Il . ý ý ý . . ý ý . . - ý - - - 1 . - ý ý 1 .1 . ý AMMOU6- ý . ý ý ý 1 . . Ill - ý . . 1 - . lo ,ý 1 ý & 9010i O . -ý-5 Mr 1 . îï6lý - wmummmgwmiglbmv aucom- - ' m 1 ' - ý . ý 1 1 ý - 1 -.:--,. 5 -- -, à ýý - i le, il . MW ý. Il . àwl-- -- 1 --- e&ýhm . - - -- 1 - ý l ýý 1 - *«*4"1&- ' Ili, mwr ba, le fui 1111111111IL le lbm - ' . . imommmmuk ý. . 1 * 0 111111011111111b q* 111111RÉ&C a se MOCCOS h1w Î 1MRAË1*" .. "Il ý . ý ý ý ý . . 1 ý .. ý ý ý 1 1 - -e 2romélwr . . - . . 1 à '1 1 z . . -ne*$-ML.w mm Md ownew Il a . W» MI - ----- ýý -, ý - . ý . . 1 ý . ý . -- - à 1111111111111111119 ý 1 ý .- - ýý ý . 1 . 1 ý 1 . -- - - - ýý 1 - 'r 1 . mm ý . . - ý- ow - Wi» apý - ýý 1 :011111111111110 .. ý ýlomm , . ý - 1 . - 1 ý V , ç a - - - - - et- ý ----*- Il 1 1 . ý ý jeff. . - . ý ý - ý Il ý lm . D*»'PTru- 1- -- - - -ý=-------- -- lanw plj4tàm ---- - . -- - - 1 .. 1 - ý - ý 1 -ý-Max . -ý ý ý ý . Vwem* nàe*Ay -r laio!,lp il 4! a - m - Ala Me .. - cet. ý "r - . - ý . 1 . 1 a - C = = Ilo =1Ï. mat ýý ý . ý .ýumtam Lj= lur Utim - , ý ý -- ,ý . ý 019M AM WMWM R M . - a q - .- , Il . 7111111* - ---- -- - ýý 1. - lu - 1 l , - ý lb*-- Z"e L'el ric 1 Ré- ;!;Lrur ?C, > 1 . . ý aktm a 1 Il l .. ý ý . , 1 1 ý . ý a1w éliè .M ,=« . - - - -- BÊW V 'e lis ý @ý j" le - MW '; . ÀKAW elai ý ý tu -- - . 1.1 1 1 Mý 1 1 eurit hm [ illift '. ý ý ýgg " - y-, 11111111111111 . ý ý . , - -BL a b"Cmmmi*m ý - 1 le * . èe1,%..»Ixý = MW t wu eau;:" WD 'Eu ý. = 10t bmfmtbuwý . PCi=1- ý- - . -. - - - - . . ý by %-M.-M-e-lý - , li = , àdtmd - 1 - - , 11,11,11,41, LUE 1 , . ý ý -À - - --,-- . là* »W et w«W O& he, --- ýý -, - 1 , . 1 . 1 ý ý .. - « 1 .. . -" ý E ýýL ".iwW,'m im A»mm«ewub ,ý - , , 1 ý ý - -111 wémbmbm - ý fflýM iliMb Ir. - 1 1 . 1 . ýr«e** . ilmeul ý la U . . elamon a 1 il ! Z&M 1 -Mr= tvtl am Z -- .- - - ffl m Wear--Tue i -.--ýr.l-- --- -- .111111111t: 111R ý &%Pwffl vvvinalk, ý ý ý -à11« ý -0-in- .., . . ý ox.ttëdvs olé« or Vosi owpe4dý . te 1 ý ý ..M, . . ýý - v 1 MW br the rèn" ,,, ý .ý - . - Ap . . ý ýýý .4 yie ý. ý 1 1 . ^ - bal «A»d Who lm, a t" de uumur et omwwlmt ýý ý . ý ý . 1 llgllplltlt* ,Mt---ý . - . ýý - r âp«mawmutbgottbare«ooqmb. - - Î,Wido- Feu" & @hm thmýmomý n âq. CUIR ýý-ý do do ý ý .. 1 1 - i1iý C vos tbe 111111111111111111111re ii, W C Whm Il.- - - AML - ý, . varpeurt - ý O 0111111,111114111111, ý . enw»be" - ffl- mle * = 1. en", abondant mow tant - r1îâ-ai»ý1w» - - lirzaam Itj" , 0à,rooýwý , ý Av-ý,,+.. IIII10111011111-:11., 3%M@W OWUW&, Pm 1 bu O the Ur bolimiltbe -. ý . va _pmdào& lm mm oulý-iràsubmný %a - . LIVIIIIII, =0 e , . 1 . ý ý.1 de , ý , . . 1 ý blès Made 19- louîlobolii" ý n*ý . ý -»ýwâR m tKe l"s . ý z= wayoretwe rm eImm mm4mour.. Ion lf7ento-iww j* IIIIIII, - - naisiiismtemmb ý lwimwam*t ý - uedb& mwtmàmý 91&pm»ed 'il la bb Ili- - , ý . . àuertit«ýt et 000* 18Mý i ý ý : ý ý - 1 - »Ïllimr Ciliraitellir, - - 'eftmon - -ftmtimeem , a .. bat. ta, à"- -- .A Sioé - ý e tN» wl 06 M# &*mm# amw 91111111ellit, ad me Mettais - - 11111110111111111111IL ý . ý --- - ý I" ý illilliliiiiii ý all ýý ý ý . 1 " te bed , tbm 1 i Md " ftr mtbu unau boum âalf, ", a 4. 'I ý do - de lim on Oleâtý io»t» NI 1 1 illýt*twmutlo . ý goum et . nt ýý . ý ý . ý ý ý -1 - - nt -- - fal ý-ý-.-..! «ngovo& ' mului, ý - hi tavemw& Ir lié Fm *9 ý= C.r»"X àaum Imm -- - . 1 . . 1 1 1 ý ..... itr --ý--- - - - - -, W Win ---Ieo- &lm . ý ý 1 (qé do 1 ft wy 19S1%Iý ý ý ý e i ý . @Mm ý . nive, 3» Majol for th timmm 49 IIIIIIIII., - ý ý . -, ý ý . ý ., # - twbe UWAUOM 1 . ý 1 - M Il owi - -- ------- -- rd du : numàewau . nibl& ý - ý . A I"rp IVU40yý éf. "ft 6ww1Ný 1 1 1 ý . ý - ý *a FM a - - a ý Amn, ! [Fkom m gemdA" 1 -a- 'IO - -- - Rà» Timm--mr. A. wobsow bai 1 EvAmwmur--Mý Lqpk lk 9~ le , oeulium 9 . 1 1wllom 1 .ý 1 ý . ý .. . ý ý 11111fflo Mm". ý . . ý .. bqlvlqla euw - ' 61 3. j 1 ý à» 1 cru& JIM puebumd a tom bandzedde»W Boud-ba» bmq*t tbdr evùmMIUMe .1 . 1 . .1 do, . dé ,ý ý . ý - wb»d» ;ý t6 bom ý Omma made, by the Dmtidm OMM urrimtesaaciL T" 1" - "mgt ,ý l . . - ý 1 1 ; e 1 .Md am bal, cb».Wý là« = M. = 16, ý ý 1 ý - - - - ---ý- - - O& »UWI@d by Ce., Bowm»*IUU, Whjeh Ma *Ir* mlle, ý 1 S& . ý IL - -.- ý-eW-ML-OP4 - ýeb WM muvw" m Smub . .; ý - ý ý 06~ ý 1 1 ýýquevuýnumw ý ýM 0jW"ââ»L SeMme ho th- the bord gaies Ore euw. ;W'b-tm bS &Ww â" endbiom - lbmcLuumm je ý -. . 1 1 ý . ýý 1. -. .. 1 - ý ý 1 ý . . 1 - 2z .bà now» Cogal _ _«,,»._ ý 1 ý %. mou moi" 811RI& ut- ;1. ý 1 1 ý . do'. - do 1" #âPm" . ý t e"mibooryet = à& ., 1 ý . ý 1 ý ý ý ý -- .. 1 , ý ý ý % W* t* m ý 11,111111111 1111091, . - ýýý bas tb-.&&- ý . F11M ON EAU£. - 11111111111111tS ta hW - rA t b f» cam . 1 - - Icomopommuot"»Puti 1 vüwye&r& au:» »* mmets hallie, umbau, 1. . ý ý . . ý ý1- ý ý ý . ý . ý ýý ý = et Md à awàwse bim & ,fA"iATmirt-ecoir Mandala î idabauý -- - 49 Wb d»Igt -= la amaegm&- saillâmans MW aumilý ýý - ý ý ý ý . . . 1 . ý1 1 1 . ý utlahr VIIIIII Iz W WC _- uft4 ha et inutair, ý.. . . - .1 ý : 'AtN»B-LEpma ,m*in du Md Pm b»MML-.M.= .' t" ' a fb . . 1 - 1 1 Md la ébtuiýq a lot et dm ""y te ed eikuâmdtummam --- - - - 1 t*tlrN-ev jrfbnrttz , te . . ne 2001916 ý" iCýý-wr.- ýý ý eh le et:C 1 - -ý ý. Iff 1-IL it il 19 19 la 'y l tu m , «DUNSFOJM 1 le Pl"-Wbmeker% a chmS ta pun ý the attmuft Thalabm E;ý P..Îî 1. 1 . ý. . . ý ý ý . ý un 'r»%de ffl ý , of . sa oaratthebwm»thb mmiL - 1 of thons tim Imam IIIIII 1 à -- ho 1 1 1 . " le effl 9 ý à- I , "»Puti emmeobm imb 1 . . ý 1 ý . Mýz * 1 %mi um 1 --- Il IlI L . . Lumm um-The Imm mwmülb au av .= W6*11IL-The farmers ut this _edyrewuda& ý &mm 11#6w 0"»d. Md A bo«*Ml @%@lit of OMO la i m 1. = -tmmvw OR ý . mahing rose te bogin. à Imm fer jàemmSl,ýTb* Ekh Se 1 - ----- -- -a b," re rh? 1«ý , _ pwat_ - hW mi 1ÉCL Th. .p.U" >e inci .M,;Ï froi«. hommèi;ptbalw.... ý te W Mn sed b&ve el toli btmk ,OU ý. . . 1 . 1 1 . ý . 1 .lI ot ý-LADT" 1 1 8(imev%.tltp, 1 bd nantlty of lm fram ý ttrm&,t-wr.. 1111111111119IL t q fer thm bord = visibd by the laqpetir m ThumdW ! 's ci I, ý eu= a f«rM' stilite iSý 1 l"D11ý ICANTLBB. OUTUM» . . . ý 1 ilonhir»ý liai 1 I ý M the plit> tla tfflim ou Colisi, wiftmo.. secon. ý cà&&.-rm »»U" church hm hm 1 Wi hagre au &IIIIIIIIIIIC, r Il 1 .. rh " lIt KOle4, of ded t oý b" enur at sièclieur rak OMM y- - é y I4 %fet-Iý «pi% .7 Cogeoi. klopglw@4 the Mme of - = m ummtaiom ceà te Bw. MFI! *- M, 4 Il t% Il W& Il 01,OTullqo. Dm $ ýCA", Il 1 . I-ý -wtIl lie waig (-o»viet,"t »Il ,tevàm Ur. ý aum P4» _lge,àndlttg«p= th.& .ý but _-w#zýtswm*wc -1 - V'f» Orderod ta lie MARira". 1 - ý i c!'Uxbrk - 1 the nwand, ýmaitatimaý» ý ý ý ý va #,-Çm la th*ý X494mon suwnit'ated. Io it , ýàud«--t»& t awbom;UWM»Ètbeml tettrêd tg> tv D'huma OeMAGIL--oe wodq@m"Y itàm . .. ý jý unâm 1 rwwe& ýýý.. . 1 VI"Rttmti*ýl. )W cette thé. jb" %MW millier pute§" .010 ",= & =-Ceàbr ce Ur.Tineurs ý . , i m 1 - 1 Im CÀKA» :en lit e flltt%*tltteu tit, «Olloolé fferà. silogile 01 CIMM vbvy - e = , Ma e la im Lr P'*e W» =10Z.:14*1= y-2.tý= etrecillas a fermer nomed ffléS N.nh% ýý .. M"nopXCgIIý, ý ý ý -. : . ý. ta Ken"tm' ç* »May in of the townohip of aukhain, new mm Md bow la etemud ou Md 1 drtaWan lkili Xwed » rher et Mr. .441illerffr Kempt and Mr. ri. . the momm wlu -- "York .: crwoumc. Mwhint Bd -. ý 1 .. ý . . 1 . ý . - ý ý 1 ý#&,XV.I, SM Ift. - unhitohiniq hie borne. wae mddoidy boigtu m the, ý la" nty% id!tMWdbFtheUw.J ,. 1 9xxxx- $9 G]KAIRAI« 0 ep 1;8(.Irgnn. ýý repOrt »M»d by tuein mmkod mois, Who ci tien la a lew days. ... ýXr. M#amba la armL&L au atm boa la ý 18ftèILý a f* '*ý"à .. - ý ý ., ý 6 .. Iteevé. lkyffll:tq. submitteld the . . 'I 1 ý , %ficiýtIgteffy Axeb NfA-4T#.I., orgitrixii ed him sud beand htmbmd »W ,&» = týO Ol- . @hm- ý; the igethodist &M"d ,dààrcbm auw.aamomb«@&--.% .. . .1 - 1 . . ý ý . . ý ý . . ý 1 . . Vul tiew deportioffli rteeMly *dffl of the nuance romabittoo, whieh r - hie rut 1 FUSIER à ltSim . etiew i ta tbu4phmàmb-li; UN ý. ý ý 1 ý - . . . 1 ý. ý _ t»MW payment of the tolle*,Ieà.-.. Ç ý th.. .,«,d 1.1. lw» - ýA da or ]ûý WUL 1 tnat] f - 01 '-O." lubtu@Mm ý - ý 1 . . . j to the d%#fflt4 btt?-hèm rap«M - h couette! - . - denre, stole @M In cash tremble, peek- .In%« vuefer et.Itutalqýtly en tbe p mf»4 a -Ilfs, 1 ne ,m( ~ ap.%z , about 14 ymn Of& tell M= bych= Mr. Mehiqm la the i ~ "Finie = . . 1 , ne , ý els,, ritted the bonne and jIxMýped tata -W. IR. AýfIrqt-I bre ý ýe" , ý 1%feý ý Xdwlud Flood. priailM ........ $M 44 H a few days aille sud bruits * .. apen the gagea W& . nelite font thim.,bp" wfbrul"n A"d W(ll"ttt.(-MPIOffl,-. . ; lalit 'l'lt"fltby kg rýroëm4bm . The ptqg$,f * do= i .1 . 1 l 1 --,tlylbý a" ý 'uý4&Ww.,t*&Ming«.., ý :.. _ ti (» hi# ImM sud drove olt. Tben la a tire, ut ber ribe. She la recovering sa 1 . Il = ZW""-..e= Oltý.%%,O à q nq# own:? flot Of f ,i y tCommqwmdenm of The rentl 1 ý . 1 ý ý . . . iblèglit . ted. ýik#IqMý,Or4 aire ..(-@ rt.m=order-J14&yor M Milne lit a nember, Md aItter qhe rotIbIer lit . ynl-- colblmltt#@,"n the township' NU m cm ho expee rira Gnouxa-The Midly Brai" *P-Imt* r. ýtý.1meu, r i. Srnoo& Itur-oith.-The Pwàhc gu4*uralsbcwy la about puma@& âtil %vrtl-leghteflý M ffl flttmiloin t, fflerit ....... 12(a ... '. -e lyinit holpleu lit the holiège, 811 nilfght ho - - 1 Md »M ý - 1 ý Il 1 1 1 1 1 . ý . 1 * 1 ' 9*týk*m O# .NlrýT*vi4h, do, ý - ý e.0 bave C" xded to une MOR a i of Iôgw acres for sa agricule. wmtbm m maniffled la the gearly ri -*- ýý t 1 - 1.0tumie ilrt, fýl#ýq.ýtvltI, A« t» dtýtpl*,ý%, of poil. i 0. If. Ftt"raqn,.àemtint,... . ý ... 18 kl barn ta bée, hâ* sebolmilathetwe I= ground. W itui . . ý ý . ý ý ýý ligterv ami ihàntw W" inaxtiitirirtf, ritna te m» et reports for the -- 1 1 11111111w: ý l J. - - - boudé sud ta give, Wari - . ..,Illffl fithue allier blamber omtaiu , - ý. l ý 1 lie X"Aft»*Owlt$ tw*Wf*Mdèdly eIR4,- Ilarkin, cgIdébrý ý..: ........... $43 ther memberit nt the - committes, who, eut. de of SgnxwàLrý&--our ý ý .- I - . - - ,;;ý crem lier their attention rel r %-ie.ý ýqégI» *rtt.ý4,11ty. W. ,%. ilewtItt. momt.:l ....... Ë lm " a --ul- 9" - - : de Md C» or tw .. W. 14%. ý*t»C0tî- , ý . i livill. 'Éfier-ttqe*d*m *à* very lantil. Marted la hot portait, bat la the ý ý - , ! ý =Wmam &Ozu ý .ý ý . - . ý . . . ý ', r.11- %'ý,wIf-rIiIl# I-tj«-;tIj;ý rt-prititteil: ' éblagi ail wr" I*hmm ai the show (If " aftotmt of $1Z walit prega"IlIed Il prettent --vlthoint sumem Ir'. wâge it la tas 1 ta oour-side k = = -M i tan couk, à là «t - 1 . 1 % %v 1 1 ý I ; i.., .l.'t. lýtIýliimr thè, i IntrqI VIIIII Maillons 1 I %#Mie inon . y . Mr. týmr» ýVoêsO, end Os the ('onný.!, le one nt the w . 1= 2 mmb k 0. 9, fî f Il f lý v% - 1, % l'le P'. ý 1 -I. ý ý - ý . _"Athtmt farmers la the Men ý Idéal of. of ý new crossiffl this yeor. ý - 1 . ýý 6,.;"" , , ý ý ý ý ý ý Y. lov"t= r**Il ship, and a loading mâne theïr c . l ------a- . %.. - ., ý 1 1 . - ý . 1. Wreme,ýv»hrard r"per.tiaitthoinau« - -Q- - ý . . ob - 1 . 0JE1111,000. . LA M r W. ýýý il% ,«* . . .rtrtlirtb, IFI-Itiniqq4 iiiid lgirtor$ , 'Zi., tcrez olliitt-- i4 glatir 11% t'rg1rtý rtbf-wr, (*(]ýtIpi. (Win" J, %V. punit. that a portion or the or.- G&dS& 111L1fý . 1 ý ýýý OR0. > ý . f 1 icormpmdmS of TbIb poqq 1*),q.%: ,rt, il, Lýrt-.*iý';,tIltlfl-ttit-t' hhqIit th . fffli. fý*sq.. Il. ma Apets., K lltit-tén = = t'nt-é«âinmffl of liamil- 1 - .... 1 1 ý , 1.1 -- - 1 ý .1. 1 . . ý 1,,,'.,,! , 1 ý 1 1 and J. %vi4tqm, dt,,ýmteely,ý livero Igoth t The P(4&1 . ansisTzw.tL CuÀmom- -The ýý ý . ý ton illeignifits on the ommton of the #Ir@- .%,.Itlx.vrl..d"iqni«nl full op CMMU IIMMI-ýl = V Latum 1 dist; eccledmuaù year new gimw .. ý 1 tltiëtýt e ami ras. S. Thel ,ýV ,*?"."-""- 1 oumatim in 1 1 ý Xi%%,, 0q 1 il r. 'fil" Ilogirigileill 'I'tlt,- 1 vrer la sitamil, al;1- tilleuls deywni-tmtio.», aïqui 1 Wme auffle xa"m ý,'8j -eTatâm 1 ý ý _ ing te . ý . 1 ý 1 , 1 * À 011OW114S. ONT SIIRFFT.. : %vere liotimi 1 thrIr pre»ent -AH kinds of gWu a close Win involve chaam in the rui- Io , 1 dwmeter, a Il "t,:,;.tr 4'qtý,1,,,t,%- blIve 1,1,#-tte41 à inIw of- 'Il vfitMrwarminu4bnd] tingtbotow Oure fâcMy wilicembe i hm - ý . -- -- 1. . . liai t'-,Itntv CogaSt tint, ammlltint Chagg. n hai;e filera largoly sown. The grogend . _ - -- --ý . - dculugimo wu. ir.. il, thl. lt,-i"..."t 11-11-. liait on IWO orraitiongt *1 ý 'a.,. Oý - Il, ,,,ý- . .. .'f . ý t ý or..,» used by the in ton. They bave goIt a new ,:È M. to.-g.ç%mlito r4itelqtnp 1 . '#rw(ltiý APFII in. l'm, I)II#týrI of Opie, wax blever in flotter order: mest; of the lm .:eý Cý MI El, in, Ewv,. -NStocor wî 1 .11 ,,ý .1q Ili 1 ,,,,,m,.- 1 ý,- %tg.% NI : ,ýl;..ý-rI: 01 ý , . a*"Itltlt;$t Iinetth 1 , top, ffl . --ýirvý,kO«trilll%' ,%-il% ('4red %Vlth %%'tb. -and a e0rd of Wood. wb" boit farmi, eau Ibo gown ý On - iiii - piM ille ýý Md tire expeet a stesta e Mr. C. a" tmz. R *1 , the 1 ý ý . ý . . ýgb"Su"déb, - là.. 14ýilitti1-,rt-;zýt.-f--; .-I'. 1'.1vi. 1,,%.ifll thtir lit Nt:t"Kn%. , ý lt*ofn offli file 11(blle-0 Court and toril as the grattait hm nôt bakbýd, t 1, nom& wSk. The fermiers am ]EL C.. wM no üoubt ho caffl té dormter, and RU* - 91 1 . ý . ý Ili-ý,..ý.t.I . 11il ý lIt'.1% IlIý"-h. ebVre kw,.ttt>iý,4 , ly. ýý'étati(h!" 1 "'le a#'fýoltnt won' rff@r"4 ta th@ IPI. longte and nieflow. . ý bold of the faetory badum better t. ta other apherges of lober, Mr. (%,xk premaims, no othef l"it Ili toi, . 'A ý - M ý - vethit. ý ..,il - - .(,VprtO'k'fepett". pýaqIîý in thé- -lim t'f _ : having bel altongther tive m aghs ha ýe Allet, (lomulitt". . sprhg thon Mt, as tmy ftd it a, pay-, i.(",I: i-rl,.-. l'Ili, -', -t Nellf %tý 't.4w) f', "n' ' Ili. tobtlt;tn.ll, l . ý 1-*.%It. Wigv:,%T. - V lutte fait whoat ý Il- . , TUN itngitytl»TI(b,Ç. - , was sown tant rail, liftie tbrA ý - a" ,% #11,ý,,I l-IýN- ý W l -ý ,If . 111iler., lizt, the . ý #'tîtfl flýtfoliýtteilif. f .,ýl-.. ý ý, Itn%."gef-il Vrr, lèteieIby""Ill-t mille fr«M Xfr. hlg= MM-mr. L W. Reid in prepar- the Il U - 1. 1"..",F-.I,,--,,.- P 0- illitlý.1%. 1-dmefnt,% ý,ýItit'L" thinkw, of (,,'Pm, wagit mentf*Ml, I)et)l-flotvvr %V a 1 t4nllmttwdiýre- watil tanks Weil. ý . ý eý the pruth Md IN 1 ý . . . . "" -1 Il%, ýj k'%V»ilýý * tt"%Ilt illent 14 " g'iMý % . ing tcè build a brick boum 09 ftm quai. . overy yezr. They wiR -- plildi-li'. % the t'hie .11*,sft,41.-, Ongle more the frqp me t-ing --Ythim M W 1 ý . ý ,,i>Iv hrit, ' r. it Ilit Cel,,tr*l 1 Irlmmami not 1 port fro 1 Ity. . Mr. Gillogly in to, put up fine ý with them, the lormayemm Pei" le énated vol . . ý , -1 . -V i i ma Ill'lico. * >Pu gir#tMatrln*wndt-hiettagpe. ,,Inrln Il -11 ,v 't Vt;ý 'iti,,Ittpq, [W(,e.,ealliý4a»,%tmtpd lit 'I'srr 11(ver . rinuw. -ý ý ý . 1 tant , tain nt the lllm Il ý ( ,Y, with one accord te the air of brick .honte. 1 bave got a 8=0 acellar for fatum suecesâ, sud the assacking Turkey- G . . % ý . . - ý "î,(, -\Ibrtl Vi. il. 0*0 .vttd%*. rhstrgM ý figir Ibn they rnidd sigitellie, il 1 . - - t ý , -, .. - .., - . ".. A î." - 1 . , hft".Pnrtthame.41 ,10 il 1 iandred,";tnd mm the musqui. Il N it-lzffltl' . Ith atmilit, wnigt dpreèl toile will rellow suit. ý bulit this :r1= for a new house, and or the whole ty bud la the pickIý .. . . i 1 . . b ... . i. . t.". I ý 1". 1, ý Nicili, IN % ý . ,Vt %rqed. .%pril hy Ur. Miel.#Innan for lits town 'gros i, 1 1 . %vilm ýý G. %Viti. litirt tt*d X- 0ânténiè. ril ý tif, 1 * mwirr P -t?»inx.-The yonng 1 tntend bu Il at once. 9-- « « ytoremmnayemortwo Weftt= ,tlt*N .xi ; savaffl in fre '. .1 - ,ý , 1 . 1 . ý, l . , . a t ri'por4d verl*lly'that the ' . jil:t%.ý,l il,-- ý.H..-r Ili ý lit (,.%,unr,.qt,.q(i.--l begait gardenIn;cýon, 1 ý The Perte = - , ý ý ,ý , - lit 11ellilvilie 4 , t'il Neith tli4ordertv tý»" .t ont lie, nt«T; i ý - ý I ., . - ý -r . . -1-0 *eIlTýý ' rire * Put %'Výtt-P tiomiiiit.tie enuld net folk* tif dits place slang Vvith saute of lt!tý i'If--,Iltl,-Iittttè.f . ilf the 14141b tn,4tý, #*W»,*a tinSd -141, aritt ý regroitilbiend fis, ýu"pt*mý.@ of itir. Me.. . ý ýrt lm da a earlier thon, the sixth of A OrCýwI1.F--The Goed .remwm reporte thâs ý , lit - i t.V. P 1 Il-- j't, ý 1,t-il ý,, ohl. ImIl Ir-ter List spring. C ail --- - 1 ,rp*r.ý:4% ne4ebas 1 1 , , r. . y, CW.q Aile X (;MWM ~ dl,,"b"gêd. 1 In-nnan«s base. da nmônIf t excursion a tow ntghts 4p 1 havent atirve=table'am ttingaeeemàom te maniteuwe --- 1.ý . * 1 . , ý -tv, ilIg, l'ew vrItIl hi,". it lillieil In. 4 ý 1 - 19 vr» tant what lied car, and nran= secti In, ami If ail in Weil will be early 1 num and au ýý Indu. the nation, sud te 1 . 1 . 1 ý . . 1 'el IlItýlt.'* * "%piIIIR. W.TIA 0 mu** 0 ý . in the market with,.-egetabl . . . ý . ý r è Il, Nvith the Çonn. ta gay It flakes more cil ta run tâta ý, 1 , -,,Il.,rr".I,,,ý%ýi-in ýjj#«ngIMX, of llotxv- 1 in" We"d. tbéd filet ti* c m 1 a the or bond en" Members. Rev. . .Simultamoumy with . 1 , iý(,tl;, ni.%% (.hftrm*g wité, illigtallit lu% .,k. i finit tierided ta *a en. .. ý . - 1,'I,.%ti.%, %t -.1 Iii1.,-,.ý Il-ý,s ta UntrIelli le ly l'Il the Il, let'r car on fndny thon any o4her dayof TuE Citop.q.---i waa out bock la Feue-1 aMat of theG dLodgeLO.G.T.faffl arrive nt the »m tt 1 , l.'qýg-',ét,ý . qI'tttltt,;btlI-litý A*«ýmlly 4. *WWPktM, on the Isth ý vil ta tteétdt- wi lier they wcgiild.rmept, . ton lut weck and e=mtnedý the but j ta ga ta rencheni Mcheny on . ý ý grý>19vq1>ýA!VjS , iiý; ' - . 1 , ýNt!t#4ýti. and r #"fi .$4 ami ý - the home or ont. . ý . the week. 1 1 - Il ý th-0 1w 'VIII itr-,t %%,I-e-ý- 1-t-ititlr -,--....a- - 1 wbeât. It wu tiret, rue I oser ilve ý but = ".e ..le lim sa day or the ners the a . 19 11, . ý . ý . ý I.-I.I.f.".ý , i . 1 ý . p Mt the relttq, $19.M, aftw=d etirr -té kefp 1 Colibil Wl%-TwutR Pe lired how the - C-1»RAir - - ttelda and there waa no danw4e et ail.; and Danj0pý and Mr. josge manifesta te, the an ', -mI., - . - ý 1 jr-I0,,eý t%ý-1, itt'f'r-tiNvrýf'lr ti"t IU't"telýt Oe' tlt'!kltè In RM. ý tlýndi-r,% Imd been &*k foi. and Ir suy 1 . . ý l - 1 1 ý 1 ..I,,ttl. ,Nherf. 114.,Vil ),-,%t, 00ra f.4elli- Lili'r x1rrt.wiý" fgjT9gqýNbgy gIrtit'r- ý p*rtietdarp»llty %v»i*P"lýiffl . , «dm" à iligie Not.1 1 But the tient news is ta rame j-et. ý who e - gond imi 1 i simultanoo"y deâv ý ,Viii-.,,,,tlqiýlýtlýitif..,t. là.llà-i,, ý ý r. 1 Md IO the Bassim .. . #-*t -gi ýtn% ý yw-1 fi le ; 9 ri- i Il.klan. 1 copkiNt4 go il It lb" been iplXJ X=Zt Il Willork on Tueel A 1 T.H P.%.PO(IqF-- %Ve bave au la. Mr. %7C naings in the ahair- il .. Il . . , ý "; , ! - ' 1 1 ý IN(4,ýý.ý('iýi:%+I('N,. l'alit %lonýtlttv ryen. s Mora". the-1-éth Irait., the tommes Of dieu = i at, Beaboro. and there là Johnson bas am on anather appoint- who will thm quil - ' "' ' . , , l ', . . 11.11, MV (;""-%"Iql,-,ýy ,g11.1 t'Itt'Mot Il the AnIýt".t for ttl4ruAmon IV", péritèlly laid down thait the base %liait go .te in It a papom thme or four days -old. ý ment ýTf* .: .;, l . - ýý . . '. - -ý 1 ýN >1., 'I. . , 1;"."),ý'-;,ýt'.1.16;1r"%Vl..,ti-ý 1'l.-Iitt- 1 tItt%,f. - 1% 1, of thla villffl. lourd tha for Wednesday 10th This la the exact proi il ý - . ý ý . ý . levttethpl, zbt.e(tpit pei%.ttn% *holiltl I* ta bé t he ARI11114% ne the laitt IM zttpplied tbee-atWà)bhine!nthadbemon Ore. lit 1. 1 1 I-Irýi, il!,.Itfif% ,Ir lit.. eq1If>%,t, "letll pelitnittrd togi%-t,,ý%-itien" in their obim the town by Mr. G, Il. tknir4t». lit la a rare %Ight If any of the curions i !net, and Mr. A- A- Ut"T-nlmýU.has letter filon: SL pe» (biteiAN« I fli,,t.... -', il,!. *mhl 1,--ýIt-iiI-,, illi .. w» noticetil fIrIgt lbyMrs. Chail, whovýai about Lindsay w1ah ta sec it they boit 1 promi»d te -gwe m addrens, on the l. -) lt - ý ý 1 tý %riIVý ; 1".It,,.It, ,rite illeetitig ttft%-Itlx breil 1 Ilý,P.-Ikýove %VÀITbýigg rerited t-Ile ron- . ý . 1 . 1 bettertaketheranatlàndsayand.the Cracks ActS the evenimotS&turday, ...; 1zý, - ý... 1 , . . . ý'-l-. 'l", -- , \il ... ith-d O., I'r [fil. IifI-ý4t 144 ëvO"' "f- i-04,il i - ordre hy i 4 ehairerait, Mr. ý vtr."tkwb ho hâd I" with Mr. '.Nle.l.en. pé,rtly awake with a sick child, audwbe engineers Witt show thêm the Dlace 1 (1010119WL ýýv ý f *1 ý Il I :,.,.., - 1. ý . .. 1 O.- . ("!ýi-ii il, u'l' il . I:-,;"!ý vrillai), .%iply ât NIýiIgI %výj. 1-mlltit ution suit Mvp an 1 non wheu. liktom4ag him thàt Illa fen. oince. awaketwd hep huM*M. and ho ; the:Ust tant.- ý ýý , -1. ýj,-k,-.--. . il ý ... ý %I', -; i ,,,-f1,ýiIz ,I..;ýl--,ll-. omer o llit-ilil , rNethilif and 4iiitmltpireadinq -1144 lowil Lis had-èlearty j sent ont hlèg liftier bo e the alam thon il iq- a pure Indianl 1 expect, ,SATM.,,cToity. -The blende f' Qý ori ý - . . týntltlêd 1 il" h*d lie" t ta the mt of the 1.11 =091v Mr. J. r,. Mi. C. gel will givé return, tickets for, 1 Mr..ýL A. MeLaucWin = = = Il . - 1 -.1 ý IIIII, 1ý,,-:iý-týI. l'eetýtrý,1.11rI-.('tIbk ;ý%lltttiilitoirattfýý,ýtftieta« lllen,'ýVr. ,NktImmu toiandevatand l.ytlp and pleveral ot.hprm LE .1, . -lj,ï,ýý ýý. ,,-,, 1)1ýjj ý il" whiefè ý . wrFIII, - , ýOM . ,Uý 1 , ' , . etion on 1 half-fare ta Iteahoro and return, sa if ý are mach pleabied withhis Il 1 . . ý . 1 , 1 ý it i. Iir,éitlt-%* teilbav, %yas %vett rtmdm-d. Nat, th* ha*@ Vrais ta IW-the - si. Mr, C. Knowlqoii can ýbeat this fornews! ta t . au laspectors ip ý ý ý ý 1 the Apot and faund that ait the tiones 1 . jý N.., , "..., NN*I,,-,, t::,tr ,ây and livand. and iiianta= ýIx .. .- Pat"*"I)htqt %fr.Tý C. l',ttrît-k.thettýnelertiftheetYir- f. bgf, ýý theNorth . X. , Ï.Y. and Windows were bintenon go that it, lie had hetterhave au Ludion villag"e j * folk audýconaid« hün therightmaa Gmmm&bm-àmmim 1. A 0 ip'l (1 1 oti'TRPTI'n 0 In. ,-', f I'.. r.lIb.%ý i,,ýt fr the IF-,,t.èt.,,$ý ý .iiýit;".. tiii-il opt-giod the, Iit-hmtc% ablit j sab"be péribort m that ýappliod WAR impnmtble for themi IO Ilot in wilà. ,ý ilear Omemm GEOIU'E C.ILVERT. ! in the right nimemL aputage*nmec% and Il $9.: 1 - ý'I ,, ý.. , . ,,, jý.1;j,.- 1- g, g'ý!- 1t, ý -'lit. * ý, ý.,,é,lj i."I..I.%. %%-lit t'M psid I'V. ,,ý%I, NN-g-Il el4.týtt'fl I'N' %fîoý G. Il. lt"p- 1 M r. it" tm m . ý ý lirs. Chili , ý - m ý -7- 1 .ý; ý ,!., . Oi ý ... ý : I,ý.ý pripet. f., . .. 1.i,,,.,,,,t--'tbt.t.,tIi-It %Viti ý k. iI.. %VIffie llIr. , 1.4fi la. q he, teiller lit Coling. lf»NAm and 1,zv(,,t.w corrobora out IgrgéakInit the Windows. . , S=Dr-nR &Ïs commenced hem in M . ý ý 1 1 ý ý ý . and the children h" be-en drapped ont; BOBC-IYGEO.Y. ý rkgW gond euma neviziy a nwwà car l P-te& INUlww*lx ý 1 ... ý ý ý 'il 1. .. ý# - ý ,ý 1:,..,;". frll'il -!ýý'tI;ý ptliVI4 grii veý,0q,- t ht. ile:Utt 1 Vil. wa". ahly d--Iýnteft l'y ,.%tr. 1 mtpd llý*p..Itp"e %Valtëm's %tatéinmt*. 1, - .. ý . 1 .1.,II,.;> 1". ,.,,,,,, , ( . - 'Ilip - lk4)ý-RIMPVOI)mAv(i,ýq-itaid thé motion throustb a donc ilinve, the bar. ýqmn,; CRIFMR F.%('TORT.-ý%. very interese lier thon Lut yezr. excum ane= the wa etiginriteil týtftt ho ,A. Untikiu. ý %Itifqtion liavinx xG màSx hm!h» advaIsSd leu, ... . . 1 . i pillègned allthort»d the Fi and ý watpr hOwe%ýer, the Windows Ivéve forcon Ingmeetingtook place on Monday, in. Tm SuGAa XàxL .49#rimr 0-tiq1e AN"ý«tSxt(1: "obi(*., ->-,tIlý'1-,Ir.-Ii!. iiýtIli!.,ftlt-t, Ir Ite Ii«I Ili, ' I-,,l-gt iveil liftvbdW lvy, the qêveral pRrý 1 cipen and water throgrn on the flunu the town hall, ta consider the eq)edi- beeu short and, sweet but there bas ý ý Il 1 . 1 . : . - ý -'. ý, ;". 1. ý...l . . 1 lyt-J bie, w7n 11-mll'il ýdVerIiýrl, ý.tit-ý(ýýIÀOý,,týd.*IlflNf;.I)..Inf.kgnln.t-MtleýC-ontmut"tcbpttrehamtbelwàtearboi- witlinistanyt-ffert.till,"enewtieehad ency nt establishing a cheese faetory. ' been @am fine Fou- of sap. The ronde bMbel. Nôt only i 1- f-1 t.t.... I-t,ý. j". ""%: ý;-j,-,,I,,f, , . - i PI, 1 lie ilvmidnst, lqft%-tpg Itladt. a fr,%v ipedhose. lttidew.aittbebestora*UnM» got.'.%Tv. .1.,Ilniigina'm force ptimsb Mr. Illlott waft prosent, and gave a . aredry and dusty as in Jùly. ý whgoât ho a" ediby 1 ý . ý ý . ý ý ý 1 , . . . . - -.. . . - "..!ý... - ,'l . .1 bnd ,il ilaveil. ý t'hot ibow lit kl*o.the" trois ne nêemity -9t- . ý 1 1 ý 1 . - ý . .. ý. .1 1 . i, 1'.... ý i',,,- ;i,,-tN r-t'ýý Ntt; i %,,çýc, ,mé ý iNvil f4IýM ""»ý,flv'ký , - 1 C.1. a ý for 41nibblinf ahout the lirand or maker- ontand w tli itit ald the tire W" am C;". deal of minable information. Mr. j PE»olf" - Mr. D&vid King hm 1 emvi,«-Um thât the s . ý ý . ý 1 !,,-,,,-t t,,-tt--è-, ,001 till'v, -itiql.,tIii'-r illillIt ý ,;ý'IlItý,trN' lit t lie zirgI4tlitibtýq. silbiillttt,(l if %voffld lit, wIl-fer to tuwpt if. ý! j -ý -ý ., ý . . %j.ri1ý it-mit'er tif 004 ititbitt)ltv îq in ilI*I,ýl,ýtirenttit, ,,4t,. 0ýqlgp(I1r. fiL fers trtt-I . e.xtlibgtiitîlie-d. The tire. s"Ime te have Pend fttated that If the farmom 1 Riven tapi buchumheremdgmteSm- wadd 13 neig as IaM bu Ir, Vý 1114.111 P.. ý t ,,I4i h, flic 41A llep.-I'tpf-v-o W,,%#iTicimL% blaid the mm.. .jýcdI1I ,,, aétovewhieh wasthrough wSild guérantee ta sure fhe- milk se 1 -r (If itit-iý.t t., the (.,.,Pt mm 4* *il" it Nvaq i jult for had cm*itleeId the Motter sud i 1 . O.- - _%M, tbat stocke will 4 ve Mb.»"M - ý - ý - -- \ ileu, frit, Il in% agi the ment of ffl froml5geowotlioandMr. Miottwould .m ýý ýý l - .t ' ý . ý- . 1,ýr,, I, 1,,;--:,,Ilti,,l 00, .rïý,ttlt ite ,%ýttitrIv Illilttit,14,11-h. flt-(doffin favibr of th(O llroviw= it. The butidingand et once bailli a fartory. Mr. LIllott j t= ordepreduersentered the sagarl wbmàao l ý ý '19ýtqiiiil-t. 1 'Ve are léordom ta stèglo filai. ý dértdéd thât the town t-ould tint affibird Coule hem and atter boil. AU accouats agme ,.Nl.,.,ei,-,,,;II ... itý3t'tl "gýý" of tg hell Iuný ittgmtivt,. % cont-entit wers fuliv Insured. thon addremd the Meeting. Ife said ! w a of Mr. Ili folle ,." iItrý %%,Il Irgigtt ý th, -ttiq'ttoFine Jivilm 1;"*I* repntqqp ta, ta PXP@Ènwot on botte. Ths ho" thry ý 1 ý ý . . Il .ýr'IIIIIII1 1 ý . ý .9,ý - - ý It might lie mictitated that a cow would ý inc down, a quansity ai ilm last 1 hot, lw I*fcim wila firmt-elau and thély . ! ý. 1 . ý ý - , ratist ton Who 1*011 ;-,Itl".;".;,ýi,,,ý 1,,II,11-%IýIlt- %,;Il rgleéjec'aqlý . . rônorosr givehaitapail ofmilk twieea dey. A; Romeofthe vemla = carrSdoff bat tint, surpitu ip I'.1 .,ppi.CýIr iiie prifflillit frdlef-1 Il !d là- 1 'b'd*hod toýjIet the samo. . - - the camp ilfy , >î1t ý OOX Conn, mm4s rould ont "ë why the reorre*mndm» of Theptiont poil of milk waa 20 IbiL This wauld, lie with tboir -tM1ý. U they am ria cm- Umm session. ô- , - . .if 1 I! Il 1 b, Ili i i Il i l l;i. - V %. ,,,-y 14-1 il t el. 4hil, Ail . Voir t)w etwltýýrq ai tan %qdth tarte duzing the z- ,il 1 Il,- NI i,.i..:t litv ý ý d tolet tire of M- . fffl inx, iribiell ý ý ho*@ &bowtd uni bil averptogif Il the «"r- linTKI. K-il.*Iuéictlc"z. Mr. Key$ in tx» Ibn. of milk tach mentit, or zýtg» Ibo incla thierrets chey sépuld recom the surplus on ha" la on . d' . ý - 1 ý ý. ý ý 1 ý . . raiItee »Y tom adding another etorey te hl* ý nouse, te six monthia, which la the cheeu î tressil l'Il, \ý'!it- 1 : ()-,,-. r,ýI-rt4 I-nrIrný ml hm-P no tiolibtý= *be b«h iliteftsit- iý»eY would xive woo whIrh will glve it a botter appramunel ý l ,XO SSAXE srm'r.--O» ot tý A" o»-bon ýý 1 . . ý ý ý 1 inse elltd ,"Otable. ý rq1mtqwý , f Makinx assena. It tokes 10 Ibo of milk our intitl. ý 1 . 1 . . ý . Ili ; 1 ,il ,,!I!ý't il ý t Iltiq ýýiltltt% ah, ,if the, 1 1 . mdwillinaterWlyadvmçethe Illa ýbibmoke one peul of cheme, thorefore, i Usentlarm» ruidim a Ilwe te the qui" ta meet the 'ý , ý - ,ý - gil -pr.1win». ý ,",. 1 . ". l", , ",,î,ýfiI. .il-, ...",,l-i-. * r1w îlélftq - 1' #nd C0q1ný [ltopxtxot aultégil whot guaran. of hi% gtie*t@i. ý eomtm * tho.11,M Ibo of milk would givé 3M Ibn j rang of this villatlle baving I" y beeu 01 . 1 1 - 1 Il ý . ý ý -- -ý,;-z-. l. , ttimltilp.e Imit. vehftfý-izz.* 11. W trê ('41101. X41lon thilluglit wala rlqhtý Il migrr .'%fis.t.- -Thé- lotindation, ofibe, of chelem. and thta at Or- a -Ib. ýwouId i anSyed about hiâ, hem premim hi t&'tb&Pmt Of Sm % l: ý - . 1 . ý 1 ý . 1 1 ý --Illi 'I'.'t I', 'l'ilitt.4v el.i,.ý'tytitiv, 0t"lsttnm*.,-%rtilgtlý1%14 t)oil.vtg#* finhert Vouril, %fA*'-ý9 -one for th"@ ýeara, Inill it4 aliblogit eng thsa au required te c ýIq ,%ý:,tlt,,,l 'Valil t%%'t, t'p Cýmn. NVAIi>tgum %ald ho» (louid Ibo nplettýd, the trame la give W7.81) for the six montha MiUL Re ý rats, mestred te try te gu FM Olt the IbWtiýIaq* nuit Johil I)Plýiam*enf lm* 1 va won, ile- i pastel sa ha conulvédabéït left. - This la bad nela .. . 1 1 ý 1 ý. ý f1,Iý,,- ,,.,,,,IýlitIvrr4ti. Ër N-f'Iý t ready for ratàtilr and matin we stated the w« of manutactu .- iusmà .14ation 1 ypt. fn? 110N per tom - %vît-it a g»mùtm gbhnu , " "m C&Ufwniam harq 1 ý 1 - 1 ý - 1 'l Ilil -11o4jtt. . M in gilwil, %eri-el 1 1 ý -ý - - -- ýý .,.,ItI,, - 't.,.,.l ý#:qrf atidlinft lie lArfne 1 %bai have 1 ho etalr of Ife atour Obrû 1 W patind, and the freight - -1---- r au ta sageure the hauL ý 1 OF térilé ye&M 1. . . . . 1. - ý ý %%,.ýil'"ýýtt-,% ,,!..It .;I%-t vt-,ttti1,1%. ViIIII ( ý p of siendintc the cheese ta là here vrithin the of ýýIt and %,rîtvlbIn tour (gir- il" rodis of ('oitTii Nvrutans -ongidp -Il ý that ý: l'-iv', 11w iieliirvd t-Il'il.-I Thérv: - i4 rif't 1 ýrM th@ billes Ovu 'ýTnv.rT.% are quite dry and are 1 xettinx the mone7 b»k in no Mann 1ý 1 1 ý ý hrvirtnl.t4le»llve*vb$ýnffleq'ý,;b"mhtbeamo 4roming (ItiAt-Y ; . ý the tradW" Ilold- man," ý ". -Ithab tit,,-i, -l', Il 'i - (,IIý(lr%-týd t hi, t-ntlýv of a man itnating In _p>,difthopoMtawere Our sidowalks are a 1 trait làc, per th. rite ralculation. W 1 lem th" eightem At one tom S" ewmlk Io. miel ifi lI.q,ý ,,,,IqtIl 1, Il Iý _ aly âbaked for bv the . Europe, and no gi irZ& ý- Wo RF,#, 13 ST on 911 Mr, RAI. M ALS il- ,u.Iý fl"it il. tl". \,,rlll 1 , il , "ý Ihe watel. ilinet NrIfIl the illit anï ,hat4t cotir would prodnce» 1 'of thons bel= original old El - ý 'idittic à Iý,rjý" bistouri, of the, l 'I'f 'a, Il" ye haine might Ilî very e coniiiiiiiiity and :ira t the W-Mz@W - ir, --- I- -L t 1ýI Il -il, Il. il ?Ili 1 (,!Ilfltl'q brogitig -rtwý" sud t lied if te ý rommitt."' titttstrare ta . Id vmtbë Ca", provic ý - . ý . , _,lit il. el inibre adaPted Mr '«%-hildrelle' testera" 1 nilik. hut Rame rogiys Wou 1 others of four diâlittrent atm If of tu- . 1 . . ý . 1 1- 1 tý rendl. et ,-tItini).. ; 90M and bc hem, t> 1 hé%, erre. and a i Pr,"= i vour numernus maders but . - - .1 - ý 1 1 1 1-1t ..%ý!t I."IftI.,%it -;,ltii, ittilbtrlzqntIê. ri willit that. of à ibeffrè 1*- AIUArant" .ta afty touillant woultil hé !, liait pedt-ntrianit' iige. Whon lungxr 1 4N) th»., and In one instance a 1 or - 1 ý 1 1 î twéé*ý:;:,) igirist stIy(Iftl'it illimité, aI*lltý tive . Identifiai ami ellent) ait it in here. as a ho luni two cou tg Weil fed and talm 1 we would lika ta Mt it i m 1111111IW11111111111111 . b: ý . ý JOVE'». tint the principhi, W", WMUR. (f 1"","%,e.f, .lýgm VIýtý.oN ,ý%1.ý- 'f. v, . rilet tfyq i.twhem In Il fit. lègligil ablé "' -;itlevalkmenititi rare of he( Mr. HIllort) liait paid him *W 1 Me champion heré 1sý» old tgthêré W» no ïymnd ~ ffl Brut the very little exigengti titir ý . , wagmebewhm, la] - 1 il Fi 1 t.l-)R.10,ým*.t Acg (10 1 IlmId. fqt-i,,,-,-I% If.tlti«: t"%%.I,. %,.If, %y" 'rriselif nt 1 te, 1 liq, il %tii% efrit M Ili ill lie mette bath safé and rosi" ' ý y qili il i "te ICI 1 W 1 1 ý ý ý . 1 . ý -)4,ý,4,tv-.r .ý"".",t"ttýittt-,tt.,ýwiht, ' j hoite, %val4-gffli it sbould 1»,at«lbted. etable. forthenùlktiurinunnosmon. Befiè»ý ý twimènime with the .1 1 ý ý . . ý . ,,-,,t,,,-Vfi,-i,,i.%i-,-,I-ý fm- lhe cqitt'tft l liait (i'f IItwk miègriniaf. hwýwn eh~ , 1 the establishment of cheeme factorles la, just, before il ý . 1 ý ý . ý Xî fleï I C-4100l, Kgrr-uttr-F MU lie liad heard qoom Igne mh(biild met. the liait rolling. . for the i ý - DUAUSIOS SOTES. i thut twe or thme rab ý.a - - (ýl1,ý.g.I'Vlr 1 (If,-!i"tt-ttt Il, ,..,Ib%7t- 'toti4ýllipt with pOf-lýft iiii the belge., tblèt tht-rtq %"si considembite tifflitirésire I.r.t:Tt-itiz.- Wc trere - auatu favored ! Cana" tt was a comman thinq - V, ý , t let , ývIÏh(biit a rollot- ait e*Wol »dlt»' with a -lecture M.'ý4usrd.%v evouing tant 1 Yarkm ta come and buy ý Ùanad1an , bamdtfti the grom ý 1-ImI Ili ý,Zt %'ieIt-,,it..-I'lgtIt.v "f:(Wrt"- ' t'met-. 1 le ?lait a Maillé, «»««*ebë & 1 ý I*Iwtý(,I"ttt.'.%IefdnmW&ho@iean.dthat -JOhn Roesi Evam died at mmr P* - the ha (là, do 1, I, 1,,.,ý,i,."t.,.Ilq Mé Î 3 ench, take thora ta N'ew, Que- q', ý nt ý R Il 1 ,S - 1 - , .rd fri'l'i ýitttlr*e.(ýittineh't-, . il supplied ý,y %te. flértram in the Coanda ý. -thodtÙ chairch, hy , ritivit at 02 ber the ather dey et the advaamd site duabé@dW ho vuy ligj 1-ir ..., ittttl-"l 'Nclt 1 Iligir. .Iohnmt-6n. of Toronto, agent of the i York, put them tntc, chee» fâctories. > "ell 1 ri- ý,ehimkét-,» And lk*lRi*rW#» hght ('fm&tl. lRbi,*t&-et'eýcA#ld ;âve 110 infor. 1 of lu years lem -21 days. jrI.,-etgtrfl lit lis It,,,,,,.. NI grithinq ý %eft » tir j~ an i 'ton ou , t int , Grand I.odM of 1.0. nt (Î.Î. - The gen. i and thon *@ad the eheeft for sale ta ý l' ý notmcwm l'-i I4w. II MvIt LA t-ý t Il!- rr,ýitlt ,,il îIlfý ý t110. ' tieniati -itithe wliolodid well,-tlào ler- ý Citnade. Thêre. could ho no denying; -A Munkok&gmm hm lately laid an ý ý ý P'r"ýn" IV Nrhieh he el lwk*otl- ý Inn, , L IN" i ý ý ' - ' 1 ý - . hf.4 1 1 = *Md lès boit hmrd 1 . M,,t eg, gi î g t4t incheio4 6 Inch fomi& -&10«lbgljverpoo 1 1 ý ý 1 . - - týl:I%ý jiîegeý Nettli a lIrawm fev"«V~ th" ý ý %vork (lie tira te-ar'herx rather thon a», land émoigtain more manure. -Utothe lion et L ,OR, rýjuitenmù to the 1 growing advance la gf)YI.4ý-icip . , ', ri fitt't, flrd', »il t4 Imy Nom fw Rr**, m ad- ý pire liq-Ili% ; file tact that (-heex&making was urdin 6" -do Il 1. Illié chat lir. Mer ;'%ý 1 1 l .. 11-1 :Ili iiilIrfiý,ýt,(ýit -ffluan*s hgoSA n1ond a z a requitie, of temprranee. Ife ffleifhing tâme-quartiers of a; pmuL of fflMy reviews the . ý , ........ r0l, 1 -I 1 01-1:'l the .0.ý-iiln 1 ariblevenients. ! ptofitable ta the former, for it enabled, i ' 1 - ý ý ý ý , . ý %-iil,ýl-.1 ýtjIVrI J'f (tt%"J**"t*O&-t'be fille 1 hinher test. Lit. the Contenigligill. Allais Ibn 1 ( il ' unnT. sitill i-A full. the . ce bejug! him ta kerp more cours on hie tom .-Immoa asmum - b a popula- ý' 2""", e!" "' k""' e "' "' g4t , fi-letil - A, blaf t -111,111. 1101-xixlt lind lieapd the aginie , 1 D e 4 . 1 1 ý 1 il, il -ý ,,,ti,,i -'t ý,,,f ,!,tý 0tmrilq,ý ll.I,- --iui I-C'ilfil Imt lis frffl«i . 1 ()rlt,, S.?à 1 eedlng wSk as foiloqi ý ý ý 1 . - ,,-,--tý.t,,! hi, NI, qAt-.l ii,,,-,Oi,,ý t lgtqetk , 1 réýje)0rf ligit, tifte.rt*anîq billard illè dontild. In fort. tan srarcely be done hy ý objection thot it prevented the rah&Li wroklv cir-be- the verü-- 1 ý 1 ý. Il ý l I,,-ýý ', Il., - ....... ý.l1 Ili,, t,,l..Iýi..%.(,ièý 1 1 - ý,gtfIw1%-v%ý the litiv ztrfie* Me" an lit" T tir. ,qtipplied hy Mr. Ik«rfthi -.voit ý 1 . , 1. --,ýý, ",-,",e f" tt'" 119"1t* ",nti"" , - ý Ilody. Itiýý11fim4#41111li«IllièwAggritenif, 4,14I as A 1 Own 1 01141 oen lui I: lit, a tir-t" th, il t my, and the erretion of a : of valveli lie said there won nothing in -Tfie ta % W" eut out of a. vain. i conaiderations distin ý - Iil (" Ni, %. I-'ým !:tl., Ibe,ý.: , ri#-%* arri -long. ve ,ý ý tj- Iilil.t.,,,ý, ,.,,,,,,tilt,.,, .If thIk, iliti'IeliIimts, tmnip lehoi ivaq tvmiklose i ont"? gIven the qamee.nmf*nyby 'L lie- i CWgý,i-roniii wit-Il ali assistent, tacimduet 1 it, faraa %R lie (-outil 1 cows ai . sigle mileh cow h-ekmging ta Mr. Kirk. 1 and progressing e a ý. . -éiWinnit iga %vaut in 1 accept IF. '-il ý 1 1 1 ý.41,%*re,, thm Itittt iwh foltý ý Wb lut %vould nôt 1.5 ta mise tan& ut PUSIIMýh, by - emballant, ý ,tffld or .mll and .. S.ý1,iI, I;,ijj"$ý %,tj-jqjj,,r-,j,,ý.q.Iýe, »ý'rt « ý 1 Un re ý ke xil ?%"il liait fallon 1 Ville. whig liblait direct ly with the man- villain. ý ý .j ...... etv Ili, 0 ý $-I-l 1 gIýI 111 oit . lltnhlq, ilègr tilie ,ý'j. -,',tti-il-,v 1 -t ', I'l.'l, , Il,- fettderig, rtýe 1 1 (' ('IiIrignI1ttý#t stti-leide. Fmm thé t liait a ffve dollar bill giveg with - the H«a&m & i ed,ý hm now, whea th , 1 *11 -, ý ý ý illiartib"I'n and pâtit 8,1.42 lier fa", - .p. - ; even 1 -It la predjàed th" - - ,ý1 - ý ý ý ý il'.. ý,-,-ý.11ýl*, f O'r liiIit;,,Il.lý 01.1 nts. A14wetrmflf.f"ltthpw vith#drt-mlqinpd, ý Repvé jlr«Igbit.ýsébjd the - motter how «PPRDORO. ý it lie conchided by urging the firin- '-'ÇorthweuemlinefromGeorgfflwn ' faint hope of a pe ý ."I"I. N%11ýtýi':,I% ... ri ý-qiýtt 1 1 TOWN I'INPF%%tým. Th@ town audi. era ta enfer iffl an he %Vki f gIr t lie gli-v'l fer If tint, ait! l", I'ff with t hi, tOh-o and Wmfr (*Om- - . ýt ta ý Iv& ý - . - ,, y1j"Ig.ý ...,'d. 1 1 . 1 ý lIi,,it jIýlit,1', fetill"r .il ili, the ellrtc Cit ý . 1 t Ceci. ami alb, thev c-0111il libot revort se- i tors' report the tielletene-v at the end of i ',',,.' arrived au- 1 indiet il 18-M. et il 1 ýl cri. i,;", of t he ,,-iiii(It,., aiItt a tnmrr.01n" the tiead lqttahlishafâëtory. Ni union Barrie will lie In, order hl Jan. , isolera saurs. beeS .1 1". 1--%,] 1i,,ý--ý. ýti.iý.ýl-;. ýt:l&,I,,,I z&tlil fohre, in«. thf,ý fillIl or %,Ohtst In, the liginifer The i f . - - 8>11121a. 1 prices 1. per quarcS 'ý- ýe . . . . 1 1 ý . 1 W. *Ulbpëmed to hilégle brigint rêmitvM dur- 1 Ilb f if the hi;%$ lis conflit agit "O 1 tout ypar ta lie $1il 11CROI, and the Fin- i Elogus 25 and 10r. ý cided. The week , 1 P- -.ixk; mil Nir %%, ll-,výit'ý tritdee ! flot wax tri hig domi. ite w« tue 1 1 ber of m ý , 1 1 1 . ta i body %VM4 ia-migigt In te*w on X 1 once "oyèanýittlgo are t4uggemtinq l'wayx ý sak 1 2& hindis., sud tre.t. [-.ýmm , ý "...;Ii 1 ..... I..... IL& .... L.- .... --- ý é- h..ýi.ta..l il.." --" -il .1.1 ý!!C ; - . COBOURG. 1 -Il - --- eM e ý twimp non, lý 9"Iy eweeni nu L the wMam 3bbý k th" *» fi«bý.4y à ubue .,ý la C.Mz- A wu 4 l" amb n"y ïe;j. WeýèM.-W in l"., . th" tuk ho Ar , tete" fain t. '. - hý xi in nàfth»ý.; M»J th- t«ýrlb by » evaiwy .n »Y Mr in wbwb Me rke Mad cçý b"M e...- Dogme vue~. dnâ rnz&u lit W,-dýùè* L11.9rict [Cam. N STOCK, mai Haber- reut Brètatu. From parils. a Nrw Verft B"Vy cet- mufact«lw--. WDA& 1-1"teft»t or "or hm inte "%IOT»1%9. cortrevide am extènottvely lnto the manotacture, ot t e yeor, Milieu au perma"y VotNt. ttf,-rirjý 1,\,l; lette W" (404 ilie, hm hftrd, ritapffl., inowera and threghing triée ut 1, will be paid teint every Ov -tfil l'elle lefi'r iw tité fâp «* 1 h« 0AE= Uw «t4**tV* «ni** S&YS UNI Po> de exampt ....... ýý "i', iým-1,ixe jqjýhMj tj'"112 fteeltt* f4w @tntýfflf* P«md*ed; and la, hef 91l"dY h-q ymn to Ives Md fer àh» F«k '1ý1ËAttt.v PnTxn"ývî. rsm fflds altier work enni ma ENUàmà sà tr týýzrw With the MIIL pw C«t Lm&B"p«bU Ille ne es th" wffl wft@b Aot*m*rY. Md to preý littllhlld nt Xvict. Tatel, ýý toa Thist lit vffl encouvaging, and will give 1 ivS mà thew eouadw counci4 as the te %fil 44 tý,rfM1i, t-f Nt-*v, ýptr-ilr. lin Il le Nile tmml* YMI mf'mbffl Wiaig »W$YW bY Pffliffl get hold ni& bottlo nt nudicine tiontain- emploYUMS tO quite & numbw or pu- JU»aessw*ttl t*submftaby-kawghlh« 11111Y tmitw jbMI"ftjý tltiti thtt alldt, '0 te 09 à*bi*g (« Il a aWd old, an& -hm the eam t4 the Dudria Ac*, to the 0pméý# -ON09à, ho n»"d ing vacephia, whIrh wu suppoud to mu,4 YOUM 1. fëîfflý 001111111*ijý tw CÏ; howe hein okte*d lob, a mm piétale, Md Mauna Fact«Y under ffl leur the people ot Umm coumienil IlIe 'te clitierirettnie et-lt lie (f. finit for t" belle la a" j"10 tlmtmtk* IN «M- limait & I"p quant4ty aftbe dvN& Dr. ho 09 bamb befflit »" aMI4 Telle litid tetIt le, cif bout -IU combýMÉ Umm tîf.41 ",,fi wll "1141111t« P111441t >Uwt4m «»ý Ont dentd, C"PA4110M P*11 wu as ni" xitent for, Bad by tniwo et dâmà awys, ",fyi, allie fi. glw*bffl la. w*» &ft th* prmpt Memureg tUe.Sed@d la ùwmSd, tbus gLvl ý ot »ýrea Moue talcm belui &cbata aum& il #ggWý Offletit-ffl »td*W**$ tbVOughmt tb@ th* ôutotd»&wý batieWglon tO thm P-t ýët le .[senti," t«*be go cm obuàdt M titi, field ýqewiý hm beau m"wa in Mmbm& The cl& wf,4 a Tm .. Bm (ý,ett Ibo l'oeifoititl 0 ej - ail 10111101leï Pum " QUI Pommomtcl. owmm expecs; ta obuia ou.» Pm V f lign btel, vrÇO 1 qftil*r4l tg, v« fwer ait* t4iiier, 1*.bmm W ê0me dom- ge Io ma nelcheille the qur la -The Comm Héme cm Tumiday at - the oý àv U. 01. 1 l"I ' !I", "' 1 1 gwo»dwtf quite opent ot aie, Colin W» c"Illided te .1.4vk et. 1-tiliel, t-i'n, fi Vhil -lemil tý.eê* w4k-i##-wdk r4w. z»tix. ditelit about showit lu cm lit' eili'l it ill Il, Mt* km"t&uboffl eolb@W 11rhieh te" 0 cm"M auxio» to boer tbe MM-UA-ming 1111 %-tf-v l"ty i'tit"4e. "Oltlïltt: t il lent (#efil -îtltftM> sondowe. tiffled t-Ils *« tau week aodt im »w 't*vm* mu the Md tg" a Pm or the itumimr% MDw. for howing on thu day, but Ûny devuelà to poo _menc l4ýttelA.t tfsý thO t»wrt In blie f"k dois , f* whez allez T»~ý bu ivi" out «-m e7 lai âme pf«.gwuy.- Acy mxteq a JU"-r. m behaffot tbe lm cm -moll P~ put la - andavit secting twth thaïe le 4v, t4 b* Iimttittrtn, citemfi-ir i-ttwti l'ttit'flt t4ilýmét tememi 414, X. t4, Rit- aieu adrmmom or -A-ý non" leigum B M emmmmb».Aà amalommý 4 Leil imitettits" 1.4,rtq illie NT4,1ýttitv t,%-nhfng litre., vraie i"- i::Mywbmàtt»M»ftM the Mr. tbe ablimS ot the Final" ett, .. , M .4ýPf. te, *ait. vèfle " lit Wo. 1 wbo bled hem paý UY Ceboum là ew»wýtu indic, wy inestma ff-li I)gtrkt;ttq ttý, il- ett. tt#ph ths A* an Md wbo had refumit to coude m a wW et .7 B1111111 ig- amuoqmal 1611 blamaff le baving pro. Ogue, mâmâlkOmmý 09 8 l WN "" *hen *Jl Mtrs» tbas 1d -awumw fine xmmlem ett'. te, r(.t4"itt, moiII4 homme thé, pubue v kmay am bill, me, about Mr le xwe Mr 1m unew et hille, lestelave ()M'm et 7-ý « U»«m et lot nob" au 1,14-t I-rvltltq tet,? lim flon of belle tr' tw $4 PA 8 a" Mt forth tu air- se a Cmm,- lit lekilt. t'h file tinrt. 09 CI" toý'W", thoma"douffai Bqufy *Mt le; mdmd " M XK cmçwrtabt 11411l'ig Olibrrh (.le! 1-ut ettrnilt" thé *M0 &of4t4ý th cobmm. a" sowrnlar Talais, il « cy subbg a i ---The luw comms et I" Cwwa la loue ÏM& te, the lie %vtàthttp wih#M lit ffm, lit 'Oum pim.le tavewotoublages whe - it UMM a= ot laut manque, -411*111(.1% '1' lit 14, 1.àeltetl hv lie te*eemu Xu- Swat4ý tbg* (le, ý en -Mr llëf.rior,4 it.tvb file .41, iliviedil wlil 0; vie' t flit tlàà 4 câmmoi4l a l m- ---- ne M141" If! t4 ýo@bfflt "0 ý== Aâmmi ~. Smtlom-l M P t*,'"Tt «lit "FNrltltt Iil*wetlttt "il% elmh éoy" -y -gttv., le*âl twffl «0 Î, anq»"Oamm un cëm ibullgc et theau B" UNI litt'h umttt,409 illes NVMQ tillell r«%ftt*l. Thf leu, t.4,f the trtofim;q ýi11?e(qtih w1le t(welt il "fin% %vêê*. welle lwm&,qtl*ii lfowqiw am las, 4gauk. ut. jà et inct«'. e.timt.el plo't'. à%* ttuy IWQt - il le, (Ie" Kmh-.tiqj and Nftl4 Tbu-leuâmý-lobmwàauxmw QUIL audý «Fry te be, aie il til tovfte. tel, *ld, Wg«. liq v* fttrt flettgof (qq"4 ï1l', rb&luwAdb«maw*&, oduw et t" abomw tum mou; «cý Md mt, ft-e *1144. Ii>ilçttl (,Vfç*r tfb1q 1 1 ait iliti thfirel" * «:A$" -Moul4aulme Rumb àce 1bàwý walê, r t I*tv to £bhý Ain& son FAUMte ,,%y timtl*eq(l in av 7«0-dw IÏOF- ing lokom Bd blabw nommé. 110. "i*i*'Itq t4 01,01, trt-tt.. rýtmbl on bar datimit hi couwa»tb trilf teinit Mffl. ow. ýqwtft. ttiofi tll*èim Te wjw llw* âàmr.» AM ]NOM lie IX41mtog es, w t, telItte fldle Peett Ag ifý Il tomwý cle ible, 0 *»1ýr 1 ov"emt -lit 1 51ofire thè t'tell" 7.itettwI lattaitâtit, At lettem. limil t*.ý a itttlit Mid if4t#s#t Il et% the ffliet illie f"umt 4qy"tlMý tif," the Nt 01 Te v-illillOMI 'I't* détaille, év, le ut, th ilitti"«(qbw (4j ft lut, ;4M (,Wh tri le héi mVI 3@oU ËZ, âq',