Mt la pý qf tbembmkmdt" de. Mer -18 Imm ....... ... Im m *ria@ Tm ýý-»M la cSrma m ýu - 1 L L E Ngsg. met -FRAT .. 1 . 1 ý . . 1 ý ý _ _ _ - . . ý . zM-t»..ý. lemMM'u »Tomntv»Oi--W*M wb i souciai, Md hwh woous ne P" ý ý a P. la ý ý ffl»*Bdftaww 1 - - -1 ý ---- -- __ ý aqý ý ý *"* etteil et --i- la TAX IrRG- A ý .- . . - :"ý-"--ý0-"ft-e"»-Mý-«-%-b-c! -----.- bi - ý mir off za= ý a CA LOAM - m ý.. - -, . ý . 1 MWWel _ ___ ý"in -aft. Je& MES 1 .. 1 L =_ 1 lwmmmmrwàzboo%-t-; $,rom 1 1 ý 1 ý - ý ýýýý 1 VI ' = &im--bi as et tu .- «Fàwrmàccmmm ime of ý . 1 - ý - . ý ý . 1 ý ý 1 1 2=1 > on - ý 1 .- owawim* ni" r» Remi a p- ý ý > ý . . ý ý = ,Z lu ý -sport ,ý ý 1 1 = . W baumtwm în.%imw -------- 11M 1 1 ý . ýý , ý . .. ý ý - - -_ - m 1 1 X.M - . - "mm ma Ilà OMO@bq a wàd&lep afflIIIII __ ___ ý 1 % 2 CAR 1 »"M*« 0. »». 01MIQr ...... 7 ........... q SU ý1 1 . 1 0 allés M" mv»t blr tbé MW. Mm -_ ý ý ý r ý ý . ý _ la M ZM .-,W. ,W. n.wabm"amwnum . . ....... et *ait"" wool ffly b«MM . 1 ý 1 _. ý 1. 1. -1 ý _ ý ý ý - ý ý . - "Mý... - 8"»MMNOMID leu-- *À@Iàe ............ ::: 1': - » 1, the mm artery Ur- le. B"wu 1 ý ý ...- " 1 ý . 1 - .;:ý ..... eau o=ý. ý 1 1 . ý __ . WiW W" - 'Vý W»m 1 1 ý 1 ý . 'Vý am ma" t" womm &Me& .. ý ý ý 1 - _.- . & Il & Z= - _= rý«;: W«ký t" amène "Uzbur 2 c A la ZA VIO, te. t" 1 1 . 1 . .. 1 - -1 - ' r , =àM ,iC.-=.:-.. le 79 Cm e 1: . . 1 .. . __ '. ý ý _D , iiiindinz Allicel ,Qmàume..r ý . ý ý ý . 1 . y . ý . __ - - « -* ., ý ý ý 1 1 Piïïi&èU- L& ý . - 1 . & 11> . _ , ::.:ý..:::: a .0 ton,.wmv*' ý4 - lorwwdûm the l -» - ý . .- . ý - ý Il 1 ý 1 _ý 111101èn ili a- - 1 ý am 1 ý A _ ----- ambauo& - M-b" m ,wà» @»*wm rMMUrmm j . 1 ÉN'a -1.-ý.1 . . . 1 Il ý ý - _1 - t'-; N'l- ; EÏV M, ý Dé adium de bubu 9FO hwý ý %gàm m ]Lo Aà%] j . *e4 ="140, - 111111I& m a Tact npwe vois àam"& aumu *0 mo nerabived mw» malp ortouxis Asth_ Alyo>lYBT : - 16 - - br '; O, ý 8"! 1 1 ý . . Ille ý -1ýý..----- r_., 1 - ----.-- lligillgIrlwýý I.. ý - atm iioardte ---------, mm the ialwim te ber atm Di. Bq wm 1 . . 1 8, - _ ý . -X - Il -_ýý ý ý . ý ý . ý 1 ý 1 . ý bee 1 ,, ý »lI1ooèý r roff'N orim ir, IDOMM welle bub'CM- = ce à, COM In. ý 1 --UMF M C. B" 831. Omo&" soi« . . - ý . , . . 1. ý " "' ý ,ý ý ýý ruýT-ý'ar tu 1 ! 1 ý ý 1 ý 1 . ý . 1 1 ý 1 - ý ow»A t»«& ýý ___ . - , ý lubol% Depue nul cooper hi *Il bwmr.qr---oa prblar cim" 8111110l" MmIIIIIII, Matas remammi ý 1 ý . . . - ý bbm tbmbqb ý ý Ià@bj0ý f» 1 - * a a Sha, xvium by4aw ý - un Mm AbQah Dexter, of Eube-; - . .JKÙZ;:- bý amontsv4b-màmàlLsvàllk obtkimu»nd& . ý ý 1 ,ý ý .«#, iwili ebfr" ,tlîe boas« ot« r- et«AI ut ýý ý, ý .16Z i ý ý, 1, - - ý ý lm F&U '-whe" hmbmâ bas lieu 1 bâilidi ý4M et 311111 96-111118111SXII0111,1111111IR&M COUA9 ft.àvui» obmm*M.tadmw6 Workba Su ý mondu pou ait or 1 _ . 1 à" 811111: ý bobadbm 1 a -la A L W - - ý ý 1 ý . z 1 1 . . . 1 1 .. . 1 -1. 08,6 Tbu p«Phé aiseme ý a -1" Tb« ,et t"!Op-M ,t-- - zAlz i mm Bm«bffwweý neund a telqpm G E Ir E ' : . - ý ý 1 - . . 1 ý wam- ___ _ trou dm fflep - mung thu the hoid . M T ý__. . __ -_. comm ilft à«, xmdw wmw& 'lie - Eýý____________ beau tuwk dmà by Uahtat« the me- ý . . ivrmm l&» LMIM&Vaàrllwày.- PU«Mb.--BblrSîw»,&$ MmS, bb lu lm '-»- Viens 'abol proangogien pabogleulabos . 1 ý ý ý Am Il ý ,ýý= ,I" ý 1 ý - r». 1 mm 1)0*,R. Depu» phelle cèIèqw,ý,ààd, 'ruZr aUg 1 ý A ;7 - app by 1etttýý ,. ý __ ý COU& OwRybotoue i aàd IW trobit ý 1 1 ý . . 1 . . .. ý - ý . . . 1 . ý ý . 1. lat*ebà""Wllj> OILW ["_ý il . ý 1 . ý . __ 1 . 1 ý 1 1 1 1 ý t cb= rwàw Puble, c'hm - %'m, = 101*%I=k . tell Il ý 1 ý t 100 W A II 1 lm TB O]r _ý ý . ý 1 1 ÜM dwtgg 046 UM »4 m »ekb« pqlbqý T«Om Md aumik 111111110111III17 ' . 1 Icamvondmu lit Tbe Pest.] Net bmmd«!Eýîihle ý ,m - - '1 la _ , - ci3=021r . , 1 ý * - ý - ý l 1. - . ý 1 1 ý -4% Tbb bel wm; ..ý . . - ý . - 1 . . ý bm«@~ mtl»»»-im awbw "ambmmd-lm mumaýwen 11ROI10,1011118 &WWdm to* em I.- ý ý ý . 1 . - . 1 y the eboirmaboi: - . . 1 ý ý 09 *» tfflIt *" baie Mt bm» botop md»*M*Me& ý 1 Md ltln»doetbd Il la lamente i gz= tu :Las, ï",.-! .... ý 11, .ý . - - - . . . ý . ý bffl btffl et nem 16 "te Mâlorfoi, wm»& . longs, tu otgMg tha, mu et 17 not» ut things in général mound; ý Irer tho Mm e $»vwàe#y ev*dWàbbb 1 ý ý dooci@myogq&,.w Cammum. The balokeï, wet w la ; - --- il 1 . 1 ý - 1 1 . 1 1 XWWOM*6"bl ý j'lm, 8 b 6 01% - ý ý - . . . Md th* W won lu Xàvo&ý b ù» elowae et selme le. % : wu. mm tu lad bague the 3M . . ý 1 1 , ý:&,&-Oem= ho _ bg=adr =1 1ej,ý%joèk If* ,4111 Vftty ý@Oiqbpfflct, &" alem tic nt : 22, =12ul Ç= agel. sa ,.,th. m iti PORT sorz 11@ý 1 . etklm et ilbe, X««& U muliétetoi toýombgboott" amis roporcoed, &" 1 ; ait wM& pmetiS w» ý SrALDED TO DEATIL-A tremu ý. ý:.- l 1 .- . . - . .1 .1 1 1 . 0» a Inatut, #» «awutwoý. dm tâtoir tmworw or jeffl Q la tum chwes, a 9«-db&- . 1 . qSd eondid» and may lie «Id tu be a à = The bail pausai thmue thei o* th«"Ohby Md mulbewegr in 1 comi; ruvuLL& meobded loy Co«IL good crop. nie eprtlwg whmt La a fait- ý ý tbj, bsek & Uttle abbuen, tbe goft - ad PÀ)bm tierain. on the liait _ý '1 - ý. ý. .. ' . 1. . tt» am - 1 owmantie et. seum« et b«sbptu b" tabub PlIMU, wlu uffl m cul'- ý hip. lodicing above thé . Wrigift. of Port Hope, wan, scald -.. ý 1 1 . 1 ý plotte abad tbe Ira et t4.cý"4 mum«wmmttomme ý ý . - ý . . the, ___ .ýtsww soloilir ruvà" -bm 1 Md tS wWeh *» il ù& -Te»-»Uvelàeý i:ýln= = t:ewith Windýsadý The unincky . .. rtkh'p-ýdmhT.,d.y,,, In .hUbk .4% %V411 Ille ebf>"d wit1htblAit ruervé. at à~ la " 0 1 ý 'y 1 offt» huiler. 'ei, %Vl&tbl ':C!!!Lvl " ý!.»I1 bout Imlé o» mat »Il q Plikt% a liait it in almest luellessible for 1 ý 1 ý : - ý ý ý m ý i ý ,roul - em . . '. ý . ý . _ .,_ _ _ - - - 11s oor i eythe te cut fil Ge-9 Who. of courmýi ----.ëb- . ý 1 - .ý ý . 1 1 . 1 ý 1 1 . ý - ý . vieuelk à mtw orrmulisn ,Féreyc. Md cabu IÇSJ* ,et, eàm«.t.eý tg:L au fDer the 1-1 ý ý 1 1 ý ý 1 1 l . - the Iloite IIIQ iý W . , glemet VO"d Ur ". 1 and thein there la Uttle or Do gratin in: sied acellaent. The wouaded man 1 DUowý PETERSUR017GH. ý 1 . ý ý1 ý . 1 . . 1 ý i t bem al lb" @"km go btu ab"% " muq% n»uwuwt ý 1 the striblier. Two weekeb 3m» soine of ýý expired abou hâlf _cm_«em.v Réath. flf (ffl ier , 1 , - ý . 1 -Pest tw,. ý ý f * ý ý . . ý i= tbo *»W à* »à tbo«h %lie ýVbW (>Mbbib bail COW A» 1 the» a" h&d - every appearance et, ý field. was, aeeidentally drowne i 1 ý 1 1 . 1 . 1 . . (MM UT-LAW. ý h&TiM 0 aem 1- 1 ý . . ý thift bulhelet the Il la cuiffoUR(IL , L*e Setchewanooakah, libeaigé the . 1 ý , 1 ý 1 ý Pwiip»ý CA - - *'-4u tibémy, ahum »M tu %lie mauléal hiqe, hm am CMIL Pdbb Offle 111111141M 09 & motion sabiel on = authStty that thevield AU 0 ',O ý-«4" imw»» 1 . ý 1 1 - 1 1 1 . . 1 1 ý . 1 ý«" ( ý ý ,%et«ir ., Meaiez lace mmb èe WAW" Obé de. -te sumdm a bidaw go restriet -télé i in this section win nos lie over 10 or 12 .R£sT r A - Loiaý."---Our er- lagor, au xitabbagey ýj test wèeIL ý . 1 Il . ý 111. 1 . ý ý ý . . , ellýl.wmmtbe à-- - - sied wAmmetthoseuleï it wm te bom nm,"'W as WM in cergagu wMons. ý bu&h«b.peram 6foWimwheu. ,Date change* have latély devecelà comider. i ho& wabba foured sbMIv sitar the pwq*pe»lbtkot Md It lote lis ý Il W~ tW tuait Inuerluggy »d te Pre"u ellibell, gesse ainelpige i wiii beau extraerop- pose - ý ablé 6P6m te the âdveutum &Bd fmw ý occurrence look piabee. "D«mmd 1 OMM bel wlil)wbyo .. O (à Il roulgie atium litomuher. ! a wite a" four cWidren. ý. ý lg i]Ll ý ý, 1 1 1 ý ý 1 . - et Il ta ellot. tg hm bil bills ý rosit in this plue te brisir ait pré- ý . V IE: _& .. MA ý i never botter. 'y oha ý - -_ - 1 ý ý . 1 . lilial, ho ubmu 0 1 TIM rxxwmy mimwaLx. 1 Brsz% i Il ý 1 ý ý = t ý b = 008= eh th@ on MWOR et r»IbUty ileevé Coopm; sent. We have twe carriage and wmr BéBairGEO.Y. ý - ý - ,ý . . ý .ý . ý 1 . ý . ý ý 1 ý . ý . ý - ý 1 1 . ý tuftbt . ý .wm)i Gombiement telprolattre a dot«Uv% b« tb,,,ItrM Committee wm mthm,»d' shops, turning out good worL ý Ora IWLwair.-The vole of theï 1 _. ý. wles bleu kgkd Wet thal lot of iwo b" todb" oohetbmwtt ý . Xorcheute have beau work. 9: M : payers of Harvey on the by-law g .. ý, ýý e S4jý--1t OfIIIIII Obletiola irieftw. , - : IJ»Utlae&*dtIwleto#,qe«mbm The ops, r &"« %*I*àu IL aie tu tout the *Ueudm sklew&ik golbat V Il Z. . - . 1 . - ing aver lime for the lut feir weeks 1.1 ý ý . - - - - ý i penaltýv lier, oome*ý hv4 thlè dwa..* W au ie e!" My on the won sille of Lindsay- ý te the confidente of several ffrous, a" r i= a bonne et 81IM te the L.z ý ý . , ý . 1 ý ý *,,e 01 r««V etom , vrilla extroil belp and embout meet the de, bis true chairacter orne only diseotrered ý and Robegygéon ay. ,. . ý > . ý 1 le »M neloile thm ;Ooq« W- then sa .» ,**t t"* a bplawt == th" et.. lnetmd of oit the salait sIdeý as lires i malle moite upeun B#âw and rea ý ý. ý - ý ý ý ý 1 1 foit (4wh M14 1*111licié *11 or kel4d.' with irê.ej» the MdraiA waboë ObRtrùeto& . 1 -zGF .;.-Ibe-toaùltheette W&MUoned in the report. ý ý _ them. ll. 1 tobien, the tact came te ligu thât behod -à a tio, The proemdkp throufi .ý 1 rffltqý 'r)wffl towbtbthop"mg". tM» - Ou batidiau "%A,.VlrrAky tl.%$PEMDN. ý . i D& mor. _ forged bills on these firms, bafflett ,ý ý ý lKtýitt7-st.lrf4,ti . . . _. 1 - . W 1 ý 1 ý . ý . lion of our township couneil toi for the proverblej , perte mamown., "r the elâj were of a abost animated ý ý ý 1 . 1 1 ý -Ptft ,=mmt al :1 ,sabik obh«Q 'A .4le ý - 1 , - . . 1 1 .. ý ___ ý 414 xfflkw# K f-lba, __ éte. of Revtwd thraiek-ple - - CMT~ Ion ýw"» es te the saut- q= condition of the bridgé lever ý Heliexe: tried Cobourg, wbm ChWi acter, and each side laboured %t 1 _ 00-i 1 . . - ý , 1 tIbèut4eIý glial pe»"Y k*b»hU*M»bOO9- ho templibelli ut duw», &" the Por- tâtry luspemr, when tg ln*Zmr&epd:,att a*aà Cr.eeý 41 stiteh.-Ila àiffl t Cons" e Elliotit received ously te obtain Xc ,kmMy kt ent t tion or the wWk -dmrm!çd should :thoTown Couvait decil te In myes reins. il ý.ý.itittýtl., . Il LOCAL N11 i te arrest bis Lordship, etherwise Ced-1 - thau a rehicies were engage - ftvfe 1 1 . . 1- 1 ý i 0'.ýFèl.èýl#AINY. ! thèbri Illéell. ont, lm th» 01. (Irtt4haw te PMP@e ownft 1 Mr. Roddeu white, passing their muAl 1 .1 evai(xm.-Um Diien of this dema ý .. .ý « ý ý. . ý ý 1 bo' P", «b*i4weih»ed thm la r by-geor, appellation the toisa ometalim, i place bas toile année tires* loaded ivith MeCawL Me was m&dY caubcW la the ý the urrth side et the lake in ellavt . - . -1 ý 1 ý ý ý ý , fl* -hmt t'O the t-,ounty MWM«,. blé ý but suceeeded in getting te -ýý ý ý . ý *Aotli.Vi) liyjwy. ý M= P«,.»@ - sanitwry comrmtt" of the; ýo d rt ottIce. : voterie te the pull. The north - i ý1 1 1 * 1, %\ 1 I. I 1) ... . z 1 % .. ýý 1 . 1 T Md étuis, neg»,rW. &bd the otbef dey i but thoit ibe'. the saine time e vere mette, where he was arrested la the'stroaWy in favourof the raillerayon . . . ý 1 . the town %ervmt». Wells, poulain "Wu a ý Coureril liait ý appo àpp'- =2 4'. i . ; ý ý . ; 1.1-etfflf ilinAxo or ý ýiftted Mr. Rodden. i wuh tel .. They eau be . Oibtiýirtf et . . t.iqt,ý%v SINrée. , - ý 8M A"fblq.-- A eeeil ait Walker House. He was conveved te that portion of the township son ýî vrq iN «Il.. _. , Wiiw: w4pilar = ýo »W u1dittemit lob Kent-et w1boire tg liait i Tbe.Nlayor mmed thM ait lie lknew of suy lime in the gueen. qtý»àg uf Kdtwui« the -Irli=onand decicled te go quietty the i«e won equisEy strong in Il* i ý Nttct-tt N"14- 14ilow. - Nre î tien, ww Ins, W«I. boiert ilbeetre ý 1 ý - ., 1 . - 1 ý --., ,... -l m'tel ý Keý1, , . ýý ___ ---- - _qM fora IIIIIIIII boib»ue lie. the matter vrais thas 31r. Roddez, hm cl'Exsz F.t('TOILY- - Mr- D- S- Wil- back te the States vrith bis capture, sition. Ott the north sixty vote* iý ý . . ý ý ýtItt,.r.41ttttfl (letiet tht, N -_ - - -_ - m . - . . ý. 1 'offlk Vietort % , Nt ý ý __ .- - woba tolet that this worlt wm, Mghor- 1 tom te htm ami etaged that ho had. lock's c factm la dotnz a much, without waiti= for extradition. Týe polled. mm bâilot t)eing sIýoiIed, ai ý ýýý . . :1 ý . . 11.. ý ý 4'.. * -- ' *el l ý el ý . Ket . e M.: i.4 %emon'than tuer. j *ý' ... , * ., I.-1,111-11 .el 1 t'... P ftt 1.1 Olk.w (ýuT1jeI«jIby, ()(ýt. ?qh. ab 1 1 W ý -or. " If the. by-iaw, roffltzbelà » the nqti«,R. The Mayor aime stated lieu a - -,ton te ettimated at $:».f». bus when,,f ri..,Ilètlr-tts(,t.itt.v ebtqvt, (iftitted te, ý thé lobed hy the t4W« and lWdw Commit-, bepob solthorised te %et ont the blibinal larger 1) sinesis ý th total amouat of the allemed formules in were for a ý . ýý ý 1 1 1 1 I:t..".trytt - ý 1 1 »Mll. toi 1 .. C lie han liait the good fortune te get the, B, hesouth berwere fift 1 - ý 1 . 1 . ý _. oeil. %Muob, 1 1 t- . 1 book il mllould lie putoreed »Id ho O»ve ý more eMelent ,%aniuwy Inspecter than right man lit the right Place in the pe1ý 1 ý . h foand the -orisorter hadverY littie monev 5 for the by-law. Thusyl e-.lIl'*., ___ ý __ýý - 1- NIq,ý-rI %» Vmftrrl-IN.ý. lot th* ; fisir warbil4g IM9 lié w» Il% lwt#udcm 1 .Mr. liadden çould net les son et Mr. S. $teetiburgh- who, came in bis pSsm!GIL Tha Lurd Cýdeby. were:>-. both fer-mda=just theby ý ,ý . i,4 ltttnt*ViII6 Crand"Il, tbvbe**Rd 1 ýý a oMm of the «The Courbai then adic".ýz ;t ý A. -(etltittivili. tt.tq.t.ltv âOtatt,êt t-vtp the poohgem 0*»retbtitttehatrnnm»»li*gg Il. waft Au the rhief exeruttv here front the towmehip of Murmy, Co. il,. . ý ý - whose naine lie as,4umed. Il§ atj"ýe1It So anxious were both-partie-s foi - . . . 1 1 . . , Nv -ýýtqýt'it-iýrtiehtte.rpvýpfthpl"-,Lftbp t.êblw te the etemir. A un t î te** tel have Il mrog"d. Tèbey miabt 1 ý . ý . - - ý .. Northumberland. where lie hall been with the teth husIsffl in ladia. Il le a cess, that votera from lort= distz ý ý : ', -ý 1, ý\tblllllr eýix-1 et, fflay rrirktît or babbielq 1 represt, it if Ûbey Ilked. . but *0 gong a P severai years, la thé- matin- agi, and front Mil. MeV'*%) witée, 1«9»twtt te the 1 la tg: O.VZ.VRE 111C,11 SCI100 Ixalred foi son of Lord .UÈie. There am some lit were lnduced te go te the poil, and ý i - _t i * ý, I. 1 i' \ r": . , f Iwý /-',ý,,-eO-- )eè%ý,«'V(,NI ltt.k4p* bégoeubla. e»Maom"t tif tearbev* W" I&W before rm&tmd is bY-Uw It 0091114 te bol 01&111 11 1111:14 1 ý - facture of chSje. .1 am told by whole. Boston,.vbo belielire that the Young fat- dents of Peterborow ý. .11 I-ý the, ý ittttl (.fttq. ý ý .. tim tw»vd. Moffl hy 14r. Duem. ellee. out. sale man thait bis cheese stands ' Ne» . ,h, Otonabee, ý 1 - 1.91 qrccmerrl. CAI. eveil J.rýt,% . - ST or 1 "1)1»ý%TM -1 - low wbose miefortunes lire have related more remote places, drove ce ý . ý 1 -\Ile.%%--.-,,'rtltlti 'rt;folmi(I' (»W" br Mil. wrwr. thm la roviee. ln»tlm ty p"" Cý(erniq ma romiL - L There was very littie chaule made la the real Lot& M he - seenu,§ perfectly patil-% In. the eveni=therewaAco dýetee-tIný fi, , tilt, e\ttqýt op 1% lIt gti"4tained o# the "hg eltà ffeet~y levin. ,I, Mid twy bals hot authe«»d , The Mlowing are the saccessiul eau- 1 ut th!& fact.ry tallit year froni- some conversant with the fam!IY hibtOrv and arable exciternentý sied whtn the i 'ROON PA « ].R 1 - t@brjopýoj à Xleo, Riebarthm th* amie. the literie t»btlo»& . . . didates et the Omentre Iligh $eh" cause or titiller; hence Mr. S. deservekk te ,,,ftýitýit iIikItrý4 ,4tiettItty (,vëhll4 Inut by a 'El" r ue,14M tu laboi» *% *voie&- Ciestibre. Illmittoi redit for thé trouble that he took in avsheleft hià régiment wituont his V-,ti.,,t liqil inif Valet qtortit, ý el 1: 1 of a lie sprtad are=& for -orne 1 j'F4'Ctfýr #*@':tttt**N tiblit#11 qft,ýrom 1 . he Mien. *00= 11 1 tbor, 1 _ f-lllvýý-it1t" lAri".t.eviýrX , notion, ,%k"t té(eh tel loi, Xtrèleetobloif Ndue4m" ter nwmbe*ottmtlmm telothm th* But.. bêtrez le, out of ý - taiher% knowIedge and came to.Imeri- everv etreet cerner beeme a ton .11 ý t 1w .!qtttt, t Itti" tittd"Y Vrftq vietteil fof -MoIn lady in I»d tbe W«k omid test the.bill. le matup - 1 1 ý coing amund amonast the farmers m lle Je rather tell and a pleamm steak for the discussion of tue au :- ý , - . tttithority te " in thm y - ý 1 . showing theni the diffèrence and pondit looking mari. and hé bu au exceeding* law, whüsc the lavera parlours ut fýuf.1, -si . leillet prelleillet PoMtIM tilt thit Md of the let*;IrtpAt ^Dbva» " =19 001VIMOU ' X»k. i in the boakinc of cheýe and butter with ý 1, pllâhed addres& ýý . !', - 1. . !-# A'rew steittittt -vit pritlit'y llv"ly mortel. mettent Ymir ». m elespoo" , e#»t4- . , . - flisibleb". Unie. C-01s'enillk ......... ... 3m . late hour ait niet were turned ý, ý 1 l :, ,,VI . ý 1 _ _ 1 Ploitr"I., ý 1 1 ý« ....... Z i no other talent, than the mükinr of the' - .. . emme for the adjustrutrit of the la, .. ý .4..,.-.% wigow (!*rq4m. nov« lier Mt neam . oole- 1 The MAvolit ý .... là ... ý .... ý cows. The fermiers ut once tell in wicti . 5 r_ d ; -ER TO.T. itt Kttý-It%1td. hele rt"b"#»d »j.-ý ý mmir4l tbv'.Wf. N»vi. tbm the spelletiory, samrm l'M 1,1 rru, M. ý ........ ' lating te municipal institutions - . f, "" ý et # lit a jjj) .hi* views and the following ligures wili . IC,)rreipoudenteniTILePoot.1 -W, e% - o O-oniw itie es . l the m»Zl 7 was derided, t>y an hand*, that 1 .4%nroNd IcoMIr@Iyý " . 4 iulttnwted t'O ""«k* W the filtw Mlit= i - ......... ý ...... m la the -Pet Haley. a ýprietly and t. Futil%,.. ý ....... an; show the result of his tabou ds'eI,%*ýý rile Ibo lonti, cet heol tt*M»d. the pimim*. to Lord Dolrtn. i B Ë W* . LoerED Ut>. Il et il % q* ý'rO1R $1. ý - 1 - . township clerk boa a casting 1 ý sorrt.% ADUW. omev8ft ........ ...... .... ; ... :i ; menthe et May anti.tune -ri.t;iO lieu. of . . re"ièev »»Mb"oftmfo4m» le»hffl ort*Mtfd .1 the . ' ta allant the age of 17 Yews, whO This dérision havitair beau arrived l% tel. flieil fv4.tlt in lier;" m-elvewl OU thé te 011 Igte Vft*,Wtf* la %$M »W aneth"' effet loir tmm j tqwrat.dl Amie. umomm ....... ... . ...... j' ,ni!,l ' I)rnu_-ht ta the fattorer. and grietteil here a ié%,r years qp front: tý1(1..%*"t-llitteell4tr"pt*;(«.IttllffltIv,ý ri . th, wnonnt was .11-1. .t 1-ýý-'t -.1. t i,ý 1 ý '1111,11 X: -n«,,- "' .ý cm, was theu unanimo»gy carried tha .,%tt - 1-4re êtret "ve,%l olitgellottit j» thob a, tmwmS ........... .......... . Il U17 'té _101AX) ilis. of -..Einerald Iâles,' considumd Iti ý. ,ý ý, . - ý ýý - 1 MP&- 1ýM ubliobry - , . ý 1 i the t wnohi Ieîrk should give hi% cai . .týlztîd4 iti 1 ýitt(,",y Who roqdd do the 'tel expoed thélé, of vid en Jobit J..8. Il. 7. t)po.. i..,.. ý. natalité latitit, the members et the Cmiity ' " ' ....... ; ' , rnilk,. makinq lu.1-130 eliffle. Mr. Wil- fashion"Ie te take a holiday during è 0 lu ?.,,'o'r of the bv-Ia.. Mr. C 1 1 . ý 1, i ttflt-ttý M0 mîe-4 11*efoi thingt limobébès tittrieriod. M 1 ý 1 ý 1 Dôneber. Jam". unerme .......... ....... .. !ns tort; ha»,4hieped:ý» boxes of un ý ýR- ta - ' votle ý ý1-%-I- ý-wt"à-, ,%I.,qetttn(-% ittift tibilft rý-r Oevir wiy"*ýàtIfI faubtlli'(4 by _ 1-kow oýfuit4i hy 31 . . *foý i Cultuel. badtboir repu» were la faveu 1 Ivery. u0offl. Ortesseuble, .............. 2..»> ; duit, the -elierk. wl ,,p , *« ills, ý Liverpool where lie experte ta ineet the hot weather. but by &orne unkatu 1bil lm had Ion. 4."..qq.,.,ý. =- :, * *:, ni circumaitance over which PU mi" ýý perience in oÊlIce, and who is noci : kffled ('et itt>et Mllwav itltder et, 1 leer-ebeto't'y ofmmmun a ?@proie .. & S. 10, è:Mlly . .... ... ... 3ý141 __ , ,Y« _«tmive. lis me ý am". jobre J -ý;-,--,., ý . ý 1 - ý 4 i»*trqwffl te **Oeeo» («,% M'md- »~ tims ir. atumll joliplit ut fer ý mills.,tleome. 8.S. 13. Fývàlv ........ .. ý. ý .... :e'ý ý with a ready saleand quick return of control. he tuait a «»B ýé,1 ?le èý I I,ý%t %vttfld 4e4-"oý, oven »,1«ý 'elauq eomw~ - ».(,X«» là. S_& 's. Io. Fuitty .............. ;199; the me '%Ir.Willnek deservetz fflat quantity of - tznale leg.- lie b, , litauding: a incet conscientious au( the town *a weil. T4 voet et the tri 1 ,%..,IN .. ,p, 3juir. wIý. T.ý S., ý'l'i 6. , hotk#63m.= ! Mr. Vor- t ,ý,e.L Vý ..... ......... 431: praise toi hm vriterririse and, for his at once *dIsorderiv and w riglit ffl tleram.procèede(to the 1 . 1 MÙM, . ý , If - "fýt tlvtl-t )Ittttntlt(i t1lat let worW aller . lep! under an armingtersent wtth .the robli. shown. Ifflg, jk .4, j-& F ""' 1 1 ý .."fb, - - ý 1 > .Tnil; ....... ....... - a Ilked UP Hall, in Harvey, on '%%'etlnesda,%-, . . . . 1 .- ý 1 1 1 1 i.l. î ý 1 ý 1 1 oeil. th the âb"4" ofthie rbmrttffl of 1 way and teleaMbnM authoritift would 1 ý * . ý - _44p perwverance and 1 hape the farming for severai heure one dai um weeL, there declared tfie poll.stating dis ý 1 1 : ý ýt 1.ý1 ý l' 1- J., 1 N, -l'.1 ý.N Il ' Il %-41 %N.IýIctlrwoej... t'ri& oh.- 9,fjitf.r.ýjf de rifitbotro C,4m»tltte*. oftmoeed à te- ý bol abont IlItO a hmd. , 1 ý týontilluillitv will continue ta grive feint pat vows tuait it will be et e tuer lime by-law wss carried by his, own cm eý t ý , , Initié 1 LEVIMA Y 11.1au S1,110ol. £,Y-, libéral suepartand, in fact increelâte tlie' ýT/11-1,-h 14n. 'l'lie b;,Ifpf#Po-ëttlw lut Cot r" *W*»dlh* the !:Ibeý»w_»t et il* 1 he will be caught la the saine tix vote. This deciamCwu. given hj 1 , . ý , , . 1 1 ý 1 TtIe il" ettais ribvolirably emterla . rib,.I.Vi'lè.* i.'.Y.1.111.V.17'10.V. buxiiws-l. lie desérvt-.4ag"l rewarli ýuiL .. ý- ""ýt . tltqffe:ýr tlqt, hololnot "qltèlek lime ** 11«Wltt*laeroomttý C. 'IN- 00, but tý4-mmt" W» thm dropoèè and 1 a, clerici. Iiii writing. levoite dnal, and th, ', (,_ý1I-0i11teb PM4. ýeyý NIr. Il 11, lirtiet, rowm (poîot.è;i;ý feile'q. 'Ati 44.1#> J. Mýý V;. sa' lev *mne ovremmot nu 4ke» up- qmitl. ' . - . ! for lits ecterprise in dits tuatter. . S-r. Grort;E'.ýz Excrn--ýTOX' - -'bout law was dellared te bc ,.=-ried :I4, t(-Nýi»ffl4 In g-per hfbf##- ftw.$. 1.% jeette *40 M"et=l lmot that*,rM@ ho ettrorbit 1 . . ý 1 1 mer (ir.ert-cmirï. (-.%,N*I)tll.%TP-ý;. 1 . ----*.- - . tiventy of the rez-identit of thisi place thusanother letep bas been taLe Ne. Iltrttt'" X(ýya It 1% thle morte tel .iiw*t th" "Pinwm odth* rièrrellet 1 m rrloqq ANI) ( .01VINIVATIOSet. ,Siubtoined tg a lin et candidates ati-; CNT.11.10 VO[_1ç7!?ý tuait advaritage of the Sir. Georce's ex- the sucee--<ýfti conclunoa a 1 e-t t ime I,,t%.",(ýprd. , Now. the til*t*t" V~ . . -il. - Aeon of Mr. Peiii- . - t te Lake Ras- Warl:6 joa. PRIN119el KPARTMENT -1-11111 ý and thoit the b*hww* oloprotrideil '! The ý cI.@:btx r"d a tomýmludeatlo* i ; Il.%.,t) C.-t*.-;tii.. 'Ion 0 *rucsdav la.- UrN -u . railway project. The berbulbele nov 1 ý - 1 1 1 1 - 11 - ' fti-m lfýthf txiIlýqq, tel Illigité lime" lie ,ýX1 for ýàbX»1t eti.'«» t*ebilrtýedover. Iblev. i bout NIr. C. .è. Campbell. Vive-ilrm mitied by lorail exaniiuemwith the berton, ublilher, ut .:à-- t7xleridge rseau. Thev halit a good lime and were tained am â» followit:-Verularn. ý - ý . , 1 1 -_ý-,., ý-1'-J,,-t ,IiIt-ý tt-.ettv Itv .- q*,Ittt4de.t(40týp t'd tiy Mr. C4~ 11. ««*ffl -hi Xr. vietortis ltaitwey, 9tativ« tut ! orboot et > wibichý they received their ý with-the kind attention g»,. Boheavgeou. affl.gv.g). Il 1 1;- . 1, f'. ... .t ', . $.t.!qt . 1- à -tort& ý edlegtion.-- . ý Guardian. has Jiad lits halid l"Illy . ,)bIns I:frlfrO-'lie -anaeng - $tý1I): 1târý-ey, .;415ýt»- total. $54 .. Il . 1 : ". >ý*1 --I 4,0.0 t twr. il %V(itilqI ttko litttil4it in bla hevit Vottimlit tleè~ ed.-.iafflod. Nwve Avenue vrot« ho attelleffert lu on the ý Z '1111 2 .d. . ,ttlflIiig pleili whieh am et-iti fbbjý ,blatin. that the ettgloré of the ltteaneo impmvrmer» r«iulred on Viet .11- ....... ,..!, ,,,,ý fr,,ý1l1 te- el ", ý ý lhwm. nul%),. ý ................ Liml.%%v P.S. ý ixon. of Scott. illittee. ..!ýt',ý o li w»utVAý Od 4 %Mf. ileabiMo».ý téebe~ted by Nir. ý ritturoi of %fr« Rom trom thé old emvb. Chollub"Ill'. ib'bottý 1. ý ...... ý.. d ! (i*.ýý,ý,ý.'l'.."."'ýý.t.."."b- -e B.%i-nir RMè_%TýT.% On the 12 Ta this will Ille added the Lindsav ý . 1 1. ý - ý - . .ý. -1--1:ýý, 1, ,4,,,,. Iliq 1-q4f M"ý tý('t't»ýt'.'4,k ýltimtc*e Voliiiill. thile tni*Umrd pk_«,@*éln rwmi ý try. whie-b woold tales, pW@ in tisse te lialmev, &Iirbert.%..: ........... d., i _t - egl,-. .'» %%ere . the talk here. ln*t* l", which afflu" Y will net .be wiib -rý ý N-r j l' t ý; 1 % J111. e ý .ýý ý .- - .. alort ofapplo"l of the ami, habertit the wo* dons t1ila blettame Re- i iteml». viiiiiiellire .................. cauuàr- 1 hot lýh1'tu1t':1ýýt -..,ýý.ýýli. îI1ý .--ý 1 1 v ing. ý .1,11 are anxious and now that the." township* havý %f1-ý %% an = i,,-v , the .%)- V.'n$.* ! STRONG I)itiNK v. Toziacco.-rhe bonnet ta sée Hantait and Ho$-%. il is thoroughiv dz»clur,-ed their duty, . 1 le èùw reeffloloi tolibellerveil, 1 lerred te ,%ffl V-i"mitt". Il hein K W*11, i . Lifut ..: iý ": _... _ -J %, . ý Nltl-t'ttKr.- 'Vlte('*hfbwll leelotb"f'l' tend V-efflt t km of Ibo* %nek*tb.-L tiodeMoM thM MM emerileftt ,g 1 U'Z-.J,:h»ê...-ý......-::.:........ da . i chairman of the Sunday temlleralive proelaimed a civil: liollilay here in orderý thill, a sella of about e7e.uW %vi - hg ouh, 1 3k*Fuqutw. 8--hum ...... - - wa had riather the best ta ' Il a chance -, ý- ý .. ,- - ý t... I,,: , ', le e .s. ýt,,t,,-4 tient NI.rý &IoNotton. fley m(bW* ctt'j'tt4t. -the wn*tià* tlom "Jmmed. wmld bol dobbe Md rharMoi tu , wol meetint, ait Osha el, Ex tý) and - for rai;ýà, which will be suppiententE -, '. .ý , 1'ýl 'M". , ý - ! of thejoke on Stindar afternoon laet. IV , .. -M )IMO ý là%t,'rýIttli4ft&y fI1tkýjV(ý4j ý q tbIjl 1 ý àktmwbtin. rlek1wr..:....... . , - - -:= : 'I' ý»t\(e" tell ý ý .:.. th"t:.oèl . the Government grant oteUCi ý - - -té 4e tu ""fi tme of ,M Mr. I.H. Kalpht. P. R I., »k. j R»tdneol,. Tlumw» ...... .. ýLiudjylP.S. ý.ý,%-nl1rýz. :* - , 11(btýll**Y,\,tvfim.- Xv. J.C.(Ylwen. 1 e.wt*.ý J.-hu, ...... .... Meiwlm &S; b. One of the speaker;. a, nierchan. in Xx0x Citrucit -1-n'"vEe' :-%n'r*-Tlle eý:L(k« The prospect of a railw ýý .. - -A; %N1%t>ý iiv 1 et, tte's «;tl, Il , ow., po;L .. 1.1 *of the Preibvterian vervhopeful,-Ihe heaviest portii - . ý ý , . m -! 1, , , ýeI ,_.. ý ý ,,%I.t.,ý%t't 1 t tonq (Ir twi%%,*I,. w1bleh ('01luselfor-et-Iliblerý and ut,*. t)lwtm low for -the note or the -rown liait ý lm a senoi",ýM.,BV.Ait'ffl. ý ..... . . 1. i town, atter tipnouricinc stronir drink. c4lnzregUI«M . - ý1 , .. . - - 14 tod -re intends fiolding the'ibreliminary work hall been eui ý _. . . 1 : -\ý!V'I.t',Itýle'1'bt. ""t, ý t'l'ýý,I 1 ýhIj-j141d fV41"ý jýjV»opooj fil ItOPb"tef X y MM Al 0 a"' '4;ý - »"wý jam* ................. - . If-, 1 invvighed agiinât the use of the w church in Canada hi. ,- 1 - - nothlivée .bout ,mnti ùw ht;ii*'(I"i.Mft. am Xiý aâ lieilbehffl, CM"Ml" tu lie held the Oe ýw .1.,Iii,%,mdsettenù*. Now.thechair- ille anniver%.%r-v service lu cublinectilna - flly perfèmèý, and the bellet is g . . .1.,\4., , %týt.,ii_ ý lif-4 ziýttqtýt,-i. 1 p. Ittt(bi" -Ref~ %O the'rown Prob" y - ý..ý... ý ivith tue opeultig 1: f. q q ý t tm"q -ttttl tltem not d"fro tel wo lettel the x0q. il. sprêlett. 1.4mmy. et* lm«. ý . = = iiI;ý. ý ý man wits a ulcei of il. He followet et Knox Cha"eh 0" aUv entertained that the railway Vi; 1 , _. lip . ý . MW I.Rikt$.ý..1&14ewlvmt.ý _ 1 owet»w. P.-à ...... . «.,..,.ý ....... (1.ý 1 - - . 1 ýàetltqýjqfflaftiqotloftgott tbitqitte«. èlffli. al, Mod Tu O"V'tf Ci.IAIIOe . . 1 1 1 . aft roi ýi.,ý,.- ý-I i"ttp 4.1v' týtiq Illt-4tàktl *rqW.ý* fro»ý t%1Ï. j.uke Taylor»* Ir, tý,je*Wt fflurffl pridsby fflitiffl from Mm Latte for rhartty. ... I... d., : the teneur" of t lie speaker b tIlez4th tiay ot-'Sévtember next. Full opèh for t,,M, bv the autuma of -... - . . i'q'-eýlitý('it lmv , t"t frotte the 1"w pocevieilemobibelleurible -1 it««wd te the Cbuh.v VomiItWe. . 1 B"M're. Acoe ...................... cllamie"n. id waý trille. .1 particuliers as tu -the rer. gentlemen And se sav ait U u%, with a hil . - .., . t ýittiertmltw hom. drtý - 1 1 cýowter. rtà.,4rklW C .... ý ...... wa)"ý, P.*,4. 1 ett -those who heard hini would be pro- Who wili be présent on thellocabien and Ilurrah.-.ýltudependent. ..M."«»..Ow. ý 1 . . -1-11,il Il- 1111111MINY %eht-KI-t"ý i-4 ( " ting lit glýtendt4i t-ilt.(». *r4ymdaotee , r4twuito Au-Im. 1 IIrtmttrn. Flors ...... ý..... ý .... 11 & the speaker hall do-- for the ý«wùb1 m the MOU"Y àDuowi= %II Init éteule trige and leej t t b" t 1 Hommu. Lente ................ do tittett. But ai - - __ prelibrobted a w,,,w. Ad... ý ....... ý ........... Il., i noutired the seller of scrong drink: as will be given soeu. ý. me. t ttý lqtqittt,.% (If 1% àt.tzttt"ettt. eq'l« hm fi" hot Mr. &#"NT COPPAUT81- 17wr, ïÉtillire, . ,%, 't '01: ý ý , .Itk t JItý Iett*lwttttitýýtt. ritar t* #littixl. Ilbutom" on- twr lmwbbbm la bavlun laiw4yý7blg."b ý worse thon the, tlrinkeir. he hoped lie PRiý-F-%T-%Tto-4.-The Rev. Je" Me- NE Il'.,:. Op TUE TrE21K. ý . - ý . . ýbq ýj pagition for & hOwliu« 1 Xumber of randidates front Lireilsay *a1t. l'ire ý .tq,ý1: .1 ý . hm 16 ogood Oew, of thie, 11*y piley wb -b 2 Ir. C.. propeaod te run- ý Publie SebSl, :>z from other eehool ý Irould applv the doctrine te ,"lier& of N ýbvter"miuLter, beingalbOut . ý,.1. i m1. 1*0 v4ý % 1 Ný, ý- ý ý . ý 1 - - 1 . lehl" letretère un thectid bail &bU@y bc4IdI»eý 1 - total. .-,,. ýXumber jm,»M fet M, soute of the audience had , ta take %iýr-weeks boildalm at the ses- -Diliraeil makele the anagran - 1 PQq', ('I-ttttý%1-6 ltgrrl.lq,-.,ý proillobeil "Il A melleu the petition ý«M _. ý11% ý,ý 1 , , ---- - - ý - - îéý -on ý ,-,.,,,-,m,.O.ý ,-ý%-n one gàod rituz- . front thé, side in order te reeruit làs, bouliste. Mr. lead. sir!" --U:so, -I Élie lad"' ý ,Vlqt, lelq trit4l if wlvt,* the rolwwipfýr^ 'theoi, la, from other . 9 _ý ý . . 1 ý , ilèglt. ttwl«mdbwomem Aý IPs byht.w Introdured and î là»"Y Flitidit S kýrch.inttliebittrzýaaucTiblyapprectat- DanielCamron Tre»urerjacommny, -F'ttteetLliveswereïQ oD*-çV.:ý ý 1 ý . ý . ý -% Htý1e41ttlý-h couftwey of t.e-tt-4-t lojý eg*§"e # glo, (.«I, "boat% .1.31c"l,,:àt . ý. , 1 1 ts dm «ýftytmag la -O* Po*w te :ZZI, . eli. ill'indicator. am tio» in ammd the by-law 1 ý - ý with a fev ather utembers of the cOzt-'daY bY a cOlitMm on the Ptttsý ýý ý ý ý rrtt4' tn't't't' 1ý4oW '&ttlt'- tbl4nýdt"t, te thil ettellétal O* toile j-kemiNt. ~ p go «4ýv«rttm bowgliN"lk". ete. . . 1 , . , ý - 1-'.itzt;u.%-rz,,t;.-l-everal mechaniers in gre=ion. -t-affl as the mabbase one CmeiiÙiati and St. Louis P.aUroad ;..,ýil..,.ýKtýttt-,ftt.,t"tl1w.t.41ý,$tl-lpýýi"ttt'ttt tftlvt»lbtbnhel.týpeëaerqtjtlqtw the 0 1 . . . , 1 y. - 1 ening tuer week. and prewated bien. . -The Oraniremen of Montrea. lot jet Verý POM#Off douh Md M tg . 1 0(119 etri(l '110IL111. . toývit have boujzht [and on Manitoulin en ., . , Iý-rq, t tel, tt4bvtý* aro top-rtn*itw, %Vbm ý idvr* &et lerobter fflp ne tnffl tb" a Offli- Vate *mw,4 ltP"IATrvn& . ý ý - 1 i ý e conciegation. With coh4;to Toronto on the 10thirwtcà ý . ý ll,.,ëitte tlt(, j'of ý ý ý I.-lanki and are contemplatiner remue. in the âme et the 0. ý ý I.-- It-.1t--qiýqt tfkit.týté. - 1 i Nt'*% apollIble Mtg bol- senti migtel, and em ha, do» la Atteint i Ibo MATOU P"-faftd the report or i cxcrittllON- TO -4r.ýtKOKA LAXM : in-- there wIth their famille& Mr. W. a handtsome sneu of Money te defroby; join, in celebrieui= the o ing oi ý ý 114 luttit the thir4 for rfK4*« the n»#» Commîtire lier rmdlow the Orlnjw te the. morning of the Civic, Cýintutr(t, who ho-% liait mome farmim: bis e en;,« during hi& holidar trip. gales of Derrvoa the 12th. ý qs ) made a briet repiv. «tbanko. - The Moritreai Wituess ha* -et t Ielq bq, dotte (et Arv wMtwep. 'rhas lI"tii.-kýý4't'. a1w ývm.,q. OW«dow. *ho, ý ftgl(bwinx alistemetat of expendite»ýmd i naiday bripit ,howery, net more thau ý experience. grecs oeil t his fait. and il Iii Mrý - c- ý . i tilt, ti-tetttl.%. 1-4 a " 1,(Ivw in prototi hy t«,,,,,ý,t* -, reverolus the pa« two yetteris and t ý . ý _; 1 ýý , 1- -ý. 11,4-., ýqýt-,- . 1" 0 1 nW4 Ntffl, te. l'obylOr tend OreR _ ho ý rcpnrt, fav urably the other will. foi- In-, thent as repres.enting the tongrega- trienceIl leffll proceediriffl te obtii - - 1 - .. 1 . . . 1 . ý : >ti.",.Iqle.Vigtst . the, #*,ttbt(It'l.t tel Orv gwe r«*V*'94 'r't" are «O lotestea for the - - errent - Yser. lie 1 a coupée of bondred availed themselves 1 . tien fortheir kinduetis te bleues« And liez of the hanses of Beaudrv's 1. . ý . è. 1 Witte . Vol nt* yet ý ; low next sertson. .*%Ptlillt'4 Arjý t1oVeýW etb',10vt»ît thet invwbtmtw%01*44te (if eomvF"tf4 On ""Mi or thsitembeillotthe excellent oppo eng: gâtent, July e-plecial eofflaý1ea. ý* :. ý1 ., i. - ".ti",. ,*. : ", - 71%1;:Ibtt, tItI,ý ziro t*t-t totlo, tttt,,,ii tel et'% *"," L . rtunity provided 1 N rw flrst toad of new family eversince ha rente au ý ý - ý - 1 1 . , ý, . ý ý i «% bâthiole %let. à. IL lettelabil and and 141aud th" lié wobs Douillet th" a 'ncicty for serinez ibarley was brought on the market thiq uni eýpeciaIly fer the présent gM ý -ItismmeredatParisthatMa . 1 1 . . .*ttqý;, 1Vebleifibý, , 1 ý. familv, %14i%*r*ý I.ý wmIff. J. Il. j"14. #%lit Md t-Imr MM*Wtffl of the te",*: by the St. Geor.-e'e s 1 iiioWinit by Mr. Thos. WitcSk.ý;,=. of ý 11acMalbon declinea attending .1 ý . 1 ý 1 , 1 ý ý ý . . 1-ile-(ýee%,41"1111qtlttf". *The N*c*wt*d VeIWý, W, léf*Vt!$W.i. K lèmelburoh M ilemetm réestégillon ehmid ho, piolèbed lie. ,the Muskoka Lakeu. Th~ rire. ;Columbus. aud wus bought by Mr. 1 . -IILVEirs &Ir.' Enghsle concerts et the Troca ot t.inam".. J. W. plaffl ot, forte-the, »Il t nothil 1 cipisit ,,crreýII.,tejencel,4 The Pý>-t-1 \o. that cocquin Disraeli 1"")ieo, '. .:Ivq rht'h, ffltql. ', * , W fer Fa.k. ut -.0 centet. The vield 'was a -In 1« Il. V,"-";il,,... elélé. .. Miue lg pffli« .ho I.d = ' things = t% ** It-iiqev ('f ib men,4êittbtwh (Ir th" t pointé etibd T. lit or k illit or tiare in camping or ' Goou Tius ý At;-U.'Ç. - -Ut me.ý ý . ý ý . 1 - - ý 1 - c", sehmbkdi bee, . In thé 1 opend Dg a - 1 itt le better than'W bushel; ta the acre. ' ý.. ý .. . ýVIMI»»% ,ý"'*Wlth. , dork. Ilel wooa '14 wu ood bar. -The wife of Herr Blowit?.'o Itt,(.fat-t'l tcmflvnv Iteleq'tue, :IllIè*V*ý JO»*. 110elleielliter. N. Y2 " At- 1 à& " PrM%**.' 'the trip UP watt hot ý a fair indication et the croie for the seera P-perôl_ -rith usi: t7. . . ý 1 ý ý ý ý Il 1vý(b Fýi(,kf,,m éÏtid .%Iet. "%týý%'Ottitqter rewthoel"Ilb ; %I1IbIIý IIIIIII. 31111,111, le'- -tu» tdq,*bm the Ity ; marked by any Incident worthy ni note ý ytar. [Reformer. ý est weather and gSd reward fur Our tilt Secret3ries et the couà:re-ýind .. - . 1 &',-n-ettt- il, t4,h$t,*n l1"téeý VtJK 91(041 t*Ml* rlàfflW Of IAMM'r- de*# t IV a ý III .tivety with j natal Omrem.hTèrst wa& relâched. when ý und in Pnrt tritil ettlotte a ý N>.w WitE.%T was gro ý . ber husband te obtam the ,àignatui ý 11m;vIcis (110 clin$: A P -.;icel$ ý ý 4 lit, à%t,;t itlett"tt letqVel-Ilieýà(briettourof wttbji* xýllert* »Il îOo: étal etteikol. tbeex,,-umtontat* expertenced a del'ght. i flerry on tlie:.>7.tii ni Jiily. but the l'x, toit. each of the plenipotentiaries nu . ý . . i,,ýttt-titil &,f ible MIIWtV. - Thé twO folfoled a IIIIIIII ton Iowa fat ehamre tribal the railway cars ta the Iwidze mill txbat this by two dav%ýt e .Llc.lor4 pétillaient C.,Oft.%»%-rh-* RV4"mxv of J»mtqo, op ý Il týjr - sznvicmL--IL -ell attena. fan which ,ha eatrusted te him. ý _ý . ,"Vlcou#l LaItoit 1 ý 1 . f,ý,-týit't- .Mftgb'to4ýo etoffl.%, t-hm""Iv" '1'%tr«Wy for %toit %let i prw"#»" for 147O illied W.77. uwifk wmt..* ý ba"»** agressai .%iptuine, whieh eartsrst on record. - . ed meetin wets belli at the residence of -The -Journal, of Commerce sa% à., ý 1 ý , ý.ik-rtIv fflt4qef4jwjtjý tltt%14btltttrv thrmwb t6 t* -om,é% tell daye, ý - .1he bkktbwilbit i pw txtt 1. . 1 1 ý w» deromteil with buntlog. The ý 11711t: *1 DFI..%%V.%r.r sFr.I_'ý- seule Can- toits of C icadia, phospliates havè ý1'% hivlt elle, rt«tt le ets£mtrlý tel fute. and wieIt etrid WW" à0e r*mlwd 'i yxm»diNm. , scomy aime the làke% w» very murh, . adiansýwitn went ta seule in Del Mr. Davi î . ii-peused bv sold in Engiand ut a price which aý "Ilenre, Aicramem -%ervice -as 1, 1ýi, iý (Ibt-intltttitttt %vii)ttr. 'Wètnttlin**t ett, lg* leffll 0 telke POIWA*tl : 1 »i ,.x Ir., fier. »il #41.11i lie. - -.. . aamtri& The " seaem net juat , are returning honte with doter., aul et i3a.L-oVe;-ý and four the,ýn% A2 per et, '. . 1 1 'JL)f'. glotté 1 tales Êt.v. - ,o,ýý%y producing il t.MnV Wel Ibefoitt«qltt. »Iý& 1 I L tb "elle 1 ýQbjt(S. ' ffl l*qgi. mal.?44 - . .. ý....*%..It ".10à .43-.ý4? ý*è:é,it» beight" the islmdeweregtud' of instýcts erid tilt hê%vv cest of farni- jeaptisme took place. Grésil p-À- le laid the bankil of the Ott FIX-1:411 ýNNIP4VAIXIM '(, tq"&t u . ý ý ded with the t at* of rimpina parties Joseph Nichai. an employet ý . ýt4,ttitblttkit ëf the ritéelli. Mr. tend %tu". 9. Vlotiff, ',Z. rend 'ýWm rowtw-w. ý-*iM -4 -t- "Iýtitltrtetkt, elle, ý - ,toit poor lantl.. -I 1ïold vou ,40." lu ,ju, Mr. Carrilthér. JýMsbyt:erian stu. '- q ý 1 ý . ý ffl ý inu . - . . ý Md M&Iète tk-'!y .... .... ý ..... »? w who tnvmtably extended a greetinx or - the style il% which they are greeted by ,lent ., ýtatjonpj al Cobotonelz, for his Fisher & ZSon** paper mili. Dui . . 1 ý qý«t VOI4 (Iu,,ý%im. ý-Tlbp t",t. Nigollotitie. %il tma - lm ý1 Stýý-,,0,0,.,tif"o,.,etmktý4 11, "Il 1 1 ........ ;.. molsomokliwL Thetotapanytromlýhila-ýtlleirulilnelizhl)oltir,% . ýi0e a-Ji u-dug a huit on a pulle y . ý . ýà , Ç, - _..ý 'Nttttti ,,tret , t.14P VWW titillé, if wow. 1-4w#,«ýY; Ikie ab"d Xlion o,'t. é.w. .. - ý ý ý .... 1104 M 79 lai»,rsxith ne%. ,%;Il 4, imw4o lwlitv ('te thé port of tt* gâfý4W#. ýOqb4b, wtttim *WOWWM i *% delotela w» ettp".Iàlk . warm. a sainte : F.ti-rit ix Vtýxxoa la on the inemaue. P.IILW.%.Y EXTF-X.-IO-ýç.-S. ,,-:. Peck Mondav wale accidentally di . - . wisoo. .... 8,1»2 . PM 11.11ille . . - - ý- ý . l I , »44,kbekwtt. je.. - Fr àh*fk%ý, r« Il. i rigo Md wawi. ... , ', t.4 1-sole L*76 l en gurts 1*.Inu dred. The jI,;ý;ji il was not going ta lie 4MI ý ' 1 . . 1 ý 1 _. - . 1 f-1 ritit," ti, lit erd lit;, thele w@*è»ý 1 ý - 1 tell . linjen-. Whb. Gainer. Ileeve of Min: ý inellantiv kille'L - f. Of(W And Jébolffl (ýWk@m*i jKs W» lita" 1 lublevtm t'a d*4»tua*. - tt.$«04 ý,4.iii ;.Fei 1 , harremt weather dits venir. and it*-, the tien. Weil. H:brlIeý Reeve of Lutter-, -The*total assi,,--nee and othei -1t; 1 , 00on. ... leb corti te. th coun il ru pensett of the Jay Cool. , a baul ý 1 ý l 1 !thne .elle, fcerboerq will net etkbtbt . le* pib:.$ ý -,m 4.-34 : unanimoits verdict thât there cOurd"*t Worth. in tompanF Wi - ý c 10 ý - - ýl'lit v-4 voigr f, %aie#. , - 'i- ri'tttetIblit-ellerv et to, t* 1 Ni i Ilstý-.t',muq ;Inletvtbflt(,Itittilet4le perfm - --R -- - I. I= - ';à escale thiu fur ameutât te e_ý7_-I 1. ** »= 1 ;eý 4 3"ý âm f;z ý beany worge». ý 1 ï, ý mow y ' . licia-le lu Our Young .. ý . - c 14,it,ýttttqlRi Ilitq,,t, il, ttqp lq(,,;"-ý,44101»0 Iilgh" 1 2ind,"q*. Mrt tjttltýl** Md Ibo 34w"e .0. - . and> aliter ai creditors. Who have received allie 'a - le 1 la th. .tt,.."«ý .d aifte.. . ý---,,.-- -.-...:-.-.- .1.-.%-k-.-.. #%..Il p pe '&lm at tha. 1 . _ ---- C, - ý remaininý- !_.Ititnt«i-TROI'lil.l.,-%-Ontlienilthtof tes, roua county. left fer Toronto ta-. -- - ý . . . .- ý . ý . ïlw,ý1"%__ I1%ýè ""il- dm . - -_ __ - --.---ý-- i nwer ,ý-nt- dividen.1- nartimilv ni tzar m &Y. MM" IMV mon" Sep- - -".. ', 1 - - ___ __ ý UlU la" liait. «Il wu -.ý. -ail paneeKneffllly. Ijlemuowlngaa- % il wile .44,tmtl 14 iléod w1*40 number Of aVecta't'ffl on the griam . ý,Th1 ridicel 71alizton am Cart-: dmi was then read Tiv Dn'%Vwd. and pald as high as Jïe per month for i liq tt OWtèbffl bli q*v*vbw SOKOW OmIbt 0 27S00 tho vkx«,ý Otte Wtl@tffl W wi~ toi* cal" vidwa *NOM Imm m »bq*wmm Tb, .6ra 14 ed and servant girls are sos SfflVee P y the **W!4- wrigbt suffièred much. as did thom of l in the meentime Mr elma ejW men. vw eïIe wi^ lu 00 tbe"ithJtily . X H ip ...... ............ U7 ce bWekw mateh on Miac Whitbv. The Une of tbat some of the Benedicts thil 'JI At avo t,*dmk 0* th* rmkffl»o bfte4- ....... .... the stOrm; presented Mr. 'Çewom with a ba"- wemid be tatigh casier to get an, -Nttllqt*h *Ikd*N'Ittm k'Illmk«4 V'ëèý wffli te ùW «*Nbý and 0"' %il IMUX lla coomy Nalla ut 197. ',%lem. but tbere was quamillug was a narroiff one, as ut Port Perry it »me nianonk batige:- hâQý tMIN Ob btpw î*~ WA~ m mm f» Si- Md 0 tiltiidf*lt *hg wasa moderate rain. The hall was te- alite thau to euzà&" a gui to do h 9»". 0 X il. MM heï gew, &«mu ta multable fur sime, and la-, some places Fitin» à» Bmnmm,-Ire. the inhautorj. -t.t. 1ý,kfl itwï eté Ir, iiiiiie, Ob» éo" Wo kl!« a"Iroo». lýïtàity, tue tbis oppunwùtv "f a es ICO«Omuadmm «The p*&j eut and threMed the grain.' jnother týrdeop rewm et lmmc elle wbo bmxmwfflm iev4,ot"t (4 titilla l. b*vf bom ~ Ak* 0w lisait m -The wheat CrOP la the Londoi ej-ý Ibo(. lefffl FAT.L saow.-Tbe fui ibutvyrainstormTueM&ymomi«ad.:'IüW--,,- ou mue er emm th« W» wttwffl. -41 Ilop- ce 111» ded la the damage, caMing awa Ow Md ma bv bas UODU*mudv beamr- ki.4»« w» et dm expeeted. The jjree 1 i-i-,%iIit4t tltt+ti A14 btidow4m Io #4 r«««d »pu« too*ý m*wm àbqw or the K*htl b»b«- *»M ho »MM*»#4 W tbe reffiwil- M»um »à r4w***. Mr 2» Se 'a te ormalonal bridge weakened by théypraen à" glacial dbgoqgee. We asoure v.t4 *in Yeu reffltW__O» of aumeroU, CM hh" Mteeffl moi. obem. 0". ý - ý - ý ...... . . ........... . lie ce *Iwê iý- ... m ait Ob"y bud bouf» Wbffl bil ftm" sbo dersowd se te», el, ab_ 114th and tub tIct vious Storm. ý'0 t of t 1w itett% t ai. foà*d a urmi tailiiiiii la- px'pk have heud la Mr. Fwebe. H-dej of lit#* Md ..... ....... - Il-%Xvl*r Pffllv,%L.-The 149 'ITtuxprîmsmcllm- on Monday; 1 = v. p2d, ap= teromu" te d e. tbvu@-pw»ý qf. teRI111111114 9»qtw* 0@*" «pwao§4 bwd- L wilil attempt lire 1 themu go puy Yeu a litbute ce r»peg% bu .1nS cou- of L" who yesterday thri km, ý _; ...... 46 00 Motbodim otthis Pla» purpoSemvlax Wordà bd go *£PMU ~ fonhop WC prmut thb offti acres lUG busheW neaey.10 1 ln*»t' Z», W» m OWbAblOu" bbrv@ig dim« (mb- hooting himself týh badge- tbe mmmug 09 w Yeu weil ktwwta be eW per acre.- tS ât me 4**IitIom tl" ma ;fw' 'mm Sit 811111*140% M wOll m daintiffl en the ai for a time, on *a mabloui a pu" and lanceuwe. 1% la u,» C Sua to -A ec&UibutOr to Viek'* .... .. # q %ex fflwkw 40kqmy. lit 1» et Avignet 8" mouýwe Pw. on tha in a pecuzizzy lame kt iâ but tr.&»L bus Magadne oDfflythUIM th" t4.tbtttrit tir thoif, bili 31 j lie out of m a relie M là b041% SUMU a" »bW. ard il* Mt. imrm i (À t»ýt"WýCW»M Mt 9w. fo**» am tom UMUUR MW dimin. wbeu eme bis P01at0es were DOS touched b od (If ttt"iq ai -i.el, et SM'emtnm mm Ot the Cherehl W ained a a 1 revolver,. 1't'a tha y- MW tom ilve Io aller it Md My è»d and oue«vm #» A fi -en". 110M pal". M., ....... _ ....... 00 . iteverSla te saisi tbe mâati wbîcà tt» bugs becanse wild petuitim grew tIlibtd-at ttx*" th itwuo* lie de» d" Ibebompet (Spe, 13@ m "temps nue -hieh lie kept lnaded. and tI*tt+tti (4-MI ... ... p Ca«âaa,. suer Argie. fired it lut') la mmeup9w tm* tow" -le. tbe Powo Patch., that the bugs 1~ tiie Soi F*V. Q A. SIMPOM Md «hem Wil, hi* left aide. Mm Winjama bad hem dis - fto- eur addà il* leave the pouuoes for petualas tim addrevAio% la the auden for a moment and heud aiùse in »Uintt= ."Pez -Ur inemil and bi». 4 iýifi-etttbt i*#*- A of which me poisonous to 1 PAU mmom '"*Okter4 loir 'né the @ho& m Me wm entering the dom A»Pd^ £1 télé Mliew on Win br* Dr. Clarlke w» ait Cam mu for. fï; B= tmbebauod the r«uw» ci viet«à member RIe "mou iiiii. dm aibéeàà Seboel md bullet W» a "Ma one. Md eoum nu ha deris t**t t» htwi- tbe on the defieit êtintié h~ tri ............... t tttîéf, lie* *NW op* .1c 1ý-w% ffl lem t»M be useed Îatter enterim the ...... . lukulbu the, rh»L it a.. et =de M 0 Win bavé M t-aeér" bed m miered eithr ims or b-k et ur.xewaouiarupm»mth* q retowd te »0. was 1 %M bout.. Tbe Plâmat Com te fail Ma" &,f«W teeiîiw remmimý Muned- ble the au tltt=tto ted &bd tIL 1 .......... Mý IMM of cmmwre mm on th, _,&14 =-bm"z«enîm néithS he fair, sony as imring Vit»d& a" te ýlmv»e the a 't# 00 Stw»m point m %be t&v*n' Manim medIr 4vin ltgb fflffl «ww mm» ir-au tuth) aithm caum the pu,* aw me « un heUt Md thàt be wowd ever, Wi* - Ur ýL Fumer. a Yeu ram Oâwt me. - çbRoe Oumà iiein WM pft m wm~ ta ýblq. md du" momed mou& tbe or ** po«ou 11111R me howerer. under abO« 19 V«gs Of Ame, whe beloq Dm Md lkdw AVR» M UM O'Mba du doetoes jxwed th« he Uùs t in the futýQftVn spow WM w ~ twwdhd Alaimm BMAM.- mlle, Woedst-cit. Ont, amud wMm #11010ill _ -The jemm mm the 010cit and to-day haïve the pn - y '_%_ Md rew fmm Chipie, t*M~ W» à ivâme, ut vwuug the Umm qF"I"dç-t% tel lit Omo tb" UMUÈ tbel adaw« 84 woodwine gTbOub7b la Moeh better, md illives kiudhi»" lie W"d h«e lm» be. Navy ldm& in a MUR row Wàr, 10 101111111147 a tow day* «tol la dedoine m»bqpuof.movuj soiamtkmal b" hh,6 ~ mm" euwonom ouretumanaint" «enimwml Viýw -». " Md ggvmm the enau ot'bie mah an a A Wo» VM EM3MMM6ýy0mreur ovnt, the ybas, il, .. *#» d«wmâmdm te Mt rid or bis wâff«ý regpoudanj; ci Kirk&M gmU j« ýA e eew Vt-t'k; à Mie, Z wu --- Haîe lima- ',.t Iý,4, ne "gk 111111111110- It wm daiae la &AI, or tnmî»tmha danim ma Ù-a "a ne W.- "(.«hwmy fbw menu mm of jet lomy et petmtd *09, m (»r fflt«ebk* *M- #«» 'ty' PrOL WiMum 16 the Pm-@Pwft, Ot N-luwi'6 Thar liait (.Irhavîne. _. soins Fi b» Viala #41N md h» n"d »M *Pte, a fow *"tq. *ettr" = (« w«M ne S» te liblil Valiiiiiii, M qoe, and a ven ras& Pait y or pim kqwb *w»V1wý làtow »0-6 Ukdrdar of Itia theput, the r«ma- sappcSd by ý v te be one o 0" tft eouw»»M wé aft* maiL Ho baââ liera a bande- bMM et whkh OUM to, bwy them men 09 be Place, wd* lI ».14M wo-àY%,MUW M" la the and bmdmmter la quia t.(ql, pr4*pmo yeurs, in nuum. &"mu »=t formule t.ý_lk4 Mee 1 i 1 m it àé1ýt"b: the lababamu of Victoria mm thm or four i t.4 beric= lie ruainde me of tbe MU& eîîïi nepm ACCM13T m trees, t-p ruaft" in the 4 little boy wbÊ4 la the. hm or his eme of thm eni @"et M m, 011I. of **il *1 1i'A boffl whit. Ur mààg. bc t*14 "ffl -"-- - __ K 01ot. monum« am te mm A ftan.- mar. bY. UM wfth bis du" cm Tâe@&Wmu au" and r= U" tbe &rate& Mm lem bus ce Putje Iboiii, tàm WM au U thie bu» fur 110111111le hSillle toi tien à" mmbar ablesobearit. br a thwa wm Mt, Ire'. 011110 Um a A-111811IM- wi» un ThSudiiir taro trmp@ Mc wýffl Jks e-ft kt" évi - hi* "MW@* au - tbO SM 111M une ind old luly ehmbmà Mm br, 'J'a tuanre 110111111110 am Tm 40 00 &Itou"- àe«d ý um mg mid tàme wSe au 111111111119- 21101111117 C11111111V. r01314 Md Alter m iv 'damw WM tuetem at __ - - Z---- -iéý -*i-dn- -r ý -Mrmo. a @»d dbmw m I - th« ftrm«,, ---m bw a me Mt sa" MUV.-I«iaâemrm«%m am __ - a *Mý au lm 1111111111le tin. buý mm 1 90