LINDSAY, 'ONT-9 DAY9- AUGUST. 23,1878.. . ý ý 1 1 - .. 1 ý - 1 . ý . ' ý . .1-1 - 'l- - 1 ý 1 ý ffl ý_ . . ý ý . 1 __ --------.ý,-. - : I-ý,fo.* lui: tel, Aiiý,,,týt CP, 1472- . - 1 - . . . 1 magarlu mm DSz now the WM mm ho a grest auhame of about Mty 3»» a gl" l TIR PACIFICS(;A--iDAL. 'I':ir -fe-li I.,%I:ý,:.Iý,tuý!,I,'r4ir.,atto. 1 213 1 cottentre, a" th" ý ...!et t.',,,Ij.ý11,1. . - a& 1 - 1 li %=,. &Urie - - - ý . «,I)ritw",.IL.111.! f"r "' -1-1- ,_ýýfà#W0M9w M «._ , te M&» . -4>-- 1LI_4ýI 1 ., - ýFS-1ll--- . __ ---,- -- A 164-. -0.&»h - 1 .1. .1. C. . .Il ý. z ::ý The Abe opmm the doue 1 This retiettaitre etenapelletie Illicite .- --- .- ----- À RETROSPEC Il ().41 SiR JOUS . . 1 IdEr ý A a" "V. . ligilluit hils inclicattàn. tu re«"" 'idumay rieb mon. Ili; - 1-ik-u-d 1 , . . uvgoome 1 ÀM*evuWwd.» . mairie a star gay, elever, Me fellow whom. ho hâtâ sca hà appellaritace, 8" W» ras 'EA 7' ,**r(Li.,,.%i,,,;.,I;qg _ L!4;z.Iýt, 1<2. ý L'4011 RàiltC'L*wwrâàyq MAITD wuxb"T Dwehmuk-NuilkxDoummwtruEmkzw.WTelo *--- ý 1 - ber Dlea»d JUCDOXALYS Gît, *,.It., j.av te, t.aý 1 .,rý>r nt f h#_%Iýýr- ho glu»' -allait cp. ImE. . ý ý 4fti» à. UUÀLPL%&-Lwdmy- »Y on Wb" infinfte to obeerve, du M - Illuitathale dey. , t; *ho was, aitil, Ic f-iijttIt..,' Muak-, riw ,1II.k,ý; t"a titý,11-ýtiiýi. Q>e * 1 ý Il J-.:ý . had!- ellatatteret rom beflire 1-ving ÈV. Wb* . « - -110111. - '_ .. fer I. . 1 - 1, ý __.ý > » "i tlu:ILLf, fý,r.,îA'- r.,ý,."..ý!. _ý olwl. a" IM» . ý AMI jûr jait a secondille qu --tbeve wattavaithint ho cacrald Mt tura wMais WokID9 t- bN--- »w ta lie sehf 1 FIC-M FOR TILE ELE- ToItes Te euoëm r sà» * 1 rÙM TO RIRT.- Tbe OOM, lire the ber lie drew, ý hb poucil te-, end an for mugira. U wafa There irais no mm I.I..%[E,%I- ý --.jý,.L-. .\..'elý.:,.,.,;.ti..,.' EL maisâtais ý ZÉIMUMM-- - . A= bo-ýn,ýupý -à. Dehlèb. Md umbw vammobeathue oefflw by*v»oa. The ette« mau FU»dl ý luis, Ma» tougw.» ý . about Cll«bW* hoposi, 6" au More ad- 1 . , ý i-In. ý t tF.riýlorý.w-l.> #W »Wbta" vem Mm. th" »d on ww»r à" -M7 AMI are looked duofàý Bu, foraâihaj4 TqinEdingbadbem vice to ho aliven to Bee; Lepel for-zot 1 1 1ojadou itàvurtier. 1 "*I»av tri rit*! rani, r -,.' 0-- M-tr, baille -' 1 - ý - . Alle in MIME ý . a feuille Md a womm prmkiS- Ho ý eveM bi« in hie O&M-ÙQIL at Mr.! tt ta notai about six years, since rite I;Iilkýt;tt.ail.Li:t. . . ý lm six&= »«U M M I = = cerver Ur. xam% . Whadid»mwhtdIL9 ý wSked ý'bérý '. ho never kept his i Bet.maes vitait Md the eniers ho hâd , Sentir . ,..l Ili., le A. M %. . ")N A I.:,. . . nWAt "9eu= by Ur. lla. & ' Ah, W" cm ter . 1 word, ho feU failli debt, borrowed i e en him. Thelle ordure really requir-illa 0 M. lai ver futrièter - ý . __ 1 Pacifie à del watt, perlattratied by Ilie ý IW- ratatait lisoille, Md emewtoi, Iiiiiiier ette. w %ste ope Io IaL . il= . Whu, doiral achat ,jaillit, flupervision, but h&nUy sais i .Macdonald Administration. Fiveyeai-%ý: T'au: atjrj%,! ,-,,itýjri-: lia.: fq.i,ýf il LI - »OUQ»Jwallpougwmtbe casiers MW mm*. moneya" byeondnmdpetty lm i ' ý M y , .«» Mafflm- 1 ý ý . 1 ' . . What faune la the very Mr; tions sûmed away hi» mont: f= ! much as that gentlemm gave thora. 1 âgé the dttail'q of that cri me a" 11., t t lit ! Ira: il ts a, t il 1 à i 1 La - ý -, i ý (!! i ý - - -_ - .L'a : , 1 1 X ! ý , ý , - . - 1 . tMine.l. S;r lf-i.::I ,ý,ý', il"ý,!lr, P!!;. RIM . wd _ Tonde" Wh" h" mi câlait, friends.. And vei; the - bad songer In a férir weeks lie walilla & verY roguliar 1 Canadien peuple were xiven tu the pull- fr b. .... Z; Augult 1673, br Swihing met gred atrani excuiles-, for he7had bSn set te Iket a visiter nt Lepers audie. He mid ho f ina,11 lie u-ýIvri,- ý-, 'iý «MýI!-j th', 4, - - M » S" MMW chtm m - fet-à-ri.... ho boum à." Lilait, bi-a bailli! ý battie for wiaeh nature h" vrcrWed enjoyed th. eri.its. a" It lu Prétaildal- i lie, and the etrect of the expomire net tire' 1 l: -r,ý-à: i 1 := "» Tailleur, ý ý ý - ?Ut, ;> 8 = ý th, in ý Boo, von% -am à , nom IL . . him with ne weaporà& ,seM umma" 4:hàracter.% 1 meansi by which Sir John.l..Nlu-(Ional-1 ernits--rir, ýýlt!!:,- -ý: ' -'a #or 04 ut a» - 1 Wall lit a utresters W* dnauwd? ý Timd mmey! ho did Z 1 lii, 1 l 1 rý ,, ta a a. - ý: ý ý ý 1 PUM- . obligations! Tom killeur the vatue et 1: ber sanny good temper lui hm ý - lm ame«v4m4 wen ven .wtivaud The Or du W* hier noue et t glattellave i cialms on players, politiciallans, artialm 3" ..Z"b ý ber queer criti- m--ntained hinvielf in powtr was. hiý . vvuiild î».- "reý:--,!,--. bwwàoptbdu" hm», huit, Md ne TIle hwpm of .livrer haffl ý heste-bin- Heolm 1 ýe.xptilsionfrumoticeintli--rice. ilei,%, I'-ti!ýý l'ýtl:,%ýt%,'.ý,iý-.r,.,.-:ý",ý,,,,r:.. - ý 94ffl .. ettâte ut . par . . mil ronde it a cou- ý ý ow n n enun#m dm hm* » " O-enwy inr4cinge . 1 Uved la nome sanny ItaUan city, and i and the lvérid la %Itl= = .Dt. i now about te appelai te the elc,-trir, : o : of .ý:iL acitu ii aty) iii :,il ,: i.- a-. ,!I.-y lait> 1 : ý ý ý 1 l 11» bhoma tmd« a . 11L - .eu. à murSur et thm «-new ~ ficela cared for as, the ravenla am 1 latitantly changing hmàw ý ,Wbieb. mit a" lots, . . DZie sualpected tirait she hati inter-! reinstatte hilli. Ife fancie, tliat tiiiie I.-Àe,ýAA),ixo)a(r,-,ý;f;,t& ,- '-.:-', r,,,,,:L!. - WM lis enanifflstanta, muhhw ab"M My Venu us. tl"W*"04 ISM-98" . Upelh" atilrUbeencha-edwith: Il: .1m.u,-whieh Ir i* Uelv 1! hm hIllated the iiLeniorieý of the lm--()P:c ' wi2l thc iii-,r:ý);,ý,:,.,ý" e ' ". à iý,.:..[,,,t.,. ý. : ý 1 . Ili the W*tm et. - ý - Tllre hum ar4els.drEw- hià e»y goodýhUMMr. hW song and; allatted Mr. Be M te. ý .- , _ - _ - - "g en they go . .1 ; toit, ana frin-handed gemeroèe Bas î she dialcrivered ai oncý-1&1>1 certaiWý , 1 . . 1919T.191919 TICIRICTIS iram '. 1« -fait. . àw.»:ý= ,u mon ewl: afford - ' . "or di'd Co ron" risidered fils pat 1 as te hi* psitt critirie,,; th-ILL -je Iltevar i- ; tiiii... à- - boum - 84 ý vevy ira* Mêle fat »A ý The .uu. ý faille for thelle pleimms thinits. Md ho nuine lover of ut, and a peculleàr. sue which'he lia, r.ti.A..,l lit the traLh! .% ,;.ý,ri !ý%-- ,.,-iýi>, -, ý- r ".--,» ',il',-..;-' r»ýl"" had found him;eU compelled. todropau l :Flairer et ildat owazeculiar, style and 1 ,lut-aticau will ilivert atteiltion ertifil lar, o' ,!,i* ý. ,.,. 'ý, i ý lc. I 1 '. - -ý 1 1 . 1 ale O& Labale ucation Md supater, -%L]L ý As ho peeed . 1 t pay *uccose a" no * Ho ou 111,0111t, via the INIMI 1%~ tickarle Md F OR & ý . - 1 a hmvmly balai, 1 acquâi= uemhip whicle brought hitu ý colorinelt. That ho nid aduiire Bee*.-41 . 1 'l 1""' ,!:,.,., i,;ý ý avervitalli, ,»" ,»"*- .Thm DublMe ft m ig Lots . Andierbteu: "'-'nue joay i nothing but uzàeaeomdge cWu» pind i Litten-like tuovementN and applaud all peint Sitri and that 'av an appeti to trie fu:,ýIil:..,::-. hýt4P-: ;.; f,.-,-ý-, 1 ehral. 1 ý lier clever. lièren Little epigrani-, wurs avaraciotrel sud ig ., fruza a;zaits ,il-1 -- ý,i-!!!,Mu- ,ý ý ram C. .ràyLo& Igm, - - bu» » , (Wwow Moëtel Agent. tàmielky ý en Eut l' = nf),:u side of 111.11lait :., --.,;,.e-ýý,.:,-"..l-... .. , , , , _ '. - PMU* . the Valoir *hoe ure.k.y. raith, lui X.rd th.wa, Jung. . BZÈ-,j hall lh. bee. a .Up.h.d. ý natirrai enough: ho did that iii-.eelf, ..turc lue rnay once I,;ý titi zn- .lp , i, e ta IIýr:ii:LrILî-IIý ..,ý., ,".: ;:: - :.;,et ... mm it'y 1 1 - - __ - - . 111-caron-for .girl or twetre yeurs old, 1 and everv body el--ý-- did. if. ý . ý Mitra t,ù»%Mný one acre, and will b*mMpitboinu».,r $.,*.n"in*meàmtUmb, pertect.vfamillarwithaâ her fâcher*,& Thurl the %ýLnter pa%,eti plle.,t-,tntl%- ireinti of power. ýrit-, ý,i.-Io.-.I !").:, t Il. ,XjýII ie,:I. Il ýl--- !! - e . ý ý!,;iý L.ib ,.a l - - ' ýefflQwâf18M M ri. hmemm rails. Apply le UR& Joli% t'ettb't- M . - .1 . - - 1. - --1. 1 _1- AU bâtai viril ana, »hittié4. çikdwanmUe ways of rai*ing Bfthw1,ý;àveda dâv coinpri.,ýe,ý4 tll.-)qs:I il. 1, in vail. Ili 1 t tint j>aa;,ýý-:.iI;.,ri, ýr. .«Liummlt»t'r«%. Lw",4.- We slow &W trât" ribe ley. ý _ j and profitai)! y away. :tý-,r-., ý I. ý ý ý ý ý ý , 1 - .:. _1ý-. IrIl à ILWAY -TICK" OV'FICIL W44w»*- 1 ut Our vmi" am; 1 money. Scrambling brumt»rý diseur-, Utile ttlonev'antl was taklu;.- -IDjLinýr. i I'iW!dC$=iltlal iý l'ut illit'erieý:*ý.:% Im- 1 ,,ýl.i:,g fý,r 1 ,:. A ; ...... - . ý. :ý i. ý ýe tàxýca U - , - Aüd vre look no Maeuf Ume q ý derly dinnem' dalternale, hutîm and - legèoný. --ff alle wara, te have il (:artmr," ; ý ý & , . ý ý rESIRÀ WELLINC. FOR ý Tib, *Loit or literc, fe"tlffl. va» the aùt'* dontestic hW - site --Iaid..ýpitefulil-. te Lepul, -it .-Ilould: derstood. Pair thur eWigliýentalIIL ý)f i-, ,ý-;tr,';j -,.,* - ; ý t.,ý - : :-, -i : ! ý 1 ý ý . .1 ýý ii-m-Le in MW" soultaiiý Lots The geuùe animal alibeil I;tpnr. Shebadpk-kedup a kncwrIed_-eý net be%%-ichauvMonuLna." Sonowiu!thatcla>ewetvilýI)rici!yrtl)r,ýl:.,,.,- ý î.-à tia*.1ý-.- ,Iie,-:- - . 1:-, -1 "... . . 'l", 1 ý . Bk.bmo".BL VM14 wi* a and tellut the gale. . ý , of rSding a" writiur- and Xew York ' her intervalle of rest site eian-- seralera and salient points of tirai niellt,)r-.t;,!e Il.,- ý",)!,i .;..*-: ',tý;, _".. - ., : :ý ,.- . 160ýeu Ç&9umod Ilinc cont"iug S antamail . . 1 lied doue the resci fer her. la soins e astouLsiiing exerci*e-. rite said the lotty .(:,la ý . . . 1 &$».Q» 111 , Ilitchent, te vm"f.ttttj. vernwah. filons The Vitalon le etond and â".d. : martreilous, way *ho ]rad amltured-latLv- : roont eulted her, and they object'ed te ý tort, ev'ciit: - ý t,:-, ,,,a -l le,. 1ý;,-, . _ ', ý .:t , -:, . . î;.ýý , Lattes tanc quitter 1 --.----Nell . ALýD a nairilla fume bli . We am tom bwà ý 1 a, - 1. Ir :, %*, i.',' ý .ý . Il 1 like and mther reserved inanners, and . ber practict in her boardln:eituqt!w- I.e. i By the vil!uxion of tillac à ,rjý_,,!.- t ýv,-.-ý , ,%Llà _., ,oz *10. . ý ý 00 inhalft m . _i 14l villa ha wu and Pb a, wich $balle 1 Ta the o1sL amuâtemd sortir, 1 objections te her Illich musi- ; Was aishoiveul ai the end ()£ 1-72, LLIL-1 et ;1ii« . .; . - A .,; et wu , TZCILM M - . 4 1 1 1 the knowledge of botter te make the mout ! pel haïd no -ýir.,.jf,!.e, __ l ý larenu. T= The w.u-wom trick- Md bleue 1 ý Mey. ndimatabit. i Dv»k U) S" durera toit. . . of the littie clothing site was &hie te ý cal intema'.à; I)e.ýide*, fi ,lave hirri -lie rieral election followed. Priorzo !.ei.. 1i,!l:ý- Au-IV the tu the ulutovng»t. or if 1 ý . plea*tire et oct-ai4ionally Z iaig (M lette "tly : procum. . ' -, W" ta- si ý -1 ý . 1 . . hv 1%4t« Il. 1. TIÉO]4m .,Ç, Victoria . 1 a tint peu» m 1 ' But even amonit ber fathees aune!- ý isà taise noze-,'Lzee." .. Ili lose ofthele -,&-ýioti tf Iý*,:t --Il, rtl,!:, INW la alea nienté lýn" #banal. Mar 1 b. I'L 977-13P& . But '" .Vft!t'nb.themme, , - L C 'l. Never airain. - are* ille had lie friends. These genial Itwa*.uadu-June.andL.zpelhatlptit the constrizetion tafia, Cartaýlia'tl,-. a" zwawar Md quelliv 1WAW" sa titer 1 1 'l' i1:.ý LOCAL ýle-ý;'ý-','.!..%.'ý""'. - - , _ __ _ --- . 1 j.-.oo«fellowe hall, hothing ta spore &m a th&: tiniblaing touches t -Nir, Dttlmar's,ýRailwa W"adolite.laliýl,,etwI - 1 Il . 1 ýe_ ;ý LI rtb" ý 1 1 ý We Sb" bave ta"bed in nom i y -..!a .:,Ut taitalaz W«"M etaieulneutu .farw fer *lot. 1 MI mdiau white, 1 theniselveial. ý Theb ail .--poke pityin.-Jy ý hier picture. Ife met âhat gentientan - lý11):? 1! ... %; !.'.ý'.ý . Mý %Pei> VM 1 . - . ý _- Sùali we 1%4» lisait courent i 1 one ,traitera afternoon -a Union, Sluam linter and tire gentrai - ,Ic,-,,ir)ti.. t!.e ', . ! rý,.. \.. 1: , . ý _ ý, ý :. à--: ý, I'Cifir]Cw :" ,ým !.-,-. :_ 7 - - - -_ ý - ý of ~pour little Bee." tant not que of -7 _' Ta ait In ralzhi? ý ý them would bave denieilhimatff a cigare and tord hinal sa. Thvil they turneai Goverraincrit fat %vl!:ý.!, ,ýlr .1,,11:.. N,:i,:- ' ' * 1 . 1 ý . r f,,r , il...(;r ý ,t-ý ,., ! . ,.. , - ,ý:, -ý .. vte*vta V» ILI bm ett» & hm « La U ; for ber sake. Whou ber tather voulut - toward the stnulin. and went up ta look tl.>c4ld wa.,. l'rýit,ý,r wu, bu-,. . ri,.,...ý. VARX FOR SALE en emy terma.- , contelit willa tarif and ais ý . The Litain. the bj.cý pul.;p t'; .1 !iZ:,. _ -, :: ,., :- , . _- ÀU I»lrbuba PM poulp. me Lffl JL' 1 ;nolongerprotet:theiý.*heh"4bvengôtýatit. It titras ait Icallan --L* Ik--, vouring tu re-ý)nu:iIe thL. ý:,'t-.!:; ! ill,4 ilt: .Il -IL.: ý!è 1.i', '.., ýý;.: , 1 ý 1 l lm illie, lm Cou »MAW. 50 acres. au claingéal ý fait bave stoud la: ticar the gare te feàr thettae and ta feel their notier- -of dreaitil as a Tuscun Dessillât witit a 1 .. * . me suweu classa &M*Iffl Md lm froils .9wlups éled »1.0»; Under a haris amdenuru.v ý ý her, in riome way or awtheri a decp, bas - - a . - ,'ý.t'. _ý : , 1 ioxa 1 - ý - .. _ ý stâw ut çussivukm-, ,tien trarcetit. à never fiaitiner ý 1 . 1 l'suit. . -Lot ut graptes on lier lett taitoulaier, . t1aluls ut rival (:ýýILI;)lttliý., il! e-liiI. . .1 L I ., 1. . . m4Aew>oo ew:l»twm«." tromi btùkàinn %belles. »%>r 1 ý ý w.t*theomjyigure. etructiea :Iril ow*terýh;p tif i.!lý- ii::ý-. ;'- 1 ,I:,ý-.1. l:î; . ý ; - ;.,; ý, - 1 1 - J. e lm" ý loisir lafflictalaire apply ta JMI.% ý nuetI.C. on Oh* tir-arlaite su --witt. m ýw«t. i rent! ,*z-:he is a 4autifui ;ziri," ,Iaid Mr. ý . týý,- .1;ý-, I.: l . ; e . . 1 ý 1 - the prerabîme., or Io P. 8, 31AILTIX, eurratiter, su tation withdmwu! î But Don Lepel'as oSer was a diffe - One of tl!..Ie C.11!11;jllflië..ý %%..,ý !-L !,v 7". . .. - . - I.. . ,. ho bjn*W. lwdmv 1 IL *Iigbt.tttduiki ithinx. .1-:hethowltitover&fterbohad: WL -Eithera*llriti- 'enator .. . ,.",;-;,!ý.-ýtl,ý,., :> ý- ::ý -. ý ý . »41etb.te. IIM tara. bielly !Iae»31iý. 1 ý , . ; air. thorizhttu1Iyý 1, _ -, .. s" ýe111daV hall dawn; j o . res. S'i - _Nlaci;hýr-irji.i lie iti.ý-r il-, ,.r ,% - r :, ;,- - r,,. . ý - ý ý ý _- - . 1- Unie L the ýhadouý fleta, .! lke or Pensant Ike elle is perfttt. . 1 - 1 Alui go eur view ý and felt tiatistied. **Yeu are a lackla- Bv-thL-bve, what i.ý lier narrief' llu;.,.h Alitera. ý!.ý ,i--.i:ý.:l ,!.(,%%, 1Iia:ý ý.,lý:, 1 ý:.- . ý . ý 1 1 1:: . . - . M" m ý :. 33«wjtlm F 4%810'umtb W v2-pý-t %ýoý r--%% hl xlia'ýlv-és-uiat@AàA4gl9 tahme ý 1 Little bench,» aille sailli, *mWng. anâ ý 'Her hame,- iIrid, Ltpaci, coldly. "Lit *-Zir Johil plave'i' * .-,.ý L.Î:à_M ': 1 ý ': ýl - 1. - , ý ý . tha: ."ý:i;;Zl" a._1:liIàý1 'I-.,f . . 1 1 *) in tiatit c-b, b'Diily. euntainii4c 100 aura, 50 . ý truchlug aimost superstitio"y the Béatrice Erlinr." ,. . . j:; ý . ._ 1. - - L .. . - ý. àrritin the grat unters * . , ý ; ý i -wu le bu Ne vieillard A-1 tua quiaj .hire "f. cultivatialla .. bal. .Usi, wu tiala, %brouillât. Senaloir %%;th:iticii ,'.; . uwé& W NITRY, PORT rlmay.àLI, 1 ý -5fflib C,ý.1;,I. . ilà, tAw Ili, 14aient. :ý rough woo(L -and 1 feet as il gond for- ý --Eriinu! F--ili.g! -Net 'rota Erling*s. 1! titat lo, i%:,I[I.z C .?,ý:. "!..ý.. l ,ý; _. 1ý , ý 1. ý1 bu limier &AY màt&WKV. ý ý * a»ueiliivdtimbur. Thètre are a ,ýmt.rtatile loir __ Je L.Iqw t tuner bila been inaung me iL týý i dauwhterr' ý from -,fi- for;zit:r titi !-, t il en .,:,'.'ýi -,til)l) -ý ý Il :1:.1i,ý- :.ý , ý ý. ý .1: 1. ;. L, as obbatir . . - houwe mi (ma* stable a,,% sali lot; ai.> a cliver. 1 , rhe nert eveninr4 ethe wacs rather j --'£oîn Erl!n-'eý daughier. Did you fur-unate as a Ijriluýy ,,,,,,L«.Iiiritt-- > - Il ý 'ý.;'.ý ;- ,-_'.ý 1 ' . ý - . . 0111, Md &h$,P ykwhb . Juiv Iet. M . %loi" faiiienc, caterck. 1- -ituaUd 6 raille- front Omme f TJILF ROM.J.ýy do tfui of Ir. Lepe hâtif battent ;kno T rit, 0 . e 1 te :t:;;"-,-..» - .'.. - I . , ý . tatte pinvue and tel feint K-tert.,ro. ,-ri a goud traiteur rpaitý- .,(!,U QF À - ST17DIO. luiture ub i 1 w o * le precelliri t:îecG)tuý. i;ýrûrt! ---,-Llýtiliz:g ala lié Lailliand salle ere leviremiart, app9v ý,n the prenai-ela t-ý wivii) 1 . . 1 YZ and bail made ber ftUy eam . --%Vé were hrnitght up in the sanie . . : clý; ý ý. ý.-. , -, t . - ;- ý :: . 1 hm ive wril t'le VaL L«,ý 9.*iIarl.:&*, :Ll;li ýf:-, i;.,. .1- 1 ,:y w# 9w»&al6 afflt &» , In the everrday wurkingworid t cents an boun - Howeyer, as Connetieut Nýil'aàw, and went ta the tu ýý âsll wrome 0. T..?4.ý allM &àmk Mrýlý'LIVY.. Pa1't-ri.Ur,. a 1 )eIw,. Ptb.--r4ý,2t. I ý ý M IL ý wa . are hot suinshinè and rattie, of carri. ý the weeks passed away, thin grew ý saine district .cli-joi. Tom boat me in that lie UtilIzed the '1ýn*ator lit ýý%Ir',irl_, ------ ;__ »d ?."Vcm q" vin fil T.,R. alla mr 81,110, 1 LIAMM FUR $AL&-Lot No. 6, in Bee hadptenty of tact,=d. ail theclu--*ee, and I whippurd blin out . up leati I.. * .'. !., j.'ý ,* -, .. -ý " ages. the magiciens trend of rotation& , pleartanter. saouiiii fund, for hi,,I - -iir;lu!ItL ý, oeub. »dL$7 mý.avwwbuby@4&*&».mdý&4$ .W M C«-W*Oàà*»--itu2te &%the %briv' fffl ,ad th, o,,,fùwd Babel et a thon. 1 haad been in an excellent *ehortal for ale- ; of thenu - erlien ho tell In love %vith ni own benetit 4efore lit: lina:*iygit'. !Li ii ý-%lf.:,ý 1);ý.',l 7ý . , te .!,.,:ý- -. - «*Pb@»4p inq ýïtb«e .1 e4mbraýv.,%mt»aiiig ll»aéwe*, mure . doài* %se M aîtrailivait w% Lwdmy VA mille là,za. Md und diirerent.ffluud& But In the very 1 N'élu Injc ri. Site saw at ente that La-' sister-in short, there waea a , uarrtr .lait 1: - a * l)-, ýj: . , *. . .... , il.d I 1 : ý . .? I@mý ail claisavaslartai in a traçai *%ale of cuh U liviie 1 houtte . ý .. .. -- 1 - 1ý;l: i :- !ý ;. - ý_!:, I . Trait ris %hal, owy tomte rffl banal taraitteral es Ibo th,». sien fetterd ,sutra etilitar rails, ira= 'VIL' thmni: tif ri one can tum !rite a long fid net frutti; ber.and that she wouid ý and Tom calme te New York. * LE mu>ý ta understand that tilt: rai1waý' (-Lu--,-r vm«t* nautatair mal timhu te Touatitu, "a the le m té. terrien, loti ý.ize..ýUno foraitéluion -. trains ' high hall, etimb a vrille dim ëtairwav, , tire, ta win bb confidence. Indeed. '. ho partir. te let hi,4 dau,-hter-., ý haut tj,ýtLl.4ivé:ii tu Ili, rival. Atz-ýr, t it,.- ý\ . - r 11, e.- ý . - I . 1 ! e e , - - ; Vhr» .1 - . ý ý 1 battu 3! at 5&X a, ith a letien le la; il :4_40ue Wall and entera toralIv. diirërent plaeeaud! Lepélwascobstandy expeetingtodnd. ,,Hei-.*.Iead, IliswifewasanItalian elections. iLi %viiieh Sir .l'üiàit ruttIiý;.zi ' -- -Iý 4-ý,"' ... t . .4lamar ttt.iertwath; Iwo, gouti Welles ý vouirez as ere: that Is Don Lepel*à Sin. 1 fier the dauzlater of ber fattier, He ; -inzer who ,Lied sSn atter lke's birth. :. ý ý ;. . ý. 1 1 :, ý» - - L . .., 1 tm omIt'nexau arta, batmaint bar. agi te lair. ahil - Pb el orchani. Txaittt- ,ikl-."dtmu. 1 ý ý to.-ýet:tu^eavery,',iglit mairity :la titaie e, i ': .- 7- ý - , e : ý.:ý,lýe Lý . 1 Il dame -$»Tbe,.U*&Wbyo.T .Ticket balance in !mQ&I- dio. ý teared tirait allie would break lier Word. The poor childe lut» no relat 1 ves." ' 1 #W ail q4naloital os titi* nue zmiastosuit;mavçh.%ýe. V-,rfortherpankutarâ ý -Ï will toi ruy ,itiier. She i* an in- whole House, rit--- ýý_-,:ret uÉ , à , ý,'..- of -!1'.ý!'. i.; ý, . . ..,- i tcný- fou - làïto mit rem th. è>A* me Joit% XçSWFIÉ% solkaritor. Lind>av. Ir fi a lotit raora.far above the street, forget ber appointruente. or ask for . - ". 1 1 PRO6 bebwe" . àAVfVMý⻫ »PIWVttr#. 1 cellu gr seà m m-i, LA -. I, I -_ t Il con., It a *ri- garla that the ,,.,lm land mu.-ic of hantait- : inouey in -,advaut'e. As her resterve valid now. witli valry few pi,,aleures and the pacifie itaiiway ut a a >I. r,,.,....z , ,î,, et- ' '. ' -, '-'1ý:»' " . M fi. 1 ily» only rattaches it as a placasant mur- . naëftd awav. and rible homme wittv and lnterest-. 1 am -ettý- she 1% lit lie IzIad ,je ý-,IIeu lc&t,ýt.i ,,,'a. rtý:r, ' - \%*.,..,j.ý.' *;ý1' . - .: - .ý ý . .. Ki . kvillu. xo40vmb and ý 1 - Ill le. ý.ý. :!,..ý . - 1 ý . mur. lis liqhts are ait carefully m .";,LLý, -,'rLý1 ,:.ý ý- ý. 1; " : ý -'; nel- inerry, or indaliged herseit in saitchen te 1.*friýnd Toit& Erlir,-,** (lau,--,hter." , . .4 m» tu» sa via riors . Xo ý . . ? -.:;, .'..: Il,> " 1 fA IL. "" il or a tiew qtep in a dance, ho ex- In tiiis way it cuille ta rasse thug lilee atter tilt: Opelling ut the --i,>Jli el il , , charcetie ut 1 rIsa«hý 1 EXCELLENT FARM FOR lowed. yefia Jta cool Silence taire is no 01 Song " ciel Il A 'q Te- The subacriber ila, Illek étain .. . Lstantiv visitinx ai Mr. Huat;gton (:haz-z,ý.1 S;r .11.,ii., ",,,l :ý:- ,1 l-,*!ý-ý,ýý' 'ýý :..,.,i ' ý '. ". % -4 ý ý', ý . fft Po«ub % MLcall'x Tu REN vecompamonsWp. Gods 1 pecteil thesg moral. aberrations more wu> ,iSn verv eau, ý ý - or. , 1 1 erot hbî garni, - , .a:>t*ta--£ on rite hi.-à collera. À : 'i'. ,i.ý*." el. ý. - - - ,ri 1 , .. de* 42W acettaix. ho und . 1 *MWQK 1 dense$ front Olympus. beaufflui and more. . Mret. 1JIeImaIr ý prettv t: gite, %aith. Lieu crimu .ut ',Il-: ý"1 , ', .. ý ý. _. , , . jà»M nours. inc L" se. a in l" lait celib. et elle.., . Hudson. unil that ;vhtrievér 'll 1-1 ýr ,ie'. , ... -_ ý ... ... : ir 1 ý t ils ever. are there. and nid tapestry and But thev und net conte. Bella = Vr -lie was . ý e.1, Il ý 1 1 . »Magtbg illitéglor. ad»iait.x the, Town of Lùvtbmy. Marre me 1-10 j entier and futraiturerrome nul Ili" ý_ ard tito-.,et for a S'_'ý'uý, t (:,ýiIiii, i i - .;,,,,..;,i,-.I- ,l:;.,!ý ,;ý, . - :.,.jý. .-, ý M. watu mise valitivatiots. bahuum uù»d timber. , fendait týstIts rosv-cheeL-en and ii;zht-lieai-ied. belima; thiere. m m. Belniar*s. lirother aise, feu ý , 1 -r" .2t!iý11lèb.t9m *mMl.l-vtling boum mi a--" fume ttartal ami ý bave there own tale té tell. There am te utress with iniwh taille. uianaý-ed her it convieraient ta etitue out with a few tue Of itivt:,.izt*,ion. Th.! r,:ý.j;titý,.l - ý1 ý; 1, ; ', !:! -- - .- ;,; v:-iý 1 ,Ii rm igosTo & SIPISM O " 114. afttais., Labtultutuiiýýtt,&.iamtwitltwàm.ept-,i sketch-books IvitiÉ ail arcunit, and.a. smaLL fuirais leth diticravellion. and Salai. new books or --otne early tritit. Lirdeed. was vuted alca%% IL, liait ýiiii,ýý-,Llvfl't:ý 'Sir 1 :aý, ý - et , 1, 1. Il - ý - :: E- . . ý--ti-,i, . . rialary -lion 'r - ý : ., fý JL WAY. olumeret Teniiy»on a uni a Pi*ié*- gratefuilv, -she begau ta see the.-outi i _ -, .: ,'.>.. :- 1 ý 1 1 et treau a mtidu punjbmiý«, tamilv.tltk ri . 1 . the maillon ladv.ainLi-ý-.E confinell tolier j"Ila illýive-1 f.,r a ýiI)ZIILal;ttt:---, %Iý;1 1 hein the tàitýeof Ile. The propomet;>r will:&60 1 (piele, illi luarzinsa coveýd w th trae ý of a ' . In tact. before the winter house, had --ivén lier heart very revadil y Ilý!! *;ý ý"II.-' -- ' 1'l - -ý :' :. -' '; ý ' ý à 1 ft mimlir A ý rireuwelavailles, , 'Il"- ,If lm Illamit sail 11»1,lem=tx if mqttired ' meurs et beautitul women. . %vasvolle she hall, goL through lýepti'e te titis, bright. prt.ttv child; of the oral ý v wa:, agarY1 tu. T:.iý, .:.)fgilliIt,,;:ý. Il i .- %,:.a - ýI:.-. 1, i , - . _ . , iror hfflbe? lr*«i, ulars lait-iv s- P. 9, MARTIN.__ w. L. ici,* ý titan site ail uverlo'ed. She C-11à kit; afttrwarè,.Ii,ý,ii-ý,i "'Li tir'! iL.ý.::- "f in. i.- (!Omvwwwiuit XqIM!ýL-1sy r..b. 16714. . - agri.L, IA" Agent. i Four erasels am in the rentre. on each, ilattuence. a aroniforta il v _,-t.- ::. ! ý . .1 1ý ëtbi'lWliottt-8r -IlQr -1LA-M. ' Martial. tàn"y*...r t.. - . fiaished picture. anti tire whole aav *,rnodel.- and ,irais traakiuz with her frieriai Bee. ,%tidto saitiaetitaing fair lier, :Si. ii- "; 1 ý ý ý ý ý . : . ý W. RI -%iCKWIýLtý, Lindwayi ont. 1 an un . .LOI a, .',Ucýionalýl.;Inýt a i., ,ýa1 ("I.,- "Il,,,,:,!,. ý. il, I.,_ 1 . ý.. lmt.mýv. _591aljui.v. 1"..ý. - V$.%4i»ni. _ ý i air of the placets that ofstill, thought- , Six hourshard.ýzrallatitureeallâllarsa day. i and thi* fil itatelf was a grrelit faiertsure . . Là ý ý ý ý. I>owmto.tèffllt..; 7:006-ill.- " P,!D, 1 fui pnrpofttut Work. For if LepeL Le a Tire June sunlight la wilicir we tir-st ý ý -tui-Lu:tapi)ýjL-itý-1 to, ;!.-I!i:rý Irz, ,ýîi,_- ,,, - i,,, ý 1 ý I ý - ý ý 1 ...ttbtkwe ', 9:4* ,* 1 ý ta the pour invalid. -o lonu- tire recipieu, ý - .. il 1 12: S OF L.%.XD rÔR 8 &LE, l ' ter, lie 13 net one et the traditionai L '.ýavV 1,.Lpei*e Stndit) is nevr Januarv *Un- =il net the giver or kindixtess. t:lIar;.,t:s,,,iLtis t IL,: liia*ý*,. r -It A lý;-,ý,.-,l - ' - . . - . = ue -.9epým, 7:aIt . 2:19 %ai. LM se. M in." Cou. i ; SI) when in ea . 1 f !_ . i'.. :. ý. - - , . telb:* C't'r. There are no crushed ro@embud* light. Soanehowîhe raiera hm a laight riv June Bee ,hut hit tilt: iland* oit 1'.Lriiàiiýýýitt urtoi jelà. iii;.Z ît :1 'ý't'.ý. ', e ,:;; lI _ i. - . , , - :- #!.u *1 .7,13 ** ý 2:40, et P«eàm Ahous -U, acres. claitarrard. Thret , or %Instruira., guitarse, er'thumhed Arial- ý lL;o'.- pertups- it ist the , 1 ay for tour tw)iizf1ý :t, , , . '. li .. glowin- lire on 1 sturIv and went IlVt . .. , ý 1 ., i - nutamutbliqgton Malle .e . 7:20 Il . 2:4jý M'l"fralftla Fenelou railit. and ira a coud fflutal. lit tire hand, ý,(,,iirte : wI;ztý, ,e'ý-:t, -1 Le% . -.i e,è.,eo.b.arfiv».tl:» - : 5I.V. .. imm -. ,In« end a. .ta manteau Lake ý«horr. il i- i creoffl on hiel table. Odd tiffle gloves the hecxth. perhupas it is- rite Quâýà 'if Bee'..»ý -fusil Pei-OIal ellee's were rettiov. ý ý - .- .;. i'..ý ý1 -. ý .ý .. . 1. e. ; .. . 1 -riC -ýi'ted. ,ý iiiiiii. , , .M. 1 -La for nemt...ýne zxion-z -hie -,f it and 1 and pIavwbIlls and knots of çrampied ' flowers on the taiAe.orperh.tps itmb:ht t-À te 311*4 Uelluatr's. Gadshe ,elitent iht: ýSirjùlllL,-ý,ýact,ýeLlaý-[,',:ý.ý -:!,iýi,> ý-..PIi*,. lý-, e*.l-'ý:ý-. . il r :, ý, ý ý ôo1sol sîitý ý. . La., , I-ne as citera end. :ilà tire victoria "Iway runal i ffl.bon.ý'he haal no alarqualintance with. bal, sucti a trillle as a etianing Pair et -4unirnertherer. Andirwits.1fla-1ý1I19tui Ur. lituatingtou rtiLý.1 tua rue ,1; , " I."ý;, ý!,t ý - :-, i . _1. . . r. ý-ý----ý - ý - I:- 1 ý .- .. .. ý e*-ý-, - Çlhbe,ço»b.dfflvtt r'!»&:YA. Ir . .»p.M. ý acte-Que rail "f il- 14 wt1i waund, and tir.ýt- : \one (if hial friends have ever accuserai t)rouze -âpapereq trimmed. with cherlý7- teitlilv 'letected 'littier'iotý*;-.Iitl th* . . . . ý : il: ': _': -, i- ,.. . , , ý- ý- . 1 - for but .rival. TIlere ýre.&Wtts futur %,OIlrý'- -v. 1 colored Ilows, that am standing on tue 1 p allie i iis jatti laid in GraiVr tefâ »Wwmuulmtion! erir) - marla 1*ý scala & m Cla - , hint of %-tmeýnio;klng or of gallanti i ýz- v. h', ,riiii, ls CO 911,11IL-Lori. il r ý il lattait Il iýý t! le Lait nce- - «9> - W".fflt, .. . ,t.» .. It:to il ,. ý 6.40 .. aliple tiers ,trs oeil .>"enéinc ta >Mr. The i Lepel lai. a painter of the moullern schoýI hearth-ruc. Don Lepel has, j»Il "£ 1 abouta riiarri;LeL- rital: had ik;teati V bven toit. and its iiuidirig, %% iiich wu, iiL,:ruI ý .1;,,.'ý,( ýII_ , '.. _ý - Cbibwhqtolbl* 1111ffle -- :tri% - tqtàa Il .Was, *lit %Cave a trelled chauve to Isly for il l'y _ . ' à 2 ;= 12 .. ik)!»&,». li'Z'It Il ,.:.%.k ý.. arteft vu a mamouable fuyaient dotent. ,aîth inteteý% 1 -indutrtuus and thorou,-hiv, ilpect- thein there. It i-s a voiler. cold traortaing: deterwineul upou. ly a report oÈ the c-vileti.--;-- ï, ,Ltev 'i', tu (), :. l ý, %::. . '. . . - ý - , _ . L * . - . on tz bahm. . taiie %vaa, a . . 1: il - ý .. - 1 . . 1 ,ý, 2, .a. If elutuoi ma to, alivantratar -ili ; able. with a fairahionable vi;lting list, nt course that -ittountà«for the acritm. 13týehadneverl)een--oliappvina!'l lier , practic :!ý" a .',-.Leý :ý,tr. -41 '- 1 *"Ne.., - mnt ït ont hy 6ettliar urity f.»r the reus. Imy ! and a -ood credit. la the Second Natijoh- HeStauds looking: at thora with a drill. life-. tue ewfflneý* and t:(" e-..-ý unir Ta, Mý mai fet person bu) iuq or retitinar cab have Il ý 1 When the chal-4e ý,, ,:a L". ý'.I _I :n ý .. 1. ý ý1 -'. - . rww4ham lente L&VAMW as 12:20 . , a, ton .ý 1 mi üZ11. . dreamy look, in hi* eves. verry unan.uai rep.ase. the tender love and celt-ic- z.t - e ý %vure tirt, !t.,a.lýr .. 1ýortorrêtauliriAbelà. .t4ouýT«OnteaA*i.00&.Ub»ý ?@1tIaIýVlIèy tIk î; A. ROBE. O-Z %,Dký 1 1 ain alorry ta 1. ' - 1 . i .', . e. - 1: -ý,i:l' AM relibleh, 1.1alaffly illa tel 20 m 1 .i ri, , . admit that ho la net te the keen. grey orGia, untif lie lierters tenticarm the riiiiniz and tpoatiug and Mr. 11untingtûri, sir laillit .',l'ue:ýi-it..,il -ýi., .: . . , . 7, 1 - People expect beauty of a cleur a juick feotsrep conte Pit-pattinc Ïncoulight *troll-. made the ritale P-'S* tilt, 'Iûll.ý_.ý c'a* e.1 (;."! ;1..: i! .'Il ,,, en ý . . . .1 i-ý- 1-1 - i - . ý 1 W. ài;zbttitttAU. i,».. ý . handsorme. frutti iii., place ira - 1 l. -DROI-F.ItTY IN LINDSAY and i artist*; lent l.epet is short and millier along ttLe hall. Then lie restitues his - j-ke an enehaxite.1 dreain. 'Mr. I.olitttar . 1.1r:1 ý1*Ï ýý: ý 1:, - ! . . ý .- toww4o.ubvlmb.ttt7,ý. ýllbwwiu,«Div«.Ior. * ' , . 1 --ý,-, -- ----ý - ý - palette and wartheti, lier con.-atantly, bla fouzu -.:ý -1- ;; . : ý ý , ;. ,z:,- Ft'iF.[A)% râteillat be ýde Ir ua rent.- i stoUt., and lm other dericienciales net pre-,Lw.-cupit4l air auti 1 U,-,. ý ' 1 ta) vvItnt:.ý% hi., itx.-I-il:,-Iicr. % ,,ý 1:i.z V tM RIÀ RAILV. . ' suz4udb!by."nc.merýl, Worth trarticular mention. Still,» helpenci , netitainzil in which it was: nect-nitry *il) . .leva, il trtk, ý-..ter%%ýtr.1 ,!a.,.. _:% !.e ý - ' . _. . ;r_ .. âe Y. ý il. _% F -' :Iý..'It-. ?ý- . . L' ý.11_ý :I ý ý ý ý ý 1 teint , - t'erzt-,4,. ,ý>zItmugiIu ýcvvu reý1ftl- i stands, before his castel vrith fils palette The tloor . carental. and in craintes Bee. di t or àaLviýe lier. for with * liat %verari- tlw-rllvnturý-,--vil.-Ii.ýo.ý wu., 1.1a.l,! ;-;ýý,ýie: . il.. __ý._. , ý ý , 1. ree ý ý ý1.1 salait, IL - . gooti .Zilv"ýl,»Wd W.,%i.hel. etatle 1 . . !le ý.. il- -f i _ý, :1 :.:. am ium WÀ&.I@Ctom -as oaltisthitinbý callinguponhis, canvait, Her faee Let. like a rose, ber evts like ý derfui adapt'.,,e tact luherý.1r.C lu -%.tueri- 1 . . - .1 ceo. h--ttý. laitift gotas revoir. IILLlf-scre-ý,f-'1 1 face of exquis daàrk blue suit hai bits nt t.= wouleu ,Ie."uý,lit net ý . ': -.1. - -11. . , ;ý- , . ý . ý sis AIRSAX6219199T. Li t attachait. A lesnou --alatte 1.% a Allait tient aient ,lie beauty. there la il -tar-: lier on,.,- rite Ila- tu preuve tl.;.t;t',jaruzt:tL li.,ol. ,I,.-i, sitý.:' ": -:: ý WNI . -ir ilt4jiji A :ait 'Lrùýýgli ,,.';.-- ::.- ,;, 1 ý a, r!!.. i'r. - ! . ý - 1 'il.* courtaud, il four r,,ýýfto,, ý11LL_ in 14U"Y, gentille of power about this èrdinarv mm stiow ail over it..wd -o liaS ber Irian bit hut the tortu of the cirotl'u.ýtatives weti, ,-l .. ý ý ý . ý - . ý 1 . - ý 1ý. .& ý ý vbkibe effiet ta% - . VORN gr L4)T.Iti 31,jib.,,trne and S*?. "wrvnt%, i which almout. ennobles him. - 1 : Little liat and ft-athers. ýSIw, noils te surrountlting lier. and ruade ti-tirtu. a parc etrtiniert,,.,',ýty ùfý:'r t;,-:-). 1'. t.*.trr:,r, e, i .-,! '!"l - .il;, -1> 1. - . ! , 1 * heraielf jauntily. and then et lierteeif, . . ,et, -i ,ý Mr. \% ,!.* w w! . _ - -t..ý-neý ri., - ami 14» ý Ife fins been worxinc this Warin June i ke* et !S:r.ILl',u s L:ol.ýaiz!tLlz.-'a!--,i ý--,-;, .i.',àýr -,,.I:l ýj:.- hi.,ý, ý ý> , ý .1, :ý - . i mondai. im» " 81114, I*vg. wMale avouiffl U"9;z= *Faue. i dury Since eairly mornific, and.he ile satis- bj. -I.hlîlher bilt. fanal it zttiitlv belote Earlv in November site went one 1 - .! ý - fflch witl. quartier aille of Latut. une ,In , lied ,with himiself. -I will go te the ý the rire ta reeurt zlie teathers. 1 morraîtriz, into the tity anal ,-',inll)t4 the of the Governriiýtit, ý,y %%!i:,.-li ý:r !Iii,;;ý .ll:tl!.,-, :i-e:ý- - . 1 ý ý e . ý - 1 "Mewm m m raraltwis, ,treeg, ,ý,iit"II-, sin retorce, larce ý - ; ý - - ý 1 kitebun. ýa»d traiter wirZ.ýýýýj, -uit&310 fol, Park, now. ho says. approvingly; 'Il -Lletter put on yctur slippe MI Bee. I faRwiar--MUý-AaV leidiauto I.epel*,.4 Stil- wa: te -,'Ut Lit, Ieu:Jý, 1,,;!,.,% .,Il -.r. ;t. :ý -:it-. ý: ý .,:. ýý; , 1 . . . ;, k* M1 M)t:,r&4. e . * ý - . 'Ir. il ;ttý ý- . ;, , , . - ,: 1. ,. t-oi. ' shall enjov a stroli. and perhapas I may %il t ha,-e ycu tak-e tcid now. w-.zh alin. He hall rèýtimed work, and tact - .. e- 1 .. ear.1w.ýtur ,Ir tahiewb tailler; arai "lie , . 1 'Lairl rrif)tlt:tatv (-,Jn,ýý"i.jIi-. . .., 4. ' WrAlri()%Ik ý _ _ _ _ý. - 1 r a*. With .a% Il.,",. alid .,ummtr Illicites. . take a litift ille the I"e." tLi_-ýe t fillette pittures oit h=tL'* herwitii.tretulauccomplair-,. *-%Vhere ' ' *ý,;,1t-, -L 9-- , 1 ý . .1 ! i 1 ivaitu. ý .*"t. 1 ;.,-.-ý.Ilhenkl. k'.,rftlrtlte-r jurticularete aiblýIv ta, erhat was U-pei', verysensible idetiot ý *,WlLieli picture do Isît forthis zuorn- os, eurih Illave you botta. 1.1ý.,.' I liait Lýir Juilit ruiét tiii, tiv ait ý ;1ýcîu,.2,,'.,r- r- ,:,.,!,... . - . , .. 1 - - ý :, ' . .i.- - ý . - _ý-, . 1 , -, 1. * ;ýý :' '! - , .,ý i.;.,. E% 34vt,.i..%'.%F..,r là 34. arlteLLtb"%. Li-ý-;;-%%, ; rerreition. and lie had«41ttite tired faim- lu;:!" 1 1 vvritztn; three tintes for yoti.'ý at:ùri ti.ri)tii-.Ii tio-e .%.';iii-ýt(:ri.ti pr-., " ý - ý i , . . .. ... . ý ý ý teavv ", ý a. M. t.30 1% in. 1 ,,, ý rty to 1). JACULLY. ,,elf ,with rite Sisiediti net aneavrer ininie-1IattýîV-. l'air . ... ei .;7ý ý :> ý -. . ', t , rirst plait ni hial pro7 i "Ophella. IlaVe l:cen Painting rital -Xvlbw. Deptawk, ...... «k il'. ', - l a,,, - 1 .,ln..ruetýf. te-,_ .t>.ý;-.;U;. . mýL fhat arly zrrl.i_ý :i,ýritý.,.%;ýiii.ý.rý;,ý.1";ý-ý . ->,ýtiN. . , *' ,I.I., l. 1;r. .. - _ - - - ý -.tiitt.ýi-enle*-, 1-hotc: v-ii ri ý r., -.-. , . , , - !' -- 1, :i - 1 . : gramme wlien lie canie ta a little rus- face front sittitat, eLù%va hefore the Je _> arvi plitting , ., .;elýj ' :_ ..... ...... . 1 in ri lui vvill dreI a, e L_ r ý ý L lý,I%ý,- i:ý-ý:c ";:i .1ylie.ffl j, %Rb _1l_ý_ %, -..- ÉASY ý tic sent affaler Sortie pilles near tht iip- . Il, and pose fOr the (-Iiamettý." fi r f e . lit , 'a. f,.,Ier 11wr ,,IsL %-.0%. :s; il t- - -'ý - ý ý .. à 1 - . .. ý ý 1 fre ' -- - -..W--- 1 ai', f. .'.L-', - 'i. t-: . .. .1 . "4%10,9t" ». ý ý =à F-%T"ýv.'%u'33,ïf-t)&'«ý' "»4iIüFt»('ixe colig. et ý per tmt-ii-ýu.-e. There Warta a girl sir- ; ***t fairel ilké t lie Itiv,-;.')nnL Iiauà,ý-,eýl .site -urnuti lier head and 'ý,,,'-el ratiter litagil .'.:t" %N", ;,týrýUiIiýi LI) 11:1, ý - t e . ; e ý L' ý ý i 9 - a ' """" : * ' , - ý . ý ro .. . ý . , .. :»:m .. ; aldon. ,-,,ns Tuant: ý-");..n,-. Ir i- iittiatt-i , il ý tinc rt--atling lit nue end of tire bench. this nforrLIngý ILLI! The ititla of any .,It'gly .1.ýwn, tire long mont. '-I.t,,tl. i.ýu%% il t,, ý ý: e::.ý,, 1 i.9,19.ft t ý Viut-,I% ,4:1-e 1 antal Iii.. -.ý--r -ýýIi,.- -r !.lit! ,,,,Ii, r ë l"; ,ý>!::,. .- . .. 1. 1 1- ý -_ - -ý- 1 the i.ýuu&larv luite brtwetn Thorâà and Eldon. lait taire we-saverv votinge and verr shab- . %v4.ýtii;ln Living for lore. and the snow. wil&t ehariii is, there in Iblý'if,-. 1 vi-on- . -: . '. ý; .. ï, *.. ý ý 1. ),W. ', , L..,o - W , . .:,. ý. _, - - ;ý, ý -, z ,ý - , ý 1 agi. poui whart - ! hich wili bu %-tue t4 tne "il tmveik-il rý,s ; by, and lie did lait in rite least fiar that ' and the -Suusliine, and the joYs tif alerit %Vhoa that has lived ý;il 1;tilittile;L ilieuluer, -jÈ tLý tèý,ý,riiviir. iliad r, 1-ti- î,,r,. -i, 00M . . .. valatan I.lupwt,ýt. ",'i.t.t to inarket.; 3 Mil.- ý ehe would consider Ulm artintrasion. niu-le. and readivr_ and tatlir4. =d ev'r'eft it witllout a si-fli - Îatilig Lire il, 11- ;_:. . 1 èVktlami n'y jouction ** !1..éJl, Il 4I.M1 d. ý . ,.ý;!:,taiioii tiý.:,t ii,-han t,.,.r ,i....:- ý - - , ... . ... ý .. 1 ... m .. 1 frtint the ,%iphellinc and f.,ur frorn the r ý - ý . 1 - * . '!:.- - - :. ý t. ýÇ,«- ll!Iuaieý._,-'ý- .,-... .....Arrive Moo «, At tirait lie waterteil the boatru. faut Walkinz: ta lit e faiÊ' 1 suppose ,,he, waâ, -You 41tl-l*t liteau Io *ay t!Lit :*OU art rt-c#:iýt,(1 aliy ,14)!;Uy fruili -ý . R_ ý - --- - ý.-.'---- - 3#Wla»d. The -il hall, tire 1-Sn, tavli luitaptcat i ratirial . Iv big conipanionattracteil hini. insane -of curime -ho vrais.- lertvinz il.'** . 1 . . ;r ilii.ýji A; ; 1 '. ' e - !':.ý >, -1 e ,; ! e. * .. !:. ,. . .. . ; 1 1 ', ,.. ý ý e . t.iml-%v via W. P. P. 44 ý ' f.,rf.%Ii.,ýg-fiut. There are ith--,ýt;A) aert- gl . ý ý c'if Li,,- c;ýc1.îýît1 . - - ' . " »; .... ý ý. . fatilties.-'..tnd lie fourrai, ý;he ,ý. 1 car, e - -,,-teIel! * I . 'L". ljut%%,:Vl. tac "ilui 't'rein" 4'R'V.. _ ...ý.10%ý..! t0f) " 1 clu;tnnt anit fenerai with vieillir l-mzý :.1, ilew frtoio, . LfVr Lartit ,avait . Wa* itnbtttteniuzz ber boov. aluir- -yý - ta -av .. . . Il!. :i, d 1 -' :ý . . . ;, le .: ee, izii-T, - -- -tj-zr,;ý',Z i tý,ýit.é. IZ4.,& *14; wt"týhý.d, là X 2l; a tirs, îrànic ' hiiiiýallfdressin,-_, and lxilsing it in ,tif ing tlds iliralle. and whm die hail ýlil- shall never Lanke it;ozte%.ýr tweke iiti auel th:s -lz,.ýz.! of *he l'.t.c;.ý, .-.;t:.tlt.!".; ,'.. ý ý, - 'iý . . ý ..- . ý > lI ... . .. ,«__;e --.ýlý i fur the ch;ýracter-,_which just then Ocaru- lied filer fftt !nie the bien» ,ilipparres. latiLiýdearý)li"riDutua-_'tt;u. Ii.Iaýe):Iàg ,ýà:.ý-ýo--,,ir-,.,-,ýir(i,ý,r;z,ý!ta,,. ýi;ý-L i-ir- -ý - i' ., :"" -, - . ý;,e '.. 1 0-9«YsýM ùný ýviJIaËà7 li,ýî;nv i ifi r-o laatt ..ta WiQ 'Uble jtu.t tînijaed. :IL) X .eý2;:t acier. li - ý : ., . ýi. .1 1 - . 6 ý --ee:.:ýý » ý fat., ' Vi t tilt ""M, - pittl Ili- venciL Of lier facehe could : and waltzed twice . d the ment. te Ile nl:irried.«* -- 't' ."-'ý .Nwrfn ' LI -_ = -.".ý'e , h7,,'iý,r,14r'uit"'t'r'gèlý.'Î,ý.ýkinit .,Il 'it.vm" llçm-mi;.:%ýiilriig-bi ý .1 1 6.45-tNalèt. , -- . i c ' . ,etc, nothing lit ail. for there y *1 tirer jjr,ýof of >î r JùiliL«ý I;ur,;tt"; -iýit lý _,;-ýý:-: -.--:,. : ý , ', .i : . ý ý 'tg StDILTII. 1 L hrle a. M. ýý -parar builà, oit about il) acre - , rit% a little ý Lluidginz Appollo and Berrities very -T-ar CI iit*t>rtlt!" 1 . ' * 1 (x)1% , M» P" 1 ._1-ý_ - - ldentyottimber eflail kludý There is nota foot' j lirown stitaulshaele bettveen theyn. '"!lis ' cleverIv. athe announced berselt readv --Wha, an talea! No. -ir. u) 'Mr. lle,. liavità;.- ltýn ahfrivardis, ;,.-.,Itl,ýt-,i !!Le ý."! ý A.: il , ,il. "'... e -;". ý STAtloxe. ý , dontheloi. vue-ýýf ivred tri le--it4 la a tew minutes the ýecr%ýt trinir. I.-ballorderlyiýtiir,--'ý.f,-,ttu,)w. illeepesti, itittigriati%) a r, Lait- 1, (1iýlz1. ýt %% - pr". A., .., Iýitý r- eýý .Ir . -. . .. - e. 'vil ler, 1 - ar.ýW tau il,,= le inir. ; was sui fur favourable tirait it allk 1 1: 1 . _ 1 tit - M .-d» 1 * ý ý 1 1 ! ...ýl:.;.. Il. e ý , ý j - . - 1, ý 1 : e 1 a* .118 ý ý 1 . ý ha" itde-treýl. Titteniali.putable. 1'XILW-- hinitomik-týatlitir-:I)-rititýketchofl,.er of lier Wzh Spirits was evident. - Level Lept-Land riatrutanize %-oit ttreztffl 1!v." (lucetil)v-S'ýr-lýLiil*., ,:,)%vu.-,i:y rttt,.I,ýi,ý t- ý l; -,!ý-"e; -_- . , . . e'. ý!, ! -.,2-,--.. - - -_ _- ! . - . t;. - r, - ý, :: e ý 1ý. La ý %hotat ý,ne-third.kvm, the r*lante.ýn bInu.. tiP10 z *ýi, .': :- ,ý .: ..., 'r -vontui. via (,..T.V....".V. 7.01il ta. VA.' - attitude-, whieh wa., extremeir nàtitr-.Ll rend te her a few IlLes. and heir fitice ,114iWt pull tuy Driutes, dotivii. That iil v enu,* o' tilu i:!,artt-r ý,î Iý - L=ý- r.,rfurtber,%,Vtî,ý-larxa"iyuJý%.XF.â KLLIS. ý . . . ta throw th »IL me@"« làwie .... .. .. Wý-È.Iî.-4 - 1 1 ana grat-eful. :and Lier hajl,,=icely lierre and hair aria flézure intêtantly translate", ait 1 a.4k." -!: a ( -,e! '% ., :. ~ us blair. . vas, .. 1 Xvili.ý.ý.rc.Kk)xt'.K'ritt)xr.ýtbs, 1*aunin«ton;ý:r . Il ý ,ý'-% ,', ; ', ý Rab il. WXý . ...... Arrivé,19.15 - - , un trio parcillise. tu, D. A. CAIX, Ladou P.O. ý It Iviien fortune plavett film a pleasant t iieni: the ve-y droop ut lier arnià was a .-IlInt t1lat. l* exacIV var, Uý I .1raili (10. ilig, .%ýUuvIa1 ailloli hi., dua(l c-JiI«-aýV- -:* . Pb«- ý 1 . 1 ý ->ti-ti. trick. the tairi. lit àtretnpting te retir revel .1. ý,.,.:-.: - . . 1 , ý.. 1 ý.. ý 1* 1. rdtbuo ho. elýmoolltia'r.&"4.191$1@ý%ve, 7.-'N).%Ubt 1 aticart of ell"ical. Sympathy. 31r. Ik'liitar,6v fil have'a, .-reat tirait%" ex- 10111I!;e ;1Itiignat;.)tl %%a.ý:11ct-ilýk. itlid ýý- .ý,:l;.- 4 1 m m ý,.;..' 1 . ý open a lent. let lier .-Ilnghade slip* it tell ý Tvo. or thi;W titatrai, while occlipiett pýn«-e4 with nie. 1 shZ not let'hitil, . . ::ý,:. M:. . ý e:. ',-!, :- . , .kt, ;K;arreýtïlli'ý:. ' ý 'I't"!' *-ar; ý»», wz --- il - - , - _r - io t)WP mi.. 1 1 1 1 . J. - - ý --.ý--z 1 W AR IN CANADA. te the grourid. and U-pel stûoped and vrith miner dettails ho let lier re-t. aloi. ouv arty allure pleture%,** ý pite tire ctrorts of ti- part% or:.z tuLý ý ,ý . :) :IL *1ý,>,-.t-:,.iL -- . : , - .: -. 11_ -... itme . ...... .... ".haute, ti-41,& -.-. à,.4bl%.:* 1 - elle- ,,,.--,ýe ýA ;ltlj,.::' ":_î,- - e. ..:t- ý - ý ,ý - : .., . - .ý arce. (~ WYJUMAkh - If..'-% b.."b . i lifted it for lier. 1 ý ; .site tr.-ileui the long rolizra of the Danitlh She ;poke fil lier oLd saUcy %vay. bal- .tefend the Mini.,try. . . ý r-poue-gi .. . ,ri next-inoment th ail filest on orIý It-Iîtt ;111-1 ,,p,*.uiou was ,zti'ti,::ýt.t.;v .).jý%uritII ýu :il. : le. ' willa W «M = rails ravab wh 1 1 m » P. m il$@ 190 ,0 0 c), ramier ey stood face ta trialiaen tip and down the .ruent. chat- atteler, hier tu ' do t*Mb- ai ,Il .. i ý ý . and Lepel t-xcIainiýil. in celles that tin.gail the tinre in the ratterriest every- theu on the other-, but i a spite of lier . e ,ý!_..ý il, 1!ý,. :.- - ý ý1. - , , , .. 09. - % . ta wridie: : -traiige- iiiirture of pleasaire and ,jaear irrêtritter. -Had Letel heard tLat je.-tin-, wav Ltpel staw -Li, - - iluelice the itiora'. i-tý"!I),:I.,,ýt-,It alid !1-)ti- ,:"!,* - -. .Il ý ý _ :ý a ' , : , : :. Mwý , c %id t.tiv,,në huadred mal twttity..!% acres t,î alerte, a se .. %V..., ý ri e L'.ý'n , ý L ý.; I.Z ý" 1 __. ,% Wfflw" t'le .. ý le .. ý 1 1 -Why, floc! Ili it po"!- ciitrurd's pirtum wasi --old.1 Did lie t fage. le >ait,! a tarit, rW 'Le trierailiert, uC ,!o: (;,)vurttt!i,:zt 1 ý ý anitivrance. es al;Zut hýr marri Il I . fý- ,ti:ý.e- *-y ý'; '.... . !'! .1 -_ - .. of congratulation. a i l' -t:,.-t I, . vit-blriât I1ý eto 8 e ,* 1 ýCood'WbeU laluld in ULVIPOS3,'1)1-i!" ý 1 ý . kr. ivr rirai: 11arrIr Martin and Palczzi wortIls . 1 ( %% t. il party en L'ar;iaita,-tLt il) .:-,;il tith tii, ;L,;ë-: .r!- e Il , .ý '.. : .. :ý ý-'. . . fIe- Bee Sliven 'Waaa, -vork. Bee ft:lt iii-Izant1v ý.1':;. . n-,on ....... > _ ý:ý.:.!..,., --ý- 12.âta -;-,- ý ---gftl lier -houldertt, and hall -Iiiarrej:led! lie going te rite %vith fils 0ppoýitioIl in L-,>Ii-leltit.iiig tliv a. ý ..:L"t "týil.,-- ,- !-" 1: ý ý ý, -, ý , ý ý, ., -noUW4 le .. . t. le 1 ý ff«M VM let tu IM Cou. 7e janirella. petutantiv, she -aiti Ir w-i.%. ý ý ý L.)toal. and if -o. would he tell lier how ere.l. %Va--heaniM.,%vithierl Vrait.hur Lteh% . *25 :: = P&"»MIUM.C«Ck..5e-am- , ., . 01. ý _ 2: ý :ý eKshwwm*#..ý...ý .:"Ove! 1.46 - , ,;-Ob -And Chavéheen sitiîzz bqeidp von Miels K- 'e drt--s was trimmed.1, Mien jeulousèther4modtortuite.or se1fi,-;ilý-- collipeilling SirJulia ýt!iei!ii.ý 1--j::t:it,.Z-i.., .,, . ,.ýl - ý . .. 9* ý_ ý. 1 .% Il .. ý 7. il. -. - "-----'ýz-eýý ilu-tultnts. trataisé. - - tweilly minutes, and (Lui not kr.ov .he tuld hirri et a new song arhe xvas sorry ta llose -ý) gond .Il tikot'el! If Lete ta r,.ýi;:11. e .". ei -ýl _r'ý! , , 1 ý., el ý ý , . , . 1 . ý, . . Joual etriv. Xînety erre* ulestreil. with i:,,-%t fatale hotae son.' . . leitmin"- and ek)l'-,z!nlv hantait 'ý over hall belleved in àny ut the-..L. thiiiý-. filer , . ý. ý - , e". = 1 tbwrwidli.vsmd redite. a train Witt ý it.Ini ,te Fore jurtiua.1:ul aiIIN, t., tire ln%,pri. 1,1 knew VAU.» j,,artaftherceIetiý. -Ilid'obu-L-,agalli tongtie would ha:ýe aveiige-1 lier. liait 'ELU fu'i'lav!::i:., ý;ýcze.l frý;llk *,!.u ý,ý 1. , . . . ., , ý.1 _ 1 . -- 1 artati, ru o#- 1 iffl. Ký*mmhb ab il.el à rue for amadolb,ý -. 1 .tuï, , 9()!*'FýtT i:ut'F- t,'ausI)c&y- --Why d'L' -!" LO 1 lit -on * 'a e -* Of dcc'Illieettarv q:výdùi.ýe made ', ý ý , e_ :, . . __ _. ,- - - ___ ..ý_2._._.!n ý ý il Yen net -Deak . - !!tIrrýine» nt a thoaitatand yiýrlý agiý,. ,I te look on the grave. sorrowfui f c lIIaý 1 'litý*-- ý1 .. Ir..' would tun Snan. semne in temper, elexant Vif. d really ý tien." de: th ýrýlj "robielà liml<]LW 1 should do' vou little eredit. I. could 1 111 baie . pSr et gO aewý and exqlti.-Iteiy clothed, gui in 1 nt wili C.\Iwct tu bq: :t.,. Wlo. wit!ý in the lientling tie.- 813101P. Irill be oGmpitied bdore the never makè a priuta donna, perhape 1 Plenty et them in My dùubSd. Sue- ý the whoie entertainnient charmingly to noît even a passable contert Mager. 1 la ver- tionâ, and any assiý)tànt.ý %% iÛch mu Inc cess '« theonetbiug*weomgoo& The' ftaend. hail a.1%aitet: agid have learnéd tbat the worid des à >ucemW man la the bandsome -n trusted absolutely in herý and hilà, sis- 11F: C. 3. rpoiýe., mediolrrity in art. and 1 sua nevPr ex- and the wiâe Prian: he.allme la worthy ter watched ber with a Dride that wzà* i pý%uýniemomntluni fur iiussiý.-dia' ey T-010, U., to think 1 was-vastlyeterer. or a wouaW*Iove.2, mOtherly; it was evident *lie wasà to lie te.. »P ma tbe Pubue "MW iitly. as was lier; ý meuts below. orto but to-day I know I am but au ordinary She sépoke extravaum ý a woman of --mat scetat inituence. âtiv %bu b&Vi»àt 016SI& = ta.. h&6it ander excitcutent, Lut Lepel w= Lepel est long that night over hie %'%:ry truy yOllrý. 184.4ffl u -00 ý am ou on"%% gl-kell, Dep, 1 will mke yon another ;.nuoyed ait It. atudi- fine thinking abolit lier. «-ilow P-P-M Wilh le. %ruab. offér. I want a modpl, my, froin two 1-1 lie net Ilke vrnr adrlee," *lie elm- often have bSlded lier in tI verÏ J Noir wante-1. ÎF. Yeu wili bave ta tinued, augrily. ' -Yeu favored Mon-; ronTu! hi)w ottert -,lie tel tour nours a d bas »Id -Thau lie cxitid cultivate, my you* fora two-dollar tr John.%. Mactionaid.. w'w ilà 'If £W AT stand lu v«y fati.-uli« posturm eue 1 tana beeaum bill riabg here en ilon..,%Ir. Langevin. -",r M. -r% ],:txfgjlt, il[.. CI,., iv i shaaperhapaget mu and unremun- volee. and I might thon have a career th!» bearth 1 and vet how cleverly able, à" forcet tbat yeu are Beatece with hi= sud now you advi-e that I site made wijhout - a shade of !Sir Geo. F_ Cartier... ýq?.11jlj Ming but the pour »tro.-eing pride or unkinduens that sibe, wm Mrw. Sir John -IL tad(- - ioiiai ý-. - - 1(),Ixxi fe-et, arid, bati a narruvà .t-akw. fr,-i I will nive vois the h4#u« beeome wUé to lion. Mr. Langevin iadl). 144411A) Lei&tlt. .%-ý it iý,i lit- ba,11% ýi to save, hitu the ex-, Belmarl Belmar has jpu a morled puy pu every dar on YOU Clifford, la order Sir Geu. E. Cvti.r tad'ib.. -JUtxP) ai.nit the I&iPý, arid, î, pensect a model. 1 *tipgeee.' wife.- -Lod LeywI mWM grisw1y "the kaa* ma *WW -What will -you nive me.» Dm-t lie urjiet, Dur- I orkly wLb- only pua lie boa ever made. 11-Now no 1bie-tipts, for the payaient et theée to *tien Uke thm UITLZ SMAW. -ýFîfty centa ne heur.- ed in See Tou raMI fur.- mm could slip latto a pou nim win co. wben swi i comer Yeu, but 1 bave My own Pri-; 1 sumo were duly aiven, and there wati -Lairsat ,ii th. itiht ci and fit it se exquisitely; but women, "TO-morrow M tien eeloek." vue ideas a» to what belon cajted fur puccle me more and, more every year- 1 no aisputing the fact that the money 1.';th inxt., t)r4ike hiý cullar imist: %ni. m MM ter dm cS1ý The rouversatien haïk fallec Into a MeanS. especkUy Americ*n women hands of the nartie*naen. a ýevt-re.àlý-k. but wili prull)- N1W ta& ceil,»MtmbL A" bal" et purely hueimbe touei and afterdmear- ý -De yeu mind =Ughtming mer rauffluentA, Lepel bànded hm hie eud, ed la the memoranduut. The next apm abjy recovtýr. Md said a nisaft erM 1%" evecine» 11-Nai at ail. lu menue a luzuriom -A lr" »Mon girl 1 1 pe" were au wlowb: .1 rather tLriiig home, servants- a" carrhuem fonirm lied ber pocket-book while retumý nilbery oceurmI un Suriday nijckit, lui 1 for »w thar the thiakw» doue he w» tmwl, home enten&immeum and ai from sa entertainuient with a Rentlt> ..MOxtnâi&Lý'Aug. 211. tsý1._1 rè.Ulting in the thiet uneerude un to IM-wbmimiL la tbellr« huaband w belle greutest joy la tu grati. friend of the hiMest respectability "DiLmt Mr. lu thp alillence rerr% -ýs5 froiu the plue, ha had offend Bve ---Boy fy My wbd,.».- and bad him arrested. Me wawà kxked of Sir Hue -Ubii4 1 " 1 be oblixed by of Sir. W. 11; Orýi., a fariner un Gu% VIRW ]bU=R= 8130P. kWh terme; " la the seeoa& ha hâd Lepet hmlly Imew ubather de w» tu: fer chr« home. and then sbe toand your supplying the Central Coulinittee lkt-W lille, l'it:krrifig. It al)PCMZ% theL Imuut&Ëly commemi biaisez --in or eurnext. for ibe atood itp te t e pocket-book in the linLoýg et lier wita a funher fflui of twSýW»ou%- Mr. Oriý, jP1acý,d ttiI?,ttoie%.y iclabur.-au 13. with a el" cit artiste fw whom bô Ud- = h" == end. M&îd it drWoo, and dollarsà UPON the mm eghdi$iotm draher in hiâ bud-rýýiii ilà the eveuii;g anomm qwuftîw le b*M Defthft rebuffl MW Be.bit wâterlT%ý an the i vi-h - lArow-wie thet bwaght lier êwk -A letter a cânad" ammat wr! me" the lotit befort fttiriDR tu ýwd. It iý thù#i,ýic Pgn* in a Je-"7 -am to a New York my)etter to Sir Huah Mlaîs, of the the thief ýâw hitu lit the af-t of Puttin-r P"w th" â* bu f Pt 1 * Pubui la .. - -1 -_ denir flece te ftS wM a amUeý 4pi of lied been 111917 Intaille ama"d « skiNced th" "Cànad" feminwty in 3» ultinbo. the 114011ry aay, a:4 tht: xbrubir Md Anamm MMI Z lie bad belé* a liagemer te her alrowed Ing saise m by no ni a pie "Gm E CA*nrp-- o;wn and the ýbutterý.4 ith Lhtt IMM OWB -wuuwqgt matrimo"d lt«ý sight, for ls ý la mSw t64 mon "P. S.-%mm aiso send Sir John 2L 61atit opentd. Ile watt:ltýti hi-à -ýhièouO fAve sympub.T. T.Oma tu Mm *banale@@, Macdonaldanothertenthoumaddellan wftri.all were aaleep aud euterclI tho "a la a a" Thon Mm W» a, heur to hile uenuated te= Bien article; Ifta Mwe on the seaie terms.» BLUM . 1 1 1 ah, 1 window, bawàing out throulch t" Jour- Imm hmqmdmumotthe "BeeM"d from Sir Rech AII& by Thàrre were othcr valuztbk-.t in the 191éle a" W9 3 a éMd16ý T'bave lm -9 X the hanchiet Mr. Abbott, twenty thon. 1 whieh were tbw Ck iQbwr"ý B» = 01b: at ewpSt. IF the Dot touchel. NO, Yvt -bwb*mmwumlww il 1 bwm am wM the utm"beedm.* sand doüm for general etfttm pur-. tu the thier. lj ait am »oi, in iýoft the Île 1. ï. ir vi 'fi FUN" *4*.. tit (mi« iéwte tom$" ràmWP4. ma otbm lit ik: v4li ffl lit te ý*A0 ait" *kIrk (If lyqmmei k#ndo 06910 Vî ébt-e if, imbiur" that th" W" Pl"' tbot'ý-k *ffli »wfflf, ROM $ fbfflvàt* *Ofàwlh* 8% K»W% W. bite "Il th*, TUK Mal umu s il-et tffl tukm»40 Il. hv th@ iew Mteot"v* timb"s, 4twFý('". cm -rit fflè ýh'+4j the bt>4#ttffl f,.f Il kbt-». MM ai- ft"40' %Pg- bh,ý (wl, thO »V'. gtmbo*. tj t iid"rtr lr~ ly Pf 107. Mes ta rlf4. Abot 1) "te. IIf the bit-y'd 'W» K-t - 7ý Joh* mez:2WC :tmr» b tnb"leuwcttb2:"=» Ili. 1. B"tmay, FiTe days afterwan% Sir John X&& douaid telegmph-4 for Il another ton thoumad, as fouowq. -To the litita. J.J.C. AOA-tt, 1 ximAt have istiýitit--r, tera tiiotà%aM (10111arý4- wili bu the ta.,IL iitile ot calliug. Du jet bût me. -N-ta-wocýr L(>glav. [posum PýcwAw By mm.puwmmlr»,j 1 ý 1 ý : , ". , l-, v,4ý,-S Qbbloa ýt'mpqffl.v vu 1 -NO mirai .*"Almq6oem» Xx 110V 'W &Wd #boom la liw j Ai by *0 Ouvémum g4tsm è. th* ok$@M r*%"» 14 rbtigt!lè, IW j*'04 belou le. V. ýàN« dwmk tavio AND =v w.1j l'Y W tii )w Kk4. Audk tl"tbtitý.',@ vill.-el. »Ots Do-ek. (%,auto* we te, tb»t vmt. pelbes %""'y %mm bom TUR Ltrgl>lpàaT» èu w»ýb t-ll-hv (t ttk.»b tt9h" 1 qv 'Ie IV 0190 -'b#P -b tqf-té"ý* ' -8 Ln m ulic à RI , W-ttktv ét = Imm 1 IIV I-*ý éeý 'VN m V hI. ib, M-M mom loi jl" eto àè» mon lè "ny mt t»ab Wý- moeik. row tk.4%. »ý'j 'é"t 4étbiby rv»DV4 for th* ONTARIO UD11W oouus 88-01,119180 Bol Con ln,%Ply It»l4IX41 set 9 'Y et 4.. pûr t-tttt ,elbýb i te, 4 fl 1 il et# 14 r felet FA , t".ke el. N ON It r "ë: N l' e-X. t If le, whk'#t will le P-PWNI lbgtM,'4; m 1 -ttbti.h 1 el .4m V, fv(4»ýo tell. t,4, -.8b, l"40 m I, X%, pik il,~ ifflioww i t .,k" met e-Q t,.« - . 1.1 ý hev= 'em,ý for ",elnp au $table$» #am Imm P« *M h*vý J..iý lit q)obro;ý,, llémi oe# UOPF-%'«4*m N 'x IAU ma "0 isole vm foi 14f_ tm W'Reffl tre ait IN bit" D. B Vol. XIX. whole lumw 1