'~I8mv, L TUU.8DYMOCTOBER 4. ..................... . .... .. .. LÂ~H1 WR NWS. (Bp .poeL~ M go %e ePa ~u m oue ccupleilby J jg Md Btua*ed AIt thefoot et 41%, haif a.mule fà.(=the vIacuh la e Fran W Ioî reach ed t b choua lutme LW mve Ivo eilidre. wh" vu sleepingla.the dweIlng Pmar te OKAL L 3M1 m.ral 0mw sa~ Pnviim IuJoe, G.uau X~au4 .mIw~ ~~I<~h >i4r~f I~ oullhiq 0w sWeiuleai of vMtse s. Lh*y êwlw ~ abib#Ios miu. IWM# gasftt#y so Ms )s~ n vawl8* .f *~~I Gmoeh. mso uUi «&ge Av.yLam.Ste* 0a Wr' OOAIL a.-.' OIL ~'fih~~t w~khw bore4d oih.i1.e 5 wtb Mrfthruh J.R. DUNDAS Iugoe~g ltý M~y w0 41,K 'AIE kFACY BYOO&~ Mflhiuoey s.~ RDU» M ATx~fDUE ~UUe ~..h.. m ~. e -IL L,-- . w~ W ~w&w ~ '~ ~rnfi~iinV V*V3I ~ NL~A~rf~m0W51stwoeiS.a -w miiiMd a" M dii &-TheI. M vagi mur lot l.t" sle ImuMellGOoÎrd b w6"vablebeêwu ~~iu. operat Bnu vil Tdl.bsuInspeek the. monhi wEoiuam on & .wes b. follerab& ailh uslaaud ot. lpuBy -. ohav le Shiaf QUMstttct mu-G et uw - t tu but. ~1I!, Ot. -Th Romaumlot bu tuarehy, Tw bi was sado gforcela faosl .isus rpt0 te hasatd male low *9leu si L-au mmaln et Quisi St.Unlu'at C~a, Ot, 3d.mm ~cep. al The I* ug*eme i~ ~ é tubegi eau..e eedy.m LONDOeOt. 3rd-A Bucharem daes. Patch says the Russlaumame keeplugoga the. veutaide 0f levuia, A d«pateh fromGornmysugis1ju that, Bt the war counliyenterday ~ vas reolvai te proessi vlla l.nsli A. desplch from Shumia&7» -dia jeI que uthe. KaraLom.w Ar,. h c -nw e tue. Te eaws 9Dauu.aw& caysc Howard àla-f ibfni bu, osr. togulte 1,. lv. hostum e.cSmS.e ~rbu o Mid rfus»afful àstKml i h ethbtwla Ps tuL I1 f meck fogt tim CowM resk T b*y s I but a twtrawr. md ha Coffles ri, uitw al seMERV aft 1ur hsw * Wesoeueh struck frian LORD DUFPEUXl. WnnrusX&.. Oct. 2 Su-m the PacliIc EaiIWay At St. fiulfo villa appregwit. wqzcqM. A - sent. Lord fuf*la6Vmi am quent speech et tisqahset au houes duration.A uwIruoq9t«c followed. Tii viereualParty Ift b am hmra &MDp0. M IhU Mu e wtweii tei sjmtt. DI shp CIaê fthe toda Et~C~churchvsb. dy eblpped lina Ight.r at Plsheesn L- ing. _________ NEW TOUx, Oct. &&-.The car ca and stables of the Dry -Dock M=foe Co â« conAvMne 13ud LM e t, wu b'edtht. moean& 9i ua.a lm ODae eam i wth .1v~. =Mrt - . L= th, t, aut r k A water hamin hm Mad in Brook. lyn ls reportadi imt. 1Pmsuuu, O0..--A âme brah. out la the -town of XcMrpet13 àl. à 0 ath of hem St 8U.flwýeok latinh& 1 aMd sgaodlng ruffly thruv.dam ttos ozt e toy *bu1id tloofh.ow. Id IGRAM&I leyam etngis. àr.b te tu sWimp.slug1 -luDNSeDMTELuGPo là- fo tengbg , imI UMayete Sy Ire . e e ill la~ ~~t là* bin M9M I b oo. u iikhhehod excftteydl& f-é -- «M. But. et tt beWld uM isdei re 4 l. e-- g i N tçu~s1.,~ a p ~ I -~ [MUA. V'm e bqm p *~0 - ZILWA~ I me fth 2H, IILLROOK "UHOW." [CUTOPo,.f The Put,. Tii."paai"Conservatipe dmeon. salâm andi piic ie evTùesdy va, 84 "'Oure hI verf reopect, anad diai the àrmn«emta for the afflr ver made lm a1 PretY largescale, but someow Wvoething had a discourageai appear. mmc aMd evu th. " Chleftain"»audMr. Pb=bh hied te inq9mr cheerfuss Th snnttee bad consateai four arches The. ffret aida vas at DydeLu, aMd had the motte, &"WeIcome, Sfrý JuDi, nMt fer youelt but for the coun- try.m Thi econd oposite the rosi. démeet mL .Vauce, osnateas md lu et aul theou Wa suad hum vheela tim coa b. foumnaIDl t'm plabm w»tim U <dPair et boots lu. anitherehi the sé'.ctuo.mot- te,"Languishingtale " "Protec. te u hae.Mn" &»The. hua arch, opposte SImple'.hoti, vas aagdricu1- tund struetum s, dilg mm epromi. ntlvtbmauithinig Obia number. of ~nw' «M ou!evy Point mstunut.d Tii. motte.. were, "Oui ~uknxalted iusuIdus. te." dd not aho1wthe al - m by lb ra b.mten ai but by a iola a 1It&i They were mut by mou t 0ffta'2»lanhors. me, arme& te the toeth Me %.BashiBa- ici. et inai, Mr John oc. ~te¶ am"iMdtheIi. 1a lhts we M~r. BocevurNw!'?pened the. seeh. mhl~ i i.usul tye.Thon came DE- TnpMSaMd Wm. Km.dougansd aftr um irJohn. 1?a latter by hus nustey vas a Nrmtlqljuoed Man. fRc Puab vWnu---ocdl-- or te educi asb ezpsstThe=, W" mayL Reformi em ieruatratea out of mrio., ybut they vueoeiy strengh- - hitLsaauhegmLlaeg rin *MMo hytim . rekim charater oii peehe. A.promineu &Sth Victoria T» ami vas Dot hMP mtlâa aLindsay ad th. ie wMgiveyour mders a. god *mkttJa tbe o MMTmant. 6111e. arenowieenow au ln Lbaiuy Hame maer pre- TMm DÀMr Posr la not a subsidiary' te iiGloeCr aMY otiier--not. ~udlg li reumkoc a distin. ~Sd saMamnahLindsy the other Amt eta @rm.ciaddresses te Mmeg me&by saverai talented speak.- sdurûringli.wtaum son wuabe ~.sib~ By. l 11e, Su Tues. -I.VaziD&4U la h iAssocia. -Be&s aKesChuis- , Mamuduw lek en-t 0*»ub.nl pumïaii udyomnin moi - noapoi È il Ihited te hAEcr PounCALCOMnT in Ni w liitiB Cy v 09 NOe 1 F ý Il,. i-, m