osk VEEUER fi, -~ jr- 'USA -aine% lugaigi ba" te ma'& 1ould *0Sie l. et p*0 u but mi eut lu .v isWuo. Sy uéoouasou IshowuMYssl uêba~ dil Ido mot vaut i. be thcqb oe. vw uMd a., a plein mas plssé IrO, t the mois foa'mid- shie uleuuMlss.aune could fLsd hlm. usif ~ nn Me ae.sd -horr r4 fwtm. t.MW enimeuw ofusa, 1md sf aduMrmpblil4mih. a ou f ée eno- wold show me à»u t1su w«. bttises frslsould be*gt t.sIh th. il, aud shonit "ow fmIsin mklo 0, i netnd cftrniy ahevl lob.Gthe by o ue ev sué etI. hiftes b.- îouhfmge. bihuglu iseo.. m 44spea t., Mg, -tein&eh door su dumebdl teeut <hUme Kpolr to& vashard IOn Robonu tviseWcMeomd habs tab. . vs.w Iito ud ablet mrkd m.foumy thedmalebue smd *e Shbiade 1.0<! uof f«hes omel"w.Ilede h. te et -àlâl*ýw« Chl. et ,memd 0iasemieu a iter"0Cut hem..b miievda lie un hoW o0er -th"is.," h.nid bus ftait!bis"(vilsahe itu ast 9 vl a. ~ ao moseu Ibhfo kgnv 'Ws a nu, v.ld dba ~~P, ioofr n alu u tbu s' qb. i eh kmbai zutd I X n tbem th.wr Wà tlk ILxim jy.W'wmP =a ~ vi u ii.b; dm«eokor bu>WN4a p d*m*hugvuikia . t C. ga m bvu -ue- ME .hum t - thm W mu tui1La o i bis 'ain"M mm&bmbiéamès h"d. ub ioe bd d ..às.utheUbdé ijimi. I tood amhdi mallewMuid t mmoalHva enteh.r gqMmi, ffeh.hopes..que.- 401 * dUblh.uebsobia i h a I detemaned e. ab*p o. tim4 "W cm L dr s ~I tuS.9 ne !' y me~ MW., I aù' is ou j mmd. hwwusf on Y "This b iS I - tm tly sub@se te -&M& Ioklm a at ug heh uady 1 hmuoe ha liCyen bmmk of tIe poop. The hostavai vu i.ae E u I . u in os.<m Sd.at h s e t Npecti fo y, mmd he ~ ~" *M! uoo o dmt" I uhai Iaughed, but mous of- the narim S 7 hw v qp w m* 1115,U as u ~ <i" .. th"y indulgsd i wereaudible tu the ara gué 'l'm arm M" *e-a ipou sy wu s"-the wbeoL. veut to * uS! kpdl. e~ .4 .uh te. ai 4nmiiivMidu thie biwme ud nd . iI~4 '~uijim.tthjI ThaC'sOur dours. Lot this iad - 5u --- CV Mt u w4410 in -2- »«1,mammd, hld and ei mon h.o lear of Clus mirt * W&s MI Mviun t i fuIly th" 1. igbt mm&". ~.touwu .b. . voe moeda etam »*ic. o . "Thesewmàs abouti, i «iv« Us4, bMtaMmi. m .putîtr." hie baud "Laihim ès.," id I; "tl!! amwe.d the.mon.. * ~ ~ ~ ~ I "ZW néuti. iiqi. sde. i oewt f.- hum nmors WoodBuat 70U vil! "Aud omneouxh, too!l mid [. Io !v.mwe Re alii Vthe1.nidi.m* hmlemptmas: une?' Sdo mma b. o «14 I rneo, "orne, Io b avea look St - "Tàmth r1 "bds <manbsmotoe- "bouMr ie asdu.,V ta mslloy het lbalsmn h wt1" "on have nothng so four fron t the An ho dii not mme. diapossd to tulk 1 I~~~~~o buSv.W o.qo w Io.sth. doom t.ulaiKmi.Rob. mm.," I mid, vilmiag tC e muruishm. Ilat hmm sud joiued the boaavilk. ~~~~~~mm Mmmd gu s.~ h.le aaPmuot xag onne glauce"They Mre vflg e. cknovisd<etdo aud St 357 requeet ho caze netsd o Uàmàa b. avM bouCiserUubt with he h . aeis, &"ud dredasimthority oft he prs.. tbey nonme with Xi. Robertuon. WI h f 0 u mu a y . dlva a o. .y .f e ti. s pe r put over C e n- s boson, .Ste ve. ' h1 oh aslady vhaty t r- I~~ Thaa m»ky no esebdbe,.usn[Re poesd over the cbsrt vfth bis sMd m al"ietdte me tbefa,"Imdi 55~~~~~ a Sbts»viicre-tviicm! dirty forsinger upon it. "IshouU n ot mind. if tspoqke a kv vox»o. "Sh. i. fuil of cours,". fPmi svee fihil aequdmata, Wha.oubou&s re yuOw?" h. i4- e. me," &h *W dLI.t hy<»d sd I have asked herto corne on deca Md1l tbt.bai, Iàqu â.kuov vbat e. Mrto tIbem,maus eth.y Chat ve mny lalk beforehbe." myuelfi uq 11k &,des ln a 1l. Ipoit.ei bsthepot, a. mmatm-1Ivers brutal.- "If shoti as brave » seepVtt7 8h. !oo10W OP as ai., sd muid, corUUjudge from yusaeday>a rookon- 8h. suddeu!y addsd, putluq ber ruckon nos rmany Il cSMrybraver heat.i "W hi,& 99 o.r lubaud a.behS hmi sud &abs ut uh. Mîux nthau e, .aiadosu "I mutqahnisýt." v ne nt " Wh..et' h w fe P# - iam hbe vithauanair of respectful"Ilhantry puiishuto.W ss"o!"ht. h ogiuab ' ave un hat." th"ti vW» tkzg te Me Ps."s.ddae onie« bar'..ReaM hiseye tohe botto.. of a. !aessahtu haao" hookdonwt mi ~ ~I** ad ahi, hro ls. C, . atitde, In han btshe piedo o "te ftOn a ach. ae ohe as us bonushsp wluwhchouMcuvraoul irmy ak u alor imit h' Si st br e rui h.a"l ornes ifdoa auvh o, ve . for ait out. sore hae cthe Atoi y'> ouunomosa s0&rie : Waa thoanites suggetodb1 tti lady, *s 6pu Ut ni , 0' 9n the m"ht. o y. ata.ofai "oila id vemver.ad R otun. Her fatlhrim lc7on ft "Nuhngbu apsti.Bu touk"Vl!lauayfur." sinklumqhehspa rai vith mOrn ofah, t d& t. TsIO&Uo vs r eck.d 'belma tvnimr . . . . e sband *l"ill hmbe eladon"amba d mid on, in t fpt mg naUi- m t ae i-e n t.~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~u »sIhf.S u . uvyt hee eey"c u bautts or of asving saatheg1 "* tu. & . obverpo eh.v «W m a s v u dsagi vt W a s mi a .. ed t m u livev the auhideabr o e h. ino s lt.ad. roe- .ue-ot eveu n otml, mue.ish? udbmtrauuiget h Uruof te look at b er adosagberw. Hrf I~~~~r jet 1 The wua.Aua."ldmeo dc."W Imisdl o.o da re '.e b" rmubr, e agnou y re.h " mat . " * . minqleiL uiy 5eayv dai! vn t ut sud ah. g o - . 'lay h a sld O 8h. t. 8obar oisc hi budmmd9T0 Ys. on.aIf'!- odufi.bhâe o oh. bnqa,... let j uda wrryncaI h *Why ula no mm, merMdCh. ip lire au h ah. te sut svehling clouda-broerm»shptdad."ee ustIy. la.?" hé auquirsiumi ter ug bih s m, s d kb luoe sud è s. a tala-, ng ber d.o iu t a ug ry "Loud ia at' is curs ibct ynai ,e a. imit by o r shirts, sunai oSres of Lad t he replin i e eaad pshsy s.E o e at yuu au ofmy R ts. h dAy um b-il a e, on I mandai y Ca aùa inbo'thm m ' lmuuO O"' .t 1 h.14b. rs h . " mef, s d ha me bag Th e me aiulasi b w av Ch. "QlsU o n.mis; nlMbava unuoé ie Cuelle ».. miha ulv "Brmua" 1usl vs. sh m et aaouvh brl1liMdte ff -ana ch. eonds uithdth ahe m a hau m àm.couli Md 4 .Wup .mh ' t. ili wuae buigourl.Th h, lftmird-&h! b. versam talainTribbeet' $bYp vouye enis . ?'flO thea tchig of Ou.hy ahn fogot at Wall -mume and fcore. W.!!,m MMu.lV OU"mes vt dtpu&my "ars a mmm.. -vu' soltonX«-',. OSkmut ho sm vse.cua misohnloo. iaOo hac. onda, a rd dS mmc b ig dshmp, uenudlluvmie; a rii if. vanlusai Stsh., sud ai*d oId huaate he u frilrWe t biul ."~ ib odja aeoIpulgo eh.~~~~~~~~~v tiu a ai. ub fa Aluhh. ehut, iIseh. bfalont awmi u o ah oetai Oa1"Mth. Reyua. sg a. eaih sud boiti.. hWke.usp u èstabl s.kim uut îed sy isolay 6hue 6ne y'-e. m pi ar» e the. oui bisn uda bamÏ " ýùmg Mr le~ r..éme veudbt n in. m;Ch mansedh. othum lii. h.botavin voubW» Mud t h" lu. t cm ie c ar im c m uet!ls .4 - mm hip a ïk mo on. d 7su d bur aspect a h.ep ttra i ab T hreii wuar hi* staî F i R t s.., drive m.s ais.imme . h it. 1.as ior dm-upi t u th t nérund t im. Adtea Sa @W » ù fndt!: 0Ch.wKa ésMu ,n s on aavu eas eau Gg .im.yit r ee"n. oa t,o b. a . a ndl Cha W*u vW"os sm ' ss " h oy.eb*c h s n brm-voak. Th bi&lnge at r m "o1kbr. in"h.saveg minis m, ~ aoué ads1 1 »eu &1. .os. coUsleme Ch. bousg swud a. achow if laa. lt w he..foraa ait ons hu 'hem&Nvlog g. "-"Waout I8"h. naere! rv* Onmke ural.bem wmctheuunauosfmibis a6ir i. jus: 1bM e m te v Md sV' r b, 41bouI tw»1 y ao e6w1aniiu jt ae.ontIi:Ci e a, usv u à*Ab«" a"bsuukm e M -"Âm unIt! phéty ueR pq m e u a hntmano ns f1.t rusa, u la oonas. u aiWd., - -1 aauI w i! .b . laiua»ulai i *0 .g9uttri o heam of abusuRoi b Ch. akapo&, msud lin. -eh _'i j- m mm, -'m -' -tua *»i a bas o 6m m ut pu sUa(wnd~~.s a.ua Chat = Ma01 m abeuldm b. moriel éhIm!du.ecaOre s ud Dàhag o 684. S'l Tmv.ung pCue ae.Thy imabae wE li OSt M; met bpeaohs i utheu -boa"ia' "uyfaeerné oe aurm v. te b.à do n é h . ivo :dita! eut h iug., ue.»I. emldM d, amupit he ~~ t bt'a vine Il a. oT &Il pte m u a b h ~ goal u ta ' aM _t vis me mmmiiMdbery auii. àthe au m bso!hi i.h . md âe vU osl u" 9 ès oo% md t i uss*0aM ne mIç.hLi G h. sebdo,. m aella. u. us; é four o pmla"asautunBled, capy, ls luiO Oml. t Kbedo fnd t" v» W% Imm out.baiaii de Wm of th uimqI. b.a-,t Th ineou"tr uff i , vkyhm. iba homn h èsY 1 W"ida Me tovl q mmu aG. a abumn h b.11 st mo t aeimir amué.at *0 bufre il At~ (Ijupith ii plis t tlgChs u.ug a éa ,a bae Ium.iihe. rSa nber a un Mdutm ée b . et v -s 'arn hu oly a i s M d - - * um uwàm i rus a tis u a u m m ht h Mur a Umm é sul bmburbrv muh m t thdes'muhe a. la MrUe s ts dus. te. u. MM svnsC.CiecusymreCa adabc* vu ii uitlviaa bv k.iMWisda minutas, à6die. w MW-u "V'uuy uSé," .-ucomh mmil- oia Wit I ay ise lu ès vh drusMd bat Ch.for t"seuim m "H.téMie u b tamg rmi..- hiaai lu"MMit vi atm