a ulqw 0 à* OM em~ P.uéilte ~ if PI... ~ j, 4 ituvetubt. 14 th..514t tÀiu5t# i.. pluIe. 54 I4it$ai1~ lai IUf*. 5~.elli* - ~ç touais. êuet ietiuti5*teul *4CU ,&gsmpWIhlIl *Ii50e1î. tuititul î*.uc4 fuD51dllte .iIIO t.tteeu outt epeom4s e e ~jg~fqhi.t~d4S~. tIti "'g; ~wi, 544 4s~ cul 4mb Pull 4*1. qp *'~ lIS î~l~ ~.,as, ~s lb. I M0U 4 q 110Uhf hO*~ ~ ~1los. t4,#AU0~i4 q>* .*s'asll0 b eg.,g aIêsW'~<t c* 4ifP411 .1 ~- fis. ~UoS~ îI4 w ~.IOfi4 b.oeî suif 4 .s qil ih.4'ISifS 1h, ~lullNl 4~j~ e~~~nl gehule t f ai ~innif il tif t~W ,VW 4*bv f 1'DVI~ i., ..eq~e B i .#,,L~54> C *~, auge. ~ 'tMeê if 1W i i Uqb.I V..îeIWb > Il *p.04. t, if g...', if ~fiI ot O~44VV > tWLll~.0~ t.q41 *4 ,4 ~ v..I~#4, i.4% P i* ,.~ g~..l.n. if t fqeelmai ~hfel~ WqIb.I~ VI04II* UIfE *'o Ut ~ * SiBifi * u.eiMUfl le~ BL~5 4.étai W 4M~I4~1h f,~i4 Wl. tI. ~, 'unit. i*iUuIUi 04. ts44lf~' W *.~siC~< *4.~e I4i1*eLIg >qh**. 4.iflll luit ~oee U~ ~ 1ItMt'iWIiIt0 W tI Pguu~ Stq~lu - Puai Çhi .ttftf.h aihleo Mtnlun b.~i 4(Bulitiit.6 p gej. - i4lh Eaw~~iu ~St. aSfl. ~fj4J**dJ ~ qf5~4 kwf tel rw4Iî el 416.1 tyt f lit Ihit .11ett.stiitl i ep.ce te acittoilis A Lt 1.111515esiMei et ts fétV. Cpb i.ettbitie mi,. ft.iî 5 lI iiW sc.eevmai itç-o 4h Wot ie 0511t1*U0Ot< lit: upSel lli etaeitt îottS titiS ~ lý( f i >~~11uu iot* rvi -htif, iu I ltitte4 eSS vii ~ qm LI 41151 t 44tial lliipl'l$te i-lts 41vM à."i it14lU (4««4st>LI At' sueb"ll5<.fs4l0fq NOMel isli .ttt:uMiib e iulel~ if bi 1of5 'b"its"UtbpbbifWo14(05 u'b for~ ln* w. 'e e- < 11-7- 1 sel - e 44 ffl 1U offl - um em teeees.twmesel @»~~ulUW jb"4eeW ---.(s to o .up5eeil.V*O IUSS liRiît*& al 4h. "' M 44i C.flli -ienvee401 S omIle WSO eteu s t4if f îO~ tb0beOb isut ps mpf0le*1.4m set. isesSI pesOS !'A1 iSOSîh 115 t m llPttw the mmtpsli. lelt0"Wts essl WIN 8%".eW~ 0# < C eps. tww e éfellu 0# tQD<'1'm .1550em Poe Qettees.wy ffe ieowl 101u ieSt.lssUS <wY le UeO. < ailles. w avt poe &5 51 50yitimlf. ~liitttif. 'oi. .01.5*o t" S*tg ; q4 ie si.l g1 h*4W moh<1 e l *'îmse i owte lmmae ls tfs.le -km ise iB M.ra.4 vis miffli.. . *5t< t.awf.V. 11Ob»10w 1.151*w 90 #b". *w . 0& W.mu lteff'. W îtee mtï w x Pe 1 1 .15'*meleslemE - obtlmlm b51 etl itumbIe eviiif. petuow ilsuitputbt i5le.puê50eo <lb. stll l5 et uiWsiitsgt h ..11 M"pw* oit ee gself Iel 1*lb. 06 osust tlSti.v.5ê <l-tes SUWIOISM mi* # *4 $rmB wt»1N#W00 lia DSt 51ifittm otiI 51110 mee1 le0. .t im 1 1ult 404tt <ie ilotefe uttmlgesbe e t<f saoketu st~ lem tuti iptmf*tm îoaitfitms.<1<feyti<'emti, gIe l«îeMoib: 10effl. éf qml«jft5If tItofi(oo loo" m.30e . lu .. 1bt 0* %e elpIatom om Ch. tev«oS <** t'th *Aohbn o itle..utefgt 65*54 Mo Pýe.5,4b tivAt tisttA eegelf tM st*t clme.le . t w4Wb@i h.tie.*5teultefpCt I t.tueieteiituiubtitleluit.tieU tt. met ipeseEtCielthe 151 euth. ttit t5otuP i.eotft ev*11 tptii li the0UUP5St0 <eh ewi i oi mmi mm 1%w h.f411*sltu utlift llefIL* olttilffl grss,"~lt aib n l <is dr"11 oseS. Ce ue *11ifteîl foUesmpltht.elitme t o f(CI, Tew<i tt.i St t>iSet stte.CIICuiSb.tf etA~CC Sli lu uit ot ie I (ttitIt.tliié- ;" e ' 4 ..a~oaâs5 e Ih eiAl'l.ag~tomue esu IK t~stsu.sm pe bomtet if îoh'fiPIil < t vo . ltil l e h meO~u eut*atlpl. m"' ttii eiucti theg .rnIihillf'1fst Ce Ietbta040S ei ~u'Isi~ît* W-B w'.me t he lIîecipOuf t Ob . seCitil alMls lt te 1-g înîe,uîitbe taitwt.Pml. ie Mt1vvfOs floj.teîp e PMA ~.lIs vte.iel S<'uigeePhl*amUtu< 0 4 e110 lN h st.Ib.0 eitl ie.l t 00.*.'le sOiCe@tU an~fO~tP'l $htuee (441tiuIOPIWt efUN ISS 15 iehOu eeu tluMe tui Itof*~5a'l. . o153.lt . *teio e*Otet'loeufeees oru*ifea.i5U Ieoiaieec.it «I uUpllIiSi.,iaifb.lhq M Wsi 01. US C1415s <e toie f~ie VS 51 P. - b5em»bw ..Ibe etuB s«1m e.ia @wwq l Aw ý qi » MU - îmaM*use kbtlSI PS Umm UVM t s. s m lb. au MMoS lusm la à" -mm wu ta »~ W lies. l lés' 550f < * "oi MiOflePm MW s. b4 WMWZD *0we ow w 0#(%ut, *Mo de m tt 0 om tie te~.W» mms.e 0- luore la IlleSSS Il lmwl 1h.*501 Oi q i IfOgo la Uses.q D t ougwomuse.»ime 40 ëeeioLfBqISs WubffA l M»Le wmbi 15$ un peeau 0 t. jeas- s fi tlllolet oeoocsm am 1e 0gl omu e li Le7Uf- 1teiot Mig , 0, eMo SSeo 115 mRAI 7sa sýmem u.psaeha»» -1.ab enc--- V& amb%$W.Oum àugne ne k5illSu wma t Id hua lb.lb. iuomame. *MrepImm" Vâ Ca... UFiUib»OW SUb" b. m ram*mO MMs w» e.t W.luua'l Meuh. Me utaSs lbglu. T Peue., g.. Il. CUBU'wmi lRse lb. &l s A umwsudb luele6s" 5 5 Wtlll.~ jms Bt A"q» te- ns a muun ~gj lb7.,... to leaybsu ore Immw m ia a ~ e e i ~ ~ e~ eocut otyaila . lesmblb!. 0*4t.'~ au sa e BU~lil0, lsekUle1Cue mm O aL b b U it n Ju a. f l. .iBauu W& C*Z, -tige i lIai lb. troua ~oi - - - et VUME~ log:pu et uu S hoho a. lit » VUIMW MM mmvuo bealleéos. SCOf ~eoiil OM KW aL YIWt boe allei. joei?1 41 'V"u 1o Tt* wekc t i e.t la-woPe" a mi 9 le.u ouI thetoîle ., tdvom.Ile«mâLb 5 0.aat trop i tlu 01 b. 0 we. &psoU *sL r tote oex a etu ks'u ha"L b WRoWb Tpasibomlàv 'uibatsi uppIe onr 11.11 1 LICuVciototg. u Lb.%b PlueEs scet US lai ut. tSçi v& ce m tULllhlJ îue" . VI ens V» une u M» ! u lv wbte.eli eh b@444LesLie a hua. aie pio Or I. 5 leeth eavhi o CUi fiwlom 119 ls bIIle, le.Oas %po ib bfft4CaW iy tee mom vu>=%apleIoeutsth- tlS* &W MB. ia 0Ib ~ du m ellé b.ls'v. lePetIl.wdy ÎW uuittleb A ptolosbmpOll ieseues Iii I01 t. 4 b. i» -àt » l mbS oeuom t laI tu &emn ciOILn tul ue Lt.. ASees uns t.lu. ue 'ni. a ue l. .'a, we OI.10pe M O. be .m W m la l'IOOU[b. ,aon W' oli eoe'Wleseus ayl, eitta 4.,O . ma Ia eues è= " j4pewe, ni shws îm U IILl bti u m oatJy t-9.pKow lm" if l th* la, Dmwmticw e .fl lvit ma* t Lb ~uel.P".îghagmm t t.«« a4 emàtnltue- ille pus t b llip Umm,*"OSI Ue uS. Ils wIes ees touai> S'. Au.uetosO iclme uh 15ihtoll he.ufiu eULa S. Pam 40ndpefto 0 7h.'ltp1 Immtenu Uuai bthttîe ousl eadio iii le lsaul i a, weit t-j . m.. n t P. 8o4S c illul. Ot e ?tht Ilfli OevtMn bppe >,mi t p. Iol,îl L48. tw uop toti oi121 larMe, Ch ia" "41a,*Ltmiq t' 1t6? -ce. uL eth.t..irw.,huoî *1 lit ~ Iitu «.e.'ks 11. 1 n * i 61ruI. oaa ao l.. u iL U i l hi, A m . I $eat u t 0 C15. un tIaar#:0010theleta Lbqvpnoloý * e ha'. ib. ,eviut aelher ho". eu umilffuin b are. > aitI île d.IeAuau-Mi do .oIee. 'ifleï . Lwue a nimer uf ut A lai I 05ebou tu es 11 iMeO-ULw uS loIs-vm is uel%..............A OS a. osa teile . . o , Lte I jilOl~~~~~~ Lm lqenl....... ' ~ tti> OtiC l am pee ............. a lC e 614 uouela . Iet .. ............. Is e le 1a euvupur oa................S000 îleue b«W c'Wu»" . - . .. U00 0 se ICs 1te*Mtld- ......... a06 te aI ....at.... Ot»S te 990 ivuvia> ~~~l>ltb............ 00taL tattr.OJ.oL.............Oqu e bCL0 tuolcu Val - pet..... ...... .. 0aste l *la Ita.lie.'o917'a . Uste #% iaiOt SeLCl ............t.)o%0 i. ,lIsepu Set. 15#0d...........ueICoL Use' lob th* >. ..............g $sa 1Le o0 talefi.p«bb, ete...... ....... 0 s e 2s' $$eaai MWIL. mow ........... UIt e *1 Lam 8t81t6............... o 00L I2 ieiwI1IFle.................... ooo e 61 Liea- %Wstew................ 045t l as oleu tto 105............. UIC t4L Vu...o............ .»% e 02s ..epCl................ 1(y 09 le 1 ~ac3 ~ pot u seA. renslna.......................... te 0B15ê5 Ple.SbiIuy....4..........f»e 5 b Pm, iis.U.................. UtIle 1 ina le Lb. Tùtt>St0 ..........jADM tw Moil s rlom lmep . ...... .... ........tte CIC W#twM. I r m w (al . .. ..........q....... c te e isullda l ..,................ t 9 isuOll amu ........... .. ste0 T wM ~ vu tIo. e. ebuIlb. IC..41e C.e0 wl tomb~ Ualue d...........1 0 Ct JuS ~ Je il i i..........I.....u aui e "001.................. e..,04 tI5ts5 Pu ul............. oni076 liselb soe,... .......... oS 535 Lie muong, 158h..w........... su. 545%. Du. Ls1ffl u'............... s I pw etuê Bs.teu . -PO - de..-... ....... >L Ote (161MomIlPiele......b........ .......oIC g 0 WyptlO.P ..................... LICM 1 & ;=IbIC. lO. o8bl.... ý.............iet* IS' amie. c, pu............. 0 a$01s 1M P ' - - .... ...'- à id»o1 mui> n1 4414,7$ op ffs ti" Leai 8.l tet nIes SI' LAW. - .li5 BC~lC uculi ast appeai 1'5Md95 lb. le tlnautil ils as mes usupeilbi te ~-ieueVi aie Seg.bueou tutu. C*lb.IUeIei~uSaIi, <icajl S-w ~U. - -h ar. LBê w no u.DSt& bm L.Jt, lflv kor MMl. r~ oSffl wMUI) =*IqoT wdb. à osuuo mi ,mu Umf M M am l ~uoeesss.nue* n 5.'.. . 0 aUmm., e du. ~ ~ ~ 0 Sommet @Ilbt 10m i m~ 0&*iWà ni bua MW g% - i hft hM #ben& al.u sud e A b ah !à" 4" 0# *A. r à" âMS bauetim»»a.efligmmaW»~ ?wne.ltil sauj 1h.Iet4ev D. t*&L gil n W-ueni busen M rnf» *UA * » aww ta,. ku Mot-Éu %Mbesitle Plls hUle.oui l. a"n. lt.".QI e e. n.e." lae . l» ci inn &"ua. l A »L5leCAU nom, e.luLut U =4 mu =" t *a w"S la ~ ~ ~ im Il. eMr et o»tL. Lb ettu aeomiaLb. a mum imbu.. on ate cm iul. Ei ~s lun orne ~ ~ ~ c ulso. b 4u isasImm ltlWe rmwU*M. bs. aujo ±h VAL~AELK 7A5 Rails Tl.50u QI L*XVW AUU <AUW. la Bssoni> otYtaleta. u . Ibel e*Oute UNT, m » m aY ~Fm~ nas Ir nuuS au ueeea PA F£ KL L- r aueg o ri f o eu sn A C lu - SA L U uiA 7CUnK . lTh* ooehi6ele M W - m t. 4 n~L~ o .. un . be M h .o om aiea t Meu I m m $ W . o Cu le .. c A m y P u t V ie le e m . fln Otatowu« opwemuam uB.oe t b * p m n »O E e? A l . Lbu t 2 0 a« M c u a . qb PAIWL IL ..rde, MMUeIPM AUL ILLSVt S 7. b IIbo. h .ad emfoulle. 511. oadp *ff9Iý b.la" T6. toLou l.puuwsouuam um ik be. b. peine, Aàlo houuýs er Let ni bue..iltrn me m iamé dsb u e alault Ab"t x Iosath.hemV iMM& 0». buesmaffuseorala T b * to l e e l g n u p w o vq u m o m i d L le e . Ibo.p mmbmu à WC beaeIlm bu "a "i 7q em âtuas V mmpart Vmmd lem DANe"e sumo& ue.Bl 1u bu pmd dm m *0 u e as ib.ah ou%*,f e~~ Ulut -2,&b.h . m VMUIE.EFM 1U!Y b Lb.com m u6 1gnm br W. pasusu. toile iauue b.uAM5 KAUSUADL vs. RAiSEAIL. ta il. i4BotaT~tJIIia~L. A. Il luS. ~ulU le CASSUS DUAI, D'e.. lIe ~otlb. Cma n ~ ai 5luU~ OPENN THE NEW S.YNDIýCATý ai liv Fi'!: Tae ~e Leaê. OLTcr, , ]Y 000m8 5T01 lu TmNDSÂy OONDtCT ON2M CAM, 828715XL Piài .dafmac Dress Goods. al coIOR, sWaes, patterns and pricesîu 4cod a Z 8 îuabundance aipncesthat vilastoniaiyou. Coweatil-.etliein :~.. m e psen .g eke s them and tella yon. BVT Sal shades sud colons.Rba.,. &e. DuTmnmnl to fmatch the goods.LEMS, our stock is large and w-Il « white mnd coloeedTab1e Naphins, white andcolored. Doillies, &c., white Frontini.g Liat- ':n Diaei, &. n the yji(N O D department we keep everythiný.,Dtc k 1i bwown Denuam, Oottouades, &c. a E I O neeyqaality and price. BL Cotionsat prwremthat wIldefy any house doing a c'-edit busme«s. CO=XTON H(SLERY. mezt, phaiý n euy, in Ladies', Cliildrens and Misses Thia department is under the superrison of j&. CATE who is a Pr-ac,' .*'*.. He hma -ie the entire selection of our very large assortment of Broid C 1o t h sD res:- omais, Ftencli, English, Scotch and Camndian Suitingm, Pantings and Coatins&. . .. eu guarantse yon a fit and satisfaction at prices uneard of in Lindsav, -C'me UA- I emmine jo»McS for yomzelf aud seewhat cash wRl do. GENTS' FURNISHINGS, In this1 departinent we keep a.füIlimUe of Hats andiCaps-, white and colorelShr,,t makes. shapes, sizes and colors; Gloves, Socle>- Silk and AIapacca Umbrellas. &*c. BEAR IN MIND That anl 0= goodaane maiketi on a cash- basis as we seil exclusively for cash. 'N-)n.ri:~ exene frcolctn, ok-epessalaries. &c., and all other expenses connec tedw:-; BYBUYING FROM AN EXOLUSIVELY CASH HOUSE You save in many ways. You do flot help to pay bd debtse von buy'it ".s, pr;c e'.: person useti alike, om ue sur elings. Cheap goodsansd quick returns i s our L 00008 BOGONT FRONUS OUT FREE 0F OKARCE WZOEENi 2V&SWSEOR 2D SWST 0F POST OMMIc ARON CAPBEL.~BsIKe HANGIL lpogmTv]LY ONEN N E NY IOROGKERY 1 bmg to encue that 1 will retire ~o .sî~ the Is of Eareb, havmng sold.out to Mr. J. 0 3DWA-" dasir e take this opptniýty of thanking rny :~~ tom orthir vMr limiasuppor- dUr>i.g n Ye&a" hfl the IJiOyuti nue ti eir PatcInL GLA S W RE oe.r.uls h Urughkwl«lge of --'- deaf.~vi gie mU~eia t custclLeýS -AT A:- sxaLLA»VANcmcECour ]PolitCA8H -pLU ITEM SGEIEA ROEIEL witk rhaue.. te ithe aboie 1wisii to %ay thst1 thiS wee& reoeivint a large sttk ai SHELE &HEAVY UTOrs GARRIACE WGRKS TUIESDA#YF FR3T 0FNAC mw m inw nw nlIl&flft A n TT ulIlI i. i., 1881 W.4 e etv nfm d ik la lei m et t he e uses pn e vw wl umttêebIm m ,m amo theea uMbu fimhàtea b ut Lb. I cauwt rnv eb h e"tvsare suitcS t île iinS Sam i e ed . b. vuam e ie t o almm W"esOMMu ettulame.mu w * amb u le Nle Le U-ftms>a m b rn e "tu-m ik u tumil ais lm- Pen =- mm, - <tie. a*un n u * e &o s mu i asbuu4. ntmobe m m I Boel s.l àw. la u i rueul u a or au auhm ou ni" ou nMeae d a"idb lui.- ~ ~ il .si~ Osola i aAm. vou oait NIW PEIG GoODS /PDICES CET LUW 1 ar o am CaM e rh àkwPL _____ _____ . eb rtkit CLEAEI:N MG SAL ai= odi t ..~l> y eJtBc. tr- sUIeSm Ses Ste-210ib1ud- a.ttiai eg"ltlallw s>Plb uestasv pI .c. toia wrn âta semoALL. MW ae yuMsà caude. &aofletinuisrl»éLOe* G oa.oe à --Fil1 R oe u. E m 1. U emmami Dey c~oee We~ '4 CheU deU -U l CATIUIO & MARK, E. If PI 4 t 't' 8. AE~~LGlàASSe PAINTS,OIS J. G. EDWABD& a vin% , 1 1 f,@ý Mý La"Y, revy .21th. lei. -TO MAKK RSx Em- MRM, STEZZ,ý, ]ROBSE 1 ,va- [. ego-; Il GIEO. IEL. BERII W- i A. 11-L