,. ,..Il"" - Aad&Mdm"M - ý . '10« ý*gt, ý - . - - - . - - ý --- -- ý Ï-- ý - ý 1 . 11, Ili il 1 . 1 ' 1 . . - - . ý , . - k ý *,Mm:ïm 1491elle MI A ý 1 wý îhl-ý ".----- - -, W# .1« ý , ý.- ý VtPfflý#, ',«4w«o» cwig twomy -d- ý . W&M.&EAUMWW - - --- -- . 1 - - ý ,m mmmlbwemà -» 1.1 .1 1 -,là mkm#m . ý *@Wk ý . îw - . ý 1 . 1 'Al, oses et the Se- ý ý . -- . ,ai Il COM= ý . ý , , thimme ý - - hotu% fia, hm = bmfbmbfflmea"r ý , W - ý A, t4.()OpwlN. ý ý 1 tt,%»* ('Wmwt» etoffl étie, *Iwçb* 1 OMKU» 00-mu ai. sp,âzrîrý&1;mw om ediews ,Pme - Un unidy assly. ý ý 1 . 1 .... ý a e le ý. lit ý - fý@ý Ir 00" * 1 - - te- «Moct kM I wurtbm a Imm *» Sert: . Il IR foi, K ý r- ic; tu ai 1!ýtt ; b b =*« h-M d=..=mý es, à 4P Il 1 . - fille, VOIY wM Se b" a gtf#bN% - & 1 e*lý4 , kZ ebe Q*Ibmlmu a" bu mum" bliýý"**ffl #ý,ý#.# - ý . toi yý flem 14.- . .M 4 ý wï, îw M ta, a--- ---- .!1 - 1ý 1 obb lm .1=1ZMe-Li IlS 1 - mr««&-"----- tlm> ,.q(**,* V~ itium -. ". . . 1 . ---- --- ,ng)(>]W. »klomm ý - smerom " " p --- à W a et t.---- - -- L ýle -W vr- iaiài- l- 1 , - -i 7ýZL11w -, -...Rwý ....-w ireVIdC, A «Wh ogowd ow"wib Witt ftbrqittellk" 1 1 1 1 » ".1kad - .314s, 'a ei, «M W *MW' ý . 1 ý - ï4rrêlai r 1 ý 1 àw le metmo M - W"e iX *W = ý ýl.,ý - 1. 9;;,ýr, 1 MW bu -bd àt-» *ait= a du 1* gw,&t*trpiý=.." bu jùý 'Aï C - h. ý =#V"WebrN*"kt*Kow«iudoï ,hitnévootlettbý%Yi3tlt,..*W*.-À ----ww_ - p ,!é sew«a At -11mic rots q»Ii gre::14. týa*Z-»*MM ,,vhfmp,,f4w 0 ý ý , -» -la ho yet ,8886 ý ý *ww*@«yý - - . le »&-ho#» ý . -or Mr amadk 16 Si ïM - - 1, .. .e lâw am Wyd Z @à Pt am Umm azo 1 gt:dlàl:e =, M, ; :F lote c W ",,""MI .. nom" iet à 441" vigrie ý - 1 ýre2momemd épo M1111RIRS ý- ýý 1 .- 'y et . »Chier ae mmamow, ê« M »V. ». amwý ré &ë WMI" a" Agam 1 Omo& c - - imme 40-0«wm . n«':.ýl.,% %W -- th etri ibud t*ztilttttlibv% *MW Xý 1 ý :- - eét in à agagnéto moue ; 1>1 mah E. éo %, lý 41%.1-q d i-tiý1't'R" rlq4»tp'ft - ý . . e -= Ç t W, = i P~ = kokis 1ýrtllbg-llrwilm. a tu of tiw voiewy ý= re mie =Js.. frb"a1ccý2 a Coli . the -- -.. 1 à.,0ý. . ' q, of vielley rh4,lk*t' ý - 1- . »Mr ' îer bieb lurlml»6 «W a liait ct-IOMýM Uàb* ý- - là*@ *« fmwg . 11 ý âtsiîe . 94 the am lbep«Mm Mun ---- ýilý, -ýe -NI ý'-Sl»t (bie, 140à ' lirmi l it * ', ww 1 ý r4 gend ,,.,, 1 1 lé. et MM% mbkbua lm te juste mm le ý ' i iliàs .L7 1. , .11, 11110 ý.IW* . rtlqt bop ý - 1 1 @t1b»ý?-ýfýý In te" et Site soelet » ni ýÇ-.,= q m.à4,z.-xz éï, lm Mes, lien, 0 -gmi seklé, ý kIt= lt»«WW'fýr-atir" l- 14,91tli, . ,ffêe"ll et br . .... ;. 1 1 ý 1 ý ý Y. . le. ai _b ai lmy màter a -1ý;1ý1.'.- 1 lit, (.îýthIlQ 1 -a %,,ý--#- ý I eA»ttoe ni ý 14wý l, Let t M1,14*11111, It A .% Illéli ut. ý ý 1 1- UV#ud - t 1. "nt it are- ýîIpM qd= fora=»W; liù tille m w euttvr cq)tbqtaltqty " m 1 ý;h il. sr, %e ý= j» se, : àMNM» rý ,p 7 -'l' -- - - SIr 2Xsa Pwý ý . m THE Dt74yxl.v ÀCT. h= MMEM Wb@» téwa te .ýI -- , ýý 1 . choisit cum bilt sirffl , !2~ý ý1 ZCC!" -e ---- faieoile1--pntoýi. ý ý ý. 1 . - 1 Min" . sel émah: "4ebý worbri .. . - OKUMLIOW lm ~ ý elable 1 --b-= '2by amièmes imah" by *«" . . - 1 . ý- . - txi-6»,r%-çt, N'iwttt,9. le ,ý, VIS, mm au of que a" OUM camb CI IKý - 1% ý- ait. Mée day "il tel ârrtt-t, toit »-un mmrm 13r laemàir-T» covs- 1 enr.;Ay j- ,"M- e -"e O!e z lh. u.se . il...... . ' ý . a . ý . - ï 1. * féélibif, * = Il .A.t. ý- ý - ,ý *0 du m euru»m kàlà ý ýý - ý 1 li - ... ý . - ý «tm&lcqvmbr.- - mduitltm -, .. .ý. ýý- ft xý. le , ý FI 11w ý, ý . - ý ,= ,,,.,, ý =e »iý , gest t1le tat C,,àjý - Qa'%« am a Ca- *0 M loin m". Bu la qr»31rr lim am«utlf 63r«&Mprmm. * -lm - ý ý et (IM.4t', 1-41ilight als Il C. i' lez ýI(. ý - . '. ý . 1 1 als I. I - r - ~ "ry - 1 rda.thé ---- - --- pmé;rd.;;..t aiselliésal. Md , 1 > . 1 -- - . .. ý . *9ýtormoidon et U» rolleil 'N 1 1 . l 1 #,#"te* Okol, New-trllw(IlAtbllob".ked *-- - - % »M"OiOL ý Ave Io nm âAm .tit! = *"Zlodgh*o,.* . . . . - -M -111-,- - -- 1. ,hw*KAeém OhRtt,,-ý e #44t le. --- 'l' - thist, wëm et It eut 1 --îQ" -ý--- «W-1-1 112 , . 1 . i»dêý è of 11111111111011 1, ý . lww; A meetinir w» belli on Wedn«day ý « S. ---- ,ý 1 . -110,âNëw"ktý,%ý%1-. N'ew et la- 411le, 1 ý1 yk%" peau- NM a th te ho " - *sera" am = = mýa i ý wwMýth0 *Y** Of t,*"»W(mm wu Ni'. lie. ilin &%a %oa., 77 ffl- - 1 ý 1 morahwin thebammentotibe Xétho- ý dmyotemywmot wà«hmuygttbe*ii- 1. JK effl *11 12ý»( 1114,,4"1 1 1 i low am sa illivilà bbm«V ut loi tmowmiio.md.lw*mu *0 c-0-ru" ý 1 Il ý Ipffl ý t* fi** ïe: le la am ffl tqbb = . Pal - 81tlft 111. ýý 1 1 1 ucnag.-Ibe agent i dist ehlèreh for the purpou or taiting _ wy oppmwmayte emuw -M ettale bd" ffl) ma ille - , - * twvl., . am Mm 09 les mmb Ubu, 1. ý ..If" Il', -»tý ri. Ie i>ýw ý*« ý ot t%1«1.** m C ll,*'Wmtt Ny. in ,lo lit fleml - L ý 1 i $tape te petitim the Victoria' ce - -- &agibu 0 .. ... . ý ý;ý- t )-, 4e #4 ffl ý ý - 1 »Wýe il .0 ll:e a'. Ir ý MUY 1 iz îIý -1 %..= '%.O. a, ..,ý.swéî. .. -.1 ý'-e,,I""%t *ýï e4yli 1 gémntbtné" irg4týtwog,- n". Mr. s4t,ý 'X ) 1 lille .eý à el ý = M*". bqll a * 9 ý - I«ty"ý ele - pelleilimst lm- 1. ' ee ý C : -ftaý et tu ', ýý,e«,ý1-,if , Il ", M- 1 :»»* "a" » 0" elletteluill ommuy cd ** ne 09 on- 1 Maie aieilà h »w tqMýM» f&W M q M* ýtZIeh, tâtivetillemille. Witt 0014ffl rivri 1' ý 1 . . 14 - . = thmbatwommuchupêmm . . , '. ', -e#,,,lPw%ý ý . Il- è'* ý 1 , - éo«Mna tb»técr lizole Ot it(kil.ý . ý - 1 âqM lm ftbou Ow "Èd".%et te the ft»p&r twsgmd*mbm .wlm*em" de*" 8" -- ý il ýi., Il ... %týýÇ4#Y'V ý *M*, "tnft*w msl 2:1de ýý .. ýt«>be 1 111.1,sass' ý , - r,ýý'..,ý.,,,, Ife 1-" «**ï%iqlo kW .* ri**. l 1. . 1 1 lit, Hk ---- . 1 ~ I.. ' mi ** Mélil 1 %%-At% 14811110-ffl - 1 . -M .4 air Illewils, - - , 1.tý--- - -" -1 ils* tikt*owtoffl . 1 i*tn;lte SA 1 , *oui (ý,,Ull,%4.ký 1 m M Je" ý A- au est, thwz afflo«L tu «Mîg.ý - I 't ta"* qýý Wh lit by J. %%'. litieho - ý ý 1 1 'If,,"......;, 1,-tiîes,îtýýnqe,*,>»,,#P of t(w ý le lm ý a. la. à.b ý1 - ý 11111M 11111111, - - 42=7 e ! was ealled by the suntuy or the - ML - e ý. -Wbile lits. -&Ill- leine steau ',,.ý,ý,ý,:tý.?"..,ëodèooo*,*Jo,,"le W., *bd - i-tor. ý Illet sumbm '1 1 ', -00, un 3. Th" yfflir "le r = . -h" wm appointelli te le .- 1 - - I, . 1, - ! tW mmm«be ffl eftted, by au ù*rý or 0 4eli . h1qt," ý 1,If0oý ellet lit si(% oiffl «« ' 1 . OMORIJ .1 ý à@ emwtw. 9" 0 sas for PStà" vestercil ý. *l;ýwl WIL Ù* S > - t*t*. 4 = wd à, Notu - ý ý ý, 1 ý ý Md mu«M et temnemi» ad"eates - - - - -- S w ee au 1 - y -pýttdie la alla lieillerir 1%4 Very blably - 1 ý b ' Witt - mg Wedmodi . ý . ' - ý 4%4 1400, Pt«fl*t* of (IWW*10ý cm lit" we, i4wil ibl'iltiï;;Ï;Reiw tbu - lav---, Il ý . ý htJd la Utoisay au Lm ITVÀ UIL The suem*uhmauomwll loi et cSd ar.eme 4 Whi el ', ý, ."ý M tbb - . ý ý - 1 1 'the, ll.,ý%-, ---- - - ---- - .----Iw--- -@MW. *»@""" 'a ý«g ,,ý U» laborers tiers ý ý T»a i*-It,*I«owmt V. ,,ýx* , Dili »Mt. seillon .. ý ý1. ý = . -qutitati I Utim tho iq"l.nI%-ý, ;;;?àý" ý . ýý te' $tt«d«" or . Imm tw ý-ýàffl- ý seme It la fettred. bitally. The "onm :- obiý ,&ýittilýýbdo,#mntxltooimwittew« ý Rhezby- ý IRIORKST AWA19b . ,,, "- . l 0 *ariffl townmoa *m lm larue. bu _ ')Owe ofé ItAtffleky t*«l se denk-1.'t pro.e id go he otfwffl ý 1 t" ,ý -- --- - 1t',,Iý,tqP4ýA,ý ;= - VE . ý . ý ýý ý eeé laminer deek wm blown up. but à . > . t..! ,,, to telle trwl il Î, ... Ir,..-,,,,, «In ý Ard 1,11vil i tII4 thiýtp e "d U*eW#enneum TÊken. ,eh* Il & à -pem wM oabmu --à i, - '-'i'.ý,,,ýtý le 1 ý - «bdb»" ïS nat bduv& Md W» le ý «~ (Rff oh tiol, tu* tife #lit* ftwiath, ý oP the Ili i*.Ittt prI, 94letq 1b"fdvqp thèli. . .. .. ý W.M- a »,w ý ý ý - : ýM"- - ý ý%1 witit the wobâ" ýE ý1 .V. . Ille * " MoppetWO& . 1.1 1. -9p-- -il-à-----i fit».. toile ---Mi ,1:-l-'-lý ýý lho, ('*,I, il, ft - vol au 'lI'l-I.......ý, ý -- .,-qe Mýývtý,,ýl . Mu . ffl t,àftý .11. ý", -Pt emb'týýiteý, it ý%I".#,vl«%* 'te% civit ltr%">:Iýý, t rail id ellit 1 ý*ài* 1 ý»@à 149ime» contes a horrit ý,!:.;,ý Y,! ý#.O , ýý, $4 h, ', -lm' ý 0 . , Il . l' ' 1 - i M - - , si Ill ýq - 1 1 qq, «Itnettmwlý%flitt Nif ýle , - qN and mUdes», fruits the feeling .. ý - l; ,, e , . ýý'1 11.11 f th* ý , , eth6j ,,hlm"h tw MW tif thoo t$,tilt-t eqe ,%tl'i.%, 0ýý1 ;1,emjr,;ý,, 1 1 . % akirc i toward the Act la their respective dm------- -- --- - ý MM «ffl of au outrage upor i ý 1 , 1,ý fille *"F%,ffl am stellet $"hoý,11 I.Aý tIN" let-41ti,,àl' .%,,,k'#% , . W ý . . beqwbwdütbyà.iffle W ----- *hm ý _ -, ,. 1 '. ý I..""..t - , , tIt,ýr, , W dite et Osais, ý O Île W* ý= oiý1y crime wu thit II %tele ,10.ý% . - r,-i, (.,.% ,- qý, ,,W fier Volet vrelle. ; Mill bolorad ri 1 lýeUbbnrbmdiiý tha the by-law would lises tbi îkp*bU«n tieb -I, I., , - ', --L,%;,,A 1 twi'y iw,,.M**, -ttt*mtein 0 ý 4el. t long zfta» M.0wy et " 4&t-Ml i*t»h*ffl ,%Ir. Nititite bit. aise te *pkm4idk* .. - = but abb te - ý ý i selle .,- ýAl,.t.""z . mga' i de«MY@d by tire cm the -a ý MW Uffl -ýî 1 1 ý 1 ý 1 âd&tbeDe te .. si, ., 1 l ýý,ý ý.,#Mli.. Sm t . 1 9" - ý ý . ,e à ,., %, ýý* - , , . ý - ý ý " agmae *0 ý Pm it wàbM&mL- ilhe tilleul emi. .. . ý .... - ýý 1 ý ý týjl ý ý a"-** lit il , rý neth. 1 - -- de ftý:f ter.ing h , ý Irv. of lllatiltet*..IIYY kali White. waffma 1 ý ý W e, 1 ý , . t , me t1ille O*wtàvý , . 1 »Meitl ("ýjrj.q.tx and (1-111111g. U% = S - ý ! V et= »rho elm. , the ,---- - . -ý«umlmk»wII6 ,= el -ad elbul &ft« ten «Clmk, With. ab i er c2rée a., ý ,ý 1 - $- lq- î r*(%*#ýiQllý, %tr 1 ý le am et = ý ', - e e>,it , j"Itpffl luti, , wm îkzvivà" The la- ý P-V. Cb&rl» Fl3b4 cbâirM=. and Mr. 1 d- - m. %eh" %P, Ilien %toile. i. lkIvýty-(1 Ill y in lbl% lait. i & of - revivm y 1- - nmombm . f persan. Ilu» %tory .- ý1ý ý le thetsk -#b V«Mllt '* 'L " * et bdiii the new ,» Tba% -%Fa r roq,à.: ellicitied >,v the Itetur ; - ., " ', 1 1-1 -l". -ý1,e ý le emoi t'e r«ýwýwl W .', .i. . ; . - "- Bielle chrilletiéta, ehorch'; John xLedem la the &heu 1. - 1 - j"- IL i -ý "l , 4% Mtýwnd4y lnwt la ffll«% whit etteils di.rimrt tlieitt'l* thàt lèlié 01ueï sa, î St W hm emm#wd ter ii . ire of Mr. i i.= = k, *m. ý In exarainil . ý 1 1 f*»Inlo, %loi re-Miri nkui, N01114, the %v'ýbrktiý%tln 1 Of vienfavils whe k*U . el. ZM .«*i 2ý2 . _, be - il *ur Il q. ý. 1 ý 1 . . 1.1,t N"ft, ('t'iýntwt flierviii 4mit elttttt, kl wtll,-kille4t.- we aftitr -i& ttin. i vu bephmw te Mistia gal un duly çaah" , 1 . . . 1 Il ýF 1 1 111- 1ýt «tft0ftýtkkkle t * ý - - - * -ment-7 PW Il# - elleil, ail ýt*"I i 4'tttb»>"Med olir i 4broissill tho plaire 'W * ! UMWcqw obeam et tb$4082V ai Vbmm fer ý Il In ouschi ". ý . . . iý..eé h;%-, 1 1111 ý lot S, ;a;âîi;,;;,t W ZIZ ý - R-t'sL£T ý ezpWned by t . 1 la saiti te ha, ý, 11, ý Patronq te trt oite tir ý'tillitr' il * la iànetvil MIS. Jeux ... z ý -!, -ý.'ý -'L" - elle Ul Iffl tdïbffl ý . j ý Maita . . Uftt>»eiyýl. ý Il ver (»&I%ýpr«,ýîrtt*, ('%eeew ý - . ý ghtir appeil à by-u* 8% puuum et -la» wu ý ý ----«Oý--- T1zýýý we«. 'orthei ý i z11%,";»ll!4ý ,1ýIg» Vif lit%, (101doil ý1 ý ý 1 ý i ., uidu ýI- Y Il ý tieit 1e-%tý Hxýek,ýeep, liltfé w*ýt mtt%*tqt ,%fWý ralittirert &'»dlg" lo m ! what ambwity 6" amt»âe for which ttotýtý0(ll* o»Afft #è.l1ý %lf4»ýurl» t 14L, ,ý,,tlth -lit". I«Ltl . ý Se > 1404 t OS *bd ýý s0xvi. ý ý l pow- "Il hâve - given "- . 1 . 1 Oe,, ' ,ýq"Tty -il% "Mtkftymv talle, *" 0 il . . 8% 1 Site niMteor,*» =Dette .1 1 11, , 'il ý i1âxx,*ýàV Coý,çt.mtt.ý-À . I mm by no memm complimen r ý . ý, ý ý lqui %41M Wtlttx*e-ý T4, r-4 Win$ mr A 1 1 1 - -- 1. . ý ý , .Il... e .fý111 -'111ýe '- 1 ; W elibw il"* 4bdwr#,*r* go "el, t,;"I. . Il# il 4'VoN ,i( %, 1 ildiAýà ý gtm wu te #4w " ean pilleels bý ý;. "" l . i,ý ý1t = ý Peillow Pentienten ' fil ý different ý muta «Umdrput m toibei,,= . , k 1 ý l elleil iit'j'ýýtý'-itbý%" lit%* tini ý rt--ttIt the »«% sglid @M 1»**- Mr --t' Il,,,,,,,," am,(,trti ti.q. i'arrin" tbttoitl'ý . :lr""".gli ý le l . liée reloirend men fiers; Iâ,ýý ý ras JUDLA.JVD BAHir.L.Y ItIv Ft,ýI,î*eletfl Te t 4. It] - -41 ý à Uy' brethre«. Thsi la the Reptiblima ve *il-' 441111~ 1: r1h V .é. ý 1 1 the ttotbegnrmayeeboachildred CA N. à DA. aise et the affidr-a version wh" ý . ý '41 IlIte ý tIlliïtI"r",Mt tt tfielr letie thtý,(,%, j eltttly',,.ItIr Ive tbl,.,ýýrv%-tý VIr 1 . j ite itébile grel nk%* -qikiteham Md i IR M le 'The couvert tlongwtdot vomi and in. gire opinion alle te theprob"Mjy of the f 1 . - Witt be Weil te reeeive with consider ý ý ý I #00,14 ai N»(«b ault a W" »ttài, Pfti1o«ý ewi-letier i-J «W" rishhel ter V(.r,4ttin% Iè%-ýgérn1IY hier .. 4%%>*d sel ý $§MW Lý i AY1.417AL or Fm" *am»s bL-angwamp- oit tara --- %. If. -fýtitcýâsr,. ;ýýtt-(-Ilý prjýtt,%S.j* îerfflid ilot le X(b,.fwrbgý ý ,,,,,,, eht. lit, lot eIýbpt 1 lkakt, L'imeil >'Ildghi- 1 MMMMUI rM"r, ellemil - the, plest _ de remet of the by-law in. their section». - ingte, the Oth, eyllig 1 . lie - sied ta au _ ý sort very ý encourug. . BOXOUdLnm&- aide et the mory it ilwigt lie foutta "ait Ný»»feVýfjw,%q-e, ,%, t . ý - "et 8iqrtl.itýX Out lbloq* wort, C14%Nt-kx,-ý%jI .Ilsom tre e *W the Su tend thrir reporta were - fflop %,eholtki I jù«q%ýý ýt"-Iet-Il , aekdà - The event W» , 1 1 ý , . n'ýqtnk, wi, too »M lf,%VLt>ý White Ùell'ter theI lit, h.e»or= Il - by. ing. Il The of the " Mut- là Ctume::" on by met ý #%'.tif -'t et O.. i 1 thtn rerr. 1IM4 #ttbw lit el @jxt, týýèrhrr of vorai M» WOM do Weil librettry. th" 07M am tkftiwhr"4,tltqq"r fof dI.Vin b*4 1% = SI, .Nuionsit ommittie, el ý . ý 1 - 1 ý - 1 1 -tv.r"n ý ty,*e hittel lbé%»,I,;bttw oittr" la mrent ýtYkit ý IWINI thit wimerl eepeew ' . - wu ter *eform àl"Is A erettkil in .Ivtmhýtt at 1 nnkt pr;#4.,tl ail i .- ý -41 itl.M...etý.t C'««, of - CobocSk, »W m ýibe 20I.Mt %.1021y, ait W" elicilied fromthe wSlan he 1 'it A 'y -. & ()(> 1 1 il, ý. hl 'týttid Ô4414 a liffléellet Pelal f= 341: à,tt«zrt&d ý 141. Mât. 0, ., Ilntiti m CI; %v,,rktitan. ý W Illb t bler OS 1 . hl . un rail- ý -belote proreedinâ further with tenait. 1111il L-911. vmte» , -tAtiim net 'rttr*dlv àleter 'Ithipi ,r4N,4vmkt>4v9ryn»tliopby -Wxt* vrittlta, 4..4ýi,«t radiait ,%,m'a" ',=', dw m q» a titille 0 bave the DUR- %f4ý»,nh4t Wi»,ttt In of ttherýý,« . reàd mes a w" con-leWy destrovell le tk,%" lewlege, r1l lelyr, lis. -how rcmýbý, liait orte, *el& ,,fffl),,, te wake Il 0 getefttiieble b1w --- -49 si would be Weil, t, Loss1wîý The meetin finit âmQ 1 ý . 1 - hniq il qvet 1-m-ft f.le thfe lelteý,y . "'*' ,qpembm wilve M&Mby the 1 nt . theft = ;;ý4 .. ý lieinati **W*tt , ý , i ittttrvttb, ý tn»wrttowl ý . 1 , . _ wev«M fw the :eviom T= 7y: MLI; W» - -egg&î 0A LE l.*"ë ille jtii,»(4t4b"*Otl«* , ,I . ---,-«»---- U*Mà to&M dmký = ý kin -'Ict read ta the convention, for ho = :j M or A ùcTltiàv Ali'.0 . I.xp-*,Ný%ý,, %irl C, 1êý '11, à.. i= % ýft =e .. ,.. "**rt. of PoRT gopv )11111111 w0w dftmd et the - bats no doutes gel of the peritene . *0 ,"»--d 1 1 ý ,ý ý - 1. ý ý ý - ý ý i * rit%" llý*:,tttot*.t-tNO4.tý,tw XtIb"etm' 14 lýktx*O.V§h.,Il lit4ippeti(it'tit, wam lie ý Tob: 1% ôr (.,%-,Al- Ï6 lnw» le, *U*,and a t4g dance, carrIed on UsSil ellims, were equwy. les ,,,.... Pr& might lie recelivied trucs, Gumula. whIcIg ý -umay. il il.--ily W. L. avaitif. Amsi,.» Cý Mr týý %V !.Zttpbkttt*ý lw,&,. dellirr, i tt'yva file A ,Ittlýté, ()fj*je-,ý 1 ý 1-ettlitbu-ýrkwrbm mm-igb~ »Ou« diqlloutu dite moming. ml ot the ,%ýt ivrek - ý --P. the Umb» wisbed. te piste befteek the 1 %ýai-bkà- ---k jalg 1-pluuut_ t:je pl 1. . hale lbk*"tl l'a ente I,#i.tq, -t4 914.e(.b»),êr ý Nie ý i1lý."V cýý 4 ý 1 ttttot*ew thïý ý - ý1ý VkIi ser. r44ttlrlýq4l t'a WM»,, ailes ilixkir. '41M 4t»jp au army et 1 ýouquirov. paillettes det" as himarit They sa k»w It boudhohkrs. Tke»WUemitwmgwl Per-Y otxrL IL IK amtwt LGr ,le la 3 fl.tklttrtbl - 440dh'«'. luilà fon elf ý et ty hiltt freim't tbitrçtuwi»ýi trip lie T'J'. &%tilt livtèrlè,) %bat enit de»bM" the es. 1 Pâvi-r'Sorsài.-Ii% eoumidutieW et hall for lis abject - m 1 CUIL. OPIR. am* a M Old**. ýhnl. tmemimumentot the ý erany audentood W«U eonuin the - - ý- , ý 1 iootv4e,*tlntttosqiýe-e)at*i- elle l. el Il . with à ý ffl iofak*tN i the Mdk*UtSurtmv A" kindaum ex. litit'Or Mille and m vSh bâtit beire ý with ,ý(w4e,%-t.ý*t "Ilbrillt»j - 1 et lltiet."Iy fitre'Aittt wel ý , j "P. P" et the ondaà in câna" te the ! te l,4ithb tel 4 il, 'l t .1t" go»,nIeýý1"ý. i ý,lIýt'tq41 .t.wk t>(imvrltî("* fer il* hot- roi, t.,,.tx niubvýinu rAfflLý- 1 hlbibd ýy tbe hWabitaran te, lewta. rt. He was of t"t the ter. j charges mal by Ur. T. C. W Mnidaib, L -wi. ý 1 . tortiminil" ý idttylt -.Vit. 1). ,Nfelt,,%e,. ',W.I* Ifflvr ltxirm the foiýowt»gpi«tm I 391»w&t>OWW *JO@* WOYAitemm gave WWO"ld. nom e- e e»Moit j the ex C010M OIAL SEWS. Ygilliýýliel. ý : ..,.,.. etiole lit - - la - la, " . -amnt of the-trust«% tbe cw - ý ý ý ý ý let#ý-4*400 teil t)w'ý4eP = si kliww*ffl : t.e(,elý tný %vmtttt..,Iý,,ýy. leV rrre-reuretatinIé ý ni 0tj4rý ý th" eMl«m cet the Stiltdav - 801WM a werr made by liât ý - ý : . ý . ý . F t'I-bt4b*r* fflth go#ýwe(,e"6.ei#,,$,,., , 1 tel lenfék tient the ' 0 are I>Ikla-k4l Ittb4rt*,Oftt4t*t(b".W Vwr»tàk 1 caser reemdr publisheti ter him. On» de, lýu C.4x.&&,I&e K-r. . 1 ý - , ratitler vrhteh bA,4 tolibt il It ý oS"a«cwin thechwiàbm the - requireettroulir exerutpiopaste»M thlteywobualdd - ý Xr. 1-8rnliwà toult: theýcia-Wat este . ý LLý-say. Lýe-- -., ià-m ý ý . Xh Kwh **d - . , Néïew ublý,*i,ý, ý%fe. 1l I*Vt 1 t rl-ttht,ý,d Itint lette lerelli ýtt(,rp«fttliv ý t'ivrrtxnrtt from tlw, ir. xe ý mlewing xo"ay «mümr. -roi! allur m orm md opposition te @salaud , olélocit pretiedy. Pe offlked un Pte- oý,jft, . 1 - 1 1 : titlmkft fkf'V*-nrý V, tel, f.#r, n ý ,,ýtl, .'t, ri* ptztee,* ai," qtr,ý-tIlr âge »rLý ('ý »rIétkný 1 atbtt tient f %%'çxmtward. lin thwe lis illit VI ! WM grettelly eu»yed. ileminel ' ý celematis by eltyrag tut me am bUM& . rm ý , 4% ep"êà.â ý,4",I%ý,,tyeý lefoi 2,éit(.Vt , , 'n4w ares a . - --1111- - ý . -The Aet waw read by the geelet&ry, 1 mu dur badtlbmtmàtowmtbeeèft- heillikte 2fith 'Çor., 14 areli j ý merkm h- - ù»gj,*ýjng tend-w.y, &ad - . l ýý ý,19" tàïie. .tO> mtwibltig the, tkbmttiott, tt,,#,l ' 'I'mz ,rotl, %, ('NAM'k. %fe lkhIIe7ý-tntxI th, middle nit lie Liste, deçfâmed beilletit xov.,rr pl.£,î.q.iý%-r. [ alter whieb the serr %%Iilll*»ik*lý witety he le*.* jlý ý el tn,.t.eýf# in mmiu*, a ifttý Wbfiý ý eury. of the osa. timottrastees. The bondhoMeràw«e , the rS& au better, ibn locM ,We,*tne. h, . ý ý . . 1 ' S til»ýt".t. tl,-'t", k-en kti ý q . ýx4teè (wéé#%Cîý of .eebw ýU1» . W-Q"-4»ýboriberb4j IMI coulmitue read the minutes of the &»Me theSt 3b- G- XhdwU hsd Tel'hm- bats la:r.t Fkom »W du CbrL-tmai buaw ý . - - ý ý ý ý je rail *bd atteowtete %toek, ,Mr, ievtw ott the r4e tIltýn1gg et t*#('*à 'ortie oftble rissas ha A Pt,@RM&ItURM 1-L&.,.-.4, . ý meiltiait belli on the 17th nit., a" a 1 ed this positimon. «coeus of the dW va Intel bu munle. ý 'iý ils the leïlle t'Ibri.t.itlý ,V,,ý lýttrkýd loin the, wâi !ý 41,eik trmbýtviftit« etiqet ,Viervoh, %ýliibist. I-hurrh t,-%%'ý-r: nais the j.nýtCer. ltV. J. er, Di*"""" 1 1«,Vmder or tac P(»rr 1 ýùw*r"= ý mmber of letters train promhomt test- ý taum limite Lon" U whieh. ha lived., 1 - &W.M." O." ?Y." - ý ý 1 . ý 1 .- . 1 ý . 1 blýe-i-- enAiýl ntiet %ye 4,4 albl>rittltt t ho crélw dit lbk petit bM the' - i As be î " 1 1 as Ghwopw il; w» fausses. Amdùm UveiM culte emeiller 4 uxd ,A %%,tel Pfore peottè%btfý, Ilow hiý %,.tktqt.tY, 0 rýt> i4 .t.lioltir« ,,%tk.eriptitiffl lie 'O abrite sud the «W ge m vu _ dm" of thecomty, Who lnmtedtheir; - : . - . Ymb&ve«myf*Pomffl t*inalmonevery ci ý; et ït fflf. %V'-ý trlt"4 leil, ivilt ent 11, te 1 cousît enst , pliggi, inffl icir ta lie limitent ag &ha Suvais. ý Sible for him te ceuw With the othez, ý- Il 't't %,Pii1ý y elle bu iubiotnel remaît. Ca G (Il () Es 1141 A . ý Le L Ir 19 W . -lretè, 'J lqeýtt0'o, , - lie tien a. ,V hewenre I»e*vyý ail. >bc rporegeme thai ma»V of= ý thm. thàt expressed, neaftv sympathy. tri-$- -offer any advice ex by ýý - >.et %q l e ifle ý ý \% ti- t'I'ý)tbir"I "'41!140 ft"'te% t4kl lbtbeii(' Ille. IL(>,44ý,é hil t il %vilie WWIV 1»tpml- ,,,,, .ýbm âuwdw commb" t . ý . ý ý . . 1 ý Iý,.,eIIi Iliteitel, ý . fl'r ih,- lltwk Île ý . = bd to Ulm »bie.-Irhi Brittab glikja .ril Il. ý 1 , 1 . ý 1 . ý ý . tý .om 1",* kiek.ýt *le Y., V, te(. . el étrrnt (lelltlrni(.t.tt,. Itkift garment't non hMV,3ýý, tell.111,111111, mwkmu er*rMv k»w thélit thwe L* with hémovement. - . ,letter. Thisalwavwcamed y ana,ý 1. ý ý - ý : l, elle nIftý(,itid teiittti. W* h4,. h,,i»,,, lt Î. à%W et tw"*,*tty for the thsireh, nuit - ý si sa; 1 oit- Preventeli theme 419r, Iller ma cm"»& T«Y AM " -4.L à .pxi bu.iai . . 1 'it h ,\'(>,e, MM, ,klý,l i. .nîftý # ,%';Il. '*, iiiii iwdy hl* bý wilà e4ir ~ * the a ph"« Minuit Plkawéacît Ili in the tenir; On n'Ott- Of Rxv. M& Ceux It w» 1 &st, falow muteud fftm taklm lhý hkabsesdeaisil, . . . ý ý i it'-Itt t4iI u 0 t*liev". Pttl-t'h*ffll tel inellet, a, stwb,*«- ÎM . OtCýk»aI lttemmawotthmet&vqg":i resolved th" in the jadZment ai the î willestuattavenge adraffl ý .. ý 1 - 1 ý . ý 1-l"I il, l'e et, (*,,%ýý,%qbbe Ahv Q1%eki«,iîVý - l"414 âmiwlýtlt>- " "-.ýqll ailes %latter t-tj'eý, ý . *PM*Ubmvn&ometothmr _ _ ý mitd"ln opinion, aillent ,ý lie j nu - the fvuqmàp 09 the Dmkl- ý Scatters ;* - --MU'mwp-q-rm. on the qffl Uwre b . ý ý ý ý , et - à»M JL .. 1 " ýý . . moraing gant ý OmvmtiOrl of 1 be« m *etin U&M lim Tmoby. ait au advela ,If Iki'. wtene"ntxmbt* Witt (ýo-iftr kt: thr k4ro meI ý. tw Pu ffle ,theuld A-; til at*rm of are W» , jetorta woffl --neeesury "a Co-e4mumv it hm six growla m' Act in the efflui . m I ý W14,41, 14%,ple (,.et heme tuot 'ýt intlefmtittgth" - - ýemagilý »d le tmt IMM, mm elam plekerti, »VertbeIe»ý' à au" beuglât té be 1 ýacum __ ý te= et a planer pur eeeW taembuSc-. î e,. l,,I. icoeq tý'kýbtity 4 ý 'el 1 eltpeli*e Miaftted ý ' the community. i thalle l ivicheu ý 0 it à W R o b le * ý 'eý$t "titlh, wa. tttwovevw.d thm à glia"este m!-ý 1« Mmist-Pâmmne Illagils si,, gromkd, tg 1 tity « quav Md &&« U33 again taken ct»m»ýq"4qttè -4r,ý.ý4. le. j),,Ijýý %ville 19. . 1, mit. H,àssum Mid the objeft ofhosa. ed resim"ouL bus be ttbe Cb@W -ieuMY»Obbimbb mters, te lie hed oýer. ,. - ý 1 ý 1, .4é%v%"O ter . t4tl,*#»>ý'r Oty, 1. 1 ; 14K.vrtle, - tk on rilim -,ýtttrw,%qK, ý t* NW Ir. Ilielwertisiol Raser noani b» telles, grassets *tom albel one Ping the cStivientiolit wu te "a te the i mm wisked ta the Zqp lie bu ýT1-P. ý . . . ý . 1 1 .1 ý,,, .we, ritriv,, .-%%"tuý.alidomilomd texr.alie.' . a= ,! wimber » the vire . , - futher uqmvez«t In ." Pârtl* (1411.14î,t 1.1, ý'b?" rtý-Ittlektml t4ý Rive the ý 's 1 Pf the matrui mmuuttem- Md, test at ,kt, > , --î- tit, and m 1 Tbeama" bublortreh'm Md pmeut dekvc liq' leyIe ,kle rab - . Wn% in nwîno@6- 111w cherawm gî**"e 'serait bhmt"two bu ehopékae ettreigigié, aud waogm ebopmd carovkletwtheexpmStobe.ineý iOtbàs which ha al,ý.W&Fe le'i.%",4 fi',. tl4 en "f' ý ý , *4K.W -tmilig kio tlw -i&lewzýOk% tiSre. t-iýuipe.'Çt% 1 %V', in _ - 1 bieilem* Emp-M tr,,m the ati.1 di.ui,:u in t et, rit.« ý .%,* týo,= = ,,IY "a a second celle, abo»t go eniommp, ont, req in itubmitting thè by-la I CU r.- r'. Ditlv .7 0 ý 1. 1 . x ý ' . . . m Vah»ý and &les te U"k Mm in = ,= ýfJEu peâmynowb*c-,nýýrq plogm ! > hy linal0ait thett,ý eto, ,tlîtn"v ait- te te thý firo walii rxtbogý11.4bm Ir- : nallais of Ou bondboldém bit the Jet la-du 'S mari-ýt zhrý,ý .ýý ; Ile ý 1 ý«e tm»WY»àebSebqgthieeyw;ýtit,,ý -NEP-J.ILI)rN».u« è1ý . . af4 lkle, ?* . tt*tt-tbroet,* tO im'tte,4triaýt, - prese 1. il kVî1ý1îý.1 le. %'Vtý et" et@. get. headieiay. Thi b ý S, aW biuthé-vk.in#v. laedantrong - ý , eý,1l 1. *AM wM edam Md W, Thm i desire on hl& part ta have the .#Ici pue. ý eammtw- and hearty co-opemti.m . ý 1 1 ,W b tel = W W im neme ani-, 1ffl-; lot. 1,17, il - 1 ,*evlllt- (If tbýt»t-' -e wltb Iîtrent tigour-. oged go the 4xtent, , - M.= tal Dur "& *xuum l'"ffl wm Pýid. a14 -) 1 1 ý _r1111ý - , 1 or ~ bqlndu",,.h"tk,'t', «- hall- la a Dm Oum and sevemi înhïiWtîai *a. but he considered the meeting had ý with whieh he had worked in theïr W cadom&tF a Pom PftluaM A"tieui. te r Il.i ý ý ý ý .>eý ,Ns. 4ail ý1î1l. ëK lA. : 1>14t two hebve 1 ifflt the ibn"" 4i lba"t. tim *a ý tifty doslaies. oleu habitait 'avions égarejý Tben il, noir -te equoidw, alter cel, He now -«-':I .'4,%" tltý jlljlý-*M» ouli$&» * , 1111etti ý , ,»týý,22I. Ili, et ý ,,*»ý ýé. ý nd &nit thatl"halle ilight tessitiete wheT" ý XVe think it'.wý»ild bie, a soja k 1 baving de.: ter" lomed ta M the wbLu«dndduceWuan-. Amodmteb"m Yîttr ,« -» 14VI!,11,0111 With Seille ruduw" th" l cided thst the of the Art wals i vaclancies telle Ur. IE West =UW Of ww 1 lin doué. Tb* .tock ýj e-,Iiz. vit 1. ý 1 Z til, ý 17 ,èý et& rvrr they Cebu. itais. %Vbmll je th" catol'" 1ý low the inmey 'the étieulwil am fer ,WW ,b,,t.," plisom ý dem" e, whelâa.»ttk.:were . the SA& Depokkit COMPMYI »d ., X = UlýLh wu heu W sixience iller -acK a ýt îý os , ý (;f J.111tit"%n é'N'tl>t- A lit mi 1 P-Pffld 1 . om a lbmàv dismand tcr cer -4 lil-, ffil jt7ý - *1 , 1 Iblâq-eiA inter *'It*ý*rte'vnxtneý4»4p4mba",alýýcmlIlle Rct*ovmict;. ý,%iw"am EW«, theýt9SM WthreuRh. next resoiu. Il ' ' . _ ; Monte, laie of the ýýý Bavlr. wqt,,d t'm -ý (-"ait le kt t he IvIt le, allowed tel, f etto%" (*hfnbklRIL4, aille the'. pelopée de. au ý ,ter rentier disemalois, reste- .%M«im -ou lit abffl dirit PencIt Plier ..iiam AND M r= --ký--rýl0kt" tttýttee ('tbtitilotýiott tI>t4. ýkMtk'f " thée Yek 110 tigbt* In fille' eééee for milw %vorkel, &bW.tBWO ouq, et il* fmi, reeo"rim fram a ý tim skouM ha am phdgb - , M -- 00CID14 ' - 1 Io( . ,Ic f. . - gg am mua ov«Tated"*sràtes. . 1, ý ý ý ý - Cýý1eq.k1 »der the retient cm 01, log ta the support of the -Ut andsteps luttons were ýý " elle CM*Mlmmrk«t .. ý : litieik ýII ('ýý,ietttè,ýýt &>OVer. - Ohinttert lti*avmktï,tlttltt"tklà.ktttF ý aboutit M. tz the ext-vli» oient. or ralhetivel, w«b4wiIý l». lbowiîem ce tbt* ptam. - ý - thela be laken ta provids the 1 po!nti1w m M . Ur we tmq* the bomb..,e%"Pt, the velv lit. and aliot4r ai délie extrellée w'fent et Ibo ý Bmrg&-TimM fi brbiger. TL*m j, a ," r,.r qnq*ffl«^ L , -Nt e"NýtoiI-,ë Pee toltilie, gélý-' te" the 1ý. Iýý Vte ý - -ille, - - 1 m«» ta meet the expeu« te bit tueur. ý for te art as ap- . ý 1 _ . t,%,.tl!v cttl thil tt,;.ý>"#ýt. (et ,4 . *bý,ý%ih tl"one*- *bmmt" togetýmm, otht.r ý fIIW», t«ri"btý% ýJj"'r in te IduSIL fS xt)ý1ejr0ic1. 1 Md. The opposition _ý pointilla hy the agreement ot lerit, y 14= twrd -IUAàt1t,.'ý,ut dr. ý. I r Ill, Mý ý Pheetitilstit Ibo w14éw*Iký. tir et,ête lh'l 1 . - wu attelait and _ "kt-lbe attiser = = xx ý," dewanè. F«» .Iý,,ll;,i.i ,,lfýI,ý1t, Ill 4m, In milè-1 ý itest-iv. Itwoiddliewéqithividiewý , welil orgmisid, and tlmwntm %roula. TiiigCa-unàLxtbm appenneilly bieilling liteil-for the, Chrmumà àý ý . 1 ý - . 1 ý k ( é«Iffll 1 w1il M 4gý Pattel eb t-Yý',tý%w nit. (Mer kil;e ('oüin-ýittte. to fflqtim &hm 1 lWvi.,%,.%-t,»OL% D*owxiýw lccior-%w i abject ot"tbe r"ettm h- ý" ý . l. 1 1 1 - . . ý . thm à tIý%« etttttitbt- tif t4o, mm"th, z ,%mb.v afternom Dmeeb«dge watt. be more serere than anytartiatùent#,ry, ho rlm,.".Mwofch,4-.ZU)e -et,,Ixi Uffl -S ý 1 ý ; .ýt-It,..t. ile t i,,%ilý;t%, twl townsthi .. thoflaw« Ibo «1111111111111RIM to appiv a ýlil> thever eb»iuiýem uàgbwe.ý lyd. Pon. tbý»wlbiw.o a allaite 01 «Mtentffl tby ellertiOn- HO bals no don t thue vren mentioned- fi is ta consteller Li to $4 t5I tbl chliolle t) 83 S& 1 Il Ill I- IIàtt le%' IlIte 144.1, ,(ýr,'4"M lier i en a MME wîZ «S r. m a Wel i il c el i % . 1 11- ý -.10W -ý . the rfteh« et »ww fruelle lýmong jette - suairient temperaitére men in, the tenu. ne te a»ww the &$Memem mwb ý $am.-An --uS and in goted 4.m=d U; MA'.41t.ý*ro*sl irt6.m " vq,*tkiA . en, . ' __ _ . 1 - . mi Wil - the WqK am Where the % rl)ttý ý 01VEXE& 1 Mr. T. C. WaMnidg% sage ouremmu * 49xam 09 kt PU bel dffl da- ý,ein;i è; - . . . 1 . ý 1 ,ý %ý tý%lV%- 2 au" U4ý%f0- tel 14iý ti-wtt iew *6%,.ýni. ' th" .14r. Jamm tage& merwmiý a the bY-law. but lie bals, 10».meoadf3toel-lý.a"thirtiý-J.-,.)t.,j3- illg ttt'Nt, lit lýkb- ý%"Hr" "%VI .. ., lit, ý 1 ýr,.rvt.p,%Wk."ý411wëro.t.ýl , ud doutiLcwilià .- - il ty a- Canada, ln.bh cirentar a ti cd ., l"f'l'ew- ý ý '.4. «Xv. Java" Cooper, jr.. wlsh r«klmte ber à suffirient nnmber of, àfter e il& K1ý1fI1 Iý%,,,frl lIv etey, 14e ,-ý ýVne»' Ir%->,ý.-Nir, Il t X SKUX>llftmg.- Thë teetal mninllut, , . lifieil. tlrnlc",rmu-lbmobtoq Bràeebridwý were supposent ta have men Could be g)t in the tleid te worsS-ý which hm been publialied in theTiaw& î e,%= =nd::7j». 15 l., Il ,-!-à,v= , ---.- .- - ý i.,l-Ifi",%., l â«pa .é. à;ý,,t, of nt. He It ira@ decideu toinvite Mr. T. C. 1 ý ;te mm hm> drowlied on blrt&y morgesug IM i the matter . Io the detdred Ntr ll('ï"litIqI I)ý,tl"nt . .Ili et t,%'t @XfMP4kbiN* ta tâtideeny 4 êvrn ý l»Uett'Vri0 4ý - . _ . : in te 2sibrthil ý 0 ' ,01rb,,ý, m-terlI,*-e4ýý,t 'V'leil .tp2bdltt te%. ,,,»#": dtýtilttitin ré-%$ Iii4" se ennui Trading laits recàmmeilk(a -- ý err iiyr,,ýtr* tk" *%MM in leatc IIjýr ,i, ý - -.-..--; m m e , cà&,ia.-ý-x« mnv wraing in. 4ua th.re i,, v 1 1 -ý.-.VJ,,ý ý ý ý1tg"4- ie, %r,,. H««. hm !sbille awantllizen, mi if wilà ft. ad-' = e= . First efiam an wente fi--, -O il , , ý;le M-4-ll .0.l,1erý- tilt, ,i"bhiý ý i-ot, eikIta, m wl» ble "m frmbi tho ekètý ý Ill", ri âge a Cam-.& Mr. . am je pmy ce i In everv id ip br - - of local, -1. ilitit dian 1 , est 'iý,ýýý V -.'ý»10 d t,,t*l,ý *-,, i(ýy-.èkltt--' utrettýttiý , 'if4gmI SRt~ bt téltela rmal, thkl t4,1% 00el",wi ib Ieilrwe 44 lertuffl on famisiger othm loft bbe» a week Np for, wéw,% i commilitees wort ac* er a titent, if 'telle- show tilleul te se. thwa 83 to ý4. -ý , 1 ý- . Tm 1,%e>eý,, NN'riýt'Irt, -p»rtje* aw 1 rlt,'Mkl,,4vfpwtoib&Hallmtt%« lrwrflt, txix-itiobt* on th" »Ikolt et IR" dmr,,tbo@UqWeu the abuve mmskd jatte 1 ccSrmnittee In . Ife th t 1 ý W . he bâti made th, 14430týjrmemda",*4,-»MrtmrtL DM-ýd. ý . . P., . \ li ý lent I>%ýy . - PX0 -ý 'te . theývrkt, 4 tbo= y -bewme«to thé ètî>taFsaI,,ý ' (lay P"VbtMM4- T ellette, on the mommu la quefflm Lmu and_! nuits these t'cm were ta it statemients in his circular. , ..oz 1.3t.i. bave conne, bxwud ftirtr -eil 4nS t ý . 1 . ý $ l ,W"& ý ltt4ýýen!l t-ýkI-4 Inter 4 mte»herelt, Oue - (bit tbew- tl«vfl**tèlwlt or te). tbarit, .-Iv"ýii-tt(-reýtanstale itmmalvè. ý (,Omwr*ftmdii% a emom arrogise the; wmldbeuuwi»togoiwtheri=othetBait beforehe calleil op- Mr. '%Vag- Suw«sâSSmmmee&a"gà.ew.ql.., - 1 . 1 i chw iteotfâtkm foi lâtilaway.. il Ils.;tt'.4ý8emllextalluielli, exumnul«u F WM ta& .«rub.w" .- wolriL , . bridge lie wiàhed te ejqdain the Pol j eau tjýý secke fta à e 3&-tGwý& ý . ý 1. ý ýi ý1 ý.M, ý li ý , , ý ý 1 (If 1.,*(.h 14q, %V le te t tbfý ttttti%ý,t-t- eIt plie ete ý ý retý-"444Y V. mdacout*mote i ý 11% ý -a NVed-$d*y, »th'»d Mie ý of Sioe P@"Y " started la a best for ý A b»W dheuedm tétait «soM on the - tiOu lu, wh" ha Ù001IL tOwaub ,> .%t>F#ltl,4ANY , i'tem,ýtk%4(11*,etýýit6th»bielýthýýtitiilývmirfwbprtbe"y - -- Il ý III I11ý0î» ' ' 1 Limd"F llawau« Preftes. 1ý 44,eýtle>h'tet,ý, A»tf voli# è !4 lNPfleý , ('t>IMýýV'Plr"-Mr , , --, - . ;ý%1#X» 1 iu-t 1 1 t"m»qwL Tbei"W «p«W&ced:po"rs or the cellentral commtttee.durin the bondheillers, Mr. .wà)l F 1 "%*»Wti ý ' (N-A ' Peerm"x - C -4*&M and là"" dusénity la éwintgtoýwbiehaqueedmwurainedbv3b.uwM a 1 wbm.. Ie;t.,Vtitt Hw Iteel>ýt,0rý, lire, M = #M ','t(lb($kA ,, ý.. ttl.e#0 ý 1 , *Voeth n1ed alitent in = 1 1 - ý - -11 ýx i e ý ri I, w ýv. - ..Ns PPPIF ire% te%, IIW' el. ttrvàvt'tt have »ttw" fwïlm a ~ 1 thise rougbeAm of the : h the l"ilhoiders ta see thait the ckm- FaL double lekti;4 .) * a 3 )ell1i ,e, rete hiti ceilbo Pr«jwrt y . - , = e. ý Ixa XMire ta the elIllect thait thi couaty , = . ý- M 1 Wnt-em ilk-hmi fflth , ('te ' > , (go (tel %#eèk** aimer haut àgribý 1 cause poined the botit, wbegt uses, t --a -&ou "O the "m action on l a t'cas the t were tal and ý do do tum * .) ýi Il 1 . 1 ý ý i eetl,,ýtFtit llbalrý n 'vr;ýtI'It ,%>tel arettlee ý ('kýMfftlb*- rt-ýitlelt(.(..L, ý ý ý ,.4ý,41îî c llebout hâte; e= WT."Inml fflèý -: - . \ - 1-ni 4ke tljkjeiý'r'-ýr 2 ètwý(,%wq ' If Clereillea ý . - j)ýj)t» UyvH'st ,,,ýr.*""N,.*10,eq 1* #111 en the ý W&Y aerom,,»dqbm«ya*m the mm t)tixMUterthatitdidiatheè»eofthe PrOPevIY ceL Fer a W« dîne , n.. smng.,tren beektre .. el ù-) . 2 ýý 1 -- . ;ý, ý . ., , lii, ý err it t fie ittat" et, itl te, Whoba ý Itit»»»% ( $,et>; ,,ý itad apiwarlé, Io 4 > hy kse iàeim I la the ette. , Mr.Widbridgec"riedoqLttotbeletter; " do tum .. 0 .,Op a O ý ý . 1 4, ý te" iýë(,e.tvýttfý>ete,»týtltiritvet)ý-t,%,ta-: ltbeowmtet-Ie141*-R -ýl,ý)tx) va of the boit ellestil lie muid ý NVhitbY FitenMOU RaUwav bonus by- - ý - , - ý 1 ., imprevril by the lm= ret"«On the ý m m". the eýavA*. ,N-emeh w» tbes lalir. and r.etZire the. eeu ai sublaittin the tmtruLtk->m lie 1. -. 1 . 'îzt'çtý't'iebsj. N'iil.th"t'IthtwillWitfflq in-iltt(,(,»%ettfktitý,th*rl-t-rýtffl,,&In- ,.a . hall recelved, bat, ý Merngsed - .. 0 0.)a 2 ý, ,- ý,,ýFeýIý%ylI*t, 1 ' (Je 91 anxietyto protect the interesta l Cl,.,.,,,,M .. 0 CO * :i ', ,', . 'ý ý . -. . ý ý . lfýn1ewe flee- lttw.fewtlýiebp Ittto rýtnit- i vinthffl.4itk)t"(etttpriou* ý - ý»»1» bbitrit-ved ta the N bwee ce lmv.lw ý Mode ,jid nobtrig roula ho qell ofille i sbe by-h- &pouited in case tg wm au 1 in his 'Lorillillem.. :: :: :: oala 4 - ý ý : ý ý 1 . tien for rédreelt If à@ illetréits heffltiot'elle calbelle. \otkhm bats ber* hettret of thé ý eà"W, which %roula sultanat ta abou. of the bondhoklem lie allested himeif B= PertS .. .. ý .. all: a 12 t'; , - . 1 :. ,ý 1:,IV>ý,- 4àtt. l ,Ziàçnlkt 'rtet-g Pri',è7r«Iý 'gortd4t thim ý -- , ,. ý- - ý - - , ,ne. etve hilexrllk flif ý "Z%'lC, . 1 . ý littry1ffl (.n.týititiet . ý 1 1 - - a)é).ý ,tuf.ilriv estimé. wi$b, , Ille I* U» that §»M op te itrM&y mortifilig Wheu the. - $1.10). . Tiils que-etion, wa» sertied by i te Oventele those buambwweb %bmu, ;e Ir bu&. .. .. :'l 4 ToInt . 1 1 ý ý ý 1 ý ý laie pw,% Id- tfw le appelait m wtm*ixfp leill, the lit" tebvfm la t -Y a devisait ilieste mm t bave cousiolled bis conduet. In date h,ý,,,,( 4Pel'4ý > (-,ilz.4etýttt il% ttke' %fý 9. (4turrit. ý . tn."ý5t» ý - Wfgge et an ha legal atithom - th" .. .. .. 1.1.0 . l ,it--v.ýtttlîî 1 the ýNtitýi-trr of ltwr»«Im in emm ý dWeremm ci opin" arme between. um Il . W à ý ý ý It ý,th»1'%Vf," pmvktptr ton but fil. in »im The grk-ace« le ilei. toit r-tiiired, Md t=Wr thü the conne, Mr. ý e,,,.zm à1 1: 1. i \r,ýt,,Iv, ý1 t"Iit et;" 'T-0,ýl- "" kttd ý4,fflekhe>-klqtt %,Wllt)t (ý-t- 1, ffr,"t-iý%iNq; t'p, llreýt,**Ml..4tf-.If%#.I. -11, ýý têw *" nititinubity ftw"- m TAIng Wan compelled in eutemit the by-l . Hugm& the Oeu" manager. a" :: - :: .*. I., * ý 1 . ; ,,,, I.- - ý,. ,)ý;*ý vV-,-4ýk -ý*%"tkt ; feil 1f't'ýI-i1 et# tenir jea-t .ý."ýtt. 'rettI rhS tttbIl. whit. rre. .Je 1w lenle mt*ri,%mt- -*eV%, ý equkdly grole 'tilà «MrAy eovutàw« .31r. '%V>aUbddne. mal because the . ý ber &" fér Urx. when a Pètition containiux the- » - . tmit inej.roVe4»fflý., %ra(4 re,. I 0" vers for eaeh tairas p; latter W» iN ý>; ,ý 1, .1 - ý 1 l %,htý-h lýh4Jf, ttbit"trqte. *îsth ,leeveret .1. ý î ".*Mlýim W ai& làgfodw *ýMRMA . Wb» âme -sifth two &salait of thirty mtem . i = 7, :: :: :: èe (** 1 of thirt ratenavers - Melle âkto Cam ont qu*dr, ,:ý .1 1.1 1 1.1- "Ilýli("Il-tý, 'te ýtt->tlny eVenilix taitt l'y thi, l Lard .. .. .. Il 11), la ý i jliý Il, M e">k.ý%,l »O tetItI,ý.4P IlIgë?ý attel ý -tt-peil.1k,ýt utitil the t»» eeAw,#*,rp*«ý Chi : the 17éth 18 elwa" ottbeagree-,TU,., :. ,ý,! , - - ý ". ýý ý .-,t"ý'kr elle ,, . I J'I., """I,-,,ý,lF lit,, t-in, ed.çi-N144 9 ý ettxàMf ý Y.4,ltttlw .%nlmmm Thý At. relle. A Party left hem te-digly toi W.» = .!. ' 1 -iw - q-iftd thm sis .. .. 1 .- ô ..j .. . ý ý ý , 1 ; ilbgtef the literdor ICX*Wdgm%'*"#bu mllest 1 ', 4', .11, ý . . .. , . a tu "arw*. RZ rir said the ettest te the pe- 1 - The» CIR ý ý gmpmdm .. .. .. 1-i .1 11, , , i i Nti,,,4'tetit+ý-»ýtIf (bilittll w1P ketwt âg 900if tiaed exhieliteft a ý Ilkwh titillera %hoffl fille ghsr *> - . tittonen of *Ubmitthm the. bv-law in ý rft*q» et the commeew dmeu be psitt Boit P« qmrtcrp« b ý. 4 l. ý th ttieè, Ixtet tif- Ceup, lowlý* -ý%1 a"D' t7zýrtq-= wi - , - ".V.47.NWTOl% ai lier t ensiles 4id hot exeeed ý= , lut* .. . .. ý., \ %t,,% 1 týý,- , lu!e f I1ktwý tl,,,q, ý elIr Itçt ïtt 'Itàkibb% tb","et»t et, IAIW@e 1.141Z . P-0e Ixk , et the &et 1 the'Bmk of «11[oàtreý and oulv ý Bmé . ilt eil: Ni'. . ý 1. >,:. ý , V, ilýIIt 4If'I'Wtý*41q ý Illilil, 4êý- Kýk>14l Who Igie-ils, Ille merie), tomib"ortie(»bletatt'nt. 1*4ftwf"n. . NW.l -ý% ý , . . . , l'ithlx.* othertrille filý 04. eoul" to»leq»mwm nt Tes Tor Cit.tsitý!.%.,e ýqggrsted that ler- ý chelqueil ont on the couater-sigmu», âmwwdmm .. .. os ,à -.1 ".ý 1 ýlIý 1 - l- 1 .ýïj ! >1ý%ý.mt wmele leinit lblý*'P&VI4 le Pry ýhôwtýit t-, *,(Xi Z441%:alét*gean-i wa%; the-re, en% be no awi4i*g of thé BD" Xm»vàj,--F«d B"«. me removtm ! ttirerx he Ibro«U juge thq coulay lm- of the fflut of the trostees: the maître, ; sepr cenvilvide .. 406,1111, 1 .1. 1 . . ý1I»l . 1 1 'l'lit, 0orfs Jette »*,Nt Imw - 1 __ Per. 100 Ille .. 54, ý1k l, . rv- 1c, fl-ýîI klir Peiiidu , >te - de omtwrwl%. 44t'niet-El. hili .0e>rtifit4t celq ont* Md dru" front, " Mo- "t'ýttl.ttýtt"tembwdto=k 1 , " i assise ý niettately *fier thiel, nimdeg. ana have te be a;eBelà auly for the working assît = ,.., .. .. .. ou S Ille &J 1 - ý 1ý 1ý>ý . .ý,eIekt,ý art,, , k efitert tittbb( SI W,4* the -NI q(iklIt'tt-tb will, or the U4W etingi heltip in every, utiles. ý maintenaisS oit the line. fer %ha: 1. . 1 r t, - »t Pue Of lkhs be*1 e - - Cet i »w;riii,ýUr In Npril 40 te &*Ibwlm ta Mr. wille. Th«mtp. .. -11 1 -4r'. - le 01-ttt»PM%èè(ýë ý 1 the 1 W 1 met de examprime.. 00 es 4 * ý - ig>týt)ýt cm-ý ý Ir. ,- (.,eV t1lill, "" lt;n-tt- ýrh,'f't , le-, ,let ttebdefits(tit of . , ' ý>l1 1 - -- let,,Zý4'tté".viý. (g".tee,14"t thm èifiý1è ewtvit>er4 , . -ý»ýt i rmite, vrItiolle cebttl4j ilv lemy tmt-n -. blifigim lt ' e , - 1 tin - 1 - 'P YMU - . Z» P" r@tm t* *.* TA#M, ý qWt4 simm This je o» ce the I"t: Rrv. MiL Panewinu suglorted the, et the extuL-" et; .1 1 ý i ,i1,,Uý*, NvIdell %"It. titkIow rvrntl>iiitt iittttikfý'rr'plitý%vtttofc*rtitwweqgý. Win ý , rhairnmn'o% ,%ugwmion aie t t plan t Sait par- bbà... ... .. ù .).ý,- 1 ý ý iqIllI!%keý tn-,tdel1ý1 '41f.. . ý0 gale- y %labd* in the lemme Md theugh the besu =2".rd fer the re"edm oc 1 àààa S" lier bu .. . . -) lj.> 1 - . ý 1 knv>ql,,tq-iii--ratik.tt N ni fî«>ràet;ý .,kIIý the êtmtnon» no* of«@. - a M*qhw tue for working the e te. . the dm=* debe. U un , Ible .. .. lA. a il 1. 1 .1 ý 1 ý,ýxbf ('1èwi-ttr,ý, - i it>,liemxIt>tt>(ýbtoel(>Itcdtfb Imt1wýle4pltt libel il% *wAlbr tbm th* vise thef cemu- M, -ý , , ý ý ; ,.Iitt(qu chair. signatim of Mr. T. C. IN etibrid@IN kilo Btef nki" .. .. ,; -Y .ý ', 1 -4 , - ' el ,le -e -Iky pied 11N the Lasdlaw biork, îike tiove no ,,,,tý for ýok»1 ,,-'(ý)tt'44 :i'f 0ii. kItý- 4nete ttfflrtýr The em..t litlé At-te (hlfý('t Nvttq t.tliFble ,et t"ti.hrr ta -Iýýigt, Ce . ItKv. 3ülý ll.%Rm iau if the, P... .. bat, (et the lonjol le V tif the piefflen el.'t Sb-p4am - - . ý - . 1 ý., .. 1 !ttk, IIýI4w'- %Itl,%r,%, , n..qtll'!ýt le% tlw klm.,4 ot III4 IlIft,ý Ile, wnit ý lis',& eMils(nte *sloulld à* éoî- 1 111 1110 amies th" wili. be " aille -4tlpWst" was adoméd hy the ! brother, thlé, Bon. Uwh Wjdlbr-ý ta roue a large 'Ili _ , ffl.&iw m tk .. '), il) '. ,7 1 Il .4 -ý , , lakinc l(Mitliy t-ttt.tpjb ttil ýK, lèt'arti ,np@;Fidmrà,d * - ., , : Il .. 1- A tt- ý-Mé, &, eiýLjiý1l,1,vd fief exiollek -N*Ceý If. wt)4.tv 4U, ; ,hOY%,Phybesb6la fm, b»inem . ý volivent iôn murh 4-Sd: Situe vs-ôtslti he w&â.aPPD,.Èuted sent- and he liait wmék- Tut ' -- -- -:ý, Q ýr*ýkntýtlv ail tiver th" Ibetittlit*ýt- a l t* OWOW»O«,Wbiqlliboiviot)lvellbom armmu.-We tergiteiguefourtimil tolet. He tbou«U plenty of time wm i ed n»a amicablÏ wich Mi. HageL The ,= 1 - - - ý -.: - -- - Z l ý, : \ 1- ýý ', ,ý t F.t ,- Il- Vý i ýË4 %,éit,1ý i leietit t'r elitile ikkt", ê1tnt ment whela re. 14", kt ,si Selle, tagal »PM ell't la Our grillent doiring the mming alkmed fer tb« work aftw the by.Ww i chairegage thm rend sevemi letten in, --%izktm - F.ir .. . ù *ý,) al .1 'ý Il 1 , ýl 1 I 4ý' e ý '1'1#*-It-it- »%rsklýril F'.tý, "Nbvmr - --- - 1 .. Il , 1: - -ietkýli;ei%ýlrý i rt,>*trýlit,4t. il ý tilt wurk Immy roskeilleter airbftvary : - - ý Wa* 4%lhlnittt-ti. The pressent time ý.sl1ppSt et bu etatèmmm - neýk* .. - ý. .. te 4Q 1 l) ' . - Il :,tirttiýt te,, ,v,ýI0 Ue Im,.l in rr»ýitri \.. gronn , ý Y"r. Tbλ iudîmtq" p We m- . l . . . .t -roffrese. ý. ,ýx ý . . . ý 1 1 2 1, ýeIt4 eV heli t lit, t mie %,etvo -nweký ',,ý;krîl NIP-0, .en. -ali, iýer-«beb»teEt ,eV ý_.'btid lammerbulý A " .Iffl mg Plew. am " JýW iowKemmmd ur.arown ý -boulet fer taken uplutboromjh ormgns- - -"m Il 3MÉrý T. C. 1 . ý 'f ' Ibký'e i-V lett - 11>11 Ntr. %V.Iltett-t, Wïl«,tl, %vlio kmerroon-ýt tiiiii hm lw« fenumud la tilis-elles. à» lm 96 t* wub m m te*rbm next »Sion. ý.. !- , ý, ý . ý- 'fstý,rV>,"%, l'ilv -4-%%-rt>ý 1ýe1 Ç'ýxtm lee-e4w 1 i -eltwrûteain- î in es 1 -VARKE". -BY TELEGRAPIN 1Cqýk ,ý ý ý ,ý ý tr0qýI&mtt'. ýý tiilt. VV,%ý tnke-4 il-, ý(4- Il ,ý»%ý . Pk-rI.ý . %%'fý14 hili, sel t he'sah(mit ver.%, rreilîtailtv apui, tifl). ý ý ý 1 ! vieillir. White ire rpgffl parileig %vlib, 21W li.%Tsl.l-'.It-,ýtappmted Ur. lia*tie*s thaï ha h-eUY nd the prope ý - ,.'l , -rtltýr,.ýt, 1 e et -l4 1tý ill - iýttrrl fýir rhat ! ile ýrV01' e iebqtebtlt.(I% el.ýttilbité4l extý,1l,-)1i Tirin I#týQr.%#W. .1-ffl.%Iýt-rir.%str...r'fow 0 go ta the - wu m rty NIk'. - i' - ý Il IVlýl4',fj 141,ltt 4seM'Sý i tb*rA %tut " rougnbt«bte theta opos, view IlLat it was lanwiý" t «ceâe one, Md wmtK pat. F Revetted fier Tm Pù«. a" telftrmhcd 1-y ' ý le Vý" ""' ir ;.(.%%-Ov%. Ntiý.% "qý,«. 44 Nl;brýv Letters ivette. m-mm&Tewgmpb",,i 1-,ttlll,, , , - , ! qýI,,,,ýýj,-b%à ,%' ' jC4ýý ý rkwbmýýéthtt(ý knewlu'd t ttl't e tt" ttteit - '. ý eitt y - 1% , i %vir.,el rre-ponttýI»t %ýý a* oue b ai a sluwfei»- -the fermer i e*-PerAw Of employing l«turers hefore illeu, reliait front Mn Biad et%, ý - 1 sýýÎh% ý d(X'rk Wt' ý 1ý-- 'b". ,,Ip4wýtwi,% la . . jý,tlýo ileýervini elle -ptýçîýl ý "O 1.. Il - e-11 fm wAmev«îp in 0» of the Te. the berlaw w»*ubtttitted. givbg a fais «Osent of $lie gloomy 1-14 îfý(,. ý (IrýIrrth'b, tili.1,4'twýem0- iP:%e.îý-î ,,,, $»Pl%,t.ý"U. '%Ir (ý%VnV feinele. el, 1)"1ltý i fý%vqit. Ili, %voititi lete kuffl r«= % S. 1 'nie tonvention è%eUetirný until two : ,stage of the Imagier traide. etatim vui-: , - Ille, li. ý! ýý ýI- ýf-ejxjý*"jlV"q , I),,,ý1lIik ý - moto public mehophé. a" the liguer the . unw«t, =.ý &W Pý m-n,.lï 24, t.F'týt. Iet,%,, ý ,ý4, 1 - ý . -, l'i %-,ý,,-f,,j ý f«f et -%tr, ý)iwkft feIr kt-,t ttqveqw thé, mn»: file NViIt;ýý ,,,, 1 , aîwm YIe dtn~ tbbjt - -IV ta ter allowcil in %av with -àffl»m 1 hasts - - ý gus xeductionýý lie wm carrytalle out la i '. *9-ýdiolobu;fter 1 ,ý . ý ,14 th,, rIýzIk1, Iitýtk.. The .ý.r.Mpi.tl. Mina. imblie - £10Ck in the atrernoten. ýU«.BM t -- j-.- IL ý l. -- ... ý..,-- ý ý.-,Wl-Ilýzi - ý - etitermet*tlwilo j j,ý ttw -lj&%»Itl jj«j wj" . &Blwqà»lâ ..&,." .à --4iý - -4 as- 5 .ý-------,------- the emmenditme. indudiai the milice- 1 eý - ý- I-.-.-..- I.-1«ýt,- -4 mt ýtP#)tl tfte' 114ý lwyNý-t fat, P'P'l'y :tMI Wffl; MMI ki- l'il«Way. 1 -_ 8 - - _r - iiý pg&*'41t*OMrt ITý1_r «-y eiliseài-hriiiî ý tee et. ii t"eh. t4 e fhb;%Rel 010, te»t*c.%,fto,.q.- A rtffliow ýÎW. výf4»atw M~k lm* nev hM bMa iktt" te dN kk e ", twM ffêiýI rlmit - m the, = 'è'w" lu, dumm be, thm » the MSim W. pwý M' DU& 'r. 4» visest. il U te 1 Attri #WvMt, con, W km" et X.U Bowes, IL Adam@, W. Pmti -moi -hi* tvMý ceb 01 tintrof rite on* 1 vritioi hm in t-be duw- K -' % Wbant a ce te 1 »; »~, Soie to 't 411 oeil b"ive t imm& XK tàw J; Ir. L%-Mimio- CL Ikambole, M oIÈIý M pft"M. ttld* le Petim to lie ýLt»d l"If Imm mode by Mr. it »IM M. M , T. J. El sAie% joéta fûkaky. j«MS F.M«"ý Imm me, MW. m M» 1*110; Dru" BoUI6 e it« bu, ukl"tm me souit jamffl moitut, lx Grus, I)r. loi =. -W, jfný t ffr f4 mi*gttlrï. Icetth. Utbeù, wrüy. -Fft. b*1 *trfttt and Mked 1 to ObOV& r. moi Îr MM U% V- Md J. WeMoisi. Dem 7,--ftn Whou. OL isthi i *»W@ 0# rýsieve; éz W ibew»f ïw dodrak et the Q 9.89 101101 13; me4o» *b6ohi ffl 4 f4m r« the Iloup, lewin and »rown. %mmoit iffltowd. à 4gom*wm te opbç.= ; uni& Ift la Ihtiff okrf mrtfqw a-WY»-m@«OM joceph Sb*W Md Vocter *n4t- m* wmème »m six" la *w Z cmeuoo,6 wanbrtdg& S"d la ena- Mr, te M» mm; Du@" »IqIý es Wit th«* W or a.twt. amwaa"d br Wb" ho tee ik tht't h(4èfttnt thf tf ýrwffl bM A repron et the at4lkm»éý# tre the Illah which wit h npeqmm umwaw& 1» *"te ept rk m, týtf Wht(lh Wq, 3*d MW BL ýjîhe and F4tw* x4wob ýfor tbe n~b of goum P. âffltdfÈ dw IM X. ia Mpw, rmd tie et A $*bu a lm»md, J. =1 Olt knç>nýkv éq Cs -1 ose, 4 &oi60*ftdNý pomé adow- %"0) No%,eràl** *M Pr«*»ted by -PMMWA bmafA ýý 1 leu 1 12, SM tu-.' I)ke-00e, 1% ItOMMOhký010111i f"M MIN me icortwimm et Un A»Èiwi tw* the se eàftý 4ft 1* Me; PMàm% Unitp& Aew COUM COMM Ma teeft-. jàwý mois Sob; Dama «@vý si ,,mworém fit wen bout lulab» (40., ai the R.mi*m 140#44 b-bt *broeb Iffl b~ 11111ki dICI el*yl mm ibueioL- wr, J"B !ÏL«ýAQS_ - M ait Cb*ý Je" Ltabe, J. WàUtifdq@ý "a 'je a" W-,"ML eu f» M A 1 *f&W. Abm fflftsf J"ý Hilmi, W. »d.Wàod> yo hye' t,,* et! *04 to 1 -Wino* 'rhe (kt the twortt do" to a s~ -ft*e M@* bu elle Y 1 C= *î, »hl"=ï =%»* "tlbmà -gr, W wttg. 6,1M = _~ 10 *a"d à M .17- wbulki, IOL est* 1 te. .5fttu? î4ýý î »motqk*t e«féq@ý 10*1 'twa» - - hm»«fflbq&--w ho WM44ft G.Me or OÈÉ4 3ft e "te -lwml4 ]»Wum, J" "Bm&3&- M'y kilt h*Vf elhe t ý,, lie tC (IýzMjM=tc >1 BOMP4 m *how ilém=effl, 4*0L. af iiW il Mý ý Ik vuw R Amr. Wi»,! bttd»IP. mot 0mê. U«Ëm te obboo I kbow-W J»ý* _ -11, O:fj. ràat& ma& 7- Pm 1 _'_ __ - - W_ mamme nom& &àmm amonnumr av im&âmmp*rumm L', Chmacint Bée@ Md 'Il or lmmwElýý»mm tom*