;, ý. . ý - ý ý - 1 ý 1 ý ý ý . . , ý - _ - ý - . ý ý 1 .ý 1 - ,ý'.. -1 ýý Il . 1 ý ý.ý . . ý ý ý - . ý 1 . 1 . . 1 1 . 1 . . ý . - ý 1 . , . . - Il -_ . - 1 - __ ý . ... .... ý, - , ý - ,_ . nu --l-- 1 1 1 1.141, 1 ý ý ýý Apoppu 1 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 ý ý ý ý 1 1 . ý MM NM ý - - ý, .ý ý1 ý - - ý. ý.: ý 1 . ý -- ý ý 191118f 4 (401M .. - .. '. 1 ý Wb* Île ý b-WWM-MMP - 1 1 . . . . . . 1 . . - __.. ý 1 - 1 1 . - ý - - «ý-» ý - _. ___à_ý __ . 1,t - . 1 . 1 1 1.1 . 1 ý ,ýý.ý__à.,2 ý, _ýý. Uýà2ý ,,._ ý bu - M 11111111111111111111i abatailit &4"m> atgtw*wejghn dwy ewala " muià.* - 1 OXU%« - ý 1 atm 1 1 . ý, - - - - . - ý., - ý . . . 1 . .1 . ý . ýftffl » wuvm m dtiwm lm . ý ý e . ý ýý *4d&tb - ý té . (114,1139M ,Ël- don- r , 1,ý & TO , - . ý _ , , ; ý . . . Tm r= b>-«ém hlàmeh 0 M& au MIL- 1 - ---"a- - K- ý ý ý . Wook , hm- lm& r 8" ma là - ,ý, . m W, Peu M- bowe-a ic 111111 .- me ca.nmta iiwlm îý a* ---- 1, ý 411111111ki ami, jm=w 8*8 111 e ýC -_ -_ Il', 1 ý 1 . . 1 . 1 . ý ý 1 Il« rmom lev««Onim la tal, %dkuoAda . ne - suà ý,, - l - ý ý wilSaffl - --- --- 1ý_ý ý . , ý 1 1 1 1 . . 1 proue«4d wilh to4ar, ý VV « W ý ii; let a - El ,.:& - 9 1 m 1 ý le u 1-- 9ýý go.d - . =Ut* nt tille dA@ftý iligea '_ . Tue 41lilla De.tý. 1"d Mwo a " a ý . - - - > . ý .,Wm. » île et bm muthmL rud ma- ME - GR A X A X $ VUY ý --- --- vm lm Md noie. , 0@1111IL manomd" Ille, imw m it'N - - ý - ..ý , ý rat 1 IcIait wuta»k 1-ék--i-t- . allet lm wacit tâtaient ser, witum - - - ; 1ý - - -- ý__ - _- J-_ $M 1 . 1 ý ý ý = à= -_ 1LINICI; M , .1. ý 1. . ý 1 ý ý re= ee'IM41c"ý09àv - emeue-« a « 1 mu ho W"id.mn,ç« 1 - - ý ah- ý m - - __ : - - 1 - - .1 raire . ý 1 4»» O«ifflsm«mfàqk% 19M 1à.ýîkqkoki@kký . tbam lale; menées total e r. - h va - Ibn lima - a1îýeC_ mu - ,mwmmx. M:23 m 1 1 1 . - età" ....... il ". - _4ý 34%. 0M ,et. ýWxIN1.#lM. et U%Àtmj= *. - 1 MW me twý nue- . ý ýý Se> té Cie~ tu libil PAW»t*Uf*lhý h- pwm liq 4109m, - - ta, ý Mlar OD"MY= - - - -.46., -M > ý vme le ý . l . , . 1 . - ,. - = ý Zg ibi>Thw liait, xii, cw i Ma"*b 1 «=etu M, «" BÏM6, mwem obliger Coc linviteil - Bon 1 rio __ _ _ - metbabrbtot*ee ý dowl, ci, Mië la zzx . M-- «W 1 » le lady ;!le MUOMý uu 3-1.1Ï. relle MM ne.cýq . i ragitage hy alégagai bu UR& 4016 90#* Calm Of il = .&Mt$> = . . ý Chu 1 . - ý. - ý - ý 1 ý - 1 ý 1 111111111111111111ru.-IM C - - - - 1 ý 1î. rmà - MW moue" 1 . TavmmA.- lleif«,t fImr« %Vuao«4 au C-4ý gb&b, À& __ . cmi,& ; . - ouý aclit" tbom 4» . t4ê**#" . ý ý . 1 ý - imlw dub . ý _. x 1 y . ttàw-,m- - . wV Te ý 01ýkt. 1 1 . 1 1 . ý . - _ 001% 1 'UV É-9 W.ý1bSrça-ciple, Au aumavit mode b ', lm -Citali, Md M"14 idrob or double, Ir . _%bu liataigt, C -Y the wný ý Lrý hmato@4 1je bud. of** Uwamrs Dm* à* ow4eae-" be d -la xýzgàîey bitâcet IL lima J. P. wm etatagioffl Ittllb*i - 1 - 1 . ý 1 . ý lé obad 196 a Vmbwld ýt* mmumw..,,sbiiwwa& W th" a Boa ton làë ft a f-I&W te A:,"" _ý"_aM_>advWud.it diffuiffl wmewhat emm the iNftr. 1 i m Od Wttb Vp« fint me phb ý .. ý. we«e"e xelgèm , . ý 1 ý 1 - . p ni., vr r*ý«Cobowawmtatewa w«lue *wu = iz nel; ý __ 1 1 ý ý . -, -.-. - banal fur a rond du miý us hg& m ý ý 1 . evidmeeiuat£W-- - --- ---,ev« Irritable cmý . 1 . 1 Porteur Proxcli.. owm ràmrbad Sale, - ý "lu.,,.o"mo"",.-,......ow...m~ - . 1 . ý . - sumo iâmb m aukuvit r-*-e&, the Coumü clair 114I311, «SI am ý twemm et the.pieý , . ý - -.ý-- of es on "48mt4»y, lm . 111 oeilit- ce& sitala " CuTii& . 1 . ý 1 1 1 - = 11ell'le mm of lit-M» k%-à.by a Mt ". amie ; liu lobai beau aWd toi -le, ah cou.- ý .1 - - U- Uie bat, T* -, moild bir Mr. allS 'n" , 1 . ý - 1 1 ý faimi p"» CW" . wmum liglibland etifirit lia illage, 1W ý er â lo mi . 1 make m leillaillai . »girzr4 1 . ý . _. ý 1ý 1 . . - 1 1 -41enit.,%g lrl*log.. "%m. I.. . 1 M t.ec Çi= 'r=bt.f.r.L...LL. W e Breffir6th"the the le- fcornàpebdmmi .ý 1 1 . ý1 - *14el 99 e-fi*-. Itrown 0144-larnuffl irit ý 1. 1 -- wnàa dite" ho hm goal the , wftmm! ta let Juir.-CautecL Xoïtd bý*_ Mr. 1 balbelbelq hait amum *»», O»m. ý 1 lfuàvgoer A soit. et& . 1 . theiam4hegmupmd rememberhedidn«dowaltheue tumetthoCýoýmUbeexteubdý T» membm o£Tb 1 ý ý . . . ý 1 ý 1 . 1 1111111111,111lWeillIe Oum 6016M S'teta.-.(,'hnlte(ltloýw#md â&et&i 1%L» ý ----- _- e. .XV : e . - tIM . . ý . ý - ý ý .- ý . ý ý te $Wd ý 00 M wwo 3. W. 011111111I ý màd Perey o&nd 85 ý Douffla- I Junkin. lakended try 3fttý Bredixii. »-«."ýOw=le oaehm«t »ýmu 6"496 1 talon C4riallit. agi, 00 and la 0>. M - m 1 le le., ipp. K. 29-JO& " tu Irwin'a a«qmd je,, 1 the t" Wing accomm 00 Puid Md __ -ýJ. a 0. Delà ml,(býv. $et. fbet . tvuà* W,.,!Ie bu TlieCounthm "joumeduntilFri-, ý1 ý ý ý ý amý t.- I li UM= ýz wo. day--:tD.da'r. - . dors signe& for the ý Sualamn me. ý of Joly. on the agmu is.%»..ty)q-» A rêturn tick« 3ý 1 9.to poft hUý 1 Wkvmqpý W» Mai. î J.H. Thômpsom4 . lim Lakell4, cm I.Skesime ýýý ý.&9- - ' > - 1 - . ý ý . - 1141pe xnoal tlibtilý'I'titlrMy*V«ilnzwttb m- ------ jet. 1 - ý e àtRaorum" etatum W» appmnSd te Mo . 111:111,11111.4il *,"hp(.14týeti 1.14tont)»$*«*». ý ý -Oupot% mt*(ýtbt,41 entilillait, the gl~ sud &M -ffl z ý . . a 'Îloil ýï3ùý ý . the We W ý ý ý ý ý . ý a v ý - _ c4uncu ' . ý ý »,,ý,,blq..d -ffl Imf"I0. . ý ý ý ý oblablai Saint lie et . . _ ý . ,11 -t.it.t* ý . ý ý ý - te admiminil tel tlitrbqtm** - . *m , bm i L-OCALX.KW&-LEff M- i :21= tel bneet » Coubtof Beig. 'b. r = .- L 1 or ý_ - ý Il ý.bqI* F4@btb$ttý* . . l ý ý . ý ý ý ý lr*»d on tire %Iktlblm(l. tain Wedoud", _ý ýý Il ýý ý ! et the ami cet the Beeve ý 1 C&iumm BQlýGI-,à 1 ý ý 1 1 . ý - - 1 ý toret.31ý ý ý ý SI .. ý. ewý 1 FEý" Lo-eriLu. ! - .à.-- , etoublacil. heu lm Sem il : .. - ý , 1 . 1 - . . ý lbtwr!48(.,r .%Ié:rrt,ýq(&.- Tlqte a - ý bom Il !Corrupoad»SctTbeo»Ll ý I Walb abandemm liait t",.ýi.efýt4. .#*elt@40. - 1 ý . ý V m » MILLBlioor., . 1 *N ý . ý ý ý 1 ý ý ý 1 U t The, ý ý. Tin: UrmontLrr CarncIL-The pro. 1 lc*rre$PmaimSefmwpb&l 12= part ut the Qum ý - ý - ý 1 v 1 . ý ý . - ý d'it!trw lamlit of, the 'J= MW Md ý.** aum. C1eedIý of the baguier, teil bab"S'eliting 'ablai ý Dt--xi,-ç ýIL.-T.--l «peMm la ,beiffl paseid througla theile 1 a-*.,-"- ý - ý 1 Il - - Md Il . 1 - ý . rhttrob wax bolet in topo m ,qdw"y. Pfbm-w wu R«bWu ,Wktdý_ @Mbmww th" ha agit 1 1 ! ý. . 1 . ýý 1 % . . ý . . .L 1 ý ,ý . ý ý *rtm%,gdt4.v @tort Wetititenatoy w«.. 1%,lié ,*,"y -Oum k ýý ý hawked. aramnai 1 of 80 mmy 01 the rm ýý ý . W" & àixd AttOU914»(*. and biiitirm et ettalge -4 3k- . lit -W" M." . t-b« la on et the , e«ramoneot .3fi laga"d te, the elosing 01 ý 1 . ý 1 1 1 1 ý.. 1 . : , wo«tvbft nota. , ý linmrtahee mm trbl~ te&, on ,mobla. » % eonokiend et m . t dist-ela ' reached the e Sum'the adoption ot:z ]= C M-.ý"= tbe, 1 . . . - ý . 1 ý . 1 . Ille p llýgÇlltgeogtotlggb bav»e bataille lia boeth" morbleu. The doew»nt bals Qcx&,4»2§ Bm nnAl ý 1 ý . . . 1 Mtb'A#'*Ioe s"bal titilla bed wilà . Th, wýiMM, . Il Of #W, ý ' the Lictesndftedbr#tV!ucnadaelrtutbse Aausesopeiimati mer MAY P--d 09 T-Y ' -ri 06 the Mb imi; -The letmm W» vwmum blette grive a con- __ reten" ta dity evoièir« a itil(.efmftbl diâtallet ,Nk%> C kutOtUwMffl PORT 0 Pr. ýL'Idnm 1 ý ----- 41,- ýý ý ý - . 1 1 - 'gelaient IC 3 r and emira being it t--,*-' ý : . 1 ý ý . 1 ý t,(It.%.I.,.t or lt#,et*toe, T= . Gm CmpAwl w» eh"pd t»ffl ýt*to». : . bath, -OT've global watt listait .. vwà%uffl te OMM M"l"' 1lý"1 1 Sgol 0", im md hl la Jiew . ANOLDsern.lm.-34r.ïohlLw-tl»zt.i _ y thât the eV" et ý .- 1 1 ý 1 - ý 1 ý ý ý ý 1 "Ild"W* K*##. (»Ron". et ý new vaille on the etre« on one ableca- ait old sortier of the to Hope., drin -inz woWd ho inerea»d lar the CLNàYLVG '*iarkg floirt, ,rtwmday. m I>Lt4, »Put« wilà em mvmu« et IMP of j pastinq of the net relit, I coulai lm bc la johé. --MP G1ý Ill.-e. ,"F.uu; .-Illemeille, m-, - ài Williv, town finit, tbmèu». T "ma Il IJ@emwýActoumbtut mmce» Bien, but Hie Roum rnIM gibet tg won- died test week, et the .d. 1-d made ri> mmprehm.cL le la tu be du- T= ýý 1 ý - . . . 1 1 jnth .1aitie,-ý ttexwv, torero hall. nitt4lx" i. ý . ouly hl* du 1 uire loto the chiet 'Frida'r lm Mr. _ý et Hm 3Me«y la glati 1 e -*d»nmed 31e i cerely hoped the% the hlemb ot temaffl . ý ý . 1 ý 1 . . . ý 1 1 . Il . eoaot~ elîlm= ltt« or other racte ,ý,Cý-...--gT_ý-0n -" W ý-. il. -w 4.ttt:",.t.., ý ý . ý 1 . . 1 . 1 ý ý ý Ittýn4l ý,-Ztkttlin, 13ill Jiligim., M-uneil 1 - _- ý - la m fer m tbeT lite«u" with hie due AlisterI livtzaz near Quagil ero@Mzig, ! arbre will show a traitait. front a" P« adebmted the 2 ý ý 1 . ý ý "X. r ; theïr strongest albagaulder earnm*tr te ý mal tratil t-litbilbl,(or, -NI41udebf. June ý la; lind. 01 DOVULAM IRPJW ,tGtd. t4m.» objet ccmàt#,t4, tbras galeverrky injured by a kick front a: -,-.tI,ýl.,r!.i,ýý't... . ý ý 1 ý ý 1 1 ý . . qgqy, tnwn ronnet e.bavot«, IWwb ý jrl(bx. ý ý - , the wheel. and bave the question sWW - _ý . . . ý ,ý- 1 1".. ý il. -ý1Ik ý -', 1 1 ý ý . 1 ý ý . ýý ý . . ý_ 1 ý -. . . ,1111&"*.,>t . ý . Y. . . - , ý . Perm ls.%a*L wâà called, but dial home. He wres driving a horse attarla ý ;ý7-=. . - net ;Iut In an appeutoing ed ta a rallier, and Standing ne, on the mîtred ta thé popular vote. -. ,ý , . ý ý . ý ý .ý .. . ý 1,11ae; lt%*.K tir %foerlticAt... -The 1 ("qbsli*àlýmrýiý om 2r. 0'l.saitt $&id tiué'*.iiet . te. 1 maritime, whien Ir passeci aver a Stone. , TaE TvrENTY--Forniu. -The & Ir. tbe. oublier of the day - 1 $t.%," ýtt,"V.,..ýýIt.ý ý . . ý 1.ý . 1, l'ili(inay 44bientry or tIrttankof.MontrwA Tbeinvmtwmimottb" 'l hl* Ilouglau had the lialigness drunk in: throwing bien on the lor&Wa beels. He B*I* o" 'ecurmon did not: came op te de Amah- - -y tS, -ý . ý . ý i la"illest pre' the Queen'a IlMel;'andralledupenJohn Il wu picked nia insensible, and mýliýU; alrignotai erPeemý"0» engbýý .. qbff urenin& le seoigar 1-1--- ---- ý- - . 1 1 ý 1 kivill opitn tt>qt*Y lu t 0 floté, tntkllvw are. terred by Mr. .John Orgalm "Mu" Graham ta provo hlit assertion. . ; ald prociued. when lait; jaw wgmé fonfid - Who thrace eueim Il ý ý 1 . . 1 ý 7 Wille - tees dOjgoo'ý went avoir the Ma lar tongogg'ar .. ý -'t'oit oelleblémi by the Metrellianvaitab". L cztu".: tlLreutening weaiber. là" Ulm a à ý 1 1 ý . ý - ý 1 ý ý il .î»-ý1,.. a four, vrd* llfrop K hier lé Ilougtieu. &.UVAO«mdby Jararix Gamux, sworn.-.%ýlat ton ý broken bv the kick. and that ho had l -tlak î - .- . 1 ý thétit the babilit nationtele p il, i, ; ta scurgeoit Point. _ngermg li ý ý. 1 - ý . . ý 1 rilotairettýt4hiflal , ýt . te loviner placial, of'%,: ý glial T= lc*bltliNeu. oigottablai reviona ta the re-opogeing et ý atistainedother Ilkliglit injuries. 1 ty sand enda J 1 1 1- ;, . belibre, ille, ý ý puatah" by-law. Il N--w U-N;rronuý,,--Our lagrasa . . ý - - ý . r.eq1l'ètt. laffl alle. . . xi "t. liertit, et «M el ort thabordin. il'one J,,,,M Sb",, VÀ the court Il"» the court ho @aile Douqhvv,% and the wit- 1 in a fair war for spëedy arrec V. got heir .,W uldforms; b - et bagages n"d"me , 1 ý ý 1 1 1 1 1 àry è,tlqitbom tif a joli Nitýitt.y. Nvhit.h le nom in. a regarnirait the qneen's Hotel i 211mirre Hix. -ýlka advert i vrità white ftenc - rimaillai; et fou "eu 1 1 - 1 b1b. 4elk fair ,Intime giflait. ý . morni , pe. cap$ of'the Augofi Cmftfbdilbiè,rw"d& . 1 m rrtqtîby, M Seoir M IrUN Mr. driakilg tailler, Isabel vrait diront. tel ira the Toronto dailleil of »rues- ý ý 1 - 1 ý ý ' , =t apm ' 'a', con militarir style. and lookvery lableil. etteets where thm a' lu ' ý - ý ý 1 Se. VqCý4 Ckteftl Hymne for! H. (111-ry t()',-ry & (vl'" Il ap.. fils un-ton Pont a polies affleer for 't o 1 at. a one 1 Il 1. ý ý - . . . ý watqýrpýv*ý». .- ý ý .: . i P--d fer the tolient, mal .Mr. Adjam labliblet and with a eubpS" for Mr. been stolien from a We ý in Ham- Titz Citc;m--'rhe rectent frogit hm - mm and woý and . ý ».mmmàm .flay. . Diaitinder. .- ý ý 1 1 1 ý ý - .-,I,,t ý ý ý î 1 made havait among the gomment and! ilý to get ou% of th Niominxi tovkinian. ' Iluditilleth, ilitidiapeth â: %Voëdwardb for ý . ý ilton on the previous o and giv- other forceli pLimtç, partieulanyln low. ý ci rwmways take pla .t.4. ý 24 1 1 1. ""- -'k'k i Mr. I)ouxt%*4. Têtait muai - Mm Fi.iz*itrTn M., --ritp-%; %wom. - - Inix a description. On Tu ý the . lesules& ýý ý - 1 1 Il 14àli, 1>-ing toeMitim Thé wheat crép laboirs, la0t. 1:#ý 1-14). e.1b.:.«.I). kil. , m wd whieK Testilled ta havi« be. m *ubpSn»d m Culot Constable. Mr. 'D. Mar% 1. no- - - . ý l 1 . qplendid. Old farmers kbav they never ('»Vlat-,I-ý(akr Killit millet willi4fil stroot. faindeîty.. 1'.111. ,., M.cli, ext,:bit. ». - xrf«ot»ý &lit thé boýNdag et Cam lot no a witnens for the dellence in the 1 1 1 ý . .110111111.111r--- ý _- 1 1. ý" ý ý _ ýkbkbbbS ,«1dtleý vil bilI 2e-ý "Ob. tel, K i M& klad occuplartit the billek MOU and 'of the Queen Y. Graham for perjury, 1 with a borse and lange, amweriniz the -iÜ4 - i DABLNG BrML-tal lu i , - ', ý ý - .,.Il ý ' l'ho 411111111% *11ml tultolé net, ,witeted; and won In a, waltinx-mom when deuMptiongivm*iti'theadvertimnent.ishu -'ni-IT, sa are the bug!14 and 1 .clock this aborniez ý V, t 1: q *.il ý4. _ý týlf . w lork't o >ý il ý mmiffflted total Int~ la the -tirs ýwità illent, th ý , druxgilses wIndow, 01 1»,..%I a,000(4011, * in Il rri 1%*e IIý-»l»*I Cotatiallinal 1 ý pra> Douglesta entered and aller a*klziq how i lie entluLared igita thissarraniter'e ait ý- NIr. Garret Darey, on - 1. 1 rl"....,I>%.ýl.IlI"r.i,ýtei.. t , , ', 1'. , ', i li i'(I'k't, te r-opdincq. 1 ý shin-le abliving "Parts green sold 1. Cillilinon 1. -4 satisde(t illait e1ý1 . ý1 ý ý . - i ï - able wax, and when %lie liad hall train maire élosely, and wa, i .1 ý rayer. 1 here. ý entored. and a goïd, tri 1:-,%Iý.PI'f'l,. - . 1 ,ý 1 ý 1 .\- i lie I-ý fht, f,ýýv,,rîte bevjrkqiV4-ý $ý.,%%. . F vr (*,%-I.-rt;m. 1 lia Mr. J. P. IK."Wlmny. 'Ta a Cl,,,k, lier homband Raki If Ahe liai loin tlxe'xLc there waa sèinethiriq tarirons. He telle- -', . "Y NN'illeh, of Ilv. . W . graphed ta liamiltoii that a ,%upeett?-l A P.rx.tv-,Ly.--On the 21th adashing; et, and rive dollar goh ý. 1, tiIi ;ilIt.t,,tI,\i."ktklItitiI Iq.kkt..qkli.ý ,,.,I«,rt., ttqbrlll$t $4 iba-t %vork poivre». 1ý grognerai thatl . ab"Inst him -ho woold introdnce belli ta lookings country homo showed sagnerip I was stoien. Theburg ý.. 1 i..,.l ,,,vf ý .klfImkvý ýt.,;ýiv-sNt-on'ib"",., abri nmg"O" lab"I' ehtef angalle nt lier old.wquidatance* and'a q-e. rýartv wage barre. but rereived no repiv i - 1étiý- i b tlltteit*r tif natal rat (-allie in thlik 1 congtable, rd làoéinny and-elbât the 1 rond linge natal teillait, if *lie gwore allaitant . ;. luct iýirt.tt!.f, rt,411 - irtud bliv'roeg. % 1 -t Uw, $et ta, ..a( et ý - . te Ùten.spokt,-to the proprietar of tilt aurvait crrminz the rabilway track ; trance thrétIgh the le %il., if .... 1, IIrv. 1b Ilktb- gýli';I-Itl for allié, Montrent market. ,'4(""e" lutinai a% hortitint raorli> . at thé station, whea the driver dial., dollar, and boulet hâve ý... - ý ý. . ..."."% 'i-1.1.ý,,# f,,i,,, ý\-il.r""," (',ýIl..,ý.,. lie I b"', wrléthed f ri te the týujius-ry i him.shp inijiht Cet a free trip ta King. Royal, where the mari was stoppi.19 Illanateil and applit4l the whip millier, tiele et -earillff aPPa . . . , -1 rolit Iql*b lu 1,.r.0 Ibn. . ý villa the L ; .. . ;--iýh-I iqfý,i,& ý-?I.Ir,-!, .-ý,»d,,Y rý,.#%- i,;,tl ,vero -elle principale 'l' ("býtreý* ffl iattt the ehlet rmatable ý bâti ý ston. telle alléo tegt'.detl th-ti.ibotitayeai. 1 .%ait told laini net ta allotir the home 1 vi,&,orot>lv. the restait belngt tinte the bis bande (m down s l 1 l"', ý . r - wo, wheva boardir in the house or 1 and litiggv ta lie taken aw , without ý ý ý . W A r;ti;ll',Vi4*I,, KM M1,M, ý 1 11.0,,.(m, tir, Ntnilv, and ;I1,,ý 11 .. , Ni(-I;ola; "a anitti:xl Golted. ' aggi' the V., --% % k ,:,;i .:, t W jý 'vl'alt, ple eýoIJ 1 il Ali', ý 1. In piaanargal by the entineil. - Xrs. ' Nellion G tbhee.n. nue niellai; teille was 1 being tirst seen about il. (z Wednt-ýq- -tir cMver i dollar in silver lIa ait ý . 1 , - 'Ville latter ig M.'t'. lot NInrî xm. quite a plecé Ga ' = by ,ho Il. ; Il.,.e.t pSgeeded gril . « - r ý%4-kJ.- ý _ ý ", ý-, ,1ýý thý ý - . ý ý . 1 ý Il.1% t.11ý v".!...., f;ilýl'.1 %I"qti.e. t.t.,(".ý.,, 011 1,111-wtt,'4-atti,(-k ruiner. Ourtown, 'rt-ýqtitltfd holand a (imtuhtsrr 31 l# . . ý ý - , 1 -itbitýt ('ollàlg,%Ngýothoenbaker, t4w*rn., ,.-fttini-,ui>waltitigfLirheThu,ý4tb.ind%,rhen ,klay inorninizthý,aeverti.,,ementapp.enz, lit lare lie let go, leaving tw.o van= in. ' ed the bedroom oSup *ý ý.ý-ý_ _--_ -_-» * o il i, k ,0,y tilt 1 , o ..-t L' 1 -fi 1'l.), ýh(mIld Il, dbrparet ,the he-4rd soigne, one engage ta the doue- f eti torrected, when it was seen that tête Il. .., rilnv lit't ', ,:q. t-k, ý aval lèvritrOil thone aibi- 1 w1m) igow retaided tu Iloterbtu», nou relit N[m C .nhwýn axked who l'vas glial and! borne wasstolen front Tcronto and U« dies ta their rate in the buigy. Thor ý DaM. -ho waà OÙ a , , ý 1,- limm-. !-k ý.ý,I.t... iil,,,..ý. ' ,.jý ol il- for thoir I.Îtèîl ny ruattoloore. i leap-d froni their perlions " tien au;i j and Who ]met tort a lai ,. A 'M.- ,!,tfel,ýie. , . - . lit ekkiýl, 1 m 1 ider wa* trieil nt' rite lAw M On 4b the anwer ul Jolin Douziass; hy a ý Hamilton. The gibier, however. sale- ".,I..!., l"It, fil-k h', fekl,,.r'ý I'e"#,t, il, l'Ili: *Iq.e,..,b:lè C. %,a I-Kny. lare. .,ýi. %y (.1fflugoot ferjur - ý »in" - lil.-tainetin6injuiýrt)evondaninvolun-,room- Thel)Oldue.", 14. Kvi'p1*4 l-ili.:" 'N itii-,ilt ;t4'iýtý.1j".' Il ý ý .. ey lâtroforrert l'Y Donq raymile whàrh %raft on the tliaing-rçorn ' perting there %vas -.omething in the . - . 1 1 , . 1 fatert hontaiel Of el rit - aligh Ivie.. or ille rolvl, * ' ý laktx, oUlialla eh étho Wb$ ,%(.quittt-il, tifip table wthe MW Douxtablat engage inte, the I wind, deranifflt on .'fuesdaj, night, ý ý tU4p; heu dhpiayed. Whi ,ýet.- ýcsivibrefil Il. . ý The Iiý)r ie vra» eaptItrea (Iowa townl:actofpuningoutthe ý k,ýNi Il ll!rltl. (Ir't'. .Il V ,tkm.,ýk ("%.. J'ondoit, Englablat. in rat ý hait net rettiblialit with, witne.mei -o Élit de ' ý ý 1 - .. Ibýtv l", lit - honatit &%ad parut, throügh loin .Mr,% Go.! leaving, the borne and I>tt;;gy behind, i %villa bis i',xinzs sufflv racked. awok% raised herabell ý ý 1 ý 11, 1 ý . ""Ç(.. i'. Il, ptit il, t 1 1 % et. , - àliq -en poil î6ii of hý Il., -il -I i.v.tt r"r,.,f"tItv live IbavtI ha't the pleibaturke, (Ir 1 trial. litho begau ta ý%valltt" n-&F front betIt.*tt roptn. . , lit Graham was sice p- which wan taL - Illessi -the . . 1), f Il ý ý ý k A Il f , - t ý k tv,-l "I'. ri V,ý.dri 1 1 i 1 I tri Il. .ý V\ teýtilqitb£t omp or tho ,aime e.X.qtli*itt, honte@ miane SWO or thme, yfflra Inr with Nim t*.oheen.ind gol; nia and ý ovÇ-ner. Haller net lieen for the AXOTITFR DI-11X-'F*Ùt)tX>ýZ) OX TUE'aSked, "WIWS th- 1. . ý ý . ý 1 . ý . ,ý - Il ... .... -fi-,IA,,,,.ý le , o . ,%",e-i,- t'r'trt ever jbtil'Ilitit-41, vial.: rho 1 xblibettinelle taille lived with WI . in the advertisentent lie ruiglait eaMiy ý au- mond bis grillon . 1 . ý 0l'I't't. ti I».It,ý4 ' ý . tatý&* lit rame !nia witne..*,, tonne; she, ,%-t%%- i o-iz&tý that aiguiller bridge on the e t,»* ý ., r ý . . ý ý 1 1- , 1 1 1 -,ý "I'.1ý Il 1 ýI,-, Il. ,-I', liert, ('t>.,ttbfi 1 .ini- - l ;v:ii4t1t:ý (Ir elle, àtovat. *rq8ribtýr lbtbttltet,(l the nimbai ime and 'M part loi the notiglau go âWay oarly in the Moro- - have been arrested. --[Tlines. .Mid. i lier back in lat.-I agi ý ý . ' ' .ý ý m tillo Lérge Ilte'.1 tblAtt, hy brio tient on. = en: lent Win. , ý _ . 1 11, - 1 ý 1 ý.. ý; ', s. 1 , t tel, 1.,,,-llýIN. i"-ik..!.it. I'tllittiIltlii,ýitit-, t1ine %vith .Nir,% ,rhz ing. :>1 9 1 . ý ý ý . . ý . ý .., ý. ý . ý ý .. ý 1 1.11ILI Railwav, about t ý b wherbràin-- ont, ,ý ý 1 .1 1 . (..?.IJlýý»;"- 1 . . ter lie and Illonglaffl ..nota-e,.caMinett by, 1 i Millbro, k. iawàrds Peterbol watt 1 rooxal anai as won ,a- , ý ý. - ý . ý - ý ýý 1 . . . 9,%vi-r- 4laiffli Ille ',%Itý*rii. Virltio noir train t*.oheen,* il,, beought her away 1 ; Ma. Ilvi),4pr-ra.-- 1 ROBC-IrGEO.V. , burned test nitrile. Front ait the par- VIII: Pit I,.,Iý'N ý . ilifmlqtf.(A il Ur- Dagiviest. %lany or Il *ho roi - Y attelai, Wignuemidsheremaineeinthehouâe[. TUF W.JTFR SrpëLy.-Diming thetieularsthatwe - î coverea train ber ai' 'X 1 Ji A N f ýbI4 _ - _ e., l'iýt',tmt-iIt»I-t V'rar. oter r&.ýa4#týrq %vill revollort thim geobtie- 9h" w» 10 Ymvg or Offl 10 ,%_ ,con gather le la %up t;"ýtýýt,,ýi*.t.tl.tl,-,teè%.ktbtt-retlt4,,lk.tý. , ., ptemberz atew days atter %lie knew Mm Go. .1antf-%vttav,,,hewaterhasbeenristn,4Ir poffli ta have talion the work. of an in. ý the other intuagesot t ilk..Iil - lirmt vi4it to our towIl gonbo revu about a yker allice lm Génoble tir; Suspect légion wax a liait chararter. sigle moved in bath Pigeon and Sturgeon Liken. j t.-endian-. .,:OMè, de%ýoornte Chagneters : latte te catch a sigh ,ý- .. ý ý ý - , l tIýà 1 1 i 1 - 1 ý 1 -t'i'l'l-t"'- "Il tI':Iltýt"ýýt' for a ItM'Iekr" ..,tvt, %vh4.n Ime foir MA ilviii tqNkbüjtht Àliobrgu'f't w" $W Immoral eharaeter loin a botme next atour helanstingt Thix is net oviniz la natitrai but ta ar- ý liens articles ýkColeIï 1 ,,,Lij.ý.,%. %%".ý,lýt,,ý,ttltiýl*%eti.1kýi%ý. tt".it. .,Iwrib tmiltiçbtb of >ttbikpglbp" bel 1 and ho destired hek-rirangtelatairageýd lier op en Xm Goheën-. there won a Ji t -o la .. . ý ,ý .1 . . ý ý ý ý-î ýý,,-ýl,,,ý1*11.ýý!,ý".ýi,%"f.it.eýilit'eýtièt. Fý ý titiciatcatise& Pigeon Lak ri*i _t lié a: mark. aàd wili play th1ý5 ; The '61#4 . ý - ý ý lpork, 'Ilir (-il balonst, et largo nmmbor Gri twtee,. l)otiirlam and Ytlung carbie, tu lu the room when I)otijtlasa mm n.- ' gagne one- t- Il 1C 1 ' ,ço Watt âit«-butaymnablest . -4 A IVJU ,* , t, Il. ,,,, ý l'f 4 ', ........ ýt fil 9ýw; ý%e1d e in ý in const4litenm of 31r. Beleher. the En. orer a road .ý,..%.----474:2r.1èdr. i uea at ffl , which Wall - ý - ý ' . w ille . , Ir 8 iý 1 vallimis twtrtbnlx#4#ttiý%t m.rit,, With et,! bien once test wititer whont elle. bat le wax par ont i ý îthe others, w.te lett ý ,,ý 4 - ý . . 1-ll-l,-\:,;4-lý:ý i, 0ý-. lil, re I., lie e-ý %hOrtlvaftér: qhe gineer of the Trent works. havlngý,-1àc -,ý,I4 ý . 1 1 1 ý 1 ýo ""', rrrokwe to tel" 'ttèrttlr (;tl4lkry le le, ni. I ewim. 1 -&M Ammed bien of remet no Itved In Peterhorn-. Màrp,%W. Gra- el byackets 01, the Buelzhotru tUlai. ' Vicier. , , - ý . 1 . 1 . 1. t l"ire-1 . . fliml, nueilleilite, en gay illortit About the 1 baie I*r,4bly. wit8wým reptied thât if n", baw -. .. . 1 - - . 1 ý -... . 'i 1.1. m lived with lier. %lie was noing ta whieh will raLqe the level of the Likl: ý ()ij'l-..ýE JýE. f - 1 ý - ý ý 1 ý ', i ICrrýfmhtl,* A Tttlb il ,ý ý . I*ý-,, (,:!".ý,-Itý"t'?Ie roterai, , zbï,ýAIf qnrh n itulbunill(.f.lbt Work. te ý Jet ber go *ho wouldý go haret se GO- work in the fartory and algregid ta give: about ný fallait, and ta that extent mve! . COBOV 1- . 1 .ýý--i ,Il Ie"." 1 I... "I i lict t'. .k.1114.4 m'. -t , ,iiiiiétile te (,ktb.itltr the talent laviAh. htkýnt4 mmist, lk ANCbýIlZR ACCIDENTAIL Fie£ -The rlAiNýba, . 1,10.- jit,,,..ý I'f t,,lillt-réi ývé-Ibei r , a - lie . xiglam mid in *utý Witite"$1.303wet-klOrhtýrboartll)nt: water for clic manguier navlzation. The re.ýidi-pteantlhýi .- - , . ý .,ý ., Il !ý ý. ý , i-t ý t'il tir% a work tir tlèlq,, laind, Few are etablice bofom 23atanllaffl that aille %van ont having ellarried anything atinkS %ho ' rise in ,-;nir.-eon Lake han been occa- 1 j. Reld.. F ,,-,---ll ", 'izt. I'ztibr,4. Itýletl*t.ý 'e%,,m-%,ýof ait" liène. and oon nently goingt toi the devil and thât ho hait came entier sible had net tentai hërany. ý - .-ne ramiers o- ý a the . . t E. lai, v. on Mondav weeIL 1 " :IE la" ". - ; Il -1. - I 1 Il ili'.., ,1,-I,, .4, n y moral ;ýelk- .1ý % ý ý . . . . 1- 1 . ý ,,--,l "-;,e".I.,v t.%.-i,1,ýý. .'Zt&lik,(.t "'I'll-- ,010 k'\IbélII*tý t'ngtblie(j JI%. elle. Iblm- ur.tion twigneýmb ettantil able. pre.vent ber and illeingt: %vitnt-" did net knoýw a ý nythinc ýý sioned Il% ,ffl z>eug&z (it*F.E'%*S I»IRTff D.IY.-Theordèrýo.f the 1 Cobeurm both .agitait 1'..i."." Il r,.,..I 1'-%t , ' istai .1 IL j received with feeIin,ý Ml . L> . ,N r4! 1 4. . . ý op-'l ,% .ýI»1 4 . "Il "", %tt'k-t lb)'%tk% Thé éxi)@l in prire ý o ý - ý,t.':IndZv &,ý'.", div %"s-a mornicg voUe%-,an aftemSn wýtlsbthould let ber go, »Gogbn» relit lorproprir i e newe of Rev. Michat l'-". tl"i,.ý li".,r r ri the girl Gmh.nm: qhé bad 1 kC.i v.e rk , e e il-,ragr k i Kfit-kinx pr,Èxýeýýian. anà an evenIg , ý ý l.":k*i'l'tlt ýýlxlt#t'*«" litrt-ileglb Vrork (if the Magnitude and 1 ý ette if ho (net' abat rail ber ho lairegard rumorkt bat tilit unt.tx,-Iii-vethein. by which ni riv a font of Ivater bas jr,ýrvii ligrât, proc"-ion. .1. eoup: of ý .. ý 1ý1 ... ý ý.. -1. ý _1 ,* .ý : ".. ý 1 . -ý.,Ie- i... e.ý-. tl,,t 1- ;."rr",.,W..,i WlItl 1".ý,,,t,- ,if agit, 'rtietwe (,,all"ry autant rio, 'voltid blet tairrested. and the àtri waA wittieý q i 1 This = hy pritl leî 1111111 1 d-, -'l 1 , aidxhe tonk in wabligingt and bèen let otrscu,-;ng I'all Th-eleg.Uity, -i ' -aiii" .. . .. Il %.'L Il ' il, ..Il# !- 1 ri"". ýit.4t aý tj'I- itete,,tý-ý%-ký. Mid on Illetter droit la exibit. O mlimintsy roléaned, Wignonge, hait worked ont for ri livinir. sh a 0 of their Ilction'; , il . . L ýýîL ties and atfieletic - ,. at whivli eh, .. 1 ,:, -111.. , ý MI, id 1'. f.,r,..". "wý't It,ý,ý4,,rtýv ýee1,I 'Ir ,.";." I.r(,tel'iv mmilti mois 1 ;atland ,,,ýqW,,à to belle 1. ý arectaitu hi. foi, prtzes were .twarded filleil kali the ý time lie was ý 1- . ý 1 1 . - the, moto et & pr1ro - tilbiaghter note llonatim sablat ho welliti hart *tiré put lier in the Inclc-np.-- et h., ,,--a. ;",.t i 1 ...... r-Ir'ý teIt lbl* tIIiý-it-I& t,,ýk. amd j.,ýur. qing a«aint4t Dranzlann bal lie, d,)IlltrqIl. !lut Ir ýce»u..q liant thére la ý 1 iiitervalà Therewan a _-cod tum-out,. lie, divided jbbriiýdIction over the damat 1 suflicient obtenu* ta cet .1 .ý ý ý ý1. I... - 1 ,,,,,,.l 1-% l. le.-t1diý ie.4ý-:- ý ý (..",bit%$Z %vlthI#ý th" hNbe.h tir the, appré. ý lit, Ibn lie %-alibi. GeO, -ontidell hall supposed ho hait done bis dntv, the'; Lindsav,.tndneltherpàrrycima ta iii- ! and but a, couple of **drunk&" ý;i*t7i-.-4 .t.,qu.Br(..s.-The nvZm le, 1. A ý,;,r t (1 M o il T tg le 1 gr'x. V-: 1 ".,ý. ý,ý""ýý , eR4 plette lits -tudie-,ý. He Ë»11ý - Il, t'kt, fttlt,%vitiý, ettt'ivt,. Il, 18 n, t-he.ýerstig réatnagari te lie ï total williffla ho cela% get tividence ; witnem denteti thitit people madè Ji a, tortere: solit.. litletilbie ,linco. wheti 1 the.-im-t!) and bug are giving Montrent, and began i 1 é . . 1 . . ý ý 1.1 1 ý 1 1;-ý Iri... 1 - 1 f et.. 1,1 j, %,.iAtý. dq.,1ý-'t M.4, t le Ont-e iempitrit etbiblitletkee in the alitaingt I)DIItlam &tilt gave him the. lot- . tertire ta inftt in lier bol durincr, there ivi., a vatraner ira the appoint- ! 1 mininuy tri the nîLý-k ý 1 1 , Il - 1.1- : - U ., Itiý L.-r,140J.. ý%ék.I "..,.I..! jbtit.li.lèt-r"t (lit ttbi',4 work. ý - ! 1 ý alarin. I.. % . . ý - . : l - 1. i , . -, 1 #"P which bAd bOOa hlbuteed ta the 1 Car huithand"s alleenre ta drfnk, and nient (if Lockinaster, .1ýOtti (;O'reluments Trir TvELi-ru.-The Orangemen et about foirrv Toiles lie _ý ý -l, . ý Il-. 'I.-d . 4-v d-I, , ,-;,I l-,lvý vý 1r , -1-,t,, 1.11%lewbe Ti4mtic. Tho %varie or., . ý 'lit, cffliwil. ý 1 cargauxe. lier huxlannd did when under ý ea=rlv claI -il jiWsdiction. but the . Ellail, %%-lit prohablv celehmte at home ne wM Ûtaerwardki - ý . ý - . . Il lit lit'.1 r- ý- T'.. 1--ý,ýé i.. %",rtbre rýý ,luili0eld %Vtbtelt,(ýItOAttfiktIMPrMIIM * «%I.ý144; %,lire (*.tt&llà%l. m'orn. %id 1 thti' influence nt li-tuor arrtillie tape of' I»riv-*,iielat rigalle -JI, appointaient and ! tfitý (._ýbminlgl:àh. « parisilla of Loughboroi 1 1llt-111p1ý 1 '. ýý , . . - ,. . .. -1 ý . ;Il k-1 lit' Al. bil".- ,,k %%'teie..,ý'it'. * fi Ir 'If ftll'. rofengtorbe Ilbijlý% ho llvO(t in l'et@PtIOtO »Ow and -en a : iroing with other mon -.%net teint was the., the Dominion OurtI-nÙiènt oifered no ý BlergyF --Nlr. J. J. . , , ý- ffl ,41,.:er Ilt1,.Il.ýý ,%-4,v ,ils ý%V ý141lbxI. ;,l-,hIyý II, -il-ý,ý!.,r ,1i-(-*itýteIfle 1 ' t hrt'It't"ffl go dalighter of the former ,byttnet*z-,qhe , eîix*ý tif the tli,%Pltte fur whieh %lie mis ý ýpposItio, . New that therL i.1 tiL-eivtO hand ' 1+ sierere'y barbreti on the tailler thirt'r vent'. ali( ý 1 ý . 1 , 1 1 ý ý 1 I...0 , Ik't , 'l'leý.k.ý,. \'ý-fi.,It Il -,-t,,,, - ý . , . e l. . !a ý - lv: li't, i- ýb ttiýý,ét, ,kerimi. liblitterbre on the mille DOUXIAxo 01% ORO Ormiffl tant -itily ýý pair in thé 1 Il trouble , lie DornOlon Qit---tt«ý iirthýiar in attempting to ex- vancod aile ot;sl. 1 1.1. ...,. 11, 1 ý .ý 1 .? 1,,,,,*l.-Il tbbnrkkýt tir ttle,.%It ertca% conti. ork-up. ý tiýatio-i an ý ý ý ý ' ý . ý ,lýl-.?Il br owli Ittýtrit-t Offly the lier . -i.(;i)&tb.&.,.,z. .qwom.--Teý.%titit-d . ti,17 .. ý ý 1 ý ý *)I,-#,IiýI 1'.'r lI.-ri-lb.1,1"t "I', ' ilI,,i; le& tu algal MiAtht have algélired bien te «ýet Mm 'triai, Go 1 rnnienr bows ta the Provincial %:ýIi-t1 -Oliie thirl faite dozen et, Pi&ée On Frfdav, whi'.- - 1 ý- __ ý - _ , . .t 1,,Iý- & N\,I.IF...;ilt,. r-r 1,1,ilatill", .1. i1 ý tg,;", , (4(ehem fronta borne. bot did net ït-tnen%. 1 Chas. re ý1ý ' . L. .1-11 ...... ý. - kt l'iver LoixIt %vin ren(-h rho minhe. . là lier hoseland havinx aske.d 2&1r. t .lait savIe. ,,t'.ý-ntletneii. v,%ii malle the ed Fie ý, nian candit-j whicii **ea-tit:iit" white lie attend . T. prit-.t ý ý . _ ý 1 . ý . , ý -ý ý 1 ber-, lotbqta" et%"! lier en go op totile Gitelgriatit and Nie. Donglians tille ta lier i appoiraillient of l.Gý:kiIia.,ier. therefare ! ,e,,4, carnînz theni out ta be s,,t,-,ff dur- of the tiiý-x*eýie Mte-eli'! . ý . . ý 1 1 ý - , 1 ... j - , 1. 1 t 1'. il ,,,,,,, I't-I l' ý,ý %Itr.;,l r.,r .i.-f..,Ill>qtet. mid ltll t.lo.toit rrolb orýtIm' liorth %vin ho 1),»,"Inton ý llotel ligne. ho whthed ta i bonne one dav tant fall'and they eanie: the twi, arL vatir, repair t'loin or nat .. , ý 1 %t,ýD-î.,IlIv I,.--1w,,ý',-I %%*n,,e,-, -htlutt YtI." ongle mé,xt %ýtfbr. 'rire (,ira- . ý th- é7,-eiliiig prriet-ii.§ion. ý . ý . . In Il" . : hifth eýteeni in w1tk el. ý IPU le r. el K a F.. l-ý,,i,,I Alýelr,.-f tlI,--IIlti,>Illrý.tk.itit"- 'i ,"zt"r,,vlli Il ak ta herI but, xho bol rio bat orai and -art, in the, atternonn: lier tIaucýhter weil, net vol, piea.,té, i- it;tve >-cb.liý ont et the i Il. I -;t; Mr -vreilh,, veftera"le -'fýe . : . -..., -.-_ __ý" .,ý - ý - - - 1 - - -alitai 1-t,ýilètilartv*tll>(ýttýd. .hi "Or 06- lierait, tkY,4 attéIr'tthe met erytiiq about.% rail %rtilvli hd lait-enikold - il i týir-to% - - .'.Toitr. Blark - 1 . . ý ý -ý %0 ýt.,,,,,lý..., ý ý%1. l,,tý rlý &ý N%*Iie "'ilte - Severtti rièclt4,»rk,,t.ttè4.k (lie% vrooket and I ý lmî.,ineý,.- Thellrovi c;.%It;overn-tie-,kt inade -Orne elet',',eiit impriýrenient.,,taM.-ýtT.-t-iitori.%v.-t A1t;, It.I.-.,Wýý 1, 1) %#,IiýI't". Q.(, Donglaien and Y(iling at the market on the otreet and hall Ibeeil bou ed 'o ,!ýlIIýt,ýtit-ee ý 1 1, . fi"', IlIMbli ýIrk'ibtllgý AMI DIA111Y 9011et'l, le In xht liv envie' ,il. -le. no. the %,.b«ork,ý are about Ili,, hotel Mabillon. *10, ,le. led yRev. .1,1-ep*tt a, !ý-l-,.I;..# - . - ý - wltaem "id ber tat.tw.r - 1 1. 1 , yolirs, w ý won't touch thein.- and be- ý- . ý ý , 1 . flýèri ll %Vill te Jet Zb'4iellittf tirent himillé lit 7# P.Di., ? mortelle 1 e , ami Rev. T. 1 ilait il wantiolli lier tire liait, honte &bobt Dougiblotte n i lýAWR-- -A COUPIU Of thrall ý 1 ý ý (ýi.\!.:\1 l,ýý\if-,ll.,N l1- lliýl;1. titre Nlaý-- 'rit" t*.f4tineait natal neiger tri. , livoll a and initial labin"If girt. t tween the rwû the iuterýts of the pli*- The ltigllr It Iý. ,ý>*k., r. i ý u;1 .,; ý . 1 Old LInl-ý we-le ,sold it few da" acte ý ý ý . ý ,oh, liant Me- 1WA41 nalit no aulbeste, ab" telle %%-(blaid - le hark zWain- lie salit lit' ý lie %vin sulier, for the loàs et water will m\ 1 . ; 1,;". o-Iffl, t-»I,,-, -I. pI"-,ý 'Ill, ,.I'. 4'it qrie. tir the Ottkbwtb. are no lotir glane Ingrat and long lier falber coulit ont , ivt-;--iýinz .P) tels. and 30 Ibn. grý- ý- -ý! libellai) Of Kin ,on 1 lit *. le ta lier fer what lie paid ý balai avigation il, i%-el-Y., -ý*iOn he wZ-, tilt-il il Ma« . . . ý . 1 - .1 ý1 . - . . . ý .,ý,ýý,ýti.ýp.ý'rit,ýtýl.!,&Iýi".ý.,, ,,e,,il,.. i.ý,#-i .ýIýy-'_f»I drivilbil in ièquo"ible. albet maigre ber m vaittimeme did ont wM to, for- il; ileh nt brmixht ,rame liquor: It is greativ ta be regrettLtI 1 Jý,,Ig»roVËýtfLqT mi ,ý . ý 1 1 . ý ýý,:t.,ý'tce",Ieý1'4%-ýi!ý."n,ýt.ý%.ý4o.qiebt theý stib'i% libri,"klrf%*P*ha"be*natend(m»d -,.-Couatiiior -xein la ta a prýrn.1tT1re- eloskrI > ý -: ý . . - . go home-. Don .ri ber to ricto . r bu% dw athovneaudwasittent la t t a pleetion, U juriàtllvtion.tý.i ' pathetic futregral oral ý , ,t",., li,,,,- ,visl, (a-,,, ,..%"i"l.. el",rýýqlgt,. ! liettii lkoxb *Ibrttbg. In %lie-hipart the ý Ulm babakek ý Il- - *-f,,tiuLllu;z" his rottacre. tb et ý : the mfbrket bol%»- with him'. 1. avais, délira for mortier boule. DonctI.-ms ..'il , il, lîý ,]..,.4 liv ,Ol , "f»Ilý.e, l témie l-watog - work to rotatrice the dart, i and 1 net htl- seitivil. anif the --rhole of the -ýbE,-- - ne il'. un.t-,-uttlLng.. . - - A iiiît Il C) ta- Ir. ri 1p. n. ,Iý.." 1, , àè 1 ý -AL SFR%ý1CZS.--he .%pM!al eV., Une * ý ý illitifile'. ho lOrkf.d ber in and lavent 1 Gitehrt*t did net awair hiti.retiirn. ý %arrirk,; pit, nattier one collerai. '112e Ca- ý enitt--* iaitetinz* of the Methtitý-t churth Le batilleti. The witi . 1 - ý 1 . JE 1 *» . ý 1 1 .. . : 1. .,..l ýt,-ý,t .... 1,.,,"..i.,.lit. 1. I, l'o'. ; , , a tit'ffle ý 1111iller produrtion lot thla "N*nn. la 4%'ývdèv for a linge, Arterivamal, -retturminx f CroltRIFxamint-ti hv'.tfr. lli*tiýpt».-rii. - toinion lait lIrrivindal fidi,.e."q erc bigla. 'Continlie fl> I>e iiu--elv at . ý Inoved te tenir- oli hl ý 1 1 ý 1 . IIII; ... ... ""!.,.il't"""Ii,ýl,,,ilil '. ,ýkdv ý dry rien, a tirv witaler. note ab drY 9prtott. kk,.tl th, tiowbe, ai% the - illi'.4ide. ailler a' The colt htd NIen steizM lit di..ttrt-t-ý fer secrivin tended. ýA& . ý 1 - ý 1_ riij»,.ý. i,ý,0 ,v,.ý-k. ,\ 10eh tntnt ;,t).1 the -Vl'l'..,!"ýjl',-,o 1,,,-t#ste-p-jI8#1, jg tode their'tltit.v. leur the ira. uz-ý --P flo -.--The (;Iobo aud the Ide Of this lltxnll)Î 1, 1% j white lie ngain ,îveotý elle and ntoY4 1 rerait 1,; Mr. floillet Ntigent and sold. pl:)rra-%*, oranch ta t'art Ilerrr .ýee:ns ta Tq.. ýtýýýl ZE-tc .ý -> mort ýý tý.ý,ý.- ýkl-,Il,,I , t- .,.,.,,t",Iý ,1,,.,. hel.11 ý ilikerri,41 Jxx..eý,Iie%4 tel" libk-41,1ým.bt oblain. -ý ' -e il' .. . . : away forsoine finie. tribella ho retorned 1 31r, I)oiiut,%%,q ptirrhaizw il. thev were , t»-. thr,ýatenLd' I -T lia% ,.ýplatett rite 31sol and were in -see ri ý . ,,.,,Iý wàlizreat iné*onvený,-Ino,ý elle 1.1,s.,ii,ý,. ..tt C,ýarke-..e. Thi* i,, aruin. one of the mal ;,-,.l il,., lIý,.t il. Iliving, l,.v.-I1t-dý îow kbevkieite inrortnation. 8tatiý* feint 1 ,,, ri,, %orne kind tir littorale in a tunil> 1 bal able te) mine the moner afid xr. .If a ,tr.in ,«l,,ý 0- Ille. . . ý in tonýeiixenee te t of arrani.%- 01:. the dicet-ne bas ý ý ý ý 1 1 ý . . ý 1 , -1- 'l"Illill, A ttiieliý Il,, . Ofert, lq ,lai alliboIet tttfflitate eortainty 1 ,,,,Makt-dv.ttnt"t(bdrtnkit.autil*he I1krîtlq1zý imieli- et'-' hOfflé' net lier h11%ý tirent !>,-t'ývot--i tàc tva Gorernment-.4.- -il li,, c,ý,l!% ..ý,,Ittelt-tel ,vititiet thM iItýt--tleirti lai, léf%ýt (if the tel,* rente ý ef"",,: tierbre, Il ý 1 OBrr.-'rhe frineral of the lare j. IL, watt with anxiety t, ,il., ,-,ýý. ,it-I!iý.;f 'I'lý,. I.,ktttr.>4.t ftrîr,,» - *lit tel, likint, me. lia veille (Ir ri' %volltfOriheliqtlorhe ti.-%nd hait atiketi Mr. Gilchrist alla lié.- 111.1el)entient. As ý"-A)n aý the %Vhit!ýy IMAU ý WCMENS S FRONC RAI MORAL$- Il ', 1 bl* ('@f' ; ,,,,d,,tiedtitthl.Itioerwitlàmbniitimtit-, . ý 1 . 31t(èu-,tde on Wednesdav was. rite la=. and gifted. prie--t oker , 1 1 ý 1- .. 1 1'.0., f'.1. I 1'l. Imi 1,1 l l1:,ý lia, 1.t,.eIq ý%%v,%rtitýt ' t'titýtv tho -ii#iolôtirtml ibrtxllrttt "Triai 1 1),,X,,,.,t,,,,, MURe théy were well acqnainted %viril 1 l aitviiv i.,, bniit .the nýtvltzàtion a"-'ý)v'-' est t lir r IL-sâ ever beeavkîitbbesý-d in this. , (YBÉell"S ehOire wiB 1 ý . ý ý ý ý _- 1 - %Il Nt."vl.v . %, . witue(tI&imtore4limtober bien in Port Hotte. - 1 ý lýind-.a-y will no lon;ýp-r tic of any pa -1 ,ý ý . ý . ý 1 ý ý ý 1 . 1 - 1 ý i tim, rater% wtt(ý are noir n"Ilinx eravagamon I fablier lant ta leave town and. ho arcitatait «%Iýtiey Pý%nxi,%4. daughter of 11m . re- tO%1àsl7ipý He -was burieil with the* lm. ý -ICOr- K1119151ou Wb , 1 - 1. - 1 . ý . ,ýfl-rIý&l J'fit)ý.ivrmvNi... Lkertatiý1xkno,% ý . ý « Itic-,tl,%-t-on.,tt-,tett,.-,.itziL!tl weercau ýve r-ýretuotaîes of the Iý 0. Y. ý ------.m> . ý ý . . , llt#%qle'6r q't't tif (:lbl"tbmxb vAob' nt $llg vnlý !'gtvt, lier thé Molit-Y. with whiella Me Thm Goheen. 8%ý-om, -«rt-.4ritleil tient , tueii%-')x, ltp.%-em-ti. * le I4, 1 1 . y t'I%ý"AI1k . y thi' air,êt of.hil .. telle »nT thoý' . . ý 911Liý'ýý0o_-. of whieh orl lie wab & tueur- 11700DIP 1 ý -,f ---tý at 11 lie vzri4,tlý' efflt-4 (If y nou j laiglit no If table walaiteill Un or if aille alibi %ho resîded with flair brailler and re- ý lier. 'r»iieBethanvlodueamitedat the' 1C,)Týr-,it,,Ie ý (litýi.t),ýzri%4*,q dàb , il(% , 1*1'- 1."I', 'f.1l;1'.%i,,ý elle .frt-44. mmi ' weil iiii.sitileitqi.,, It roige-hides aq not %%-aile t4i leave 190" ho WMld ý pay menibered a vikgit about four montlemi, i .. . ý . ,k-1.,v%ýl,-; tiqI, jet. I.w-ItitbIt 1 -lk, t O.Vii7rl() è0t'vrr. . Iiiii:. the band ïlà7jýn--- thel W«AT*-ý 1.1; A -X-1 . . 1 ý t1ik-eti ý%ve 1 4rti( -v ,&,,%vit%* lia, lia rtffliem who, are 1 lier battant in ai% hotel. Magg, said Dong. a" frattra Donalaos and ttitchrist: they i T---Ii'.-IDý;ý.P.%.nK.-I',.tlýrt(i haecar. Mai-rn.- consulat the Nvisiles et Ni« . ', 1- . ý . . ý II.".ý ,,,Iýi; ivile ,'Aý',l WztIt allie 'tiktetb tili, ,t:tby"tý- tir tqilItttr: now In t'lie Mon ta ,ans dire noli etve. lier soir reawxln for laW hrouxhtn bortie Witt% thom.. her,ýtiýib-' . _1X, nriýl*rl - . i ý ý h-, - ý - ::,,,,ýA'riý,l,.ý.,.t m%ý%ýle ibri.-t-t'élt4i .%*' Voit wilt ab4btt*&,>I"taitbibyliblit. 111 er L ried-by zt tw ýjrizy ot,ý;t a hy-law ta pir- Cni ii-1 ýzi>.,-,NI;. -Vlie VrestIvterian con- 1 People et éhiý vilta%:e -lik.-ýkfflV airain (IlIrlog the V"Sr ilbera v. '%Vitvwm m bedag «ked father %v-,týt there. Douela.,ý4 aient h ai ., -c nuit be ju ý -tiii,41 in lit Il il (J II o 1, il -, P s ,iii,.« let, l'Ili J».,tltJý lier ýi, 1 . . --M,- -liait has of lare beèn. M-eativ qt., - , what lbtiglam did ta hW bierlinert ta xtepll for another borde: -,the was M'ain Park. T'à-epýirizt,,:ïnt4t.9ts 01 .., t.ýci:,bt tt,:%%t. - 'rite Ilobtioral (blitlook in ,*tv. ch.%:;e - el.-rtheuing et.% enards', and ,----tren---W . 1-1 I, j, -, i, ' ,,,,Il,..Ie." ,,i..l ý N%'iIriývwN.. e Thev romaînabid la the nabaarket frettiog about a onit whirh liait horil * rettre.-M arrm z,.-,,Il - . pondence wit1à the ai ý 1 1 . ý 1 . . 1 otul of tIte tilmbegr #-"b dotiaiturd ' k. aliotit tiFe latin- k,,tiautt-I tliê,oerriet" laet: Zýabbagb. ýý ý_ . ý . ,ýý . 1 1 ý .-It 1 Lll-;L'.I'%."t'rýII 1',III.1jiiiltl ,et%.# lm,%ýV i0tottetiber *ttv,,tlet-lt% TIIIIIIII0 %'t'l-1 b"' bol Undt tg w0à rate lar . . - . . 1 ý 1 >. 1 1 1 . , ýý l- ý Il,- I-l'.. 'Ir % .F.H.'ti. ýw, î-tv-,0. whpro and %Vzt.nelq4, femaisied the» bilL plarchaffli bv I)otic:Wtit. and lie said n c(l vzird -centre ut the vit- itiou of Ota .: îk,-I-ý,,,!,i- fi rlw t.I,,:, ,% ill 1- le.-t(I ri, fro'm imbrki't at, a dame Who#% tmédélin re. 1 . la e dr, L -s farçani 'lie - -*--a- ; cal pas wi ýs* Kil, . .Itei,:,,t,,ti ' ivit'e zquit the, tik'ibt&lbtl* file tifflidiait liglait aud »cnigt&-ï,t outil nearty moral miaght own-it again if %lie gave htin 141,ýi-.' Il ý . 1. 1 . (In .ýi,.,,,,tlll.. , W., tii,,,t il.., , r vi ý lait, witomet mid *lie wM armumi telle Weber lie paid for il. lie ilid net qay any- tltbt.t)tN ggLLE;rILLE. . - . of TitÉ Prlst. 1 ,ltill I .ý . ý ,Il - -4ý,,,-,1, ,-,ýl l*.,;4,ýc k*-ýbi.litr,ý,, ,lit' tiý#ýlItr:blet ttiebo*rivtgl-tý,%Ily-ilitý , . ý l; I)N- _Si-.ý-. A f,-irnitr neir wpëitb te y Je etartâtrabliges youh-q . soh- (- ,.%,vi,, iý -ther.uWance Tiiz rl.--.%vDo-,r Mt7aDE.4.- r-le Intel- , naalle. and beir thruus 1, . itI,. TIei. v,ýelIot Nil tu iibtlttt#ire thitigt (lut of the wav. After unrtnt.- mi, . so ,ttic of a file 1 , Tri F Pos*r te, là the . . . ý . -l ,, 011, ýl-tkI ,il, ý the . q taillerie -,ý.I,#.t 1 -t, oelber daw i . ,,,ai, if it:a" and Yonn able rieiliration aiid etinivoratinn she 1 in.,he privi,.4 wheat thar lie il% hoidiritz lit. ý espetit4tteI't'r t'tiqlllt%,Iqý *net in the rail à ho lbrk-lipantt gencer ý.4ayÎ.-Tht, intereliée in this effle ý ý . - ýv-ý- --iI01ý1tII lileIo,!;q"fflý tII ially the gond fi: et,%%.&% 1 101.0k, to lier lit the Od'ie-o Mid Donclans natal if Idie *bllltt do as net to rva yezlr,.ý,-' erop tilt Ir conbeý, i -nluelr -this letal -ý-,.- I,ý èl,;, Il.ý"1tlI t4ltlmtý, "-l't'..,.l .'! l'k-le;rI,-ýI e-4ýiIkIt,,tit1mý. ý (Ir Ilw Isn-a...Iit Veille le 4 able# 1.'t&bPlatp en 1 th. tb.npr mid nhe"h"atl'b»a brillerai ta lie wanted lier ta lie allie %volatil get the , Whe:it ribaveo un. ,%,(- stn ý - , . the attarder hi poL-ouin= et! kriow that - villa ý - . . ý ý . . 1 .1 expeor teint .% t,,tleýIv rêiktýtutýratii, 1 . ý pr,ý>- .. in tht - T', 1 utllw . . 1 ý N ýý z, . ý, iet - N r l, Fri - 1, ",-.,. - k ' I %v »%ve3r.14Mifflt blffl wigul dial ont re- rolt bork allant. . et .C lit-r-.il !:1;M[ý.ý .n wàr. l'-it - -Sph2uýi Fradene by, it i*,supp,,ed, hi, ý aile a nantimi terni- . . 1 ý . ý 1 1 Tl»ý tntst il ý l! I lit, 1.4iIl f(,rý ,,,Il allé, botter &ta ý event %.il ý tit)-tùwt-t and 1-v wr e. 1 ý , 4i1%, . ý membre lier réply; lkmqlam ré,ttw.ed to Croe*.ex:uni:ietl I)v -.ýfr. Ilt-t),;t,-Mt. - lire %vnttil ft-el incline-1. t-) ,e!t and lia iviee and aile triIerge Wean. là the i Iv p3MIiýe wht!ýe tir II Il ý -- - , ";.i..ý-. -11 -lt 0.1,I lt.v th, ,;"",o,,,,,t ý.f.,%rk.iý :.,. .0 01j).'tyb gtý)tb. 1 of ai *,ttin- 1 ;,ol 1,1 quber whiellai van lie ý , _ ' . - [lai FI ý . ý Il.ý,l, I,-îý -l-rý.%.ý-,I 1.0l', d'Ir' ýi. ý . - whle wittip." had said' la the mme nt Witite" Mid .,lie Çvtbtlltt ont ,ý.-%%- Po-sii- 1 thatikfitt zit :. 2 -'ter Iql:41ià.-. a., glit t,)tt"ý41!P tif Rawdon. on ýSunt1a.v Inter. 1 futind thar, W necema ý . 1 "' * 'il' - 1.11 t et-, \1elý-rýt-,èib ibiarkt>t. 1 M)tbrt*y,**n 1 GOÏ;;On v. (;.Imn M the. vhýn 'or ('.il-; bav been çio; 'a. -1 - 1 1 . ý ý . , ý - ". , I,ý ý Iý , , , ', 1 , 1 il , , , ". - , xtI ý le :. ý. ILZ *. ; deprultent. ý : !t,ýýly tw!ýob!, it w... I)nitgltxà l _e - il 'Ili'r, tillie,1g, îè .. u_ . 1, ->,.,. a-- - - -.1.1-1 .- - : h-.,..l, -J ,h» - ah -..1.1 - - .. ý , lit . bi- .b...0, h9.1_4._;ýII._4 . _. __ ..- -- - _. _- - .. nt , 1. ik en& au _t .1 tb. i el Ir. 60" X.- -eW. orim CNL, Dame&' MMURNUM!R" lien iwrib«i»x se U. .rLy,_Rcmié).*ýr T.MK2NT, WA> MN ýÀ- %"'. wu- 4-». 14l ýT OF jZ- ."àl t<7 ùW, ébatit-il k-1 l_ - " 1 .. -- .. . - - - - _-z ... .., . -.. - - - . _ý I'Mur ughum ...... Gebeett- Avile. Jette 1 teiller the -.4t--aw nuir- be tua rack. the dark w.u r-k(-n III, though Dot go bad a* to 1 Bar (elle Ji, - 1 re- 1'.41 1 b Voiteilléen reAlý tbout ýiM»d théier Iwhf; vrttr~ illert 004*01101,1111, th" *bu ed be l tenus Car indu4ce lu et à In-rtiote, Jýf ed ta Mr. Xwthèe and green- bue ofthe voung grain XÎvi= he, confin to bis d conumtlv. Il: Met Ifflligt trtendm lu (4ilebmt leu the day hall tolet Mr. Xom thât leilleet WM MW Mr. *lu ber roputation tras ne IC 1 kbYI4ý Mvwnoe Kt promise of a»'cmlCbulk efumw as the -lente a" he quureneql wnwwh.!.; ing th" -M.] J, ".,tl u- tlto %Vite N, , 11, 1 (C the Mrqu'I' ftto» or t4êtue about q _919au 6" thalle: viury eartà eau beur. Spring terbrer. thonzh wli os, one accalaton wheu *he WM ou mouey whicée they Sý t4ir new oreh @4111M. Ths Aity et %le» MM ý(Ibbobib Who ý told her the i 0- 1 1t. . 1 Croou-«amimdby3gr. latter, witht;lena milkinr redettedrewa 1, 1,l ai%, in the atteriviebu and lie atawtt- mala Velue rà0v«lâm: Ma tube xr« 3teàwo witllew hé, _ F have spent lapon su phert, 1*,e,,%stbo moeh %varm" thieille la the tnithz 9W tbxýMUM 9 MeIX ln hie =rnshipý,i-; lf)Zbkim vrell, and oat,; chair ta the ýindow and looked làuring Of the sick lho groumi. _ho d Cýa rirez a r -Ir ottract em.ouvrldcht;lenn obserretti theïr elleUfftrr J'l' t'J'q 1 tlJiý tiv, aille *Il appea"d toienjoy lum M.^MWI* eboutý but did fflreue.m.. au towla, mu , lion ho w 1 the = , thMt ber hasband trou jeal"& $)te i M i (lf à lièvelte'l bwwbet»raw *ln* wisli XV& Xun. j à8t nov wear the gave-t tbat bu might have "ked XrK 9 JJJ: &ýpert. , The cherry and plurn tree.4 are that he had DO famale bai> ex- *wt. w's or me, Xrls. Coob«,*'* data~ lfý0- ftwortthle ther, 1 go work for him on bis bSt, bebébuved literally côvered %vith blomome, beinez ber liMe dàuetet tweive yieum A Mt.,41t%%t or tho ilekersorg w» Molbelé -UM et wm Donglm'i% entendue ta aseaudt mwe tbllkt 1z'.1 re, eh. qd* wyl greal; contrast ta the appeurame or old. and Nras touch reetigoud with vMr_ ht-Id M Vt«eWý hotel lot twr* Dmgbm belle the aight they mer on the bridge. alfflt vear, when those fruits wen near- in- qu kfin day ami DighL Natire g -f thi, I*r,.ýetet th(% ll"itlr»t @brut briertient anvtbhw lmè.MW whft hé asit. PWMt imarle. wm t-alied but beinq. Ir j fflai faiture. - Appl" and the tFis Ur hubuend salil ADXM et' 1 hePt, am t**» «k leur Inio the moè*« hanter, me m. jetoxicared hi* f. 1: Wve The cftabm -ýf ai hia Ma»mý 1). i ho th 'Videur.0 wet, hot tairen, iicallei fruits are alen ýr[ving- prom!qe wlait "on hiuL ette Mlillared et' f î rkIaýV Mmet theT.W"Mwp f ve '4etèlly, A. Mt.Zr 'Jl 4 *A» &Q hier &WAM ber will. Md hg wae commeitud te item for the 1 01 a bountitut Yie1£1ý êàd thi gm" a&; nternim ber-htùgxmd and Glenn quar- vqmui,, blgekuftb, did sitat, acy sorthieu, le 'Ymm bu alobt i this earlv ee&«m es far advane-d in refled violenter about woriL the former btirl te cet wý ik«r. M. 1111941M 09 J. lhgwoi%. Jw walffl -Ugbt* did 111101I Pm»àd JOUS X,%CXDIM wala swoM and tes. many plaierile now. Wheu la ontluârv* %av, Jmltttkt. ehow ('» ý% IM tha if J* were me »jek Ille troua vit ýt iýit titit,ýnv illek _" =* "m b»@qw4 by Q. ligowob. aleu 'r"»Ouier Slle~ ber. Donam tIffl sbat the witium Isabel hM been t vemm Is woold be doublerai whether ft: Illit the jatt&rý and Glenn Uftd duellits 1 etthe." dmuNV4 a. D tho qgjjýM go% Iol- pay armuat» (le Ma". P'L cheïtotz tretgui, drialdax douter the umMug with sur- ;rere best ta tom out the esttle or wx. in retarre. On Sulorday aiXk, bc tom. tilt, t-ll;,4 wttt eu -qri.iý,4jor 4 ýttktv (.i-tltx.te4l tbylthe Pr( Mt Ivý" ho wm, ou Md Afbrw" drluk with pkdàed of the bitrirruelas or tbepowder P«Pgd. the%" lld& teteet o» et the wlamwe b" cocu »S to about 3 etéloek rudy for the wythe vêrV' SOOIL ettaquel, Licteur, on or bc* b.%tb (b(,ý ffflq (-f «aiftitg tti le froille jetelleph V&IL'%Vbt. groom of **r qivS ta him by Georze. »Ting Ir did Cor Voicettz ho vu ont agood«MTIMM m board le" 31u.L, Mr. 'Led- !Jeut rvm like wb" ho à" h" beù jwaý,d6 '(4,ee lit tible, v vý.kèq -Ilt 4vo, ub vme t h(l, f t ho taml"4 tèkàil." Neailwali U* W&Y est whieh durt« the ý litet a"d , gà"ye soe»d Jette. &ýd qoJtd% uk rioeimm kt ho belle, et the IBWMM.,emuloyed ln Binelow & Trcune On the Mâowmg da "i tt,;, .,;î",.," J', ni Tf- the primo la the bmvy dranght boum Oke doter. me . 7 be dieil Mrs. »tg" lebu ~ the N" ý1-4e e.4,ttt,, l,.t qho rJ-tltwlible P%éby, ýtmtér. cm Md Dongtelle th" ho bail ces saw relit et the S-gm brillas au Frattette, exwumd car magdent be- î IA" rA the suit, wprblt *111161111 IN" ente. bult _u-ul;z-»-àwâboz tL.-Immmrd»dbîm-bew»wâmmomdby Monday week, was attendireg the rîr- lier Tfiat ber hawin" Me Wetu M «ph" the athfer " Md- ho "OUM afflý s r Poisqued -y ne ma d«..a «Jar$&WbV.. or utile hL rffl ---- r .1ena. those bis objeet br*h mi by S'é. M. Utirdoeb. là* tmk 0911ela u1 64111101a AS Mi-- GObOm** wbemrm«âbwM , womm semeet loft arm catie la contaet with the efr- she could oct swal. ocberwim Umm .le el. tIbo et (Ilwil . wzt,* itètolu OM blupme baw the boit bellare ba» »Ci« Pat" 1111i* 31 VW4 the ow cet juvvft w1w ut wu winx to trillion cammm abc" &Uuded mttin eum luw fým ma loct; wittffl #à%* wlsh Xm m lut cetwellae MW Zâz, MW whieh eut the mm Viet illaru le elbew M ont" 3toualkr be thrace trahi lacer the . evenim crier th, MT. XCUM-TRE a wu] 1 #èPPM»Ud Jodg" %là, 831111> mmm lu 00bi« 0111« th»- 9 ý WM UM MM abeait ber »d beard mMiw ont "MT dOwla ta th* M tua"& ta=q =shewmenw,* bar tl,. hot tkmrtieiN (%q k4twbý.1"1 ltml"y ýht" Sb*. -item DuAtu ý 111111 - bmrormokwffl she »M Mr 14. 410-ffld! te COUIL crm" hm esteulatuk in Je barffl menacer, m bail in- h es el% t'on élom et et S "09",W cron U*»Cf-ký«Y Imam l"w tr- 8« hm le lS il» belle there was -- uic- MI. cwmdml beliquelâteil bie bancs dutàw dud thug It was fwÀ»d Um "b w»' "Ielkv.- am bv tmifevb with the féviam et bom W[bed à* leu4m lm sorm the m "f a Jarber.atay cacla - ---- ý,vrhhed te diew hm Mm lwmmmgl6.m -htel tho $4 S't"mwt -ffl 1 .»Jet dmbmye& actil intleed Ir bu ub»U rt, 1111,1idered et bellore or etoffl nough" cleme, tala the vale of It be May be tryinq in Vaille %D Set m goutte tue poiw à" 1 ý elle oýérqJ em*ebtq. 1b"r»ttt. I& V» 0% ne" et and f(emend blem la S" bmgbdIL te sevre-The buuý et Mid ta sc ob-M MUR -hertbat be bu& b@L-bM,> S)OW". *««dm by A. fipu the W» Daw, ardir ta encert" -t!.t 1, t bel »ýlt.4j bé*% 1-ett ter la Atamb" w4»mo, *0 m ** 11baft ba" !!M Wm -*r- te! - - - bocadari« th. et f )Md *ma" (;ý 1î te 0~ 1 «ýé mewàm a Ù: et the white muand -.bis is l»Jet t4, 4%. t a is kQ saler he, --,Omt*tlow DÀýF» y Wd bwlb&»WmbUe. = 11181014811111. bu de bâb» éwl1ý- lb@Wmm ont l'omg Memo»baviua*dz rému -là, ta Ites pmwkuim ew«y 1 cm t,-étýxý4el bq 1 t'f' ý4l. Mufborit 4,* to the withki tk*t@ffl = AMWAe Md thé 0& rame ta ta cawlut" âw tbemâmdle& elle 9%ýP»er* Thisel it la hope& wS bc ïh" in et* "«fflbo tuleth, f« die. Vas te leilis -4 éomeeme& 39«nwb3-e lit fa te bu hapM thm *9 eu ý t'hé bukidtt4m &M w Puà lui M 4er, fl- wid- wluile pfiv*t* su- mullqeta à& ber M-85 W»M -ZILU.%MnmlL - HOW bu wweift& mà with te, vlow Io %R»ýoc a trisit; ta"M am b Vti#, Pfl4%iIt flewet:Sif >et cmL»nî;î es"bor uo-- 111&** 1 *9 - -renau bête dm menuy lie. ho wm @à& if kti4,,l et, ho 4,41. i flJ, g»tpiteffli; wu Nad leu - Y. - le. 11, - - ýý - , -- - a" lawmued by m &xvmàmmt et Ilit et elle m f44M flettiveil gétailà . 19ý 1 , - - -_ aumbw m "" CM*& lu the ombeauw bc ébm sir 1 :." -= Ï2 tgrrsi« tm.*qttb" f= 11 eh bem CMC»lcrx& (4 t mite JO" tained a Ïew graine et the fice New rousa etema il.t4.týe et- Ifflv Altteb!.Ir »Jeu MMIWt Xe IL am b«9d»»"M* _1t*11» laïffl 9*7 awàmd wb»t tut,«» m am euý >,.ittiJl Oine et » weý av" âmm la wVUM Au -breimât t1wS lisses mm rem" et W", bette of Iller 1-iw.rtbýlty Pt thiJ. t tla 1 , -dwmd l*1ý t,4t if, "ffl, P. te a lom battie- aith M. t1et ilb» W*lWjw av "Wh b". =4 ù7 tbab*bmmq» th" WoMw Abo« Un» mm"@ bu et ejutte thé litolbe théi fflleto ebud ieb*to4w4kwb mors pfflettel *0 mm Who à" t".Nt *tkoh @wé imi rbe wm* of dwnwttoq bam am fflw miaoï, m ou d 0j»Wloel well "Ver hJet île, #w4. b6"%,ee. fflquo le mm et bug the& b" «@ftSýéb@ sur pet tourasant m 06 thatim the ll*mml h»,t. m m r W *0 have t4ilf, rpe *tttýh il (,Ou* -ttlo Ibo aile #le* »tmot %vhoýibii4hi m Imm te SI& P6 Imm ee:3 1 - kitulitur A" %= pfflke am tonhe or - - wwa me the, M&M On tb$94 âgdmtb» *i4meu 6ý-V-41 - lm the" bew of "4mw 4 au" aftertwe la »%wsý b w -l- I.- ý_ " le i -rammr -*b;wmý ---- 1 kU4 Ab t-i thý lem ý*aud»« Ow &" «qk4.i .4 W*y. -94b- --IW cm b. jbt, ýfth ýw Aà4Aý9-ký mi b. be« ia F»-t ."%"à Imm-* m - , - me pmwbd &mý. tàw*, W. ., riwws a %èý* *9 emb . tu %bs.ý .4 *iW% »Wedor« w*mmlý mba - va -" be , tuuiieu ..9.. ..- r4Aý abded '. SW msb *me -tu b. No mu in »M be fý Wacb.ft vib - 7, ý. r th. Mgu"&- %&W Wei. by »0 dam-% offl. m 'b. mm duo,»& 6 pèoqý 1 00 wrt»w là» mKime ým4*dv" ik.