Béit Mi=-A M et mil. voub irae. =XÉ. am at la bleu JE M. M lamw eut la M bu@& Mm Md lm dm* bons, brebeck 0m". mimm"bý hme -Imm te 1 b-K- l î ý- - a 1 am âm ta = «dout the the a Ur. &Uh§Ramtm4bw the tbmu;.=- datée ma M The dqwa the Idm ta 1 Ume the emm te b*ef a Mm lm Me tour Mr of Nam force bue à fi ébem, M Wodml> griumàs.--Oa the lm la@& Ur. M ;Tbe et M tbm 'Ilem or martvm wàà indted la MJW6 M te Ulm En» Turner 19 nueb. - A" the 'là PMMb .... Som toit et a MW rbé P!VOspffl Wou performed hW th& UT. Ur. Ail@ný an mW@w et AlîS- Libut. la brouM M and thât thoir M"bie lemmuggaum et Ibo F"]l ma balbre ha audd LaM 4»wn with roses. MM UR&= xàxý la avéty hm nt @Baba"& SALX ý or LAWD.-Ur. AIOIC. Piment. we hare né hm thma ivie -a la ommum- 9"ým« twe atil, lecuw et *0 et t Prime nmifflwmbbwt 0%* an the rpper là hm a .. ý ..... W zSd -"Ir. in Ïhat competilicia. Ou»#& thiewlaitéramait larner quat. forts la the parth, vM et BuumvcL-Bgr. Shi" hm mon, titr et »quu» tituber thma Wou faitout = te Xvý joisa la" t- the - f- bis old stand lots Mr. C«mpbeW* «M We trials Ur. Luth encensé mom The buadigg thos &Oud la, b- tore dotre te moite rame jor a -Aumi» me nour wbu thMU& the commodique a" whùà our Ott&lii Oeueul Daum, amrojc& boeub. Mwtor Campbd 'leguew =ý Bank" la ab"L twmy Tim Leur te 7ouva thrue in evecting .... M . àc assis bée oq0am un WM a 90114 01" 10 Yeu% et Mr, 8110 cOWm-enced building a, résidence station for dkimeem& Oeil Of StOPhOmci ait home ofts mom- and faraiturs ehop an KhW.W_> nuar ' - Pai&Amabmà MID M OmU Per me go 00 te school, whieh was oidy a the Pm 001M PÛM& haft distance away. The lad ma r*»ý pimmAu - Mr. Jobla te mina la U» t-id» sud aM dey J.P., hm lert Balonver xenw,àd& Md -r«idmuh.,, - à ýà sola nienu of the »ighbon if tbey knew a-mmrm-xr. Ma" Byron ait. te dousât et Au-pookiý Md f his whoremboutik Notbing was hourd el MM wfth a memmt f the mon tia the other = ac un bis W&W battu hý *watt* lm rheft hfà= Lll recoiveil a louer i9ý' bu borne ma away, r«mIIý- 1 1 1 il WM louait sol oubewe' la Marrie thât the ton la à en lem Mr. Mow saimy2a am wm theve and th" = 1901 lit. 1. . ýAa Iris Entdd» Md bleu ta the il&rAMon lunwie »y- coula a Md a didoccum ai Imoebogby a pu oler Men la Curé: M The futber or the youait mm là. the der by &U down obuer a tow ,Irebm,4- an % - èàFý tu brSd M& goiffl te Bataillon te me hiza. dey& ago. doy au mmpe& but bis driver NOUNTPI-W-#Xdxz et a GLEÈARX. lcarrempmxtmu Ou Tb* INI-L 1 TeA Mmn"o. - On Weduemby ad ta reninx a MSnd t«-mStlug wu eld in temperazee baïffor the vu= dow a" cou now accomomm the plo> r, wfth un the gand ilé. - ,hie bad ho= »pffl by du ladiés ý M*m Boum-The motter or the Saverai mm &Bk"@ la otdàag moue~ 1-this loeality; but atter abent two seuil route between Woodvtil% laier, orw soude, » avait in Engkm& 1mý persans bad token teathut was ýGlemkrm and Hartrey bu au beau oet- hm a Landes nad Impassible; tberefore It was an- ded yu. The midi «M omm by Cam-. = ,!ma me upmhmm& -rE me Ume thirdtea-meeting*ould bray. The dUBetùtv la tb&týtha rater vrhmm notes. D eld on- the Monday even:ng aiter 0 Wang dm Mau te coms by C&rîe %àlowe'eà, when It la sùpPou X-4RRrAUR& -d ail the as theïr buMom lits botwM Md. Mage Witt bé,dispomed oL ld. g tLny and Linemyand the Glaneras R*vý JàiMý IL XMM4 luion, ten omis ; 'come one, and Ut" Il et." 1 - p; b"M. Ur. WM! Mle th. dieatiOu the came "b, People w"t the man te ose - bodviUe as tboir bustes» lkmv-i ckrk uumbiN tDà»A2wmlo4, mdaorpe nom 09 IM was reaitzed. lits divéedy between WoMrille Md ".1,9b,-oe j"àffl% lhqý àmý sipt. OvIt ScliOOT;.--Our tmtwe have re- Tbamto. Tbeir Jetters w de- their present toucher, Ur.,*Vm *tue te &o la a houry bieh they--- an. ille. ondoë W)Me go"rammt our, as WooffirIlle as they ha» te De a E% Prowminget" lyandere&t-, lem time in the dace, it beim the CIM& bip, bly. third dey after ther lesve boue uus T they eau ha rond In Toronto. Aisé fume wme canée, or other the jettent -Ur. Jno. EL Crusés, addremed hue take- thune dm îougor ýlesman of the atmul pou ehofta foc- te 0010e.tban thejr would bj, Woodviâ& W A!ý w0Qld un g Who ,haajueigoldto r.J.ILDandaa Ever @lacs =the ing et the Cambra wl«em %a9ftvMý à~ Md Ma" la Andsay the Augues and September route the te of, Martwy te a yenau con la tme. plans be kind quonié *of the fanory, amomatinit toise Ultuarm ha" beau Sorting la g, te k«P cheir advicetb tben"vu wd niait ,Ome- The Pries obtained was 12k-- by the.Xipligng two or thuCe A1ýÉa ho. bedu». Md eue@ C. à: P. m earlY moite chasse this sumintS fore the lavoirîs wouldumv& Tuusa 0't 21, ought two shillings a hundred more vexations ewav te «PwimS& The CICHOOL TIUCHER wAsT»- the English -market than the Jeter g.-ple whix té ha savend, f 0. hZe, ow & 9. ske of au other factory, and of courts the et or oilices and ut thoir man sur. 3. Emilv. âpp»eaum la be Muée to *0 e ail maïs now sold will feteh just ed datly off the train. It wooM ho treil bohui lm mer good If net a better prîee. This tact fer Gléosrm and Elutky If It wurs se T'. very creditable te the chelem maker, se etmid thon a" their Mau titres o»»Fvi"p.oý r. Joseph lloght, Md la &Ise due te wmkbn" Woodv&Ue and ha QTRAY GEMZ-Càl» jalb *a u order la winch the milk bu Weil Kj = of tw -aumuw»à. lu et la nk M @Mt t'O the Ret bu W*114 £KM GUM 0 M PIN* & -PORT HOPFL rebased Imm Mr. Bobt. MIU« or SUDDIM DEATM-Mr. Robert Glain, p-e2t. et-h4t the colobrated lm or and marchent, woké up Weduembr lek-br"deri fi line I« with a very »Vers vain la hW rio*t boor, à, = W" Skshire whieh se aide. Medical Mules wae oMW la mtv-am «ý Lbdmr, a MAT the.ÇqQuib Ontario- bil show. The Whou Il; was tound thst ho was suffer. H0»Zý vu ses sués Wàà tels. wwbwâm »d terprise of Ur. Crume in tue way of tâff fuMa lattaransation la the bowels, mMb- mrsýehL Mr venez swint lek-ImP-tim dmuv« WgPPRI- front wbtch ho aied Tburà"y alter, bwm&u- tbâfflimàso %"»» wu bu tas nSn. se lesTes a Young was, a". child. %,TràcxzD »T à Tàm Dimp- - A Y-EB- Surr.-la the IlbeludtotPrm deer bd«md« te Ur. P--Uaniem ton of the News against Troyes et tim arired Ur. Brown, ebotourapher, la Tirnes Ur. Nogent obwood a somme» - Harrismils yard t e other night te c &" the venue froin Morthumba- cl rove ou of lu horns partly land and Durham te Ontario. 1 Sftoi bond havmg*ftum lobe= lm, r«Ah his thiab. The anima could A Cuniotrs rZure bappenad a few, Livwvwos or .el in garour Ou j"a IY be.driveù off by st"ing it wilh a d&Ys MO la thi township of Bopa_ý A nuoi, iw& m rforir. formera son h1d'his leS se esrioésiy in- . icalorâLir Wou."M-WhOe Sergt. jured by a sinethasanspoution Wou 1 v4by, M Oct, la a - U.J-.e" C4 Fritons was marking ut the Belle. :e2mb" le ride rue Th D fSt was caken away tt on Thura"y bé came Some daya sitar the oper. NOTICK-1 horeby am- 1 140a Pu»,u &Pin" Pueboomr or bft0Mý t te et 1 t a 91ret abat. The next sti(M tIt* bâtlent waa verY autour. lie iu;r = ,te My rira - n h" ami within & few suc. said ha was vained bv something ha- tobe -eabr" Md a6ta, le 01 tween the toes of = Mh Aur'. the ilru and the ballet hit 1 tho"foct which hod Lw the M:me.,= «Cb. paye" te J. ]IL [Ume la the bock inilleting a serions been taken air, - persuasion Wou et ne und. avail and the M"y h" et jeagth te -ou-M' az mmtau, 4" L SHANTYMAN RILLmm-A. Thibau. vield te his entreaty te ha" the limb tu, a French Cýu"iau, &Md U èxhumed. It waé dug up led la Grhubtb" IM Thursday nougit hetweeu the tes& wem titres rnin%, A Umm agaux oc ché: kernels-of mm white thm morewere FORISAL OiR RIV '0 od telled la fallien etruck a d"d lSbedded In the heeL On their ratura JL' Tb* & baget Lot Ne. t eu& &, uknpmlý. e, hieh struelc the deceased kllllng home they tqiind the qui uGuemabg lu MR& Thwe ave sa the premim a instantly. He %irae employed la . Con any palchologist or »y un P-athbun'a Hauts thora et account for Iti &W P-P lu tau ta wa b"M Md tie L AOIJM*ét WIM ELOPES WITH A NJUM) WIULR &Ummlk-IAU fmuât 1 iomm-,à lWatui sensation bu Thuraday afternSli white Barth Mon. i and chavcàý ud adift j«Mlu. a creaud bois by a staiternent ab. My- 16 Young MMIL employed with a ula maum - the wb"F. pet pwny à md hure that Mrs. àhy*m wie of th-abiiw machins worw am Co- '-ünnàýM- ý oMý» Suva a",: or, bu fth. Geo. New. boum white «~ In a = »euf- Mr w sec»»MuuotiL Ap. ai rd, ait" Proc. ftewtth an«heryouagmanwutbrown piv te : à nélarfous biamist and confi- icith Such violence égainst the boute zt«At 'TIMS, W_ DONNk somm M ma% Who WM et the sprins a11ý er as te breakhislennear theankle, - le convieted of obtaining gonds me unfortunue yfflg mm bad CAPITAL 0"XEL ler faim pmeum and mm te MOI r-vered in- six mou" Ji la sad th&t Mm boing rua over by a wWj by rer14 a good-looking lady of forty, 'doué- lAirob-d" Lomd]M ", 3 Wns MétrOn- of the zaol, beciisii A COUPLit Or àccnmrm-a&. ihr A lirig.," INM primmer, wbo la a VOY Seamom of lot 24,4th cm of 9 durjng bis imple. on Priday morning wen ta hm = Q wm. «Piring ehe, ta attend ta bis heme whm hie àM ho. 1 isbutommul erted berhusbmdmd famlly. malt- cafflentangled in thebeddingand the j TshauL 110atiMM of a visit te triendi in the hersa traraped on him and bruite bis Onum )MA IL ted States. She retumed te Brock. jeg nesr the vakle .... The same mara. Tý and wxote ber daughtor, Who on 09 a lad -bout seventeen Yunus et IMP lm imaý «lu ton ber theve et ber request tenait mvium*emm et «b" is, 30t. livi 'withNèwboldaàdreturned Pl. of a. saabias. desoite ber entresties tbat they iÎi iÎ&déi-'i;h-i eeýlê év'mbîm, Sud la utmon"mnawat OUM ild Joie ber. The varties am weli i breaki« hie thi9b. Q lk M= eonSquently, the tentation ted bY the atlWr la ail the greater. NOMMBROCK. od. 2§ý nu ri FC«remoDdemotThe Po@Lt - te this untortunau occur. PAU. WIM&T.- Notwithet the e M eOnduOt 09 Mm Nevm bail total fuIlwe of the Un î aove reproaeh. crop ma year there has berna verv I&M busudth BOBCJYGP-UN. sown la " thie bUmd atpre mat It la 1 le Y well. àâ TWM M lty.--The Methodista of a rois the land hm beau la 1 Uffl p beldainivermarvser.ieucmd ý lirs&-ehm style, IMMM«- owed a Suaday nad Muu5mY the Pro- a" Weil manured; la fýut oSur i of whieh netted the handsome allait of sotring fan Who« cm IL Km y% 09 OW te ha auplied Co the ýsr«« land am prepared in this way. - Pév. Mr. Clarke of Lindsav îook Gaà-qaa Xzrrrý»._Thj regWm OPPOUM TIM X&RMM iorviemorà,80"Mand wu highly, monthly meeting of nmekum W&A "ted. the chureh la the evening beld at the residence or Uc. Sproule t crowded ta lie litniont e&VàdtY. on Fridav evening 15th jasa. Thora ýw BAsm.--The Dominion book la was & fuft &tteudsest or mmbm sa P-U-1-vtnglbur avou mm am inty, bas takfIl a vM w» ÎÉ:F tu tant ana the grange aftans te be.r. nit Mr. J.A.Barim lie auli tore. -Aie,- T. 4- 8-- Umm 1 ou m PWl quirles bavé rmebw the vattem boue from lveécad coaeumàw*e aube" 4 hod a lumbubu la 'hm a bouv Umm hm tô Ob%*». rqprailqg Mr &buvâ 1 -' mon; fý-*e «Roft et Ptut F«"Bbma -, "Wm the, troubles TIM Om*vatwe- mam mi fwmsmý av* hm t îwm» mys the pavo« hm, »W sous 'owey Pffl ?-y Md IIIL vecom, ilsai la the cm Imm vid te, -, ce la »M Woed it wu au lat«Pference the noittiul Murs 09 la Ood emp momad nuwub. '.t= No the Srty 1 probembea by the LW* of tim 40 i!ýiw et PO&M rot se ter. la Wh" ~ &M !Ocutâ JOUI14 IW9ý plum brmle@nl6 vu inium Imam a qmmm 01 hmm" Sdw attmp--,&- 1 milLy- bu Dm aulww la onatem4mar MM or poney avises, el= =- b ibns-quak=ý*L M. OMM ffl« Seuil Plut == ý *-MM a la tlm --- -humer bu lloteliki" armomm- mobay amd su PrOL U"Duw" et Dwtn Brm A" 8 A4 F MM te Wu hW for MM Othm "Vuusemm la âme. M-0b. emmm tbit commme, 1 WIL 1 bave MM bar tbmà &U Mut m be dam the 1. oum ltAlzh4 wet &M dry, mf 1 muet b" go wuMm," tb, W. W. W& th" bar eqwà bas au LIMI»y, OCL 21 a" 2IL id la 64 or J. . nommSs saïn board imemmatly from Aye la iboud somow. =MMU"tdiptobed Wbatie-mh-dýtbmalim imr compludomiw ., ma du iii go "toit. Mr. WWU, CI un tw Who formufb blub b" fis of p iffemmes. WC à L -mvmtmm lheute mon NP ma au 0 $âomoL" bc iê mi OMÉ»14 ý»MIL "du» lut teetoue i b= le r him4ormýthm ho will lu -du joblé la thor are a àm 1"11 --- - itivelv âm'.Wý malk . c the bu .9" lu jý àge- emp Mie by P ouumpwS lac BRADBURN Don ý ý . . Il . , 1 ý . . , logis" à .1 ý .,ý. 1 1 ý ". . ý ý ý . 111019pr ommetou - ý. . 1 - 1 ý .. :.-" ý __ 1 ý % lu. P,-lw» bu mote ».m* ta ý . minum MWPWMI owibm ý ,ý 1 ý,,, , ý 1 1 1 t«m IIII a . "»Mmibo et *0 etaimattelliglagieur 1 1 ', :.-., ý e='_,ý__al.==.. raml*« Oum 8" la t«» 04 lut . ý ý - 1 1 PM,**edwpfmk Aewemtugm;lmàvuwa . M wqofflbmmumoadwbehmaeigm lm ý . Il. dmbm«&*Qmm- --, . ý ....... «--W- 7 V. Q pr4mt"t ý . Il ý .. .. _. ý 1 ý - . ý - . Il ý abwm aoowm tu Pm Illocilolar «~ bigage, de. il w» à com eh" rat,. lu ileomuwwwm Il 1. ý ins - UM9«?& IWI»dW*'ti»ttyrdp« we *wm«u tbu àun roebm t» clow: Il 6 ý ý Il* Il _" x«Mý»Ï,.M*ýq, 1, ?W .4".:,.m il -__ 1 -H-ý& moreb»tmmd Oum à .,@Iiwwpmdw Ut WU Cb$Mý MOU ai A. ll««. bM»d bla". enfteq"dout le tobemm tu - ýý ý O - 11À # . UPMW i4qtrtww«u m'heu- SAURV mpow fflu"%Id% dw4mot ý . I11111111elle Lindur on the éth et Januw MM »der . ..... ý . 1 1 e u aube Ibo A# Muo»bb faillage, Àpwlk. , . * ehcl &Mme» calle the xmbmw '-danse ta 1 ý ý ý ý . ý r 1- . ý a tore *W" idiciedif a Pm 8" wimw Ana& "9"*4.8f"-nmt".Iebe - ' ' - - . . ý . . 1 1 ý lave r th* wfalfac 1= à Prim" te rocettvigée a O»dmt cet m e" là ,, 1 . 1 . . . "en4l" 1 OMM ,_ 1 1 1 1 ý ý ý . . -.Vý 1 . ý - ý ý. 1 94» ý . Ü, =Y Iej.."#ýlpe Inter av ompbù* au *0 Dope. ýý de 1 enuemamenumacu" f. 1. .1 ýý 1 1 t Cr . .1 - .- . . ý notablit t &pO» Ici bu mm Sible *te% à. r4muffl la mmumw no~ auh la . O m Zi . - ý O«"* àgelbo"-Um$M" rbw.*. wlibt"004" mos-b" W*-dwe'. - ,t*u » = «> 1 - Ille : . ý . tuudallý 14 Fi Iii d mpp»m et nëw zée" Jaggage gagerhagagalle Mui ýý . --, ý . ý 1 , . . _. . ý Tho guendannabry, f»Mnblttf* or the ýr.-r- le = 5% pagagaltelle 1 ýd ý . ý . , Clt.ý.,,M. Lllý,ý mf4w4loA r.h%èrtti.,rtbe-ato omtem m lerteil ý.""U lllhahdd de Po-le,. hlMoh oupagagale " et gagataly, Car ý ý 1 . 11ellfe . ' . Matelot lit il*, chorch th SAIWIliay on Tuoodur . 00" alogg lalm engluage «WaN w«M mumalam r0boudelleelaqIlle-=hyaagepnagefim1'I-et34, 0 0 0 = , . ýý . - ý q .Il ý : ý . ý ý 1 11111114 -"Il. )*44,1#ýt,ýttteilttl»%NV**bNit",ebv i l . 4 SigSd tallet vwatm tellement eu& 44 - ,... . Il golf bIISMj2ýc&0e Gi -ft, (et whiob jj@V . . B»Dffl ireim PO la - il MW raw» MW eurmalik tirc. %allie ntI1.14byst» - Ehz. 34b, baclacelle. ju gm & M AW L ý . èwlb4. a kt, j'ralliaient. W'('hblnn». Ï4 ý Ille armber oww» Win bu too" the pue , ru 1 1 ý . - . 1 ý tel. . - Détérabbéi, iliv. tep. ýtibthbléblwt of'rore, Il, spectus or ahhb ladhaîtrattale, perw klàl W M . ý ý ziaturlb« albea Th preým'l; intelphiont natal 1,%*tuhý Niffl e ý. . . §,Vtltdtqit a tf,*$.,64.eil ý O ub44*, enflait et in the habite pubwIs=z et th Wil, mémomd Mr. XCF"à princillui et au ý ý 1 1 -lu bra hotte ta te," tetw wtg mtudormnawhodumanà»dia 1 1 , (foblikldx'r Mrm, m4boNtIsq'tobtiore je ym» 19 .. élle Z . , ý ihtorfh WiNera leev. lie. iltultattaliquel Witt (lait. ethons »nmc«Wmeowbuowýtbb»eubemA hmrywwmmwtw-obwweekiae thi ý. wli, & .1 1 ý 1 . .,ý !lv#r4bitmttar(,(,»"%Isnft.rthortw,», Il ,% "d $mm by = ,. w«. oz 1-litffllf4v t,%,tieinj a I.bk«donai fil .,*çt of hégaghby rablaballair le *4 r te , le far porte 1 , . ý C AJWý 4 1 ý. . ý ft ble Ibeýltl'*t whi, fi tbitllmw" W Il taile lie veli mlvttèilbl.r lm kiwi la K whialh the modei gudeM do OU flattait? sonew "Wffl llff- $1%3_ 'ilitent. lbr. X01borla ltev. ' Ir' ii4fl,.Pr.a Ira battant - &bd, ý ý ImnwdtM MPM all ý.Y 1ýl1j11abr14 Rlý- Coril si ý Ir reliant - ,4 ,,W ]Il]" - 1 ý w pa"e'- adieun (et viewil am ",le, 9 - amont » IMM abal là . ý 1't'ri #Ille* allait lt#vý X 2. the* a - nait we;ok ho ý IV IRI:& IM 7 .ý ý . , * 4# 1 . ý . *nttbribeAiiibi4.l.,har.%tr(-IRJMP&O. 1 Il cm te are dratted film tbO-PU all ý 1 ý . 1 1 - - - 1-1- a. , yh"r". U te «ý lie rtanniabw c i. liait W tu 11(iwr el '01 ,,,a ZO"»"" .1 lachegalle.* attalcomtat am requffl oml»n non» illi à%*»~ ie. 1 -1. - trach la My Ut veille = M eh et - . ... 1. hi oxrtn».ý -: "81#,%Idf 1 . th. .1 1 . 1 ý ,%il .- - -laty -m ktw>%vliiit ttiêb& 1&1011141111;11[ avoutole ý = k = romi... tm'rebb*eràt' la Mr W&Y . ý traitait magentériblequer. ëîw ýjN» w ü1w . - . ý 1 lbr.(g;W.Ilorchkisi. . - . . terfe.»d Witt%. Teaebeg*tn.trabdi* et the , 06 1 ý ý ý 14 #iewDieýt»..,ý 414* il", hotte 1»#*»Ot *4"ý exige the lienvon Intentée . jeouhahy mollet gekça bave oujoyed emoid, 1 clo s G S m * ý ' . - ýý ý t1.l»Daý ,bref i..>,v te, idek telle elle home newýjDh, Mr. J. ùý- tenait" hm re«tved Oo1Iffl ý q.lèbble.pd%«4%lkt&qm a" we boire ne, d"blibe vu . 0= 1 ý ý . 'r.r(ý,rtllýa.tl'ýx»«. ilbe, qut*44g«ttll éladver - . 1 ý 1 ý « ý . ri,.(,e rtilty »tn-14.4-141tý lent ffe4t litiportmb,,o front Mr. K. La. Ortit, tf.tiéawpkbm fera MW *Choa Witt lie maintailbeai with Lnermeed et* se . , flo g im ,r & ýo » « *I ý 1 ý ý ý.ý 1 t.tiomp.t.itebt'b.lr.ltl.igi,%, Mr. lir3,tblbt R.,j briek-eliblet ttb KIPIUM, thM 1 M'Ofbtry bu . affaiblit M enrY. 4" with mch 1111,11111agerrega"Shatio 'M luit ft 1. lent, tante t falt 9rribl 111 léogn'o (et the, gare'. nt cottorenk. , . 1 . :er .rwnS May *Umm or C»ewawmm 1 . , ý iltleqbftg lier (Ille thient (IR thoi gboivte of Pot, .%jr.ý,rhogt..%. I)Otwe. of .Martpona town- el rage. 1 . big ý. co" £T #4 -.- - raz .. . ý . . ..(.tqnl,àgýtl.ig.atbw.t4t.,W.t th MARY .0 ý . ý lm ettion. 1 ai .big%. hall à bQY Who &m% a borne a dom Ut . .7» osais" 1 ou forneil il don1l'y win. attention and tffltèlire WPE14, intîtrald or al em utillah powder- oeunainik. ýý 1 ý . ý . . . ý ý Vein't'. (:.td in the- lllf,«Itljth nuit gyt-ttina. iriat, ,ta,"* walo Worth IgIS& ý ý 11elle, prospectais et the* ou qu' ý le a ý. . farnww favor- ý : 1 .. ý 1 thé w4y týb"iDltgvti.illit (4,1119finggfitit, ilowet. .Ilht, .txe.tal msinuttt* appolielvai by the joli, palier Sully ber rat, la ou? ------ a 1 ý semblerait, art, a- trier.11 wèil t'atalletilléal ta, thonier. a. , . .- ý N o - ýý -M., oelliaty .4%Uirt' lhtOtitV t'OU of thO vehmm. The Country ami ý __ ;Om it of - ýü d -É W ý - 1 attentif, Kt- t»i-.é%l,ý fer 14 W lie, pattelte %vient .1 lt%»Iht'il tel tlu à " -le? et txiritotif»%tirt!owail'tt trtdw witllbýbeti», Il lit, hibe, lt,,o-tl,46. il..%t k-t*tbl%41tltt,(x-tiii. %ho villa*, huit (la bmttax. il. MIS bwtmL tete hotte &Wttenititral -iN, 01K 11(btJ,,ýl!K,%149ýM )(-'Klt Wl'ttt : ter tarte tt,.tl.ýýv I.W *Wq#A whtn the poplélu paravargal, pubdebe& mW Wb '. ' rht, entraletatifflarret flatter elle kbtà*Pk..e* et 00ntMu * vtlrjr irrieut itu&»UtY et va" bée 0" .. . ý . " 1 ý . - ý r4»iý 1 4, et, ("ck6i.titit, 1 fief ý .a. ý ý 1 rfmdllw maiter. white le le en 11.0 llhgbytirialb e)ngmmtkabý naitolintxd me ter lagtriteminy evriditiz. allie net ( alla _ = Pl»#-Qu» rmmew ft»". -C.aitlilfr la " emmrvatib-e> bd = te -Z e 111111111 IR t-osi.t.ibè4ti4,t% WPII olher Journalisme elle, final. hm lierai xt sellancit for a fk,%v reliait. , C!vm nette notion whether funk lu 1 TRE 0 0 0 10 EST 0 0 0 0 8 liait, vaitatice wtllr>ý etiveil tait if* pili-jbervtlabw. M or va néable théit maly ho stàggçded. 4% ton .. ý . .ý ý .%Itwrlf.tlb.%btriq.DItttirl.t it Ilow obtleh $nom .11r. 1). .%14.(.1nobt, ldâ(X,41 en (bar taille retutlIt of the Votraîtry (ientienim .isthe ý, - . - . 1 Iétr*-Iy Il.A41 liteau ri or ý bai-rore. W but, aigri t't.-ti-rittty a inonéeller flatte 01, dèle, ICA ameutera, of ïmntrihtlttbm Who un ellettala 1_1 Ille . 1 . ý :eýtltDtý% t. flot, l'il.t %ibbi.f.rt'bibt of Ru Soir.1tito ' " Cil .M Tiat, publighers tbile year ofwr ait ý ý - ý 1 1 - ý - toi varlety. vieilli tant Sb 'tenaient = tueront DI doit iiiiirt, natal inom Illoack "bar Ttwro, wert, seveur in the .. ý ý ý ý ý .. 1114141WI14-4t'.. k l'a - Il lýl1 4111 a(ittltttbnal tèttr"tion./ive. a t.np.vot their 'Und «M M 4. a epeint opon ie*.I.ýr(,%,t.1 ltbl'o't,.K% tant, la. hM, tbli'...Ir.llv>ý" large. ,riaoy %valait *,mi,,,t- Illtt*tMtrtt.%UhUM ltkljttgtiPrtlt 1. eve . . lot a volurgage, of 1 4 4 .ta laritit voigotin glandera. mýet.tltt"xt"..(.I..t.i,.t4lýbt.l.lkbp,4.0». Mariera.. (,ab Xtr. %it.oi8ltàiý in tete Frewh i*iiiýge. tlibnt,,wortit3oe, hérintistaryl:ic*etme bel ,.i4r,%,I.ýý.,,r%ýbrig,ýt4ýte»,ýt,..Ilitbsit.4,1b. NIr. l'ohert lltéltt.r.. nortit ward. làh4 lier W stelle, la teintait. le figav laisait wfth of a X " Ic & G la & -'eV a ic al !.,i.ýý,16ý.F.Olý-ý,., inapieilleut., tseelithik.ý 1.1abtbtgltlllti. ,.%Yý ghtDwt4 no the tailler dégy a elirlotdty 188 Ir. . tl(WT fier 8&i«* eakah. ,rlïiikt- atradrons of Wli !) tire iii4el.lit%@&.Ie.lf, la. .,Ilntylb.ie the -hape tir a tâthole or dark gras" ý4 hmtirlbiaýt *hottkt mnd:in ttieirnîub" tU in.1 ý11-;"-fL-o ,nomt ltt.ýliý,(t l». (.,èttà%,tétt,ý,ý%-It- on a vuttio . .ý OPP"tW Ibo unotbiký Cbx»b. __ ý i a lit, ,%a Plâèbtt-,&t in him tmrclt-il in .%Iaý . hm . 1,011 If- -IR-(-141 (M-ligtit;* fier koli, venu lutte. Thebfrinveborthet-imilleý ofvjbjý. 1 .1 .,..tD.:,D,, 1 ý.llt4 -te, In- .t,,av i»Nes m- wefl tete (et Sr tt.ork,%vmýalaru4,nntiber wtbýmiii4rkètll,%- viouw«quocwàuia. 1 lm . - ý ý . . ý ý i f(.r.">bei..,a je,,a».rý.11y ,n'akrý lit Ne&t-ýrti-,tit 1-penraiaix4st filib eift $MR, , 1 . ýiti> lý.D 1,ýet., liffl, - . ý I > - ý ý ý 1 i %'j' j.-iIlt,#rlýtb , D N a, 'l'o', .. rý ;41,1,1.ý,lý'i'tet"ý-.'ýttlnlli.,ea 'e m !» .-le. T. 1. wileetin, écenornal aillent (If theArt no, ... . ,a I.r,.,jýDrè4r Était. Ili. *,Iewthtlhg te,. lie 1 ý ' ;I' l1't-tlh'-"-"Ie I- t$bt% -léèl-'e' iMirnal, trn-f for mark&bto. . . 1 . . ett). t'(-.'ruronteý i* in towla fer the la"S'I'S'age iwi 1 ý ; I..;ID-lD'1,-,..,%%itltm-,ý8 ýet.lit-ii %Vhtý'l'itb: Ilowi. allure te la : ý ý ý : ý -P ý 'a he r,.";.qltr prive- IR (balle- kt akiklibtu-r tir ibitetN"t Dominion (me 01 Otbt4duing ýttbwetK.re ta à au :. ý,- 1 .1. - ,ý ý ý 1. , -, . et 41 di P ,%atteinte. . a, nýlill-t-Itébll.*.(It,»I".ta Inevelletifethrir pmtxwffli to Ligille tender thetitleof,,F.àe nèh ___ ý _ - , , ý, - unuangt, '1.0îz'.ýl 0. -%ýIaiirbtof.,Sl, Ithqè.(-1ff-4tý 'I',f 1- 1 . - - -- - . ý: ,-il IN Itkie.it il IR vfait. N"Ith. rili IDSW.r. ktefEt f,ýr arIbhV0 nt .%Iilltx.ibl,7 honte Ntbpan*4% &tirtulW (ýtimuta." The volante Witt ho *14 Coli 1 . et alferaliort W vita" ly inàdoi *titi it 1.14-lirmIll(le.mnplivéýasd légiétab" Il dgRfgaejý hm 1 - . O*e" cwlbubpvope - ý tel Il a"Iiý tend etioneynt ojo-e. ', ", ,,,,,,,,,%*t, #ln, tiuln#glat(-tt. 'l'ho tien. tien front peu &titi perwil. lit the lakeat. rivent tgé-. (lý. Ititderson 4 foi i nt Iletkgvtu ý . 1,11" le. . ý ,,,.,.,,,,,,a,., 1 0 . ý ý ý . 1 ý ý i Yil» %w4 dribble -te".. . ta, twtcon I)OUdrAba blibla avait àloibbiti- and wattýrftblk inoisittâliK %*tdk-vs and ý . 1 -.1 11, ait taille, éhmkt lie obmerverd. The plaimt.ftht*'Iavutotfor"tanitatèý'am. Potorbor« gb IMPMU»mw iota litu , O. ella . 1: ,Iif:ý.,ý1)Kitf«i'1q ab (10, _ý . ý ý ý , lu ointaga" , ý 1 'rhý. )*,-telpt'or(,tt.vlt abtýwýt4alm,,... lait4% te gel (entier ayé (et cagée, aud twolit caly. elle% Laaaltz-r jalother linge the t ittes unit hablidt4g audother Ille le:: - . 1 ý,, ý il ...... 4,ý--k ,ý reinéarle- teil, ll-,Im-ýtyà,t-ctb lie.. are tir lui, fainfler tte.vmtnm" lisait roître. -- Ili 1 - Ititr(mltioztitd higitirtt!al tentures of the ý . . 1 \tIý-#I-iIII., ttkreie,ý'q fi, ee.q".et.1,ý.-Iii..ý ý litre ttittlýr(ýitt-t, t*twtýe,»:ttieni ieqmzrktd M111id we live in. T1ýe tire ti6eimétibwnt. Uniter "11-i,-%,r.tqhfflbh."ýte»a'rtw. Ileýa,-,&i.l.i,!t. $'I,-i, .1ý'lSa. ! r . IL Merlon. . -', *,:riir. i.,Ni-%v 1't,,,r.tivstt--tkýfi ,.% rit Vitérie elle t'ne, is "raistq(t" lot ab lotir. - ý t!1loale tal,-Itpervimgon or 3 r. 1 abij oke0t, at""Wtttt . . . . ý ý IteI.,Dbtt,ýlkbb.ttelttf throl, 4bgria-taitqlralt.t-t- The (Weewa Ittlrý-nner taritela allie hagard , 1 = thé;ýý 1 ornatugents 01 the pro. 'A .U 1 HUY-Y 80 8114 " ý - 1 -1. 1, ý ý ft-OWmint*ak a. The litera7 inrtinflof '. ý 1 ý 1 !:;,ý.- t. .I.ýlVaé1 air ont, kt. t l'r...ttlt. total loti. Of t'itètL.tbtî4tit (et, flatte tobva ale attelai Moule rar 'J ý 1 - ý 9*0& col* igagielle pagiré. ý -1--,Itl,ètt lý4114t*ay .bo,,ttl# tue Ititýý"It.-r.,r laaq.ktli- or Dh4bli1w witit toRè"bjj,ý ý it Mvzb* %*Il efface work hall herbe alliaignerai lot net tia". V 1 . M e -, . , Ntp- % - il. ,*4(ýfVWW tonbongw,,-z fier 'I'bw 1 i,,,-- -Dî ll-I-ýt, ,eýo, ,,oDý-. Prterlepreuivla iw i-a 'VeIl l'ikkbwyl faire thât W DDlomijlei;ttbitý tltanwrttem» Xce one Who glane," at-the sale ,919 : O U T . M w ble-P,4nýIfflriqertt hl. rfelt and ,tié,t,-t.,.\Iit, ý i 1 '!""".ýý14,lblèbept.tite.tbItti4,ýlle .Pqg,,%Iitýx-lt nomber (et teceyle. %.tbnktlw train% la ta týl)-t'»M 1 iraient tikt-tehffl tiho%%*u by the ISIXM OM 1 '--I,-"Iý1.1tibtIf. ferait ensolly tend ili-litwllttt-l%. et( abee. tire lit a lit, habitait plétibiller traitent ý for rýU*to ho 4trilek %rttl% the tirant -fi . ý1 1 ý ý. 1 aille, lit f,,ýt,.,ý et. Ivetil foeý, . %Iý,.w.-t, ille fi ek j .i.alI.. feint 1%,t(ýVIK.rt'tibtl. i4n.(.(glitzt-ila'. allé ý ftégyt toicether. 'rrubaut 1xjYît_ývrY frelquently .Pmtý a hey reprelerrit. and the r%(*Iitmm Ut natal lit tg K 11-U Alqt.àX * - ... ýt , al.d., % A lý 1, Ak«I kf1.0-,t.il"n ,vele llk,-4 ý , 'he .Xidrond di0ri'.t. ill.ate.t. of, ttt*%'(I eg. ,rhe ietter proie wili lie hile. rite) int., critaili ý allé; natal art, il% iiuuày.ist. Piernerravin ý leid i-ý 1,laý'tt4ýý'. ý ý ....... .... .. .. tibrl4,al4wwtI ýabbdrgS Chef lépalt bt* . ý - ý -;.f.0.1 .,;Ibbll%«Vt"ýailik. tl.WI4.gl't'tt'Ilý.t,.r. .ttb)i(ot-.4 tHfflé%w,ý .in Rang- abatte itwir hiitlbk.. ý,rtebtit»e. and rite aveugle 11«prý(gk 0 , - _, 1 1,.Ilý"Fielt Star. t-effl rit (Dr tete, %litltt$tlst tjjýtrj(-t # f friture et,(, % -y enrileta, ý stable of ilieie tru. work Wot a Ment tient raw1y inerits The -M M . ý oswooigowOO& , , , . Il i. his D 'I't)-ttrt, noeit lao, ilptitue« ýq'ebD-. .%#a(.>." 'I'l". aptapluilsient of là truteaut offlrer and en(4,ttra -ment front the Vanadian pue. 1 ý ý 1 .U; 1 . , . , ! ........ Why t-%-t-m-tw.#% kilo%,.. teint 19.4> i. i141vDi(4le.t., -ý In OrU a lie ébaoc.nt Pribleured laver tue th ýr,é,i.lflpýle . ý ýff..wi11 tep mý,et t'Y fait, wJ0, .1 -i.%4,.,.D, . , . ttýlrita(rg. and Nie have ibab attentat tente kW mai 1 ', ý,-» i. elle v&-altýe taiit»e1% tir qlq4.l6liDtIkttill ý 'D Sarto whil lert et town flot ta hall or lantronet Lu l.initmv %vill membre, in )414ïx tow 1 (fý»ttett. iVb*ýb thfNt ait- et.ý-i',bl ý- ....... - ,.Il ý .Ji ..".ïi.t lent the .,..#Dirt, tir 'Dif tt....%dIit.,.,ý.1 litilq(ilý itete, r týimilo- t tient aao the iiien frangt I.itk4lm3 1 ption. Mr. %%*ilm)n m kttoppl1w. Ut the ilitr-11.: eht, ivi%étty el"inril te, if.%-J,ý-,,,t,. ý 1»1..Ili,ýé'?we tir fin, 1 ittelitittt, It-tt.i.t..,I""Itýt. te final voiffloyanviet in ttlt,ý%v(.r hevélire en- ý%,- Si btopýVi*Vtý* cfin«opw lo. "' . . , =*n.ý-,ti hablitte. and dnrIng the next tierce 1149 - ý 1 1 ý - ý lttl., (',.ïýýî,te,>. failli . %fier. ....otyr.'t'I'týî i'.Il,,ý-1 - (Il, .. 1taCý, vret afol'd. (ýit"D--li ,,,,a.'lly,.il tir tývoo»bc lail), illIt.týt-it%' ira levhich w,,km n'lit eait tipain ont t-itimeii*. Thepub. 18 va réjDl*"ey lit 1 ait- t 1 il,.-ý,- 1-14--et-tr't milta'..boliD., tîant'. itekt ab .,ait- je, ý.-rtl,.(jjo%ý el. Janet (Demýt 1 allie fI;ý t lie tient tielation k one tante vait ho cordially remtà. à4r. ý. . , ilýit1 Il , . lune c.tiliil%ý in Ni, a. Ire, , ta"f'l et "mireltia'",ý , .. m4ittttioq r.,r ,,.et-1-t»,lN;,i6tli. filet aie% t telle il(. faible kt %vlit - Vaisalite, worthy the liberai »apport or the ý Y",:T fiir't';lk ffilay tWwn illl hift! a à'. te) iet-.ýiýe i et t rit.. et.1 ý lf.Fkt.Itt.mgli4l ntkýrIg, W, 1 -,.ý,ii..,Ittril ve.114-Lef. W ab (Ilirk-l'elkl ttillig, D'enfle ta prollotaitioté tir - bel - 1 1 ý ý : 1 , imet 9)1.tý,t.bt- on er4twy nelo, $.lm)* 4fit.t. ý ; . sitarriibgt &liait livaisi & ' = LX "t"",.Ittmttýý,(,.r"rltbki.eht'groalt-t-ilýM' tk,.%.tllttlg Imiy h=b n. 1 -----.--- hm D-(-IatI-(I.. Afertendotil POU» COWL ;îoý - ý he-1- elle- %yb-de ii-q,%itt(,t, look- fer 41 to gentille là oheffl. nalan IR il%@ VA ln ý . Fi i ýxgf .**bop et *ioao4.w,. ý ý .'4'.'-i.-'.'..e. »ril.-le'Ikt '%titi wt.il..ttttl%,. met for lown front %Vtbik-tl the yoillot ilubèb h4iled tanti, Illefors J. W. l)u»(ord. P. M.1 ý ý ciloppit4o AX-es.ý , (lau -ZDf..Mvý %V the étev, V'i*thtprt.,?".%, ý ,,--,-1,1%- I-XIM.'ititilý tir ilit, 'I'latt,.'ttke (lood. IV, ,ait, to hilli agit, tete (.1gartbç.tt.r(,rtht, vonnec 9.1à, . 0-w 'd, iý,P" doi!ý,,tttDaie#-ll ai, f1w vDlwmgati#»ý et >4g. "»r%*ý i --"" ilee litaillitatl. Floin, our illail. letiturine laî. ,aura -ý . " - , ,libIblinie ýele- rri.r. wI"ýjj lae or- b'ýîtiay. ort. ta. Arthur Dotrabey. Who «Ir gatoc] ý . 1 _. .- 1 1 ý% . - , . ý. .. 1 , 1. ý 1 %ý,ti-.,t %%,(,14wkt..Wltttlxtýtýtý'Ibt'tt.e rlvtèli-ltý14 VA'Ivt.(Iti l'el-1)ý -titi ilite t int the yollinc allait% pagm et Alenain on rentand on the charge of Berl aeýth(nir'ttýt#l gt$fflt-ble a«. teint n-401.n ,1% Hi. ! .,I".""t,."gqilwt(,%i(tbýwIth.lýlrtntt,(..,Iltrtttllt. Joad a %vire tirait t-leiltt&,..Il livinac in ('itilluta. killing a roW belonglng to Etobert I)Ouglas. et il 1. ý ,. ?Àlers: M0 .0 6 M 88 ý .11--lesu4.,ý et? ýt ileW hî,h.ýp for tete, b»hI,ý % -DI, ta é i filet l*,.,-,tll t1effl wv o-ill lD,6%,t. "eD.,bbcl.lt.411ý'ir'bl -rhw W,4s rt.(.ýi%-t-d qtbl.v-ebrý'NV(Itbyt4lbeftin, ý, ý 1. .ý ,IiD,ý,.,.,,,,DrgletI«tý,Dg.ý I*ttt,"41.t re-N gI-Ifl,- ý ý-tl,-:,ý - lit-rt, (et. l'o.t. 1 ý . ý Villa tInally tlkmharpd fracten em ody. ente ., tlt(éleq1e.lial.Nvt..ru1t) ta(. (*etk.t.rè4ttýit, boulot Iý 1 ,ý ifg ýr ý : - - ý DIVOI 1l-rý ('aI-4rýf wito et" ti;4.11 rit-% ttt'.,l ai, f ý . . .MOII(tay.llth. Jalm-st)'Ikienwtba aeon'e» ý - . (-ý,ilv-ým'ilf»«-t&luýtitmt-týutbletk" "'P 111, il of éSý%*nunon aitableult ballon Mattitew Sm- sied 1 ý ý ý ., ý . 1_ 1 ý tWý hitel holeVé lit tvj*h eli,4, w1- 1"%.ý' ple, biayi flait tb» *PM la"44 allait et Ili la, ý talle a litallaty Sýt11z-t ý.-îY_-"fl%. e '11t, 1-'l ý"! ,ý,, ý,,,ýt 'i. ihie I.-I!,itl, ". t,,titel-,-,,h-,ý(týai% h%4t eareewý4,ý lti4 . . ý dankéon. .tfterheartnx the tau-tt4ý defendant . 41, , (*,tii&.Ib font telle )'tilllltc lady 1 , 1 - DI , "":ý. ý . vvý4. "itaIti,,ný,d lie thk -.(ý,»Ot-týei"et ,ý.,ot . . %. c tel te(, -ttl4pt.tttt-,t ttle,(,ln.l.t4 ikon-C gloriole( a-% Sb ýmppy,&«aP& - 1 allait iliblail #1 and t4intts air t wo détys ia attabol. A: , k"a'I't.ýDý k*',ý,. 1 1 1 ý . . ý 1 ,Vzlý (.r.,Wt>4ý(, the (fixer :40-ordabyýeV('lainf; .. 1 _- . Tue@My. tule.- 31&tht-W ltaynwmt %. joit. Ai 9190191%» * . ýlýlsý Ibemarg. VoMe Pr talent aj'iik"4ro ,%I,-hVntýý ý j I-f ,lit Ille ixeetýlD,,i 'Ir the tilt ViAt fi, Lirait . 1 tainablet ailloli for ta furth lb* thfi«4*" 1111111ille. ' adjourganient t, the,,t*&" in tarder te obtain "lm *rlié traek infette 'rband Trainit the ,videra" IyýRdkjavu or tjibNi air ,enalli *****-*1" 1& 'Ille- a4tive, -4ce of »wý tblewt.,t.,it ,,, 1 1 en' 1 .-,tý et£ b:.Itqlalkt Iteinellyi. a he attirai % tri -fallait-il . rater, (et the O a variations In the. fat, ý ri ttiake-,r- italien au bolir on hatil "mihmY velue Ditat,êt The@ biertect te la Mr. ý , ý - ý. , ý , , 1 Tliv ýIti.11I-»(- Il lard tat(.t (Ir flie lrýe1illj( ý . IL deraienalgalgraval, ýl - ièý m ' 1 - --- - uàtt%"titD#"Ift,ýtfth">itmt vt*,V,,tl-. et::. îw ' , 1 , ý t'ewn.ond j"re:odet.,ý'fflion. ,-iiI-ilI-.' . . . ý - txutnimll and twhago,,., ,vait il mimed, lait and $ýt" FIVI*Jtttýtt-ý4.20vt#ffl-,M-ýýtýeýV.ýt. , a 1 il """ý:!:1', Il 1 eN aisk-a llD'tn.e.ý%imott allait M"el'ire. »I'le(. ret-e: . ,rit - i,,,,tit, town connaît have raluewrd *#Wttt cueille . ý Vingt. Votingtel and J t large . Ir. * 44#111ela. 1 ",Y ,.Ie-tè olt Illottn,ý.'t.el jmren , :I.,,, ; ; '... elilD.D t liv bft-vite %iIiiiii.t ,v,-ýl.".tý týt>lillý,,.Iýýt,,f.Met.t.lbttltýit.t,>.:Iav grântienc ,M(ýKDbi). %,-t*r'. t.h.trI,%'Çt %%*tete tmeating a dis. ouly ..lF4,ý,-,qtý, ,,,-.O k .,,Il ;i,%.tit'. Ilk plit haet Nve Witt notait. ,tl...ý,,i,,ýiý',.-,'(NX)t,ýti,ý.'rý,rý,iit.tttt4t(Jiiètvii trirhîmre in the street. wantin te dght. rite. >1 aient teèf,,,%, .t."tb""Ie ". . -fi 1 %'D to., , Y *1'1ýt -,IiIVý.ý ý . The ev ttelleç' vrait net very egar and they su 11.1 1 K ý r,,,.".".,ý1.1,1.1.lfl" l"e g - ý - 'Ilée, ritil ýt',.týitb,.te(.ý, lI,ýý fili-i-je D'r', ,,IV . ,-,I,;D, te) c"IlivPle., lott ý'i'..IIt% jt-,,%.,l « - , - .1 . .1 . . ý ý 1 . . ý . . - 11,1 0 d v', "»"""",." la V,-»iýt1 j".- ý I'fD,.,Ili,,I- ,vieil mort. air et,,, f.it,ýi..,IItt,èli lievuilami lý,tll,44.(*it)' tbâ%-tý ýIn-eniiuliFik.ilb.g ébrafor. tell" . #>,ýe.t.",ý tèbl4ý e;_-uI.,,ý 1 .ýr,-If,'P glortion or elle ,aqili,-,,D-,, Ivre-(- aille %vtby ,Itll.ý,rmýtn (ýhjt.tffl to,4t. werva lowed te go on their talweg ret-c«niz- Geo. ý ý . 1 . rtýIýfl,,ri-iD'1M. k,ýei%,è«,ý ter I»el.#", , ý , 1 . . * "" ' ' ' , -rit Ilitell ,.".,],t ,.,.I...ý'l'i?,4- lýeta;..q,%i*.(..,I.le>letk- nlèvatery itttsi.,tll,-t-,,,v:1,-. ititýi,,-ý--illpýeýi.rvhi,.Iitiý,ý Frlday. LUIS. John 3forrlAm appeamd on ville ý ibt,,-,ý.,ata.t.ift tete lin14,îý m ie.% t'il i 'il 1 lI-ý -'t'tolo-nt. ý,.rýe ter 4.1, v 1 fat- faite- ltlil-li»£,tý,tl & 4jjjjlt'V tlit'It-4lZt IXW»ÇUKVPIiél-- a ý,iliiiiulli- fi, luillewer et e4éIDxjtxý of amémilit. out 1 ý - . tel. ýlD, , ý - i4ý.it.* te"w,*Igtt ' el o '* e "le frelate Oe),tlftï,. "file ,,il heilit, .,.ItI.l.."1,1% ,,,ý il, ' - -_ - -Rite le roicit hy Vlifbriteke (' . rifftthle. AA aller the Mar] 1 CHM EST ASSORTIOM ý . ........ 1 "'I'fie , ,j ýinl._ bat. lat-en ofor d)(..-t Ili Initial Wb" .ta 1l;iI,,ý,î. l-ilj%ý'îý -1-r11ý',k.' -onifflainant did net tinette ý ý ý 1 1 ,ý ý 1 ,.ý.ýt.,llr.glil,...41,>i,*.,tita %Iiii, , a ý, . j lammlittor. 1, et urarlv titi heur I*torm se **bu«"» lait p i îý,ý - . 1;i, ý,,ate,, 1 ! ý il ! te t il ,%#»!, 8. z-ý'f.-IV.I,.r" i-tttýiitg" a,, fier i!,.Iii.t.e "I' fil, I!tlNiat titi the liegale ,, ttitette,-el. t ;! It.',ý.. I ""1 1'.ý '-'ài v. J Vr . . _. ý - ý ý , ý le ý ý - ý 1 ! ý ,:ý,,Ii, ter ,-le,éldpuýtth, itttf,ý.i4t t-ile. w, P. ý.-I..I. ui .... la"e. "I.qe.Dý,-l ' % 1."."D" alli.-t-vor 1 a., . 4 ý.,«0f1b 'Vorth in tt short tilim. - 1 i,.;k la - L '_ , , \ otage ou . . . . . 1 ,,, ....... Il i', o', et t*--itll,.,.il i- , ', mel, ,il' t lit. - ,,a,- 'Ille, I.-miark cluinty t«olitwil have r,'f"ýs-41 4#àt--h. 'rite- %valk ta e Rien (or waltalit. ]le. ' bal A 1 1 ý . 1 1 1 . . ýVîf,,(tfff.w iDp.t the meý'fatalkt4iligala I--,,it-f lI,-It ýt,!I-.iethtN -'Ialtr..-illai...ý vhlý 1,.te,,vkq.tb« » Stant pût in a mt-otrforartit!k-i (tirnishod l 1 ý ý ý ý ý ý t 1 te%* a lllkej(,rit%- I'r.,tiv tt'extenal lier., allait, for Iliant. ,enfile (if the iteinte were ai. deau -14 -ticteitellet 4twit'a -lle",.iýl. 1 :.ý- oi...Iýli..,et'f. pertmi. aie. ,tt',ýýt ý-» (,Yb ýý 1 1 . 1 !,ai,%%, . art, É'e."m'I'Dýl . 1 , DI, ,..t,,tti ... a. fille Il, 'erI ýttV i-1 1. À i»tltbmel(.Itbg %vork týit.the'ruronteantt 4-1thi. = Iàmt(ither.- reýr.cted and linally ilefend- kille 1 . é4 ý- ' 1 _', -ý,,,,dIeoII ait fil.. "(',ý,-,,i,,,,l ,et' %,kýffl,-,." lVýt r,ýil%%.eb%,. note (lit, tm-nikg tD,%'-tttw will .,b»t ,vit. orlentti to lady thu boýaiwe, lait;# mon et,., ri'rt,ýep hai-hor itl Il. l ý a , 'lYrk a%. lattait, twiom %vork le (ý»nniali«--1 -cSaLqý within -1 délys. . 1, -,ý1 ,n Il .11 , 1 . ý. 1. t-Ill-lý94- t'a 1 1, .. ..... -'Il port. Ilo,ýj'. f fat - ý, 1 . he reet.,$% for and De !ý,i,.,,,, .,ý1$,, t,,ý,li,ý ,##et 4 mIigribe. Ile ý,ý'fl-r . 'l'.. 1,k.. i'f ,Vbl..!, Ilwý lIý,d "..".a. tn.r.,n, Dit% file. ttýt IN? next, attentif. 'rhttmla%,,ý11-t Ja-.IAýnnardiveabrmight Dors , 1 i - , ýýV,ýi-,ýl.,,,,>%!,.ýtý,iýý..î,t,ýý,--,beeýle-rý,,.ýý.",., ý trotte Il. ....l 1*1..IiD et#,- Ili',t le, I.-I.1 li.(.(.I.,..Ist. (ill'ir aiertation "Iveuet to liave let-il final "f'l"Y ,ilb ihi- iii-,railete on the charge of being bleu -, ý 1 1 e ý ýl- ,.i-Iev r.d.ý'l 'I'.11 -Il,...?qtl - clo - t hev meiliberk -(Ir titi, q .ý"Illwýil Ditili alleilbrût file 'Iriink titi tete strept latte t,%*tsiir«. lie w" . ý ý Il : ,,, e ' ' 1 1 1) ýi ýý f,ý i',,,- elle. f'di ,tDb(,%;ttt 4en.1 , :tN., 1 1 ýi ý_' ý- 1) iý ýl iý î l"', ,,,, -l 1, i,ý,f!,fo' lie aime i f ý 1 1 i...Ii..;. ý,j 1 tItma.l.fi. -1 ïO et'. -, %%lit, telle. tj..ý,t ..... . lai. (.1-nuil Trtiiik of havialit ADOIReintîtrÛlet il% »e- âll.,,Vod ta In r M'out ,ý"'Ii,,j"it ý t,ý"t"rt*ridttitt 1"" 11.,- ý. - ,,,;::*,D::::", """, etr'l'i'oi., 'Ver'. *% cr% -ki F,.IIY ý(.m ter4ili's Company. hl* c.11y te Il A , 1 le D . ---ý heilletcautice.111ok-11 filera ý ý ,ý ýý . ý 4t jek, ,.ý,ý,,ý>:e,,ýý l', ,,, 'L'a", 1 1 * (I ý e = ý ý .il f»,ietg lb ýý0,-:I-ùit'a.b, et%- 1 ,.%...l 4% %Ir Il W %.Ikitttý .%Ir-. 'Intel Tleq trattiv tyreilet, aile the V%*Ilitt,%". l'ore - -- - - - _ . . . D.I, (Dr a et" plt,1.teý: ,.,Fi ,ll', tel. r.,ýP,4iftl4,,. 114 le . ý ' * * ?ma . ý 1 ý ýý 1 t ,,,.a> t-i, àýli 1 -V ýýt 1 rme;1."e 'ilet ,,,tý l,%Iý vlaktaë , ,,Di ý4,1ivDI-t ID 1 ' 1) 11p, '1D....,I.I;«tll., lit et... (..,tllmqt%"Dli.tý 1-et-M .ýk t.iiD4%,%ý rlýilwity for-the %veèk ville- ý NEW S .. ý 1 ý . ý i t..ieee. . . ý .. le , "' ý 1.1.1 I..,el,.ýýtqie" ,ttttbt.XIK.t.ttbti(.netelotl hher intt ()D-1. 1 a. 19"ýi: %'v(ýTo m folloY,-ý , IÀ)C A L i , -LETTERS. be- ý- ý - le xpreaak 1 - .*- - - - ilsbe , 1 . 1 ý.ý.- >,..-,,, ý ý ,iiý,i,,,, -" 1*.I,. M'I'N'. lDt"(Ii."«lieý%«. M I.;It- 1 la.,IlDeilfolrMý olieillet failli q Il .... Sm un ....... D.1 1 b'. ('l-llt-. ,a ,re(.,I,11,1 1'.1,I'l. . deliglilk-4 ë,rt.i.,Cl.i jetait live -ttwk ....... . ý - - - - - 1 ttPN 00 . . D.#ZRY.VPLP. ý . the 0 . . &$#A%" 19111b ""M. 1 .;m.Ii.ý»I-I- wilb ,ý%%' laviy i. It-it% eill', loul, _. - . boldl ý woriticiteulLt"r 'lait. ýtkrIweý - ivarklet ý ,fier ,if lit ý 41, ýVho0ll.._ 1 la. .,ý...,rt..t -I,11 ,flot - ý , , . wila ola 1 C.Tmyw, denS aim e Pout. Iv il. I. beke D11.1 filet rklý1àon.1. The , - kat ....... ý ... ý .................... *g.. . Sa ter. et Dite at,,--ý'iiI-1«-ë% heNth -(-ttl,,Dt fau raillai il % iý il j -'-"-t il. ai whide %vti...ek, (Ir ilSllile't tiqqi-ical li , tir [hi, corre-pondinir %vte% orýig.iqtlS -. 819AN-rxixt*..ý -'loverai Of Out YOSIMX denq Low Im ltm u-lý ('11 wiý.t".".14£ N, fi.,. r,ý.qtet tir et ,ý!qD.I-ilèt 1 r,ý'Il ý I,%,ýt- J......It,.41 filet 1,11,,I.,D%- alittivie-v' ,.(.Il.tý ,%-(-a-,- a. f.,11.,%%,-:' - mon liave-lett forthe, b4aharatient, *Imm 1 - 1 ý .. 1 1 ý . ,ý hl. -1 1 j Itel.lit't-liqýIlýq.v lý,.I*...r(klýit,ýllý,wýtF%'ý'ýltý- Izt.ýý-tllzt.rA. inailet and expre . ...... Odin go Yti;ilriNta. ell: 11jeht of rallier a dise fendait 1 . 1 . ý 1 ir\"'Itlaýtf'-en , I,ý1't'..ý..e t.ilk",If ti,..èbt%, ý ilisur eeri-eo vi-Mit for theil. eliI:;ý-j-ri,«, b-1-t-igtit teint livo tat(wk ...... -ý ...... UM, ami - ý ý .- -% DI ý - 4V»Pfnl ellagagralgrter totale plu" là« .% a for * 1 ýljý ý . . ý e4c- - ý ,ý if te a P." a-ý,ý4"I , 4fid Ie-0a'it'iIi ý & l'el ,,% 1 rîfcie il. 'alfe.vi. elle- ..Ill,.r1ý.il. l'ale ab ý deur teintât Simoun atome bloyat. one et fi,, ý.ýI-4ril. ,kt-tktll P111-ini tt*ld.k,».,r (Ili, ,",I",t»-t- lit g,-Iitl,-D."ýta ,;ýtIII-él Ilitoit, Ni. Ne. . ,ralenti .. .. ........ 1- .e,.. ý ......... ý...àl8 te Meye 1 . ý ý ý 1 , ,,ýpl.t "r';ýt-.Dtd ,,,<.It, ïi,;>e e,ýiýleiWt*btat-et*, qhat ,.t.-l'ýi ait lait- t'.,-i,ý,,till.,Il..,tllqtk.týit,%*tý4lýbit Ilivrea.t..... ý ....... ............... 1 $11à te whie-h bv» fleverély injured. ý Who - j;k ta, .""It(Iatlt-iý 1">,#"".",i".I"ttl.,fl osth hie, )la. 1,11 lie, The 1elidlona, I.tbllvèbiv trouh, rceejjýrx fer Two WEiii 1quet totale pligieu lm w-k. tuiacg ALW,4- 1 1 - i = ,.;:,iý1i: ý,ýDk,' 4'it ;:ý, ,,, il,, fi Ni, . "Il'.!. ni', a., vvité. - %%*etk vexIiiii et lu due-li ý e il lýtiiiIlr(-ýt. ttIý,-,Iltg ýj a: il 1 h I»Roq;ite>S.. WC have a gallactagagnaiter e, ,I,ý.tf% e4'. (ý,ýte 0't fier 1 ',-tt-rt.."4, %V Ilcre 1 ab, antlrortlie > _,,-IMi,,ný I'f tIq.me vi-jace 1,,ýz",p-t I,%,,I- -m't'.14iv ,,f..%11-. Aaralinc, (if C'et , t Ore. 1 . IKA j3 a, 1 ;,ý,, ", et % ver ;.ý.e,, Nt1 tý4 ýrrè,.41mýilititiLt ý%-etk nt 19',O %vert,* toitit gageure , . . c A c . . . týýt Pll' Ilot-itied lit%- i î1î, ek or Tevoule. , jýeýej»ZerD Zillit eleetilK:.,..,.. - .; ... ý ,*I.;Nlt (ai - - - -111b. - - ORM 1 .ý . ý - . ý . 1 - ý ý . ý 1 iiDr"%fý,ta'rtýt il, ai,, h4fe, ".1"4'1 %%,ttitýtk tkèiaï . 1 ý 1 ..... ý ........ --.. x, ISKI :e ý - doser ýý Il ... ýý ý '1 . ý .. !_Irlýti-li et ,ataDý,tD% Ille k-4 i,,,tiatttk).b* ,if te%(, b'rt-iitllt.; ý ...... 1 . ý . 1 SORIAND. . Inn Pl 1 ý . 1 . ý . ý Port &top* Coittral tubibt«« . . 1 C-rmpoutteme tel The Pabwie. 1 1 ý , ý t ,,, 1 i fi 1 et I. fi r. Il i "'.., ý > a' le, btrý - ý ", t -eý A ýr 1 lem 1 1 'Ille(, leort. elopo Nvwý j>vIt %veét, Doit ta utile 'roi tel for t ho wmk. . - - ý .. ...... #10. LM 31 1 1 1 t>,*ntte t a, I ý a,,tý.I, v le, .. , . jéýIg lote I, li, I rebec t Ip; teald Il roll the t-.omýipoitdinit %véek in Mlh Sxotar on .Monday. ý il - ý. ý ý .'D 1 ý, ý fý-ý ý . lieil t;tt'r zb -reullirt, fraude hy Iller (-.,rati.ý -rat finit ... ;, ozm .;Ii i «Ci'L. G V -Zx z iz ,i:ý "I-o,1fDîw.ý ;"ait J'I'q V kt- NIÎX'KTSIC,4(x,.iAi.-ý Theuffl templaft l v le e ýý ý - ý .- - 1 1 ý i 1."i.t.lat tel ait.. (',,iiti,;,l bý\1,ieili-ýtttItlie nattaitapratte, lliUK ...... é ... r, av ëe-paOng for a grand nftktie weW 0 Illî ý-I' . -- ---ow i am. 1111. I FWICht . ........ ý . ... . ........ ý ... Q CI ....RMM--M* a - - 1 . p~ #"twm gaagod v«hy am 9. 1 ,.tl,.ýI-1 flatte He- Ifflv»'I'lor.ý ilID,1,ttll lainer 'Vom 1 ý _ýý ý OU turdiay elrenine hext. home ý . 1 .. 1111(t.02 .«k4 »M Fle- genre l'9 fý-,fi,":Dett,,t rttttik-etirK. Ire 1 e.pi'l'-ig»llly lix.,11. and flatte titi- wia4 fil&, raï ý 1 al fier the week ........... ýircluimt To A Husrm -ur. c ob«lg . - ,4nt-m à y A itwr 4f. 1 i1I'1'ý ira'.zt illétir;t(ýl"fech %Vvft"4,ýtl,#Y il%'C.el- ,loIt .If elle ,,Dwj,«- poliev .Ir elle I...Dtl colle. llirrt-age ...... .... ý ................ om -.é; M alle met with fain faceldont on Monday emne . 1 ý ý . -liý-,tgl:,,ý.,ýýýýt4rýýýýýb!'.-Iiýt,,,I, Thf, - , lneraqpai. over IX,"tt ..... ..... ý ..... r. 9,3W 11) laboît tutelle leurating a doter on Nud Ter. emme ý ý 1 . ý ý ý , 1'l'ft'v't'r. , iDlitl-... lit avvardiait. fil.. lDe-i,,Iit.I,- w hil-f) ll,.t -k - - - ', ";kDl 1 ait thil "li.l..,Yl id two lewlinac loriot et «J ." e (roin I-t. J&Ï«..-l #».:r,.l *J elle, Who by whieh Ive teint a valuilible aura pre.ri, ý et Il%- elle i,ýI,,Itqtrait natal leiýb-Dt>ý, t il t le ý !ý,% vý,f 1 ,aille ttv . ti%,,v,-ittTe at.ýte'nfandirepre- ý 1,ýtet-i*-,tt,,i 1*1-,-,-,I.e% I-rtk1,I1ý air the- P0c-r1xm 'Ille. I"ýhrjçjeep (littuqiDiti fflyo thêta ai the and came near loainn hibli lité. The dicter Venue T9EJEW ET T H O U S E IWýl, 'l' 'l'he, I.'t ri Vl i. Ij'er ileid-iby ,D-,,,t->iiwý1-- whiéti Dl,ýim-tl.l.-Il ;"t.ýP'It flint, tliýtite,- (11, tiltl'rtwOftlà ,ý' , Ni: ,*»ewimmingat*titQD rôde fromithore, 1. . 71,4', ýeýetm%",Ml ettàt"lIlt. 1 ;rla lire Port fl,,Iý, prt.- fier Litfi-i-mlition -if ,-lent tttll%%,te%- lm %ery M. xk brl*ktr than il bonite ý . , ,kle, ý4,;,,ýz p etkae, ý ttýe ",%fi or . Failli m ý - , . vphpnhetthotit andat once paddW* 1 lit " ý f ihë (.,»t"ýt.$.I.t% or , ýjIe eýngm,ý- air Ille elrrale,',-?I-litý rer Il,(, %va%, lever kin;iv et txfotýt'. there Waiw fourterti ý. . ý i ý ýl1 -i ,1ý I111tý '-,ý Se 1 vtiýte* tDlq"!alt* 'N'i. fe'rit at ,W. le iI-t-it-I.. elle, Goille Mad 'l'iiiia,,tf traillet mendiait déelly.the la,»«-Iweýr triti.h. ula tu seraire bis naine which walle doute ý ý ý 1 ; 1rItî*ï1ý"h vh0.Zý V ,qL Thr incq-el- izýl-ýi.lezl,,",.Xlýit.ili.,ea It-(,,aqlgt- elle,%- were ,rry religion lubvillec en flatte a ollict cara, vither. Inn on the wattelle algulgarently dend. lie . ý ý1 . ,-.Pý ,ý ,<""ItvlDgliý)-,itýIWIMPW le ý,,,,,,iýrD,,l'rtt4e 'elleýti."ý tir .I.I.,ý1'lil :D.ftiw,ý elle Sz-itati;lI,,,ttti4l 1 vT»ýt3- or filet. filigrienfice .btllgleintiý of Lrrkin lqetzed le by the-ear and waga ptffl rlng Ain ý ý - ,a -4 4 4 i ý 44, iýbwbffl ,* (.1k4f %E' ,',I'it,'ei ita-1 1 ete ia,'o.Dt'l'. > ,kilt ,111 "' ý this pl Il 11ý1111Ii0ý1 1 ; e". - 'N w(Iler d t<,,-:t. ýTf-- e,ýý.,,ýtItst* i ittýiiiiiatr- teint lie(, Ileturhort, taille lit..I.:IN, i 'Ir., N-Ilige [Revoie front Ru' part. (>ftittý litte in rail le* thrnaf when te malade a final t« M _ý1 f ý ., ,D, ,vt t -fb, ; 1 I.-iý.(.t-q did lik.-%% 4- lie Itt-Iý-,r-tit,,-t, %ville ,lie ,aille il. braborti, savaut, of the tentant tuelvinir te platane en front itsett and noffl the 11y- t- the, 4eef,411111;11*ýl'i'l'e ht*ttlt"qtti."ït.ý>,ý-#,titifiltitililýoi arofaitaloinelit týit(".".l !nh, Witt% the.t%%ýt,ýtt-al ,tentait, (Ir Snake t %vie car, livrer, triple. 1,4bro (et calialoge. Mr. Adaïr faucarcelled in neteinq gagama tétirinafttro, 1't,ý'i'Dt-,tiDtý.-Ibtïýait,- 1 ceedi Fý;tf.lr.î ,.aviation ..e.. 'l'Ili, laitvi- ellatrtre. ," 6tréliii. %vý,xi. attifait- etc., isrrtvlnsr at ,rofflont . 1 . , ,,,,.I 'i1.ýb11'.2 ,a- i'ei.* PI-11 - ý 1 1 ý l 1 ý , ,,ý..qil. 1, 1ý1" "ie'.ý, i 1 .If'i-f -1, MY k)",*t 1 IN ie ,ýý- ;a ýere- 1 -1 - w il e 1, 1 tete ; - i-, I-ý,,I,',;",,-'ii, a- williflit ý t in il,, . ......... jng I,,t'ýeto ho ttnltnÙlt-41 Dépit m!' IlM oi elle retienne and by lits nid reun« - ý 1. ý trýýtqtttttw éh,%, lý'f'.elk%ýv itt,'Ax)ýiýtt.ttý li --t 1 . ."ItIl"ti.,,D (liq D.%D-1-% t«'('kb-i-ltl tqlrtl the ,%Ièlt- ( .. while ttlt*t, arrivinie lie tue, hhore In à lientinalbed garfaire, th ' fond. -'. I;e_ý À millieit 7 ' lýý, "S, ilol -IlLrý,tt W le the no plait l", iffle ýt,, file fw.îý,f"-r ihýtý, effi , rr ý leIitDiii- powl-r te, 1;.Il Torotlt-, laie i b.e.Sb tel r ý 1. i flatte it,4.,Illt, ,Ni -1 et-,i-t- r. ïtw'evt-llitett am unioaded ýuïbmtng being.hitterty cold. A vaim I 'O 1 ý jý,,. ', fi mf1 -tt!-,ý,I'i. et et;, livret «eijf»ýW!aD >.ýe!brIittt"4 ý .11et-rriffly -tiltilkýtl next uniraient anco ., the t.\Iqit.itin,ý wé dite ., x Ihiritur elle iiit:lèt faible a,§ àmWe.bam led truit tirent tel the boit appelle ,,ý,,,,,,t h,,týt et t,-ýet.; ý ý . .. - 4 ý 1.1 , . - (*,-aille lo-t un,% !ai. ,.Illet%*. ë,%,t.l.%»tSý.,tittibit-t-arlm 11111104 ilet. .1 1 1. 1 ý .. jý4 . et , - . 1 a ivht-ntitetanoeupset. Thedteérwt ý et et 'Neira .0-hon t faite %% ý le ý ýý .ý ý ; e!,.q 'J'f'ý,24,.,Ilt. 1 liéella #.uftldo 00*ffl t. ý 1 1 -(,a -and t.ib.tttl lo tinir fi ý- 0 Tte lormaloli .1r.llDt- ta,. ., , le elle- lt-*a"tllý-'t'- 1 -% iée hall héen the cautala of go match trot hl . - ý Illeck - a, liert ( luit% ý O ý_4n.11 1 -1#94 Malle ItýIllt-Ptitý'tý*f4-»Iýlýt-hý14nO4ltbltht Z4»Ilýti1I titi- or> -W (air marre : ; 1; Lindau ýý,ýt;. ýlf tel. priel4rtit 1 >rh,. ,a,,r-,atti,-IaDl-1,1ý-C,,, ---n,,,il to I ýIlf ' 1"fýý 'a' by Itr. lie #he t 't Ir,' ! ai", wille atterverardit secured Ho et 11 1 1 Il 1- 1 . - ý embiet a .fatal f elle ilim'. Ileflevit D'I'D4,410 4 lkbteD'1> 01vianc et, 1.,Ilt.lý Ili elle. ,-,trý%vDbrl". ru , ; .. ý _. ý -, ,ýýef il; Ilýl,,Iý,,, tI!WI-t'Itabýdke ttxý,rtt :.ilibýf'Thne,411Y eýJa,", ; li't..Ili,%%- 1,,-Jorlý..,I.lv,1.1%.t.t.li.t.ilý'tatý1.1,,Iý,-- w,,i-tiliýbt(,Ver.titla,.ý 1 ý . ýIdWr. V! Ln - ý ýý 1 1 -1, -'t -- 1 -lMý i»D. ":I.ý aile ....Iý"Ik.;,D.-.t,., .#W-I..O.., ; ......... 11'.- --1 a,.ýýùý..§..t I....tý 1 a..- ý....l ý - - ___ 1 litelottratil rroin %Vietl;ltlegt an rit 7foriiwrzl azl lie the I#Mtttti t te îIht 1 %vt'rt'tllr4'wtl enrthe trabek- 'on a"I'n thee- lqc*dthsbmdtoff the «Po« Nie. %%*. .1. Nlttt-ttttttqy or that plact, Iwho le I1,1. n'Id N f treight car. Thé couplintir -.FF- il m" fab h" herft obon3koe Woo weitknown lit th" bdd» brotwbt to bw on thé bitbevern- llllavtlq the .,thèr vanti hall belon broken. É lÉ = 14, ma,,t.ýt Ze». ery fille -1".rrotýtbi of I.I.NRrInst Mew to withbold thili aliiiIIIIIIIii mmt, un tid tilt, toitttqle.t(Ir MW thal, t'bey bvvréb élira il, port 1401* bhop window hall t'ewil front thel leblit, et the Therv 1. tilý-o thod»WibtMiemd called go tmm the »day tie alon" cau» ma îfp, mnol-tot, ml, lenturt q joli émie@ Md » th"lm tO thm à te. 4 1 .1 4011-t "Id. latin fouet ablibard and ,blop thom. ýidam t ré;tttittl rettirneil last week B»W tir. K, % le (.atii.rw iw and txmvded the, ý nottrellit enr. and W"Whhed togopit te ;%"fi ellqqWF4" Irry Villit il, Dakola. lit, tort A boulin pli tin - -.le- t wim «"OWI" oi, on the I«km whon lm fourni 41 %vert, 4111 icreàt illisny %»It.ttiria- (otint%- illeoffle, il)(" and alicither (loup or boit Imen brolteb. nad tW 1. ità.e" V'fflety lit. ffflo, ta be %*lm lot jnqmle- hfi livern is titrai ait tinta 'wtll agit ýtitimfied laveur tt*tn Wu WOP&Iffl (filet, The POI&I We, bal il Vondition. Il Min Albert ha* thp ,or lit, %van, Mon on. lié ont PW#POM b, Il, ('nt, 't In Northerbil T" ix« A, elep et the C'f of the be, rd the hradmin and I, ta catch op ta tille vtiiqw ritlitq%,Pav port or me train. go on te jilni bas er nom laylna pitili Ille 1- Plijjj- Thie, 1. thm, »w ý4îdé« ' *.dfllilr lit nt priblibrot lit foWn the lioiWt. mv*. but Iby thie ti'RO Il hm uni wkê p tgwt,"» IbIr. Witt. S roither etmiiqe, md VOIT l'il loi , totbtt('N ln ýhapp tir. a wobait Iltart. bibéit ho hall tg §I tir àdd, -it« 4 thé, biMddnk the MP. muet be woriL WY-M ........ f.,re zoh.-I, il, file we.ferrl .t.tkt(m forthe startý. The vaffant train kopt (ni boira àlg*wm.i. lit. c 1,1111wi ' f 1 t II Mdpropli«t pr %vlierf, awghermmh- ý bza»«. - ne-. IM« VAUMM "tjttàt Vildif lit, l* thinkil a oblork Pro~ , Chriblitient ý mintilliter thin abo« vit 1, ýr1* *« 0 ot kïbev of r'ir'ilitin in low hernie, M", 'rho"tlt*e l a or ;eC =ka. a"d titi mýeýirred. Thlè lit UMphimOy degfflhed *ffl VIII 14 te r«VOW4, tMt ý,iltriiiblgti,%%-n lit, lt%émdb takInn look rointil by the At #va Mlnnti« te riblar Ti" tbýr«", ;;eet# -Y ihér»Om erowded boum trbp ý, - for lit., lot liblé how t (, faviners ln pelork Thiimde - P"Màg ltaud- momi1w to a, et- fe blibin *itý tif*llilý thf.v tate. imil à4ork. le Nfidlibud cltmm1w on waltoitRt. aur. or W. Cowien ta hie mmb dit Re thinkil lait *# il km ple» ;,,r- 0. le.. 40 thfýo@,- 4herv 1-ýlàtitwv lit thm bogne". t»s" %vhmM«Am to Ils the M put" of thé utile Bd Lufttie ffli id, toit, ma ïbnd t - frint W v talite. i the gub»inewl IlIent from file IgAr or @a ff@Wbt train côtaindir down outioli. %vith f#Rdul "Iccdty- aveulir tmomelo" 19AT Scirom MArmiL -Thm ulibiller th plemd tel Imrn of him - Able. (elatudan t«I the statlm. the- lit woold ohtilf de0m% tien il, tilitisay M114 ad nt" = ta lis quitte add exeltsmmt ln ile village _q r. j. il. ()wem for th, p,_g wwq fil be, bel mm 14 about hirinor the selibel telliciber. t'ng te the Rtkin 1 OWM wO «,tee m for OM file lie" relira mqhttltl lit XCIT t'bb Rank. mil N wfth a empile k»w - flitUs &bout the &MI t Ph vo*tbo. fl0*401b. »(ý,ept"d the I*Mtlt)n.o Iffloriripe il quoill Imbibait lit SU bew toit. Au si W tà Jmtb of 1-hel rxttlan" litnk. il. of t-loý cou mh il M tbé 'a elobulý et Se. lu -y elle, Oldy vrhu r. heiff tmm ta t A (biven.44 a rklittbw yntiole latin the akbrM wM 91- t 41 se . mm" ouv«»Um sez» $lm la ý C d %vtlt Nvp air lendit, w1yo mtl@fWttr, 1, 1.1, whwlod for thé vibliblité W d sé,& Neto dite truittelles fer OU adv«Mlna, ikfffl mm. 0" 1 V «lw 0 W4 bwkod lait. but 1108 06 With fil@ Oum. on 1 liblI -ititatlon. fr- morb for a tiblâcher. om bat. b om» Ibo thommi-M tu'& nit tw mm -rit lit &X 'T', llm.* wét,«» mm non or -tu? 010M et bed, a aobed t«.hm Il baille hor*m titen ho6vy Mite, John Metome f t vuoem am&* b@wý am lik ait a" litimble 'Z telle NO. J% M- wmtq tw tist lation, il. Fm or Fr« jttftdý - . __, tb" 0-enu 1 , W rellolm !ri, la q VI M«- Jl fflM MM ns, both u to the nuliber of =*%«,Cd"thoue=tiloino expressed by our Outom- W& DoWt M to call and ezmine our Goods and Prie«.. &1313ER&T-'.DISCOiUll ]FORCASM J. E THORMBURYY MILNAGICIL ,WORTART TO. THE PUBLIC@ SPE MIA «-f:i PRIGIM 'va TWO IKOUTU& STOCK SlgpLz= êr« Coeds, Cdl«y. Çans. Powbr, SW, Cow lrim, Ske lavm, 1 hWâ ad Offi, lim. MMI, hm, 1". kils, ett Fe WM mot be imd«»Id by a" hou» in thetra" CHANGE Au CAM.PBELLY W«W r«"O«Wly mmomS t"t ho Imm Ëb #à usamr ef ma lem &" amhi &N" wia Of *0 bilimet *8 luv Üo* of New GOW& to which ho invit« the, &tWiUon of his biemb md the piabie gm«ay. ilt ermble him to meft C'e "' CROGERIES. -1919 Wi" KRp- AMD ET Alâme- M SRT, au womim Imw tutu WC rhtrie MI boh, W" uk tbar kimd and the publie to un md LARCEST AND CHEAPEST'STOCK -OF- READY-MADE CLOTHINC impalM by them. fbremen "t WooUm CSds the bulk of our Btock in tbu usuà and PàlD C"x for them, discount and the lew awket. We emmiffl be toueh»d in the VALUE we -are offer. ing in theme 000" --%LSO, A SPLENDIDSTOCK Or- G»y and 19VMte Coftoiu,, TUENT 01r DRJM GSlm SILim BATIKS, Dzimu TRMEMRG& "CZ& GLOVES. COINDUCTED BV nom_* qo, 00 ý , ý .. , , -, ý,-" ý'f v "I y, è 'Inq, 41. Mm Lfitj. l"m um ow.1 ,aïe= 'I'p lin V lit 'ilit&tlç, coxiqm DRYmG-OODS -AND Ilýnejm and 'EXTON BROS» s"ek et BOOM mmm r"L A» wmvwàn, ManemmmüM Qmd& ffl t* »U M tm pmmws pub*, la"" la lu IW =te m bo* ào@oM wo IL. IL