab.re .. la ,lut ti-»k VIIII allai- YOWoortow: teillât thelat If elle mardM John, lit emcution.wâ le, - 11,1.0lètv. .t.,.It!.X.r,!.,.t-,k. tlf.»181*#ýlll.v»tdâtqt,4.41%,là - - 13 ----lis PM totbiobmebottbebw4mu .. . - , . 1ý J.. ,- W. tlt)R)tbgltl[Anjlpn.. m -n.m" trcm" .1 l'ta Umm t»Mv«bt- iM or bailli loft bien. 1 à .,; NI Il 1 ý l' 1 NI 1.,%,v. (:Itkktttllry,%Iifï , el"ýtIt," 14mrYJ"41trb..14neeý ak,*%býlýv 1 l'ofonta.34.%>21".1.1,c«,.ý. .%I.l,.Ifi"vlbirp,.tor. se léor Partieulait Md te agit,, inturettem qqdy the ý bas commmeed .. ne Weil would ho a Soed thing for John, and' home. luthiers lie died - - _ __ m. @Plu 'a Ir OUïubt ààu-i f-4""-Iut-t-- ,ont Ilkely, for lier toc and why =11e2_211 -m"-,, moil il, . violents MERAL KMSM IK =Pol t,.,Ibrrm . ahouM 1 inturfors 1 mid Fre& without -d th- ffldren te *.1':".ý.- -. ,ý..." 1-0. I. . l; ...... it.l èS llt)(,,.«. (Ime, C-,ryell &; W HITIIY 4 PORT PERRY Bi(. ter Li - lu Jýý . ..!il ', .,,,, Iý,l.«J, Ktler.) 1". eýl",.Ie,."l Ily elle I.el.rimt-Ir, Wli lt.%ll.W,%Y a doubli of hie es IY deith; the young* 1 - . e"i,ý,. - - 1 - el. le V, ».. ý J.Il,., I...qJIý, Th. h--ýt- ha$ t."n n"...l,,tý-1, ý TKNAI . - 4»td" bis Réelle ftu the mmv molli - _Vab _ q to do no; no lie 1 1. ý- , "' ý.-..,, . 1 C " Alý-à L R Iz (nom ,lthnememeepd.)md ultimes, 1 _110 Wh@$ mwe b la Da MW» , , wmt and talkild, to Xvi. Mtford, white Ilà month old. It in m . ý 1 ý . lil,,,,ýl A#0 fornilliloi in AJrý%-rI"- Iltyll, Rè..Wl do work la ait the branches m ob" m MW ci-P. P- bonnet tâce abruti, soin » îmqw MU. the two on the lawu punmed their im- ker la to lie aere»ted. Il I.: 1) Il; 1, 1 (, lý V \ 'l; N010,11 el 14 .t.1.1il.lt -.ýj.'. ý,ltýl,,Iý-ý"-l".I,%-Ier ý._,..ýlt.Iy M " M7 T»ight Tal-M 1 . ,«. . . ML a qarue%.mmabLwmwommomh A" t-- ,tee saisir P" obuke cý tO bal. guid. sport. 111 bats him," Kou had 110NOUS Dmicavai ý. 1 ,."." , Fr.-qu %8.,$qtmlât%.#T.>I""t.,. VI.Pher.mlqdTrlalbk ý ý ha" bons oompbd" « lie " for As *0 intime nubu thdr Indus. - Amild on-hie Arrival; ' llett the enteemed S ..l..."..,.,ý- .Jlliýý. f)ýýtiNl()N IllîrKI., liVilliaiti 81I., KNII-%v il, %%',--91-%,. tl&eltýý ter whiti-Y a Port CAMAL no Fun*.,.' ma O& of reowm Illetilles pretend tirs ýi , ";:. i ý *ý ý. ý. iý..,I."..ý,., ,;I..,.ý.,- 1 ) 1 l".Y. ..t.j.I"t., V, L I%%kJýr'. J-191 t4td. 1't'fr)*Èxt.imiýýtbliAilwibyaim4t#wlrlifboofateaql. Am et huit base roseront UM lion ander»4p" hava begma a ji»- ; and John wu& but 1 . ý ,., ý . . . '"" ý , - - ý 610,011. lie teuw hm bc Il th" wmu du beuw too = y--too match delighted by the Cintd C . ý , .. ý ., ., 1 11,11---, %lý.".,Vt.!;Jýýill'è"..ý.i"..ý.,!.,t"r K, .,"#' .; pu S., Lind.q). bad loft Lir.Imy. bu balles glas %bluruMq et Cathedral. orocto, ýe%, q,ýIV" l'I." t'i'?, .., ,:",,y »,ýlt,ý,,I...n 1. ' _ _ g on. Se they kept the lama Co .. ý - I.;"i, .Illi.1 ..il, elle ý -.- r ý . HEAD OFFIrE, fT,%3m Tolq, 01.qT. interWag the publie thm Me ropars la qrma& te q ered vacant by the la ý "I' ........ t 1;.,..i ".J.li",t 'J"d .1t....tI,, i..ýllet 1 1 J.» lm& Tjmàw -ddr&z4= , -.U themadves, and triffemi and talked, Canon Baldwin. 1. V\ N 'Il. là.JN \1-1), ýtt--rlty 1 il 1 L 1 -- Y Ile'y %,ý,11,.,"ý:ý,ýtt-iliv...ý..ýt.,.I MIL.ly : - Ê' ;! à Tm ADVÀIqT,àoju ý vore asmy ,:,,ý.I..,..",ýý,ý"".."ý.ý".""".., - ..ý-.- ----- r--in ýèq ý ill . ý1 .4u!. C. ORM . Mn -.1. dur *a tortille Fred talked. with the chaperon 1 ý_ ý 1, Li»"Y' Jeta. rAh. lm. 9- . 1- .ni .Zý Otjtdninlranoldmd.D=Mtu:cmp»ywkJ, . knitU . 1 ý 1ý I,, Ilý.... , - 1--t', -1. .1.,.,ý,,.,'i RAVINS 111),ré.j., Coriter Y-ýrkIbqàd , - ý :1 a 1 1 ý ý 1 - . ---- - OV« lug. He hall. come Io milice SOMER 1 . . . . , ', ý. . , 1 ý. 1-1.-11 ... 1 ; ,,,,.11., Il '11, l'Ir 1 1 .. (.Ile.ll..,r J,%,t Ili th. tà.,I.riI,ý . t ý ;,ý J. ý jý '%ma. bu nuirait ter *0 pailes, wherý t" ào Apoiffliei or his Io Co"CtL Pýtocznni -ý--.Iý l'. .111- q!ý.il .... .... K;,;::,.ýIllý,,,,, à. ý. P ý J.- TRIE CANADA L lu, d aa ---ý1-- o=f 't'. l . 2 th Jo 1 Coancil of the ý1 : - W,11 11- ... ', Il III-or% le,ý..l. I.r.,I.ri.t.,t tl'.ýi ý , x . î lm ý%. gimb" iluglm mb* . " sIand q met ut Rettie* te li.t..ýrï .1 .W P., ei,.t.ri... .t.1-li..Ig %od », .__ - _ - 1 _ â4Y I* judred oit by the follew..., __; ZÎAW d-bleing md* umquü bm*:- in the ýd»t, Mi one 1 of lit Me a ý .ttr.,ti,,ý h-tIer p.r,ýýs. t.rýrlç-l I-jJ. Imeip, ig"uwbk '. -loin "SavethemOfflmdot*opbér.ftmpdal, mmong clouds of muwim The 1"« tember 30, puronnul ,,-,itiI -.1 lV.,ýt -r-t-iv "ssu 1- The -AI charmai etre iower thau thau et IP188ING 11LOIT 'WORK% CW buenad-4bw MW - avolire acun- *Chmiierialm . > ïîvýîJîý7.3Zîèi ,Zm-ý 1 jý- .41-mr Cmilmnle*. ý, . - ___ lpamlïawe acide ortire lm etrea Mouilleurs aU Il N '11111,1111011110VIL111111111, 0». Tien ndeniwmme-b wu Dm* ! and coumquently il; wu& a relief to bleu Perdue. ThepR= ,." . .11.1. Il ha. the larlupe, bouissis et ,or Coin. _ ý * . V Il: 1, ý, ý. ' elisictes (ifiîril,%. . .%et !ýt,..r I....à. front e;ýitriýh. êtralorth. Clin. IlonY la Canada. q ý em. Xumat. tome one pretigy figure Cuir and the minutes nt lant meel ý i )ý iz , - \\, I , f , - '. 1 F 1. .ý. I., %Jl-i,%e,, t-ý',ý'.Idt'ý?",-Ilfl-lk.&14,00. 114%-eý-tlirffti ,»IMÉ% Mc ; and ho dià hie heu app . . 0-- . -1- 'Il I ý ...lb",.è..t And àlt»rkml. CA" 3-8 The Prut 1banimte.. atidui en L'te Polleilla vu m ]E= & 1 -mvecL Moved bj . ý. ý .. 1 1, ý.ý, , . 1 ý:iý ".:,,ý ,%.%l le 8 Xc K 1 Iliti N 1 i %Vlltlrlty. W. & P. P. rý M aupàmp" 'combe himself agrellable, having, Illait tendent by Mr. Elliott, , . . 1 ozarr "m étiven kby lany other. Couqmy in JOHN: A LOVIS STORY. happened. a more interestin .1 t!lt4bw'4 t.A$Ibx ý%(bK-4r 01111,10 tel el%» WY ,ýt,%IJI.KR, JA»Clq HOLtitty. 1 ý - limuhaun» ce the tg subject a bY-law Co authorise 1 )lý 1:1 1, 1, . à \%..-i 4),-,,I. r, \11l"111,011 ýýltrt ll.lt#le I."..I.bv- à4rut l.i.,Iifflý-. Jda-ullbg moleter, 4th. rt IJ or.0j'MA thst penditu Dot noir aile. -»---qb -mon '1 hear John bas beeu 1 fray the expeume or 1 . ,;.:,.,.., .ý- VI ...., Il 11-1, az.ýq Il . - __ __ ___ __ - --- - , b'e.ftl'y àfv 1. 187ek,-glo.tt liella" elttitagi8i>h ail pririnieun p.yn"t., but. in " iý11Id" " BT Mnâ. OLUqLàa", At oF 'l T = Zwýù . . 1 Il 1, ý1ý . I. .- 1- ,i.ý.tl, .1.1 I .... ..... ý 4% 'VI ë: ST 1 -, 1% 101, ý ý - w,;.ý.Z.ý' _ý Additi-la. 3 sotte the hultier an nomme marpil coubrat" mmmor C . .»..Tim hhnult» he med, and though ho th IM and of t l ... f , 11 1 1) LA 111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII or unerriaffé, luelestaise. 1 iDP.AILWàyolpcAXA. À - a. - RAMA y. P. C. TAM60& 1 à» . 13W AL not in the leut Intend it, libers wu =t ion rieltelle therein lklC IV %V,»«Il.ile. (bilt. & PA. __ ý Preaident. A . »Mm. . sometum la hie loue which Made mm Moved by Mr. Hum ý - ý ý ý -1.ý--ý,ý. - - - ment, Lindsay, Cu1"uTý%» mm.. 1 )IZ . IMIN '114ý Ti IMI 1"%(),*J. (4r441. 1 > ,rt3zL4D oribim" .ý . _ . _ ý 1 -, - MItford Rush rient te the edge of lier Mr. EUlott, that the .,*.I l 1 . Il 1 Il Il ;, H . . irAit" en"" OU ý qjàumlm ire. 4 plouchili, PABT SECO.V». bâtir, and raise herSft etIMY on ber be instructed to eh& , .ý.lI:I,ý,IJ",!l'Z"J . J"D", Soulier of narys"o Ilit "»Il. ý éduatimat. W" orrouloit lem Illusion. m 1 - »a& The trotta was, John hid been la with the arr«m of 1 . 1 . Il' P- Il.,,:". il.l 1, ý --lev ý FWý11.1,J.Sé,%I.I.J411 0 july the 1878. ---.-.- - ' ý - - -------ý-_- . ý ý CEMPTIlla IIL . coin with Fred more than once north of Queste-strille ', 1 3 1 ý, i: X 1, 1 IN lý,* * . - ý> - - ..... ... - - ý tjàçril. maw- , OM£ XDICICATION. 1 [CO.M=rU£D at , and had not bilan held Io conk, erronelousi -Che Ni il . ,%C (-, Il. le I#Kilty, wibrtlltlè#olilan. Com. tî0î.-,ýiè_-4 jdixed. 14' - ma" Imm sua Mm semfft alimil ,UMM LAM WRRIL] -Y .. 'l, 1 lý . ., Li l' - ... I... %j"..'. ft. ".,Ii.."ý,%,.P.,e,ý-,iýt-,?I-,,rk.»dp#4»1«4. -- - - ý - -- --- 1 -- -- vinet hall cui ý arally drove hie mother to arme at the seconded, by 31r. Rua I. - ... ý 1 1 1ý ý-t'-I-.,q . 1..,,.I..Y."ý,ý.14I't.t.t..". ý'Jý-iy. . P-018olir.delý'. 10:01J . mu ihrl«86 ha lob experlesce &aman" .. 'Véhin, wm'ty« rend te me à litU bave himadt. which Mt- lot.-emTie& Rose 1. - __ - - 1 4:21)pce, In the til.1o dmr r said hie mother front the . 1 - ý,; ... - V % 1 -, J.tll.,ý ý,,,.l .*4ilillr.I--k tuer alui tnitInn of childrem. Iri.hm te ... *1 1;1ý«- Il tIffl ... r-eh't, twI or tbr,!ittýtt ý CLAM soldblucom el! dret word. Johnson get au ordre ý ý .., -- d % q i l,ý ', ý; .Ir, I. .,Mirlý %O ghlunte triste 1*1 «Wt ce r»» ho amwered frostit -- for the mont of Ut-io i 1 1 . 1. . ... - 41 1.1.\.'ý it4)W K-4, A actionner for the ,',"Il," .. 18:10 :: ýl4O :4 bertlwnrhililon. KVen latimoeondort witha . jXot aphing pudeular that I &m là V-J.04-l' VI.f.Ir!4.ý'..l I.r-ký VI. 1 1: I..».týt« 12-141 ïam . . the 8oâ4 a", eC hie hm amudr Charged aga ,r,,,,, ý .(ý.nJe,ý,., .. ,Mlher,.ý,-4re IP,ýrtenti.andsffli W" Dot YW atsare oit the mid, drslwi . : , ,JJI, NI 1 .:\11*,,,.,* Ni , 9 ýrýb.11t te, , .i.."I"rtý N-I-lr,,ý, %t".IlI 1- f. - .lut ,«.IRt,,,. Il TIIF PÀiÎý;ixau)p. M)W.,%Yn .'), IbI& He mm me vezed D béat wu L ý ý_ - ý :là .M. P. - 'A -My - Mau »walm Md dimppeint- gtiMy- ,,lie &Iways la th, -fflherwlt Il Queen etreet, Cobumioi . i ) ,l i .0.1l.-d -- 1:M II . _!u ed and morU&e& coming la fun of lie 4-1-1 tt-f.ýr.,.I. W :d.,\Iltll(;.\(.Ill. I.Alid Agtlitt.-r lu'411, "Wam nacawm - «Pec"m of a long evenius la ', , .. ý Il Il %V.,.»#,ý.110 'ý' .. the V&diZt homo: In the world.- ed bY Mr. Howie, secq l . - 1 S:ý-0 l. 1 K&tO'b '- But &bout Mm Crediton,» mid ney, thaz by-law No. 1 . Il ., h ý t!,.tf-..ý.,ýti.ýý,,f%..,%.ý,i*.tlt.t.ri..A.,.Il.,ýr-i ll"F4%ort.Ilb Il r u abaety. and finding ber gorle. A year yredl, ", , ,!",-"".ý;,1:, , f b.,o point a couector to col . . 1 . ý 1. 1 . Il :.:, :, I::ýl,. 11". ..I,.ý,l.1gri,-k Ilýýýlýt,«,.t,..ft)%6ý:,ýe--It,,Ie- 1. ebriiiia 3: 4il - - MARMOW&WUVVZM&" or Iwo lago, it would have brought tom . ý 1 . ; , Il ,-',-? ý, è_-' ...... L'l' l"l, 11-1-11.I, 1 %%,ý,Jffl-vliq.lb'sS. ar. 21-:00 II . LOIRICTTO -CONVENT --Oh, tient Wââ a mois aSidentý» said. and school section rat l 1 . 1 . , 1 . ý - - ý - -- - - - - 1 ,ùètit,.%*i; $tbt:Tll. ,-ý--- - 1 02 idadmy. cieileurse. 19) John'& eym . - . .. , lente. ý mixe;t. The trilide libendly disait «elle, juAd ail lemplumendes Et WM 4 mola BO'r, JohWe moither. " You; au lie can't 01 Soinerffle for the 1 1 ý (11-'.tblýt;Ki)tbq:(41.,%el%,.Nt.%.Îit.I.Alt ----.- _ = _ _ _ tu adadued tu, ho Tilt Pl-;£$T IN CANADA. warrmt«L sud It terais M possible te m, but ho helpt having a warm, heurt, and being rend and finally pas» 1 , ir - , , f.".I.. F*9..qle,ý-1-1 I..ý,, I ... lýt.lbli",t.! wq..e.ýtt,-ý,C-ýI..,Ilt 1 1:33 à M. 1%0 IMitarv armr4efuratu Oro b.iaff W" no dimppointed thar 6 coulid, m big Md «Mue- Moitéli Ili ý'L O il il. . q. II. i "11,11 'I%11 -IJý,, % el- I..ý... 14,-'u, t.I l-l'ifflf. I M- tbrillis . . lztlnp.m. , loi- the new'.4or»l mas.ý'l At 8)ttawa thom= &&wmm W.MtIiIý îî&. = endurs, hi-adt Mm Mitford, - ed ter Mr. Riamneî, . . . l Fred. w» fully three lâches aborter -I- .9 VI ,Il iý,ý I."...,.",. . ,.Ul ly r. * ltm,-ort.,n .. 2:30 II vinetal * rehitect bavinir petterred the1ý to sbe» -_ý bore silence and hie absence as long Chan John, and la this ",v ut leut di rie«. werv, in@ -, 'l", Il ..,,,-I. 'Il, Ili 1 - - _ ___ WWxlislo Il 2:.14 .. h-140.1 in w1y lùitit:ý.tiýýlui, I..ti: titille in the 1 mobemd& ltwmttoherheut-bat b" never &Sdngujg&ed hùnzelL "TO *ThcmL Howié, tic . Iýý 1 1 ,MW '. 1, II-1 .Ffl".Il,,,ýI là lýIN(ý.,%iltit%.,Ile,ý,rýtitilvtblilah'r",ilýk«..,.l '. 1 $:Mr» Il . Votent Mai" or elmwlàere, . c! : . 1 . Il - - Iý, 1 Il ýJzIz,.N. Il..,i.t"r ROI '...I, ... I. 1-l.,,,, 111-l. et. W'SI ...... . ýt . I.iIIII. ý *t'ý,,Je'r.), .. ý $= Il , Mmrda,ýd'raitilýn .,,nlyollgiit.xb% -Vuntpiý *ha wu& DU mother, down to tàe ripe or bc mure, that in an cosy way of accuant. elualwng school se . . . 1 11% èi,ýt. ý, t.,.", 1.,...l J.Ir ,ý,.I".i.?ýl,,-e I,,l'.Jý' 1.ýlJ.1"., 4:00 :: 1 &!'.,Oâ.M. à VKAR incluùiibg Feu". = te .. ills Dnu.au - har fiagm; and It gave her a for ÏtI» ho mIÈ4 with much coin- à O.-4C*Med. Movei ýt:..,., #".,t.ý.ý"..,.tl,.,ti..""Ie,.t,.ý,%%è,ti.-t'.ýL't..ýl'in..,.-ý'f- .. 9:40 fiffle .. Addnu. LADY SUPERI01t. teconded by Mr. Hum ,4 Pumps.-PIRST-CLA.qa Pluàm of te r. It muet lie very nice , -: t . il.., - ..... . >.IV 1.,,,Iq , il;lý....lk .. à:40 Il 1 - 'IM-11Y . AL. mmuuàwtwm by given ber over, the could. Dot limiter to lý) 1'. i N',I -il 1'. p'romit i ý l;,iî*_IYý1_ __ _ -rt 11,1-%rrivi: .1e 1 . Lieul-y. ont.. (!an"& Co lie b strong, especially when lector ho lustructed, 1 ý . 1 . 1 ý . Ir p-, ý11,1., ... 1 ý Il, 6:11% Il . q:120 *- , ý_ _ ._ _ ___ý 4. JMUZJael,6 W à" Vlndk »eehimunhappy. She laid downher prec and heire»u are in danger lecting the ratelle on Il - % &,,. j, t.. > 'ril. c1t)(111ZAN & Co., 8tock ý (,.t.ist4 ,i't)l;tlt. ý' > , wSk ut tant, and «Cela ont of the ty . 1 - ý ...'l".. ,S(*.\ it . Mi%.i- 3jAjjý -, -*.-X.C imýoue's way. of October and returi !ý 1 . ., Il , ".ý",.",. ý ý ,4T, ,. __ _ .-!-- . 1-l'latto wooderima if ho nodeed ber gmqro»e ....... !:.,ý"1"". ItýýtF.I.t.,%eet..Z', -h-lýt.-Mý.ý--ý _ .ýutoq.-ý---- PIIIIICES or PIJ"M - 9. % 'la elle au heft-eu r said Mi. Miaord. fore the 14th day of ý . ý :ý,;1 I ý 1 j »JlleIr .... k.1--Iýrt. ".;Il%. ni ll:le.*.M..*.:40P:M. - . . - __ &ad ...m . vient and knocked ut Km'e doo '131 with t'lie Most innocent face in the Carried. Movea by _N %!l ý.ý%wrif, j b .,tlttel. R.C."'JM#%A',t, l',ýt.rl..,lI' II _ ,:on .. 12-:21) II tt40 - -"me "TORY For niens 12 foet under ................ r Il i orld. ed by Mr. Rumney, "r'_-ýe. je-Sný'J".-».Il:-.1 ... Ytýehtella-bk.; g.akel.,I.I.rriVe ý, g:4#i II I:tw,,,. m ý .,:. " -ky [»I-à- - FAIL - ,12 tact and luwer as fies ........... »IL par deuil 1 have just; made the teme, -ý«à , Je".t..,. I)..»J.J-"ý llý.Ik, r-I l...t.l, él19ýly ý= - , ' par t. ___.!ýp Ithought.-tiYou ils Il .ý 1 \; Il 1'.) 1«1JNNý ýo .. L' - 25 ft« and under as fffl ...... 7Q U sol refresh Weil. rather,» muid Fred; and belle nour adjourn to met 1 1 _ tit.ilý%,t; ,ý4.»&,I,11 ý .141%oïl, m. ýý;î_-7_jî-_èî pýbý in Jean& Ili , te tee? h" e a woWddoyou the ll" of arme came tqy a . . , 1- - _ . - and und.r 50 tact ..... : *:: * * 40& par foc4ý L Z in bea, eut tu-rdui» in November, -1 1 - - "..I,.,t.l,, IIZf)KKNý 1 . -lu Closel. "w e-ia. 1ý .1 i.11>ýi, .Il . 1 1.1.1,%,%t 1. *411 1 It X, Sil, feu and over ............ ý ...... . Son. pur 911110111» miiv lit a &" table = W.S. Dowso. ý 1 . , ... . . W %ý_J',i.t f'.? F"".*I..,. rý.11ý. r.-r jW, vit.-Pla -Lý"i. ' or isters were very il T. CIt -Iddl-Illin...1:00%ýIII t):...,D,.,&% ...... "1,.M. sboomm sibIm All,!um warmted--sii . rh« mmt lie K&Wis lut-Il. or eyemà loterie se wi= they rould na eu»,» ho virent on - ý &,ter",..n" .. . .;:Iý6 I0iIlý'* :4t) r rolemvincibeabap. -Omo& . 1% \8 le. ll1.11 1ý VI-V jl.. %1,ltl't, %%,ýl,ý lI. I..".I..V. Il & x ilý', ....... è. . , . :: 4 ý'. paid sucla &a unspbken prayer tirait in her au int«vuà. du -Il. It--,,,.,.. ý11,:Ilt,- % 1,tre. ýt.., , Il ,le t..h'iàéý.,ý.-.l ý%...Oriý, "' 1 31lll,,ý.,lk arrt'e. 1, M 10:35 .*»:LI) _ring wtdch he liait botta FILI.Vi 1 1 . 1 'Il ý. ý.ýlý,,,,,l,.I,,,. 1- I....,. , Il, -d ýl-t.,4 tIr,."t. _1 I.M."I' %1.., A"', Apor.1,11 ilt,*iàri.l.;: fil 0 11AYLOR. ' lieROVID PMUI& tuait, that a glimmerin - the Iwo daum on ý - ti.... - WW»w Manzl& - g of what elle lutently watching ltrmopobdon« . 1; 1'..; ., -J'f ý NI ............. eý. II.".It.."-.,ýt,- ""..It.l.,ýt--, ý-1 ' J'fflitiont M.' t'b..It Trains. - muet me» just âuhed lapon Xâte. the lawn. 'They sent all kin& of mes- Carnes DEDICATIO ' ýý .... . ,rl.u 411l'il.. ,4$1.1v. "How gom of yon Io coins and tell E % bu, i tear I ha" lent tilleul, on bis Christian Church ,ýj ,, ý : JI 1 1,1: 1 1 Il I'-ý Il. 1'.-,*tii&JbMI-t'r 1 t:ýN 10ALS LIV KRY 8,rAtit.xe, - ý U»V&M o& W . 1311LA63)13191 me 1 àWy Paroode go down. and bring Y_ They could scamly have . - Il , 1.111. IN -Il 111.%..,.., %I. , f 1 - - ý Sunday, Oct. Int. Thi ý 1 ý ... ý 1. I'ý ý ., -. 10 1 ... ... ,.I.1 -e" ( VtblKqTIIKF.,r. 1.1,1t>%AY. ý a» noir la stock ut hie Panteler. me a cup r «àd the girl. $lie fiad beeâ nacts sorry bad lt been a douce- prenched- _two b%. He, 1 'Il.-I'vi,,Iç>.%,%..ll.,, ,,>t..""q . &irktitid. seâted b the open window, witb the gad whait could la young lady moly torof the Obftr;-er, 1. , --, ",.,.,.I." . 1 __ Fmcv r»Cz rumam Lew s lm TRWAM $M T ulm y. breath :î the iiw« M«Hffl Clia ellotro th. more 1. .. , ' J., "... ý..."bt"t.o.ý,,,.ýl,,,,ýý,,,,, "..ItlIIIl kwr.e.-m hire darkmuNlenanda reverle had etoien the mominu and evej .11 % . i .e .itqirA(;(ýAitr, Karklicid, . "T vrialla thev could have come," oeil Rey. E. Roberts of Li :,.: 1 ...l.l-I'q".,.. 't,-,,ý,.l,,ý1,1".*I". - ilizi.%4 qét:lqlt-il.zx.-- Ili oiiN À lu" mmnmme et over herj abc« nothinc in paMcular, Mr& Mitford; and just thon Llimie fice wu over crowde . , ý 1 ( * ........ i.,I.Itrr in 0. Il., ;tInd everythiner in the PuellwIr Line, #kould ne a . ý :1, . .: " ., "; , -, , ý -il,ýl.ivi,.ivFb.100..nd' COAvOYa- . our -blrk. Wu il. lu,& aliVertile a pnce li.g. but CCMM c2ý on. only the »ft aight was in lt, and the came and whispered nomething In ber and handreds could )l \ýNtl"4 Irw 0 uiieo4 and the vague deUe" Ot youth. 't'ýi.e: 14,rl.I.r.ý,K,ý,.t 1Ztý .JI 1 il.-I ý%"rml '%"t.r,..ý'r 1.,r the Cm&« PWMMWM ftqu"t ln*pecuon ut our wý,rk. It 1'1 > LI) \ N 1 IN « lýê.ý\ 1. l &Z gume » la mer. "WUI outexcuseinefortitromin. "ce. ',,,.- ' - » Illentes and Saviffl C«mpomy. 1 almost thin elle héd; It John Mit- Utes, Mr. untley 1 It la Dm of My .ýý..",Fýýýt,,9%'.,,tý-1,',Ilý,,ýýI M. ,.,.,Ivl-tI'..It'q' - of hie mm Manufactura. Allie cm ho 4 PUBLIC lusxEp--o . ý ý , , 1 1 . XW»Y go I.mà --il Dm-% favorable ternes. as Omo. M«a a C4. .11 ktiade od lem and atelier puicpu ce the ford'a incipient undevellopeil monument , I«il.IlI* J-111 Ur'Nr f- J"', Il MI ti..- JI el ", "Iýý.I.",* le 1- I.t"..f 1,.t..rlýt. pilier people. 1 Imm Do sorry Io ho -rude, lie dianer was given ai f.-I il .... 1% 'l'i"..ý% b% tl:.""f,ý,ý,,,.',"":*,:ý.1,,., r.-t'.lIt,. raclory. vrellènertou et.. Lind'ay. 87.4-ly notice. 14ivm lower ilme . breadkin . 11 . - ",.,.,ý.ý.,ý,týt.::,,-,I,ýy.ý,,,I Il , ",..,; t-I l'Ili fié.,» .,..I.,; ....... f'.ýtly,.tt,ý,.ýitýl' 01" I&M OMO" Ultet'tCd in 11r,49-CIAI8 ilfint. - the 1 - -S up to ber in the vaiguenose &nd belonging i 1 . . 1 K 1 ,, .- __ Id darlüw*4 with au ItLdefinite 'L 0 &= ý.etbing lisait was ve eUr.h'à,:ýp. patronized. ý . ý ý ý 1 ":; ý . - -1 __ _ _ ý 01liot. t.ken for X«Mu«t% n0â& ý (6r*ctrtri. Stal Lgob*. poe% like the flowers. And Kate = polite, and went alowly towards the Sns. Theculebrated: ,.ý1.., . Iý Iý.l.I;I-V, _, *= " - ---ý-----ý- . no mind to leave titis sweet confusion ý -left him. He ., IVIelly NOTICV. 1 and oe»rai ý - -_ -_ . - - - - of dreu» and tailloirs and bu-off m4um- net- a cm as on hand and sang at 1 . 1 ý ý . 1 fi ý àd«P- Cho » very pretty-he hall ý (Jah'O Kýfkfi0.I. OUL ý11.'-Iy. IN £W YBAR t NEW PEUCEa ! w addiremilets were comn - _ýN i WOI%09UAIÇ a 8014 - - -4'R'ý%f FOR &-U£-£«t hu"f of t'o-4 for "t'a u'k and " 0"'P" never men ber look no pretty. She wu* o'clock, Mr. Lewis H, l*ý) lot N N' , 1 Il., . ..... I.-f,ý" ... e I...,e, il. ,,le ...... 1- t'irod. allie 1 - __ wilh thoSeur roter the 9uh.eriter will, coin. F lý, No. 15, ieth C.,numdon of fbmlou intercourse; and ber firmit Impulse tras dressed la fresh moulin ail but white, chair. The Indituts ail ý: 4 ý),ib1>Jb -rovittt- : il., J:,ý 0ý! - '. t 1111 h., ). I, IIlý Il h,.",. , 1 l", 1 "', rV t.,qýi. ,il 6 raffi. intlit-eý--àellbt.*t..Cki>tallkigut",t 47 on the Wu. PARRM. 88>V te set Z tly rid of lier vWtor, if that with lier favorite bine ribbons, and The meeting bruite tel ý a 1'tiotelq feb- __ ', %I, %V % a,ý"-te.«I,,ý-týýý111,--,ý,ýftýýrýAI - . - ý Il - looked no dainty, no refined, such à lit- were delivered hy Bel 4. -, ý. et 'bsb 4'.86-il, '8*4.ràba.4. .1-11 - 111. 1,-,,I,,,, ...... I,..i.tl.,,Ir WIrk,,,Atè ý ý -- DRY OM IDS, GRW ERM FOR 8-4-Lx--%Tem mal houffl mL ; t f Perr 'l Md 1014 in Lindsay. Weil situ"". xasy would loue ail lis fragrance cm- de prince» beulde John's nomewhat . . ý . ý V q.".. ....l ",.I.ýý.-r'.11% , Ili ïtý ý ,.".tièýttal#ee l-f ý couxEiL, «p- èý »sMd XIIIIII Mitford. '*You b«Nly large fil re. Not but what lie Ytown. Biarker 1 l I-:.I ,,ý,I ý.- 'I.".,%.. , .11l.t.lï,l,".l 1.!"i.,.,.. r.lr teill ,.*.f tift.l JI VM?ý. . . 8». nais AnD care. mm. nu, D. 0 bave ,jm begtta te undrette, oreven 't IýýIIU.J,ý:;ý,I.iJr i).l%..",. -ý,JI - l.e..ýý,tlly ,.",.l.1,.l il, the. l>141 S. amm lie 911011M RILDY-XÀDlt CLUM. luilit . t et Roberts and Guard, CI .. I ý ý il;li Aitent f.-r a .à. for Malb. . letha"L' lem su4f IL 1ý . = aown y ttv blair, come douera lookid a gent emau toc--but a rural ail were pleased with t el %Vtbl&K.*4,%*i. gentleman, a heavy-weight, and stand- ý , MImy"",Ir.&,t?;Iel , 1. j"Els. - a hocir,-l know, It ing ai, "!.ý, j") Il.) N,\ ý 1 a y MY dent forIzréaj de by mille with a creature made airaur. The towni*peopi . \ 1 ý SALIL-Th&t COM$Wt" mi ;ý1 dit he know, of sullembine and ligh leased with the swet a «AN ab. W GRAHAM, Duimet-rd, ýFo!tWlyâituaudowouÊmnowocmpkd te _r. Fred Huattev fuldians which irais the :. eîlrrtion. - by X ScRumey, toq., oppo" the EL C. Ch . à _ $Mit .11.1. had never admired Katti particularly 1 , ) ( ý e. t ,ý _. urch. W » ls 1» mate; The debt; w« cleared c , '.,), ) J 0 F PRIM E FUNOSI' ý ý . Illée go announu unit ho bu m Cambrklue sire@L por terme te W. A. .. 't; ZIk heretofore, but ho did chat dur, ana the foilowins evening ý .. ý . 1 . Il C-' ýjI ,,', Il ll 1 X 011,96 Y .11ýltll.l.V W()I;K$. sqvàam, Jeannie et QMDWIN, Rang Mmet. Lindur.= IL but----?, wondered et bitumait. He sauntered' . - 1 1 0ý fi . le, Grocules, loota & Miftill, Ma PUR SALE --villar lois in thevil- Mrir Milford, drawing t» Sirfs armi Co thent, watching their looks .. 1 - , 1 - ut 1 em't toke any rermis,47 sald &et& and a Fleetwood lady ý ý'. ý .. ,, -ti,-,, it and Cake% __ e ý 1 ý 1 -lI, Il.",..". lady were nominated 1 . 1 .ý- . 1 - ý .11 f7 11, IR. & A. Iffarrinckik. ' JL: lattes .t Cadmue, tu the T.W»bip et Cut. within illier Coin. Oh, how little elle movements, and stood by and criticined runf0ra,,ký Afteri 1 '. AND VPBIQFRlr tirer Gooda :FIÉ theirplay. IlMi«Crediton, you bave lit ters of an bour the poli 1 ý . \ , , ', Il) I.t>\N 9,,,I,.,rt,-,ý m"I Il.,ýlý't. in lie wli et nos« tbas, content bu .;è.ne balit un vSth lm" cý terniatied lier at that tome had the ail in your ouvre hands,» lie mi(L l'He the Franklin dy wu ýý NO. I& las iài 4M CMý wM a soleil trth hem kuowu 1 adýyeý11.%e co&ved Il 1 - ý . i*..h".,ý1.1ýý9,ýýW.ley for dbmmaa«. A cati Nolicited. frites, b.,Um on il. Fer particuliers apply by les. - huit not the heurt te, hit your hall. You by2gvotm Pbeeake Ji 1 Y'ý A14191t][CAN ^» rrA&UN 1 ter Io Amie P. 0. Jolo SUEMY. w4L and wooed ber m V ici were a Il have nothing to do but go In and win. . 1):;4ýY ti) 11) en o;lrItrlfProporty il , 1 ý 71" « , H i)! FOR VR HOLIDAY& A" the girl yielded, t My good fellow, I never saw mach huit Bevlvà,L3ftrn.ýçt;.- Il I.. . - Il. 1 ,j - jmr" b SIT - ý - FOR SAIJL-The -môn a grau deai of the swee 0 play!», tiares are going to Jetarl 1 1 1bi le r irwieet lirerompouse. el 8 unft il on Lot 2 1. vat meeting*. That tu "; ý ., 1J1ý 1ýý - ý Ta E l 9 09 amie stftelý oppoufte 1 mum ME thon sought and in "As if one cared fer wi=inw!» Mid donc la the earne t ho 1 - - 1 ho rwdmm et - r thsa of the ma who ý, 1 ý. 1 VIN) ' 1 noebor Bree.l m. Ir, ý - Porter. U ..at,,d dieu a fiew Md* of the IL O. mothe mmen Who Kate, drae oig the x MAxK 'à -Tf. ý . ý ý 1 - , ý. ý-,VI,,, ( ., , «O BâhS m & - 9 &Cb»L boU am lot la a souci 91M In the 4umps on the nois. in gram we ali play croquet ley ---kets remain fi . - 1 ý , .;,. . ' %f- ".M AND CAFIADIAN OP.àfdIrM %bM*btorumvmlibemi of cwttvaltion. adjoluing, table - Umm down estairs., for, 1 wooder r And elle gave vent to -_ --.--...--- - , -.- W-illesest Brais. lu. IrI. 111= 14-1 Iz me la the peut and hy ,A d".tmmm.p S" h.mu. Pf«.Mdon on » Compteur. Apply te la.'It Pm tirant me," *0 mi& with a lier -feelings la a deRcate la manding froin $1 to # 1 lion J= and 75c; Mr. Maguire in 1 ,ý xoikitmei,àta IRIO&&toia«. et. buMmm te mot a efflinuante et the JNO.XILXXMT LandemýFIS@PLsr.lm-»4L ve Mm smk loto the elle& which hall qitantitv. 1 ýý.iýieft,,. tý ý7lIn-qùI-5. ý 1 . 1 nl«maold #4 011% lu. Ir. animal Au 1 am nets manutacturing insacm il or etl rttele' "d "I brou 1WARX FOR SAL]L_ -lu the Toisa. Xittord a Mit kimal thinx L placed.11; ghç out for lier. He huit Bt-ILÙI-Nr» OPBItAT19 irellet« . icte... ý »Made bacidt«. Candy, Putry momma muse have hem âke Il d hadow of a gracie, .à. modd 1. . , ý ,,,, ,,,, ,lie il . _ nu amis, A: abille of VUWM. ut 2% 0886 qW, . ...* jlù% _. ,J 1 , - \ 1, 1ý. , , l 1: ' ; - .... I.. tý.-Ilfity 1 - A"Molbwaw«eawebS 1 in« 1.3 acrim. tM or .0 chenal, and lm -ituaud 2j _M . which kept dropping lie irhite blomonu ý ý . ,ý 1. , % I - Il e"."."hJ.ýl If ,,ý..."I 0'l', ý.ý.r,:,,ý.ý. m,411 et't.rhuýi-,n Puits nom Bobmrg»n. Thére lm à. watuned John a mocher. and made ber ut lier test, ana the two yo el, PE TERD 0 1.1 E 1. ', 4l.".,Il,-,-Il ,%.I .11ýt.l'I't A t.q. .Prit Aipl JnANO -JFO]R Ton eau Mer ne mune thest blute Md goum. chafd.j:ýt1.- Lm . féel. guUty. It orais not kindue» te thb drew aimer and looked et lier. !U.çnurnnDLISESS 14 1 . ,.J"..t,.ll ý Ilo, -.I»J.ý»,1 work shol, IIII Tu .ý ,r= ocms--. ;= U;gj. .1 ý 1 , DICIN.IýJ)\. 1, I.-'ý;lJ-",Y,ýr. !"",:. e ýt'. e)",.,,.I."I,, V-q l.f rJ10 P-1 1-rintiot. Il 31Y lisock la Weil *âmried, ami continu or the and la epmmim ZWùxa titte the motb«leu cruatum tient movect lier, mach the more ready of the tierce, so fier LAw.-O'n Saurday lu 1- - Il k",.ýý,, ...... Il. 1"1,.,, ,ýj ý'. Cbateme iremoy firw.rrle% Plate MW I-Moir. on th . Rob but the lanternai passion, which pa- d m tallit wm concemed. . A I-I Aitent for elle colobrated palwy a&".ut$f4 cab" or ail himll% teaý)rm P. O.. or Io ALEXAZ , , , ý Cen 1 au arme vark 1 ý P.O. 860-49L et nothloff which couldl SI- Pl-- 90 --rha te a tremendomi, quesdon,» ha liquOr cafts Of Dia"Il ý 1 . ;. 1 i - ý ý .. 1 Il :1 , . - 1 , - . . .,...".. . ý£illtlfj;lll (f bair factoýtu. numm à icarâ" ?8Y. cae»d Fruit a am boy. said. *111; la âs hall m if you, hâd invit- Dreun vs Calcutt were lph*. mâd P= " M POR SAIX-- ThO B" JO" wm mading la the open win- ed ne to clesr up the origin of eviL poudefintbefollowiol \111'ý.,%,rt"tb"ètf,*"r*,flè,",ý"qýý"I And matelue« 2«4»m FAIIIM 20« Wb- & IIIIIIIII CUI6 1111111110% m daw hesft«ing whether hi abould But there la noblody like women for gi> the time for hearing ce Il , - , ý, . . T. RICMIT. 05 cleand and in a coud *me of cultiva. . ý .. .1 J.,:ý:J ý..ý,,,,ý,ý l'illý41)%%.%Y - P. a -Wwldinr Camus à qbmwty.- MD. = Gond ,Intentai, laujol tom "bis ,ont plunge out lnto the daritness, wheu lie ing tc, the bottom Ôt things. We du It Eâq.. and W. C. N ichol . . 1. ý ,I t- . ý ý m, jÀ & tDt.eh. heu-il the volets of the Iwo ladieis coin- beèause Výnýodý,pnce considered It the, Pol 1 . : 4 ,:",",. 'I'l.,ý.,ý,.",.ý>:,.",""ý,,,I, ý - ý . ý - - -a-- - ---.-- -1 __ 1 C"MýM-LMI" ..__ - _ I.- b-.. .§..l .11 III.- - 8-.-.-Ii-.-I- -.----ý _ .__ - -!ýM,ÇC!ýýrt--lý? ujw prj"10B. tynop«M of the ad- hbbventng mamon W*d»o"Y eveu- emwded out labb ý tSk for hie sub- own n»d the bilent which he»sWer- give hie re&90us,. = kli Il c C.-at t'Z gaged ln in the àrk- -God'e word. Bible reêLed Ili IL s Jod and the plait a the amouat of l= it to the lnto Culte. khi deny but what ýent in the churt tri. authit et the lire- the rtilerse of Ille Di paraistoulit, iiii- dation »houlgl leu ru to theilà. Ily Identilled %%,tilt 4 and lie %hoamd r eternity. Th.. gh knowledge tif' ', latumt balise thI5 dical knowletlg.-, f ititpurting IL uj ty Lise mtudi aient dense the igow. the besétability ie, tt reter Lu giaititý; -4 eIdcrý &titi (Icit - oeil in liter&tttj-t, who are avtivelv chassil work. and e Sabbath Rebool rev. gentlemait ;h ,hôrt addres.-à asked belle thu «,ured trom Liesse tbeý P_ý of the eý*"4t. __i_. _ h.,, a i la t ýsI ..et ility .t 1 a Chrilttiaist worl' 1 te the work %% " b r tee iiiiiiiersaitil galceti fil il, l'il, v vert, es riord ail pre.-i.: ai etchi-bol %(,r" few. 'l'lie wý,1!ý fe ýt*ýhort tend )t lllàà( Ibn essaie% ;1-t r. Thu chilài.-it Drk aloulig. 11-t Pl-worl, nibutilti I., ovork tif the Imi ýý l te du and cola; 1 aie ttlielit U) ý.t taleitt Ili j! fi: work nt Oh-. 1 lO attelided I., ý the grailitittit ý ii the une fi-- I lire chumien. VI tg the w.rk mA work would i. - 1 vbtailýýt tee %% 'ru..ýwrob rt-liIiti -est, ttblt-iàt lit 0'.. ili the 1-tablialla & là.%% file t ý 1 fflied. Wtc %%.-, , ilemieil, mid 1 r vb a., t., lit- ... u( Goïl, «I II ith whil Il I lit thut %bée, il- titi gi-viet lie tilt NJA'., Il imied Ille iluiaI, , -hilit-ta %bleu llft,(. b the sabbalh e lhéke ut W. 1- -1 aisil i.I.. 7UIà.ý1A ïCk, vit h., i, rkl-r. lie citr d I.- higli-t. u0--eýL id altisý'kix), l- aisselle fin. itia:iýt- "1.ý a tli(,rfllI:11 pis oit the pu'l A lit .1w, ted iiiti.. W .,Il:ýl jottigimb. ,Il .'tAgit prqùsbali.ýjj ar, fur tel %%iiitiii.4 timi-t- iàù(,eKtiy te titi- clergyntila le- t-iiiiighl--it- .,.. TtiII11.,tiIoiý I f tattered ti- I.-ityllil.g il, lit. t thiprough Ili - un fil,-, part A :âcher thât. Il- a" tenir liait ;m AI 1(> villit-Il il.e lamé, et Itiii.lI.ýt tatitre Il, 1,-1, 'l IV ilà-*i(I.-t.t lh't attrait tilt-il t. 'fi. 'IL t-acher tu 1-ILC ý,tLiljx thal. Il- Limi %titi talA.- lie te estli wim"I cilà,Lalkt mif-ly like the, I'ver the JiJ lie take th.- he IIibIeuI&ýOI greally mi-liticil Ili th.-m, v, %tc. là re a 1, i g là tue it ww% m.c. -, .Ittitilti lie 1jIivl.ý ýLh t-lliol teii, 1- let teacher, coisibLailtiý, t'Ille. gs 1 - - -.Il, ';; Mâtemstese -m'ang Ag.04 ùIlla, &id of as = ta apot and ait the rut the other. Under auch circumatances or ait elphia:-Hý bit w» dite and vaguedorkom deepenim am knows what the verdict of a frivo- boW- Rotary Force Pui > AW, %won%* for the 1l" ma* et et the Md lu" the cornera, and la Ir loma Md woold »tumUy lie. Ainiý ùftn One of liait, Pete -Huait] la the gtut windul them cSld enter fatal an lier habituai geraldGore's Landing... 471l%1ký'. fft. be et the open abytas into the garden ait chatter, and give lier ait ber B« F.XBXrnos&-The va « sweet wftb russe and lilles, throuâ* bock. Be trait band«mer thm John exempt train taxation T»M strerada"d mu" -ff Adoni& Zc Itq la omteâmc m mm; &bute go mu whichthempu "by timais the sain- Mtfor& thouIIýh nelther waà au rm! by tu lm et dure" MIS clait, "VIL Mm brut le Vieille mer Win& N.OW tâtait the tan- hin . Ne w» more succellefui; lie lied the pxtrmt fnm,4 lettor Il, J. XIIIMIMI. % ,o n abo«amil tr-, Ibr. t*,.It.n% ot $l'W Y.-rk ho .Villa -VI -chý villeus 84 Vio-la a" @- ware remkovII& it was Dr. Midorwe prestige eladant bira or a man of intellect D.f£TON-KITI'S' SE: .1aibNmr &MI Tmvellinw %omt. Mallette. Um.- T. IR IL IL la MU lomte& mal wiguMe the 11133. F EUS c UN PRIQE Liu. If leueblow gmwthi: au white hmd, sud hie open book, and and, yet lie w» just litre other peolpie. fc«rugoudmS of lm la whiter band whieh was IM épon it, Where» John, without the prestige, &V. .11VI11- lit il. 0-0 1. «-fflothitit oxtra. a twe he soill on leur titres A larn Ob* of endam Md thet A B"RSTORY.--lsil (*,qtbvIt = 4=.bànt. uumame wom the forennost objecte in the waal milike other people. Katà looked do. . Iq il «hý- tiblto *t*e.,Ippliedpromptly, atint.c màm rame * and in the micidée distance at them with a cartons impression on happened belle a few daj fin. 4 fin. Almild -4 00 a') k ."W,4 I.J.rtrt-t*. New, yoit lait riovIr tlt1.4. 41 »Il il As wataph nui LàedenSZWo"pui»«reW WM A. amvuwS% a the abadown w» Mm Maord; ber mintil, m if aille were --kin that racaction with a firest-clait 4 de. « - Il U - VI a" et thqla lamk, Rite gliclats, the maids grand deeWon whieh the horo« of titre. One Allez. Smitla lien bave the ni Lu m-nlclt -4IID B"x0l' whin and the man. Katà joined very de- olden time nuit ta lie caffl upon ta W r:ýIIbtq fat laidi, talera, lind-7. » coming ta a faient to 14itht»àrr W80,40w m 0,lx-bi "Ille ânel .0 belle IL V M IB 19 la ahmpt 'fait. vontly la the prayers, and felt glad elle maire between the true and the uus,- lattes distant and when (in. ý fe, de 114 lio";, MIM %hi, the da». (Ir luty oeffl qe bimm. Inutable for huit.hng Md reliait olp ut le B111M'b. hall mm downýý between Pleaskure and Goodne-,& A the distance lie espied à Il ý t ý,. tio. aie. do. Zz la to eýttbiro Ncafrýý a I- la qua"Illaka, otlM they are, how quiet It w niella ta alight tabletier trent over lier, elle could two cuba la the bukah t %là -Z la do. fin. go, ." . » eglrtý , r. .11=4 ýe-.bM*= b"P have ttrayers 12% eh lie Was pumue On et or @Rides oqlilly 16W 91% propor. lar. 1 Îand oh. w sweecmm au tell why. Neither of them, walé ýý.I tIth hitelkk.4ew wAmubteum la thé air r alle mid ta herIkaitt wheu adaking an"#Ing of lier et that momeniL old bletti and une of t] ýtI lith quwr.ý l'Ir R nomber of yokaft a mocan ho dollv«M et M) mm "FAX" z»M am Me ought ta have beau It As for Fred Huatley. lie had never off white the other soug of lany inaw. Tbd, sa w» novel ta harIe the am 9:-. - ehown the laitgittest Inclination ta »k eorýu* Ail 0 Por î M'mouta» ta tree. The animal Il" 4.0. kst.%gb %,, the llontal protmdtn làtilm 00.,T Sobe"gom. anything of lie, andvet In mm mys. wSd of eo"de"e Ma were « ce tarions way *bc felt àà If the were de stSd à enialler one no g BVCKJIORI*i LAKE LUMBER., KM laissait bmk te lier raille, W J""rtell otmawhle"buuey &ad $ 9 0 90 0 0 00 0 FARM LOTS Il ITSART «tbe ma ciding hW fatal naît a mua ta croséla from c enS, with a naît "Tou au cold-let me go and bring The biliaire avemded till pfi l"t Atfflthrrto Attm.,hvwlbs with.01 »IdI. g lier yots a "SWI." M" John. once took in the aittutil d.-J t', th%%-e ToMb @,(trwtod bu ni dai mu m àmqk haut. vol Avildke1.1'f*Mh are In, bu hwawd, CIac IL V X IB E Il "Ob. lt te nothinge Il le becaum K. - gaz. but lie determined Platiente 1 *a end et &"ira* LM Il ULý CRAPTM VIL haire bilan DL 1 never wm sa alcupid. In trait and by àkid of bis 1 týlm Witt Pb&* (dah »VIY IR 84 d". nu bu« mu the audd»S et WO& au M before. Mt- Mab and kM Mr. Brute ai liehvk'ý *P001 (rotton. netis doof go Il. & 0. bluelow'a $tom. W »outil et ùW TMIUM. The am Aft«,MM John Md ràam ford,: la no nicet» mid K" But and Wifa bis victim. ( il# -wl, obad romo*4r the êh». D IRY G S ffl àam by rmdtfem 1*11cle walm Mt" lattez,, with ULM JuLfwd elle w» mm cold,, though elle acoepted aoulte ta where the laser lb. R *a KLE1111AN r &WALL DMIalPTIO48 01P LUIMIR Km r mi opi white End lffun&L., mddon. the a-wl ho ballonnât hS. $hek w» &ai" wWed out on t le " the aprý& rembling listera lier à" A" it willa rnach of the kuffe Md W . OROM. (Liemfitalté Jb)yw os Ti!£ ratuma The two J»»W Swopta». Ontaw&j 16. Ille Particular £- ILOMM = ta lambeau «B» amusait coun«uS teffl in th" UMM eut semmUU& for lellw bu dit iawa lied bý mowe& mund ta dirait b«ý It - JO" dm dettrored, te bis the brut six A" ta"Sim hm umum À &W XEM MM" à" SÉVIM iv.be Uket bout Me «id ta hersait, Mailles but £,Md ta, bis bfflù -mou% âchock àr me sied t"etd thentatilà -ýtheft"-eyei,.thel@M tant bit bard «Ousb ta une eut" the fa «uL Why sach a er" chould actes ggt T, tend on the 1 9 »Aille MAXIII a lâleïr shedu "M ber là the adwe of a MCI» Loir am. JW et nome afty fut La the a "ho «W la halte. R-Oqet Katit latat 07 Wb Cuz&DL& êùé;m-blr babb is toi wfth m m OMM whi ber tamoce e,;ý» down a bétail with a club 1 SPOOIL COTTON, JU»17%bi lm -aullim Agent sennuimueýmuyj-- la 'h erin JohnIs bd etiont nd- ter » be »m dLu»"M fA-JP%ýinfi V» ber. - _gpow et m or bim. a" pimwm tocus the limi Artittestai Tendit 1 tmm 0» le m -un Lumaim TA». lu "Vue me Bleu Md sh-P ton et b«ft4b-iffl tl.,I tel Ilile vtblqabbtw aubt-el. or »V flatter am vital l8U6M au un *=a = emb.1tr' tyv,ýl, indon Un te the grou @ade ap ber âind thu We" ho et di. aboutit wie ll$OLVR" am or OWW woidd bave terra, tr" 1 Il, tho lowrkei "W.«I. the lille nt av *PPIWIQO for sbe vowm" -ho ubudb« bu cm balai »dbr »b ai Re »mebut. Lente & Co, Illé -U-tufflt-ent »X bu lit clamsait en et Oum into this mdden lac met of the perf IN NUY lefalbe, sbor uuwie Assista, xmuma Md Q»be% hm& mu I*I1ý ý @và iffl tom thair auquel "Jr 1 try la O-omp"m et fau lapon buadf la Un b and ".-en&m vuuv% et." âà Vont& hm the enavaliý et ldqp laamm- !2 aba -M " a il be. 1. ébattît- - m ti, »J.&. zinob N'eau lut, lm âtu. U, Il, emile, la MW 1. .,,Sbblw mille aeeî mllm6 hi - léadý ,wla aie for th" PRIM IFf» uýw wtg CM te ÜdW whalla nobit-dy w-m 8&1« b-wý«"Ocly. barrer the ta a and 4y any abol hâ» IkaIr@dý 1 WIR IN Wilson maiontatiarlan ce. ' ar hi= = tarla aîgm* - thin of l a tbing 1 site soé; eut Mmwb" ftmr th» 1 et Che" New M" corde Rater ait, Illie M. lad IR baie me b" lie or 't PLU-CIPÈ&Rt*p WM the IàM 01 etrikig M hW hesd and egmna"»Sly 110011 '71, %= te" d'nt & $-au" ém» viader, eévS or berý au kiewina or enim Wb" ma. vi;;m la W» etiiamd » ilevereil Win Plu» base am Md il, m àd, *a, tite wobu -W ber C"Illa Md ils, »=ý 1= 2 "TOIL malle m sa au maconsciý ficalle fw toi î Il pied by ".tu. mi h" et OM» -1 m:cil &bu @bu *eau emù mftdmma -- -eoie M" by 4" à" wà- y- me fille, hou.& ilu ahmu nowq U»Xt» ce. euh de» bu th Un tim thm la 9-Mit» aille aie& "Si dOwz4 m Mre braisait @à biekemd ru» orrime OMM'au abouties, CIUIL nuthw bu boum W Lý hm damuk ,%%Yràoqd "Win* N"btao compoilly. ýl !.0~ *«Tu. àà au ' ' - » ubmumr. 1 L ce ras, mi Why aboi" Wal make mua- Ir bu am au th advMvbkltotW fil' lh@ POI'bim éxtubgvà ettatatiti @" et Thm 11» me m boucs treve traitait.. Ne -- -Ar - 8"1*b Md orèb ait a lm et ennwvmt levés, Amugà end irhm mm M> 0.,W. Wliltal" 0 lme4o bi «Wou" vula vala leilles mm bdbp"et WW.ILUM -W mm IMT« hod the bark et the am bon toile au. *" ettaille bSlck Che brbw ?OMM m man 0 hal, allait, d« M lbe& ve" b"bm »Il A&W A" oab@WÀBNWW Md te " et - broke te blaC Ca' = 0. W did tail hi a bis heurt afturmued nus PM saint te se th* above. ---mdz- ber la eue whiist tbê ýoý Bu ItPt.tit>" 4 JLW.PABM à@--Mt M" m bim@dL se ils k. 1. il., CRA"sa WDUAM .Mlgà ft IL bvftbjbwL m (kxlwtw,4 RRA 40WW4 et la i onnavvem lie lýad b,,ý 1. (fui Wii'k, - ,or, alid lie 1, !tý ý yet. Ili, 1, vi y digne %virh )lack boy, amj tow to icather ,wn of ýd ho two huitýtr.-.i ovhcy Kait imttt . 6hhath xîAý,xA. Ill lie rc,:ý,g ,lie tetlil'x A ,lie .«-htiol; ami ý childmi. lik UA% 1 filën, f4l'id ia! ilà the rh Wififé rcýftiit.-.1 wault of thi, dow aikil 1 hi, I;hti gu ho chiet fault t4ild jx&r-7wý, ho wtrk t(, Ole 'the"r part to, ing. wherithe il..jght ili tte terft MUNL have ý without that, A inittructioit The teacber OrD. 4% liti.n une* by pic. monte natural catftbjbe, flot île« &Bd an- the mindit or ýé worlt and on apiritual te nom«hiiiiC tention, back. ind atteltion * W&A »tX-P.W 1. a the 14th- eavin Lheir ,,x a t itilte ûticod hy the, is indiik-reut. à exiuopte to el down with la, and they btildrea lu',th% f thm â-w, ,0 t" Fmvtu. rau we men. .ted. ed a vote ot ad the trum. imh tor the ýng the von-