roe. hallo boots t~ te thos. inca" h IteZII NlOTIrza tut.Ti h %ho i matttled u , wA.a mm u. H oasa.-Maevwiti mmtwt»waassi vonlt II.le, fal NEW BOOK&. crîii, alî tat miiontm àai oson la l7 fcluta ttuefanfta IV mue, ot uho iùt, " 0. W10IN ;ImOOlf1111ntY t à dl ihua Of t l miaUiiMs b la Wu Emncock, 2nd Jas oràdike. wt»roLD.' tuL.iL w&rtls saui@ty. JIN nemue shouli & -The Son.. amas SlmaI h sauTv. rehlit ily o ednI o-t 14 lî>îl. Nilî,oxt.1.a»verstiuatlou mii tii. ot b. "ama et 4là h o otlvC Di id ,Srd 'WniStewart.a Tit0ate.Tivt og ao 4 U M t.bu m Of 1876, let J;; Smih. ~r'~it»,nwue.iniprlaonnmms,'iguhta. a ietmrriln mueamm the 0000 pleea, uu tim- v1110» àb»ber idelai onald Sam u * l~.ber mnisart .cnding largesgangsOf itbdyh-" ltDoadSS.I T0tlyAW8 >AtK ?wMlt. haride te the voode. 18W, i i &dlapp, Srd 8 B"&d.Spmas * rt . ilflLIUTI nT "Tb*. Tcim.ooiSulm ht" o- . mh FaIS, vms tbr@vu lsté a horaosalge marm, lit John Froc, 1jl ~ ~ <LUI> an omWma. Ti. me.oiOuuayEst 7leSbucitemnt e 1. tan 2aThio& Colvert. Tv mser aid ily h * ?WC>~>11Nl8. alopatcu Mu lu a V" Of pam; o yg dp~~ i a anietoar oret lding, lI Roert Jr7. S&Z.iaW * l. iI.KIt aI.lInbteto rdVt hâm iiwlt iTainhura Memorles of ten. O'Neillandi the raiad aras o laeurglig ubr ~ IL~KT op cf a anulatace fw am imet -vescalica up. Theme vasa gond deal oua, lotiD S BeacbaaoSd John Clan- C lley . e >.b ILII of patrIicfervour and indignation ex- dnaSr Rmto.Sdlchrs an libely 10 be .oew-- Rai I vp i Awea the pies tmd ontt i t R i4b, ud .i Cooeni JBr '~a *ftd v. ..ks*af. o'ceve4 go bol inta'iguloto obta i. el ltan ode. oard. Yod ofilue6, lama D w - mone protezt f .-o-- ng aulitien. - ho Tliursai dngbt o ona The ova bovves anet avertmo e lGreQat Western ]iWay, go?»imt "0U Sinclair. ïî. lertam. hsb ewshoulver,Île t a «7 c u et witb a terrible aecident, which re- CàrLa.-Grade ccv. lai Richard iltrt rédactorcr ie. otated 1* inchedeath ofai ef theaiUicle- Suggstt, Sud Wm Banka, 3rd Woi ~. ~ i > 'I..-Noting the ira""» of -tep* plouaou thc train a~th0 conlte aI kTva 7mai aidgradehbmfer, lotai ai maagoet eAnpolitlciaus, M niex i. i aI b b avr ocevas dravo ' - Omtar w piild in SirJohn, tbc Toieqroui adi. -by' ivo en ioand when oar Prboco-S a1 Ymrn W~ a 101£tuc hol uUitirat engins Richard Suqait, 9 W.'asiiclff Di fit Punb" te go te pecm, aM a eand throw Uthe adlocomotive I Re&. 8 * heufescif, lot R Bug- SiTOVE CUAJé. thrsby outemac thieaminlueunué offtUc mai.ThcenailOotaukmvo- gtt, 2d ?mW¶te, rd NW s il tuile; an muight r aad th jg ,0voljiUttiunca. Sir John hîmseif Wtaflie ih- Pobert Fris, Sd T Pumpa. Yearling t- 'omliei ta laiots roh«Bo aime lg put out of oofie. hy banni deska ram, lai Jas Tharodike, 2nd Wm Svain, vi il. snsdeslgaea uss w a'd mtiae lman. ii. ystrle a i b i peuand ]cleta ana telegrama rd t'riel Cano. Ram lamb. lai B bult iuûao le istoth mw» ad Ileed ,M t never occur ta hlm that Littlejaha, el ljbaU a î.l*, tedolighta<>f aK"s a a tiondal antenotsiruler could nat lho deposod i»'Thor die.Peu i tva ean, lai Jas Siâtt a age stock eof*dinh. m a ncmeaus Ho mightbhoaruxiatin Thortodike, Pu obto wFna, le Ja Irit tiei tm h mms, -hetiptli Sail o ee p bis own secret.%, t la truc, but hr&e2idRbtPil,3dR 4'tbtildérri romthe llielo, -hé ripof M. P ahgjp Coa.,thore muxt lbesomethina tteii in Uic Suggiti. Pouni of oe lambeo, let R ] ,b.. l, it th l-4prepased le lq<gg sutlatnui e t itheWhisby latin- niai. af Denmark when the Oxpnouitiof aiumii. Sud H Litajobna rdl jamas alun mndothoa, oor ~thono secrets rcvealed aueh A $tac af Thorudike. Tvaw rbn vih a lu- Mdéthes, aeust-s U» vu thinga that an lndlg=ntcouutry ium.Rbert rise, 2adJames Tbordikc, rd I lie, tit Olb*tt t li e ate.. doledoâhi unfaraumable voI Uuti cd hlm froant las sai. Honsi mon brobrFUN he-ectr- da laitr,.*s ahe ona- Tepri an .tdf f-not th law.- [London Advertiâter. 7i.ShLeoat-A d Moady. he arqv 0alàtOd01 ir* - ThceNew York Sun thinka Cana- rem, let H Lr.tiiIj 2 Sd Wm Svai1o, i. i urn I' cd.- bokd flasly, 1Ur. Haldon, Mr. Nuloci, Mr. diana arc maklng aapid trides In the frd John M acro utiea mminetra mac fcivilisation. It sa wm Siwer, :dJohn Mýark, jr.l;; ..J. Uo@, ai the cotrastera.Mi farmer.liko man andi a icep>' caifimatih lmb >la R ugiiiSd R Suggitt, 8md <lh . 4hully islpouiTuosday mronibiflokt- îooding horse havec cons ron CnadaH Latibo'seuP' P ou of two mvi., let siu or t he Lundaay terinuos, mnd te meemoney at Our cun tv amHLtljb us#:s. us mu:wr in mdonue apotaotsuggeUiiona.Tii.The. homeoil% ealed little Ethan, and R Suggtt, 2ud H IittlejohnsL Twa progrena of tho rod, as, uhau oi. can trot a Mile in about 2::Kl: but the ove Iambe, li H Làttleohas, Sd R i l roady aie", le veiynaîisfaoay. fe n etsecret b>' the man. who la 1 'uggitt. Tva ahearli o ci.,lut R - Tho wll-infoimed Toronto meras. lattcnded for alawcr one%" Wih he tat.SdHLtbeooOd Mhil lti. pneta u adsA'fnrtss,' IaId of an accomplice to nake hen, the>'Siavi Sheep--Southdowna-.4ged 1 poden ofthe ondnbgnersul>' aucceed lin nuking a reqpect. ramn, lai W. Swaio. Ram anxb, hit qt!,I t' l 1 4> âtate tha ina&Il piobability tbm Local abilelhaut at ail the rucing fairm iho>' Wm oulli. Peu of toéles, l1t Wm meilt iii itttmeeontai&fier attend. wan ~ .iilteNet lI a lonir time have vo heen Svaa.i-w reI8iwoe n .C~..iaLdI.~ JâLI'4L Z thé lot of Janualy, althougb the date èmBout on t0 record a marc heartiosa andI Pu.-ag redSvoe n s not 7.1 docidod. Thom la sois, de. eold-blooded set tiian that of th, auth., year. lai Jaa Doain. Sowunoder one la'y Owing ilerties a: Ogdienshairsc, tho shippeda a rli Vau Banka, Sud W. Banks, o I M.~ii Da orLùnoil theb.non-aciglo'qauof the weman white sufféring al theatagonies *lrd Winu Binka.Piga-Suuult I e pues maith (jambco. lt is'expeoicithe. mm-a %alut t.sai, for ail they careat, Ison, 2nd John Connoily, 3rd Jhn] au,*t-~îssi,îl LU Isio mii hoa nort one; aMd th"i left lber to peril'h on the Cunadian 4hore. Mrj.Swoe n or a r * '.tnl la ai40 along otlier maosmea Mr. Cracha vili The ditrease*d vaman oîrectd ler ia r o vroeyaU r itrodico considrable ongsin th*feble 1ep-t ta itrockville, ta pet relief Luipp. ciano ansd medical a&4iqtan.e; - and thero again (]a.usx-Chub viiosi, lai. M McEl. 4choolAci. tUic authorities teeleil their hearts a teiain. Scotch vboai, let M MElvain, - lI connection ih the Northcru ail hunian feelingrs andI lad bier "oscari. 'nd 'n Banka, 3rd W N Roui. Sp rin zR. S. PORT=R irnigain ai arnl d" ont1 along th. hîahway. The poli wheaat, amy aiher kind, lai Ira Lainn lZ ailway ivsiainteTrtocor. vretch thon wandered on to the next "i - -~-'-'nde.ulnt aîf ihe London Âdrerfiseu'tcwn, where vo earn %lhe la hingcarod 1 rloy, six roved, lai Thoe Shoar, 2mdc !!iifli ~ait gIOlanUI ssstopaiiclarofteobrgcgaiaifor in "ala ri af away. Suribtreat- J Th ,rndlke. Brai John Mooro. White !ni'1l ( .' yq, a hé*"iclrl fth PAMA ment of a bumanhentlma blot on nine nutslae W N Roui, Sud lma Lapp, 8rd .~:u .>'î~ur: i).ti IIta r. lFtlgar wvbe, hat lie allamcd the tee-fi entury civilisation. IfMantr : A Robertson. Poeu, large, lai W N --1 i.te t N i. . upay bia éle'cion expnerts It id worthy oftfnole, in oraler italn.- au nd M yElvuin. Peu, amali, I iti 'NiiN. aaotgl asd thoit ai on.timec hiepro: derbItand the signileuance ofthe awurds' lait W NBoa, 2'd George Calvert, 8md ht ..qb .elI l.wx suneraiîvay éilto o hemd aai hhiosa iae.Thos Spe. White bas ltARob- r C.upsy, hil hoocc-qe a eatAn hita, limtm oi whlvh appeared on the 5th ertson, 2nd W. Blacveil, 8rd C Ham- Gmlln 'rhieho ocnidasn nfs.hate nrin Cettennial au- ilion. Flax ami, .lat Sethi Metherell, ta l 'arKthiaaut. hlatter charge foîl to thoritiem imiead aone but bronze mallit 2ndl J SeynourTimnothy seed, lai David lahuoal rotdo lb. thdates mre ai.. Tite gatland ilver niaaggve a4imitt andto t e mis ione"Mathona uern%-ivdt-dhyntmr ovnt*overnnien't Reild- Corn, lai Ueo Cairert, Sud Geo ~ I ~ ~ S BA N Ks aaatttytofo VoaniaminuhatuheretaeCuin- Vanstone, Bd D 8 Beac hi wu antubrin he d covo nteaupo-llsh jndges at the rtuent o aur coin- MasonManfu rngoma>.T- 4>. a<rtaeind Oi b.gtan leencntmpe mmionern, Whvoa-xpremaathe utmonat i- nindill, lai -lames Hamilton. Singleo t **~..~ k.35per ot. raythe Iii onalon )ail.g Ahwferim h "afaa ion with the' way tht dity hanab"'liL0 udâw'i .d..'H.** C sst 'p.>o hi een perioruned. The gald nelais have bugle «ounor. Cuter, lat L 1 novsnasui ai ibm latent aand ,en uwon as follow: Wanxer & 'O., I 0Cannor. Plouajh, lai John Makina, 'i ,t wl r ran r asifs sbosye miaarsuaHamiltan, for sli fmachines, .Iohn Sud -James Hamuilon, rd R Sylveser.« 'tî.'ut:'arY. w.'.os. îî a norr au marcWatmon, A yir, aFricuutural machinerv; Gang plogla aesRmltn u roser Sit &(o., St. Catharines, sawa. lTiu Coulit, 3rd R Sylveste.Axea, i NIVIlI:S:. proopo on adiion. ath" thecircuw a- a'knlveslf&ra; RosuimndWoolienCo. la taon ailb* le intont, vallns;eTcelleltl.»nt let George Jeffre>'. daiy a arel& CO..1 Nontreal, furs; Waterman lira- Roors llîxill VaarrÀLx&-Cu>pota- Il AAITS'BANK OF CANADA of #ho crspataion eofay alLi joural thees, London, petraleuni productl; tocs, lai A Robertsano,Sud M McZi ptalssed n Lauduu» mhls uaiaiMase> & Riaker, Montrralleather; Fil. vain. Eal>' rose potatoea. let J Se>'- 1,IIl . 1 ' 1.."90otbe** 1. Wel a"ii anl e tiacational Separiment of Ontario, fo atr, Sud A Robertso.Potatoes,an L tho larea i n>' oulahinlh,%iii ehotil bI Ial and ppdines ttlersort li SParsons, Sud C limul- A 3 A V I iNi S B A tN . W.rovance." Thelaae am"lo meRSngtd.elo crala Aisiter 1 ou aaiim hhaoure. est L ~to>n. Sveeodturoips. lai Geo Vanatone, iy 1hv,. îfin h 'Tiser." Jhtt talion. Mr. Ju.tice o Pat!erso. 1 8 Benchain, Sud 0 Calveri. Whiteccar- <~T vaevr - Tho tdai*'.s politica animeoiti la Kiîai-v. S'ARtKis.a Ation for jeet- rots, lit G Calvert, jr., Sud S Fovier.e a,- '- t. -~s. --t~ aaso su ou ofaiaon ewI it inmnt. Itemerveat for aMiuaent in teni G'ardon carrota, lut A Jackson, Sud W I an'.ontaof aua.Kaae de at intat 'toronto. Adaîntillmdpeth far plain. M Robatu. Pîtrenipe, lai Ueo Calveri, c t v t s *îner places. luada t)the lang liitlt: .1. litrue Sniith for daitenduint. >d1Rs Re noltCHal î *ia ribing fro'aRfrnmla- "axi .CRraiA .AtOlfor SdIRa oioinliCHml ll IIJW;1vr*ý 1titi . » l ttaiiite.4. he p anewoal brdik li. hetaaWM dn, SudW Moeon.os 'uuIh'r -!ot'ei. iîia istrati<,n teievan e ihaoit nlaye in Canni5. T ton siai? wlîo a rnk- tn, RudWbrbon . YeWlloona .,,*. a. * :îavr ai>w heperon1h.ouiaraie 0o lv for perfornaing t ho muion. brickwamk Potito oniona, lai A Robertaon, 2ndt t, * tt- t th ttl ~ilum u l ia&and cone- The pastorna a bneictd ai? eobleffre>'. Top onions, lat H Little- *î'ae t>in . n ta inl.Th efnan oieta jhuia,lind -W M Roman. Long blond ~ ~.t f pllel b i~a~%~ <~to ~ aonensthe~o~lSesanacinm-hecta, lei W M Robson, Sud D Luick.3 l'o ths nitSnia. a ib Aihols d daages for las, ai material. The Ttirnip beeta, lai D Lnck. Sud I Bon. I.,- .r.r-, h ' Ssat ftigs . hola itita'gave verdict for plalatil? i'.r ffl Muiagold vurtzel, lai WN Boea, Sud Ueo ..ttr .t,,s a.~tue' r. Maa,'keiaie responaiblO; and caaIas ,imailowinr.4bis chtrle for the ilaster- Calvert, jr. Yellow globe wurtzel, lei u..pon oh &U r t ---. '-. ohulhm o b - nalovn dmge edeed -, ~,.,, ta toalaIl rai ~.a.sttaaata nin h. Ilaie<tat notiaoanaauîmates, ir, '-G Caverl jr SudGeo alvei. Cnli t jtîn.a -t u, 1a, froaailxa-vaer..'aVo vête beginning toanaft. i. ('iiertif, Q. C.. for plauuttl; s, -i .' o'att~>-ah.paîIbt éndri Cunsiau batitaMa'ntre&SMin, for alfendant. dIlovors, lai W M Bobeon, Sud CHam-l * .t-.-,ttI,- ttt~t hu Rritih Qtav. lt.' MC.L- Ation for Mlon. White cubbageas, letCHai. a..llluttaia.Cimon n Q.l,,forilatin- lai Ge, Colverti, 2ad James Watsonui N ,' : Iid.t ailusi. ivtilleus oui un otit: ...ear>' & Y'IA-ry for aefendant. White celer>'; lai C Knovisan, Sud Ueo 81111,111tave hlinon miataksuu in . ov.vié tar ( . onrforvaaîLDo Action fo $t 1 t., ' remaas. Varliet fordaefndant. C.A. Culvert. B el rey, let C Knovlo, u * .iî.4;.~,..,,t. ho »IllMtan ud other Tory ho ei ler for plaints1f; Il. Cuimeron, Q.C, G C vT.Ptmpkina, let Ueo Cavrt, aanocionmit th un Til":QI-Mq Nv. D*I)v*ué lvm.-At- lai John IBnraiard, 2Sud M MElain. -t "f t r i,.Ipo I. l'.-.hut'e.îeilt an 0o ft.rtaa wate taellin-téanpted train-wrecin on the.Nadland. i Redl pepper, lai Ueo Culvert. Svcet We0i.1 orubae aloeand fight of Mr. The pri"tner arkno% le ged-tlh c at a ra..?:;.ert.'t. t't,*t. Sttsa>fnot sec bow thé>' vere goin o acornl W Rbnbnu, Sud C Hamuil-t h,04r.Ilhta -art-fttviy o . Sriorfreiy B-prove IL Ie vas sentenced to tbgree ton. Long red ruddiaem, lut Oea Cal-i I t,,1. ,Ill'tta' aniier foini represnataiirc f ose oi the Perthi years In the Provincial Pantcntlary. vert, Sud D Lac%. Varlety of yoga- t. ...t.. i b IiaSn in u a ll.ujed t thaoapuit sar.Qtom v. ici.r mTit.J'* Aça tables, lat W MBobSon. «'ré7,tXX) ta carry tbe riduug m hoh JAMSES O'Baxaca4. Il'lanlnghmtructaons FavrrzT-Fall applos, lis A Robert- 1 8on 10,M0aQ hos ho mas tiotoatial; onth* Victoria Ru"aca,. t gnilt nn,2dGoClet ier&les 1 Ii0a' I to 1anti thai thon m ore siait >iiy. LCameron fer the prîsaners, - liâtA BRobertson, Sud I Bea, rd 1 W r ~ q~. ~ * h Iîtratfora lkIra pronouaicostheae Win. SbatIbywki aund over lnthe Reid. Variel>' af apples, lai Ueo Cal- staataont u~ntiAgi. faachcui; mi uinai*5U tekep the peaice againsi vert, Sud S8Povier. Seodling oppls t. '<<. .'lIiY ~t iI~7 aeclarca thai MirRedford, mba vas bis viletteter i n'>'n. lai SPovler, Sud I Boa, BrdDaSi I hn a woalthy man, boiayod attia BeUIîSachaun. Grapee, letiD LacIt, Sud J 'kNtICE 0F RZKOVAL. i lis political expodiir. The Bëar-SOT VI7ITfJ<.lPAl LL 81101V. Kuovlson. Crab applos, let Wa Banks, rwIl aski, "' Wittany on. ml y tià8k Theanual*fai shof aithe South Ri. Sud A Brock. Tomutoea, laiS Foviet, *-'t Ita tai" il ar uiai ii so opetlu opilrinont itra- iutua oieyws2aud J B Knovlaon. Citrons, li St 8ov- '6ad hu hoeu erfiedul> ' Ths,5 dn thictri Aitrltari Sciqent. er, .Sudt A4,Jackson. '%Vatermlon, lai I lyrtt"t-a . i .Kaemai' liaal hperandsuy unot n'7questin- a n bGgiclrrîgoud, et eo Calverti, Sud 1Rou. linakmetan, tamîtitiifiaaRbancca ais('aeritdevPI'aliiet., on Thaursaa>and*Fri(a laSas. The reen fbah, listUeo Calveni. Muak- antit Wamdor ng lvand Cnt day vas takenu rp with recelvlng noyelvfmhlaGaCle-t Illt aIlliat.utlat..ratîneetl- lié. Battu mare largo capitaliste a a67;>'andI arraraging gooda for exhibition lu. DàiRn-rPReau>rai.-SiX Ilt britter, lit -t- î-r-î-ea îtîuîaass.'rtaathic obth aret li, 46 politicaufuarupta. side the shed. FritaIa>lnspectiou iria>' Tho. Calvert,2mioh MreBcI t,. i't'al-ar,'tt f ..a ai>'par at - luapoar Cl. Glion's bi1r . . openod wthacolalarizlngrainvbicb Bon, 4th W N Boa. Furkm orcrock of a: I1 fAiseaniiua'mia ba'ftoral rd Dutf- t fihisa tting litheo slw>'by stNet- r id Î'teeso ade iAsa 0trnalemt, letiMunsJack, Znd MiàssC 1 in. I'iiat ala,,taatd aasbieri l.masaIan >taclt, mhlmh, faodialmamnaly éhit - an lmpv-.ed lerkshire banar iax itWalo rnaCons, Isi lira Jack. a i'nataiadl %vits inta itas ventiOtlah apon tactahm auimimenns lu inAnd ai,vi anotberanirmalowned b>'Wy uullilr uls u iaah - i i théMr. JIohn COnolly', vas true bet lu the Lacm mork, lai Mia. Lmck, Sud Misa .i~lt. wt atat trsae1y ra tilcolnhiWmh.rve verytbing fro, Cas.Fowlor. Oruffleutal Bnelovork, lai U;q1- voivt (li At,,lgl i W l shoult boase idel>' uet li*reor I1r. P. J. A'yres, oa iI.ndsay, sbawed ,r as. itartat aîtî iai Fat Maa o t I . tvapatent stano machines vhich mire larnSd Miss Fomier. Pancy kitiinu, iii lf ttIllriil ndlý10hQ ttal:. Te .Aair. Btrnu.---(Montreal a bjets oi gencra. Iinspection ; be vas IliMs Greer, Sud MlaFowler. Mon- tstv at t..&hatitst.aiiiîl elite ia,î -t hé tauarded i dlcretoary tiet >nizcafor lin embroider>',tlai ls Fovior, Sud ýI gi itatk i.pisunt hvii . DIamson ltrun*.; Liaîdaa, B& . Porter). tbemn and a patent portable ,tp O lrs Ureer. Silk embraider>', loi Mns lildtt.tss ain ls>'k. .-This lIbhelael mia?>' trmthe au-. r ir petugnabn . 'rno,. ( -'car, Sud Mins Pvler. Coton cm- !Maklîns, Lndsay. sbowcd a an riea lii,'î','-î-l î'etî-i-î' 3aiof at 'Johin Haliax, (Gentlema I"soli piov madIe for the lion. S. C.Wad, bra iaer>, lot Mies Favler. Wonsiod I'tt-at 'taas it'n , .; hre antima ne i. b-tiule san uîOldfasbioN. teie prellentetu b> hilm as a inst pnizc embraidrlotaiMise Povion, Sud lins .ualtt's lFalla, ~adLO tal,, vnlapues. the nquiet at the cotînt>' plaîaghi & match. It vu Blnckvell. Crochet vont, lut ina '-kia ilsi,.at 'îrsie airtacl a a lIa attactinet ba adeMr@' avardcd tinet prise. bfr. John hteLen- Fauler, Sud T J Graha.. ae'nt .tlfit'rs.i.~ rtt ior ms Ich1 slm- ulm MAO«anon, Lndnai, ezhlbltcd Cenalt' Farnu- timg, lui Mn r odke FBaidiugnet 1 dtihe .', iitko mu.a»hVaiswrks oua vglalareers' Friend' gang pov. bMetr.. 1Msa omir Beativonai isal U .t.t; 'ttrtu *'1îaî.il émaseas. "The Laurel Bush' vin plozma. l"laaltnof literuoro; Gea. -Faur, piain k. lmas vo ok lt is t; t- t, l'at, *Àt a.~y,"rrowmd.1, theadmiiers i iitheauthor; and àhbu Mîîîbreok; . Itevan, Omemico- and Lack.Ue wrk, Sud lis Lack. %elvta-att ti,' uta)ti btisir .l,huhe lii aii fai ySylvester. of Enniakilleu; shoved a cal. Conm vark, laitliraGreer. Farnicra' breriylectioen et Wood and Iron beamn plown. vreath, lli ra Holbert, Sud Miss itilalias VieaSiatîîalIaraîia Tit la-r -te uDuur.-àAlu» Mg 1r. IBecham, of Cambra>', shoved a Tachey. Guipure vert, lotais Pot- iý -i4ta tltait >r, Basalb»e "la aimaipNeSIb>' mmy mlnlterll lbais fanning .111 for vhlch ho recelved ftiretlot. Caverlet, laitliraThoadite, Sud prise.- Mr. L. 0YConnor, Lndsay, vas a - t.-. tStiliau' mata. Wheai theNormaniMaliod sudertook, ai thé avardecitirni priso for a bu adMass Foviet. as~ t'!i.ii5luîIavaniîe~ roqatest e areofbre alu ieai celàido I a nd sbnus Aar.-Water cler n"it- - a b'aiitn ASt rais>' g o'r' t -j hce pratino a biograpby oeth@ sThe palatin nauOmPT~anttfetur- inst, loi MinaRosm Adam. Peucr£ l.. >. rs nt Ait. ina." u lo.JhnNbntoIa >'euZ Proie, ea xbueibsbeiMr nou ritai nd dl raving, jla ieasRose Adam.. n- it.î. iavai uiri h. aospcé l<iia » miuerfaimt Promise, vwithebrtub. Mr. O'Connor deacrves t di *i 18, li Mbim YPKing, lltil.Daid aid hte oople vo dlad ai Omnamin lC(rmany iu ncat pralse fer the vonk; aud it la to Sud MissRouseAdam.. Colicti I-.s'Plu ai ntmit)n Slit.(lsîrniet hiis nt-nltb ma, aMi hvoms begreo.ted that holieid nt male an ot piiotaîgpia, luit Jo alaSu Ilits \*, ihVvstlerrittbry. Ilila». ot-burletiby t*0 ide of Chlamera, 4"bhs cahîbit et thboCentral,meshe aunquosiln-a slb>' &Scot ida.A S iortry fltho Iraierîi e,. red nmta'uou."Thorala no be.- abi>'couldhaveclplieanythlng themI~& Pawi.-Silver-apngld e m l'at tttllb leléi, b>' Mr. Caubon, teri reda ithanacibl aule:ami ORAIX, VUOTamABLU, DAI191 PaODC IIIJtD act. Poland, lt WM ûuc tit%îtiaiat Oitrita otan Ib t o maie this il one or theest. Gfte u jeei The naniýes of grain exbbted vers mnd W'am aco. CO"chala l l~aaiiat thoua,(atcil. Prof. Ferboës uotetoi Macleoi :- goi for t a e acaon. madement o nWm Hancac, udWm nadaLm- "rt tao i,,sj mt htte*John Mackiaslm Bah", b. tomay bho madeofaitclub aal Scoteh vbeai i-mHace,2n mEu "-v-n ai mample-eoovob>'Mr , Mli-!Tr, iW'HacoSd ma- lu> ler taTuusamr tav u cme u em mpaoation .5itaor min. afiml>', ami sprin bet y t. Brahm poota, lot D Ladi Ilsa. leir' "i'roo al ahert hinga éa r , ones, rsï, larslYMr. Ira Lpp. -The vegsiable depart. mdiR Oxby. -Ducta, lai W AàSlver- lit "Vtaalrian"havlnt airemW ati ofii ai epmort. Se wu a modal ment vas eue, ai Uic beiatalneade-. oaSu ILa Gec, let Joha il l%14« ra ai étmu fddàl lligenc, Mdamiuase la the exhilbtio. Seeral CDII. mi8 Ilflai 15111"anal aoolu calrmau et a pr-'or*' lie beese versexhiteal b>'the difr. -w udn hsauaiaiauy mantniutut recomm.ud- au maanitlauati snt faciarles ani tue ladies nmde a ga od'1 a Ott tumeasur.May' veot. ot up"gi»&% andi;&tulàa in;sihow ai butter ami bread. latritsnBarnard, Sud MaThorsdlte. Pan- liai thé lIio, lemy uit>'@,g. în. of hgmMhtY, tt ami dera" t dm i spla>' vas uot large but anm gooainMm mi, let DSBêtaha, mâ ~Jolisà oThtm MÇLd.OhIPtIO01 bis varieimawoveaovn. a- Ba-est acder oe«atrc fatiior chmobraelsfon br.e tb'lea- LADiEs' VaSE, ART. SIc. cmbinsi, lIMd asMauaaurn -Olt o e a 0i <abous tg »id"'Il ectiana item hIemsusms m Tc Tei" dep arment vas belil m am. BH « ukI euiil.rsd pargrapb>. milut Dow bev bappu asdosenmawrk VelaMi formityeuseinpint et valty, b.t as soun fairigChm' lie, ito ally "noai -?a ime h e r alas acdmithé bout bonis for Io qnslity ecaimaa1 My h cffraffel 0" * I =ciTmi a - l. i. ar& cn i the articles reroi Cuit "-hm ami= (et ottrage unoo muenila alaMIngI>'re BON" Brus. thi le la i>' Iatera. U i5-.B1l m Mv.a ____ & ZM&yTb 11in muas. Gmby & Scou and ]EL John. l spl1al94umeniagCm- proî a u r uil -' up "baàaM" btik1 ..i h l atm s irael aouatusai N ig tstrla Wm Nnoi Thees abominations§mail f«iM044110- ti byEnut M &hl 11a9)=am anada tvpnd latese teistuia rae .*laalmims Lad. sien- ver.puabmoeta.Tic lam la 0Eomxateai, bahm amm uh.Mb e. nu abutiv@foles ug ie, JAvacra. iarMW 'bu os-jg5 i *gg -m gin- ,s, , j l Roaoy b B ,Mr. BbbF t t"h m d Me mt miesu ÉÈ d' beaset é»g img maulle, lat P j A"M. - ic8.4 Uàtffiiîc gujj Dg lm PJri su ___________________________________ ____________________________________ M THE IfCINSE AKGU7JiIOWA, lin A. mse" 'buC.arm*ua&*Po2 U fv, s. auts, uCie - rsani fe= satia tilachag1 but dur am have nov4i v e ve cider, lai, Tha" the ou"& tlt a Ique. soAi vhm tic bourse cc hm? ta 10 as 'nci m hban nov: vblcb vasi -eabject eitic9 -ac *eTis the emm hma ths sarg, front 0 ta?7cualilea voekmeui and mocchastota a lur briome te vark; 4that thonebv mas>' ar 9hmibeome lut do-- maoat ot watt at aat l, ialadteâk aulday n mre la canaflimcethrawuont i ou- TheComisu esauld rboy, Iflit-te Tavemn-tpera do nae tIrai ta taie lhe poarmadiamonelthese hard trnes and glvo blrnvw sE>'Iex- chlange la ahomr nobbery. *d,ThC the inatal bauralt nl1ltla a bas t oaa>' alors choIks asdailiers vhe fre. qunt btela, as mors vhlakey ib drt01 si mars moue>' equandermi darlug tiai laut = aU.bas>' tva pro- Viesaue n. 4th, Thai ihauithe l-ý "am féce l iltavema-eeper i. te.r ne cnald-at -.16-ibe .1do ot strlctlv abservoe- laW. the ortcaaiUihe o Iaelar a t'm mach for hi. oa altathoui b. aiianted'or ithe Tovn Censtalero- ni!ndei rhat le ie ldutv tassat the InspectortumaintAmiingllielairtuiad of unltlug with ailiers la bneatlog IL. Whes I auemneheaesollgiq- and uniaenacdgrouslcngiiiinc Cgl g uSaudynI thbthnoglakg raihor lite a farce, £ ILL SHOW& sis>'. Oe. Mdai ad iaiuli ,mRfs. Erasa&a.-GeuseS. -unitire maricai., aitrie ruieama ceof En. lames Altos. Kht&sii.Lii ties Rec. 'rTe. Foezcrasia nsmE. eJouJOB. DIED. ECO.A.-Iu Mlvanire. onsatanby~osn ir 23M! uit.. Jas. b- NeGae, seconsosse n.of 'rtes ila of rPort ion>' snd lterofamm ir. o Dougas. 0et lui, andl 36 >Imms MORE URT-Wé r s sav ~ ourlai a Petau, IM& e bo tla uns r m Ceutemafal, w»teEermigC V àMc M- a pa" hWou bmI a sv0.r .u S TRAYED iticthepromises ai the Jaaudemgaiél. Lot. 23. Tir Cou. x p.oe Thie owner ta liiavth.eam ~evuviee t> Ch aynr iaam". p K L'O WAET....A Suit0"n - toirsa aim- lar. r~m"*M, aaoediller, s" ud smfe keer: mMi sceonaa. Pincipsal uesa. oitm emberta Ne-r!. W. H9. COTISOHAI M. mmar pPALMiER BURROWS, IL D., C. M., (laieof!Ottawa.)Oniuamte EcOWl Colle. moea. May' aA. Houersttesi Lacal Collqe, Qucaiso Liccntiate Couseeae Pbydlanmd 8=--a. Querie, OstadeO. Ph>'- stai, suargeo>n Accoucrier. 00te-.Wtlltm mincit, prenaises ormnly ocupled by Dr. RUnse wlil eeae in lthé bande f màgem& 1s am of l uc, o r l 00 pAr.AN. D» . yvlis. oct. 10, lem . M-35 JlIULIN LINSY REs noir gui hmuac-ie o ufrCin ei!:, àuuaiu ensi in u d sed ingtam hua forathera aime. J.ELLiS.-e7.& Oetsber 31h.dilaua rl ii tclien'îmffi Sua stand eues Ht rr il eai, Ken-stn.t. v lieingn diligent in bis bbusines, comblumes iitaire qerviees e! an expertencoat biticer, <meli irnoma lu Lindsay), ithepubliecààn nir os having tiri masr inua nice utânner Md vmtris adeal>. Tour csuntenatciâinnral. &CLAELKU'W. ICOILe Lina. 1-- th Octole?,15 .-O- suaa ftrnoon. oë t. A liaia. lisa-it ilthe thé thprvoEikhr ioue.sda a rmluotdsoLM s iml.a retn rs S i oa on Soai ids.ttu'm n-atotao i. alaiii ol. atgssi.hl ire. us i ua. ott tVcoi.H ilil etoeae rle iteaeu.ioS il.ds.tissa.Tm .S.iyil iam etil is..vDWrPEUS idia>' c,11.iT.U- wl. ianta il. 'bagr c reSui Cenal zihtoPr oe ulsti dltaadya émd 'amne.sdnu .,i us , onhp.o erluu m slot-a v .~~ISMM il.hi.~ ctrr~ Lair. FOR am£O R RNT 0» setun raMtaMFarua**Ur Ceuni>'etai Vatorls, baing Lo ln. IiahéfMi imply vote-ctib>'as nverodtaiu riS. Titis taum, situatei er ltmlufrt m lm.>, ose-bal mile tiom, Cambray.and haut ahre. talstrouiné Victenta. B. R. an une ulde and trie Mlldia on ah. other. buasmarker thst caer le uunupamad i la attogether ose et tria muet aimiraisie teiuin t aire Count>'. Aàonssilar; nmi egvs Butai mutom.lion tiae s>astipr- Chbâeen. A UIRIJJAITS. Cama,-Nir Valuable Poe in aie VILLAGE 0FLORIVIL LE 1 am a rvore iad mlttatrSdaoasfrtramC. L RE, Ea-q., ta sit hy PUELIO AUMTON, on @4 2 asleoir, p.m.,os thé pzsmties tbat vér'd. sn lre puer et taita, bluth ir e ntri.vat pa0 titi naraIal atlot 3, lua theirai Cou. oiidu sud bebg Ur ailhstrtese! t oylnbuffMMt Baila>'. eutalng sho vures a! land. Lornvilie a18ta vug village aitirhe Jmanon et tle Midland and Slpléaing Balivays, aida dm Un"i ta bScmm a plmae e metsocsm. TIRESLIBRAL. Nid. iosodaye! ute C.r.BARe, V. L RSSL. 59- npnietor. Auencir, ATRCTIE AL -r 25 DESIRABLE VILLAGE LOTS, supEmRIOR]FAUX. Fparnu stock. Inuplemment GIS u iai u Eu V1flagiet anetvihe, Townshmip or i haviel"Iast ieatotes hie tirsoumir ME.» 5OM M nomam».te -lab Riahé proper>' on tire gietunda. rcéuai isca, os YeIiuIi! th i2521 of lktO r, Ula easmdlathet1» 5 Iot latii Mvii.. 'en anquuuia-eum; Mue *thb &cim, SMuit ItnSaieeraltt. Tm Fam lt he." ai ii ut mg a§0 Mal e!t mNo. 5. ta tirs lmiiCasif let is tmouatl>' djalmlugJanoivM&It o m * &i'Al oliaitand uir osthhatsa. Thal masu - ,-Usut"%sasun dest ehcezutMd Miualm"Ela 'au a l bylttes hut i mane MW mm in s ustaâ ilsout butiosam bah àamua ddbtal ast~~La m sait-auamui.à bta omieds>&. Ue m i DsM - Plsi m s mm Thor~e lea .ahma& 2 eMUt, a ThsTilau ta~ s ilmia, hua -j - sait ~ ~ bu 5h laes amPauil.aa"Umo te iilfoga s Vas I adàas UaMeba MII OP UmeSlItidnd i -er esois. Lm y - A- i -i ai5B& w* "Mpit-aams - ~ iat -A s~et NeT101!0 PÂT Ai SmhlMata as esaiumshybsekasosuat ne Dop ~a Eut la .mdWIsmis~eS5Vmui ~ay US viEuui IA.iW. Ai - ~g um~ asaen0fMmmmn~ wtt ho hamdai - Do ilS. k- LImàg.oet 36 AUWMO(j 0M DA -8"1.89 BC TÂSE stoo eti eaee AdmSotsn, t.DACom5ui Sope Woedvtll ln etteeieo mie herein, tiresvll bceffersdtor.iale At tae 5vof litoNlartyna & Diroc. ever tri o n- tari-) Bank,ite rsTownset Lintdsay. oh Mrday'lthe 211h daY of October lIT.ý et Two olack ta the stannoon, abs> ttlioe ilagvmitnable proaatie. nauuey: The SouhI HaRot ta,.North a, UsofeTwn Lut Numnier Orne, and Toua Lot Numbier Tee. on %hu Norita, r"eeof Duibsuui mcin theabsToera t Lina..>'. in th Conv et Vacroals Thiti 5nli ait et thre North irensitf>tLot Nom. ber On. e, ot fDurhbaiStret, ootains as n- igitit ofaau e. and on it am aer-esi s ivu. 'to>bKekirdweiliaag bome aud outbuWidog& Lo umber Tee, SNrahs>f Durhamu atiset. cou- imm ..hat un, sudon it mancessia trime doMnt onneansd outbultsiia TE:-Offls rah of the purchehsucmoo>'tu be paad do' tom atime of aie.,ad tihibalance in ton da" s iianuter vithout utarut Ther.emi le a remved huai.For furtltan par- ucaulaSappir ta s IT EàDXN Banisnc. &ot. Lndsay. vemdor'.sseton. Liadmy>. Sio. Mal. h-Ia4. I NSOLVL-nT ÂCTS OPF lmAN la t)W aefaer of ED1rF-IRD WOODS, of teTains of Liid.aay, itheCouualy of rictorie, anad Proice o on tario, ait Iaarolrvat. Notice i. hencli> given iria, under and b>' rrtue et ihe power vessdinisme, as "A,.,aofettrie -1"8& oi faete reabove-umed baat'tet. 1 mail 0, tof PUBULIC AUCTRIN,- AT TMS mica or ama& uHeflitiBEa BMN. in lT 'OWN Or FRMDATEEM 27th DIT or OCTOBER &. D. liS. atrihe heure! Teoe ook lu trie atu- niou, aithtire mate iht..rei ne. utîrsnctsd aju r!IeempUO ti ftii. sbs>î-numed Jasai- vin. Ssi t mrel. nasigneeofo!bis ittais, lu suai ioaire t llawag lnsi ud premuses. vis.: L. The Ss>r Fait sud te SothrlHaif t !thie Neithliait nt Lot Se. i. North e! Duam t tuet. in thie Tomn of Lndsy. 2. lm tNe. 2. Norta, et Durhuam setsinlutrie Towa of Llndta. irahe Cttunty o! Vctoia. & Lotases. S aud 4. Nortir of!Glenetrsaialu Temead conditions modieirnoe t ilu.e o DUNCAN XFAELAIÇE. AMId.-. 230Mo tai tyet FARI 1O I EMENTS, Nouseold . t.r, &o. Thé Stcllen «basi*t lunctton t*setl b>' PUBLIC AVTo TIJEBUÂT, thi OfOCTOBER 17,thé ievit a Sta,Imtet ueneit'mt tm à-'..blntlae HOUES spn muHoes. CATTL- 3comslucat,-iF Cu2altc'. PlIGS-I1 nesiuSoc, 5 Sp Pugs. aMÂRES-l set 'reu areêe lngg,ne,l uit Tam tannees. Ikagi to âmD.saub r'riage ammiree(1 aie) Bell%, a guari>' Cutars. lxpii<L£ESTS Lubar VI lgons. Single Suait>.2 *et Sob. stagais. 1 Long h, i'Cutian. 1 Johntmu Hespir (nom), lU n<Uyugs CIné! Jr.), loang Pog,6 pisug- ei illt(nmzt>' ae), 1 Nun i 1 1*«lIron res R 1 utaiet S-Bull Harova, 6.Bl Maniocs, 1 Currlag Box 1 gyHa>' ec 1),i acileni'>, 1 Gnmd. tom*. 2 Stan. tg, DcgtsChsn,,I 2Itiing Chgn, 2 '1.à5 Ocaim& 3, e = =Utn%2 ires. I Hanai= 9 Lier OaiitSsai-eii' a qoanttry Or Vue Chétus, 5 r i ok> eakelar, 5ber. CA pEu ' oL-Cultugot à lga. Pi. a tc as q arstetc FUELitE V"nlitlg e B.i sesin ai orCar.ieeis Boeispa. r ,Tablsn., An. 0ior articles neoa aertaaos n.Ti reeia h " V n t gs n d t er i n u m U0 r i b o i em i t h a s u e ampanIs. lta Coc e at 10 oect Lunch t 1 'cteck. TersMme, 1- tsn eOf 010 miu goder 'BRÂDBURN & MAS ON, OOENEE STOE~ Bol BLOCK,9 LLNDSÂY, ONqT. OUR IFALL amd WINTMER STOCK 15 NOW COMPLETIE EvoeyDeiebmieit fzfl7A sitel Our Wool.a F briesare from 20 te 30 per eeut, lowein l price th= lat seasous goods.. Splendid àes n l-auGooli fina the mnw shades, raaglag l re rmlc o8e e d Ail the N'rest TeI---'-gste Nat*.. A&s» 100 Dufflo ]RObes to 8seectfrom at Auction ie. oblige lu by loklu at goode andi e..parimg piese IL.ETHOIRNB'URy, Has Removed STOVEand S UINI To O Rlt Street, mrviiipimmaoisemfuture.o iud.a>'. Oct Frum lIraih, 187C.- s02t. 31 FUERS1 Fi ÙÉ-87S! 10 Dwne tnxd as>.liew acomplt@4 o fi'ttke LADES &GENTLEXEN'S FUES, yhti i cii turpras any u a-r -n ht-na bth in STYILE AND VAIRIETY, BeatStrehe fl COMM à" ÀLmUAAreIcaU Mateii.the i, dfrtttgde> ut tsar. FDE CEAE»ANDREPAIRE».- Amï I.Aom TOKor UUnon<RTRE BABRM T mnzinEUS FEU»&T&. DOUENT BLOCK, MENT STREET, LiND5A&T. 1:XOVAL! REMO VAIL1 FRED. J. JONES RAS ltElIOVED TO Mli OL» STAN», KNOWLSON'S BLOCK EAST SIDE, WILLAM ST." 'ta. de-es North Keat iStreet, ehere hhais oened out a nom and! 'ariad amertment et STAPLE GROCERIES, ROVISIOýNS, FRaUiTS, ETC., at o highh.lianmi.1sli t th, Ls>,,i Li'ting Pnit.'a. A cuit ra.iio'.ttfulu>' tia-iteai. maomer-Tbs Oiai tand, Enevines5 ocS, Ulu n St,.Lmay-8-5 1 - iaslams 3utchîr >hop. TE' H5wAY TO TM NEW BUTCER SHOP FLOUE AND FEDSTORE. AiU £rat-clama, reah, Cimaandi Cheap. WN. HABLAN', OPPOSITE THE IEW POST OFFICE, KE:IT STREET, LINDSAY. 6. «. Itrphiu. ______ ~AU'UUR i UmmCI.alu T.O To omsle aire sabstenlter te attend Watohem, locks and Jeweflery Very Oheap for Ouh for the Next Thiirty Ddy.. gr Aivays oni baud a large astortuient ft WATCHES. GOLD RINGS, CHIAM tW LCETS, &c. BEPAlltiSG vutcta, andt Jeweuter>' a ,talty. Canadieansd Foreigen Sewspupera, itiu'.iinta, Scbeel Dot.ks.St-tienery, Fane>' Geodaaetc, Alto, ahe new En;liirChurch Hymu Itaieanutl tEtgiat Pmobyterian ittuta Dak,.an e bai ai lvait ratas At G. W. STIPHUlNS, ymm .Dewet, nuit Amer "theiM Ucet U. KMntst»« Mwlu, lmita ~Ur%._*eiau____ ONTARIO HOUSE,]LINDSAY- MRS. àSE'RMIDÂNl H.U RECEl VED BER Voery Attractive ]Fa U &- WintAw Stock Eni NH1LflIEIl MAXTLES & FANOT WOOLS The. sesornaur blarge tsd enben &ai Ite new gonds. suta, aiFeath itainiug, &c. »RESS AN" NANTLE NAKING. Thé stock le unaniai> compote. and Iaduct caon et>' on havlng neaineit. dust-il ita"A ta.ltl'.n coutiaive 1A Laffe Stock of Nfew ]Fanc« Gooda Imitera Es ase&U la mieuetiO. Au nsnpection 1 esto ck randr styles t-icitesi. fOres promptl>' attande oa s. K.eenan's Block, opposite thi enseon Houa.. pilai ~ ~ ~ ~ M L med.Biiondioat uot!SITE and>aidhiyaof 'srhume. Atrants catesi. Outât suit cesiluali crises 1. Hau ssiMd rOn u IL a e ~ ana ue. TRCEia et), Auga, isMaille. 'msmncradtl.AY.TD rr m:7 taIl 'ta a, -uni-t12 ber~ta1 leon itlea'locir Sharp. eacy tares, -isnoilamt arhse th seR 176-W"YP XFOR SALEC--lt aiOf 1rNtice i, haro,>' giaen raiat ah. Psanenmtil, tdai SeE ~'~ wr s i, ied "itm d m -wat rt henuan style et Fauni>' A Trac.>', sn -- ultaiW ; blancehos sdcoa.Triera genedoralar>ktears. in taie VilgetD n>- i a u.m trams bars 5 etN30iii cellai. Fur ville. Ceint> ut Victoria, bbleu dim'selved b>; A BUD OFaim turire.1muliaapp liea NELý-I cuat Soi-a ble owvyvttaP. 1O. JOSEPH ïLtEY. -- - NICIIAIL TRACY. in Q() REWAB.-Etay Colte.- Docneyiule, Sept. 19, 18-. miii $2O0eSta-edromLotltintletriCen. et O i, n a.l i n uAirti.a pus> ot,-a NOTICE TO PAY UP-lnui cation citai ft.uef sli b>'»Ml e bkcirtm >yait'.dma s taiatte cita trie above, trie undenixnatl be6s tues'tte thlatre on eue i i i; a &!sym ln orstcuit, utigt letcolecting trie de*4 fthu e ât e mai iut .riey ]PU BLIC ui.~a l itnt ipe on taxesd littleette on âA Trocs>. and Sai naistesi am nequisteadt lupro- bisa et souaiont tiwaiid te recoyery iner.te ur prompjt payotant ai thair acc'.u,îts. ospuulntcia dsefl kn iSai order Io,' ula dîtle ads-Word mv bcle trast the CGtobe JoziEPH FLUBTY. ennel byt Court et ChAncer>'luna esitMin au. Hotel, Lnta.or draP. HaVE YLitndsa>. et Brotl vs. Doca>. cawfthéeapprobatioe bbh2 dut.. DOWNEYVILLE POST OF'FICE STORE-Thie tbe uItWEm Udmy FR ÂE. ad uatPa.,Dwfii I1d ailletris thI e p abls0 Cu>'o ttamim a M. tu the'1v.-bli e s asttr ien inyt a se inr Caceun la m um cotaulnalr e-acres; T cz- h ea uas itd.-lbi Poni oUc..-Ia future strict. 8ËM à.71 folamaiUh @eIo:V. =,n théLi tdBtbo;gen'rod;* S iy on TUE CASH SYSTE. JI5UUUHAJmnu train Lindsa>' Il trou Bob&srllt. FeruiALL1RCY à. Dtle.IS, Iita";r ea2he nalssat AVRAD A.D.17.a ar e oock l in tnem tiuraien psntictalar apiwtiytaJ. W. U StOO. bs>cn.yville.Sept. M s;. Mumlber0=17 t lkti lw u diie' re h iue A au-&"eu, allseorlmON SA - dmU. smennau f oitif a toàMl.siniel.Thenlmata'*8aA db--a .VALU BLE [At ESTATE. Building B3usiness, Ibue e lWmMleakg litbgb>'qaIs Soc prepared totaconinslet o enset uflapugou W--. 1 arle t ou a p AVCTI@Nl, thé ahertest notice. Eaulng &aileinlda stf etettat h un lmht en* crilhsuppuéia liertfn trie purpause oubasdansd beolung s piaci bre lageait l a I=Nm sAVGTffzm buinri e mi cariant r. give ahe boa atisi. $Ummet 1 fatio%-88tf.THOS. FmU mie aa.aMmla&0m m Un est 2 0eIN M la. sesa. As. EWU.kW «Is le nid -»-Mse .amtaeâiul< iihssas ai-Mlal"d1,0 vs.' la*triewc ili Seirool ome, ce Umm .tce a um"LaiditCrdltCe 0 Lot No. Southr sa 'à m n ndue aMd la a1aa 0i»mm enaftZset amon HOMIAY, 161h 0F OCTOUE hUmas as" trosamal Hem mmd inm*hW. nie o! PaWaeiogtirimai soi &hM~ wbin te mm M - M enitts uase tiecrioma. Weili teseit àemmatApoS"~eati Seea" e aaoint!neputrêsI uVistmd mlmd pempi. Sape aus"bping tlaeZist" Z *oi~'~Ldt. risc hi - 10. . tirxeH le eo1les of Oqui sa gaensd taaur 0--i ba or. ~êi¶~ ait Ibo tom h i utabtss atitmi rl dor nriOtr l rare siiti fualasmi a Oatdla gir. Co» sissunme Sasaaaesa Edua illtarii acep - Md Oadd cad .ut La iil.yei m ltId u Rte d *0 bIgs He 1hby tt5 à" '1yj±2i% Zlessesm il eS.t d i ~éc a itiftmdà Ta déka fthe atSeuciila t mbe ai emmd la O* *r@c. t bute u Geai " Enilh Chmatio nm lestionmb.taahoni Jq M=U"=g N ni aandu Miro.utaAssisres e md SuieisunSien H" Xw i l isil et 10111 Ià alim ILeà lsbisaluetedatta 1.8. 1OUS.iV. IL. ' ,, £aaaPu* J.S"r".-a . - 0 etUSé lum I itit.WIci. tm a OCTOBER! OCTOBER! STOCK COXPLCTIE [N EVERY »EPARTMIE~IT Clot2hlug »epartment Coumplete. -Cloth »epartment cnuee Dresa Goode Department coip~leta. Famnel Department Comîuleta,. Cotton »epartment Colupli-te. limien Department Compîcte. Sbawl andi Nantie »epartment Comîslute. HEoniery andi Gloves Deparltment crnîaett'. Knitt.d Wool Goods »epartment Comiplete. Small Wares »epart.uient CCI±Ipletî-. icarpet and MFoor 011 Department Coluleîe. Xiflinery andi Fancy Goodat De- partment Unuiaually Compuete. -ne tromble te .5ev Go"*a. A eau rOspootiuily aoeurctts. Lida, >tIr-t".. J. R. D'UNDAS. W'ET PERUP &LOGA2N A,-s' Raducoal Pt ic's COrMBINATION PLOWS ()f trie very ' h aIt 'ast ý , ti,- t . 'tai'- . - eastrai tai.1»-,t-tt M,. .--I --- EsarroWS. Strmw Eîaier% Ami Gralas Es'aiidem of ul kimt% Ilor*.e otvermi itimud t1i,, ia aat% RE PER-S! PREÂPIERS.! The. Noxon Standard., Irou Fraie, Neadowlarh. Woods'. New Johnson and Roye. Sulta aanuuherA tt, t l i k t AXEIRICANÂNID CANADIAN ÔRGANS, SEWUING UACIIII.'4 or'ALkIl 1'An-I:Iii % ili.i . RPISALWAys KEIT ON HANID. WETHERUP & LOGAN. 1876. AUTUMN. 18s id, DRY GOODS9 >IILLINER Y CLOTHINGa Spocial Linsa at Job Priccîs. Cotton Baga bhirts ansi»rmawers, Blanketa. Winoeys, Black Lustes. Waterprools. O'v.roataShawls, Pea Jakts anties. F.'" caps, ]Ladies Fur Setts. Ceust'Merahanta suppliedat aI vbaisn4opricca. LIQOR BUSINESS GIVEN UP. The Suabscribers havlngc learesi out their whole Stock ot Liquors, alre 310w gotting in one of the mont siomplet. Stocka of GREOCERIIES9 CROCKLERY, WOODENWIRIE9 GIL ASSWÂRE9 &c.9 EvuS Rafred. to the iniabitànta of ]Lindsay ansi viciait7. Cafl andsee our S4.50 China Toma Set. D.n't foaet the. asdres. JACMSON & MOTRAVISHOg Lw»g. Hiainjton Block, Lelât Street Goods Suitable forthe Season! SMYTHE & BOWES, a 1 1 1 1