AT BOUND TOWN. No QU~O*" et o Ta cuma Moda ugbt. Weatber too Wang. tÂcàuw4 LS11? tolght aethe skak- TUMM are not mayremaike Ibis weoàabou thfe,"*euydj. »BAsE BALL ceihe te b. about jb.d 'out.- ALL* the.bots bhave doubwei tbeir Toit Suw GoRtDoI-:PuRes ln T pt olaicela greatly aamired by mna- chinits Who bave seM itf wouklu Ia who want fine andti tt priintgWll know vbere to g. o t. 8ornedistance.TIere, as a 'Fm-re Ita nortb-east 0",uuay. heavy wltm vul -1,b.-VU, oe abeto ail Iuterusted Mdt out bl the tait plogh ai dthe. tatibu"tr makian--but itould aotb. plest to eh toctpeopie. A. IANtfflux E Wnwow.- E19 , body dmires the tatefui imans'l whic h le ftanin Moivile's.window are, avrangeti. The rentral featers l8a handsome ermine coak. The oi drwback for the fult erijoyment of i iscenue la the ratIer varia vetbsu. I)otr c.rr the ladies' sle a»d baisai >y the ladies of StPaut'. cou- ,o'eatloulau toram umevl ooeu. pte1iwy Mi. Sota-0çoetet Benonflous&. Substu liumhers,. lunettes, and efrestim.ent e ifor, the benefit of the Droect . eladies havelnývtewand w i tedemervla imoliy-0f the efflcacy of this deirabl. tnvent ion could be suppled ibsu ulat to be foand lu oui advertislnf colui.ns A good waaher laa a. ty now-a- days, andti so» ,coresVeux sropgly recommended. Partlle ur 1g anY- thing oftht. kinci vu1tdo veuti l- ipec: Its claims to superlority. P". IA ?%0PSOTC.- Tomigbt aet th. Skating Riank- whlch beas boss doorot and »eatd wIltl be givenua very juter- ent in- entertalment. cal- 1 .11m htviiaff.d an uehuU. fonid ofamusement aMd ntula I)o not fait to go.and sée it.. It isa sure ta Dleaseandtistsruct. 'inavAla A? ?t= BmemNouIs-, Monday-J J Mooreraftt Bowmaavfle; M J Harvey italtoui; B iiead .Mon ret; W A king, Peterv;JDSmitii w1te aud boyienelon Palls; fi J Brine; A MtcCarthy, E Xier . Andres, To- rooulo; V Bietchor, CCAàexande rIXe Cati, A %aviffly, W Maanlton, Y Car- negl --Pterbn.o W E Dauharn, Stur- poil ýIî O 0,eyman, Kinrton C rquar, ort Perry,1W9 'f G Howorth P Mulrrkey, J Meaffber Rt s White, 70. Dior, 4Montreal; A Me. Dýonald, RaB eàfoed, Feuelon. Palle; Mrs Bradford, Port Perr ; X R Todd, lfi o OINipuov?. SrOCK.r-,AnOrne. me* Granger remaike ta 10hiBwitt whilte reviewlnx the n Ifcet pro. pations of a bovine gentleman on e:. tiibitki nyestorday that ho hoard that a Ibiti1 painteti RosaBonheur moIti for *5,000 andi that h. 4ddnt se ow a coat of paint could 90 - 1tt enhance the value of the. animal.. P IRM lditttcharg.e more tiiaatendoasl woutd gel ber to paint hie bultl làthe. %Drina. nie economlcai vite thoulgit ie bêtnga Granger coutti buy he eit at iilul. ucsdo the. Paiti ilmsetad 1 v~ysav e istm :do lana. The Indications are that tht bull will have a coat af paint iu 'the sprig&, mnt a stock Axuaret--G ot *Oum-1 I.nday Sockma kt.Qui quta- .Mmeu iiOO coumltba. - e~ Waer oeh" a avt.a. tW* rSuliae lrSybo ~ aeina bbed Rm MMto m a sep » b" m bseon i..v"vaha oa' eata tom nolt abgdaLelr.hv me"(ig u. day. wk er cukty 4tovu; aa t "B1aupm ouusfi" g a h. muet l t r o i a u* t Ot.ffa igbe'Mààmw m, vu aI1 remy.* umbu; A.Msisaodm &eam - Mi. . It. W± faot Î" huma&iy "V «a CamMW .m n rmv..Wm.m~.iiso. Ms'Jo lMn An , tdeu4 M, mince Antie-aCo641b" 1 .1f W Bwok.aqar oon;ne iuI 1" -la - w010j"à-wu feu usA ekIlà u.' Lunry vlflgnat.dli o eelraJ.Eohnson eu.tsthea is Cathe o ce 0'WUa. ae e d saorn > TEEl m@ LIDBY tioTruolan ot tava riay. If <'No. h S thviii se broi Mmes oen oiý pairJ ahopa Lind Lo. BroeS 1 a Mminy 'a -Grant.d ervE nter u& nwt Lonn beavin 0f eed lA bis"'i .' SU . Ui d sus P ComeneCaeoM inow.»hiDhly Free WJKA QÀ âmer. 0f VId les, Ce")R M" ICtOSMI BY bal lli4 t N 1 tio targe u e b mea.-.1F .UIR - be Ti i. as band OUa Luise duer i"No. £'ihnz, v r oaid ut e k B emtwi ooso tlmete que-Lonâme M te on b « ems -réki ny boe b. ova <lova b bu -- - a- - fur-th Lodor i u l ?rise o ST urda6ye:-t o4l* into. .îemu.N "IttýYi in waoewtok 1rk mla boom-qfu î .mot Gcessxl veà . 'paitontuatus. tiie&'ealéWestern PairsNo; St.Louis, break.', I tllak." let ani iuno mthe aliE.,jL, te 4S. 4 roM or ».b"obra. oam u m muy te: i thel a tes - - - -i-___M ob___ m__M bt. ome n * t à M-- Xie»" »Mi er ainsko b dz m L oumle. TheE BRCeTR. n- S A tkiSv E BtSiS1âW6 4Om Lindiau bMv oseau@.;measmmofUf-flifJ.ILl Ldon ailen. fSaud P4zm«e CEINP R ERSB ok "T uO» n M * R &t 103. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __the_»_ __Ne , ý Nacknzie)-MeadeMon, y. muid gasgug oo4t, basinàa'likelihot. Wbheii. ulanuit je tas vaughr v' Sir Jouie that ilka PreeSo Eulud mon retarni4t noext ection va bI.W I Gvrrmot supporter? Hm. je d", Bon. M.N *ea-My sMid bien ye'ro aatel ineo lane it ime acs,, 84.sthe sua' help va Rot fixe.the.'Globe 2 al lmakes mawagues 8Sastiny NOTEpOIRt. (eBut.) o Igin. MotelBaou-Hecatit bush naheK1(oloa h hum)-Oi tesbiW» Hatet aJimt=80. Benivd .Adam Oliver 1to atibu , acno fdla teawmib l. Js.D.bone -me ontora. thé fnlrh ix mO1vur o" u 0.ontof.a 't tdoutofsIal m lge mlu;. wmevavore iIi a oeotc imm.meoite l i;eailof ' DONT DUIL Hat for M:e cbo. 1600,00n u~ leard Wbta" "- e a n d fi ,WsnUTed. imupott ~. 1. *1* CIE 'ai Corner :elýe in evtr' d< stock a" iPl c h&. h ijch O XBRIDCE 'I EihiIîRha U8ICE-TAEI: irve mam Boum t ut .aiy. CI NTRALIXHI~ITIUN OOTO~2n&, 3rd, ami 494 Laave OUtbila s.7 a.a. Woov n lios ut U 15mAmluat i». t3 ia wsVoém. sJualom Itnu behige Mt 7T mw Am fer Cbu.ok at.;7p.m. LUTO LI,"y for Wblby 50 6 p. ou1m Mdy mduimy Mur.t AT THE sic0 EPORI LE5 'GANÂDIÂN POI~ Stosut J~,b Prîntingf voit Tmiai~. umuau".01sm LIS. 4ik 7 9d x KNmwIb, Mzabty lia.Printng showP QU 2 FDWW EI~AT 'WC ,of the writer au îfi ve M~e are Iot recixe. t~ - ~ . - ~6. *fl~ *fl*~p~e fl~J ste t.. ~ GEIL~E'~i~ ~ i~ a au w. u~ u~ w PME Ilinerj ELID wi Wu frnou . ~ e. BObCOU.. l'r ut.: atha Ila Ota loan en reu rwit Coisiarny, 0 COfuipassieN kt 1