ý ý ý ý . . . . . ,,, ý ý I l . 1 1 ý .. . - . 1 1 . ý . 1 . . ý - . . . .ý ý - . ýý ý ý 1 . ý 1 ý . . . . ý1 ý 1 1 - ý ý ý . 1. ý - . 1 1 ý ý ý ý . 1 - 7 ý ý ý - ý - . . « . -, . _ , ý , . . . . P. . .. . . . ý . , . . ý . ý . ý ý .. ý ý ., . . . z w 4w à * AM .. - 1 1 - ý 1 ýý 1011111119411111111111le - ý ., ý 1 ý . - .., . ý ý - .-.1--m....- , ý ý - 1 ,- , ý ý ý - Z-_âýý ý ý ý . - ý m N'a 1 1 . __ ý-..- 1 ý -".-- -r - - - ý _ ý - lh ý lit.daw4a mffà"m%--- awanvaum 1 __ surisk ý jrdwmm 1 1 . . - . . nu*% bmtbw à«M 1 . ML ý . ý . 1 ý - ý ý ý ARUM 1 - , aMIM . IIL ý - ý 1 . -AOCU"!---ýk- - . -M. aàw4m« - - . ý ý ý - - ý --- om.qaR-bý - àm et un - . - 111110- -.--- O ý . 1 - ý m owbnd;wàwe 9»1%00wp*& ý Mon-pý ý ... -à"-In--bmýý- tounqmmbmoellm -_ ý, ý . ýý ý , 1 A* *w« ou «dw sa et W" 'A ales bu MW MW tu MUWV ý lk"ww W p îW& M ___ _- - - ima cà2iliÏwpl , te tbe . ý ý . ý . 1 1.1 . à 1 .- ý ---- - ý 1 . . - - -- - - m "W M ..&«M âftwr 19= !IWPMF 1 - - - surituple &ýt - - bu wbm motue mou -----&- - .- . ý . . ý ý . . ý 1 1. . 1 1011111,tL ý Oum - - ça" Il gm".gue et Pwm*»,# ow $m _. ý , - ý il» me --Z .- -....k , 1 .,---.--. ý. - - Z -M-K -»mZýud ----.- - lis rus ne "M " - ferret W= %% ýta ,set ýý ý ý .. . . ý 1. . ý ý . 101110114. . 1 llb«&IW*gM& 0 O ufs abw . - __ el= = ý_ ---- abattus- - = W=Wmème imt:d= - 1 . 1. - . ý ,-,- mrqum - . S&M ammr 11111ýiii!ýýillýýýiiill!lllliiiiiilllllllý Iiiiiiii - - .4 bom pmhw tKiým ' 0'«Ul 1 *01m, , , O m ý . . sibillicieil lilliiiiýr«l*q»ý«=. Wu 1-00gmb COL »mom -wè.9pattb*mw - 1 - - . . « - lmaamw» - lr" bililigt tmm ainuwe*mmm ý -1 _'R is . ý - Me beugla ýAý br Ig --XM" ýw»t m y«Olir. .>rsu 1 bu tomm -avotamw.Cbeim@"L"* of rirésurburrêtre, Pm bmýwuli4à»ea enimien lessu, 'V'Auftt4m a mm ý im i Fbqnédckoicwdul6mmz omomà*u *Odudmde***otmbrsqgmow foule mm «Uter«» thm à« yesur. f . - --Otv»FMLI 'b-erlai%- mi Mt -UDF et 1111 1WO, P E N IN G O *»hm»*& mmom maowawt 0, e" . __ 1 ,, - . Duckwa"an.bW&Oguklm m sein" 24 1 U&iwaL-x 11111% how Jumna .. ý . ý :.. e , ý . . .. lm 011,19 toutinule, ,"Iqml»mw bu ýý ber tue .«» tt on 1 ,m ýsmiuùma - prbmMitemamai illeulsur. Umemum-kq* -1 1 ý 1 - _ _ It luwisu»bubw"= tg ý 1 . 1 . ll$411bbeut,,ffl *0 Mr ý XK John et W. . - boiý a -à M = @""*2*. »M.04%y . M . W«u bmdwd Md ý rw trait MW tum . 4%mq bmd Alon,"92:!:ýni= . W 04h« 1=00et-la &le alurom le~ tu li ti- - __ .11._ _ __ ý_A" -ni .bmmd te .. . «»Imammomm«ltm& 0-MUFoebuemm tb*IP.»b. 1 .- - ffl- emmýw - a bu &dm te Mwk the - - buml pby"- fer Un F«Wbe- Vie ý - 1 . ý 1 ,_ . . ý futrebles et sabweiy le var euw ès«W leq. dbNuae& but W* abmot*i ý ZX1.0à . - (r. . in 1 > . - - 1 ot= = Un,-& "à amuéquelmm in rilbus *mm ý . . - 1 ý . 1 ý .. lutte «mm« vaistieuresteille @hum hm M. té dwm lm dm "O immtub dom - lem .Tbb ~ZwLt.tmL= ýt hm land sursire rare la and the 1 la ýjW,_ of"- *e 1 fasse by titi> ý. . tin» te-tmy. fte «Il# Ift» Limmy lut bu :;iý-OM MY _Iw M-cugwo tieult, am câm-wàa - - buadud biùbeb par &ce& , . WAM tube sursorturelà Ca 1 tom rom qpimtb- -ribus cumoffl et ___ = 8"9 Mun. = 3 3 ý ý , . .. - luý. tu el MI, estime. m q . ille tuwm.fa tient ib. m . .i, . , quenwela 1>0111ret Md* _ ý d»mmwew-ekbw me - aumim Mr. bWg &,,nid$&'- .ON SI .. «99«" , Nue am insiste in m basses, W - ý , 1 - amomt U«ueatmw«mum belle .- - ----dbý-- - ý lathm - 1 mancýýb -ËP »i - 1. ._è i 1 1 .= ,- , . ýý ,qq - i . matibe, bd" ., ý ý . 1 ý ý w - ý - ý vlow" »«« M Iliait la~ se 111110-& O*Jw e . . mtlIM banhib et là ý 4«euulý, IL land - m et . 4b* 1110191111, Wb" *,@Weil. . et .. itý queurquistef verte Io ý norm gaimt-mr. oremiow lut e._iu tu aÈK« in C, 1 = - 1 i 1 ý = "* VI am 1 «4. - 1 8 wbeaw) reflète - __ 2 ]IL X«bwL le wance m9m list -- 1 . . ý .. ý . 0 1 ý - voliMbib borsa Vite bdn* kleWM by "" bu r voble tien * - Othoi Il le ourim IL M-b- sumeni hie ýý . . ._.., ý ý . 1 . ý ý . 1 . . ý . bwfo*, eml:= MlletteizefflVelvAblestaisý te Ili, 1 1 1 ý t1Vý dmuq9m --ha Mmbh»-d" 2 emww& IL Unhm (la lm serrêlé etrest 010 hifthtffl m 84 t» > m en tiabe t&Wm et ogmý 1 ý "moule& - mugIM6 monniÈ it- M Il mictimbam .ý ý L 16 «4%M« -itb th* XIOI& whilà , ------ - ý ý 1T.-Il.-"- IlýVeVb1V ýM ý (m whb* 1 la ne Pumbu - __ iMLXo1ý@. uzlk pulthis in an le about ,SI montukevuy*lm ', bim6 lissuriturs: JN a a rom ý ý 9 . . . .1e«uiIN Ttamw ce *Pt= 'Ç'j" I'w ý mibwav* "Mb. lesfaute OÀZWDOIL num - ont ituewh Dow the ilm OrWmted- nia, J. mmbmL Il by fb" tg". 1 »:ý 191LLV 1 ý ,. . Me oao"-oh ý - - - -inez" b-W - -'ZTbmwm= . ý ý 1 - wt MAR" ta tom ý . . te"_mqmmbm et lhe Po*) q y -Mm vierr "-M jemp, àý »nim 1. .W itý8 Fm .& Puri. . Wmtim le tient the boulet wm 1 - . ý ý . , 1 b tfl wIII suit the là sticellestattir omuhww omsim Xpwai TàtusMý, - illec ou "W -The >Ü» the " . firrud. tur sculâchose trou 't-M 19 . . ý . ý odmr , &r4»& fail " W gulors Inon pasuissit lumrhÏu et ortIlle. _ 8 the ý - - _ýýjz ý ....... @VI av il« @wý ommte Md eu,1111 _ MM et Mm Beau et ils lus tu rose a or £mm suiluils 'l'M a'," & - -_ - .- *06 8 ý P oee4ly. ý . . . ambt* iiabomittue mpbM rugulé couture, Md ,quelle, Md & bar M&Igft.&Way NC = - ;MZLý...Mdz;in «*=- ---ý 1 ý ý ý . - ýý 1 ý ý - ý . .. 1 . 1116 mm tu iliwato* Ca .rmedýW. ý fureur fer " tbe = U"g the pipe la absid bu, T. crincom ce P4ftrbwë. m., .... 1.1 ý l . 1 . . . . 1 1 ý à 1 PM-@ 0 il Ous -appuebum tue merstur. ID6 Z la te *a ý tD&Ck» th" ha boure unokbqr. JIL jýssbWA. Tom bum tbru emm 1 r MOMOO 0: Ir. tb*".04. V»qý . P, * 1 Mannite Wedmemy Md ibutaw, 7eh, M utuel P. C ----' mmft a dow bruts et Cm It la a tube comý tice ail oser the ý ,IF= 1MI 1 W r 1 CZ24ÀL'o.7-ýrony - PM IMM UB'JM ZU ý oir. rultdubv. Aumm M#.--Johvi ov«4 emotonow loserle, ý46blow lueulpoule., pasabsur à opww mm ChRnm& 100pid ààd d«nd y e 141M thdr pipe - , - 1 » OM 1 - . . ý ý 1 ý lt«W«m»W»b»boM tmb«i*. ý breutmm»ot "à fer m= -1 j - withou alice PERUM& ý, 1 . ý ý . ý 1 W." elle~ fer, t,^Fb týhoww4vhw cuerbre menu lis 48«0»4& ne Il T hwnmm--It- Ilà- àrmw seuil . ý ut sitim Mm&" cSmf»,L pwccz»um& -The cousseu buttasse ose 1 n"'V' 'Rabt-O 4*eè"» 16 belle on elle ý -Iffl. The op«Avw «* bu*~ se.tnxr.6 uk 1141U , ýIM TIP9 ý. 'bu, la *à ft j~ mfsaft ý . to±t-à-wàq agir Tm&-ormia boom et heureuse imà "vm te ce vuimm m« m hm in the Ulm " . Ob.ý.0e W%* Pm.nd Iberd ilirettreultiera'"quist 0 ,se futresser *tel mammumte hard de b4qpW vain mi MU ÏWm-J 1 tbe.*» et dut ý me - lier .- , . 1 - 1 ý . WW" » 0 1 ýabsum The vu" te du elun"e ail Me mmom Pers. . $ A T U R D A ire ý »M'.ý. . MW" oh .b te, 2 1111ralti In the semen. liprer du et nome» i £W of lm emme, .. ýý Leus, Ibo und est 1 M.#.,w il 4V. rit 0"4 P heqvwdlwwre- 'er 0 Ir 0* eunenow a -le« leversuc U61M am pouý . ' ý . -1 1 . - - 1 ý . ý ý . . lbv.,,",t. 141ib, JINIm (bffl*IW = e ule» a the JI* Ie ma th* r ieraieut t" tS@-y b-ul- fried te but It sait &lied . emý Il . ý . . ý 1 r -*hW to - »0»4 byr.hu Boudent. moe&W by W». ý1 ý . qMI el, »_,ý" -Ne ,,-Wbpeobt t4 Illeurgifil èée.% juluist, A", 'und. Ularle la ý owent avisbt 1 1 -huissier, tbaiew sur te. imIeoi-kiý14". fie 4"tit4rA» tIew0y fit, Vf(4t,»tby -3t«boua elle allet " BOIND TO Gier 3m« LitQvcl&--Omk ub-mr %»M ombu 010= P-" ..ý ý 1 . . k m on iî;â'mmmd*iu»dw&Upuwe*ert«bt Toiletter tell, uroulus lace frisse lothit. -a = Moviid h»kt»w 1.ýÏ'te-- .»hwA billet, file Ob-bptbbwm 84 = NUSEOKJ. Illus bu fer t - pâle' 1. ý ý 1 . ý - Otbw oiq1il4d illit lm» ---"- M m» la t" r4m plage, "ý ' L Suss - Z %M* %4 oslwi -two-wr:. As têtésuisinsibli, nqI= eb»Wbm am eurgé tXV,ý8è " Dmt&mmlL.U.-Ilum, Xjw.M etruck, Md W.9 Mto»d CO»UM»..y M Lý.ý . BIU- j[ = *7 l' ý 1 - 1 . . r,%levm,ýlb."O,.q.g ib-býl %>4 %*tbt»* I - -White la" 84 Z= wi MW m. of lisses, zm.-la mw»t* tien regrume .il. 1 Tbw*y coreureg, strict, un »W'4 ne. *4m««, -S 'tb" . . Ime# *,.awq bus pan ,,ký,,f.,".ý.tV;elo lIk"tu*" ý a V "Momséo ,» . ý flý.'ttl....Weel , 04vw leïrbeliqui 6" litigieuse; "ta". telle - . - la tbe umb«W leinussiblop mmbi» bielus fm- tock or hm - Md &*ne the ber- doue eontmomm la thuit district the i -W i* de. 0; J«Wh FMINP- duel $10- eusim .- 09f-;5ýf1* L k D 'l .E . ý 1 lik'ýýiýe,ýd, .,.>,-; ri. tho fit)$, * ve - ne. 1. mmd Uu»bkw ait Mrý J. D&nWlb, &IW undft~ the à" Tleuq imm fi ý EW&ld =tu the ,waded by, Mulýi%'bJý ta' Rhbhm Law»m' de- ilU; WM , Irrationnel Our %tartiner, tle.frobstèle of the* villattre, m, the. likh .ý. ý , 1 1 1 %VbnTé« deu6mi -!!-p-; the emveaucu îqD .IL Bug,,. the ý 3pAi"-"ý71à- jmm-"W. de, ilir; wls; . ý .,. ý . ý . ý ý ýý , 1 ý rI4el,,ý-), Nttpt 1 b" Mt lurette em» diffleulty. e uru -bb- de. bur, *rhvt* pbvbn" *&O* (Ibawé ton Rhy quebolubest our, ' F!iý_ Sb-'% de. lets); je" ý -Z« A» « 19 0l" ! wt t'Y Ir. ,#,W ,..*.t*t4* wtttb ttevlw - lu tbubt niumm taist., 040, Lettre. -, in pawdz«~ ,ýhe UWIht- won wu fer am . the: ruespetS a" C" U" tbat ha hm i - W- P-7. il 9« " 11pfle vol, bu, kt riatiellusa te me t, thribeluterri eh Md C» lm wm luisem ,Iyiztvlttl" 1 Erdre, te pw.tbow russe, wort. ÎlW 1 ýý holleui juste m the 'la~ te i --tim ýý &" s'métiers sursis, Ille. wm. joubruteur, 4,>. ON; Tb- . . .AAAX A 1 . . 1 - . - ý -., VIN. 1-I»»#«Nyý.$ NV410 filmes. th" 0 &M »,Mmt" - umw the ý. ý ý ý ý - -'-e-,,»,ýN O.«Ioowilhqntbtx.fm. W. de , rtir droites lutte th et tue madame aller. They ,lisse ! Ott-hu% ratepaym aen-tem - ý Býir".do.dis: jehomdL.-tting &"Iim"r -11191W CM M 019ý»A-iru DATU ý ý 1 1114- , ,tghd.ý lmk-urk l Weil m or the nu _4 WIVb il. n* "V* %,NIffl .Itt... ilfty sebek» *ho» m . la dm fur issierre touerthobua" Md lodeed la 1 ce mal4 «.zw test 'icirk. P~ . e4;; C. IL' . ý ý . . Il ý. ý ý i.z.p,. - tI,,4 .Pl* "tqebwIýkw Vitesse or werý- » a 1 la the lSk-up-. N morit-. . .t.i.l.d . hall mý% Vb«4 tel pend messe tour @na ltu belevo km mdtbe 5à siewm - eüug V.&«%' de» a" "-ft"n;o ý ý ý . & enter a @shoot. . . ý . ý . - 1 . ý 1 utile elle.* 't-elles, kh.pffl Wels, wjmv"dt. Oum Awanomm4a am la promisse Mý!« SàMsb1ý«t P= 'au tbef were autrui iiiil- fada- ý oWy tu me Mr. 1 i thý.%; ier 906". dmwim unamm OM et ru" tube Sieste i-4 . "d lm sussiblus, m- of emt& nue, am wm ààd i rSmr and begin ta *baadW a close te 1 mkmmr... leil, imm juraissir, sq-Lum unk- ý_ _ brup th" &SI Who nuy te propulsif belli ne ri.rrimau m m ýlqmred ce the tray left relira. - m 1 " Md, suffrus . sibut, -«-îe. dur, 41.39* - . ý . . *1011 fft«"d "d.ý-'t..w 1 __ p lujer . ý . me et of bis sboc-; ý lftw plmnogl«& Cy elté bene a Uttle belote the teneur. Ther Peter i celus. Re ]retours bour te endebe-do» ý = ýf..,q., i:,» .0 ructurbrui h--ue 84 FZý à%.É%0 1» T4 tatowine now, ombre omberflus ed doviiie 0A stouvrinit 4 el, . Mater la m lestu " mond" ITÏM* SELI&P. Fm.£& ý Lot ça the h" lm RODÉ Mar yet for derserren. M; trtwtm le.le. X& ?.de. bébé: ý ý 1 -- ý tia$MN «Instillée OMWU«df. et Ci"«M". dèsy) memid ha exibrutretsci. Her hm the j Ximàt.MOVS EgcapjL-tom .Ithùm-, grjff»,&ý 1 et, me &Imm ; ft-um S--ý Nu. oýde. 44; jmm BILI. meut W,. jour w I -,j>lg:e #9 ý %w'Vp . - - - . 1 ha" roIeobt)y truserni tatitbb~ in j ibbio. le go- enussiffl the suisie. eympMby et #bu mmmenUý,r. da, ý #4 MM heu,,34 un.j bururs. ,là; Ber- à; Rob- ý Il . ý - , - - : - ý Y morntw John Farrell, a labowýw,: eqniv" t tu, butrucouragemeur. And -villerrit, tir Ont*rto r - àwàor, i hune **(lçý .i;; ,ý .. 1 ý . . . 1 ý . 1ý - ý - ý 1 the fre = MI vmlbg." Nous. 8 blenda Toit Cmrlrwjk.rz»ot tr .bulletin, while, ,wwma Mt a Weil Oum 1 brivrir won Ir. la fer sSr m 1.44mwljobu Bmd», IbAb' ý *L.15-X X.Ved leb, lr . (ý%#f4j - Ipw#%*h,,N X,»kfAMt AabtW j wigt lie WAwL OcklUAte *IILW Pd the tue emraum «&RUD£"M m U et 1 waL Thureui, «em" . e whire bis i un, modulent rend 1 1 - A 01 lécrourbe. ,îî"IbfMwý. lý»,.,, xsirem 1 = - . ,= , ý Mbu et 311WL me-, Georne-OL. bras rUS1ý! talent la y extrure p-à"» gdee»nçd sesser a »russe, et MUU fui the appre. 1 A LL tsit iur.wl .qw ou ýM X »> M'rl*d with sbom or t y imaits, 0alturbrosout aus, êChèmd and cm lie ob- ý bd balbutie a ipile ot ato» whieh courer. ý Prut LL= Lyhle., were with us lie; %et@ put or «nu .ý 1 ý ý ý . 1 1 ý ý. . . i , .festin et y Zi '_ - ' V viç.t"14. têtrueffle, 1 emýOtVfflb, i et 0» emt* faieh itbe ýi" mi ) taisserd Imm the Housse mmur on furwi- ý eut him la a Oqgà of t*«TY-dx feet. ý would lier wheý» :bZe OmItelus" W&"Rbbkm& 21 cultàn. . gît forý t hm" &Agt e»V k-ýbkt4t 1,4ttmil. N104libw%*»*&, ,411»éc*. Be watt in the bérisest some tweire fêter ý and L - orguba of bmmF«m whieh m r «J - -.4 ý. 1 ý .. ý IwAlrou ý 1 ý ý ,thould m em» suptil - - -«@- - : ý artire ý aleft 04 the %4 01 .4,ugm fallu. a" th" t'm ý - ý ý ý , IlwibElbe rrettrkil», Z , - _Wd urith Siblet. XiRTLEY. ,ý - ý 1 - 1 - 1 1 . ittb*kolt»: C»rtln,41.v 1 - trace the battent ,of the weff. whieh là: _11r.. RàLâa Camillus about %ville feint: r«ve-bt immm" 90 inftn a u-9« te thèbrur a' mgtbtw* Md pouselli - r4nout W bol»» . tbhty-tour lm. ,suisses the stornes, mes, wbich enableut bleu, to drair hi Pl,$; test in the lot-.ù =W.-k*»Tie4. àg"ed by jubu ý . . ferringe ' (IrieIqbv. IA»44-1n> ltiblobyblbqbre.ý wele ho wivribriru te tietmmoi &ad visiteurs, trImieP-uk-0,It The #%mà 1 ý Kýâ,-. -etmdwj ber WM Tharbtim. utiles J. Bradtm ý - ý. ý M ý *%'t-lw*le, Cbrwtot): Killvlmuh. lubbe-111. , bW&Y bmmh bleu. The @toiles which ou so funy and represurs Lr 121: 1 1 . .ý ý 1 ý 1 1 ý M .Z]Ltïr.- là , a-12-ALIRA . -rib>.4.f*V (In ferrer arrtvAL à V".Pptlm- rubis ellA.*tfbc ou 3là4L ibivira; ý tm...tb.,imd. .mmiý.mrt. ýtd%, Instable 1- 1 1 - ý I.ibbe4lb veiloy, Marriestan. %'le. mit- - ()O.! &Q fMm abois* fortuM au amire above t'OMS Io the btUL" e 11qi»Iý ýM -ti...d!oth ý,--..m.. 4t. 2-)and 21. si, rý' _ý 1 , ler4ilek%-Illoý met4bebrtbkvb. (;" ... ý 1- wiet ho tri attfndgteé et the, M. , alibi aller the dix& et Outober . the hhmV and aller about AU honeb work lie axjje Kr, 1 Rn -Mr. .1 -wý,- "--- .ý . 1 . . . 1 ý t(,eib. ýý jtbqb""ý1411bam Prmbvt«tà* rafàreb ter mai) fur ibla oititlr Witt coule via C'raft obs Mardis, of movii tntir &tic*> ,le the r,,au âàki -ik ad- .ý ý . . ý . 1 .ýý ý . 1. . .-ý1,. ,%114,v't. ù*f»hrIf1wèNý glbq*mtl. tttqie ý W" " tu couverrire wltb thoses Who Lancelot kü!ed a flirtes, yeèbr old *hi, ý rffli. O)-. »,IWU et Mr. *iItily. tire opu.. . . 1 ý 1 . ý 1 th'* 1>!%rpr«4 Il la "Porteur mqtw*tm Hill entremet of modique direet hua , ,sers, working .Io reibrae hifiL Re -won heu on 'Saturd Varusille toizh - -ý:t.,L.lr. 1 ..4-00AN'Int. lerreslort, Virtorfa The 1 en th" lie' - _ayV :2M oit. elle irais la j', 1 . te temps ,il,,, rhumes, iZ M 1 1 ý .1 1 1 - ý ý . . 1 ýý , ;.tbblblt "(;?(,tbee telle *' Ili %%'elèt York ; ,,bat the", Who d"#O te ho %ý 1 * bol outaler *bol,, six tueurs hard la ve cmdltlo,,4--d neau-d3 ft. 1. . . ý ý - I ý.rrom Wootiville bouri When Ilherat-il bewas '« ý 6 : V4* boeuf 4.hfb»*41 if, 14yton.. -rhir. roi* , Witt, èn rarly An prirudiVie. .. «As tô,,whem the tailonight - .IVM O.V.I.VD CREDIT ,,e.ILES. ý ý . 1 ý 1 1 . ý lefflebre. seule a .1pnargv4 bd-ty Md thence bave mt*tM»ed . 1 - I..- 1 1 . 1 1 ýý . . . 1.,Wil.>Wýha%.tt47fib etoléod:ý(*Arbbé-gîter. 11% 1 , réertifigrate, doiv elled, te llartley. l' - ý au Injury butred -lie te lie.- 1 ý -ta - - cru *èonpd whleh résa ho (ibtaiftd front, te wootiville via ILiilley Mid Gmms ý---- M ii- ý lartwel. ý%iVbrIîfy turid -I)qrvtvvllle-. ilb.tbn.. hor ý . . .-.b" - one of hie fêter. Ir Watt a le-x(;P&%--i.-lauvreekUr.3forrowý'h-lýT.-Qe"-Ibng--F"ýit-tuw- --n' . . ý ý ý-moný « The round tillu Witt tir- a distance miracul peý and V if If 1 .ne if mi»bft.m int1% ý Hill. ý of Drapeil brouý%ht titi la a sample et: bm T. IL XirQiwtt, amti-,ue0r. The filon . ý ' "41 t4elo.. NIbbffN%ýf», in ,%Iwbnm. ýt'èl "o, 'P Interne .dl. Ir In .,y . Sc.ï.k. itbbpýç,uè-N,., îèbd h"ùieb.idfurlùtum,4 le ý te. ý *eýfittierý.on-,,t te O,' 1 ý De t ý';% 1 i V 1SC V.1.1.1k%.N y.. . ')bon Ilotrbrlr. eu S'rttbr4, r.1warti Voillisty. 1 torse "ýefttAI7. Mr; 1. (.. .. 1 ni# Jet. k-atriNk (itury, ,.>, 1-., ,,,a il, Emilj;. . , mat" th #Mi»t.t ;. hy pffl-eard go the ý of tventy-twéb 8 TypnoiD FEVRR AT ' ,;'nitLi'.%a. -The 1 field liens whîch, *Un «miMU; i' ý . ý ý 1 ý ý 1 Ji ïIeuter, penbur. 44ed P wire a week on Tweeters and si, , ý . catit 1 Heraid rppnu Typhoid , ont. awam-ed pluie fret and a hâtif uni i_41e - .M Luinh -4 12.». . . . 1 ý ý . . 1 1-ttùrday* and the cSullermetour, m lie M" _ as U -,tk ýh.riV. : . ý , Ulle rr, 2..'-'Ot Toronto. thitir Orley lm k»wor lever, . te a large externe in Stir. leuLah, issid treure beavüy est. This Nt' -t". -- be elle -f the -Il-% etclWýu U. , i 1 V ý t I 1. j;,-ý. I 'Ni ,% i il ý Il t'If 'V.1) U) WX, , i 1 oomtm Làfb , W long sublobteulut marbus r:, pre-tr'd Md un»- âtalaisifui; filon% Woordiville, Ir : linq, lit ' ï-, U"r ho Nt; iri tl?, .e»t-,)n. Ur. utury es g,ýi.t. 'rhtV th'rty "rond etterbatibui floiVert et ý virtuelle ter. This n'oecomtwy. Couper 09 tuer carberre and a fête la but a suimple of the wh field. Who eler i.; - ý. ý ý . ý . . l ý - ý. " , loi emily driveurs a white-eukwed mille . i -cm but it"Elerald. retire frum.lai.2 ii, E1iý VoIr., afflk)». . 1 - ý thi. rogttpabtv,4t t1bo, ibèr't'tinit.,tb 'rtirrx. ý M"V*t*rttm(ýitbthetýtltrormtbffledtekbe Wh" bàMng the cuit velum mie re- . 1 ce tu jeusl. , ý ; ; A Bru Eti4;.-Ur. Tho& Clark of: __ -.4>--- . ý ý,;Ar-XDA1-. Strr ý4jth. B% . ý . 1 -A ,it» W A R m ' combles the Our ý tam.,Cý,k. ý fi ý ý Il . IlI-,,,v ý84ýir"*,4ýt...b>ýi-bittt.t.ff. -0 lh'y M*ffo ait exlrt%»t,.Iv W lut te mem .irev- , Owperd by Ur- G-';m Thuriow bals au-eux laid by a commun )p 1 . , . > . ý ý. . jail ( r&#týVi»« "x. j P"" . oit the Mme Of the Pý)BT He. g. . . «Ir. Th. tu= ji!-eý'cm@DU ý,I»Vz1 1 offre . caïvert. no* tif %vide-qwmd mule fanse. blumh->'IL furraiture üf -Ut. XcLeIl Ilýltelý14. - h4hit (if lem or(,Wtl, tt"tl prfm>-rtty. I)tir. 'ile'Idàý . et (W aiturpriseurrie and 1 hm whieh »riemures ,ï inebas by f;j in. NOV.1, SCOTti Coal--.& 0 tu bleus. Il %Iql,,Il,%% r-ýè,tN,414>àjlb wiblt-eb- tri-elb-4.,%" = 1 ý NOVA Scutis eut tran landed et Port t zk-fte et 12 .*elociL 1 larvb quantitý U! C.omt. Io Mý%xlivregir.- Xim. wlusi. Cal. .lien. ý 'am of ý bug lilt .,., cilla. 12. Marivellis. Seille ý1. -P -Iïq W rit.- . !ý'f %Ïr 1-..% Ir rifilite . et ie. lit i »W 1 1- pArit voter e. ýbD I*w Wdiqtf.q have ! &p ' pliristion for "rtiftrittýA for. railwlkvtt, der, onts of oser mi%* MOI c - - -About six o'cloek ! Hove ter a sebooner which boit rakers a ý -k aud. i ý ý ". ý 1 1*ý tg b .$"be . t'refri etque ,%k.. »sont but culot te the total eururretary 1 le,» . NI U tre ý-«crbdI: 1 .1 . ý. . fitqq 4mtb,(ïl.^,%14.ý 1.-,.ý "à.;.,ýe, 4 Ili, ,V de il,, trikýil dut #Ibil -41 for *--teittbl)4.*.% lit ,42 $W'*% AW1, i farm«»ýpurp»m goinit nuit hm mi] r X'FATAL PAY ý.duable su, bdý 1 , * 1 l'el Inter thurius %Vedneg"v, tbs8,0rýt 1 ,»= lie Iplime or lirot 1.). i ue , Oèter. y mon" 1 = ftf evminu a ber ammed Kemkedv. canto of itxw frout, Thorold-to the ciam. ý 1 P.nit. gettim-, their --ftdit «Vie but: &-'lest'N, The railwsy» won mi" a "tom tir go -umiloba durinq the musette of Oeto-' t . -p .12 a,! . breste, in foret, rite aý.qbrtýsbren ilbutribrut. .1tut ! ,sels. while ai la a tzýre plekisigr time provinceurs. The schostessur, touk two! fier. ..ý6u. ,biu ,ott fr« a-,tit:ý inu 3* : e l ýý % 1ý . M. 0. W, _ 1 ý i , ý ý ý -A obetw*% Ateaubleuret . . , rhe lit.ailbm (itirt"n ; ber. lie hm a brother Ilving dtteen 1 ý . 1 ý 1 , """' . 1 iè#W te 810.11110'.11110 , j for à lm" And a third, the sipmaina' ý hickory nue* test bis balance and tell . monthir on the round trip; «opping et ý ab- go da%- -4 -W 1 ý . - : - et %INF . . e1»NýjV«Vbt yribr W-ýro (-(I%,tre,41 lby â%,torý sud %*Irtoýrt* ter murs tare. . Forme, Ami; retire trom e»ru» Vilhkl% Where bus audbmkehisnmk. Dm.hw»,ilmosti'variouspôn& ! . i kt.-,. roi'l"Vi't'.'t.14elt-1;ýW-4 Ivriètt'et'eb ý i e."tiilretr.* rcW fouines« ndlwav jaft», Introduit woinq te ubuli lie essa quelleet a lastaistaiseorau. - i ý ý ., 1 w»VI a polir of, the tmýmsiuie eau be , turne on whirh te tome. He lutin leave .- -01- . wns A. '. '4'. »f»Vf4ý mbre.% tiv,,41.,e.,&»11), l'lit tire Ibbortýblitv ex. : Di-.PIM.XTE $Mrt;GLE FALL SH0WSe ,. . ý - ý 1 ý . 1 ; I'I.-tl.-é, "10.t. 1.I.,ý.-. - 1 fiero,110, t4t' P1,0 III-4-44 &Ibo# ÏP(blitlt,ý# for watt 92K.1411u. bad a gorsui «»»y warm friends, bellibleil Iriser TR.t». ý-Oa ý5WbturtWv night lm a de- ! 1 ý - ý ý ý .,ffiý,,, V 1.", l'Iv e -.. l'ho e,-Ot. ri Il", («4-1»biwIIOY 8 en appliratime te a. A Portureur., Bow.lLievieiLLàL ,_ ý ' 1 1 . Illible "41041rlibt, ý t'eng4tv »Orrp4rv. 1 Witt wistire lieu. Weil in big new hou». A Swl'.ÇnLga C.ttri;UT. -Saqu ý obturer dreserred. man nain" Lkwd ap. r Nom vicmialb. ai > vi%:tt)ria blusid 1 NM TU" Y, i ( ý è:. 1 .*." . ýi11 : .1. - - . 111 r k IJV A 48 ! - .,.:.-ý Il ý. .,.il..ri<. ý 1 Il. i . - - 1. ý ý 1 1, 1 Taylor,, tire trebu, Agri-ult" Pléric. . thoeiIor-obt-tt- -uner (If ,*I,-.tiý(bit) . r.%Kx$ ILI_ On fosondrey afolerronses j suraous Robso, MIjlerý of MauvelmV t plied et the lours-là aight'q lodIp , *mi- &KL ý ý - ý ý ., t.,...I,"-' 1ý ý ý,. -, -? --111.1*011,i. . sellette ,,94 4*w)et*wb et whleh lm inve-trit lis . .!" . recueil te the $"tTu vgI'Plm.%- ý 1 ý 1 1 ý ý 'IL '. 1 1 I i,.,., - , , ý ý .-,!e,-.,ý4 ý LOCAL XK * "ký' eh and uth octow- . ý ý the rouvrir Semuàa W"Carrim the MU: ý lie ta& and as lie h"= IL j ý - bbqlèblt-tiel IVRES filtrer (fâ;?*» Y.M.C.Aý Mr. Comble! M, Leurs' f1r.týrl%ýý - W, LU T ; watt "en lit white atthimkoMee, m thm mm who obtisinest a Iîtret of riothen a' Place ýY the i -vieille ffl lisses 3" lues iX-%,ýr. t . - ý . . ý ý ý ý . - 1 - ! ý , . . . , - . ý . - ý".."i.%ý.' t,.rt, *"b ' .0P -ERS., i 1 .eh&" - gare gala accommodation withotit [UrV..ý. as O&L et - ý .- . - - -1. 1 . 1 1 -..., -- Ill. 1 'A ., ý èritltt%. ,% fliviti..nqi (If r. prr1ý ý '1 .- ý ý ý BRutR T-,-ýý*ittp. m du" 1 ý zuttitherper»n hall te but employout te set of haurnelus and a buggy in ( 1 riablit. on Mortadelle and '. , ,,ý.,i; i-ý., ý , 'I.,ý'. . .ýl-.,..,"*qtýd, ý- It:.,.ý,tý.ý.,ýl i..I.11ý.I.... ý ý %Yrd. qew>le file (.,bpit*l ýtbbek (If filtre com. i ý 1 UPTJCRlroitovt. . finials thé trtpý Hie partielle were omt ý in June on fable prettence,% searehliw hîsà errWoo. OnSunday morte- 1 and -rueleury, the trhajb,ý Mb,ý-tptemb.r ' . 1 ý 1 - Ie»by waw trésid tittrilbit fief, yt%%F, elluiel the- ý -,rrýp.n4ug"uer4e.e.i ý , ;W . and arrived about midaighr.. canoter in Oshawa and sent " berri log waen the rftksup wmopened ho rue. lt"cI§, ý.î,*r.0».- ,_'D F%ýr Fý,Kftt, m Put peurry, 1 It ý , : ,.iN-f. ib ....... 0 4.t-.q trurtale I 144"«4 fp*v». .eibee (If *Itbt»Xb t-,%Pf;tfl fe ýhlb g*rmdlt of - roit rigr I)r,%r Axo: fer! »mral p a. lie Eue 4ý)et-lber 1ý9. r ý if 1 ý ezK%.l te 18 tused te go and demud" food. ! un Tuvwa,ý. .",-Pttmbtr,>xb4 and weln*.iaý : lire. lr4,l.rf"t.orm, me(.Otblbt. ,'bfr. F.(-.*, T 1 ý »il 13twri. ý 'rhn»44b ttW Meilleures et Murs, Harker menthe in the t the watt _ . - ' 1 -', ý . ý - . . -$*,,ivevI-i-,l lýýýtilffiI.,b:.t fitt*W*.,14,1.. ' 1 ,rjý,fK (un %%,sbdAodAyý,ý atterrarbouk Mr. ; and soute ocher Jadiie* who gartur, him tryint go net afforther set or hargueurt, I&Dguaew" husibradeut and thr«teu if-il lit trio &$"t (or l.if»tqay. ,%4,p . - ,! leverv itwmicm be won mmb impmyèd - trapu àrresned. -IState--m4m fort and lie fi»By tirets, a revolver and ý % .ýi:. ', Imt.0 fi, eilh "Ir 'N"f'l Bg'-'K- at lc4t!u"'xton, ou w*d»e'"y m' ..,ý...,IlI.." ftt",#" , (;"14ilph écxasiti- ý pointed Ir at.Ve. Gambie, but the latter: N Thu">, tell 1-t 'u-1 Uctuber. 1. 1 ý vt-ItWWwqbt, . ,.%aigtm icýrmubild .t.rtid ter If.,Ile.ille ý in the murraing. and la a lutte dayer wid! smors .tu-clm".-David Kirk- NuATU U2%T4XL--.. lit U.%I-r.de, un Ttielda), Md l t'lei, I., lUIl .,I,1.tkNi,»l*P. 14tMIA, . ý te the dont rime dissoute è4neillett' wigh 1 bu &hie te remu» hie dutieurs. 1 . "ized Idm and chreçut bleu to the Il ý he-.Th =d eh Un.b-r. 1 1 X ý X ý et 1 -,t.e N Ir c il* o . .4 ii Co... ý,-,,- .è - 1 ý ftlh»a ## "*Otqouooftbýsbew& ý bb1X.*rbný . -iý8»& . land. Oronte, se" thrown frIbsu a 'v'utna Our. : -Mli',ý,Vjtt-,%t Wiai-uýhuM.on ThUr, ý 1_-ý :- ý - ýý ý . ý 10 . ri- ýtýr.ýe.e 'it.e.1t, Ubrt, fi'r f.ofee. Pirelleuitible * Vo., abri =thifitu6ft yum OtâgN lie, i Ai xT. --Mr. John Camtt«14 who. larrien with won and coa: by a Vudden .1 despemte strugge new took place ,.= r; 1 1 . . , (il. 1ý.. pi, * GreNt Lorredon shew for the wè_ on. and finally Ur. Garbible . SAlb; % Ili --- ý -,i,ý-4-rýi'.1l'..F,ýv.Itt,,treb -ktt,4 ý 1 ý alettre base leur 4 bOY&bmt tllew&n» ý liveun about subtiliser betwftu hm md, Jerk, and fett'so rhat the fore-. _ M _4N.ýr Frý.Uytilci!tiaargileithtýttobur. Il - ý 1 . lit rheel @ac et and hie enrageai« wilted in ter- ý ýi D Nt I>r wortRy, m .),.bavnI. -m »'Uday ; ý 1ý A qe>tbé)ýtVl#. ,-.i, i..ý-1-ý f,.,., t.i >1.".tr.l...I. ý4w«f titi él', lvhielb Well richit-ft In, I.Ilwlmbv ago trofàOrtllla loir the nibuleçut Wallis. j Lora"ille, bail the miWkiutu»to bave 1 PftnadoverM&hend, inffleti«a brevets cobmrg. , ami Tuedaw. ýett. 2tnh.nd Mh. 1 1 1. ý ,I 1 . ý . ý 'rtèr.*tliby, lutte& ,- 'the l'f'r't h*" born " the Instituts, 1 bis avour twoken beltwun the surrist and - sud. 1 rur. The tramp watt spot to ('11 (le ,ts, I>ttnèt*Vr Ptl -iu-ý.; as Lr».,£-r.-. -il. Tu-ý"Y riserd W-d- 1 1 . 1 . AS INCL-BATOB FOR DELLÇyrfmîl- -: *',iý.-à4,' -th -,tii ýzh ý ..,ýIeià,,\l", 1",i,;-,. piqe . j,ý 1ý,..: fi,, -N. oIf il,.; .,t,,,,ý, IW-lIIt. ýjj.e pett lvit1b the &lf4.aprýt ý . , titurbre ami »» »w feturftig« &ftw the - elhow on ThurMax tmt bybeinu xiefted, Mrl-%-IÇCUOLYDROIVl,.qti..%.C('IDF.NT.- 'tire -jet..b.r . - Il I...ý il..I,.k.ý,Ç.t fri»V. V t' ,rqbýVé-jI. Mw(yen Ils vtw4ts(qbV ý ý The Vaises waiits a nbodifleation of . ! key.ère boucs, whicis hewsbe lmdiÉw Our te Lent Thav»"V atternoeu a v"v,, il j .,ýf 1:ý:Tîk-'l,:ý--, Nt '.%ý..m,ý-1. ce Tu%ýdýy an-1 ý 1 . . ý.. ': ý : '.. - .:.""" I .... l',ý,ý--i 1. Ott4bww, m il .villes. trib b#bv* wissurrover 1 le-- ý 'ý'ý,rý,Zià»àheathàri»h&tehIu tým emcbat ' Ired.ýlý-iayllt;taiidlsh-,".b«. 1 ' - . ýý , . . -. e... -- ý. N_ .-%i!ý;i,#. i.,il,..%. .bI)JII-. 1 water. lir. V. Witt bu nuisible te work eurrenS happenert ai Pan .\-éwt. te. exhibition tfat would ribit ilaqt.- à& B"N,ýrt,,bI. -,a indrey, -je, 33M. i t4 V(,t.tk,(fmyltbtiý'fi h4t,ýtrtirlt britrartel six i ý nt-1189.1r. - :ht.,f the L the Toronto subil Ttteý-iaý%. .1 i 1 ý-;, ýý. ý1, .V . «rtel-.,«%" the, OttAW4 li. .,,e., - ý fer coupe finie m the fracture la a lied' eit sono ses Mh" was tirer eh Vinuillet -,uday . .. .. 1 ý ý'_-B 1.1..; U... - - rot4,e,%*loqw#lh (4*#V,41 illlembliqueu .lierre (bref, me, IC-,es%-,>,ý4, .,tlrbopmtt on delinquerit subecribers and malle ý E3uti'. lit -, - 31 ( ý -eM down te the laits fier thé, t - ý 1 -11 e . ý - .1.1 . - .1 i -1 ý - 1-- I ....1 ---N--eke.vq, C,>,,,eeblitt4ý Net jàèjý eersýq. toef-X tw,?bttritlttt.41 t ithc rsrt trr.j ý tý.ivbt ,ý41ribt-K .ý4i , a&#.»db:.". lieu We.d. - : Pt'Pils tirent pay up their palet due seraient, Ir, .4-haud -th- . r-1- 1 Il ("q,17i.u .%.x'. snrkp lttrymè. ý- Mr.' Plirittrelle of botteliez a rerreurtion in; ý.0 Il ... ý , 1 ._ . - mur. M i The Then M&Mr - - - ! . ..ý.i ttès-t"ibte;tý,tbov iq ri vionNuation tif IWMI*V atté.r.r4fflb . î a. il-- «If! sirhow* %veld" sud Ur. 4%iki» bave ý -hitil tirer fSquewtl) iidaige.d. 1 . there stouts] lie Irait ý . ý, > 1ý- ý 4m;îïý t:,I"I.itifi, "Ili.-bi ,ý f.. 1,40keld t»04,14. '14westir* W Ibleh obý,vt.r NIN tu pk.;,.e et, Port î1i,»blý *hiplkmt twot debulge-derit ý . -8 I.. ý ,ý - 1 ý". .".ýl 14, 1,1, --1 -".,(;, oett. ý te 8't, - tor- 4.1411elwo. %%.tbilq, tibe pr(ittraînnw. bute. (*.tr Itwul. t>t*brt, enfuir beep, bttyùm a loi of abeep and ý lutte wm'ereeedin0y rowe -P attire ranit» fronts ciussi. Rr,ç.4,w.xy .IcciDr-NT.-Lut Friday' tutoie. but the tact - e 1 - --- - -_ -_ -- - 1 îfN VI i trf te il il' Il 'ellr., ,*fi. 1 , ý * , iý,p,., ,,,, %1-,,I.#ýv 1 à0. Prie m W",t, -4-ibtt'41 te of ,W, vttrlt.41 a charurter t fini brIby ettatiom TheV oamp trom fi, ý lambus trous the tmmm. et tibia »Mleb- l waves tester runum - ý ý .1'.ý1 I. .9:",.e 1 k ... jib'itboif1q b-jýjt' . te4,,,. :il k -Y 'ite(eigt. *ee ý lm cprrtaig," tiblt,»"Iv ibieeiè,wd gttibtbt«hOM of liartit, - The aberp: barbouille. Wedneâ&y watt gland an the 1 sied M at AU latimklate the bovs. *,ait ý . ening white au oid run nansed %Vus 41 _ ay undremmed and swaza out, Cazlie ý, Stabb and hie wife of Canton we;; _j BSEST FRIE-\IXç;.-Any Dersou ý V il , 1 -il'll-; ý1-e l, 1': IV, fr4.eb'tip'tilbible.seti.t-1#41. Aý,rtté,rarray ait looke-rit Weil ami thé " bus aus a ý 'tair for delivering du= àt tibia villagni th 31K L-F. ý?N,, .:.. ,et ,%,b*,e,.ri.,tb I-t tire tq#,etbtbbmfeb4l)btg (if tâtent týlbi4eb 1,'tbi.81141b & ('414 have on vu huile were rien gênée. ý They were, tbouiefutre, et an etarly hour the wagno» ' F'-aieomb, -ho wm a nood swimmer, . .le a'b,,,t frieni'. ýi bcý.t .wi futur-.-. drivinc Illustra Waltou.eL la a one butte J;]L de-ýri->u- -A ý-,ei- e we. ý . 'i d'. . it,,4-1, ý.4""b, bielle, wV* om 1 lurservilir ilbuters with theïr livtng rmight ý =lm forther thm agir of the 0,à ý wagon the borne eau situer and the old seig': debtl'. Ft.,ýeu Hý,uý. W.1- i 1 ý - . . ý " ttbý-tr'litt, %v(-Ièlfl' bel 1bar4l te finult, ; bOtight.,fbr the Rv4t-" market. Tboi liau t ppAte Beli's T,&,.rn. ,ti Mr- W i. , 1 - " , Vre'Nq, ý r»L 2ýu e thrown ont. Tho old larix bail - b-' -" e'th"- ý ,ý ý . ý ý 'le -l'l,ýýl.ýil,,Iitt.ý.le.t ;;,le inýlit.4. ib'", lý,)ý-49414, k4lr41 W Iille 0 ltrteqb &es wormier- ý seul Re livrent tour - haudred ait' heffl là arrive Md they eçutinu" ter; ruungue tourturds, tue &hou ù. watt! .ýb1b_ - . .1 ý Il ý > ý ý . ;-Vte ' l,.,,,iý,ý.ý;e.".Iýt, 'Vielet-fl Oum . 1 arrive bourse themm a" wentmmb and: fourgul lehat ho hall grest dUnczdty in ;oma or arme broirest and bu beadand 'aboý;Ï,>Im'Net".D.-.-ýp... Il). L-. JOIIIII-liâ : eNI-ttti'4 t'VI litige jfvlnna,4tq tthmy wib" in t.ingli. 1 loir" . omtbmtilbtdydvebundredemeiýAimt buffedag with the suraven, nord wheà tue ý back bo4y but. Stubbwa»uotinjur. . ý* ', 1 - ý ý ý . ".,.i,"...,l ý,#ý , If, f,'ýbirw t'it;f.fb 4lir ý uý ..13. - , , - 1 *her.D and lassites, were subielir encio@ed ý neand Un buakwager. ho Appeared'to 'L ý ý..- :.ý.>.i.t% ,.ir,.ý,1..tt.,I. le i. .. , , .ý VI, - , , 1. -V, V.,"'ý .Vp, .4kr. 1 I...W.,$,eI.% .týk. the ý ý ed. A» 3[M &ubb le over âevý tyam Nl>(YrIelc. 1 - 1 .. . t he, :.i.ý.-tè tý->IN. .W. Ikr.. 1.4.t. %%,%.,,e."Pth. liq ; r.o-«eî illu. , , - . 1.1 1 l 1'..!>ý'.1 Q,.j.f)ý,. I-,ilit-teit.eb %Viti 4,4 . 4et, ,.,..,I-i'tý.". eýý,,, ?»ýrI.-it.1 p»ýF, ,xlIie'it.kIit "1.% ý 1(ý,ýtr@.i»,wk*m,.flw r.ý 1 ! in Mr. .%I«Ütm's etherd. About fers, lie weiud with crampe as luse threw up ret,:" ýý1 -d - 1-f N' el t t't-iiV (.4-tirsIt v W de fit, , ý >- «4-ý1X 1. .."ý...ýýf'.1. 'PIIII «,bbmel%, I" j ,,À,4vWr. Tbb, baum arts about ý 0-elork the huyeurui put la an suppurantes ; hie arme and caRed for hop. Chartlè ; . ýý ý . . . ý ý ý-.ý- .--Ifýit.,sfl.r. -. ': ........ &...e 1ý.fby tl"..I.tî"% .tq* MI.I, nl.f ot.t.., . r, me ni bis eompwdoxtâ4 lm- -1, .X£R»w F----ai-IL- On Thaniday -111 Puti- OwiI", . , 1 . ý ý . ý ý . ý ýeI$t.. te.(», ,,I,»i,.,.l .»..I,.l ýq VIV k'ciIeeilv j thffligh rubleb tboir hmvçým whic . White, the btemm rk.-edved theule par lu: Brussuit, > lastiliging the burfimm the ibrother-4 Debte. buch ý,-mn all.-Ultril, and nuw* ium t . ý 1 . ý . 1. 1 .1 ý *' ' h bac tais. The ab«W tuteure râlent ait bran&d 1 modiatav usent go bis assistance, but McGill W parfaire la trou Mr . ý ý , ý . . 1 1 - Vt-***Ir* &*ww*. ý f.".", .".1 k.-J't th. ,"",k, ile ,ý,Aý,,I.k,,e ça . with the drovries, brand ausi filer Ictère, ý huître lie conflit renth Idm the pour ho erre g t of . T. 1 ý 1 1 1 . 1 i . 1. 0iRVt"k1rý ý - 1-41-te '.%POV rý4*-, il- hi. vh4fw.tv* -lt@4,,b, ; ettrmd Out p»ttý »Mid, but Intin tibey ý -unýeI1F'@, Hope, wlth a threMin Maý 1-liabr lutlue. me mlue>ted tu tell »d ,*lie* . ý ýý t evIiýu«IlIV-Illy lq-reit#,P frerdorom * ,è 4ki.t..i..w ,.b4,.*ffl. t.eýl-ým$ cellule ,»"Yl. pruy whierne y" tinvers te Lambray station. ý Fur a time l lied m»JL Aisorther bov namM Franz C ý . . à .1. 1f11ýI8 ,I.v-,%,ýNN:I. - ««. . _ moult theme i Il ý ,*Ir. - a a mi tome. chine drawn. by two t«m» surbren a strure ý 1 1 - ý ý IN i- - "'ý*,,f., .h.t. %#i- I'N'11% ob..I% .hl. .Wer. I9a$lv " àh. tiot the *gerb op emi seront Our vit Sus a Ilveïr appeurerance, ý (Urrin, who.couM " sortira, and was IIIII I -P. ""ilibesgly r..,rwrbfil Witt, .,,4ý ,tý.". e,ý,,,,ýIl hý,;,ýtf.* - vrover, . ý lir., W ý - ber shoz% W» aiso retour tree won blown amblie the rond and bef- the 1Vz If 0et-ýýr- ý 1 . 1 ý 1 ý . ,.t.bri»"IW N'x-lbie.èý. (ifflintbarmto.tubýWhmt - and trire, Mâquire, did a cousu atroke _i esm&nç Oser -,ttmltléNt titi %I.e 4 Ir , , N ... ýl'i.wq.ý%tlýiet,§*,rili(,ýiýýle, -l - r ... q 1.--,ý"e"...,- v .,ri te teýnvIm ...Obrewt - 1 . ý ý : tell between. the retiras. [Guide. ý,4$.ètift.plsb . . W-1 limb aille ý%ic-4 muni( rx Abb&,%jýq._%Tr. et tbowneo& 1 drowned, balburt« beau ImSkerd dessin , - Fi- and 1- -11 1- . ý:,M,,« CXM, ý,,.,.t)ýý.&et.flý,ýýýtlm.týsimliq 1 t-.4 ...... ,, ý.".IeibIi fels.. kle 1 Zr. Magrets eeper, Tu) Foirr HOP& JOIEIN CH»OL!U. ý ý , ý 1 . 1 ý . ý 1 le Wltqt tlèbfle4l il,ýý Vid-1ill ebl)qltp" .VVI the 4,VN, Ne wÇIVINi 01%. n utý.%tibur Who h4d -hi. arlu ý..ý ý 1 ,ne* ffl!x.@. il# Rl.ic-bitblt%* Fovtià. -Our boteri-k bv a trelue sud eussus »T« mm after- The Rev. Jamm Sparirm of London, ' Il ý ý ý ý . ý bl.ki., oonbe the" w9ekts age Ur. Patrick XLzutre, hm on exhibition P" , wt bil 111:1 ,,, et NI 1 .'Ir I'Il-ti'.0 -belle 1 4'4) W (irv ce luýý11,4, ý."Ik".. -eV, -, 111111, %)* wftýe wu'['& Xrý Pondait or TWOUO se« et Encland, el. ,rwit hisbrotherthe Lin-ins.v. sept. «Iý It"$. 10144. ý. 1 . . . _ ý ý ..,.I.h,ý, 1~ 14,4»Ni _k. hall tg il 1 . - . ý ý ..ý ý 1 . ý ,ý Il ,,, -.Ve ', lit 4,ýi,-ItIi ove.el tho ý ebi.tq ;t1il. Li- .- %1.1.."&. "fflrtv Ir. lerr? .4,..I4. &Min brurrêtra on Mday mm est belon la bis gmtd> very large elk-hom wbieh tbe Plans all Serturdait -ragchm and ex- zreat preacherI In on hi»- way te this a . - - : ý .ý . 1 . . III>ý j-'ViýeIN ,Ir tell, ,Nte.ý(-I'. lei 4rit ,I...., b,.#&,eý,ý.,»Iý,ýIghè.wtýv»,.iq..»e,14ythi-,g.lklt*ktmtbya-tior*t% lUwillýbelaWop won I&SOI owed reptile Mr. Arehie Plo&ng dynamiter urtridaiý, but forand country, and la expreetred to vieit the: 1 ..-,:"",W,.,..«Monlw -.1 t v'Ndicet-il ý.,--NVl ami wtl ý4-4bwftb , .. i,.ý,.,Nt.,i.l.. pl";.,%..*","» ?,%et*gèibutf4t..,tta ý . 1 et, Ret. G. Richardson of titis town about . for »flèe tiens. Currte, w tu ives enter khi village. The no traces of the lentilles. The deceaud _. .ý, , 1 1 ,,,p e ... Idý l'l.ý ýhI».h4Tf»V il$ tt4Iit.0 breilbilittres - 4w - ý hum la fiaUtr dire trerbit la lmwh with . boybu werle rupfflivély the mens of , 1 . 1 le ý 1 fý.e C.,-4 4,ed t;rt,4.ýt 11041et Vif. tç. , ....... 1 ....."I". «- t he 1 1 »Kr"lvy. ý sevemul lente Promis: et the brut am thé 1 Frèderick Fanà»omb, the collecter of tLe drst of next moule. 31r. Sp . ý i - ý . 'tt-iiitill'e. - ýkrb.>b fl..do. awdb eyal - aurgeoit , ý . lire. r-.Iei,,,Of.. ý,b,-tj ;b .""",Jie lei,, j", ,il. . "I"e" ,_ I#-,Iv Aller. T4 , tf*i4,«$, il.g.. .N.Wi.8 . - us an atempIL4" seholar, - sound ý - . 9% m X .. ,-Ili ItN,." c"... N .41t.'l 1 le&- i4,rèw,;ýt,. il, ý le,..>..ilN't. 1-9 'I.WlI.4ç,.g bribli twf empri'vèw,44. . ý irkM4.p»ubnt* et The Fm. 1 takuit il in tour lacheut in tbiekneà& A ru»toMt% and Mrý -Vutheqr Garvin i ý 1 ý -feu . stnmp elghtren incheurs in thiekne» waà 1 v eral the màmeýl; thenionian and au eloqueut pirouetter, ý ,ý\ 1A l : . 1 1 ý 1 . 1-tj' ,,.>ý.ý-1 ",.."tif.",.,I:, 1 Siow ltwk 1", ý,-VN, M'Fi'r, ,..te,,.ti,,g* î%. t-eIdewsk,» .-t 10481c. Ou PWdèby obterraielit about m superintendent of . ; and sec have.no, doubt a large audience ý ý . .1.ý Il 1 . ý ý . .ý"",.,,Ie Il, ,. verv illeo ebsqi trIj4iVoos#,Iý "*,ý' 1 1 "..It.#% 11-,,,,I.ev', .t te". '411 berbil ttlVt , 4 wh'.k , Iffl ,.t.abw mur S140 ,,, 1 removed (mm direetty averties, hua 1 m Ce. The mit affair hm eut a letil greet hein on hie villit to Port 1 C) 0 - . 1 ý . ý J.. f I,,-t m, rhe W,-élilb4,r w 1, .Il t ,ýwI.N«.9"«.% the ist-kh ' .,e;ç, N"Ille imt.,I%., . là,Yw- 1 erbich lit evumee gluait the elle: muet, a m aver . the village. 1 . Hope, when lt lui expeeted he wiil 1 ...tl». iý'tl",tý.'tett4b.,.ffl.$...Iývro.-Ilftýil ý ý - 1 . &W-ý-tèltv 1 ru - li ilwn«t bv Mr.- joluile 314brustourt. but Row have iived fully onbe kundud yem aga. ý Ir - . 0 a Eîf NOtw X brî l'qjý (4#wid#t i, I.,ýtN1 .,,." 1.1-64, F,(,ýt-.. filet l'ter, ý»4-Wý , -t -w'Z'.11.4efflý111r, et%, g,%,,%IIi.i»w týwlli lurv 1 Serbrusest W Mr. .%Irxaàtter Wdron, w» i Otdy a leur werka me there watt fumait l Ci-V-W.YGTO.Y. premi M -'!purgeoii,, who, le drough- ý _ý . . ý 1 ý . , '. ý ý . ý - l 1 1 ý . ,ý'...,»"..ý.,..eth"ýkv,%,.héýomel'.1tmur'e-lè-t»kt'Jlt- ý ilintýov"re.4tobequ tire, The e19i»»ý ônW9,t-.on. lik Fidon. a pair of entiers ic.,rrespmden,ý.Itn.epffl.? . ! ter il-t» S m 15-wynie, - P-'- il 1 lert -4 . . ý ý ý . ý 1 . 1 1 fI,,,-ýt f»,1_.4,ýeeIf, Tc tw.g *F»t Imt,.tr, OU PXR$Ô.'Çý%,Ià. Ont- of Our à . , ber husiband ter thli countrv. - 1 ý ý . ý ý ... ... ... I,ý - ý te of 1 Vier .1 ILà- 0441ý,$Wwbbttb. 1 «llli'ýIýt ....... Ili I* ', .P» r-jeý or.t.rr4-. - ri.. týtl. formelle teste sbrk mèresser but là ulpt , ven libre in length. They were f titi 1 citissest, 3& *îDsoxz CA&-Tbe Mldlmd la 1 1 -1 1 1 . . ý .ý Nbto. I.-iie- f,ý,.el 'Mr. .1.,#." ,1QVcwý ilote, j tI»ýl, -I-..i.,.... tl,.,.Fe..P,..." .-ý,.9%!.$ 411ur.. 1 théier "flirter, the bittidian litière *ieýtitiv 1 sereveral teet bolow the surface by queue j Aý Doter». hall brefs, %uemuhd in car,' ' Co. have jouit Smpleted - ji 7 tI.".. >ný.ýtb,..9,.,ý»,.% i btb»- ",.,-.I. I.tý!14.I.". ý eurthbublibrul. toursilles, w1th le* emtmený filon «ho vivre digiging a diteh. At tue iý.ving o1rthree firVet prises et the Cale-' - Raüway' ' 0 at ,ý - ý 1 ý 1 ý ý . V 9.--Iý..,. Nbm :tell), #»O. 1 ý- New, r- ý ..$ WV, 1»ýe, - .U,,,),$ ,.,.,Wst whte-b (ýP"*tM ut the tkouM aotute* of but& terrer wem Ove tache*. in thic-kràees i don" nomm ln'ronoato. Re jumped la ,ý J.- - è.à if.., (;..#.,(e 1.ýwtqq.. tIb.ltb 1 tý.'iý b..>,é....e-Y a Weil eqtbtibpw MàNe. % tigelle 1 el. whiéh,= te,.d" to M ýw - l. l'el 1 I. ', % rit ii,îe folle , , ý 1 . , a the furthest hop, bu - . ut the works hm .1 . . té, nu- «" and tg lit trottinement that they weichM : 16 fL 9 ÜL, hein t'P: replmtheoue buflt before, and en _:ý1 . ý r . ý gqb(bt,%. ...,.ti , rtix-eý, I-f 't.tbt, J,;rVibtl IA,4lbEiý; c" co$VM m ý wax *%V"41 aller two j th. tu, otte hutidmi portait». When frombrit the. ami jumP on record; lie won the rien _gmg. ý 0 ý ý ý 1 1 ý fiom 1 i i & b P ,rlbI,%vý t ht, "t»ýrk.1 (."It , llfi(,Oi ,if V11191116 »wUMt«À6 ý wettb twullY "qua*NL A fat . 't, men laid them on a atump to dry lie , . eut on the throuo* route betweea Péter- 1 1 . , 1 1 1 1 ý ý iT. Id fore ý nin.« louer julep. enveulm 19 -- l', 1#114NI I's , alfttlbll a jyýt th,: b'.94.,?,e *reý P..è. 1 f ý ý OU 20 ft.;;.In., boro' and Toronto. The noms of the é 1 ý ci 1 ýý ý . 1 . ý , f hl, ,,,,#" ,$#,p 1 3 pà ý, . ý two retourne et estrirentem, tObsl^ý 1 lie pro- remariez fluent, but wheur theroughi)-, able the vanitinir wleh the pole, rieur. ter' ter wM bc chanired te "Port Hope *' ,«c 1 il, In, Vtpv 4,beiýf,64 bi. rlbo, >44. I wient fit tort you how ,ber, porty ne Mr. %Vitrines. wibre, airris, ennemie. dry. filer erùmbted Ibo tient they coutil 1, luit the ber ai au altitude of 9 fi. 6 in* 1 and the new one tri labelleil 1,Toren;ý ' ce K-1Il ;;tiýlýl)ev4. ý ý ; f, il l lý,i,,",,,..e j.r lit. eb#.Jq. 1,',;W,-ý et, tes, ý rt4lmbb(4# filtrer yeteurre A)$, in ('àvtteb 1 mit. Telle genomi opinion te-9b&t the net bus precterved. le in notre quite evi. 1 Total Assistent realizzerri, $a Who cm . ý ý 1 - . .11 1111 1.11-11 1't', 1.ý<,:.: .f il. Thèb ttittl' 'un, ý lem les fülly covem-d byý ineurmme. and dent, thm rddon won àzbS a fab" la. - beat Cauui=oa 1 ý ; ami Ntezf)muah." The outaiste of the .%Y TICKET OEFICL . . ýý - ý . - ý "....,0-V'J'IlIjý b,!.ýit): fièt, t ý how tholui f4frIo ils. ()lm At terre Pm-Àribt 1 the Initier Ut that lle wisses Ille wèrk et m d" bouting «round. . Ilit-111_1041) PLUCbL A - - car le Dainted a dark umber brown, and R AILW. -44;bt M4ýig.et 1 ý ý ý . ý ý -- -«Qu- - e . coutrovers'F ' berrititifally surripred and lettered in noie ' - 1 ,ý ý èei1nIý11'r. .141iplbtst..4 f- ïhI,%.;..r, 4 -.1IN.. 1 h>b4l two httib4lrt-41 èerum rebattue ! tlte@iNdiarv. i arfýe a telle ,ý . , - 1 lbrt.iý'!.';ý Fier, é"Np(,.Dbtlltqbm! lie - da" aise between one 1 doliam Worth or more of aoià 1.1ýl". --,-« ý - . ,r 1 ... .... il-,,.I..,.eý4,>bt tNimNbi.e* ett, ý in (:,bvabt worse Out lèèmi, notbilu #.rit 1 l'it(b1.4Iyrs(ble. .14r. $'*I**im Our Po> ý ý i Highland chiet and "Fmgabole - front i 1101,W ellèv -l". ý>ý:jM . ý . Il 1 .ý,ý,ý.ýlý,tý.;I.."i.tiýýý-,,t-ittl,«.4."ýibbiý*tý-":,tlbi.tlt,4i4qbelvt,ý-41*. I..tstalies-f4ll(bwt-.çt trellur nt&btb(m averinsl. hop lie" rpmoved le.-rre.u.n".ýe of Vie p-t. 1 , the "ould »od,- m t the nat"àlity Dl M .10. !)eiù;r oued for this purportre. - -"iL"L -M G,- .Il I., Ili§'.,$%*,i -t-,1%4-,jý t'iýirgrb(*tt. ;;ýZ.lý,éýtil..ý,ý't.e.tr.ýe..1.4,tl.«I$(4, 'Il , ' ri-rt V éberoli the i1rýt yvar. te I»twt 1 lep" &nt# helus Pl 1%*Mmlxý%L.-Xr. M FL ljottzt"of .4teenied The car us dtted with the tiriproved - __ . _è, e'l . ý 1 4. A-131. j 9 triste two am le titi" tue 1 Our el Governor .... , -11 __ . _. ý ý .1 ,;,.. 11-l'Ielie 1,ýi.litý,rýYlýrtt,,vft-ý%.,.el4.titýt i ýEI11"i 4-ilIv'q tif h(.r." tribli Imbrrtbvltii , NIr. lia*tingtai tormerti LIàdsay.ý * 1 London. Engluait, one of the dii-eettirg 1 ýgallant chiet claimintir hirsa te lie a lin- " * - V .., 1 . -Genemi, . the, Miller roupier-and platforra, such a jMj..ý 1 Mýýl Kid ,Mr4i(."ý. -ýtý-4 ý. lýt.i.,.,.V,,,t ýq.f.,yj"'V',, MU.-o j. ý 1 O- - - ý m rui.sled un ait the Larze railwav litre-, .ý.i4 - ý (,#il, *Pgbl rosi lert tir thée tinit, Ili the of the Euxlibuâ Land CO., lit livre mi a PM descende of the Campbell clan, in ý ý 't - , . ý1 - ý ý - 1 , - - .1 ý. Il, - 1»;r"..,.;q,ýýv 1.,4.ý%le-Il '64 'l'I.r"tbt.,. :,mttiý.tiq'rti't-ibbýhtti4bl&il(,Ml- 11-1--taghogt i KJRKPIJIILI>. briet iticit te imurrect, the conspani ter- ' Fangabolu amerting be se interfor ditinx et will vie with the - . _ ý'1__ý .. as, a dtýren- ý best y . __ýý . . P*eI-,ttiý)i , 4.",ýts»h h- $.....iv ýNýtt-itt-tt 'bý tht, tteu ý Iblv *tbbbb$lbqr ttblt4bw lis dur fief, trèkNte ,lt*,Wmeor.der«* ut "W rý.4. 1 j dette. 1 ,,ne. p _(4ý%1r litis. 1 ý 1 1 e elliet ,a,»ftn>.,cr coa£hes itWt on an . ý 1 l 1 . lit '....O .1l..ýýill..ý. SIV:191-N '&!bèsý A UMUeroglead.!hetomingirritatedatwbatbeeonsider. 'I'ltN ."N.trq.&$$.t. .ýj-,.»If ,te.4Itel llb.bibbbý,tf the teilkbVIOW ywirabred 'i' *rux PlIgN -ireperWilèt (*.t).,qu-rx)C4iraT. a e t.*a.')Inet work of the interjor 1 ,Xlrczmu . - . : . 1, ý ý cqgIibt lie AfflN, %lielb.t t4ibit litepe'ttlbt.rr ' ltUl$llbrr OtýLoAr V114ffl ingritluesn have ligSure toTomato toi odanimulttobiedain4turnedpaleand; 's nosse la suruble and waln'VtPa"b"Illurý - Fur au POU" m Me 0»« lýmm ýý. 1 ! - tiî)výjjý4 - ý ,:il,>I,' .Ar, i:t.e,.te,1 . N he belle lt>;1,I,;,.@#II. , : 1 , im ins fer the win Ipipe, 1 VI à. tière, 1 ý, 1 1 :1ýt. ... tb,.f.e.eI., L'I'mqIl heristé, lin%; fé,rw4,dý 1.1,qkltLt tllti tilbbtmilt ebel. tInit! ta4georthetýbrapext!ur" attend the vit%,mmà bail and te brit. i roubbed with errent vebemence et hi& touethei vrith intayine of bwd**.eve ,.,,I, -1. lit, F.,r, ,..ifllt, ob file grève, le nie file, liblerisort, 1 e(bold guettes 4 , brertur __ýýr elutchinghi i __ . ý- -- .- -- _- ý , ý .zt:em -r ritY- on the -fruit albut éth- - ffrrwc,ý autrucce the greet cricket match Md other Il .O> 1 irapie and ruâe*ml. The ,Vente. are of IIMWiF B" eV*" UààllmY l*4,ý.11,,týC. rll!.i("ig (-ýftli( .4 1 ri..,I..,ýl ý . ý Ir,,I»b 1 r.%tit . : -bl..,btbql 1 lettre Wof f go th vry to fîirty'ý t ýriMh9ry!rd "ý.I Pt,!dàlt ". rdert Hitt evente At the une m.,eitv- - .IL- - - . - .. b..1.,-,-"--. ----.ý,---ýýý 1 1 . 1 . . 1 1 . . . I.ý..-.. - ..!ý, . f . Ibib4t.,ý *ad' ', ïhj(l;, - -"»"" »- -- Il'. -', ý - - - Il lits 4 1 Il -il 'Ill. qb %an Who M"n 0 ne W , ý'Mu»ng IIr toit, L-nd Co.. by a tW"- m-e-a-t-m- wagm makers, TF ing hams* effl do. r-ad --Utb III Pine lnk. P.), Pýw.tbru, is ut %bu i be buittt" the v Md vehk4u on « repreftnting ttunut htue la er@«IX»g« Z! bourboict, bu kulen W. a KAIgm wsk M. %vallairel ot thist Iowa. in a C. e% Mrk'd &ým.t ce the, J.'w "f Prie. Sunion-u " the neigh se Ivr and if ". dwnifiaff hocom- Twe,éther honne, wS _osrpecrabit: Lultuer la J, t'millbr(*àk sary cet the brk-ct chalgrit, nabb"Ille, 9.0 licelll ttur t thst sesse 1 amIv an the lots on thiluaffl e non &M ffl twh»tetzhLe"$DU of a rte Mmeen mouftes. -w-til [ny the ffi._heýt fflee for- IIth &%fi.. and hielleu t*e.o léloetvto& Wbas ho jwd -ivectet 1-V thtl ouanelon with T£3m&- cela $00day Md oule but belle W. abie, hý,t mtb.,t". .%j, (I..fergum m f»And and tour on Wiltitemest Shaw& rue la 16 tûills f "Ibrlnw tho liant hbrtatuht r»I« Vt»tday. t kh ý sait t:.tb. as the briel: .-Wo md««&" Mr. to reliait tbe Vl,» requireci. 1 1-V illi il" '411au*t (Ifili At Port 1 teille 0(brAom A êbwut cline in expoc" The awaill»g MI Urriellet Stechwt, cetteil *en of the wie W. heegt a - sied Pm lO, iýlèt .. ... 1 J*lwtvttlv choir ix expStend W harcilleh PMI - ivyr A CUXPM-.1 train l'i- el. 1-t "F f V wfm 1. loft t(bVtb yemtermy ecbeible çhOlco equeile, ami Oui t .,wer the txS.t.-Dt »:,rt0% ft.4ý acheter la S» wdmviII4 and Mr. A. l througis, et the rue of fony mt&--s-&-ng Eau and sprint Whout. élixibrit fi, filr t S. y., go teile Prewbýt ai tho meveral ah ho Occuemu D-cenr corzaccible. and Mr. J. M heur, won whU the emwd »Ir who le will fier the ehmh»my aw«i.q th" oveing nt i1cel. 1 Ir--- i WOU 0" Il* la attend. 1 Ili&& none« U la the scadon en Friday V form- tn oddellon il. tiv. lrb nir ho bak bt\%.bwht ajmtà*t Aftée. -oraim to haies, dYtu Interview with. (.1, ièdVtýétkv the fentsio tiqel P. wedt op a lIttle %suit tom dui Mn Pliski MA avm childr« betor«hw Illui, *eV. Culder a -mwiue am of W. Beamy wO hold the- vieboellui Party.-fo"-a ne- ýltiiH. Il f'.11Ie;l %tý ke'. ,% et tw tht» X"tto% 'Ilhe atut»tnt la p servie» DOU es At thr whitby, plert Per" Md Liallemer Ill el.. fitI# 4t lie% tll-t-tbtt, Ili os.'Ok et M 11W ý%le. jwebv. WR, art, ptwèxrA te wam Illet Xr. J. e ttt detinfileil ut nela bas -bI-9 wn"%$ a PIiwA &Wàonbabe welock m afteroooo. Bév. ! Cao, --Sý dve or aft emm cd 1 el" ohn illuce %uni Mbit thé îwwe**» Mohftlod, lui appur tube Canadiaac"l., K.-iFt, 'P' every ubft Sabbua et what wcau %%>. t -hum. týbrl»rty ttfflý4r lia chi* art'* It w1il bu a Vary comfort- W" O-Itmkm or. suahm cue. bu &.BL occorred ta Wbitbr bu week ilil.; 4j-P!ý,»mk ý..j-y4 kmi illem dweillaw. ut. taille lluctud Ibo omýIt-C gervieu am vrith Iller. Bode. 1 li, d"m"M lr.a aillet Xr. Glineller m.* ý%" laoo$iue FABM Pm wighi« Waa c4s azàz re-Mr. Thos. Plu. bie tho ý (Milugwood publie = ýý h. Afteraid«wmt«màft am vobemon um-as to-bajlui»amr8nowdoàvillewiildo. dure£ Irut whitw hW " 9«mu 11,,. 1 le l t-r% lit f;,ý li'- 1 *gw-vï W- le Thla tu the etor-Mil ttgb* %bat the m-et. the U*.kwwy,.. bumý WO Weil go RPOY go - Roilla bieup oraddmm J. IL nicka,, thronhed ave acces et vects ot the "Lit 1 VEM LIFE I-XbCR4.NCK '4ham hau leb"in pmlwbtedwithtib Mr Ommam tin, mien UWUV. rimum I Motion. neige hm the sala et Ut Gem» varWy whieb viekffl 176 billet l"t t" yffl@% etillea rhumb m - #%m. fur sn, mmbu. neverm le t I el . le% le k. fflu, &Wmu bonnar, ï6infil, illemunit lutin thas Metion of ecientr et i y buahd& The pecis me the property -à c. Tibb hm eoul lu mieil OMV*Uiffl go Mores, etadOM4 churd4 Mr. L. CoryOIL 9m of '411. John Xa. etteuffl b»hwm » m flucolcoew tu, the "Y biuwn. hW Oaly cume la -b»«M AmW ke. agitait et eÀm]NGLE XU.L Tu m mun or LOM» , bet1114, lit thi» 9(>WAý Who 00 rfeelqtlv fille town. whage. - essaie ye.ft exporéespe et &4 -"84 "mm ot ý4-io tdit le 0 tub WN6 laffle hè-1 t -a rtèbat# uplux Vien battue ut the flaffleh maill se elleme alui I» t= Wà = -Z ou very littoral nuil of Mr. Edwarci in Iffl 6" fie CLa& the 4 IPIRF« -TM hueffl "d drt le. 6"*, 4 N»rkea lu terni& Pftwommes nu, su, «M et Pilicie, lu 14; Ub cote. et Uxbridgm, exçltkýÀvýly tu Are Imiromm. V".torIt4y i4*964-41 et n th" bond ne *0 (Ile th* -314ba- et, Xr. en XsiMi »Mr CamiuoII4 --lui lient 1 Vunvmie.-Dwing lm xr. ýL =nom am en Thum"y of hm week U, V- 'tiv . - file, el #cs, uw hum, Md ba>retbw tu Irelà 'ebtk*it, tibil. 1 , t"'d r,4"wr*ý»h C bby In 'Illb- W'Ofs *àt4tfO 4 by 9* M Wqntagenday, tlieltil ýbJI4f»4-VV i *I-rbh" h»* j"Iene Ont % flette baviela, rol loi the 1",ro suit ennui 0" bore j S " Un field hl% Ams oMeW visit to our willie tigie hmub weve, et- ah -Absb« wigh the prodw» et ami acit. theý4y = thd Ibo W«"M Fin a" 1LUille DJ WV4 tý--tvel ý% àemwl Po alil III, rue. m . abom - m#" la JAX (louki'* or -lisait. a qmwaItv h&Y. ma a -.st mm éb. b»rtai ins - lamierria"; vins- .... C. lx Cam, M., A- M. burmd to tàle Mmand, toueti -4- Mk hiéli lien elle- t*(>tbbpar*y.' He le obéit Io b* a te. ubfàmb* et wmtne M, TI, do*&. rhumb )m wSluell. PiiiýZ70ehom impe«or Sur ababorton, jà& tronit of »hinxbm and Imm. amer"« Co, « rm»at% Pau our »rhoel Ille visât lent weetc. The belle Lm aboutit *tW% ne hwuraum 14-jiqý*t6f.» 'ble e týqwhr-te ibb*rbàwy eau» or the àre W »X»w& 8"1 nu qufteeqîml-to thel à1faucincs Ti=-Cz-rntxc--- * Offl 1 câpiw 4" A> le l'Ill 4,64 b.11 it'ebý Nte. irh" NU4 et the **Ytàtlte* to«mmo on bMUtffl and enatolable, MW uisim le lhe mmiue Il uànbn& àtt-*A» W» n1lIýI!F1Illb, Mollet of the pup" wimmun. AdIlwa" GeSw Jmm WeIge broueht 1080- 0,*erq46'-t"Oel» Ilý"dh"e let dkdi4d% tht e"ýtt vt,,ér lit" lieblilk à4tlI." hm ÏjÏw »auma loil, ellevuel ulallivy Talliervm -Thé W***" the the Alcur Insinue hW a "W et eew» but lew » bel m 1"! belletis umàeumim m saur"r leu t* te. 4 %4,ffl* witit a » tif nifflk otýb4glo». thie Menthe Proga" te ho au be»,*. "Innêtea 00 et$ lpm dermah tien Ourthe booL The Docuee bmowied" i wftk harimem chirtitarieu» in JIU Qum %eîtée4 14*40 î0 êti é ho ik»,o Pt i t* toilbe. M"V', Mi "abom». rd*"* Win be tw4wàmet& Thffl wfb two, nnabbea -m amilmis r 00. 4 alib. làm aviki. telle whoM tombtu« acié hie àwtbts tU«Chwd of Ur. Timcchy - m 011 ami Vbo vitl 4tweeétéels -for ellite ým»t thai bil te qbp«puuq bats&* »w. Mmum M"e hie nella huile phmis». Gzemubmk au tbe alécht of Suadal Li"mod Md -4 ý.W 6 ei$,thti 1. eb*iF#Iobae* aiewl rhumb. aobftb forte, *rdi *M bo able, to tit, abm 11% a 0-49W Fkbxmý W lieu am au qi" as th" Pmvimo. @"the evkbmS beint hy lm %he@ý vol ;q;ýWZw ý «îN;Q -t-dz &-tde. wellirelorry lit auffla à wcB-ký vue" ad" compteur. 114,alh tee âAd le of -oilète. ho w»,OW»d lé« week a M bleus la *0 et the vmtb& Md Ma 111110h MIUI et&" bobte tue @éIan amim thum4 Iller wSe cominimi Scé 1 (,p 4teýlitt* ýqj ()Pm, .,rhffl jeta. hln Intb", (X M. ROII& IfArAwr etar.*"d "q i0 le il, ili,.WvtIe ie 1(*itwi »Pffl ée 10 Wou" w"W S. Y. bl"Im bm&y « V» 7m. nent, hoal r'j=àý.V&-m r-m- mutwr OMCW ma frocte him. triaL. *u' tho >14% 44wawavo, à4tun Rmmmd 39W »W e0lit é«Dd«ý MW les., T- c»» ivi ymr la *b A M& DAes -M 0" emi 80 t4c, Mt& feint illipelier, Illectisi tiow» et gr. .tejost lie efoilettel, celli. K4w Itmilb ét fiod*ay obud Urland lob thy mou& zem *0 Mr as ïï -m -p-,May le em"emd d. 084 of zdù*umh ow"m& in" ubbè" 4*téwi M" maïs &W.. la *0 su" Plumet *ose% lit o4bie, wt4lIt tbt ýtho fflogt4b, ** wus %lý-. X 'qivto « ét,%Ilbmrtm 841*04wi oclagn oeb"Il Pielier. er cala eowu*r pkk elle a juM et thils tho pui* tu %tb*k 'ýbbIl 1% bof Of thp létef. rIfft sàom lupeowbr *W *9 lopien fer m dm WOOIN a - Moddm ai. pru- semmott"yqàrtut ho lemm "M autabud" la um lamoud. t-dl% fî 1-f 0- rittâm, men temisa 1 il cou ý el, miniellui et --9 ehë l.k.rtk-41, b»Wpte liblotéid liait é ilitio nmab villu ta lowqto on rtwm*y *#,Qbt Alle two twum» lu"-. m S" *W sboiibb mm eu, «IL Tbte a lutte tift m encocha et bft PM 41b bbwhl 01 teftt 1(elu to tho "mk4omt" lawn. kb-t. Tho ecmttèum q# fêté "W %gum ký14ibon élucer et Uneï toi og Dr. ou Wt«M. tau bu& dette, la bümbm M-nove" b-IM h-W f-i. »IlId ##in tho #»» -bol tend bbesuwob ùffl itwwftbm lia lhë doit 4%..- Solielli, Pfe"bu of vietowa Md m a rab the la Olinda, me tnu aw etik. aed M', br eouçosbtu %le un the (!Mqtabw kKvt wliffl Ibo x4m Koto."4»tqb coeur lýIra» et Agde ta b VI fur "à Win cSctum b---Rbtr Ilbilà. lAt4p qNèd bel ulitié wèm At. W» Mkbwm with bhw »Sice 44 Md Oum au _ & Be 4,-leo bu b-V. ma -*îàk as -eh dm a abîmait b" --d INlý.itfbv. tie, tiépaot, t«biei IclW» .41wno)b*44 =«*Aw @Qum Tb* uurl 96 *m munis qwNýzM h4qqýq* IWW4 im , wb«* ý Ille, wéb or nul& là am el rt ', 9»ýIR-luil i m 1 DL for Our OMMÈ b e l bw«Mmm MW cet *0 tgo#-am tu bb ab Y ' "& *UMM- Pawr the W» a amok: ibb le ewtaàww A11l m o» et léc, wbomw7;iaT Imm »A*Mlà tiiI ilez a le" &Umm le Divi» IUM» pr~Wo th* =0» io» -W est-elle. kow-iwetffltbumwpmob @agi& M" oix oul6 fwbiojf*r$ rWilles tlv##bot»d mylce. Wb e ntonna »Mur -Mon» ta lie *» awmm Md $bM& *SM Md mou zbâm" 1 -bur la* ait irkiL nu» Aumiur ou, ammedm tille bhý Wb" î émane. zl,; ý ý 0 bu go aboie wfm àw ý Iqq Wawbe Wb" or zwbm Unbý MUNI%