~#z~ '~ '-s' -FN DSAY2 TU.ESDAY, OCTOBER 2 N0 1 . - - a - 'c' 'cf r et 'u4 p &êShOgutg b~ 1*g~ Org~i Oe~ I!At~ VILLa, e Es, w.., Ij~qr ~TOOE. 111% t~ TUFFS MUT. >EPP~R, g ,TORJL *~ ,~,ii 1KM, WIftu¶<. ffAlIAOd' <.j1r4, A4~. k fdI~ > u4,I't t %. i [OLM. AL& e htelau W of grain. Trie 2ON. Duke ichojas a u1Trifg from lver SIMiGULÀR RORSU DlTSEA"x. -sepal t. aA orepodet 4OMOL, t -A singular dWqase LoemoerSep.. .&A~L.& 'Si lnoamnn§ethe horses of thità w'fth GenralKfoff, who commnandsahessbv the force eDdeaýVoelg to Preveât the >,igh o e a i s.hae A. N 'lY Ct0flB ltO Pevnasays the flrstîiiaved sccu m donthe amai s th et _________ Iurk1ah convoy whlch -entered Plema avesucmbtrothe gmae Non Bth" LATET W R NE S. OflSSte <i 2,0<> vago@ . h. property of Mr6,John Peters, which temPted to hold the road at a point noIwon thé. Queen'à plate la Toronto tvo xear Ple'vna liaI Osman PWasha , years ao "'i.t& smd a fWMc whith attacked j ao hlm iu the r.., and oblised hlm to TEFMN NIDA ( RY 8pecl IpTlegraph ta TThe Pout.j -witUsrand leave the miKl open. On 1I THE DON, Oct. I N&MDIA.icr PÂJUa Oct.lst.-b Ruu~aathe.-Soda! PaW ee reviewlng the aciiul effeet in s W"st' Buhm« de' rnd.A&ter oo oitc inge So <a"Presideney of the famine says th,& thu" the.aolution o! h the road, unknowm te the Rssians egseroOos h peen ea t nMbetween Rumala and Turk.y r ' i<.4r<i~~ ti qnemt Ion. fli h oimiÉIteend ofJune were. ,C bove the beaoug-wonetit. Dauge theldingeip of' the&etw.javerage. This probably dlesnfot rep- Imm ,a Todlebenamucceeda Gen e- Zone o<f Plevna .jtua mDrtality, and we muet add the- n Ztaan "chrenf af to the ffuc d llttack It. daaoceurrmg Sisaan(i mot oÈ&cil o! oun abefor. Plevua. lm~Sp (~Slf~ asi Ily reported. irî> ILOlr"71r . tou mP h& r& mlfYlng bis Mcand apparently ln. Pasb.j98"isto winter; here. Ti.are JPet coamenclng a fourth Mnid U nr en t OI 5dhe t l2dandlMCU4iibea; ItL.. ainaeSconius-ïud lie rnUdin! PPRERENSION 0F A COUP 1>' EýT.AT. ses. Meaim taked tlb. UISIiS, thetrenches la fearfuL. Thi eate AIOt s. none Cwm* LuiiiidCB3BI44I~ SIg*tm 011the ovat Roa nlda I. 1m:vx cold, but the officers and mmr last nlgt that the Duke de Broglie el positions. that e tc 0terposta wlth pluck and, b.d reslgned from the. French Cabinet Mille t, o, .lllaw thesê àb oU09VW$.ve Go LIivd*y doi en Kapadtie umr h5 resolutlon jcshdalarm. The apprehensioîî of a tt.t~ 0mGy ohi*. k v ,,i..I' lin*ofte leaders !li of h ovent u~sAresre1 aryle eoulvern0m's ta esg irth una l gio lou In crrespondent thinks the. Boumis- iorcfie coup detat by the Go, eleit M0 a %etlO cl ion WlM B were the Russians advanclng as - IDu"de Broglie. and certain <of bis col- niut f G~'ei~m1 ro.o iesUseraii to destroy he BOu»maiwudly on their aide- Plevua would fMIL leagues opposed to snch measure. beoea fortnight, but the RB san would be considered a preface to vin- I BKT.ORADU, 0.1. >mt.-Jt; la poeIlveyem cmplteya e. iyhve.no leuce of Iaw. The ex-empress dLIap idenled la official cides. Iat Servi&a s oan de&-, -had hy rwaW iproves of! the.Governnient'scourse sm ce- w léd eovupoarly ipe acupo l. fr l;ois.bale sdscns uigleIrglrGvrmn.I scranta commmlcuuiothenewy apolued sat wo 7onte Hlaîoy off. nease h th h onion o!The aine t it.eia d O O A.L O I I~ : or, ma i.atmul Jua receled.a mpeo!asped wi army lae a I vldedSIf t.e m oexubers th il ot. th inremgntim etc t.i1. Tim z Gowi-ihutrf pe, sy condita ov. de fthorcImei as idnet h ie eic- w)t~I~w~ . s 6.Ifel ~6 r's t e>ùpt.wî~ t» mvlled n Sud1111411 attend-4cUmté ateadcnudng h rlns.others nd non-Bonpacrtitat cil <if war as to whetber the bulk of Conservatives contemplate sa fecond SW ?AtheRiusnîan army mhould 'Pwînter lai LATI'ST -TELEGRAMES. 'dissolution, but believed the Senatê 1< ~ > 1> ~LI a. utp"waor Rounmnia. [àNoTL-Yes. c--- would not support the dissolution siriz- * -~0 I. 8< teraysBcbaest pecii salsélia <By a81)dtelgrapàto The Pôo4.> Ily 10 help the Govemument. * Czarwlftcbwezit taveySuei ___ tneiImquish the command or hlet TORON 1L.ND.Y BOARD OF E) FPA oeiknd renu me command of th. lmi-TO T( l . pil Ot.1.Thereor TORONTO AND OTTAWA RMIL*AY latpftn t flapttomns rebelng sgedr m- TOaoeno, Oct. t-hseeigAI- speeial meeting of le Board Éf ing 1. Mperou 10 returnum auederman Canavan presented aptto Educafiou iras held lu the town hall &-ita petit" Tursday, Sept. 2i. Members pre- unîru'. îwited oftot DtdIto fim the prornoters o! the. Toronito and mmt,-Mess. Grae ouiDaom woud b reardd lmot a a at O tawa PRailway, praying lthaaby-Ia'w Ieili, an1 Wray, Irwin, Lerov, BirwÀaAri., Ot. 1-- Slzwe the: aMrvai bc submitted to0the people mntin a p. and Brown. Meinbers absent, et.h e w Musselas Cousl-Gemmtlbons <of 8»000o t0h e roat 'Mr. 'W. Mewrs. F.ee aid Crandeli. 3Mr. 1He ap, Siervi» a i .regarded as cl lntavor li te petition, pointlng out 1 presented a report recoînmendlng thIaï era.l-la sald tiL question the advantages 1h. citv would. dée a rate of seven tnilis on lie dollar he Maâb lded fia a cabinet couneiL frem hsvlng an independent and diret struck to meet the. expendirure of thé ~~ ~ 'froovs have again been ordered t., the lime runnn 0sd from lie capital, prement yer.MvdbMrDeon tit 8fEifrotie mmaofiesmd u eoe rndthrough e ricli country along the meconded by Mr. Matn, that lte report jb1~edeu t rJlauhirrelnenaroute. oif the finance comimittee b. referred wtt ire da~ Àmuuflommmd ______back for' the purposor substituting! he lek»have "m sent te lie. bolr- î L I~ oonemdmloii o! a rate of six mille dr. Kram->evaz arTenal a worklngnstead o! seven milis on the. dollar.- - IER !>~ UAft W U r m m d~ndrgl .NÂ"PàNE, Oct. ist.-The American Carried. Moyed by.11r. Hesp, secouit- ~A, £ MA¶~EYW MVz&A$ Oct. 1- -Theiii1tlii orne tuae Sasi Daly o! OgdensburgW"saed by Ml i in, thaIt the finance re- ,te aI lie. 8l oembmegacmmteill I ied lire to-daybv lie castoun <oz- port, as arnended, b. adopted and thia » ak lie Pote te wlidraw, the trop ljlol( othe awn0î irate of six mille b. struek for the c<inuitned te froutier. As lie vessels inandiléout of the Napane. Téja;as ha iefl0il ~ ~ ~.riÎfnsaof tb lesdmand. lotet- vr cAbe 'id:J T. Mann,~5.7 a,! Ail hie l fabuiio s Be isetSoiEL H ff*rf ILE.Plood, 87.5î);R.S. vi-wMI e wudy tta» lad byGORIMTO DFÀATH BY A BULL. ~8 QJ.I.Kii,4L. 1?? ~~ IUL IJerea , bewever, It .Iulet NEMAKE, -Ta oinon a..Moved by C.Deaon, ff-- pe. 4Ic. wil > e uae y Rich ar rèhw»Uleadgbo n <tuayiur oui isdut te pura K m &,MDNGWDEPAC1. i abotaquarter of a mile tro aull eeyamiti oasm u E.tate~~ýACB 1fr. Dmni gansd 941Y about i hrImçodteasue u Eau" pemauesrleri.isWlftlb vsof- u r«ded.artments of m lu->k miuteosreWlu ce ad leti o10 di ticC- l biesoo, ateachers are t4IU~4î~<y,~y c~NI#tfMIg lnd mae yereoie PlylsaTt.e ~r ondéma te n' 'Î ueaaî wss ilrected t reevean crr o!t. goredtto =nU o"é - -W U otme e.auto0 thiumoe oï ot taberscro *eteacblng and conductlng the dIscipline m O S,~,~ ituber sou s V. ____4b of lie several rooms, it beinguder- Ilo Spt.30-À..OTI-.Lst<i<d ltaI leth~e rnMn1 la lnnu fibliurIusb sruiyWaY te Isterfure utlithe puwro i W0ik .I 'r..1.U U e.Oala'Ve~ ue nU.o; oi ~tI ua '~~~sazâ'vy BANKcipline delegated prevIously t10 Mr. tu. SIc.a.. 1mmàes u ftt,* i;Ii t a der <mil Wh" ;12 1I " ,.m a O'UEf~,Ot .Fo ~.PbOu.Crid h or hnat 1411II~ hiIu4i IW ,i0 5'4. __ - l wbe )me;= adim bamis saiar lla * ____________________ t__ b o= 3 0 TAr eWestern Sb"lmshave comae t&lIgi. fti 1ù0ýi<mvd tarb*%m And Iltiwi d.l >, Ur . ~(ugm. )ol ,0>wounded Bank et Montréal Nu.a Ur- ofat est LOI:FOI% I% lart i4 êatei huqbti mmu444lot*e la lmb*..et I MMêm > ~~ Bu ~TM-- 1mtho enk Lh U UUisB J2 IHO~0' III N'M - - - - oe- W. NENIJEIT (.4 *» lnh'~~i hie ail w4 Sb*publiegeu .L~aosimsc.q.g. efD.ua.li.wp..iwOsat.*. I g~ ~EEA I N1 1'55 CIP. OTTAWA. [ -iL 4in the 9t m. rw J k , g "t I . NO.