1. f'. 1 _ _ . . - ', ý ý ý . 1 1 . . - ý 1 - 1 ý ý . 1 1 __ - - ____ . - - - - 1 1 1 . ý 1 . ý ý Il 1 --"" V -v,ý-ý,-, 1 Il --.--.-- ý - - ý ' _,ý : ý' - MM_ý __ 1 . . ý P... I l . 1ý-1 1- ý 1 , - - -- ý i , 1 ý . ý 1 1 -: > r -i ý _- _ - 1. ý. ý . ý Mlist 4 fffl âmar 1 . ý Xuu*avgd& *mulit tm&,ri è4rt torbavobtm ý ý ý ý àgàmonm 1 1 OMM" 1 ý .. ý . 1 ý Il ý - 1 _- -. *";:te, '. sruumba»bomopwmtbg 2»mv rinic.-Il» sontba ,ý ý .. . . 1 . ý 1 . ý - - #@m e« %*= * ., M ter. LAtglw Airilb scrumm- 1 : I. a ý *91 '11 1111111I WiýIr» Wottx*. N*Dnd. rafle néretiun 1%uradffy affreur la . eftlleb " tbuit-q" - the -W»Vboutd ý1 ý ý _4t, a- 1 . ý à Mo JL i - - - - 1111 ý% , - _= 4» uraolim tue the illait, 14eh inatt., At the rwda"M Ôt 38IIIII "S"Rek4empmw"m " . . ', ýdFtaa .ý NE & -, MAM AX 1 _ ý 100" mM . : _211111F lake bon" et 1 . ýý R A . 1. ý .1 ý ý .-- - -ý 1*069 «III 11111,001111111atif. -0. Il. M. ttovfe. %Vvllt 1= 1l' -.Ieou" Mal opqý à çomttwlp ý . ,2» ý e amom»of MB&mmthS *»U= the work't itre ik%,Vi"tm foxtw«lrt. »&,tm» tamm = 1- _ý 1 ý ýý 1 . 1 1 ý . - - ýý 1 a I" . .. Wo mtaontwt 04 *r a W» = jw41Fý lu% . 1 1 ý 1 « . ý . ý . 1 ý I.- ý . i , . ý%ribebu.rgtbtiloait. = le % oont = tbl 11111111111111, aumwawina - . Itmmeuý 1ý ý - ,ý .- - 1. ý ý , ý 1".. . . ý ý i (ýtm4ýp %»tNT%ý ri %'tKKE'-4ý,botUht tirer t lie %laver purpolwa «Ue" la Malle ad *M bu, "m inebo%-"d- 1 eht* oby M préal ,,;h*intv a -:= Obrpuaava*e Il ý ý00 ý . ý F#L%*)itt,*, li(,.Ilfflttliz in - . = P"ls . pu m 11111, welqu -b" 1-1=102pe - . . 1 Am -410 . .. 1 %»Rb%,Ldwwb4RKt. Witt I* Xfeht do tt.ý; unellaituf tkertI%-.N.-?.,_ý _. -Xr. "m m -m Sb# mm It i th" Ill"PrIvei lttý%ext-ý";--àÈ t- , t(à çm» » xâmvoaa. if Of , Mit W» Il ý . ý 0 ý u* ý ý ; 1 ý ý ý . lo let ý .a), 1 w-iul*,«Io la arrangiag fur, a efflite I III bee =-=a __ 1 ý 1 lSllilz , . 1 ý etnom Oui -ý ý tir etitttnaiibnwftt* tu hl# jatvm a--,bu * = CzAL à.,.mm,," -1 . ý . 1 . ý 1 1 ý . 1 .. ý 1 1 PAVIN0 l'1-ý In (%tir amyt-rii.trlâ I"ewtntt-ýrietaùt of the puor. IMug'tàw »W ' . 1 1 ý ý. - . ý Mkàwm 1 immt (.;)rnnleinturite. and watt »»&Mbl,"md Z mm, » SWdb" w-um tifinsfai 3fu7.C:2:o:iWabo:: 1- . . 1 1 .1 . 1 . .-1 'l . ý 1. 1 . 1 ý Mr. ci 1. Iloil àtit4 ýM,:l. ho" go la U= ëot m tbkbg W" bile thbity,ýdve Tatters. et *,«»RI*&% ativial. ý-- twr 84 4tettt the tt.ltv tif A!.trýmattenatiuçt-,autt the tàumt m t Mr SIM& eauffisk - Cruum tarte adieu ma et ISP IRC IA L IN I)llyclc]Ký . ý ý . ý 1 . 1 P~ lul »nbom* luitýrý-wtk.d .1atei fâirly illa nictitant. 1 . ý ý = » es. *wm l IW-- IL- ' . luattem» vu bffl Sb- -Grattent, lm Wéduesduir ,1011 " . ,uv->4t"'týi- b" lkwbm iatulb, cettawm . MI. ,foiromber, 18700 , i»di-mo a« &««4wxtý., ý . 1, ai lé Itoirý%,\.**; Oît.la, . mm dumud wm a mome tudier, And; . . ý '1 - . - ý ý »qw S U R. Po rý>Nle;!,,%ri,,-ý.. ', Tha, !01!nvi"g a»pear* la thé --ýrerbon- Md 9whabwe pitiffit le bite 4w Whille mura - ýý eb ý . 1 . 1 1 .. 1 e "* -lut boute £mm gjvbg lm 110111tu- lit, é,14» ('t *rltur,«tay's .Vttit. ' affl um 1 ý 1 " wirofipeà 'tat..ý,!! --Jwumipmm* lsl»c>«mtwsàà"uaaa- rions peuried upm the raGuwl croc@-, "IW= IMw b et, ill îï,kak 't, -'i . k ortbél utItierret. ilktaitut m y.ms IIIII), fur. t wvb _ _ ý . 1 ; ý . - ý ý' - ' . . . III . ....îlift . - --im- 12--t- bu àwdm a" «BL. A t tpodu; ý 1 .....»-ý- . __ . Il " il' .90« Il tir ir a erzv (if b«luthampto», and uéw hée, et " a atimeut eumm Wou 1 . - ý 1 mm aboleg" tb*eomt4otuti4,ta a. son am outer of liber - ff from tbe jodol"ut a* couattir ruM 1 com. matý% ý ""le t(:ýtipf-Il iz .ývVed t . 0 ber , in cet . Witt be et a j MIl m 1 etrisest her; her à rWeneure ý IDIOV . ;I3- ý ý ý - ý - , " ar 1 =gr= , Md t=! 1. . ý ý - ý .. . __ - 'Il t!*t!lml't it.,%e ,., :ýtîF,, lit tanner. te whieh he la étraLtie ! wiu U" &,& Umm ý - __ U" . &." ný1t mj I.Mb ýi 1 tm' le. 8 Il Tim rien talarith ftui*fi ý ; CrUtj::iý,'àdy tut, the artit.h. t ý b aetorwv r ý ta the l'prairie Province. 0 vri vl- ý a ý-i OF. ý ý *Ut tu rt-r4kr tý ,,;.- .,', ý i 1 ! - 0" il I.., . . 1 Z t"M" - ý lit ý"Wlý- , i 1 81 _' = 0 » 1 tit)'bt0d.C.Ro(tdent* »av,ýbiModliàsecom EM __ , î train Frasa - md tiber trainmen ý" 1 1 .,.»t ,4ý4 . il bM ,O,&b . ý'fýýakl» M ýiwM ffl . foutra. ý , hile etwlt.1.,!ýtie Ntrrait-, ()Ytt, Arty pertairan, turnLhtng- peraper titi Tran ILdoffll vol re-ý 1 broum the V bock se the cromir«. 1 W. . 1 - ý . ý ý . . ý .t:ý ."..... ,., ,,iý.fIf:é% oï the delath of the naïd, feuille forwarded te . . ! 1 IIIIIIII!, libre, ub"ery rait parti dr;;,-ý tý'-,iýibe* Grant tviltbe rewibrdel ý ilion: auTimII4 je 02 a hi trienda of the deeem d a" wheam,«woe,*»%i tîFFIFeAýâ"F: luoii, i.-Zt Il i whwe it vas udffl charge of by the; ZO« m D oui ý "J'qvtýl.t-r-ý, 'In a. c'j'n - ýM ý mou. dtw sudideuly on ý - 1 cm 1 "Il omntt iftadatitattel te rofr jîfaa.r',ý'îaazl, ý t . V b" The jury returneil à 1 cit .If ý ý . nom . 0111, ! aeeklmtl detL - . ý . ý . IrA li Wiblalti «etýlt-,Ili,ý.. >4-riaitt tu Kilten aniubtàu-t, il,ëi;,tW> t km wtll be à sertous om ta . . . lla 1 e,. ç9m Ilot: ; 1 4 ,- ý 1 ý 1 1111114 a, , , tt;itaèbtion tel a.-arry oeutaitale ý ý , le , ý 1 ý ý ý . ý - lbr%%DQWIIffl>t. Thell.11111.r%. inesto (m the rt»oa. . ý ý y. .ý 1 ý . ý ý 1 - 1 illilli MA --» ta the ,log,&> I. tlln'tý:, Il 1 tué, - PETEUUROrGH. i à M& 1FIM L AAM ; 1 1 IR = e 8" ýOliw'tciim 'Ç. P. *»Y .rt -,b rasa .>rlnt-lple. tait(i too«rri4pedatin.> . . t - . . ,,è-,,. il 41t 1 - . 1 1 tiairenfal tor.ti4h Iinytesi@4. îhe, »wu> l - £OF-V. . l'sa MUX.A» ftàmw.&IË ý C&ASGIM - - ý 9 wl.. 4111F,4. tFonfýIiIIII& _ý ZI: erie .twit 0 iu;.*.Q& . , 1 thl,î Lino are Faibreillail enfer. f IClSmponueuS ut Tb* Pm. 1 ý ý . . . ý1. - 1 . . , a ', I. - -..Êl»,,ý.byw " tbbo pfwo*ý, - . . , 1 11*1111»* -vý,. p - Il Dlfmw.%ýrfo,ç. -- The, -The appulotraîtrut of Mr. C« m Mm- l . . 1 ,, 1 ý ý ý ý ctp-ý".qc.a Hà" *At.-, .. J..%Iclll:fýt', !,,,t iI ý1:r'ýIaîtI ý, and leu.( ý- It votitqi met%, Who - --- _.. ý 1 , - ý ,ý 44 I*wilii. to*64 1,.iàb t(swib vi.irisig h,*ý . . __ , 1 1 ý . 't'Ifliýrtant éee, ttatmint;a.% In whal thil Beau tifta» liait on the I*b corrette. M" la ' the mm important and $"nid , >ý ý ý ý . . . 1- ý . 1 . r toogdoà ne report* a raflai ill'arté, IIf ý;jufs .t M.0p. woo I.r" ll ontmod . nive »Udutioù bath ta thnf - 1__ 1 . - in AL ý - % . ý 1 dam k'ý iý. t.."ý'ititils thé,irý exeitifil repbitâtion. on thé &IturuOm Md- evmtug et W' - ý yod, Hhé Poý, ý . 1 1 ý th* "4" Io, toilette MW Faisatra, the M. , art.,ýtý.:u,*-tl, ,%n(lvl:zý-%vi!l fil fait ta and the publie who moite U .tprj. ý , cà»» IM O ,. . coula ý nw"ff(un the bard LI tIvý th tel . 1 31MI4 The hall w» buft hy dm Mari- livrent of criýý ton. bis . X "-olw-A PIL AL , 13- - ý . 1 1 ý 1 1 ý ý%*,-,t:-t- tll..,&"*d te .*-reany tli;m lent en. t, stra", ,te -"%,IV'" Io th" wq.ýt il raid thé. rd.h tratte, t,"ýmte th&f, pose subrerdinate, grange, And je buth i bieilugu quadidm ions. elwmY and . ý ý ý . 1. ý . 1 ý 1 1 roulerai, 1 -, ,ý.-3r-1ýà ' 1 ý - 1 1 ý tl..tI.-O. fla ý 'tt(.Ib.ý % 4*4 elop Wou. 1 1"" 1 wooktala WW» ha wile t-ýlkbtaZ(* i.ý Illitt l»-ýý Pt)tla.%. . . ý Suveaient Md ApRejouraît, morfourbg sbre-d»ffl arle Wou kSwu ta -us et * . ý ý > , 1 vw4b@é»Y. " . Illit:.. ,a tierteile, r.0 lot relkliatalafFre IO ý,%Ibbtiy.()re.za,11. ý ý 1 ý»X«k4. It ta Weil idaptud ai - ito »Il ýrçm" antenne la bis new peut- 1 1 ý . 1 j, "ý'4>.g.t.rAiýit (ai, t>%Rk... 114"%I!: ia:%#-:it-;ý. -1ve Wrie, labowba aucommodui the Fral Vieilli, --- - - . . ý 1 ý 1 - . ý ý, . - - - 1 Wt, bae%,tl ri. - Grbagow - the --------- 'O eve" rua. (latthed triant. thtww,» 1-.#ý(ba.ý,%Iaibelt.iti, 4 vt"te'(Iztv t'y Ntr- John K lectures and temperattef, meet- . PWW*Ot ....... «. -- 1 gy , 1 'W p ý Il . ý . . . , . ýitýfa'; ;,, zm' rilr- peixe.'ip.% étal be plàek., J»gm, . faby publie Kubortue saut ta feel graituleff et tiffe Affliction of V SA T S in ]nu . , 1 ý ý 1 44ý*t,. ('tte,%.Iitil .,ieit,&.,ib 1 Ièiý iýi!..%t., mi 1 O.M ý ! iyat la hilit uàxtlen a .Ibw 1 bavinu for ifs abject tête, good at ou . r Mr. COL Wfth _ nang Direm . . ý - -_ . -la lt ltlu v.u ,v - . qtb%-, àý4i1. ý *I'it.-V ellèh ilipasured a trigm i bwminqcommunigy. The«UerMium t ' la thietown wem"hopetbùourlocal 4%99% , »eWittt'ti4lla (If %%'i.ltitsib la, . . 'Il. $a. - î Y ÏM .1 - lýèt.! !, ý e - ý 1, .11 ý . 1 _ _ 0 1 ý 19ffl é s4*1e. ,,.'dw.tr.(4& ,Ir mer%!, La.ý ,11 fi'.. . «ilici ý1. . ý 1 .1 ý 1- , l LMI il% vr ,eV,-ti fait iut-.îiv.tkmference ý romigted et a teuI ne m ! m - ý ý t4fflýt"t'ttW* trial f#ý,bvtq #Flatte. Ilea. lit . y'. the W ie& er re, ý 1 ý 1 1 . - . 1 ý . . . . 1 flirter (1440 (If t la*- "It'.1- lgt)tll4rlf Ybttilua't- "'i'f %% vl't' é'-ilaut If "ai# ,ý4e'Pe.'tur ta that! %vbieh did crodit ta thotrability bath in : = reuive d» anen 1 ý ý . - u - -- 'Il in . 1 ' ý of complotait. alli.40. . ý ý Iiiii 1-v (. ý VIIII11f *** V~ wrlfýrý4"f ii,ýti'ttt. . ;,hé, .l .. - - t r . ý 1 si* zazyie and wim ,(.(.a% in ratille, phakatalla, (4~ 1ýo rmai ý ltll.;t,.:ý tre, it À ltfi.u)ri.itt frotte arrkl,-Xtlle , - I . ý . .- -, 1 ', ', ','.a fé,#"..-ý ai ..- ,ýý k _l YMbl 0#,FM, JIý ý ý1 1 1 a ** TInan, substance. MoMe ffflow- ý whim bave tram the line Il - - "vO urà:t L". JL» 130Y W 1 ý . - ,,ý 1 ýl 1 .- ý :.. .. tiý ,ý,,,,.,II,.-."".ýf.ýi>,4mié.*bb**'*-,R'W,ý,ý,.t.41.ýý.1 palf, , , 1 -at.-r".e, ztttt....t l"..;..., - titre (nit a I»th.ý, ,,,.,l ' Ji Ir', .'Ièi-..y %%t-ltý rýbiýývil ifs the Open; ed, mise ,rbm pem prtidi.ng et tbw twem Millbrooliand Ileterboro'bein;z Il ý- 1 1 ý . . . 1. - ý . ý I#'ýfiI»k. ut, bien ofttm-hoIy .-ýbt,'iýtrophe. 'tir. NIr. K;I.,%Iil-,t% listendit, paying; o.rom. (Mme, afromI short, &il. local ripou ats a ment brduch--thecým . ab W l -, tý';,i- lg*te% *t. J-jeee'a . tai'ar'. 4titt-l Ili thé- et.91art, ut thie tlrex"b,% by diflorent ngembere. j&. ! ventenmot white muât Tteld ta chat of . ý ý 1 1 ý ý, filial, li,ýý. ing fk)tilèd that !)v Ibrbi.ecting, Hill,.IttawÀýr et Dorialaiers Grange. was the U» te Lindsay, Orillia and 1 ý . . . . - 1 lât\u'iliý"I'OXIl li4-stoi(bi.. .V"Pdtiqq tel"tr"..ý ,%,-Il tilt th, norib 'iki'tibey e.-.petteatomUremthé umging but ai MdludCltywhe»wer - ý - 1 .1 ma w M" vmrmtr at exitrm . ,,, M A L D IRY G 0 0 "11ý ý e*lm rà-"-. ý 116 ýkiv%440 Iý Tht, PttiFi!ý, ran j'm 'af'.1y %Vibttéýoýed. .- - ý they conSIgtted. ;;"., a i X -1c ' e . ý kAffl es, ON04 .1. ..: 'a, radwý,,y acleffleut prevemed him yrum! wiâ » doutât be ressotred as -peedily . . ,ý . ý - . . ý ý . .14ýlt*41" , the km 114t'fittalv eNSll, i, Tin. (*;.z>.I)IT Vý%I.L.k:y lýýçll.%v.%y..-Th&t ceuijug. -%tth@ronclluionsom otthe aspoétable. Boththe3Udlandandthe ý ý 1 ý . . _: 1 ý - 1 ý 1 .. .1 .. ý iattitlýti.i.t.- Chal T(.tait; ýfëqttll,%,., __ 1 ý . . . . 1 ý l 1 . ý . i#V,; (% \IaI,ýr, :f1Fflf:ý&I ii-kýetitsg tif 'the VeIdit Valley =km welle electio»d fer, Xisa Toit& ' Grand Junetion mm ta be pughing un . - 1 ý 1 :. I.. , i .;fI - ,.. . .; ', i -ý ..aie.' W , ,:: 4-li., - '. ., lýe .,? ý 1 là.,k N!t*rv l.,,j:t.rý, i:,ý,-; ,.a, 1 ý 1 1 , ý , ', ý 1 1 . . l 1 :ý .1 ý 1. . ý - . 1 %. -NIýIrý-ttb,.!.',ý>-, '14t'., týiF:eith, i:t:»; Ilive , %vtý%*ý*ý). wat:a le-11 inrýbrottta)lýt.t lot Cambtl harhig the -tmeeeWul eau. ý 84 Prt4mt wIth retteired enem .and CW« T" IELIMar" Tw ý a" W ons= . ý 1 ý ý ý 1 àt K.,;ilb. * J..,e; t.izAi, wïll:,b..l,, I4'.ý. 11.1 . . S:ekýklita%:"Iý SI . thist arital i 114,411, fautu of, otô. Au memed le erdov, ýý . . - ý ý ý . ,%ý.f.%. 1'ilk-I...i). *-fttit-,ýe-x-rt-tar%«,.Ntr tIL"te. The cake netted the Society the Wetnutitwillm belang beforewe 1 . 1 . . 1 ý 1 . ý 1 ý . Clablal 'e III. t'aeelýit. Mi; 1 %V ýý't' . ýýiit-%v, & nue peterbwoue idtmted en a direct te m ilS t tru ck. JW umWb en the prem im im d il, "'f' - .1.1--ý";t;l.vt. ib..ý-n iaia.1k. for i;1117 p . .lie I)tlrrhuw the etitertainment and we doubt &là throue line belittrectit the,(ieorg" -Eây . ý .If ý . .. A v re 240 N E Y 1 . ý U - . 1 - -en luay toux lire ta wovide like ACCIDr."-% ris...:" ýIt,.,; i' 'él t-el :,:,." " 1, - la_ ", .ý.,.11-itileli4izt(.,tltbeiýtel-Mllelxbrtiovt -aIntý home with the w" chât the; and the Bay of te. ... ,ton ]ý&,"]M 1 . . 1 ý . ý 14 . . L S)nal#I,,Iý,:.t.-t' k', . %%'ý«14iIF ,,ýIl, té._ý-1f, . .. ý 1 Il .1 1 3 a .1, *%%*r.v..Ueý, , , -i?;,. - bill tif ttlk..Itliitl..z .'tual r...Ittiml. yâdr Grang lýM 1 . 1 1 . . - ý . i ý . ý ý ý . ý ý . 1 ý - .1. têta"i ýlrtaft h.:,ý . Vhé ý 1 1 atinjoinieute lèr the future. of T. Boulte tif IXL huit hii latte * ' - glt&,atýIa.é.bf ibmrkl4 iI& ,*ý cI.,.,.e. althl, ,lr,>zzrt-4ý if% Lhe cotiets,-,te-riôssi)t the ruaé L ý __ -40.-- Ille mettre. ,,,t woot étaitist, »R. brohm bek W àle tb*!hl by failing et au -, j-1 ii. (fiai 4 riallélalf. 91011: .1-1. 1%ýiIZb Made a iring t' Z. .ýeaýtàn, aitaitý;, l a. oal . 1 -IIIIIIIIIIII, ptbt'iIý %ýI-et' Illiat et'b..ýt-et "#ýN- (ýi'l $I Ili, .:r.-:tté-r i,:ar Ait th"*Iiiit wW1 tir collocl ý oz-cm album m wmu -peu" over IL41ERIF IMI - ]P]Liàm il II .-1 -., 1:ailé.i--,--tclqqtof . J.. L'm.. - 1 ttýlt 11, t- _ dm A 19 . ,: ý -. -ý_l;., __ - -W--Mu« iti ý mm,,Nm 1 are ý»aq- fat - he ýltbiretýý, thke'liell th IN ,qi.- ý . 1 . - ýýý ý ,_ ý . ý 1 ý ý . 1 ý ' aille thtà reme t'-'IaIll'k'ft'ltnf'-t.Vt'iIr. 'r!Ie.ýWet',IOiMllkt- Ic ? «ý nce ut Ilm pétales. 1 him .... The week: before là« Rarvey ý 1 .. . . ý ý ý 1 1 ý ý - ('ý,'41ý'--,t tel arret ? itil1,1ý. ý ,ýrikDN.% De.vru Ala .Qri - bis :1, , %. 'tý, tI "Il ri tf. . , . , 1)(J. la-fo?. 1) ý PIJ, 1 ý-. ý .hý-.---ý,ir.v la, J'a". W", à ,;,"air "Il \11t,ý,lait't-x:Iii avait litel.rýeiii. 1141W . ý .Ir) lx .;$T.-On peanion, w» thréfint frima ý 1 ý ý . ý. ý . ý - . - . . Itl ! ,%! * -III ,,ý,-II ror t he str'.. ý%ýattir(la,6-.:bltt Insr.. W bite 34r..Hutehin. a" had two et bis ribe brotwio4 = pid«'4 ' . 1 . ý . « 1 ý ý i ý , 1 - .iFý tv va-t-X lIit; \!.Pl,ë: . rfýb.t.,. :il .a.,..ý' il "1:1, p1*11igt, latin, of 11.1lici Fail.% a w»Ij villai l'i-t ý.i..ý.ý: ýý"- ,'Itf.'UO Praýia't*Iý 'L'lie 0!d -m suat" ngôtberl4uries, but le ableto ý* 1 la = 1 Mu M., iwi ý . I.. - i'v %,-i*:..,t, Il lit 1) 'Vlir j III 4ère, litueilber (Ff t.ý#$PXtbtýertl*N ,Irk, ý "aigri.. ý,fa»èr r1ý Iti4tittca,ýl8ýt%,,14-t-ý-k lul,.ý-. !.,,ý'r't 'f - ý 1 1 1 'IV 'i irv,-rl;r.ý W,&. I-t-.,-Iiee.,t.t!. and., about tlve- sullettaort% et thilka plawwije get around aitain. - ý ý ý ,ý 1 . . . ý ý . relit of fiý, ýajkJejý1trw" ,,,,,,,,,( tilt. 'O ý,ý-r %ý-. .; , ,.l ,ait hin %vay licitue frnm, .Xortand.he, - te- 1 . 1 l attl.%V;tam t'ltt.; la *Il ,,:..ýi- l.-- I:.tý%v ý a, a, r,.;.,.."" - ý 1 1- . . ý ý . Ir F'.4t.,$.".;& . ex-il, e 'n. BORCUTGEILIX. 1 ý ý . té h4e.,ý,ýtteilau-výýTi-idt.r.;,11,ftew(lrtl%ý;,-ý' i*ý,,,:iý.:I!ýý?,ý-I.Ntt-.t'..I.(*ýtitilý . Vivp. Iffl Dk Mr. Lino 01 Miner Bar soute. . , suIm X &DIC Tb C"lm ait àà«wt neue, lýý:.>,Cîfb£ & 1 ' ý Ixý"t.1 ,ý.r.-I ,tf.(.,..elit't "I'd ""U ta. wf, !i,,%" ,.>Iel.,tà%IUÀ et, tFil.ýatatt.!iI'.. Î.lr hetvice ei)4w ed in t-ýn%-ersa. lCormpendem-e ut The em-0 1 1 . ) ,j,),Nt 1 . ý, I'.-pý-I-. '.ir. I...i.li;tv , -r,ý-t-* ira illerit. T- .1.4 l. 1 . ,ý--r, ,,ý,ýly ai-,- jetait ira ý % eiwa-1 t,.,ý,ati lje*,t% .%If. ,ýI tien about the wëatherý etc. When Ir M 1 ý . . .ý . a.. 1 % ý%tj«-. ý ý . ý ..IIlieie %\',:,,,. --_rý-,--:ý, :ýl'-i!bvl-.tl,!ý.ýiiýýlý-tiltitý;it4il DEVICLIIT OF TUÉ H.&nN*xr Bï-L.t,6v. - A. càm o l7zýs oin srA". .._,ý . -r N kt 'Yl ý îlle-, aî"wo t , , 1--rii i le ýfýtriph.aA ifr-,r:laý 'I.ý - er.ýý:r ;.:t,-p,--ý ,,ai ;i'.. Faitii ,Lk-arit&g thé- st'l- kL'Pt tay Xcl.mWh" The voie on the Ilaril be-law Fiant., .. . laid IlévrtvIII4. :.,--,,ýllý ....ItaaiI ri', . l i It. itl,,. 1..ý -ý ' ý - '0,4, oz. 1 vilakh 1aII«n(lý ,'-,!t;ý, ;- : ý, ,,-a-, ,z.- .,llýý!ýi iii, jj-j,;il.ý,,Fj,, rj,ý,_kj&t,, Isri am.%Ir. ilute.liiiiýon %%a» w" ing imir a bonux of el:tUt» to the W a_ larby .-e- . . 1 . ý 1.1, . .. ..î 1, F-t:-,ýt-I)." ,.ý,,I ,, [IaiIF*tvý- neq 't ýt- 11t'i'l ý**k#lôtý,',"">,,)ý". 1 1 . ý 1 ý -1 ý ýý ý. , 1 . ' ý , ý, ,;a ý:ff ýi:i 'lè,ýà -ra-li.i11. 1 ý . . a 'lit tie aliead lie board a thaud oanton and Bobeaygeon Rallway Warq test b;- ý . 1 1 . . ý 1 1-111-11 "Fer tI--slil,,. 'o't tIet "il ti,,t i.- ,a' 1't'. Ix Affaiý. ý11,t,.alm.:a. *;I..:Ia- ý.,:,:.ý!!l*r;.:, Fum-lb.. . ' tooking rvund Flow Mr. Ling lyin - ,ý> L;! 9 on 1-6. The votest(brid .10 for and O)-& agnin!§i. - - . . ý , "" %% ,,ý'.i, ý.!I- 4 tentée ira 1 l'kt .Fil-'i;:,-ei , .lýriti,-- at.; - ý ý 1, ý ý,ý-,I,,t,,, %* , hiý halte! .".% -41.t..riv .a"ie. . .:. t)natýbinzhu-kh-ftiuntithat if lit ta ho regretted tient the liarvey VI ý .,,ý""t..aý..:.ýf.,ko tal Itl:.I !;troo t.. - 'r ý;e Mr. I..Ile wý4jilvi[won biàtbm-k AI41fia pLopie bave taken Xhi .4 , Lew of th;le year--g .,Ialveral lit hiFi pupils M-L-1mz a itiven ta the ladies fer their trot (« o »*,$ 41 %V 1 lq-, $j v-, .. ; 1 , 1. Il f, . ai Ir aIt )#ý'i ri, ý , , ý ý ý ýý.lýýýi .ý-ir ý't - 1. lil ' 1 lýi..- Ili ,,.1.ý uraiti, IqYý-r., :,,-t - » -11 _ V üIgh peýitla.:n ai tIre ceueli-.-ee exa-mUià- Irovidingthetea, totheflicir. ., . ý . - ý 1 4h u Ili, ;1 tell . ..ý.:;la-:*'- 'l I.; ý'i', .'twt.ti%-;» - ()ttPâniallYlittin Piaffer. thms delaving the vonstructi -, Il.., !, II il rbbilý.,q gaaatal ratai priaiter îz:r,ý,. Ili,, gro', ' ' ý 1 1- i. .1 1 -ý ,.,.I,.11..I, !',-,-t-iv--ýt il a., 't . -9 bien ton te' -Us =(1, bila predecesser werr- t e il Mendemen Who atitlm s :!,'ý%j. ,,ý,tbt*,r., . 1 . ý . . la.1d ýé%,-i, i;1... io-, h. ferrant ho (4ý)tlttt fait 110 anvthiuz: fur of the rSd indethaitely. No douter -'ný' Il 11ýý -1. , "..:. -l".. ,,,.e,,,atii l-;iý't-. ialit the ' le a(ýti-..e and itýetal lueulber., _. 1 ,.,ai! eI-y i!,..%.Ii I)4%ý ":) t'f"-t't'tty Iýýt"-Ijriiff:ý ,»%d4cý10figfriii! .ei"!e , ý Il. 1ýI-ýii...ý1, ait-- _'rain. ar ýIhr.%v:&r-- théiýttir.ereraiidýliottted ti-r«helr)ý thi - the î;"ý 1 1:ý . . et meetingr, and ta the chairman, :I ,,,a ..III, -, 1 . ý . . ' *aa:,.. If ,% 1ý 't, 'l'- t 1 , 1 defeat la owing te% file action et tir. 'b,ýé,h and eabbath Scheul, and, Prt»-'ffllÎb &=Guuted te uPwarlls ( ýý . . 1.,-I,.jý : irýX144. -ý i.,,ý. I, a, rý ,,,, . j beigtic, he-ird I)y thattaralle at the store, who flatterborce people. Flv-eltffl t4 bave baiten Mr. Meïazlant! criters upon hi.4 1't...ý,,ilIalt"lg.y ', 1, 4't'.. >t:.ý-tl .iý'. . 1;iý;,ý- ;! %, t, flirter« v,--r,ý« isift-riair rant - *ué-(týiiiv arrivéit. if waIF fonnit in a teille, iiititi4trinusl-. etrewri'týtnl painting the ý , . 1 't'l iiiiv,! ,,,;, talb1% il frtF, ;ai k , !Il ý, - ý', i_ ', ', j., . I.,r-ý1,ll 1, é% 1114-hh.. rt-,rtýt-fi under very favorable ausp.I-Uý ý. . 1 Il 1 .. . ,.,tIýýt- méal I..%",% rit ýt,,,,ýr %, kt reflet, tel týi, 1 t i;.-j.ý ýtý kt !ýi%:, j'lait ,1-,' , , ' , 1111-1111ill Lits .Ikar life lavas rxtinet., The rain or titis juùnteipnnty in the diA-eý tellectitallandtirairitual welfâziý of the .- . ý . ý .% . 1111 le ,rra ý 1,.-.-..t lr-%!"ý , , t.ý'. '. f ;, 't'ý>;l -_. ý hal nate, carried ta Mr. X.cf.auj,-hian' __ hl . - ý r"ra.. 1 1 .1 ,i 1*1-.,ý".%"*. .vlotitc., t;ý:Itlt %viril .t venue over w6oin thev vrere caLled tu Lhal il% .-o&l reaSal te aatil . - 1 . ..;,."ý ,al ý téisi 1 ý ý - i,,ii ý.a.'t %% t., ,% Fi t ýi II, *11ýl* ! ectiom They have" pretended tirait ** 11,14 14 a). lý 1OÙ,re. t 'NI :0wl. -:!,.--ý-f 1,;-i ... tant ý%.,-Il; imal jýýFt hi.4 , & frol filature t'a ,Silýipson's Ilotati' there -Ili 1. A rend bar . -han'. i.-esdaL uiinistry for him.A. - ý-ý _r, h ntbai, ,Il, if, "..Itarq.t.%ý 'Vi .aývý,e, -d ý lit It throuah bv ýretý'de an(' wilfil % they aseoriated. . 1 . ý . ý ,. ý allé. za1.1 j'r..IIfaII.Iý 'Vitl -iy itialfý' 1i-ý';. 1 ... -,ý.. *!::,,-t,-i,ý-.--r.t*ýfliewarehoit.ýe, i NorIand. where au intluAnt wal After rakinz a course in theNormal :Sri,4-,4(;Eijt7rTRrm-Wev.,ere! 1 1 . . 1 , : , , ,... ., l.. . ,. 1. bold by Burkbora IIII throue Galway tu the , licol, Teýrouto, 3Ln PL obtathaed the a few »Ir 1110catOv- ,: , 1 ý.ý.,..iý, 1 .*,.,a.i.ab. - 1*.,il tlit, Iêral ;"éllýk , ,,,eý.Z ý', 'ihil Ibet!t-iiti-a-?,:t" : 1-1, ., , ;,-;ýl, ié t ,,,ý,-! !Ji,, tieket .,.;Vert 'Ut ý &M r t han ý 1 ý 1 ý ý ý,k%èeIdr J.Ilv. . t', a;, A. A. . - Lauehliià,. t avouer. On the foi- . . i uz.1c"Il ,ý# è e.t. 1 1 , :. . -I.i!ý-;t feiý fI,4Výi; %aèýi:ýa . trou mines tu Sacrévdaëla and the people -'t t- ai, 1. fi tel> lbmtbbtbtly if thé-Ytkb frut, fre., Ill""Ild b"(-ý't't'l"Iliv L£1141-ait-41,lrllt. i if Harvev bave swallowed theie pro- Headnias-,er.ý,lilp et one ut the public ,,ýn> w . 1 1 1 - . ý Ili -, , - ý1-,i :-, i:" ; %-Ii,,*Iý ý,0l' leityrrielit. baivine date, &fier héaý%rinU evidenee, the. - , the fliDer o ,ý 31,tn>p - dwalit 1 %%ýi;l te a. il l', . - . . lirýett a verdict ta the em!« État seh.-)ot- at .Strathrý)%. îroni rhaître bu ,_ 1".,ttoItlt, reililtt-4 Iliéer, ýta4i jur et mises wholti Bobesygeon hàà never ,vý,, I n* x on'li,,artii and no ,art! ý 1 ý ý . ý 1 . , . ý 1 ý i. »tort-,aae,-;,:t.4.L tif trit.-i't'.1. ý . 1 uniatlire Of ri tIxýir opinil the décelaëlied, came ta; huit any rea,4oti ta th-nit Peterboro for . --t jaerst tir IleIglect tlatý trillitte ý 1!- , ,,:,l ', 11-it la;t,7*e;ý- L;;iý Iti i y .r Ili tel vé here lie tauc*t this plat - - ý . ýý mauv favcbr& but %vheu they wilt thullat 1 viitit ýzra,;;,. ,Iact-esala for titra vears, latter! ici, t'. 1 a4ew. &>!tt't-bý11.4it arriver, I,î % SN-aw, It ý ý 1 -', %% V .»,: -1l1aý li utraeh"d. jtaY. 1 . 1 tth front ballon tibrelesse. ý ,bFdýIiIaeTu ý lis (et-C . rat. Y-1, % %V l.r.&; a, 1. Ira 17ý . *-st lar ý 1 -411I.- - w il",Iï: '. ýaý 1't;it.t.ýl. auct the farm d .) 'le one or the J'i 0 'ferai tet4itq.e..ilb r0fett, tilt balle (if fi. ý, !;lit ýý,-l ::a" I;..I;,ý« Ur toi li.%[.iÀlve.jt"c ,der in the manimr" the 1 , = ÏI*OQD9-lLli.*. (ir .1140 1.1. T E A U . il,(, f,,$a.é,..r 1 ha- .11feîrý hYý: patientait off quietlY barre. out lit . 1 ffl nc..Pàl,.4 . -%w WaI ,..a. ai .f I. , ý protit-0y Il % 1 lant flair of l'r'll7l't 1. . illut fhe;ýeVý .. . 1 . lé t eprettarions. itisteait of the usinai sympathy L-s 4evered and very ,.-6*,% tqwgliý,iiatf». We sailai talai t tant 1 ho 'ýtIpffl»-- t*(»irý .".'I':il;"I. ;: ý LýÇ ýý ý'tj-- ýja-.1,.: ý . 1 dur onLy out- L = ý , - 1 ý 1.1It ý y V-14Iltqlf4. > ý ý ý "lemýr,-ti-it-r-,tlaïW ï-i(iti -iiitir' ,i ý;. . a jjljý ,jýf, aillai twatliellitsli trirkai plaYedontheformer, looit lié "ta Lindsay. as it tura;1y the vacWzien ut I.S.. lie villaitied, hZ r.$ -." .11-L ir)F-"ý". -W!".l-ý Mr. h(.1i lairel , -la, Ji 1 ý ý- 1 l.'l'. :;'"I"ýl-'ý ,!.tl':' ýIl1- 1-et'k'iV.-r j"I' il:, racatlier itntk frienai* in London, Eqp ýgàlvinz haine frum a àaie cu ýe.-.. rr file t'fktt-ýr.rý-týlit. , if 1 the f;tniwr'zà tiç4-, rat, dorair and cil *hantai be. If ils ta té hoped, no anai. airi, twiieu there formed a partuel dri :.. ý 1 iiltett-.- iJitr't»t thee.aftalftte .1eal,-r. ,.-,,-tl ..,.:%i ,1;">..,l'I'Vt rý1, jelliat tluc .-nn whit 1 'ýfjtb %%ýI, _ e 111-det. blî home tari aivati. thr-.,ý in .- ý . . ý 1'l'a.-a%. ,rail. m%.1, %vit t-,ètl t*ýllbn, ,.,&i,ý if ,ik r., ri'.. F.tr.wt ili..t a vit, ...îllrl"p IV 1.ýil:...ý,.:it*.,e-;:.,* ý:. il.l. 1.a.,,l i . 1 in scrarla lQmlitt« amoitute ; tirait entrer nattans, *lit ho faund to cam fI. .if élue of hià brochal If -,rîi.vrý liard. . ira, ut-ttéritftr thrir t,ý,! l ' i ' . %v..l ttit -wrioux degrare ut akniprinkl on the: ont the *cheme. . hud killinz I.i.-Li. ý ý: ,I".t,.,, -'ig'oe: il t'kt>ik'.11# t'a 1,ý'#iýý .l ;Irolý,iýýý 'z .i :-:-,!ý- .ý-,d ..Ît.,."fti. 1 ý t himLheresow.«instmattack-: Brut.LÀuy. 1 m (:,trul. 1,del; mid '20111pioted his engaze- eItIý la, 't'iý't ta, -alk l'a Jaillir ol :il, ýl - , - Feu r(win W -On Monday niant r. tktliýLrýtbtrZanttthenWtoll'to Cfr:,%1VOLDLe.-Mr. L--ia:Ii J--t- ý,; * ,%it ý ý ', m a. ttý%tl.i,!,%% . 1I:ý- , i,::.i l! .ý ýt 'it;,ý -i -;*ý %vibi..!t". ettenta .. ,.!Ittbtf ta(let aval IlIcall rtFaI(ý%Ia clair ta ý ý IF 1 ý . E-1I'd--t' uza.n. , we!e:àru. I- 4 VCA 1'l ' t 11Y a W k of iduttanoular vagabonds Boyd's office was broken into by Lur- ;. ".il as noir of ýýtjial halie j:z--t pun.'i.,Lý.-J -.". 1:11 ..il ;-'. ý ;Ir..!,.;.t..,.tl% ilà«;r,% etititi us rol1,ýi%,- W,- t.) e:l -:,i.i h., -- - ý.Ltt -d t'bar% n-ýtirt in eforne isolateil âwellinir Xiara, &net à quantit ." ' - "' .. ý- ý - et% . 1 11% !, ,;.,ti;atti Ii, -ritiot y al elothing % . tLe trient j peu of tlta.r4)uý.,.11'.-)ra:tl . ý ý 8ll,,k.t T.ial 14 . Vki-el i-flo attrialactivie; .., l. -%-,'ý i; ' . ý 1 « "' a z>ucLeý%ïul ba-tint.àmmj in .Il ý ý _.. - .ý ..ý,ýýý.,%ý%dittttfrit#1641i a.,!. . ý ý .trri.ýi-,ITý leavuelit. titist4tl..,.ri;ý..ýI!, -t t«i -.'ý ".,ý'!i ;; "Il ý .-i11.ý '"VO - inalierhia-tzen sSip and litersilly to %union. dl, reward of ellix) ha* 1 cvintlic-1,111ý.: . %%:.,..a; eIveý. 31r. .la,-k--i.- il, fiett ý 'q' ....... t.,àl...,.ý,,., .-1 i, îtIrtuati»ý ý,tIF4[ vtýblqbztI-ie. thin C,%,tr.. %,.ie,.;% .,%ý-t, tik4ýttïý.iljeetî-tt.;b"rqtýý,!, 't-i 1- t ... ýý - T,ý ,ý.:&..,. :." ,.l.i.;.a.. . - ý *'P' Fhý 'V'i ait:ti*üpul"' .,..,.,,..!,."IV I."..#ý . 1 1 . ý Ivl a -:11V that will ,ttretch their' offèred for intrinnation gueh allé wotild - --------- le- -_ alpoti: nothing- I)u-ý fi!." ýý - ý . ý ý -file, a" 'rire . . 1 tul ti:) 1. ý . ý 1. É -, % laital4e bttbbtbt*t in ta"Vil ia»,jý lie ()I,,, :1M M --l- (Ir 1 III fat.i! ', hý ýa ..: il 1«ll ' ý \Il' ni il ý -j-itj't;!f!ý,S. êuIr. ri!ý,é. 1 larail ta the conviction of the burtriars. , :tn;tua:,, Final cýery veilar hu li, ada. .1 1 ý . 1 ý ý , 1. - 1 )tt4lil-ýe jttte.-i'el ,titleet-ltl ,te ;ýIir--; . . BELLEVILLE. ý » . ý . ý ý t--- -1%,,ý, - . ' ý Ili 1-1 ý'1'--l ý ' - il ý,.!1:l ali.i tilt. lectitro I Sttw.ýik:'%Tlaa. -.%Ianmqttantity Of pu- i This III the rierond time Mr. IkIvil'i - .ý%- !ar--e _ýitx1î,. 1 ý ý %ý%..% ý IIlq.f4,rý,% II*t)ý»rIF ,Iretirt, fli.-ir . . ý ý ý ý . il, . je.,%. 1 4! Il-' 1 ! lait :Liait lizi ,I'ili il 1 , 1. i. . - ý, a.. 7 l.7li-l'u lié tiie t',,%-. llr. .1tif- tatx.-4 b.ive trerit shipp 1 ' bis alrt!&& ý - 1 ý ýý ,a,. ý ', ý il '. ,. 1. DEý..-nrt:-_ivE riftr---aThe holiqe out Il 1 .. -.1 a.-.11ý - dititv lit Ille, In-lai.1-4. %«kt f.r ,,ý,,%ý,,,,,,Il,!iitba«. ,,.Ili - ,ý.rj.i , . ý -( eci front here. . office hall heen burgied. eLLitàV'AL. -The MethuaI!,> , rit 1 . 1 - _ 1.1,til* ý 1ý:i ý,t - -,ed, té ry attentait -!th con. S dette . . .1 ý ý r f. 1 ', 'f 1:!ý"tlé.:;Iýý.1iý,týt'Igiir(.rlktttt.i( - lutte natterait eç»ut-4 in and:uart,,-- ýý jl.c(,tL)F,çT. -Au attecident whith mizLit bar" --ýÈ -10à1l G - y - , tien have rentroved. fruin ýýIJ__lIL- . . . ý- ,ýl- ...- - ,- .., ' 1 a.- ýp,- tf4I1'; ;.,I, tiIý.!,§ a-, rý1:l .Filet ,..!... ý,fý- ', l'i'difit, ýFka1f-,i. ýI ".%,.ý.;:i..,li 1 f. ý " -, ý i&t ý 1 .. , ', . . ils -11, ý ': ... ý- Il ý , 1 ... ý ; :ý-Ia-,-, tieuijiiion th-- si-vou'i ]y w1y (Xttý. A void %viister hi luoked have. liait fatal ,oublequenets 0&.uurieýi elverfl _ ýIé,strfi lý,_1 hy rire on Thursday ta th., ILI.1 Cal ant, Ia_ýr S. -ýI.I.. 1".. ý t- tif. ý ý-- .,., ,,!ýtý» 9àý,,avt, ,?ý- 1- il- - :-1 -ý.-. i'e, ý,ý--zit!l..I. iýI. il-,? f:t.%',ilir. f -rù ý . 1 out lieured, -il ý 1 , r'. -1, -.1 ;."",ILt w .-r a Ppe gay -4'). ,a- r.ar :,ý%lt" ý 'ý . ",ai- >:*:i ,ý;ai:iil rell ý : un Mr., Bovds farta. on Bi,: Island. a tf-!,,t LeIllir.. Lclle' et. 4; in for ,alld ervî,:,ýs there. The ,-hui . - ý 1 . . -ý 1 ý ý I.: ... 1 ý . 1.Ili 1 .,rý&el,%iàkfir m- , 1, .. , i. ; .. i:;,. ý,-I*,11.,:& ost -. 1 titti) 'ri.%F'--ý4 are apixtrer-tlv ap. 1 diy or two7age. A lame zand powerflit -'f4ý". 1 . . -ifnnitwliu-j-,. Til- il l ý . 1 ý . ý -cý,,It> w bw ,;It.r t;aý.t. 1 - . t - e. ,- 1 - ý ýý ý tel (".. ItFýi-,l th., ý 1 - ,ta - i , .l.ý '1ý,!ý1- :, -M:;;ý:%F _ý 1àa, -eV. ,ý_ i>e6crýý--e.-. et "'ILen mort c'. . . ý ý . . . . ý Stumplng machine la at wark act .ý 1 1 1 . 1 .Fi -Ulentit Unt-eh.- protwhinx. Subseribers my éko. "Every - extr - -'- - - ;ng numijers of *tire cf)n;zreýýaz!c (hl'ý,ý "4.ýýýlleord4itw;.,I. mI. iý::ai-:c _ ", . ., ý 'ý ýý .:o -Ill «,,t. ýLe:'-e ,kl C:iuMb4. Montreuil, lia-ý "il ,Iered a -.-riar.--i- a1,*cýute'--- ýierezý - . . . ý ý %% ! .. ..... :.Iii..,ý.,, ý ý;. i 1,';iÀ*:;(,, 1-.ýl. t - VLiitol -née t0jain, bondit- and tonna ýitiizttieýtànipi4. Sa jfreatisthepower . . __ _. - -3:11: ýI41. . i'?a ý, il,: h.,ri tiet'artal i 1 . - ý , ý ý ý . ,:. - . , -, -;ý'lt 11-1. I, li"4ý." ,,,#ýý" , ý :'. ,!.é,g..P.., ,ý'-'-, . lIV Ë,gt&r te have. thé tirlat inéatalment of the emploved that it will take hold ià threée- et, ', -lî final wýýPICeti au învitat.on front ', .4- .a', ý. - . 1 d-- ý .- r*i«tv iý ,-ý,,; ..'i , : , ,_, . , ; 1 -o ýàý CU.-!bu Civarch litre t'.be. '--'ý.-, .ý'. -1 ý 1 - , 1 ." ..-.., 1,ý.i"tltýýi tif ýF&,ze.,Iw.r1Y m 1: ý ý t.ý :;,% , ý ý ;,-... f- -,-&';.ý-'- ý, - _ý, ý ý ý . -l.eýrty nt ý1t,1 ý . ( (Iliand the lotir prireyte whichamjtoinjz font piste tatunipt quite, wftn. and tilt if tUtl __ -ý: 1 ý ,.ý ý 1 . ý - 1 i, t,,i ,ýi,,;;.;.l,: ,ý,.,-ziýtilýý the t:tn4ir ý ýt!1%Vf. s nt an index ý CU. - elr 'ýk'.t-,; f I)il"l".ý, -, ý - rý - Inl.13- The. body et Raveiock la '- ý N thL V dl auriv tram Ifs boit. -ho; r. .Iit«SKOK-I. . ý ý , ': iléal I -ý'!-ýi-< la l-&;týý éý,1. ý L .l,ý ? , ' . ý, 1 Boultair. iit)u of \. j. Bordier. han hern -_ .ri> -. .. 4. 1 ý L:i,4;t.ý441 II. titti .Il . %,- ; ,.;,:,,! b% 1r. '. j;. i'!ýfIt-iIiIiol-1 parti Il 1 -i harit til Il \ ý;--1% !... 1, . : ý -t iltýi>,-rl .Il%. 14,V. %%,. K. X. 1.1. in flot ý et in aneraz lon. . 1 C..e 1 ,.- %- -e:ý;;tt-t- liq ,.!.,;ïai PtII44t, 1 e :.1r-ý.ý, ý ,ý Jýý (-,ljfýý%,- i ï, éI,ý - ï ,ý ,a, , -l ý,,:,, l,ýi,, Iiý Zýlý't'r,."ýý..;!ýlr,)t*itvý,.ï. ý - 1 - ý 1 a diamuter, and ilve &,et défaille. "WUile .1rentié. vard3 front where ufrxbrid;z.--,,? . ktcl . 1 . If ý ý ý ý - . .. a!,,. d, t o .,a. a,.(. ! d'of, - _ 4r. I!ý-ll,,-,l-i -1,2., - \ 1 1 1 ý littiner a big stump a chain, lirokie. and' fQuilli -'&'>O"-c a! ', ý., % . ý - 1 tire *NF , --v viiie. aad made armnè;eme.-i.-i il.,. ý. - -1 , 1 .1 -1ý..el.---- ý tF.,,týlv ,_ et.:, .,eý \%.-ýi$a.-ý-1,av Ji ". ý - . l', ýr:..ý I'e-,,.ý,rt-.,,' ;Illlt...f ý rk. MON F. IL LS. . i *tr-.xini, a marla bail Talbert. lifted he - iliro-ried. ' ' 1 . 1 - ý . ý . ý il' -,rciýj-Iea.,.- l4 rIle 1lýlt. a ý -à; 1 ý 1. .- . Il i,ýI-11-1 !, ý- L : :,I.:,i. aint ,.:rot;,;Vk, 14-vIarti.ï. in ý %v hini ý, ,1.,:.,I,-I,, if aille ;,F.rý:ý ,Iilnt trum, tire _-mund and titre Tur IL,.iti;uit Dnic ,tNr, at thi4 tuirt _ ,vre aint-t-Lu& grist in!-". 11% 1 . i.i 0 '.. 1 .V,ý litl:!aI, ,,-14I.riý0i; ira ', le :1i ,ý ARM NT ý . N N ", . ,:\.,ý., ý,, !:.,- ;ý- Z'.4- :i.t. mrti'vaza. iitrnatit te >1 x%ý ai As it-s' I*îsTi'ru'ràL- The pro jarret 1 diaztance ut nt 1 ,1= léatifaafactorilv. -1 nildillai le 1 . D )CIAL .11 IS(IF.1.1ý.ý . Y., î tar y tifty filet. He ajI;ýhr_ 1 Là pro;zres. ý ý - . ý 1 1 ý ý 1111. . 1 . toli,'. lil.ý,I ..i" ýrý ý il ,t-;Ijý i'jýà -;ý!ý . -ý'l- ;î %% izil t'w (.!.ot.,t .qteritigil for the emtttili*htàieiàt tif a . - . . 1 1 ' ' 'UfthaÏieW i eu on hilla tread. "IL-uf lie ôtherwiae de- ground vviiiich, had formed-in thé chan'. t'l tg) in-mt ý4It tien the mill, Pr 1 . ý . . I . i iL a., - :! l! . 1 ' xlten a ýýuIa et the ýaroI ýý . ý . . e 1.1.e..".. 1,I)fý.,ý-1) iý.(JiI-> I . .- m t i\ -l ; ,,, ,ý"!,tyAý lIýýý,-t Potorlý,'r"'i'.:1 ;- ,-ý.!::--!i-ýtl'-*,'ýý,4ýt*r,ý1)»ýk%.(.r)* latý'el Ilistrittite. bas st't-creded $0 f4r thl ,qt-ende.d lie would probahiv bave 'Le! Ilear file Grand ta unction wharf hait 4e nA*f,ý..d. ,. 1 1 1 , ý>"... ".. ý . jýIýjI ---lý : , %1:-,ý.F,ýý I%--lý -li-iiiitiiýl ', a.- ;!; - ,,,%, Il!,. .LelI ý,r ý t.iti!itl.i.i 11;11i,..If to dý!t)7 beit4, ýpyt!n dollars moire thon 1 broLeii a boue. but » lie tell ou'his! been renlefaved- timber tiens for the nijil 1. . - : 1 ,..ýt'.. -ý 1 ý. 1 . lf ., ý z,ýie:ý,,,,- i ait C : r 1 ...... ariIý,> It-ý4. 1 the relluind ankolint -Warki suhetýribed 1 basait, heollly reeeived a frevercet flesh Lori- Pz-ýtc"-Grain reached the 'L S. scarlet has alr-adv reee!ve( .ý .. ...... ý , ..,.:- 1, ai ý lit ý, ;,4.: :- 1;1... -a l,!ý.-1ý: ait .'ý,,ými ý,11 %-,lýý ,,,,-it v , ,:I,ý-I ,t:;ii priticip .. , prit o *t the season on ,Saturday; -'-'riptionýi, that aug-ir We!l fer t! ý . 1 ._ iL. l tlilý,1,.tl,--I! %, . .'-- :e-,i ý_;.ý' : ý ý-, t ý;.-4;, - - .ý il - ,' -'y --I" ,ý',-.,ait-- - -elire der low erk, ý_ - ý 1 - ý ýý - O"t,.ýI,'ý-Is, ý'.j ;h-,%lFlý.rý ý _, 1 . ý ý .. . .. - . olu - .. , .et- 1 fil time rat lire the 4;nverunient. wound. 1je in now réfleoivering un -01 'It j' ,.,.,ItlI;.,;- t!jk. ' ,rai,.z. The- Etiflowina. efficers have'i , Id at b& -. for 'No. 2 and 9&,. I:e" Of the bonne- 'm, t-ý,,ýui iIý ,hý-ll 0 il _t .,:*.' ýi-,:.; ... .ýýo :;.1:.,!*ý-;,a,0, ti .. . , skillftti medical treatment. - (Inde- barlev re. 47 - M5e. !,ý,ý. lýillý. ý 1,1;1." 1 «,, a:, i 4l r.,liii 1'l'i-14, ta. a. Ia;.'ýèr - l._ :",;: t,,;,,-,,ýlk talv ý - l, '..,; . h 7ý , - iI;ýý ! li-t-t»lb apllointed. - prelident. Ur. John 1 pendent. ý 1 for ýfa. 1. r% )c.. poil B-%RrARC.L-- C-)-,Dvcrý-(,,ti , . . -11 , î Ill - , -F ý. ý __ Il ;. et.; Io NÇ l,:l %v-ýl ,;Va.. Nirtflialliz . dav ariveni-lur, the Lith -'.-tt.. thl 1 1 - q- : \V, tokl,.eelei r-,rllýcý-. , ' -,Ii)r!, or iL '. cry rart4al ail-1, ex- 1 , Vice - m , Brý%R SFIO r.-A »lion finie age .% -on SE-N'" r E; . ý ý . .ý ý . . :ý1 11-11;. , - %Ir. lIý--ý!.Zý-1 . , iýir.' "..ý:" ., - .; - :.I .,ý 1: l: i r% Il . 1 1 1). Suaith, -Pr%,âtitënt. Mr. Thom ..ýCharIe» Walker piended ., . Veil ' ý 1 -e 1 1 1 i. % i.N. ;*!te J*ý (- .Il. a.-ý-,,.,-,ib t,(ýrt.:Iý,,ý,% ý q1ri. I ,,;.,, .. 'I i... at the Dominion Houâ@ 1 ý : . ". i À "elý7 .e,ý,,Il!te ý ý . . i::li Of& ý:m I , k lil., m enté . . Woe ,te) the powerta that avÙthe 1 ý - ý 1 , - ;'a :_i '"'I , 1 _.. ? -li ' !ýA ,ýt.aý;1!ý,&-,v %%ýo, i 1 111t!cýt týi Rtalfréani. 'rt-.ý.-Ie..-irer. Mr. Il. P. lleniiuW. ý of .%Ir. W. Bte%%-itt. Harvey, azed 14 guiltV on Saturday ta eteslinz a giflai ri re. a family consisatinint - ,, .il. 1 -! . 1 t-.,ttivé.,;.,trar> a . - ..e.ll.:I!..Iý,%Ii,-->-,- .ý :- ,i;t.., .t%ý . .111î U1 el rae .. . ý .*t.f 1,1,.q.isri.tqa. ,%slfttltr, drl-wr il, ! _ ,ý . , ,% . . 1 Setme.titry.'.%Ir. Il. W. Wood. Directorial j veam fallait a v la 'l ' 'lhé wazeil and all guardandloeker the V14> - .ý ý , ýý , i1lCeii. , 1 ý .. , a Ir ,,a . . 1 t ,.41ý&j!iý Fi t way iA , jettir. T.,fra- andwaz, mottier and futir chilairen. haihn 1 ielt,.,.ý.,ý'e".ýZkI,ý",...,.ýýý,iýl"",i.ýý, ý . Iz l"d -A, T' a- ...,a ;', ,,,i,,..e;. Il . ý .. . !.,!;. ",i:..J ;: lý o. t.-Ltlý %%!;,v fie iiiiiv ý '.%IeI:si,. -Tas. .t. Pi*,wt»p, John Anstin, ýkIn melasurrad sevin fal, and a liait in pripert-,! ýr1illaul JI * ,ý .....:ý 1 , ý ý . ' . ý ' I.- ý . . * --ni,ýnùd, frionnient in the couritv et ,,ý'ict.ir-.is-[Chi!S Shi rF-",.Ijý tt-itý:,ý,ý,--ýýe.,ý,,ý',ý%ý,lýl- ;jý.! tl.ý. ": .:ý:, 1 ,Iý, zil....ýi --;)i-t-:ýîl;y %vi4ril Ill .1chn Nagent, 'ilil Aznew, Goura ïï la, the Celui 1 - ý ý1 ý: . j l, -, i i ýl. \X il i a %'t ,#:. 1: %,a,. .iý ilvati - ' i- !a ,t, 1 ,%-.,rL'il.%ý tel *riý;hz _o le= h, anal tas carcase when ciafaimi Il ta Impri. Onzario C*auntv.l The, .rr---m.,..r ýl,ýý [,-,Ili Nv [it-r, t; i,:, il fi - , ,, - t'l -fera, I - n for tilm inonths. - t , . , ,.:- Iàý, 1 .lt-iv.l...l Me a.- . ..t ;, ' :r -e i:.ý ýtF 'l » Canii, III ,*.tnttfeint. Thonias turned t e, t o ni o let e tk'l pri-S ;I(.,,tIvti, , 4,M-1 eXýattFpIt . ab f;-,v ,lie 1 1 , . h 4 W-es ait li a: ý LI *. tne;r .,ý ,ý - ý 1 , . ý 1 , , -il -_,ý, .. - - . -, . ý ;-X -% 1. 1 I.t),:Iillil:.i. E. ID. Iland and llenrv jl ; Wei,-ht of.:75 1 . __ ----e- n1bSt pitilble appearance . -* - ý i . . .; ý ýlI.,ý,if 1 lu% 1,11 , l..l i.ý ,.i,.Iat ý .kgèiln"&4 et. ' fflIl llr 'Illlet, -:J ,,,;ýjý ,ý , t :. lý : ,:. 'è , - i t' 1 eýl l'ý NX V t Il fi. -t ý Mai. our It . P -l". T'X.1-VVILLE. 1>einziarazandratteiý, fh,?ii ýý ý . . ý . .i.tf...ý,ý, V"Ibiiýa-;t Ila. #la" I1rý1ýil, l'i ý -.1--, -' :!.", -.. ýl i ý l , t!,t- lýitii..i:, ý frinti oftile E_-tý -The ttirectom have reliteil suit. ý L % - Iý_ -,fil ' ý ý - 1 . ., ý * . ;',;lý o.-IýcOi.m.'tri'liabit thop i Va' 1% "fý,' "r;,1-111 , ":iý ý 1,r,-t-e '- -, ý ! . ,ýiý,>, a*ýýzi.-,;. 1 ,ý* f;ý, - . OXEMEE. rri:-- - 1 ý . .i. il - - ill-le pi-ett,.i,-t-.-..-ýýIr. lie--itè'ý-. latacly .K, .ýLý, --£-£CN-.-I,.P-- Caû,:II Brent - hritl ;-, ftl!.UV,: -ev : ý .. è à ý 1 -âd, ..- . . --, G% !i". ,%:Il .et."tt llt, r,ý,ajt i. __ ý :'ýj;- a..k.- -.,-" ýi \ a-ý,:- -, , ý ý . hal î_;ýl:.I1 iýcii--nttta witu à *,ieautlful ýSeri=-. 1-ýý d.'and eu .tcc.,.wi ý ý -1 . ý . \ý>1..,ia,,ai il.,..,t4,i .1" .I;,[>.a%,- ta 'la. . . ý, -: I:_aý.!. . ý.,,.I., riit)ý,.ýl ýrV e-,ipe.-,tt)ý-.ýir.'I*iLr,-ýitte ait-litri-Lzt-ltiu;z . ,-'.-m ýponIienS ,itThePt,ýt.: : ý Il - . Il ý , fý-.t t' 1 - 'fi;, ,::,. -.a- t;,-t-t---ztr%- ficuitil The in-titute ý 1 zhe iat' ý.. il îl'e, , r 1'-'lFý,l' ;t'.: ,-.,,,!,,.I..,t -11 ,-- ý_ ý l,!ii,,.ý;, ..&-,,,a;.il,,t fi). mr. a . 11-Z-týl--ILTIC.-The Omempe dramil bo the t-org:re=.ic.-t of Si. infirmities ot 41er, %% J1rý ýýl . Il _ 1 -4 (if tilt, ",f.11ý,,ýkI j,ý .; !-,,1'ý:. - ' ý, 1 . l"M ut Win $tIon, be . 1 1 té ,ýi-\l, 1:!.I.ýi,, d ,a-,. iizlý - ý,ý,I-,-, .'lot . . ý - . !'. ;ýl1-, .,I;.t !it--iiit y;,titýptt.&I. ittiti reý.I-I11;- open ta ; elu-o'ýtr-rebem in;z. Weshalintratllack on, the Occasion et the t.,,t,:. dependant on the clIi zl ý ý . ý ý 1 . »I 1 ý i' « = r,.?-ý- ýý - 1 ý Il ý ,,,,,,,. ,,;a, -lw, ý4 fi... 011ma 19.11- 'Ir ila" lif0lr tti--I,ýýF ;ý - l.ta-t-, ý . »r ' -, - , ý , : ;ý-,. !-ý;,-xi %v::iý . 1 - li u-i-_!,-ý, ý,iry of h.ea rectorship. neik;ttbor* fer eking out".à hiL .1 1 . ý ý il, illýittt-i'd tli&-pntiilý,.. ,en& or amu.-ýew-entthis tir' ,1,'à-'. oIt kcIll It ý p?,-.,Ul8ý t1î-ý-\I.fvý, l"I;, ý ":.ýI il ,-0. %;-I.;ý_ .*ýý' Iloýý'i i, ' , iï%%i,.;l--l.i!%.!'Ziv fer çnterteinaita . ý ý ý ý ý . - 1 .. 1 1*.,tý4rril %,.%a, Il.tRi)Tt.ýtt*;.--Sinmý «ilt" 1-T.ý;-L:-ýiLýr-.------o e rrao 3r rer- è-1dýZeE:,--e- --If length the mu, ,. ý - t- ý i Ilv 4,flý: .; z,:."::ý',- ý ,% 0 Il lli hrr lé-et iti-I-ý. 1 1 the politii-al agit.ttion h&,4sitLLïided, and ý ceranvil. in order te --et riti of -. ý 1 . . sorizi eritatrea the- the lIlita le et 31r. John ý . ý 1 ý ý - 1, t'. ,.,,i.t.-tlIt.. Ileti J.I:F-I.ay 'i,411. W'tit., ,arîîz-. výja'.a"..'ta'ili ,%harle k . , TF.-.(-uEit*s S.é,L.irtÉý:.-ThL- *%alarr et, IN olu 1 I... ,ýl*eiltv a II fi$ - - - - . ý the nervesL oï the rwný plaartier, bave: several lachool aleetions, or tho ý cole. tanner, Hamption. en 31ontlay vOted the fumilv the sum Of li -1 f.,tjýir"..It".tgia;.Iliglet. lt.%,%ilIw4t.bqýtèch ý . 1 t. urý --f v 1 e - ý ý bei g, 1 -foie thererrom a horelée, el.)n4iLion, that tfiey shauld test ý 1 . : ý 1 ,,..It.".$I.ea .,I..Y",l tý-"%,. ý 1,,ýt%,..ý. »l'ii.ý%oi#uz mart lit Ili., ..,- I.-Cý1 ., ý ý 1 1 .. 1 . . . i t ;i ,.\ ta Ný 41.4,,,ýl,,,, . i.i,-.,rT.i.,,its. -ttiallai aluivra ta calot - fin we are ý Pl*", ip or" beinct eut down. Plaiteil night la*t, and ta ý. * . ,, .ý",(.(..ýlliitia1% abont the friture, Finit an- .. Pjëaà lie . and ýu,1,ife. .The barrie wa.à a Ught !-'art et the cOuntrý and never ý- 1 .. ý .. , 1, %'À . . L b', 4 11- I-),-,t,,vI-1.1r'. lit $,rlýýýýiytti-tt %Nill4 nme, (ý.t,,,-fl ý FI ila f ; . . ý .bardtimt-*.*' Ititirertainiva '£lie mOuev was Placed in the hi - 1 . ý ý 1 - ý * Lic i,.i;atiiLg à ,%.)sxderftil reformation and bu rëquttect. F'rhité it a grk:àt nýL--týi..'ë. 1. . . . i ! -P. IV . I.- Il et.,41 I la.. It;t,..ýv .% 4-1-Ill'-el iltr', 'amil plot ;$,Ifw hix ri ! , ,'.ý ý 111F it,.;.lý"1*(ý.'a'. ý _è. ,ý,,ri",,: miit'à. tour white tolet, lar*e white dé ý a smal uîpë 4hé w,>n-àn*% father. !la order .1 ý ý ' tI:-ý 41 1t'r fýe l'i't Tem.-her-i Illée .ý are net nelariv lac, ý ,ftripat in faceazidz .1 whiteai 1- 1 1 ý - %1.-;. \VrEglai ý lttvè.-Il r..,.Ilb« - _. 'iti(eg!tlt>tll . . .. . ; inapru,ét-iffent !fi il dtpartments of 1% ria. . 1 -t ý1' -.11.1111-.; 't ,- 1.-- y t-.irittiwrc,41 allait utechanical life and ý Nvell paid as fil ought ta., be. 'and, O' Li-- -1-je- . sulizu. - ý ke e_. . 1 'l", lé "f ilii, T'b,41. ('.-tttat-ïti ,I.,ýýt;f: i',,!aýr. igtrf,,ý,,.". lal,> !i-;:ý, - . 1 - -: et L, v 'a, .1prime T r el % Fz U r. -A 1 fred P t ce, w ho m-, s- a'! Il 112 eucrLeu .z bve! 1 : ý . ý . J 1 : l-e,ý ý-... 1 il 7 ,C) :ý_, ,,.,,,,I , l'ai ýIlII-.'.. fla.4 la. t'Ir', té f t .; i. il l,! . ,ý's'i.tn%« i-t ý il. > ; - ', . - if n - ; whaîtrever a %ection has a guèlltea,.her- . ri ' 't - tii*aL,".%?«tred tairme thm &i»6 the liandalortie al et Ïve doit, . ý 1 1 1 . ý .1 . - ý ý . fié 1 , !",,,,' I... daýf1ýýIf cet iýý-it,:- .1_1,1!, : ý 'f '.!.-rý.Uivtlel-& ,rj,,jýjlr, ltud lic, -rurniniz proewrity >I.Inzers. and . A mon et experieàce anct aparitude for ,t la1WUI; - ' 'taiti ', î:5 and ci 1. ..- 1 1 e ý,4. f -j ,,, . , .f., wa, l.. il i ,% ii rat 1' - t -h et ýrati i teachinz, and who in liked bée - - reWITýee I!nz thil balance, I:j >f,,-i; a . , t %vt.raI rtl*"rett t>%. , :frett eut wall tlle and fair whoi. hizi, airrow,.n :11ei't i- l. , t e---ï fi avitté, M reflet .-41 I 1 il 1 1'. -j ý i Il' , ', !,:tl.!%:., . toi).'ll a, es ý ý;,ý.ý!,:.ý..,%ý:;1.1:1,ýý,,ý,.t,-,,.i, , *,a -itettet Lat 1',*ue. %%... c!e, ,ý%- 1 , _ ý l .RI ill..;rit ' étakholarait-he, %boulet be retained an ,- -, 1.1 ý -.11; : . ý 1 . 1 red. $Ir John in ta ho pitied « ri ' ýeàrcIFfl everywhere. «1;,7dued "., inx t-'e ce--jr m av.irt-i in one ; .. - , ;, -.1 . . ', -J.%i%ýý Id ýl,ý.":11."ýti*-ý.1?;ýt.$%-tiiýzlitt of; 'tia.t:»&v consulted a fortune vaZ0nýî, starred theui ç."Z -in elje 1. , . 1 1. 1 l - 'l'ýft-Z- 1*ý%-!I'ýt*l,",ti:b t-Itiitrtt-1,4 fi'. ,%...il 1.F".,. la ý,f iaabrkre Iav , 1ý t ý, 1 ' hk"'*,OrQ" sitiréthatienvied, for tiiekèeneyta 1 treate-1 littenally ;ri, the tuatter et L por,,,,-- auti . - * - ý , . -% il%. la.-iii, ý 1'l'r'ýCMI.-Î-1141 1»..ý-tiL.t. final, ('Lu .e wlinsli-ppnotnight nordéty sadfler.1% e li ýý'ý -,I,,,,I!t J.. ',F114 . t'a % . - . 1. te .ý. - ýv1ILe, m -L 1, -ill have ,;ýè-1-e; \ a, -...Ftý.1 I , ha Il, ; 1 ', -1 M - 1 .ý;I- ! thn'. . ; lier LeV il - ,.ta'.1 il,, liiý;,teark,-t ,ýji irý- , '. .. il il i - ftrt'z!it* . am ! « lar,-.i .. . ý . ýý ! . - -1 l ý%",-;!qif: ,tt-ri- l),irýI a ni, Ilitil. anal hh,, %%.Ide-aw.Ike oppontents i y'. After ';)'.'* relitivl ýotI1d ireiieve 11eJîý;-,) t,"e làaràwtilI*,ýf a bush If ,,,,&.ý,ý. l 1 -rý ic- ,t;,*. I-I t,%,, ite- ,I :jk,ý fil titirl'I'v .!tl., ýý.jý,rt.-r .,.;.ý. - lý- 1 . ... PRIE,ýuYTimuLx. -The Leur of 11res- 11 rJ -Ilis 14 'l il (la 1% 1. V ;[.l,, . ý,:.. - lil,.j, . I,ý Je tI,ý-, . , .ý . l , té a (-:1- - li- irtmé- (Ir ll:trtlf-14 arc, watchist, %vith the keenest l4crutiny ,vterian %erviLeh» Gim chians-.-d-tj, tli'cir lîenees. the voting fusa lavais, valied ;IâtILI-Wý,10noi-31 lýoka.t,ý, 1,l--.f, !,ýl'il. 1, fý,ý;ý a.. ".: ta'. : .. . ........ . - Ilkl lopin .sit ut Il t tio . 1 loi jjt-i'ý \- 'a.': 1tIr..1;,-ý t raidi kt%. m fi, ,il pe, - a ý -1 t' ý : ; , - -, .. tl . 1 -t net. ýk. p.m. upen ta) fillette hi; adveaturera. ;', ,.: - ",;t-,tzl,',- '-v ,':0Iiiýu - bi'-'-ý, 1 lit- deve. o roi ce n prinri- .1 Wolof, 1 . lit fttiiiý stta -1. and thc poor old inan a; . ý ' ý 1- - ', - "; a,,.. "ý-iý ,vitu4b, i --'eltt"ýti the pleïr and pffinthien, which may partial ý Oncai.:»Tn.%.-Oýir mu . ' thàtprotýpeetottht-irhLvie t ý ý - ý týi,,ý,l ,f Q!1y',(,ý, Il, Illw i'týtiè%i *a" ra, . Illi -,,;ea -Il":oýý1. sgfiirýtti»,Ilitig-)t land Iiiiii in perdition. Certalialy. trAe >el--'ý.!".ý 1 ,t - tzi ý-a fi, :11 "..,,.. -. ,i , icians have air- lit,. Liait be.-en. on the march preetty neartÏ !!Y untit fer li.-a-.t work, thore i '.01 ý . 1 -one mùntbý,aIàng i g 0 endu il , ý . .. . j "nL-ed a fint-c!as-â .. - 1 - 1;- , "."l.,;i,%, 1 l't. -\il .!-4ýd ha,, ";il I leýli"ý l"I'dia ,-ý...1I l., , orathelatra. lancier i ait the finie . . ý ý - - - _4%vý it..\l a., (.ýFf , ý . .. - 1 ." i1týi :-i fèý-il1 - , ;h irait eNiý'i-tititlll .-I- h-,# ..ý.I... 1....I. ý' .I.A . -- . . ý . L-1. ý..ý..-,-- A-.--.---u--.-..---It- , ý-'ý;ýr ?,a.;,?.r.ý.ý 8 . ~III .h.. . UMM" Ise- NIN bolide the, have, every te- ila dîïring kikt swy Ïlaouggt lis. It wul et Iii.t liartnteu 4 (;Por4 èbtltk,ýil. iiivt.'.4 m- et- loti unr#,rtunate Il our t n*l*tm lance for Toronio. Bilth emdues wem tevilly Sutprji:.,i D£.tTu.-Mrý ýb te il el il ton# lier (if lAq"v fi tC->rmo(mdente ut Tbe PýL 1 ritined and sevent cart, wz«keti. TIiý kinlE, a proininent and weti-kno un a. lé-r vt-ir sacit an elliclérit teacher Tbu: %leKE:9 «%Iii.iý.'* tý*,iý""b.ýmtv lt," L414t, r -1, lait %Vll tireniâbit ut oneé of the enitines (a z-n of %'ýbitbv, uwner nt Hc îý1»11 wiý alo bc Id* prceved làituelfta ha ter the l- e,;"14q4l là lt,,ïr-t% flint tti;ý proie. lisée BIBLE Sorirry Wom- -The Rev. J. rûunZ man n-,.nc-d wéblâ frWht- Hall, died ratlkr _ýudderlI%- jtt t q-jtttýd Ilion bonke of a ftoir dGà twic, (0,4 te( tibiq prolpert It. hétoli 1).zi qe. titi tr «,br thé te Chufeh ewaloied &ad Iiy ha» sium died. dencie on Satur"y.eveniuv, 1 te. 'N ibi:k "th*. netet nemi grAgou. Tewy 'N al ('ii: 1:zet ioarc 'Vee,.t rlirrrtaiýwd lit-lupton tnipplite bis pesette te i ed in thi M«hiidi« The il.W.4 ot Property la ebumaud at been ailinir tor a couple et tL 'SI ï - dation. the iliii(ler of the vear. -Webette"-dim jç ta a larve etinz ttettlltbd ot (ettàlýýtitv (if twbeg i ter il& Traffit. was obstructed for liver viou*lv, but bis itiliel, ii-ffl 14 bel te. lleiliptonb ou ber. baie Appoin nt la the Bible E. tukh IlébUe bolv. bond %gr. 4.% lit. tg", r afflistant test: -lezmph operater asi Cwl- as of ii temporaj-.- character. an4 jý- .ý e, t b*, _ e S q !Set ý%nd bfoke 'burch being concelled ta give the rýffl.:P4- lieen re-enaaged. Thi* mfflka for it»IL ton through ' whom ret-kleu or cm-. te, Ita-,,4 off withé-it, re-uidne. in (lffll4 md Mfý W. K. I)qitkh*qi% ébmtb(bw in the ;Li.,i '.e.wc.sfltl fel!,xv %V e are pirased tn note* the *urrm congre . gation au rtunelti to attend le. -v-ttýathm a rt)r tbkitýJ4 (boit OP Il l -t-ne-A tue aeddent occurred, hm bSu Uet b h bt e-1ý 1-t v la , %rmhodia Chureh. b*4 thè, 1i.4wý r1bý' Sbekhllu, Nt-Il qi:a il% ye-irg. oit one of our Canihray b(irs, Mr. Jolla sert? . &rre!àted. dciock he tras w;&Ildlni; abuut hi ,lutlé4 'te saine arrangeaient tiras ca cl pè. 110=41y, ifi pableteing rite Model Seboel &vol t. rrie Mr. --bd 011,111- Ocrr-,£Ry.- ChietTustice RuTlwu:.& fêter bouts afterward6 bu 9;1:u of. !Pxaiùinationverytrettitabir. Wew":out for the service la the eveninit by - w«J tPOIM the fond rktlqbItý J' .4 , ' . 1 tientant, in the Bible died at bis re*ident-a here tau Thurbi- 144-t Pl . . 1_ý - 1 .- F. !- ',ý - 'zý L', ý%, t'el ftnffflm 3i[ztàtter Booneyevery euýt-.e» lathe. the saine rev. zen -0 lot. trffl el lev te %%,eelkllt n1et SE #hi' i-t-itWt Xe'i4"-n' chf;ýen. . -Cifflièt" Churelà, whm the church da-v of fatty dégerteration « the heart. Tiut. ri* Ox FLý Lrt.ý. - SI, A&G t-iltertaitieit. ligni prnteàuion lie bas waa filled tu the doSs, 31r. Mantov Hi was only -Q 7earéb ý of ae. Thea4o a famer purchtt.ýed w but 0% vktw (et ltbtti" a entée. or llààtx&" &itop.-Mr. Juntes Halooley, wab a verr large one. preseuSd &s a 4-lb package of *rllkt wâgt.lè lit lb*l'Ae-btltý Y hiffl 1 3[atthew xx. i Cà illuen, .;elle "Idit thtte rarc tit Dr; for-Ely lit findAay, hébastarted ah"- "e rom expeeiý4 to go téi, Enziand tea, for lit.) cent- apo-ind. la i tttiit héom bel% t hfï NSk à h4vý>ý,Z et. ý -S, .1, lie lobe now out Or ne» %hop here in t lie buitdinu formerly evening the hm bout theendutJanuwv. 19 la prob- parture of die Ilo.411ar the Il loir. et. Ibe trwît*iýlbb ttle e.1 »W iý -Î. gourisy ach ;Càày,â Entalibrinc watt beid in the X«hodint r leyni: tilneIwf(ire ý'vé»ed a* adrtu uwre.on Mill Mr. NI %v Île tit4 a (keior.bt SVO Il, medaum blades withi weighed, and was touzoort tobe e _!:, ý,ll on Tupsday 31r Mauley 1bý1 hl will tiret ilo v_:ý ý!,, aibv %verk4. H. qay@t lie bat% bail a gond $hem or Church, ABC Hawdon. of Delaval, but aMbingt short et the %eight rt-pn 9, Wdbrk!qincentartinir. 1 on -The MUImgaW in i d4:tin- e haà yet betn settled. Fuither enquiry lefi tu the Lict i Iii t Et ]Utile Christiala CharcIL ît %Vtitbl-. 1(leor b*"b init é4ct ton 4- IIUT,7!txu .4ud)p.-Ur. IL Robinitiont tta bail bette, purchmed at à t ID,.#v *Itqbqloýý Twx 1-t' 11,ýmd«IW ý,f tb, polo. 1 hm opeaud a boucher shop in %;ambray. Tas N. P.»,àxn %Vnw-.-The pros- town et W ceatc, pcr lb.-ICIL teoIýt,. .10ilter, ýf c. à »b.ýt 1 We' et hi-X.p. enmimilktoop ut Mm P«t;. j thinât bis enterprisoit triât aumt with Pffl in W(Ituti'mtt rt-4ebtwl x I LzztýLû -elratioa the fermé rialit. au rffltèb" ele i and the accepelon ta. vower of the Cou- r ee'.jý.t! ()f a fair lobarle et sirecettiot. et withotte, th,4Y. pMý ý%, ý ý4- ?-ý ý - ý ý:tl iýbjj -Ur. Wrll" Pervadve PMMIF hm Mt il- -Uch for', L%ýnrcTio-,; à3eue T" XE=L-r--The ijko tes thould bu uurchioéed uu tht.-n.- , for the pur. %I, r il, le,. %Vftl. fornieirly et this vicially, but vonw et'! Ute prictit of whm here .. 49 cents ye»- Induction or the Rev. Mexander Xe. a groSr at reptitation. »f (44 eirt*lqýqb%ýttéblt.t"%. "ý(jq»r0. iittu the, W lew i towley-am for dx« t-m- bavinx Farlane ta the ebaffl et Un wagrega-; drt M, - We m pleaiteil 1 If 'Vite 'trninoi tif the. P 1-4 orkinsc of Rrcovz&y. >jýl#4p"v 1-it).Y. fitel wen most coir. 3'itýhtztn, hm battre hm for a P.W. Glen, XP.. Isme ýe1 i léxi Sb% the *etltkkl *»Y ne i avoctiost zèles et à= letreck Md dons of Duadord and Bobeairgeon tuait ý frant the Malesoli truni whiq:h bc le the vu-quist te lit ortvl- itenékle bol ittè4th. ffllibý a mie notar fbsiiitgheL The, li"wlodu i $111blie lie PVOW-eudul Y- nieultite Ur- la Oum cm et tinte plu. Sieste M the 01-eV4 II(btl1wý làti4lý,ty. 08% j, ;ýb iýîî thm Mh place bere on the 31st Ocr- la the pre»- sufftai fer âme .,%e the mltw,-t ,attire es ta la. refflit te luy tbat i hm, thers w» nor, a dellaes v th ence let a Luse aqftmbly or itemblirs 01 &là:* trlOL end I*Wfmtt.#: ilrui*v and 4&tul«br, X (bvt.mr*r lOr anti ditit $ad, and another cm ouly =ý wn -hurch and othem The ce»mmy RefSmer. out the other dizy. -f( (if lent Indien ut. J. Il. éÇoigloi. lait. unie we bave on ,,_ ý the c venir Et very matin aun la Mr siaki. lis bath caites theri, wen lit trop- le vUh4S, a" be hm latel'y attren us au 'ZTTEIj Sý ét'bikg[m. wbk.h Soi En 1- belette tne, ibe t In the milntcipl on" Waot, very impresalive. Theaddrout4, lions» FOR TUE 1U. IXN t big ëtiitiblie, ow »%,Rnawuv' tir lew llolim.n jetut-It(i 14*1leilot W>*ttor. sit the etltir. evideme et how me» a thing ho c» dir-la Of 91041- wcorth tilt %dL ecffloa were given hY Ber Sixteen, hestry horsits were bel -et'fýttt tho, eveniuit ileït lb. doit. Hg hm long bail a eovmm eye on Tac Pen-owma can en the whitby for the 1.4p tilt-ttl*l lob ehaft0ile the V'tf tif t ev- 1'»teb il (if et, ït %vould kio â; beWkvard *UlkW for L M«4rti. BeIL, Ewc ing Md Bea"". tbe Grand Truak station hem iqll6kilbw lent puy for thtoi, W Illialit (ýràttr. t 1,4 tot«.*kotgrpljwuitl tbèé Malles the coutritort of e&Ming the tuait tu the Md làn"Y- Rail-Y 'là P-img -;À» g« un for the Ilet-ii . -ditç-4tion. - -t)tb b*e'ltt'4) t tir -eblet,,t iW oubt» so a wo»k or m mm lie Vme-at emvenwzbS- tea Meeting, which, daytorMichigen. Thevan. -1 %Vhi(%Iè wolould tif X ide 8-.101 t:,) .111»e, station and raimey te repaàr the il -pr,,iidtmt %Ittrv Ilibi. -.* ot r&ista& purcha"d lu wU aubitert or boetthonuh et haý t-Deot the nbo*teut,ýeM the *dlowàm tritu, the zn"u Mn,". Maim, was beld la theeveakW, After, mit union h, hy %jrý Kt-ight 14.n. 1 wrote a lettier to'the pastel MthSwes auccuenm YOUNG bimr.-W* take 1 ; L= j»IwM i wzw ltttb% til iit thé, tât-miugght- riv 1 tb" tb*Plel bail 4ea dom to the;to#àU& "el se juildS 9*1 FCI1001% VàIIý"i ment Ca 1 thiMm provided hv the 14illes. the et$ q»f44 lit t* a #èbo pke4w Mmitob joyb ut, inntýilb. I"ýz rrier wa*P.ýtVý la habita %ha 4 P-dm- et telle »Owm-vi" EMee &OEP' OrT or -1zzAwç.--Gmu ne" tip«ior %,14.torw«. let Lbe si 1 te. Une ý olbjtrts. foutent. amode bint untruitwofthy. Tâte au- 1. à&-N"Ytm-« ýWe i "tt." 1 y 3jrý Waeme-t-t. é th@ âiètl a papa of the Oââe -0 mi" Be'r. Mr. Ewtw. Presbyt-,k- ILni- table unir, barleir hdýy cl«itJo" le il, thorities, however. iiuwpmuti*b &,,0 vm bdort taldan my % ý - , A bu lanvieulatim j9jeantiaition 1 ter et Mount IneaMÉ4 vras omlled ta berrift a mmwbenî« ne'. lit fêtieillet #If g.lrd.*y gepmrut* Z4.btwll*, boellet action wrots the lue* te the cerw. ad ilatibelv. the erte" "a : the chair, when. beau obown ils ttd* weelq, by il the e-lèh, nt.(,t7"ârv. la Teram raiversky in lm 0" was piti,ýll*h441 Ib'Vý âs tite tbb« -imm adoines leviii. et we lt;tintenabkte or ait etorimt *Yetem et sa Whi*y. a" b";08,t ilort, x J. the gebki.ot. put,-It t!edwbvi&&Utet amoute, leille patte m tomber la our oit tire ont.4-t toit éboti the etamp- « ml, te 1 dwaatioui et our villagers hm Torran«. V,111., ne. Yfteý *PA SL w,;jýj teok part 18% the di- Bell and et " platié. Ur. Shortri, bel %*vm«l ««4ffl. et the eloeil, Of the th@ qlinlx)tiý-'%i OrUitlot 1 bat Iblahily l"Ire wu Xr. Çanteron, Ww*r "a cbas intradan: ventail in' pretty st-M )anmum AUX Ck» of. Bennéiu, pfta. on biw farw.; for "It. t h*Et'* $#(,W 1 tbv*uibo. a putate Inter elm apintille the peibecort Who -peu try »W MMM ho weet ta CabomU Nt lobe la ehe, $tAtt% 6 m doli'm"d hy tion or the Duilkin Art tbià*Mug. the otake et a _ ul* pu«MM MM te la- whaw ho pumd tale uwriml"m zi- Rocta". ârlMîiý Pom. md sun"V. b*,.b,ýý, il4 olb- tif t lie 1116n"t lit A bul fer the ?W am4amim âme Victoria couene. in, W. CithSrt, ateth" .-Ou Tmady ah 1 CW addre. tire lm ý1 Ix r.tlvw*'* 1 t"iý Re,ý jwýebiiqbîtfflf. the *Utý% et 1».irbhc le vol klit.'Ltli*tohe"bmW of ur.Adm stersat . ttbvqedmýd .;F ffl,-t« jure au OSES ýomtkwàm who: te MivbW Thé »peecht-a Witte ex AI* (% =F »El, wbe h» ervivraît durian bis Sclik- Oshawa wasesta"d a" sutaà-g lit 1AZ « etellp=llav vote. et &0 eany Sa -)bomu l'vin &mie mm et feint Imm in th" lumi- m"c toby the choir. The uneltinst watt. t IV pbimidol. boire by Mr. q. se ettra e4bs1b" ýext*e 1 tb»mmasi trie-là of ait law abWb-g. Uée btnbm wu miffu 9OÙ4 te My Ar*t" list0e, --ratit 2011JEtibiblit. 1 Umm bu mmie armiend prbmm6 &" ý,, a bmeceem6, bu *e poek« et bila trousers. Sibe rappel nuy be eux" the vuwomý àw Cburrmmr no3ggr.-Sevai i as thecimom-demed la b."m uum " ffl the blate it tbe 111111.0111; him m the scomy weatbar Ir, w» tâte biU*. W.lmgt"ý Wh s-nitté. am elle aboba 111401* anges. ne le »W. a" hmié tlttë 6. '%Sb, 00 view". - -m- i dite tiom Ch"" lkfflk ilbet iloffl bm,-beený tau tinte. pffmi q1coetiug erw-heu in tâtair way into cinstaim Md be 1yý bm 10,1151101 0. Sibile. pl&Wy obmm th" villers d"UV the à and m f4bebt M«o :L DM= »Mt, carrier. langui la Kani Contilm. T«89- tu Ab e..tltèO k-aýr do" au hin&r the Chrwine. te dbm«uwâ" tétai boeu U*ëbv (-,r the latat two, W with lxp»vmom.- Ur. W. EL Bwkby ta>. P-P-StWY le «tutc« 00 Owllb- Do Matiter ut Wh" pertionimieu. vb op " mmmmgim& Tbev me a B" a éè#owlb %#Ott* Ob. OAWM = î and hm Pm la à Dow fiante la bis MW tba idafeuy!> ý Wé sadiut»d thet uns ebo, 1*40 effl piliers, tijitag bis OUI » 111111poutelle C"biïi7e-a Utde umagw,. mil ý.- 6. 1 ý . - ý noilli, bu ille enni« et doubler botre ho b» a a bb MdC» $W minion- cauwe. ao, thi»er. Md i"trmlëoo . k*hottîà%ij. W G»a=Yý11W 34eltiolet ', tpg- - er4ly britbititg honte a àlAm- Enatta mm 1119L Wé ivem Mm la m - y w9m end.duires te op » lailla or westher heea ta,- omble châle the ited $.,0 *6 V4 wmfbqq tir obnm 1 Our rrkmb et un mm wmnm Milb jagau mwnmawý «ý l loi a si b" hem UU» ilum m liactu 191 J., Offl OW» Md hlodb. te -14111411Z î lw.t or tiut-IÀ 1141q bibv$,Ltc-al idvtmr ta. *Omwmmum ft» m P-ý ilis UN w4* « fttiffl el 1 iutt hé* la labourtu qdorr i umvwt amnaimi 00 -3-amber- oeuwawm accat km le lie, an Ille I;i;wuro*w voeun tir etouessicie el the grauM, 1 ar. toi Who Woffl ha" !CCM azan a db. bw = bkb là, ovel fow toèteilirole #0 m kw*.at SephelEffl W** t hm voulu »W 1" am ma- 'pe lever OwI." Mains etber Die lhespul, buta" ummeaache w«O b*lbtdWÙ eu W* ezp-@« the m *lut lix v7- I" tlttvo baie WM mangue $vu tonne la"'M