- ý ý . ý 1 __ - _. , , jr",KLý -1 ýý ý _ __ _ , 1 __1 ý 1 ý . _ , ý ý .1 . 1 1 ý .- ý 1 ý ý . "Il 1ýý,ý ý ýÏ ... - . 5 ý 1 . . , 1 . - - . 1 - 1 ý ý 1 ý ý ý ý ý - ý ,ý-,....ý - . ý ý . mommený ". . I i . - ý .ý -- ý -1cimiý- . ý ý Nwý M ý . ý ý - ý -bu 0_ l M 1 - . L ,.à.i, 4 '.à 7- .1 1 ,-llW 4#vdm ý ý F ý - . - ý - ý ý, - 1 - u - . . .1 1 ý 7 . itu 1 - ý1 ý. 1. ý - 1 ... 1=ý ý - . -_ ý imam - -_ ý 1 ý *Mý_ FEU-U -, ' ý . 1 . 1- - 1 -ý_1ý-. -ýý, 1 tom ý-_» taiuml . 1w âj ---*,Wwq - ê - - . ý T. . __ W- - - - . __ 1 flfti 1 ý : - 1 iw = 1 1 . 1 1 . . ý ý : 1 _ _ ý .1 , ___ __ lt. t tru st wu 04«wmt sui, a toubb et - 1 - ý . ý.1 . 1 ý té _Ir fUt In ý Awdam&iiimivED AT 1 1 . ý 1 ý ý ý - - %MW"MMWm ebel ' i'n 1ý__i 1 à . . . ý P» ý a --- 16;- _ý . "Nuokw fluil ý . 1 .. ý - . 1 m enu M t . _ý . ou'. .w., mm w-w 1111011111118, lm Mr irmuzum--owr lm ý . ý *ý 1 - - . 1 ý ý ý ý. 1 1411l"M fi ïîr« zz ied, smli*w lm wooulow- ýowmâf&- lu Imm lmwlmb x::âï&l è» 9&Y. i 1 ý ý 1 ý ý . loom« 1 ý . -w.eullr.« '.. - - uraý bmbémàv ý . - bée 0 "M"IM - M" .la iwnbaw ý _ . - 1 I11111*11114 w * 1 %, -06011ed ý 111110 muet *"~ »&, W" ýo»»&"»«Mm& - z ýggggtggt le ==0w, =8 SPRATT 9 --- r et t kýit - " a catum ý ,c i Il t'cr am ce . - - Mdftbo. 571el» 'r 0**tuob % .* 6.4 %W" . . ý ý atffl *Ili be, se hm wu 1 . ý . ý t 1 - . 1 . ý ý 1 1 à . unelar le ette» « Ulm Ca a ýffl goum& ' - 1 . 1 a" O" '89 1 - - àwm m -p- ý ý. . ý ON" f»»M ait . a - - , O M» »MMW"19*i-o@M. Ma y" vis, WWÀW .9týlêî##ilY 1 imè îW - ille *0ý"Umt»À#6 . ý :03*" »àtw#àà«&ý ý III klà&nM, » jîlebeï, a - -, mi . ý , W" leul *t«m S» . tub. a É%A» rXU M Air, ,à ..- ý %- . .îe.«Oew*5 «ma*wéumdb ý ...ý., 1. -mý -M& lý il, Ilgý .- un . - - 1 - ---- ý - f. - 1",o -Image, aboffltk= - _» - 1 . ý ý ý . ý 1 . .1 = - ýeJ___ _ -.&-"&-*&.;. 1 . . - 1 1 ý elqý41» iýý M gA.i11iýý *»«» . Oum BM ahiký 1 .ý .ý. e ý w1w, - mlimi ,. . ý çaiemm ah* 1 . 'F'r &Fmm. - cob»M me e= ,Mm;; M»- - . , . .ý . 1 ý ý taleug, 1 , $W#M 1 ý #% »hw~ mtloltad$Uo*iW& »"" Pauu-"W wm It 14 -----.... ý ---ý- 1 . - . ý ý ý ý 1 ý., 1 ý . . ý 1 1 1 ý - t» C.wl,*rw Oe 1 eu, -R ý. 1 il tom"&"*" . f . 1 > ý ý ne ""W lits a wavme fin o*w . W a . 1 . ý . le 10 ýý t=r illeveld, wm be, SY.«ý tbiré. Ammima m W t*WV^ . . *Obm"bmot nanumu- - L 1, «,0,41ii*fg 141 1 ý - ý, 1 .ý ý . 1 tas& 1 % V'n'. VI le 01 10, le à« ze reffleile - laabtt comm-on »&ý « au ý W- à* Ils V the 1 ý ý 1 . . ý ý ý ý ý " iift bbW% fw hl% *** mlme"l"@«. L'u:e = à m v à. ffla. etenule as MW" ý -----*- mgreme ý. ý 1. 1 ý ý ý ý . 1 '1110111111441. 01,11111f. wu Ille ý -ý-------- SEM PM&M . ft&"Cd! moula *0 ý iffl état ý el' C*o.l%*em. - cými« Irma& ý =1 *p $I»MM »Uqp, tà"m . ý ,et*e 110,y«oal ý 2 M 1 ýit** 41 . 1 ý . Wj. bM gM »w »~ , la «,àmlb W 111111111ils te , ,tàmzuz a Mr. a Guat - »_Dàq lm *W "W" *@W--" Il 1. ý . ý ý 9" 1. vifIll «Uer on bill N**Fàuo oA»*Oem 1 --------------- ml: Mt' 1111111, " 1 «Mâ»y «M wo m 11111110 beamat-hM 1 Ille MW 1111elam mût _% Il la. &@& " 1 ý CM" 'VA"". 1 1 ý bmtlboý"ý...Nffl. Rovu»@" tùm la ie M» iiiiiii i 1 ý RN ef m 1 - -ý-ý - il O» 1 ;zMe % PWl -UMWN go 1 ý A" ------ - - . "Il - .Î.Î.12F= 1 1 ciau . pilmite, 0**bia#»*,, -1 M» . «Ift- ramé-lu froît ofi aub.ýl* m;àiào-" ý. ý 1 ý _ . 1 ý 1% me.ez , 5e l . - ý de . ,. ý ý 1. ý 111 41 "= . = ,t,. - m, - 620M ... tvim ý --mdmm&ir kt 1 ý. ý à. Ili'" orgévulry ch 1 1 ýý .- ýmul &MW àlivous , Md«New* - Bbu but Ukib . . 9~' ... lum». 1 111111111 mc=e - twi ce à , * * r Mmu C. e. MMUR. nue"& spmw lieu 1 sub»MM% ne»"M,4 P"dw *001 1»,Of, I - ý, 1 ý 1 Il . allAtet.,%*Ilt.& «»Tb atc.e..Vbo , flirtiieto.1f àKiult. an mm- ý - 1 . ý - ý . . ý W" »aOv ela wffl V"Wtio Md êts gft"rà içow*pm*m etim ft". . 1 = y en" mémob la UM bmmy. ne CM" zàmà" MalIÉ& mome'à a C chire uge % ý 1 ý#01*0* . ati t>4 tobefflob a. teille immme, Illa ý mur, dm . ý 1 maille Or#," O" doi- w ft i ý ý es M «Mtbttl«44 ý j= ý_ - ---- --- ---- Ir&..,,Iâum,.- 1 . = 1 - 1 ý ý ý . . Odbo'OMv te W>." fbtvmg- %RAF 1 et tg . MM ummy. Wb" wu suf i 1 _ý . ý . . .. 1. ; .., ý f*" &t élit SV* 6" " -_ b-o-oüwwom aum.ot tu&-[Càr@W" vIn: ý lZbv, 7r4 &"-l%$UU4 ' MAUUMBM 1»01 bfé »*m en weà«ffl or *lit ex. 9% a lé ý . 1 hm~ %bas lm ou, ' br 1 G E X E IR A L . raoov D"M ý6"". . Mo» ca"folle.. - . îîîlýrAqwgàiagwb 1 ?4I.M111414-jef. .%"* a - 4 ý Yfume, 00 a mr..I. wat 1 Ci= = thm mom« votab» ý 1 . .ý 1 - ý - ý ý î steule lwwm*-%b, luitb. ,,««"« a tes, «In 1 ý . *» el't" @*»* elleillige elle, effaire omb. ý ! vres Uruk wu 1 aumem* alangui ta tum et dm mm- = = 104 mwm il* %gwu gk« am" tg" i *or~ . ý., Jae. ;z7" 1AZ104 1 l . ý ý ý ý - - . mi the, mmimm oi libe me. eowlt*tè Pè,l*.t*. ', ý rmer ý0à1 04t». 1 v W*~ h* & leffl MW a-kblt I*vk«ts, 01«*Ie« **- " z= i au ne emènte ioe% - » momý. M" bout - 4": ý Amlm , -ý .1 - . _. ý . . 1 1 - . 1 - j A luteils ftor&"«O» to*wom%%w rist. T *$OobntW ai à 'W mm a" *ale âr aur» -m tebeamueffl iocbawaamm .1 . . ý _- . - ý 1 1 1 1 rovblffl th* tel 11111,1111 extilluifficla At. ixtam =ý b«.*«W~ . ý logew howN am - I" - ý __ - .- . et Wt,,P ý lt*o 1 Ofoite. - . ob"* xràttjao, . ý *«%VltIilidt%: . O«b am fàbd" ~ su *""mm 1 Robe$& - - 7 - 'à M" mmus« et *0 - 1 100 W A 1 1 RIM vqs OIF ý', 1 . 1 . . . ý 1 1 . 1 ý ý i ,I«p»%-ý,"» ,@M% 0%1»"" Mm and Il les efflW" tbey bwM lie - ý . - aut«»M vII& = Z. "XM« il Ze =brlhq ý ý . housse th" tout tes oooom" se, tbwr à ïw" muw% = _ -_ ===:-;-.- -i& jg;;ÎM-ý i l ý 1 ý . ý - ý use testoul as a b"dred sel ý ý . 1=1 il* rlv« ta kir braw jub"It. lm , ombe ne, ý i -- -- 1 Fer um mousq tl*.Iý*titnn vot.tobs-ë,. : **#p *nid Maloi. - thel #»Meffl ox»>Moml.v = .18 som G»» ac U 1 ce *» reb*"» meuffet in 9 O" 1 . I*mtq %*el& but " jet rua t'fi thé =bo geme OWMM ale= eg=thu = = . - !n ý_ - 1 . U* "" bwut%-matuag twr têtes, 86w bu . ý 1 MT . . - ý 1 Alf il%* %"",a. M«Mbffl 0 - = te eau" ime enuL Tb" thi! w»ft Mill for thé »»m ý ý ý ý ý ý wheb hall te %bill df.wl% lutta wtomtha "04 . ScmxbvmjmL-Lmt Satwday a%** asenfugon effila lie - 1 ý ý 1 1 Aili4%4.io*là (101-,tfblàbè ý- ý w àtt6ý sbtWbl ý . ,Itwvactèkt. lef% bore tue, tba boatm»ia MM MOA*M , *0 chemin ý - . ý ý ; Toronto ()III %Ved*@Way. 1 il ble, W&Y lâta tbe subtile at No. 2 Il* ý ý . 1 . : Iliggué taeit.,rrAt es Ir*## go lietretty 01 vraiter 1 ý . in imhl- sde«mrwm. .----- -_ _ . - _.. 1 . . . , ?te* tbfbvr jukii&nt. - r4t. .w iiwbyd'o ý . QW ý ti» ý . 4 lu, the -. . iliew boîte pmte*t. tbroum the Wb, ,bè ' . - _- M»tiàatedmeýetthobý goum an the , - ý imeâmim IR , i tl",4ettttlostt f6od *141mmml*. ý ettaW *iad- roit rft.àM ffif, 1 NORTH il&-titipolt-t. ; mi te draw 1 1 IR A 'y ý 1. maloi %"*et 1 lt%»»»«Am ý the ONO»Oby Cg* su buffle thidr iuavoi. ý- . ý . ý ý 1 ;"tnt.,".,, .::1111. Tbla ; - W1,11,04no rffl. 1 . ý wah a kàjjs, a 1 ,nu -laiX. . 1 ý ý . 1 1 ý . ý ý . ý - .1 . . ý . "Il 1 * KI.IAA, jm&-:At'& rogu.: le - il.C b%,.md - . 1 . ,* Il" j .titbcq (br'Orw mi luth* %nom : ý ý . .4 hr, 1=011 LU« . %Ulm The uniant paper itft"tm thvouoth trille >lm lit a lible M«ta ..1- j . ffl - 49 1 Vf*'14ý»#gfl ttt,*Ieýmy sitilli *&*tiàerob $*-at(.Psrtmnilbmmt4»R.0t'.1 ., .g of the «lm .(*te» Leiles 1 ý -.---.b- , g bout fM ý A ]ILIC el£OW IIrG gé . ý tet1ilà ici" ý t".M,.. - , i X(A. at. U. T. A. fioegfllfý the. ý . elýt»£ROf 1 IlAte, ý te - b» ... m la peau 41 frillow - , 1 , 141-9"Pnnd»» et The Pest 1 - M _eeýtbe lm 1 . 1 .- . - - - 1 ý 1 . .1 liz W«o tiosille ,qi .&,eýric»ý% "Il %%'*tg". jifs., Abon liait .. Vie*-Prookbent > "W sbe Belliernit, and 1.1. 1 ý ý . (br'Nir..»14*m,ý(b wez s . gre, aide. Il . 1 1 . ý Cm. tflé ý ý ý .,.%tW.ha»%. illet; 1 Mater lmbella blom. $11110111gue 111M IND croifft Devai logak« limier Ait " __ , = ,G ]UqMÀ&lr D R Y, cw* . 1 --Wteki»tq%"dtév$ryrrmltàblboltamirdw" W K lh»bd-»,rriwb»r, é«I%ý ,%Unie, "»mot the yur»ul thek"bem .M,.amm Wunir 1 ý 1 ý - 1 . 1 - . = __ ý titth m ,1,"kfqr*,t Corifflatirettel ('oilem, ý lùý;. 44. E. 'siète. là" iteam- J. ê.ý . ý 1 tbeïr ad repu*We abbwný .1 : ý 1 1. ýý - . . .ý1_ 1 1 -.%14.tqtrt«l.,èbr _ à,;;. It estage whîch hall ineuly r«wdod j MW with 1 ý ý . . ý ý. ý ý ý M rftetv«l lit* tllpkma , ý ,%què. J»Iblo .I.bmbpom. (ýhàpe pouvons. ý The . trob griges, ba» ses- t 09 violence . - ý ý la . .- la a 1 .AM I, . . _ ý Ttègli êàth iwt,. or whit-h 1.1h"y case. ., . , . . -f.=- 1 ý . tien ema Àiý1w_ iniiv ffvb* 4 I*ot. W» èèf»lýw thtà» l lam m Afm, P.-K. lire Affricun 4%wm, iatmd mmb dumm trm ? gh, XV9. Bonnim ' ý ý IL" - ý& GJRMM A-W aq wIbirh offeuggril tlwtlb"lve* tub the ilol B , - >40- R111,0111111, ttb*bbk, M- lire, W- tbom lm two, ý A - ----.. . __1 ý ý i DRMU eS l)& lilâw r» Iir loc ý *rft»,Mlby. - 1 ; 1 ý leillogré, W«" tu "INL "I J-G - lx 38.. ,Ida. H»»b Itee am mrcorRaciritir.vr ro RoitÀýv ý 1 ý 1 ý,ý . ý. ý 1 1-44-vrirotèbrut for M.O,. té 'f", Ir es- térit. je .. te.. '144. %,%W@, ý(*er«%&"y -, t%. ý BAUX j . ý . 1 . ý 1 .-jamais Parmit memo. ý ý - ffl qI1AgAgw11ý ýÀfée?41 ,%»»*tl"tbtthtKxee. ý ý _. . ý 1 tg " .btive wo, itieb., (*rtbem- v P. à».. lim mme bas ratud a b»It 1 cifERS. ! . 1 1 m Afýý ý et ý wg. ffl_ tîît - -et 1 , j X 1 CATOUýLIC MA . ý ý 150 1 OOM - -1 - ý ýý#'t" "eet" of Dès (ýçutml IC'tbithits0là Mw»m T4 todge Sa fi% a ploopeu ý Wilh «L OFAM fer $$&Ulm CUUO. . . - ý 1 . ý 1. wivè (%%Ileýfi for r*tffll&Y àt Volèrenfix ý btatk% 1 1 ý ý 1 - . lw;ý, 1%. ýe.éottwttà. - ý 1 wjugm. »v4t,ýé-. .I"A,%Y. 'ri," wateeio I'u»il hqm te 8-U tg thit bwwmt,; Rail. Father St&Cxd, Of Lbulurépub. ý! efféri lww ittarffl Dit ttti (,'Iltcm4lt ?,%e"nbfty Mff,élrd Alwil *W. am 1 Irm lie ,»Y do m . ý! Italien, the mnowwgodrer la the camda ' ý 1 ý.ý . ý . ýý IlKi - 1 (ý -& ý r",Ietiq % ýtbl*týIt lettagui wetablibaismmit! and bas »W lever badt , a ta* or muk! CIRUM F,%Ç.Tmy.-M.r. D&Vid wil. 1 . . ...- . je, il 1-': %1 * k.: -;'r % 0b ,111 1 , . ,k(.ý,V-I) .1()II-ýV. J", Ilý,.%%ýmtý4 %ho# pleigue skobt*.ývasm tant ý dativ. - . ý 1 . : logelÉe Arbitres, faetwy bas cou, m , 1 , 1 *Aow iowmtd:- ý .. . . . 1 W e. eomadm tly M& 1 li 1 l ý ý. ý ý ý . ý 'Vr0 t, Nie. .1111t, -11 . ý .1 . 1 - Witt Iblublègero fil 1b* orf. : . ý ý Abliergations Atiffider more ravoumbb e4rý i siR'-Tt apeegars vue bave a Yffl fleur, 1 ý . . . . . ý ý . . ý ý I.; A, , ý 1- ý ý I-ri*,tt-il ttf fhe% 4ktft whieh la b"inq à A. à f - -! itti' ý t.ttv aiVfý ,ý ý ý 1 ý 1 16000VILLE. - ý e*mW»m tbm'em'o'«#. 't'ittobeýP-eý ---'-"---------ortum ý a j OOTTOM Faon à - 1 tteetlt,41 fout lit" Pibrtxv4o of t*tng allait, - *rll.k.r KX. J. lit trëb - - "">, gel. Nf#»!i#N(., "Ige, elèt, 1 fAe AWisom-týtT« 1 reiut«tm tient ýW!cV»" do B« Uâe; en b"ÙZ le d= Z -X sebout! ý ièlel.:% ý)geItlè valin, 'th" I.e*%,,t &(Mill! 1-(«O ,%Fi. Witte -mate .ý ROI« PA pzilligi ý ý - 1ý 1 1 ýèlb*v* of ý - S TA P LES ,iwgmm ý ý . ý 1, . . ý -Jmrd te the Aime internet in 9 ta bramh et pro. 1 eerdâmeZ 1 àb&U lie jetiffid ta give a t 1 - . 1 1 et,., N titbijeý ý%lt-e,ýib 1,',ýtt'imiti ý%q*(..#*tlf,» ter A le(' ýpAê%t wrt& have raèli«t (',(battitilol, ! I$W-Ibt"4 or.mr. '41d»Y 31&ekmài* th&& ho 1 , duel thau 1bryý do. Cheffeuge, wmki« la momium olom hwwhed douffes . - ý 1 . IRTMKG& 10 el > te i A lit 6: 4, Il, 1, et Illit, lé kt §îd "#%'#'or'*. .gt,, ,4.,Itbýt-ýé's-tl te, mtti-el4l liège ýj»eA-I,%I 1 n1dit, il4obnàm ta frt4i't tm.n and vel't'. WAgfêè Pm ont 08 Merle wbils aW*ber %vit. j moffe, proittabje, thm ImUsr . Ca je riM ;ý ý .. z 1 1 ' ; #"êýt-1 4't, lé. s fil, emetbý etý'ttiý,abf. .% fk4jjý . týle'Ik-'4ipbttb#qviefibily. 144%»thirktbr4ýoffl t,%IP.Irt*hýw»ablowedtorumin. wliblémiabouri»thepmdum. ! clam A. ale TMMM This 1 . . . ; 'i ý . ý othr ta cm. . ]cvE]RwlruLq4i - . _ -1 :1 t- I.", ý .ift..jib,,q,ý ,ý tt.,Iý".,t",ki. , . 1 ,*il it-lllèttry wli%41tbwpnlo watt tonnelle ý portait tas toittite»Àavi "ewltnmtlèas 1 4%s..mmr,% Dip.--Tbe yacht -,Ladyof ý "ne for 10 mAm, but lm mm titube. . 1 ý . .1 ý ý . ý , .- . ý 1 i :.fNýwl:.el.,N: ý,:ibi, elitt'qv gelé t bbe Aile ý %%'t'(,Okvtql*y iblwlbt ilb Imrtrl* and i ablillibliont wm raned ta the pr"r.o" et 1 the leke" betouging ta this lichette » 1 one such premium ta lie givim esch ý R &Y & lS 4 ý. ý . . ..- - ý 4 m itqý-"k(Ir W4%tert.tèl*itlr. . W A . 1 . 1 - lefiýe.v %:..k"lefiýt-r t't'bbbe»tt-%- iv,%-§,i.b. . 1 . Mit. K Irt*b. but bMh.partimbourilly , wq4tmst.igr««Ml.akel&UbNldgy&fteeý.v«r. 1 =it Isourown &ab îfai' " M". IB . wý -Aý Gý00»w 11w"& q,,-,-l.ý4 e,% 0.1 %V(,r,4teNý. ter Kîqbgýi4'»_ %N F%1-1.,%-4,%,Vtqbý.blit(blt rilb: ilrl, 1 (4bn»mbbtrd ta let .Mr. Ir.l*h rematu la i ima wherAit. audden aqumiýetn-« ber: Normal Juge whieh ào Marly r ý - gué 1*.gt.,(,.q V lo%,* .%>,ot rt'tttHl 4b fIrigt_,.Iaý * ý Cq.%ýý;- % rit.r. j #«q, PA, P,«.Iif,,e #le ,Ilbllc 1 roinr4tdtratl4)vb of Mélange èèBAI lbdrlnitie*. ý and lire 1 dviffl. train lm, ,«ýba*. l m ý ý , ke the ùum, boucle ta the ttw- 1 tho»amb et our mSbey hm Salle h": l'HË RAýYLAýiy-P£AlâTtD BOAT! tirent and QA»b,, .1 ý 1 i ttfo.% , ý 1 --tt-ýt ... 1 1 1 . 1 l'g>-'I'.> ,'Zlbt,. Ill vorir tant imiow Ici ttpe4bk. 1 Mr. Irtielgg bwtnw perbape mroith4et met- 1 mrottbmeon bearcL Ponu»W l yieided ni fin littie advmu4p, -1 bave 1 ý RACE. t land it-bi lit th" imbtg.riý.tlit.Ikl(blbtg(bibitry djbti *1 tlèli. The witilfffl wore mlli" fui . . 1 me V*17 enCourupibal. as Ca» t ý .ta 1 liait ibuir am sien* wfth th t the bonne ta bel youm truly. maïs an âought atter bv ad -, -1 »#'bl.-,$ *,..($,Iio"-t.ltoilo t4ti.bm*.! el,;iý-:oýN el : -l'ettt-tý 'Iztibetýipil.lt.(.Ibefflt ý .et lioll ý ,tibiti A liat l'Otit4be 94b bave ý Vigtirté in a laoat grouffit sin = 1 1 ý &W .1 ê . . st"bi.lt ý . - . - ýýý 1 ý.'t, i-,ijég-,--î.,ý rit "Izt. %let eett-l"4 ('*eheý , Pmunmuvwr-and wi»tbeywould)mvebem@4%bemer" ý . 1 M. ST-trrolm P. P. ý IL%-IÇL£-X X ,%-rcmjuot,. claud" -inthe laffl cities il 1 - 1. ý . . 1, I.-gI P'tetoi. -ebêt-,;ýq'Orty tývtfitbeýi prrektiltýIît1léglin, eelkq.-illtttmitbe4wing .0,1 tlbt.*I* the "*'bal tOur*i'.ih eder tbat!ottbrtNdffl 141lows. The la es - __ . .- 1 AUAI. 4. cOmomm preferring the lied raiegu ý ý i.q.,....ý, ,twl.-e. ,4flý6.1.*edb élind 0é11 ý Vb"",f,éwîî-!ý' j, 14'bt ý Ilt-ithri,4e %vltlt*,rt.ebri»ianti. ýrhj. loue Witt%@" gimy oubli belle the. etidesbee; thinkind about »Jadinna=to . - : The grcat bu«MRUOUÙ tn*mlfte hm& th!â. COUUtrv M amnat ni Irfè j , ý 'é- - .l... ý. v , ý ý ý 1 ý ý :%-eitiéivitètti ivkiki illttql.ittbtt fil mm ltktWIb 014 i . offly tilt%% 1 Aille Abat fil% ý Of »»Abriter ftnd «averti big (bwlb trk-ti, j Ibo l.itWmy yacht clute Alogum. ý ý 1 sirirs Qr ria wEKKý es, ý._ Il- ---.-- 1 the lg..,egqrt, ,%.,iq r.-em'rtt'ti lit tjrv,ý tiae"-: ttiiitlty whjtl% je, féit-t te . ý .ý - ý . race betwem fiagiel Of TWcutc4 Aud sw«tU»*. Our local dealer% uM ti 1 - ý : . 'Ville f,41 Il$-41-h- i'i'"tb.,ttttý. ý . n'Il', %van ali 9 t"tid . lanivt AU the witber»r*, . z Plahte& of Xew York. took place as. fkrubers the D«e*-itv of fee&m t lýtitoitirt. . ý ý ý lie-t-lei ý %ý1 : 1 . ý ý Aigle m tel" titup, *et 1 bà(t lxb ,rlflbt to églir. 1.1ft ive= aq aura Witb»»%. à WUM* i txiglivouD. . - -The Pebmyha" oit buùwu la - 1 Clutleccm.meodwhÙe on the Pm ý ý ý ý ý %ý1gbP .94-ri., Awl rv(,tb.fqý 1-e tlbt'ilb witlý(biet 4 werrlfbike, nie 1 tild t'et-; anit th@ Pftvaèlio 1 depremd a" humirella, of mm &M,' TOrOum Ou Wed»"KY eveaing sr Mx, imprfflion in t 1 t'.»'FU$PUIWigrl» 44 Ttné _ 1 - th« a Wmer numiller of soir ý-, , . ý ýý %j\'ý 1 file 40. ý%Aiil ' 4sttkiline fafý dite ?-éth . s:.'t . ýeo tiiebib fil% il%" .trr4r't. tir know ý - . Ar puit a 1 1 '.Vscglleràcalàg.--Therci,%= ýdi»p.'"r&'Sdymki«eMWO-"MIL . . -1 1;, l' . ý 1 4-ill?0.1 A.. èe.g"ti.tKgtretbbt"t»t (-Air ýjbt"qe. Witt, tbnqI thrrht'j'oit te, do t'tbuxtabto to MA»Ain 10 court ý wo»ld au bave 1 -iafôrmuicà bm' ruched. ilavans ter by tire brut, kmgtb& The t fau fer ý . 1 ý 1 . ý ëtar.* poiimtopmt telt belle in co»nuenS of lu 13%- this Aibeam "Il . dite ..,.ýtftt .qlv4,4.t. w, t1em elle VI,* ,(.reüOf. #"de a mistake et i ; th" aft brindred "raoua haire be- rime la givS ni 14 mim a" 10 ý . ý ait Nèglily barin ibittil bit and 8 Vf*»' » ta aft , the 1j"X .. - - tétov 1.ýtt-t,,%* *-(,(I,6$1 svýtlàr."*41(bn ý ý. pertied removai et the P.&Y. of the *hènls intended .ýt" est,(»tr %vt»àtt ttb the txbies M whieil tibey livert, IMINffl4b$bt OM-0 . .Mr. Xwke»RW' Cbarl"'ràylor front the Oakwood «rý kined by au eafthqùake la Venezuela- ý »-s.- watt the race with the grsureu $Mvmeng wortid lie ,uneh imper, 1. ý . 1 . 1 ý WtA-41wwiiib.)ký; jbtl.tejltt.h*$4th.: ýteb)-I»X. and oliquimi vtho thopartk.q M114b$tok»wtmvnbtel ' »dv&P*dlrtilttoftMWMonind.Mr.Tayoirhim- - intàm feeting hm beAm &renard in i -ý . . . .ý . ý. 1 ý 1 , - . 1 ý 1 ý la the' law - *&Ibd»rtw- 1 »rit refflt% baveux ta &", bus bows ta q;ermmv *gMe« the Socialiste egeS. -1 Va" Ovation w3s siveb T- close attendue culanor lie p" 14t .,».%Ni A!, rite tàr*l$41 wer'r ('tbtb*Wttbtlbtty yt>il Witt mwé teint by the ý him in the rr bu Tt la es&Wmed, matter of feedine as i..fý.ý.,ý>é-,Ktçt:tv..ttpq. 1111ruien the Fm- thu forty tbourand persouà witDemm ." ".t%. t4.44 , iýil'eb (.f Ille ,.(>liq tif 'rtetbpýttfbtb(-ti (et. 1 Iput kfeb b*wiv, Able Wie. #le Ili . ý ý ý . abothorlly atý-Ibat fil 111, AI ImWl*tmtu % t fi in 11101t'ilbe wili of Conférence. Tt bieurma libely: rem« 41'mPt te Aeffauluinste =e we4ht 01 taule ta o ý - ý 1 ý ý (>id.tk' t-('1(14 et- Weke ttblli t4tbebt4tbl.x hogir. olbe, Wtlkbek In the siburibloi lmporlar,4 nos ta zèllow Mo VrItAl 1 'VI bit finir t4kti bibrib -rit of t irir lèotrl witimilit a bmrwbatatwdbériav& Mr..Nlarken-.thu ii Il ý A 1qý e et, lo: cm 10 - ne :DVA bave a cm c 09 Terrer. . the rme-z-the àffl« crourd. ev« st« »Abri te the larmers and rire, 't'di-et m Pt-0 e'vrrNý 'P'e-twilýe, )b . alem i -Soute twelve butter factories are ta Amthebay,,.ý., = Mai lie km thse ].») Ibo. . iý.ýt..,-.: b*- .., 0-if(..ttt ét»«.tt, - ý *4 »I .., . bée, ,..;t lé "Allée, noti fier Ogéo t*btt.ltt &if Webrrt4#kt. igilègi rpé tIb" tbfAlw*g'tht'Y batil 1 att"kt rrtttwtlonm on 1ùe U«I*tmt 1-1 ' lie-- a«- -Mr.! lie ntarteil this spril in the country 1. ý , 1 . ý té are, ý srhumer, ac. 381aisser. tg la Md& h»: télé .A- téri.1% etueltyot Wtb% .bot célinub *eiri(,ýt.a rtlw*t istèreffilied for. With v"mrdtot4, tpeen» tg" the active vu qt the i l'W r q f 01 prions five weighu la » 1 . ý - ýý ý- < . . - Agtri-MteýÏreffisceil rMeq liebvt,ýtuk 1 ulgré; - lm ' ' ' Ili ai " 'O' conn- ý L(&';ý7 OF I'ft)r 'eSAP.DI.VL:l2-f. - 1= -CbMee, for e port. eai ta iç. 1ý,;j,- g., .. tt--Aý.te(.bqlo, , ý . 1 si *4 %,-sgkgýe% (.#q,.Il b bill rtilý%vibN qý ý 1 - ý Ifflèbere élit ta WttnttAbi 11>0 lit molibit tè». t'bar" Or IberJurv bPO«ht augillest -Mr- ý uÏlaiMrr owing ta failiog heMgib, a" : ty- 1 ý - tint cim for tend use. içi..iii ta # . - .- ý 1 1 ..ý ý élite, -t'Ft. ý:t*"*It'>;. Vieil ".'btol4bVi4bt" , i»rt&At4itly et tifigtt effile of ilielliet and Blittand fi lie due tri bim ta sait teint ý "Otruiéwm owag ta Gers»»Y ý -The.%"apm» Bmzwr - bas reeeived second clam fer foie unc. «.Iàij te jet ,,1 Il itt""bttebit %féré 1-,,114!0 .%14wi.tre4tqi to wet effiger e,ý(&»btnilbg thirtma wittieuii* the ý - 'ço'-fflARD-Two ' 'LOR-ý d thîrd eh- for igcal use. 8; ý,."!.. . &- - J? %tOl,ç.; >: , 1 le-vil., -,...%tý tetw$,(.(. fief Civerffl .,ý"t ý Tien eiyn Tcitima-tm 4%Zjr.*-Tbom' Ivre 94ffltié mmbyOOID» gra"'Q in Ah , AN Exptotqo- '% - 't'Il" ,%11,4t% 1 'Vilk.r,ètl4 for Obele k4I.I>Mvwlbqiibti. 0,gi charge %vol* tisttebig*d and ttwýrew»,; lie m extiffectation muwa the KUJM ý%_XD ttrvimaL P£"Ext;mt* AII& lu 1 tt..zttte ý (,I.btbsb*ttqr (Ili Allée. . -Temps. t oux" in tient taira. They me«ured' ., -v't-4bttl4ltn%«(bt $fi tibe'leb4,rttistg,41ld r(qbm4lurlbtly 140 foiliblistion for il. ý ý ý IviraKu. ýý ý ý ý 1 .1,,v i't't'. b:,'q.ýiw»g1ýr .rborge î4téb ýttbt-ir ,lit jffi#N : &bons figre toilettes la ditueffeter. L . SU=P.-The urivaLý anteimt" I.t..",,t." ,vfIl ,Ai-t-4.1"#"(,(Ieti, ýr4.»érowt. file' g-artwq t-«Mbkqb6 tèb jit.lit.t., %Vtbïvýlb 1 .,. , rnnef peuple bière th&& a mogremient ý 11--At about I.tk .%ý te securethe àd,.,,- -Tbebill= iugtheB»krqx.tet Io--em,.çDiàat. irelaB& May » head the fi2est oei« led%, 1.i.eet-tt fige &M-sttterity (if t.lt&, . . Mis vourity of the meur Tempe. ý. 1 ý . ,.jne ý h4ýî.eè,I% flotte. t-Y twteb ý jAè%rtirý tbellbg, «Pý - ý 1 . will belitarted, . iw the uni Sta% lesse p.moed the throeo*clqckyester"vtbe-&Ilanueam- gwddemalmd for export. pric" 1 1 grAt fi. krýllb th" libellée s(ýwar4in, it#.,,trp.,Jt",qt . : . _ ; Semie wille au amendment providkig ersZ*fflnimarrivediaLouzuFayWto Lmdweitj"tosikétortir.t#:I"-ý.A ý. . 1ý IZ ,ý e,ýý&ý.,ri,4iý-t',ýý,-týbttýel,ètbtlýqa,.Vi. IwetbtqI (.vý ý am Act , ., The nehbobr. ý . . -% ý ait Ilt-r '%I*Jmýtv'* Ilieizé, ami 14,.Vatmlbl> , j k'--rre-l»-mttm,*,4 11.0 rwýt. t . tbut il ta" elft« on let Sept. recci- -98 &" P--W- betOft e. for.eeond. tend e. to.ýej for thir l'biec ,, itv,%IKr.ite" llttt>tll(*e risr rwrwry-rbtýtreu. ,fige, I"itbi. il,,, a% et fflevboreM$ttý XA:rý ý ... 1 à.0% tèott blètbw ont*,(.$*Iev t - Derbilleut, tingartoý York; . 1 - l'-i ,l'nt.eitý%,. -týttt.q (t'lm "'&'Iteý 11m 1 ',t.,A.ft, (1(.(,r",ébt,. tttobt,%tbrthi*lblm.e »AI vielait 'Voo. (1wi4rtt% (*%>iè. 1 * tllel»l -et vuedac of Catffli« and proceedim m % ber tuguine ý1datitil -SpRtNu L-%XnýL-Were la fai'r, ,;,tbk,-i," lb .bbfflkit.n !.tb)*.b.ttlfI twegvy-%4. ,ý, ,,.,ý..(. , 4. V44 trolv, t;b:ýb. .and liM blivillit carffl . the nqmki&, fints in ta lie cauw by tue Mayor of voyante. Sbm«y after -,lie c«» tu Ail- PlY ai di for finit cla.k.. .-.Àý*»t to iè.-,..-,u , là»d'ay. ý ab «MY dajr ta conglider cher au explosion oeeurred in one of mergind. and ,bief (,t.tb*tébtblim . 1 (Plt-tbié%tisbit lier 'ýtiaj"ty»tt ýlirtbdvlv llibi ir lit full tiivw tient victoria w» -M-'--' fer -'!2to,*:L-,'xtorthird. - ý NIAIM OS (III& 41 1#194%" *88ý:"ttte týti-titi'o.. fi, grtigt1i'r thr Illéolit e-Itt'r. I't-ttA.9*(,kbewr ý . %vith thý rébliebwigord'pioký,mnbnw: - Ath. wbeelle« litre liur. Nager tiffait the Vow ý 'be .e,%imîng -sme id> Ï!Wn la thas the cent te,ý 1 - - ýý . 1 'býi.-.-j.g- hrwéd lié IM't .ký(ý14.tb tit the . tite.bvoJ. W, lblèn«« let!(- ýýlbortý% &AId nibbbbrienwotte kxWK4,* ý baie, City. ý . 1 surs Md the veau' 'mine C.&L'V»-Wet'e Pientifut and ý , can be taken in ores day in the w ý diatelv cattabit, Me. The pummmi%& in Alfroband se ellif, to.,i;Le 1-1 ý ý - ý(i-tt,,tr%, t.:Vtts-vittion $4 %%-t.rkittje lier. t-,rtl. PAI-) Yrtil*%-. .%14V :.rit john atiatrtb tâtivriren the '*Coiiebiebinge of - ! --.*tfarméruamédMeloche.otCane. the forecaseje, wfte eut Off f-- thl:ir ta X, -4 for sew _. . for il M- 8-IaL., . . .ý 1 1. ,ý 1 1 - , ý.- ý ;,.i:fIN.. .. ý ý __ 0ovve. fier tégeing ti'runk Âbli the. xtn.4.t t)riilia nuit "l veille ýot'r.mvmosi. to»tv e4epu "mid lie takm ta rem the nu and .1ý! to,4 t fer tt b:ý'r % il, tý('tti % r %t et . v.ee'ý4 (* b-4% MN- gtitqi i-tetkibbst lkial %if . i, navraz». Ira& bunied ta death theother: Smradmmiforgometimetbe 9mt, -tt;lobe. . * - - . , ý . ý va feuillette of the preple. ud If the »w Il ..ý ý .ý . . t ý (bt-ý"0" "'%lb'tk%449el ,rit-Ite-9 sbmteh betwren the, alaffled and WM tIkAt'ti s'tg igind eemé». note ilb tir;atlte stitbate ibien of thug Pl : Art rave lie carried Ir aboutit lié dons lui ai.gbt-in tryinu ta rave bis mille as a est Confusion and cafflerrigtion prc- _. 1 ý ý . 1 il.-N ý("ttb.%Vtbtiibtbf-rtltt,.rmt.lit.bq(,f are. fouble. rfttuot-aibtl lire vrbich coammed bu barre, stables. vîule& With sonte, dilliculty the cap- "Millier abrast Iftt*ML ý- 1 . %Vvit %'tiý(tpq4 tir Igby.lbfflet wtb"4 (.4-obbbeè&tte4l ta gébol for tbittfiibu the Mo". lit thèb evtmiun thrre ý tinio te nive a fatr'm«içe before, gelait ý and -rock. 1 tain vrait able ta týommuniSe with the i,é lit 1- tert4l ne Wtxml ý ý Fait Wbffl..... _ ....... fi '.), .', Il 1 N IX 1 r A 14 0 QUA g-t" vill. '11 dkkýé4tê% Ibètred WoI,ý e4atilrtl*y. Mèty ; tais oprmtkmnums year. We am te 1 ý» t-s e. 4'ib:tlkterqilny Att4l rreteéqtl tbo:*)ttt ý Witt tilt il fîtraind toreblibiler prfte"tolmot ý bave a publie tempeilleure Albeet Som: -The betrothM of Prince .Intàlàr ta »bore. and the teleçmph wirffl were 1rc,:= ";zý;ieé,.-,ý---- .. 1 'imi :W itiýé. I)è, mettellabb. Ibo-. ,,IAbbu. ý tilt. .\,k4bit-V %Vrleëtbxtlegîgý who tend ohly th, kal"tllt»lfbhmttin (tilt familier.. alleuge . the fflut-eW Louise, datticiblieroi Prince brought into, nquisition for the pur. -, Figil .à.,. - --'ý"'. '_' 1 " A'ý' : ý , . l 0iàè, eugit IF4,fý Ktr.kl-tbbbtl kbvtt,%ý*.(,It,41 to, - i , ; and expém-i addn-s»,m t" Itev. ellutrel. knwlt oot )(w4(blbb ttèbv tir tw(x,"*tbmdfb, 01gerf, %vili t'O tire wcwkn and ýbwkb»: ý ' li'rederirk Charte& 01 Prouda. hm tient pkiýse of obuining the assistance of tug- oatm«i, Itéît ý'r.- __ .. .. nelit op roué 20 tiýO.N.14 eqbr bribbit ft)tttbd IV-: 1 .Savane. Waâu% and pertes» 1 1 1 . .ý1 : - el" &-rq-*t;teè. mi il et (et bligle I-riettitwitt,- effil- ,ý kèswt.ebhtl.,t. and balt ra"n. - A ,%-ond ý autit. , fembally naffliotted bv the initier of ,tenaient. ad A , c-onu«"PeF _- ........ ,"4«, t.. - In t_ (-,gkli(,,gàý4. ý . loir ettipislly ttrtb»k ('il tete xiiittvtbgk, ,ý frai 'ère In %lie aurair fi %but the continu. 'Agi Abat Mr. A. A. 32el.aumwhI . là- 1 lhe future bride and by the Emperur ý thi't ci unking arraitzerrients in ama.parton.... ... 14 -à .., ,. - . ý. ý , 1 . ý ý Tl».ltlnvý 7th Xw ý ý Sune, laitpe«or for the North « t for the acemmodation 01 E 1, ý 1 1 ýý. .)el#% ('l1%qbafébý Wabil trité eut, (leterini»m terarry mi t1Aepro-ý ý ý abibut [Lr buadred kxtwwi-gers wtth Sbýr'. - 1 .......... .. 1. I*bte.t'eejý,1.1;%b%1,ç,e. %Vt,,%vf-ebt4lývl- -d 1 1,4 lli*w ha* liait Nfitripom aïlord ta bill d ri 1 Williatu. ý 1 . . p -, 1- rkbarjirg, -y 1,'ra»t .tto %vieil klek. 14rabtbille and alkbw potbinu humerai or t ,;. evdï. .Peç- e ....... .! J., ?', tilt tg 1-4, 1, Ill, It c le, 14 te 1'.11, t»lék-blF-ý ,ville mtq4"litAt't to. trltiit illit tbe-il fil trv,%tilbw Ilin «bil Z.ttire lii!4-' 1 à - __ le lie miel the Pïnw board.ý Wbeu the adicers of the venati P. y . 'Uk W i . ý .. -, il 1 ý 1 tttkt*"»bbing on the grenadin an, tbas the 1 »uepoeu ta rquatur thé worL ý , h» anthorind . .......... _-'. 'O'vii, k tilýl#ý--,,t tg...4»4, -Vtee tlt4Vbllibkel'ýt" nelte, Watt iliý(.bapbW41- et%% j»yp»vn#ý of two à nt4pfttom ý ý the bwwh Bislmm ta support the pe- h" sueeeeded in 1.11,ýý .eom4mm. u«. .. to i ý ý ". 1 ý ý 1 ý . :-, ihg, tieý- k.,(. i lèm-t raptkilfflsit livret Abat have ally 1 . ý..... -., t', .. t'ebte, 1libb-11111 ý *ý,;1ýr 1 - (.4ffltý. elle subrtiew lb4vie>,v mtttii4ltbw . Tarit cla(ba.ý,- - ,living > rpemlir made publie. coualing with the permission à rive order a haubtir exanifination rir the L»nuot. - - --l ... t 1 ý ý ý .,..t -tv'-I et., ,,,,,, .,,ý e , »rrtiolemitè atteudi»i. ý,_ýDq»kîft Witt 1 : "Uest Io th" (;Overàrâmt ta Md t'lie: varlogres emputmmts W" made. and autterper, lié .. ....... ., 1lý 'ý, ý . ý ý ... ý .. - mid ceettilliAIX - 1 ý ,,A*ttt.p. ý'Ita». &Jt. I;etupri"r vel. .%Ibra. , 1 %gh Mali in full attire% a. *111 -110 ý , ý it wm fou" that about forty pamen..ch- - ....... ...... .. - e;4 -- - ýý . . - ilýiV vvmi.b..-'tý %itlittýiéltr(lI.V Ailes, Will *A -Ibbiwtr . T tit -mtmtw*mft 1 Il . -1 ,plierai -xlev 1 int*Èor élerwy of their country, who ýl.. -t le lé t brttwr ade %lr..ille4n4 lk il nelly lie said 1 1 At k 4 lie il 1, ta Illert &W -amiby hi% 1 1 . ý am hall sustairied ,teutons * ' - le in gritto«Cbteýe. pègr Il, ... .... ýp --" tu - ý ý ý . Il %ilAt#tjt*ul fw 1 et.. 1î,.L-.gg-ýt :,.#trttiltèttt." r-ý.gtp ý,4ee'» tel ivnertgird tes tlb4, 24t ini4t. >t'ri(tal. ,May Alégiv find it t-oavp»Wvi ta as. . th" thé ter a, . am in abject poirerty. -mettoWa tactirs variant le of the ;%te% ,Jtllllt4rýrbt(ýrtAtteitArtt# ilA flet% telvib. , 110th ; frite a frit 9 1 illever tirr, and thpp fai Virent _Gwing ta the abat ý ' 1 Lait lier ib .......... ý..... :: le) t., - .. - . ý . tAwvýtAte.t-iiarAedt>yMSwartl tendi, Tb*prlzeotoîkmla"1,14rak' j . i of a laumber et the Irish uwmbm in bail leils - otb. am- .9 TaU-b-,perib _.. ..... ..; t', .. ý , ý - . ý X %If,.% Nt % cf %f K. The Pet 1 xtbvitb*%,*mtý$tiýtitbiibit.ytbrowèlbjji t. autre, in niniply sibiendid 1 ; * .for.. 1 ý ý .ý erlbuéro: th i umum 1 committft en the trielle 8»41*Y Cimiffl a" a lew were huraedd . ý. ý ý ý ý ý . . 1 ý 11%1.&Ctbt)%I"%It . 'Ilic". At av «AMI.. ta -fait wiw.%t. If the vrrit iz- C "Siir ...... : -. * - .*','!!' -- tir letgl: week t,4,lbtzt$lbtql té sageau 1 m masb"r lit Ibý191 *nki émiettait Illivé (agi ! lux of& isttbèbber tir thu, inhablýtantg if, er vraige ta Bill. the Impe ..ý'-..-- -.- ý, '- 'MAýq ,k e,#"I. ,1".qvti.»(#Ittbttt-%,% %hi, le4te, Il, ý,m-ritin (,t»lbplaetsaite finit -fa the .%),exalt*trla *AI ý avrard a prim. fier the nicetIt style of . tOurWctoek on MAMAIAY atter»m tilt known hagir mràsy vrere trilled. b.t ii in 1111- P.Irk. _1 b'" '109 ':- : 1,ý 0 .ý,>,.4.,.)ig -r, bal' foritti»tt"en train pamainq aIoIý« the -zan i>L 1 .. - lit ,ý . 'f 1 IV lé Il rite -tior lè.11tirittit ltetvbbtt tftrtt.w.,v4t,,4 with à1m I*bwo élégoot fil ý fev e%.etbi»ffl Avait, tatr4wtLb -bkýrjrtv . ; rend lié- %boulet My tbat ille 11CIds Ableux. . >gglit. per bbi ........... 7"*:.*.* té dite P , 1 -.11 0 f;jt-w),ý tg. Agi, kýit.bt ivrt. sertit, %V(.Iek, y te- le >et* e li'g %V té et- ri ,& fil, kr feu. t a *, Ibo ali. ,,,Il' . 1 batt-omt nine, the fflowing mandait. xeDendiv heâeqed that milieu a -emcinv' i 4 91 - IL remarkabie Case of reilit-igation nt the vi&qenow list la made the auni. Strýw,;'«Iý'ad, - - ' - -ý thi-s kvaý thq"tdýi.;tt et, WDI k .rtbtt -e "ft-oiblibý,4ïtb*tbttbbtttot1w".14bk4l rvmt'txqi4"ttb tbe kotOwth O@t"thé ý the -'mi ligne or Opui en 1 -on.. - .! () il 1 ý41 d .4, et( - - 1boyablt , - libet 21, 2ad A: L tý - i 1 ý t 1A ý ý ,4if t .ý5t "\,qlrttbt)nt*rrotawoot4t, netV. and le mporud train Landau. Cent. A child ber almady .tmd wW be S.d.ý l" .lýr ', ... ý - - "J- t- ý ý_1 ý . , 1 . . i,;.:g,ý IV'" è,el.fv4ýi-r'» ewl.ibt,%.r;týv in teint gatlieh ,khe lvmbld tuék" Ibo -tlel»a to the ft-ll.,*ittxibtné44ý*apmi»tr.l: -%Ie-.c _ ýhr1on«inXtubMr. John (;mbantýjr.. haut bleu pvoueuneed Attend two p.h.y- iarrensed.- ý 1 y r.,41 filligne ....... ......... 4 btê rý, . . ý . . 1 1 -, ý ,ý - ý ý t q..,v il IV lit let- ýbifIfeiq- est, if- ifflVotoutiri t)tm ý wmtmte* er ,et ý rt410. Ott Ilooth M-131kier.il.ý.%...I.b ident. . boulet art le. The twn- fflonfit Gov. e. . ý§heef:peità ..... .... >ý ...... il -', 114 1 ý ý 1 ... \ l lýýU 1 fi % i . %l llv 1'.. lý4,..>,4 flet, t.,.-tttm,ý4,ýil- vpeet (.ebf,4ttký tir liée rua. ' »w»%tffltiiýU W ireq etter (but thiégé t" ttitbit " . K H. graine. ý , sieiam and platied in a ce a. U hile, ,--;bmlr alter aine o*clock threp Atteanti CI-1t.-iiL». pet Ili ............. m1b, Ne Vire.-Ilrm, .%Wx. llavnilttin, j ernnwnte are doing vrell %o far Ibis .);1;; t-ý -j tel# v lie (14111rtýliqe%ý4. lit, lien, J thetunerat un ugemmte were la Pro- tendem brouettât asbore about m pas- 117-1 . .... ...... I.. 1) 22 ?., .1 . , ý ý . . 1 tet 'Vtèet-t*mràoý%%ýill »tW>kbe th" dolt. (lef"lý(laibt *hi) In. Miller ý ., d Vit-P't'M&', IPAbt*rt '.%14-IAAql, ,ýer., ý fi a bc hibd reviffl A" spoire, d : »ag .- - -.-, Xote.-.ý%littietoo moch raille thouch. lit_.-ý ý t Igý ,.-ftit-ý,l Iv &'t.,f.'&'ettln-v in à égiai. 46 1%%wp4tt.lbmtke W(,bbeèbh throw the .ýablirvi ýk priait for the people .thm. .Mr. : "el t a .cm The vreganded vrere tempor. - ý ý ý ý ý;1 ý- Ê' Agot. 4.'ottt4-ti. 'rre*it; (ýhapkit»*. lient. ý 1. -1 \1 t'illý("Eg, I"f",i,.ýti("%'iýttttiý w%,&ýk'ý 1e-l,ý,g. 1- tot-Iblebbèbý-tllt.ý,erit. Ortltre4lt(A11PAI14t% . 1 ý Maekeaule sauesý sSl te this wheu lie 1 la »w in a fair way ta reeo" . 1 milv plared in the scoreài runiùng par. it Abý- ., ý 1 rv «Urtsh and 9. 11.11afAl.t. Il. wzbt*ptt. ý%. Z . -Un But h» berfut reque-.tted in ru- ' &IW with the ticav,. wbere thelr wem, , . 3rail. , ý - . 1 . ,ý'e.:q,(etr-sý4*('tltttriý.ý,ýrýt. % ýw.(.htýt .tiVt4t(b kÏ'(Ipthp,= ellèglit bave thrý piperlit. -Nlemu-- Johý4 .%ICKIlaàon and toilles herp. tain the I«dembip of the H«» tlule 1 Sr William Mi' ,- - - -- - - - -, - - - ý, - __ N',-,- Kid t>$,.Vlýý, ý . - 1 , rovW1, 1. ,4t%%,»tbrt veait ý Win. ý'tlrl)otl ý I;tsý%,uit Titxxný-The peepte of Oak. 1 = Pt y aztended by,_ .1 1 - . . . . 1 '- ,. , .ý . 1 g.1-t-4 veetifIlInte. (-rtett" ,%. 1ba't tgetet ý = %ville twilbu dribbler ,*#lit (il*-w. 1 ,ulk ý ý ý vrogid. with comméadable tante. am i y in the PnaiMb Parliantent. lie a"uthermedieMgemtenwa. The- ý ý . . 4 ý ý 1 1 - il%% imI.-d te, %V&9I4t.kt ('. ,,%titI*,.'['éaebtýr i derty on tete Oreet oit ti#eUth tuent.. *net ' ý , -0ý ý crbe» Offered hie Own tenus. and it spectacle was barmwlng in tha ex- - id ,ý,hý,é,I ý,ýe4.týdtt No. 9ý (ilpté. %Viti- pjé*% RoseA I'd.1,êll().V. piantira out ommomtO abside trm : is theught leur maY mmibir not resign treginge. 171îe shrieks of thé uniortuume. Tue-Campom ma bm stact ý%"..!. ', IC, et, -hj'4ý - 1 ý vil fige èv'Al pr.'f -ý.îtptètl q.xèbtb.ibtbtlttt fi# urtNt.ly ibktb*it)g A ?m votientelible. ellesd sà. 1 ý akmg th@ pri.ne a 01111reulPta. - - . lbu(bw,.%*Xt%. ,rtwtjodir@tot.%I#ioreand Battlt »,%Ltý-,Ielllr Batis, til Parnell and bis conterades, am te- A;n9ýrerAA attrartftt larne, and sympa- lýnlie"k ,.;.. If 1,),.,-t-$.14t-r letýt' Wýte»q4g,,-.4, at et>,, ý\,,, allie vi-N 9b ('t, -CI ttavtt if% flatte. 01b de- > Sedativirk. thitterce irottngliwn AI ý lieil CIAI1%. in, un infigille . rWIr twwdà;. The thomuchL.u,» in ý ' ý. i; te MoIt deleildéglitt w'44 &>ttbAbbitte4l Agi amoi, 1 1 01ruell a rontelit vritb the làtite ffludu ùlubé ý duc" te cOmDkte %ubmiadOu- . 1 1 .et , ', ý . ý . -.0 ,;..If..,t e'.., lent 1'tebb qI;ýcj»-».4-4 1 lit lligvorb lake, oit l'euintiay. Apri. ý:Xb. ý carne Off vierbril, and ourcha 1 --'ierio» noting oecurred - M- the imniedime neigh1borhoed werecorw WAZ.,6 pàýp]g]g Affaid ]goapnl -vl'il -t-,-#ý,etitgt-l'.I,.fefst î4the ' l'ilt sebý-eiittt-ibttv etibid hitè Il»" And vva* ' le, bas been 1 ý . Uit , ý. ,,,, 0,ý 'I't t .Q bren rvrovrv,êéd_ý17he peint i»!Onevr@"nllv fon»Ald. Tberlub lente, dày&&Bkwkbum aube= the gitriking plett4r bloek il V t',ýlilqý ý1ý, 1,-,g.,l leist.t.(.t -.',týtý ViCh'. 1 ,éri lit Aitwi'ty. .ý%I"Xtilèder C tb&t4.i, for. 1 bè4v" et they virre, rowing -a» rapillard ; 1@&ied Ut pjsýjAg geanied train 31r.jgm« ý cation albeltallivm ed. The "A":,M %.ý ý!, , 11% t er r1,ý 1 . i The residence ai the, ehiedi tk.rý» Md 1w . 111 . . . . ý 1 twtlvg dru»k t'fi tho ýýtfftt watt fiard « 1 Whit ý 1 . ý ý - , j - £e ttti,%-,I, .,,ý-.gét4-aAi-,gý flet, rew . W il liébègl i lby a he-aý-V etiett, , On l'ýtinélà-f werk the 1 coudé. - ý chairmani et thié- Mmterw -gébougé. - 1 . -,*çOd"t« autatier et Fmgh and Smti.h cuit. ý 1 ý 6 . 1 ý. . . ,il et ý1,lt r- 1jiugi-ý 'lit'-e.l:"i .... .. fi oîlt, tel l", ý-4) dt%ýý,& M liard 1, ý -, lit, il ,,, .1 ,ý I'.,;.fý %vill l». gýq'tire-k-fiý ý 1 itht tip Allé. ý l'Ailly of " hbt% %'Wltt*Wwk -;ra,4 tofind ý . . - _,.AAý, - vrait burned ta the graciait, all the win- zmts are. thern. 1 aucheu- 22 dieu-lm Xia" Gr" . 1 - 1.%P1 ý 1 ï,. -11 ter wierr,4flt. charwigil 4Y Jtblbltlb4 l.kbrll.. ý I-V ,ýlfp. t. dowi4oithemili» la the town demi- ', ý., 4-1 i.t (ýIv.t,.helv - -F gèt'tri 1 IX'M& %%*n» t'rail 'rwifrey, t.he ilehrrv .e>ver"elr. j ý PFTFRsOA0rýGR. "Tm PI&Imcr"IL.. . . 1 - I et 1 (* , ,.,:i g... k, W % 1 1- tlr.ý.) qý, vtwit. , aggé within a fuvr varifft iiiýthe igibore e '.%In - %4rT4.tllm- ()ný ýetime. . Fibildiv . 1 ý 1 1 ý ý 1 b'. ,_ . ffltflIk.11. lie 1.,tlflýt.i,. vé MA obtairbilier , 1 At %% . ý .,Nt(.Mll.y, %turday ý itéhed. and otherdanla, &tbe «ene anýj Front ibie-Sudàdmm exiblosion nuiv-&«,. . ý ý . 6 1 . . 1 . ý. r.-cf t,ý,i!ýit..elttýikt ât-il 't-4-il.ttbetpi, , .t.t gel hýrlw,;, fr,;etl Ibleti, by fat*" prite. ý e,ýk4tldvirltwfk*arapltit,,twtnitn",Mluitb4. ý momion lm% Ur. ilmierwk gubddge, the 'Abilitière appeaied 01 two dmi» bave oeeurmL Thrqiý-- Balle ab--& gliie.... Ace. 1,;..Iil -,-,,, ,- ý .. 1 . ý 1'l' Ik,0geh.g,ý. \ý il - I1ýg,,e ,iý,,ttiilt..# Met ý le1wè, iAb ýtwiI.I.e1i. 'ritt, riligitter Itfvý ý .eti4Abi IA that aller the boat eag*îzrd 1 0 . emigitted sent" Wbil; 1 quelle« tbedWurbanS. 1 ý . ,ý 1 1 --1 -1 1 1 e , i,*ý le,1,%t,é:,>i! lit ,-,ivitg lige filtçl%ý'item i i.. ' il p iàprabbL.e.d big. ý ";4.41%wîrkelb4lt.tbvo"ttto,ýtào>lxý*etýM*on*rp." tg% a arme et tembomrv ln*anitv. ,11. i - -1 111aitintibre, parfer ,%tares tbat !Cýý 1ý ý .1 1 ý , li I.-Ps. il, .,b».. .b.%hb.. _,ý d-ger-*_-ý,- vit un Mi -d 1, 0 Ivetted le 11,0 wilit ibut t(,, IO-vvative Club. The lerture, vMe a dl: 1 vres »4 but w ýiý -A. 1ý"4ke. it, w- tlt-xirahle to laetbr, idedtgamtpu -the uwetihg te 4ft th" it W» 1 haut: bust r c, hm the croils bave a apiendici. &POe&r"S- Yet &Mw te rwlueet*l tu rtturd rhe mum tb t4r 1 "k ill" (.tttie mid drawat (7 0(filit rail"" from. à Witivai stand 'Mt If the réqueil, faigea in il& k*fgtt wil, léove Xp: Mal I»Wtttt (If 1 çfkumataaS became known, veuud tnlint. ouiv about 1-3*1l ew-iult prellent % duty. ; toWlàý theý gentleman, wille ffle, che if n" id ettu a Squ"e in »Suce or thet: ALM We àplIq gbýk%%-,W(t tfb The I)t7ill $1ked .164* tnwlè loolkw, thmi; loital Oy»pm» Coumn"ti ed, and moue ; cheque very solm wiw6. hag et lm.t twtýbb qtttl" tl"I 11t«Ill lit) with a féet loue and -Y frWY àntt*enhed fer thé: lm soutbera provisem due wessher wculd 1 âril-r ýeb 1 n é bti»ilttabbed bat ho duel 1-parpmw. Ttié.làtý heft of Timothy MeCarthy.t was: ho gexeraHy more Lwon"; thel 100 wax tm.e*iýtelffly ;»(%*t (leélx. etiel %vith.evk.." rrflul"Iii »onlewh«ela -héhâd been mowine '*chipper a". j -è ure fditltflil eh" Il(-ighlubrhom. 0" he- iràemte4 se ý- sbr*y» withis the bxe rew d&7lý in the! dy, t"oeemug which New F*tm»wîck.ý au talleth changea, la the FrewA mar. bno e tb"e in '@.ma quarger, 2 e. 4 kt Z-V"v was femm on y A -trot%%tly ttt*»b hi,4 ttmb ho 1 béiiettbat the Dili ivot-idat hemtweed, ý 1 . D S. BE %CILLU*Î. 1 mar.'p i the ;14ý Luver. i werv rather 1 - Dmim the third! ièmt tk, 1* ilièt out of the hall lIr foree. (Times. Ir in April 16 wheU laden thiPu hall i ý-Zà- tottttt*ittg -ttkb*tWitt4 %Vitlt WIlk-h the Oitt- lamFrklayer. li^,»» ujklm.%o pmpri~ of the hotel whem mqrý 1 wee ..... . I, vill, et leu Milm '1740 the %t r et k4b K ttfiv Nftit, A coseplo 44 vffl" i ladzamn-- il 1 11-ffltý hl% feitielY, 10 14UP IbMViliq qea*ntl 'Va"' rePl tpý. hiperMI a very ftftpwtm Jwr-m CIY*dWe- 09 .%*Phodet bas bren i der' P aud hi* family am a the arrived as; (yr -NO. UN à hfIl twtunmetht* his - awatting %rW4 àzlà Aunie ý%teame". the wSwà xales of wbe«ý S" t'o depleted x% trtIthfulýv ex art and; year la xiorit mwl mtimm qr- et whtch bftp «M« bith i derv t g by whose t y wesd atoue two luiWs flo»Il thS vilkmwi was uneil ilork of aille x de ùt -tý« and twa". 4imi. =d àtab.ý lemited xpaee ettow. and the ditll- la a toiielv pidehow corfflwmdinrovered. id wers, te arri». la Germany the we&tW: l'v et. S.;ttlmâv >Iebt(iq. vérucuLu» a" te Wtti( "S witmmagasm them. er won fiae Md t of trogle, -et i* Met etttirety to niuxlv: lipr wav bortkelby a yti4ilbe meek havilbit titrée retaine -Or r bie f4wý bt»cltm" and the revillatuder te tire I*mtm miènai insiste. ~j nnit% effloe à kd virm M there cou. aildo, Ott, me ith t4 bbtèbqw rw %-Iittnx lady, lf*4ý4te 91 Z.. the prepra, will vo»ýtIt tète an 1 î;Îrk, )W e .1% the premille. titerttF» arlut wh4. b mmeUMin Sb" viUsiii; tiniumd tu the wbeet market a quiet; ooNý1, liro, î -Il vtj _JI, whieh-arrot th* wefts to,& emyer eu ne-le lettep fmbt#t »P. bud (410»X the strogile l b C.-*wwolti breelL -NI e eonWuwkm Mr. the other emdageý *" socet te eMiv- t~ withoms a maierist aiteration, iiL i (buë xhoidd on 110 tftth tb lar,,w Ibie" but 09 the bork of 1 CýYýldol1d effl sSh a lweë uneequilm te ;:= pruemdtumb pouimmaftbie, prki& Fice whests. beim «erre re-r 91OU&% FOR SALL-The bri 0't.rarv, in - the P""Qt;gh 1, Ilet *till the. hiý.bM yard MMUY. d a = noter Whieb mate orne la vmne: loteries, demri> * L JL hwm f«Mriv the »eétuot ton te attend., rawn tiom ! rd m.euq weIahi belle *eemap»ýMM hW Nrmwtbnp %-.uum gyr, Illm-rd, -Dar. ho "Md la the lobby &" boweli the rmb« tmM«. Stocks in menenù'u"Uy. F-q - lm f 'a Fn he* 1 1 ý D1weýLIa« Hum en tte W-t. t.eý.br -ith 1 lwtnrkmn pnopree. Md -iit-fi froot the- -Itt-0ý,onn 11414 the irower e IM the pulls Ilherd moogb@tbrftymlw wmhippem est wisb hie Calve faS. He! am ligeât. The Intensités, lu Hvamiry xlx, lu df.1t WIV 1 Bleu. pftpare4t*mm thaïs, ma ahles ehoomé Me mind &bout Imeh le favemble «. the tItier de".,,ip- týu» wlu he motrk t %pp "%le "bbl'y Parr" pro.; t-r a ýb-r% M.- . , .p l'ur %vite rreolwt, MOI, 1-ody (If provide hè4ý-1f- 1-ftoibilot exhaimierd. te rail tàeN-mmrmd iligis 1 sieule et Wh-& 'M In tbWMbk 1 - tOJ4X tet4wb orme lalle -pary tek vu" » 'A'hool. have reroivect the dew of .--Soamdhad té pay ffli) 1 qpest bas vaines bad act; inmotaiaed 1 "VaUL 0 lý."tmv mule lie thAltk Wm for Mq wtwn.tlib eO;nwë1ý, ru Welles level, whae infoI, Fm uû Wheteby , 011- Soleil X a - and tour oebemare ne premm on for hW colm belles wich a tom . the Pm Lumlow. Pt tibwW iatbe»torbt. lý ilous N'-, "I ure te blA twek -1 iotüw mom ai t tbeir nbedwal r.mv». sime ous au te prectude the 1 rier and medium sorte wen quite mmr . k AtsLptternhumt» t.w nt*gejtèfr the the - aut»bf ut Gray won boorebeotw ltorqm mit P.- ne" lp«k nItur jk,'t Wft W II&V hv Ctmt%84%bw 14ehet -New Torker gîvee the W» fille witb Dix" trelles. bar il W»! sî,%, ta lfflk fonofe to lm (wrrý and toile Virtorla aitti Tbeauw 4".t pece o,ýe ot the b»k or bbé haut wbieb Mr. joorteh Wmah, mffl W Fontana relit f.p. Thf, pt"lé4* Whik a »Miller et bon" pweb&,Mi la i following picture of Sale stace ci affaàm thrA=ht thu »ý 8 woollé prrih&Wy'ý A, ýèv wtýnt %% lttotl"ytt %éflt i-ne rettir» tirltrN et exémi allons ai, A lam'blr IND SAW mm] hk-h #,,ttv lie ftwiti. mtkm Prwftd tbbà» able te zembt>é»radt tu iffllf Vaspa. As prmbptt$ 4: iwew bitten, o1bêt. blé w» trierd that av. ers b-V btm *'Ad Mr. Paékbal». 31r. : tram ait ~ tbec«ntm- ou weïas ipar owtnw;hL he. vith ùwwbmeoftbe Ir.ger Nwel. nu[ pume, irsk teWA«,qtb rA»Atblt Ml ribinu before a bewb ef wAgt«meemd idtot. njamimetori» W.;Mkbg m "àfý, ing dans la wbrec or syelm aa b"M.a"Tb"m Lhum..itumi. the Vilim.ý4K et' Affly «fflntigted W trial. the ovidu" dY 1-me» ill, oce of the nomber. Tbey thOummb ci PgcPk 0WOt fm- o#*' manient a 1 %vln taite pwo, la -te" -0-bm dl*P"" te oposl" rQrmt% wb4tbv. amohm him bebum «fthwim - am liala glemaje Md Ws, dogme»& The iu»ùty oigomb mm uwn wm«htm wm dedaitelv muled eýý kt Ile (lie ne the, the tlwtwr ftlme T Immm Aes- la la hèvlo wist ho a momowNd = 'b"MbZ C= »d:c 1. mi.* Ce, th. i, wautm .... -Th«. la, Ptttxt t.f4*p"(,tbq t..Wnq %et Omoý . ebe"»Im' fuite 141low Won hew lm# the, Mhe et lis impmu" la te, ma wala lm = &Jpý Md the pnobie eue noud« Imm fircon the agark tb» i MW 10têt. iws-ses 3. W lildith 0* I'Mbêt. kloolle 1 est »Wl 1 - Md 1* l'a both« adaMoqui - iiidmegu*» ce ambim w th I«w aloil tmaWaâiï& Wb" mondes noutýoi Sa Our hm*. Gin thisi Won W our twqbeoFo ta W"* amd id te ho %bu and. Wolf b~ loulou »vw:i eV" rnlerte weve favý is-'l A,-l and 1,kwemy. 09 »*Me ýZ mem*lgrmt bwk.%Ittb. - [m leur daval. bal hem blet Tb»v*day and INS& Bill*&% hN%, Moll t'il t,»tn4vý -kil-beth ttttbîe bew 14 la by *11 toi Tlwb%èl wab ev»v N&W naît Bas"» hm bmàieowwr» semobowtbatatabuatirdom qulie heqvy 'anèb -tho polkhe-w go*" Tb» quand -Md wttlb -m ""Pmotbmuga immamtbuem ellartaffend dýim Imtt ý tbu raim qnmeý le et tel thât dot, of wboýY.. te 1 the javp la Me Of 341P. 18oxe awèe, Cet '«OuýMPÀ me lantim ipeurestoi« mm ange 'et* e eV 14~ « (NLAêleek Md »vqvwe!tý - y te *0 or; Mue folles: vpe*tem &Ates r. ib.,*ttr - - wolffil - #le a Voire- or connu" &" record the, th both «Il»> OMM-pimatug ne t 1 séblél'l'y U#tt&tbowi pë»Wtffl le M ýv O»Spffl v-ffl ý'7 W et-- a" wmmqem » W piloselle, Irh* pue 1 rawva" (st telle KWISPk-I& XVI. IrAmh eàya Jar. Wdeéft. Idbkeaebè, Won nt %hm 1 noua Se, the MMUMP-111. ïw0w; m ellehdy; Sc weemoq. howlever. th", A, ]Xàm" bu balle P." -ffl 0 1-VI> wlel,."tt ftb #ho tewb.1 by »V«M buelle hoe, reftptbm by hW rerieut»»Ib bon commeu, oreuvelles, ot y ho"- sbedkuewoýnov« bon hem vervt ,M.~ hi. noas mot le i - aie; obj"m mm the Twmwaw-b dw eps dbe- pw »Wb hèm the, M*om _am, elsloselle- i t»u" en »-iq» la lie ~ , elle ç 'XI, thèv-Ný rit, "M In gre-ý% abOOýét bande Md *111e m M j@vmm6ý et m Il MbL torv t% . etfffle te tk4w. abd se it »Obk de bu wort A leu m Wb" ho ai Ove or ***%W pý .vo tbm Id ýe» bons aup envolasse te m@M-; JOEM ioir lamentent et= . and sbi bey wm pro- Vi«»W 10 l.f the 4x"- IM4 Slè the IROVAU ... wmbp.r towik espowed loge the Weser. And békom 1 , mmum in Mt 1 f, %,4*fKÏ"t) osim Frm te ok*w* W Se bu bew lhe vSr mm et lm Pm Fr Bons Bffl«lý 1-. the Vittht4k, te 1 îmà terir colle for May Md te bave-em* $041W dowo. a. Mt umàmb. iiii-hu »mon»i te bew. wwmw* wS Md Imm »»IM lx a k'Iffti pf(ý*ftà. - . -,;; w~ bomtfèlev, ....Ow v ebb WMO-"t ne î0là Mèm.- ML, i ravourable- wthilb . oulieli urt. b»Mb»b@M kt-, 4'illa tout x, Of C t p1e,ýMkà) ffl , dellibt leu tavom meede am m 1 M, - ettffl. fflà"*»tboql6 pft le" et the 14, ex a - . W* Mr MW un4oum» ce wi»y"lfaiteu, p f« mlle* mue lit 40rhtal M-W'Pf"t, W -q.eà»ot bu »Wettbe*bgw,*Ouwk -t- pelèpd the **-wàau bd me eh à* Mw «vea- IL Aummufà (1,.Iibev t'ý .. es bu*@W UNI S" la a ael of wtèk* hsl jffl ...Mtbmftffl 9-tbwtbbe à" N» 0't t'rt«o %r>,wb Win b*'* lem viseY &re dwili lu vole ce t th" A ibteub une" a M"= own"n 1 et lisse Zýýa, th# motter èwetýt, "W et, V en tir4b*eo. * Alk telle br;vom 04 amý *W- - 04 th@'*& and W"* bo«mm a Ci Yc 0" y bechabbý un thie lue m ttIhv Mvop 1>1 thâ* llftte;pwi #»Y vtw* ta mev*@«« 10 OM»»If »1111 opwob» W* et a ne te m* Wb" bue isolm ooobdm «Mot eesvm Il ý b» bina -emaim bu So'r hm belle 'eqi foi ib» maumvb M -11118411: kkt e*Mloý r0f QI, 1»» trou in Pu" "M Vwwwb liai 14 Wb, blvo the tw »»Wa fA mMy M", Y lm bu Fm rvýMtr . *M* = M.«'* e I-t bhle (11n", tel thet = t* ki» -'t %ho et le o18"ý attela f"ý Ont 1kw lâm" ammààt&lI -ddvim-d br - et m Mit \109 i .