Umm C> C> U, U ir y aw juillet, ummbbo% lé î, digit la mur w6w nom M ll@Wt qM mou Îw 14weetot 4 îltp lit Il Ali, 1.1*.* 11W Mill of** eh» *01111111*1111, 0# tbo moqgue waa t"M nomad" am ci omvk W M«bew& 'Air et et ibn MW P efttehwd M» m UMFý - ............... .... lit, 1811L .... 4.we]31811@m ààmih7am ...... 'W 61w :001U»«W te t~ clown W de *ý !V il, Id, 00 Weil the "te fflgée à *IMW Illimité be, oëlligg Id* 0«» Wb ...... vàwwmmmw ........ ........ .. .. do -f*ý "My wi« %w"ý solý* »Woffl » Asbellé 1 wlondqwlwo un ffl> "M Tue" on" tel Oefflytt 010089M go bé, e«?~ uî ille, iwwm ............ "X do ON-1 0111111 11* bu eue% »Mt. *f" â:wm *M de ....... do db ............ Jàa. 1% M .... de hm I» MOMII 0% to rofidell es hm4w Mon« __ mn« mmomil» i««bmam"wg» et out do làNffoi" lhme» .... Vàmommqr» .. . .................. de outirs loge by xftention lm e«am emille Z, 94 à"" POWY. Ille lm eow&mmu awmir Mm mm" -bla gamomé* *»I «#bftn*.,Ptoun ................ I& .... de 00 enmiewd #0- remom T'la v»W la app« am do 11111111 "M. ÇOM«bmdm lm bffl or«%W Mme ni m »Il----- tiseu la NPM""*i Un% toft op oity am acqm wageng, . ............... *AI thle W "» OMM OU. m oww PWànur W"- bm*bem «Mm@Wl à M, ......... di, .... op» w ces. W» tw fill:, h#«**Um md 9RO ge»« aum a» 0010, owns" Mrb«ffl»~ or Salem WO. lwgàm ...... ....... I»bk z .... do otbw *Awmrpg «*W égl oeump sumt»m $Mobr. . by M IW"wm a Voillord *rP«ha oekt. Md Pl or oltleolllloitm am Ulm" ........ Ch" a ]âffutmb6. lanuw ..... ditit 7. de eau" hm limite orf»k Y~ hm OU 9» Wb" - - éift 101le hM bois i . ............. « PW*« *@Md mm# W* bM cw hm r«WW m the rAmmm.00q. ilen, am ...... .......... ... th Ili .... de RAW tMU44 à aft.. oggloliba 04 te avolient a new» CUWIO Ad. com IV Wellà momw antousý ddnu ONW. ý£1bM Di . ...... âRiaimb ......................... de do 811111011111111 au elligrot *m fw tife ulwy pagI «* am the Umm te Ami" nuy ........ ai* qpobw te - 4#14mal t*mb" m omrAy la or m Imm$" of niew". OMM, cut oilwý. T" «M et cq* Towa et ùM1ýUw Jolu Baleý ........ lbmkmàbut .................. de 2% .... do Wb*"U par* Iffl Il Peano OMM%. âJ, q0hoeh have, belon eef»wbbm ttntw Itjgp - _:iàý .Nohmb ...... àunom ........... ............. . do do," , filet elle là J" Cbamberlatu dog@W thiq Aer- ('f et* PMVI-19N»Il addM doit; açoýy .*» elle IY op *0 Md tu de*Mdbu ý am M" êwbw 011111111111111111& 1%6 «Mir. thsý»»mj» the Mulaw, ut mmt» Toim ci Un"Y. ýuwnd IIMWaK..;Drmk . .......................... ;Iblr. il, do 1*8 the pol-aitel, or the molialirs thomm 1 . 1 P.0 iipffl k4 dige fi, »ont, P"bmy klWbv 31r, T»Ibey, a tabilloi, Md tbe W»MM Md »bk-mmoâ te nsalS; dia di the Mont, impon. de pitriei, umàt.-..SM* ......................... do tb*! Mt la o» tM»110$t *Wb-M-tiM 4 sy*my sunal, a mmaid ebwm of 'eSrupdm àwàm 4*w! Jean lm or the Me opomm«. glond Sb AUM Suah. hm prodeeemor la y»" menumid.. IL a xeummt&.. Imb hur engage ................... laige. ^ lm .... ýiamunwmu -ehoed Apt wbwb ln aflov«4 the eblkh,(qu or te hm t» owwm cm* 1 telle partabne Otý icamr~ hmmbdpbtcL ......... de X inavu" Davil 91140 abo#Me& but dU am wftb huhw b*@« lowbfpwiht One, 1 attend *ebfel folie in gny wtor* 111baeh tb* U@ghwy nwft te fmpportm et A. ýL Malranchlon trou j3dL .......... Ibdwy ........................ de 1% De" ««0 thm fillii. fqlwpb oyoewho bu tbft petit a xPlé«A ta-t. fýMt lgj»ql" The tu»«omtp, »pp" bon Pdllb" offfft wwmww, hy ý th#% limes" 0 Mr Albert la emy. walý-.. de W. Crabtu Tho-chutbu-. .......... buffl empmmd hy hléb demoffl «Intir of Iwmijuobtm «M Md nattier t,» iligite t*mmm AUWA by the V-iew««Ot% un bit.$»b met. ,,, ".V th« lt»WW te'. Aille If il wm»by fbr»Wft living nt, thoeurobjet fier te 0 op by Mil Ifttle bressé, de ...... ýTheulà de A 1 tiown bête bom V«" CIMM no te-tha but thtu »6» me»«Im étirred Idu de ............. de 1% .... do or Vttioéen, léléville blon IR the lie PMM4« dom" simet. Md 1 ii»iedfa- nie thofflghly Md ho warndy, doutait Pa»Y'ElIffl ......... F»bt Woubwh" Agneau ............. ....... ...... 31. ISM. do A -fi A %tir 4 t!"e i rb*fïr* ý jghww *lit 040wy - tigre -if »Ner qemmefi- amivbr4 eh the chargité and foroed tbe Xiabftr et ...... t-iiisd whim ho W« litre il., la My P-pm1ffl *Iihln thmi tn*m@e te qualifr If almffl te a tri .......... 1w_ à& 9. F«k.. i Wifth Of te* (16-MImme" arawai, and *harply and perelâtentiv Io Ilielible thene ta lget thpir chndm motred fft:A r~ km or ou Stephim Cltte ...... ýwnUws TigiL de 2& lie tin, demanded either a retrartion et the h4riew, 4101%wit wu ovaffl y». abtlrdlv amen IloAt te or a thovotmb lavest i -lapy of elle ffan. -Mr. Qmtib. 'A .= nT, Inter of jamice. 4w Georgie Tho-pom-ý-L Lutin& ......... de de ............. J" A 1", IL GarreL witàwfl toi 1011,11110 wfoi tightlan'i M«ot» ruest àgbwo&, t Cri. Coi» Io te I"Pi"l #0 thermý»othtew»ru"ogleegu&md Liger Young . ..... Don= W. îhuà.... ..................... ]Leýý dwët« .1 pm« r,«,- agi bus; 14 nuuugod te pull têtrougglit and on a eùb. theuvaie i rOffl NMIIýàt the rëdiùliem. but An no. *«N*» liblied. - - : ho (bppmul« but t-we werp mm»lbd sectestent aftemoon botte itid" làd»Wbd A. Torreme ........ 3L C&Uagbaa ...... Bub . ............ 12q«. 1% lm.. L a saylor â: illiom tif the wne over ..- ý ; prititio t-f (4many, Iw lfté to vote for tri the r.a la a wood " of "hurting bock %'f rtttirittion wiý*ly yptrop thommematter- Str Albert Smith bas tom ' f4t" Pt"l« le&~ la t'-eý ý ind for ...... 1 êtq wrir 14 éhý« teinte. lofe 10 fi," 11-lepte the ý114V.Iqlqn (Ir jhiq klotwit RRIN eorfflpmdenS and. mitans to cite M, 1 hereby Srtif in a owrem ubulum of Retum of -.0 - di'" l'il Iln, -tîttéo qIlettiolb mid fief ..(,Vtiqtt% fille hy. ell- a et Mme trouble, thomm lm le me CSvictiom for thix Coq dertIonu octitoi AA Weil -Mther staw filet (»fliht en; 9", Voteil the tabat. Dow CI alive volod ho es une Muai ta the IwM on 1 lit- ýj#»e (tely. The genfrai Alittiottit ta a 9ma P~ low -en to elle orttitwimrth Choir, wast filer if the tester wem m And r.,ttielx %vý"teItIf ville reté > 9 t, lý,,h 'Vit. Seogt. or Pet«. OdiS of the CI" of the Pitacti, Côcaty of V-wtSia, 1 ith X«chý &.JD. 'fft tel. t-M. rolé in a whilo hm t ý @Wc a "M"ëftl ('Pmt-t dtmtni*bed bond lu %iletbee! Ibàb *"Inqt et* pattlil "lm"* 'IV dbol* thin for tienne Who know à OW appmht. .,Itstxib tir. t)**,Illllvait raint. pkfnroltm vi . lm 'r Qir .,U= nied quitte, bim ne "Ont the romtatim or 4t . x, *Ipmvw, Thî# tanbllqi*kkt du .ý4êp»ratr, baie borter have Jésid -hl* toinigne, obpe. étally la Vinai. of tbA tao. th" AlIm ekin Own provintre where lie lm ofteft ry E - X£ W P-Vr, LA.VD.110 rp-,v A L mer M& va u1mled 'the renowned -X rfflq --ffl -lié* f the liotltitlHy eh"» of- M.Mil Vgeown-whe. qmtth.illa reflet OF FDI.-(-,ITIO.%*" À.Vii THE C A i of 4 W- tib wolle e4#vtbtm mm The TO Vifo tq rmal rival (If the Porte 1 t Mr. Peter, net the cows - TITOLIC .ý4EP-4eýý etit the gloriole, ami faite tel* ed.k**M*. klbml mom »euar« 0» fer a t te the grest ad. TE SCHOOLS OF ().VrARra *p (ikwtf* of# petm* 00 O*j*mmf 10: ilil wilchrd if, he, ahip to rom.-,ý tme. »P. V.~ gh, Who C*nafflm lwwp of 1 fier ho was au tu- .-loi e-P -l il (bhowtra la th@ [To site Cditor ofebe Seo EW4"d JOUMM ou let ait lutine marked maitailber terni 0 hore, "@"* *fly M"nnS ho filme. - . neste Ilktwee And go èblkbv mat Mt , je qumnoi« or urrul- to (Wmb If il" affl let$ W lie whili the »w« or -The.Vew gagkmd Journal of r"..i 1'. lie p-k- , 1. _ qoffl i - tlqpawèqtle. et% t,,Vtfb hl* Owie a 1100 Ne etudy. Jugle 1 m lm a lm opom Sin, »U et 'bb lie wehration of tue 2id ille, lm ont.: (If a* i4 P" #AW *ýmit the f tallleige Mt, oir «.& Me thon Mme la m mtemmete tous fftonffw et$,§% ?et ttwi- ingt» ho, witw ]RIE[]-KEIEBER TIE film, 0" Mme remarice, reladu te Bý& ri-0 nom job, ý At -th# tbp«* thtb 1 111FOW hill Ifflbtiow %;P, Wfliq«ltlh Illken 1 frIffl th" .. question of dettieil " m Mr; Umm timgt 111le pww*eafflý lier* ý carbolle --leparalte. &à" la ouàrii to,«* gd@ f(olo*(,rp mwlo îzz -cailed tg. wmeh aineuwed t-##wf, tifet. ilie m*m@ý ta ami» *h*npm camorée ývfflpt»bt Avmtw Camdai. whieh admit et a eligist geoirý tb«4wdn* botefetit tho port wlp" ",qrq of the rlteer,4. hut, ho v the tberooOmm Md woodufti k»w- tuait, and, in o» or two, patieulus. ot a, (Mt M#ÎkI*fý A qîhoolý j lette in h-vp m t'Illbiddmvyp like the vrorrhy The el*# homaffl et the goum wao ledifil of Mr. '4eCanbr. the *1 bruine et fite-tse t#WWO i dortar ýwI »Celle modilleatim 'Noir nti 1 ne -itwl# a the, diblttffl On-Xlofwiby.if4vwoovlý am te. the 36afaurW aide, an lie legmemoy The joft#4t«d mys A N T P U IRCIE[A SEZ wwtde, revoit Iwo" »*mm. bIn" W» 1 (igireve In Iwv tIo" plmil M.l' te hi*! day the Illowen w» pregog»d Im the etyled. go qutetiv moired for leuve te mm C bo Ce M t)ntuàc4, hc» eno. (Iwbk* tif Meffogg, bw elle 1 no* -0 Idttý 4*4rke k V.. latrodiscie ai% aer te pay De. Stowart ot Alliances am very tender, 1 bave riggbte of rf.Itbltiib wI» Iloiowotw. trOth m»Q àdeetirably llltl(4ttbtfd i - - Nionctoib, but wm broëI te m calied, but «e deuil filet- tbe Càý t lit lies of the Provincial la the4r rama e» BOLISAU VIF, Il et,., 1.01. tiftttlý%% p il hy 1110 fâte tif te* Ortinge. 11111. tt,#..eo. ! jW '99 'rJtf)-If 'Pltk,* VA Ptrif L. boue: by Xr. gwkwicle, Who t'It"tqv F, . roý 1 ý - . bave "y W et- Thoy 'rere lfttffllffl by Me- abowed tgla 34r. Mec-thyle pro ever la Ontario- t filer BUPO- i il** à*&IAO& M. A étrýMt donfiph Of PMI.! A, codure W« enthely W!,Ogw, th" the la the RepubJizý" 'rc&pm--Tult bill woffl bave te ba intentionnel ou po. liq replY te this 1 beglmyetomytbft abc P. W*4 flifflimié. -«q hée peil je tlostèýt and to,4tlaw. rhp erivalé liillte,,. I*O"W ý %t 1 , fil rwil. 1 ý -tition, &"&hm the My dru stop te the Pom» Cathone Sebom Inter la thof *M** ý la*, ylr, Vit omitt** tiers . IUMtapa" "i»*nd4ý orikwA, Xàftb I&S pay the si,» te Drý &ewM w» - for a the Cathodula -rac molied ýbrtu*ý eho 10 the wm« bonne» there wae ne proot thu wheUm their conneimm am tmdlerori h"11- bill degalge, w» atbo «A ho rougir rAWly haire doito. and » ho leu lu wutu hW foely-ONsk réport or the d«*ti* ille the the Ewý w»mhtledtothmamm Ileilit ne?_ They are billeured la the rinft te *114 1 noumot ww wu what . lawàkhl sot did mre bota". on a itw*km toîttqtrtirt (11»qwgi» ha, wildit hm Mr. camum canaliser, emablieh and mainsang, whocà »VEMM A the tl(14»mltt" ta report *the prpeno tender db>' ed ékoM'-& i»Uer et dmtt- th»M the ~ ple of pw»til maborby iétai t'WFW ok*#« unifient Md 1. 14. igrib. #0 «6»bette tho wellir m, appafttly ée f»,» i a thomand "lm tbua ftwee. This ristitit la nu I"bytl* tif the = a - domwt balle, rang and Umm t)tmxbt thi-0 pavileilltèr tdged toni lied toi ime in rather, 4" b»l*. fi la euffouaffl wiget Il mulu of (1814V and If I" -Miel- tdi»Uwm t& dWrpm«um = B P R G O G toýj.ttiv foiýv> o*vemtgmv*,duneultim Thmieno am lm thoumaut" »- la tbe, alow donne ci unuate, â« mm*" toi whitim ho hud ovIfilfatey r«mwled ait >1 doubt th" if i Cti*e cbàw,4 why ali the battait, OMM ït Ena"d lai t2tif, rý*tIttilitm ft'P 4Nfi 1 0118 ffl M Ob-#~ #*hq bkKlow. Io! littitl.n«W« t#t*"t*t thme, 1 be, provertiffil 0 et ~ ÎMPD«W» te Colonne mbmqoemly ignagented %bu* the Brft":gonh Aumim A« et Colt-t i,ý'II 4bî etêt; laid il fi f1w . %#blé tif the . k thttdvolt tend rmt*il tend bo Ir C*V». te mules folland aftqnm nellorsortile mo*,w obeettoubSuld bu tainotw omwation. c4uboucm4 m mm linpouUM «Umr» or etiq Inadjug w*Aeb tbe'aMter et deWr cSid be no WMWF#Wtakil Pw- that Xp. mt,"telt tebýlvbed hl* tamil mmbbe" et il» ilmée. mbq»m te the local lenwuum TINI, say Aime t * the membent of. 1"" ïf IOW diMtWtr la te* well-k»wa oeil eon. odier, donomlnukm et tu ebimmm4 %Ié ritrey. 'rhoýtot*l MfimWd Oki A- tWillett 14 the qp**Iolt dr*%v néar rmmaim7- bat minet ffeu" rimpsh qbmly what 1 ttn= of the "M i la don" te tétine la go «Méti If wu eh* And th«t,,, 1: ffwtw.ý lits, 1, ýWKJ*PNJP W** lect vmýd nir the (ýma» th» eau bu or itetoiquqg" te Sine W tue ioqftmw la amai r4rilé blk t eeems"se Dfflor limait hv, the, qille imply au the lm lm inot« sifflion, Position k*"M "Il eLM ý_«ýr seules, la Ontaeb' fr On% iktolb "ef, nom. Str Jolie, All 39»dmw& bus m __7 ý --m te m a -Ob**~ pélify- et tf.p shw 0%fie ýf . of Klibomt(M.- hein- Thie mm Ibn de" withte *A OMM. em tué 't"! 460 4t4w4".Ilt MW*4 èb« - . 1 «pet ** Omwqm4vb. Met a notit-e m essoum cm" basi cm»d te mm eqmàür qpýW file, fitim rmttiopýI." tif t4 ýt#P" "rim b*" tho julèber Of le ttqqmtlon go "P. Pm amwffl te the prmu avmulý tbeeiwktouw noi ruem am FAOD" l"A - MW 1 was um &IWMI» q*f*-W*Î*m (W« #4 ý *"'** and et *« mener mm expenA& tg lit Withffl M or4w loque a juillet Md im eu. fflf4y!b a h« -fille wep#çf*ý«ws illé Oum** tif l'su thoq*ltb MM. ettthatva tb" lm ou siftemi - - the s 1 1 considered thoy Md » j" In the 17mzed state& 'l fiant ehorw MY poireil ste Mlle meà m ora«. le ap. in am ý Il ta mil te* Bý And , Afipp t0illit intel ««.tqhb Proie -nt elle Ortler tboqmt tilmwom 1 dellène woàkt te mon -- le -opm» scboob ILIIIII 361111111111k ilb M w W-4»Y ca"ie fou Cr th" lm mo»y te noit Dr.. *ew the filettor une of v*kmp And ýhirktd wmld FX4 bu juudwd en M».r4dw j - of~ en tir the A. màood& Tbry am lem ne «»«Atm ý: tète t)tffltkbh if*. XVI. ltoblvb*m mmer lk*»Ortlweoq" -týh 04 tho v(4ý fi'f VOIIT»Vuw»lmarTsol.V. LAW. _ýý lawto relever-Y We Im 4m te rhaore to plis et and the A iorw&e Mt, Movenby hm 'bm« ftrm», 1 télé Sebooli4:zz M. (*hdmpý»4 sh~ le thom -bY the thýalb» Mille WorélIbo eMdlY TUT Maur. reeeive--. Je W «O*ffl 0,01i #1go Ofolo woopre t-#tod Iltr lierre *tlthevl t.btl*t rêtelain févi fally ehaugh* the controverted «ieý, lit? tée tbw dm fora P'teneh 0019". thle lit là ma"w T= to ý1:qqn4#C ttltt?04" jimulffl tif il* on am IA, t1w m= Tbe baislir telle oille a àtl*ffll odh" goeboisi im. trouvent Thiebwmgbtmmmtmated hkwoo lie," .,f j pmmiqer-mid lie arranged if t'lie whole and ht«Mjr iuermien debate la iofhkb in ontavto,&» m mueh a"M takligle 14 pkift wMM b" 100114vion ltpltq tir 'ho ~ rit; floétitert And the t4y,ýttem rouler ho om*d 6% Mr. (;,Atbrw orsiblacle Wellins». ma". a P-ton of the educulo-J âOt bffl "*#»d #0 w~ -go k« ifflil élégli, hm ttnxept%, or ibtftn%, OP illille, r"ombfflý thm wmldý a footing a aipiw spouh. th" verir et the m an the tçommatl*. JOO. Avé q*O#jb@ý abd of**# Io lm 4* iii«bo aw fWýw4-t1M the, V(strwpr*! - 1 09 xoc ouw in oulum, r4 tltUiýtfnêy. 1 G. t-ttnqb vol. noir à offlil leýoréit, d'lieu, and IMP @M the 1 801111110 wlth a "m of lieste in th" àm of (1116(440 , the tiffiq. . 1 lit,. teillai abilley and ormricifi poweè. ** Mtibb par;rrr abolit 1 DIS reboilt, f whet a (--OMV»nt. 1 eltnIt.eali le the nifflimot editine the I,» t 4 iwmwt"ft J*!tbt-lPlf* of thoittit Mir. -VeCarthyt% bill provicied for the AMI; te edume tbéir %výlbib have borti, t PX"bu th" pa"nge (if doeidine whar Md whom te tbe ditltaces or 2" " the 3M ce OMIX fw if" entité tili tire, trial -if elertion petitions, before thr« Z the talbelliffl of obi! If th" q*P-ehebbrè te bu reperteil v*rb#Àlya or tber rdO- M& lm un tàm amutbigly. sé hmbut ý0qlb* Ded" W Ilhe, Low jk Ove.. judom. tine heinir foule, the Supreme A" me Ameriella Câtholice hm lai dégîtý te mmft» prOWW «Ad la A Muind ~ opélv ihrv volitif h»%ýp tttit-tittt(m roi ri> 1 retire and the, rifler two . the pro. ce»" calcmet WP remutba the, &W -lut 1 tbfhf bé- rarflodi Thlot aie. front é,no, %-ý%tnof, qfmnq -te ih--tr t-i&ý, l-tlrv etèlit-h lm MOIN et* tender. »M ttýw lovre* lm v aermm, And fretin f retinioniM in ytr imu lbmbhr-1 offlsi *m liwh eboit, Ines in which, the rm*. ýV.ek il, Ntr. bi**tt plwbl4«% M« AR th# ppftrmy*qo P4400m"e 10%*ht»w il te th, 1-1ltt-P if Il Waa 1 rvpr*l Weil àwlrd0d ta 31r. T. .1. ehrir derlukva therewouldbertoiopmi, ý Wh" weau m m b admire in aU ri> b"lm an 1.1 fille «dhw tpbkf In *'%M 101 10% (tr qhl"Iti" "l4 I'Nttnhtp 4 tréttlin«. ébe, t-blet reporter fOr the thouffle rerwa pointe of law migat be* 1 mmt Save this One- for P""' thréb seMdno. Mr. ltirhardwbn ft-P &.ttt4, itt..Po Ptlb*qwhlt lit the resmed hy the Jud inoMert.;be,%t 17be Jmrpèai mar,.: -The rialit toe&i AM pwwbk*d thoi*: lýiëli tbittitImi. hltlp*lt 4% »kiifbl reporter. Ibtit -p lit l' etire uniformity. petition would t*bH" seonue beh" W" COMM"! hofflt *0 (!04« tbm «4wli lt fb, whiri l et sbotqf silqAh mmoi, ho enfle for éil tir hi» %tow, in. whfq.w trio Vretnwi bave en bu ttitpportpd by natte in order thourmeowy by the ofj And iiiider the tender sayistem ho, lit to, prevont contestation noeilleuly or. Queber a" =mm ho the sbattèrally destiroise »r en"h*, m atiwh 1 ltbw"ty et the Oumrie JI 4 0 $-le t»i« hrié-t1v over Nfr. IIII(Ilwy m ho rae, nAt of the w(WIC. " 917-M " moâàg N PU lin (*W > eh M'Il te ibn etrofier way. to d0fil mi t. IK ",bot p 0' *IV wbbels..àad if brille left te rtml-tkti ",i4w wtmltl ho in Appoint m Vider 1 Pr have nowy r«u" te dhdwum Ilte ena-i ]ale" ri m ir-inv]L ý.h#rV 1841. twt% op file and Wtiu*, à mop em wftbsepmteseboomý-t 01100, and e.lpë,4 tif ehr, qtm-.qit'". 'l'lie fOrretpr, Te tb= 1 majr be plul. itt mwt»m, fho *nw-W of Menthon, f* f4 t Il il W clexir tb*t ilewbried linterovementrasi mitted te ffl the& revisse thium am entier »P Ntilwttt in the 1 -1 . #41t"Ii tri 4-fffl#Wtfiotb %IP. V'PARIR1014 i M'W*Pdýl germor'Y Of the- "l'»" "ad 1 erfoicted in thelaw. 34r.Ca"y.ol hm a" nù»d tri rit bey we M. S u tel «Ptl«M im tN@ý m gobe* «aw mtmv. libe-pitrettbib- mi fmm owmubum 11 Il 11, Il 1 lc:tect c 11111 ai eMed, te. §MF boa by Woffl catu» le te t* ta»* la the sebom .11teth" drop the mm#« or pov*» tbo ime. Md bm wmf If eowb mr »U*mun emwbma. BS »W m ift-Imy il% the' ett'iwe d !ýèmvIW* bgoummw î1ý lm ------ -htmmbwl Itr* . vffltwattow Ithtbb eh" tiwaffly le mhow% 1 wumw Fr«& Ot -o" tlimjlýtiti, W*1- Iti» doré#% «*ý tto** èï4 ffl- ýàm glim tp he etthsp Wtwtbv Op tllbwgbfflr C4 be di" lm -_ OMM t hfflétbof »« oowwwm et elle hoffe et ofoo,110011. b"ahrffl»U %bu am. Lobe sebom l'W -mevm et Il* ek*role, tg von *mes" _.v W"" 4ý:4jq0pgt M-11m. t1elit ho 001 te tbo 1 1- . two»«W := bed -les insu, Affl Si lm *ffl fwvm the* WW sk«eb how lm ýttwuu» ru, tbortrau 1.111*141,811111 mie mi ravra. lie Sebad 1-w. amil ofe #4 7#11J4 -ýrmî femit - Wp! 111110M «III %M I& wqwmotf ehle memeu 1«»v 1% am I*w mm boa ý or offl mrm top Imy bo@09» I* the hb*M cW a *VU y M-4 = Md a* the pooph embeim albel, mm memps" m *0 Liminu P. o- bell. 1 1 WMM et squmte &*@W& Thlà poom Tu Lw. hom f. «» o ffli 0 4 dotok OWOO thm-we MM ""M ma ce *.Nmtol mm boum Imm bm m@M te IM t -W l imm4m hy4n'.0nawik lussole Sm Ibo $@§Wb ammmm kbd ibttwwwwm ma@ me qw duo 4. pio-im Umm ïï im, et 11» 1W unanimmo 1 et Our-Lqoew abom 11111101M& bue qupuwm toi the rem, la a, -am" Maumuý m* EVâdm fflis b"eb 1 tr -mit. bio Md bar t et oB"râbý Md. 1 "Vo of P. Mek bée ewêwo r« piçnnm amammmp& am M& iu#."4z id* A ý loix ý" do A 'T.7 Aplom *b1eh -thé lm" m »M toi imil d t* wd Oum W* oq» apm tbor wMm lèc* dý by *g 09" tau 1 rum PAPRU mit a N~ o«~ »»«tf «W thrmo thmobille Otdivbwm W" proluem a &W op swo te 61110111101M am»» wm Pm op te et& abom Our. TU q-f- W"% e-f hwm* *o* ïw am el de. »m# wooKto tbt% 9»;= « 1 - WAUCU - -3. k rot se. 1, #Mfêt t-tq*mtyo thé (.PMW "f $4 'i' 'o OWMW ymp on emmwwqw, ý l je, wawbbow la couchaim-1 bon Om- debm nom the io»%W tht" -1 ofèv la WL 14 emam quo» II& tbe mrfflm W*q mm «II. » Ihm ný ýbwýS iii am. â-e de C4,Fll »Vpwe atteumu qwabr- IW vinàok ce, b la tg ýt&q@mèQq o tô-u" tu Who" -ý-UL on« Ilb *W m Lieu tg éb IL unemenum mwa m 49 cmomm "«Pdeý thm 44vil ombabýwm @M Md ommoaq4 au wol humm owàwrAmà&cnàmm B»Jwhy ot gremi de rblýt OM LRT OR'm ne -"Pm çt àopmmm BOIM ciediftm liâ îW en- h-l- ib» m ___ lu* tri jm floub ýe@uum == dz bu abwbl»& *0 Id OMM della or elebomm: le bu Pm mdimanew P--" wmwoo la db@Mm et un B1àý b4=2Z.-le1bý Emme. c 2 cw b m unm*ma bb«oýw4qip& 1%0 www» MM uhwwoe pluRm ýtA ZPM a. m w4o tt" 4 n m a le-te be d~ im t" BRUjor1w, "rhe il foin «Mr rw f». tbe atemmy. la be 1» ÎIM bu 014vloit, «mi» ehtio I*ito q%*f àt nik bu nU . W.Um 22@14 M -id" :Ibblbummt»«tmmml4lat" aumu p4fflm xumaim eow«moow. mm dm imwe A mm*qd imow SMMAL CLUB RATIC aiofhoff tIpé "* fýý k,* w*@fflý to)ow@r bi me JO& CWM P. tom lbm»mum am et JAO *b#M** by on &VMM Or te»» pumw .911111& te CI to*t-4 en (.44mtnop « 1ý - Il d$UVOM* jug -1 som *w44 tPr- P" ««K T4y -bb" un. moà Item" uom«V à reuairthm &W et lhodý, whw. muk« tb* omemrAffl VP" se tu ⻫Imý PL qdfb %toi(w limm (Owm _1111119 the 10 114loi Mjebiem M bit - d--ù- qpm - ttwiglme whftq elle, lwp:e or ta térébom or lie hie plu el- ebw4bww*m le M»Imyg"-£W lob » em w4y by da amimi. i "*omet Imm. ihis. mps.- me ta Imris et", Wme là îb» mt»e bm *v BDUýt «Mot *wr damock u4bftum M thora> Ob* 1 r'm" , . * 1.7 vom am or, #_ ««** mpâm olle, f *W imey et, W couivrie. mm bu W«l*W" 101A #W mtw ýjofflg to wm,4&' tuilf b"bFàm.M4- M M M - Itt*bwudmmakbb emaw le Imm mom M am be mm 1% gâté S» am ehes téow~ tm"l dwow hi,* s. fý,,fw *te* Ow ouansub A QV»uw or MWAI& by IL 0101111111111f Imm" boum et me .............. -vm ou à Z=wm Umm et un «d&Mý ompbfdL M-W &*W--m nmwmw« &*W. a". T. wim Mois 11110b pom.- ................ rio% & 11111111om . 1 Am* losali *4 bowkw gèbv MW »ob là uw«mmm> ira i aiew maý et fi im- ý - 1 W OUMNU -_ -_ - -_ - & sum *Mvmý ! - - par le aubmmw. -un ý imam àÀ Imm 1'. lmd à f.,c hz hl& eh ufth.-iul taitior fi à