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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 11 Feb 1881, p. 2

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bttbll.w* wlth th* 4%.4 0% (kbkkbf tN »- &X, PM4 trè, tb» O«-b6qd- lxv. L -Mr. J. C. RoddM te* 0# ~ «A wvmtkw ttbwt"tpol. tweawsmo bow «w4wbý Md tu oma4mkbd V#bW* PU6 DIRTH& »ý ý BOUM Lnoui 4v Wtttî-ýb 'b.4 ýl.v Ilbt* wé 404t, '4,4 *wm w @qm4«4 the, omw1k av* 04- amitAin. -Oh the ink Jmmv. 24 04wwMý Div.&-Xr.ýJohn Moue. bko*iffli MOKP ffl 1 ivitoffli. th* I»Jofltv ow w9b a lbab UÀýqwq. m4veb»% et uwli%% lb pliffla Ilé VW* m prxçfmm « SOCTS iràamý -car__ f. 1. tia thellit mwbve the Md damohwe. C-5ZO ALMMTIrar-,r- DIT. i..-Mr. JimS IL mm*àmm. 4 42W 41MOtitbt* *t4941. , e'«.4wq, It w* b* 'Ï'tè*t«A4WM RX»egjf hold '-'by r"vm - ý-.Oa Wedn@@Mr. MW & tbe VM et Lbulay. ?Ob. S. IXI. FrancW IL well"IL WW èbmwq .44 lho t,(.1&41ttkffl tiffl-04%* 34%4$RW*à offliettý»u* fflatib. jý LX rbbvolw et Lbdmg. Or ab dao~ . -iruluDAr. hW$, 11,14it si,%# tefi-m th* ebw4 3--mr C ri" Om«ry 46b th* »htw ÎÏ041441 t1ellbo ft-lé Werom ble, babffl !b riveilliiii I.-Otb, Île b m-%-« fbw »ctm»-.^t bib lit the tow"lp ot XAar 1wA106ý 1,(.kttA W04 a s* pr4,.qqm (j is 4 th*» «»Wébfflw-- PMÇMM of I» semelle x omet. un xDamy. Tth hbnnn. un. Xr. son -Mr. Frmkltu ChSdoIL DIT. L OM bb" »*«M eted et vours, hMI tbbtifoiv toffl rAf4b&" à- _-Thac the cierk et tbb wo»bç4m tb* td*mwo Ar* w*U. tt Ampb«»dr4 te *VM te lm vv Mr hum w;" bê0t *K-W-.-64 quoph .9 pet Mp wtv*ýboel. 114 okw ofttkb» w4au. kt- *N»614% tif. elé»W WK" »~ %m Wfflàft swam » tom non. et la il. M, m tpbtv!% fi w -4qý eb(-t flets î it-wit 100tue ttmbvt traitbitub sesve tw*lwx«,. bow* sz- Ëu#. cbeet a mue 14 %blé Oumll VU 1)rý ue - 84 **,Wd* tb"m4wut w*M v r'go* lleui* -lbehoý oe,-k4t 4ve Ç4 eo Il lwtlo b@Mmbebza m-do fer stelst)te" t bbl^t siau a" me," tor a" 4414y etlti% q%4"Xéý @QF4.1*bttt bwillewesol, abn»bm et M» sage, VIATRUM M EM M . »xk'mm»*@ Dru> hl'4 sqqsoew 'w ý 1 r 1 Ili »Vis 1 1 A b~_ Wb. . . - Oum of t" poý fff éVos: me, emplit *ýt4 0113 111111M W"OOb.« avourm vbwàv*umý balt U» a. whp-, *e#mnmi top obolý «.mi. q*#(l b"t hao t»t«M»@M tkto w ffl 4 0& o4blilt et bolles ou~, Oeuf* 4ýummeý» wu At tbe "M »mmb« up et t" m tttw tho lotllém'l lý-f éw wtwý kif* 1b w tb*-, &-Th" a" fflaw a" 8" @01111111; k"t lit Muk à" eom two en, &CUIR,, am lb-Jà-& »_BnbRlý BM*1wdý uffl 'n to ivits4tmmov th* n Pad» la baim qbwqubly tréat hm e4* After t" 1-OW-Yif lu-4.1 'ft«vopbw *%*tb4w am bmfKr hop% tje mon, of o&wo* mm** br bec *o" posV9 puna". tl» W-b«W* Îi'M' m oswée ma m of v» #M'if "d etilà" Y«rot Our L«dffleumuémd--ý owmît , - 1 bunamd a" ewwyealle. *Mtl»ftemtml~y ALJL offltaomo* bave «MM &ôW., UMUM IF4»dým tho I*wé» bW or**4»89*Wd tub WmI, Vkg«tm. i y.)we pel, %1w, foëm 111* tb» ow P. 1-TAiraný CMIL $au% An 'étfflffl 'rb* tWM.Mffl, Wubffl aro b@4%« *au. tiva te w" Md jew"T Ta- d-à;l mar- rota& tý«M 0*0" - 0 XASQUUADE ~ . du ('l' nie étp*ib wo» îl%ýwv lé owoop of blUbN* bé~ »0 0" wumm atoll 9" J= MIN ît'lld 9= 40 X«Mdlint S" zwM71M m i 1 . - 40M. 1 = 41111101111ilb. iroism tb'"444 toV(bl* 1* pdv#ffl br4 ttýUlbWowe ifflit. bb IMI",Ab we. iwwum» plat^ oppoqwwm . Tb& abwe la a ce" et BV-law- Pm«%" "m lm Illeur m - "Our L- e.,m f«b.O*ý*Wo »M *dvmw*. Ab"t "# the 1 : be»e kt th* big ffl* -à 1 the"" uu»dMte rww belli- #Mb 1 00 (»-4 tiviýIL to h*" go __ , t c lwbb uàmw &84 am puuld by the Xuaidw c«Meu et on mahimmuab6 lânm*.Pdbüpmm& ffl M"bom et ti" lit bb* Town or iâméw. tu *0 coq«Z et vw Agi@" bren- mi bffl I* bb» &eoxw »d 141 wépoll. mm -tee 1*08N ramer IMW aricur. 60*4 Sthe Tthder et robtiowy. IRL Wb*" bw by IL R4»IML 4 ce_ lot tlt4o #éw WQVMM bk* 111#4 the If* V*0 aux. VOL t M.-tyr. ý l tt«-*#O «4k,$4 le r4mmw»ktý by eh" *iffl fw«*M* et NF t àç@M##MIWOM ý Pm Q4 0»»«- lot t-Y '64 t* 4» "molb 00 tb» »w éommv" 1-0* Mwam FUR% vqpm" me amed X m'à m" &ma- ik. 14o. "*Wi 1 1 th* oë»w alledllls. Iws 01.1. 96ý Ose, *Mbo ... tba'pmpmbb am *04- Lle lote »v "lç* .. ...... M btii àmw" babm Ok 004ohwogt «MWO" *11M 14 le tek jugmet 4 e til., lwmw, le = - OMM MM rà. hu #K. ý UK « *Buus %hW ew* ot idi f«M ot ladi. le th* pum- 16 w irz woolm 1%6 OMPM bal* "bom a bobt eow ." @p@" vmmubmm *mut by 0904,414,41 Sv A"t4wa th» m. mma on mumu mftmwààm am 1 am -811-, la *ý eau. 4mot*»*@Um "A** ga, Mun" Mmuaum «jwwjM.ý -Ç;;7k-**Ïcï; ý ; c ouffl tawe "ffl vb% Umm% of *'kW -àoo&izm-;. U& El=' m MW 1011MOR& a" WZIL la am Ulm Mum M-W - *,wo Ob* WWAWW&- om,«R@Wu" M& EE D *'*$ffl "»ou" OOU» bë local commmaum IF k-lrm;* ' e_ Mf M e 1-1C 1 l : - 1 i é ~ l ' 1 9 6-1 1. 1ý 1.1 - ý e .._ t ý É1011- VIai I3sîiuîéI-- . ý IeM êw " Aw lI M r.i~ a b,1 v S - - - l y, ' 3 M - . I 1v... 1I, 1 . J . . - e m . lb -J -I-I W. ; 1 - - _ _ . Y ýrn . .. le 1 , _ __ ___ __ __ __ r n T E S , - .0 ý 1 1 . M" i .o . *-, ý 1 *= . = Oe.# h .wu t W .01 1 1 _ - ...1O.ti U I l nU S * wuIw li UbO al hm Il. U 0 S * U B= m t U m g , w . WW MW . -. tI-M M t ý 41IM.1 bo a & Ob . -M E. f h . mluth co1 1 1 lp*ooboi m OS* 1 aa.<oIltt144hOU amea - MU . .W.ftm . irtWS mWS IJ $£ &. i m CM le e à mm a o w ý s irM 1 1.m**Um mg le g "e- - M. . t l..... ...t eMmmmOSJA 1lA su é éî btef b 'h " . tttnoM Mý _ b,--h% lle _ hIM- - 21 4 a.dm Ibo W . 80..«* i inwo mm muet"Sanglotit que" . __ .f1u-,SL en d b4 , ~ M*@* Ai*gîuf* i g e o1 iw' cifi< c « . »oi -a J - r8ii0,wIïwai--- --- - - 8oom.te t.?.: liaet ta> J j V to oc. ur.4WpW téttpm t"1 f4.V .<t . M <f4 - o . kb L eA UAS.th uls . 1 m omr£m§mw m1 1 m ý m&$ 2le _ . ,r4 *tt40."S51M tveai . . .Sa ffl e t l0amf a.* 0 I . U.ieo th i.j< . 7 i, <?l m 1. îh ot i'd -m o w a d. T het *"&W, Wint M O U " " tCl1 ~ S M e Mu E u " a M -to e #* « ** i tI* U * . ý ý t b#, = * vl fwâ.1 "&". A. 1 I * ~ t. Ifie, L4NWUp Oseset Lggnnl it i a .mom. 5 ' * * Pia r t - FIh ~ d ' b wI 8 ,. - ff <fw ««* et 1111# owe M *11!g *eaw ~ *os m glis MI,.- - .ômSQrwcni Ywwk;. ta. om 0 m- au-& faélb. . . . , » ro"n"O.uà-euo a . 51 le M-,a_ trub l tagbo, a - -a.i.. t' t ,. t .,, ý* mP6* 0 0 1110<8 t à*gvi. 10 . t a O a . 5 1 0 1t l I 14fi t so sutv s Ijatu- ioa - oua - u_ _. oa a. wes y.àu th *, ltoe-o .y. «ý - .054 t PtSIP bMtt I 1 4 #W Ms» mhi fir4»04114. tflta t5ttalttBti3laare eeu. tMA NN.d. , .- Çt %a* M'"*bpo w 0*** I w trSti m o 0 bWu 1yn B88S M M. <kv. 4 f ,ttteiIlle #4 P0ff0 0 o f 9 p 9 00 10 « l th*. d »e. u g wt ft* 115 . t 1 a 1 ff . 0 . . .C.g ....*t* leI - - -I l(W((qwlt"*fl« i e - A@wmomaowwmbw" _ ý . . "' ' - - # * O wU4* I O o ml .at . e * m t. a iÏ ; I M W &i . & . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 . 0 < . . . - 1N131 l " " S m lD I IIA u hKon o t a.a-L Tmt a i Co. r ou n ô w m I L ,u - . l; . *... b.,. ,%*t, ee< <oebkî 1l..ttégi," M g f h. Vlfft.4 << 4081451m m4'4S&<5145m.* or 1t W<.< pgL................ 10 S .1.a.oI etandbmnrac ma t, ." .U ., ,10 (4 «- h t t t 14 t .4ýj t $V < . . 1 . 5 5 h IVl &, 0 6 0 " l ig e * " a * m * &l I a y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .» g o 1 4 "10 'A - b #* .. 1gw- et ot pff (e If........-ý........ ..*1ll, le 1 e6Lâb w .'W" *9i ubu io**mm t'est§ tW10 - O A W l " , , "# #tst «* W -«. 1shoir « x vï* l!> P~ » ix w Ob*11< 11141............MM 06".............. m cetar bexo 6t h1Thtîn olaa1ala 18iff.l . ,, Z ,1te . ! : 1los.<3.ço*10,ê>t. .-. <a 5.5 j.N . . itlog, P&0<... ............. ...< S c e '4 #6u.oohkse<..je la . <.lfotr aDrbrafe n * i -o - , ý t: 1 lgega Iwo«» Ft tIt** #"9S*0tit1 ý' 1tr-i .tt<*..........t4k t9 ) 0.stlm .-" temav u mDW.E AS<a my ot f h W M O b m e uM J,» o ot . - -1 .. . .... - ........... o $s e M b « JI , .aWd debenîuru . A m d I l r a tl e u r 1 <t *,,<ttt5t.<ti .'h le 1 C0.1 04<t4't<4,t f .<'.,î<S-4)l»Une1httit 4e .<a t it<t<-. III . . . . . OU a os>n ffbe rpitit aB - I Ic >«. N ,J. i-às...ýý -. .1.th- à'..-,$il t' * th* two*hh-t oi*dml.e b. ** . iî$h Io "4oibt hm iwho1Wt =a. . e * le 9 1è 1 = 0 0 E au fer *t.t~I<'*t'.~ ~'tJ * <1.-5 .< 5< 5'itt.'ot" *514.1145<4 5t.4,IllSy if 411 <. « 4oowi<qjohrh.tes 11uhîa 114L~t t>tom, t.gs . . . «t. 2~ hghe.oodntc. 111 Sg.<,ibolL ihaa ipsity irooetin e am laobeta 5" L. ."'1 lt< .t<t. Ihts.f<. ft,5 1 iM SI Si 4ff1ttIttI' rt,<.Vp."4 W«< lv...............<,f n1. , lm. té«iWk1 0s.a à4 rs e h sm.ooim reiet h<>~<. l~4 <45<<1 ' Wut.i "#', ( > Ob.< *t.M "Ot't <i k<tuS 010* <':Ikre*etît MentalI ... t................ .te 'e.8 » 1' 11 $5 ] a u. ý 0'.sf0lt-% y, n*0g01<1 <h, ew <e,..........................« tb.sa..W l uuttiun, 't<.a =ur1<t.<ehwoty. stli.eT.ua............e su 445<55h, Wttt145fo thf tto.<410M <h. .ett* 1<5ti<'4 . 5>...........4.......0010 SUC les alb n M . * y, d pe uqVe ut'. iss aD Egb G OvO& h Wad~ B 1 4 .ttI' h e m iý mh 4 < h . t t M u tC, -t . O Sr -1a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o ' .. 0 a 1 9 o y e m r t 4 * Wa . ?à * O r e iH U d T' e d a i o t i &i n 1 o r M , etato<ndt.t- 030mon.athant OS f- aur aue.c <ft IittSli:*15 toi1 pt Nfugolm I*4q. 110 p<.4<hlîf-,4<q5 l<>0è <i b- til<tv4,100< u5s.h <... .... ...... ...........'010640S#(xv a DlAse&@W$ty *ae . ý I.il, I', 1 '. <>v t . . , 1 1 boltêiet i.iift9m Jet ton ftlN 1<' 4*55P4,14'b it..<z1 .....h.......... .... la« ......................01 ý«<<t«'t k.<0<t<I - l'0 r»o.1 *1 ..<'5S5S5.............,< 1a.. fr po ottm itioaus b' 1 of âgeb. sh owo lý J 1 4J ! OCM .^tIt. w t.e. 4 w 0 b i<m pfîtfl « = = W»a S 4 i#t<** < C 0 b u d L h ln y. tt . . . ......... . . . . . .0 2 nA Wd ictTl U en t BM r ' ý<I iet c t n o r p n d a l a s . i ae .o t 4 J t i« . I - =*=i 4 " " » K c to è e . t l ,Z m , 1. a o , î . .l . is n mu tut hed u a pa x t 1 a « . 1a ,* Mtptedift 4 f$4Ralr la ond ve te lit..1*"v<n ta'a<haine sert ueseffeto for iu. -wlbous te <unWhthey Puas Prts aOt . 1 .ýýOhel4.egbFtttr* .ftb ,J«ý - twéglSIM 00t g, fl«w,.lVe*e leu0w*W »* wooa« ~ bit rateWbusUý..... 1 ........s....*e3..t SILI) .S_1Mdrxih..-.uLt fSnt * h#o.o.< Ittiti, ** 514 <0Wfl*. 5<00.......................1040:le Il 40. etsthee,! <t,, ide ,t................s...... . hall t. clear W m to. t'.5 t '<. , 0"sî'uS5<, «. t'..-î,.4.4..t*ifl 0411 * A.î*su*" taf4*SabflI10................................... ................ ...... ... 401os0 61 fisd*ittkuu iardîaoa iio b s t intw ne l 1, . ... <. 1 , . l's 10 9 i5 4üt >t ' ýt - ep5t i, b<etd < A I . 0 < 5 1 ~ <~ 5 5 )4. " W 1Jt . p <t 4 S t s 548 ,t. 5 . 1 -a 8 1 5 4 o 5 ( Z" u<$. e <*04té. *0<*i.t5lee< t6 <hog<14m-t- d<4t*tIf 0x..................oObtool'>*j > .517.06 IN.sSI.tu1 MOMa M IL.u r tpo a diLao ________ __________ _________ _ 1-t..qt't '. '«< t.tttI<,.. t 't<I 15<IO*V 1< 55 , u1 4. 1««<4IMM.lSshofioo <eS 1 <5.tt.f fl ab o u«<ttt otcfS h<at<,l .5<h <tt5 e051 05 Mf...<f<1tt..,< t *a.0'.Tt<ey". , *-.:<::.,blstlh etaM y '4. 5' 'tt v,., , 4<'it<.<.;t.<t .tttl s t.b. s. 1 . .. <tI <m... 1ta * 10 1ut, 1* .1in thecm ut VcriaE hereinsfo.r utie t "i mt .,,qk."t < '5ii45 . 5 t <,tttt<y <l*'«i4. t4bft 5854d, W" emî1. «111 , ste lailleff, l<*'4 off. < 4 WO» &0,0. 50 <<1'tt4. t ... . . Ob00 su es h th 4 m g h e t e ble0 di .y. .tt i0 2a y0 0 e . < a c 5 1 bt* *W bego M 4Ï 0f14 » »- 4011me 410f <4w h.l *.JI,'.s'5t, *5 ath <01550<15 .K'PUIT- I. 1TDEAS 0,115t % .em 8t151 <14055 tarum m abone ic einetao S abmoreEgt b ,îrqeaIi tis.1I. taf0 f . , u1 , . . I l 0«,t '1 1 I - ' .f , s t <I1 w w w qw. , 4. 1 < 5 . 1 1 < . ' h s < s o 1 t t î t 1 S l a . t M. 0 5 0 1 0 0 4 4 <y - < 40Ir S s i '= W. r. . . ..0. .> . . 1 < 5 0 0 0 5 1. c r a n d e t i e s a m o d m m r II-, * é i 0 * 1 , . 1 1 . e l 4 t e l , 4 ï 1 2 . w -: M 'I . t'. . - ut«'t' 4.t .f«5W<.i. 5-w.4<1 «5t* ii<> No8s" hg4t <( <t4% t 01t*h « tk71 0- Ii*t u«1 ~Sf 5sfl ,< 1 &W. V.h<,tbw * *.*.... «*...... ...S y,0102506 j 00. .. fit Theuasnd.- Dotlrssdua a t esaonc * 4. <h, e tt <j , <..t<. «'"t .îtist ::..tu <'..1* 4t>01,fl l4î-lstss1.*oS We pt t roiagitSo....... ............. S s- 1. '<,<M 1 t0"<Ous. 0isrsftr <li 14sadw " ia" , 1: l..«..,t ..,- .Ï0 I , .~ <.I 1Il?( 5< fl b0i 4lf 1 8 10M< 40541 h >>.tf< 1s<S40 t'« a ito'eto*10.S114 c tb*a < (ISI5.4 JI, M*n#p 7 am ilideeit twud vrofi, beedet.t'lt r 4o«5 t . 5I I= i«451<0 t h. 105 t , <, g . --............ ..«0.1 ' (1 t 'W 1<45 ouS P<n'm ~ î ~< n fr. pinostheti T.ht.# S. O, 1 1. LpUi-Tf a . .. -t.IVi. 11'45< <tt44« <' t<1ur, 'a., 54>01> ' " . . W<0 3 h tn<rsta e giSh '.uî'Trtor'j 1 a ge OW ,t eoad.13b31I _. e.,tt<t54S4t" . 'fi,.w .SS<*445 lé '5 .t ,4h.4.'t*<t.'g, ,u 711.5 d 1.41145117 85<elle 4*bitfht<. vla. Sc" »«Wxta 5a o .tt.......«'>0 st ua'y 111flt'ryUt't'.....uai0 St<S ecuothre ntitau beü»leb a- .7 TI TrXtuaWa 4Bthea< E. * '1ý«el« IV I i . .ti, tV%« 1< «s5<1 «t 11<44S tce S 5<01 5. rnstd* - _ . A- >at<15o5te eu"-iam< :. 1 ý j, w 'o i ., ' I ll , , t t, , ff . o l . <, l., * qIte . o O I,,* i < h o. il. 5* ,»f ' M- " h < <t<5s * M r . Ige«s W b @ " . . . . . . < * 0t.. . ... . . .. . Sl lie lie »bou 4 O s ar <ï yyth er 0 0y o>ab o e r  TEp  C C O X X O DAce m . l-,,<. 4, . 4$. '5.w Sttîstb3it< n .llt :.S« *4 "t- =stî' î o <'... ...... ... ...._. .. .0 51 ' Jad etecC ng u<h a ol h mf ý. . e.,l.hhoSe -45,.tS. . . .15401. «SI -O, titrsio*a*at=e zuorOSca isu aiL lý - . . 1 . . 9 ; ,.1 1, e ' 4.1.<>b5.: *, . 4 . 1 W~ woo » ;s.<t? 0pj Lby . . . .............. '.....s;. 10 1tu 036 m tooO u âaatenus b:elm nt e h. «a munciplktcirpmt , Iw <ea a.jD a "I>Sdsm m ~ ~~ f $ h .=h 4u . l =Ik lI 4 5 0 4 _ M â l e , O 5 4 0 ' >a P . 5à4 , <o w o m = e te.., < 1 5 5ê t . . .. . . . . . . ..* " - . . . . . . 8 0 0 t e 5it o u . 0 b < a t u r a n t m r Uqi C e s 4 a g f y a gS n d e u . I c o i e 1 < < S 1<'0 »<f thé, .ist*:.I, >,1lO 1* <5~ 0 &UPn 1050, .wq v', le>4 1#IeMM * 0 »V1. 0sl<'............7 0 N11. t ....s ........ 056utSe '0 » M n m a e « v .l n eo < ý ý >*, ý.«'l'ý< h;h-ý.t«ft%,* W * ».y 4 104 f4 0J 1 11154 . . . r e '1 .I0 1.d5I0fS . 5ý 75* .aÎ t iies Wt............... 0410 o .0u u a «m w o f, arei ho ay hereinaf le " u e »ifo .g~ -h'4 . ' . 10.1<- 1 1 44i<es16 P44, fe eel @4s, O * wh lik >'M 4 h* ég f t< #,p" tt i, et. 0 &O % .R w m vte n 4rn a.................... « <ec i. i hem ,om u u" . . 1h Ie m u a a < M no < hed; . s O ie. . 1--I » -aI'«..$< i'. .1 , 1 . .«<.. «< î.p<.ai> *,s<0* « <* gl t 4 a . <.... ................. 0 à t ylioui)s, m .ai *e mut1t e1 fý rèq'.,$-,..., .(be@,, $1499 1 Ta. fil fl b .0, q k < ... ...... . ....... Ékidiglizl ..ri ezodlemt.o«S ouh5et5.the sué taila>b. ~t< «st~hl«ttlt.,iit4, «tt.S t 'î<<0i'144, 1.tI*M 1"< <ut»- uboo#t81W k4&qtisAttiteeoStSei wogt tssjt,'h* of ,. <i <hem tcoupons (a.'tbLoftuost oRta .,aia.peasty .eugocceetof.Mytoisatms in I,<Ç',.o. v 0 à hi ......51 15.<. .. ...«.................i8 0lu *)« tii «<tb e *utajo an t a tii ouland uS <Si Thra~ j ~ tnis1 b aauie e ,45,N. <s,. t s4f .W.a <,<.$, i t , 1 b 5<. t..4, iet (If t4 *1'.5M" > 544 54 5« «W" * oy ffttxf ' î«t o.# te m.uts r tu l<4.h.ttiohy. ai1o - . . ,I filer . ....... .... ...-... a05 Wto.1<> <0t55r<1 5 ar".hue c t.eeanu m onOMyZ.brco te ,- 2 ,'l -III 1. 5., »',ie5<i.< 5<5, S,*4tt y ffi4 111 w l 4. <<4oeu-tle«sï't S<h 1 5.<tII0i<f h 0<5.13 f0tec 71 't*I'flV<I ett* - -.KT of1ah thentrei" eB SporS het Sts.< 105540.Uic> 0455.... *5 ..Iy .... ............ . 07a ;5> 511 E' déta ied tu zni AnAI. 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Itt«el«(q et etti-t ' Vw o » ....4 .. .... ..... ... ._0 u0 M or f--i 31--m ty<o ailaller tuse ta os.jeas --11 Il* twb4 1 e1. ao.v<.iî ti.h,.<h, tq -tf <.411ICg 1«40hy *0*.5.<ss5*4<555<t 4 «"Stit'e re oww OIM t%%lb . .............. abLs..... ..t.... ast I màsîe'I ý. .ýW - " » ~ m t g e a.rlu k, . u ý' k » .d e n S a yd Ue u a <biE m o5fé,.i <* *t44 *4 .5r blegila44!k .î vme saiicdd. _ .<n.5500,,a eel-1,0st, . fls O 114< h. &*4 ert5*a. t4 h(t*tt..............btf114th* on-a bit'eut «e.. ffl ... laite..tà ...o........o....f.<.e O."itte .i t»,mnys-e u1 -as .54 0î'>t.sh . < ' jStt'1 <,t4tl<tt.y «<5 484< , q5ý «t4 ffle4,1 "d «o4*it5>Wa<4t«< <h 14.1<10. <.ti1st . 511w -- .peu.. ............ . SM 7o %-... -ai)î1. ?»s 030ais t'dari iltficpltyo <i p-n 1 -etb.1 h..èthéi 0tN* eS' )w ls..e 10<N r dl4. _;; te 7 Z.) "s <O4'iSt4<t<45"yL-4I t<EU «FORs tWsttt<'t>SGsfe<4M ONt.........................> > «l i o'*a Sutorcht'er u, mmo,., etA OL. .ÂL B ftf-«-Wtt<5. -. te hoa. Jîtu«Ltt th" #N* eiug 4" W fiettuaye ebSeSmoadi*Is **4 Su, Il<W Nonebobu wthillere.......,!.......... 5& m . < b$s. t q,.<#' l.s 49"tt 4. teI.SS<'<"sit bl'tt< liai,414044,t'>41<5 44<5<<5-...I <<51504 «.h........... i5110«.uutwtuat'. ekIu..Ioua ,.031 81b1., .o f.U-. -se 1 4111411 pt. < ,I, .i.. .««5«** th 4 <t< <tttSsesttoss(,414sota.1 iu.a.i.t. .<Jil.Tto<" S Sct'Y-t ii 14baaîc l 5 ue.u',i .'tîr..-t,1attoué!.o m ., e o <4 5tf5>3 S** 5.t. . . < - ttlOtm ý- «" '14<<0415'<'t<'ýahw5< Wlo o« -115' l.tirSoIt4.«8 W18vu. <tI au «ilSeeos5tt5t to5,y- <S fi se. sec.t o s suiunu t<o5.ot' . I.i .A ile P e t, o f ic iitt%4t,.'- W*% tm tI, O <bf.Oft sgt48wb11'lé f wt , « e K R e lt .o e i l r e - a d S < w < 1 - e - t t'Il 1 ï g î_ j< :4ý. l e i W S i le t 5 4lé lwe . 4b b:*5« g g l i le qh I(4 u t ( t ..f@ & é ls bI Sh4 % eafl o I Ithd eel e e ' M t é lt ael d n * O S *e.. . . . . . . . . . .n , m a 0 tu4 0 : wE NuE. d i i o . t uw h a r h « lsPo W u g wMM là»a »» .<51,..0 . .4 .ucok S l Rr onc h 'i.<5<*<t<.1 iIt <y , Il .isw1. suatitel te ........>........ S u 0 ofVicori, fr pincpalma istron . . . .t . - 1 1-P '40ao e1 ».bi ' * g <t ait*4415 54<404.ai*5 55 fl6e ......... ýDiv <-Pr. eU1 Iit. d y eronb c e nt.tBeITER UCOTOE.ODi. &-AIL. %Cbt ville, le 1 <ti< tee <hs-< <'<,.1 (t i.b45< 1.;ss,. l 4>0.10*$O<'414eâfe tt<S4. bOp<fl4<WRo auOt . It.ite"»ss tbwh.e <148 5SeUI*O W*#W eoS e m l m iC * t. bls Te. u» )l ý ý ; -r ] j m r l iday R iw y t w " t e i Si 44.f40 I<*. l ii.'*S<O.I î big t** the <, 3<e.ma<4...... .- .............. # 110 a Gaudis. S. S-. , -10.lw<f. îSl Ili, et>5, hIl à le< ! in the' 1cuOmeeC<4.4<14 ut.4Victoria. -<5 I o"Plansa.a.abd5ne.b.0.u o a.es ' t eU<aY'abm< uDer T'>p .l:,ie wde» Wz.dm . i4.,lf .. .t « .. , ,ý výlg i.sm ý <t a f m f10 frme he Joî hodu .... ... - - . .a&.til ,le1«<eo oe tout.hemte u c.. m ,o m b ,t bler l lwD; - t! . -. -.---.'---.end effet<bW " (11v-....S.40...ttt.............. ; uem ý a ll bus,..,ieh . frte aaenSft e h D.e eu ih deD a*D .s, <ltt.et ls4.<.>484454v.<.i.fi.S,..h* * . W4teis54<4. "S 144 p.458<4.<1<51 lb. o5 b Met. 5 "I51 4 8 5*1tiiti<t11« t4bi 5.4 5<a Wlibf'n.1, *<1 *b~feons U u lue boit poffCAKE ut OS.. - p..... e.. ....@ 00 oaa àl L«ate«Mit oneq<atS.ue'.u sus<. y I et t * e , th o w <nll t lh y eè S 4 *f <4 b requa it 1 e Se g s et.* » *.4 i< M a r ,id P.... . I n.. ... ..b..D 1 w e I 00 hem . a t t oitandu ,- t sl i.U0 1 h b. i àu< a 1 0 10 h r t a Lt.1UI? ,l,;l'I 41-e04Vl(.b ",,ftW-ý#g> "4 - e e irt n hi h u a D lfl ad neo. h e iC le ki* 1444IS»bt. ,10&5.tluuI II*55êIul 4tS j4*o aiaefittM tqiVý ..*.....ý.........q )t t 't.t.5 4141*<1 li. <. tSA51oft>Ns< whstSOOS S 05<10, h.~faipg *<5.o>s.05lo .115<.. SuIt teShst.se441<e1sg.S. - w-- ouru uà S iitu adei ,-...ý Im ( b. " e . * i. . i ý. ' 5 < 01 'P<i4< ~ * t 4 0 o l< i o Sf4 I li* 5t P 5 < ý < b.'< PC'> h tîte i go gg db h 5 ha 1 .t o 4 b t Ok ea*d 5 < S M « * bfl d w tt8 h t1 h o il. 0. U & W . ._; Som , - . o a 4 b k u b dg , I fl u u '«444<51<15 ..l.e <1< t's5îslm o I -45<11 <..b <4 -4 .ltii 4 0*< u4- ts 1.<414.<1.l 558<1< .t~, &bout .buarg&d Bw taaI.« O c t . Duel .-Mn J.C . l ra o. k =1 a ui Lai LU 0 t;r.ldbura à fro. lion a tkab& N G REDUCTION-8, fit exaet][Y eme-half #rift. $4.00 iaats fq>r U-00 Rats for half price, "If Pricm, CarPets and IE[atB alI& Calm and Fmm at half le Cettons ILOW to haud. NOW îs aire ahowint au stock in lew priee16 t adiau Tweeds now to haud. They ýyet produeed, in Canadîan StYles equal, inh and at lower prices than the f.,,.ie Igèn7s and Youths' Teslt ]Rats to-haud ja, et Rard and Soft Telt, in raglish and onze "a thrée empments of neW P i ts, ]EUC. and plain. The Most choice L thiS Bea»J14 priCeS from 12'e. to 35c. Stock and the Grestt ]Bairgains offeW "a at MILNE.t CRAHARSI B-RAD.BURN cool Déhemy 131oôk,, lindsay. la OrdOr tO BeU &U Our winter etack of eW) DRY GOCDS9('c .Rothing and Fum we 'ne, ca»S h Offf 11,81 ai jusi lhai T-hy c5là. L"ddo wu. TIds in a Genuine Oirpr as W, alwàr lu&" It a poiat to do whut we adverti.. b&'»ý sa» remived a naemad stock et IUCKS9 DENIMSe PRINTS CRAY AND WHITEOOTTONSI AND BRESS COOOSI LT TIUS SW Oj'ý ý TRAM XVIM BMEFOORL, - Mdu*miaerm» mr te&" Our ftIeAd%ý«'J' 0, MOIE MR LUT Or PMCES 1VEXT ummw,

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