1 em em «M if v» «oomm et *w M" . à" lm - bom mMo *4 M» lm audw: hm »MW sbat ii IF» *ëvw Aollim Mi fff te 94 POWW litiý . ý - q :&VAWM esg«W by *M MW wu "WIM.Mt obeow ov ',WF M.lb 010 ml 1 ý " 1AO"y »Al- w 6vmwom bb d"w4 Md bfflbeo'. wiewwa*mmmmwm *0 pub. Ne'" lum t»Po$M m be b9w foi wm «# dm à$ ombew d» VA. deb««. te fw M.Uffl p&W me awffly 06 oolk4*4 lob Ibo publée repu ow 0* owd w th* j4adm why bu tq%.Jmvb mm mout tw» obus" am*4 bie pmam bffl 1 Ali ilwýOvidoý a tow dé" qp ho, (4» wàm mmavA th* ,MW 0# k.pobmw br »"lr4 aboi# ho X" oftée MW bm.». %hm ». Ob lawl« b *-tt-%4 qovw ý"gom*d M'os tbo Pffl. lu w«40 «M is a Mt ttmwgbthm mesvaon. ýr4f#t oely dm ho étead #10 r*w* bm ho M»rw illffll *»M.40 0" ýqh* M" ont lb*,Io 8*4 mied so Alve "y f» obaité À-t 94 mm th» frandtoimttjp tlbwhm. , wti:bop th* nov AYD we, llýtllw*wd a Wei* or b" iii«mlty 01 floutel bot xhigw, V*4*1 impon" te-r vloterlo. obiws th# oditoip't-t th$ WfrPgr .bu ilessm th$ lmw O*d« th* obla t"s iw$W I»Mmhmg Ifko m fAtemps - Io th$ -soupemor or to 14d* him liks, a bith-tob" jI*mjý tta"nk t4 pub of our omwapo" d.)m Dm Tan= OAX ZOAM bbo i*,Pmt*fm on PÀ 04 rite *04 611voi nem mi M y le ira," 8w !ý des. wê talam Oak Vàulkt lime W B ]RAD B-lUR N c 0 1lCý lm le itamon-L wmm&- vailla jboacom ]MOCX r.MmSAT. îbft"& a Woodward lm mlabËm »V*W" wu au zzêtui, &.VMM lwm-râbàeuon -M d» euelleuloula ** bis m& fief ne. 1 ull W» p"«a whe, 1118W MMI ab«"M buMm bm@«U to t" the title m about 10' weeft. we imwe nei*m g«d téhape l'or %hovvinx ilée contrat% 01 omad& This la w. atm et land là ýýitaaholw. Both Partieell àm âo»vmu& hMbemumIpdle dattier wo*tw pmlmà et ebdn»d md-, the pàt-It fmm the cgowit..&" am whole quendm mrne fft pubwillette MW viii hi cwffl aw Pl ma - et de.oufta m *0 bM Wal bad. 1 1 ateme, et mïwmmdba Md awbu la yiew if OR the m aie, point -hether am cru ALýb JL hm ipmeim hile, 9» OMMM W î the rinu 1 ý 1 embrton the lm-, fur 40 CIU M li IJpjjxrr A" ]FANCY ]MR *0 Mules, bavins boien Mela sébum èe wu elcm Md «*, na la lie tim la ** Mao tothmalle op boumtatu - uuwk- awami te mrbe a@-rr,:m meu, - - ý i tmmtomio à?, Md ié-M la beve lyrd et r«M IRC = lié INVM mi 1 . , , ed on, the amp mat in by the sterreyor "in Go.-iwuu= To WLAZ :X Ûle = = . bu IlMS et tw eau EH@ LeedMip held i tomrm mdbi., hm the eiâj tbmlhe Crawn eould do thiÀ and gave swilm wM #4*«0kIîý Dr. Redondýz Met the f& ce porern A" Mien, te an wbe bud for th > plaîntliT Mr. H. --ver ;1! ;ýpweff% Hou. X C. Caum.- lat Thât coodl; myS wu as goud ulue as they are new, being fully twe- %,Y pLr cent. il) àftbé lu a MM botum à* t» lettriait lespule, a WNà-ý do W» a#. 11[ce mon» = ..ai, PWOIOý m thffl «W -bu etiedamble nm*q. Sq* M OL Jeu. :Z où MI frwe bm*um et muQicýfordehmimz& a, oie th» w» a quartu of a ugibuiý, pa"T Vit. T»xpqo-f.-The Pl am W"d by " vmb-.à bwww thlto nm**w. or. à8»wý. butin a mu«m hjvtn tu purchme Land r. q0ent tu= Itdant rhat VE b&ve guWned an Weviom pulmhugs in quanüty and vanctv 4% My VW& - Mie M" jor MNIM Pffll~ . Îk &wrem Ad* ý et ide W et emplond by the nàde.ý nome improwe- *m nukt"Oell, ymb J. bles as la fliet vwvoppoefteottbo» mem m the land, but the salet laghM Md ilauut" vm bu «OW by §UP i m àN&ûwrý tWangh by - of the plainti im, SUL We WM Mt Imd «M-javes to decuive by clap-traya alv«Usements. but wili verifv any statt amwel XSTAYMM bef=&WeIO&ytbedehmbm &M paffl t to be thej.qdg& £Wh dey-iartMOM in faa to overflowinq with the' latest groods that are i-m.pty P nouw». J. m. X34M am Vie. ftr improtrements à toem ourp&Uonsinvaae and varictly. ouvelliellu t* the peoillé, 84 tbo'n«thý eut" IL.Ruet*. wne, V&MM.N. J. C. :XII Mee"d tu makta« Rue, hm né a va a fw the tmvduu publie 3(w*u4 sutà.,Qmem & Lialeii liab fox TURCO-JWSSIÂY WÀZ i m mou Ind hem ma" judamenc wm 1« the defendant MÉ.S. F. Pm- terson for PWatW, Mr- J. G- R0bI0-jý iw ilag Unes iffée Week. ýDr- uo*Ob^ Who @«" mebatueu, A m"opmdmt witb Mebm« Ali; am fwdetlmhmt- , dm 0" vilà ils"Ir 0-ale 0 *0 it theuwabwmd = »= the eng4mma et Tezewm i garynoot v.4. Mànx.-This was an *j& 1 Mded m it rieMaithmonne, bug'mam for seduedoiL Verillec for' Je IC. TUORNI31URY , timp f« th* botter, m thoy Win ette, dsvkw the wort ter emekiwaum Sm Munod ana", langeter Md tIm darnagm Mr. X. F. f a" perdent, lm eaeh or Wb" ho tbroce the lmp*uomàty of the Tut" fer plainsir. the defendant os thoir MOWAM 0491 Malle oady ila gémed ab comaitute te comider and te. t»oVîý The centre columaie advai»d bâti 120COMML dié dwwm* moud et lééo in th* Adjoursed, nt V«boka, &" after havtffl hm or- l BuLLum m PmmttxcxT. - This ' " toter dà" terni haît te ho Md wM Mmber 410110le fer »duetioný la ov«MU m be*w& Tho aboulie la te, Md th*- emmittent ne à the Walntiff got a veralet of OeC*PW Mt et ille lire by dm Di«MOW Coin. -hk 39r.X. P. Paterson for pkuntitil lim - FUM S. FURS. FuRS W", w* botivre, suly. in Oo. aftermon waàder ilik perào%,atter bavîm storzn- IMM. M the, Pu@" position under .& mur- 3L C Caramin, (à. C., for defend- Md oveutala ai offlueltégon and Pre. die. Ili bu lm** a 06M dait "$W tire réportew, àc deroise %-.4. CATHM-Aet A. -H o M ELVILLE «Peew te effem *la @bée lait. r& *0 $Mtowtngmmtag tâeuwet- à mLtw"q BA11= 1 dernuation, of eharacter. 't'«d'i.ý,t fZ Wé au arpetw, bieuwer, W îb* 1*0 "Miud la tho W" full Wb» Me T.O.M«. tout. 0&- Mm~ Alfa j defendent. Mr. J. IL Dixon fer ON ]EX IE1131ETION 01 ffl&Y ofet Un 1 pkàmS, Mr. If..01.eai7 for def'eme $MW-hW reparle mm rem& diefumest, =C iZ= outt»""bemýad> _Mt. M" "4» fi«"WM by à* mwàffl and posew: 91) Tm quemiam- tou4l inu the lteuàm do ýý -izýL %; R. Dn»,v. Iction lm m-, 'LADIES" AND GENTS* Fru ~ ro" et the whisby adg».V Çè». au»," ruAmaut» et inq - M"O M»b ce sbeairAb. Ment, the aintinsit ni whieh -as dieu - Me bulletin inately sanoumes dm toUoir- M» am m bm m&M. We. idimid u» f- the cel-aud remo4,tow»liim puted. Plaintiff claimed eé":5.X-. Ver 0,Tbé divittim'of terrisSy. (3) The iffl- -'*A& the dont ce tla engageait« dW fer plaintiff for 1210. Certificate buve sipftw th« the, posia 0ilIos De. we held au Mr potilsions. A Me Je IgoC A IEIKO N "S . oebool limme, fittwLa Md tursaieilla mwwmà;otemteankedformdreserred.- pelàuffl WMW hem b»& on the et the ma%& t4) imaminulm M et the aigu* le exffl"- Thom faite 1 11:d4Mtit 3:Woodward for plaintiff- Lateft CANADZAN and AMERICA.X FUM., -nielq te Mit* &dmbp 84 MM et M ql,0180241« et t«eJw& i.Jý Ald go '10081l"Ill et the 1 "d ta U'IAýan a ULt-.uT for dtlcntt-. sold Sàom& ls wu à liched hy the Torltbb bufflas. = il m f aute. by thote, nadeetv&Wetolowev The fflesp't forragentiffl wtth the itoyn -.,. >-t-M)OL Tar-7rý M,"- 1-r NOTE TUE the laopeetm -on fait WMMW Turks telle the allitir m offitnaître re. to reetiver nIoneý& Danait the nmvb> ir» publie îm««* ethes wow W » diMeuft m ai dm bottier «*»Mm» by t- "U&UOrm, A" pMd.trisatecs. The particulant have: f»M ptioDwy "got" uttwddwrwq Md »tae wboobe» aiready appeu-ed la thm eo!tlmns. i aq IeWaor condition noga a"eur Md 1-ý b« aserthev nittre trottai nid Verdie for dantaef ISHOW W EEK AT LINDSAY Md bftdffllgbt a* " purt et *4 dé. &NIaty &» nbqemd go buln« %hem te & better, «mko se the Turite thm the er&àl n ý1ff f_. rd t h, e f u 11 PWWM * but la omm'" it is eme otofflemy. The dellest Mmid =4 on. 31. C. (imeron. Q. C..,for' cw-lroBm 2id. ISM, r Win have -a exhifit - tion aud bc lie My te 441 bofffl the o#,e" with Turk* whieh biled, am the 1twk" 1 9 Ob", 1 = 1aff. Messm Iiiidapeck & Wood- C) lince It soeil 4W nt vigm &M it«uim the 9« wu âxéd ettentes; AI fer - 118, a ym exclu- lm wu vorf bffigvv- 34 ra deféndantq. ý418VOCittMVOUI.98« The terri. t armiest now ocru, florterw vit. 'dri.Ltý)T. - Af te the (il. Pr aille on b"Im or the Baal. amoant agrmt te ho pâlît by ZiZ for oWawof thtedioarlot Md th*. aîtravi. $nir t"M *A = c"B.1111r et t ?P--qcy GOODS, WORK BOXES, WEI,_r!ý;r DE-_ effl OSM by #ho »* failivère m ta" Mv« w» dfilded fflo lave ilie- Ca Bu*$" POMtiOm Md in tieulensent of two, other kit& Ver- t US WU Sffl SEE the tien et the army are deorribed dit, for paalagiff for et». Hon. M. C. oninpmd wilh ettim ilit erdor go te- trietis, or^ the - lialiburtou, boing in am ternie by a carreepondent Canterrin, Q. C, and It S. Marrin for #,'0 L"Wcmts. LIZM iyttgfrm ý)t0zi-75,-r:h -4 M -elr --d Gold ]Plated Jewelry. the "Me m ai prenant, tboother ouve tw*dqgion ot the rofinired PA6 t=bur eautiely »W Md %"Dtlw -ho y talion Lut WePk- A qtfaut plaintiffi. tir. W. MeDonnell,,,f Ketch- -.5 lmm New Drm G»J& IMM.- 17ý tu '-i' littfe oîtrer et%* h»dred ferry hm hem entablbffl betw."n uni & MeDonnell. for defendant. Motto C oqbibietimie rlw* My, bat è~ t«h. raquielte Sbotel wem- and Parapets te replum a bridge. ;0 plw" W!Rem., fi'ffl ...... ......... ow dithuivl" of whieh ne me. je modui« w» fixed eomme" bol" M Umatam mem rerovering sonie of tien for wactit. Heferredtolite Depnty éé P~ Ibt . Mdin thm the standard In the liet9w marie ' N. P. Patterson for plaint- :ýU 1;"., Lu*tr->, frein ........ . 7t',, Vases, F-u-mli Church Services, P ami motelms = J. lm il. Bý%staAarmm. qýc.,and 1b.; »mYb&"t-- wait ît liffle, batil, and tomfut chikhevi Md the Mirope in ami:rl indiquant over the -ti-trtin for defendanr.' 0~ 8 be folAmie. Wq: m M, pellevai ellleiffley of the Behoole. lie. pit4twèmmtim tbecblimian*muth an skift the ordl"ly examinatiSul for of the P3ý ýUimed Vedk»,i due. -il-' týrftil-zht hy plaintift as ten.wit, mmi ""tu fooood hm haa no& ilgoppeg, for wront,,fist enrranccfuTýn ses. SIPE C IA L . B . IE:A S- T O N " S obébillit ont ho plaem ofb -tbo Whi ý. . Prend. tw ete are te lie boita --a hinà 1,v defenllan fur tre3. hoedottrattle itauan coumils lea and là»d"y exprffl graine. lival Il> in whlth the ctuffllôui ornd tearttti acranatté of the Otioram provpnient,.i made eu the; fifflaibil the matter je te be btesubt lie tdmikW te tho» of the lfigb oMelaW gxemtîong sud !rausp«trt&- .4et -Ur àt :L hiintitr. %'erdirt forplain- FANCY COODS, STATIONERY A-43 Where taotoaaro depfflkuign polouelia. :J'm tifffori*g). Kid Ç'ýjýeý et. doye, Md we, shaiti -lie gfflly'dtoq>. the" are no Xèdri bk.hool* the faliper. have been tramport-ed to Mrmnald fer >Iaititf.lr; Itudâpcih Z Biock. ter là'toi hold- yewly an laititituts exa of the Ilicatert of TripcèL poinied it the »quind »-avr» Nvoodward fer Ilefenditut. Shirtinz, Lù r "Mime tffltib* 0vor is 101110416ur &YX, Md correspondent enw4ied in, relief work- irxxix -Artion of ejeet- fenaot 4.!=!!Lwwdm Mit. "ti" teaeber te aie required te attend. ment breught hy plaintitr -w=inýc -le- *=t the liaktarians myt&l ai carloma, Addistomi grama am reçoinniended hopoquiation hm been fendant forapart !>flot= 11119 Mt onar gowaldw- the con. et Vendant. Verdict for ,litintiff I»YU'Pnt not a Iîtrown m» le loft. and the plate CT IMPORTATIONS. of tmehers %attirant but ahiet towarde te relrover JW Bi in a , t the meM of the Turkub Irregu- landt. M. C. the pMmplagotmm» Md apparatits. lm*. wbo pluader and outraîte ai wiil. Moore and A.A. ýIcL)ýuL-titi for 3[tlltmwxT:r mil 'à,:.trýt Ali et the reporle were ufflé or 1 - IL Carneron and J. -1- Barrot. 'or lie: %"14Atq. oaftý 2Z= women ma ebildren only mmwbd botom beau« nimly,-epted these are Marly de«ituteý e liftant- Md ettaie of the damnions 1 ose éni- IITS root& The corre*pmttient 0 i R AN D J r av P 1. F-Si ý. ! EN -C. 0 Tib"dély »xi th and liNuumine e Il' e third amual '"bd q«Wly thm et muemttit emrte Z-Mlhiez The Grand Jury returned the follov- ulthibriort et il* mwellltllirm MW horti. that h" ret«el» go thê Internes ta-, and Layard te nalr ina in"entment:- rappassente et the, qehw hMAM la t m e t "ageami te dilatai but We e.,Mnwu4t» yeur culturel *Odotles of th$ of llua the dilrigim et t«7111017 M» et the IR- t il& leamd able rannot ho ý.f a ftittlý:t enll,;em, %f Cic.01. LU I 9 t«boo»ý "Ifflhumbertavtd Md Purbaint * Mtom were pfflortally Agrétard by HF£O.UT.,ÇC. ýenQe,4 crinte in the "f tite -D t ýchanib-44 but the beuof teelingwm highmin4ted inteecrity. iýltur ami ind,,4nitýnce And Victoria, will offlia tbl,4townand tébown tatrotiphélut trio goumi gond ý,f the LWnch,ýe the Mailler ýQ!lUVy ti- t,()Otlnýie for abo'two iollowinq dey*.. à1m adt belon arcepted »ý*f rom welght thau dent who wm pre."tit ilit lier ý-f the ».. if mit ÇnTeepon --1 __ ___ - - 1 . . t Ztie of Illevrui, telmmphinzfroin t-ýl Imi -I-- ý4 làcr :-- à-- Tho loral ronivitit.tt* br4vt, rertlived the 11$41vtdlI&S luterrat, A9 the ç1m the ho of -he ALE OR.EXCIIýl:;GE ri)11, rhaientart exprensed hilit entire gmistat.. litiobare*tl a -4th, says: rhpTurklit ,nec y-ur te ýiýit -ti ba,? ri., KSTPt-it-ED inci) th beaitit C(b.tipmtl -::rd, amâwmened 1IL Iý)t ilth .11113FL:iE. -- _ f the inquileipail botter afin n= 1ýedI than Fop 6WI4 And pfl"t tion, et th«-resuat et the couventionand am ^r v 't-itil-i j>ýrtý.evot thas in-tbe j;1ý0tU j. -r., ý 12. U>li Xart»_3._eký.-4rýJ. k rotinty la earryl 0 lntlivi(illaitq Of the hoped abat in the futoré when advlee the ltumtau& Of.tha [ng nat ti- haw týýn tlic -nluýft;a! ai. 1 iantiti, The Gwa« etiez hý, , ý - , y 1 th:=7 ,ho derrlaiten, -agit vr ba"Ir.% 1 stand autired. Tý ic tra,ýl!intf pilhIýe Lý th'. ý-f est ont %Vhat, wan net NTf)TICU-1 have thà ewr, tlot both, Md pa>-in4, 1« 'LIAS ail, -la of thom and the rfflult hait lison the. have is equaliv i l'y z1le, puLh, and .F ancy D rv Inq the ln*wetonot ttehSk Thseon. ="TýtO. rega 4 bétail nutjoir anà 'l'int âmild t>tbrehtéxe 01 îtmiandm and the orm. .1th..tt,.h ýe COLT ESTI ilon fowlare eln"d a little bofore. six o1élorit. mieur tacticit the Turkit are idniply lut- and _e th, lot or; of bultiling% croditabiel te réal e(ow. ý,n ýru tft.. «»M. LIN the etifitaling ilir. 1 lofant» ttelivmd ine-tireablyttuperior. They ari better f M . A 'rit, iOctober-ý-.i', ý:id ýà'ý -11t'ir, t;,?-,ý".e that tý,2 an. strayed away or t.ién sacar"y niz %yith>thfta**I*tan(-o of the g@lWtleo%ýn avery lut~. Ittg le«nm in the town arnied titan the Ittmiam, hoth in great 1 Lin lýlV. :-ý-t. I-t,:ý7-. liait on "(!anM6 ai the Centennial.,> foriaInx the exmlttivti cmbmlttee audornallarnir. They have enginvers i w":e.11 til.1l we - Thé aext mominu the ýinapmtors met who ma Aritign admirable defenitiyé imi approvat i ý,,ur Lelhi, ý4ets we ten.j, toAffé AM te the Maitit of th@ oX. Q 11-ICK DIVELLI2NrG S FOR h4VO nt th@,,kbath te th, ,' Amorta- poititione. The Ittanstail ý\rr-e -a ý f.:r.**it-!ý tý; -!., t;;,ýr -.9 ý:1 ý , * ý.e --i %.!LE$ 1-P _U E. torapable ôt.repairtim everi a fiole in liabitillivt tisther anavbelaily or otherivine tien et the Contral - Séhool, and ai ton far *lie "Intm th,! Ile. r ý r the, zr;..i:!.;zrý,ý "dort hy stpalnp.r te the bridge. The Ttirkiq meern » %veil pro- -ti ràv WýrJ. letifflid the W,"ather oalv provo fayot. riork a.!% t hýtte.- t. tU., alrid a.. a nt- 1t.i 4 t. ý , - visionoit UA the Ittiomianit, Md are tttlth. _NSfiL\ýEN-11 ACT 1 )F ,*bas. rbe 141t« golë«ed ig ou@ -et the @-te tintertairééd by Dr. 1%huer, the ed ivith'%uete.%& The Iti""* are il AuLSDL1;ý; 'Zýs. J. Re DU -N tl"lf*tblk% - ai 114 Mmy of arieilas ý 1% with & d"ertattion of the rame Z.failure atter Winte. noir ie il h-.; éî:_,i i 1 'IfS, géritrai w(wk of the extahilshmenit, and hi.. e Rii&%Ian.ýnl- i ;W»TED.- froin ail rallway Atiétionit And pu a,, t 1 i- th ýýc w'11y imi ý,;,i 1, S-1.71 FL The i-n- .ami exA dier1% daah, ter tr'111,71 is becoming ini.; rHI ILI) ,Xbfitng and t-ibeieetiatidg an ext-41. ofo@%ýt otoftbho *Y»tem employed in paired my reluctant and persona umterbildreniinder T;1"ý the !"b-r 0# zýi. 1, lima viow of the town. rho af.réta th ROI hl.% e m liffed In exantinalon servationx et the wiar eau teiltIfy. There fituil. WU fimnd the .-I 1ýn- «Ok-NI 14 efght and a hait and the land of th but a fthort tante la ne braver min than the Faumian iloi- eil att 1%n Itt t'a' te At M N I, Kent 1*11>0 banal and (Wy lot onder hi* rare a* weil au flatter% who dier, but a bmve soldier monfit contin. fCtiie. !,!ai baý-c tçânird tlw tli--:euiter 1,nn., a admirably ttilited ually tue outre than fair (-heure% of .4 . ietýtett 'h, AP toi, éthow 'the tbialldt#bRg m ('oniriaied tavombly wtth raout chladrên eli tLý who hittite the uao et ail their fao.11, 1 The Rumian la calied; In ta litre R SP ýL- m. 01 - Fenn &SI romplotéld and ouly %roue Iéniall dé. AR a inatter of courite the nl"kbeard the".. and dangers in addition Illeh.%> le: J S,.. ý , , , atm te aie la 1 infinitely «tenter intérixtry of i ,t- tho S 7*1 Y T H 3 1 bet attended in propar. My -ruve. ý;ý, - Lfi. reillit havt yet t lu the inntrue. hile i= ion. lie 1ý U Ai- ta" of them McÏld= alNd la lit remark- -now% onn4dpt, i :-Utff. raie thatt If lie but a laittet In bilt Ili 1 alatIm.liv ýl;t Il. thý the comvleti -i cf c.-,,r F - aille te whar, a-tirgm et am. irair'y niont and lq fin. ;%çlétaidf.,4t.. im- of talent have arrivrd In ordinary cent. anklerjoint when lie lit in front et 'In en't"' the cntýewcii t-J Izr.ý;i t;iý,.,. -,ýe ail r tut e hat part plat of whieh are tire tom. Pomition. lietailla of trat~,CiSt* and' - te lie t1w b'ir.".t tiýe publi, CI modlately ibn uneucceuttil attark, the chances a 11y. - etilem for The soerotary and foeidente (if montant omirreure are te. wili die a dtth of t6rtum, humiliation Co": c lated in iiisavie and et the, mine tante and mutilation. No moral tourage no réeli OilleO Z4t.AU(19 0% the raght of eüirMlly faultIoao 4angUffl. The fae. mentat h»rdlhoodý eau stand againIkt 1 The su.-cess of om" busi::;;ýz - -e 1,ý1," tille torn(40104- W47 6 vl$llt*v* are ro- idty'bt mintileking la pomwemd by ono thit4 terrible constrinutinem. and in the 1 ý2 FAST TRUTIN STALLIONS! au ne tleketm Yonnirman tu a aur INSOLVENT T OF 1 - priattin extent, and idintitictly Ili). %Výu 1 ýne 7ýn; tait zw: the luidIme.0 were, haghay pl@a»d vrith served tallit, reltictance te begin siorin- am tiffli and no (..hfbnge %IPIII ho made SHOIR2, .112 and' S.,L thlm t-urvintili, kee hall *IW»t laittatiffla et the polittelan, porm. The inalit b"ild- npihi, loAfte of the,-Ittingian and llou-1 ,ah A. the lever and otWehamterý4 Thore. Xiý,r, lait- %VhIeh ha% been tiomt-rtffl la thi»6 iminder of the dey watt %petit in ad- Mantan armie% lit the encage eut ai rýl,*h,- Y -LISIEI-1101 : ý r, - polionnit I*Xqt(bP(-. ré fine aopmr. drsum hy the rkrpùtyV.ial - t4er and the Illevna, are placed ai 24,IX10 kilneld and da, at hant SIPECITAL 2. %ni*. and ilnbrdit alliple iv"ýqonodalM .4ehom I»pedom à1r. 'Ntillerread a wotoided. J-,Iizl J,1- . v ýw rý. -48 REWARD. ovit 110leripiline, In Sehmi and ill Le i,,m the PreMI-0. f lit the rier in e rubliz au M;.-ýýr-i-: *he uer oftuiv i,- peur pour tlam are Ib"Ing preparéd bmrtbig wýN euh tiutle.,ý.dO f !ýI Tl thé cotoitien Ineladed la Voleure., 1 wn Id fflmiZ moth- i.zz ]Dress Gc;oýLt.z;. thfi »Aloillé of Yeu are aaked every dey through the John FerzUý,-!,. tir -ý!i the tr.tt-. 'e, the exhibition, whith.witil the nea" , ofle nt t«Ohinq atthmette and Mr. coluinne of newapapeT* and hy y &-d' 1877, th-ý nlz=ý,,! vitia pain 1(allabla. Wednesday, Od t Tl-imimîr&gs. lax, watt tbreopy pea, Questions ýDru@Wmt te use mmethin a. fin"I ý-2: %ýr:-; t.-ý. lai., were eut ltlonf4 ou the poril. g foi your -horz ,voi »ked ai tbë-ok» of euh addretis 1)"pqmia and faïver Cornphtlnt finit ami c(.u,ýr ua -lut r- fbld eentré of the roof. Tho honory, aud»phedtolbythetpeaken, %nex. yen know nothing about, Yeu get t1ill. 8.111. At týc hour -hrcý. i c itL.wiý-ii: Ruitted Wool Goods. i, Cûîtoz û*mrdMlônii luneh wu provided anatrbr.. cousageil a" ing nioney %v CI des >Me la., 2th Shawls = (1 Xantles. tIr 10: t', ý;iit e-'.ý>nte ai cu1ý,n the I.ýl1&r 14 niain boildhig and talion of hy the t@wJwe and etierýepm% Now te Rive Yeu utinfactory 't'Rhty totale ftt$rA* vrý numbored "mit three pwot thit Gaxt,.q".4 Auc.rgT Flotvxu duky. %ý" tltied.-7. and c-re -r &à 1% r i xclate =uI O=Duut-.L-- te )Tl 'telle rab" alone thé entim lénifiai of ai harit lat>,r, an-t - il raz;t f4w hondred. a:id , âjýtUz lerture a4 the town hall, wlil cure yen of Dyspepsie, and Liver ",Mm;ttýý"L N *e n«th natte of t ho groitudit. On the IMIWIS-0. la the eveillion by Ur. Ile. Complaint with ail lie etfette, such- as 31 lainai itide a Ilko noi»I*r or oneloftd Catie, I»dnr4W of the Nortitai Srhool, sour atornae Siek Ileadache, Habituel in-z conemille. %Z'ý thieil an*) ()il&*&; bMiglait the proveediage nt a 'alpitatlon of the Ileart, %me 14tallit are,41tuated and th« C0«Ivene»,ý, - :A. ihdottc wf*t 1(n !!ý" ctr4 meeting te a lâtielwe- .. .... t Ir. la urt ý'.,r etl:c,-. lait 8. S.- K.- -_ - . -J .ý __ _h--4 -11, . --- . _. __ - - - y 1-1. ý - - - -, ........ .- - _v. _ ie jabit 1 1 -_ --- - . ý -_ -- là' trading. lb;l;;ý ' ýhuret«, F. a Willia -T-hu Ir%'InO, nt brMeh V'ri. %pr. 447 S eli:I.44d -14.75e, sav 1 hev-. wa* iltere lwin,, no vide ce )612 i.'iil 2173.7.42: foi, arimattfndan", 11% ilpite of the, ilffleuerté, Md notwitlmtaindln A. Webeller and Henry Yerer. - _1 :: *.'. Il bc ý to -,ri;;inif Dit »eýz -e .7 him. 1:ý C.r,, -d mit bride 44t utitvt Itiver. aind 1 he Wb hovit hm revy flew affl est, Md ADDitum vo, Tm'abANib irs4y. mîth tmi.C '74, 514:. 9 il Wood.; 111PAnY t4effln ('"dit for makilin the ftqv wé haimfiM happetied 1 18101« Lnity*iiip la ad and tlimonturlv, wax fineil v.- 1 ived l'y the Ulidotbin"ýl ait i ? Ilis dreming the t;imrt" II ý% 'il. iniothy ilef.11.1111, Nviliram 1);%: 41FI'A RMeMt White latiMr« oreiller pally ley, dr&VMI - -, -r Mllf IMI Pre- ha"y.,.,ýtWilliatit Mulethy Werc ehar.,cia wau W-11131 tiblu Cam -.ý,tMtS,,uth, ni, Le will give his to Il 09 when Pmr fIllOws Grand Jury, mid the Sh AU Ordered Work L 1. tliolàdrrésitffl. Wei" on thie W&Y IMMM Kiafflon or eented him with a pair of white gloyen ttmrderty,ý,ii.inct iti ai-IrII4 and aý,UtLù1-ý in a raU. tue %Volfttiniand I whé» grog could be oW ý a til»A honond elletoul-Whieh Indi- fflt as the t P. M.. Sr est rattes., tained .. ýUeen- llotel ý-n the l' th in.«. Tite ,àvgiKll.()p film tragg. catedi th« the Sheritra l'bande wem et- araiiý.t I P.NVII orm adjýo1rncd =;l tire 2jui et tetoher noire. Timothy ileinan and uriwi;.11k !rrida 28th instaut.'-,VHIPS. COMES. BRUSH --S. ft might ho Witt ý go add a nualber Ot clielleu,"il or la other wSds t1m there 1>ýuherty were dL%-higed. w;ii!aUý Thle pm%,Ibbrt#èl txlbl Was no pertion ln hie cuMody charged Who tilt.le»i yeotentay lmportar&tgeta ln omer to ont %rit lroved tn havit ciritriratmi the rùw Z, By the »moqmWiâ all.wed m immediste Wmlnfwmy nt Id% brmg Witte a crime te be tried. It spnke weil fine, j redocti.m .,f proinium )W the applitme.ii ,fi The Inam. wi:l 'w rctriyfar ad- w- A M-ud In folidptlleame ilbe, bmettelal d $à and ý.Àt» or _,a dgva Il IA ln t* lield nffl ymr At rftults toi the couaty that nuch a prmntment Liccaft Innfttor V. PVýbert elle. - -Thora were fut-I. t jwMlu b-lea t4*bn the PMt:ý,) ye;Ir' of thla total fewilliencie, mie. Note the ehould be inadeï He had held, the il two Cham" Fý every amad utte ftt -ahist the ahove £or perienceni tbeCoupuW. leur ratetand lev ladians i" W long élMs the flrà & héve, do» businem-, amise Mrt ln-" couary, Md hig.»- lling &ttOr bon" ne 49turdaY nie, ht and the mfOrMAL1013 &PP#Y lee- c4ber for ludling on BUU"V, lm -f Auruxt ilýt WeIr. ed ;ý qIxPaiý Rad, r 1 be mled and ad-l.c,,cd rW trola Arlmna. In M@ emi, allilpty riait oaly teliere th@y MonSanlaied W«Itb I cetgloc on thU ceewoft $tilt il The e%ïderee in the füriner eau Wi Irr_ IrAY Lem Pobai- ft, ac., to lmvc the nauw, ni ý0 i 1-blyty-nvtt havlit b 'r freek l'a hl* trient0ry- la &ROB. rater- t tweil lýtttfdSthO -ftond (Iffence defe-id-; Agent. u witheut WbU 110 1, A ln tenfettlher ail L= at a bar. iý; bat allatiolit every Portion ln tillitr esta. rhM to the ablience of a «taï" doek- sces wm &-M m am emi..ýr là dayq in i rotwzl fil' 1,411vi'f Vlty, Playrmint lm becSw mon or leu prS. «, jm flaid ho. was Plestied.tbat quelà Wu,.Ç&%Dàv, seps. 2ti. %OPL-218bi Mr--$m !ffl be i The t'r"ldtmtA (4 1.4 (Ilwad 'tentait pormmionftrtabiy orée, evm weatbr. aboum be tiu cm in à county, the pop. ltnwbphM Deynm. ni loeuelm - talu4 Mac a re t'le riglit utaition or wlich. was no, wwi M"* esseret by'hb,%-tte.Yanta= Deymanwithamiiit 1 LX 'a rejeçt -tity,.r ail ]B EST BLIDMER. (k\%* ISM ÎR- 1%0 people 09 the Illiand de BU know up of connu own W leu hW and thmuminc her lige. After hesrint 1 -Id. eu ted. M IlliRtIF1100011114 tO thflf IlIiffl, it[VM te TMM of hie, L wem cridence the cm wu adjwnçcLtili the 2nd ý OeV bintAla or agw*d r poveny, Md là lanibut. svery cousty in rbbt«*M for qUUU111UPa IRRIS WhOM »,t. the X,,Ltmt, 10 : , Mile, fwee, exactinir fromde. the, dLIbrumwom geausuy of age;, fendait for isemail th. familit And tz.M. 1% Witt in l'av" emeurred la trARAM bu parsleuwer alSw n"MI rommitt» lAwmkesý Yom vin il" weiltbdo no fer m. ho mmulAme. ! Li Md mu tbat lm counq enta; 191. JM»àbrtleuêtsn "illevmhnondo Md 4t% 1877. elle vertn! OCTC)BMMM thé two boartin for i terenfilweet 1 arlitiffl Or otbm whe CMMM«d. Vfflblr la »«bM to abffl» " e«rh» kéop the peau tenvierd Aun Jette itartiett, hût Mait. nt them lnt.rtlt.-t Ionie. !Mr 0 . conq luthé, Derain wt% for WM 3 «11 Joba ,4h@*hftn, Whoi w8a lndt«ed ýu ad«cý%lvt& Md bra"In lâtiffeuw wu lm lie ou Prway, Un 21st ini*.. (wSfi Murphy son 'f EMM TMÎB t-M niltrdfm OrTholum Leils limbett, laille w«s ombk th mmule Md helli toùvm" tbm ln. theïr ordlls"7 FAIRIVIt Nu -MhV et thX town. Witt trieà ' hefore SEAI, STOCKS% BLACK. CA -STOR. S'W A lit whomr emet the Gniend Jury èe 111011111ce. Tt le te bu obelle ed dm as. dBtf»::ýý the 1::r«IM of thé tim poum magimm for atatinr a )WW 0, jour Mrso rftignied C" Jury ma Imm Mobah" a" soli" the same te Purcha.6 vli.ÇHERý ]LUBRICATING OILS hm 1)111111 Oh-Oh URA rét b"Ir fa 1 ta AMV4# outi the re. 0 t pom orjoit the am baver DAIllit vit if»ium.-Actim or trelli. Thé vouau Mau frous bis ditalpsted am wondvine intmum et 2: ,Stade? f* temelbt«es pawed Dm in. Wh" & vwdwtua fStter triai bu Ima oecaimditu hi4 hâther muchanx. 815. 1 Arrive 1" rat 9 LIL Ppea W9 bi« pnofflq coMibUM te Ibo ha& beM rilindellet for pbàn« and isty of belle. takir« hiât failli Lesre Lin"y 84 a '11" 001ved the 41élitilion at Iast au te how tu wuh) IPOIS 9-'=E&IMG AIM =-Z&%P-IXG Rb taille wo"ltlnn a flr*malN mid dMw- Pfite«»î mid caillette par hommi as MW UMI laboutuula a hiseraviner fer drMk. In th* hope 61 refbrmé. clutbu per*ecut astIl «bi!y. wrmvor. With lés mlluiftet of King»». P Oum tbà4 wbm Ume ordesled, the lion the father made z let.ý..Mtftd to Proftente. Tbroulte .Rj c" la disoMe béi«ý the own«6 pellemuctil la the -ib* whieb"; 'bu 2111111 - PF «4» the lut illi otis The magiarm aecet th te ýý7=hdge &.m. Arrive ait WoodviUe bekett.eme hm and thb 1 ebowle th" la of lm ot lot 2% tu ab 009.1 OP& MOOM @4 naires lacer. t.nert-in MY M1411%114 sert ID00r to the Benua Izouse. J wfflvdle ca W Uubrxke al. lo aie Viellwer hm P"" a dom semmette hall,, Th* D«34 Who W»Oaum. Llu SHOWS. A1.80 for k et 7 p-nt. -4 mm moud JOO" ,ýukm& a ohwýpw@M ot gàw= tm Ur ta m%» the lefflélier la the mi of joils le le nifthm e Ibo Coubg Exhtbitim T4ùIsdâýr Wed. 4nawtlmbw 11W Q*ê M- Md' se"» wuamtsff, ot'.. mM-ku eemnalom" Wtb*Wmgladtm 39d Md ilh. et a P.M. on Wodum.? le wtfo lut = 6=0% W* rnowét mm W# lm*#" ma"ftwa*wwàw mm, Md th" àurq»à& Ta as wmd, un saturday, day qidsi" w»M Pm Fi bffl ble telà hem n'gr, Md «M wbm tbe, thefturm du M coluwy yen tille re. Ont- tinte. qnlnlMib of *q, MMIM Md WU@> 130-Mille . Uund CoboMk» las e V àticSeded llwmiy h»km ta W«M« le. 0 iiw.tb# in, mg tber of muinw. =W" î 3kar hzve UW but nom bave MIR, WMOM Used wm, mi élie g« Vns tothéireutbq* OWM c»M M establU a bonachu7 et a U &m. 4" baiera. mm ýwY&qM hi the &.011101t If .1th illalà n- là. 4sm. le tb*99blOtbotOetobw. te Parftu la its -&Qtim u ntuav Iew S ien lkw«Am"te. WifAlffmwmdr»lt ot Ood biléfaitill pffl as to, Ume la t4m te "t« verclielir for i, il, Md 2 49, 7 ILUL M tinter bla OMMIUM th* eM«wjý ~ »«» am bý_ - M IL Catimiroit. QQ, and P. a ilth. itz et withont anv band w2âwcg 441 k»w-hiivzas tbl= ltif& ther WM illaw tima = im7woffl Hem. M. a cuar et Peterboiraugh, cm Wed. swap@-" - -0 lm Thu",r. occober lm A" liste. bd W. MODOUM4 of Lindisy et 8 &.m. MOM Tam MO& W# p for ddandoù" ficeait reterbercI, as WuUw. on Thunday and acre, C"tola Car&nz 11011111111 -119 t sobnygem ait p2wnzrn wiUx A» T--.àa rrkiby Octobair liste 129h., Pfflý. mi. 11,11111101111i«M b~ »noukk4 M ftýWMW-Aedm for mm lut as ab Put" u«IL Way. ..& 1 - _W ab WUMVIII% amnelle AurkuhUM4 âway ti 17. - tu the L'AlLes, " VUI"in Umw am dww w" wu difituded mý the oint Wedmwi&.V Oet te ala«ký« WM v«Y. Va= m lawàiimq » eowom MM tb«Mýý fflmi UM m &§Vunu« had hm âbéw %S lie. -Ïïe, -IMbohw-lwbml" I»_twý &Bq iudwboéëïw t"' m soutien A& WM not tu (Mt, of ffler, nSclotit, Tw«diI. naumeb. 13lankIto. oiri UMW814 sil liblitent, on Thwmay. ogt U 9 P--ett nue %W-Fur. lelui -_ te lille blemm wxk îe 71,11W nuve bat retinud as Glieursa aïa. Quileilv, TW& wS *top Aeeît es any tub. case ho pwc lwm m *My baimd thrQiizb Irar w» lm a 11111111111le M» et Wm»mrdjpm or= pl rompwti" la -le, Couatr.. Thù Washer wili bien -col w lw= mz : - - alt Cvâtiml Fair et ldnduy, the firu **Ovâl.àt" la gbyg»dOW411lMdigw»= 1 . T%* net bc ragmam tu jk Rire A" me il, Maimise. 1 Cisa ]POU WOOL TUE- VE.1,lg a s ho*, A* ho«%W*«Mdode = CO" dm dwiimnmg boulaby at M ctIL.ý leilmiD. 611111M= = mi &Ume la mahmm whiet ru a. by STOCVMN. Rosarrrit Imm OUM W-AMM * xiug:st Webt, Termite. e3T. «ommu bu aff "OrAut bu- bm 940poio% be romp ke %Imm » «0*»M la 9»*. ab «Ma de lm la *9 «M.04 » 441* 0*04 " os *0 ,Wmou »Y»ýtào la fw mmwot*» et *0 moffl", et wvkw b" bd"d pqmmw ».*# 00m«M' & itiimm)m« on: bu" mm ti» blemm et ilod»-tw job*%, *PM dm P47 WM *womio«m te oom»ý . k- -kàýtý - -81-0 -à-- &,nus& cinq for. Mr t*niml*l (W»" or s«. ý.4AVINC$'BANK fý%, She, albifoüe ot hie M&milistit in appo. A thp 4.ffl . 1 toréb la O%-#Fy prègum "d the Publie »»Poly Witt m Affl un mme.làt tin te 04 **et lelw Rial . «orth thé (butpo,&Vlnp 0# pmgy My jourmilst Au il, ig, -4ffflflt1pftvý wqhm»f thio i»ggt~ ý if j4r. Ktliqht Offl> 1 pied uni (lit« thrt» an sanettional 1 pgxdtifbà il *(ON lié lèmotbir4 tre (et. le. I*ifv* the "Yin -whim il*- Wisrfif.,J, tir*» té ifïi sibelgagette go A" unneu ý-PPm1wO#* bv4th«t to hui> lipon thée lelvttfd lh,#Pmtor. Il te net s"Iligilsint a" #01 Ktbiqu in but amw 09 gle whwk. Sho mwfflpum la 4 tg" the (bit the linnt«" "t* té O'gé è» 6,90"" tré1m oft« Ott %elli IWA$tu.. hg% .6 Aft-1 tre, étippnen le if, ('011, cwbtbmpmrv h*d ent etoplm a ltu-t»tbi fov: et or ýpgvum Wimw *$met* Sv job maïl, whim ho bu told its la nmawé owbieu 4O".Vtwu Wu swrffl à" ettidy -ho "nid hie$ lik«W ',wr. 0 ft gomm èe fflt op la mm « Knimiltè toa ýmIwn ont diomt rola'- ot"b". mit-"»mm ttlbww him es, inette. This bé.hauffl le a »"~ for, r in. Win inemioit tfs oulierýto npon m I«r«tb $**on. "W #bu Rwol le "Offlu %a if tilis Wb*»d tmoisgh the ivarflem lettattes thtèt wr. K»Wbt in Ob son of 0 %ye May atmfb thm titi@ te 14 W/? telle. Oeil W Si owlibid poloit and 0motir thitt thé odibt of the Wi#elpr is tho "moi nt but il in he, hopeil tient thmie didiglate Miq- gel mA Y. riti »A y, 4IKK 29, IRTI' en fi k#04 tir-m Nte., Kitight in noë. foir té '11110 in the âme folp mAimem a moment to ho oorfbpàwd wilh illefflûté. fi 197 Itp (m the put (et buekw» J'I' 6athdRm (et. Ille, Réflettai emd"t, M, md Rot ifttobilibillty. no. doubt ho in Ant, cwttlm*. A gond -bae,»,Wý bill lâll§4i#4 like otbff igm !ti»tly tlotètevw Witt fmmt tilleul met imyr net mr4g» onnits dM&il» t« ne té Plm* ,VfY bmy., il" bu, in , 0ovoý, lie the A"MOR, not ifètofttfod km flpply te muse. lýrtillvi(Inftl cetillém'. stP111û«"ý Ileyte (11"hav»à the doties of lit.-& dift1ý et. tmm.,ýto ilu tnwn dogit% wmé ont$ li(*#IM In & mtiet*mm7 In baye ait*. tr Thé ettempt Io inver hm pw,. Je, hommal »t"ding aitit, AmIléyý Witt Pm te #Atmb te the. ttnk.." they «tll for nf)l-v4lkb wl$h lipy &#»no bhn»,whn til ttm!ttllý%e '4*y wentint "M tint Ile pRit k»W mlleï Kitght Weil. ýqîtléiI Jdtfbvl. Née Ypàvàý WhOft sillnift in W ili bel si #MI Algil litukop. ', -Thie le a àntk-o in The, witelel;î tu ,grtt,%t iièbtàttt,. lltllilm '*et* tbvf%?Y- glisatfigt thut the "&,fRq» Of fflngel In. whore havtt hf4d in e%0"4110 gl"* lýPrd gpomew wu the mik of the (looty tho mliftmévl in & manner tri 1 %net ý«Ill. nfeq, meillim ibitbmlbt -,MYM# M ' týttf4b (Wbtijd net lie lâintfékffl thlit Sittelle, I& or tWi- Amweittew , Vont, nillen titi K"Iitt. wom ho matin liaptomme for Nfr. dl, nt vill taktb "tltism fier filithfm (total K*ht, lit thé Mt moologit, of the n1m And they vreil l* migrim ifthey (Io s 6 Oceffll <eoitrMI. Thim in mette Imily. titi N l'W thr* the iriovmnmýb of ontu hille, iligl. 04 îè if-w»ll klevin thm bolly. thfifo wilt,4 -a »»"Id in« le the rmffl (et fienie or obwbwlo. otbetlif*lle in lwfgrmq And the ne its 'rhocalim et thin. br&"Ae-thum ig,»$ pet «DI no domllet witftoý@b a difftotdbmpmMv« tbo»hippnet)M sigxd débl of vrfbrle in this, dlw*tift. ý tl» (Iftaby Congum te lépply Omwm. 4 Thm t~ i*. fin. a ridé, alvs . the fille# à"* wtdlo Xge. gnl#bt In à Retort»6i*, vol lis étirib to thilie " il *nid un àk«Y A" gel- lent thé lr(Omifr à* hn11djh«ý ilim Md ting à port ilOurte for «4m, And twe if il lenibrit tARàttb il@ rédn hl fnelling Ibn, ilisy Witt ne i pfdwml tf*lltig Mmiut., iNir. Kiel lit, In dim loi i ho hl d". tbtW Aitty in the l)rmIofgfý th, t ille jimint to lO qoiýttwt ilýba the t1eli ifitof the qllfRmIty 1*#*Wn bfîm. Kntght tete il%" nt lert,,ntl4 PAY. rà the «Iiior (et the wtwtr limier, in An flo, motit now fi#*# thé mmifflo, a" ill nt,# a siffember of lhe ria Poutid. -Mi 411"p them te à 41"07il flonitty Cownilleil WhO voukt for Et wi tel pliait litile ment i'tttfllt*irt the lit" of libtofe«nu voil ittelit w0h t"ro ie*thifk uffAir; Il in ii»Nbrely thst the' fief, m' met «Ilft ès illýlatte,1,y !in paylibtbt 1 gwiltnr of the he for,1111h ometil-e illiriýri4otl il? *fk*hf*Yed If h«. in o»njth to mrry tint blu thrmt end go lent - mlliswm S" ialteb tif* own avem M> the Villinty (lotthoit loi cyder tn 96t in AmIflint'r, ýýA Ibalm rele hie trofflèded 44bity; bill allo foi tint ptenfinetit (0 I.th"Y iaettly, and il he ahfb1ild 410 iwi p4f, ý I<iniotht My feet in, A, ma"el, of Imif4ffus nim*qdèy, ne MRden# thO no 1441 11, Witt ber en lent 11,01 m nt Io hie èem gef jostiée au m listeill nt fi 10 Ne, Vw> thé apýmit tus Witt lie m«W te - him., Angi vl«w vitli d»ý,Otm«A#p"" my And %,Vfb the lewbetw»,teb "Ohm"$% thol raby lit ««hff Riilmités wighst liq the lpo.d thé, vellior. we apim b(ri Kftlms, le-1, and *1114 Yi finit ('I»ln end font ve" moi« Moi tom àmk* thé of t 44 me-lýIIWY, 'fils (,Mffo'à- flogiolum, la shape. Wu m m 0"""# of moi lit (et Itgli a *,rttv.al ma.0v«, momffl thlo- Sillet tete qgulté, oýmmu" (W ne - 44m4w of thé OP-4 la ««. wwav.h the ediw of ow Wýimbr, thm #Md M(ghiliqoe Aille ltibrtle âwmmt lit*# if doq9mb« mu# 11111% »pkq"ý W Me le@ lie »Voit b"m mapod With noir IWP., x n%,» of ami ofnt* whm Io Idtt' êbelle Viti her ibttiov Ilet» on k1w the plibitte ftmot tO Md hiff t prelliw the O»m. I-V* fttt4%dt go@ ati4m th» moi obux» lithe hum milicite élidant hiva ft* lem tri the (P44, &M tjimby preming tbeen of the Wa Pdr 0** muél# 0* ire ICOWW cet î# the, IUWIW lit f4 -M M%* m tmvm bat no Im th%% ýfëmts. timu tifillemi, d. - %0 défailli iwl mil Île, ma em emir lie: »«Vbw fw by the il, Md in tble «**Mdm, int, if il lit wemit wlw iotwwo beige oswomy Viti !hçk fWeler tgleils tho, vpiry Ilion wm týWfèro *Wim mir lom t« wbbb ogtwm we, hm weg, Pderw mm woëlt ànd vOlikik le hum hffl . **O«rt UW lt»W» ou m Auto wu theb ]»,WWIWOW 1110*1m, f» cm t'hu, ww thmot.,": la" ilis mwlug ho Md ombohr tba tê hft mine, gemyl èqq*-»- 1116* nt gàwr-m Iorga te, »W boue" W 0"0wmm ýpglw 1 *I«"ý *« », mllem. zà«= - !".-